NBDE Dental Boards Operative Dentistry-33

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The key takeaways from the document are that dental caries is caused by cariogenic bacteria in the presence of sucrose or other fermentable carbohydrates, and that caries progresses through distinct zones in both enamel and dentin.

The primary causes of dental caries are the presence of cariogenic bacteria like Streptococcus mutans, susceptible tooth surfaces, and foodstuffs that support bacterial growth, especially sucrose.

The different zones of carious enamel are the surface zone, body zone, dark zone, and translucent zone, which represent progressively more demineralization towards the dentin-enamel junction.

OPERATIVE DENTISTRY Part 1: Dental Caries Dental Caries -infectious bacterial disease caused b cario!

enic "la#ue for$ation on toot% t%at results in de$inerali&ation of ena$el at "' ()( or less* so$eti$es re#uirin! restorati+e t, or e+en e,traction -for caries to occur* t%ree t%in!s $ust be "resent at sa$e ti$e: 1- cario!enic bacteria .- susce"tible toot% surface /- foodstuffs to su""ort bacterial !ro0t% Specific Plaque Hypothesis -not all of bacterial s"ecies in oral ca+it cause caries1 onl t%e bacteria t%at !enerate "la#ue for$ation resultin! in caries are considered cario!enic 2not all "la#ue is cario!enic-e,) Viridans stre"tococci cause "la#ue but $uc% less +irulent for caries for$ation Streptococcus Mutans -non$otile* !ra$3 bacteria t%at is cario!enic 2"ri$ar causati+e a!ent of initial caries for$ation-ad%eres to ena$el t%rou!% !lucos ltransferase en& $e* 0%ic% causes for$ation of e,tracellular "ol sacc%aride t%at allo0s it to stic4 to s$oot% toot% surfaces -con+erts sucrose into fructans and !lucans* 0%ic% e,trude fro$ bacteria and stic4 to toot% -"roduces and tolerates acid 2$etaboli&es sucrose to lactic acid-t%ri+es in sucrose-ric% en+iron$ent -"roduces bacteriocins* 0%ic% 4ill off co$"etin! or!anis$s Enamel Caries -ion transfer continuousl occurs at "la#ue-ena$el surface -initial decalcification occurs at subsurface -$a be 1-. ears before enou!% decalcification occurs to cause surface inte!rit loss a- Inci"ient caries: caries t%at %a+e not "ro!ressed fart%er t%an ena$el and are re+ersible5able to re$inerali&e b- 6ran4 caries: caries t%at %a+e "ro!ress 7ust into DE8 and not re+ersible Zones of Carious Enamel 1- Surface &one: outer$ost &one 0%ic% see$s unaffected b caries .- 9od &one: lar!est &one 0%ic% re"resents de$inerali&in! "%ase /- Dar4 &one: re"resents re$inerali&ation1 na$ed b5c it can:t trans$it "olari&ed li!%t ;- Translucent &one: dee"est &one1 na$ed b5c of its absent a""earance under "olari&ed li!%t -re"resents ad+ancin! front of ena$el lesion Dentinal Caries -once ena$el decalcification occurs* t%e underl in! dentin %as alread been affected b "ro!ression of t%e destruction -<actobacillus or!anis$ beco$es a "ri$ar a!ent for furt%er destruction of t%e dentin -<actobacillus "roduces le,an instead of de,tran -dentin is less resistant to caries and can "ro!ress ra"idl t%rou!% "roteol sis of dentin -dentin is less $inerali&ed t%an ena$el and %as tubular structures allo0in! for s"read of acid destruction -caries a""ears V-s%a"ed 05 base at DE8 and a"e, to0ard "ul" -necrotic dentin a""ears soft* 0et* and $us% 1- Infected dentin: tubules infected 05 cario!enic bacteria and "roteol tic acti+it causes de!radation .- Affected dentin: bacteria "resent but in s$aller a$ounts1 de$inerali&ation occurs but can be re+ersed if infected la er re$o+ed and en+iron$ent fa+orable

Zones of Carious Dentin (from innermost to outermost) 1- Nor$al dentin: dee"est area1 no bacteria or b "roducts "resent .- Subtrans"arent dentin: de$inerali&ation fro$ acido!enesis but no bacteria found in tubules -ca"able of re$inerali&ation /- Trans"arent dentin: softer t%an nor$al and %as furt%er de$inerali&ation1 no bacteria %ere --ca"able of re$inerali&ation ;- Turbid dentin: &one of first encountered bacterial in+asion 05 tubules filled 05 bacteria1 &one $ust be re$o+ed (- Infected dentin: outer$ost &one1 consists of deco$"osed dentin and $an bacteria found in t%is &one and $ust be re$o+ed -&ones 1-/ are ca"able of re$inerali&ation -&ones . and / 2subtrans"arent and trans"arent- ter$ed affected dentin and &ones ; and ( 2turbid* infectedare ter$ed infected dentin Tertiary/ eparati!e Dentin -"roduced b secondar odontoblasts in res"onse to irritants -if insult is stron! enou!%* it 0ill 4ill odontoblasts and for$ dead tracts* 0%ic% calcif to for$ s clerotic dentin -ot%er t "es of dentin: 1- Pri$ar dentin: dentin for$in! initial s%a"e of toot% and de"osited before co$"letion of a"ical fora$en .- Secondar dentin: dentin for$ed after co$"letion of a"ical fora$en "ther #acteria $n!ol!ed in Caries 1- Actino$ ces +iscus: $ost co$$on cario!enic bacteria in root surface caries and s$oot% surface caries .- Stre"tococcus san!uis: earliest bacteria in dental "la#ue /- Ot%er cario!enic bacteria: Actino$ ces naeslundi* Veillonella* Stre"tococcus sali+arious Cyclic Process of Caries -as "la#ue is e,"osed to sucrose* t%e "la#ue $etabolis$ "roduces acid 0%ic% 0%en less t%an "' ()(* causes de$inerali&ation of toot% structure -as sucrose or "la#ue is re$o+ed* ions fro$ sali+a 2Na* =* Ca- cause re$inerali&ation to occur* 0%ic% atte$"t to restore ionic co$"onent of toot% structure -0%en fluoride is "resent* it is "ic4ed u" b toot% and for$s fluoroa"atite in ena$el* 0%ic% is e+en $ore resistant to future de$inerali&ation t%an nor$al ena$el Hydrodynamic Theory of Pain from Caries -0%en toot% is sub7ected to insult* fluid $o+e$ent t%rou!% tubules increases and !reater flo0 defor$s t%e ner+e endin!s in "ul" leadin! to "ain res"onse -cold conducti+it increases bot% +olu$e and flo0 in tubules resultin! in "ain sti$ulus Sali!a -sali+a is a $a7or bloc4 barrin! t%e cario!enic bacteria -"rotecti+e $ec%anis$s: 1- 9acterial clearance: lar!e carbo% drate-"rotein $olecules in sali+a cause so$e bacteria to a!!lutinate and t%en be re$o+ed b s0allo0in! .- 9ufferin! action: sali+a contains urea and ot%er buffers to %el" dilute "la#ue acid /- Anti$icrobial actions: a +ariet of "roteins and Ab in sali+a discoura!e54ill bacterial !ro0t% a- < so& $e: destro s bacterial cell 0alls and causes $e$brane "er$eabilit b- <actoferrin: acti+el binds iron* 0%ic% is i$"ortant for bacterial en& $e "roduction and f,n 2$a also destro S) $utansc- <acto"ero,idase: inacti+ates bacterial en& $es d- T "e A secretor i$$uno!lobulin: Ab in sali+a 0%ic% fi!%ts S) $utans attac4s ;- Re$inerali&ation: Ca* =* PO;* and 6 ions in sali+a assist 05 re$inerali&ation of ena$el -so$e sali+ar "roteins "ro$ote re$inerali&ation 2stat%erin* c statin* %istatin* "roline-

Common Dru%s Causin% &erostomia 1- Antic%oliner!ics 2atro"ine.- Diuretics 2% droc%lorot%ia&ide/- <ocal anest%etics ;- Anti"s c%otics (- 9eta bloc4ers 2atenolol>- 9en&odia&e"ines 2al"ra&ola$?- Anti%ista$ines $dentification of Hi%h' is( Caries Patients -no e,act $ec%anis$ for deter$ination* but so$e factors t%at "redis"ose to caries: 1- %i!% S) $utans count (- lar!e nu$ber of restorations @- oral a""liances .- . or $ore acti+e lesions >- "oor oral % !iene 1A- dee" "its5fissures /- "oor diet ?- subo"ti$al fluoride 11- e,"osed roots ;- lo0 sali+ar flo0 B- unusual toot% $or"%olo! 1.- dru! use )luoride -is bactericidal and "ro+ides fluoride ion for re$inerali&ation -sources: 1- 0ater fluoridation s ste$s ;- +arnis%es .- rinses (- toot%"aste /- !els Pre!ention of Dental Caries 1- Decrease S) $utans acti+it and educate "t t%at re"airin! carious lesion doesn:t cure caries "roble$ .- Intense anti$icrobial a""lication on s%ort-ter$ basis /- 6luoride ;- Sali+a -alter sali+ar -reducin! $eds if "ossible -use sali+a sti$ulants 2!u$* "araffin 0a,* sali+a substitutes* diet %i!% in "rotein and +e!etables(- Decrease sucrose in diet 2better to decrease 6RECDENCY t%an CDANTITY-sin!le e,"osure to sucrose for caries-acti+e $out% can result in "' reduction belo0 ()( for sustained "eriod of ti$e b5c of ra"id $etabolis$ b S) $utans >- E litol 2natural su!ar fro$ birc% trees t%at 4ee"s sucrose fro$ bindin! 05 S) $utans-S) $utans can:t fer$ent , litol ?- Enforce !ood oral % !iene 2disru"ts "la#ue for$ationB- Sealants 2re$o+es %abitat for S) $utans@- Restorations Treatment of Carious *esions 1- Restorations: 0%en ca+itated lesions "resent* t%e $ust be restored 2Ca+itated lesions F Restore-use of anti$icrobials $ust 0ait until after ca+itated lesion is restored* or t%e anti$icrobial 0ill disru"t t%e nor$al flora and allo0 +irulent or!anis$s in "rotected* ca+itated area to flouris% on no0-un"rotected surfaces -restorations re$o+e lar!e nidi of infectious or!anis$s as 0ell as re$o+e %abitats for $ore bacterial ad%erence -restorations alone don:t cure caries "roble$s* need better "re+enti+e strate!ies .- Sealants -sealants s%ould be a""lied si$ultaneousl to at-ris4 $olars and "re$olars as 0ell as ditc%ed restoration $ar!ins 2etc% ena$el and $icroabrade a$al!a$/- Intense* s%ort-ter$ use of a!ents -C%lor%e,idine -6luoride +arnis%es ;- E litol "roducts (- 6luoride rinses 2OTC-use after C%lor%e,idine is finis%ed and use at difft) ti$es t%an for brus%in! .,5da >- /-$ont% recalls after C%lor%e,idine5fluoride +arnis% a""lication

Part .: Clinical E,a$ Clinical E+am for Caries 1- Visual c%an!es in toot% surface te,ture or color (- DIAGNOdent .- Tactile sensation 05 e,"lorer >- DI6OTI 2di!ital i$a!in! fibero"tic transillu$)/- Radio!ra"%s ?- Cuantitati+e li!%t-induced fluorescence 2C<6;- Transillu$ination B- Electronic caries $onitor -no sin!le test is co$"letel accurate* so can:t rel solel on one test Caries $ndicatin% Solution -colored d e in or!anic base ad%eres to denatured colla!en* 0%ic% distin!uis%es bt0 infected and affected dentin "cclusal Pits and )issures -caries is $ost "re+alent in fault "its and fissures on occlusal surfaces 0%ere de+elo"$ental lobes %a+e failed to coalesce -occlusal !roo+es5fossae are s$oot%* +alle s indicatin! re!ion of co$"lete coalescence of de+elo"$ental !roo+es 2not susce"tible to caries nor$all b5c not "rone to "la#ue for$ation-occlusal fissures and "its are dee"* ti!%t cre+ices in ena$el 0%ere lobes fail to coalesce -use of an e,"lorer in dia!nosin! caries is stron!l discoura!ed b5c in7udicious use of e,"lorer $a actuall cause fracture of surface ena$el t%at 0as 0ea4ened b carious destruction beneat% it -occlusal surface s%ould be e,a$ined +isuall and radio!ra"%icall -+isual e,a$ done b dr in! toot% and usin! illu$ination to loo4 for c%al4iness* bro0n-!ra coloration or softenin!5ca+itation in fissure5"it -radio!ra"%ic dia!nosis $ade b 9H radio!ra"%s* loo4in! for radiolucenc beneat% ena$el surface at DE8 2narro0 at ena$el surface and s"reads 0ide at DE8 2in+erted V-actual lesion $uc% lar!er t%an clinicall "resentable -lesion "ro!resses "arallel to ena$el rods -carious "its and fissures also occur on occlusal .5/ of facial and lin!ual surfaces of "osterior teet% and on lin!ual surface of $a,) incisors -"it5fissure caries $ostl caused b Stre") San!uis and ot%er Stre" s"ecies -"re+ented b fissuroto$ or sealants Cusp Tip Caries -"re-carious or carious "its are occasionall found on cus" ti"s -t%ese are result of de+elo"$ental ena$el defects Pro+imal Surface Caries -for$ of s$oot% surface caries located bt0 teet% -dia!nosed radio!ra"%icall $ost often* but $a be detected +isuall 05 toot% se"aration or fibero"tic transillu$ination -starts 0ide at surface and con+er!es to0ard DE8 2V-s%a"e-DE8 "ro+ides least resistance to caries and allo0s re"aid s"read once reac%ed -"ro,i$al caries in anterior teet% $a also be detected b e,"lorer "robin! -located 7ust !in!i+al to IP contact -"ro!resses $uc% slo0er t%an "it5fissure caries #ro,n Spots -bro0n s"ots on intact* %ard "ro,i$al surfaces ad7acent to and !in!i+al to contact area often seen in older "ts 0%o %a+e lo0 caries acti+it -are result of e,trinsic stainin! durin! earlier caries de$inerali&in! e"isodes t%at 0ere re$inerali&ed -s"ots are no lon!er carious and usuall $ore resistant to caries* so restorati+e t, not indicated

