Issac Newton - The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms
Issac Newton - The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms
Issac Newton - The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms
'To which is prefix'd,
A S H o R T eH Ro NIeLE from the .Pirfl
Memory of Thi11gs i1t Enrope, to the
. '
Conqttefl o[Perfia by Alexnder the Grt?at.
. With Three P L ATEs of the TEMPLE of
By .Sir ISAAC N E ff/TO N . .
Printcd by S. Po W L .t;
For G E o .R G E R 1 s K, at Shak.ifpear's-head,
GEoRG E E w r NG; at the Angel and Bible,
And 'V 1 L L 1 A M S M 1 T H, nt the flercules,
Boo.k.fellcrs in Dame's-Jlreet, 1728.
. , ...
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' .
: 1 't
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. . '
. . ' .
Your MAJF.STY; I.think
a ver greai: happinefs, that it q1ould
be n1y ot to uher into the un-
dcr Y our Sacrcd N arne, :he bfi: work
of as grcat Gci1ius as any Age cvcr
in its felf, asto be in no dangcr of hlf-
fering frotn the n1cannefs of the hanc.l
that prefcnts it. .
A i Thc
tr: . . . . . '
'the impartial and univerfal encou .....
always given to Arts andSciences, en-
titles Y ou to the bdl: returns the lear-
ned world is able to makc : And thc
n18-ny Honours Y our
11A 1 r sTYvouchfcd thc Author of
thc following fhccts, givc Y ou ajul::
ri<rht to his Produtions. Thefc, a-
u 1 .
bovc thc rciL, lay t 1c n1ol: parttcnlar
dailn to Y our Royal Protction; For
its prcfent Forn1 without Your M A J 1'.-
T 1's Inf1ucncc; and. the Short Chror-
t!c, which precedes it, is entirely ow-
i n to thc Comn1ands with which Y o u
o . .
wcrc plcaicd to honour hin1, out of
vour fin gular Ca re for thc cducation
of thc RoyalH1uc, anll carneft: defire
to fonn thcir minds bctimcs, and lcad
thcn1 carly into thc knowlcdgL of
'Thc Author has hnfdf acquai nt-
.cd the Publick, that thc following
Trcatifc was thc frnit of hi;; vacant
1ours, and thc rdicfbc fotnct:n1cs had
i recaude
recourfe to, whcn ti red with his othel'
ftudies. What an Idea does it raife of
His abilities, to find that a \Vork of
fuch labour and lc;.1rning, as would
ha ve beeq afi.ficientcmploymcnt and
glory for thc \Vholc lifc of anothcr,
was to him divcrGon only, and an1ufc-
1ncnd Thc S1.1bict is in its IT.1tnrL in-
capablc of that dcmonfirarion upon
which his other writings are foundcJ,
but bis ufual accuracy and judiciouf:
ncfs are he re no lds obfervablc; and lt
thc 1ne tin1c that he .litpports his fug-
o-d1ions, with all thc authorirics and
ene e can furnii11, he offers thcn1 with
thc grcatc.l: caution ; and by a
f1:y, that was natural to H in1 and al-
ways acco1npanics fuch fi.1pcrior ta-
lcnts, fcts a bccoming cxatnplc ro o-
thcrs, not to be too prdi.unpruous in
[o rcmot\..' and dark. Tho,
thc Subjcct be only ycr, a-;
rhc nlind of thc Author aboundcd
with thc tnofl cxtcn11vc L1ricty of
l(nowlcdgL') be TlJUCntly intcri)c:-
3 il':i
fes Obfervations of a different kind;
principies of
Virtue and 'hmanity, which feems to
haYc bccn uppermol: in his
heart, 8.nd, as thcy were the Conl:ant
Rnlc of his ations, appear Retnark-
ably in all hiswritings.
Herc Your 11A JF.STYwill fee A-
ronom)'? and a juH: Obfervarion
the of Nature, aJilil:ing other
parts of Lcarning to illnihate Anti-
and a Pcnctration and Saga-:-:
c;ity peculiar to the great Author, dif-
pelling that Mift, with whirh Fable
an d. Error had darkened i t; and will
dawni'ng:) ofYour faycurite Arts and
Scicnccs, thc nobldt and n1oil: bendi-
cial ofwhich 1-Ic alonc carricd farther
in a fcwyeJrs, than all thc n1ol: Lear-
ned who beforc had becn
. // J) A Jl1, Y o u will obferve, that ari
Abhorrcnce of Idolatry arid Pcrfccu-
rpf that R.cljgion, which makcs fo
- . bright
Vll .
charater wasoneoftheearlie Laws
of the Divine Legiflator, the orality
o the r Ages, and the primitive l?.e-
hoth. ews and Chri ians; and
as the Anthor adds, oug!:Jt to be the an-
ding Religion o allNations; it !Jeinf!, or
the honour o God, and good o. .an-
kind. Norwil.l Your MAJESTY be
difpleafcd to fi.rul his fentiments fo a-
greeable to Y our own, whilithe con-
demos all oppre ton ; and every kind
of cruelty, even to brute be a s ; and,
with {o much wMmth inculcates
: ercy, Charity, and the indifpenfable
duty of doinggood, and promoting the
general o. mankind:
g.reat ends, for which Governmcnt
was firl: i tuted, and to which alDne
it is adminil:red in this happy Nation,
undcr a K 1 NG, who diibnguifhcd
himfelfearlyinoppoition to thc Ty-
ranny which threatned Europe, and
chufes toreignin the hearts pfhisfub-
jel:s; Who, by his innatc
. ~ '
. Vlll
Pe .. ople, el:ablihes and confirms all
tbeir Liberties ; and, by his V alour
and Magnanimity guards and defends
That Sincerity and Open nefs of
mind, whch is the darling quality of
this N ation, is beco1ne n1ore confpi-
cuous, by being placcd upon thc
Throne; And we fee, with Pridc, our
SOl _JRETGN the rnoft e1nnent for
~ Virtue, by which our muntry is fo
dcfirous to be difhngui{hcd. A Prince,
whofc vie\VS and heart are above all rh e
1nean arts ofDifguiie, is far cut ofthc
rcach of any ten1ptation to introduce
His AJA.' ESTl, is) by his inccfh1nt
;lt h01nc, and Peacc abroad; Y ou,
t1f./J])//Jl1, l e a ~ us on by Y our grcat
l :.xam plc to thc n1oi1 noble ufc of rhat
')uict and Eafe, which wc cnjoy
. '
under His Adminifhation, wl1ilil: al!
Your I-Toursofle{rcarccmploycd in
ntivating in Your Sdf That Lcarn-
~ n g \\hich You 1() wannly patro,nizc
' .
. lU
. . .-
in Othcrs. Y our MAJEs T Y does not
rhnk rhe infhut1ive Purfuit, an cnter-
tainment bclow Y our exalted Station,
:1nd are your Sclf a proof, that the ab-
fhufer parts of it are not beyond thc
reach of your Scx. Nor does the Stu-
dy end in barren fi1eculation ; It difco-
vcrs it felf in a ftcady attachmcnt to
truc Religion; in Libctality, Bcncfi-
cence, and all thofe amiablc Virtucs
which increafe and heighten thc Fcli-
cities of a Throne, at the fame time
that thcy blefs All round it. Thus,
ftf/JDAM, to cnjoy, togctherwith
the highcft ftate of publick Splcndor
and Dignity, all the rctircd Plcafurcs
and don1dbck Bll"flln gs ofprivate lifc;
i) thc perfetion of human \Vifliom,
as well as 1-!appinefs.
1"'hc good Effc<..'ts of this Lo\'C of
kno\vlcdgc, will not :ftop with thc pr<.-
J(:nt Agc; lt witl difFu its InHucncc
withadvantagc tobtc Pofl:crity: And
minds for thc Gcncrations to come
L111tkr a Royal Progcny, o ddccndcd,
' ,-
'' '
The glorious Profpet gives us a-
bundant reafon to ho e, that Liber-
ty and Learning will e perpetuated
Reign by the Royal Patrons of Both,
will be tranfmitted with the Scepter to
their Poterity, till this and the other
fhall beforgot, and Time it felfbeno
more: Whichisthemol: fincere and
ardent wih of,
May it pleafe your MAJEs T Y,
Your MAJEs r v's
mofl: obedient
and mol: dutiful
fi1bjet and fervant,
Short Chronicle ro m the
'r emory o Things
in Euro pe, to the Con- pag. 1
que o Per.Ga by Alexander
the Great.
The Chronology of Ancient
Kingdoms an1ended.
Chap. I. O the Chronology o
the Fir ~ es o the Greeks.
. (
C h a p ~ Il. O the Empreo Egypt.
Chap. IV. O the two Con-
temporary .{!.mpires o the
Babylonians andMedes.
Chap. V. A Defiription r
theTmple ~ Solornon.
'"'hap. VI. O. the Empire o
the Perfians.
' . ..
vert1 ement.
H O' The Chro1zology of A1ttie1tt
Kingdom.r amended, was writ by the
Aurhor many years fince; yet he re-
vis' d it, and was atuall y preparing it for rhe
Prcfs at the time of his death. But The
Short Chro1cJe was ncvcr intended to be
made pub le, and therefore was not fo hte-
Jy corrctcd by him. To this thc Readcr
mufr impute ir, if he hall find any placcs
whcre The S!Jort Chronicte does not
curatcly agree with the Dates aftgned in
rhc Iarger Piece. The fixth Chapter was
not copied out \Vith the other Five, which
makes it doubtful \Vhethcr he intended ro
print it: but being found among his Papers,
and evidently appearing to be a Continuari-
on ofthe famc W ork, and (as fiiCh) abridld
in Tbe Short Chro1zicle; it was
proper ro be addcd .
. r{)J:--.,
. : '"""'12'''"" ..... .,.. ;(. .....
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-., , .. .,_
' , ...... J
,, ... ' ' "U ... ,, .. it .
" .,_ .. n rt ., ('
' '1oJ
' llMAY .
J ohn Anderon, S. T. C. D.
Revd. Mr. Sreph. Abel-L.1val.
Lieut. J ohn Arabin .
Mr. William Ambrofc.
Samuel Bindon. Efq;
Tite Hon. Capr. Robert Butler,
Baf1ill Brooke, F.C.T.C. A. B.
Mr. 1 olm Bureau
Revd. Mr. Dan. Burches, lvl. A.
f,;ncis Burke, Efq;
BCJylc Baggs, Efq;
Robert Brcrcwn, ofT. C.
Mr. Th:1. BPrne.
Mr. J ohn Dunbar Bate.
Revd. George Babe, L. L. B.
Rcvd. Tho. Bullen, A . .M,
Thomas Buro-h ElLl
b J ,
Mr. Brocas.
His Gt.lce the Ld. Abp. ofCafhcll.
Tlu: rigitt Revd. Ld. Bifhop of
Thc right H.evd. Lord Bin10p of
Cloync. 2
llevd. Mr. W illiam Camcmn,
Q.u lrt, M;lilcr E,lw. Conycrs,
.1 ohn Eq;
Thom.1s Chambcrs, Efq;
Rcvd. Pcter Cookc, A. M.
Mt. \Villiam Cuminc.
bir. Tho. Cottun of W atcrurJ. G
J ohn Cl'OW, A. B. : C. D.
Stcphcn CoHeloc, Gen t.
Tito. Connot, Genr.
Rcvd. M1. \Villi.un Convngham.
lli;ht H<_m. thc Lady Dl;wa;;cr,
Vlfcountcfs Charlcmont,
Capr. Petcr Caudicr.
J olm C1amcr, Eq;
M1. Edw. Crokcr,
Mr. Chollincr,
Mr. \V il!iJ m Chapm:w, Jun:
Revd. Archde;con C;fhin.
Thc right Revd. Ld. Bp. of Derry
Revd. T. de Dur:tnd.
]ohn Dumeny, A. B. T. C.
l ohn Dundafs. A. M.
Nichobs Dufay, T. C.
RcvJ. J ohn Daniel, Re\:or of
Kili ybegs.
Mr. Combra D.micl, Bookfellerin
Revd. William Doy le, A. B.
MI'. Da \"id Das, Merchant.
Mr. Peter Dalton, Jun.
Majar Bernard Denn.etr.
Revd. Tho. Dawfon, L. L. B.
Revd. D1. Tohn Echlin.
Revd .. \ir. Ellis, A. M.
Eyre Evans, Eq;
Mr. J ohn Efdall.
. f.
J ohn Forbes Efq; Counf. Jt Law.'
Revd. John Forbes, A. M.
J ohn Fergus, M. D.
Mt. T ohn Fuwles.
Mr .. Tohn Fcnnel, Jun. ofYoughal.
Mr. W illiam Finall, S. T. C. D.
Ilc v<i. Mr.- W illiam F olds.
ltev<i. Arthur Fo1de, A. M.
llcvd. Mr. N:tthanicl Fr.mce,
Mt. Rich:11d Ftcema.n, C.
Mr. W illiam Fitzherbert.
William Grah;ms, Efq
Luke Uan1iner, Eq;
Nirhola' Hcwctfon, F. C. T. C.
of T. C. D.
\V cnr. 1-I:trrn.ln,Et(;
J ohn Hu!un, Efq; Counf. .1: LlWi
ltevd. William Henry, A. M.
Mr. Edward Herben.
Mr. John Hall.
The Revd. Dan. Hearn. M. A.
Mr. Carnes Henderlon.
Revd. Henry Jenncy, D. D.
Revd. Mr. Wt illiam] ones.
M1. JohnJohnfron, A. M.
':fhe Revcl. Ld. Bifho> of Kild:ue.
Revd. Nicholas Knioht, D. D.
l. ::>
William Lingen, E(q
J ohn Lamy, A. ll. T. C. D.
Cornc:t Monrague Lambc:1t.
Mr. Thomas Lloyd, 1: C. D.
Revd. Mr. John Leland,
Edward Matthews, E{q;
Edward Molloy, A. B. T. C. D.
J<>hn Malone, F. C. 1'. C. D.
JohnMaxwell, Eq;
Charles Monck, Efq;
Ald. John Morley of Cork.
Revd. Dol:. Maxwell ot" Fellows
Revd. Rich. May, A. B.
Thomas Meredyth,Efq;
Revd.MI'. John Molfop.
Haytor Nugent, Gent.
ltevd. JohnOwens, A. M,
The Revd. Mr. Thomas Palmer
Mr. P:uk{on, S. T. C D.
Revd. W illiam Poultcn y, .A. M.
Revd. John Paliflicr, A. M. and
F. T. C. D.
Mr. Richard Parlcf!r.
Si Hctuy Piers, ilart
Revd. Geo. Palmcr, A. M:
Revd. Mr. Pallard.
The right d . Ld. Bp. ?fRapho,
Revd, Mr. W ilham Robm{on.
Thomas Ruby, A. B. T. c. D.
Mr. Rea of Newtown-Rea near
Revd.;Thomas Rice,'). U. B
.Bqan Robinfon. M. V.
James Red, Gent.
Ca pt. Robert Rigmaiden.
Revd. Synge, D. D.
Revd. Mr.Charles Stepncy;
Capt. Edward Southwe!l.
Mt. W il!iam Sumn'er, N o t. Pub.
Revd. W illiam Smith, .A. M.
James Symes, Efq;
The Revd. Dr. Saurin, Dean of
Revd. Thom. Skelton, A. M,
Revd. Mr. Merrick
His Grace the Ld. Abp. of Tuam.
Mr. Charles Terrot.
Mr. Richard Terry, Attqrney.
The Revd.Mr. Theod.Des Vories1
Mr. Mcade Vanlewen.
Francis W ilon, B. D.
Mr. Thoms W y e.
Mr. W :tlton.
John Walls, S T, C, D.
Mr. M!ch. Wills.
Mr. John Wood of Dwgheda.
Mr. Edward Watfon of Drogbcda,
Revd. John Walmfley, D . .D.
)ameli Wilkinfon, Efe;
R.evd. Mr. Ward, Dean of Cloyne.;
MI'. Wilkinfon, r. c. D,
lf of
. -
E V R O P E,
on u e o Perta Ale k ...
e reat .
e N T R O D U C T 1 O N.
HE Greek Antiquitie'5 :rrc- thll of
Poetical Fitions, be.ufe the
Greeks wrot.e no'th\ng ,in Profe.,
befare th'e Conquefl of .Afia, by
. Cyrtts thc PerJia11. Then ,P
. re'CJ'des Scyrit and Cadmrts Mitefirts
. troclllc'ed ehe w'riting in P1:ofe: Ph'ere,cjdes'
B Ath'e1Jit11Jjls
J' . 1
' . '
' 1' '
. '.
" 1
. .,
' . . -
1011 ..
AthenieJJfls, -1.bout the end of the Rcign e"
'lJarius 1-!y.fta.fPis, wrote of Antiquitics,
and digdl:ed his W ork by Gcnealogies, ;a.nd
\\'as rcckoncd one of thc bcl: Genealogcrs.
EpiN7etli:des, rhe Hifiorian, proceeded a!1o
hy Gcncalogics; and HetlaJtictts, who
\\ t\\cl \e ycars oldcr than Htrodottts,
dit!,d1cd hisH if1nry, rhc Ages or Succcf-.
fions of thc Pricllci1cs of _.,ti !ID
Orhcrs digcflcd thcirs, by thc Kings of thc
Laccd,1!m.1.0alls; or Archons of .AthniS.
liippiru, rhe Ekt11t, ::-tbout thirty y cars bc-
forc thc Ldl ofrhc 'Pcr.flan Empirc, publi!h- or Lift of rhc Olympic Vic-
rors; and ten ,-cars bcforc thc t:1H
thcrcot: Fpb:;nu, thc Dikiplcof lfocratc,
f(Hmcd a Clono!ogical Hifrory.of Grcec{',
\\ir h thc rcturn of thc Hcracii-
, .
des in ro PclopoJJJJ{'jits, and cndingwirh rhc
of'Peri11tlms, in rhc nvcnticth ycar
of 'Phiiip, rhc Fathcr of Ai.exa11der; rhc
Bur he di,:2;cf1:cd Things by Gc-
and thc Rcck.oning by Oly mpi-
ad-> not yct in uiC, nor doth it appcar
rlur rhc R cis! ts o f K ings w ere yer icr down
h Nttmb.:Ts of Y c,us. Thc Artmde/itm
l\Tarblcs wcrc compoJCli fixry aitcr
thc Dc1rh of.Alcxrwdtrthc Grcat (A11. 4
O!JmjJ. 128.) and yct mcntion not thc O-
Jympi.1<h: But in thc ncxt Olympiad,
41 m.-tlls Sic11Jus publilhcd anH ifl:ory, in cvc-
Lll Books do\\n ro hi-; O\\'n Times, accord-
ins to thc O 1 y mpi.tds, comparing thc Eph-
- .
the Kings of Sparta .. the Archons of
.fthens, and thc \\. irh
Olympic V itors,. io as ro make thc
!Jlympiads, and thc Genealogics and Suc-
tcffions ofKingc:;,.Archons, and Pridl:dfcs,
pocricd Hilorics fuit \':irh onc :.1no.,
thcr, according to rhc bcfl ofhis J
And wherc he Icft off, 'Pol_ybitts aml
carricd on thc Hil:ory.
So thcn a-littlc after thc Dcarh of
i:mdcr thc grcat, they bcgan ro iCt downthe
Gener:.1tions, Rcigns :111cl Suu.:d1ionc:;, in
numbcrs of yc:.1r.s, and by purring
and Succcl[o;l,; c-.ui)ollcnt to Crcncr.l::ion-;,
and thrce Gcncrations roan hundrcd or
lmndred and nrcnty ye;.s, Cb by
thcir Chronology) thcy !uve riladc rhc An-
tiquities of Grcecc rhree or hundrcd
years oldcr tlun tbc truth. And thi:;
rhc Originll of thc Tcchnic;1! C hronolo.:y
\ . ' . -
of thc G neks. Eraiojlbmrs \V rote ab()uL
hundred of All'.'c-
andcr thc He \\ras follo\\cd by A-
poltodoru,r, .and thdc two bcct1 t:.ll-
lowed lince by Chroi:nlogcrs.
But how unceruin thcir Chronology i-;,
how doubtiitl i't \L\"i rcputcd Ly thc
Cree/u of thofc time<;, .m ay he nndcrf1ooJ .
by of '1) SoJ!Jc J'tt!:.- .:
Lurh he .. Lycurgu<; conternporm] to n1r_;us. Y
1 ph itus, cui to b:tvf et 11 iJ i J Com ptw irm i JI.
tbe Olympir Ft:/.
ic.:td.r: rmJOll ...
1J.:bom uas Ari11orlc t/;{.'
l>l . (T l!J IJir
u- , ..... ,::,
. ' ,
frotn the O y lmpic 'Di (c_, which ha a
tbe Name ofLycurgus ttp01t tt. Otber.r
fhp the Times by the Succej}o1t of
the Ki1tgsof the laccdxmonians, as Era-
tol:hcncs alld Apollodorus ajjirm, that be
-:L'as11ot afeW)'Cafs o/df'rthattt/Jefzrfl 0-
i)mpiad. Firfl: Ardlot!e and fome othcrs
madc him asoldas the firfl: Olympiad; thcn
Eratojtbc!Jcs, .Apollodortts, and fome o-
thers madc him abovc an hundred ycars
lon. us: The co;gre.f.f Solon Crceft1s,
fome tbillk they catt coftc by Chroo/o J'
B11t an .fo ii!ttjlriorts, a1td 'l.Jn;z ed
.fo mmty wit11ej[cs, a11d ( r:.r.:Eich i.r more)
.fo a,greea6te to ihe maJmers of Solon, a11d
fo oftbe ofhis mi11d aJ!d
of bis 'i.f.:i (dom, '1 camJOt erjttade my
to rejel becauft fome Chronoto icat Ca-
7;0!ts, as tbry ca!ttbem; t;,_hich 'Jtmdreds
of al:t bors corrcling, ha've 110t yet be en a
ble to
' '
' ..
. ,, .
' '
H R O i'J I C L E.
' War bctwecn Pa!ldion and Labd,lcus thc
gr::mdfon of Cadmus.
994 ./Erz,cns rcigns in /lttira.
99 3. 'Pclops thc ion of Td7tta!u.r comes
into Pcloponne.fus, mn.rrics IlipjJndmr:tl
thc gr::md-d:m?htcr of /lcrijt!u, ... d:.--
tolia from ./:to!us thc(m of E11tlvn;'0''
:ind by his richcs grows pntcnt.
9 9 o. .Amp b io11 :.111 d Z f! b!.r ill : F 1'f' .': <
put Laius thc ion 0f Lad,1n1.: ro f!::-::lt
and rcip1 in TIJCes, ami v, a!l thc cEy
abo u t.
98y. 7Jtfda!rts and hic; ncphc,, Tff/:tr
invcnt thc fa\\', thc turning-larh, eh:..":
\vimble, thc chip-ax, Jnd orher in!l:nl!11C!1C'1
of Carpcntcrs 1nd Jo;ncrs, and rhcrch_v
gi ve a begu111ing ro rhok ;\ in Earopt'.
'Dtedttius ::tlfo in' cr.tcJ tl1c nubng ofSu-
tues with thcir fcct :.l!tmdcr, as if thcv
988. Afinosnukcs war upnn th-.: Arbe-
11iaus, fin killing his !on ./I:dJu;ms . . 3:--
izc!ls flourilhes.
987. 'Dtedt!ln.r kil!<1 ncpl1C1\ Tt!l::.r
'lnJflicsto A!im.r. A Pridl:clsof }1tpo
./lmmon, bcng broaght by
mcrchantsinto Grace, kr; uptl;._: O:.l--:1...:
of .Jttpitcr at '])otlona. Thi:; gi\ e::; a k-
ginning to Oraclc.; in Grre:-c: l1y
the WodLip of thc D12.1d i) crcry
\\r htrc introJuccd.
(' '),
. '
I-I R O N I C L E.r
98 3. Sif)'phtu, rhc fon of .!Eotus and
grandion of I!et!m, reigns in Cori11tb;
and fome fa y rlur he built that Ciry.
98o Lait-ts rccovers the K in .. dom of
Tbebes. Athamas, the brothcr of i.[yphus
and thcr of 'Phryxus and Helle, marrics
]o thc d::mghtcr of Cadmus.
9::-9. Rehoboarrt reigns. Tboas is fent
from C1ete ro Lomt2s, reigns there in rhc
city llepbtejlia, and works' in copper and
9..,8. A!onel!a, born of Flcc7rJ'O,thefon
of Pnjetts and A11dromcda, and of
dice the daughrcr of 'Prtops.
S({tlc f[)oils thc Temple, and in-
,adcs Syritt and Perf, fctting up pHlars
in m::lll y placcs. Jcroboam, bccoming
fltbjc(t ro Sefoc, fcrs u) the v.:odbip of
thc Eg)'jJtiall God<; in fiaet.
971. Sejc invades Jdict, and rcturns
with triumph the next car but onc:
w hencc Trieterica Bacc :Ji. He krs up
pillars on nvo mounuins ar rhc mouth of
rhc river
9g. Tf,rjflu oYercome
thc ./l1iotrwr; and f(>on after unitcs the
nrc ver.: cirics of ./1tt ica undcr ouc govcrn-
mcnr . .\'cj{tr, ha ving carricd on his vicro-
rics ro i\lotwt Cattcajiu, le:rve<; his ncphcw
'Promct bm.r thcrc, ami .IE;e-tes in Cotcbi.J.
Stj, pafTing o ver rlJc Hellej}o11t,.
1 brate, kills L)'Curgru King
rbcrcof, and his K1gdom and one of
. '
A short H RO NICLE.
:}lis finging-women to thc fathcr
,of Orpheus. Sefac had in his army Ethio-
pms commandcd by Ta11, and Li!J)an
womcn commanded by A(yrina, or
va. It was thc Cuftom ofthc Et biopians
ro dance when they \\'ere cntcring into
a battel. and from thcir sk.ipping thcy
wcrc paintcd wirh goats fcct, in thc torm
of Saryrs.
966. Tboas, being madc K ing of C.v/'7'!1S
by Sefac, gocs thither with bi-; \\ifc Ctz[y-
copis, and lea ves his daughter lljf ji) fe
in Lemnos.
96 >. Sefoc is bafficd by thc Grecks and
Scythians, locs many of his womcn, with
rhcir Quecn Minen./tt, compofCs thc Wal",
is rcceived by Ampbi!)oz ara fcai1:, hurics
AriadJte, goes back through Afia an
ria into El!,ypt, wirh innumerable
a.mongwhom was Titbomu, thdon of La-
{}medoJt, Kingof Tro_)'; and lcavcs his Li-
byrm .Amazo11s, undcr J1lartbcfit and
Lampcto, thc fi.tcccri(Jrs of lvJiJerva,
thc rivcr Then-nodo11. He left alt(J in Cot-
cbos GeographicJ.l Tab!cs of a!l hi,..; con-
qucl:s: ami thencc G cography lud its rdc.
Tl.rracc b t e namc of the M uf c.,. Anc.l
thc daug tcrsof 'Picrusa ThracittJI, imi-
tarino rhcm wcrc cckbr;.ttcd bv tbc bmc
na me:.
964- }.filies, Cocaifl.r,
Kingof S(cif)l is bin by h\m. He was
e ., tllltllenx
. :> .
A Jhort H RO NICLE .
cmiucnt for his Domininn, his La\VS and
his Jufiicc: upon his kpulchrc viitcd
hy P_ytbagora.r, W:lS this inkription,
0r L!Icw, rhc fcpnlchrc of.7t:pitcr. '])aJuuu
with hs d .. wghtcrs f1ying from his bro-
. '
rhcr Er!,]jttts ( th:lt is from Se jite) ccmcs
into Grt>ecr. Srfoc rhe athicc of
hi'i ScYrcrary Tbotb, di1lributcs E...r:.J'Pf in-
ro xxx\i -'Yoli.'r'.r, and in C\"CIT Jllome crcts
Tcm 1lc, anJ ap )oints thc fcvcr3l Gods,
FdtiLl s and Re of thc fcn"ral
.NNJJC.r. Thc Temples "ere thc fcpnlchrcs
0f hisgrclt mcn, \\d1crc thcy wcrc ro bl:
.md \nnilrippcd aftcr dcath, cach in
l1is m\n Temple, with ccrcmonics :111d fc-
Hival:; by him; whlc He and his
Q1ccn, th::- namcs of Ojiris and lfls,
wcrc ro k: wodhippeJ in :1ll E tpt. Thdc
rhc Tcrnplcs 1ccn anJ ccfcribcd by
Llfria1t eleven bundrcd yclrs aftcr, ro be
(;f nnc and thc mc Agc: and thi>
rhc nf thcicn:raf Nomes of Evf't,
nf rhc {cvn:d Gods and fevcLll Rck.;i-
ons cf thok 1Yo:ncs. S(jac \ dcd :.11io
thc bnd nf by mcaii1rc amongfi hts
:u'd thcncc Gt()?!?ctry luJ its riic.
I!ontks :1nd l.lfn:j!/Jr.r bc;rn.
u(j, /h;/J/).'rj!l briiPS thc twclrc
/ f - "'-)
C <HL of imo Grccu, :tnd rhdc :1rc
tlL 'J) :.'/t
'(JJ'/t7JI '!fJ!lllJJ, ro wbom
tite L:trril ,tud 1 'Lutct.:; anJ Lkmcnrs are<..d.
1 '
/'f ..
. ,., ..
. '
short H RO NICLE ..
962. P br_vxus and f-Iel/e fly tion. thcir
lno thc nf
llcJit! is drowncli j; rhc !!cf!cJPollt, 1n
from hcr, hut 'P /;ry.\us arri ve:>
ar Cokbos.
9CJo. Thc bcn\ccn thc Lapit fu' and
thc pcoplc of 'TIN:J:dv ulkd Ct:s'!il/trs.
Ocdi.p11.r kiils hi-i Elthcr L.l!.r.
Sti.Jmcl!ts thc ion of 'Ferj21t.r rci:;ns i!t
-9-;6. Seflzcis .'J'rt!Jc-
. tus, who attcr dcath \\'J.S l:c:incd in
by thc namc of Neptu11c, and. Ty-
p7JoJJ by rhc Eg)'Pticws. Onts rcisns a;:tl
roms thc, \',ho thc co;Hlu
of .Japettts, and hisf(m Alltd'zts or .A! lrts,
in Rg_ypt. Scfltc from his mak ing thc
rivcr Niic ukful, by cutting clunncls from
ir to thc cicics of Egypt, W:lS cdb l by
its Jumc..;, Sibr or Siris, JVil!!s :1t1Ll E'-
o )pt :u. Thc Grrt!.r, hc:nin'" t!1c /,;_,'(T)'D! i-
(. ", ... :::_1 ... ""' J
os bmcnr, O Si.r :wd Bo.'t S iris, u!k(l
himO(t!-is a:1J l5 !f (/ris. Th'2 .Araian.r fr\..)111
h i :1do.; ollcd hi m Racc!Jus, i >, thc
(.Jrc.n. Th::: c.tllc.l himi/,-jiJrs
or L11avors, thc v:lli:tnr, :tnt] hy conL:r;J.C(i-
on /11ar.r. Bccauic he ct u) piiL1.r.; in ;d{J-;
C<H1LJUCts,and hi; army in his thcr'sRcign
fousht thc A(ricaJJJ. wirh clubs,
i-; p:lintcd with Pilbrs a club: rhi')
is llut 1/ncJe_r who Ccro,
. '
\Ll', born upon thc 1\'i !e; :l:Hl :i.ccor.i JI;-\ to
L'udo.\'lts, \\as fhin hy :1nd :le
e +
. short
tording toViodortts, was an Egyptiatt, and
wcntoveragrcatpart of thcworld, andfcr
up the pillars in .Afric. He iccms ro be alio
rhcBeltts, who, accorcling to 'Diodonts, lcd
a Colon y of EgyptialtS to Baby Jo, and
rhcrc in1:ituted Priel:s called Cbaldea1u,
who whcrc free from taxcs, and obfcrvcd
rhc il1rs, as in E,gypt. H itherto .'Judab
and lfrael bbourcd undcr grc:l.t Ycxaton.'>;
bnt hcncctonrarJ //fo, King of]udab, had
pcacc ten ycars.
947 Thc Ethiopia!ls inv.1dc Egypt,
an<i drown Onts in rhc JVilt:. Thcrcnpon
Bubaflc, rhc fiflcr of Onu, kills hcrfelf, by
from thc top of :111 Houfe, and thcir
mr.rhcr ((is, or Ajlrtf.'a gocs mad: and thus,
e; d::: l rhc Rcign of thc Gnds of
9-f'. Z{rrdJ thc Et/;iopitm s ovcr-
tl 1"<>\\'11 by .//.fa. Thc Pcople of the 10\vcr
FJ!.)'N nukc O flzr.fipblls thcr K ing,
l in rwo hundrcd rhm.f:1nd _7cus ::md
Pha;!cials againl: rhe l:'thiopitws. lv!e-
1/fJ' or .Arr.cJtC'jbis, rhc young ion of Ze-
r,d; and
S'4+ Thc Et!iioj'imts, undcr Am{'ftO-
pb, retire from thc lowcr and f(.,r-
rify J11cmpbi.r agai111l Ojtnj/p!Jlls. And
bv rhcfc wars and cxpc-
dition, thc t,rcar Empirc of
i 1 pcccs. l:'li?Jj!he;t.r, thc Sthem-
/u, rci0,ns in AlYCf!ld'.
943 . -Fv(I!J dc.r. h is m o rhcr CarmcJt-
ta cury Lcttcrs into ltaJy.
9+'"' Or-
1! ..
' . .,. . '
,. ,t,
"-) .
A short
942. Urpheusdeifies thefonof Semele,
by the name of Bacchus; and appoints his
940. Thc great men of Greece, hear-
w of the civil wars and difl:radions of E-
tions u on theEuxme and Me tterra1lemr-
Scas, ubjed ro that Empirc; and for that
cnd order thc building of fbp Argo.
9 3 9. Thc 1hip Argo is built aftcr the
p:tttcrn of the long fhip in which 7Janaus
cune into Greece: and this was thc firl:
longfhipbuiltbythcGreeks. Cbiro11, who
was born in thc Goldcn Agc, forms thc
Confl:ellations for thc ufC of thc Argo-
1ta1tts; and placcs the Solhtial and Equi-
nohal Poinrs in thc fifteenth dcgrccs or
middles of the Conl:ellations of Cacer,
Che/ce, Capricont, and Aries. .fo!etott, in
thc ycar of J\Tabo!taf{ar 3 r6, obfcrvcd the
Summcr Solftice in rhc eighth dcgrcc of
Cmzcer, and thcrefore the Solfl:ice haJ thcn
gonc back fe ven degrecs. It goes back one
in about kvenry two ycars, and
fevcn dcgrccs in about 504 Count
thdc years back. from the ycar of Nabo-
1lt1jjar 316, and thcy will place thc Ar-
cxpcdition about 9 3 6 y cars be-
itlrc CbrUt. Ginsris, rhcon of Thoas,
. 1hin, lnd deifird by thc namc of Adonis.
y 3 8. Thefeus, bcing fitty ycars old,
fic.lls Heleua, then cvcn old. 'Piri-
tbous, thcfonof Jxio11, to
.A short
fical Pcrftpho1w thc daughter of Orctts
King of thc Jvloloffia!ts, is flain by rhc Dog
ofOrcus; and hi.., com )J.nion Thcfttu is Ll-
kcn and impriincd. eiena is fCt at Jibcrry
by hcr brothcrs.
y _i . Thc /h:r;o;tautic cxpcdition. 'P,o-
'!JJctheus es lv!ou;t Crwcalits, bci1w Ct
';}' 0
at Jibcrty b_y llcrctlt's. LaomedoJJ K ing
of Tr.?__."t' is 1 Jcrcules. Priam ilK-
tccds him. Tafus a brazcn 111:111, of thc
zcn Al2,c. thc ion of .i.Vtos, is flain bv rhe
.Argonauts. /Lfcttlapitts and Hcrutl .. 's
wcrc Argonattts, aud llippocrates \LlS thc
cighrccnth from /Ljtlczpitts hy rhc fa-
thcr's fidc, and rhc ninctccnrh from fler-
C11ie.r by thc motbcr's fidc; and bccaufC
lhc!c gcnerations, bcing notcd in hif1:ory,
mofl: probJbly by thc cbief of thc fa-
mily' and for thc mofi: urt oy thc c]Jdl:
fons; wc nuy rcckon 28 or :1t thc mofl: 3 o
ycus toa gcncration: and thus thc krcn-
rccn intcrvals by thc fathcr's {idc and eigh-
rccn by thc mothcr's, \vill Jt a m iddlc
rcckoning amounr unto abuut 507 yc;u'>;
w hich be e o un red ha e k wards fom th e
bq..;inning tbc 'Pdopomu:Fw \\.;lr, Jt
which time Jlippocrlllts hcgan to i1ouriil1,
will rc:1ch up tl, thc rime w he re \\'C kn e
pbccd thc ../h;r(OJJattt ic cxpcdirion.
9 3 6. ThcjtS is ter at Jibcrty by 1/o-
93-'1- Thc
Loar ibin by
hunting of tbc
Ca !velo 11 i il 1;
9 3 o. /Jmc-
'..1,\lr ...
11. "t
. .
< .,..
' ..
-._ (
'' ti
' ..
,. ' '
short , H R O N I C L E.
9 3 o. Amenophis, with an army of E-
tbiopia anLi Thebais invades thc lower E-
gypt, conqucrs O.far.fiJ.htts, and drivcs out
thc ."fer;,;,s and Ca11aa!lltes: and this is rcc-
koncd thc iccond cxpuli.on of thc Shep-
hcrJs. Calycopis dics, and is dcilicLl by
Thoas with Temples ar 'J.YapiJOLll1d .Am,1-
tlms in (_'yprus, and at R_y/us in .5)ria, anJ
wirh Pricfl:s and facrcd Ritcs, and bccomes
the of thc ancienrs, and rhc '])ca
C''.)jnia and 7Jea S)-ria. And from thc[c
and orhcr pbccs \Vhcrc Temples wcrc c-
rcc1cd to hcr, he wac; alio callcd 'Papbia.
/lmat!Jl!jia, Byblia, Cytherca, Satami:tia,
Cnidz, Idalia, &e, and hcr
thrcc \Yaiting-womcn becunc thc thrcc
928. Thc\varofrhcfcvcn C:1pta.ins a-
gainf1: Tbrcs.
92.7. Jlcrculc s anJ &fl:utapius are dci-
iied. Ewry(!!Jelt.r drivcs thc lleradide.r
out of P He is by 1-J__yl-
lus, rh,; ()n ofl Jercules. ./ltreus thc ion
or PdopJ' iccccds him in the Kinrrdom of
J.Vvo.:;tt'. AffJJejlbl'lt.r, thc grcar
o( Ercchr bett.s, at ./ltbcJts.
9 5. T!Jf fe us is bcmg CJ.t down
irom:l rock.
1 (vll11.r invading Pel:Jj.Jomwflt.r is
il.ti11 by l:.,'c!Jt:il1ts.
91 t). /l(rc!ts di cs. ./lgamcmllort rcigns ..
ln thc J.Oi(nc<.: of lrfccftms, wlm wcnt to
loo k
A shcrt
look after what hic; father .Atretu had lcfc
to him, P ari.r l:eals Hele11a.
9 r 8. The fecond war againfr Thebe.r.
9r:z.. Tboas, KingofQyprusandpartof
P hrrtJicia, di es and for m:1king a.rmour t<>r
rhe Kings of is deified wirh a
impn1ous Temple ar Memphis, by rhc
namc of Baal CatJ.aal't, Vuka11. Thi5
Temple wa" to be built by AfeJJ.cs,
thc fidl: Kng of Egypt, who reigncd
next afrer thc Gods, that is, by lv!ettopb,
r Ameuophis who reigncd nexr aftcr
rhc dcath of Ofiris, Ijis, Orus, Bubajle
and Tboth. Thc city lrfempbis WJ.S alo
[J ro be built by lvfe11es; he bcgan ro buil
it \Vhcn he fortificd ir aganft Oforfiphus;
and from him it wa5 C'J.lledA1moph, lvfopb,
Noph, &c. and s to this day callcd Afe-
mrf by thc .Arabia1zs. And thcreforc Afe-
nes, who built thc city and temple was A1e-
ftoph, or .Amenophis. The Priefis of E-
r,ypt at lengrh madc this temple above a
rhouf.1.nd cars older th:1n Ame.nophis, ami
iomc of t em five or ten thoufind ycars
oldcr: but it could not be abovc two or
rhrce hundrcd y e.u.'> older tlun thc R cign
of P fommiticus who finihed it. and dicd
6 r 4 yc.1rs bet<.>re \V hcn Aie!lopb or
Afenes built the ciry, he built a
rhcrc ovcr rhc l\
i!e: a work too
ro be olderthan rhc Monarch y of
9:J9 . .AmeltojJIJis, callcJ lv'lcii/.IIO!t b.Y' rhe
Gred.r, built thc JJ!em;o!Ji,t ar Sl/;r,
\\' } i !ll:
\vhill: Egypt was under thc govcrnmcnt of
Protetu his Viceroy.
904. Troy taken. .Amet!Opbis was fl:ill
. at S ufo, rhc Greeks feigning rhat he camc
from thencc to the Troa1t war.
903. 'Demopboou, thc ion of T!Jrjhts
by 'Phfl'dra the daughtcr of Afinos, rcigns
:r"at At!Jens.
" 9or . .Ame11ophis builds lnall Pynmids
in Cochome.
896. "Jhf!es lea. ves Cafypfo in the Ift::nd
O g y ~ i c ( pcrhaps Cadis or Cales.) S he \LlS
thc d:mghrer of.Ati.u, according toflomtr.
T he ancicnts at length fcigncd that rhis
1fland, (which frorn Atlas thcy callcd
.Atta;ztis) had been as bigas all Euro pe,
.Africa aud .Afia, but was iunk into the Sea.
895. Tettcer builds Satamis in Cyprus.
Hadador BenbadadKing of Syra dics.
and is dcified at 'Damaflus with a Tcmpl:
.and Ccremonics.
887. Amenophis dics
and i"fuccccdcJ
hy hisfonRame([esor Rhampji11it1ts, who
builds thc wd1:ern Portico of thc Temple
of Vulcan. Thc Eg)ptiazs dcdicatcd ro
Of'ris, lfis, Orus ienior, T)phott, :l.I1ll
J\'ephthe thc iler anJ w ifc of Typhou, thc
fivc days addcd by thc Egyptians to thc
rwch e Calender months of thc old Luni-
. olar ycar, and bid rhat thcy wcrc added
whcn chcfc five Princcs wcrc born. Thcy
werc rhercfore added in thc R eign of .Am-
M91J thc fathcr of thele i1vt Princcs: but
. . '
this year WJ.S fc:1rce braughr into commc.r:
uc befare rhe of /imcophis: for .'n
liis Temple or J.t rhey
placcd a Circlc of 3 6 ;- cubit..;; in compa.F.
covcrcd on the uppcr fidc wirh a pbtc ot
gold, :1nd divided into 3 6) cqual parrs, ro
rcprcfcnt all the days of rhc ycar ; cvcry
p:1rt hang rhc da y of thc year, :md thc
.Heliaca! Ri!ings and Settings of rhc St:us
on rlut da y, no. red upon ir. And this C:
ele remaincd thcrc 'till CambJfcs fpoilcd
thc temples of Eg)'pt: and frorn this monn-
ment I collct thar ir \\'3.S /imeop!Jis \': ho
drablifl1ed r1s year, fixing rhe
tbcreof to onc of the tour Cardinal Poi
ofrhe Hc:1vens. For had not thc
thereofbeen now fi xed,
and Settings of thc Sors could nor ha\c
bcen no red upon thc da ys thercof Thc
Priel:s of Eg)pt thcrefore in thc Rcign of
Ametlf)p/;is continued to obfervc thc H cli-
acal RifJngs J.nd Sctti!igs of thc Srars upon
cvery da y. And whcn by thc Sun's J\1cri-
dional Alrirudes rhcy had found thc Solfti-
ccs and ElJUinoxcs according to thc Sun's
morion, his EquJ.tion bcing not yct
known, thcy fixcd thc hcginnin(r of thi'i
ycar to thc V crnJ.l Equinox, in mc-
mory thcrcofcrc.tcd this monmncnt. Now
rhis c:.1.r bcing curicd into Cba1dd'.1, r l1c
Cba dtea1/.s beg:m thcir yc:.1.r of JVttboJJaffr
on thc T!Jotb with thc Eg_vpt tiiJ.r,
a.nJ maJe it of thc lmc lc!Jgtb. And tl
Tbotl; .. '
' ' ' . '
. '
'Tbotb of the firfl: ye:u of Nabo!laJJar fcll
;:;hpon thc 26th day of }ebrttary :_ which
\vas 33 <.b.ys and fivc hours bcforc thc
Vernal Eguinox, accorJing ro thc Sun's
;mean motion. And rhc Thot b of ths ycar
.m oves backwards 3 3 days and fivc hours in
; I 3 7 ycars, and thercfore fellupon V cr-_
na! El]llnox 13 7 ycars bcforc Lhc /l!..rtl of
Nabonaffar bcgan; that is, 8 8' 4 ycars be-
fare Chrijt. And ifit r.pon the d.q
ncxt a.fter thc V crnal Equinox, it
begin tluce or four ycars carlicr; and thcn.:
we may place thc dcarh of this K ing.
The Greeks fcic;ncd thar he wa<; thc in
of Titbomts, and thcrcforc he was born
after thc rcturn of Sefoc into with
Tithonus andothcr c:tptivcs, andio mig,ht
be about o or 75 vcars old at bis dctth.
, 883. "Dido buifds Cart!Jagc, and tlfc
begin prdcntly ai-tcr to hibs
far asto rhc Straigut.r J'!outh, and bcyonJ .
.lf..'11cas was li ll :.-.ccording to V i t.
g o. f1ourihcs. He lurh told ris
hin1idf that he livcd in thc :t'C ncxt :1ftcr _,
thc w:1rs of Tlxbes and Troy, and rhat
thi-; a :;cihould cnd when thc M en thcnli \-
grcw hoary, and dropt into tbc
gt-.tvc; and tlwrct()rc it \\'::t<.; but of an <'r-
dina.ry length: and 1 !trodotus ha e; told
us that /h:flod and llomct wcrc but ti/JO
ycars otdcr than himidf \V hcncc it f({-
lows that thc dclrul:ion of Troy was nor
olJcr than wc luve rcprcfcntcd it.
86o. lifcCJJ.'
short ....... HR O N 1 C LE.
86o. Mceris reigns in Egypt. He adorn.
JY/emphis, and rranflated rhe fcat of hii
Empire thither from Thebes. There he
huilt the famous labyrinth, and the Nor
thcrn portico of rhe Temple of Vttlctw,
:tnd dug the grcar Lake called the Lake of
M ceris, and u on rhe hotrom oft bult two
arcar Pyrami s of brick : and thee things
eing not mentioncd by Homer or Hejiod,
\VCrc unknown to rhern, and done atter
rhcir days. Ma:ris wrore alfo a book of
8 )2,. Hazaet rhe fiiCccffor of Hadad at
dics and is dcified, as was Ha-
dad before: and thefc Gods, together
v.-irh Arathes the wife of Hadad, were
worlhippcd in thcir Sepulchres or Temples,
'till rhe days of .'lofephus rhe Jew; and
the Syria1ts boal:ed their antiquity, not
knowing, faith Jofephus, rhat they were
844 Thc kolic Migration. B(Eotia,
formcrly called Cadmeis, is dzcd by the
B a:otia1ts.
82). Cbeops reigns in Egypt. He built
thc grearcfl: Pyramid for bis fcpulchre, and
forbad thc worihip of thc fonner Kings ;
inrcnding to have been worhipped him-
82;. Thcfleractidcs, afrcr threeGellc-
rations, or an lmndred ycars, reckoned
from their formcr expedition, return into .
PetopomJefiu. Henccforward, to the cnd of ;
r r
. r " . ' ' ..
1 ......
) r
' ; . ..;
" "o
firfr. Jrfejfe1Jia1r- war, reigned ten Kings
of S parta by one Race, and nine by ano-
ftier; ten of MejJe1te, and nine of Arcadia:
\ihich, by reckoning ( according to the or-
8inary courfe of nature) about tweury
toa Reign! one Reign with anothGr, will
iake up about 190 years. And the fevcn
more, in one ofthe two Raccs ofthc-
KwsofSparta, andeight in theother, to
the :J.ttle at ThermopJlte; may tJ.kc up
rs-o years more: and io lace the rcturn of
thc Reractides, about 20 ycars befare
. 824 Cehren reigns in Eg_y_pt, aml
huilds another great Pyramid.
8o8. Mycerimt.r reigns there, and bc-
gins the third great Pyramid. He hut up
body of his daughrcr in an hollow o x,
and cauied her to be worhipped dail y \\' ith
.' 8o4. The war, bcrween the AthoaJl.f
S artans, in which Codrzts, King of
:i::thc thenia1zs, is
o:_ 8o1.. Nitocris, the fitler of Myarimt.r,
fucceeds him, and finiihes the third great
794- The Ionic Migration, undcr the
/) condut ofthe fans ofCodr!ts .
. . " '
:t 790. Put tounds the Ajf)ria1t Empirc .
. , 78 8. A J.Ycbis rcigns in Eg)'}t, and bui lds
, thc eaftern Porrico of the Temple of Vut-
:. ca_n ver y fplendidly; and a largc Pyramid
. ot brick, madc ofmud dug out of tbc Lakc
D of
- . '
H RO N 1 C LEo
of MtEris. EgJ'Pt breaks inro feveral King-
doms. G1tepballtts and Bocchoris Reign
1uccef1ivcly in the uppcr )'}t; StephaJt-
atbis, Necepfos and Nec:ms, at Sais; A-
1tyjis or Amojis, at A11yjis or and
Tacellotis, :J.t Bttbajte.
776. Iphittts rcl:orcc; thc Olympiads.
And from this kra thc 01ympiads are now-
rcckoncd. G11fpha1us rcigns at Mem-
1 .
j JtS.
772. Necep Jos Pctojiris invcnt A-
l:rology in Egypt.
760. Semiramis bcgins ro flouriil1. Sa1t
cbotatbo1t writes.
75'I. Sabaco1t rhe Etbiopia1t, invades E-
'jJt, now divided into various Kingdoms,
urns Boccboris, flays Na bus and makcs
.11Jfis fly.
7 47. Pul, King of AJ[yria, dies, and is
fi.1ccceded at Nineveh by Tiglathpiiaj[cr.
and a.t Babyto?t by Nab.onaj[ar. Thc E-
gyptia1JS, who flcd from J'abaco1t, carry
rheir Afl:rolog and Afironomy to Babj-
Jon, :md foun thc JE.'ra of Nab011aj{ar in
.Egyptia11 years.
740. Tiglatbpilaffer, King of AJ!yria.
ukcs'Damafttu, and captivatcs thc SJri-
729. Tiglatbpilaj[er isfuccccdcd by Sat-
mmtajfe r.
721. Salmattaj{er, Kingof Af!yria, car
rics thc Ten Tribcs iuto cap ti vity .
!,.._ .... .
.,, ...... ,
' '' "' '' 1'1:':
'" .. ,,,,,.
., .. ,., ..
'" olv,1 ><
. . . -
.7I9 Se1macberib, rcigns ovcr Afl)ria ..
rhe fon of fthc fl-od:
f{ercules, Jeads :1 Colon)' from Cori11(h
,.}nto Sicib. and builrls SJrac!f:{e.
717. Tirhakabrcigns in Ftbiopifl.
714. Semtacberih is put ro flight by tlw
.f,tbiopitws and b): __ rptraltc, '' ith grc.u.
_ Il. Thc A-fcde.r rcvolt f1 o m t he ./lfl\r,:.
(l/ts. SmJtachcrib 1hin.
cccds him. This , rhar A(!hadrJ11-'Pu!.
.or S artiaHa-pa!1fs. rhc fnn of Allatr!!dara.\:-
i.r, or Srm11acherib, who bttilt Tai'(its and
.d11chia/e 111 onc dn y .
. : 7 ro. L_rcttrg 1t s, bri ngs thc P ocms of 1 /n-
f/J/CI' out of A ka into Grrccr: .
:;. 7r:8; LJ'C!frgu.r, bccnmcs tntorto Ch..-t-
}:;i.llus or Crlrila!l.r. tbc young J\ ing of
Arijlutlc nukcs L)nuguJ :.1.s old
\i" 1 f b itus, hecaufc h i" na me \\ :1 U:"'.!>n t h
Plympic Dic. Bur rhi" Dik war;, or;l
fjvcgamcs callcd thef:!.!.tim!lert l1111 :1r,j thc-
\Va'\ firfl: ini1ituted upo' thc
O!ympi;ld. Socratcsand 1/;uc_ydidt:.r-
Iilatlc rhc infl:irntions of
go;; cars tlun rhc cnd ofrhe'Pr;lop01t-
war, thatis, yc:1rs bcforc
) 701. Scthaco!t, aftcr :\ rcign of 50 car:.
