Validation of Inlet Gas Metering Instrumentation
Validation of Inlet Gas Metering Instrumentation
Validation of Inlet Gas Metering Instrumentation
Sakhalin II Assets
Asset Origin Module Discipline Doc Type Doc No. Sheet No. Rev No.
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Classi$ication: %estricted
*pproved (or +se Superseded ) Cancelled *s-!uilt
Originator: Oleg Kornienko (SEIC) 01 *(+ *pproved $or +se Checked by: Marthinus Potgieter Haridas Bhaskaran !!ro"ed by: Peter #i$$er$ann
Location o$ Change
This document contains proprietary in$ormation and is intended $or use by Sakhalin Energy Investment Company, Ltd2 "SEIC# authorised personnel or companies only2 The copyright o$ this document is vested in SEIC2 *ll rights reserved2 The contents o$ this controlled document shall not be altered 3ithout $ormal approval o$ the document Custodian2 It is the responsibility o$ each user o$ this document to veri$y the current revision prior to use2 The SEIC Electronic Document 4anagement System is the only SEIC approved source $or veri$ying current revisions2 Document Control &rocedure 1000-S-50-01-&-0006-00
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1 PURPOSE.........................................................................................................................................................................3 2 SCOPE 3 3 RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY......................................................................................................................3 4 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS.....................................................................................................................4 5 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................4 6 WORK INSTRUCTION VALIDATION OF INLET GAS METERING INSTRUMENTATION........................5 APPENDIX A HISTORICAL REVISION CHANGE LIST.....................................................................................13
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"*R"OS' The purpose o$ this ;ork Instruction is to provide the standardised validation methods $or inlet gas metering Instrumentation2
S+O"' This 3ork instruction applies to all sta$$ and contractor personnel carrying out inlet gas metering validation at the &rigorodnoye *sset (acilities2
3 :21
R'S"ONSI1I-IT& AND A*T2ORIT& &E%4IT .LDE% "S+&E%,IS.% .% SENI.% TEC NICI*N# The permit holder is responsible to ensure that as $ar as possible the maintenance on instrumentation covered by this 3ork instruction is as per the relevant parts o$ this 3ork instruction2 Deviations $rom the 3ork instructions are allo3ed but are the sole responsibility o$ the permit holder and must be recorded in S*& 3hen 3riting <ob history2 I$ in doubt seek assistance2 The permit holder must also ensure the <ob is discussed 3ith the panel operator prior to starting 3ork to establish the speci$ic needs such as enabling overrides2 SEIC Supervisor or Senior technician must have prior kno3ledge o$ the test and shall 3itness the test as re=uired2 >4I TEC NICI*NS ;ork shall only be carried out on the metering station by those Technicians authorised by >EN)?:2 Technicians 3ill 3ork under the guidance o$ a supervisor or senior technician or on the <ob trainer and are responsible $or carrying out their assigned tasks as per the instructions given and 3ithin the restrictions o$ the permit to 3ork2 I$ in doubt seek assistance2 >4I EN@INEE% The >4I engineer is responsible $or all instrument and >4I 3ork carried out on the metering station2
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D'.INITIONS AND A11R',IATIONS AMADAS *nalyser maintenance and data ac=uisition system AN+ *nalyser cubic D+S Distributed control system2 .AR (ield *uAiliary %oom2 !uilding 3ithin the plant area to house the control and Sa$eguarding systems2 Instru0ent 0ani/old *n instrument mani$old is a block to 3hich transmitters are mounted it carries various combination o$ isolation, vent and e=ualiser valves depending on the re=uired hook up2 *t the rear o$ the mani$old is a vent port and either one or t3o process connections2 3MI >uality measuring instruments ' are on-line analyBers installed in critical parts o$ the plant to measure real time characteristics o$ the process system2 Take O// 4t.o.5 The >4I connection point to the process $or obtaining analyser sample2 *+" +nit control panel2 ""' &ersonal &rotective E=uipment
R'.'R'N+'S N)*
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6 C21
(OR) INSTR*+TION ,A-IDATION O. IN-'T %AS M'T'RIN% INSTR*M'NTATION S*(ETD &%EC*+TI.NS *l3ays $ollo3 SEIC LN@).ET site sa$ety regulations and use proper &&E2 Take care $or evaporating gases2 * 3ork permit shall be obtained to collect haBardous samples such as on site measurements, g testing at various locations2 6S