Smooth Surface Caries on )acial/*in%ual Surfaces -$ostl in !in!i+al areas t%at are less accessible for cleanin! -earliest e+idence is inci"ient caries 0%ic% s%o0s as 0%ite s"ot t%at is +isuall difft) fro$ ad7acent translucent ena$el and disa""ears 0%en 0etted 2dr in! 0ill cause it to rea""ear-s%ould "ro$ote re$inerali&ation of t%ese inci"ient lesions -ena$el % "ocalcification does not disa""ear 0%en 0et -"resence of se+eral facial5lin!ual s$oot% surface lesions indicated %i!% caries rate* so s%ould al0a s c%ec4 facial5lin!ual areas of "osterior teet% b5c t%ese areas are at e+en $ore ris4 -ad+anced s$oot% surface caries 0ill feel soft to e,"lorer "enetration and discolored 20%ite to dar4 bro0n-05 slo0l "ro!ressin! caries* dar4enin! occurs due to de$inerali&ation-re$inerali&ation c cle* resultin! in %ardened* arrested lesion -restoration not indicated* e,ce"t for est%etics -dentin in an arrested lesion is ter$ed eburnated or sclerotic oot Surface Caries (Senile Caries) -earl on* root caries a""ears as 0ell-defined discolored area ad7acent to !in!i+al $ar!in near CE8 -softer t%an ad7acent tissue and s"reads laterall around CE8 -t%in ce$entu$ la er "ro+ides little resistance to attac4 and results in ra"id "ro!ression 2"ro!resses $ore ra"idl t%an ena$el and dentin caries-"ro!resses $ore laterall alon! surface t%an in de"t% -"at%0a of initial de$inerali&ation is alon! S%ar"e :s fibers -no clinical criteria uni+ersall acce"ted for dia!nosin! root caries* it is a!reed t%ou!% t%at softened toot% structure co$"ared to surroundin! structure is c%aracteristic -acti+e root caries detected b softenin! and ca+itation -$a be detected radio!ra"%icall * but careful clinical e,a$ is crucial b5c root caries and cer+ical burnout are si$ilar in a""earance -+ertical 9H best for dia!nosin! root caries -a""ears as cu""ed-out5crater-s%a"ed radiolucenc 7ust belo0 CE8 -often occurs in elderl due to !in!i+al recession 2,erosto$ia and lac4 of % !iene "la role also-ce$entu$ is rou!%er t%an ena$el and $ore li4el to ac#uire "la#ue -often re$inerali&e due to s%allo0 nature -often as $"to$atic and difficult to restore -best restored 05 !lass iono$er "ther )orms of Caries 1- Residual caries: infected toot% structure re$ainin! after atte$"ted re$o+al in a co$"lete ca+it "re" .- Recurrent caries 2secondar caries-: deca t%at re$ains in co$"leted ca+it or for$s around e,istin! restoration -radiolucent bases5liners $a be $ista4en for recurrent deca on radio!ra"% /- Ra$"ant caries 2acute caries-: ra"idl "ro!ressin! 0ide-s"read caries1 usuall acute onset and "ainful -assoc) 05 "oor % !iene* dru! use* radiation* %i!% su!ar diet* ,erosto$ia ;- Arrested caries 2c%ronic caries-: lesions t%at %a+e re$inerali&ed -%ard* blac4* and as $"to$atic -s%ould be co$"letel re$o+ed if found in ena$el or close to DE8

Clinical E+am of -mal%am estorations -in+ol+es +isual obser+ation* tactile sense 05 e,"lorer* dental floss* radio!ra"%s* and 4no0led!e of "robabilities t%at !i+en toot% or restoration is at ris4 for furt%er brea4do0n -"roble$s t%at can arise 05 a$al!a$ restorations include: 1- A$al!a$ IbluesJ: discolored ena$el resultin! fro$ leac%in! of corrosion "roducts of a$al!a$ into dentinal tubules or fro$ color of underl in! a$al!a$ seen t%rou!% t%in* translucent ena$el 2unsu""orted-does not indicate failin! restoration5caries and no re-t, needed* unless for est%etics .- Pro,i$al o+er%an!s: dia!nosed +isuall * tactilel * and radio!ra"%icall /- Kar!inal !a"5ditc%in!: s%allo0 ditc%in! of a$al!a$ $ar!in less t%an A)($$ usuall not reason for ret,t b5c it loo4s 0orse t%an it reall is -e+entual seal-sealin! "ro"ert of a$al!a$ allo0s restoration to sur+i+e as lon! as it can be cleaned -if ditc% is too dee" to be cleaned or 7eo"ardi&es restoration5toot% structure* it s%ould be re"laced ;- Voids: accessible s$all +oids in areas 0%ere ena$el is t%ic4 $a be corrected b recontourin! or re"airin! 05 s$all restoration (- 6racture lines: detected b clinical e,a$ >- <ine indicatin! interface bt0 abutted restorations: acce"table and better t%an a s$all inter+enin! stri" of ena$el ?- I$"ro"er anato$ic contours: a$al!a$s s%ould $i$ic nor$al anato$ic contours of teet% -restorations t%at i$"in!e on soft tissue* %a+e inade#uate e$brasure for$* bad contact* or "re+ent use of floss s%ould be re"laced or recontoured B- Kar!inal rid!e inco$"atibilit : $ar!inal rid!e of a$al!a$ s%ould be co$"atible 05 ad7acent $ar!inal rid!e of toot% or restoration -s%ould bot% be at about sa$e le+el and dis"la correct occlusal e$brasure for "assa!e of food to facial5lin!ual surfaces and "ro"er contact area -if rid!es aren:t co$"atible* %a+e "oor tissue %ealt%* food i$"action* or can:t floss* s%ould be re"laced or recontoured @- I$"ro"er "ro,i$al contacts: t%ere s%ould be closed and "ro"er contact bt0 restoration and ad7acent toot% -c%ec4ed 05 floss or t%rou!% illu$ination and $irror ins"ection 2$ust be dr L1A- Recurrent caries: detected +isuall * tactilel * and radio!ra"%icall 11- Inade#uate occlusal contacts: can cause i$"ro"er occlusal f,nin!* and toot% $o+e$ent Part /: Treat$ent Plannin! Treatment Plan Sequencin% 1- Dr!ent5E$er!enc "%ase .- Disease control "%ase /- Re-e+aluation "%ase ;- Definiti+e "%ase (- Kaintenance "%ase estoration of $ncipient *esions -inci"ient lesions are contained entirel 0it%in ena$el and %a+en:t et s"read to dentin -t0o o"tions to treat: 1- Tar!eted re$inerali&ation and $onitorin!: first and "referred a""roac% for inci"ient lesions -inci"ient lesions do not "ro!ress ra"idl -c%an!in! oral en+iron$ent co$bined 05 fluoride +arnis% and %o$e fluoride can re$inerali&e t%ese lesions .- Restorati+e t,t: last resort for inci"ient lesions -be as conser+ati+e as "ossible Criteria for estorin% 1- Poor oral % !iene .- <o0 fre#uenc of routine dental care /- ', of caries or nu$erous restorations ;- Ca+itation or defect "resent (- <esion e,tends to DE8 >- 'i!% de!ree of caries susce"tibilit ?- Patient a!e B- Est%etic t,t

Treatment of -.rasion/ Erosion/ and -ttrition -areas of si!nificant attrition t%at are 0orn into dentin and are sensiti+e or anno in! s%ould be restored -before cast restorations are used* a co$"lete occlusal anal sis and in-de"t% inter+ie0 05 "t re!ardin! etiolo! s%ould be done to reduce contributin! factors -bite!uard t%era" s%ould be considered also -abrasion or erosion s%ould be considered for restoration if: 1- area is carious .- defect s dee" enou!% to co$"ro$ise structural inte!rit of toot% /- intolerable sensiti+it e,ists and is unres"onsi+e to desensiti&in! $easures ;- defect contributes to "erio "roble$ (- area to be in+ol+ed in RPD >- de"t% of defect close to "ul" ?- "t 0ants est%etic i$"ro+e$ent Treatment of oot Surface Caries -$ust use caution to onl correct acti+e root carious lesions* not areas t%at are arrested 2discolored* but %ard to e,"lorerTreatment of oot Surface Sensiti!ity -t%eor for cause of sensiti+it is hydrodynamic theory 0%ic% states t%e "ain results fro$ indirect inner+ation caused b dentinal fluid $o+e$ent in tubules t%at sti$ulates $ec%anorece"tors near "redentin -cause of fluid s%ift includes te$") c%an!e* air dr in!* and os$otic "ressure -an t, t%at can reduce fluid s%ifts b occludin! tubules $a %el" reduce sensiti+it -dentin % "ersensiti+it is "roble$ in "ts follo0in! "erio sur!er t%at e,"oses root surface -t, used to "ro+ide relief include to"ical fluoride* fluoride rinses* o,alate solutions* dentin bondin! a!ents* sealants* ionto"%oresis* and desensiti&in! toot%"astes -dentin bondin! a!ents 0or4 best -0%en t%ese $et%ods don:t "ro+ide relief* restorati+e t, is indicated $ndications for $ndirect Tooth'Colored estorations -$a be indicated for class I and II restorations due to est%etics* stren!t%* and ot%er bondin! benefits -b5c of "otential for bonded restorations to stren!t%en re$ainin! toot% structure* indirect restorations $a be indicated for conser+ati+e restoration of 0ea4ened "osterior teet% in est%etic areas -indirect toot%-colored restorations include: 1- Processed co$"osite: %a+e better 0ear resistance o+er direct co$"osites -used $ainl in conser+ati+e class I and II restorations in lo0-$oderate stress areas .- 6elds"at%ic "orcelain: used for inla s and onla s for class I and II restorations b5c %i!%l est%etic -suffer fro$ %i!% incidence of fracture* es"eciall under %ea+ occlusal forces -"orcelain can also 0ear o""osin! toot% structure /- Cast cera$ic: inla s and onla s for class I and II "re"s %a+e !reat $ar!inal fit* lo0 abrasion to o""osin! toot% structure* and su"erior stren!t% co$"ared to "rocessed co$"osite or 6elds"at%ic -are e,cellent est%etic alternati+e to cast $etal restorations ;- Co$"uter-!enerated 2CAD5CAK-: better "% sical c%aracteristics t%an "rocessed co$"osite* are also $ore e,"ensi+e due to e,"ense of e#ui"$ent needed -ad+anta!e is t%e are fabricated c%airside* so onl one a""t needed -do %a+e %i!% stren!t%* lo0 abrasi+eness* and %i!%l est%etic Part ;: 'and Instru$ents Hand $nstrument Materials -%and instru$ents are $ade fro$ t0o $aterials: carbon steel and stainless steel -so$e $ade 05 carbide inserts to "ro+ide $ore durable cuttin! ed!es 2is $ore brittle t%ou!%-carbon steel is %arder t%an stainless steel but 0ill corrode easier -stainless steel 0ill lose its 4een ed!e #uic4er t%an carbon steel