Egypt tohisicm Sevrc ms tH
Srtbon, who bc(omcs Pridt ;1!lll
' -
rrlitary afbirs.
:) 98. Afana.f(eh rcigns. . .
697. Thc CoriJI[bi(lliS bcgin fhfl of
:f;; D z. m
., '
H R O N 1 C LE' ..
mento build hips with three orders of oat!.'
called Triremes. Hitherto the Greeks ~
ufcd long vcffels of nft:y oars. .
68 7. Tirhak.ah rcigns in E pt.
() 81. Aj[erhado1t invades a6ylo1t.
673. Thc Jews conquercd by Aj[er/;:.
do1t, and Mal:la.f!eb carried captivc to Bah.
67r. AJ[erhado1t invades E'-zypt. TI::
govcrnmcnt of Eg'Ypt committ:cd to twclr:
663. Thc wdl:ern nations of S;riJ.
Pba:llicia and Egypt, rcvolt fiom thc .A.k
riaJI.r. .A.fferbadott dies, and is iuccecJe;\
by Saofdttchimu. lvla11aj{eh rcturns fro::'
6 s-8. Pbra!Jrtcs rcigns in ..Afedia. TP.:
Pryta11cs rcign in Coriuthexpclling ther
6 5 ;< Thc Cof'itbiaJts ovcrcomc rr:.
Corcvrealts at fea : and this \\'aS thc olde:
fea r i ~ ~ h t
5'). P fommitictts beco mes King of a
EJ!,Yjt, by conqucring thc othcr clcw
K iugs \Vith whom he had alrcady rcigne:.
fifrccn ycars: he rcigncd about 39 ycx:
more. Hcncctorward the l01rians b(
accds into Eg_ypt; a-ml thencc cune rn:::
1011 itm Philoiophy, Afl:ronomy and Gcc:
mctry. . ::,
)1-. Thc fi rl: iV!e.f!emat.t war bcgins: lj
blcd t\\cnry ycars. i
6.... CbmoJ, thc firf1: dcccnnial A:(
e hca.:
, ..
w '
' H R O N I C L Ep . " 7
of the Athenia1ts. So me ofthefe
might dye before the end of thc ten
years, and thc remainder ofthc ten years be
by a new Archon. And hcnce the
fcven deccnnial Archons might not take up
forty or fifty years.
King of Aj[yria dies, and isfucceedcd by
1 640 .. rcigns in
! 636. Phraorte.r-; King ofthe },/edes, is
iflain in a war a ainl: the Aj[yr i a ns. .A (ty-
ipges fuccccds im.
l 63;-. The Scytbians invade rhe A!t:da
6 3 3. Batttts builds C)re1te, whcre !rafa,
thc Ciry of Attttetts, hadlood.
627. Romeisbuilt.
62;-. Nabopola.!Jar revolts from rhe
King of A_([yria, and reigns ovcr BakyloJr.
Phala11ttt.r lcads thcPart!Je,iaJts into Ita ..
/y, and builds TatcJttttm.
6IJ. Pfommiticusdics, Nechaohreigns
in E,gypt.
611. Cyaxeres reigns o ver thc .Afedes.
6 ro. Thc Princcs ofthc S'c)'tbiaJJs fbin
in a fcafl hy C)axcres.
609 . . 7ofiah fhin. Cyaxercs :m 1\ ... dm-
cbadttezzar ovcrthrow Ni11eveh, and, by
fl1aring rhc A[[Yrian Empire, grow grcar.
o7. Creon thc firl: annual Archou ofthc
Atbe11iau.r. Thc iccond war bc-
gins. Cyaxere.r makcs thc m.r re ..
tite bcyond Cobo; a,nd iberia, and
3 S s ort : H R o N 1 e L E.
. . '
the Aj[yrian Provinces of Arme1tia, Prn.
tus a nd Cap padoc ia..
6o6. Nebttchadnezzar invades Syria
6o4. Nabopola_((ardies, and isfuccecd-
cd by his Son Nt:bttchad11ezzar. who had
rcigned two years with his -
6oo. 'Daritts thc .A! e de, rhc fon of ().
is born.
Cyru.r is born of Manda1te, rhc
Sil:erof Cyaxere.r, and dJ.ughrer of Ajlj-
596. Sujiana and Elam conqner'd by
..LVeb.ttcbadnezzar. Caramts and Perdic-
cas Dy from Pbidon, and found the King-
dom of J.Iacedo!t. p bidon introduces
W cights and Meafurcs, and thc Coining of
Siiver lVIoncy.
)yo. Cya.tere.r m:1kcs warupon Af:yat-
tc .r K ing ofL_ydia.
)B8. Thc Temple ofSotomon is burnr
hy Nelmcbadezzar. Thc
bcing con quered, fly into Sicily, and build
J.l! r.ffata:
5' 8 5', In thc fixth year of the L_yditm
war, a toral EclipfC of rhc S un, prcditcJ
l1y T!Jale.r, 2.8 th, puts an cnd ro a
l'httlc bctwcen rhc J.fedes.qrid LydiaJts:
\Vhereupon thcy make Peacc, and ratify
ir by a nurri:v;e betwccn 'Dart.r Med;ts
the f(m of Cvtt:l,:eres, and Arie11e rhc
"l.wlucr ofA!yatta .
....... H RO N 1 C LE.
. .:_ 584. Phi don preides in the +9th Olym-
' 580. Phidott is overthrown. Two
chofen by lot, out of the city E lis,
to prefidc in the Olym ic Games.
57'- 7Jraco is Are 1011 of thc Athe71i-
ill:ns, and makes laws for them.
-,< 568. The Amph_yffirms nuke war upon
C;rrbea!ts, by rhc advicc ofSolo!t, and
Cirrha. Clijtbe11es, Alcmteon and
Eurolictt.f commandcd rhc forces of rhc
:Jmphyc7 io1zs, and wcre contcmporary ro
Phido1t. For Leocides the fon ofPbidou,
and acles rhc fon of Alcmteon, at one
and the time, courted Agarifla rhe
,f)aughrer of
566. Nebuchczdnezzar invades Egypt .
... ?Jarius the Me de rcigns.
; :' 5'62-. Soton, being Archon of the Athe-
:M,;ia11s, makes laws for rhcm .
'i57 'Pcria11der dies, and Corinth be-
/comes free fiom Tyrants .
. :: 5'5'5'. Nabottadius rcigns at Babylo!t.
. His Mothcr Nitocris adorns and forrifics
' '
. : . rhJ.t Ciry.
))O becornes Tyrant atA-
' .. the11.r.
,: and So!o1t.
:... . 5 +Q. Solo1l di es, Hegefiratus bcing Ar-
,, c;hon f Atbe11s.
. . . 54+ Sardes is takc11 by ()rtts. 'D:l-
.: .. thc Me de rccoins che Lydi,;,;J
.,, lllto 'Darics.
1 )
; 5'3 8. Bcz ..
3 9-.
3 8. Baby /0.11 is taken by Cyrus.
53 6. Cyrus overcomes Varius the Me de,
and rranla.tes the Empire to the Perjia11s.
The Jews return from Captivity, and
found the iecond Temple.
529. Cyrus di cs. Cambyfes reigns.
521. CJJarius tbe fon of Hyj!afpes rei ns.
The Magi are llain. The various R iai-
ons of rhe feveral Narions of Per Ja,
which conified in rhe worfhip of their an-
cient Kings, are abolilhed; and by the in-
fluence of Hyflafpes and Zoroajler rhc
worhi of one God, at Altars,
Temp es is fet up in all Perjia.
520. ThefecondTem leisbuiltatJe
nlhllcm, by the comman ofVarius.
515. Thc fccond Temple is finit11ed and
513. l!armodius and flay
Hipparchus rhe fon of Pififlrattu, Ty
rant ofthe Athe11ians .
508. The Kings of thc Rommu expcl"
led, and Conful:; eleted.
491. Thc Battleof Marath011.
48 5'. _.':ferxes reigns.
48o. The PaTa.Ye of Xerxes ovcr the
/le/tefpo11t into reecr, and Bardes of
"'hermopyl4! and St!lamis.
464 . .Artaxerxes LotJgimamts rcians.
45'7. Ezra rcturns into 7ttdtea. Jo-
ba7ta1J thc ['lthcr of Jaddtta was now \,
grown up, ha ving a charnbcr jn tqc T :
-44+ Nehe-
. '
H RO N 1 C
444 Ne returns into Judt:ta.
ero do tus writes.
. () .1
. Ct"J"O 1!1
tpt!c mto 3 >O So w t 1c time Vcrrem
Qt f1ood, \\' hcn thc Moon could not Gcmi-
bc nus c. r ...
. 72
be fe en, No ah reckoned thirty da ys to a
month : but if the M oon appearcd a da y or
t\vo befare the cnd of rhc month, * * thn
crrem. I . d 1 . d
1cr appe:1nng: an t HS wa'> one gcncr.1 v.
dor. l. r.
'till rhe Eg_ypt ans of Tbcais ftmnd th2
length of thc Sobr ycar. Sn t 7Jiodor:ts
tells m thar the Thcbais llfl
?to imerezfmy mo11t hs, tJor .fubdu{f av
da_ys' tl-om thc month -,as i.r done b)' mofl cf
tbc And * Cirrr(), e.fl co1!fiu:t!rti'J
ro in Sicttlorum Ctf'trrortttilJ!f(' Gr.ecorum,quo:i
.V crrcm fitos di es me11ft.(q!!e col!gntcre t.:ollmt cm;
Soi Ltmtf!qu? rilt iollc, u.t JtOJtlltlmqlfa
jiqttid difcrepct, {':>,:imcwt Ullltm aliqttfJJ
dit.:m aut jitm1tntJtl biduttm ex menfe [ ciYi!i
dierum triginr:l-j f/ltOS iffj e;d.lf!7;(J. dieJ'l.'O
nttant. And Proclus upon Hrjt'od's
t Gcm. mcnrions thc Lm1c thing. And t Gemi1111J:
"'6 f c_l';' "''' \)N,
:--: D.'oJUH )0 JV 7ts1 (-L<.Y (J.HVct{ ct}'fiY Xa.
\ ' \ J' \ . ' /P rl T \ (.1 f \
'TCI. Kd.O JJ),/OV. O :w IJ'To
.,;v 1 :_:,v, /(f117p.{;v ?Trtfat.f}'J,J..p.evoP, 7a .),'uv
' ' .f 1 ....., f ' t \
XCIT:J. )') II}'MY Td. 11fHfctf
.... f\ p ,,
e rl - , ) t 1
'luTJ d IAdbOP o:, Tu y> ot 7(J (-t'i.fl
1 ,, .... 1 1 ' (\'. ' , \ \ "'
<>.}'UV T( IIAI(J d 11(J.;ct.f
Te{ ,IJliVcU;
IHJ..IJ. '{)1 J(ct9' i!AioV j_) CIV ' ivtcJ.U
\ \ \ ') \ r) rw1 "' .. t \
Tb{, 7 o TdC ti.IJTI:J.' r, c,r; Tct.f aUTCI'
' '
1 r r 1 "' \ \ ' ' \ "'1
,S.u1t<H TOif . u, TJIV 1-tv 'ctptvnv -.::u
J',d. ?Tctl/1> K.ctTd. To 'iar T1iv cf' .:;,
\ \ ) n.' e r 1\) \ 1 \ 1
Xd.Trt Ta ...;lpG'' G(J.j(<J; en JY Xcl.Td.
7H in> du1(}'> .. ;uiJar y; u'-
, ) \ ( ,.. \). '"
(1 clvcu T-1)
Tlo J'' J. J..IIJ) ;J.v ,f'u'vo.tTo :a::r )ctl, {J.IJ e1. 7p?7rc(i,
u. ?re:i / TJ .!<
'1 ,,, "' '' 1
>t<tiCJ. !Jt' llrJIV CJ,)'IfV 7c:s a, 701t! r,y 70
,; OiA.:I'I.> FJI;p.o> '7TfG711}'oplas 7
o the
')'Hl1JcLI rL'ITO )O T 'r !pto7/l'fJ.(I)V f!tl '1rf0:TI!
t,.. 'o.. ,.. \
;!1.1 'f ll.cLT(I)VO(-<c:L:i"vll:ctV fv \1 )<
1 ' \ 1
j q>t:tniTa.t, XctTcL C1VVct/..Ot!piiV YEO(J.nVIct. '7rfOO"-
' ? ") ' 1 ' ,
w .1-n' i? d 10 rr rJ wnpctv r:pcu!tV 7rOiftTd.t,
' 1 "\,\ t\ \ ' 1 "' \
7rf O!TH)Of<IHV' 'T d Xct7ct. (-/-tC10P 'l1J
, 1 ro 1 '\' "J,...,. P
q;ct!T"IV '1' O""<f.llVIIf, ct:7 o c:tVTIS '1Cl lll'(J.bct.IVOV C'
1 , \ J') , ' ' 1
/_,Of'-IIVICI.F exa/.EIId.l' '0 X Tct.> lf.Hfct'
_s, 1 f <.....,
r '1" C1ii'l.lJIIllf 'iJCdTUl(..l. V '71'fO:TcpJf-A-cL!T"ct.lf. o-:_ P r
"f., \ ,..,. ' 1 ' 1 .-; \ ' ..... "'
:fild.X.?\""1/P 'l1J np.<)etV <T%tJ.TIIV d.'7f0 orv:u Td
P_ropojJL illlt
i['e 1!1117_{tt t t 'Cet erzb 1! s, tm'nfe s qu r de m e re
!{ cctmdmn Ltt11am, romos 7-'e''O _(eomdum
6)uod cnim a it'l,ib:ts E Oraculis
;lria, an-_
{f!OS ; tta dijlm[f e fa e u:bant ttJIJ-vefi
an11os crmgruenter cttm
d1es 'Vero menjtJ cwn Ltmtt. Por-
Jectmdum So/em a!IJJOS eJf rirctl
icafdem tempr:jtates atmi e,u!cm _(rzcrUiria
{}Jiis pnfici, fiJ vermnz jt'tcrUt'cium jhn-
Jper in w:re coJJjittmnari, tt:_fli-vum cmtcm ils
:jlfjlatc: .fiirJilcr f!) lt reliruis cm ni tc?m-
i,joribu s e ,u/e m jt'zoU/'r i a e adoe. 1 loe e ni m
f;_?ttaallt acceptum gratmn e_f!e 'JJiis.
:JI loe autem afiter fieri non pojj'et Jtif.' con-
'1./lOJ/CJ' jo (f/ t itdl'J' GJ ' fj !1 JJO lf ll i lt i
Jdc m Zodittci loc (t'aL'JJt. Scuoulum Lu-
.\-'.tl/1 'L'ero die s aierc cjt t.zle 11t coJJgntant
:Jom L11Jitf: il/IIJ)J!ltZ! ioJJi!nt.r cljJ/Hl!at OJ!ti
Jdrnm;;, r1 !,!l!ltl' illlmli;ttt ir;i!nts
_)t,-ppcl!ri/ dinoJJ jil//t dmoliJJttll te.
)lllrfi,J cJJ tiJJ tiJ1 LrtJltl app,;rct :;o;.:a, ert prr
P'.J'n:dapbot, /u OJ.'.'!f','f:!iu:e;,v id
' '
ejt, No,viltmiltm appeUatttr. !11 qua z:rn
die fecttndam facit apparitioem, c,nr.
fl'ctmdam Lmzam vocanmt. .Appariti;.
11cm circa medittm menfisfit, a)
;pfo eve11ttt id efl medietate11
mntjis 11omi11artmt. Ac fltmmatim, omm:
di es a Ltmte iliuminatio11ibtts dellomina.
runt. 'V11de et iam tricejimam dir,n
cttm ttltima _fi't, ab iJo evntttt 'VO
carmtt. .
Thc ycar ofrhe Grcci/
confif1:cd rhcrcforc oft\\clve Lunar monthi
and cvcry month, of rhirry days: and
and months thcy corrctcd from
ro time, by thc courfes of thc S un
Moon, omirring a da y or two in the month.
as often as thcy fe tmd the month too long
for thc comc of thc Moon; and adding1
rnonth to thc ycar, as often as rhey found
thc twdrc Lunar months too ihort for tk
* Apud rcrurn ofthc fourfeafons. Cleobul!ts * onc
Lacr- of rhc icven \\ifc mcn of Greece, alluJcJ
tium, in to this ycar of the Greeks, in his Parabk
Clcobu ofonc fithcr \\. ho lud twclve fans, of
lo. which had thirty dauf!;htcrs, halfwhitc and
t .A.puJ black.: and Thales t the bfl: J:1y
Lacrti- ot thc month 7fld.)(.dJ'ct, thc thnt!cth : and
1m, in SoloJ!countcd rhc ten lafl: (hys ofthe month
Thalctc fiom thc thirticth, callincr t!1Jr
Plu- . dJ.y vittv thc o!d and thc ncw, m
rarch.In Lhc bfl da y of thc old month and thc fidt
bolonc. <..i:1y of'[hc ncw : for he introduccd mnrlt Ji
of 19 :md JO chys drcm;1tcly nuking rll
o the
'eth day of every other month, to be
firfr da y ofthe next month. G'n.
. onnus
Greeks added a thtrtcenth, evcry othcr c. r3.
, w hich made their 'Dietcris; and be- Hcrod.
_..e this reckoning madc thcir ycar too l. 1. pro-
cr by a month, in eight, thcy omit- pe initi
an intero.bry month once in cight um .
.1rs, which made thci: Oc7acteris, one
fof which, was thcir Tetraeteris: And
. efe PcrioJs feem to ha ve becn almoft as
. as rhe reli ions ofGreece, bcing uicd in
vers ofrhe 'acra. Thc * O[faeteris \Ll'>
. e Amws magmts of Cadmus and Afiuos, *A poi-.
fcems ro h:wc bccn brought into Greece lodor.l.
Creteby the Pbt.euicians, who came 3 P
avccontinued 'till aftcr the days of Hero- 1. r6. p.
tts: for in counting the lcngth of Cvcn-
y yc::us, t. he reckons thirty tbys ro a Lu- Hnmcr .
. month, and twclvc i.tch months, or Odyf.
6.J d:qs, to rhc year, without the l. v
. d . 1 e ' l 1 e ' 1 l . . x"
: cmetrius Tba!crett.r lud 3 6oSu.tucs erec-
to him by thc Atbe11ia11s. But thc
Grreks, Cte()}lrattts, flt!rpaJus and
ro makc thcir months bcttcr w i! h rhc
.conde of thc J\1ooll, thc times of thc
(Perfirm Empirc, varicd thc nunncr of in-
' tcrca!ing thc tlucc mo::ths iu tbc O/act t-
t Plu
ta.rc h.
m a.
ri.r; :md .lvfeto1-t found out the Cyclc ofm.:
rercaling fcven months in ninetcen years. :
The Ancicnt year of the
alfo Luni-folar for P /utarch t re lb;:.
that the ycar of N11ma confiftcd of rwc>.:
Lunar monrhs, with inrercab.ry
ro make up w bar rhc twel ve Lunar mom
wamcd of the Solar ycar. Thc AIc;c:.:t
ycarof the .S.optia11S\\-a) a11o Luni-it.;::l_
ami continued ro befo 'rill thedays of l/..1
perio1l, orO f!ri.r, a K ing of EgJPf, rhc (:.
rher of Helttts and Sele11e, or Orus :PJ
Bubajle: F or the 1 frac lites broucrhr rh:;
dor.l. ) us that Ouramu the fathcr of Hyperj.
P r ufed this ycar, and t thar in the Temple d
t Dw- O.firis rhe Priel:s Jppoinrcd thcreunro fillcd
I. 3 6o Milk Bowls evcry dJy : I rhink he
Pl3 meansonc Bowl cvery day, in all 3o,ro
count the nnmbcr of days in the Ca_!cnd1r
year, and thereby to find out rhe differcnce
berwcen this and rhc true Solar year: ;H
thc ycar of 360 days wasrhe yc:u, ro rbc
cnd ofwhich they addcd fivc days.
That rhc lfraclitcs u!Cd the Luni-fcJl.:r
car is bcyond Qucfl:ion. Thcir monrh;
egan with thc ncw Thcir firn
month \\':15 callcd /lbib, from thc (lt'
Com in rlut month. Thcir Pa(ft>vcr \l':t\
from thc fourrccnth day of thc til
mnnth. thc JVI oon bcing t hcn in thc fui l.
And iCthc Com wa" not thcn ripc
for oflcrim ... thc fld1 Fruils, rhc Fcll.iPl 1'. J\
. V .
the RE E K S.
o[ by addincr an interc.1lary month :o
' o
cnd ofrhc ye;r ; and rhe harvefl wa<> gor
betorc rhc Pcnrecofl:, and rhe othcr
its garhered before thc Fcal: of rhc ie-
;:h month.
Sitnplicitts in his commcntary on thc *A puJ .
. ;.. ofArijtotte's Pby.ficat Acroa.fis, tclls Thco-
, rhat:fomebegirt the ycar upo11 tbe S 11m- dorum
r Soi(lice, as the 'People of Attic.l; or Ga?.;m
1t the Attturmrat Eqtttox, as thr: 'Peo- Je men-
o/ Afia; or iu !Villter, as the Romans; ibus.
about the Ver11at Eqrti11ox, as tiNA o.-
. a11d Peoptc Danufcus: a11d t/.Jt
. th began, according to fome, upo:1 t!Jf.?
. z:JI l.1oo?t, or upott the lv.e::.J. Thc
all thefe Nations wcrc thcreforc Luni-
lar, and kcpt ro thc four Scafons: and rhc
. umaJt year began at firl: in Spring. I
, m ro gather from thc N ames of rhcir
. onths, 'S!ntilis, Sr:xtilis, S'eptr:mer,
c1ober, November, 'Dccember: and rhc
i inning was aftcrwards removed to W in-
:;_ r. The ancient civil ycar ofrhc AJ!_'yri-
Babylo11ia1ts was alfo Luni-ilar:
{for rhis ycar was ufCJ by rhc Samar/.
::fans, who camc from fcvcr.ll parts of the
;:;.1(/{yriaFt Ernpirc; and rhc Jews who carne
::'from Babyto cJ.llcd thc monrhs of their
ni-iohr ycar afrer rhe Namcs of rhc
' nrhs ofthc Br1bytonian car: and Bero-
: lis* tclls us tlur rl1c !Jr1by onian.r celebra- *A ud
thc Fcal: Saetea U)Onthc 16th tbyof
, he month Loru, w hic 1 WlS aLurur month n::cum
. of l.+ '
rod. l.
of the Mact?dottia?ts, and kept to one ani
the fame Se:tfon ofthe yeat: and the Ar1.
6ia11s, a Narion who peoplcd Ra6ylon, ul:
us, that thc Sar11s of the Chaldea11s cor:
tains 2 22 Lunar months, \V hich are
icen ycars, confifling cach of twcl ve
months, bcfidcs 1ix intcrc::tbry monthi.
and whcn * C\rus cut thc River Gi!ldu:\
- \
into 3 6o Channcls, he fccrns to h:rvc allr}
dcd unto thc numbcr of days in thc CIIcn.
d:u ye::tr of thc Medes and.'PerfiaJts:
t Julan thc Emperor .'J11!ia1z t wrires, For 'Z:..:Im,
Or: 4 alt other 'People, that I may fay it j OIJ!
word, accommodate their mo11ths to tb!
co11rft of the lvlootJ, '""J.,'e alo11c :.e)ith the [.
gypcians meafitre tbe days of the yetzr
the courft of the Stm.
Atlengrh thc Egyptimts, for the fakco:
Navigation, thcmidvcs ro oblC1H
thc Surs; and by thcir Heliacal Rifings anJ
Scttings found thc true Solar ycar ro be firc
days longcr than the Calendar year, ano
thcreforc added five days to rhc rwclvc'
Calcncbr mnnrhs, makin the Solar ycar ro
confil: of twclvc mont s and fivc J:1ys
* Stra- and J 'Diodor11s akribe this in
"n _ 'Pnejls, iatth S trabo, are abo ... ceo
days 1tot6ytbet:ourftofthe lv/ooJt,
t be cour of t /;e J'm. To twr: lve mo11tb;
eJI 1,'
o the RE E K S.
h ofthirty days, they add _year{y five
s. In memory of th.s Emcndaton of
e year rhey d_cdicated thc { fivc addirion- -1- Pltl-
d.l stoOfiru,Ifis, Orusienior,T_yphon, tarch:
' n e r
t th-ofe da ys addcd ro thc HiJc.
hcn rhcfe fivc Prmccs \\ere born, tlut ..;, Diodor.
. rhc Rci n of Ouramts, or AmmoJJ, thc 1.
. P
hcr of efoc: and in * thc Scpnlchrc of 9.
. mmophis, who rcigncd oon atrcr, thcy '"'
,, accd a Goldcn Circlc of 3 5' cubits in txus a-
:. s, and dividcd it into 365' egua[ parts puJ Di-
.. rcprefent all thc in thc ycar,and no- dor.l.
upon cach part thc Heliaca! Rifings and P p ...
. ttings of the Stars on thar dJ.y ; w hich
, de rcrnaincd therc till the invaion of
g)'Pt by Camb][es King of'Per/ia. 'Till
: e Rcign of Ottramu, rhc ther of H)'fe-
. ion, and grandfathcr of flcli!ls J.nd Se/me,
. Agyptians ucd thc olll .Luni-flJlar
. ear: but in his Reign, that is, in the
,,' f Amm011, the father of ()_(tris or Sefat,
grJ.ndfathcr of Orus and Bubtiflc, rhc
bebmu began ro apply thcmdvcs to N J.-
. igation and Al:ronomy, and by thc Heli-
. .' ca[ Rifings and Scttings ofthc Surs dcr-:r-
:. the len of thc Solar ycar; and ro
:' he o[d Calen ar ycar addcd fivc (bys, :1ml
.... them to his five cbi!dren al)fwc
tioncd, as thcir birth JJ.Ys: and in
'gn of Amt:nophis, when by furthcr Ob
varions the had fufficicntl y
rime of t 1e Solilice.;, thcy mighr phcc
the beginning ofrhis new vc::tr upon
V crnal ELlunox. This ycar being at
prop:1gared into Chald!a, g::tvc occalion tn
the ycar of Nabot!affar; for thc ycars or'
JVahonaffar thoiC of Eg:rPt bcg:ll1 on
onc and thc hmc da y, callcd by thcm
Thotb, and wcrc equal and in al! rci1cd1
thc [une: aml rhc firft of Nabonalj:;r
bcrran on thc 2..0th cby of Fcbruar_y of the
old RomaJt yc:r, cvcn hnndrcd forty a!lll
fe ven yc:.1rs befo re thc Vulgar /Era of'!Jryl
and thirty and thrce days and five be-
fo re rhc V crnal Equinox, according to tk
Sun's mean motion; for it is not likcly
thc Equation of thc Sun's f11mdd be
known in thc inbncy of A fhonomy. i'\o11'
rcckoningrhatthcycarof36) days, \\.:::tnt5
:fivc hours and 49 minutes of the Equinoc-
tial ycar; the beginning of this yc:.1r \\ !ll
movc backwarJs thirty and three J:1:ys :1.nJ
fi ve hours in I 3 7 ycars : and by conL-
qucncc this ycar bcgan at fidt in
t1pon thc V Equinox, according to rk
Sun's mean mor ion, r 3 7 ycars beforc rhc
-'Era of NaboJJtlJlor began; that i'>, in r:1c
yc;ll' ofthc.'Ju litw PcrioJ 3 8 3 o, or 96
aftcr thc Je:.1th of Solomon : and if ir bcg:1:1
upon rhc ncxt {by afrcr thc V crnal Eq11i-
nox:, it might bcgin four ycars carlicr; :::tnd
about that time cndcd thc Rcicrn of .Amc!IO-
} : f{n- he cune not from Suj;t ro rhc
an war, but d icd afterw;lrds in h:opt.
This yc.:ar rccci ved by the P E m-
o the RE E K S.
from the Babylo1a1t; :md the Greek.r
ufed it in the lEra Philiptea, d:1tcd
om the Death of Afexandcr thc Great ;
Jttliu.r Ctefar corrctcd it, by :vkling
d;ly in evcry four years, and ir rh:
the Romans .
. Sy11celltts tells us, th:1t thc fiyc
adJcd to the oid ycar by bl
.9f rhc Shcpherds: and thc diffcrc!ll:c li.
time, bctwccn thc rcign of thi;; K in;, :lid
tlut of Ammo11, is but fnull; forthc rciga
._of thc Shephcrds endcd bur onc Gcm:r.tri-
on, or rwo, bcforc AmmOJt bcgan to :liLl
ti1oic days. But the Sbcphcrds mi11JcJ
Jl(Jt Arts and Sciehce;.
; Thc firl: month of thc Luni-folar ycar,
.by rc:1ion of the Intcrc:J.bry month,
':fomctimes a week ora fortnight, befo re t he
:Equinox or SoHlice,andiometimcs as mtH.:h
'att:cr it. And th1s ye . .u ga ve occaion ro tLc
lirfi:A.ftronomcrs, whoformcdrheAjlerif",.s
;to place the Equinoxes Soll:iccs in
J:liJdlcs ofrheConfrclbtions ofAries, CaJt-
::t'l'r, Cheftt, and Capricont . .Acbil/es Tati-
m * rclls us, thJt jo,we alltieHt{y pfcced tbe 'j(IJ7w l
+Yoljlicc in 1JfCancer, otbcrs ,1:c
,zn the ei,ghtb degreeofCanccr
othcrs a-
:bottt t/;e f .. ,;_.c/ft/; aad otber s ab:Jitt l'ctaviu
.. hejtjtee11tb deg1n tbcrcof This vari- eJn.
.cty .. of opinions procecdctl from th:: prc-
cd110n ofthc Equinox, :hen not known to
.: thc Grecks. \Vhcn thc Sphcrc was firil:
. turmcd, thc Soll:icc was in thc fifr_ccnt:l
'" ...
degrec, or_ =niddle of the Conl:ellation of
Ca11cer,thcit carne into thc twelfth,eighth,
fourth, and fid1 degrce fucccTively. Eu.
doxtts, who f1ouriihed about ixty years
aftcr Afetou, andan hundred years before
.Aratus, in dcfcribing the Sphcre of the
Ancicnts, pbced thc Solfl:iccs and Equi-
noxcs in thc middlcs of the Con1clbtions
* Hip- of /fries, CaJtcer, Che/te, and Capricor11,
parch. as isaflirmcd by* Hipparc!J!ls Bitbymu;
ztd Phx- and aopcars alfo by rhe Dcfeription ofthe
6. 29'; .rr. 6. 29'; m. 6. 29'
and ;;:,, 6. 29'; that is at rhe difrance of
1 Sign, 6 Degrees and 29 Minutes frorn
t:hc Cardinal Points of Chiro1t ; as nearly
2s we have been able ro determin from
rhe coarfc obfervations of the Ancicnts:
and thcrcforc the Cardinal Points, in the
time bctween that Expedition and rhe end
of the ycar 1689, have gone back from
rhofc Cotures, one Sign, 6 Degrees :1nd
Minutes; which, aftcr the of 7'-
ycars to a degrce, anfwers to 2627
Countthofc ycars back wards from the cnJ
of thc ycar 1689, or beginning of thc
year 1690, and the reckoning will place
thc .Arf,onautit Expediran, about 43
years after the death of Sotomo11.
By the fame method the place of any
Star in the Primitive Sphere rnay readily
be found, counting backwards onc Sign,
6?. 29'. from thc Longitude w hich it lud
in the cnd of rhc ycar of our Lord rr3y.
So thc Longitude of the firfl: Star of Aries
in rhc cnd of thc year r689 was Y' 28 ?.
51'. as abo ve: count backward I Sign,
(,o. 29'. and its Longitudc, countcd from
rhc Equinox in thc middle of thc Con
1clbtion of Arifs, in thc time of rhc Ar
;onatttic cxpcdition, will be 7t. 22 o.
;md by thc mc way of arg;uing, thc I .on-
r,itudc ofthc L11cicla Pleitu!11rn in rhc time
of thc /lr(!,OJiautic will be 1'
J 26'. 8<": and rhc Longirudc of /l!'t
o thc
us 13 ". 24' p.": and fo of any
After the Argo?tatttic Expedition \YC
ear no more of Al:ronomy 'rill the days
Thales: He t revived A11ronomy. and t Laerr;
rote a Book of the Tropics and Equi- in Tha-
rclls us, that he deterrnined thc Occajits w.
, . f h Pt . d b l.c. xz
. }.fatutmus o t e na es to e upon * Plin .
. ; rhe 25th da y of the Autumnal Equinox: 1.
:md rhence ** Petapius computes thc c. 2).
Loncritude of the 'P leiade s in Y'. 2 3 o. 53': Pe.
and by: confequcnce thc Lucida P!eiadttm tav.
had, fince the Argo1Jautic Expcdition, V:u:
moved from the Equinox 4 Q. 26'. )2":
and this motion, afrer the rate of 7 2. ycars I. c. f
ro a Degrec, anfwcrs ro 3 20 years : count
thefc years back from the time in which
Tbale s was a young man fi t ro appl y him-
fC!f to Afrronomcal Srudies, that is
from about the 41l Olympiad, and thc
rcckoning will place thc Argo11atttic Ex-.
pcdition about 44 years afrcr the death
of Solomo11, as abovc: and in rhe days
of Tbates, the Solliccs and Eguinoxcs.
by this rcck.oning, will havc bccn in the
middle of thc c1cvcnth of rhc
nnr Tbalcs, in publiihing his book.
about the Tropics and Equnoxcs, mighr
lc:m a littlc to thc opinion of formcr
Afl:ronomcrs, o as ro place thcm in rhc
twclfch of rhc Si;ns.
+ Pctav .
Meto and Et(l1cm07!, t in arder te
'1' en:.
l.y. c.
14-1 1!1.
publifh the Lun:.u Cyclc of ninctecn
ub!cn-cd thc Summcr Solfiicc, in thc yo:
of Nrt01tr!ffitr 3 r6, thc ycar bcto!c the
']-'cloo;;mjm bcg:m; and C'li''i;,:;.
lrz * rclls us, that thcy pbccd it in the
cighth Degrec of Cmccr, w hich is at kJn
k ven Degrccs wardcr than at firfi
Now thc Equinox, afrcr the ratc of a Dc-
grcc in :md two years, gocs bJ.ct ..
wards fevcn Dcgrccs in )O-f : cou!::
back.\vard<> ycars, from rbc t):
yc1r of 1Va/;oa_[{ar, :md thc
Expcdition, will llupon thc 4+/ b :e::
aftcr thc dc:nh of Solomo, or
as aboYe. And thus you fce thc tn:rh ( '
what wc citcd abo ve, out of Acbii!cs 7;!.
tiu.r; viz. Tlutf:.')mC anciently pbccd r:1c
Solf1icc in thc cighth Dcgrce of Crnt:'i',
o thcr" about che twelfth Dcgrcc, and
abont thc fiti:ccnth Dcgrcc thcreof.
H1p pdrc bus t11c grcat Al:ronomcr, f\1111
r:1ring his o\rn Ob1cnations with rhok or'
frmcr Aflronomcrs, concluded flrft oLlll\'
tlut thc Equinoxcs had :1 mution
back\L1nls, in rdpett ofthc fixt St:u>:
l1i'> opi11ion \\':1', that rhcy wcnt b:1ckwan!,
onc Dcgrcc in about an hundrcd ycars. He
nudc his ol11Crvarion..; of thc
bc:t \\'e en t he y c:us of JVdO!I rr_(f;zr, 5 : r .. md
( r : thc 111.iddlc y car is I02, \\' hich i ;.
2 () yors :1ficr rhc aforcL1id (.\
Ju'cto Eut/c;;o; ami intbdc y e r..:,
ti J-.:
' .
' '
' '
' :
he Equinox: muf1:. ha'/C
our Jc.rces, and o ha ve bccnm the tourth
'cl-u.r, by confcqucncc ha re thcn go1c
: lnckcleven Dcgrees lince t
JC Al'goaut:c
that is, in 1090 ac-
corLlltw to the Chronolo..'!:y of thc
Grc . thcn in ufe: th; is .d r rhc:
tc 0fabout 99 ycars, or ill thc rc!,t rourd
,,er. an hundrcd yc:us to J.Dcgrcc, ;l.:;
then b.tcd by Hippt!rcbl!s. But it
cally wcnt a Dcgrcc in fcvcnty ::l.lHl
rwo ycars, eleven Dc;rccs l!l 7lJ:
years: count thcfe 792 } c.uc; bac:.:.. \l';trt.L
fromthcyearofiVctonr((/o-:, rhc yc:H
from which \Ve conntcd thc 2gr yctrs,
thc re::k0-ning \Vill pbc-: thc ic
Expedtion, :ll'nut 43 ycars after thc
ofS'olomo<T:1 Grtcl:..r ha ve thcreircm:dc:
rhc ArgoJJautic Expediran :lbout thrce
hundrcd years ancicntcr than thc anJ
rhercby givcn occaion to opinion or-
thc grcat Hipparclms, that thc Equnox.
wcnt backward, aftcr the ratc ofonly a D<.>
grec in :.111 hundrcd ycars.
1 f((iod Lells us, that ft xty (bys :f[er tl; L
wintcr Solilicc thc Star ./!n't'mus iutt
at StmiCt: and thcncc ir ioll<)\'.'S, Llut fk-
fod flourihcd .lhtHtt :m hundrcd years atcr
thc dcath of or in thc CcllCI'Lnioll
r r Agc, ncxt afccrthc J)q_j.w wal', a<; 1/.-
_(od h
Frc m
F ro m all rhefc circumt:ances, groundtd
upon rhe coarfe obfervations ofthe ancient
Al:ronomers, we may reckon ir certain,
that rhc Argonautic Expediran was nor
carlier th::m rhe reign of Solomon: :md if
thefe Al:ronomical be :1ddcd to
the formcr arguments, tak.en from rhe mean
lcngrh ofthc reigns of Kings, according ro
thc courfe ofnaturc; from thcm all we nuy
fafely concludc, rhat rhe Argo11autic Ex-
pedition, was aftcr rhc death of Solomo,
and mofl: probabl y that ir was about -t3
ycars afrer it.
The TrojaJJ war was one Gcncration bt-
er than rhat E xpedition, as was fa id abo ve,
fevcral Captans ofrhe Greks in that war
being fons ofthe Argonauts: and rhe an-
cicnt Greeks reckoned .Afem1101t or Ame-
nopbis, King of Egypt, to ha ve reigncd in
the times of that w ar, feigning him ro be
the ion of Tithomts, the elder brorhcr of
Priam, and in the end ofthat war, ro h:1vc
come frorn Su fa ro the afiil:ancc ofPriam.
Amenophis was therefore ofrhe mc agc
with thc clder children ofPriam, and wa'>
wth his army at S11[a, in thc hil: ycarof
thJt war: and aftcr he had rhcrc finifl1cd
thc Afemno!lia, he mighr rcturn into E-
and adorn ir wirh Buildings, arid Obc-
li 'lks, and S u.tucs, and die thcrc about 90 or
9) ycars aftcr dcath of So tomo; whcn
J1c lud clctcrmincd and ictrlcd rhc bcgin-
llinofrhc ncw Eg_ypti,11J ycJ.rof 36) dil)'S
upon the Vernal Equinox, fo as ro defcrve
rhe Monumcnt abovc-mentioned in memo-
ry rhereof.
Rehoboam was born in the lal: year of
King 'lJavid, being fi. years. old at the
Death ofSolomoJt, 1 Kmgs, xtv. 21. an({
thercfore his fathcr SolomoJt was probabl y
born in rhe I8th year of King 'David's
reign, or bcforc; two or thrcc ycars be-
fare hs Birth, Vavzdbefieged Rabbab thc
Mcrropolis of thc Amrnonites, and com-
mittcd adultcry with Batbjbeba; and the
year befare rhis iegc began, van ...
quifl1ed the Ammo1lltr:s, and thcir Confe-
derares, the Syria11s of Zobah, and Rehob,
and Ijhtob, and Maacah, and 'Dmna[ctts,
and extended his Dominion o ver all rhdc
Nations, as far aq to the entring in of Ha-
math, and thc River Euphrates: and be-
forc this war began, he inotc Moab, and
Ammo1t, and Edom, and madc thc Edo-
mites fly, fome ofthem nto Egypt with
thcir King Hadad, then a littlc child; and
othcrs ro rhc wherc they forti-
ficd Azotb againl: lfrar:t; and othcrs, l
think, to the Perjicm Gttlph, and othcr
pbccs whither they coulJ ckapc: and bc-
forc this he had fcvcral Battles w ith thc
Philijlims: and all this was after the ciO'hth
year of his reign, in which he c11ne from
Hcbroz to .7crufltlem. W e cannot crr
thcrcfore abo ve two or thrcc ycars, if w e
pLtcc this Vitory ovcr Edom, in the elc-
O the
\'enth or twelfth year ofhis reign ; and thar
over Amnzo1t and the Syrians, in the four.
teenth. After thc flight of Edom, thc King
of Edom grew up, and rnarried
or 'Dapl111is, the fil:er ofP haraoh'
and befo re the Dcath ofVavid, had by hcr
a fon, called Gemtbab, and this ion \\'JS
brought up among children of Pbara.
oh: and among rhdc childrcn was rhc
chief orjirjt bont ofher mother's chitdrcn,
whom Solomon marricJ in thc be inning of
his rcign; and hcr littie Jijler w JO at tlut
rime hadJtobrcajls, and hcr brothcr,
rhen jitclzed the breajis of bis motbcr,
Ca1tt. vi. 9 and Yiii. I, 8: and of abour
thc mc Age with rhefe childrcn, wa s Se-
foc or Sejojlris; for he becamc King of
Egypt in the reign of SoJom01t, I Kings xi
40. and befo re he berran to rcign he warrcJ
undcr his father, an w hill: he was nry
young, conqucrcd Arabia, Trogtodytica.
and Lib;a, and then inradcd Ethiopia;
and iuccccding bis father, reigncd 'ti U rhe
fifth year of A fa: and therdore he w;s
ofabout the age with the childrcn of
P haraob aboye-mcntioned ; and mizht be
onc of them, and be born near the cnd ot
'Da7..Jid's rcign, and be about 46 years old
when he camc out of Eg '}Jt, with a
Army to invade thc Ea : and by rcafon
of his great Conqucfl:s, he was cclcbr:ttcll
in fC:veral Nations. by fcvcr:d N ames. Thc:
Cbald.ea11s callcd him Belu.r, w hich in
o the
eir Langua e, fignificd t!Je Lr;rd: the
rabians cal ed him Bacchus, which in
heir Language, fignifi_cd, the Great: the
hrygitms and TbraCtmts, c:1lled him Ma-
s, }lfavors, Mars, which fignificd, tbe
a/iaJJt: and thcnce thc Amazo1ts, whom
:,he carricd from Thrace, and lcft at Tbcr-
''modo11, cailed rhcmfelves rhe of
:)Y!ars. The EgyptiaJts- beforc his Rcign,
:ol!cd him thcir Hero or Jlc:rcttles; and af-
.tcr his death, by rcaon of his great works
'i<loneto the Ri\'Cr Nile, dcdicatcd that Ri-
:\nr ro him, and dcified him by irs namcs
.Nitus, and and rhe
Greeks hcaring thcm lamcnt O S ibor, Bott
')'ihor, callcd him Ofiris and Ar-
:ria!t * tclls us, that thc Arabia
ts worfhip- * Arri.,
: pcd only two Gods, Ca: ltts and 'D ioll_yfus ; an.l.
: and that they wodbipped 'DioJtyflts for the
glory ofleading his Army into l11dia. Thc
'Dio1yjiu of thc Arabians was Baccblts,
'_ :md all agrec, that Bacclms was thc fa me
King of E ypt with Oj/ris: ami the Crr-
.. lus, or ra11us, or JHjJitcr 'Vranius of
; rhe Arabians, I takc ro be thc famc King
: of Egypt with his father .AmmoJJ,
: ding ro the Poet :
. '
kthiopum populis,
que beatis
Gentibtts, atqtte /udis tt1111J' Jit Jupiter
./lmmon .
1 pl-ace the end of the Re ion of S e fa e
the fifrh year of.d ra, beca u e in tharyear A (a
f:>ecame free from the Dominion of Eg}pt,
o asto be able to fortify Judtta, and raue
that great Army with which be mcr Zc.
rah, and roured him. O firis was thercfore
1lain in the fifth year of Jifa, by bis bro
ther Japetus, whom the Egyptia1zs calleo
Typh07t, Pyth01t, and Neptu1te: and theu
the Libyans, under .'lapetus, and his fon
>jJt/.as, invaded Egypt, and raifed thlt
famous war betwcen thc Gods and Giants,
from whence the Ni le had rhe name of E.
ridamts: but Orzu the fon of Ojiris, by
the affifl:ance of rhe Ethiopimts, prevail
ed, and rei ned 'till the r 5th year of Jlfa:
flnd then t e Etbiopia1zs under Zerab in
\'aded Egypt, drowned O rus in Eridamu,
;nd were routed by Afa, [o that
could not recover himfelf. Zerab wa1
fucceeded by 4me1tophis, a youth of the
Royal F amily of the Ethiopia1ts, and 1
think theon of Zerah: but the People of
the Egypt revolted from him, and
fetup Oforjiphtu over them, and called to
at1ifl:ance a great body of men from
Phte1lica, 1 think, a part of the Army of
A fa; and thereupon, Amenophis, th.e
of his farherts Arm of Ethropt
rctircd from thc lowcr gypt toMe m
phis, 4lnd therc turned rhe River NiJe into
. pew ch:mncl, undcr ncw bridge which
"ctwecn two Mountains , and at
. V 1-' , tht
o the RE E K S.
thefame time he buil,t and fortified that Ci-
ry ao-ainl: Oforjipbtts, calling ir by his own
or Afempbis: and then he
retired into Etbiopia, and hyed there r 3
ycars; and then ca me back wirh a great Ar-
my, and fubdned the lower Eg)pt, expcl-
ling rhe People w hich had be en callcd in
om Pb,nJicia: and rhis I to be rhe
fccond cxpulion of thc Shepherds. Dr.
Cajlcl * tclls us, tlur in Coptic rhis Ciry is In
called Afanphtba; whence by contrldion l\loph.
camc its N ames A!opb, .lvoph.
\V hile AmeJtopbis bid in E-
(_O'Pt \Vas in its grcatdl: dil:rahon: ancl then
ir was, as I conceive, that thc Grccl:..r he:u-
contri ved the Argonautic Ex-
pedition, and ient the flower of Grcece in
rhe Ship Ar o, to peduade the Nations u J-
on the Sea oafl:s ofrhe EttxiJte and Ale -
terraneatt Seas, ro revolt from Egypt, and
fetup for themfebes, as tbe Libyans, Ethi-
opia1ts, and .!ew.r, had done befo re. And
rhis is a further argument for placing thJt
Expedition about 43 years afrer the Death
of Sotomon; this Period bcing in the rnid.-
dle of thc dil:ral:ion of E.c;ypt. Amnzo ..
phis might return from Etbiopia, and con-
querthe lower Egypt about eight years at:
terrhat Expedition, and having fcttled hi5
Government over ir, he might, for putting
a fio to the revolting of the eal:ern Nati-
ons, ead bis Army into Perjia, and lea ve
fJ?roteus at Mempbis, ro govcrn Eg_ypt in
H 1. bis
his abfence, and l:ay fome time at su;t,
and build the MemttOJa, fortifying tlut
City, as the lVIetropolis of his Dorninion
in rlwfe parts.
Androp;cus the fon of upon his
overcoming in rhe .Athencea, or quadrenni-
al G ames at Atbr11.r in his youth, was pcr-
fidioufly flain out of cnvy: and ]lfi,ws
thereupon madc war upnn thc Athnitll!J,
and compcllcd thrm to fCnd crery cighth
ycar to Crete iCvcn bcardlds Y ouths, and
as m3.ny young V irgins, to be givcn as a re
ward ro him thJ.t l1ould gct rhc V itory in
thc likc Games infiituted in Crete in ho-
nour of Thcfc Games kcm
to luve been cclebratcd in thc beginning of
thc Q[f acteris, and thc in thc
beginning ofthe Tetraet eris, then brought
into Crete andGrcecc, by the Phte1ticia11s:
upon thc third payment of the tribute
of childrcn, that is, abont iCvcuteen ycars
aftcr thc faid war was at an end, and about
ninetccn or twenty ycars afrcr rhe death of
.A11drogeus, Tbejcus bccame Vitor, ami
rcturncd from Crct e w ith JiriadJte, the
:e Euan- uaughter of .NliiiOS; and coming ro thc
thcs a- bnd f.laxtt.r or ?Jia, * .Ariad1te \vas thcrc
ud A- rclinquilhed by him, and rakcn up by Gla!t-
tus, an E:g_yptiau <?ommander at Sea, anll
bccamc the miflrcis of thc grcat Ba.ctblls,
P7 P who at thar time rcrurned from ]Jitz in
HllS ,'ab. 'Phl)'tts ttnd Ettmedott, who werc
J$ 1ta!l! s,
o the
mmts. This Bacchtts was cmght in bell ia
Phrygia, with VeJJtts thc mothcr of ./f.,'ze_
as, according to Homer; jufl: bcfurc he
ome over the He!!eJPo!tt, and invaded cr. 0-
Thrace; and he m:1rricd Arittdne, thc dy{[ 1.8.
daughter of Mi11o.r, accordin'; ro
v. 292..
anJ therefore by the 'J dltJWll1 y o r bo th t He f ..
Homer and 1 lc(tod, \\' ho \Hntc hcforc t he od.
G'reeks and Errptirm.r cnrrllptcd rhcir An-
tiquities, this 'Aaccbu.r W;t> une (} c:lciJtion gon. v,
oldcr than thc ill'f!,f)!!f!if/.f; :1nd i bciwr Y+f
'- :-J
KingofEgypt atrhc L1mc t Imc \\ id1 StfuF
tris, rhey mufl be onc and thc Llmc Kin(Y:
for rhey agree ali() in their al:ions, E.'tcrbus
invadedlfldia aml Grct'CC, :mJ aftcr he \\'a.'i
routed by the Army <f TL'rfhts, ami the
war was compufed, rhc Grt! did hi:n
great honours, and bui lt J. T emp1c tll r i n J.t
Argos, and c:11led it the Tem ,Jc of the
Crejia!f. Bacc!Jus, bccaule A1i.z ne was bu-
ricd in it, as 'P cwflmias * rclJ.tcs. ./lrul- # Pau
7/ethereforc dicd in thc cnd \Var, jul f.m.l. z..
hcforc rhe rcturn ofSefoJirisinro E,g)}t, c. 21,
that is, in thc 14th ycar of Rc!Job.Mm: S he
was taken from 1Vaxus, u pon thc rctttm of
Bacchus from fnditt, ami rhen bccamc thc
:Vlil:reis uf Eaccbus, and :1ccomp:micd him
m hisTrinmphs; and thcrcfore thc Expc<iiti-
on ofTbefeus to Cretc, and thc dc:uh ofhi'i
iather JE ett.r, was about ninc or ten ycars
:tcrthe eath of Solomo11. wa.;;
rhcn a beardlcfs young man, fi.1ppofc about
19 or 20 years old, aml .illldrogc!ls wa.;;
H 3 bI.rA
102 O the
, '
ihin about twenty years before, being then
abom. 20 or 22 ycars old; and bis father
J.fios might be about 2) ycars older, and
fo be born about the middle of 'David's
Rcign, and be about 70 ycars old when he
V.eda/us in ro Sicib: and E'tropa
anJ hcr brothcr Cadmus might come into
Luroj-'c, rwo or tlucc ycars befo re thc birth
of J11tos.
in his r8th book, tells us: J rege
Jlja!rmiorum expug11ati Sidonii navibus
appuljiT)'roJt urbem a1Jte am;um "'* Trqja-
t Stra- 1ite cladis And S trabo, t that
bn. Lr6. Arac!us r;.c,as built by the me1t who .flcd
J. from Zidon. Hence lfaiah . calls Tyre
xxiii. 2. the dattghter ofZidon, the i11habitants oj
12. tbc 1 Jle whom the Aferchants of Zidon
K. harz,e reple11ijhed: a.rzd* Solomon in rhc be-
e har. f ginning ofhisReign calls the People ofTyre
v. 6. Zido11il1ts.Afy Scrva1tts,faith he, in aMef-
fagc to lliram King of'l}re, jhatl be with
tb_y Scrva11t s; a11d tmto thee wilt Ige
bire for th)'Ser'l-'tlJJt.r, accordiftg to alt t/;at
t hott dfjirejl :for tbou knowejl that there
i.r WJt amog tts a11y tbat can skitt to hcw
t imcr likr the ZidonLms. The new In-
habiunt" ofTyre had nor yer Ioft rhe turne
of,/;ido;ria!ls, nor had the old Inhabitanrs,
if rhcrc wcrc any confiderable numbcr of
t.hcm, gaincd the Rcputation of che new
once;, fin skill in hewingoftimber, as thcy
wuuld ha ve done, had na vi ation becn
i11uic ar Tyn:. The Art' ccrs w ho camc
from Zidon were not dead, and the flight of
thc Zidonians was in the Reign of'David,
and by confequence m t he beginnin of the
Regn of .A6i6atus9 the father of iram.
and the firft King ofTyre mentioned in Hi{:
tory. 'David in the twelfth year of his
Reign, conqueredEdom,as abovc-,and mdc
fome ofthe Edomites, and chiefly theMer-
chams and Seamen, t1y frnm rhe Red S::a
to the Phi!iflims upon che lfed.terrane-
phanus tells us: ,;_. ... ,:, . . ""' in A ..