Eliminate conditions that can develop static electricity "e2g2 plastic buckets#, 3hich can lead to an eAplosion2 Do not use tools and e=uipment that may produce sparks2 Check $or secure $astening o$ the connections, prior to opening the valves2 *void contact 3ith samples and sample vapours2
&%E&*%*TI.N I$ at any time you are unsure ho3 to proceed return the Instrument to service i$ this can be done sa$ely or leave and seek assistance2 .btain and sign on permit to 3ork2
Ensure that all Instrument service items "e2g2 D,4, standard tools, standard gases, and manu$acturerEs calibration and data sheets# are available in the metering house2 ;*%NIN@ The process connection may be at high pressure and contain toAic components2 *ppropriate &&E must be used 3hile 3orking 3ith this Instrument2 C2: %E>+I%E4ENTS F IN(.%4*TI.N ,alidation o$ an Instrument is used to prove the accuracy o$ the Instrument2 The e=uipment installed at the metering station contains so$t3are installed in the supervisory computers to assist in this task2 *uthorised >EN)?: section personnel shall per$orm )supervise any activities on the metering station e=uipment2 This 3ork instruction re=uires that the manu$acturerEs system manual be used at all times to per$orm the validation2 The validation shall not be per$ormed $rom memory2
,*LID*TI.N The plant 3ide *4*D*S contains validation procedures to enable regular validation o$ the inlet gas metering station primary instrumentation2 The $ollo3ing primary instruments are sub<ect to regular validation: +ltrasonic $lo3 meter &ressure transmitter Temperature element @as chromatograph %elative density analyser 4oisture analyser Enter +ser name and &ass3ord in the Security log on $or *4*D*S inter$ace Select GInlet gas meteringH in Site .vervie3 screen Some conditions have to be met be$ore a certain instrument can be validated2 I$ these conditions are met, blue s=uare 3ith an arro3 appears in $ront o$ the line, else a red circle appears2 Set $lo3 computer into maintenance mode be$ore starting o$ validation2
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Maintenance Mode Set security key-s3itch o$ the $lo3 computer in a horiBontal position, $or ImaintenanceI mode Select option JSecurityJ in the 4aim menu Change security level "log in as Engineer# *ccess display 510 and set J4aint2 %e=uestJ to J.nJ The stream status no3 changes to J4aintenanceJ2
"ressure trans0itter validation The pressure transmitter can be enabled $or validation on the $lo3 computer display2 To enable the transmitter $or validation, access display 510 and set J Validate PressureJ $rom Off to On2 The transmitter no3 enabled $or validation2 The last measured pressure is no3 $roBen and 3ill be used $or $lo3 calculation2 The validation o$ the pressure transmitter is carried out by using a certi$ied pressure indicator, 3hich has applicable accuracy2 The pressure indicator 3ill be used as a re$erence measurement2 The pressure transmitters are mounted in temperature-controlled boA at the outside o$ the analyser house2 The validation can be eAecuted on the *4*D*S 3orkstation located in *NC-92 The pressure transmitter validation is eAecuted in semi-automatic mode means that the validation is initiated manually, but the readings are retrieved automatically $rom the instrument, via the $lo3 computer2 The re$erence pressure value is read $rom the pressure indicator and manually entered by user2 The user can accept the values by pushing the associated button2 The $ollo3ing validation steps are used: 0-69-90-79-100-79-90-69-0K o$ span2 The pressure validation standard makes use o$ the re$erence measurement method, i2e2 the reading, directly derived $rom the instrument under validation, is compared 3ith the re$erence value as indicated by the pressure indicator2 The $ollo3ing steps need to be per$ormed the validation procedure 3ill be initiated, assumed that the session 3here the applicable instrument is part o$ is already started: Set the corresponding $lo3 computer into maintenance "see C2:21#2 Enable the corresponding pressure transmitter $or validation2 Select the applicable instrument on the session overvie32 &ress the validation button2
The $ollo3ing validation steps 3ill be per$ormed: Step !6 Introduction In this screen general in$ormation is given about the validation2 &ress the Next Step button2 Step 7: Instructions Check i$ the applicable transmitter is operating normally2 Ensure the regulator is $ully closed at the N6 cylinder outside and at the regulator on validation panel inside the cubicle2 Ensure the isolation valve bet3een the regulator on the validation panel and the regulator on the N6 cylinder is closed2 Ensure the validation outlet valve is closed2 Isolate the pressure transmitter $rom the main process by s3itching the !lock valve to .N and then drain to the drain system on the @as 4etering &anel outside o$ the cubicle2