$nstrument Cate%ories 1- Cuttin!: e,ca+ators* c%isels* $ar!in tri$$ers .- Noncuttin!: condensers* $irrors* e,"lorers* "robes $nstrument Desi%n -$ost %and instru$ent %a+e / "arts: 1- 'andle: "art o"erator %olds .- S%an4: connects %andle to blade /- 9lade: 0or4in! end of instru$ent -noncuttin! instru$ents %a+e a nib instead of a blade -t%e end of t%e nib 20or4in! surface- is call t%e face Cuttin% $nstrument )ormulas 1- 6irst nu$ber: 0idt% of blade in tent%s of $$ .- Second nu$ber: "ri$ar cuttin! ed!e an!le 2al0a s e,ceeds (A-if ed!e is "er"endicular to blade* t%is nu$ber o$itted* resultin! in / nu$ber for$ula /- T%ird nu$ber 2.nd nu$ber of /-nu$ber code-: blade len!t% in $$ ;- 6ourt% nu$ber 2/rd nu$ber in /-nu$ber code-: blade an!le 2al0a s (A or lessClassification of Hand $nstruments 1- Order: describes "ur"ose of instru$ent .- Suborder: describes "osition and tec%ni#ue /- Class: describes for$ and s%a"e 2c%isel or %atc%et;- Subclass: describes an!le of s%an4 2strai!%t* $ono* bin* tri"le an!lesCuttin% $nstrument -pplications 1- E,ca+ators: used for re$o+al of caries and refine$ent of "re" .- C%isels: used for cuttin! ena$el E+ca!ators -four subdi+isions: 1- 'atc%ets: %as cuttin! ed!e of blade in sa$e "lane as lon! a,is of %andle -is bi-be+eled -used "ri$aril on anterior teet% for "re"arin! retenti+e areas and s%ar"enin! internal line an!les .- 'oes: %as cuttin! ed!e of blade "er"endicular to a,is of %andle -used for "lanin! toot% "re" 0alls and for$in! line an!les -co$$onl used in class III and V "re"s for !old /- An!le-for$ers: is a $ono-an!le instru$ent 05 cuttin! ed!e at an!le ot%er t%an @A de!rees to blade -used "ri$aril for s%ar"enin! line an!les and creatin! retenti+e features in dentin -can also be used to "lace be+el in ena$el $ar!ins -li4e a co$bo of c%isel and !in!i+al $ar!in tri$$er ;- S"oons: blades are sli!%tl cur+ed and cuttin! ed!es are circular 2discoid- or cla0-li4e 2cleoid-used for re$o+in! caries and car+in! a$al!a$ and 0a, "atterns Chisels 1- Strai!%t c%isel: cuttin! ed!e "er"endicular to a,is of %andle and %as bevel on only one side -force used is $ainl strai!%t t%rust -used to "lane5clea+e ena$el .- Ena$el %atc%et: used for cuttin! and "lanin! ena$el surfaces /- Gin!i+al $ar!in tri$$er: desi!ned to "roduce a "ro"er be+el on !in!i+al $ar!ins of "ro,i$o-occlusal "re"s and be+els on a,io"ul"al line an!le in class II "re"s -blade is curved and cuttin! ed!e at an!le ot%er t%an "er"endicular to a,is of blade

"ther Cuttin% $nstruments 1- =ni+es 2finis%in! 4ni+es* a$al!a$ 4ni+es* !old 4ni+es-: %a+e t%in* 4nife-li4e blade used to tri$ e,cess restorati+e $aterial on !in!i+al* facial* or lin!ual $ar!ins on "ro,i$al or class V "re"s .- 6iles: also used to tri$ e,cess $aterial* "articularl at !in!i+al $ar!ins /- Discoid-Cleoid: used $ainl to car+e occlusal anato$ in unset a$al!a$ -$a be used to tri$ or burnis% inla -onla $ar!ins -0or4in! ends lar!er t%an s"oon e,ca+ator 0sin% Hand $nstruments -modified pen grasp %as !reatest intricac of touc% and is $ost co$$on -palm and thumb grasp is $ost "o0erful !ras" Part (: Po0er Cuttin! Instru$ents otary Speed an%es -rotational s"eed of "o0er instru$ents $easured in re+olutions "er $inute 2r"$-/ s"eeds: 1- <o05Slo0 s"eed: M 1.*AAA r"$ .- Kediu$ s"eed: 1.*AAA to .AA*AAA r"$ /- 'i!% s"eed: F .AA*AAA r"$ -crucial factor is +elocit at 0%ic% ed!es of cuttin! instru$ent "ass across surface bein! cut* 0%ic% is "ro"ortional to: 1- rotational s"eed .- dia$eter of instru$ent 2lar!e instru$ents %a+e %i!%er surface s"eeds*aser Equipment -"ri$aril used for soft tissue a""lications or %ard tissue $odifications -not used !enerall for toot% "re"aration b5c it is difficult to !et a defined $ar!in Car.ide Dental #urs -rotar cuttin! burs t%at %a+e bladed cuttin! %eads -!reater nu$ber of cuttin! blades* less efficient but s$oot%er surface 0ill result 2"olis%in! burs-lesser nu$ber of cuttin! blades* $ore efficient but rou!%er surface 0ill be 2fissure burs-includes burs for finis%in! $etal restorations and sur!ical re$o+al of bone* as 0ell as toot% "re"s -t%ere are also steel .urs* 0%ic% are used for finis%in! "rocedures Parts of #ur 1- S%an4: "art t%at fits into %and"iece -strai!%t* latc%-t "e* and friction-!ri" .- Nec4: inter$ediate "ortion t%at connect %ead and s%an4 -trans$its rotational and translational forces to %ead /- 'ead: 0or4in! "art of bur Sides of #ur #lade 1- Ra4e face: surface of blade 0%ic% $a4es contact 05 toot% surface and daces in direction of bur rotation .- Clearance face: surface of blade t%at faces a0a fro$ direction of bur rotation -n%les of #ur #lade 1- Ra4e an!le: an!le bt0 line connectin! ed!e of blade to a,is of bur and ra4e face -$ost i$"t "art of bur blade -carbide burs for cuttin! toot%5a$al!a$ %a+e ne!ati+e ra4e an!le -burs used to cut acr lic5soft $aterials %a+e "ositi+e ra4e an!le .- Ed!e an!le: an!le for$ed bt0 ra4e face and clearance face /- Clearance an!le: an!le for$ed bt0 clearance face and tan!ent to "at% of rotation -eli$inates friction 2%i!%er clearance an!le* less frictionound #urs -used for initial entr into toot%* "re"aration e,tension* "re"arin! retenti+e features* and caries re$o+al

$n!erted Cone #ur 2N/;-ra"idl ta"ered cone 0ider at a"e, and ta"ers to0ard nec4 of bur -!ood for "re"arin! undercuts into "re"arations Pear'Shaped #ur 2N//A-$ore sli!%tl ta"ered bur 0idest at a"e, and ta"ers to0ard nec4 of bur -end of bur is eit%er continuousl rounded or flat 05 rounded corners -used es"eciall in Class I "re"s for !old foil as 0ell as a$al!a$ "re"s Strai%ht )issure #ur 2N(>-elon!ated c linder used for a$al!a$ "re"s Tapered )issure #ur 2N1>@-sli!%tl ta"ered bur 05 narro0est "art at a"e, and 0idest "art at nec4 of bur -used for "re"s for indirect restorations t%at can:t %a+e undercuts Diamond -.rasi!e $nstruments -in+ol+es abrasi+e cuttin! instead of blade cuttin! -based on s$all* an!ular "articles of a %ard substance %eld in a $atri, of softer $aterial -cuttin! occurs at a lar!e nu$ber of "oints 0%ere indi+idual %ard "articles "rotrude fro$ t%e $atri, rat%er t%an alon! a continuous blade ed!e -dia$ond burs consist of a $etal blan4* t%e "o0dered dia$ond abrasi+e* and a $etallic bondin! $aterial t%at %olds dia$ond "o0der onto t%e blan4 Diamond Particle )actors -"erfor$ance de"ends on si&e* s"acin!* unifor$it * e,"osure* and bondin! of dia$ond "articles -increased "ressure causes "articles to di! into surface $ore dee"l * lea+in! dee"er scratc%es and re$o+in! $ore toot% structure -"articles si&e cate!ori&ed as coarse* $ediu$* fine* and +er fine* 0%ic% corres"onds to standard sie+e si&es 0%ic% se"arate dia$ond "articles -lar!er "articles $eans nu$ber of "articles is decreased* so $ore force is a""lied to eac% "article -dia$ond finis%in! burs use e+en finer dia$onds to "roduce s$oot% surfaces for final "olis%in! Cuttin% Mechanisms -re#uire$ents for effecti+e cuttin! include %and"iece* air-0ater s"ra for coolin!* %i!% o"eratin! s"eed 2F.AA*AAA r"$-* li!%t "ressure* and bur -carbide burs are better for end-cuttin!* "roduce lo0er %eat* and %a+e $ore blade ed!es "er dia$eter -used for "unc% cuts to enter toot% structure* intracoronal toot% "re"* a$al!a$ re$o+al* s$all "re"s* and secondar retenti+e features -dia$ond instru$ents %a+e !reater %ardness and +er %i!% cuttin! effecti+eness -$ore effecti+e t%an burs for bot% intracoronal and e,tracoronal toot% "re"s* be+elin! ena$el $ar!ins* and ena$elo"last Ha1ards ,ith Cuttin% $nstruments 1- Pul"al "recautions: cuttin! instru$ents can %ar$ "ul" b $ec%anical +ibration* %eat !eneration* dessication and loss of dentinal tubule fluid* and transection of odontoblastic "rocesses -as t%ic4ness of dentin decreases* "ul"al insult increases .- Soft-tissue "recautions: s%ould isolate o"eratin! field fro$ soft tissue b rubber da$* suction5assistant* cotton roll* $irror* etc) /- E e "recautions: 0ear !lasses 05 e e s%ields 2dentist $ore li4el to %a+e e e in7ur t%an assistant-if e e is in7ured* it s%ould be co+ered 05 !au&e until $edical attention recei+ed ;- Ear "recautions: %i!%-"itc% fro$ %i!% s"eed %and"iece $a cause %earin! loss (- In%alation "recautions: aerosols of toot% structure* restoration debris* $icroor!anis$s* etc) s%ould be a+oided b usin! intraoral e+acuation 0%en cuttin! -rubber da$s can "re+ent in%alation b "atient* but o"erators s%ould use face $as4s 2filter out bacteria and fine "articulate $atter* but not $ercur or $ono$er +a"ors fro$ restorations-

Part >: Toot% Pre"aration Emphasis on Conser!in% Tooth Structure in Tooth Preps 1- Su"ra!in!i+al $ar!ins .- Kini$al "ul"al de"t% /- Kini$al 9-< 0idt% ;- Rounded internal line an!les Principles of Tooth Preparation 1- All "re""ed 0alls and internal line an!les s%ould be "laced in dentin t%at is free of infection* %ard* and can:t be fla4ed a0a .- Pre""ed ca+it s%ould be e,tended to include all deca and "ro+ide con+enience for restorin! and finis%in! /- Enou!% de"t% and 0idt% s%ould be "re""ed to "re+ent fracture of toot% and restoration a- about 15( distance bt0 buccal and lin!ual cus"s b- at least A)($$ into dentin c- "ul"al floor s%ould be flat and "arallel to occlusal surface -s%ould ideall be at least .$$ of dentin bt0 a$al!a$ and "ul"al floor -"ul"al floor s%ould be tilted lin!uall in $and 1st PK due to %i!% buccal "ul" %orn d- line an!les s%ould be rounded and defined 2s%ar" line an!les increase ris4 of fractureCa!ity Classification .y 2um.er of Surfaces $n!ol!ed 1- Si$"le ca+it : lesion confined to one surface .- Co$"ound ca+it : lesion in+ol+es t0o surfaces /- Co$"le, ca+it : lesion in+ol+es t%ree or $ore surfaces 3454 #lac( Ca!ity Classification 1- Class I: in+ol+es "it5fissure caries -occlusal surface of "osterior teet% and lin!ual surface of anterior teet% -$esial5distal 0alls s%ould di+er!e occlusall 1 buccal5lin!ual 0alls "arallel -if 0idt% of $ar!inal rid!e less t%an 1)>$$* s%ould be con+erted to class II -difficult to see radio!ra"%icall .- Class II: in+ol+es "ro,i$al surfaces on "osterior teet% -occlusal outline at "ro,i$al se!$ent dictated b "osition of "ro,i$al contact and e,tent of caries -"ro,i$al 0alls are di+er!ent occluso-!in!i+all -!in!i+al floor s%ould "arallel t%e ena$el rods /- Class III: on "ro,i$al surfaces of anterior teet% t%at don:t include incisal an!le -for est%etic reasons* unsu""orted ena$el $a be left intact -co$"osite is "referred $aterial 2distal of canine $a be restored in a$al!a$;- Class IV: ca+ities of "ro,i$al surfaces of anterior teet% t%at in+ol+e incisal an!le (- Class V: cer+ical caries in !in!i+al 15/ of buccal or lin!ual surfaces -dictated b e,tent of caries -$esial and distal 0alls "arallel ena$el rods -occlusal 0all is lon!er t%an cer+ical5!in!i+al 0all in ideal "re"s* !i+in! tra"e&oidal s%a"e >- Class VI: on incisal ed!es of anterior teet% or on occlusal cus" %ei!%ts of "osterior teet% $nitial Tooth Preparation 1- Outline for$ .- Resistance for$ /- Retention for$ ;- Con+enience for$