Aco. .. One O f t he .Fug i tive S
from the Red Sea 6uift Azorh 1 th:lt is,
a Prince of Edom, who flcd from 'Da
vid, Azoth for the
again!l: hirn. The Phitijlims wcrc now
grown very .l:rong, by the acceis of che
Edomites and Shepherds, and by theit
affil:ance invaded and took that be-
ing a town ver convenient for the Mcr
chants who fle from the Red Sea: and
thendid the Zdona?ts fly by Sea ro Tyre
and ilradus, and to other havens in A ji a
Minor, Greece, and Libya, with which.
by means ofther tradc, they had becn ac
quainted befare ; the great wars and vid:o-
ries of'David their ene m y, prompting them
to fly by Sea: for t they went with 1 grcat t
multitude, notro feek Europa, as pre- non.
tended, but to feek new Scats, and there- Nar"'
fore fled from their enemies: and when rat. 31 :
lomeof them fled under Cadmtu, and his
H bro--.
:;tC. l. 1 .
. ' ) ,
. .
...... \.. ... 1....
O the
brothers ro Cilicia, .Afia mittor andGrcece,
othcrs flcd undcr other Commanders to
teck new Seats in Lib;'a. and there built
nuny walled towns, a'l .LVomw.r * affirms:
and their lcader \Vas alfo thcrc called Cad-
rmu, which word ignifies :111 eal:ern man,
anJhis wifcwascalledSitboi.r, aZidont-
tV!. 1\!Tarw from thofc Citics wcnt acr-
w iLb the grcat Bacc!J!t.r in his A r-
mic:s: and by thclc things, rhe taking of /i-
do:;, and thc tlight of thc Zidoniall.J undcr
.Jl/;ibtt!tt.J, Cadm11.r, Cifix, Thafiu, .ll!em-
6/!aritts, .Atymmts, and othcr Captains. to
'f )'J'e, Aradtt.r, Cilicia, Rbodes, Caria,
Bi:hyJJtl, 'Phr)gia, Ctillijle, Thafus, StZ-
motbrace, Crete, Greect:, and Libya, and
rhc building ofTyre and Thebes, and begin-
nin:r ofrhc of Abibalus and CadttJ/IJ
l.., \,.'
on_-r rhoL Citics, are fixcJ upon thc fif-
tccnth or ixtecnth year ofVavid's Rcign,
ur rhcrcabout. By means ofthefe Colonics
thepcople of Caria lcarnt
kJ-afhir->, !1 fuch ilnall vcfTels wirh o::us,
a-> wcrc thcn inutc, and bcgan to frcquent
thc Sc,1", and pcoplc lome of thc 111-
:liH.h thcn:in, bcfore thc Rcign of .Afinos:
for Cu!mus, in coming to Greece, arrivcd
fi :!1 .1t Rboclc.r, an I lland upon the borders
(;/ Cni.t, andlcftthcrca Colonyof'Pba:-
' J. ::.!1/.r, who hcrificcd men to Sttturlt;
th;.: TddJitil'.r bcing rcpu!lcJ by 'Pbo-
1 ,;;rtlts, re ti red Ji"<1m /h:c:,o.r ro Rhodc:s with
"[!JJJ'v,:Y, wbu purgcJ tllc IILmd om S.t:r-
pents; Triopas, thc fon of
carri<:d a Colony from Rbodes to Carta,
and rhcre poffcffed himfclf of a promonto-
ry, rhencc called Triopium: and by this,
aml fi1ch likc Colonics, Caria was fmnilh-
cd with Shipping, and Searnen, cal-
led * Pba:nice. Strabo and HerodfJttts t *Athen.
tells us, that rhe Cares wcrc ollcd Lele- 1 +c.
ges, andbecamc fi1bjcl:to .Afinos, and liv-
cd firl in rhe Inands ofthe Grcck Sca':l, and t
went thence into Caria, a country po!Tefl: bo. l.
\rhencc it s probable, tha.t w hcn Le/ex and rod.l.
'Pcl:JjJns carne firft intoGrcece ro fcek ne'v
Seats, they lefr part oftheir Colonic3 in Ca-
ritl, and thc neighbouring rnands.
Thc Zido!lians being il:ill poTcfed of
the nade of the Mediterrauean, a') far
wel:ward as Greece and Li6ya, and thc
rrade ofthe Red Sea bcing richer; thc Ty-
rwstraded on the Red Sea in conjuntion
with Solomon, and the Kings of.'Judah, 'till
aftcr rhe TrojaJt war; and io alo did
the Mcrchants of .Aradu.r, Arvad, orAr-
przd: for in the Perfian Gulpb were rwo
Temples like the Ph!CJticialt; and rhere- o.
forc thc Tyrians and Aradia1s iailcd thi-
thcr, and beyond, to the Coafl:c; of ludia, _
1 trranea!l: and hence iris that liomer ce- xx r. &
T;re. BLlt at lengrh, H 1ll thc Regn ot viii. z.o,
Jc .u .
Jehoram King of Judah, Edom revolred
from the Dominion of .'ludah, and
themfelves a King; and the trade of J udah
andT-yreu on the R_ed thereby
inrermpte , thc Tyrta1ts bmlt th1ps for mer
chandiie upon the Mediterraneatt, and be-
gan thcre to make long Voy ro placos
not yer frequented by the Zi ia1u; (m1c
of them going ro thc coal:s of ..A frie be-
yond the J)rtes, and buildingAdr;mctum,
Carthage, Leptis, Vtica, and Cap fa ; J.nd
others going to the Coafis of Spain, and
building Carteia, Gades and Taru_[fs;
:a.nd others going further to thc Fortuuate
ljlands, and to Britain and Thule. Jeho-
ram reigned eight years, and rhe two 1aa
years was fick in bis bowels,and before that
ftcknefs Edom revolted, becaufe of Jeho-
ram's wicked Reign: ifwe place that revolr
about the middle of the firl: ix years, ir
will fall u on rhe fifrh year of Pygmatiott
King of yre, and fb was about twelve or
fifteen years afrer rhe raking of Troy: anJ
then, by reafon of this revoit, the TyrimH
retired from the Red Sea, and began long
Voyagesupon the Mediterranca1t; for in
the fevenrh year of P_y malion, bis Si!ler
?Ji do failed to the Coa of A frie beyond
the Syrtes, and therc built Carthage. This
retirin ofrhe Tyrans from the Red Sea w
make on Voyagcs on the Mediterrane
an, toget cr with thc fli ht of thc Edo-
*Itl.'s from 7Jav/to thc hitijlims, gavc
the RE E K S.
occlion to the traditio:1toth ofthe ancient
ferjiatJs, and of rhe.
Jelves, that the P hr.ettttatts carne ong111al-
from the Red Sea to the coails of the
') editerranean, and prefently undertook
!liong Voyages, as* Herodottts relates : for
relates, that the P hr.e lttc ta!ts corning mcd1um.
,;from thc Red Sea to the Mcditerra11ea1t,
i and beginning to make long Voyages with
;: Egyptia1t and Aj[yrimt wares, among o-
: thcr to Argos, and having fold
, thcir wares,feized and carried away into E-
. gypt, fome of the Grecian women who
carne to bu y them; and amongfl: thofe wo-
' men was lo the daughter of btachus. The
PhrEnicians therefore came from the Red
S ea, in the da ys of lo and her brother P bo-
ronetu Kingof Argos, and by confeguence
ar that time when 'David conquered thc E-
.: domite.r,andmadethem fly everyway from
. the Red Sea; fome inro Egypt with their
: young King, and others to the P bilijtms,
their next nei hbours, and the encmics of
;' 1Javid. An this flight gavc occafion to
: the Phitijlimt, to call many places
thra, in memory of their being Erythre.-
'i .. tms or Edomite.r, and oftheir coming from
the Erythrean Sea; for Erythra was the
nameofaCity in Jonia, of another in Li-
bya, ofanother nLocrit, ofanother in
otia, of another in Cyprus, of anothcr in
.1/jtotia, of aoother i,u Ajitl oear Chitu ;
and Erythia .Acra was a promontory i;
Libya, and Erythrtettm a promontory
Crete, and a phcc ncar 1)b1tr,
and Erytb, a City or Counrry in 'Pa.
phtagonia: and rhc namc l:.'rytbea or
thrte, wasgivcn ro rhe IO:md Gades, pco.
tS:>lin. c. plcd by Phrrnicians. So SolJtlls, t In ra.
pite B tet ic te i1tfida a cont enti ftpt i
tis paj}'!:J!ts memoratur quam 1j'rii a rubro
mari pro_f('[f i Er)tbeam, P rnti .fu a
Plin.l. 4 Gadir, id ejl fopcm omiJtar:mt. An(l
c.:n. Pliny, concerning a littlc I0;1nd ncar it;
Erytbia di[fa ejt quoniam 1)rii .Aborigt
nes eortun, ort i abErytbrteo mari ferc/J,w.
tur. Among t he P hrr1c ians, \V h o e
Strabo. wirh Cadmtts into Greecc, therc were *A-
l 9 p.4ot. rabia11s, and + t Erythreans, or Inh:1oi
t+ Herod. in'[ hrace rhere fettled a Pcople, w ho \Hrc
l.. circumciii.!d and called Odomcm!:e.r, rhat
as fome think, Edomites. EdoJtt, Eryt/;tl
and Phrrnicia, are namcs ofthe famc Jign!
fication, the words dcnoting a red coluur:
\Vhich makes it probable that the Eryt/;rc
a1ts w ho fletl from 'David, fettled in grca:
numbers in [J/;(J!1ttcia, that is, in all theSca
coafis of Syria, from Egypt to Zido1t i and
by calling thcmfclves Pb(J!11iciaJts, in thc
hnguagc of Syria, infl:ead of Erythrean.r,
gavc thc name of Pb(J!nicia, to all that Sca-
coal:, and to that only. So StrtJVO :
strabo. ' ' ' 1 ' ' \ o' .. 1 1 u
fJ.'' y.xr ll.
TIJ <; cflovmar,, Tll t; ,;JVIIJ; Tll.; Wl!'l "'fLIX;
.1.p.41, - m '" '
!IV4-1.1 T:v iiV 'f"!J
... w-,111CTIX._H ipvD.i. _Ajjj refertmt
o the
RE E K S 109
. cu Sido1tios f}f/ros fj{e colonos eorum
ui futtt t Oceano, addentfs ittos ideo vo-
ari Phr:enices [puniceos] qr10d mare ru-
brum Ji t.
S trabo* mentioning the fidl men who *Strabo (t
:lcft thc Sca-coal:s, and vcnrurcd out inro J.p.4a.
tbc dccp, :md undertook long V o :tgcs,
n1mes Bacchus, lfercules, Jafo1t, lyf!es
:md A!melatts; and faith th:1t the Domini-
on of }.fios ovcr thc Sea was cclebrated,
and thc N:ng:1tion ofthe Pba:11icianswho
wcnt beyond thc Pilbrs of Hercttles, and
built Citics rherc, and in the middle of the
Sc;-coal:s of Afric, rekntly after the
war of TrOJ' Thcfc " ha:11icia11s t were t Bocha.rt.
thc T'Yrillts, w ho at tlnt time built Car- Canaan. 1,
tbage in Afric, and Carteia in Spaitt, and .c. H
Gades in the IOand of rhat name without
che Straigbts; and gavc thc name of Her-
cules to rheir chef Leader, bccaufe of his
labours and fitcces, and rhat of Heraclea to
rhc city Carteia whch he built. So Stra.
bo : 'E , , ,
.,, ... Strabo. l.
, IV l:t Y uc YI.J.iTci o..-0,:-tT' 7'"\1v ::-.CL'
' ;,. ic; 1 K.ctl "';; aura [ J 'lrAII 'T'T 1a:p.i- v3 .dP
' 1' ' ' o ' ' ... 1 f u .
. J<'it.Ctr:;""'.o'; a\I:>Aoyo, K-<1 'lfct.?.:xu., v:...r:;:x .uv 7rOT6 YIVJfJ.E '11 T -UV T r. .n.
, r ' .... , . 1 7 ranl&I.Jl ..
1'. m & ""' K IIC(.I.CI. wv "'' K:Xl T.(J.oaGs NO
. " "'
1 . } ' ' . ' ' ' . 3f9
,r o; 1.f1)11"l X;J IpctKAE.av ovt1J.LcttrO'tJ:t: TCI "retA.LIIJV TE
f .,,e,Aov, Mons a_d dextram ejle
.! uojtro marr foras navtganttbus, ad qua-
;:: dragi11ta 11de jtadia urbs Cctrteia
.: (ICmcmorabitis, olim .flatio !Jifpa
Hauc ab Hercute qttidam CO!tditam
anmt, iJtter ttos ejl qui eam
antirtttitus Jeracleam appetlatam
adbuc magmtm 1/Jttrorttm
circrtitttm 11avalia. This Hercttlcs, ,
memory ofhis building and Reigning mcr
l. l. c. 34
f 6B1.
rhe City Carteia, they called al1o llldca;.
tus, the King ofCarteia. Bocbart * \\'rircs,
that Carteia was at tirll caiied
from its founder Mekarttts, and by Jn
.i1phttrefis, Carteia; and that }.fdcart:;
fignifies .lllatec Kartha, the King of
City, that is, fairh he, of rhe City Tyn::
but confidcring that no ancient Aurho1: rci;;
us, that Carteia was ever called ]lfclcar
teia, or that Me/cartus was King of T)n;
l had rarher fa y that fo!elcartus, or .filrlc'
cartus, hadhisname from being the Fou:J
der and Governor or Prince ofthe city Car
teia. Under Jtrfetcartus thc Tyria11s hil
ed as far as Tarte.f!us or Tarjhijh, a pbcc in
the Weftern part of Spai1t, berween thc
two mouths of the river Bmtis, and thcrc
theytmer with muchfilvcr, which thcy pnr
chafed for trifles: they failed alfo as taras
Britain before the death ofMelcarttls; for
.Plin.I. ... Ptiny tellsus, Plttmbum ex Caj]teride
.c.f6. .
i1Jjitla primu.r apportavit Jtrfidacrtttts:
andl3ochart + obferves tbatMidacritluisa
Greek name corruptl y writtcn for Mete m
tus; Britain being unk.nown to the Grnks
long after it was difcovered by rhe P brrm
. cia1u. After the dcath of Metcart!ls,
they * built a Temple to him in rhe Ifland.
tus invita Gades, and adorncd ir with the fculprurcs ol
Apollonii thc labours of Hercules, and of his Hydrn,
- tia .
o t he G R E E K s." 1 I I
Jcs, King of the B ijtones in Tbrace, to be
devoured. In this Temple was the golden
Belt of Tettcer, and the golden Olive of
PY. matiote bearing SmaragdJe fruit:
by thefe coniecrated gifts of Teu-
cer and Pygmalio?t, you may know that
it was built in thcir da ys. Pomponius de-
rives ir from rhe times of the Trojatt war.
for Tettcer fe ven years afrer that war, ac-
cording to the Marbles, arrivcd at Cyprus,
being Lanifhed from homc by his father Te-
lamo11, and thcre built S ala miS': and he and
bis Pol:erit reigned therc 'rill Evagoras,
the lal: of t 1em was conqucrcd by thePer-
fia11s, in thc twelfth year of .Ji;!:zxerxes
.lvbtemon. Certainly this Tjrian Hercutes
could be no older than the Troja1t war, be-
caufe the Tyrimu did not begin to navigate
the Mediterranean 'till after that war : for
Homer and Hejiod knew nothing ofthis na-
. \igation, and thc Tyritm Hercules went to
the coafts of Spatrt, and was buried in
GaJes: fo ./lr1robius *; Tyrius Hercttlfs Arno'tt
fepulttu i1t ji1Jibus Hifpattite: and Mela,
il caking ofrhc Temple of Hercutes in Ga-
es, faith, Cur [a1tlumjit oj[a ejtts ibi fe
pttitae citmt. Cartbage t paid tenths to tDochart.
this ercules, and fcnt thcir payments m
rr d h b bl l.l.C.lf,
year y to .1. ru: an t encc it's pro a e
that this ercutes went to thc coal: of
/Jfric, as well as ro that of Sp'ailz, and by
. i {' d l 'D . J e.
IS ( i coveries prepare t 1e way to tao: Florusl. 3
Orofius and othcrs tell us that he built
t .
Ca.) fa therc. J ofcp!ms tclls of an earlier
't Antiq.l.
Hercrtles to w horn Hiram built a Tcmrle
at Tyre: and perhaps therc mighr be J!i;J
:an earlicr Herculcs of 1)'re, \Yho icr on
foot thcir trade on thc Red Sea in
days of Vavid or Solomo11.
Tatia11, in his book againl: the Grffls,
relates that amongfl: the P hrr;ticitms fi"u-
rihed three ancienr H il:orians, TbciJdot I'J",
Hy.ficrates and Mochus, who a U of t ,\,;
delivered i1t their hijfories, tra11jlater/ ;,.:_
to Greek by Lxtus, 111tder which oj' de
Kings bappe11ed tbe rapture of Enr('P:
the voyage o enelaus into PhceniciJ.; ::d
the leagtte and between S'Jio-
mon a1td Hiram, whe1t Hiram gave bis
daughter to Solornon, and furtzijhed htt
with timber for bttitding the Temple: twd
that the fome i.r affirmed by Menandcr oj
Pergamus. Jofephtts t ]ets us know th1t
the ;Annals from the daysof
Abtbattts andHtram, Kings of Tyre, wcrc
extant in his da s ; and that Me1za1tdcr of
Pergamrts tran ated them into Greek, and
rhat Hlram's friend.ihip to Solomo11, aud
affifiance in buildin the Temple, was mcn-
tioned in them; an that the Tero le wa'i
fotmded in the eleventh year of iram:
by the tefiimony of Metta1tder and che
ancient P /;(J!nician hil:orians, the rapturc
of Europa., and by confequcncc thc com-
ing of her brother Cadmtts into Grecce,
happened wthin the time of the Reigns of
Kings of Tyrc dclivcred in thefe hil:o-
o the RE E K S.
and thereforc not befo re thc Reign of
.Abi/;altts, the firl: of them, nor befo re rhe
Rcian of King 'David bis
voyagc of MeJtetaus might be J.fter rhe
Jcftrutfion of Troy. Solomo!! rhcrefore
reigned in the times betwcen rapturcs
of Europa and Helena, and and
ber brorher Cadmus flonrilhcd in rhc d:1 \' s
of 'David. },Ji11os, thc f(m of E!trofa.
nourilhcd in thc Rcign of S'oiumon, J.nd
p.ut of rhe of RebobO!lm: and rhe
children of llfmos, n:1mely his
eldeft fon, 'DeucatiOlt bis youngcf1: fn :1nd
one ofthc Argo11a1tts, /JriadJte the mil1-refs
of Tbefotts and B<'zccbtts, and Phtedra rhe
wifeofThr:fetts; flourUhcd in thc bttcr end
of Sotomo11, and in thc Reigns of Rebobo-
mn, .Abijah, and Aflt: and1dome!le!ts, the
grandfon of Mino.r, was at the war ofTro]:
andHiram[uccecded his fathcr AbialJt.r,
in theth.recandtwcnticthyc:u ofVa-;id:
and JJbiiJatus might found thc Kingdom of
Tyrc'a;bout ixreen or eightcen ycars befo re.
when Zido11- was tak.en by the Pbitiflims;
and the Zido1zians led from thencc, undcr
the condut .of Cadmus and othcr com-
manders, to .feek new feats. Thns by thc
Annats ofTyre, and thc ancicnt Phrcn-i-
mz Hiil:orians who followed thcm, dbiba-
tus, Af::ym1tus, Cadmus, and Europa, flcd
from Zidrm -about rhc fixtccnth ycar of
'lJavid's Reign: and the Ar 01rautic Ex-
pedition being later by about uee
I rions,
l 14
-1 Thucy,\.
' .
l. 1> ir.itiO.
rions, will be about thrce hundred year;
Luer than w he re rhe G reeks ha ve placed
Afrcr in long hips with fail,,
onc ordcr of oars, lud bccn propagatcd
from to 'Phrnticia and Greecc, and
thcrcby thc ?:idonitms had extended rhcir
t1 .Hle ro G rcrcr, ;md carricd ir on about :111
hundrcd and !lfty yc:us; and rhcn thc T_\-
J'ial!s hcing drivcn from rhc Red-Sea by
t he L'domlu s. lud hcgnn a ncw tradc (;ll
thc 11/editerranctw with Spain, ./lfric.
Rritrl, and othcr remo te nation<> ; thcy
carricd it on about an lmndrcd and ixr\
improvc NaYigation, by building )igger
f1lips with tl1rce ordcrs of oars, called Tn
remes. For t Tbu(ydides tdls us thattk
Corintbimu wcrc rhe firfl: of rhc Grce
\\' ho bui lt ftich ihps, and tl1J.t a 1li -Clrpcn
rer of Cori71tb wcnt thencc to amos. a-
bout o ycars betorc rhc cnd of the PetG-
pomujm \\ ar, and built alio four ihips for
t he Smnitm.r; and that 26o years befo re rk
cml of tlut \\ar, that is, about thc 29th 0-
lympi;td, therc wac;; :1 fight at ka bctwccn
t he Cori11t hiaJts and thc
which the oldcfl- JCa-fight mcnrioncJtn
,qorv. TIJliCYdides rcllsus ti.Jrthcr, thlr
t !1<: f! ,n col(>ny''w hich thc GrNks 1Cnt into
l\iuly, Cbaic inl'.;u/;a:tZ, unJcr
tli\: t:(,ndttcr ofT!JIIcics, ami built Naxu.r;
;__j(j t he Jlt.:X( \ ./bc!JiaJ c.unc from Co-
ri ttthwith a colon y ,and builtSyrac!!ft, J.nd
rhat Lamis camc about the Eune time into
Sicity, with a colony from ll!cgara in A-
chaia, andlived firflatTroti!ttrn, and rhcn
ar Lconttni, and dicd at Thapjits L\y-
racuft; and that aftcr his dcar h, t h i <;e don y
was invired by Hybto ro J1!cKara in Slci{v,
and Ji ved rhere, :md \\':J.'l thcn cx-
pelled by Gc!o King of Sirt(Y. Now Celo
f1ourihed about 78 ycars befo re the c1.1d of
the PetoponnrjiaJt WJ.r: count back. ward-;
rhc 78 and the 245 years, and about r 2
vears more for thc Rcign of Lamis in Siri-
b', and the reckoning \\ill place thc buill!i11g
of Syracttft about 3 3 5 ycars befo re thc cnd
of the wu, or in thc tcnth
Olym iad; and abont that time Ettfibitt.r
and ot ers place ir : but ir mighr be nv cnry
or thirty ye:us hter, the antiLuities ofthok
days having bccn raiicd more or by thc
Greeks. From thc colonies
fcnt into Ita/y and Sicily carne thc rumc of
Grt!!cia magna.
Thucydides * tclls us further, that tbe
G k b S
1 fl: lf
ree s egan to come into 10 .:Y m o
vaded t hat Ihnd w ith an arm y out o f 1 t a-
ly: fuppofe it 2go ycars after, and the
building ofSyracuje 3 Io years the
end ofthe PelopomtejiaJt war; and rhat in-
vafton of S ici!y by the Sicuti will be 590
years befare the end of that war, that is, in
the 27th year of Solomon.'s Reign, or thcre-
1 l. :<I.J0UL
f)I!Jil V L l.
t J Irrod l.
i 1 L': o,!. l.
)l .
about. lfclla11ints * tclls us, that t wa-;in
thc thirJ Gcncration befare theTrqjan \lar:
and in thc 26th of the Prielhood a:
A!roc, Pricfl:c:L of J11no Arxha: anc
'[ b i li ji ilt.r o f Syilc !f (e, that ir was 8o Hlr\
. . . ..
bcfm rhc Troj a \\:11 : whcncc ir follo1n
rkn thc TrojaJJ \Ltr and Argol!alitic Expc
wcrc btcr th::tn thc days of Soio1!Mf:
.Ih.1 R c!Joboaw, and could nor be much car
licr than \\ bcrc \\'C han: pbced thcm.
Thc 1\.ingdom of )'\l.zcedon t was foun.
cd by Crtrtoms :md 'Padiccas, who bein2
(Jf Racc of Tcmoms King of
flcd from in thc Rcign ofPbidon the
hrothcr of Caramts. Tcmmus was one ct'
rhc rhrcc w ho lcd tbe Elcraclide;
i:lto 'Pelopou:flts, and ilured the conquclr
thcmfCI ve c.: he obuincd and
J.ftcr him, anc.l his fon C'ifus, thc Kingdom
c,f Argos bccamc dividcd among the poik
rir y ot Tcme1/1!.r, unril 'Pbia'o, rcunitcdit,
cx.dlin:!, lw; kindrcd. 'Pbidott grcw potenr.
and mcaiures in Pc-
/;>J.::M:fiu, coincd filvcr moncy; :111d
rcmoving thc '? ij;t'tlJts and Eiea11s, p1:ef1
in rhc O 1 y m pie but was foon
a ftL'r ii1bducd by thc L:,'lcas and SpartaJIJ
f{(')'odot Jt.r .j: reckons that 'Pcrdiccas \\'lS
thc ({rl- K or J1/tiCCc/OJt; btcr wrircrs. 3)
'Pa11jcwia.r Suida.r, -makc Ctz
1 rll/t!J !:11c firl: l\ ing: .'/Jtjtin callsPcrdi:cas
t he J 1 tccdl(lr or Ca,cowJ; and Solms airh
r l!.n 'P crdlaas iucceeded Cartmus; and
\\' JS
o the
W:tS the firl: that obtaincd thc na me off\ i ng.
It's probable rh:1t Carcunts :md 'Perdircas
wcre contemporarics, and f1cLl about t he
J:une time from 'P!Jidott, ami firtt
creted iln:1ll princip1lirics i11 Jll/;cedo-
11ia, which, at'rcr rhc of Caril-
7/!S, bccamc onc undcr 'Pndiccas. Jie-
rodottts :: rells us, tlut aftcr 'Ferdiccru, :: ficro.l.
rci.,.ncd ./!rteus, or Anrrrl!s, 'Pbi/itJ, /E:ro- 1 :Lc.IJ9
<..'"l 1
::.r, Alcftas, Alilyllttts, ami .Air:xandcr,
Juccdlively. .Aicxandc \'.'JS contcmpo-
r:!ry to .-:Ycr:as hing of 'Po:;.<:, and
All 4 Ol),-,., -o Jn'l , ... ," fc-
, ..... L . t. . / 7, ..... '-.t. \ 4\._. L\
cccdcd by 'Pcr.:/J:r:!.r:. be by his iun
Archelaus: :wd dn 1 tcll s Lh rlu:: t Tlc .l.
rhcrc werc cighr K in:::;" of ]\/acedo; 1:1 rrop.:
. A 1 l l ' . b tnA .11
r ns rciJ{: atts: now )y rCCi\..OHlng r)\'C
. - '
forty ycars a-piecc rn rhde Kingc;, Chrono-
logers ha ve mJ.dc 7_.J bido; and Caam.r old-
cr than the OlympiaJ"; \\herc:J.s if wc
fl1ould rcckon thcir'ns lt abour r g or
28 years a-piccc onc with anothcr, fi dl
JCven Reigns countcd bJCk. from thc-
dcath of this Alcxado, \i'ill p! thc
of 'PbidoJt, alld ll1c ()r
e '
thc Kingdom of .A!accdo;t undcr (Pcrdi('-
cas and Carmm.r, upon thc ...fth or -t--tl,
Olympiad, or lt could
be carlicr, bccauC Leocides rhc fim ofP !JJ-
do?J, and thc f(m of :lr
onc and thc hmc time courtcLl A._c!,arUI<'t,
thc tbughtcr ofCtijlbcllcs K of S't'noJl,
a5 HurodotJts tdls us; ami tb:.dmiJJi!/y-
.1.' - Hcrod.
} 3 07/S,
OJJs, by the advice ot Solo11, rnade Afc.
1tlttOn, and Clijthe7tes, and Ettro!ycu.r Kir.;
of Tbej[a{y, commanders of rheir
in their againfl: Cirrha; and the Cir.
rbemtSwereconquered .d1t.2. Olymp. f
arcording to the Marbles. PhidoJt ti1Cre
fore and his brother Caramts were contcir.
por;uy to Solon, Atcmtt!Olt, ClijthrJtes, ani
Eurob'ctts, and flourilhed about the -t-8t)
and 49th Olympiads. They werc
contcmporary in thcir hrer days wCrrrfw,
for So/o convedcd \\'ith Cnrfits, and ]/.
1/ltfOJt entertained and condutcd the
icngcrs whom Crrrfits fent ro confi.Ilt rh:
r;lclc at 'De/phi, An. 1. Olym J. )6. JC
cording to thc Marbles, and wac; cnt for by
Cr:{:ts, and rcwardcd with much
But the times fct clown in the l'vhrblc\
bct(ne thc Poflrm Empire bcgan, bci:1g
collctcd by rcckoning thc Rcigns or
Kings cquipollcnt to Gcncrations, and thrce
Gcncratiuns ro ::m lmndrcd years or aborc;
and thc Rcigns of Kings, onc with
bcinp. fhorrcr in rhc pro orrion of about t<.1ur
tn lC\'cn; the Chrono ogy fct clown in rh.:
l\1;lrblcs, until thc Conc.ucfl: of Meditz by
(rrus,A:z. 4 OJymp. 6o, will approach rl1c
tmth mnch ncartr, by fhorteningthc tll1l'".
l,ci(,rc th;lt Con,lucft in rhc proportion
lr1ur to e\'cn. So thc CirrheatJs werc ((jll
quered A1t. 2 OJymp. 47, according ro thc
Marblr<>, t h:1r i'l .... ycars bctore thc Co!J-
nudl of Jl!c di a; and theie years ocing 1Jut-
. tC!ll'Ll
o the RE E K S.
tened in the proportion offour ro fcven,
come 3 I ycars; \\'hich IltblluC.h:d from An.
4, Olymp. 60, pbcc thc Conqudl ofCirr-
ba upon A11. I. Olymp. ') : a.nd, by rhc
like corretion of thc J\.Llrbk:;, Alcm<tC:t
cntertaincd rhe
"hotTI Cra:Jits knt to coniidt O
'Delpbi, A11. r. Olymp. ')8; tlut i-;, tour
yc,us bcfore thc Collqudl ot'Smd::.r bv Cl'-
., "' -.
rus: .1nd thc Tvr.mny of '/'if/r,dus,
which by the bcg;uJ /;{'Jif,
A11. 4, Olymp. '):",., by thc likc corrn .. 'ti-
onbeg::tn./lu. 3 Olymp. 57; .lndhy conk-
yuencc Solo!! dicd//u. + O l y m p . .:i-:. T J i :->
mcthod nuy be ukd whcrc othcr Jr-
guments are wanting; but w hcrc they
not wanting, thc bel: argumcnts e to be
Ip!Jitus * prefided both in rhc Temple nf
.'/ttpiter and in the Otympic l.S.;ff
Gamcs, and fo did bis fi.tcccfTors, 'till ri1e
26th 01 y m piad; and fe) long thc vid())'S
were rewardcd with a Tri pos: lmt thcll thc
'Pijtf'a11sgctting aborc thc Hla,u,
to prdid.e, and rcwardcd thc vidor,:; witl1 .t
Crown, and inl:itutcd thc C,v;('tl ro
lo; anJ continucd to prdidc 'till PhiJ';; iiJ-
rerruptcd rhcm, that is, till about thc ri:::c of
thc f<)th Olympiad: ft)r i i.n rhc 0- 4 P.tu!Jn.
1 ympiad, the H!ca;s cntcrc(t thc coumry
of rbc thcir d;.:(_ps.
but wcre prcvailcd upon to return h(l!ll.::
(.1 uied y ; ail:c rw :1 rd" t' he p zj;e an s con k d . .>
1 f
ratcd with feveral other Cree k natiom,
made war upon rhe Eka11s, and in the cnd
wcre beaten: in rhis war I conceive it
that Phidon prdided, fuppofe. in rhe 4<)th
tPau&n. for t in thc )oth Olym zad, t()l'
!.. '!l . d I .
J putrmg an en ro t 1e conrentwns et\rcen
rhc Kings about prdiding, two mcn Wlre
chofen by lot out of the ciry E/is to pn.:-
1idc, and their number in the 6)th Olympi-
aJ was increafcL! to nine, and aftenvards to
ten; and rheie werc called He!lc-
nodicte, judgcs for or in thc na me of Grrrcr
P attfonias tells us, that thc Elcaus calleJ
in PhidoH, and rogethcr with him cclcbn-
red the 48th Olympiad; helhould ha ve bid
the 49th OlympiaJ: but Jferodottts
us, tlut 'Pbidottrcmoved rhe Elemts; anJ
borh might be true: rhc E/ea1u might e:.dl
in P hido;t again11 rhe P and u pon o-
vercomin(?; be rct'lrfcd preliding in rheOlym
picgames by PhidoJt, and confederare wiLh
thc Spartans, and by thcir ailifbncc ovcr-
throw thc Kngdom ofPhidott, and rccovcr
rhcir ancient righr ofprefiding in the gamcs.
:l=Stro.ho l. StrtibO rens us, tlut T!Jit!ott was thc
tenth fi-om Tcmettlt.r; not thc tenth King,
ii1r bcrween c;its and Phido11 thcy
not, b11t thc tcnth from fathcr to Ion, incltt
dingT'cmclltts. If1-7 ycars he rcckoncd ru
a Gcncr:1tion by rhc cldcl fons, thc ninc in-
rervals will ::unounr nnro 243 years, which
countcJ back from rhe .,.8th Clympiad, in
whic:h 1
/;idon f1ouri1h::d, will pbce thc Rc-
. RE E K S,
tnrn ofrhe lleractides about fifty years
bovc. But hrono logers reckon abour '1)
ycJrs from rhe ofrhe Herac.tides to
the 48rhOlympiad,:md ac:count P htdoJt the
evcnth from Tememu; which is after the
rate of8) years ro a Generation, and there-
fore notro be admirted.
Cyrtts took Babylo11, according ro
fomy's Canon, nine years bcfore his dcath,
A1t. Nabonaj[. 209. An. 2. Olymp. 6o: and
he roo k Sardes a littlc bcfore, namely A11.
J. Olymp. )9 as Sca!iger collets from
j'crates: Crre jiu was rhen King of Sardes,
Jnd reigned fourreen years, and thercfure
began ro reign An. 3, Olymp. 'i 'i. After
Sofo11 had made laws for rhe Athenians, he
obliged them upon oath ro obervc thofe
bws 'till he returned from his tra vels ; and
thcn travelled ten ycars, going to E'-(!,JPt
and Cypru.r, and viiting '1 hales of .A1tle-
tus: and upon his returrr to ./lthens, P ifi.f
tratus began ro affetl: the Tyranny of that
(ity, w hich madc Solofl tra vel a iecond
rime, and now he wao;; invited b Crre flu to
Sardes; and Cr({'jil.f, before 'olou viited
him, had fubdued all Afia minor, as .r as ro
thc R iver Hatys; and thercforc he received
tharvilit towards thc bttcr part ofhi;Reign,
and we may place it upon the ninth year
lhcrcoC A11. 3. Olymp. '7: and rhc lcgifla-
tutcof Solon rwclvc yc;.u.s carlicr, AH. 3.
Olymp. ) ..: ami that of 'Drac() l:ill ten
years earlicr, An. I. Olymp. )2. AfterSo-
lonhadvilitedCrm{tts, he wentinto Citi.
Plut. in travels: and thts was 111 the fecond ycar ot
t:l Soloms. the Tyranny of 'Pijijlratus. Comias \LJ\
Archon when SoloJt rcturncd fi'om hi3 firn
rravels ro Athms; and the ncxt year lk
gejlratus was Archon, and Sol01t died be-
fare the end ofthe year, An. 3 Olymp. 57,
as above: and by rhis reckoning rhe ob-
jetion of P ltttarcb is re-
W e ha ve now l1ewed thar thc PhrrJ!ici-
tms of Zidon, undcr rhe condut of CzJ.
mus and caprains, fJying from rheir
enemies, carne inro Greece, with lctrcrs
and orher arts, about the fixteenth year of
K in 2)avid'sReign; that Etwopa rhc fifl:cr
of admrts, flcd fome days befare him from
Zido11, and carne ro Crete, and rhere be-
carne the mother of Minos, abour rhc 18 rh
or 2oth year of7Javid's Reign; rhat Scfo/
tris and the grcat Bacchus, and by conJc-
quence alf() bjiris, were one and thc
KingofEtyptwirhScfac, andcamc ourot
Egypt in rhc: fifth ycar of Reboboam ro
va.dc thc nations, and dicd 2) jo-
lomo1t; tha.t che expcdtion \\ ;lS
abour 43 ycars a.frcr rhe dcath of Soiomoll_;
thatTroy wa.s rakcn about 76 or 78 y c:us Ji-
ter thc dcath of Solomo; rhar rhc Pbrr11:
cimts ofljre wcrc drivcn from the Rcd-St.t
by thc Edomites, about 87 ycars aftcr the
o the RE E K S.
death of Solomo1t, and within two or thrce
years to rnak.e long voyages, upon
rhe Mediterranean, failing to Spain, and
beyond, under acornmandcr whom for his
indufrry, condul:, and difcovcries, rhey
honoured with the names of Melcart11s and
Hercztles; rhat the return of rhe lleracii-
des in ro Peloponne fus was about r 58 ycars
afrer the death of Sotomo11; that Lycurgus
rhe Legifb.tor reigncd ar S parta, and g:lVc
rhe three Difcs ro rhe Olympic trcafm ',
.An. 1. Olymp. rS, or 273 year<;afrcr t1c
death of Sotomon, the bcing
atthat time addcd to the Olyrnpic Games;
that the Greeks began foon afrer ro build
1riremes, and ro knd Colonies into Sicity
and ltaJy, which gave rhe n:1me of Grtecia
magna to thofe countries; that the fi.rl
Meffe7tian war cnded about 3 50 ycars af-
terthedeathofSo/omon, Alt. t. Olymp. 37.
that Phidon was contcmporary ro Solo11,
and prelided in thc Olympic Gamcs in the
49th Olym iad, that is, 3 97 ycars after the
death of So omon, rhat 7Jraco was Archon,
andmade hisbws, A11. 1. Olymp. 52; and
So!OJt, A !t. 3. Olymp. ) 4; and tl-ut So ion
viftted Cra'fiu, Alt. 3. Olymp. 57, or 43 3
ycars ati:cr rhc death ofSotamon; :1nd Sar-
des was takcn by Cyrrts ycars, and Ba-
by ton by Gyrus 443 ycars, and Echattme
by Cyrtts H5" afccr rhc dcarb of Saio-
moJt: and thcfc period'i beincr kttlcd, rhcy
peco me a toundation for bui ding the Chro-
nology ofthe ancient times u on them;
nothing more remains for ettling. 1uch a
Chronology, than ro make thefe Periodsa
lirtle cxal:er, ifit Clll be, and to fhew how
the rel: of the Antiquities of Greece, E-
!.)'Pt, AJ!yrta, Chatdtea, and Media, may
iuit rherewith.
WhiHl: Bacchu.r made his expediran in ro
India, Theftu.r left in the Ifhnd
Naxu.r or Via, as abo ve, and fucceedcd hi)
father ./Egeu.r at AtiJe1ts ; and upon che Rc-
turn of Bacchu.r from India, ./lriadne be-
carne bis milrefs, and accompanied him in
his triumphs ; and this was about ten ycar'i
afrer the death of Solomon: and from th:u
time reigned eight Kings in A-thetts, vi.r..
Theflu.r, heus, C))emophomt, Oxylt
te.r, Aphida.r, Thymtete.r, Mela1tthtts, and
Codrtt.r; thcfe Kings, at 19 years a-piece,
one with another, might take up about r 52
years, and end about 44 years bcfore thc
Olympiads: then rcigned rwelve Archons
for life, which at I4 or 1 5' ears :1-piece, rhc
State being unfb.blc, mig t rakc up about
I 74 years, ::tnd end Att. 2.. Olymp. 3 3 : rhcn
reigned feven decennial Archons, w hich
are ufuall reckoned at fevenry yc::trs ; bur
fome oft em dyin in rheir Regcncy, rhcy
mi ht not t::tke up a ove forry ycars, and Jo
en abour J11t. 2. Olym!J 43, abour
time began the fecondMej{nritm war: thdc
decenni::tl Archons werc followed by rhc
annu::tl Archons, amongll: w hom werc th.::
o the RE E K Se
Legi-flators, 'Draco and S o /011. Soon after
rhe death of e odrus, bis fecond fon N e teus,
uot bearing thc Reign of his lame brother
fifedo?t at J1thens, retired into .A_fia, and
was followed by his younger brothers A1t-
drocles and Cyareftts, and m:any others:
rhek had the name of lo1a1zs, from ion
rhe fon of Xttthus, who commanded the
ann of the .llthenimts, at the death of E-
rec'Jthetts,andgave the name ofl,o11ia to
rhe country which they invaded: and about
2.0 or 2) years after the death of Codrtts.
rheie new Colonies, being now Lords of
lo11ia fet u over themfelves a common
Council cal ed Panio11ittm, andcompofCd
of Counfellors fent fiom rwclve of their
cities, Milettts, Myus, Priene, Ephefies,
CotiJpboll, Lebedus, Teos, Ctazomente,
Pboctea, S amos, Chios, and
and this was the lo11c Migration. d
Wh h G k d L
. e Vi
en t e ree san att1te s were 10r- nyf. Hali-
ming thcir Technical Chronology, therc carnarr:J.
were great difputes about thc Antiquity of LPH-+>
Rome: the Greeks made it ruuch older than
the Olym iads: fome of them faid it was
built by 'ueas; others, by Rom.tu, thc
fonor randfon of .!Eneas; orhers, by Ro-
tmu, r e fonorgrandonof Latinus, King
of the Aborigittes; others, by Romu.r the
ion ofVf:yjJeJ', or of A canitu, or 0f Ita-
tus: a:ndiomeofthe atjue.ratfidlfell.i-n
wth the 0 inion of the Greeks, faying was uilt by Romutru, rhc fon or
gtandfon of .dim:as. Timte1ts Sicu14ts re-
I26 ...... HRONOLOGY
prefented it built by Romu/us, the grand-
ion of .!F11eas, above ::m hundred years be-
fare rhe Olympiads; and fo did Ntevitu
the Poct, who was twenty ears older tlun
E1tnitts, and ferved in the rl: Ptmic wa"
and wrote the hil:ory ofrhat war. Hithcr-
to nothing certain was agreed upon, but a-
bout 140 or 150 years afrer the dcath of A-
/e:'<:a1tder thc Grear, they began ro ay rlut
Ro me was built a fecond time by Romttlus,
in rhe fifteenth Ae:c after thc del:rution of
Troy: by Agcs thcy rneant Reigns of rhc
K ings of rhe Lati1zes :lt Alba, and reckon-
cd the firl: fourteen Rcigns at about +P
years, 1nd the following Reigns of the te-
ven Kings of Rome at 244 years, both
w hich numbers made up the time of about
6 76 years frorn the taking of Troy, accor-
ding to rhec Chronologers ; but are m u eh
too long for the coude of nature : and by
this reckoning they placed the building of
Rome upon thc fixth or fcvcnth Olympiad;
J7arro placcd ir on the firl: year of the
:fevenrh Olympiad, and was rhcrcin
eneralJy followcd by the Romans ;
ut rhis can fcarcc be reconcilcd ro rhe
courfc ofnaturc : for 1 do not meet w1th
an y inl:ance in all hil:or y, lince Chro-
nology was certain, whcrein feven
mofl: of whom werc flain, reigncd 244
years !n continual fucceiiion. Thc tour
tecn Rcigns of the Kings of thc LatllCS,
at twcnty ycars a-piecc onc wirh another.
amount unro ycars, and thclc ycars
o the RE E K S.
counted from the taking of Troy, end in the
38th Olympiad: and rhe fcvcn Reignco; of
rhc K ings of Ro me, tour or fi ve of rhcm
itW {bin and onc dcpofcd, may ata modc-
rafe rcckoning amounr ro fifteen or fi xtccn
years a-piecc onc wirh another: lct thcm
be rcckoncd at fcvcntccn ycars a-piccc. antl
rhcy\vill amount unto 119 year'l; which
bcing countcd backwards from thc Rcgi-
fngc, end alfo in thc 38th O 1 : and
by thdc two rcckonings Romc was bnilr i11
thc 38th Olympiad, or thcreabout. The
180 years and the 119 cars togcthcr nukc
up 3 99 years, and the ame numbcr ofyears
aries by counting rhe twenry and one
Reigns at ninereen ycars 2-piccc: and this
being the whole time between thc taking of
Troy and thc Regifuge, let thefe be
counted backward from the Regifuge, A:t.
I, Olymp. 68, and they will place rherak-
ingof Troy about 74 yc:us after rhc dcath
of Solomott.
When Sefoflris retnrned from Tbrace in-
ro Egypt, he lcft .IEctes wirh part ofhis ar-
my in Cotchis, to guard tlut paS; and
'Pbryxus and his fifier Helle flcd from l11o,
the daughterofCadmus, tok:etesioon af-
tcr, in a fhip whofc cnfign was a golden
ra.m: l11o was thcrcforc alivc in thc four-
tccnrh ear of Rcboboam, rhe ycar in
which tjojlris rcturncd inro and
by confequcncc her fathcl' Cadmus flouri-
ihcd in theRcign ofVavid, and not bcf()re.
Ct1dmus was rhc fathcr of 'Po!ydortts, thc
father of La!Jdactts, the father of Lairu,
t-hL> no;Illl r t-J-.r> ...... J-.n.- l""'fo f..,'fno
L1J\... \J'.l '-'t. c,..r,,_..,' '-&.J-.... JC1.L1J'--.l V.l .L .. d- e, v-
eles and Pol)'liices \V ho flew onc anothcr
in their youth, in thc war ofthc fcvcn C1p
tains at 1he6es, about reu or twelvc vcar-;
after thc Expcdition : :111d
Therfander, r'hc ton of Poly;tices, warrcd
at Troy. Thcfc Generations being by the
eldel: fons who marricd young, if rhcy be
reckoned at about twcnty and four ro
a Gcneration, will place the birth of 'Po{r-
donts upon thc 18th year of 'David'$
Reign, or thereabout: and thus Cadmtts
might be a youna man, not yet marricd,
\V hen he carne fir into Greece. A t his firll:
camina he filil'd to Rbode.r, and thencc ro
Samot 1race, an I1and Rear Thracc on rhc
north fide of Lenmos, ::md therc marricd
Harmon ia, the iler of Jafius and Varda-
tttJS, which gavc occafion ro the Samotbra-
cian myfieries: and Pot ortts might be
rhcir ion, bom a ycar or rwo after thcir
coming; and his fil:er Ettropa might be
then a yOtmg woman, in theilower of hcr
age. Thcfe Generations cannot well be
and therefore Cadmu.r, and bis ion
Pof:)'donts, wcre notyoooger than we ha ve:
reckoncd them : nor can thoy be much
Ionger, without making Potydorur too old
to be born in Euro pe, and to be thcon of
HaJ.nonia the ilcr of 'Jafits. Labdtteut
wac:; thcret(>re born in thc cnd of 7Javid's
Rcign, Lai11s in thc 24th year of Sotomon's,
and Ocdijm s in thc cvcnth of Reboboarn's,
o the G RE E K s.
()r thcrcabout: nnlds you had Llthcr f1y,
rlut Polydorus was bom at ZirhJ!!, bctore
h.;; C1thci ome imo E'.rnope; but his n.1m<:
'Pol}'dOrtls i'l in thc of Gnl'cl!
'IfJlvdortls marrictl },_Tytfc, rhc
Gnrrr, and dy-
inr )oulw, lcfr h i.; Kin0:dom )'OUIW !(J1
J 0 '- ..._)
L(tbdam S thc or .iV\' .
f/{'1u. Thcn Fpofots or A.girz!:u,
:1.ftcrwards ollcd Sino!, l:cJk ,}t],;pe
:fl and i\_1ii'ou therl..'-
upon maJe \1 ar npon him, and in :1 b1tck .z..c.
'' hcrcin N)'fl crts onrcamc, be: h \\er;::
1.oundcJ. and Jicl.1 aftcr. 1Vr!' .?.'H
jdr thc tuition of Labdams, and :ldmini-
Hution ofthc K ingdom, to his br11thc< !,_y-
:-us; and Epopcu.r, or, a" Hygi.'ll!S t c.llls
him, Epav/j;u rhc SinoJ!!J!, lcft hi.; 1\.in<J._ FJb..
1 ...,
dtlm ro Lamrdun, \\ ho prck1tly end:d
w.u, by Cnding bnme ..riat iopc: he. in
homc, brmq;ht rorth Amp/;iCJz,
:1nd Zetbtts. Lr1d.1Ctts bcitw orown no, re-
.. ) .. ) 1
KingdomfromLyc/ls, ard c)na
1t :P:tin ro hi:; adminilh:tti-
n, for his vouwr i(m Lai11s. \\'hcn Jlm-
.. -,
_phiolt an(i .Zctbtts wcrc twcnry
old, at rhc of thcir moth.:r Ali-
/Jopc, thcy killcll L_)'c!t.r, and nudc
11cc to 'Pc!op.r, and JCizcd rhc ciry ThdH.r,
:tnd comulcd ir \\irh a \\'a\1; and Amphi-
ll nurricd Ni o/; rhL fiflcr of PchJJ,
by hcr had kvcrJ.I chtldrcn, amondl wlwm
. 1
w.r-; CIJ/oiJ, thc mnrhcr of 'Ft'J'irfJ'iilf.'iJltr
- '
the .Arg01zaut. Pelops the fatber 'Jt
Plijtbctte.r, .Atreu.r, and Thyejles; andA-
g amemtt01t and Mnzc la tu, the adoEted fons.
of .Atretts, warred at T1oy. IEgi]lhtu, the
1on ofTIJ)'Cfles, flew /lgamemno, the
aftei: the taking of ; and .dtretu died
juil: betore P aris fiole Heletta, which, ac-
Homer. ccrding to Homer, was twenty yea!s be-
.. of Mi?JO.r, t w;s a1i .Jrgo11a11t; andTaietiS
go1zatets; aud Idomcitctt.r andMertotte .r, the
g,randfons of Mi1r0s, were at the Troja11
war .. All thefe things confirm the ages of
Cadmtt.r and and their fferity,
abo ve affigned, and place the deat of Epo-
pcusor Epaphus K.ingof Sicyo1e, andbirth
of 4mphion and Zetbtti, upon the tenth
year of So ; ati_q.the takin of Tbehes
b Ampbio11 and Zethru, and t e flight of
. aiu.r to Pelops, pon the thirtieth ycar
of that .K ing, or 'thereabout. ..Ampl!iO!t
migbt marry the il:cr of Pelop!, the amc
.ycar, anq Pc/.op'.r come into Greccethrcc
.or four years before that flight, or about thc
.26th year of Solomon.
In the days of Erecbtheru King .of A
thc11.r, :md,.Ci-lcu.r King of Eleujis, (:eres
camc into .Attica, aml cducated Triptole
1/JU.r the f6'n of Ce/.eu.r, and taught him ro
ow corn. S he la with Jafion, or Jafi-
tl.t, .the brother of armo1tia, the wife oJ
''tJtbmlf ; otnd prefentl y aftcr her deatb, E
the 1t E E K S.
tecbthetu was fbin in a w:1r between the
'Athettia11s and Eteujiuiatts; and, for the
benefad:ion ofbringing tillage in e o Greece,
rhe Eletifinia S a era, were inil:ituted- to
het f with Egypt ia1t ceremonies, by Ceteu.r f Diodor';
and Ettmotptts; anda Sepulchre or Tem le
was ereted to her in Elettjiuc, and in t is
Temple the frnilies of Celeru and Ettmot-
ptts became hcr Pricl:s: and this Tem-
ple, and that w hich Et1rydia ereted to hcr
<laughtcr 'Da11ae, by the name of J;mo .dr-
givil-, are the firl: inbnces that 1 meet with
i11 Greece ofdcifying rhe Dead. with Tem-
ples, and Sacrcd Ritcs, and Sacdfi.ccs, and
lnitiations, and a Succeliion of Pricfl:s to
perform them. Now by this hifrory it i'i
manifefi: that Erechthcru. Cc!c11.s, EHmot-
jtls, Geres, .1nJl;u, Cadmtts, Harmo1tia,
.Ajleriu.r, and Varda1zus, the brother of
."fajitu, andonc ofthe founders ofthe King-
dom ofTroy, were all contemporary ro one
another, and flourifhedin their
Gamtu came firft into Ertrope. Erech-
thetu could not be much oldcr, becaufc
daughtcr Trocris convers'd with Millo!