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.pen the regulator on the N6 cylinder and increase the pressure to 160K o$ the range o$ the pressure transmitter2 .pen the isolation valve bet3een the regulator on the validation panel and the regulator on the N6 cylinder2 Ensure the vent line isolator is $ully closed2 Increase the pressure by opening the regulator on the validation panel and ensure that there are no leaks2 There shall be no change on pressure gauge readings2 4onitor $or 6 minutes2 .pen the validation outlet valve2 .pen the validation block valve $or the pressure transmitter by s3itching it to .N2 &ress the Next Step button2
Step 8: Notes In this step the pressures $or the di$$erent validation steps are listed2 These pressure values are parameters 3ithin Calsys and can be modi$ied by the operator2 &ress the Next Step button2 Step 9: 0K +p Span validation Step $: 69K +p Span validation Step :: 90K +p Span validation Step 7: 79K +p Span validation Step #: 100K +p Span validation Step : 110K +p Span validation Step !0: 79K Do3n Span validation Step !!: 90K Do3n Span validation Step !7: 69K Do3n Span validation Step !8: 0K Do3n Span validation In these steps, operator has to apply the pressure set in the test e=uipment2 Enter the applied pressure in the screen2 The calculated and the measured values 3ill be displayed2 I$ the errors are high, check i$ the re=uired pressure is correct and correct i$ re=uired2 &ress the Accept button, the reading and all errors 3ill be $roBen2 &ress Next step2 Step !96 Instructions In this step, the operator is instructed to reset the line to operating conditions2 Step !$: End o$ instruction This screen sho3s the overall result o$ the validation2 I$ the operator has not yet $illed in the used test e=uipment $or the validation, he 3ill be alerted to do so2 &ress the End button, the results are stored in the database and a report 3ill be generated2 %eturn the meter run to normal operation2 &er$orm Security log o$$2 Te0perature validation The temperature element can be enabled $or validation on the $lo3 computer display2 To enable the element $or validation, access display 510 and set J Validate TemperatureJ $rom Off to On2 The transmitter no3 enabled $or validation2 The last measured temperature is no3 $roBen and 3ill be used $or $lo3 calculation2 ,alidation o$ the temperature element is carried out by using temperature block and a certi$ied temperature probe providing the re$erence temperature2 The temperature block can generate temperature covering the temperature operating range2
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The validation is eAecuted inside o$ *NC-9 and initiated $rom the *4*D*S 3orkstation at this location2 The temperature element has to be removed $rom the thermo 3ell on the metering skid and brought into the *NC-92 The temperature element validation is eAecuted in semi-automatic mode means that the validation is initiated manually, but the readings are retrieved automatically $rom the instrument, via the $lo3 computer2 The re$erence temperature value is read $rom the temperature block calibrator and manually entered by user2 The user can accept the values by pushing the associated button2 The $ollo3ing steps are per$ormed during a validation: Lo3 temperature validation Spot temperature validation igh temperature validation
The temperature validation standard makes use o$ the re$erence measurement method, i2e2 the reading, directly derived $rom instrument under validation, is compared 3ith the re$erence value as indicated by the metal block calibrator2 The $ollo3ing steps need to be per$ormed the validation procedure 3ill be initiated, assumed that the session 3here the applicable instrument is part o$ is already started: Set the corresponding $lo3 computer into maintenance "see C2:21#2 Enable the corresponding temperature element $or validation2 Select the applicable instrument on the session overvie32 &ress the validation button2
The $ollo3ing validation steps 3ill be per$ormed: Step !: Introduction In this screen general in$ormation is given about the validation2 &ress Next step2 Step 7: Instructions %emove the temperature element $rom the thermo3ell on the gas stream2 Connect the measuring element 3ith the dedicated cable to connect the element to the Temperature Test &anel located ad<acent to the ,alidation &anel2 Insert the temperature element to the temperature block2 &ress Next step2 Step 8: Lo3 Temperature validation Step 9: Spot Temperature validation Step $: igh Temperature validation In these steps, the operator has to set the metal block calibration to the three di$$erent temperatures and enter the temperature readout o$ the re$erence probe2 ;ait until the temperature value is stabilised2 Enter the value o$ the re$erence probe2 I$ the errors are high, check i$ both element and probe are inserted in the metal block2 &ress the Accept button, the reading and all errors 3ill be $roBen2 &ress Next step2 Step :: Instructions The operator is instructed to reconnect the temperature element to the line2 &er$orm instructions2 &ress Next step2 Step 7: End o$ instruction