"utline )orm -Def: E,tension of t%e "re" 0alls to sound toot% structure in all directions e,ce"t "ul"all ) -s%a"e or for$ of ca+it on surface of toot% -$ar!ins "laced in areas of lessened caries susce"tibilit 2e,tension for "re+ention-all under$ined ena$el $ust be re$o+ed -e,tension to sound* finis%able toot% structure at initial de"t% of A). to A)?( $$ into dentin 1- Princi"les: a- "lace $ar!ins 0%ere finis%able b- re$o+e unsu""orted* 0ea4ened toot% structure c- include all faults .- Dictated b : caries* old $aterial* defect si&e* occlusion* $ar!inal confi!uration* and ad7acent toot% contour /- 6eatures: a- Preser+e cus"al stren!t% d- Connect t0o close "re"s 20it%in A)($$b- Preser+e $ar!inal rid!e stren!t% e- Restrict de"t% to A).-A)?($$ into dentin c- =ee" 9-< 0idt% narro0 f- Dse ena$elo"last ;- Pit and fissure "re"s: e,tend to all of t%e fissure t%at is not eli$inated b ena$elo"last (- S$oot% surface "re"arations a- e,tend until no friable ena$el re$ains b- don:t sto" $ar!ins on cus" %ei!%ts or rid!e crests c- e,tend !in!i+al $ar!in5floor to !et A)($$ clearance d- e,tend facial and lin!ual "ro,i$al 0alls to clearance >- 6or class V "re"s* outline is !o+erned onl b e,tent of lesion* e,ce"t "ul"all ?- Ena$elo"last : re$o+al of defect b recontourin! ena$el 0%en defect is no dee"er t%an O t%ic4ness of ena$el -0%en defect is !reater t%an 15/ t%ic4ness of ena$el* t%e 0all $ust be e,tended esistance )orm -"re+ention of toot% OR restoration fracture fro$ occlusal forces alon! lon! a,is of toot% 1- 6actors: a- occlusal contacts b- a$ount of re$ainin! toot% structure c- t "e of restorati+e $aterial .- 6eatures: a- flat floors 2"ul"al and !in!i+al- e- re$o+e 0ea4ened toot% structure b- bo, s%a"e f- ca" cus"s if needed c- "reser+e $ar!inal rid!es !- round internal line an!les d- "reser+e cus"al stren!t% %- ade#uate t%ic4ness of $aterial Preser!in% Mar%inal id%es -$esial and distal 0alls in class I "re" s%ould be di+er!ent to "re+ent under$inin! of $ar!inal rid!es -for "re$olars* distance fro$ $ar!in of "re" to "ro,i$al surface s%ould be at least 1)>$$ -for $olars* distance fro$ $ar!in of "re" to "ro,i$al surface s%ould be at least .$$ ule for Cusp Cappin% 1- If e,tension fro$ a "ri$ar !roo+e to0ard t%e cus" ti" is no $ore t%an %alf t%e distance* no cus" ca""in! needed .- If e,tension is P to .5/ of t%e distance* consider cus" ca""in! /- If e,tension is $ore t%an .5/ t%e distance* usuall ca" t%e cus" etention )orm -"re+ention of dislod!e$ent of restoration -"re"aration s%ould %a+e so$e undercuts for retention* or ot%er retenti+e features if can:t use undercuts -s%ould %a+e sufficient %ei!%t to %a+e bul4 of $aterial Con!enience )orm -alterations $ade to "re" to i$"ro+e access and +isibilit for "re"arin! and restorin! t%e ca+it

-aids o"erator in "re"arin!* "lacin!* and finis%in! restoration )inal Tooth Preparations 1- Re$o+e re$ainin! caries .- Secondar resistance5retention for$s /- 6inis%in! e,ternal 0alls emo!al of emainin% Caries -initial "re" $a re$o+e all of caries* but additional re$o+al $a be needed -if %a+e dee" e,ca+ation and #uestionable dentin near "ul"* can use indirect "ul" ca" 2lea+e dentin* CaO'* GI base* restorationPulp E+posure 1- Indirect "ul" ca" indicated if: a- s$all e,"osure 2M1$$b- as $"to$atic toot% c- isolated area d- %e$orr%a!e controlled -indirect "ul" ca""in! s%ould be reo"ened in 6'7 months to c%ec4 status and re$o+e re$ainin! deca .- Endo t,t indicated if: a- E,"osure lar!e 2F1$$b- s $"to$atic toot% c- area conta$inated 2sali+a* debrisd- "urulent e,udate Pulp Protection 1- Sealers: seal dentinal tubules -is desirable for A<< restorations .- <iners: used 0%en ca+it "re" is 0it%in A)($$ fro$ "ul" -e,) CaO' 2sti$ulates for$ation of re"arati+e dentina- "laced in A)($$ t%ic4ness b- Pro+ides $ini$al t%er$al and $ec%anical "rotection c- "ro+ides so$e c%e$ical "rotection /- 9ases: "ro+ide bul4 for t%er$al and $ec%anical "rotection 2need a""ro,i$atel .$$ bul4 bet0een "ul" and $etallic restorati+e $aterial-!lass iono$er is t "ical base c%oice -ot%er bases are &inc "%os"%ate and "ol carbo, late ce$ent Secondary esistance and etention )eatures 1- Kec%anical5Pre"aration 6eatures a- retenti+e loc4s* !roo+es* co+es 2$ainl for $etallic restorationsb- !roo+e e,tensions c- s4irts 2for cast restorationsd- be+eled ena$el $ar!ins 2cast and co$"osite restorationse- "ins* slots* ste"s* a$al!a$ "ins 2$ainl for a$al!a$s.- Surface treat$ent of "re"ared 0alls a- Ena$el 0all: etc%in! for bonded restorations b- Dentin 0all: etc%in! and "ri$in! for bonded restorations /- Ce$ent 2for cast restorations-

)inishin% of E+ternal 8alls -establis%in! t%e desi!n and s$oot%ness of ca+osurface $ar!in 1- Ob7ecti+es: a- !et best seal bt0 toot% and restoration b- %a+e s$oot% 7unction bt0 toot% and restoration c- $a,i$u$ stren!t% for toot% and restoration .- 6eatures a- be+els b- butt 7oints /- Considerations a- direction of ena$el rods b- su""ort of ena$el rods c- t "e of $aterial d- location of $ar!in e- de!ree of s$oot%ness re#uired Tooth Preparation )eatures9 -mal%am !s Composite Amalgam Includes adjacent suspicious Outline form areas Pulpal depth uniform 1.5mm Axial depth uniform .2-.5mm inside DEJ Cavosurface margin 9 de!ree amal!am mar!in Bevels only !in!ival Texture of prepped walls smoot" Cutting Instrument #urs Primary retention form conver!ence occlusally Secondary !rooves$ slots$ loc%s$ pins$ retention form #ondin! Resistance flat floors$ rounded an!les$ form #o&-s"aped floors Base need 2mm #t( pulp and indications amal!am iner indications )a*+ Sealer used ("en not #ondin! Composite Does not include adjacent suspicious areas remove fault (not usually uniform) remove fault (not usually uniform) 9 or !reater de!rees included for est"etic and seal rou!" diamonds none needed (#onded) #ondin! similar for lar!e preps' no special form for small restorations not needed )a*+ sealed #y #ondin! system

Part ?: Koisture Control 3oals of $solation 1- Koisture control .- Retraction and access /- 'ar$ "re+ention ;- <ocal Anest%esia u..er Dam -isolates 0or4in! field* "re+ents $oisture and conta$ination* retracts soft tissue* and sa+es ti$e 1- Ad+anta!es a- increased access and +isibilit d- "rotects "t and o"erator !- i$"r) $ater) "ro"erties b- isolates area e- retracts soft tissue c- 4ee"s area dr f- "reser+es and "rotects $aterials .- Disad+anta!es a- so$e "ts ob7ect c- "artiall eru"ted teet% e- ti$e consu$in! b- so$e situations don:t 0or4 d- e,tre$el $al"ositioned teet% f- ast%$a -alternati+es to rubber da$ for $oisture control include cotton roll isolation and cellulose 0afers 2dr an!le)i!e )+ns of u..er Dam 1- Retracts soft tissue .- Pro+ides clean* dr field /- Protects "t and dentist ;- Pro+ides for $a,i$u$ "% sical "ro"erties of $aterials (- Can sa+e ti$e for $ulti"le "re"s Pro.lems ,/ u..er Dam 1- Hrin4lin! of rubber da$ bt0 teet%: %oles "unc%ed too far a"art .- Pa"illae "rotrude fro$ beneat% da$: %oles "unc%ed too close to!et%er Clampin% -for cla$" to be stable* all four "oints of 7a0s of cla$" $ust contact toot% !in!i+al to 'OC -"oints of cla$" $ust not e,tend be ond line an!les to "re+ent i$"in!in! on "a"illae and interference 05 0ed!e u..er Dam )rames 1- Youn!:s fra$e: $ost "o"ular1 D-s%a"ed $etal fra$e .- Hoodbur :s fra$e: "ro+ides $ost retraction of soft tissues Part B: <iners* 9ases* and Ce$ents *iners -t%e onl use of liner is to effect a "ul"al res"onse to la do0n re"arati+e dentin as used for direct or near "ul"al e,"osure -traditional liner used is CaO' -!lass iono$er liners $a be used in con7unction 05 co$"osite restorations as stress brea4er in class I co$"osites and on root surface of class II co$"osite -s%ould %a+e t%ic4ness of ( $icrons -s%ould differentiate bt0 liners and +arnis%es 1- <iners: sus"ensions of CaO' in 0ater 2D Cal-1 $a contain fluoride -liners are t%ic4er t%an +arnis%es .- Varnis%es: solution liners of resin in li#uid 2Co"alite-+arnis%es s%ouldn:t be used under co$"osites b5c disru"t $ono$er -+arnis%es under a$al!a$ ser+e to reduce microleakage and seals tubules -do not act as t%er$al barriers

#ases -additional bul4 fro$ base affords $ec%anical and t%er$al "rotection 2lo0 t%er$al conducti+it - to "ul" under $etal 2a$al!a$5!old- restorations -ter$ed base 0%en .$$ or t%ic4er 0%ic% f,n to re"lace $issin! dentin structure 1- Glass iono$er: %as been reco$$ended as base to o+erl an CaO' liner -"rotects liner fro$ a$al!a$ condensation or dissolution of liner fro$ etc%ant a""lication for co$"osite -used for "osterior co$"osites* "orcelain5co$"osite inla s or onla s* and a$al!a$ -considered near ideal base b5c ad%eres to toot% structure* sna" set 0%en li!%t-cured* anticario!enic 2fluoride-releasin!-* and can bond to co$"osite .- Qinc "%os"%ate5&inc "ol carbo, late: used under !old restorations -$ust use +arnis% before &inc "%os"%ate a""lication /- Secondar bases: &inc "%os"%ate ce$ent o+er CaO' base o+er "ul" e,"osure 2direct "ul" ca"Thermal $nsulation Capacity of #ase Dependent "n9 1- T%ic4ness of base .- T%er$al conducti+it of base /- Densit of base #ase 0se ,/ -mal%am estorations 1- S%allo0 e,ca+ations: if .3$$ dentin re$ains after "re"* onl sealer needed 2Glu$a Desensiti&er or Co"alite.- Koderatel dee" e,ca+ations: if bt0 )( and .$$ of dentin re$ains* GI base can be "laced to build total t%ic4ness fro$ "ul" to .$$ t%en sealer /- Dee" e,ca+ation: if less t%an A)($$ or s$all "ul" e,"osure encountered* "lace CaO' liner and .$$ GI base t%en sealer #ase 0se ,/ Composite estorations 1- S%allo0 e,ca+ations: if .3$$ dentin re$ains* no +arnis%* liner or base needed 2GI ce$ent $a be "laced.- Koderatel dee" e,ca+ations: if bt0 A)($$-.$$ dentin re$ains* GI base can be "laced to fill /- Dee" e,ca+ations: if MA)($$ or s$all "ul" e,"osure encountered* CaO' "laced* t%en GI base #ase 0se ,/ $ndirect $nlay/"nlay estorations 1- S%allo0 to $oderatel dee" e,ca+ations: if at least A)($$ of dentin re$ains* no liner or base needed .- Dee" e,ca+ations: if less t%an A)($$ or s$all "ul" e,"osure occurs* "lace CaO' onl Cements -s%ould %a+e t%ic4ness of 1(-.( $icrons 1- Glass iono$er: $ost co$$on ce$ent1 used $ostl for final ce$entation of cro0ns5brid!es -fluoride releasin! 2anticario!enic-* $icro$ec%anical and c%e$ical bonds* nonirritatin! -0ater-based -contain fluoroalu$ina-silica !lass "o0der and "ol acr lic acid solution -least solubilit after settin! .- Qinc "ol carbo, late: &inc o,ide "o0der and "ol acr lic acid solution -used for final ce$entation of cro0ns5brid!es -nonirritatin! but not as stron! as ot%er ce$ents -0ater-based -$ost solubilit after settin! -first ce$ent de+elo"ed to c%e$icall bond to toot% structure /- Qinc "%os"%ate: 0ater-based ce$ent for final ce$entation of cast cro0ns5brid!es 2not "o"ular-%i!%l acidic 2"' ;).- and can cause "ul"al da$a!e so need +arnis% underneat% to "rotect "ul" -&inc o,ide "o0der and ort%o"%os"%oric acid li#uid -$ust be $i,ed on cold !lass slab to increase 0or4in! ti$e b retardin! e,ot%er$ic r,n -s%rin4s sli!%tl on settin!

