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MARCH 2, 2014

Our Purpose...
To reach %eo%le with the love of *esus "hrist( %rovide a safe and su%%ortive environment( %roclaim the standards of +ods truth( du%licate the "hristian life in others( and celebrate the ma,esty

New to Salem Heights?

Welcome! We are glad youre here! We invite you to seek out the folks wearing the Ask Me badge. Through them you will find information about the ministries of alem !eights "hurch and how to become involved. #lease fill out a $isitor "ard and dro% it in one of the offering bo&es as you leave or scan this code to go directly to our website and fill out a visitor card. We have an e&cellent nursery and %rograms for children newborn through high school. Any of the ushers will be ha%%y to direct you to the %ro%er classroom. 'f you feel more comfortable having your infant with you during the service( the last row in the Auditorium will be reserved for %arents with small children. There is a %rivate room for nursing mothers across the hall from the Auditorium with a rocking chair( changing table and %ortable crib. )or your convenience( it also includes a monitor to enable you to still hear and view the service.

Sunday Worship

PUT ME N THE !"ME#$ Pro%laim The !ospel

& Timothy &'&()&*
Presented by
Pastor Carl Chica
It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all. 1 Timothy 1:1

n+o , News
Important Upcoming Events
Moms and Tots( )riday( -./0 am( "hurch +ym Missions #re% Meeting( March -( 1./0 %m( 2M 301

Set your clocks! Sunday, March 9, we Spring Forward.

The 2014 Salem Heights Church phone directories are now available. You can pick one up rom the displa! racks at an! o our church entrances. " !ou are not able to pick one up toda!# there will be more printed or distribution. $irectories will be available or the ne%t ew weeks. 2014 VBS Prep Work :e are in need of individuals to assist with prep wor4 for our upcoming %acation &i"le 'chool. :e need help cutting and stitching. If you would "e willing to assist in this way, please see Theresa Johns on 'unday mornings or contact her at *+,-+.,1+1..

Spring/Summer Softball 2014

/egistration continues today for church soft"all after "oth services. 0ll perspective players should pay their 1 * league fee at this time. 2e3t wee4 will "e the final registration 'unday. 'ee 5reg 2ol$ in the foyer or contact him at *+,6.7,788+ or hillhouse* /emem"er, space is e3tremely limited.

VBS 2014 Craft Need

Theresa Johns is collecting clean !and prefera"ly la"el removed# 1 o$ tin cans for a %acation &i"le 'chool pro(ect. )ou can contact her directly at *+,-+.,1+1. to deliver them or "ring the cans "y the church office. Missions 2014 There will be a mandatory Mission Prep meeting today and on March 9. These meetings are for those who are interested in one of our summer mission trips but have never previously participated. We will meet in Rm 200 at !"0 p.m. Please mar# your calendars and plan to $oin us.

-alendar o+ E.ents
4.00 a.m. 6.17 a.m. -.00 a.m. -.00 9 11.00 a.m. 13.:7 %.m. 1./0 %.m. <.00 %.m. Mens 5isci%leshi% #rayer 8 2oom 307 "ross 2oad "ollege unday chool Worshi% ervices Welcome ;uncheon Missions #re% Meeting mall +rou%s

MONDAY 4.00 %.m. TUESDAY <.:7 %.m. 4.00 %.m. WEDNESDAY -.17 a.m. 13.00 %.m. 13.00 %.m. <.:7 %.m. THURSDAY <.00 a.m. 4.00 %.m. FRIDAY -./0 a.m. SATURDAY The Most =&cellent Way "lub 2ock alt Ministry >ight Womens 5isci%leshi% Womens 5isci%leshi% Mens 5isci%leshi% Worshi% Team Man Alive "ollege "ross 2oad Ministry Moms and Tots


Mar !" Mar !# Mar !( A'g #/0 FPNO $or%&s S'pper )ir*s& Nig+t O't ,-e Hear%. 1a'se MO) -ac2pac2 Trip

Greenskeeper Ministry
Thank you to all who helped with our recent landscape clean up day! Your efforts make the church grounds welcoming to those who are here throughout the week and on Sunday mornings. Thank you for being willing to serve the church body in this way.