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This screen sho3s the overall result o$ the validation2 I$ the operator has not yet $illed in the used test e=uipment $or the validation, he 3ill be alerted to do so2 &ress the End button, the results are stored in the database and a report 3ill be generated2 %eturn the meter run to normal operation2 &er$orm Security log o$$2 *ltrasonic ,elocity o/ sound validation The velocity o$ sound validation standard validating o$ one ultrasonic meter per validation and is semi-automatic validation2 No $urther test e=uipment to carry out this validation2 NOTE: This validation procedure is only applicable in combination with an !mtech Systems" # flow computer and a matchin$ confi$uration% The velocity o$ sound measured by the ultrasonic meter is compared 3ith the velocity o$ sound as calculated on the *4*D*S server2 !ecause there is delay bet3een the sample intake and the release o$ a ne3 gas composition, the measured velocity o$ sound and related process values have to be stored2 The calculation o$ the velocity o$ sound and the ,.S validation take place at a later point in time than the measurement2 The velocity o$ sound per path, the line pressure and the line temperature belonging to the t3o last analysisEs o$ the @C have to be latched in the $lo3 computer2 This is done a$ter a certain period $rom the raising edge o$ the GNe3 DataH signal coming $rom the gas chromatograph2 *t this moment a G,.S ,alidationH 'trigger is generated in the $lo3 computer, 3hich is used to initiate a ,.S calculation2 The velocity o$ sound is calculated in the *4*D*S server at the raising edge o$ the G,.S ,alidationH 'trigger2 This calculation is based on the actual gas composition $rom the gas chromatograph and the pressure and temperature as latched2 The velocity o$ sound validation standard makes use o$ the re$erence sample method, i2e2 the reading, directly derived $rom the instrument under validation, is compared 3ith the re$erence value as calculated by the metering supervisor out o$ the gas composition, pressure and temperature2 The $ollo3ing validation steps 3ill be per$ormed: Step !6 Introduction In this screen general in$ormation is given about the validation2 &ress the Next Step button2 Step 76 ,alidation The system 3aits $or ne3 data to arrive $rom the metering supervisor automatically, and processes the data2 &ress Next Step button 3hen all validation readings are retrieved and processed2 Step 86 End o$ instruction This screen sho3s the overall result o$ the validation2 I$ the operator has not yet $illed in the used test e=uipment $or the validation, he 3ill be alerted to do so2 &ress the End button, the results are stored in the database and a report 3ill be generated2 %as chro0atograph validation The $ollo3ing steps need to be per$ormed the validation procedure 3ill be initiated: Step !6 &reparation Check i$ the applicable @C is in remote mode .pen standard gas cylinder (rom Site Overview display o$ *4*D*S system select &ommon 'acilities Select (nit ) # *))) Select applicable analyser ")*)+T,)-)#
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Step 76 S3itch the analyser into .outine /aintenance *nalyser 3ill be s3itched into .outine /aintenance 3hen *4*D*S operator has re=uested $or it and the DCS operator has ackno3ledged the re=uest2 To s3itch an analyser into maintenance, it has to be in state operational &ress the button 0Analyser State0 or '1 ;hen the pop-up menu appears, press the button 0.outine /aintenance0 * maintenance re=uest is no3 sent to the DCS operator *s soon as the DCS operator ackno3ledges the re=uest, the analyser s3itches to the state .outine /aintenance &ress the button 0&lose 0 to close the pop-up menu
Step 86 ,alidate an analyser ,alidation o$ an analyser can be initiated by *4*D*S operator $rom the analyser display2 To validate an analyser, go to the analyser display &ress the button 0/aintenance0 or '2 The 0/aintenance0 dialog appears 3ith the 0Validation0 button &ress the button 0 Validation 0 The dialog 3indo3 appears 3ith a list o$ the available validation procedures $or the chosen analyser2 Double click or select a Validation procedure $or Primary method "re$erence sample method# and click 0O30 to start "alidation Then select As found" validation
The validation is no3 started2 ,alidation signals, the appearance o$ the abort button, the valve position and pop-up 3indo3 indicate that the validation is running2 Step 96 &rint a report To print a report, go to the analyser display &ress the button 0.eport0 or 0'40 Select the Sin$le validation report and select the 0O30 button Select date o$ the validation and press the 0O30 button The &olar ,ie3er 3ill start-up and sho3 the report on screen Select the 0Print0 option $rom the 0'ile0 menu Select desired printer and proceed by clicking 0O30 The report is no3 being printed To close the display, select 0Exit0 $rom the 0'ile0 menu2