King of Crcte; and his gtandfon ThtJPi.r
hadtifty&mghters, who lay with
ler; and bis <laugbtcr Orythia was the mo-
ther ofCalais and Zetes, two of the Jlrgo-
1tauts in thcir youth; and bis ion Or11eru Paul:!.n:
was the fatherofPeteos, thefather of Me-
11ejfhe11.r, w ho warrcd '(roy: nor !T'UCh
yow1gc:r, be,aufe his fecond ion
K l. ... WhQ
who with the Metiottides his eldet
brother Cecrop.r, was thc of .tEgeru,
thc f:1.ther ofTbefetl.!; and Metio11, auother
ofhis fons, was rhe fathcr of Eupalamus,
the father of'Dteda/tts, who was older than
'] hefeus; and his da hter Creu a married
Xttthtu, the fon of eJte,J, and y him had
twofons, Jlchtttts and Jo,; and lo11
manded rhc army ofthe Atbe1tia1u againfl:
the Eterifitziatts, in the battle in which his
grandf:1.ther Etechthett.r was lain: and this
was jufl: befo re the iqlitution ofthe Eterifi
1tia Sacra,and before the ReignofPa11dio11,
thc fathcr of.!Egetts. Erechtheus being an
Egyptimt, procured corn from Egypt, and
for that bct,efal:ion, was made King of A
tbe11s; and ne:.1r the ofhis Reign,
Ceres. c:.1me into Jltt'lt:a from Sicity, in
quc11: ofhcr daughter Proftrpina. W e can-
not crr much ifwe m a k(! Hetle11 conrempo
rary ro theReign of Satel, and to tha.t of'Da
u id at Hebrott ; and place the beginning of
thc Rcign of Erecbthetu, in tbe 2-;th-ycar,
rhc coming ofCerc.r into .Attic.a in the 30th
ycar, and thc difperfion ofcorn by Tripto-
lemtts about thc 40tl1 ycar of Vavid's
H cign ; and thc dcath of C eres and Erecb-
tett.r, aml infHtution ofthe F.lettjiltia Stt
tra, bctwcen thc rcntb and fifceenth yc;r
ofSolomo1t. -
Tc:Jcer, 'Dttrda!lrt.r, Ericbtbcmitu, T1o,
lttu, Laomedo;r, and c-Priamtts, rcigned
1cccfli vcl y Tioy; and thcir R.eigns, at
abo u e
. .
. RE E K S.
ibont twenty years a-piece one with ano
'ther, attmunt unto an hundred and fortv
years : which counted back from the ta(-
ng of Troy, place the bcginning of the
Reign of Tetecer about the fifreenth year of
the Reign of King 'David; and that of
vardamts, in thc days ot Ceres, who hy
with Ja./itts thc brothcr of Vardamts:
whereas Chronologers reckon that the {i;,c
laft ofthefe Kings reigned 296 ycars, w hiclt
is after the ratc of 49} years a-picce one
with a11other; and that thcy began their
in the da s of Mofts. CJJardtlll1ts
the daug 1ter ofTeucer, the on of
Se der, and fuccccdcd him: whcncc
Tettcer was of about the fame agc with 'Da-
U pon the return of Sefojlris into Egypt,
his brother 'Da11atts not only attemptcd his
life, as above, but alfo commanded his
daughters, who were fifty in number and
had married the fons of Sefo.flris, to 1b.y
rheir husbands; and thcn flcd with his
danghters from Eg;'}Jt, in a long fl1ipl8f fi
ty oars. This Flight was in the fourtcenth
year of Rehooam. 'Danatts ca me firfi to
a town in Rhodes, and therc built
aTemp e, anderel:ed a Statue to .J!lilter-
va, and Ioft three of his daughtcrs by a
plague which ragcd there; and then failed
tbence with the refi. ofhis daughtcrs to .Ar-
&os. He came to .Ar o.r therefore in the
fiftecnth or fixteent 1 year of Re/Jobo-
K 3 a111
. ...
dor.l. :,
am : and at length contendin there with
Gela1ror the brother of Ettryft eu.r for the
crown of .Argo.r, was chofen by the_peo le,
and reigned at Argo.r, while Ettryji 'letu
reigned at lrfycetzll! ; and Eteryflheus was
born thefameyear with Hercttles. Ge.
Ja1ror 2nd Eur_yfthetu were the fons of
Sthellelru, b Nicippe the daughter ofPe-
Jop.r; and St '1ttzetru \Vas the fon of Perfe-
fiS, and reioned at At"gOS; and Vmram,
w ho fuccec ed him at ilrgo.r, was fuccced-
cd therc by hisfon inlaw Lynceus, and he
by bis fon Abas ; that .Abas who is com-
monl y, but erroneouly, reputcd the father
of Acri{itu and Prtetils. In the time of
the .ArgotJatJtic ex edition, Caflor and
were beard efs youttg men, and
thcir fifters Hele11a and CJytermzeflra wcre
children, and their wivcs Ph11be and ltai-
,.a wcre alfo very young: aU thefe, with
the ArgoJtattts Ly11cetts and 1 das, werc the
grand-childrcn ofGorgophorze, thc daugh
ter of Perfetu, thc fon of 'IJatrae, the
daughter of .AcrijittJ. and Ettrydice; and
'Pl'rieru and OebaJtu, tbe husbands of
Gorgo;ho1tc, were thc fons ofCy1tortes,the
fon f AmycJas, the brothcr of Ettrydice .
.flfejloror Majlot;, brother of Stbe11e
Jus, married Lyjidice,another ofthe daugh
ters ofPeJop.r: and Pelops. rnarried /lij
1_oJamia, the dau htcr of Evarete, thc
daughter of .JJcri w.r. .AJcmetta, thc me
the_: of flcrctlle.r, the daughtcr of B
: . leflryo;
lelryo; and Sthe11du.r, Mejtor and Elec1-
ryo,were brothers ofGorgopho;ze, and fons
.ofPerftu.sand .Attdtomcda: and thc; ..dr-
iEfttt!apirts was the grandon of
and Phlegia, and Lettcipptti
wasthe fon of Periere.r, the grandfon of
:Jmyctas the brotJ1er of Ett1)'dhe,. and
and Ettrydice were the childrc1t
cfLaredemou. and S arta: and CapaJJ.etts,
ene of:. rhc feven Ca tains againl: Thcbe .r,
was husband of tJad;u the d:ighrcr of
l; the fon of Etefot, .thc ion of
;Anaxg()ras, thefon of J.y!cgtlj!J1!tbcs, th:!
::fon:.of PrtettlS thc brother' or Jlcrijtits.
from efe Generations it 1nay be ga-
:.-, tflered that Perftru,_ .Periere.r, and Altax-
..- oras. were of aboilt the fa me agc w ith
. IJ.OJ, Petops, .!Egeus and Sejac; and
that .llcrifirt.r, Prttttu,
ami A-
myctas, being two littlc Gencrations older,
wcrc _ofabout the fame agc wirl_i King 'Da-
'Vid and Eret:htbctes : and thlt l;.hc Tc1!lple
Argi'VIl was built about thc iame
time with thc Temple ofSolomo1t, rhefame
being built by E11rydice to her d3.nghtcr
1Janae, as above; oras fome fa y, by Pira-
fits or p iraltthtts, thc fon 01' .
.Argtu, and gl'eat grandfon of Pboro11etts;
.for thc firfl: Pricf.l:efs of that Goddds
.CaJiitbea the daughter ofPiratttlms; Cat-
_Jithea was fi.tccccdcd by Atcmoe, abo<lt
tluee Gcncrations befare the taking
tb:lt is thc middlc of Solowou.'s
K 4 Reign;
{. 1
't Bocbrt.
j. L V. 7 "(.
Reign: in her Pricflhood the Sictdi pafl'd
OUL ur ltaty il[O Siri/y: aJds lh-
- - -
_l'rntmeflra the daughter 0f VaT?alt.r, l'C'' ot" chis Guddd< and iJJe n(J:.
rdhecl in rLc times next bcf(ll e thc _/.
r;o:.'iW!c and -"Jdmrtd, rhl.'
(d.l!l) ]ter o!L'IIrvf'ht!-.f, was Pri:tch ur!
', - .
_'tiO:cO ;llJ(!J1[ thc timr.s or rhc Trrya!! \Y.:!
A1!dr%;,-dd thc wifc of 'Fn/ht.rr 1 i:
, r' r -
::-:- :r ;in rptli!ll, r 1c 11 ,
nflJtJ s, ro * 1-I!'rorh: !!.f ; :l::d
rLc Ev > _:, j,;:-' Bcl1u .. /liilliJfJJI: 'I't'F-
( ,_ 1
fc:ts roo k from j 0/J/Jd, \\ hc;-c Ccj!Jtit.r,
J rh i11!: i:1in:tn ofSo!oJJw:/s Quecn. rc{-
dcd in th(: <; of Solomo;_ /kri>fJ' ;:111d
'Pr,rtits \V ere thc fns of .JJa.r: bnr this A
las \\'J. S nor thc hme nun with Abas thr
!!':mdrm of 'J)mzatts. bm a much o)
PriJtcc, \\bo bttilt: _J/J.ea 111 Pbor, :111J
m',ht he tbc rritlCC from \\'hom thc 1 fLu1d
tl was ::1.ncicnrly ca!lcd Jibtmf i.r. JI:d
tl:c pcoplc rhcrcorA,Lt,!/('J': fr . ./lpo.'/
tu RlNIIfJ' tclls tts, tlur thc JJreoJim/t
Ctm t !m .r \Li o; t h d<.m o f Ca 11 ctb 1' J., :1.11 d tl ut
Crmt! j;u \VJ'> ofthc polcrily <'f _ _,1rz.r: .1
rhc npPn./fpol/.w!ll.r tcll.;, 11,
f:u-rLcr. 1 h:tt rom rhis /l/Jr1s rhc inluhiLlll
or l>l-r:'r'/ \\ere :tncicnrl y ollcd .A/}(!,'/ '
T h i ; Ji, r2 .r l he r d ( n e l 1 o u i d h e d L lJ 1 -e e o r t ,
: '
( i e 1 1 e r: ;r i o 1 , <; be:: ' , e r he // o 11 ti/1 / : .- n ll 1 1
ri:;n) ,, mi:'.itl be t !te LciJcr cr A//o,j.l' f.
tl1c :lllcdlors <l . . Atrl/.r \\Crc .,
Y_/titw.r O\' thc G1 d.r, t be: m::,_11
RE E 1\ S.
come from E_yypt nndcr Al;ru into Etlh{('a,
and frorn thcncc into I do
not rcckon P !JoriHzs and hi...; i(m Tri opas a-
mong rhc Kilgs bccJ.uiC rhcy llcd
from tlut KingJom ro thc llhnd R!Jodc s;
nor do I Crolol:t.r ;trnong rhcm, bc-
C:ltile he \\"Cnt from ;llld built ;t ncw
I 3/
th;lt Tr!op.r omc into Gn't'te a-
bout thc 26th ofSrJrmiOJt: he t r.1me t
thirhcr in rhc d.q'> of Ani/t'.'ts, and in J.; c. 1.
ofE11d1'11tOJI, :l!ld ofhis i(mc:;, ;1nd Ll)()k ./fj'- (pollodor,
,. :' .. 1 E J . , . 1. c. 1,
to.ta from .: .. ro tts. 11 )JtllOJt \Llc; tnc
ion of ../:r IJ!ill.r, thc t)J1 of Protocrz.Ci:ia,
thc fiilcr of lldlci1, and of 'J)ot-
ralirm: P bri.'ots ami f id/e, rhc chi!drcn of
.Atbamas, thc brothcr of S(f''/J!ts a:u{ ion
of..;Eo!us, thc i(m ofllcflt!t, kd ii o m thc:ir
fl:cp-mothcr /o, thc of Crdmus,
to .;Eetcs in Co!d.r, prciciJtl y thc rc-
rurn into and }tl}lm rhe
.llrf!,OJJattt \\':l.'' thc ion of .A:,((m, rhefon
ofCretbcu.r. rhc ion of JEoiN.r, thc fon of
l!cllen: Cdya rhc wifc of Jl(:th-
litts, and mothcr of R11dymiOJJ, :md
- .
tr.r of Jf,o/;u, and ftilcr of Crct ht!IS, Si (j-
;lms and and bv thcll' circum-
fhncc'l Cn:thtiiS, S){lph.' and .AibtmJcu
11ourilhcd in thc lattcr p.lll oi' thc of
So!onJ011, and in thc Rcinn t)f N.chd;urm1:
./!Nbtius, .. /bO!!IJ, Xttl bus, '/)ontJ, 'li:w-
(a/,u, o.nd wer-.: m
E.?: cb-
Erccbtbel!.r, _'lt1_(/us and Cad-mtts; and !Jd.
1 .. 1 _ _ ._ _ _ - l C7 l ... .., .... - 1 4. L . .
tt:lt \\' :Lj aUUlll UllC, <lllU J.Jt:ln UHVIf
two G eneLltion! oldcr tlun Erccbt bti!.:.
They could nut be m u eh oldcr,
PauLn. Xttthus rhc youngdl ion of llel!cn * rmr
nor could thcy be much younger, bccmr:
Cepbczltts thc on of 'J)cmeus, thc it>ll '>l .
/r."olus, theeldcflfonofHctlot, . nuni:.\
l. x. c. 37 Proni.r thc daughcer of Erccbt brtts:
o. e P . f1 d ' - 1 l
. rocrts e rom 1cr 1usoan to J, t.'Jo"
U pon thc death ofHelit'll, bis youngcrr k;J
Pauan. .X uthtts t was cxpcllcd Th((Jczfy by lm>
. 7 c. ' thcrs /Eolus VortLs,and fleJ to Ertd'
thrus, andmarried Crcttjtz the daughtcr nt
E'recbthctts; by w hom I1e had two
.Acbt:t:!ts and 1 o, thc youngcfr of \\' hic\
grcw up bcforc thc of Ercc!Jt u'iJ.r,
aml commandcd the arm y of thc At /;c;::-
mts, in tbc \\'ar in which Errcbthcus \\
:thin: and thcrcforc }Jel!cJt dicd about onc
Gcneratiou befare Erecbtheus.
Sijjphtts thcrcforc bnilr Cori11tb abour
thc lattcr end ofrhe Rcign of So!O?i/Ol, or
rbe bcginning of rhe Rcign of Rcboo/J/1.
Upon rhc flighr of 'Pi.JJ)'Xtt.r and llc!!t',
rhcir fathcr Atbamas, a littlc King in Ra u-
1 ia, wcnr dillraC1cd ;tnd {]cw his Ll'i!i'-
clms ; and his w ifc /11o rh rcw her klf
tbe lea, ro\rcthcr \\'ith hcr OLhcr {()n ii/t'f.;.
tcrtus: and rhcrcupon SU'ypb!ts in1lirut cd
1he ffl!mtia at CMiJtt h to his n.cphc\\' \/t'
Jiart lt.J. T his was prdcntl y aftcr Stjrj
1 J'i J
e the RE E K S.
tris hall left lEttL'S in Calcbis, r think irr
rh-.: (i trcc:nth or (i xttr'nt h of Rd;:J!>o-
a;,"l: fo tha.t Athamil.l, thc l(m o!' "',jj?l'! r
ard :.2LlnJion of He! ltJl' a.nd [;)(} tbc rh-
) ,,
tcrofCadmrts, lomihcd 'til :1bout thc {ix-
tccnth ycu of RchootiJl. :1nd
his il:cccilurs On;1'f ion, 'Fboas, '/)c.woo/)()7!.
'Fropodas, 'J)oridtls, a.nd 1 /yam!Jirl,r.:
rci-"ncd illcce11 vdy :1t Corintb, 'till
rcturn of rhe }/cracfi.Jcs imo Fdapomtc-
(tts: tbcn thc 1-!t'rdclirit'.r, Alctr.r,
lxioJt, 'PnmmiJ,
las Il, E!tdarJ/I!s, :md 7clc(
tes ll!ccci1lvely about T 7') yc:ll'S, and rhen
Corinth \V3.S by 'PJ')'/(mes or :Ul-
, . .
nual Archons abom 41. and ati:er
them by Cypfelus PtTitwder J.bout 48
ycars more.
Ce!cus of \\ho c:m-
RI.Mrtts, rhc ion ofCrtmtus, rhe ucccl1or in J,p[.u;,
ofCccrops; in thc Rc;n of Cra,-n;s,
'Dcuca!io1t 1cd wirh his ion e; 1 lci/:;: :uHi
Amp!J)'[f io11 from rile llood w hich rhen o-
ycrf1owcd Tlu'Jf({y. and \Ll'> c.1llcd -)_
tal!'on's Dood : thcv lcd Attir.;,
and ::hcre 'Deuct'llir;lt ho11 aitc:;
rclls us clur bi-; JCpukhrc \\ h to
be f(cniltar .Al bo!J'. H cldcll j(n 1 lc!-
h.'lt1llccet:dl:d him in T!Hjj':dy, hi-; oi:hcr
Jon ioll l;lz: tbugbtcr oi
Cn!/ll!l.r, a n d Re i o ni! 1" :l r 'lb o;
J !) }'/. t,
,....., r . .J
cn:(t<:d thcn: rhc .dm_l!J _ _yC/ Jo' CJr1ucil;
and Acri(tus foon afrer cretcd thc like
Council at 'JJrlpbi. This i conccivc
done when ilmpb]rfio1t and AcrUius wcrc
aged, ::md fit ro be CouniCllors; iuppoic i:J
thc latter half of thc Rcign of 'David, and
beginning of thc Rcign of Soiomo11;
atrcr, fi1ppofC abont thc middlc of rhc:
Rcign of So!omoJt, did 'Pbemono; bcc(JIJlc
thc flrfl: of Apoi!o at 7Jelpl, aihl
garc Oraclcs in hcxamcter vede; ancl thcn
was Acrifi!ts hin accidentally by his
grandion 'Pcrf:s. Thc Council of 1/it;.
mop)'lte includcd twclvc n:.uions of thc
Greek..J, wirhout Attic,1, and thcreforc Aiil-
phyl'! ion did not thcn rcign at At /x;s;
l1e might cndcavour to fi.ICcecd Cra!lct.':.r,
his witc's fathc1, and be prcvcntcd by E-
rec bt betts.
Betwecn the Rcigns of Cranatts Jnd E
1ecbtbett.r, Chronologers place alfo
tho1!ius, and his m Pa11dio1t; bur r
this Ericbt h:Jttts and tbis his J{m 'P aJJdi-
mt, to be rhc me wirh Erechtbclts, and
his fon and ii.Iccclf<w 'P a11dioll, rhc u me->
bcing onlyrcpeatcd with a littlc variatinn i:1
thc lil: ofthcKing<> ofAttica: forEr/c!Jt!JO
1tit.ts, he that was thc ion ofthc Eart h, nur
fcd up by Aftcrva, is by liomcr ollcd .;
!i Thcmil. recbtbe11s; and Tbcmij!itts * re] le; us, tlu:
Ora.t.r9. it \Vas .Ercchtbeu.r that firl: joyned a ch.1
't p;;to in riot to hodcs ; and P itlto t to rhc
!olub.l. 1, fiory of h'richtbo11itts in a baskc'r, hi'rh.
1hejcople s Ercchthcu"
o the
/;eatttiful, bttt it beborz_es us to bebo id him
takm out: Erechtheus thcreforc immcdi-
arcly fiJCceedcd Cra11aus. while Ampb)'-
ion reigned at Tbermopy!tt. In thc Reign
of Cra11atts rhe Pocts place thc flood of
'Dcltttdiort, and thcrcforc rhc dcarh of
'Deuca!ion,and ofhis i(m.;;lfcl!en
and Amph)'tl ion, in Tl;c;tfy and Tbcrmu-
py!tt, wa'> but a fcw ycars, li.1pp:1lc cight
or ten, befo re thc Reign of ErcdJt bcus.
The firft Kings ofA1'Cadia \\ere fi.ccef.
1ircly * Pda[tJ,1tS, Lycao!l, .i'\)c7irmts, Ar-
cas, Clitor, kgyptus, Aleus,
Echemus, ./J,gapcnor, I-lippothous,
tus II, Cypfcltts, Glceas, &e Undcr L),tl-
p!!ls thc rcturncd into Pdo-
;omcjits, J.S :1bovc: /1'1, apenor \V J. S onc of
rhoie who courtcd f!c/cna; he courrcd hc:r
beforc he rcigncd, ami aft:cr\\'J.rds he \\"Cnt
ro the war at {roy, and thcncc ro C_ypr!!.J.
:1nd thcrc built Paphos. L'chnmts 1cw
"' Pau fan;
l.S.c. 1,
l[yll!.r thc {on of flr-rcus.
CrpiH'!IJ, and AuKe, \\"Crc t thc childrcn of r
.11/cu.r, thc ion of.Jlpbidas, thc i(m or Jlr- s ... c._...
l i
. f'C fJ J l J f'L At
fft.r, t lC 011 O a t lC ( :wg ltCr O . '}'- A
C(lOil: ./htrrc by \rith !ltrc!tlc.r. and ///!- lr.v.r6zl
'--"' .
rlf'Tts thc on of Lycm;(!ts wa.;; ::m ./!r,f!,o-
1/r!lt!, and his unclc Ccpbots \\":1S his (in-
vcmor in tlut Expcdicton;
fLn 'd :H homc, to look aCrcr hi-.: :1:.:cd Ltchcr
J ')
/lnu, who tnk.l!r he born :1bout :; rc:lr:->
hclilrC t hat Ex)cdiri,ltl; and his
, 1
t hu .L1n11 J' mi g b t be b orn about l he: cnd () f
t!J .:
" F:mGn.
l. S. c.+
t Hcrrcl.
l5 e >-:3.
O the
thc Rcign of S,m/, and L)'CilOJt the gr:.lnd-
hthcr of _/lrcru mirht be rhcn alivc, a11Li
d y e bc1()!'(: thc rniddlc of'J)aI'I's
and his ii>11 Omotrtts, thc _7rti11Js
of thc LflrtJJL'J, mi:.-;ht gro\\. up, :111d lc;ld .!
colon y in ro bcnc thc or Sr;/;.
?JJO!l. rccci\'cd * hrcHl-corn
Triptolt'lfi!ts, and Llll;!,ht his pcnplc to
of ir; anJ l did F11mcu.r, thc li1:l
l\ ing o fa rcgion :-tftcnLHd-.; ollcd Ac/),:t:
and thcrdore .Jirc.u and Eumrl11s wc:c
contcmpor<u-y to TritofcJmts, and ro h:;
bthcr Cc/:'!:.r, a:1d to l.,'rcththctts 1\. d
.At/J{'s; :md Cailijlo to Rhants, and' kr
farhcr L }CaOJt ro CraJir!tts : but Lw:il7:t
- -
dicd bebrc Cra:uws, io asto lea ve wn!:l
for'l)cuctdion's t1ood bctwcen thcir dc<Hh\.
Thec1c\cn K e; of Arcadia,bctwccn thi;
Flood thc rcturn oftl1c llcrariidcs ilt-
to 'Pdopo;ejits, is, bcrwccn rhc
Rcigns of L_yrrz.m and c_ypfd!t.r, afrcr
Lttc ofabout t\\'Cnty vors ro a
el ol .._}
\\ it h (Jtbc r, too k un :.1bo u t 2 2 o y
' .
thcic ycMs count:cd back from rhc !2-
turn ofthc l!eraclirlcs, place thc F!ood ol
'J) e u c_td i o u pon t he fo mr :..'ciHh y o
'J)d":.-'td's Rci;!n, or
lkrN/rJ.' 1:.r - tclls u.:;, rhc
'Jrtdl/.1' w:Jo cuw: \\'ith c,u/ntllS hl
l '' . (' . 1'
nLu1y I!llo 10r amn11
1 hu k '1 -'h:L'Il ici u; J w e re of m en CJ 11.., l
C;:re/ \\ ho wcrc :.;kilkd in l he A rr' .. !:,J
o the
:md fcrtlcd fome in Pbrygia, wheec they srabol.
wcrc callcd Corybtmtes; imc in Crcte, to.p +
whcre rhey wcic c1llcd 1 d.:ci
in Rbodcs, whcre thcy wcre called
'[e!cbi11e s; iome in SrmJor'hracc, w he re
thcy wcrc: Clllcd e abiri; iomc in EuiHetl,
whcrc, befo re thc in :cnrion of iron, t he y
wrnught in coppcr. in a ciry thcncc C1llcll
Chalris; imc in Lc:tmos, whcrc rhcy ar-
1iftcd Vukan, :111d J!m1c in lmbnu, and o-
thcr pbccs: and confidcr.1blc numbcr of
rhcm CttleJ in A: . .'tolia, which was rhcncc
olicd thc country of thc nntil
.!l!..'toltts thcf(m ofJ:dymion, Jhin
.Apis King of SiC)'OJ!, i1cd rhithcr. and by
thcaTifbnce of his bthcr ir, atHl
from his own namc callcJ ir ,;f:,tohz: and
by the an1b.ncc ofthec artit!ccr.' Cadmtu
fund out gold in thc mou! P a;;g'-
1!s in Tbrace,and coppcr at Thccs, whcnce
cnppcr ore is il:ill clilcJ Cr:dJJa. W here
thcy iettlcd rhcy wronght flrfl in coppcr,
'ritl iron was invcntcd, and thcn in iron;
;md w hcn rhey had nude themfel ves a1-
mour, rhcy in ir ;tt thc hcrif]ccc;
with tumult and cl:unom, and bclls, :liHl
pipes, and drum'l, and J\\'ord..;, \\' ich w hich
rhcy Hruck u pon onc anot:hcr's armour, in
nm(ic;tltimcs, i.:i1.t:d \Vith a d1
-, inc fmy; ;1!ld rhi-.; is rccknlled thc
ofmufick l!l Gracc: o Solintts, St11di
1tll rtmj: u m i 11 df' Ctl' f' t :nn e lllll I d,c j '])a ( ( r- 1',,: l !,ttt.
tilmittt tfl' c/}FC- L',l'-
/; t'/1
14-4- 0 t IJ e C H R O 0. O L 0 G Y
- I fidor.
bcJlfos itt r_cr_(ificlim ord;cm
ent: and * f(t(/orus, Studium tmt(ic!f;; tlU
ong,mum. J . ,
f. A /'- !
lib.xi.c. 6. d'JS LHifl) u c.rptttJtl. po 1-0 21ll thc
Muks wcrc two Gcncrarion" btcr. C/c-
tC!cm, fi?Cl/S t calb thc ldtri 'J)df(yli OJrb;lrotl';,
Strom.J.I. tlut i-; f1r.1ngcrs; :1nd flith, thcy \\ c:c
rcputcd thc firf1 ,,iic mcn, to \\'hom both
rhc lcttcrs \\ hich rhcy cdl .E:phejt:!!!,
thc iin cntion of mufical rhrmcs are rcL-:-
red: ir iCclllS rlut \\ hei1 the Pb!l'!tid:;
tcrs, akribcJ to Ca{bnus, wcrc brou:_:;;r ::;.
to G?eccc, they \\Trc ar rhc f1m::
brourrht into ;P!Jrrritt Crctc, rh.:
_,, .
Cmetcs; who kulcJ in thufC cotm::ic'.
and c:.1lled rhcm Epbeji,1l, from thc cil y F-
Jh((ts, \\he re thcy wcrc firl taught. Thc
Curetcs, by thcir nunubluring
and iron, and nukina r\\'orJs,
and cdgcd rools tr h c\\'ing J.nd ClrVJn; <
wood, broughc into Emopi! a nc \V \Ll.}'
fip.hting; and J'liJIOs an opportunir:, 11:
buildiiw a Flcct, and thc domini1,!:
0 '-' ... ,
of thc feas; and icr on fot rhe track.:; (i:
Smiths anJ in Greccc, \\ hic:1
are rhc fonnJ1rion of tT:hks; tl:c-
P:1uln. J flcct of l1/i JJOS \L1S \\ ithont Llil-;, :llll;
r. 'DttdaJJts flcd from him by adding biJ..; to
Jis vclfcl; rhcrcfore 1hp' \\ ith ils
\\ere not ukd by Cree/u be rore tk
f1rht of 'JJ<'t:!rtl;t.r, anJ dcath of }1/i//')J,
\\' h o \ i' :te;; 1 hin i 11 p m f i 1 in g h i m t o .. Yi n {v, lll
thc R of RdJOO.:tJJ'J. :111d
his uc_t;licw in th:.: httcr p.ut of tl1c
D t!Je
Reign of Solomo11, invcnrcd thc chip-ax,
ancl. hw, \\'imblc, and pcrpcndicuLu,
;mcl. compals, ami a:1J glcw,
and the portcr's w hccl; and his tk'r E,,_
prt!am!ls invcntcd thc :mchor: and
things a tu nunu:1l Arts a1Hi
Tradcs in L'uropc.
Thc C wrde s, * \\' ho thm introduccd Lct-
tcrs, and 1\1utic, Pocrr)r, and Dlrlcinr,
and. Arts, and attcndcJ on S.lcriicc-;,
\\erenoldsadivc;,bout rdi:_jiou;
ons, and for rheir sk.ill and knO\\Icc1:!,e .lllcl
myf1:iol prJ.cticcs, ,.,ere J.ccountcd '' ik
mcn J.nd conjurcrs by rhc ndgar. In 'P!Jry-
gia their myil:erics wcrc Jbout R!JNz, u!kd
Jf,zgna lv!tZter, and from rhc 1Llcc-s \rhcrc
hc was wodhiprcd, Cyc!c, fcrcr_y:t!J,:,,,
Tcj]if11mttl, 'Di:u_ynti!f, :md
ldti!a Phrynia: and in Crctc, :1nd Ter-
- 0
1a Curet!!JtJ, thcy wcre about .f:.'j'ta 0-
mpitts, thcf(m ofthc Cctan Rbt:t: rhcy
rcprcicn tcd, t hat w he n ] 11 p it er \V :1 e; bu rn
JI Crrft', hi:; mothcr Rbc.z c.ll!kd him t\l h:2
cducatcd in :: cnc in moLUJt IJ1, u:llL.'r
thcir ca re and tuition ; J.nd t ha e l he y d:ul-
cccLb )L!t him irr armour, with nnik,
rut his bthcr J'tJt IIJ'lt not hc:u him
cry; anJ whcn he was up. afiillcd
him in concucring Llt:hcr, :1nd bis h-
thc/s friends,:11JJ inmcmory ofth::Jc things
ll!brurcd t h ci r rn y lc ri e>. R och.1r t b 1 i 1 s
thcm frcm I\fcjhu, :tnd l'hi!lk'> tlut thcy
tbc na me o.f Cll J'f( o m r lt pcoplc
L ;.t!llllll;j
* Stn!'o I;
47 3 .D1od.
i S trabo l.
Jc.p +S.
+ 7 l.D:o-
-: Lucim
cJis. Apu[.
luJ.l 1. c.
& IJ. 1..
id:t. 1.
c.u\.1.\ll l.
1 e 1 ;.
among the Philijlims called Crethim, or
Cr:rethites: Ezek. xxv. 16. Zepb. ii. ).
1 Sam. xxx. 14. for thc 'Philiflims con-
quered Z idol!, and mixcd with the Zido .
Thc rwo firl: Kings ofCrete, who rcig!l-
._ '
td after the coming of thc Cmetes, wcre
.Ajlerius and Afi11os; and Europa was rhc
of .Aflerius, and mothcr of .Mi ..
?tos; and the ldtemt Curetes wcrc hcr
countrymcn, anJ with her and hcr
brother Al)tmtus into Crde, and dwclr irr
thc ldtea/1. cave in hcr Rclgn, and thcrc c-
duo.tcd Jupitcr, and found out iron, and
madc armour: ami thcrcforo thc!e tlucc,
Ajlerius, Europa, and ]1/J:os, mufl: be rhc
Satllrll, Rbea and }!ipitcr of thc Crc-
ta!ls. fi!iJJos is uaJly Llllcd thc fnn of
.fupitn; but this is in rcbtion to the tJ.ble,
rhar in thc of bull, thc En
fign of thc Ship, carriLd awa y Emop,z
from Xidott: f(H rhc Pbrrllicians, upon
thcir firfl: coming into G';cect', gavc r!Jc
n.1mc of Jao-patcr, to cvcry
King: rhus both ./1/ios and his Jitbcr
\\ere .'fupitrrs. Fcbl;,:;('s, an ancicrH
Athrn .l. aullw r CJ red by Ar IJC!I ,r //.r, * :1i d r lu r fif-
13 p.6o1. 110.r \Lls rilar :fttpltf'r \\'ho committcd r/Jc
Rape 11pon C't!lljlllf'dt'; r hough
more nuly rlut it: \\.l'> Talltttl!tJ: ]IJ;;OJ
\LlS tlut ]11/Jcr who was nwf1 Cl-
mous among tlH.: Grctk.J ior Dominion :.wd
Julicc, rhc KiD:; i:1 :1/l
(r t't' {' ( i'
I 3 3
Greece in thoic d.1ys, and thc only lcgifh-
ror. Pltttarcb tt rclls ns, tlnt rhc 1eonle tt Plu-
r urch. 1r1
of Nttxru, contran ro whar writc, Thcii:o .
pretended thar rbcrc \\ere t\\ o
;md two Ariadnc.r; ::md th:n thc fir:t Ari-
ac/ne mJ.rried BtLccbttJ, and thc Ll11
d l.
'}' 1 L J 1 ; .!: Homc;
awa y u y ot o: s : )Ul + , -mn, V:. ,_ ..
l/e.fiod, T!Jt:rydidcs, :mJ
Strttbo, kncw but of onc ;1/iJJos; ;'t:Hl 1 !!J-
merdckribcs him ro be rhc iclll of fit/J.;:.'f'
.md Europa, anJ the brorhcr of JNu.-.':r-
mantlms and SarpcdoTJ, and rhc Clrh::.r uf
'Dmca/ion thc Argo11.1!tf,
of Idomeneus who \LHrcd :lt Tu1v, :1:1J
rh:.1t he was the lc,.iOJtor of Hcll: 1 hrJ-
dot!ts ** nukcs \finos and Rhad.!iil.?'Jtb!!.r Il:::od.
rhc Sons of E11rop::, comcmpor.ny ro . e ..
by, that Almos, rhe bthcr ot A'J:kogc'- H:::;:n
us, Ariadt!e and Phcdr.-t, \'.'.lS thc L)!: of
Jupiter and Europa, :1nJ of N. !J.!- +"
drtmrmtbtts :md
LttciaJt * lcr; us kr,o.v tlut Euro,IJ/t thc * L.:.:w
' JLlJ
mother of J1Jios wa'.l \vorlbipped by thc:
' ,, .
mmc of Rbca, in thc f;mn nt' a \\'tli1Utt
fitting in a chariot c]rJ\Vn bv lions, \\'irh
drum'in hcr 1 ::1nd, :md C;.::OI'l I!IJ'l'it:t 011
hcr hcad, ;,e /l(hit' , :lil.l ///1 ; :tnd che
Crct mts t thc lrouk t f)_.,,!.>r.
Rbodius Lci(; ll'>, rlut St!t :ti''!, \\hile he u
O\c:r thc 7/:',l!/.r i:1 0/r.'l.'/l::.r, a v.Il)'J.
' - '
BWuutain i:l CJ :/,., ;tnd ct1't-
L :::. 1..' .l L ,' ._
ce cnli-
e 1 1 s,
phyr. in vi-
u Pytlug.
,. ClCcro de
J. 3
t Calli-
J lvrnn, 1.
y. 8.
cated by the Cttretes in the Crctan cave,
deccived Rbea, :md of 'Pbityra bego:
Chiro: and thcrcfore thc Cretmt St!tu;.,
and R !Jea, but onc Gcneration oldcr
rhan Chiro11, and by ccnicqucnce not oldc;
and Europrz, thc parcnts ot
}\fios ; H CbiJ'OII livcd till aftcr thc
.. ArgoJJautic Expcdirion, and had twn
grandion<; in that E xpeuirion, :md Elt-
ropa came into Crctc abovc an lJUn-
drcJ befare tlur ExpcJiritl!l :
LuciaJt tclls us, that thc Cretans did JH:c
only that 'Jttpittr was born and h\l-
ricd among thcm, bur alfo hewed his JCpul-
clnc: ami fo-p/; _ _r)' * * tells us, th1r
wcnt clown into the ldteart cm',
to ice his fcpulchre: and Ciccro, *in
bcring threc 'Jt!piters, ith, that tbe rhird
\\as thc Creta 'Jupitcr, Satunt's hn.
\V hoJC kpulchrc was ihcwed in Cretc:
r1e Sclwlil npon Ca!!nac!Jus t lct 1:;
kno\\', rhat this \LlS thc uf )/.
1/0S: his \\'Ords are, .:v ;7rl -:-::.. ce.
;"I)';. :t..,i:, !ll!>:OOC TOT LIIOC': T \<!OC:. ;.'_;,,; -'
-:""?,t\i.-;'0;:, W;:: O OC 'I'J\cl oc:. ;'A 7H -:\!
i!:uu ",.-, :,,;;-; "-,i:p.w -rH- Cuo;. l1t Crct.c t!f'Oit
tbcSrpu!c/Jrcof :MinOS\-'f/S'I.f.:rittc;, :Vl:-
nois J ov is kpukh rum : /mt J t imc 1\1 jo!\
':{'ore out, jo t bat t bt'J'L' n''llltI!f'd 011(\' }1
viskpnlclnum,a11d t!Jmcc tbe CrcLlll'; r.:.'
Jcd it tbc fcpukbrc J upitcr. By S .. -
' un 1, e t {'('}'o, w h o \\' a La t 11u, Ulll !-.: -
Hucd thc S<ttltrJJ i cJ.lled by the Lati!ll':r:
{ L
o the
fr whcn Sat11rn was expclled his King-
dom, he f1cd from Cntcby e:1., ro Italy;
:md this the Poc:ts cxprcfl: by hying, that
Jupiterc:J.ft him down to 'J'artants, that
into rhe Sea: and bccauk l1c by hid in
Jtaty, the Latines ca\lcd :1im SatmJt; and
!tal;, Saturnia, :1nd LatIJN, and thcm-
ielvcs Latines: 1;) * Cyprilil; ./1iltrum Cypr. de
Jovis fl Creta vi{t'tttr, 0 j.'/J1f!cntJJ t'j:tS Ido\o,un\
o(!enditttr: G ab ca Siltltr:mm (urrarum
. '
r!Je manifcjl mtu:ft : t!ll de La/ ittm de f.,zt e-
ha ejus 1wmc: r:rtcpit: !Ji e litnas impri-
mr:rr:, !Ji e jt"(ll ,nt JllfrJmJfJ .r in 1 t ali a p r j-
mus i:Jjtituit, t!Jit!t ,crari!!m Satun:i TO-
catur; G5 rijli:it,;t,:.r l1ir r!!ltorj;t, i11dr:
_f:z!cr:m jt'l'';Jt'X piil.fltwr: and J,Jj-
tius Fclix; Sa!iii'JJ,'t.r- Cr<:ta _profitgu.r,
ftafiam met!t f/fij r::c_jct.r rLCCt'((r"t, (;)
ja1ti fitflcpts IJrjpit io, ,:tdcs iJ.i brm-
7tt's (S' agrejle.r multa doo:it, :tt Gr,an/;u
G polit!ts, literas imp1imerc, nm::mos_(_'t;-
11arc, ijlntiiJC!!I ,z it{J!IL' la! t'-
rawfitam, ruodtutu !ati!ijj, r;,:octZri .>J.L-
Iuit LrttilmJ, G 1/i.'t'm Satm11irtm riL' jita
J:o mi e. * "'* 11 .rfdi us .'/ l pi ter Crc t tt' i' .\'
rf.r.frj pmcatc n:ru:;n;it, i!lir obiit, i!/icf-
lios !Jabuit; aclh:Jc alltrum ,7o'L 7.i(i1 ;r,
Gfepnlc!JrltJJ o(lntdit ur, G ip( I--
n-i.r.fil J h;muJil it r!l i.r rn :.z. f i tu r : ai al Ta--
n:/1/a; j (')!tfmll/111 J'i'l'i/JJ arvnmcnta dv- t T..r.
{'-' ,,
l'Oit, 11 !j(ptt!J!J J /l"L'L'/1 io _f'dcfir;r;t fJ !WNJ rl- g t.
t .-!d i p_f/n /) 11 { / i {m ' i 1 t q 11 rl S:J! 1/J' !! 11 S .fi r../ e.
o o
IIJ!:/triJ iX}CtfJri()li{'.l', f!Oj/q!le ./Jtf iC1l
L .3 iJI!.!
pitia conftdit, exceptus a!J o41tO, vet Jm;e
ut Salii voltmt. Motu tt4em incotrterat
diflus: civitllJ t!epala-
verat SatUr1J4 ufq.ue IIU1JC r.fl. Tota de-
1ziqtte Italia pojl Oe1totriam Satttrnia cog-
. j;a!Jatur.. OA ipfo primtt.m tabttlte,
im4gilze jigrtat's , C itzt!e ttra-
rio pttejidet. By Satur11's canying lct-
ters into I ta[y, and coyning money, and
rcaching ao-riculture, and making infi:ru-
ments,and uildinga town, know
that he tled from Crete, aftcr letters, and
rhe coyning of money. and manual
\\-ere brought into Ettrope by rqc Phrzmct-
mu; and from .Att ica, after agriculture was
brought into Greece b Ceres, andfo could
not be oldcr than A)eritts, and Ertropa,
:wd hcr brother Cadmus ; and by Ita(y's
bcing called Oenot1'ia, befo re it was called
Satttr11fl, youmay know that he carne in-
ro ltaJy after Oe1totrtts, andfo was not ol-
'-icr t1laH thc fons of Lycao11. Oenotrtts
c:uried the firl: colon y of the Greeks into
Italy. Satur11. thc fecond, and Eva1tdt?'
thc third; and thc Latittes know nothing
oldc.r in Ita/y than ]amts a.nd Satttrtt: ami
d1ereforc Oe11otrtts was the JaJU.t of the
q.nd Satttr1t was contcmporary to
thc fons of Lycao11, and by confequence al-
in to Celetts, Erectberu, Gere.r, and Afie"
1'itu: for Cere.s cducated Triptolenms thc
fon ot'Celeru, in rhc Rcign of Erechtbe11s,
fllld cl);n taught to pJow and fow corn:
' o .AtC1t.r
ll E E K S. 11
,4rt4.r,thefon of CaJJiflo, and grandfon of
Lycaon, received corn _from TriptoJemu.r,
and taught bis peo le to make bread of it ;
and Procri.r, tbe aughter of Erechtheru,
fled to Minos tbe fon of .Ajleriu.r. In
mory .of S,aturn's coming into ltaty by
(ea, the Latine.r coined tlieir firft money
witb bis head on one fide, anda fhip on
the other. Macrob.iu.r * tells us, that
Altar to him, with facred rites asto a God,
and inftituted the Satuntalia, and chat hu-
mane factifices were offered to him; 'till
Hercules drivit O' the cattle of Geryo11
through Itai:Y, a olibed that cuftom: by
the humane facrifices you may kQow that
Janus ws of the race of Lycao11 . which
charater agrees to Oe11otr.u.r. Dionyft__u.r
Halicarnajenfi.r tells us furtber, that Oe ..
'1otru.r having found in the weftern parts of
Ita/y a large region fit for pafturage and til-
lage, but yet for che moft pare uninhabited,
and where it was inhabited, peopled but.
thinl ; in a certain pare of it, purged from
the ia1u, he built towns little and
numerous, in the mountains; which
nerofbuilding was familiar to ancients;
this was the Original of Towns iq
ab. .
Pattfotlia.r t rells us the peopte of P f.l
retatedthi.r to have !Jee11. the OrigitJaJ of c.3
' Ot . G ' S . d &,,
tJe r;ymptt ames: tt:Jat atUl'll
l. + Jirfl,
jirjl,andbadaTemple!Juilt to him i1z o.
Jympia hy the me1t of the Gotde1z .Age; tt1td
that whell Jupiterwas newJy !Jont, his mo.
ther Rhea recommended him to the cate oj
thelda!iDatyli, whowerealfo caltcdCu.
retes: that afterwards five of them, ca/.
/edHercules, Preonius, Epimedes, Jafius,
mul Ida, came from Ida, a moutttailt in
Crete, ittto Elis; attdHercules, calted alfo
Hercules Idreus. beittg the of thcm,
itt memoryofthewar !Jetwee1i a11d
Jupiter, itzjtittttedthe tlmeofraciltg, a11d
tbat thc vi[for jho11Jd e rewarded witb a
croutt ofoli'l-'C; and thcre ercted an altar
. to Jttpiter 0/ympitts, and callcd thc!c
gamcs Olympic: and that fome of the E-
leaus, that J upiter C01Jte1tded be re ':Lith
Slturnfor tbe /(wgdom; otbers that Hcr-
cules Idxus hiftitrttcd theft games i1t me
mory of tbeir vilory over the Titans: for
tt- the peoplc of ..Arcadia t had <l tradition,
l. S.c.19. that thc Gi:mts fought \\' ith thc G od'l in the
valJcy of Bathos, near thc rivcr Jllpbclf.l'
Dkdor. and thc fountain OJympias. :f: Bcforc the
fP ss3. Rcign of .Ajlerius, his father TetttmJits
cune into Cretc with a colon y from O!J'71J-
pia; nnd npon the ilight of JJjleritts, iomc
of his fricnds might retire wirh him into
rheir own country, and be purfcd and bc:l-
tfll there by the ld.tfalt Herctt!es: thc.Ek-.
flllsl:dd :dio that C lymemJS thc grandlon ol:
r.bc 1 d. te a 11 }{ere 11 k s, abo u t fi fry y ears
tcr 'Dc11calirm's tlood, coming om Cretc,
ce ..
celebrated thefe games again in O ia,
and ereted there an alrar ro J zmo O
pi a, that is, to E 11ropa, and another ro
tbis Hercttlcs, and the refl: ofthe Cttretes;
and in Etis 'till he was expeUed
by , * who thereupon celebrated Paufanl.
expel ed .Aitolrts the for, of Endymio1t ; and
fo alfo did Hercttles the fon of .Ak11te1ta,
and .Atreres thcfon ofPetops, and Oxylrts:
tbey might be celebrated y in tri-
umph for vilories, firft by Hercreles ldte-
1ts, upon rhc conqueft of Satttrtt and the
Titatts ; and then by e tymemu, upon his
coming to reign in thc Terra Cttretttm;
tben by Etz.dymio1z., upon his conquering
Glymemts; andafterwards by Pelops, upon
his conquering .k:tolru ; and by Hercrtles,
upon his killing Aregeas; and by Atrcre.r,
upon his repelling the He1aclides; and by
Oxylus, u pon tbe return of thc Heractide s
into 'Petop01mejiu. This 'Jttpiter, to whom
they iriftituted, hada Temple and Al-
tar eretcd to him in Olympia, whcre the
games wcrc cclebratcd, ::llld from thc place
was callcd 'Jrtpiter Otympitts: Olympia
was a place u pon thc confines of P ifa, ncar
the river .Atphcus.
In the * Ilhnd Thafos, whcrc Cadmres Rerod.t.
left his brother Thajiu, the Pbretticialu 2..c.44.
built a Temple to llercre/es Of:ympi11s, that
Herc'llles, whom Ciccro calls ex ldteil
'lJaflylis; Ctli iltftria.r a,!ft:r/11/t, Whcn naturaJ?e-
. l orum. lab .
t lC
the m fteries of Cere.t were inl:itoted i1t
EJeit u, there were other myl:eries infl:itu-
red to her and her and dauO"hter's
husband, in che 1 SamfJthrace, y the
Phtz11icia1z namesofVii Ca!Jiri .Axteros,
and .AxifJit.erfts, that is, the
great Gods Ce res, Proftrpina and P lttto :
for + 'l_ajitts a Samothracia11, whofe fifl:e.r
JU:&J. marriedCadmu.r, was with Cere!;
and Cadmrt.r and ]ajiru were bth of them
initiated in thefe m ficries. 'Jafiru \vas
thc brothcrof 'Dar anus, and married Cy-
bele tbe da ah ter of .Jfeo1zes King of P hry-
.. cria, and by 1er had Coryba.r; and after bis
dcath, 'IJardattu.r, Cyhete and Corybas
went into P br;'gia, and carried thither the
myl:eries. of rhc mother of the Gods, and
C)'bele called. rhc goddefs after her own
namc, and Cor;'ba.r caHed ber priefi:s Cory-
bmztes : thus 'Diod!Jrus; but CJJiottyjitu
r DionP, iaith * that Vardamt.r inl:ituted the Samo-
fo.r Jcarnt them in Arcadia, and tbat ldtetJS
thc fon of 'Dardatzus 'in!l:ituted afterwards
the myficrics of the mother of thc gods in
PbrJ'gia : this Phrygian Goddcfs was
dr:1w n in a chariot by Lions, and hada co-
ro;ta t11rrita on hcr hcad, and a dnun in
her hand, likc thc Phtelticiatt Goddcfs .Af
tarte, and thc CoryiHmtes danced in ar
mour at her ftcrificcs in a furious manncr,
.;&:tucian. likc the ldtei 'lJaEiyti; and Lttcia1t tells
d:Cutaci- us that fl1c was the crcttlft Rhea, t at is,
Phrenicir introduced the pratice of dei-
f ing dead men and women among the
ree/u and PhrygiatJr; for 1 meet withno
intance of deifying dead m en and women
in Greece, before rhe coming qf Camur
and Europa from Zior1.
F rom thefe ori inals it carne into fafhion
the Gree r, parentare, ro ce-
lebrare the funerals of dead arents with fe-
ftivals and invocations and acrifices offered
to their ghofl:s, and ro ered: magnificent fe-
pul eh res in the form of temples, with altars
and ftatues, to perfons of renown ; and there
to honour them publickly with facrifices
and invocatioJ)s : cvery man might do it ro
his ancefi:ors ; and the cities ofGreece did it
to all the eminent Greelu : as to Ettropa
the fifter, to Atymnur the brother, and ro
Minos and Rhadamanthtt.r the ne hews of
Cadmur; tohis da?ghter bto, an her fon
Melicertu.r ; to Bacchre.r thc fon of his
4aughterSeme/e, Ariflarchu.rthe Imsband
of liis da ah ter .Attt"01toe, and ]aJiu.r the
brorher of is wife Harmonia; ro Hf!rcttte.r
a The1Ja11, and bis mothcr Alcme1uz; to
'Da11aethe dau<Yhtcr. of Acrifiru; ro .JEjcu-
lapitts and Po emocrates the fon of }.fa-
cbao11; Kings of A-
tbens, HippolytttsthefonofThefttts, Prm
the fon of Pene Jo e, Proftrpilta, 1ri_pto
, ropho11itu, Cajlor, Po/,..
(11x, MetJelaul, Agamemt101z,
I S 6
Amphiararu and his fon Amphilochru,
Hellor and .Aiexmtdra the fon and daugh-
ter ofPriam, Pborolutu,OrphtusProte-
{ilaru, .Achilles and bis mother Thetis .A-
:jax, .Arcas, ldomeneus, .frferiones, .tEa-
cus, Metamptts, Britomartis, .Adrajfus,
Jo/aus, and divcrs others. They deificd
their Dead in divers manners, according ro
their abilities and circnml:ances, and rhe
merits of the perfon ; fome only in privare
as houlhold Gods or Vii P te111l-
tes; others by ereding gravel:ones to thcm
in publick, to be ufed as altars for annual l
crifices; orhers, by building alfo to thcm
fepulchres in the form of houfes or temples;
and fome by appointing myl:eries, and
rcmonics, and iet facrifices, and fel:ivals,
and initiations, anda fucceffi on of priefts for
performin thofe infl:itutions in the tem-
ples, and 1anding them down to pofi:criry.