-su"erior stren!t% co$"ared ot%er ce$ents ;- Qinc o,ide eu!enol 2QOE-: oil-based ce$ent 05 sedati+e effect on "ul" -can:t use 05 co$"osite b5c eu!enol in%ibits "ol $eri&ation -also can:t be used in direct "ul" ca"s b5c irritates "ul" when in direct contact -can be used as te$"orar ce$ent 2lo0 stren!t%-&inc o,ide* resin* &inc acetate* accelerator* and eu!enol li#uid -%as "' of around ?* 0%ic% $a4es it one of least irritatin! ce$ents $nterim estorations -ce$ents $i,ed to a t%ic4er consistenc can be used as te$"orar fillin!s -QOE is $ost co$$on 2IRK- and "rotects "ul"* reduces "ul" infla$$)* and $aintains toot% structure -s%ould be $i,ed in under 1 $inute Part @: Pro"erties of Restorati+e Katerials 0ltimate Stren%th -defined as "oint on stress-strain cur+e at 0%ic% fracture occurs -/ +ariables: 1- Co$"ressi+e stren!t%: stress re#uired to fracture a $aterial 0%en forces a""lied o""osite and to0ards eac% ot%er 2"ressin!-ena$elRa$al!a$FdentinRco$"osite .- Tensile stren!t%: forces a""lied o""osite and a0a fro$ eac% ot%er 2"ullin!-dentinFa$al!a$Fco$"ositeFena$el /- S%ear stren!t%: forces a""lied o""osite and to0ard eac% ot%er but at difft) "ositions 2slidin!Dimensional Chan%e -is t%e "ercent of e,"ansion or contraction of a $aterial -0%en t%er$al e,"ansion of toot% does not e#ual t%at of restoration* t%e differin! e,"ansions result in lea4a!e of fluids bt0 t%e t0o -percolation refers to inter$ittent inlet and outlet of fluid lea4a!e and can result in $ar!inal deca -coefficient of t%er$al e,"ansion: $easures "er unit len!t% e,"ansion if a $aterial is %eated b 1 de!ree C -co$"ositeFa$al!a$F!oldRtoot% Thermal Conducti!ity -#uantit of %eat transferred "er second across an area and len!t% 0%en te$") difference is 1 de!ree C5c$ -!oldFa$al!a$Fco$"ositeRtoot% Stress -force "er unit area -stressRforce5area -t%e s$aller t%e area t%e force is a""lied* t%e !reater stress e,"erienced -a s$all area of contact on restoration %as $ore stress t%an broad area of contact Strain -c%an!e in defor$ation "er unit len!t% of $aterial sub7ected to stress -rubber %as !reater defor$ation 2strain- t%an !old Elastic Modulus -$easure of stiffness5ri!idit of $aterial -%i!%er elastic $odulusR$ore ri!id $aterial -elastic li$it: !reatest stress an ob7ect can be sub7ected to in 0%ic% it can return to its ori!inal di$ension once force is re$o+ed -$aterial loaded be ond elastic li$it results in both elastic and plastic deformation -!oldFena$elFa$al!a$Fco$"ositeFdentin

Proportionate *imit -stress at 0%ic% $aterial no lon!er f,ns as elastic 2!reatest stress t%at can be "roduced before "er$t) defor$ation e,ists-!reatest stress "roduced suc% t%at stress is directl "ro"ortional to strain - ield stren!t%: arbitrar stress "oint i$$ediatel %i!%er t%an "ro"ortionate li$it and defines "oint at 0%ic% "er$t) defor$ation be!ins -!oldFena$elFa$al!a$Fco$"ositeFdentin -brittleness is $easure of $aterial:s li4eliness to fracture at its "ro"ortional li$it -brittle $aterial %as %i!% co$"ressi+e stren!t% and lo0 tensile stren!t% Coefficient of Thermal E+pansion -$easure of tendenc of $aterial to c%an!e s%a"e 0%en sub7ected to te$") c%an!e -"ossible brea4 in $ar!inal seal of restoration beco$es i$$inent 0%en t%ere is $ar4ed difference in CTE bt0 toot% and restoration -one of conse#uences of t%er$al e,"ansion and contraction is percolation 0%ic% is c clic in!ress5e!ress of fluids at restoration $ar!ins -"ossibilit of recurrent deca increases 05 increased "ercolation -ran4s of CTE: toot%M!oldMa$al!a$Mco$"ositeMunfilled resins 3al!anic Shoc( -brief* but electrical sensation one can recei+e 0%en t0o dissi$ilar $etals co$e into contact in $out% -e,) a$al!a$ and !old on o""osite arc%es touc% 0%en 0et 05 sali+a -usuall occurs i$$ediatel after insertion of ne0 restoration and !enerall it !raduall subsides and disa""ears in a fe0 da s Ductility and Mallea.ility 1- Ductilit : abilit of $etal to easil be 0or4ed into desired s%a"es -decreases 05 increase in te$" .- Kalleabilit : $etal bein! able to be %a$$ered into t%in s%eet 05o ru"ture -increases 05 increase in te$") -!old is $ost ductile and $alleable $etal* and sil+er is second esilience -ener! a $aterial can absorb before onset of an "lastic defor$ation Part 1A: A$al!a$ Restorations Composition of -mal%am 1- Sil+er 2A!- 2$ost-increases e,"ansion and stren!t%* decreases 0or4in! ti$e and cree" .- Tin 2Sn- 2$ost-decreases e,"ansion and stren!t%* increases 0or4in! ti$e and cree" -0or4s o""osite of sil+er /- Co""er 2Cu- 2s$all-increases e,"ansion and stren!t%* decreases 0or4in! ti$e and cree" -also decreases corrosion -decreases 0ea4 . "%ase ;- Qinc 2Qn- 2s$all-increases e,"ansion dra$aticall 0%en e,"osed to sali+a -a$al!a$ conta$inated 05 $oisture durin! condensation reacts 05 Qn to for$ '. !as* leadin! to increased e,"ansion* decreased stren!t%* "ost-o" "ain* and increased corrosion -pre!ents o+idation b actin! as a sca+en!er (- Kercur 2'!- 2s$all-increases e,"ansion* 0or4in! ti$e* and cree"1 decreases stren!t% -increased $ercur content allo0s for se+ere $ar!inal brea4do0n

-$ercur content s%ould be less t%an ((S -reacts to "roduce difft) a$al!a$ "%ases 2initiates r,n 05 allo -a$t of $ercur re$ainin! in set a$al!a$ related to %o0 $uc% of $ercur -ric% $atri, left in a$al!a$ after condensation -4e is to $ini$i&e a$t of $atri, for$in! durin! r,n -b condensin! a$al!a$* $ercur -ric% $atri, 0ill co$e to surface and be re$o+ed 0%en car+in! -$ercur +a"or $ost li4el occurs durin! condensation* so %i!%-s"eed suction s%ould be used Types of -mal%am 1- <o0 co""er: inferior "ro"erties1 >S or less co""er1 s"%erical "articles .- 'i!% co""er: %i!% co""er allo s %a+e 1A-/AS Cu b 0ei!%t a- S"%erical: %as !reater lea4a!e and "osto" sensiti+it 2less $ercur -s"%erical a$al!a$s %i!% in co""er %a+e best tensile and co$"ressi+e stren!t% b- <at%e-cut: irre!ular 2%i!%er $ercur c- Ad$i,ed: co$bo of s"%erical and lat%e-cut 2easier to car+e but need $ore condensation force-co""er adds stren!t% b eli$inatin! . "%ase -s$aller "article si&e results in increased co$"ressi+e stren!t% and decreased settin! e,"ansion Properties of -mal%am -linear coefficient of t%er$al e,"ansion 2<CTE- is !reater t%an toot% structure -co$"ressi+e stren!t% of %i!% co""er a$al!a$ is si$ilar to toot% structure -a$al!a$ %as 1A, $ore co$"ressi+e stren!t% t%an tensile stren!t% -0ea4 condensation results in +oids* causin! 0ea4er a$al!a$ -a$al!a$ is brittle and %a+e lo0 ed!e stren!t% -creep is t%e !radual di$ensional c%an!e resultin! fro$ constant stress -%i!% co""er a$al!a$s %a+e no clinicall rele+ant cree" or flo0 b5c . "%ase eli$inated -o+er5undertrituratin! increase cree" -increasin! condensation "ressure decreases cree" -a$al!a$ is a %i!% t%er$al conductor and "oor t%er$al insulator -a$al!a$ s%ould not contract or e,"and after settin! -tarnis%in! and corrosion result fro$ c%e$ical r,ns bt0 a$al!a$ and oral en+iron$ent a- tarnis%: results in discoloration at a$al!a$ surface -discoloration $ost li4el a sulfide b- corrosion: results in destruction of restoration as it occurs dee"er in bod of a$al!a$ -s$oot%er* "olis%ed a$al!a$s %a+e decreased corrosion and tarnis% -$ar!inal lea4a!e decreases 05 ti$e due to increased corrosion b "roducts 2tin sulfide-discolored* corroded su"erficial la er on a$al!a$ surface is t%e sulfide Delayed E+pansion of -mal%am -due to: 1- Insufficient trituration and condensation .- Conta$ination b $oisture durin! condensation 2"rinci"le cause of failures-$oisture conta$ination !reatl reduces co$"ressi+e stren!t% Trituration -"rocess of $i,in! t%e allo 05 $ercur in a$al!a$ator 2coats alloy particles ,/ mercurya- Dndertriturated: dull *cru$bl * decreased stren!t%* increased cree" b- O+ertriturated: 0et* runn * +er decreased stren!t%* increased cree"* increased corrosion -o+ertriturated better t%an undertriturated c- Pro"erl triturated: s%in * s$oot%* %o$o!enous -A! and Sn react to for$ sil+er allo * 0%ic% reacts 05 '! to for$ dental a$al!a$ -lon!er trituration ti$e decreases settin! e,"ansion

-mal%amation -reaction of sil+er allo 05 $ercur : -A!/Sn 2 - 3 '! A!/Sn 2 - 3 A!/'!; 2 1- 3 Sn/'! 2 .- is stron!est "%ase* 1 is second stron!est* and . is 0ea4est5$ost corrosi+e "%ase -stron!est "%ase %as no $ercur b5c $ercur decreases stren!t% -addin! Cu eli$inates 0ea4 . "%ase -!ood condensation and car+in! can $ini$i&e a$ount of $ercur -ric% a$al!a$ -d!anta%es and Disad!anta%es of -mal%am 1- Ad+anta!es a- stren!t% e- "ro+en %istor of use b- 0ear resistance f- lo0er fees c- eas to use !- lon! ter$ clinical lon!e+it d- less tec%ni#ue sensiti+e .- Disad+anta!es a- not est%etic b- conducti+it c- toot% "re" $ore de$andin! and less conser+ati+e Concerns for -mal%am 1- Kercur content and dis"osal .- Re$o+al of toot% structure /- Est%etics ;- Dnless bonded* no bondin! benefits (- Recurrent caries >- Kar!inal lea4a!e until corrosion occurs 2se+eral $ont%s-

