Acid Alkaline Food Chart - Identify PH of Foods and Drinks
Acid Alkaline Food Chart - Identify PH of Foods and Drinks
Acid Alkaline Food Chart - Identify PH of Foods and Drinks
Food consumption in the most advanced countries of the world has changed from nutritious raw foods to highly E-Mail*:
processed foods very low in nutritional value. New chemicals have been introduced to our foods, air, and water, which
have put even greater stresses on our system's ability to control the chemistry of our body fluids, and therefore Send
functionality of our inner biological terrain is at risk. As a result, we see huge increases in the incidence of life-
pH Scale
threatening or chronic diseases. That’s why it is of utmost importance to our healthiness to finding the ideal balance of
alkaline and acid forming foods.
Alkaline Foods
Have a look at the table below to identify various foods' pH-level. Each one is assigned a number which mirrors
Acidic Foods
its approximate relative potential of alkalinity (+) or acidity (-) existent in one ounce (28.35g) of food. The
Acid Alkaline Food Chart higher the number, the better it is for you to eat.
Symptoms of Acidosis
Healthy Alkaline Foods you should only Unhealthy Acidic Foods
The 'New Biology' Foods consume moderately - Try to avoid them!
- Eat lots of them!
Alkaline Supplements
Fruits Meat, Poultry, And Fish
Vegetables (In Season, For Cleansing Only Beef -34.5
Alkaline Water Alfalfa Grass +29.3 Or With Moderation) Chicken (to -22) -18.0
Asparagus +1.3 Apricot -9.5 Eggs (to -22)
Alkaline Recipes Barley Grass +28.1 Bananna, Ripe -10.1 Liver -3.0
Brussels Sprouts +0.5 Bananna, Unripe +4.8 Ocean Fish -20.0
Alkaline Diet Forum Cabbage Lettuce, Fresh Black Currant -6.1 Organ Meats -3.0
+14.1 Blueberry -5.3 Oysters -5.0
Cauliflower +3.1 Cantaloupe -2.5 Pork -38.0
Cayenne Pepper +18.8 Cherry, Sour +3.5 Veal -35.0 (1 of 5)22/9/2009 10:49:00 PM
Acid Alkaline Food Chart | Identify pH of Foods and Drinks
Kohlrabi +5.1
Potatoes +2.0 Condiments
Red Radish +16.7 Ketchup -12.4
Rutabaga +3.1 Mayonaise -12.5
Summer Black Radish +39.4 Mustard -19.2
Turnip +8.0 Soy Sauce -36.2
PRIME pH Avocado (Protein) +15.6
Beer -26.8
Fresh Lemon +9.9
Coffee -25.1
Limes +8.2
Fruit Juice Sweetened With
Tomato +13.6
Fruit Juice, Packaged, Natural -8.7
Liquor -38.7
Non-Stored Organic
Tea (Black) -27.1
Grains And Legumes
White Sugar -33.6
Buckwheat Groats +0.5
Wine -16.4
Granulated Soy (Cooked
Ground Soy Beans) +12.8
Lentils +0.6 Miscellaneous
Now $ 66.70
Lima Beans +12.0 Canned Foods
(good for 5-6 weeks)
Soy Flour +2.5 Microwaved Foods
Soy Lecithin (Pure) +38.0 Processed Foods
Soy Nuts (soaked Soy
Beans, Then Air Dried)
Soybeans, Fresh +12.0
Spelt +0.5
Tofu +3.2
White Beans (Navy Beans)
Almonds +3.6
Brazil Nuts +0.5
Caraway Seeds +2.3
Cumin Seeds +1.1
Fennel Seeds +1.3
Flax Seeds +1.3
Pumpkin Seeds +5.6
Sesame Seeds +0.5
Sunflower Seeds +5.4
The more alkaline-forming foods you add to your nutrition, the stronger will be the results. Should you not be able to
completely avoid acidic foods, you should at least try to consume as less as possible of them, and instead put more green
food and veggies on your plate. Remember that every little step to a more alkaline diet is an improvement to a healthier
way of life.
Moreover, you can add green plants nutritional supplements to your diet, which can support you in attaining pH
balance in a natural way. Such supplements were developed by Dr. Young, a microbiologist and nutritionist. Over many
years he has researched the interrelations between acid wastes inside the body and the development of unhealthy
conditions and disease.
His assignment is not only to promote a stronger awareness among people for a proper acid alkaline balance within the
body, he has also developed the InnerLight products to support the body to naturally decrease its acid levels by
alkalizing the cell system. Two of his cornerstone products are called SuperGreens and Prime pH.
Get Information about The New Biology and pH Miracle by Dr. Young
Alkalosis refers to a condition reducing hydrogen ion concentration of arterial blood plasma (alkalemia). Generally
alkalosis is said to occur when arterial pH exceeds 7.45. The opposite condition is acidosis. (Source: Wikipedia)
Acidosis is an increased acidity (i.e. an increased hydrogen ion concentration). If not further qualified, it refers to acidity
of the blood plasma. Generally, acidosis is said to occur when arterial pH falls below 7.35, while its counterpart
(alkalosis) occurs at a pH over 7.45. Arterial blood gas analysis and other tests are required to separate the main causes.
(Source: Wikipedia)
This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your
physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Information provided is
for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional.
You should not use the information or products contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing
any medication. Information and statements regarding our alternative health products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.