Altars might bcgin be erel:ed in E1trOJ.C
a Jirtic bctore thc days of Cadmur, for f:t.
crificing to the old God or Gods ofthe Co-
* .Arnoh. lonics, but Temples began in the days of
adv.gcm. Solomott; for ./T!.'actts thc fon of eJEgia,
P r
who was two oldcr than thc
Tro war, is by fome rcputcdoncof thc
fir who built a Tcm le in Greece. Ora
eles carne firfl: from gypt into Grccce a-
bout the fame time, alfo did thc cuil:om
of forminO' thc images of the Gods with
their lcgs ound up in thc hapc of thc E-
f..'YPtia7t mummies: for Idolatry bcgan in
Chaldtea and EgYjf, andfprcad thcnccin-
to Phre1zicia and the neighbouring court
tries, long before it came into Ettrope ; and
the Pelaf!,ia1ts proJ>agated it in Greece, by
che dlates of the Orad es: The countries
upon the Tigri.r and the Ni te being cxcecd-
ing fertile, were firl: frequented by man-
kind, and grew firft into Kingdoms, and
therefore begin firl: ro adore thcir dead
Kinos and Q_ueens: hence carne thc Gods
of aba1t, the Gods and Godde!Tes called
Baalim and .Ajhtarotb by thc Callaa1Jite.s,
the Dremons or Ghol:s to whom thcy facri-
ficed, and the Motocb to w hom they offer-
ed their children in thc days of .M o .fes and
the J udgeso Every City iet up thc worfhip
ofits own Founder and Kings, and by alH-
ances and conquefts they 1pread this wor-
fhip, and at len th thc PhtE1zicia1u andE-
gyptiatu broug t into Euro pe the pratice
of Deifying the deado The Kingdom of
the lower Egypt began to worfhi their
o before the days of Mo.fe.r; an to this
the tecond commandment is oppo-
fed: w en the Shepherds invaded the lower
E pt, they checked this worfl1ip of the
ol Egyptiatt
, andfpread that oftheir own
Kings: and at length the Egy_ptia1ts of Cop-
tos and Thebais, under Mijpbra m t t t h ~ i s
and .Amojis, ex ing the S 1epherds,
checked the of the Gods of the
Shepherds, and in their own Kings
and Princes, propagate thc worfbip of
twelve. of them into their conquefi:s; and
m a de
I 51
made rhem univerfal than the falle
Gods ofan y orher nation had be en beforc,
fo as ro be c::dlcd Vii magtti mqjonmt ge.
tittm. Sefoflris conquercd Thrace,
.ilmpl{fyoJt rhe fon of Promethetts broughL
thc nvclve Gods from Thrace into Greece:
* l. lierodotus * tclls us thar they carne hom
:z.1mtm. E
gypt; and by the names of the citics ot"
Egyptdcdicated to mjny ofrhcfcGods,you
may know that thcy wcrc of an Egypt i.m
original: and thc according ro
tDiodor. 'Diodorus, t ufi1ally reprdcntcd, thlt aftc1
l. r.p.
rheir Satunt and Rhea, rcigned ]11pita
and Jtt110, thc parcnts of Oj/ris and lj/s,
thc parcnts of Ortts :111d Btta}e.
By all rhis ir rnay be undcri1ood, that :J.\
the Egyptians who deificd rhcir Kings. bc-
gan rhcir monarchy with rhc Rcign of rhci1
Gods and. Hcrocs, rcckoning 111e11es rhe
firfl man \\.ha rcigncd aftcrrhcir Gods; e,
the CrettmJ thc Agcs ofthcir Gods and
thc firil: Htr of rhc1r
dcincd King': and Princcs, thc Goldcn,
*Hefiod. Sihcr, ::"
y,._,;1 Agcs. Hcod"'
' .
opera. v. ddcrihin!! rhdc t(lt:r A:.:csof rhc GoJs :llld
" Dcmi-Gods of C;c'ca, rcprcknr<:t thc:11 t"
be t(nr Gcncratiuns of mc11, cJch of\', h: . .-:.
cndcd \\ hco thc mcn rh.:n li\ IJ'" urcw
a11d dropt imo ), g;,wc, tcll; u e; ! k.L
t !l e t cJ m t h e 11 de d \\ i l / t l : e \ v r.-, o f 1-, I.
anJ Troy: and ;, IJLlllY (iL'IlCULions lik'I...:
wnc, from rhc con:i1Jg of thc 'Fha:;.t.J':s
a.ud Gurctcs \\ itl1 Cttdrmu Jnd Ltoo}Jd i'l
to Greece, unto thc dcfl:rul:ion of Troy .
.Apollonitts Rbodius faitb, thJ.t the
camc to Crete, thcy flew Taltts
a brazcn man, \\' l:o rcnuincd of thofC that
\rcrc of thc Br:.1zcn A E c. and L'UJ.rdcd tlut
\.' 4.)
p1fs: Ttzlu.r \\';:te; rcpurcd + rhc lun ofA!illOs,
and thcrci(Jrc rhdons of 1/o lt ved in rhc
Brazen Ar,c, J\Jincs in tbeSil-
ver ir \ra; thc Sil ver Agc ofthcGrccks
in w hich tlH:y bcg:1111 o plow :1ndo\v Corn,
ancl Crrcs, that L4ught rhcm ro do it, ilouri-
ihed in the Rcign of Cl'!ots and ENciJt hetts
Ali11os. rcll us tlutthc
bfl: Woman with whom ]upiter by, \\a'>
AlcmcJJa; and rhcrcby tbcy i.Tm to put an
cnd ro thc Rcign nf ]11piter among mor-
uls, th;lt is to thc Silnr Agc, \Yhcn
'tJZCJla \\':.lS \\'ith chilJ of Hcrcufr.:s; who
rhercforc \LlS born thc ci:hLh or tcnth
ycar Rcign, atllt \vas about
34 ycars old at thc time of rhc Argo1uf.ttic
cxpcclition. C/Jiro1t \\'J.S bcgot by Stztunz
PbiJyra in thc Goldcn Agc; whcn ]u-
ptcr \Va<; a child in thc C'etdlt cwc, as a-
hove ; aml r h is w in t he Rci: 'n of Ji(:' ai :ts
' .
1\.ing of ('r'/ r : thcrcfurc
rcig11cd in e,-, .'t' in thc Goldcn Agc; and
rhc Sil ver whcn Cbirolt was
\ } )
child: if Cbiro:t \LlS born abont thc 35th
H;lr of (j)(r:.-'id's Rcn, he will be bu m in
. . ')
thc Rcir;11 o!' .A./Icriu.r, whcn Jupitcr WJ'>
J child in thc Cn'ltm cave, ::t11d be abont
ycar'-' old in thc time of tbc . :!'lj,Ui!t!ll tit: cx-
pcdi l ion,
I 37
:f Apol!on.
J+ V,
pedition, when he invented the Afterifms;
and this is within the reach of nature. The
e-olden Age, therefore falls in witb the
eign of .Aflerittr, and rhe Sil ver Auewich
that of Mi1101 ; and to make the e Ages
much loncrer than ordinary generations, is
to make hirott live much Jonger than ac-
cording to the courfe of nature. This fa-
ble of the four Ages feems ro have been
madc by the Guretes in the fourth Age, in
memory ofthe firl: four Ages of rheir com-
ing into Ettrope, as into a new world; and
in honour of their country-wornan Ettro-
pa, and her husband .Ajleritls the Satttrlt of
the Latines, and ofher fon Minos, thc ere-
tan 'Jupiter, and grandfon Vettcalio11,
who reigned 'till the Argonatttic expediti-
on, and is fometimes reckoned among the
.Argo1zattts,andoftheir reatgrandfon Ido-
menettswho warred at roy. Hejiod tells
us that he hirnfelflivcd in thc fifth Agc, the
Age next aftcr the taking of Troy, and
thercfore he flouri1hed within thirty or
thirty fivc years after it: and Homer was
.. Vita Ho- af about the fa me Age ; for he lived fome
sneriHcro- time with Metttor in Ithaca, and therc
dotoad.lcr. lcarnt of him man thinO'S concerninO'
b o
Vlyj(es, with whorn . e11tor had bcen pcr
onally acquainted: now Herodotus, che
oldefl: Hifioriau ofthe Greek.s now extant,
t Hcrod. 1. t rells us that Hejiod aodHomer wcre not :t-
s. bovc four hundred y-ears older than himclf,
and therefore they flourilbed within 1 10 or
n.o ycurs
e R EE K S.
I 6 l
t1.o years after the death of So/omon; and
according to my reckoning thc ta!dng of
Troy was but onc Gencration earlier.
Mythologill:s rell us, that.JVioe the
dauO"htet of Phoro11e1ts was the firft woman
\vit 1 whomJttpiter lay, and thatofher he
hegat Ar tt.r, who il.tccccded Pboro11eus in
the King o m of Argos; and gave his n:11nc
to that city ; and thcretorc .Argtts was bora
in the beginning of the Sil ver A g ~ unlefs
you had rather fay that by Jtptter rhey
might here mean Ajtcrim; tor rhe Phre-
1ticiazs gave thc na me of :upi'er _ro cvery, from thc time of their firft coming
into Grece with Cadmtts and E11ropa, un-
tilthe invadino ofGreece by Sefojlris, at:td
the birth of ercttles, and particubrly to
the fathers of Mi11os, Petops, Lacedtc
mon, .IEacttt, and Perftti!.
The four firil: Ages fucceeded t h ~ flood
ofVettcaliotz ; and fome tell. us that Vntca.o
liotnvas tl1efon of Ptomethe11s, thc fon of
'Japettu, and brothct of Atlas: but this '.vas
anorher Dettcalioll; for 'Japet11s the fathec
of Ptomethetts, Epime'tbeus, and Atlas,
was an E, yptian, thc brother of Ojiris,
and flourif 1Cd two Generations aftcr the
floodof Dettcatio1i.
1 ha ve now carried up the Ghronology of
the Greeks as hi h as ro the firfi: ufe of lct-
ters, the firl: owing and fowing of corn,
the firft manu aturing of <:opper and iron,
the bcginuing ofthc ttades o Smiths, Car
M pen.tcrs,
penters, J oyners, Turners, Brick-makcrs,'
Stone-cutters, and Potters, in the
firft walling of cidcs about, the firil: build-
ing of Temples, and the original of 0-
taclcs in Greece.; the be inning ofnavigati-
on by thc Stars in long 1ips with [lils; rhe
crel:ing ofthe Amphilyo1tic Council; the
firl: Agcs ofGrecce, called the Golden, Sil-
vcr,Brazen, and lron Ages, and the flood
of Deuca/io1t which immedLltcly prcccdd
thcm. Thofe Ages could not be earlicr
th:m the invention and ufe of the four me-
tals in Greece, from whcnce thcy had thcir
namcs; and the Jlood of Ogyges could not
be much above two or tluee ages earlier
than that of Dettcaliott: for among .filCh
wandcrin pcople as were thcrr in Ettrope,
thcrc cou d be no memory of tl1ings done
abo ve tluee or tour ages beforc the firfi nfe
oflettcrs: and the expuUion of the Shep-
hcrds m1t of Eg)'jt, \V hich gave tbe firl:
()Cea !ion to thc comisg of people fi'om E-
gypt into Greae, and to the building of
houfcs aad villages in Greece, was fcarcc
carlicr thc days of E ti and Smn!lcl;
for .Afa;tctho tclls us, that whcn thcy wcrc
forced to l]uitAbarisand retire out
they wcnt through the wildcrnefs into 1tt-
d,erz, and bnilr 'Jcr!!falcm : 1 do not think
wirh lv!tmctbo, that they werc the Iftac-
Jites undcr Afofts, but rathcr bclicvc rhat
they were Cmttta!Jites; and u Jon lcaving
Aba1' miiJglcJ with thc Phi ijlns thcir
the G R E E 1\ S.
a1ext neighbours: fome of thcm
might aiiil 'Drn;id ami Solomo u in building
Jerrefalem and the Temple.
Sartl wa:; madc King; * th:1t he re-
fcue /(rae/ out ofrhc lunJ ofthe 'Phildf- &
ims, who opprdfed rhcm; and in the 1e- xuJ.,-.
ycar of lii> Rcign, thc :o.
brought into tbe ficld a3ain!1: him tb/rty
thollpmd c!Hzriots, tmd.fiv tboitfimd .?tfi'-
mm, a11d peojJ/e tU tbe flmd .:hicb OJt
the (ea jborefor mu!tit!!de: rhc Cmrza-
11tes h:1d tlv:ir hm fe:; from yct
inthcdaysofJllofe.ra[l cluriots ofE-
g;pt, witl) whch Pb.11'aobpnr!ltcd lfrac!,
werc but lix hundrcd, E.\:od. xiv. 7 From
thc grcat army of thc 'Pbilijlims
Sattt, and thc grcat nurnber oftheir horlcs,
1 fecm to gathcr that thc Shcphcrd; ha.d
newly rclinquilllcd Eg;'Pt. and joyncJ
thcm: thc Shcphcrds might be bcatcn at&d
driven out of thc grcatcfl: part of
andfhut up in .Abaris b
fisin thc lattcr cnd oft lC da)"' ofE'/i; :tnd
iomc of thcm fJy ro the 'PhilUii.ils, an
1hengthen them againil ljhrd, in thc L'LH:
year of E ti ; and fi'om the 'P !Ji .fome
of the S he )herds mi:rht go ro ancl
from Zi 011, by to 4f/tt ?JJi;Nr anJ
Greece : and afr:crwards, in thc bc
uingof thc Rclgnof Sa11t, tiiC Shcphcrd'
who fl:ill rcmaincd in mght b.e for-
ccd by etb;?;o(i.r or Amuji.r, tbt: fon of
llfi.j}bragmuti;o(, to Abar,
M ,
O the
retire in very great numbcr" to thc 7J!Ji!i7.
i.rd.r; and up')ll thdc occa(ion.;; rcvcr,l ,('
thcm, as 17,-ar/m.r, Lc!cx. C-
crop.r, /1/;rzs, come \rirh
!'c0pk by fCJ from ro /.id?::
('rpnt.r, and rhcncc to ./((!:, miiltJr '''l!
cn!'rt. i11 rhe cLlys cr Lii, lS'twmc!
St:.:tf, .l!!d thcrcb) tu opcil (llill
:)\ lc.1 bct\\ cen /:ido and (''(,., t'.
ti1c I'C\ o;: of Erfrnn from }i!.l.l'ri,
.1nd tk: tin:1l of rhc Plniiciii/IS
; 1 . 111 r he Red- Se a.
rci::;,ncd in ./!'rtlditz, and ,._
tl1c Luhcrof L_yct!Oll, according ro
.o:Lio -"it :111d L_;-rczOJL Jicdjt!t h
l;l;'C tbc lood of 'J)c!fralioJt and rhcrc-
fJtT bthcr PcJz(glls mighr come int)
Crra[' about t\\-o Gcncrations bcforc (.'.,J
1; 1: t .r. () r i ; 1 l he Lu ter en d o f t he cLn e; (}! }./; :
I,)'Ct!vll hcriGccd childrcn, and rhcrci;
hi..; come\\ irh hispcop!c l'rom
thc Shqlhcrd-; i11 l,:f!,_TjJt, and pcrh.'J,
\\hcrcthc: :.t',ll
/i,:cd Il1l'!,, 'rill -!J.'Joj/r cid1-
rlm. J11Ufl.JJ'.-,'(!,J!l1it l he Llt.ltcr
lf _._
tlr<J\C th..: Sh'-phcrd-; our o!' ;t:,i,.J
:.1rt ot' 1'.: 1/JI, ihtt thc rcnuiiitL'r ::;'
;.1 ./.,'!J,o thcn numbcr..; miJt
' .
< : t": 1 pe t,) C n 'a r ; 1 !lli..' !'r u m l he re::, i: 1 i 1" 1
! ll'flo'Jr;/i_r under ,and orl{n.; (rl;il
:tnd mhcr phc';, umLr ot hc-1
( '.:),,1i11';: hc-net: ir tn \
: it.H Ll1c 'Pdu(iria,- r \'.ere :tl Lhc (nfl H'
. . '
o the RE E K S.
nmncrous in Gr('('rc, :111d Jj1a!ze a di:Terc1;r
from thc Gnck., and wcr-.: th--'
rin_0,-lcadcr" in i:1to G1cccc th:
worllip ofthc (!:::-J.d.
1 1! ([ clm s i .:; c1llc d t h e i ( J n n f () t 1' a r 11 .r, pe:
I1ap-; he e ro C'racc h) L.l: h.
come \rirh p.<J)Ic ro .A<::'H !'rtlJl
in thc d.l) S or L/,:, L.l[
upon thc l'\Tr flltlC !JI! S, 11-l'lll.'d (r\J:n hi:ll,
:111d kaYC his tcrritnric::. tO !Ji, f '1S J'/n;u
7/ftts, A> irr!eit.f, F !Jt:rc:.'J, !l i h d.l \''-;
....-"' \. ) .1
ofSarmtd: for Car rhc Ju or J)h);oaei:.r
built a Temple ro ('cts i .J:\ft:(!_mtt,
rhcrcforc \\'as to LJcc!Jt ht-
tts. 'P!Jool!c!!s rci:)l.d :lt AJ:(o.r, an.l
at S)?ll, ar1d f{lUIH.icd thok
Kingdoms; anJ yct i; nudc :l-
bovc firc hundrcd ycars oldcr tlun 'P!Jfno-
1/CUS by on1c buc *
/:t:ts, t A11ticlidc.rand Pl,to,
'F !Jo}' o 1! e tt S t h e o 1 den 1\. i 11 ) i ; l (' i 'r u(' ' l11 d
. '
:): Apoltodont.r rclls us, .. \\'a; tlt:
brothcr of '})/J())"JJJ!'l!J. v-L!,i !l:tf.f dicd
w i t h ()ti t in ll (', a 11 d :1 e r h i lll r l' i e d J: it -
rops, Tctc/;!T!, Ap, 1.rnm.dJJ, Sic_'\o:r,
Ar/r,(/:t.r, A,t;.nJJ:'i.l/l!OI!, c;;c.
,. ('. !
. .
O!ll, I.
p 3 2 l .
. '
. t
':.ltll i 1'
. \ .
. . ('U ,IJ-
J ' '
l!\.1 .. ....
a n d S y o 11 :1 \ h i s r L'.. r' > l 11 : l ,_ i 1 d n 1 1 1 :
f 1 C J' O dO/
f .r' j t Lt i t lt 1 l U 1: //' .: .1' i 1\ 1. h . . ( ; ", 'e/.: ; l In o e: .
T o nn u e i -; l .
f! IJ lw J ; 1 H 1 1 h r .: 11 i. r, " "' L h ; t !
-'! . ) 11JJ.r,il,
EptpiJ::s 1 he gur . .3 ;! ,;,)/'! ,,,.;t\1 u, :
eh il d : h m t he b tt C' r <',
.r h .1 : : 1 1 .tl L- 1 \\'u
m en ()frhc t ''o :Llm:..; , .
FiJ :1!1l] 1-.'pt!/
11/1.1' or
E;opc:t.r, J.lld L1c''\ cc11 Lhcut t.:icn:-1 t;..
\l 1 \. .t("d
. '
fcigncd Kings of Sic_yo1t, who made no
wars, nor did any thing memorable, :md
yet reigncd fivc hundrcd and twenty ycars,
which is, onc wirh anothcr, above forty
and rhrec yc:us a-picce. If thde fcigned
Kings be rejclcd, and the two Kings Ajlis
;tnd Epopr11s be rcunited. &gialt:us will
beco me contcmporary to his brother 1) bo-
'1'01/etts, as he oughr ro be; for A pis or .l:.,'po-
pc:u, and N._yft?lts the gnardian of Labda-
were fbin in barde about thc tenth
ycar of Solomo11, as above; and the fidl:
fonr Kings ofSicyo11, vEgialetts, Ettrops,
Tekht, Apis,aftcr thc rate of about twcn-
ry years to .a Re!gn, take up about cighry
ycars ; and thcfc ycars counted upwards
from the tenth year of Solom01t, lace thc
ofthe Reign of e/Egia etts upon
the twcltth ycar of Sanwcl, or thcrcabout:
and about that time bcgan the Reign of
fi. .Jdrojltts King cf ./b:go.r; but Homer t tclls
t H?mcr. us, that he reitrncd i rl: at Sicyo11: he W:lS
11. 1 vcrs. . I fi l: '=' . (\. rrz h l
i. 111 t 1c r waragatntt.J. .et. Some acc
Ja:ti;7:tts and 'P !Jrrjitts bctween Potj'btu
and Adra.fltt.r, but\vitbout any certainty.
LeJe.\" might come wirh his pcoplc into
LacoiJia in the days of Eti, and lea ve his
tcrritories to his 1ons 11y!e.r, Ettrota.r, Cte-
fo:t, aml Pol)c:ao11 in thc days of Sanme! .
.fr'.(yles ict up :.1 qucrn or handmill to grind
corn, and is reputed thc firl: among thc
fJrcck.r who didfo: but he befort;
. ' . . '., . . . . ' rr ipr:
Triptolemtu, and feems to ha ve had his
corn and artificers from Egypt. EttrotaS'
the brother, oras fome fa y, thc fon of Af)-
let, built Sparta, and call'd it a.ftcr the
name of his daughter Sparta, the wife of
Lacedtem01t, and mother of Ettrydice. Cte-
f!u was the father of PJ'las, the father of
Sciron, w ho marricd thc daughter of P au-
dio the ion of Erechtbl'tts, and co11tended
with the fon ofP a11dio11 and brother
of &getu, for the Kingdom; and uF..ants
adjudged it to Niflu. Polycaon invaded
thcn p<.:oplcd only by vilbges,.
called it lvleffce afrer the name of his wite,
and built citics therein.
Cecro;v.r carne from Sai.r in E/zypt to Cy.
prus, and thence into .Attica, and he might
do this in che days of Sanmel, and marry
.Agratele the daugh.ter of Jlftetu, and filc-
eeed him in Attica c>on afrer, and leavc
his Kingdom ro C1anaus in the Rcign of
Saret, or in thc hcginning of the Rcign of
CJJavid: for the flood of VerecatioJt hap ...
pcned in thc Rcign ofCraltatts.
Of about thc famc age wirh Pelt1jg1ts-,
lttacbtu, Lelex, and Ac!teus, was OgJ'ges,
herei ned in Breotia and fome ofhis people
wcre etege.r; and either he or hisipnEJeu-
fl.r built the city Eteujis in Jlttica, that is,
they built a few houtcs of cla , which in
time rew into a. ciry. dtlzts wrote
that e: bPrOtJetu was older than Ogyges, atl(l
Ulat Ogyges flourifhed IOl.O ycars bctcJre
M-+ th'!
thc fir1 Olympiad, J<; J.bovc; bnt
\Ll'> an Jrgc, and teigncd thcfc thint!,s in
lwnnur of hi..; count1 v: to cal! y-
.. ..._ ... o.'
p ldll lus bccn :1 rhc ancicnr
(,'rt'c!u, lo thcy JS old a'>
Ji d1: mcmory ofthings; and io ,,.e lu' L.
Ji(J\V curicd up thc Chronology of
C ,ce f:.s. ht a e !J:iJ 111 t DC a S ol d ') ()
tc.r, but and his follnwcr'> llLlrk
thcm kvcn hundrcd ycars o]dcr thJn th.
trnth; and Chronologcrs, to nukc out tlr;
rcck.onin::;, h:1 ,.e lcngrhcncd thc r:1ccs oftlh
h.inf..:s of and Sir_yon, ::rnd
icYCL11 (:nnrcmpor:1ry Princcs JillO
:f(ICcd1i ,-e 1\.inss, and nuny
]\in:-:" in ro thc rae e oftl1c 1\. ofSizyr;;!
bad IChral ions, who rcL':L\l
' '
in parts of :1nd rhc
To\\-n5; 'Phmo;c;ts, who blllt
''OlC lli71, attcn,ards LdlcJ from
./lrg f s h i-; gr;mdJon ; /l:J:)a Ir us, w ho bt: i i
v1:,g i a le a, :1ftcnv ards lcd Sic)'IJJJ, (r<' m
(_\icyon thcgrandlon of Flccht/Jctls; Pbt-
f!rlts, who built 'Phcrrctt, aCL"crwards ullcd
" e'>
fro1n 'Pfop!Jis thc d:mghrcr oJL_ r-
'[rtOJJ: thcic wcrc thc oJJcH to"'llS ill
'fJd,Jf'omr_(i!J: rhcn rhc fc>n of
.. Fo/.'t .. r :md nf!ldiell, builr /,'t
:r,z, callcd Coilttb; and _J:f ,,..
Jt.r, tht; f(-m of r:-.llYJrts, hui!t h'l: and b'"-
Jorc rhcm Cccrops built Ct:cropirz, r he e ir
adcl of At!Jnts; and LVCtZO!t builr ..
- . -
f(J, bv lome thc; olddt to\\'11 '"
{ ,! 1' '!(
o t!Jc RE E K S
./]rcaditz; :md bis fons, who \\ere at Ica.f1:
tour and t\\Tnty in number, built cach of
rhcm a rown; cxccpt thc youngcH, cal!cd
Gcnotrlls, \\ho grcw up afrcr his thcr's
dcath. :1nd L1kd into Ir (l(J' \\'ith his pcnplc.
and tltcrc kt 011 foot thc building of rmrm,
;:tnJ lJCclmc thc J.t u: Y t'f thc LatiJIN.
'Pborotutts lud alh k\ct:ll rhildrcn amJ
who rci:,ncd in iC\ cr.1l
' '
placcs, and builr llC\r to\\ as CrZ;, .1l pis,
&c. and llttiJJ?Jt, thc i(Jll of
rcigncd in ll'lllOl!z, afrcnLlr ... is c1llcd
'1 and hllilt tnwns thcrc. Thi; di-
,iion itb-diviion lus nudc grc1ccon-
fuion in thc hiftory oC tbc ([rll I\.ingdoms
ofPclopo7!:![:fits, ::.nd thcrcby givcn occafi-
flll to rhc \ ain-glorious G!Ct'/:.J, ro
thoc kingdoms much oldcr tlun thcyrc,l:iy
\YCrc: but by a11 thc :lbO\ c-ci'.:ll-
rioncd, thc firfl: civilizing; oflhcGrc:s.:liH.l
rcaching rhcm ro Jwcll in houks and CO\\ ns
;1.11d thc oldcl to\\'J11i k:ucc
be t \\'O or tlm:c (
rlun thc comin0, ofCt!riJ:J.rt.r !iom ZidoJ i!l-
' ..
ro Grccce; ami mdl be- n..:-
by thc cxpuliinn of thc
Ont of E,gypt in thc dJ. y) (\r E!i s,m:lt-
fl, and rhcir flying into (,'n?cc in confi
nblc munbcrs : bur it.:'s di!Iil:lr ro il!- ri ht
' '
thc G cncalogics and Chroiwlogv or rhc l::l-
bulous Agcs'nfthc G'rccl.r, ancH !cave thck
things to be furrhcr examncd.
J.?dorc; tht,' intrvduccd rilo
dcify w
v o
dcifying of dc:1.J mcn, thc Grrd.r lud .
Ccnncil ofEidcrs iucYery to\\'n l()rrhc"l-
''crnmcnt thcrcot-, a j1l.lcc w hcrc Jl'.l'i
der.; andpeoplc\\orlhippcd thcir(iod\Iih
hcri ftccs: and \Y hcn nuny ll( rhn!c tn\\ lh,
f(lr rhcir cnmmon JJ.kry. unircd undn .1
common Coum:il, tbc\r crccJcJ a P r1.' .n. ,._
'UJ/'J or Court in onc ofthc to\\ n.;, \\ hcrc rhc:
Council and Pcoplc mct at ccrtaintJ!lK<;,
confldt rhcir fct\, and \\
- 1
thcir common G od \Yitb Llcrihcc'i, t:)
bu y :md kll: thc to\\'nS whcrc rhck Cnun-
e i 1 <; m e t' t he e J' ((' 1:. .r ull e d :.'u ., ' pe() plc -; () r
commumties, or Corpontion To\\'n-;: JJ!d
a.tlcngth, whcnmany ofthcic;;
nfor thcir
common f1.fcty unitcd by conknt und:r
- -
onc common Council, thcy crcdcd a 'l
frzem;z in onc of thc :'5-f'-" for the comn11 Ji
Council ofPeople to mcct in: to conlIL
nnd wodllip in. and fcafl. and bu y, and cll;
a.nd this thcy wallcd ahnm for it-; Lllc-
ty. and callcd .,.,-:. ..,.,,v thc ciry: :tnd rhi-; J
take ro h:wc be en t he al of Vil hp;,
J\1:-lrkct-Tnwns. Cirics, C<'mmon
Vdbl Temple-;, Fcaf1-; and F,lirs, in F1r-
,.oj't, tll<_,p,ytrmrmn, TJu . \\a'' Cor1r1
\\ ith :l phcc ofworibip, :1nd a pcrpctn:d fi1:.:
kcpr rhcrci11 upon :tn Airar
from thc \\ord 'r'.c;u, fi re. c1mc IL1Illl'
F{jltl, which at rhc pcoplc turw:d
inro a Goddt+, :liH! 1(> hcc1mc llrc-\\ odl
pcrs likc tlw :lHicnt and '' 1)('11
thck CounuJs m J. de \Ltr u pon tl!ci r
btllll '.
o the REEI\S.
.J 7
honrs, tl1cy had J. general comnundcr to
lcad rhcirarmic-;,and he bccamc rhcir Kim?;
So Tlmnrlidcs *te!!" that ltl!dtr Ce- "Thuryd.
cropsa!!dt/;nzn.:-icllt A'i11gs, !lt!ii Thc!C-
11-;; Attu -:.::r!S a/-:.;_fl\'.1 j/rzircd ciry y
rit_y, cHIJ /J-vi'!if, \figU!J, l'.r ru1d Thdco.
11C'J: l!c'it!)('J" did tl}{:v conJirlt thto killg,
r ...;,_ h m t /}('{'e ,.. ...;,_a .r 11 o fr il r of d. n, IJff t
PrtdJ il}'mt 1/Ji'f'O-:.;_ CUJllJ/!01!-
:.;_tttf! h. t1 '1 a bi! r.l 1 /; n r o :::n (o lf!t c/1, illt d
r:Cit fomf'tinh'.f w,r/lc::ro i!.r t!JC Fkufi- -;;.;ir h Lt:noln:1" did rrD ai 11 (1 E rcch-
1 t...., .
rheu.:;: !t 0:/JCit Th2kth. a pritdi':!t rllld
por e 11 t JIU' t o/; t a i 11 e d r /J r !<.' i 1 :/9 J '1. IH 1 :o k
tl -.;:, tl V t /J f' C O! t ! J' a
1 d 1\ f, l cr [ , lf e J O j t IJ {'
- ... ) . .
ot!Jcr citil'S, and 1iJ.>dc 1 hcm af! .:.'li'N
itOl!eCoullcilalfd Pr.-t.lncum r!t Atltcns .
'Poicrno.:z, a" he i.:;citcd bv t Strao. rc!J-; i Srraho.l.
tbrZt A.iet.
r 7.; :;;"',, o11r of .-..:_.Jic!J r.lcu1i a11d
'PhifocbfJr!iJ' rlur :;_'/Ji'!! ArtiL.l
:;:,;rz.r in{ejlcd y (t'fl a:d l,;.:llf /;y !/ir.: C:HC'i
) . e. / ,. ,.
. ncm.l.9.
tlll )o:ort, ccrop<; 1 .JL'} l'f tf!'Y tJM!! P
cd11ced tl}r nm/t i! 11d1, rlur i; t h:: 1 '
to\\'n.:;, i11t0 t-:.;_d:c tit.r,
--:;_ere Cccropi;l, Tctr.lptlli,, Ep:1. ri.l, l)._'c::-
liJ, Elcufis, A phydtu, Thtli!Ct;, !h u:r. "1,
Cyrhcru;, S1hcrrtt;, Ccphtfli.l, t,/'!r.' l'i11:c-
ru..;; rllld r !wt Thc!cth crJIJ! ;.zt/ol 1 .. i
/r:.;.tht rir in !!lo l!t', -:..:/Jic/J -:_::'(/.1' /\ rh ... n'.
T he o: i i tu 1 o r r 1 1 1\ 1 1", d,): 11 1 , r : k: .A r-
' 1
<( j l (' .) \\ :t" llll te h alt ,'\' r 11
l.tlll.: 1!1.1' ! 1 J(' : ro r
'_fa!!(iwi:tS tclls LlS, UJ,t: }'lJuJvllCtl'; //JI'
- r r:
fin of TI!Khusr;.;.as tbt:jt'1jl r.;:.:hogatbcrerf
into rmc C01Jl71Jl/JIty t be Argivcs, r..;_bo 't ,t
tbm --wcrc ,zttcrcd, and led c-_r;y
apart; rmd tbe place r;,;.IH'J'C t ft.'y
ucrc a({iJiJblcd callcd Phnrcn1i
f Strabo.l. .1' . . .
iYP337 cnm, t!JcctyoJ Phoroncuc;; and jrrtd;r;"
obkrvcs, that Homcr calls al! 1 be pl.n1'J
u!Jicb he recf.os up j Pcloponndu;. il
fi:-...v ex ce p te d. 110 t e it i c.r bu t 1'CJ!. i. o .r. Vt'
umji eacb t bcm o fa COllc'I'Jit wz
()fmany t o:.;.: lis, out of ::_biL'/J .. )
tcr:.;._ard 11ob/e e it iL's '"'U-'rrc bu ilt rwd (ic-
qllrlltcd: Jo tbc Argivcs compojl'd J\J.l:ti-
na:a i11 ArcadiJ out offive tor;.;.11s, a11d Te-
ga on t o j'11i11e and out off o man r;.;.as H x-
rca built by Clcombrotus, or ry Clcony-
:mus: fo alfl iEgium was bttilt out ojji..:clt
{)(' cigbt tO:L-'JlS, O!tt of.fevcll, c1Jid
Dymc out andjo E lis r-..;_as ere{/ !'ti
V)' tbe co11jl!!x of ma11y tous into OJ!C cit_v.
P:mn. 'P rmfclnias t tclls us, that thc Arctldl
(.::l.c.x.:t.. asaccountcd'Pelajgustbcfirfl: nun, allli
that he was thcir firl: Kina; and taugbt t/)1'
j,goraJJt /NOjJ/e to bui/d J011fl's,jrn a{jind-
ing tbetr:Jelvc s .from bcat, a11d col d. rwd
nn; and to mal:. e them garments ofsk.ill.r,
tll!d inflead of berbs and roots, r..:_bidJ r,;/nr
(rnnet imcs nox io11s, to eat the acorH.r o(r !u
/.;,rch t rrc ; and that his ion L;'Cfron budt
rhc nldcl:- ciry in all Gracc: he u; al
i(), that in thc <hys of Leic.x thc SprafJI.\'
livcd in apart. Thc Cra/.-.r rhcrc
tare bcgan ro builJ houCs ancl in
r he
thc cb.yc:; thc ftthcr of L_rr.1Dt,
in rhc Lb y s of Ltlc.\ rhc fu hcr of
/rs, anJ hy confc,uCilCC ;lhnt:t t\\o nr thr,.:c
(j cncurinnc; bd(nc thc 'd of' Jntr,,:!i-
01!. and rhe C!11J<l or Cttd!IJ'I:.r; 'ril thCil
t he y * 1 i ved i" \\o mis J n d e are; (l ( L h ' o r h
T he f1 r 11 h o ult.:; \\ ere o r e' j y . . t i l l 1 he b r n-
rhcr<> .,_ttrrallls Jnd 1 h </J/h.> Lu >ht
- J ...,
thcm ro lurdcn rh:.:: cL1 \ !lito to
build thcrC\',irh. l11 rhc d.1 ys (Jf O.;r.;I'J,
' . .
'Pc!rzfstts, lnac/Jt.r :11:d
thcy to build .llld or
cby, 'J)oxills rhc itlll of ('rrltt!' .ClLhin''
thcm todo it ; and in thc da\'> uf /,) r.tlt,
Pbonmnt.r, A:''!,itt!l'liJ, P/;c(ror.r.
<..J ' '
]1.1; /c.r, 'Po n, a nd ( 'cr /'f! p.r, ;ttld r l: e ir;, to a!Tcmb!c thc \ ilb'!CS in tu ) .. ;mJ
' '
thc inro citic'1.
\V h en O e J! o t nt s r he ;m c. t' L vr.; ') :; ' 11'1 1-
, ff
c. ;6.
C(laColon)' inrn/tdr. /: r (l'- . TY ,.,
-_ 1110np.
t'l-yfor t!JC rlJojl part tll!i;JI;u}irctl; t.':'l.
'",..:..:bcrc 11 -:;:as inh,tircd. tt'r,fJ/,J /;_'/ t /j//..'-
, 11 lfl/.f{t' 'tr t 1 IJ '!' '( r ;l. / ! .. , ; , 1 / ".'' \
; LJ -' .. f' 1 1 f j ., IL t/ ..... _.. ....
tl .
intb:mo!lnfri/,J.>. !i:'//r rn:,! lt.'ni!l'i ,;:t.r.
:1bovc; rhclc tll\\us \\e: e '' 1' lw'.tt \'-
but thi<> Colon y Ill!Ll ro11 :, ;11d
to \\';l!lt room, 1/.Jr:y r.\'j'i'fit'd iht Si-
culi, comfirlf11d mrmy r li'S ::._/ ':..:;:dt'-,
a/t //}{ !t'JTitOJ'V 11(-
tr.;_ccn t!Jc t;;.)o l'"JrT.r rz;t:/.riLrL.: ;:11l
1t ._, to be undcrftood t!ut 1 h1)k cit 1 Jud.
thci r C ounci ls d 'P n' t.t ,, r.t ;1 rr r t he m.t t-
Dt'r ofthc (inds. ir t rdl. 11S,
t Diony f.
l. l.p. uG.
t h::n r he n cw K i o f Ro me, :1 s R rmn:-
/;u lc!'r it, cntdillcd of thirry Couns <''
Council:, in thirty ro\\ n-;. CJ:h \rirh rl._
bcrcd flrc kc1c i!l. rhc Pl)'f,u;c:mJ ot' Li!.'
Court, h>r thc \\ ho mct thcrL ,
p:.:rtorm S.tcrcd Rir-_.::. thc nunnn 1.1
thc Grcch; !tl --:_:__btiJ t /J{' (ittlc/' .. ,
o( R nmu!tt.'-i cif!_,lltd. !Jc /:,---._j:v t /Jr (<':,-
..._ +)
nzJ /t'ro in t/Jti o::__ Cr.'m'!.r, ,._,i/i:,J
C1lC COiii?JilJ!/ to 1 /;,; r!l! ,11 Ro me: \\ e.:
R'J me ;; ::; not e llllltJ lcJ.t ci t y L)c l;, L
1 . .. ' r
' ()' '\ ,.,, '{
\ ,-, .....__ ,,
\V hcn 1u \ \Ll s i Cu- imprc. cJ
tlut th-:.: hc0,:111 ro lc:t'.'c: rhc lu-
1horc, :md Lil through rhc Jllcdi: n,ti.l' ,-.:
h y t he- hc!p o fth e iLns. i t nuy be prc1 1_1; 1d
tlut thcv bc:..';.l'l ro diko\ cr thc ibnd; cf
. '
thc J!cd:n-;:-.D:r.w. :1nd for rhc Lt
,c ()t.
tuflcrohiiJ-;[u:ts Gnccc: :1nd thi; ,,_1;
nor bcti11c rhcy C.lrricd ay lo. rhc
nf l:ItJr,0i:.r, from /ln:o.r. 'j ,,e
Ccn-c.r iirl iJJ!(:llccl Cnc/..: k.t<; \\iLit 1'1-
thcn .J.1!itJ
Js thc Ion of hill'!1/J
1 1 . , 1
;<,L u
) :t pnr::1t !tC'-T, :111t Jcnt out (.
Di,hlm. lliC": i>r "/Ji,Hh;;'J * rc;ls us, th:tt tiH: ( 1
L> p. nh rf11,k ll1:uJds, tlwLncu ('('/(, \\en: :liliiiL
:1nd uni11lubitcd hut \flilo.r h.t\--
1 1 :--', 'l po l'C 11 t !le e r' kn t lll.lll y e() 1 () 11 i l'" () ll r
oi'('n (', .1!1t! rcnrkd nur: y of t he m; :ll1d
p.trl ittd.t; l; llui l hL Ilhlld Ctl'/'t!lb!t.l' \\ ,;
{ r ll 1 ( i / e d h y 1 he 1 () l, h r--, o f \';m u : S\ ; :
Ltv \\':tlk (LI(>Lllc 'r i!l T1iojJ.r L:llm-JIIi-
tiJ-Cr \Vi t Jt :t Ce: b !l j uudcr ('/);,, I/ j '1.1' :
Si /'UJ/g)'/
o RE E K S.
or .1\TtZXtt.r WJS ftd1: ink1bircd by
t he T Jxn! e itw s in r he d .1 y s o f /:o r t a.r, a lit
bcfon.: thc ic Expcdition: J',;;os
at llrfl:dclcrt, allll inhabitcd onlv l)\c :1
- "
crear multiwdc of terrible\'. iU bc.l!L, 'till
:\l,uTti!S pcoplcd. it, a" he dicl thc i-
ilJillb C!Jius and Cu.r. IJrs?s hy \Lll1c J!lll
dcl(>bte 'rill .\"t!!!f bus hikd \\"ith :t
Colony: ToJcdus by dclrll.ltc 'Lill t'l'!:'C.r,
a littlc befo re rhc T7o,w \\. bilcd thi-
rhcr from T7oas. J11i (!.:t:ts. \\ ho nvTricd
AutOJJOC rhc of Cu/m,:ts, cnri..:-J J.
Co!ony rom T!JcCJ into C.rll, ilhnd nnr
i!'hahircd bcrorc: thc i1Lmd Rbodc.r \\ :l,
firfr c1llcd Opbii!j:t. fuil of iCrpcnt<::,
'PhorrrJ. :l Princ: nf \\Cilt
thithcr, and mJ.1c ic h,tbtub!c by
the 11 hich 11 J.S the Cllli
ofSolumu;/s Rcic;n; i:1 mcmorv of \\ hich
j C i 'i J el i ll Ct t C d i 11 l h C h :..' C ll-; in t !J...: C o! 1
ilclLltion uf(),/JJ::c:tJ. Thc dikovcrv 11L.
rhi' and ()thcr ill.uld" nudc a n:il:trt
rlut thev ro k o u:: ()r <...;(':1: iJt J '/)i'/:JJ"
Cllt<'J/tt, 1/.;i'i"<t, (:) .J:;,:p/H, (.i) R!Jodr.r,
Luth * At/li!i!!I.'IJ: .lilll c/,'J"tf' "'A
.J";'lf'rij<'JII i,!_(/tl.i', '}Jdo.r 0 RIFJdrJJ 1Jtt'- L
JWJ!'Jd' j'roJtJ.'tio t'ilit!d', mi11on.r,
u!tuz !lhh!! J:,:p/J<'. it;tn Lt'.'!Ji/ifliJ G ,.
1/d k(j;rm / 1!:!1 . \',.;, 11! n LdxJi, G 'Jc-
/! J, , )jf ('' ('..:.
'/Jiodont.r - rcll.; m :til;l, tluL t he kv'"n
1 ILdor.
iil.l!ldsc.tilcd l)l'l\\CCil :111d'lut.
Sici!y, w<.:rc dck1c ,tnd uniniJ:tGi:cd 'till le+
Lipparlls and .A'JtJJru, a little befo re tl1
Troja1t WQr, went thither froJll ltalj_, and
peo led them : and that .A-falta and Gmd11s
or attdlt.r on the other ftde of Sici!J, were
firft by P hrEttil'ia11.r ; and fo was
M. without rhe Straits: and Homc;
writes that Vtyffes found the ItlandO )'!,ia
covered with wood, and uninhabite , cx-
cept by Cabpfo and her maids, who Ji ved
in a cave without houfes ; and iris not likc-
ly that Great-Britai1t and lieta1td could
l>e before was propagar ..
ed eyond the Strazt.t.
The Sica1tea1t.r were tcputcd the firfl: in-
habitantsof Sicily: they built little Vil-
Jages or Towns upon hills, and cvery Town
had its own King; and by this means they
fpread over the country, befo re they form-
ed thcnclves into larg-er with
. ,..... they were tra1tJPiattted i11to Sicily fro?lt
,-.p .. :Lo 1 the River Sicanus itt Spain ; mtd 'Di011Jfi-
Dionyr. tu, that they were a Spanih peopte ".L'h(J
l.P'7 j!edfrom tbe Ligures ft Italy"; he means the
1.1' H returned from hts ex edttton againl: Gery-
3+ 011 in Spai1:, and en eavourcd to afs the
.Atp.r out of GartJ into Italy. ercrtles
that year got into ltaly, and m3de fome
conquefts there, and founded the city Gro-
bis flcet from Erythra .in; Spain, failcd ro
Sici!J, and there left the S : for it
his crt]lom to recr11it hii army witb CO!t-
quered peoJe, and ajicr the_y bad a.f!iped
bi11z i11 nkiltg uew t.'Oiltfttejts to
tbem tre.ith 1tew ftai:s: this was the Ec;J'P:i-
a1t who had a potcnt .md
in die days ofSolomo11 Eled to thc
.md :1ccording to bis tul:om fer p pill:lrs
rlicre, and conl1uered GeJ)'Olt, and rcrurncd
ll:.tck by lta(y nd Sicitj' to Eg1'/Jf. and was
by the aJ1cicnr. Gauls
by the E'-f{)pttau.r * Nzlus: for E;:ythra Ptoi.He
and the country of Ge1')'01t wc withour ph:d.l. :.,
rhc Straits. CJJionyjitts r rcprc!cnts rhis tDionyf.:
Hercttle.r contemporary ro Ev,wder. l..2..p. H
Thc firft inhabitanrs of Crete, according .
to :Diodor11s, * wcre callcd Eteocrctts ;
bur whencc die y wcrc,'and how rhcy c:.tme >P ::.
thither, is not 11id in hflory : thcli Clcd
thithci a Colony of Pi:la.[giaJts froni
Greece ; and foon after Tenttt,"!z:u, th
randfatherof canicd thithcr a Co-
ony of Voria11!' fi-om LacOJI!l, and tlom
the territory: of Otympia in Pelopomtcfia:
and thcfe feveral Colonies ftxtkc
Jan ages, and fed on the tiuits
oft e earth, and livcd quictly in caves and
lmts, 'till the invention of iron tools, in the
days of Ajlerirts the fcm of Teutawu.r; and
at lcngth wcrc reduced into onc KingJom,
andone People, by Mi1zos, who was rheir
firfl: and built mCJ.ny rownsand
ihips, and introdnccd plowing and fowing,
anain whofe days theCttretes conquered
N his
l1is fathcr's friends in Crete and Petopomte-
I!l:rrap- jiu. TheCttretes facrificedchildrento
ud Por- S d d' B l t
hyr.abft. atttrlt, an. accor mg to octJart werc
.2..f.;6. Phitiflims; and Ettftius faith tbat Crete
had its name from Cru, one of the Cttretes
l.c.t. whonurfedup.'lttpiter: but whateverwas
rhe original of the ifland, it feems to l1arc
bcen peopled by Colonies which fpakcdit:
fcrent laBguages, ;till rhc days of A.fleritts
and Mi110s, and might come thither two or
tlnce Gcnerations before, and not abovc,
for want ofnavigation in thofe eas.
The iland Cyprtts was difcovered by thc
Phte11icimu not long bcfore; for Et'tltof-
t Apud. the11e.r t tdls us, tbat Cy rus wa.r atfirjt.(o
Snaboncm overgrowtt witb r:.:.ood t 'Jat it cozetd not be
wood for the mettitt ofcopper a11d jitver,
a11d afterwards w :1e1J tbey begmt to foit
fofo/y ttjJ01t the Mcditcrrancan, that is, Jrc-
fcntly aftcr thc Trtlja1t war, tbcy bttiJt j. ips
aud C't'C7t ttavies ofit: a1td whc11 thcy cottld
110t tbus dejlroy tbe wood, they gave every
matt lea,.vc to cttt dow1zwbat wood he plcn.f
cd, a11d to poj[efs alt the grotmd wbicb he
t!earcd wood. So alfo Euro pe <J.t ftrft
aboundcd vcry mnch with woods, onc of
which, callcd the llcrciuia11, took up :t
great part of Germatt'Y, being fullninc dlys
journcy broad, and above fony long, in
:Jutitts Ctefler's days: ami yet thc Emopc-
alrs had becn cuttingdown theit to
makc l'OOlll tor evcr fine e rhc in-
ven non
vention ofiron tools, in the daysof .Ajlert-
,u and ltfittas.
All rhcfC foodl!eps thcre are oftl1e
eopling of E;trope, and its I1ands, by fea;
efore thofe days it fcems to l1avc bccn
thinly peopled from the northern coal: of
the Ett)(ine fta by Sc_ythimu ddccndcd
fiom Japhet, who wandcrcd without hon-
fcs, and fhdrered themfelvcs from r:\in ::m:l
wild bcafrs i11 thickets and caves of the
earth; fitch as wcre rhe caves in mount Ida
in Crete, in w hich lditws was educated and.
buried; the cave of Cacus, ancl rhe Cattlr
combs inltaly near Rome and Naples, at:
turned into burying-placcs ; the
Jyrmges and m:1ny other ca.ves in the lides
ofthe mountains ofEgypt; the caves ofthe
Trogtoditcs bctweea and the Red
Sea; and thofe of the Pbaurufii in Afric,
meutioned by S trabo ; and thc ca ves, aud Straho:
thickets, and rocks, and high places, and l. 7P
pits, in which thc lfraelites hid themfdves S2.S.
from the Philiflim$ in the days of Saut,
1 Sam. xiii. 6. But ofthe ft:atc ofmankind
in Ettropc in thoe days there is now no hi-
ftory remaining.
Thc anriguiries of Libya were n<'t much
older than thofeof Ettropc; for Viodorus
""tclls us, that 'V;amts the father of Hypc- Diodor:
rioTt, andgrandtather of Hetjus and Setme, 13Pl'
that is .Ammolt the father of Sefoc, was
their firfl t:ommon Kil:g, aud cattftd the
people, w!Jo 'tiJt the1t W4tzdered ti} mul
N 2. doum,
' .
dow11, to du,elJ i1z tow1z.r : a11d Herodottt.r
t tells u';, rhat all lt1edia was peopled by
towns without walls, 'till they
ed from thc J1ffyria11.r, which was about
267 yearsafter rhedeath of Solomotz: and
thlt aftcr that revolt they fet up a King 0\'Cr
them, and bnilt Ecata11e w irh walls for his
fcat. rhe firfi: town which they '"allcd
bour; :1nd abont 72 years after thc death of
1 King. So/omou, Belllhxdaa King of Jyria had
>.x. &6. two and thirty Kings in bis anny againl:
.Aha: and w hen .Jofhtta conqucred thc
land of Ca!llla?t, every city ofthc
'1tite.r had its own King, like the citics of
l:Jtrope, befrr thcy conquercd one
tller; and onc ofthofc Kings, J1do11ibezek,
thc KingofBe.7.ek, hadconqucred feventy
orherKingsalittle bcfore, .}ttt{(!,. i. . and
thcreforc towns bcgan to be built in that
bqd not man y ages bciorc thc days of .7o-
jhuab: for thc Patriarchs wandercd thcre
in tcnts, and fcd thcir flocks whcrc-cvcr
they p!eated, thc ficlds of l'hte1cia not
ing yct fi.tlly appropriated, tor want of pco-
plc. countrics firft inhabitcd by m:m-
.kinJ, werc in thoc days fo thinly pcoplcJ
,.Gcnrf. that * iour Kings from the coafis ofSbi1ta1',
aml Efam. invadcd and fpoiled thc Rc-
and the inhabitants of thc coun-
tnes of .flloa, JlrnmOit, Edom, and thc
Kingdomr. of Sodom, Gomorrab, Admah
:tnJ Zeboiltt; and yct were purfitcd ancl
bcaten by .livraham with an armcd force of
. ,.
cn1y 318 men, thc whole force which A-
hrabam thc princcs wi[h him con!d
raifc: and E:gypt wac; fo rhinly pcnplcd bc-
fore thc birth of 11/ofis, that 'Pbm(wb bid
ofrhe Ifraelites; * bt!botd tbe peopte Exod.r.
cbildre, of lfi'J.el tll'f 1/JrJl'C tmd 9.n.
tbait':J)e: andtoprcvcnr thcir mlllti;)lying
and growing too hong, he caucd thcir
malc children to drowned.