Mercury Contro!ersy -lac4 of scientific e+idence t%at a$al!a$ "oses %ealt% ris4s to %u$ans e,ce"t for rare aller!ic r,ns -efforts under0a to reduce en+iron$ental $ercur to 0%ic% ""l are e,"osed to lessen e,"osure -t%ere is no e+idence ensurin! t%at alternati+e $aterials "ose lesser %a&ard -true aller!ies to a$al!a$ rarel %a+e been re"orted 21 in 1AA $illion ""l-mal%am 0ses 1- Nonest%etic cer+ical lesions .- <ar!e class I and II restorations 0%ere %ea+ occlusion 0ill be on t%e $aterial /- Class I and II restorations 0%ere isolation "roble$s e,ist ;- Te$"orar 5caries control restorations (- 6oundations >- Patient sensiti+it to ot%er $aterials ?- Cost is factor B- Inabilit to do a !ood co$"osite equirements for Successful -mal%am estorations 1- 'i!% co""er $aterial .- @A de!ree ca+osurface $ar!ins /- Ade#uate t%ic4ness of a$al!a$ 21-.$$;- Kec%anical retention for$ (- Sealin! of tubules >- Good condensation 2includin! laterall -

Principles of Tooth Preparation 1- Initial sta!e a- "lace toot% "re" e,tension into sound toot% structure at $ar!inal areas 2not "ul"all or a,iall b- e,tend de"t% "ul"all and a,iall to unifor$ di$ension c- "ro+ide an initial for$ t%at retains a$al!a$ d- establis% toot% "re" $ar!ins in for$ t%at results in @A de!ree a$al!a$ $ar!in once a$al!a$ is inserted .- 6inal sta!e -re$o+es an re$ainin! defect 2caries5old restoration- and incor"orates an additional "re" features 2slots* "ins* etc)- to ac%ie+e retention and resistance for$ $nitial Tooth Prep Depth -all initial de"t%s of toot% "re" for a$al!a$ relate to DE8* e,ce"t in t0o instances: a- H%en occlusal ena$el %as been si!nificantl 0orn t%inner b- H%en "re" e,tends onto root surface 1- Initial de"t% "ul"all 0ill be A).$$ inside DE8 or 1)($$ as $easured fro$ de"t% of central !roo+e* 0%ic%e+er results in !reatest t%ic4ness of a$al!a$ .- Initial de"t% of a,ial 0all 0ill be A).$$ inside DE8 0%ere retention loc4s are used -dee"er e,tension allo0s "lace$ent of retention loc4s 0it%out under$inin! $ar!inal ena$el -a,ial de"t%s on root surface s%ould be A)?(-1$$ dee" to "ro+ide roo$ for retenti+e !roo+es and bul4 of a$al!a$ "utline )orm for -mal%am -all 0alls $eet surface of toot% at @A de!ree an!le -0%en $a4in! "re" e,tensions* e+er effort s%ould be $ade to "reser+e stren!t% of cus"s and $ar!inal rid!es -0%en "ossible* outline for$ s%ould be e,tended around cus"s and a+oid under$inin! dentin su""ort of $ar!inal rid!e ena$el -0%en +ie0ed fro$ occlusal* t%e facial and lin!ual "ro,i$al bo, ca+osurface $ar!ins of class II "re" s%ould be @A de!rees -facial and lin!ual "ro,i$al bo, 0alls s%ould e,tend 7ust into facial and lin!ual e$brasures -"ro+ides ade#uate access for "erfor$in! "re"aration* easier "lace$ent of $atri,* and easier condensation and car+in! of a$al!a$ Ca!osurface Mar%in for -mal%am -if eit%er ena$el or a$al!a$ %as $ar!inal an!les less t%an @A de!rees* t%e are sub7ect to fracture Primary etention )orm -retention for$ "re"arations loc45retain restorati+e $aterial in t%e toot% -for co$"osites* $icro$ec%anical bondin! "ro+ides $ost of retention -for bot% bonded and nonbonded a$al!a$s* t%e a$al!a$ $ust be $ec%anicall loc4ed inside toot% -a$al!a$ retention "ro+ided b : 1- Kec%anical loc4in! of a$al!a$ into surface irre!ularities of "re""ed toot% .- Pre"aration of +ertical facial and lin!ual 0alls t%at con+er!e occlusall -in+erted cone bur 2.;(- "ro+ides correct 0all s%a"e for retention /- <oc4s* !roo+es* co+es* slots* "ins* ste"s* a$al!a$"ins 2all of t%ese t "e are actuall secondar retention for$-retenti+e !roo+es can be "laced in a,iobuccal and a,iolin!ual line an!les in "ro,) bo,es

-mal%ampins -retention on "in increases as dia$eter of "in increases -lar!est "in t%at can be safel "laced s%ould be selected -one "in "er $issin! a,ial line an!le s%ould be used -o"ti$al "lace$ent is at line an!les5corners of toot% 0%ere root $ass is !reatest and ris4 of "erforation is lo0est -"ins s%ould not be bent* but if necessar use a bendin! tool 2not %and instru$ent-"laced to increase retention of lar!e restorations* but 0ea4en restoration o+erall -"laced at least A)($$ inside DE8 and 1)($$ fro$ ca+osurface $ar!in -s%ould e,tend .$$ into dentin and restorati+e $aterial -coatin! "ins 05 ad%esion "ro$oters i$"ro+es fracture resistance of core $aterials -t "es of "ins: 1- Ce$ented -serrated "ins t%at are ce$ented into "in%oles lar!er t%an dia$eter of "in .- 6riction-loc4 -ta""ed into "in%oles s$aller t%an dia$eter of "in -not to be used in RCT teet% /- Self-t%readin! 2$ost retenti+e-co$es in self-li$itin! drill of o"ti$al .$$ de"t% and self-s%earin! "ins -$ost co$$on t "e used -disad+anta!es: create stresses t%at cra&e toot% structure* increase $icrolea4a!e* can cause "ul"al "roble$s Primary esistance )orm -%el"s restoration and toot% resist fracture fro$ occlusal forces a- resistance for$ features t%at "re+ent toot% fro$ fracturin! include: 1- Kaintainin! as $uc% un"re""ed toot% structure as "ossible 2cus"s and $ar!inal rid!es.- Pul"al and !in!i+al 0alls5floors "re"ared "er"endicular to occlusal forces /- Rounded internal "re" an!les ;- Re$o+in! unsu""orted50ea4ened toot% structure (- Placin! "ins into toot% 2secondar resistance for$>- 9e+elin! !in!i+al floor to "re+ent fracture of unsu""orted ena$el in t%is area -onl done if in ena$el* not if !in!i+al floor in ce$entu$ -not re#uired in "ri$ar teet% b5c ena$el rods e,tend occlusall in !in!i+a t%ird b- resistance for$ features t%at "re+ent a$al!a$ fro$ fracturin! include: 1- Ade#uate t%ic4ness of a$al!a$ 21)(-.$$ in occlusal contact areas1 A)?($$ in a,ial areas.- Kar!inal a$al!a$ an!le of @A de!rees of $ore /- 9o,-li4e "re" for$ to "ro+ide unifor$ a$al!a$ t%ic4ness ;- Rounded a,io"ul"al line an!les in class II "re"s Con!enience )orm -features t%at $a4e "rocedure easier or area $ore accessible -includes e,tension of outline for$ so $ar!inal for$ can be establis%ed* caries better accessed* $atri, band "lace$ent* or a$al!a$ to be inserted* car+ed* and finis%ed Secondary esistance and etention )orm -if it is deter$ined t%at insufficient resistance5retention for$ e,ists* additional "rocedures can be "laced -$an features t%at en%ance retention for$ also en%ance resistance for$ -includes !roo+es* slots* loc4s* co+es* "ins* a$al!a$"ins -usuall * t%e lar!er t%e toot% "re"* t%e $ore need for secondar resistance5retention for$

Matri+ #and 1- Ob7ecti+es a- "ro+ide "ro"er contact b- "ro+ide "ro"er contour c- confine restorati+e $aterial d- reduce a$ount of e,cess $aterial .- Place$ent "rinci"les a- $ust be eas to "lace and re$o+e b- $ust e,tend belo0 !in!i+al $ar!in and abo+e $ar!inal rid!e %ei!%t b at least 1$$ c- $ust resist defor$ation durin! a$al!a$ condensation -$ost difficult toot% to ada"t $atri, band to is $esial surface of $a,) 1st PK due to de+elo"$ental de"ression -dia!onal slot on Toffle$ire al0a s "laced to0ard !in!i+a to facilitate eas se"aration of Toffle$ire fro$ $atri, band in occlusal direction 8ed%es 1- De"ress !in!i+a a"icall .- Cause $ini$al se"aration /- Kini$i&e oo&in! of fluids t%rou!% rubber da$ -inserted t%rou!% facial or lin!ual e$brasure* 0%ic%e+er is lar!er -0ed!in! action $ust "ro+ide enou!% se"aration to co$"ensate for t%ic4ness of $atri, band Condensin% the -mal%am -lateral condensation +er i$"ortant in "ro,i$al bo, to ensure confluence of a$al!a$ 0it% $ar!ins -s"%erical a$al!a$ is $ore easil condensed t%at ad$i,ed 2lat%e-cut- a$al!a$ -s$aller a$al!a$ condenser are to be used first to allo0 a$al!a$ to be "ro"erl condensed into internal line an!les and secondar retention features -s$aller t%e condenser "oint* t%e !reater "ressure e,erted on a$al!a$ -once a$al!a$ is "laced to sli!%t e,cess 05 condensers* a "re-car+e burnis% s%ould be done 05 acorn5e!!s%a"ed burnis%er to finali&e condensation and re$o+e e,cess a$al!a$ Car!in% the -mal%am -nonbonded a$al!a$s are easier to car+e t%an bonded a$al!a$s due to e,cess ad%esi+e resin 0%ic% accu$ulates at $ar!ins -care $ust be ta4en to "re+ent brea4in! out %u!e c%un4s of a$al!a$ 0%en car+in! bonded a$al!a$ 1- Occlusal areas: discoid-cleoid used to car+e occlusal areas a- Rounded discoid "art used first on un"re"ared ena$el surface and "ulled "arallel to $ar!in to re$o+e e,cess a$al!a$ fro$ $ar!in b- Cleoid "art used ne,t to car+e in !roo+e and "it anato$ c- Discoid "ortion used a!ain to s$oot% out anato$ic for$ d- for lar!e class II a$al!a$s* initial car+in! of $ar!inal rid!es and occlusal e$brasure areas can be done 05 e,"lorer ti" "ulled alon! inside of $atri, band e- e$brasure and $ar!inal rid!e for$ s%ould be as identical as "ossible to ad7acent toot% f- %a+in! definite and rounded occlusal anato$ %el"s "ro+ide s"ill0a s for esca"e of food fro$ occlusal table .- 6acial5lin!ual areas: 'ollenbec4 car+er useful in t%ese areas* or base of a$al!a$ 4nife 2/;5/( scaler-contour of cer+ical areas of facial5lin!ual s%ould be con+e, and follo0 toot% structure /- Pro,i$al e$brasure areas: a$al!a$ 4nife5scaler useful for contourin! "ro,i$al e$brasures -"ro,i$al contact can be c%ec4ed 05 floss 2carefull - or reflectin! li!%t t%rou!% contact )inishin% the -mal%am -occlusal contacts s%ould be c%ec4ed 05 articulatin! "a"er and ad7usted as needed -li!%tl $oistened cotton "ellet can be used to s$oot% and "olis% a$al!a$