Step 2: S3itch an analyser to +tilised *$ter per$orming a validation, the analyser should be s3itched back to (tilised5 meaning that the analyser is available to operations2 @o to the analyser display &ress the button 0Analyser State0 or '1 ;hen the pop-up menu appears, press the button 0(tilised0 The analyser s3itches to the state (tilised &ress the button 0&lose0 to close the pop-up menu Close the gas cylinder2
Relative density analyser validation The $ollo3ing steps need to be per$ormed the validation procedure 3ill be initiated:
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Step !6 &reparation Close sample inlet valve inside sample preconditioning cabinet Connect the standard gas cylinder to the pipe3ork and set the pressure to be typically above that inside the re$erence chamber .pen 6 standard gas valves outside *NC-9 "there is one o$ them above standard gas cylinder cabinet and another one inside sample preconditioning cabinet# .pen valve "!# inside *NC-9 Ensure valve "C# is open and allo3 gas to $lo3 until the time period as measured by the signal converter)$lo3 computer is stable to L)- 1ns or better "the typical stability 3ill be better than this# (rom Site Overview display o$ *4*D*S system select &ommon 'acilities Select (nit ) # *))) Select applicable analyser ")*)+T,)6)#
Step 76 S3itch the analyser into .outine /aintenance To s3itch the analyser into .outine /aintenance see C2:212? step 6
Step 86 ,alidate an analyser ,alidation o$ an analyser can be initiated by *4*D*S operator $rom the analyser display2 To validate an analyser see C2:212? step :
Step 2: S3itch an analyser to (tilised *$ter per$orming a validation, the analyser should be s3itched back to (tilised5 meaning that the analyser is available to operations2 Shut valve "!# and close 6 standard gas valves outside *NC-9 .pen sample inlet valve inside sample preconditioning cabinet To s3itch an analyser to +tilised see C2:212? step 9
Moisture analyser validation The $ollo3ing steps need to be per$ormed the validation procedure 3ill be initiated: Step !6 Data ac=uisition &ress the &alib $unction key o$ the 9000 4oisture *nalyser Controller keypad &ress the 7own Arrow key to select 0'low /oisture 8en0 &ress Enter and, 3hen prompted, enter the maintenance level pass3ord Then 3ait $or instrument readings to stabiliBe *$ter e=uilibration, 3rite do3n readings $or entering in *4*D*S &ress &ancel to return to normal operation
Step 76 Start validation (rom Site Overview display o$ *4*D*S system select &ommon 'acilities Select (nit ) # *))) Select applicable analyser ")*)+T,)4)# S3itch the analyser into .outine /aintenance
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*nalyser 3ill be s3itched into .outine /aintenance 3hen *4*D*S operator has re=uested $or it and the DCS operator has ackno3ledged the re=uest2 To s3itch an analyser into maintenance, it has to be in state operational &ress the button 0Analyser State0 or '1 ;hen the pop-up menu appears, press the button 0.outine /aintenance0 * maintenance re=uest is no3 sent to the DCS operator *s soon as the DCS operator ackno3ledges the re=uest, the analyser s3itches to the state .outine /aintenance &ress the button 0&lose 0 to close the pop-up menu &ress the button 0/aintenance0 or '2 The 0/aintenance0 dialog appears 3ith the 0Validation0 button &ress the button 0 Validation 0 The dialog 3indo3 appears 3ith a list o$ the available validation procedures $or the chosen analyser2 Double click or select a Validation procedure $or Secondary method "line sample method# and click 0O30 to start "alidation In the neAt 3indo3 select /anual" and As found" validation and click 0O302
Step 86 Entering the measured values 12 62 :2 4ake sure that the $ollo3ing conditions are true be$ore entering)taking the readings: Take into account the analyser lag timeM The sample ID The date)time o$ the analysing Enter the readings $rom and click 0Accept0 to continue2 *$ter this all data entered is stored in the *4*D*S database &ress the button 0/aintenance0 or '2 The 0/aintenance0 dialog appears 3ith the 0Validation0 button &ress the button 0 Validation 0 The dialog 3indo3 appears 3ith a list o$ the available validation procedures $or the chosen analyser2 Double click or select a Enter lab readin$s $or Secondary method "line sample method# and click 0O30 Select sample ID o$ validation
Enter the value o$ the moisture generator stored in computer memory o$ the *metek 4oisture *nalyser2 To display it, press Test9&onfi$ button2 *t the GEnter Access &ode" prompt, enter the Level 6 pass3ord2 Scroll do3n until &onfi$ure /enu is highlighted and press Enter2 Select 0/oist:8en0 menu2 No3 you can see moisture generator value2 &ress &ancel to =uit2 Step 96 &rint a report To print the report o$ validation see C2:212? step ?2 Step 2: S3itch an analyser to +tilised To S3itch an analyser to +tilised see C2:212? step 9
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(or %evie3 ' .riginator: .leg /ornienko 18th Sep 08 %evie3ers: &reliminary ) (or comment 4arthinus &otgieter aridas !haskaran
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