Thefc footficps thcre are ofthe firl: pcop-
Hng ofthe earrh by mankinJ, not hc-
fore rhe days ofAbrabam; anJ ofthc ocr-
fprcading ir with towns and ciric._,
and thcir growing into K ingdoms, ftn1
fi11aller and then unlil d1c rile ofthc
Monarchies of Eg)jJt, Ajf)'ri,'l, litzkrfo;,
Media, Perfla, Greece, and Rotm?, the
firl: great Empires on this idc India. ./1-
hrabam was the fifi:h from Pelcg, and all
mankind livcd togcther in C!Jcddt!a under
thc Govcrnmcnt ofNo11b and hisfons, un-
til the days ofPele._C{: lo long they wctc of
onc languagc, one tocicty, anJ one religi-
on: and then thcy dividcd thc carth, bcing
pcrhaps difl:urbed by thc rcbcllion of Nim-
rotl, forced to lcave off building thc
towcr of Babel: and fiom thencc they
fi1rcad themelvcs into thc tcveral countrics
w hich fell to thcir iharcs, carry ing along
with them thc laws, cuiloms and
under which they had 't-ill thoJe
cducated and governed, b No.1h, and his
and grandfons: an thcfc
N 3 handeq
handcd clown to .Abraham, Melchizedrk,
Job, and thcir contemporaries, a.nd for
fome time were obferved o y the judges of
. obxxxi the calern : fo t 'Job tciJs us,
r !. . adultery was fl11 hemotts crtme, yea 411 11l1-
fj11ity to be ptwijhed hy the jttd es: and of
Jobxxxi. idolatry he* f.--ith .1 f I behetd t r;e flm wbm
it jbitJed, o1 tbe moon watl1tg 1t bright-
1teft, andmy hcart hath bee11 Jecrctly mti-
ced, O'' my motJtb batb kij{ed my ba11d, tbis
alfo t,ere mz iuiqttity to be pu11ijhed by the
jt:dge: for 1 jhould have denied tbe God
that is above: :md thcrc bcing no difi utc
bctwccn Job and his fricnds about t 1cC:
matters, it may be prcfumed that they alio
with their counrrymen were of the fame
rcligion. J.fetchzzedeck w:ts a Priel: of
the mofi high God, and Abra'ham volunra-
Iily paid tythcs to :him; which he would
fcarce ha ve done had they not been of onc
and thc :1me religion. The1irl: inhabitants
of the land of Cauaa1t fcem alfo to havc
hcen originally of thefamc religion, and ro
havc continucd in it 'till thc death of Noab,
. and the days of Abrnbam ; for erttjaletn
Chron. was anciently t callcd 'Jebtts, an its people
Pricfl: and King : thefc mttions rcvoltcd
'' therefore after the days of Metchizeded:.
to the wodl1i offalfe Gods; as did alfo the
pofierity of marl, Eflm, Moab, Ammo11,
nnd that of bra/:urm:by l<:etttrab : and the
l raelitf.J wcre very nptto rc-
volt: and one reafon w hy Ter ah went from
'Vr of thc Chaldees, to Hara1lin his \va y
to the land ofCa11aa1z; and why .Abraba11!.
aftcrward lett Harau, and went into thc
land of Ca11aau., mighr be to avoid the wor-
fhip offale Gods, w hich in rheir days bcgan
in Chaldea, and fJrcad cvcry way fiom
thence; but did not yct rcach into thc land-
of Ca!laan. Several of thc and prc-
ce ts in which this rimirivereligion con
1i ed are mcntione iq the book of ./ob,
i. ver.;, and chap. xxxi, viz. 'JJOt to
htafpheme God, 110r to wo1jbip the Smz or
Moo1z, 1tor to kili, 11or fleat, 1zor to commit
adttltery, 1zor trttfl iu riches, 110r opprefs
the poor or fatherlefs, 11or curfe;om e?te-
mie.r, 110r rejoycc at their misfort;mes:
btJt to be frie!tdly, mtd hofpit-able a11d mer-
cifttl, and to rclie'oc tbe poor and ?tccd),
tmd toftt up 'Judgcs. This was the mora-
lity and religion of the firfi ages, ftill called
by the :Jcws, The prccepts ofthe fims of
Noah: this was thc religion of Mofos and
the Prophets, comprehcndcd in the two
great commandmet1ts, of loviug tbe Lortl
our God witli1 aJt ottr heart a;Jd [otttaJtd
mh1d, mtd ottr 11eighbottr as ottr ftlve.r:
this was the religion enjoyncd by Mofts
to the uncircmncifed ftrangcr within the
gates of lfrael, as well asto the lftaelitcs:
and this is thc Erimitive religion of both
ews and aud ought to bethe
. tla.o.ding of all nations, being for
N 4 thc
tre honour of God, and good of mankind:
and },fofos adds the rcccpt of beiltg nu:rci-
jitt C'Vfi/. to ,brute eafl s, fo as 110t to
ottt blood, 110r to cttt off their flcjh a-
' the'i.r:itb thcbloodi11it, 11or to kill thc;;,
jcr t bc.f/zl:e r.{ t!Jf' :r btood, 1101' to J?ran;lr.
rhem; bttt i11 k.illi11g them for food, to lct
tbeir btood attdjpittit 11po11 tbegrotmd,
Ge11. ix. 4 and Lc .. vit. XYii. 12. 13. Thi5
hw was ancicntcr rhan rhc days of },fojrs,
to .J.loah and his ions. lonf; bc-
forc rhe d.1ys of Abrabnm: and therciorc
when the A ol:lcs and Eldcrs in thc Coun-
. '
at J Cl'll ale m decbrcd that thc G cnrik
werc not obligcd to be circumcifcd and
the l::tw o'f ldo.fl:.r, thcy exccptcd thi:
la\v of abjlqi11i11g from blood, aJtd
being law of God,
i mpoicd npt on the fons of .Abraham onl y,
on al! nations, whilc thcy livcd
thcr inShiuarunder thc dominion of Nortb:
' '
and ofthe (une kind is thc law of
ftor; 1'1tetets. of(e;e4 f() 1 dots or fiz!ft G odJ",
So then, thebeiicl:
illg that ':oorlt! .f1'amed by o;:e.frt
preme God, 41td , kY bint, r:uJ
tbe tovhtg a11d 7.,ippi11g him, mul /)1}-
01trpareut's, tmd lovi;g Otr 7Jti,:/.: ..
(;o1tr tl.l' Ottr ft/-ve.r, a_u/ be mcrc f, :'
7Jetttohrttte beaJis, isthcoldcl: of ,-dl rcl1
gions: and thc Original of lctrcr.< agricul-
ture, navigation, nnr!ic, arts :lnd fcknccs,
uctals, 1il1iths and carpcntcrs, towns an',{
' .. -.r-.. -,.
' ., ' ' houf es,.
REEKS. o thc
houfes, wa5 not oldcr in Ettrope than the
days of Eti, Smmtetand 'David; and be-
torc thofc days the earrh was o thinly peo
plcd, ::md fo overgrown with woods, that
m:mkind could nor be much oldcr is rc-
prcfcnted in Scripture.
. "'
. ' 1
---:;::::--; r;, ......, . - .
e H A P. Ir.
HE j_:2.r :1!lcicntl) hcuncd of
a\ '-'ry J.nd !.1ll in:; undn
t hc1 r 1\ i L1li!1IJ.'JJ.', O(;? , !Jt:"C
CJIIS, 1 lcn.-:tli's, Aft'iJ.'JiOJ!, &e
n.:achii,g cdl\\ ,u,l co J:r/it'.r, \\en.
\\':trd to l he j. /ti!///( O:L'.ll!; ;lih! Oilt ()e
'::mity !uve nudc this ;ll11C
LlwuL!nd; ()f )T-ll ; tlun rhc \\'lrl,\:
Jet u.;JJO\\' rt \'ro rclil \' thc l'hrmlO!n 'V ()r
.' - ... .-"l.,
I::;vpr. hy (il11lfl.ll rhL albirs 11f /,'.:_ypt
\\ ] l;Jc f'\ n,hrliiil.ill'' ol thc-
_, .._1
G'nt' r. r :1Jll! 1 k{,n :.:.:s.
llu"a.'i:t.r rhc t'nlt lt!CIIlr lll\ cd t\\o \\'n-
. \ 1. 1 1
m en , e /11/ .r :1 1 H ; 0 ! rlli e : , 1 t J \\ . L l 1
o!' and (,'l!!yr,-r, .111<1 lll:l-
liJcr of./L'm:,u, \rllu all 'l;jl tll'.' dc-
<t 'Vide
pum :tpuJ
At h,n,c-
O the E 1\I P I R E
f1m{hnn of71oy: and thc fons o[
a11d At'iad:Jc \\ere .fir'OIItlt/is, a" ahnH':
and l hcrciJJ-c t he Baa!m.r llouriJhcd
htt O!lC ( i CllCLll O!l bcf(>re tlJc i:
cx1cdition. Thi, Hatr!Ji!J * was .n
Jea, conquered c1f1\\':ud as f:lra;li:d:d, rc-
rurned in t ritimph, hi.:; army o\, r
rhc 1 lrlirfptJt ; cnth1ucrcd Tbrao'. ,.
m u {i e, Lbn ci ng, :llld pocrry rh ere ; k!!:,,:
L 1 o 11 r:, 11 .r 1\. i 1 w o t T !J raer, ;1 n d P n:! 1:1 : .
-- (._ (. "')
rhc gLlndlon of Czr!mtl.r; e thc l\ i;, '.-
l lo m o f 11 .r t o Thrt ro?-'- ; ;111 d < ''l . <
hi" minfhek C.llkL! br rhe Gnd.-.r, Cu:'/;
opc, to Oear:,n:.r 1lw loi1 oJ'Thttrops; ;l:Hl r>l.
:1lld Cil!!lopr \Lt:; h()rJJ ();p/Ht ,._
"!Jo Llilcd '.\'t h thc JlJl,O:J,t!!l s; thi; 8,1;
tlw.r \\':.1<; thcr.:tcnc contcmpnrary to .\'1:/r_._;'-
tris, a11d both bcng of lig_ylf, ;1IIi
putCIJt at fea, :md grc:u :1 ild
orry ing on thcir C'mqn.:fls in ro lnd1t? :l!;d
1hrtld', thcy muf1 be onc and thc
11 un.
Thc ancicnt Grf'rl:s, who m:1dc tiic f-
hlco:; ofrhc Cind;, rcbtcd t lur Jo! he .
t cr ufh:.u/J;t.r ,, .. 1" carricd imn FgrjJ!, Jllll
1 hcrc bCL:1me Lite Fgvp1 i,m l(; :uHl LILtL
Aj'i.r rhc ;lll or 'i
1JOrOIJC/I.!' :lfrcr h:
cune tl1c G()d Sntl"; ;l'ld lome rlut
1; ji rt p !JII .r \ L1 ; 1 he 1 11 o f Jo : , \ , 1 t1 /'Ir J '1 d
F/Jrtpf,lt.r :11-r (!(l'ri.r, :1t1d rhercJ(,rr :\ill;
q(t'rl.r, in thc opi nion ofrhc :1llCIClll ( / ,:/ ;
\\' ho m a de rhc Lthlc oJ' rhc (i ()d..;, Jl()l
:tbovc rwo or threc ( j ,;ncr;uions oldcr tlu!i
o e Y r r.
t lr.:: A 1 ,Ji! .z; tic e\ Liun. ']) 'tl'.1J'r!Jit.r,
e:> 1
a'> he i-; citcd bv thc Ap;/lo-
. '
ui 11.1, t h;.:t>1 !i\ o Ci cncurions
oldcr rlun Llut afrcr Unts
rhc !{m of 0//r :uJL] 1 (, rcit2;ncd SI'FJiJ-
- ' .
rbo(Ls. He to ln \e ctl thc o
1 ' r .,,
Jll011 O l lC p::()p!C o: J tl.'.'!/.1, \\'dO IIUt.C
t\\ o o!l!..:r tlu:t ThE'-
(I'ItS, :ln,: ;n rlut l'l1l] lC',I1Ccl [\\o J/ iJ."jJ\ ..
-:md t\\ o A;i.'!d!!c'::; f())' [l., thc C<lllknt ot'
ali ;:;tquit) :utd J(:rcb.IJ \',;,:re onc
Li r he ii m e K in g o f F ()'/' t : t: 1 i) i : :l !11 r m-
ci.l by rhc ii!S, a'> \".-c]J by thc
G n' {'l. s ; aml J o m e o r t h e :1 n e i 1 : t T ' t h . d r J-
' .. ro-
1 ' \' ......
. , .. -,-
!_!jf1.;, :.1'> :llld 07'''/'{','!.f, Cl
lcd i !),;'.,;-.
Ofris by rh2 Jumcc; of})io;njit.r :1.11': Jli-
1/S. O(t'ris ':J'> of al! :llh! :l
grcat CUI1'-j L!CI'\H, :111d Cll11C ll \ Cr t h 2 fJcf!::f-
. 1 1 1 ., '
pol!t 111 tilC c:.ty :; nt 1 nplo t:'litts, :.liJLJluuuu-
cd 1 ln!lu'. chcrc kiJlcd Lrcm;r,z,us; J!1d
thcrcf(r<.: hi; cxpcdition tJI!s in \\'ith tlut of
rhc RrZtcbiis. Oj;J-is, Hczccbl!s J':tl
li\'Cd Jbnut rltc Llmc tiiJlc, :md ,)'
r he re Ltt in n o f !11 !l u r i .ltJ:; w ere :1ll o f r h _m
1\ i ng-; o L1ll 1 r.zvp t, and re i :lt 1/.Jcc.r,
and Jdomcd tlut ciry, and \\'CiT \Crv :()-
tcnt hv bnd and k:1: thrc-: \\'ere
J ' )
e ()J1 que m r ;, :111 d e 11 1 i e d o n r h L i r e u : 1 q u e fl-;
h Lu1d /1 :l'> Ctr illr.'l,,-:
. .. ') .
tltrccc.tmc o\cr thc l!dllf}Joif, :lild \\L'I'C
rhnc in danucr of lofitl'' tl!cir ;l!'lllj: :1!!
l.) 0
conqucr:.:d /;raCI', :111d rh..:rc pur :1
11 up tu tllcir \ idorics, anJ rci.ur11cd lud;.
1 - '
. . 1
'".1\ ... ni-
.. ..., l .
1 fliodor.
from thcnce into al] tluee Jcft )J r.
lars \Yith inkriptions in thcir conquct ., :
and thcrcforc :1!1 three mufl be onc ::md tk
mc and chis King can k
no othcr dun Sr:fi?c. All
T/;c!Jtlis, Etbiopitt and Li')'tt, lud no com--
rncn 1\. in;;; bcforc thc ex pul fion of thc Shcp-
hcn!s \\' ho rcigncd in rl1e lo\\'cr Eg)'lt;
n \) l'n 111_; ucmr o f S-t''i d, !11 r.
!, .A/z n;o 1'
1 J .
:l11d 7/J;au, hct(;rc St(r; and thc bcrcd
h i! le r y 1 it s cf no :' irw conq u ero r
of'Palcji;c b::-l-(>rc tbi-; King.
'll:p;;ctcs * \\ ho \Ll'l t(l
0Fpbci:s, and wrotc a pcci_\ cJllcJ PIJJ)
(!:t, oft1lc :1.c(bons of BclCC.iJI!s, in ycrv uld
::md. cl;uJctcr. bid that Baab!:J
..__, ....
haJ Lilra: women in bis :::rmv,
-..-' ..
,,. hom \LlS fl!i.:Jer-rc? a \VOm:ln born in Li
l;ra, 11c:u thc rircr 'J ?itcm, :u: J. rlnr Bt!
chiis comr:undcd tbc mcn, and ld!na;,.r-
thc \\omcn. ':J)r;,/;}rtt.r i" c:1lls hcr J.i:y;,,
antlirh tlur flJc \Ll'> of rhc . ./hi. -
::::.o;s in Ll/;y,,, thcrc conque red tbc Jt-
/,-11!1 lr:.r C:'i"(Ol!J", .thcn nudc :1
\'. irh Or11; che ion of 1 f/s, fl.tJt ro
' .
hcr by his Llthcr Of'}is or Rtttdms for rhat
pmp<;C, :111d through
cd thc .AJ,;bit!ll.r, ;lnd Spitt :md CJ!Jtlti.
:111 d c1 nw r !1 ro lt I' b 7) i 1 1 , ''--
i;:::,. in r h <.: .11 -
my nf lidLcbl!.r, ro thc J1kdnT,u:t.!il;
but O\ er into F11J'Oj't.:, \\';t'; O.lilt
wirh nuny of11cr \VOJ!lC!l hy thc TL
j'r)/ l;i,m.r, uudcr tbc conduct ;,.d Sil)'-
lit 1"
o G Y P T.
l!ts ;l Snt IJ w, and /.f.J'J Jit.r :1 71.n,1C i ,m,
w hom 1--'-ycm:gus King o!' T/;; :tCt' bJ-
nillicd. Thi:-; was rhat \\ ho op-
pokd thc of Brzcc/Jlt.r o\cr thc 1/ci-
:wd \\':lS ton attcr conque-red by
him, :md lhin : but Raccl.J?t.r mct
\\'ith :l rcpu!k from thc G'('i:.r, lJ!Jdcr rhc
t:ondut who fL:\\. llLl!l\' of bis
\\ omcn, Pa11Fmias * ;111d \Ll'> al-
fi!lccl bv thC' Scrtbia,I.r ;md '[1;;,::-:w.r un-
dcr rhc. condu2t of Sip.rl:,rs and
,,hich rcpulJCs, rogcthcr \\irh a rcvolt of
]j.; hrnthcr 'Drl!ltli!J' in E_r:,)pt, put :1 ftnp to
J1is viclnric;;: in hnmc he lcfr
urt of his mcn in Cok!Ji.r a:1d ;lt 1font
Grwca.fils, undcr aJ;d PrrJil!Ct br:.'ts;
J.nd hi:.; \\'omcn npon thc ri \Tr TiHrm-?tiOlt
Jll';lr Colcbis, undcr rhcir nc\V Que en" !1/m-
!IJi:f/a and Lmnpcto: t(n 'Diod()!'lt.r i fi)c.;.-
ing of thc ,,. ho \\ere fCJ.ted ::n:
Tlxnnodo!!, hith, that thcr d\\Tlt
Jy in Liytt, ami rhcrc rcirncd ovcr thc
"" ,")
.//tlttltt idcs, :md invadiwr, rhc1r
t:omuered as br as F11r;Jj'C: :1iHi
1:/f.r, rh.1t thc :mcicitt ./iJJJtt::,o;;s
throu;_.jh many natio11s, attack'd thc ..1/1
J!rms, and rhcrc
: Jlclc ..1/m,-::.,os had {rlt, he mc:Jw; Jt
tltLir llrll to 7/JcriJ/odoJJ, t\\ n
(tuccns wlw ullcd thcmkln.:s d:ut!hrcr-; uf
\1ill'S, and LIUt Lhty COI1ljt!CrCd p.t;t oi' /'.,'/!-
o,'Jt', J.HJ i u me ciLic:s of ./Jjt'tt, z..i i 11 r he
' Di.
IJ. l' ll<>'
\,.\ ,)'..._ ..
l. :. .
A:nm m.
2. (, +
' .
t '
Reign of Mitterva, and thenfent back pa1't
of thcir army with a great booty, under
thcirh'lidnew Queens; andthatlV!arthe(ta
being afterwards flain, was iucceeded 'by
l1er daughter 0'rithya, and he by Pnttheji-
tea; and rhat Thefeus c:iptivatcd and mar-
ried .Atttiope the il:er of Orithya. Her-
ctt!esmadewarupontheAmazons, and in
the Reign off?rithya and P thcy
camero the Tr&att \var: whence the firf1
wars ofthe Amazotz.s in Ettrope and A_(i'a;
and their fettling at Thermodott, were but
one Generarion before thofe ations of
Hercu!es and Tbefezts, :md but two before
the Trqjatt war, and fo fell in with the ex-
pedition ofSejojlris: and fincc they war-
red in rhe days of Ijis and her- fon Orzu,
and were a part ofthe anny of Bacthzts or
Ojiris, we have hereafurtherargument for O.ftris and Bacchzts contemporary
to and all three one and the hmc
King with Sefac.
Greeks reckon Ojiris and Bacchtts
to be the fons o(/ztpiter, and rhc
an nam.e o.f]upiter is.Ammo1t. Mattetbo
in bis IIth and 12th 'Dy1za:flies, as he is
ted by Jlfricamts and namcs
theie tour Kings of Egypt, as reigning in ar-
der; Ammettemes, Gefo;zgejes or Sefim-
cboris thc fon of Amme1temes, .AmmetJC-
me.s w ho was ihin by bis Eunuch5, and Se-
fo.(lris w ho fubducd all Jljia and part of Btt-
ro}e: Ge..flmgejes and Sejb1tcbori.s are cor-
o G Y P T.
rptly written forSefoncbofis; and the two
firi1: ofthefe four K.ings, .Ammerzemes and
Seflmcbo f/s, are the fame with the two laft,
Jlmme1temes and Sefoflris, that is, \Vith
.JJ-mmoJt and Sefoc; for "Diodo'itts f.'lith * Diodor:
temple to his 'Jpiter and 'Jttno;
ancl two othcr temples to :Jztpiter, a larger
to 'Jttpiter Vra:tizts, anda lefs to his father
'Jttpiter ill'nmo1nvhoreignedn that City:
and Thy&tcets above-mentioned, w ho w.s t Apud
conternporary to Orphzts, wrotc cxprely Diodor.1;
that the father of Bacchtts was .Ammo1z, a 3 P
l(ig reigning ovei part of Libya, that is, a
King ofEgypt, reigningover all that patt of
Libya, anciendy clled Stepha-
tts + iaith rrx-ru: [lf3'1 t!''rw; &r.o ''Ap..p.r;;.o;. Att :j: Step.i"
Libya was mzcietttb alledAmmoniafr'om 'A;.(J..,m,.
Anunoh : this is tht King of Ec..'4.:YPt from
w hom Thebes \vas callcd 1Vo-.iJ;mno;"'t; and
.Ammon-1zo, thc city of Jlmmott, by th
Greek! 'DioJPolis, the city of Jttpiter
.Ammoz: built it fi.unptuoui1y, ancl
calkd it by his father's name; and from the
f:une King the called .Amttt07t, the
people called .AmmoJttt, atid thc ** prori1on- c.:t8.
tory JlmmOJttm ili Arabia fieli:>c had
rheir names. e, 7
The lower pait of E,_r!.ypt being ycarl.y
overflowcd by thc Nilt, w:.ts fcrce
red befare the invcntion of corn, w hich
u{cful: and thc King, who by this
firfr pcopled it and rcigned ovct:
1t1 pcrbaps thc King of thc city .ldefi'
w hcre }.fempbis 'vas aftcrwards built
fcems to ha ve been 'vorhippcd by his fub-
jets aftcr dcath, in thc ox or calf, for this
bcncfation.: for this city ftood in the mot
convcnicnt place to people the Iowcr E-
and from its being compofed of two
cach ficlc of the rivcr 1Vile,
might givc thc n::unc of_lvlizrai1lz to its
oundcr and pc:oplc; unlds you had rathcr
1cferthc word to thc doublc pcoplc, thofc
abovc thc 'lJeJta, and thofc within ir: and
this 1 takc to be thc l:atc of thc Iowcr E-
lZ')'fJt, 'till thc Shcphcrds or Pbfl!1cia11.r
w ho flcd from 'Jo}buab con quered it, and
bcin0" aftcrwards con quered by, thc Etbio-
lcd into ./.!frie and othcr placcs: for
rhcrc ,\as a tradition that fome of them flcd
tJ. Augu- into .Afrir:; :md Sr. Attjlitt * confirms this,
fiir:_. in ex- by tcllinrrus that thc common pcoplc of A-
Rom. . D '
iub initio. Cbatttmt, that is, Cmuzau t tes. In t C't''I''Ot, a-
ti 1tajlri, irh he, qttidjitJt,
refpo!ldel.'tes Cba;umi, corrttjJta fliliat
i:: talibus folct, fJ1Lid ati11d rc,f
jjo:de;f qttam Cha1Jaa7ttti? Procopitts al-
i Pro.cop. fo tci!s us of two pilbrs in thc wel: of A-
t1c bello fi r {j 'f 1
v .. nllal.l.:! .. rc, 'nt 1 ll11Cl'lpttons 1gm ymg t 1at t lC
c. 1o. pcoplc wcrc Callatmites who flcd om .7 o-
C! jh;:ah: Euftbius t tclls us, rhat thde
huilt T1i_polis in ./1f'ric; and thc ]erll.{alr1ll
"'Gc;m:.r. G'cmara, :j: that the Gerge(ites ilcd from
:a\ ,,Shc J' ..!/. , . A{' . l p
L1jth c. 6. OJlJtta, go1ng mto "'j n e : anl
'. , 1 ' , , 1 , ,. r .. ' ,
E;, ov c,u.:l';tl u .:Y,; )j
"-' / ' r e 1 .. ' _. " ' . ""' . ' "
Kttvov :,oeuc:.:oe-acc:"t' ttJi-"' :, t-;:1, 'v :1q'v li.:J uc
.... " . , . ... .. ' , ., . , ., ""O
't" A.ta..,Y,v fJ.Z',(,Pl TU.:Y ;. ... XJV "" ... 'TI
x;, i'; l(.4l 7'1:t ')W>\J do ad
ltfrwros ?JOs bijloria co;tgrttelts
11os e.-.:po1tere tmde orta ge!ls iu .A.frica ft
des.fixerit. tto tcmpore egrcffi
Hcrtei jam pro pe .f/;es 7-'CIIC
ra11t, morttms ii klofts, virfopie:u, dN.".(
itiJreris. Sllcce.f(or imperii .fafftts 'Jr:flt.r
J.Vavee jititts lltra 'Paltefliam dttxit po-
ptttarittm agmetJ; virtttte t!flts fitpra
hmna1tmn modum, terram ocCttpavit. gell-
tibtt.fque ttrbe.r ditio11is fitte ji:cit,
(!) i11virli .famanz tttlit. lvlaritima o1a
qttte a Sido1te ad Egypti Jimitem exte1ldi-
tm, 11omett haet 'Phr.e11ices. Rex ttlltts
[Hcbrreis] imperabat ttt
Ofl'J/1 C S' q !11 1'l' S
Phomicias ftripftre cd11fllltirmt. l1i CIJ
tralatrt mtmcroftt! ge1ztes era11t, Ger,([e-
ftei, 'Jebttjtei, qtrofqtu ati ttomiuihtts He-
brteorum tlltltales memora1tt. Hi homilus
1tt impares ft vec11ti imperatori videre.
dereliflo patria: folo ad fittitimam pri-
nu!m ve11ere ./Ji,_(!,)'fJttmz, ftd ihi capacem
ttmtte nmltitttdils tol'tmz 1J01t repcrim-
tes, erat e;Jm vEg_ypttts tzb a11tiqt10 fa:cim-
da popttlis, iJ .A/ricam profcli, mttlt
co;tditis ttrbib:ts, om11em eam Hercttlis co-
lttml!as ttfqrte, ohtimtermzt: ttbi ad mea;n
tetatem ,(ermo11e PhreTticio ttte11tes habi-
tmtt. By the language n.nd extreme po,er-
ty of thc .1\ loor s, dckribed al! o by PrQco-
pitts, and by thcir bcingunacquaintcd with
merchandic andfea-atfairs, you may know
that rhcy were Ca:taa11ites orignally, and
peopled .i/fric befare the Tytia;t
thithcr. Thefc Ca11aa11ites c;oming
fi-om rhc Eal:, pitchcd their tcnts in grcat
numbers in thc lowcr E,gypt, in thc Rcign
4- M:metho ofTimatts' as* Mmtetho writes, and ca m V
:1pudjofe- fcizcd thc country and fortifyit1o Ptlfl l:
phum ' . o .JI
cont. Ap tttn, t!1cn callcd .Aarts, thcy crcl:cd a
rion.l. r. Kingdom thcrc, and reigncd undcr
thcir own Kings, Salatis, BteO!t, Apacb-
1ta.r, Apophis, ]_a1tias, .Ajfis, and othcr.->
fitcccni vcly: and in thc mean time thc up-
pcr part of Eg)'jJ t callcd T'hebais, and
t Herod. t llerodotus, and, 111
l. 2., Scripturc thc land of Patbros, was unncr
othcr Kings, 1cigning pcrhaps at Co}'to.r.
G Y P T,
and Thcbes, and This, and Sve:te, and * Jcr .
'./ 1
'P4thro.r, ::md Etephatttis, and Heracteo-
9. +
poti.r, and Mejt'r, and orhcr grea.t '-itics, till
they con\.1uered onc anothcr, or wcrc con-
<.Jnercd by the Etbiopiatt.r: for grcw
grcat in thofc days, by bcing rhc leats of
Kingdoms: h!.lt at lcngrh onc ofthcfc King
doms con quered rhc rcfl:, and nudc a hfl:-
ing war upon thc and in rhc
Rcign ofits King and
his fon callcd alfoTethnl()ji.r, Ttttb-
and Thomofis, drovc rhcm out of E-
c..f!..YPt, and madc rhcm fly into Afrif: and
Syria, and other ::md tmited all E-
gyptintoonc lVIonarchy; and under thcit:
next Kings, .Ammo;t and Se,.(rtc,
ir into a grcat Empirc. This conqucring
pecplc wodhippcd not the KitlO"S of the
ShephcrJs whom thcy conquct;c and cx-
pcllcd, but * aboiil11cd rhcir rc!igion of fa- M
. fi . d e, l l r. anct
en cmg mcn, ::m :t1tcr t 1::! nu,nncr of t 1ore apud Por-
agcs Dcified rhcir own Kings, who foundcd phyrium
rheir ne\v Dominion, bcginning rhe hi!lory
ofthcir Empirc wirh rh_c Rcisn aud grcat ff Et Eu-
ats of thcir God<.i and Hcrocs: whcncc
and T1trea; O.firi.r a.nd lfis; nrus and
Brtbafle; and rh_cir Sccrctary TbrJtb; and
Gcncrals Herc:tles and P aJt; ami Admral
.1ttpettts, NeptttJ/e, or TypboJt; wcre all of
thcm :tnd flouriJhcd ,lftcr rhe ex:.
pulfton of the Shephenk 1-lomer
Thd;cs_ and the Etbiopitms
. O 3 rcportcd.
}.1: P I R E
t Diodor. rcportcd that t thc Eg;'jJtiatts wcre a colo-
thcncc ir camc ropa(<; tlut moll: ofthe laws
of Eg;pt werc thcflmc with thofe of Etbi-
Of'1,and that thcE'-optiaus learnt from the
Etbiopimu the cuitom of deifying thcir
\Vhcn ]ofeph enterraincd his brcthrcn in
did earat a rabie bythcmfelvcs,
and he did at anothcr table bv himfclf;
and the Eg)'}timu w ho did c:1t wirh him
wcre at anorhcr tablc, beC-"ai!ft tbe Egyp-
tians migbt 110t eat bret!d uith tbe ... He-
brcws ;for thtzt was au abo7?tillatiolt to tbe
Gel!. xliii. 3 2. Thefe l:gyptitws
who did eat wirh ]oftpb wcrc of thc Court
ofPht1raoh; and thcrcforc Pbaraoh and
11is Court werc at this time not Shcphcrds
but genuinc E.rJ..YPt!rws; and thclc Egyp-
tiaus abominatcd cating Brc:1d 'vith thc
Hebrew.r, at onc and rhc tablc:
and of rhcfc E([rptiaJJs and their fcllow-
fi1bjcds, it is iaid a little aftcr, that e'l:ny
Sbejherd is mt abomiltatiolt to the Egyp-
tians: Eg)'}t :l.t this time was thcrcforc un-
cler rhe ofthe genuinc Egypti-
a!ls, and not undcr thar ofthc S he hcrds .
A lrcrthc dcfccnt of 7acob anc his fon"
into Eg;'pt, livcd 70 ycars, nnd fo
Jongcontinucd in favour wirh thc 1\inp;s of
Jgypt; and 64 ycars afrcr his dcnth Jitlofc.r
was born : and bctwcen the dcnth of Jo-
jiph and the ofJllloft.r, tberr 11p
. . .
o G Y P T.
a 11ew Ki11g over Egypt, 'wbich k11eow Jtot
J ofeph, Ex o do i. 8. But this King Egypt
was no tone ofthcShcphcrds, for he ts called
Pbaraob, E.\od i. II, 2.2.: and .L1Joftstold
his fi.Icccffor, that if thc eople ot lfraet
il10uld acrifice in thc hn of Eg;'jJt, they
jhoutd fltcrdz'ce tbe abomi11.1tion of tbe E-
o-yptians befo re tbeir lJt'.r, rwd tbe Egypti- .
wottld Jlo;te tbem, Exod. viii. 26. th:lt
is, rhey l10uld [ fhecp or oxcn, con-
trary to thc religion of Thc S hcp-
hcrds thcrcforc did not rcign ovcr Egypt
whilc lfraet was thcrc, but cithcr wcrc dri-
vcn out of Ec:,pt befare Ifiact down
thithcr, or did noten ter into Egypt 'till af-
tcr J.lofts had bronght Ifiact from thencc:
and rhc lattcr mufl: truc, if thcy wcrc
driven out of Egypt a little beforc thc build-
ingof thc temple of Solomo!!, as llfazetho
'Diodvrtts * h1ith in his 4oth. book, tbat Diodm.
E 1 fi 1 o J apud Pho-
tft <ry)t ttJere v.:ere onJW1'PY m' t1t1tues o o
j:' o tHIIll lll ,
jrragers ftoveral 11att01ts, ':.-.'-oho 1tftt! l3iblioth.
foreig:t rite.r a11d cercmouies in r..:;ofbip-
pig thc Gods, for o-;;.:bicb tbey wcrc c.\"jJet-
led Egypt; aud tmdcr Danaus, Cadmu.;,
a11 d s kilfltl t!ftet g1c:<f'
bartljbtps, e ame wto Grcccc, ar;t/ ot hcr
Jlaces; bttt thc l/'L't?tr.jl pdrt ofthem cail?C'
wto J 110t jitrfrom Egypr, a corlilt1}
theu tmmhabited mttl dt'fttt, bci:lg colt-
tbither by O!Je M olcs, rz aut! o
valta11t mmt, 1tJho afler he him-
0 4 . .fif:F
of the. ptber
tti!t J erufalem, a;rd the Temple.
rtts hcre mifl:akcs the original of the ![rae-
Jites, as Ma11etho had Clone befare, con-
fonnding their flighr into the wildernds un-
der rhe condut of .frlofos, the flight
ofthc Shepherds from Mi.fphragmtttbo]is,
his fon Amojis into P br.e1ticia and .Aj-.
tic; and not lmowing that Jlldtea was in-
habircd by Ca11aa:tites, beforc thclraelites.
undcr lvlofos came thither: but howcvcr,
he lcts us know rhat thc Shcpherds wcre cx-
clled Eg)'Pt by alirtlc bcforc thc
. uilding of Jerufalem and the Temple, and
that afrer feveral hardfhips fevcral of them
into Greece, and othcr places under
cpndutt of Cadm11s,and otherCaptains,
but thc mofl: of thcm fettlcd in Pha:1Jicia
.'(lCXt \V e may reckon thcreforc
that thc expulfion of the Shcpherds by
thc Kings of Theb.ais, was the occalion
that thc Fbiiijlims wcrc io numcrous
the day-s of Sa11l; and fo many'
men camc in tho1ctimcs witll
pf Egypt and Phmrticia into Greecc ; as
Le/ex, btacbtts, Prlaf:gtts, /E.ze11s, Ce-
crops, Ll:igial.etu, Cadmus,
tiaritu, Alytmtus, Abas, Erecbtbctts;
Peteos, Pborhas, in thc days of Eli, Sa
tmtet, Saut and 'JJavid fome ofthcm 11cd
in thc days of Eli, from Afi.f}hragrmttbo-
.fis, who cont1ucrcd part of thc lowcr E-
gypt' othcrs rctired tl:om bis tuccciTor A-;
. .. mofs
G Y P T. 20l
'llofi.r into PhtE1ticia, and Jlrabi.-z Petrtea,
and there mixed with the old inhabitants ;
who not long afrer bcing conqucred by
?Javid, fled from him and the ::J..)hitijlims
by fea, under the condut of Cadmtt.r and
other Captains, into .Afia Mi11or, Greece,
and Lihya, ro fcek ncw fcats, and thcrc
built towns, creted Kingdoms, and fet on
foot the worfl1ip of the dead : and fome of
thofe who remaincd in 'fudtea might affil:
Vavid and Solomo1t, in building ]entfoleflt
and the Temple. Among the forcign rites
ufcd by the ftr01ngers in Egypt, in worflJip-
ping the Gods, was the fi1crificing of m en;
for Amofl.r abolif11cd that cul:om at Hetio-
polis: and therefore thofc fl:r:mgcr.s were
Ca1zaanite.r, fuch as fled from Jo]htta; for
theCattaaltites gavc their feed, that is, rheir
children to Motoch, aJJd brtrllt thcir for.r
tmd tbeir dattghters i:t tbe jire to tbeir
Gods, CJJettt. xii. 31. Ma;utbo tl1cm
Phre1Jicia11 l:rangcrs.
After .AmoJis had cxpcllcd thcShcphcrds,
and extended his dominion o ver
his fon aud fuccefTor liJ?JitliJemes or Am
mot, by much grcatcr conqucl:s bid the
fonnda.tion ofthc Eg;v'JtiaJt E1_npirc: for
thc afifbncc of his ton Scfo.Pru.
whom he brought up ro hunting and othcr
laborious cxcrcifcs, he comjucrcd. .Arl':bi,-..
:md LibJa: and from hi:l1 all
Libya wac; ancicntly c.1.Ucd AmmaJJia:
after his dcath, in thc temples crcl-cd
llim at Tbcbcs, and in ./lJilltO!Ia and at
202 M P 1 RE
.ffleroe inEthiopia, they fetupOraclesto
.him, and made the people worfl1ip him as
the God that ad:cd in them : and rhcfc are
the oldcfi Oracles mentioned in hil:ory ;
the Greck.r therein imitating the Egypti-
Herod.J. a1u: for tl1e * Oracle at 'Dodo11a was the
oldefi in Greece, and was fct up by an E-
g'Vptia1z woman, aftcr thc cxarnple of thc
Orad e of Jttpiter .Anunou at Thebe.r.
In tl1e days of 111nJ01t a body of thc E-
Jomite.r fledfrom 'Davidinto Eg)'jJt, wirh
their youncr King Hadad, as above; :md
carried thit 1cr their skill in navigation : and
this feems to ha ve given occafion to thc E-
gyptia;u ro build a flcet on the Red Sea
near and might ingratiate Hadad
with Pharaoh: for thc .A1iditmite.r and
Ifh11Jaelite.r, who bordered upon rhe Red
Sea, near Mott1Jt Horeb on the fourh-fidc
of Edom, wcre mcrch::mts from the daysof
Jaco thc Patriarch, Gc1t. xxxvii. 2.8, 36.
and by thcir merchandile the Midia1tites
aboundcd with gold in the days of A!oft.r,
M . xxxi. 50, )I, p ... and in thc days of
rhe Judges of lfraet, becattfo they ':!-'ere
.Ihmaelitcs, 'Jttdg. viii. 24. Thc fjbmf!e-
lites thercforc inthofe days grcw rich by
mcrchandifc; they carried the;r mcrchan-
difc on camcls through Petra to Rhiuoto-
lttra, and thence to E 'J}t : nnc.l this trafic
at length camc into t 1e lunds of 'Da'vid,
by hisconqucring thc Edomitc.r, and !:lin-
ing thc porrs of che Red Sea callcd JiJotb
G Y P T.
Eziolt-Geber, as n1:1y be undcrfl:ood
by the 3 ooo talents of go!d of Ophir, w hich
2)avidgavc to the Temple, 1 Chro1t. xxix.
4 The EgyptiaiJ: having rhc art
ing linen-doth, rhey bcgan about this time
to build long Ships with ils, in tbeir port
on thofe Seas ncar Coptos,and havinglcarnt
the skill ofthc ]:;domites, thcy bcgan now
to obfcrve thcpofi.tions ofthc Stars, ::md rha
length ofthe Sohr Y car, for cnabling them
to know rhc ofition of thc Stars at any
time, and to .lil by thcm at all times, wir11-
out fighr ofthe limar: and this g:.1,c a bcgin-
ning to Afl:ronomy and Navigation: for hi-
thcrto they l1ad gonc onl y by rhc fhoar
with oars, in round vcffcls of lmrdcn, firl:
inventcd on tbat ll1allow tea by the poflcri-
ty of .Arabam ; and in affing from ifland
ro ilbnd guidcd thcm!c ves by thc fight of
the ilhnds in tl1c da y time, or hy thc
of fome of thc Stars in the ni<.?;ht. Their
old ycar was thc Lunifolar yc;u, dcrivcd
from Noah to all his po!lcrity, 'till thofe
days, and conft1cd oftwclvc months, cadt
ofthirty d<J. ys, according to thcir calcnd:1r:
and to the end of this caicmhr thcy
now addcd .fi ve days, aml thcrcby made up
thc Solar ycar of twclvc months and five
(bys, or 365'days.
Thc Egyptia!JS fcigned :j: tltlt Plutarcb
Rhea lay iccrctly with S:ttltnt, and SoJ eitide.
praycd rhat lhc might bring forth neirhcr
in any moutlJ, nor in thc vcar; that PS'
J AJ'crcttry
' .
l\I P I R E
.Afercmy pbying at dice with Ltma, ovcr-
came, aml took from thc Lunar ycar thc
72d of evcry d:1y, and thcrcof compo-
fed fi ve clays, and added thcm to the ycar of
360 days, that 111:! might bring forth in
thcm; and that the Eg_yptiaJts cclebrated
thofedays as the birth-days of Rhea's fivc
children,Oftri.r, Orusfenior, Typbo11, lft.r,
and Nephthe the wife of Typbo1t : and
thcrefore, according to the opinion of rhc
ancient Egy_ptia1ts, thc five days wcre au-
dcd to the Lunifobr calcndar-ycar, in thc
R.eig11 of Sat11r1t ano Rbea, rhc parents of
Ojiri.r, lji'.r, and T)'pho;t; that i::;, in thc
Rcign of .Ammott and Tittea, theparents of
the '/ i tatts, or in the btter half ofthe Rcign
of David, when thofc Tita;u werc born.
and by co!lfegucnce after the flight of
thc Edomztes from 'Davzdinto Eg_ '}t; but
thc Solflices not bcing yet fcttlc , thc bc-
ginninrr of this nc;w year might not be fix-
cd ro t 1c V cmal Equinox bctore the Reign
of tl1c fucceiTor o fOrres junior,
thc on of O..firi.r and Ifis.
\Vhcn rhcEdomite.r flcd from'Davidwith
thcir young King Hadad into Eg;pt. it is
probable that thc carricd thither alfo thc
t1fe of lcttcrs: for ettcrs wcre thcn in ufc a-
the pofl:crity of Abrabam in .Arabia
and upon thc bordcrs of the Red
Sea,the Law beingwritten thcre by M ojc..r
in a book, and in rabies of fl:onc, long
forc: forMo ft s m"-rrying thc daughtcr
. ' rri.ncc
. '
' ' '
ptince of Midia1t, and dwelling with him
fofry ycars, lcarnt thcm am:mg thc
11ites: and Job, w ho hvcd * anion3 their *AuguRio.
ncighbours the Edomite.r, mentions the de .
. f d f d , . r. . Dc1.J. aS.
wnt ng own o wor s, as mere m tue 111 c.
his. days, 'Job. xix. 2 3. 2+ and thcrc is no
infi:ancc of lctters for writinz iounds,
bcing in ufe befo re the days of 'Davu!, i:l
any other nation bc(idcs thc pol:.::riry of.A-
braha111. The afcribcd thii
invention to Thotb, the ofO.firis,
and therefore Letters began to be in ufe in
thc days of is, a littlc
aftcr thc flight of thc Edomttc s from :J)a-
vid, or about thc time brought
thcm into Ettrope.
Hdladitu t tclls us, that a man callcd t Apud
Oes, who an earcd in the Red-Sea with Pho:ium,
the tail of a fij 1, fo thcy paintcd a fca-nun, c. ::.
taught Afironomy and Lcttcrs: and
mu, thar Ettad!tes, who c::tmc out oftl1c rab.lH
Sea in Chaldteataught thc Chaidtetms At:
trology thc fir!l: ofany man; he means At:
te s t1s ro m ero t.r. t ut mm es 1 t <.;h,ou.
thc Cbaldteans Lcttcrs, l\-1:1thcm:.1ticks,
Arts, Agriculturc, in
and the Conl:rnl:ion ofTcmplcs; :.:tnd
fcvcral fuch m en ca me thithcr iiiccc!1i vch.
Oes, Ettbad11e.r, and Omme.r, 1ccm to G::
rhc fa me namc a littlc varicd b corruption;
and thisn:.:tmcfccm5 to havc >CCJl pin:n i11
'ommon to icvcral ica-mcn, \Ylw rhi-
M P 1 RE
ther from time to time, and by confequence
wcre mcrchants, and frequented thofe feas
with their mcrchaPdife, or elfe flcd from
their enemies: fo that Letters, Aflrono-
my, Architehue and Agriculturc, came
into Chaldtea by fea, and were carried thi-
rhcr by fea-men, who frequented the Per-
i a ~ Gttlpb, and came thither from time to
time, after all thofe things wcre pratiff:d in
other countries w hcncc they ca me, and by
confequence in thc days ofAmrJJ01t and Se-
.(ac, Vavid and SolomotJ, and tbeir fuccef-
fors, or not long befo re. The CbaldteaJts
indecd madc Oamtes oldcr than thc flood
of Xifittbrtts, but the Eg;'Ptiatts nude
0./iris as old, and 1 make them conrempo-
The Red-Sea had its namc not from its
colour, but from Edom and Erytbra, thc
names of E.fatt, \vhich ignify that colour:
Piin.l. 6. and fome * tcll us, that King Erythra,
c. "3 2.8. meaning E (att, invcntcd thc veTcls, rates,
buried in an Hbnd thcrcofnear thc Per.fimt
Gttlb: whcncc it follows, that thc Edo-
mites navigatcd that Sea from thc days of
Ejatt ; and thcrc is no necd that the oldcl:
Oatmes ihonld be oldcr. There were boats
upon rivers bcfore, 1ch as wcrc thc boats
w hich carried thc Patriarchs o ver Ettpbra-
te.r and .'J orda11, and t he ftrft nations o ver
many other rivcrs, for peopling thc carth,
ccking ncw fcltS, and invading onc ano-
o G Y P T.
rher's territories : and after the example of
fuch velfels, ljhmaet and Midian the fons
of .Abraham, and Efott his grandfon, might
build la raer veffels to go to the iflands upon
rhe Re -Sea, in fcarching for ncw feats,
and by degrees lcarn to n3.vigate that fea,
as far as ro thc Perjia11 Gttlpb : for fllips
were as old, evcnupon theMediterraeat,
asthc daysof.7acob, Ge1t. xlix. 13. 'Jttdg.
v. 17. but it is probable that the mcrchants
of that fea were not forward to difcover
their Arts and Scienccs, upon which their
trade depended : it fecms thercforc that
Lcttcrs and Aflronomy, and the trade of
Carpentcrs, were inventcd by the mcr-
chants ofthe Red-Rea, for writing down
their mcrchandife, and l<eeping their ac-
counts, and guidincr their {]Ji JS in thc nio-ht
by the S tars, and uilding lips; and t 1at
they wcre ropagatcd from Arabia Pe-
trtea into pt, Chaldtea, Syria, .Afia
m i ~ t o r and urope, much abour one and
thc fame time; the time in \Vhich 'David
con quered and difpcrfed thofc mcrchants:
for we hear nothing of Lettcrs bcfore the
days of'IJavid, cxccpt amono- thc pol:erity
of .A.btaham; nothing of A ronomy, be ..
t<nc the Egyptia1ts undcr .Ammo11 and Se-
fac applicd rhcmel ves to thar 1:mt1,, cxccpt:
thc Conl:ellations mentioncd by .Jo/;, w ho
livcd in .Arabia Petrtea arnong thc mcr-
chants; nothing ofthc tr:1dc of Carpentcrs,
or good Architeturc, berorc So/o;nrm fcnt
to Hiram King ofTyre, to i1pply hhi1 ,\-ith
fi1ch Artificers, faying that tbere were
1tOJte hz Iftael wbo cozttd skitt to bew tim-
ber like the Zidonians.
Diador. 'DiodoruJ * tells us, that tbe Egyptians
tozmtries; a1zd tbat Belns, the flm of Nep-
rune a-nd Libya carried co!o;zies thericeitz-
to Babylonia, arzd ftatitzg himftlf on Eu-
phrates, i:flitttted priejfs free from taxes
aJtdpttblick expeces, after tbemamzerof
Egypt, who were called Chald::eans, attcl
wbo after the mamzer Egypt, might ofJ-
*Paufan. fer-ve tbe Star s: attd P attfattias f. tclls US;
3 tbat theBelusofthe Bbylonians had bis
name from Belus mi Egyptian, the flm of
t A pollo- l.ibya : and Apolldortts ; t tbat Belus tbe
:1., jb1t of Neptune ibya, tmd l<i1tg of E-
' gypt, was the .fatbe-r lEgyptus a!ldDa-
aus, that is, Ammn: he tells us alfo, that
Buflris tbe fo;z of Neptune aJtd LiUanaf
[ LibyanaEt] tbe dattgbter of Epaphns,
was f{iltg ofEgypt; and Eztfebitts calls
this IGng, Bufiris the flm ofNeptunc, mul
Libya tbe t!att,gbter of Epaphus. By
thefe things the latcr E<-{'YPtians feem to
l1ave maclc two Beltts's, the onc the
of Ofi'ris, Ijis, and Nept1t7te, the othcr thc
i(m ofNeptt-t?te, and fi1thcr of .lbgypttts and.
'Dmtatts: and hcnce came thc opinion of
thc peoplc of J.Vaxus, that thcrc were two
Mi1tos's and two .Ar-iatbtes, the onc two
cncrations older the othcr; w hich
G Y P To 2!7
we ha ve confuted. The father cif
ttts and 'Daruuu was the father of Ojifis,
Ijs, and Typho1t; and Typho1t was not rhe
grandfather of NeptttJte, but Ne_pttme him-
. . '
Sefo.(tris being brought up to Iiard Iabo'llr
by bis father .Am'l1ion, \varred firfr undet bis
father, being the Heroorl-lercttlesofthe
Egyptia1zs during hs father's Reign, and
afterward their l(ing: under his farher,
whilfl: he ,W<1S very.young, be invaded and
conquered Troglod_ytica, and thereby fe-
cured the l1arbour of Red Sea, near
Coptos in Egypt; and then be invaded E-
tbiopia, and carried on his concet fouth-
ward, as farasto theregion bearing
mon: and bis .f.1ther by the affifrancc of the
Edomites having built a fleet on the Red
Sea, he pnt to fea, and coafl:ed A1t16id
Ftetix, goingro the Perjia1t Gutph and
yond, and in thofe countries fet upColumn.'i
with infcriptions denoring bis conquefls;
and particular! y he fet u a PiJlar at Vira,
a promontory. in the raits of the Red
Sea, ncxt'Ethtopia, and two Pillars in l1tM
dia, on the niountains near thc n1outh of
thcriver Ga;tges; fo t Violtj{ttts:
110' 1 " 1 '
I-V C<i 'l'S >; cifMu, L\tOWctft
'Ec;crtv 'II'U(..trolo MJv 'nu 6l'l:voio,
z tl , " " "l. 'r
. VoWV CjC(.TiOict'IV V piel' IV EVU!< TG fa: YW;'
. '
J\6uuav Nuaaa:lov 27!'? !<tJi\(v!JcJ;
. U(Jt
+ Dion. in
Perle, v,
218 O the MPIRE
'Vbi etiam1utm cotumttt Thebis ge1titi
StaJtt extremijttxta fluxum Oceatti
Ittdorttm zt!timis Jt moztibtts: ubi
Claram aquanz Nyffteam ad ptanitiem
Aftcr thefe things he invaded Libya, and
fought tbe Africatts with clubs, and thencc
tFab. ,.
, is painted wit.h ;- in io t !-Jy-
, gt1ttts, /lftt Q) .!Egypttt fitjltbtts
aimicavenmt,pojtea Beltts Neptzmi jitius
gladio belligeratzts efl, tt1tde bettum diCfttm
efl: and after the conqueft of Libya, by
wh.ich Egypt vvas furnifhed with horfes,
and furni1Jed Solomo1t and bis friends; he
prcpared a fleet on the Mediterratzea;t, and
\Vent on \vefhvard upon the coal of Afric,
to fe::trch thofe countrics, as far as to ::he
Occa:n and iland Erythra or Gades in
sa.turml. Spaitz; ::ts Macrobi1ts * infonns us from
l.y.c.zx. ".Pf1lt'Ytt{ts and Pberccydcs: and therc he
. -
:: Lttc:an.
l. 1 o. .
cnm1ucrcd Geryo1t, and at thc month of thc
Strcts ict up thc Pillars .
l Vc1zit ad occafitm mtt7tdiqtte e:.:trenza
Thcn he rctmncd through Spaitt and tbc
f(mthcrn co:.tfl:s of FrrtJtceancl Ita!J, with
thc cattd ofGeryott his fleet attendiug hhu
1 by
by fe_1, and lefr in Sicily the Sicatti,. a peo-
plewhich he had brought from Spazn: and
after his father's death he built Temples to
him in his conquel:s; whence it came ro
pas, that J:Jpiter .Jlmm.o1t :vas
in Atnmo7tta, a.nd Ethzopta, and .Arabta,
and as far as Jz di a; according to tbe * *
Poet: 9
uamvls .I:Ethiopttni P:Jf'1ilis, /!rahtt1n ...
que beatJ' .