Polishin% -mal%am estorations -s%ould 0ait at least .; %rs to "olis% a$al!a$ to $a4e sure it is co$"letel set -s%ould use 0et abrasi+e "o0der in "aste for$ to "re+ent o+er%eatin! "ast >A C51;A 6 2dan!er "oint-/ reasons to "olis% a$al!a$s: 1- reduce $ar!inal discre"ancies and $a4e $ore % !ienic .- reduce $ar!inal brea4do0n /- "re+ent tarnis%in! and i$"ro+e a""earance epairin% an -mal%am estoration -if "art of a$al!a$ fractures durin! insertion* t%e defecti+e "ortion can be re"re""ed as a s$all restoration 05 a ne0 $i, of a$al!a$ condensed directl into defect and 0ill ad%ere to a$al!a$ alread "resent Class 5 -mal%am )orm -outline for$ s%ould be defor$ed tra"e&oid 24idne -bean- and is deter$ined b location and si&e of caries -retention for$ "ro+ided b retenti+e !roo+es "laced at !in!i+oa,ial and incisoa,ial line an!les -$esial and distal 0alls s%ould ne+er e,tend "ast transitional line an!les -occlusal and !in!i+al 0alls s%ould be !entl cur+ed arcs as deter$ined b contour of free !in!i+al $ar!in -t0o arcs s%ould be as "arallel to eac% ot%er as "ossible -occlusal arc is usuall lon!er of t0o -$esial* distal* !in!i+al* and incisal 0alls s%ould all di+er!e out0ard Common Pro.lems of -mal%am estorations 1- Posto" sensiti+it : caused b lac4 of ade#uate condensation or "ro"er dentinal sealin! .- Kar!inal +oids: caused b inade#uate condensation or $aterial "ullin! a0a fro$ toot% durin! car+in! /- Kar!inal rid!e fracture: caused b not roundin! a,io"ul"al line an!le* lea+in! rid!e too %i!%* incorrect e$brasure for$* i$"ro"er $atri, re$o+al* and o+er&ealous car+in! ;- A$al!a$ scra" and $ercur collection dis"osal Contro!ersial Topics in -mal%am 1- A$al!a$ safet : a$al!a$ is a safe $aterial and DS Public 'ealt% Ser+ice %as re"orted its safet -"ro"er %andlin! of a$al!a$ and its dis"osal are i$"ortant .- S"%erical +s ad$i,ed a$al!a$: s"%erical a$al!a$ %as ad+anta!es in "ro+idin! %i!%er earlier stren!t% and "er$ittin! use of less "ressure -ad$i,ed a$al!a$ "er$its easier "ro,i$al contact de+elo"$ent b5c of %i!%er condensation forces /- 9onded a$al!a$ restorations: bonded a$al!a$s are no lon!er reco$$ended* but if used* s%ould be li$ited to lar!er restorations and still %a+e secondar retenti+e features ;- Pro,i$al retention loc4s: s%ould onl be used for lar!er a$al!a$ restorations b5c correct "lace$ent if difficult Part 11: Dental 9ondin! -d!anta%es of #ondin% to Tooth Structure 1- <ess $icrolea4a!e >- Kore conser+ati+e toot% "re"s .- <ess $ar!inal stainin! ?- I$"ro+ed retention /- <ess recurrent deca B- Reinforce$ent of re$ainin! toot% structure ;- <ess "ul" sensiti+it @- Kore conser+ati+e t,t of root surface lesions (- Reduced sensiti+it in cer+ical erosion5abrasion 0ses of -dhesi!e Techniques 1- C%an!e s%a"e and color of anterior teet% .- Restore class I-VI lesions /- I$"ro+e retention for $etal or P6K cro0ns ;- 9ondin! cera$ic restorations (- 9ondin! indirect co$"osites >- Sealin! "its and fissures @- 9ond conser+ati+e toot%-re"lace$ent restorations 1A- Re"air e,istin! restorations 11- Pro+ide foundation for cro0ns5onla s 1.- Desensiti&e e,"osed root surfaces 1/- I$"re!nate dentin to decrease ris4 of caries 1;- 9ond fra!$ents of anterior teet%

?- 9ondin! ort%o brac4ets 1(- 9ond "refabricated and cast "osts B- 9ondin! "erio s"lints 1>- Reinforce re$ainin! ena$el5dentin after "re"s Enamel !s Dentin #ondin% 1- Ena$el bondin!: /A-;AS "%os"%oric acid a- 1( second etc% is sufficient b- fast* reliable* "redictable* and stron! c- $icrolea4a!e +irtuall none,istent d- resists "ol $eri&ation s%rin4a!e forces of co$"osite .- Dentin bondin!: "enetration of ad%esi+e $ono$ers into colla!en fibers left b acid etc%in! a- slo0er* less reliable* and less "redictable b- $a %a+e $icrolea4a!e c- si$ilar or %i!%er bond stren!t%s t%an ena$el d- $a not resist "ol $eri&ation s%rin4a!e forces of co$"osite )actors -ffectin% -.ility to #ond to Dentin 1- Kicrostructural features of dentin a- Dentin co$"osition: $uc% less $ineral* $ore or!anic 2t "e I colla!en-* and $ore 0ater t%an ena$el 2ena$el is @AS $ineral % dro, a"atiteb- Dentin tubules: "eritubular* intratubular* and intertubular c%annels -tubules run fro$ "ul" to DE8 and contain odontoblastic e,tensions and fluid -tubules are $uc% lar!er and nu$erous near "ul" t%an DE8 -fluid $o+e$ent inside tubules is dictated b "ul"al "ressure c- Dentin sclerosis: a!in! dentin* dentin belo0 caries* or dentin e,"osed to oral fluids %a+e increased $ineral content and is $ore resistant to acid-etc%in! and t%erefore "enetration of dentin ad%esi+e is li$ited d- S$ear la er: debris left of surface after cuttin! -consists of % dro, a"atite and altered* denatured colla!es -fills orifices of dentin tubules* decreasin! dentin "er$eabilit -etc%in! re$o+es s$ear la er* resultin! in !reater fluid flo0 onto dentin surface 0%ic% can interfere 05 ad%esion e- <inear coefficient of t%er$al e,"ansion: dentin %as <CTE ;, less t%an co$"osite $aterial .- Toot% factors a- Attrition: nor$al toot% 0ear b- Abrasion: $ec%anical 0ear due to abnor$al forces 2toot%brus%in!c- Erosion: 0ear due to c%e$ical "resence d- Abfraction: bio$ec%anical loadin! causes loss of toot% structure in cer+ical re!ion -occlusal forces cause toot% to bend* $a4in! $icrofractures in t%in cer+ical ena$el /- Katerial factors: co$"osites s%rin4 as t%e "ol $eri&e* creatin! %i!% stresses ;- Pre"aration factors: "re"s 05 $ulti"le 0alls %a+e li$ited stress relief o""ortunit for co$"osite* so t%e %i!% C-factor 2confi!uration factor- $a result in internal bond disru"tion and $ar!inal !a"s -C-factor deter$ined b ratio of bonded:unbonded surfaces 0it%in a toot% "re" -%i!% C-factor $a indicate increased ris4 for "osto" sensiti+it Dentin #ondin% Systems 1- Total etc% 2ena$el and dentin etc%ed.- Self-etc%in! "ri$er s ste$s 2SEP-

Total Etch #ondin% System -etc%es ena$el and dentin 05 acid si$ultaneousl -t0o t "es: $ulti-bottle s ste$s and one-bottle s ste$s 1- Kulti-bottle s ste$s: etc%ant* "ri$er* and ad%esi+e se"arate 2!old standard-toot% structure is etc%ed 05 acid to o"en $icros"aces in ena$el5dentin 0%ic% cleans debris fro$ surface and increases surface area for bondin! 2etc%ed ena$el is c%al4 * dentin is nor$al-etc%ed dentin e,"oses a la er of colla!en* and "ri$er raises t%e colla!en so ad%esi+e can flo0 bt0 colla!en and interloc4s 05 it to for$ % brid la er -$ost bond stren!t% is fro$ for$ation of % brid la er 2$i, of dentin and resin-t%is seals dentin to decrease "ost-o" sensiti+it -dentin %as !ood bond stren!t% 2as !ood as or better t%an ena$el bondin!.- One-bottle s ste$s: "ri$er and ad%esi+e are co$bined* but etc%ant is se"arate -$ost re#uire 0et bondin! -bondin! $ec%anis$ is also t%rou!% % brid la er -bond stren!t%s not as %i!% as $ulti-bottle s ste$s but +er close -is +er tec%ni#ue sensiti+e and usuall not "erfor$ed an faster t%an $ulti-bottle s ste$s Steps in Multi'#ottle System 1- Etc% dentin and ena$el 05 /;S "%os"%oric acid -etc%es ena$el* re$o+es s$ear la er* o"ens dentin tubules* de$inerali&es dentin* and etc%es out $ineral 2% dro, a"atite- but lea+es colla!en fibrils .- Rinse etc%ant 2$ust lea+e 0et or re0et 05 A#uaPre" or G<DKA Desensiti&er/- Add "ri$er 2'EKA59PDK-'EKA: % dro, et% l $et%acr late1 9PDK: bi"%en l di$et%acr late -"ri$er is resin $ono$er 0ettin! a!ent 0%ic% is bifunctional a- 0ets dentin 2increases surface tensionb- bonds to o+erl in! resin -"ri$er also acts as a sol+ent to "enetrate t%rou!% re$nant s$ear la er into intertubular dentin to fill in s"aces left b dissol+ed % dro, a"atite cr stals ;- Add ad%esi+e5bondin! a!ent 29is-GKA-9is-GKA: bis"%enol A !l cid l $et%acr late -"enetrates "ri$ed intertubular dentin and dentin tubules to "ro+ide "ol $eri&ed surface la er t%an bonds "ri$er and co$"osite Steps in "ne'#ottle System 1- Etc% for 1A seconds .- Rinse 0ell and lea+e $oist /- A""l .-/ la ers of "ri$er5ad%esi+e co$bo* t%in 05 air s"ra * t%en li!%t cure ;- Place co$"osite Self'Etchin% Primer (SEP) #ondin% Systems -etc%ant and "ri$er co$bined or etc%ant* "ri$er* ad%esi+e all co$bined -ob7ecti+e is to re$o+e o"erator +ariables 2rinsin! and dr in!-do not co$"letel re$o+e s$ear la er 20% t%e %a+e less "ost-o" sensiti+it -need to be refri!erated 2%a+e reacti+e co$"onents-$ust use carbide burs for "re"s* not dia$onds b5c dia$onds lea+e $uc% t%ic4er s$ear la er -don:t etc% ena$el as 0ell as "%os"%oric acid -t0o t "es: 1- One-ste" 2all-in-one-: ris4 to use -doesn:t re$o+e s$ear la er -not as !ood bond to dentin .- T0o-ste" 2self-etc% "ri$er* t%en use bondin! ad%esi+e-re#uires $ulti"le coats 2T(-doesn:t re$o+e s$ear la er -no rinsin! needed

-doesn:t bond 0ell to uncut ena$el* so $ust rou!%en ena$el surface -lo0 "ost-o" sensiti+it -d!anta%es/Disad!anta%es of Self'Etchin% Systems 1- Ad+anta!es a- Eas to use b- Eli$inates +ariables 05 0et bondin! c- De"t% of etc% is self-li$itin! d- Sensiti+it is reduced .- Disad+anta!es a- 9ond stren!t%s to ena$el and dentin lo0er b- So$e don:t ade#uatel etc% uncut ena$el c- 9ond stren!t%s to autocurin! co$"osites are "oor d- Clinical "erfor$ance not "ro+en e- 9ond durabilit #uestionable Technique Su%%estions for #ondin% -%ents 1- Dse $icrobrus%es to a""l "ri$er5ad%esi+e .- Place bondin! a!ent in s$all 0ell to $ini$i&e e+a"oration* and re"lace ca" #uic4l /- 'a+e !ood isolation ;- Rou!%en sclerotic dentin to increase surface area and re$o+e so$e of t%e sclerotic dentin (- 9e+el or rou!%en to etc% ena$el >- Kust %a+e dentin $oist 2or re0et- for total-etc% s ste$s ?- A""l and dr "ri$er ade#uatel or $a %a+e !ross lea4a!e and "ost-o" sensiti+it 2dr 05 air s rin!e-too $uc% "ri$er is better t%an too little *on%e!ity of esin to Dentin #onds -t%ere is a loss of bond stren!t% o+er ti$e -"ossibl due to % drol sis of eit%er ad%esi+e resin or colla!en fibers -all-in-one 2one-ste"- t "es s%o0 t%e 0orst results -bond durabilit is $uc% !reater 0%en "eri"%eral $ar!in is all in ena$el Part 1.: Co$"osite Restorations Composition of Composites -t%ree "%ases: 1- Resin $atri,: bis-GKA or DEDKA 2so$eti$es TEGDKA is used.- 6iller "articles a- fine 2A)(-/ u$-: cr stalline silica* lit%iu$ alu$inu$ silicate* !lass b- $icrofine 2A)A; u$-: colloidal silica c- $icro% brid: bot% fine and $icrofine "articles -as filler "article content increases* "% sical* c%e$ical* and $ec%anical "ro"erties i$"ro+e /- Cou"lin! a!ent: silane -added $aterials: 1- Initiators: ben&o l "ero,ide* di4etone* ca$"%oro#uinone .- Accelerators: or!anic a$ines /- Pi!$ents: inor!anic "i!$ents "ro+ide +arious co$"osite s%ades