! Update
The ministry of alem !eights "hurch is funded entirely by the generous giving of +ods %eo%le. ?ou will notice that we do not %ass the offering %late@ however( there are offering bo&es in the back of the auditorium. We have done this so no one gives out of com%ulsion. We believe from the Word of +od that the %irit of +od will lead %eo%le towards giving back to +od of their first fruits. ...+od loves a cheerful giver A3 "or. -.4B and we know !e blesses those who take !is Word seriously in every regard. Thank you for %rayerfully su%%orting alem !eights financially as we desire to reach the lost and disci%le the aints.
Fe3r'ar4 56!7 TCTA; +'$'>+ D6<(4// MONTH$Y -UD)ET NEEDED D104(000

MONTH$Y NEED E WEEK 8 -UD)ET )ebruary Weekly >eed Week 1 D3<(470 Week 3 D3<(470 Week / D3<(470 Week : D3<(470 )iscal ?ear to 5ate FG8 Actual +iving 2eceived D3:(41< D0 Ano service due to weatherB D:0(6// D31(16: 8D<:(631 -UI$DIN) FUND "urrent Halance D::(07:

How -an Ser.e?

5o you own a mart#honeI can the coded icon below to view o%%ortunities to serve the body of alem !eights "hurch. ?ou can also visit our website at for more detailed information. Helow are some areas in which you can immediately become involved.

;o you love helping children learn the :ord of 5od< :e are in need of volunteers during our Club Rocksalt activities on Tuesday evenings. =mail Phil 'chult$ at pschult$ for more information. >adies, are you loo4ing for a fun area to serve< ;o you en(oy wor4ing together as a team< ;o you en(oy decorating or setting up for specials events< ?ow a"out ma4ing refreshments< Can you commit to only one day a month< If you answered @yes@ to any of these Auestions, we are loo4ing for your help on the 5irlsB 2ight Cut hospitality teamD Please contact the church office 9 *+, 77,*6*+ for more details.

D'stin )reene
Senior Pastor/Elder

1ar* 1+ica
Pastor of Family Life/Elder

Lay Elders
1+'c2 Moore Te% Ferr4

Matt Mac1o**in
Pastor of Mens/College/Elder

"dministration and Sta++

Ron )roves

Dason -roBne**
!igh chool Ministries

)ina Weigan%
Cffice taff

R'ss $i334
5irector of Ministries

E% Reister
"ommunity "onnection

1+rista Ka+i*i
Cffice taff

Scott H'nter
)acilities Manager

Ric2 Smit+
"ommunity "are

1onnie $i334
Cffice taff

AD Ac2er
Music Ministry

D'*ie -ernar%
Womens Ministry

Denn E**iott
Cffice taff

Tim Sa==ee*s
5irector of tudent Ministries

$a'ra 1+ica
Womens Hiblical "ounseling

#lease see our Mission Hoards in the foyer for current active missionaries.
Sa*em Heig+ts 1+'rc+ 9(" Ma%rona Ave: S: Sa*em; OR 0(965 "69/"<</6769 =a>? "69/"<</"99< O==ice Ho'rs? Mon%a4 / T+'rs%a4 < a:m: / 7 p:m: Fri%a4 < a:m: / 9 p:m: S'n%a4 Wors+ip Services? 0 @ !! a:m:
Message 1Ds are avai*a3*e in

t+e Registration Area =or A7: P*ease visit t+e %es2 in t+e so't+Best corner to or%er an% pic2/'p 4o'r 1Ds: Yo' can a*so c+ec2 t+e Be3/ site =or o'r po%cast: in=oCsa*em+eig+tsc+'rc+:org BBB:sa*em+eig+tsc+'rc+:org

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