Gc;ztibtts, atrtte lttdis mtzts jit
The Arabitttzs worihipped only nvo
Creltts, otherwife called OttraHus, ot Jztpz-.
ter and Baccbtts; and theie \Ver e
1ttpiter .Ammott and Sefoc, as abo ve: ard
io alfo tl1e peoplc of Mero e abovc Bgy)'t t t I-Icrod.J
wor111ipped no other Gods but Jttpiter acd t.
Baccbtts, and had an Oraclc of ."f:tpiter;
and thefe :two Gods werc 'Jttpiter AtnmC1i
and Ojiru, according to thc languagc of
At length Sefojlri.r, in thc fifth ycar of
Rehoboam, came out of Ezyptwith a grcat
anny of Libya1zs, Troglodytes and Btbio-
pia;zs, and fpoiled the t'emplc, and recluccd
Jttdtert into fcrvitudc, ani.l wcnt on con ..
qncring firfr cafhvard toward l1tditr., w hich
he invadcd, and then wcfiward a'; fu as
Thrace: for God had r!vett hn tbe
.J o ,-.
2 Chro11. xii. 2.. J, 8.
P :21 Iu
220 O the
Diodor. In* this Expedition he fj1ent nine yeJ.rS, fct-
2 c.1o2, conquc1s, fome of which rcnuincd in cS)-
103' lc. ra 'till thc tbys of llcrodut11s. He\\ JS
a.ccomp:111icd \\irh Jn Orlls, or .Aollo.
and \\'rh fome inging womcn, callcJ tbi'!!!fi'.r, one of \\ hich, callcd C,zifioc,
thc mothcr of Orplx11s an Atif,Ollfl!lt: and
th::: t\\o of rhc mounLlin 'Para_[!!t.r.
rauLn. \\hich \\Tre vcry \\'Crc dcdicated *
- '-
thc onc ro rhis Bacr!J!!s, and the othcr to
Sui,bs in
rr o _ ' his lil JJpd!:J: \\ hcncc LucaJt; t
t Luc:m l.;.
'P ar!!a({!ts pct it 'tlxra co!lt',
.1.VfJJ1s 'Pbtto, Bromioquc flzar.
In thc fourtcenth ,-ctr of Rchooam he rc-
ru:ncd bJd. in ro lcaving .lfi.ctcs ia
(),/(/;i.r, and his ncphe\v 'Pl'OJ'lct!Jrs at
llWlli'it \Yith p:ut of his :.1.rmy, to
d:..:fc11d rhc conqudls fi-om rile Se)'! bitu1.r .
..// /Jlh.'t ,;.r R !Jodts and his fcholiafl: tcll
1 ,\)
u..;, rlut Sr jimrbo.f'.r 1\ i 11 of al! t, t h ,lt:
i-; Sr_{rtc, inrading al! Aj, :md a un
(1: L:noj't, pcnplcd nuny ciries \\'hich l1l'
:111d Lh:lt thc Mctropolis o(Col-
tbl.r, J't'J/J:J!td f/d;/t cL'Cr (itr' bi.r rltrr
/1 r /){' !:_y /Jt'0'Et-,yrri:llls -:.;_hlr/J
lr '/.red 1 tl!id 1 lu! t bey pn'(irzt'.:'
f'//.:.r u li!it'J' /;; r;;:_/Jic!J 1 btjo;nJit',
tt:.d 1 ht o:;Jr of' rm.i /,m,/ : .. :.r-:
JJttf,j 1 /;e Nfl' of t /Jcm 1 !Jit/ 1
o G Y P T.
thcfc rabies thcrciorc
\ bcoinnin
r to G COPL1j)h)
Stfo./iris upon bi'l homc + di-
yidcd by mcaittrc rhc l. 2..c.
tia11.r; and this gavc hcgitlning toS un cy-
iiw Gcomctry : and Jmn!int.r de- ,
V .
.. j' [ .. 'll1Yltl
ri\T" tht'l tl\ lion o! ,g\'fl, :111d K'glllmn:; i'ytiJJg;. 6',
nf () comcrry, from thc A!'C of (j od-; of
- ' )
Slf4h'i.r :llln idcd I:f.!,_rpt in-
tl;-_:J i\ro;:r.r nr Jnd ;lClllali. r.p. 30.
from thc A'!!r: to thc hc1d c:ty of c-.-cry
JVomt', \\'ith thc CJrth du r out cf
ir. he cndcd rhc ur1H!lld cf thc ciry to b2
' ' .
r:likd :111d builr a Tct11)lc in C\-cry
city t()l' thc worih1 ofthc .No:m, and in thc
Temples JCt up Ouclc'l, 1im:'2 of w hich rc-
nuicd 'till thc (hys of foct!Jtits: and by
this thc i,Z/l-1 of crcry Nowr:
wcrc induccd to \\ orll!:p tllc mcn of
thc KinL;dom, to \\hn:n che .Nowi', rhc City
and thc Temple or ScpuklJ-::: thc Gcd,
\LlS dcdicw:d: f(Jr cvcry Temple lud it.->
propcr Ci od, m<Hlc'; of \\uril:ip, :l!ld an-
nual tdliul-;, :lt \\ hich thc Council :md
Pcoplc of thc JV,JJ?Jl' :lt ccrl:lill rime'> ro
bcriflcc, and rcguLnc thc aEtirs of thc
JVomc, and juflicc, and buy :l!!ll
fCll; hut Sc}'tc hi'l Q:tccn, by thc tu me;
of q(lris and \\'Crc \\'or!hi))(:d in :1\l
h:c:.)'f't: and bccank Srj{c, lo I'CIHkr thc-
_Nt/e more uli.:ful, clunn(:J-.; i'rlllll it Lo
all thc capital citics o.f ,_,:g)jJI ; t lut ri \ c1
was conCcratcd to him, he \\ .t;; ollc,i
) ' b"
by itsnames, /Egypttts, S iris, J.Viftts. Tli-
onyfitts * tells us, that the Nile wa.s called
tu r S iris bythe Ethiopiatts, and Ni!tts by the
people of Sie1te. F 1om the word N ah al,
w hich fignifies a torrent, that river was cal-
Diodor, lcd Niltts; and CJJiotlor1ts t tells us, that
J.p. 39, Niltts was that King who cut Egypt into
canals, to make the river ufefu), in Scripture
the rivcr is called Schichor, or Sibor, and
thence the Greek.r formed the Vi ords Siri.r,
Siritts, Ser- .A pis, O-S iris; but P lzttarch
Plutarch. tells us, tha.r the fyllable O, pu .. c before
!ieif:dc& the word Siris by the Greelu, made it
Pfldc. fcarce intelligible to the Egyptia;zs.
? I have now told you the original ofthe
Nomes of Egypt, and of the Religions and
Temples of the Nomes, and of the Cities
built there by the Gods, and called by their
na mes: w hence Viodortts + tells us, that of
l. x. P al! the Provi;zces of tbe l//7()r/d, there
wer.e lt E6ypt mzly mmty cities bttitt by
th, aJtcie;zt God.r, as by Jupiter, Sol, Her-
mes, Apollo, Eilithyia, and maJty
+L . otbers: and tt an Ajfyriatt, who
tclls us, that the Temples of Egypt
"iJery o/d, thoft in Phceniciabttitt' by Ciny-
ras as otd, mul il;, Affyria a!mojf as ottl
as tbe former, but 1wt aftogether fo old:
w hicb hcws that the l\1onarchy of JJ.f!Jtria
roie up attcr the Tv.fonarchy of Eg'Y_pt, as is
rcpn:;lcnted in Scripturc; and rhat thc Tcm ...
i:!lQs 94:, thcn werc thofa
built by SefoflriJ-, about the Jame time tl1at
the Temples of".PbreJticia and Cyprzts were
. built by Citzyras, Be;hadad, and Hira1n.
This was northe firJ1 original of Idolatry,
but only the eretting of much more fiunp-
tuous Temples rhan tormcrly to the foun-:-
ders ofnew Kingdorns: for Temples at firfr
\V ere very finall;
Jttjiter angujta vix tottts jtabat i1t &etle.
Ovid. Fajt. l. I.
Altars were at firfr ere:ted withont Tem-
ples, and this cul:om continued in Ter(t'a
after -the days of I-lerodottts: in P !Jre-
1ticia they had Altars \Vith little honfes for
eating rhe facri.fices m u eh carlier, and thefc
they caJled High Phces: i.1ch was the
.High Place where Sam7tel enrertained
Saut; fuch \Vas the Houfe of 'Dago1t at
Ajhdod, into which the Phi/i(iims brougbt
the Ark; :md the Houie ofBaal, in whiclt
Jehzt f1ew the Prophets of BaaJ; and fi.1cb
were the High Placcs of the Ca;zact?titeJ
which Jl!ofes commanded lfraet 'to de-
fl:roy: I1e * commanded lfrttei to dcfhoy .
the Almrs Imaocs 1-Iioh Placcs and xxxlv, 13
' n ' . 1::> ' Numb.
Groves of the Cmzaamte.r, but maJe no x:dii . .fl.
mcntion of their Temples, as he would
ha ve done had there becn any in thofc days. r.&:xu.
I mcet wirh no mcntion offumptnous Tem-
ples beforc thc days ofSoto:J7t01t: ncw King-
doms begnn thcn to build S crulchrcs to
P 4 thcir
.. 1
1 King. ;..i.
l 3.
i illlt!' l.
. ' .
f)..1 .
O t!Jc E 1\1 P I R E
thcir Foundcrs in thc form of fumptnou"
Temples; and }[eh Temple.;; 1/iram built
in T_:re. St:fi!c in al! anJ Bcliba-
d,:d in '/)mn,,(i;r.r .
Fnr \\ hcn 'lJ<'niJ * iinotc f!dd,td-f,'::::,n
1\ nf Xot!h, ;'l!ld flcw thc S\'i'Z:IS or
' /
. -
,,h:) c.t!11C ro ailit him, Rc::::.o:t
1 hrfo/1 o f' l: 1 i .l',Llh _/1d ficw b h rd Ha dad.,t?:hl'!,tfl;ocJ;N'll 11//!0 h/,J r!!!d c-
, ,
c_'t!Ji.'i' C.
7t:JJ O'lX/' fl al!d, ti/Id jl'rf
Ji! ol.'t/' Sni;l: he is c1llcd !le-
, .
:::.iJ, I A'i:trz.. x\. 1g. ;1nd hi-> flccciT(w>
Jl1Ciltioncd in hi!tnry \\ere Trli'JJDJ!, flrt-
dt?d nr Bc:!Jadtld, lfC!!badrtd 1 l. 1/r!;::_:m'/.
Ro.'h:tdad lll. ** and Rr.::.i.:J rhc j()J1 of
Tarflb. bccc11C 1\:h_icl ro
1; thc Lbys f!fTa/;i.;Jf;:J, :tnLlrccoYcrcd hcr
undcr Rni/;,d.u! l ; in rhc da);
<lf !<ti:b.'!drtd fll, tllltilthc ofrhc ia!l
},'t' :.i!, rhcv bcumc Juhi\.'d lo 1 [jc!d:
i !1 l 1J l' J1 i 1 l 1 :l.)' Cl r o ( f fr;_/f J-(' t7 :\ lll f} 1 tft /;.
i,c;l :th
tl1c ,\_'l;i,::Js. and put ;m cnd ro ti\Clr 1\
(hm: 'jo/itJ/!tJ "te]!..:. u'>, that flj{' S\
1 1 -
ri. qc. '1: 1! ..-_.j_- 1/l')'.l. O! b Ad.n.
! lut jc; / /,(/tf.-1 or nr:dl.tdt!d, t!l!d /;is .fi!(-
( 1'/!i!J' l ,,I,ld ,u God.r, (r,; / hc'li" !Jt'J!r(;u'/,:-
,. e t' ., ,/ (r'; /J 'll.f't'I. '"' ,t l,, r '0' ... ,IJ/{.1
',1, / .. , f l IJ, 1. ,\, f,
' J
t /; n' ti .i () 1'/ L' rl 1 /: (' e i / ( r 1) l 1.1 k l1 ') : (f.}'.
Lit:h ii/'V ;.,./I'':t/1' (lclJJJ:')! In
1'.' hr.'l!.<'l:'' rl!.'d /!){,;r
o JI f /, j':'/J! 1', / / l: 1/0-:;_ i ii (T / /}(f ( //)('Y ({ J'{' Jf{-
. ,, -
,./, ,;,::1/ not .:e c/t'-_:c:t /J!mrln ,/
1 '
G Y P T.
ycars ago. J r fcems thcfc K ings builr fiunp-
ruous Scmlchrcs for thcmlcl\cs, anJ wcrc
worhippc:d rhcrcin. * calls thc firl1: "*' Jufin.
ot rwo 'iJmmzfttt.r, tlut l. 3
t/Jc city bar/ .r Jlflllll' frow bim, tll.'ll 1 btlt
tbc S\:'rians i11 boi!Oif'l" (J( bim rwoJ:/f,ippcd
hi.r A r.tthcs t!S a G'oddc.fs, ttj/11g bcr
Stptt khn for rt'/ tJ/JjJ IL'.
Anothcr nlb!lcc \\e havc in thc King-
dom of HJ!!!s. In rhc t Rci'2;I1 of J1li- tDioJor,
uo.r 1\.ing of Crct(', \\hcn Rbadrzmat/ms l.;.p.
thc brothcr of}./i;toJ ct.rrcd colonics from
Crctc ro thc G'r{'{'/.:. i lhnJs, and the
1fhnds ro his ca)rains, he ['"ave ro
Tborts, or Tbeitu. or Thom1te.r, rhc Elthcr
of f(yp_f;'pylr, a CrfajJ workcr in mcrals,
and hy confCqucncc a dikip!c of rhc Jd,t' i
'JJaf(rfi. and pcrhap.; a 'Pha::ticia: for
thc lt!tri 'lJr?!Ir!i, :111d Td:-/;hc.r, Jr:d Co-
riaJJ/('s brought thcir Arts and Scicncc'>
from Pbrnlicif: and l Stidas Ltirh, tluc i sud1sin
he \Ll e; dckcndcd ti-o m P btZJ : rzci's l\. in g o f ' cx.:.o-
lon ot .JtZ:IdrJdl/!.r V?"ltll!; ./!ji?!!o:!l- l. 3
11.r Rbodius, rlut H yrfipy le jJ(n "t Argo-
t be pm;ic dual:. r:.,:/Jic/J t!Jl' (; mf!dt: mut.l+
. > 1 1 . 1 . ' l V. F+
_ 01' J:lCC 11IS, r:.;_uJ,(!/"l."(' 1/ /() /JI.I}Ji/ 10:1S, 1.
rile bthcroflly'Jj.l)y/(
, ;llld 1\ !l'r nC J,('tl/- H Jlo!nur
' - .' ()11]
110s: Tbo!.r marrrcd ** thc rno-
rhar of ./nl/('tu, :1nd d:lrJ:'Illcr nf 0/J"tlt.r
l\ingof P!Jn'f!,t, and hi; d.ill ()11 thc
<. nl.lll
i1.1rp \\':1<; callctl CII/Jl"fU, :l!Hl '.\ :1-> d:tid ro be v,r:1rm.
bck\ c_:d by _/.'
)/.'J 111 Ont.r:
... . ""' l l l h 0:
t 1 e v. 1 y;.
O the E l\T P I R E
the gre:u Barclms !O\l wifc, anu bcinrr
causht in bcd \nth hcr in P!Jn'g itt ap):,1lcd
him with winc, and compofCd thc nurtcr
by him King J.nd ('ypnt.r,
and thcn CHnc o ver rhc '' it h
his army, antl conqucr-.:d Tbrtur: and l-:J
thck thing'> thc pocl'> alludc, in
t!ut f/fctl.i.' fdl from into Ltl-'!:Jc:,
>fPaufJn.l. anJ. thatBatc!JitS * him \\'ith \\ i11C,
l,C.lO, alldrCJUCCd hi111 hJCk lllO hCJ\'Cll: h2 re:!
fwm thc hcJ\TI1 ofthcCrc/an God-;, ,,hc!t
he \\cnt from Crl'tr to Lrmos to \rork. i'1
mcrals, :md \LlS rcduccd inck into hu\
\\'hcn Racc!Jlls ma'ac him 1\.ing of
and B_yl!s: he rcigned r.herc 'till a vcry
great age, liring to rhc times of thc
war, and becomine?; rich: and
t Clem. ter thc of f1i-; witC Calicr;pis, t h..::
AI.Ad- b f d 1 JOS, an ../711:t-
Gcnr. p. t h11 s, in CyfJrtts; anJ :lt B_.l'bius in S)Titt ;
Jo.Apol- and inl:itutcd Pricfts ro hcr \\'ith S:1crcd
lodor. J. 3.
c. 13. Pin- Ritcs and lufi:ful whcnce il"Jc bc-
dJ.r. Pyth: camc thc 7)ca Cypria, and rhc 'De a. S)'ritt:
Odc l. He- l . ' [ .o. l h . h j. anc hom 1 cmp C'> crcu:Cl ro er m t e e
ancl othcr pbcc-; hc \\':1'-> ali(> cJ.llcd 'Pr1
Stcph in 1 /1 f.' ' ) 1 ( 1 \'
. _pot.1, .LJJilftl Jl(ta, )'tJ 1a, )'lonctt,, , ,;.
5trabo,l. mi11t, (';idict, Eryc//tl, 1 dtdirt. J.:mu
P 7ff tra dit a .fiu:nz t mtJ vd ,'/J/IJIJ
Papb.' Vc!!t'J'.r ttJJijJ/;mJ, '])('(tJ/If.J!!t' ip-
fam COl!{(' jJ t a JI/ 711/li' b 1/C a jJ /J TI J!J : '[;(' f
JJUI. l. 2. c. 3. Frorn her !'l'<lm
lo tbc ifbnd C_ylt'JtJ'rl, aud !'te;
t he ll cr.'
G Y P T. ' 227
rhcncc m be Quccn ofC)pnts, 1hc W:lc; [lid
bv rhc CrpJ'/,m.r, ro be born of thc
of k:1, and pJintcd hiling
up_nn :dlrcll. t_kiflcd _alfo his
C !11(!,1'1.1, by thc !Ul11C of ,'/dO.'IIJ; :llld tor
:tf1ifl rhL I:C.!J'f'l i:t/JJ' '' irh :mnnur, ir i'>
proiubk tlur he> himJCJf ''a-> dciflcJ b) h':i
hiCIHh rhc 1>.:1'/J!TIJ.r, bv rhc Jumc of Bct-
'r / r 1
tl -Ltllli!tlll, ur ,tri/!: tnr i /.'!.'.'1/ \\a.;;
cclcln.trcd prirJcip.Illy hy rhc l:,()/1 'iiS,
and \Lh :1 /\ tn 1 and
. '
rci 'ncd IJ Lom;o.r :llill Cii.'l'1'.?.r \Ll'; :l!l
in\cntor o( :trr-;, :lJhl"' ut.IC c<;p1cr l *'Clcm.
G)/'1'1/.r. and rhc L11ith:; lummcr, and ::mil, A:. Ad-
:wd row S. :111d /C.l\cr; and im1lcn cd \\or!;.-
- 1('1]' p
m en in nu.'.,:ing Jrmnnr, :mJ orhcr rl1 i;l _;;; of 2 t. ;
' .
and ron, and \Ll'; rhc nnl y K cele- l. 7 c. 56.
bratcd in hfl:nr\ 1(r \', nrkin!_.; mcu'!<>, :md
- '
\as KiJw o( Lc.:.'.'.'!O.r, LiJe hu-hJ!:tl of
Fc;;tts, :1!! \\' hic'1 :.rL rhc ch,uadcr.; ot' 1/';tf-
cat;: rhc J.' r' '1 ,;_'f//S abour che rime cf
... . 1
thc dcuh ot.Cil:: /'Jr, "''i::.,, in rhc RL i_n of
. ' )
Lllcir l\ /hittinjJ/;i.r, huilt :1 \-cn hmp-
uroth Tc;n)lc ,1/t'rlljJ!Ji.r ro 1
nc;u :1 l:n:til:r Tn)lc tu 1 ,l'lllJ.r 1 lrj/'.:1,,-,
JlOt :1.'1 t:ntt irtl.' \ronun hur :t
not 1 ldl'i/,:1, Ft'l/.'!.1': l{:r-/- }}!' .. i fkroJ,
1'0:/(}/ :t.r tr JI-; u.;, rlur tht' re .i.\f r.nrrJd ;. l. l.
bout L,.., Tcm)!c \\'.!': hy Tvi',.,::
'Flru;Ct!/J.r, :tntl rh.11 1
l . J ., .
to tni.; Tc,np!c :ll Jl/:'1:"/,f.r, vcry !lll!ch de- ._,., 37.
ritbl rlv fl.:UrtnU -,'/l,,;,-i j(
of thc TIJrn,'/iY.
( )::::.ictt.r l\in:..
()hile 'J)ofiocs, Lyc;t.r h i .'.
,,) .
( 1 l
G Y P To
of rhc ]l!arial!d)'!ti, tl1c coafl:s of ji{y(ia
and Tartritfl thc
on thc Tm;,;is, rhc R.rzt"mti-
1/JJI, :mJ rhc coals ot hj)ll'fts, (__r)Jfca, Jlfe-
/ittl, ltrzlv, Siri!)', StZrdlit!, :llld Gct!/ia
llj)Oil t he -.1/editci?meaJt; :111d frnm thLncc ,
rhcy * crniTl.'d rhc fCJ ro Afjic. :nd rhcrc
. j . j l' . 1 i. f'l' P)
COilfCrtTt \\ ll 1 1\, O v)'l"('JJ(':
:1nd + rclls u<> th:lt .!I Arn1C11i:umd
cd! .1, tZ !l t !Je e i,..,-r bbo 11 r l (! (J lte N, t b t'rc + Straho.l.
' l.p 1.1,
r;_,:cn'.fi'tJiCllt moil!li!Cll! s oft be cxpctliti- 4.f, 46.
011 111; as r,f:(o czbo11t Sinopc, a!ld its
_(ttZ-tMjl.r; t!'r Propontis ad tbc Hcllcf-
pont. rwd J! t be -:\'IcJircrranc:.1n: :.lnv::f-
iJgc by rhc tlo\\cr of Craa to fe> many
n:1tions couiJ be on no orhcr account rhan
fhrc-pol ic y ; rh.:k n:.1rions lud be en in \'ad-
cd by thc rPtiaJ;s, but afrcr thi-; exped-
- ......... .
rinn \\'C nn more oftbcir conrirming in
L:!': cCli on ro t.
Thc"' E :r/Jt!tlJ!.r orL!;irulh-]i,ctl on rhc o.odor.
" e "
t'ruit:; of and rcd lurdl), ::md
:l!)ILincd ! ro;; :n-..d rhcrc1-(rc abo-
mi!Utcd S!1cp:1c:d,: Jl[nc.r rhcm ro
.tdorn rlJ,.:ir hcd-; :111d ,,_.;fl :<eh furni.
rmc and c.:cr.-;, a:Ll in amOJ'-:;fl
rl1cm :t iu:npruou-;, :'..nd vCJltr,tu-
' :l)' :1!1 IHrn,;rc:J)
,_.r lJ,.; <L::ll'h, (,'. :(1
/ut?b.'J" or1c of his
- '
h\l-cll)J'; e:;; :.J it. .llld tn rcd.tcc
1 h .. lll',;:., Pl. L(;':f'i'. c.ud>d rh.' e: de rn be
, .. , . ,
. 1 f J ' ,r t
J;}L;:c).. c:;:l"C' pr ../ ; at 1 /Je-
J\1 P I R E
hes; and by this cnrfe rhc honour of .Afemt
wac:; diminibcd among rhe El,yptimu.
Thc Kings of EJrypt \\' ho cxpclled the
Shcpherds and tltccccdcd thcm, rc;ncd l
think firfl: at Coptos, and thcn .lt Tbchc.r,
and rhcn at Afnp!Ji.r. At Copto.r 1 place
and or TIHw:-
fiswho cxpcllcd thc Shcphcrd-;, J.nd ;lb() ..
:ihed thcir cufl:om ofilcrificing m en, ;lJ:: l .'X
tended thc Coptic Lmguagc, and thc m11t
o f.".':< .hg_yptus, ro thc conqucfl. Thcn
Thebes bccunc rhc Royal City of JJii'JW:!.
:111d from bim was c1.lled 1\'u-..Ammon,
hi-; conqucfl on thc wcfl: of Eg)'Pt v,as e J!-
Icd Ammonia. Afrcr him, in thc hmc ci-
ty of Tbebes, rcisncd Of/ris, Onts, fi!cl!rs
or Amenophis, and bur A!rm-
phis ::md hcr mir:lclcs \\'ere not ycr
red in Cree({', for l!omrr celebrares TbrtJ
as in its glory in h!s da ys, and nukcs 110
rnention of i'viempbts. Afccr llfecs lud
builr Afcmpbis,Alrrris rhcfl.tcccncn ofR:t-
-mej[es adorncd ir, and madc ir rhc icar (lf
thc Kingdom, and this was almof1 t\\'o Gc-
ncratiom aft:cr thc Troj a JI. war. Cn,.,.r,.
. ./
thc f/tdcmt \\' ho marricd Vt.:lJJts, :111d
thc Kings of ovcr C_'1jJJ'i.'J
:.1nd part of P !Ja: icitz, and madc :1rrnour li 1r
tholC Kings, livcd 'till thc time'> of rhc 'f'ro-
jtw \\'Jr: :.1.11d upon his dcarh ]1/('JJt.l" tlt
A!nnttOJJ dcify him, :tnd fot111d thc
f:1motr'i T\.'Illplc of V11/cr111 in th:1r crt_v (IJ
}Jis wnrlhip. bur not li ve Lo flnilh it. r 11 .)
,- ..
.. '.;
. '
, . '
. ' ..
G Y P T .
phin not fu from fifemp!Jis are m::my
Pyr:1mids. 1aid ro be builr byVccp!Jr:s
or F11cpbcs; ami 1 fldiJct rlur Vou:p!Jc J'
:111 d h'!!ep!Hs !uve bccn corruprJ_r \nitren
for J\/cJ;('f/JCs or Jlmcnopbis, rhc lcucrs
A.1Vbcin\r almoft \\ orn out in i(mJc old ma-
::-. .
nukript: lr :1cr rhc cxamplc of rhc!c Py-
r:l.mi\1->, rhc llla'ns and
his fiH.:ccfTors, huilr othcr-> much Lugcr.
Thc pbin in\\ hich thcy wcrc built was thc
bury ing-pLlcc of rhar ciry, :1s appcus by
thc 1\1ummics thcrc found; and rhcrct(Jrc
thc Pyramids wcrc thc kpulchul monu-
mcnts ofthc Kings ::md Princcs oftlut city.
and by thcic and iiiCh likc works thc ciry
grc\V bmous foon afrcr rhc days of !1 omer;
who rhcrctorc f1ourilhcd in rhc Rcign of
}/crodot !ts i is rhc oldcfl: hiflorian nov
cxtanr w ho \\"rote of thc anriquitics of L-
!.YjJt. and lud \\' lut he \V rote from rhc
( -
Pricfl:s ofrlurcounrry: :liH.fDiodorHs, \vho
\note +Oo ycars :1fter him, and h.hl
hi-; rcLttions a!Jc) from thc Pridl:s of Er!ypt.
pbccd nun y namclcls 1\. ings hct\\-ccn '"r'hok
\\ lwm flcrodotlt.r p!accd 111
ccllioll. Thc Prie!ls of IJ:r;_ypt had rhcrc-
J_or_e, bct\\'ccn rhe da ys of 1 hrork!fl.r :mtl
'1Jto1oru.r, out of vanity, vcry m u eh iiJ-
crcafcd rhc numbcr oCthcir K ing-;, :111d ,,. LaL
thcy did alter thc d:t ; of lfc,o't!ot?t.r, rhcv
bc;:111 tu do bcfon: lis da y s ; for k te lis t;'>
th:tt rhcy rccitcd to hirn (\r tl1cir books,
thc uf 330 1\J
S \\'llo rci1
1lCl aflcr
:J 0
J1lcJJL'J ..
' ,
. ' -.
.Afccs, but did nothing mcmor1blc, ex '
i\'itocris JnJ 1Va'lis thc bf1 of thCI!l:
a!J' thdc Jt Tbtcs, til! .J!a?is tr.l:;
:fhrcd rhc J{_ar of rhc Empirc from
ro Aln!Jj'/Jis. Afrcr ./llaJ's he rcck().l,
'P!JooJJ, Protnu, RbamlFli-
tlts, Cbcop.r, Ccf'I.Jc!, ll{rrai!Jits, J((;.
c!Ji.r, //;nf, Sr!r!C0/1, ,\
- ..... . 0
thon, 12 contcm1oury K 'P
.. ........... J l.
ch1::, iValms. .Aprir.r, J/,;Jr!/ ,_
and 'P jfmll!lCJ! l s. T he h/f:)P ti a!l s lud 1 .
forc rhc da ys ofSoioJt madc thcir m:m :m .. :: .
902:J ycars old, :111dnow rhcy rccko!i'd L;l
. -
1/rrorlttt.ra c..:c11ion of) 1\.in<r<; rLi::;-
:---> ,l
:1boutr 1,:._ .. J
vc:U.:j bcforc Srjojlris: hntthc J\in<rs \\
lnng bcforc Srfojtris mighr rci:::1
ovcr littlc Kingdom'> in ic\-cr .. !
p:ltTS of i',:f!.)'}t, OCHC thc riJC of thcir 1\ .l
11archy; and by coniCcucncc bci(nc 1:.
d:r.-; ofF and St/Ji!!ld, :.l!l(! ];) are w;t t:':
,/ nur confidcL1linn : thck )
may lLl\ e bccn mulri1licd by cornmri:,:;
and 1 ( llllC (J f thcm, :::> A t IHJ t!Ji' s or 1 ,,_! /,.
rhc kcrcu:-y of q(iJ.i.r; T!fort /JJ'/.'s ' i
ii s;l P h y (J cian \\' ho i 11., en tcd 1 1[
(: i 11 \\ i t h 1 t w-c fl e lll e e; ; a n d T /m r; ; n r P,
i')'/J!!s thc htJ',klnd of Akrli!drt!, \\ere:;/,
.. .
1 ' : w '- s (1 " .; '.!, \
u 1 . J f \\ l h /Jo' U r (u/ //. r 1 1 '
o 111 i t t k 1 l:llllc-. o f r h o IC K i 11 w h n < i t 1 ,, ,
r h i 11 :; 111 e 111 o r :lb le, a ml en n ( d -.T e ni y tl : , : :
w ;..; are rccordcd, :u:d \\ lto k::
11!111\l!:ncnts of thcir h.1\ rci;;ntd
. l')J.I'
' 1
,, ..
-' '
... )
'" ' .
' '
G Y P T.
Pnamid.;;, C bdi e; k e;, ::nJ Pahccs dcdic:1ted
:1k1 ihcd r\) thcm, rhdc h. rcduccd in-
tn :()()d <1! .:cr \\ ill !_!,ivc us all or almo!! .11l
' ' .
rhc <r (rom r!Jcd.l)'" ofrhc
rh- S!JC'J'kl! ami f()UiHling of
' '
tk \fl!L': .... ,:. )\\ !1' rhc con,uc!l
h; ( ;: ;(. . J(l: Yr(O(!Jis rcigncJ.
in r j :: .-\ ';_' () r! ( j ()' ; e; ()tI:' (Y p! ' k: i ll d i-
[ C \ )l '.. l )J J l.! ' 1 : _ ' ' , (,: }'/_r . ( fcr O! / L' S :1 l H}
.l r(r 1'-' 1
1 1. l1 --"f-,J_.,_ ) '/er
.Jf .. .. .... . 1.....1'-. '-- [L-1 .. ,
' . . l ' f 1 l ' .
V / 1.. ,\. .) {A. 1 1'-- ,1 _ 1.\v L,. "" ..-l.
t-/L, . ,,. o'''lf l----. >'1c
1Jim; J/1'1/t.r, Jnd f()Jl R:tttJr
/(s re:
nc\t ;lftcr rh: God :111d rhcrcforc J\fit1rris
J1ir:'l'i.r rci ncd J.ftcr Rt!mc({es: }.fa:r
:: .
kt t!mrn immcdiat2ly Clxops,
rhrcc times in rhc Dyn:-t:licc; of rhc Kirwsof
compoi2d by EJ'f!t?i!Je;;es, <1nd
once in thc of )Jrnrth'J; and in
thc bmc JVitorri.r i'; !ct afrcr rhc
hui1dcr..-; o{ thc thrcc grcar Pyr::unids, ::ud
rn f!nodotl!s hcr brothcrrcigncd
bct(JI'C hcr, :1Ild \Llc; fhin, and lhc r-crcL :cJ
}j.. dcath; :md tu .J)'!!tdlit.l'
bl!ilt rhc tl1ird gr\.'at Fyr:unid; :wd rhc bllil-
dcr.., ol thc Pyr;lmid.; rcinncd .1t i1ltmls,
hv afrcr /1/a:ris. N()\\'
-' .
1 n:Hher rlutrhC J\inrn; nf
by 1 !troriM l'.r ('U!.!., lit ro
1 H: 1 1 1 :: , i 11 r h r ; r : r ___, r ; St (" (h i.r, 'P /J t ro 1!,
'/) 1 o t' :.' .r, illn/r' r, R !u ltJ/J /;'J i t i!.r, .il 1 a'r i .r,
'/ ' 1 '/ . \' .
, JI'0/'.1', Gf'.
! }1-'t''J, /1 J'({'J'ti/it.r, ; J!OCi"t.r,
A/jc ,;.r, A,l)}t'.r, Sttclco, . .dro'(;:r .. 1i'1,
I\1 P I R
Sethon, rwclvc contemporary Kingr:,
Pjammitichtts, Nccblts, Pfommis, . .-l
pries, Amajls, P.fitJnmeJtitus.
Phcrou is by Hcrodottts [lid ro be tho:
f(m and uccc!Tor of He wa" dc1
ficd by thc name of Orl!s.
'Protctts rcigncd in the lo\\'cr Eg 1'/
w hcn P aris fJ.iled thithcr; that is at thc
cnd of t he Troj a u \\ar, accordi ng to * 1 fe-
rodo tus: and :rt rhat time Ammopbis \Ll'>
Kii:g of Eg_ypt and Etbiopia: but in
abfcncc Protcus mighr be govcrnor ofiomc
p:ut ofthc lo\\'cr Eg_vpt undcr him; for llo-
mer pbccs 'Protetts upon thc iC:1-coJf1,.
and makes him a fea God, and calls him tire
fcrvant of Neptzme; and Herodotus bith
thar he rofc np from a!Tlong rhc commou
pcoplc, rhat 'Protetts was his name
tr:J.nb.tcd into Greek, and bis namc i11
Greek fignifics only a Prince or Prcfidcnr
He filcccedcd Phcro1t, and \V:lS fl.ccccdcd
hy Rbampfinittts according to I!erodfJOtr,
and fo was contcmporary ro .JL'IiOpbis.
Amenopbis ncxr aftcr Orlls :ltlll
l.f thc lafl of rhc'GoJs; he Jt lir!t
ovcr,_ypt ami thcn o ver ldcmpbis .111d
thc up JCr p:ur<> of E,'l,ypt; and by conquc-
ring J}tajip!J!Is, wlw had rcvolrcd from
hirn, K ing of'all Egypt again, abo:tr
5' 1 yurs thc dcath of Soiomon.
huilr 1Ucmpbi.r and ordcrcd rhc \\'orll:ipot
thcGods offc;ypt,:J.nd built a Pabcc
dtls, JllllLhc'AtemiJOIIirt at Tbis anJ J';U''
l :.
.. y .. 1
. -
G Y P T.
'and rhc Temple Vkttn in
.A!eJJJpbis; the building wirh f,luarc 1:onc-;
bcin<r tound ottt befare by Toforthnts rhe
ofhi-; ILlmc ullcd J\fces, filmes. fi/m.c-
1/.r, J1Ji 11 tlts, J1/i 11 i es, ]Jfev is, E'r pbu,
Vo;c;bc.r, 'P bamr nophis, O jjma11t as,
ljilttlltdcs, !mandes, Jl!nmJOl!,
.11 n;: m o 11.
Amct1opbis \L1sfuccccdcd by ol-
lcd by 1 /erorlotus. Rhampfti!t;ts, :mJ by
orhcrs Rmnjcs, Ramifts, Ramcfts, Ra-
1!u:fll:s, * Rhampjes, Rcmph.
V )011 an Obcli.')k cretcd by this King in
1 diopol, :1nd Jcnt ro Rome by rhc Empc-
ror was inkription, intcr-
by 1 Jr:rmapiott an EJ!,J'Jtia!t Pridl,
exprciling rbar rhc King wa<> long Ji ved, and
rcigncd ov..:r a grc::tt part of thc c::trth:
StrdFJ, i ;m cyc-witncs, tclls us, tlut in
thc monumcnts of thc King<; of EJ!:ypt,
borc rhc \Je;m!oJitm wcrc inkriptions up-
on Obclisks, cxprc!Ilng thc richcs of tbc
and rhcir rcigning as fJ.r SC)thz,
Brzdritz,];dia a.ndlonia: and *
teJL; lh from an inkription iCen at Tbeu
by Cr:nnallictts, and intcrprctcd ro
him by thc Pricfh, tlut rhis K
lud :ln army of 7ooooo m en, :lJl(l
l'ei;..;ncd O\'Cr Libya, Etbiopia, Media,
.. Ral!ria, Stytbia, /Jnnmitt, Cap-
}J"tloritz, Bitl:,vi!t, and Lyctt; whcncc
<.fhc 1\J onarc h y of./lj[yria was nor y cr rilen .
:,':l R T h i S
1" '1 ,.
i.\ i 1
*'A m mi.
C. .f.
i Str.1l>o. L
17P817 ..
t A rmal. l.
2,(. 6".
O the
] :l'l:rr
j u
Tf1is King was very covctous, and a grcar
e o llctor of taxes, and onc of thc richcf1 ot
rhc Kingsof Egypt, and built thcwcf't.
crn portien ofthc Temple of Vulcan.
J)[rrris inhcriting the riches
built rhc northcrn portico of that Temple
more 1Ll!nptuoul y, and madc the La k e ni
.l'vfrriJ, with two grcat Pyrands of brick
1n thc midt ofit: a!H.l for prckrYing thc di-
Yifton of into cqual fharcs
... (._ ..... \._
thc oldicrs. this King \note a book of ur-
which gave a bc},inning to Gcomc-
.... .._ L L
try. He is c:tllcd ali Mrrrs, JH;ri.r,
Jl.fne s, lviarrc s, Smarrc.r; and more cor-
ruptly. by changing J\T into A, T, B, :.
YX, ..l. Qic. Ayrcs, T_yri.r, B;ircs, Soris.
"Vcbornts, Lar:!Jarcs, Labars, &c.
'Diodorus * pbccs 'Vc!Jorctts bctwccn
O J)rlrnulnas and Myris, tlut is, bcn\"Ccn
_]rJJCJ!ojJhis and Ma:ris, and ith that he
built McmjJ!Jis, and fortified ir ro admiratl
o:J with mighry rJmpart of carth, .1
and decp trcnch, which \\as fillcd
wiLh thc water oh he LVitc, and madc tllClc
L1fl dccp Llk:c for rccciving thc \LHCr
ofthc i\'1/c in thc time of its o,crllo\\in::.
hui ir pahcc'> inthc ciry; and th:u r!J;
pbcc h> commodioully fCatd, tlur
moft of thc 1\ ings \\ ho rcigncd alter h1111
prcfcrrcd ir bdorc TIHbt:s, and remo\cd
t he Court from thcncc to this pbcc, lo r:1.1t
l he of bcc.r from r jnc
dccrcaic, anJ that of Jr1cmpbi.r tll
o E G y p T
.incrcafc. 'rill A!cxaJtrkr KiiJgof Jl{acttf,l!J
lmilr Alexadritl. Thck works r.f
CUchorrm.r and tholc of Jli(l'ris f:nour e,
tlll e :llJd l he Lune <rcn ius, anJ \nrc cero i! >!Y
done by 011 e and r he mc I\ in;..;. dilin :
,li i; lJ-
ed into rwo by a corruprion ofrhc n:1m.:: :1-:
aborc; {or rhis Lakc of 'Ut!Jorn:.r \\'.l'>
tainly rhe bmc wirh of J'Hrn .
Afrcr thc cxamplc ofrhc t11o hric\. Pyr.l
111ids nudc by J1f{!'r, rhc th:cc JH.'Xt
King-;, Cbeops, Ccpbrcn and ... ,
built rhc thrcc grcat Pyrami,J.> :lt ..:1-ft'iiJJ/;i r,
anJ thcrcforc rci0:ncd in rlut cir1.
1 1
. fh1t up rhe Tcm Jlcs ofthc .Vumo. :11hl
.hihitcd thc wori 1ip of thc (iods of JJ:'!._r,!J:',
no doubt to ve b2cn ,,. urilJip-
Ecd himiclf af:cr dcJ.rh : he i-; callcl! aiJo
CIJembis, Cl;emmis, Cbt!JJJJ, I'bn)s, ... .'-
patbtts, Apapms, St?oj!Jis, ,S_'y-
pboas, Sypbaoj, Suipbis, Svp!Jm, ./l;o-
. tpb, he huilr rhc; bi/,;:,dl: of rhc
thrcc Pyramid" whi_h fb11d
nd h i 'i brother Cephrc 11 o r Ce r; hr }' h, r i! ;:
thc lccond, and bis t(m \fyari;;s . .-. J
th e t h i r d : t h i s b fl: 1\. i n g \\ ; t" e e: 1 :.: h r d h r
of his in ;l lwll()'.\' n\. :1 l
taulcdhcr to be worihippcd d.til: '' ir:1 rl
doms: he is callcd ::tlb Cbrrc.r, ('/n;i;t r .
. ic!JC'rc.r, .A1oftbcrr.r, Ail'!Jdt'J't'.r. llL'
:. 'cd bcforc thc third l'yr:1mid \Lts lir!i!lr:(!.
. ' .
. '
1 1
' ! '
d his fi11cr and litcccifur N itr;niJ liiliJlJ .
1 t'
l\1 P I R E
Thcn reigncd A_f3'chis, who built
e.1flcrn portien of thc Tem )le of V!! leila
' cry 1i)lcnclidly, and among t 1c finall PyL\-
rniJs a largc Pyramid of brick, madc r:i
mud duv; ont of thc Lak.c of Ma'l'.
:lllll thdc tbc 1\.ings \vho .Jt
.:llcmj'hi.r, :md r cnr thcir time in
rh:u cit\, until t 1c E't biopirws and thc .11/
ji J't({J:.r and othcrs l'C\oltcd, and l\,(lf!
loil :di hcr dominion abroad, anJ bcc-1m::
J:':n diyidcd into kver:ll final! Kinc,do111;
' e
Onc of thok Kin!_!,doms wac; I Lhi!lk .::
.l: /c p !Ji s. und cr Gn>p bct l u s. :1.nd h j ; 11:
:1nd luccc!Tor Bocc!Joi.r. /lfrictll/!!J c.1ii-.
!?uccboris a Saitc; but Sais at this
lud othcr 1\.ingc;: G'11l'pbac7tts, nthcn\ 1k
c1llcd J\'c,x!Mb and Tlmatis, curJu:
J1lcJ!C.r fnr hi; luxun', and uukd th(:
w be cmcrcd in Tc!llplc of .'Jpifa r
T!Jcbt.r; :111d thc:cf(>rc O\ cr J.\
/;a is : :111 J h' o a.b o .<r k 11 t i 11 ;:l \" i 1 d b i1 ll ; '
<'1: Lhc God },jc __ i.r \\ hirh \Ll" \\orJ!Jipxl:
at lldio'-'ol i.r. All<>LllL'r ofthofC K inpdot>>
\\'.l'.; :1t or 1 fttl/l'.r, ((<:t. x >.x. + liJ.
d u i r .-; 1\ i 11 .. A ll \' (/.J o r /l m o (t s ; a r J i ' d \ .. t .u
'..., .. . .
utHLr S!t'p/J.t!i"! his, Nttbtpf.r, ,;)
.A.'chit.r; ;11Jd a t(ntrth \\ ,; :lt: <1r /-
n:(ll'l' 'J'f/J<Fl'.r, -/'(:ii
J.r: :ll\tl /';: hi:l \\ l\tklh:d !\' 1 ],' l.l
. ' - . .
vifinn. \\ ;h :tld L'lJil.jiiCrl\i h; 1i::
' . . . 1 ,, ' 1 l
. , /J, / /d//. liiH,Cl' d:.',.li!!'0/1, \\ 10 (\\' J,;t
, . l \' 1 1' .
u.,nu :l'll J l'C!.'i/.1, .\IJ( nut e .Jiii\'IJ 1\
'! 'lh.: Ol \' JlJ]li.llb iulhc Rci"ll o!''
.1 l,.) .._-, 1
t 11 J /,' 'f,
. '.
" '1
.-.:- '
' . .
. ' .
E G Y r T.
, tttha(lc.r, and rhc /l:'nz of l\!aOJM(!ar in
ihe ycar ofthc Rcisn of Boccbor, ;lc-
corclimr to A{;'it,.lllit.r; and rherctore rhc
ot"I::i_}'/'1 inro m:my KingJom<> bc-
bcf(lrC thc O 1 ympi:ld.;, bnt not
che lcnrth of two h.inlrc; Rci'rns bcforc
o 0
Afrcr thc fludy of Aflronomy \\ :1siCr on
foot for rhc u le or lLl \ i tuon,- and rhc
'-rz.._1ptirm.r by thc Rilingsancl Sct-
rin;;,'> ()frhc Star'; Jud clctcrmincd rhc lcngrh
O fl ! 'C n b r ) Cl r o J' 3 6 :; d J) S, a 11 d b )' O t h C r
obLrv:lt in 1; h .1d fi:.: cd t he S o lit ices, ::md
1ormcd thc JI :.;r Sur; into Alcrilin<>, all
\'. bich \Ll'> in thc;n of ArmnJJI,
Srjc, Onrs, Ltfom;o; ir may be p:c-
fLHncd rh:n tbc ; continu(d ro obkrvc thc
motion-; of rhc Plancts; for rhcy clllcd
hcm afrcr thc namcs of thtir Gods; Jnd
j\!crbr p{ru or 1Viap fi;s K in::; o f .. Ytl , by
::he !l ;1J1Ce of'P ctoj/ris a P ric!1 o f 1,
ll\'Ciltcd AflroJoo)c oroLJ!lt
inn it LJ!)O'l thl:
l_, .
aliKcls of rhc ancl Llll:l.liric-; nf
r he m en an d \\.o mCJJ ro \\' h o m t he y ,., e\':.:
dcdic:.tcd: and in rLc of
.._ .. -.,
or NrrOJJrtf(; J\.jtl of !1rrb)'/o.'.'. :l-
' 0
iHnt \\'!JiciJ rime r he /,' /;iopit!J!.r 111du St-
IM e o 11 in v d Fg_yp 1 , t h () IC E rz:yp 1 i ./:/ s
',\ lw flcd rrom !Ji 1:1 to B:tb y/o;, urricd th i-
Ihcr rbc <)r 3G) tby.;, :l!ld
I "e n ud y () r A fl ron() IJl y d A n;-o 1 ,
:111d f'ou11dcJ rhc /J:'ra of d.11-
ir fru'n thc Jidl vcar uf tlut J\
' J '
1{ 3 P. , i ,
l.a.p. f'
nt.l. 1
M P 1 RE
Reign, which the :u.d year of Boccho,
ri.r as abo ve, and beginning the year on the
famc da y with the :SgypttaiU for the fake
of thcir calculations. So 'Diooru.r * :
tbey fo.y thai the i11 Babylon,
Ct.tl1tie.r of th.J /;ecame
for .Ajlrology, havi1rg learnt it
frotn th Priefts Egypt: and Hcj/itetll,
wqo wrote hil:ory of Eg_yp_t, fpcaking
of a difafi:cr of the Egyptiatu,
fiirh t that thc Priefl.r who forvived tbis
difojlcr taki1rg'witht theSacraof Ju-.
pi ter Eny:1;lius, canu to Sennaar itt Bah lo-
Jlia. F rqm rhe 1 ;th year of A fa, in w lich
Zerab was beaten, and Me1re.ror
jbi.r bcgan his Reign, to tbc bcgin.ning of
r.hc /Era of NabortP;{far, wcrc 2.00 ycars;
and this intcrval of time allows room for
bout nine or ten Rcigns of Kings, at about
twcnty years to Rci:rn onc with anothcr;
ttnd fo man y eigns t 1crc wcre, according
to theaccounrfctdownaboveoutof
(ir;tu.r; and that account, as it is
thc o1dcil:, and was rcccived by HerfJdotrts
fmm Pricfl:s of Th:e.r, Memphis, :md
[lctiopc4is, thrcc cities of Egypt,
a3rccs \Vith rhe courle of nature, and
1e:l ves no room for rhc Reigns of the man y
Kings which wc bavc
-1 hde Kings ed
b confcquence ar .r; for Jrltens
fr:ln rhe feat . of rhc Empire fr?m
f'hee.r ro .Jfemphu: they reigncd after
on nnd
.. fue-
G Y P T. 2S)
fuccelfor of who reigned -next af-
ter the Gods. Now Menes built the body
{)fthe Temple ofVulcan, Ramejfes the firft
fOrtico, and M teris the fecond portico
thereof; but the Egyptianr, for making
their Gods and Kingdoms look ancien.t,
have inferted between the builders of the
firft and fecond of this T e,
three hundred thirty Kings of s,
that thefeKings reigned eleven
years; as if any Temple could
ftandfo long. This being a manifefl: filion,
\ve have correted i,t, by omitting thofe in-
terpofed K.ings, did nothing, and pla-
cing Mrcru the bmlder of the fccond por-
tico, next after the builder of the
In the Dynafties of Mattetho ; Sevechru
is made the fucceffor of Sabaco1z, .heing bis
fon ; and erhaps he is the Setbott of Hero-
' w o became Prieftof Vttlcatt, and
ne leted military difcipline: for Sabaco11
is t at So or Sua with whom Hojhea King
of lfraet confpired aaainft tbe .Aj[yrimu,
inthefourthyearof ezekiab, .4mJoNa
!Jonaff. 2.4. tclls us twicc or
thrice, that after a long Reigu of
fift ears relinqui1hed tpt voluntaril y,
an t at who fled rom bim, return-
ed and reigned again in the lower E. '}t af-
ter him, or rather with him : and t a.t Se-
tbon reigned after Sa!Jaco11, and went to
Pelufium the army of ScmJacheri,
and was yed with a great multitudc of
R 4 mice,
O the E M P I RE
micc, which c::tt thc bow-Srrings ofrhc A/
j)'ritm.r; in mcmor ofwhich thcbtuc ol
ti-Ierodot. Setho!l, icen by fcrodot11s, t was mad(
i.2. c.
" - h M 1 . . 1 1 A M f
. Wlt :1 Oll C 111 ltS 1:111( . Oll C \\";1'
thc fymbol of clclrulion, and
thc lVTouiC in rhc of S'f'lho:t
only he onrc:1mc thc A_(!jriatts \\ ith .t
ilrcat dcfl:rudion. Thc Scrllturcs infinm
ns, tlut w hcn SC!macbcrib in \'adcd ]udttt!
and bcficgcd Lacbi)h and LiJlah, w hich
\Lls in rhc Lf-th y car of 1 le ::::d' i . .-b, Jlo J\'<i-
oJJaj: 34 rhc Kns of :Jutf, rruttcd upo11
'P K ing of Fg)'ft, tlur ic;upon Sc-
thoJJ, ::tnd th::tt Tirhaf.ab K in:; of Et !Jiopi1!
C1mc out alf to flght af!,ainH: SrmaciJCrib.
2 Ki11g. xviii. 2 r. and xi>... 9 which nul\c;
ir probable, that whcn Snmachcrib hCJnl
ofthc Kings of Eg}pt and Ethiopia coming
;_g::tinfl: him, he \VCnt from Lillril;
to oppok rhcm, ::tnd thcrl'
irprLcd :md fCt upon in thc nig,ht by thcr1
hoth, and routcd w ir has grc:H a fhugh ter J;
ifthc bow- firings ofthc A_{fj''ai!S had bccn
e::ttcn by micc. Somc rhink. tlur che Al:>"
riatJS wcrc finittcn by or h:, .:
J1cry \\'ind which fomctimcs comes (,o.;
thc f(Juthcrn parrs of Cbt!IJ,r,?. A rrcr t :1:,
yitory J ir!Jtd:.a!J ccccdcd o!t', CliTi-
cd his anns wdrward throu: h I,i,&)'t! A-
,...., -
_(rir: to tbc mourh of thc S!J,f.r: b11t l!t-
rot!ottts rclls us, thar thc Pridb of J<<.l/i
reckoncd Sct!Jo rhc bfl: K iiJ'r of J,(l, .
