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How To Export Resource Assignment Data To Excel From P6

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Howto oExportResource eAssignm mentData atoExcelfromP6 6

Introd duction
As you know k Primav vera P6 has a lack of grap phical featur res so often we schedule ers need to export everythin ng to other so oftware pack kages (mostl ly Excel) to produce an u understanda able schedule e and graphs. I always had a problem exporting e res source relate ed data to Ex xcel with the e standard exporting g feature on P6 until I fo ound this wa ay to use the e Reports fea ature. Here y you can use t the current sc creen to dev velop a repor rt and instead d of making it a text repo ort, we can h have it produ uce an Excel report. This s tutorial is good g for anyo one who wa ants to develo op better res source curve es and analyze resource r assi ignments.

Step 1 Selec ct the Assignme ent tab

When yo ou opened the desired pro oject, on the e left hand si de, you can choose diffe erent options s. In this case, , to see the assignments, a you need to o select the a aAsignment t tab

Step 2 Reso ource As ssignme ents page e

In this tab ble, we have e a resource assignments s table on the e left hand side and time e-distributed d data on the rig ght. We can modify thes se tables in some differen nt ways. I de escribe my w way below:

Step 3 Filte er the re esources

Right-cli ick on the lef ft table and choose c Filter rs.

In the Fil lters screen write w the following form mula: <where Budgeted B Units/Time U is greater th han 0>. In th his way you w will have on nly the resou urces that have e assignment t not all the resources r tha at has been d defined.

Step 4 Choo ose spre eadsheet t fields

Right-cli ick on the rig ght hand tabl le (spreadsheet) and from m the menu choose Spre eadsheet Fie elds and then Customize.

In the open menu we e have two ca ategories of columns, Cu umulative an nd Time inte erval. Well select Cu um. Budgete ed Units fro om Cumulati ive and Budg geted Units from the Ti ime Interval in this way we will have data for ea ach month se eparately and d cumulative ely. You can n select any k kind of data fo or your repor rt purposes. For this repo ort we do no ot need any s specific colu umn on the le eft hand tabl le. What we need is just the resource e name but it t is visible th hat you can a add any spec cific column to that table whenever w is needed acco ording to you ur report req quirements. Now we have data to o develop S-c curves. Now w we focus o on exporting these data to o Excel.

Step 5 Run the Rep port Wiz zard

Go to To ools menu an nd select Rep port Wizard.

Step 6 Use current c screen

In the rep port wizard menu, m select t use curren nt screen rad dio button an nd hit Next.

Step 7 Use Time T di istribute ed data

In this menu m tick Time T distribu uted option and below w it select A Activity Res sources and R Role Assignme ent and hit Next.

Step 8 Finis shing th he Repor rt

In the fol llowing screens, you can n simply clic ck Next.

On this screen you ca an give a nam me to your report. r

On this screen click Run Repor rt.

Step 9 Chan nge the format of repor rt

Select the e ASCII Text T File rad dio button an nd make sur re that the V View File w when done b box is selecte ed and click OK. Now you u have the da ata in an Exc cel file as the e following s screenshot:

Wrap p Up
The reaso on that we do d all of these e efforts to export e the da ata to Excel is as follows s: 1. We W do not ha ave too much h graphical features f in P6 6 so we cann not develop perfect managerial m re eports in Prim mavera P6 alone. a

2. Resource curves in Primavera P6 do not show the percentage progress and monthly increments and this is not good when you look at a curve from a project managers perspective. 3. If you want to calculate the manpower for each, in P6 you have to divide all man hours for every month to an exact number (for example 208) but as you know the working hours in each month is different because we have different for each month. Consequently we will not have a perfect estimation of manpower needed for each month in P6 while we can have an exact estimation in Excel.

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