Types of Composites 1- Dnfilled resins -est%etic and s$oot% -discolor o+er ti$e -lo0 0ear resistance* lo0 co$"ressi+e and tensile stren!t% 2softest of all restorati+e $aterials-"ercolated 2e,"and and contract fro$ te$") c%an!e-s%o0 !reatest e,tent of $ar!inal lea4a!e fro$ te$") c%an!e -unfilled resins %a+e lo0est t%er$al conducti+it and diffusi+it .- Silicate ce$ents -fluoride releasin! -biode!raded o+er ti$e /- Con+entional co$"osites -%a+e !lass filler -i$"ro+ed "% sical "ro"erties -%a+e so$e rou!%ness ;- Kicrofill co$"osites -%a+e +er s$all !lass filler 2A)A;u$-reduced "% sical "ro"erties co$"ared to con+entional co$"osites -<CTE* 0ater absor"tion* surface te,ture* elastic $odulus* solubilit * stren!t% -+er s$oot% and e,cellent 0ear resistance -de+elo"s smoothest finish (- ' brid co$"osites 2co$"osite resin5resin-based co$"osite-co$bined s$all and +er s$all !lass filler -!ood "% sical "ro"erties* s$oot%* and !ood 0ear resistance 2o"ti$u$ $ec%anical "ro"erties>- 6lo0able co$"osites -lo0er filler content -%i!%er "ol $eri&ation s%rin4a!e -used for cer+ical lesions* s$all restorations* "edo lesions* and sealants ?- Pac4able co$"osites -increased +iscosit and %i!% filler +olu$e -no docu$ented benefits -used in class I and II restorations B- Nanofill co$"osites -e,tre$el s$all filler "articles 2can incor"orate %i!%er filler content-+er !ood future "otential @- Core buildu" co$"osites -can be self-cure or dual cure $mportant Properties of Composites 1- Coefficient of t%er$al e,"ansion -%i!% CTE causes "ercolation* recurrent caries* and stain -increased resin $atri, leads to increased t%er$al e,"ansion -co$"osites %a+e %i!%er t%er$al e,"ansion t%an a$al!a$ and toot% structure .- Hater absor"tion -%i!% 0ater absor"tion causes deterioration of $aterial /- Pol $eri&ation s%rin4a!e -all co$"osites s%rin4 05 "ol $eri&ation -less resin $atri, causes less s%rin4a!e 2$icro% bid less s%rin4a!e t%an $icrofills-curin! co$"osite in t%in la ers leads to less s%rin4a!e ;- Hear resistance (- Surface te,ture -s$aller filler si&e leads to s$oot%er surface >- Stren!t% -$icro% brids %a+e increased co$"ressi+e stren!t% and fle,ural stren!t% co$"ared to $icrofills

-increased fillers causes increased %ardness and 0ear -bond bt0 co$"osite and etc%ed toot% is "ri$aril $ec%anical Methods of Polymeri1ation/-cti!ation 1- Autocured5C%e$ical cured: $ust $i, to!et%er* 0%ic% can cause disturbance of "ol $eri&ation -uses or!anic "ero,ide initiator 2ben&o l "ero,ide- and tertiar a$ine acti+ator -%a+e less control of insertion ti$e -$a %a+e increased "orosit and discoloration due to c%e$ical $a4eu" of $aterials .- <i!%t-cured: re#uires li!%t source 2e,"ensi+e-1 $ost co$$on -co$"osite "ol $eri&ed b blue li!%t 2;?A n$-a di4etone absorbs li!%t and a$ine acti+ator initiates "ol $eri&ation b su""l in! free radicals -%a+e indefinite insertion ti$e* less "orosit * and less finis%in! re#uired -t "es of curin! li!%ts: tun!sten5%alo!en and <ED 2li!%t e$ittin! diode-$ore "ro$isin! -+isible li!%t curin! s ste$s no0 used 2DV-li!%t curin! s ste$s no lon!er used$mportant Points in *i%ht Curin% Composites 1- 'old li!%t as close to resin as "ossible 20it%in .$$.- Cure co$"osite in 1)(-.$$ incre$ents /- Hit% dar4er resin s%ades* cure lon!er 0ses of Composites 1- Class I-V restorations .- Sealants /- ' "ocalcified areas ;- Partial and full +eneers (- Anato$ic additions >- Resin-bonded brid!es ?- <utin! a!ent5ce$ent B- Diaste$a closure @- 6oundation5core 1A- Te$"orar $aterial 11- 9onded a$al!a$s

-d!anta%es and Disad!anta%es of Composite 1- Ad+anta!es a- Est%etic e- <ess $ec%anical retention for$ needed b- Insulation f- Stren!t%enin! of re$ainin! toot% structure c- 9onds to toot% structure !- Kini$al to no $icrolea4a!e resultin! in decreased stainin!* d- Conser+es toot% structure recurrent deca * or "ost-o" sensiti+it .- Disad+anta!es a- Hear b- Tec%ni#ue sensiti+e c- Pol $eri&ation s%rin4a!e d- C-factor $a cause sensiti+it estorati!e Technique for Composite 1- Re$o+e faults5deca .- Re$o+e areas of $ost 0ea4ened toot% structure -no need for $ec%anical retention unless t%ere is no ena$el 2root surface- or +er lar!e restoration /- Protect "ul" if necessar ;- Pre"are ena$el 2be+el-A)($$ 0ide at ;( de!ree an!le 05 coarse dia$ond 2increases surface area for increased retention(- Etc%* "ri$e* and bond >- Insert and cure co$"osite ?- Contour and "olis% co$"osite Preliminary Considerations 1- Ka4e sure t%ere isn:t %ea+ occlusion on area bein! restored 05 co$"osite .- Clean toot% 05 "u$ice if no "re" is bein! done /- Select s%ade 9E6ORE teet% are dried ;- Ka4e sure ou ac%ie+e !ood isolation

Different Types of Composite Preparations 1- Con+entional "re" a- Re$o+e deca b- 9e+el ena$el c- In non-ena$el areas* use @A de!ree $ar!ins and $ec%anical retention .- 9e+eled con+entional "re" 2re"lace$ent "re"arationsa- Kaintain "re"aration for$ of restoration b- 9e+el ena$el 2$a need to "lace retention on root15; round bur used to $a4e co+e/- Kodified "re"aration a- 6ault5caries dictates outline for$ 2onl re$o+e cariesb- 9e+el ena$el 2e,/Contro!ersial -pproaches 1- 9o, onl "re"s for class II .- Tunnel "re" 2not reco$$ended-$a4e tunnel fro$ occlusal surface do0n and e,tends o+er to "ro,i$al lesion in class II /- Sand0ic% tec%ni#ue Class 5 Composite Prep -rese$bles class V a$al!a$ "re" e,ce"t internal line an!les are $uc% $ore rounded -also %as ca+osurface be+el of A).-A)($$ 0ide to "re+ent $icrolea4a!e 3lass $onomers -fluoro-alu$inosilicate !lass "o0der and li#uid solution of "ol $ers of acr lic acid -%i!% fluoride releasin! -used in class V restorations and lo0 stress-bearin! areas in %i!% ris4 "ts due to lo0 stren!t% and lo0 0ear resistance -lo0 solubilit and %i!% o"acit -co$e in bot% li!%t-cured and self-cured for$s -li!%t-cured "referred b5c of e,tended 0or4in! ti$e and i$"ro+ed "% sical "ro"erties -do not "olis% as 0ell as co$"osites Compomers -co$"osites $odified 05 "ol acid !rou"s -used in lo0 stress areas 2class V- b5c less 0ear resistant t%an nor$al co$"osite -release fluoride Sealants -need micro-mechanical retention* so surface s%ould be cleaned 05 "u$ice and 0ater* isolated* acid-etc%ed and t%en sealant "laced -sealants are 0ea4er t%an co$"osites -stren!t% sacrificed to $a4e it flo0 into "its5fissures -sealants best retained on $a,) and $and) PK* but $a,) and $and 1st $olars benefit $ost fro$ sealants -lo0-+iscosit sealants 0et acid-etc%ed toot% surface best -caries "rotection is 1AAS in "its and fissures t%at re$ain co$"letel sealed -$ost co$$on reason for failure is sali+ar conta$ination -sealants s%ould be "laced ri!%t after toot% full eru"ts Components of Sealants 1- Kono$er: 9is-GKA -$a be diluted 0it% TEGDKA to reduce +iscosit .- Initiator: ben&o l "ero,ide 2self-cure- or di4etone 2li!%t-cure/- Accelerator: a$ine ;- O"a#ue filler: titaniu$ o,ide

"ther Composite Stuff -li!%t 0ill onl cure .-/$$ de"t% incre$ents of co$"osite -cure eac% incre$ent for ;A seconds fro$ eac% an!le Part 1/: Gold Inla 5Onla Restorations -d!anta%es 1- Good trac4 record .- Good fit /- E,cellent $et%od to restore occlusal relations%i" ;- Structurall sound $aterial 2!old 0ill not corrodeDisad!anta%es 1- Not est%etic .- Co$"licated toot% "re"s /- Co$"licated $ar!inal finis%in! ;- Need ade#uate lab su""ort (- 'i!% cost $ndications 1- <ar!e occlusal surface needs .- Toot% contour needs /- 6ractures ;- S"lintin! (- 9racin! for endo treated teet% >- 9rid!e retainers ?- Partial retainers Concepts of Tooth Preparations 1- Kust %a+e dra0 05 di+er!ence to e,ternal surface of .-( de!rees -t%e lon!er t%e 0all* t%e !reater a$t of dra0 needed -increased dra0 causes decreased retention -increased 0all %ei!%t !i+es $ore retention -$ore "arallelR$ore retention .- 9e+eled finis% lines -!i+es !ood $ar!inal fit5ada"tation of !old to toot% t%at can be burnis%ed -can bend a /A-(A de!ree !old $ar!in -M/A de!rees $a be too t%in and brea4 -F(A de!rees $a be too t%ic4 and not bend /- Pul" "rotection often needed -if use liners or bases* $ust be ca"tured in i$"ression ;- Kust %a+e !ood i$"ression to fabricate restoration -spects of 3old $nlay/"nlay Tooth Preparation 1- Occlusal be+el: A)($$ 0idt% at ;A de!ree !old $ar!in .- Groo+e e,tension be+el: also A)($$ 0ide 05 ;A de!ree !old $ar!in /- Cus" counterbe+el: A)(-1$$ 0ide 05 /A de!ree !old $ar!in 2for nonest%etic ca""ed cus"s;- Stubbed $ar!in: A).(-A)($$ 0ide and "er"endicular to lon! a,is of cro0n 2for est%etic ca""ed cus"s(- Secondar flare: e,tends facial and lin!ual "ro,i$al $ar!in into facial5lin!ual e$brasure 2;A de!ree $ar!in>- Collar: be+eled s%oulder desi!n around a ca""ed cus" -"ro+ides bracin! ?- S4irt: e,tends castin! around line an!le to increase retention and resistance for$ -$ar!in is A)($$ c%a$fer B- Gin!i+al be+el: A)(-1$$ 0ide

-$ust blend all be+els into eac% ot%er Part 1;: 6luoride )luoride and Sealants -if to"ical fluoride and sealants bot% to be used* sealant s%ould be "laced before fluoride a""lication Determinin% M% of )luoride -sodiu$ fluoride or sodiu$ $onofluoro"%os"%ate contains about 1$! 6- "er !ra$ toot%"aste -so in B). o& tube* $ust con+ert o& to !ra$s -1 o&R.B)/( ! -B). , .B)/(R./. !ra$s -./. !ra$s toot%"asteR./.$! 6)luoride To+icity -a+era!e adult let%al dose is;-( !ra$s -deat% li4el in c%ild 0%o in!ests $ore t%an 1($! 6-54! 0ei!%t -$ini$u$ let%al dose 2Pro.a.le To+ic Dose- is ( $!6-54! -$ost fluoride absorbed in s$all intestine and e,creted t%rou!% 4idne s pH of )luorides Toothpastes 1- 1)./S Acidulated "%os"%ate fluoride: /-/)( 2acidic-$ost co$$on in-office fluoride t,t -contraindicated in "orcelain* co$"osites* and i$"lants .- .S Sodiu$ fluoride: @). 2basic-$ost co$$on OTC fluoride 2A)A(S Na6/- BS Stannous fluoride: .)1-.)/ 2acidic-bitter $etallic taste* can burn $ucosa* and can stain teet% Part 1(: Kiscellaneous Zones in )our'Handed Dentistry -in relation to "t:s %ead bein! at 1. o:cloc4 "osition 1- O"erator &one: fro$ B-11 o:cloc4 .- Assistant &one: fro$ .-( o:cloc4 /- Transfer &one: fro$ (-B o:cloc4 ;- Static &one: fro$ 11-. o:cloc4 Em.rasure Spaces 1- 9uccal5facial .- <in!ual -lar!er t%an facial /- Occlusal5incisal ;- Cer+ical5!in!i+al )unctions of Em.rasures 1- Ka4e s"ill0a for food .- Ka4e teet% self-cleansin! /- Protect !in!i+al tissue fro$ trau$a )unctions of Pro+imal Contact -rea 1- Su""ort nei!%borin! teet% 2stabili&es dental arc%.- Pre+ent food "articles fro$ enterin! inter"ro,i$al area /- Protect "eriodontiu$ ;- 6or$ e$brasures

Parts of )lame 1- Ki,in! &one: cool and colorless &one -air and !as are $i,ed .- Co$bustion &one: !reenis%-blue &one 0%ere "artial co$bustion occurs /- Reducin! &one: di$ blue ti" -is hottest area in flame and onl "art t%at s%ould be used to %eat allo s ;- O,idi&in! &one: 0%ere final co$bustion bt0 !as and air ta4es "lace

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