. .
\Ylw rcigncd bdorc thc divfiun oC
. , ..
' .
G Y P T.
. into twclvc contcmporary Kingdoms, an(l
by conkqucncc beforc thc of E-
nypt by thc Af!_jriaJtS.
For ./ljferbrtdoJt King of .A.f/j'ria, in thc
68 ycar of Nabo11a.f[ar, afrcr he had rcigncl
thirty ycars ovcr A([)rirz, invadcd
rhc Kinrdom of Babvfo, :wd rhcn urricd
,-, J
, into c1priviry man y pcopk from HabyJo,
:mJ C111 bab, and /17.-a, and 1-lrtmath, and
Sepha'J''[:aim, placing rhcm in rhe Rcg,ions
otSmnflria and'Damrljou, and from t k:ncc
thcy carricd into Bab)'iOJIa :.1nd .A([yrt
thc rcnindcr of thc pcoplc of 1frae!
S)'ria, \\' hich had bccn lcfr thcrc by Tig
!rttb-pi!t:jer. This c.1ptiviry \Lts 6 5'
ycars after thc fir!1 ycar of Abaz, 1 fa. vii.
I' 8 . & 2 A' i ll,f!,. X V. 3 7. & X Vi. 'i. :1.11 d by
conkqucncc in rhc twcnticth yc.u of j\Jfl
utz(fd;, il!!!IO Nctbotrz(: 69. and thcn Ttlr-
taJJ \\as icnt by Aj{crbr1doll '' ith an army
again!1 Aj/Jdod or A;:::,ot!J, a t0\\'11 tlur
time iubjcct ro ]!, 2 Chro. xx \i. ().
and rook ir, lfo. xx. r: this pofl
iCcurcd, t he /U{yrirtJls bcar thc :ltld
Clpti \' J 1 rmrz[[cb' :llld fltbd ucd ]udtt' il :
and in thdc \Lus, 1 ;rirz/J f:l\\''d ::dLmd..: ;
i)y rhc comnund oi' _Vtm,z[{eh, for prophc-
iying him. Thcn thc A({j'rir1:.'.'
IIl\adcd and 1itbducd and fj't!Jiopi.;,
:111d urricd thc E'.[J'f'l :111d
into upti\ l y, 1 hcrchy pm an CIJd to
1 he or l he Er biopirws o ver 1.'{\'jJI.
/j' ' !) r ' r P
, <{. V !l. lo . 1..\:: \' 1!1. 7. C( X. r f , 1 , (,.:. \ 1 \ -
23. & xx. + Inthis\varrhccity No-Am-
moz or Thcbcs, which had hirhcrto conri-
rinucd in a f1ourifhing condirion, was mi!C-
rably wafl:cd and lcd inro captiviry, :1') i)
ddcribcd by 1Vabum, clup ii. ver. 8, 9,
10. for llahm;t \note afrcr thc Jafl inyafi-
on of.'Jttdtetl by thc .ilj/)'rians, dup. I. ver.
I 5' and thcrcforc Jdcribcs thi-; capririty a-;
frcfl1 in mcmory : and rhis anJ ot hcr tl-
Jo\\ing invafions of Egypt undcr Nelt-
chadJtezzar and Crzmbyjes, put an cnd to
rhc glory of that ciry. .J1j[erbado11
cd ovcr rhc L:optiaus and Et!Jiopirws
rlucc ycars, lja. xx. 3, 4 thar is until his
tlcath, \\ hich \Ll'> in the yc::u of Nabo11aj
far 8 I, and thcrcforc invadcd .Fg_ypt, _and
put an cnd to thc Rcign of thc EtbiofttliJS
o ver thc Egyptia!ls, in thc year of J.Vao-
uaj[ar 78; io tlut thc EtbiopiaJts undcr
Sabaco11, and his fucccffors Setbon and
Tirbak.ab, rcigncd orcr Egypt about 8o
ycars: llerodottts allots 50 ycars ro S't!rz-
t'O , and ./(frie amts f{mrreen cars ro Je--
t !Jo, and cightccn to Tirbaka 'J.
Thc divilion of Egypt into more King-
doms than onc, both befo re and afrcr rhc
Rcign ofthc Etbiopialls, and thc coJlLJ!ICl
ofthc EJ!,)'Ptians by A_f!brtdou, thc no:
"'lfai. xix. phct ljcllt!b *_lccms alludc in nck
,11, words: ].--..:_JJjct,Lwhhc, tbc Egrmath
q,2.3. tlKaiJJjlt/.;c Egyprians, rJtu!tbty )htt! j;gbt
cvtry oJJc rrgttilljl bis rot bcr, al/d t''L'L'l}
O!/L' rrgtti;;(/ bis m:igho11r, city
. ... ,.,
. '"
o G y p T. 2 S 9
' '
city, rm.d.I<ilt dom at;aildl a1td
the Sptrtt o Egyprjhafl fati.---- A1td the
rwiil) give ovcr llto thc hattd
o{ a cr11el lord [ riz. /l.fferhadoJt] a11d a
/( 7J(l jbat! rcir!,lt orucr tbcm.---Sttre-
vthe Priccsof/.oan [Tanis] are foo/s,
t be cotmfd :.;_ift Cotmjalors of Pha-
r;wh s berowc brut Ub: loliK fizy y e ttJt-
to Phar.wh, 1m; tbc jrm tbc aJtCfltt
]{ ng.r.---Tbc 'Pr Jces of Z oan are beco me
(uois: tbe 'P/ces ofNoph [\Icmphis] are
daccd,----Cu'CJJ tbey thflt the Jtay
o(tbe tribcs tbcrcof-----ln tbflt day thcre
/hall be a out of Egypt !lto Af-
1yriJ, a11d the Egypram j!'tlli Jl'r'T/e the
A lfyrians.
Aftcr the dcath of Egypt rc-
nuincd fi.Jbjcl: ro nrelrc contemporary
1\ings, w ho rcvoltcd fror:.1 thc .. /!J!jrialls.
:111d rcirrncd roncthcr f1ftccn )cars includ-
::::> ,
ing l think thc tlucc ycars of /JJferbadoJt,
bccauk thc El{J'Jf itms do not rcckon him
JllJnngthcir 1\ings. Thcy * built thc La- "'Hcrod.I.
byrinrh adjoining to thc of Af(J!r, .c. x+S.
\\.hich was a vcry magniliccnt flruelurc, &c.
11 ith twclvc 1-L:tll<> in ir,' f(;r rhcir Pabccs:
;lnd thcn 'P fommil id7!u, \\ ho \\'J.'> OllC of-
thc twclvc. conqucrcd Jll che rdl. .He
htidt thc bfl: Portico ofrhc Tc;il
)lc of V!-
r lolindcd by lfnJc.r 2-; yc:n;
l:c.l(JJT, and -cigncd ).f thc
1 !i 1 e l'II y e :lr -; (J r J i S F. e i 1 l \\ i l ll l : l (.: [\ \ 'C l \'e
!\ :11;\ s. nll'IJ rci0;tll'll or JVt-
.. c/Jlf.r,
chus, 17 years; P fommir lix ears ; fl'a-
pbres, Aprier, Eraphitu, or ophra, 2.5
ears ; lmaji.r 44 years ; and P
t x: months, according to Herodotu.r. E-
pt wasfubdued by Nettchadnezzar in
t e laft year but one of Hophra, .Anno Na.
ho1raf{. 178, and remained in fubjetion to
,Bahy_lo1J forty 'Jer. xliv. 3 o. and
;Ezek. xxix. n,, 13, 14, 17, 19, that is,
all the Reign of .Ama{i.r, a pleheian
fet over Egypt by the conqueror: the for-
ty years ended with the death of e rrts;
for he reigned o ver Eg'Ypt and Et 'Jiopia,
accordin to Xenophort. At that time there
fore tho e nations recovered tbeir liherty
but after four or fi ve years more they wcre
invaded andconquered by Cambyfts,
Na!Jo11aff. i23 or 224, and have almofi
ever ftnce remained in fervitude, as was
preditedby t'he P ets.
The RcignsofP "tichtt.r, Nechtu,
-,ammi.r, Apries, .Amajis, and Pfomme
nittts, fet down by Herodottu, amount un
to years: and fo man tbere
were from the 78th year of , in
which thedominionofthe Ethiopiimsovcr
Egypt carne to :n end, unto the 22.4th ycar
of Nabot1ojfar, in which Cambyft.rinvadcd
'ft, and put an end to that Kingdom:
w 1ich is an Argument that Herodotus was
. circumfpet ano faithfi.d in his narrations,
and has given usa ood account ofthe anti
'.luities of Egypt, o far .as tbe P1iefi:s of E
G Y P T.
gy}tat ,
and the Carzan:r Ionzan.r mhabltmg
werethenable to inform him: for
he confulted them all ; and the Cares and
the Ionian.r had been in E :_pt from the
ofthe Reign ofthe twe ve contempo-
r Kings. . .
litiJ * tells us, that the Egyptzan Obe Plln.J. .
inThcbais, and that the firft Obelisk was
made by Mitres, w ho reigncd inHe liopoti.r;-
that is, by Mephres tb_e predccefTor ofMif-
. hofis; and that afterwards other
otbers: Socbi.r, rhat is
chi.r, or Sefat', four, eacb of 48 cubits in
length; Ramife.r, that is Ramej[es, two-;
, Smarres, thatis Mteris, one of 48 cubits
. in length; Erapbius, or- Hophra, one of
48; andNelabis, or Nelenabis, onc of
8o. Mephres therefore extended his
minion over all [he upper Egypt, from S
e1Je to Hetiopolis, and aftcr him, M}:.
pbragmtttho]is and reigned
mon_and'Sefoc, who ereled thc firft grc<l.t
Empire in the world ; and thefe four,
jis, Amrnon, Scfac, and Ortes, reigned in
the four ages o.f the great Gods of El{_ypt;
and AmetJophts was the Menes who reign
cd uext aftcr them: he was fitccecdclby
Ramcffcs, and andfomc time attcr
by 1/ophra.
'1Jioor11.r *recites thc f.'lmc KinO'S of E- DioJor.
e u
2 O the MPIRE
ed orJcr, and rcpeats fome of thcm nvicc
or oftener, under various namcs, and omit,
orhcrs: his Kings are rhdc; :Jupiter Aw.
mo1t and Jtmo, Q_(i"ris and Ifis, Hor11s,
A!el!es, 1, Buft'ris IJ, Ofymrmd;,.
as, 7Jchoretts, Afyris, [,
JI, Amajls, /lt7ifaes, AJedes or Alar-
rus, Protetts, Rempbis, Cbembis, Cc-
phreJt, ll(yccrimts or Cherimts, G1tejbt7c-
ttts, Boccboris, Sabac01t, rwclvc conrcm-
porary Kin6s, 'Pfommitichtts, ** Aprin,
Amaf. Hcrc l rakc Sefoojls I, and Srfo-
o fis II, I, and B II, ro be t he
rnc Kings \\'ith Ojlrisand Orus: alio O-
JJma11dttas to be rhe famc with Amowpbi.r
or fifc11es: alfo Amafis, and Arliflmes, an
Ethiopiatt ,,110 conquered him, ro be thc
f:tmc \\ith .AilJ/is and SctbacoJt in Herodo-
t!ls: and Vchoreus, Afe!!des, Afarr!!s,
and lvfJris, ro be o ni y {cvcral names of one
and rhe mc K ing. Whcncc the catalogue
of 'Diodonu will be reduced ro this .'lttj-
tcr /httmolt and 'JttJtO ; O.f/ris, or
Sr.foofi:r. l.f/.r; Hortts, JI, or
Se.foofi's JI ; or Ofvmmtd!ias; Pro-
teus; Rcmpbis or Rmnej{cs; 7Jcborctls,
J.ledes, AfarrttS, or Af_yris; Chcmbis 01
Cheops; Cephr('!t; }lfyarttts; * * Gllc-
pha[/ h11s; Bocchori.r; Amafl's, or A11_yf.r;
Ali(imc.r, or Sabacort; * twclvc contcm-
porary Kings; P fammitichTts; * * .Apries,
.Amaj's: to which, if in thcir propcr plxcs
you add NitocriJ, Jl.fjchis, Setho11, Nc-
' '
' .. ,
' .
o G Y P T.
i. ch11s, ;:md 'P fammis, you will !uve thc ca-
. ulogue ofl-lerodottts.
Thc Dynaflies of J!anctho and Era-
to(lhmes iccm to be fillcd wirh m:my fi_rch
namcs of Kinc;-; as llcrodut11s omirtcd:
w hcn it {hall be nudc appur that any of
thcm rcigncd in Egypt aftcr rhc expuHi-
on of thc Shcphcrd-;, and \\ere diffcrcnt
from rhc K ings ddcribcd abo\-c, thcy m ay
be incrtcd in rhcir propcr pbccs.
Egypt was con quered by thc Et l,_
opia11s nndcr .J_abaroll, abom thc bcgin-
, ning of thc kra of Nabo11a_ff(zr, or pcr- rluce or t(mr ycars bcfc)J-c, that .,a-
bout rluce hnndrcd yc;.us 1-lcrodr;-
tl!s wrotc his hiftory : and abont cighry
ycars aftcr that conqucfl, ir was COIHucr-
cd again by thc Aj[yri.111s undcr Ajfr/Ja-
do1!: and thc hifl:ory of Eg_ypt fer do\\'n by
Hfrodotus fiom thc time of l1is bil: con-
qucf1, is right borh as ro rhc numbcr, and
ordcr, and namcs of thc K and a" ro
thc lcngth of thc:ir Rcigns: thcrcin he
is now fllowed by hifl:orians, rhc
nnly author who hath givcn u.:;;, g()od a
hifl:ory of Eg)'pt. l(lr imcn ::!
Ifhis hif1ory of c:Hkr ti J!C" he :le-
curare, it was bco,dc rh,_ .lrchi-. C" of R-
g_vpt had i.tf1crcd Jm1ch d:i::'; LJJC
of rhc hifJpia11s ami ./1!} }Jir/il.! : ic s
not lkcl y rhat rhc Pridh of Fnl/. \\ l!D
li\l nvo or thrcc huddrcd rile
l.tys of llcrodotlls, couJd mcnd thc
u:r l
l\1 P I R E, Cf c.
ter: on thc contrary, aftcr Camby.fes IL)J
curicd thc rccords of the
J)ricls wcrc d,ly fcigning ncw 1\ ing<;, to
makc thcir Gods and nation look ancicm;
as is nunitdl: by comparing 1-lcrodot/is
with 'Diodonts Siculus, and both of thcm
with \\' hat 'P fato rcbtcs out ofthc Pocm e/
So/o: Which Pocm makcs rhc \rars oftL.:
grcar G ods of Egypt againft thc G'rctk.r.
ro ha \C be en in rhc lbys of Cccrops, 1>
ra!Jt !Jcl!s and Rricbt!Jonius, and a !in:,
befo re rhoic nf T!Jcj{us; rhcfc Gods at rlu:
time inlbtutingTcmplcs and S.:.crcd Ritc\
ro thcm!Cl ves. I lurc thcrct:c clwfcn tlJ
re! y u pon thc lorics rclatcd ro 1 /nodot:u
by thc Pricfts ofE\ypt in thok d.ty.;;, :1n,!
corrctcd by tbc Pocm of So!on, i() ro
nukc thcfc Gods of .6g)jJt no oldcr tlun
Cccrops and Erccbtbctts, :1nd thcir li.Kccl-
j(r Afecs no oldcr than Thr:f:tts and /lltn:-
1/011, and thc Temple of Vlctt71 not :1b01c
280 ycars in building: rathcr than ro C(l:-
rcl.:l/oodotus by llfanctbo,
'Diodortts, and othcrs, \\ ho livcd a !"ter tk
Pricfts of r .. had corruptcd rheir
quitics much more rlun chcy hJ.d Jouc 'l
thc lbys or 1 !trodot /IJ_
, )
. rian Ent ire .
S theGods or ancient deitledK mgs and
Princes of Grecrc, Bgypt, and Sy-
... ia of 'Damaflus, h3TC bcen maJe much
ncienter than the trurh, fo h:tvc rhoC of
, a and Aj[yria: for 7JiodfJrtts *re lis DioJor,
. h 1 A' J h G . l.l.r.s .
t at w 1en .nt-exaltaer t e rcat was m
Z#Jia, thc Cba!dtea!ls rcckoncd -1-nooo
\ c:trs iincc they firl: bcgan ro obfcrrc thG
. tars; and Cte(tas, and thc ancicnr Cree k
j1nd Latilt wt:iters w ho copy fiom him,
rnadc rhc .A.ffyrialt Empirc a'> olJ a'>
:,'lf:loa//s llood wirhin 6o or 70 ycars, and
us the namcs ofall rhc Kings of //([yJ'irt
from Re!tts and his f(lll
:Wimts, to Sardallrtpaitts thc lafl: '"King of
:}hat Monarchy: but thc n:1.mcs of hi'i
ings, cxccpt two or threc, !uve no afTini-
1; Y with r.he ofrhc A.ff)'ritms mcmi-
1 S OllCJ
' '
266 SSYRIAN Em ire.
oned in Scripture; for the .ilj[yrimts were
ufually namcd afrer rheir Gods, Be! or
P'tt!; Cbaddo11, Hado7l, .ildo11, or .AdoJiis;
.flfetecb or Mo!ocb; .iltfitr or .Aj[ur; Nr:-
bo; .flferodach: as in theic umc'l,
Ptt!, Ti,glatb-P11!-A_[[ur, Sa!man-A/[tlr,
.Adra-JI.lefccb, Shar-A({ttr, Affitr-HtZ-
do!t, Sardanapa!11s or A(fitr-Hado!l- Pul.
Naboua_[[ar or 1Vebo- A don- Affitr, Bc!-
.Ado!!, Cbi1tilado1t or Cbe1t-EI-Ado!1, J.Ve-
bo-'Pul-A[(ur, Nc-
j it zmbadou or JYco- AJ!itr- Ado11, td-
//jjitr, Ncrga!-Sbar- Aj{ltr, Labo- Jljjltr-
,dttcb, Sbrftb-A(J!tr, Bc!tes-Ajfttr, .6',.L'i!-
JJLcrodacb, Sbanzgar-Nebo, Rabflzrics or
Rrzb- -'1(;-n,, Nebo-S bajhaJt, A1 ardoccm-
j)(td or JJJcrodtZcb- E m pad. Su eh wcrc thc
.A(J)'riall 1umcs; but rhofc in Ctejtas are
of ;lnothc:r Jc)rt, cxccpt Sardaapalus,
whoie n;lmc he had mct wirh in flcrodotl!s.
He makcs Scmiramis a.;; old as thc firfl: b\-
/s; but I lcrodottts tclls ns, that hc \LlS
bur fivc G cncrations oldcr tlun thc mothcr
he rcprcknts tlut thc cicy
Nhm.r was 1oundcd bv a nun of thc Llmc
namc, and Bab)'to7t by Semirrms; whcre_-
as cirhcr JVimrod or Ajfwr foundcd rholc
and ot hcr citics, without aivinrr his m\n
b o
Jumc to 1ny ofthcm: he mak.e--; rhc /ljlr
1'tlll Empirc continuc about 1360 yc;w;,
whcrcac;; 1 lcrodottts tclls us that ir Llflcd
only yoo ycars, and rhenumbcrs of 1/cru
dot 11s thoie anciem times are :1ll_
O the SSYRIAN Empire.
ofrhem roo long: he nukcs N;e-vch de-
firoyed by thc .Alcdes :1nd
t!ucc hundred c::trs bcforc rhe Rcign of
. lnd J
ebllcbttdJ;c,::::;;:::,J' who de-
., ir. and icrs do\\'n rbc ILU1Jes ofic'vcn
,\ or fcigncd K of J1!cc/Jt!, bct\rCC!l
. rhcdcfhntion ofJ\TiJex/; and thc
, ofAjlibares and Arcbltcbadez;:::,m, as if
: the Empire ofthe Afec!c.r, crcel-cd upon the
: runs of rhe AJ!J'rian Empirl, lud bflcd
.. JG:l ycars, whcreas ir hfl:cd but ;2.: :l!ld rhc
rruc Ernpire of thc Avria:JS dci<.:ribcd in
Scriptnrc, \V hofc Kings \\'C!e :P 111, Ti,'!)tlf !J-
pilcfllr, Shalmarfer, SC'!madxrib, A/-
fh'bado7t, &c. he mcntions not, tbo' m u eh
ncarer ro his own whic!1 ihc\\s that
he was ignorant ofthc ::mtiquities of the Af
.fjtms. Y ctiomcthiug of truth rhcrc is
in thc bottom offomc ofbis lorics, :1s thcrc
ufcs ro be in Romances; as, tlut J.\'"icz_,c/;
\r::tsddl:royed by thc .LtfedcLmd Bab)'!OJii-
as; that SardaJutpal!!s \Ll.S thc Ltl: King
ofthe A//j'riaJt Empirc; and rlut Ajtiba-
n:s and A./f)'ttges were Kings of thc
},Jedes: bur he has made all rhing'> roo JIJ-
cicnt, and out ofv:lit-glory tJ.k.cJ.t too grcJC
a libcrty in fci(rrlinl' namcs and ftorics to
pleafc his rcader .
. Whcn thc .7 ews wcrc ncw 1 y 1 ctum..:J.
f.rom rhc ca 1ti viry, l bey ce,
fcfTcd thcir Sins in t 1is manncr, J.\'
therefore our God,-----1!1 110t al! 1 he trou-
/;Jcjem littlcbefore tbce tbat /Jct/; come
S '). 1-Jf{,',
268 O the SS
IAN Em ire.
ttpo1z us, 01t our lllg s, 011 ottr Prillces,
a11d 01t ottr Priefls, and 01t ottr Prophet:,
and ott ottr Fathers, a1td on all thy peop,
jtitcr: the time of the KiHgs of Affyria, tmto
this day; Nebem. ix. 3 2. rhar is, fincc thc
time of thc K ingdom of Ajfyriar or lince
rhc rife of rlur Empirc: and rhcrcforc the
.A(!)'ritiiJ Empirc aroic whcn thc Kings of
Ayrirz bcg:.1n to afflit thc inhabirants oi
P a!cjli!le; w hich was in thc days of Pul:
he ami his fi.IcccTors afflitcd 1 ftae !, and
t("onqucrcd rhc n:.1tions round about rhcm;
:!IH.lupon thc ruin of manyfmaii andanci-
cnt Kingdorns crctcd rhcir Empirc, con.
qucring thc Mcdes as wcll as othcr nati
ons : but of theie conqucfl:s Ctejas:
J.;.nc w n ot a word, no not fo m u eh a;
thc namcs of thc conqucrors, or th;u
thcre \'Vas :m A/!jrimt E m pire then fhnd
ing; for he ii1ppoics rhar the Medes Icgn
cd at tll:.1t time, and rhat the AJ!yriatt Em
pi re \\':ls atan end abo ve 2 )O befo re
Hm\cvcr \\e mufl: a!Jow that Nimrod
foumlcd J 1\ ingdom ar Ba)'IOll, and pcr
extended ir into /1 yria: bur rhi5 .
was but of fmall extcnt,ifcomu
red \\irh rhc Empircs which roic up aftcr '
wards; bcingonly wirhin rhe fcrtilc plains
ofCba!drea, Chalottitis and A!fyrifl, \\';1-
rcrcd by thc Tigrisand Ettpbratcs: anJ
ifit ktd bccn grcatcr, yct ir was but of ihorr
('OllC i !l uaucc, it bcing rhc cuftom in rhol:
. ;
. , ages for evcry fat.her ro divide his ter-
. rirorics amongft bis fons. So Noah wa.;
: Kina oLllhhe world, and Cbam \Va'> KinLJ.:
t) -.
. oflll.Afric, and 'Japbet of al! Ettrope and
Afia mtor; but thcy lcft no fhnding
. Kingdoms. Aftcr thc days of Nimrod,
we hcar no more of :m AJTyrian E m pire 'rill
Thc fnur 1\ings who in
rhc days ofJlrabam inLHicd rhc f(mrhcrn.
t eoal of CaJtaaJt cune from lhc countrics
i. whcre Nimrod lud rcigncd, ;H1cl perhaps
wcrc fome of his polcrity w ho had Hurcd
: his conqucfts. In rhc rime ofthc J udgcs o!
lfraet, Mejbpotamia \Lts undcr i1s own
King, :rrtdg. ii. 8. and rhc Kng of Zo-
bab reigncd on both fides of thc Rvcr
Euphrates 'rill ']),vid conqucrad him,
2 Sam. viii, and x. The Kingdoms of
lfraet, Moab, AmmoJJ, Edom, 'Philij!i./f
ZidoJt, 'Damafctts, and llamatb the grcJ.r.
continued flrbjctt ro orher Lords rh:m rhc
.A{/Jrians, 'till thc days ofPuland hic; fuc-
ceffors; and {() did rhe houic of E den,
Amos i. 5' 2 Ktgs xix. IL aml !!fl-
ratz or Cttrrbce, Ge1t. xii. 2 KiJtf!S xix.
12. and Sepbarvaim in Afcjbpotc:mit:t. ;:-.nd
Cai1Jehnear Bagdad, GeN. x. ro. lj.1. x
2. 2 Ki11gs xvii. 3 r. Afem-
110Jt wcre grcat conqucror'>, and reignrd
ovcr Chnldtea, A yr.1, and l>ur: I\
rhcir hiftorics therc is not word o!'any np
polition maJo to them by an ./h)ri,nt Fm
pire then fianding: on the cont r::ry,
., //(t.
, .
270 O the
IAN Em ire.
1ta, Atedia, Perjia, Baffria, .Arme11ia,
Cappadocia, &c. were con quered by them,
and continued fi1bjct ro thc ofh'-
gypt 'rill afrcr rhc long Rcign of Rame "cr
t1e fon of AfetmtO!t, as above. Homt'l'
menrions Btlcctts and Afomtoll Kings of
E:f!,ypt aml 'Pnf/a, bur knew nothing of an
Jljjyria; Empirc. .fOlldh propheficJ whel!
lfiad was in allliction undcr the King of
S]ria, and thic;; was in rhc l:Htcr part ofrhc
Reign ot .Jrboaha:::,, and firil part of rhc
Rcign of]or{/h, 1, ings ot)/rrtcf, and I rhink
in thc Rcign of1Ja'rS rhc ii.rcccffor of Ra-
1JU'lts K i 11 ::-; o f E"'!J'P t, ami about fi xty
yors befare rile Rcign of 'Pul; and Nim-
was tl;en a ciry ofbrgc extcnt, but full
. '
ofpafl:ures f(>r cattlc, {o rh.1r ir conraincd
h1t about r 2ocoo pcdons. It was nor y ce
grown fo grcat and potcnr as nor to be tcrri-
ilcd at rhe prcaching of jo JI ah, and ro fcar
bcing invadcd by its ncighbours and ruin ce!
within forty days: ir had 1om e rime befo-::
got free from t he dominion of E,_r;ypt, :md
lud gor a Kins ofits own; but its King \ras
r:ot yct clllcd King; uf .AJ()'ria, but only
of J\li;'cz:cb, .JOllrt!J iii. 6, 7- and
pmcbmarion tr faft \\':1S not publiihcd
jn icvcr:1l nanon . .;;, nor in all .A.fjj?ia, bur
only in Ni11evciJ, and pcrhaps in thc \'i!Lt
gcs t!Jcrcof; bl!r I(>On aftcr, w hcn rhc do mi
Jlion of J\l;cucb w:t'-l cl..tblilhcd at /wmc,
:;_nd cx.1l red o ver all A ')Tirt propcrl y ;>
{::J.lkJ, :wJ tbis {iugdom bcgan to
.. , r
SSYRIAN Ernpire.
war upon rhc ncighbouring narions, its
Kings were no longcr callcd Kings of Nlc.
vch:-bur began ro be callccl Kings of -'1;;)-
Amo.r propheficJ in thc Rcign of ]e,o-
boam rhdon of] ory/1 1\. iug ofl fiaei, (Jon
afrcr ]croboam had h1bducd rhc K ingdoms
of7Jctmf!ft!!S and f!tltllrttb, tlut .,,
tenor rwenty ycar5 beflHC thc Rcign of
Pttl: and he* rhus rcprovcs ljirzci f(n be-
ing iifrcd up by rhofC conqucfts; Te -u.;bich
in a thi11g oj uo11gbt, jity,
ha'i./e r:1.,e 110t takcu to 11s !JorJts by Ol."f'
jtre11gtb? But chold 1 raije up a-
gaiJJjl yo u a 1lfttioll, O bol!.fc-' ,jttb
the Lord tbe Godofllojls, twdtbey _lhalt
ajfliff yott j1om thc ri-.;rr eit'tri11g ill of
Hamath unto tbc rhn of tbc z:;i/derrfs.
God herc threatcns to raiic up a naLion
againft lfiae!, but w lut n:1tion he namcs
not; tbat he conccals 'till rhc ..Aj!jr/ms
ihouldappcaranddikoYcr it. In thc pro-
phelies of ljaiab, ]crn;ab, Fzc/;.id,
Hofia, llficab, NabltJ'!J, LcpbtZJJiah <lml
Zabariab, which wcrc wriucn afrcr tl!c
Monarchy grew up, ir is op<:nly Jumcd
upon all occ;:fions; bur in thi.:; of //!)Jos
n,ot ?ncc, rho: tbc capriviry of litzct and
jyna be rhc fubjctr of tite prophcry, :tlld
rhar ofljraclbcofrcntlirorncd: he only
bJth in general th:lt lhould inro
captiviry unto ]{ir, and rlur J;,d, nor-
withflanding hcr prckm grcJ.mcls, Jlwuld
S 4
"Amos vi,
1 3' 1 +
272 O thc
go into captiviry beyond Vamafltu; and
thar God \vald raile un a nation ro afflit
rhem: mcaning rhat 1c would raife up
abo ve thcm from alowcr condition, a na-
ton whom thcy yet fearcd not: for fo thc
Jic6rew \Vord fignifies when applied
ro men, as in Amos v. 1-. 1 Sam. xii. II.
cxiii. 7. Jer. x. 20. l. 3 2-. Hab.
. 6. Zecb. xi. 16. A" Amos names not
che .AJ(j'rtatls; at rhe wnting of rhis pro-
phccy rhcy madc no grcar figure in the
world, but werc ro he raifcd up againfi lf
1ael, and b confcL ucncc roic up in rhe
days of of Ptd and s fuccefors: for af-
ter 'Jeroboam had conqucred 'Damafctu
and flamath, his fuccdior lv!nzahem de-
ftroycd T'i.pb ab with its territories upon
}!.ttphrates, ecaufc thcy opened not ro
him: and rhcreforc Ifracl continued in its
grcatnds 'ritl Ptt!, probably grown formi
dable by fome vitores, cmkd Mntahem
to bu y his pcacc. Pt-t! thcrcfore rcigning
prefcntly aftcr the prophecy of Amos, and
bcing the fir upon record who bcg:m ro
fuliil ir, may be jutlly reckoned thc firt
ronqucrnr and fonndcr ofthis Empirc. For
God.f!irrcd tp tbejpirit ofPul, a11d tbc
.ftirit ofTig!ath-pildcr King ofAfTyria,
1 ChrNJ. v. 20 .
Thc fune Prophct Amos, in prophdy-
againft Jjlttd, threatncd rhcm in rhis
\V\th brcly bcbllcn ()
rher Kingdoms: P afl y e, * fairh he, ttnto Amos vi.
Cllneh andfle, and from the11ce go y e to :.
; Hamarh the thnt go dowll- to Gath
. .
;: theft Kittgdoms? Thefe Kingdoms werc
not yer conquered by the /lj[yria1u, ex-
cept thar ofCa!tteb or Cha!ottitis upon Ti-
gris, betwee11 Baby!on and Nitteveh.
Gath was newly vanquiihed t by Vzzab
Kingof']udah, and 1-Iamath t by 'Jerobo-
in rhrearnmg l.frae! wtth rhe .il_f/;rzalts, in-
llanees in detolatons made by orher nati-
ons, and mentions no other of
rhe Al(yria1ts than that of Chalonrtis ncar
1Vi1reveh; ir argues that rhe King of N!te-
vr:h was now begming his conquefl:s, and.
had not yer made any grcat prog;refs in rhat
vafi care:er of vil:ories, w hich wc read of a
few years after.
F or about fe ven ycars after the capti vity
oftheten Tribcs, when Sem:.acheri6 war-
rcdinSyria, which \\':15 in rhe r6th Olym-
piad, he icnt this mefT..'1ge ro rhc 1\.ng of
'Jttdab: Bebotd, tbot-t hafl bemd thc .x1x. 1 .
Ki!!gs Affyria havr: do11e to td! !Jtwds kY
tbem tttter{v, tuuljha!t tbou be
(/eli-vere ? 1-1 ave 1 be God.r of t be nat ions
dr!ivered tbem whith the Got fl-
tbers have tU 17/UI H arln
tlltd Rdcph, mtd tbe cbildreJ! r{ Eden
werr: i1t [rhe Kingdom Clll TlJcL!f:
lf/f.Jcn' tbe r.zHd
the King of Arpad, cmd tbe J(,,g ri.
and of Hcna and I \ah 7
'fifa.x.S. And I[ttiah * thus introduccth rhc K ing oi
.A_{[J1ia boafiing: Are not m __ y Princr.r al-
to,retbera.r '! ls11ot Calno [orC1!.
11eb] as C:.uchcmdl1? J.r 11ot H anurh 11:
Arpad'? Is 110t S amara as '! )"
m_y ha11d batb frnmd tbe Kingdonu of tl:
1 dols, al!d .-.x:bofl' gra1Je7t lmages did t.m'.'
t hem oJJ crufalem ad of jhal! 1
1/0t as f !Ja'Ue done 1!1lt'O mh/ /:tr
ldol.r, fo doto Jerufalcm a!ld ber Ido/s
A ll t h is dcfobtion i.;; recitcd as frefb in
mory ro tcrrify the 'Je-;_,s, and theic
doms reach ro thc bordcrs of Jif(jria,
to ihcw the Lugcncis of thc conqud1:s rhcy
are called all lands, that is, aH ronnd J-
bout .Afj)'ria. It was thc cufiom of tk
Kings ofJJ/}yria, for prcventing thc rebcl-
lion ofpcoplc ncw 1 y conqucrcd, to Gtpt:
vate and tr:1nJpbnt tholC of icvcral cou:J-
trics into onc anothcr's lands, anci intcrmix
thcm varinnfly: and thcncc it appcars'
v . 'r. that 1-lctlrtl;, :md and lfrznt, :dld
,_ ., In f! . . . . .
:xvi.9.& Gozrw, :md thc Cltle'> of' thc .lllrdcs, Jnrn
w hich G ali!tt' ami Samaria wcrc
w as tr:l.nljJl:lll tcd ; an d B abvlo 11, Cl!! b
nr rlw S!lj.:;;c/Jilc.r. aJJd./ l!mtui/IJ, ::n1l
J}c'tl, :1ll d Scp b rl rz:a i m, :lll d t he e/) i li a i 1 t'J.
anc: rhc :md thc <Tn(t'
lit c.r. :1lld rhc JJclwz:itt:.r, :.llld rhc 'J)/:,;-
''-'il !'J, Jnd rhc 1 rtm itc.r, orP cr(t(w.r, p:Ht
l' 1
. '
., .. ofall whch nations werc capti\'c by
' .Afferbadon and bis predcce1ors inro Sama-
., ra; \V ere all of thcm conquercd by rhc
':.: Ai,jrialls not longbeforc.
'In rhefC conqudl:s are involvcd on
< wdl: and {ourh fidc of A((yria, rhc K ing-
: doms of J11ejopotamia, w bofe royal icars
'; werc }[araJt or Carrhte. and Cr!rccmijb
::. or Circ11tittm, and Sephar'l/aim, a ciry up-
'on Et.tphratrs, bcrwccn Bttby/o and Az-
uc'TPeh, callcd Sipparre by B{'rofi!.r, /!)'-
dcmts, and and Si,p.hrtra
:iVPto!omy; rhc of Jyj,j(_>;lt-
, \._ -
. ed ::tt Samarict, GatJ, /1,1-
:mtttb, Arpad, allll Reji'jh, a city pbccd
:hy Tto!omy near Tbrzp fczcs: on r he iourh
: fidc :md iourh-c::tfl iide wcrc Brzb]!O?l ::md
Ctdc/J, or Cal!to, a city whch was foun-
ided by Nimrod, where Bagdad now
and gavc rhc na me of Cbt!IOJI it is to
'a hrgc rcgion undcr irs govcrnmcnt; and
. The!a.far or Talat/;,1, a ciry ofthe childrcn
ufEdm, pbced by in
. upon thc common fhc:1m of and
which w;c; thcrct()rc rhc river
. ol PandiJc; and t !te at Are-
t.7 or FJ'ccb, a ciry lHtilt ,y J\'lmrot! 011 rhc
;e:lft-fide of bctwccn Apa;;?;?.
rhc C'/pb; :1nd thL
Cutb, or thc mctrn1()li'i ut'
1t( a na : on tlt e c:1fl \\'e rl' /.'/\'JI JI! , :111 d
ll1C citics ofrhc il!tck.r, :1JJd j\ ir, * city .. rr1, nii
,J largc rcgion of _VcJi/r, bct \\e en .
O the SSYRIAN Em ire.
.f 2. King .
:XVI. 2.4,
)O, p. &
XVlll. 33>
;a Chron.
;r:xxu. 1 f.
mais and .A.I[yria, callcd Kirone by the
Chaldee Paraphral: and Latitt Interprctcr.
and Car!te by Ptolom : on thc north-cafi
wcre Habor or Cha ora.r, a mountainous
region bctween Aj[yria and Media; and
rhc Apbarfochites, or men of /lrrapac!Ji.
tis, a regan originally peopled by /ir.
phaxad, a.nd placed by Ptotomy at the bot
com ofthe mow1tains next .il((yria: and on
che north between AJ7Jria and rhe Gordi.
tean mountains was Halah or Cbalac!J, rhc
mctropolis of Calache11e: and beyond
rhdc upon the Cajpianica was Goza11, etJ.
kd Gauzaia by Ptolomy. Thus did
rhcfe new conquel:s exrend evcry \ny
from the province of Afjjria to conftdcra
ble dil:ances, and makc up the great body
ofthat Monarch : fo that well might rhe
King of Aj/yria oafi: how his armies had
defiroyed all lands. All rhefc nations'
had 'rillnow their feveral Gods, and ca eh
accounred his God rhe God of his mrn
land, :md rhe defender rhcreof, againl: the
Gods of the ncighbouring countries, and
particularl y againl: thc G ods of A(fyrttl;
and rheretore rhey werc never 'rill n?w
unitcd thc A,llyria1'l JVIon:uchy, dpc
ciall y lince the King of Ai!j1'ia dorh
boafl ofthcir being conqucrcd !Jy the A/
jY'l't!S oftnCr OBCC : OUt thcJC
nall Kingdorns rhe King of .///yrt .c:l(rly
:;Chron. ovcrf!O\vcd rhcm: ltow )V..' 110t, bith t
:nxii.r3, Se1111.1rbcrib ro thc Jew.r, '"'.f..;hat 1 fltlll
1). 1/1\'
fathers bave do11e tmto all tbe peop
ofother Jands ?-----for no God oja11y 1tari-
; o
t or kingdom was able to deiiver bis peo-
pte out o mine hand, ad out ofthe baJtd of
my fat ers: how mHc!J lejs jha!l your
God detiver yott ottt ofmine ba11d? He and
his farhers rherefore, Ptt!, Tig lath-pilefi'r.
and Shalmane(er, wcrc rcat conquerors,
and with a currcnr of vi orics had new Jy
overflowed all nations round about A;:Y-
ria, and thercby fet up this Mon:.uch y.
Bcrween the Reigns of Jerobom-n TI,
and his fon Zechariah, there was an inrer-
regnum ofabout tenor twclve ycars in rhe
Kingdom of /frac!: and thc Prophet Bo-
fia * in rhe time of rhat intcr:rcgnum, or Hob ...
foon aftcr, mentions thc King of il,f(yria J3- &x.6}
by thc namc of 'Jareb, and anothcr con-
queror by thc name of Sha!ma1t; and pcr-
haps Sha!maJt mighr be the firfi part of the
namc ::md Iareb, or Irib,
for ir may be rcad both wa ys, rhe bf1 p:1rt
ofthc namc of his fi.tcccffor Se;macherib.
but whocvcr thdc Princcs wcre, it appcars
not that they rcignctl bcforc Shalmanejt>r.
'P11!, or Bcltu, lccms to be thc firfl:: \vho
carricd on his corllucfl:s bcyond rhc pro--
vincc of JJ__f/)'ria: he conquercd Calm:h
with its tcrritorics in thc R ci(ln of 7 crobo-
am, /!mus i. l. vi, 2. ami lftl. x. 8, 9
anu invackd Ifiad in rhc Rci,l!,n of Afe11a-
lwm, 2 Ki11g, xv. ry, bur fbycd not in
thc land, bcillg offby fifea!Jem for
a thoufJ.nd talcnts of ilvcr: in his Reign
thercforc the Kingdom of A.!JYria was ad-
vanccJ on this ftde Tigris; for he was a
grc:lt warrior, and ccms to ha ve conque red
1-!artut, and Carcbemijh, and Reftpb, and
C,zleh, and Thc!afar, and mighr found or
enLugc rhe ciry ofBabylo11, and built the
old pabcc.
HerodfJtus rclls us, tl1:1t onc of thc g1rc;
of Brtbj'!On wac; * callcd thc of Sc-
ff 11ramis, and rhat ihc adorncd thc walls ot
thc ciry, :md thc Temple of Bcl!!s, anJ
tHerod, 1. thar lhc t was fi\c Gcncrations oldcr th.111
i.c. 184. Nitocrs thc mothcr of LabyJtittts, or Nt
bo;medtts, thc Ial: King of Babylo11; and
thcrcforc ihc flourifhed. four Generation'.
or abont 13 4 ycars, befo re Nebucbad11c;:::,.
zar, and by confcquence in the Rcign or'
Tiglath-pilefer thc iiJccefTor of Pul: and
the followers of Ctejitts tcll us, t hat Jhc
built Babylott, and \\ the wido\V of rhc
on and fucccffor of Bcl11.r, the foundcr of
rhe .Afl)'ria?t Empire; rhat is, the \rido\';
':):Berof. ofoncofthefonsofPttl: but +
apud Cbalrltr:an blames thc Grceks tor akribinj
Joeph. thc building of Brt)'lOJt ro SemiramiJ;
contr A p. L
pion.l. r. and othcr :wthors akribc thc buildi1_1g ot
this city to Bellls himfClf, that is ro 'Pul:
Curt.J.s. f C11rl11s rclls ns; S'emirans Bakyfo
11Cm cot/iderttt, 'vclut prtqllc crcdidt'Jt'
Rcl!t.r, o) tu and
dt'll!t.r, \\ho had hi'> hil:ory ti-om thc anct
cnt mo11umcnls ofthc Cf.,aidtetWJ, \ni res,
O the SSYRIAN Entpire.
' &(-11.xvJj'G;
.:l;. Ttl".t.c:u : ,;t.:....'Jj; Nxt3f ;)
' ' -r l'w ' ....
'' ;./;.:; M.t><EO>f:.>, apx,>j.; ;(:U.<"CC.\>V, 'Tt S
. , rrported that u"
.; ':.:..: i t /; a r;_;_, td 1, --:.;., bu: b 11 t t uJJ e -:.;.. rt s abo l 1 jf, d,
'attd thtzt ttji:a:_/di'd.)
. bttilt a 7/C-..;; r..lJalt o-:.:::itb bra:::,r11 p,t:tcs,
: r.:.bicb jlood 'ti lt t be ti be ]\hc..::dun i-
.. an Empire: and j() 7Jorot1Jcus 1 an anci-
. ent PoetofSidoli;
TbeaJJcieJtt city Babylcm uilt /;_? tbe
. Tyri:m Bclus ;
'* A;oud
r,xp.L 9
c .. p .
r Doroth .
a;.>ud ]u:i-
Tlur is, by the SJ'rian or AJ;)za!l
thc words TJ'rian, Syrm, and A/)'ria:t,
. bcingancicntly ufed promiicuouly for o: te
. anothcr: Herenius + rells us, thar it \\':15 rTcrcn.
built by rhe fon of Belus ; and fim !;;r,':.
mighr be IVabonaJJar. Aftcr rhc conqudl w JL
ofCalnch, Thelafor, Sippm .. re, Bef.!ts
cize CbaldtCa and bcJ in to build
foral! rhc Kincrs of BabyloJt in rhc C1rH>Il of
)! o . '
are called .Aj])'naJu, :1:1d Nrun-
7!a.Jar i'l the firfl: of rhcm: :1nd Nch!!tb.-td-
rcckoncd himiClf dclCcfllkd -\l,, ',,,
f j> l 1 . . '[;/' . j> 1 ;q;,j : .. !
rom )L' 1ts, t1at I'i, trom JJ __ ')'n_alt 11: ;_,: .
:J.nd thc bnildin<r of i> :1kribcd l) l.!l 41.
rhc Ajf)'riaJt.r y * (fitirtb: j)('/J;/t!, hid, r11.
he, t!Jc /ac/o(tb,, ClulJc:lllS: '{/Jj-nfl:- >:u'
r' J r
....... l .
280 O the
was 110t 'tilt the AfTyrian fotmded it (r
them that dwell lt the witderneft, [thar
is, for rhe .Arabians.] They flt ttp the to::;.
ers thereof, they raifed u the paiaces
thcreof F ro m all this ir eems thcrcfore
that Pttl foundcd rhe walls and rhc palaccs
ofBabyto1t, and Ieft the city with thc pro-
vince of Chaldtea to his youngcr fon Na-
bo7!ajJar; and rhat Nabona;;ar finifhcd
w hat his farher began, and ere:ted the
Temple of Belus ro his fJrhcr:
and that Scmiramis livcd in thofc days, and
was thc Q!1ccn of Nabottaj'far, bcc;nc one
of rhc gatcs of was callcd thc gatc
of Scmiramis, as Herodottts affirms:
whether ihe continued to rcigu rhcre afrcr
her husband's dcath ma, be doubted.
Pul therefore was ncceeded at 1\rine-
"Veb by bis elderfon Ti latb-pilefer, atthe
fimc time that he left ab-y/on to his yo un
gerion Nabonaffir. Tiglath-pitefer, rhc
iecond King of.ll/bria, warred in P hrEni-
cia, and captivated Gatilee with thc nro
Tribes and an half, in the days of Peka/;
King oflftaet, and.placod thcru in Haiab,
and Habor, and Hara, and at thc rivcr Go-
:?Ja7t, places 1 ying on.the_ wel:crn of
Medta, berween .df!Jrt.a aud thc Caj}Jal
ka, 2 KilJ.g. xv. 1-9. & 1 Chro11. v. 26
tmd about che fi.fth urihcth car ofNabo
1taflar, he camc .to thc atfi ancc of rhc
King of .7udab againfi thc Kings of
and Syria, and ovcrthrcw thc Kingdom of
Syria, which had been feared at 7Ja:nafl:us
cver fince thc days of King Vavid, and
carried away rhc Syria;u ro Kir in Me-
.. dia, as .Amos had prophdicd, and pbccJ
: other natons in thc rcgions of 7.Jam./tjhu,
; 2- /{ j n . X V. 3 7, & X\" i. ) , 9 . !J O S . ) .
) Jofep :; . .A11tiq. l. 9 c. r 3. \Vhence it
; kems that the were conqucrcd be-
: fore, and that the Empire o[ the -'-1'([yritWS'
was now grown grcar for the God
: jlirredttpthefpirit J(j;;g ofA!I):-
ria, attd the fpirit ofTiglarh-pikier Killg
o[Affyria ro make war, r Chrort. v. 26.
SbabnaJJefcr or S,zlma11aj{er, cdlecl E-
uemejfar by Tobit, inL1ded * all PbcE!lic, * Tobir.i.
took the city of Sttmtzria, and captivated 13 Ann.l.
Cbabor, by r 1e rivcr Goza1t, and in rile ci- Anr.L9.
ties of rhc Jlf.edes; and lloje"1 t iecms _rn
fa y that he too k Arbela: and his fucccllor If
Se1machc,-i6 faiJ. rhat bis fathers had con-
quered alfo Goza11, and Hrl'ralt or Can/Jie,
and Reflpb or ReftJJ, aod rhc chilJrcn of
Edm, and ilrpad or thc Arad, 2 AiNg .
XIX. I2.
Semtacherib thc fon of Sba/manr(h in
the 14th ycar of 1-!e zckiab inv2dccl 1' brra
11icia, and too f;. icvcral cirict; of /Hrlrz!J, and
artcmptcd Egypt; S'ctbo Scutc!Hts
?f Egypt and Tlra/.:.ah ofF
tbtopta, him, he loL in o:H';
.... ) .._,
nigh t r 8 )o o o m en. as 1om e E1 y by a
or perha_ps by lightning, or a ficry wi11d
T which
o the
w hich blO\VS fometimcs in tbe
dcferts, or rarher by bcing fi1rprizcd by <.L-
tboJJ J.nd Tirbakab: for thc Egyptia11s i:1
mcmorv of tbis action crc1:cd a fL-
me ro Sttbn;, in his Jund a mouk,
rhC' Lf._rttial i)'mbol of ddl:rulion. Up()n
rhis dctc,1t Se;mr!Cbt'ri rcturncd in haflc ro
'Tobir.i. j'\'i!!tU'l', ancl his"' KingJom bc:camc tr<liJ-
!f. bkd, io tlHt c0ulJ not go intoMcdi,:.
tlh:: J11rdt'J l think at rhis time rcvolrin0,:
and he {hin by t\H)
illm \\ ho f1:d ii1to J[rnu:fz, and his 1(:!1
_J f{ba{/r;z {[ccccdcd bim. At rlut ti!llC
d1d Jdr'odr!c/J Ba!adtlil or J!;1r
1\.iug of fcnd :1-11 cmb.11T) to
/:.iab K ing of]ttdtlb.
tTobf i. t clllcd S.1rcbr:do!1 by Tril.
:! 1\.:ng. 11 r.: . t l J '-r "\.' l "J/' 1
.. n. JlJ&rr,tl!l lY t 1c _, .... _'\.) ::me 11 .-rraa In
Pw::ca- 'J- CJnon, bcg;m bis Rcign at Xi-
flOu. 1ir-:..('b, in thc year of Nabona_((ar +2; ;l!1d
j rhc ycar ()g extended it ovcr Bahk11:
rhcn he carricd thc rcmaindcr ofthc Srrm.:-
rJ! fll!S j-o c1.pti riry, :md p::uplcd SalJ/ti-
J'itt \\ it h c1pti 1cs from
ofhi" thc '])lJtfl':;, thc Jlph.:T-
Jicrb;!c.r, rhc Tt!Jpclitc.r, thc . .dpht1i'f,-: o,
rhc Arrbt"vr.r, t he Bahy!otrmJ-, t h: S:t-
}'mcbil c.r, thc 'Dcbrnit{s, thc h'!rn;:!l'.r .
.E:::.r.r i\-. 2, l). ::nd thcrcforc he
1:\ cr al! thcJC urions. :md /:.-./!r
K i g<; o r SmJJtli'tt and 'Da rJltljCIIS' in \':l (kol
'/ d,[' a i 11 t he ft r!l y C;lr o f_/1 brz;:::., :1 n d \\' i 1i1
i116) yctrs attcr, i3 i!l r he 1il yc:u
lA N p in: .
. Mrmajjeb, Amw f,tttbollf(/}. 69. ,)dJ!aFitz
:; by thi'i captivity cc::dcJ to l:c pcop!c, /jrt.
i. 8. Thcn 111\ .1dcd 7;11/.:.t,
roo k .Azoth, cJ.rrcd c1pt r()
BtbyJoJJ, :wd * c1pri rat:.'..l :tll(, f,:zl/JI, 1 /i'-
bais, and Et biopitt e Tbtf;__r: .l!H l :)y
rhis\Llrhckcmstoha\cput C11d ro ri1c
Rci,rn oftbc Etbiopt!IS m cr in Lll.:
b ... -
yc1rof1Vrl011rz({rtr 77 or ;8.
In thc Rcic;n of Sc;,?dJc;j'; :111d ./!rji:-
!Jadon, thc A_j[_}rian Empic kcm-.; arri\:.:J
at its grcatncl s, bci ng un i Lcd und'-' r on e 1 )-
narch, and conuin ing /l_fDrz, JL'cd i t!, _/l-
(oi/O!atis, St(/t'ancz, C!Mid'<l, )1.J,f}p.7t.:-
llia, Ciicia, S]ria, 'Pbrncia,
t biopi a, an J x11T of A l'ft /; rl, H.\ K] ir 1 r
. ::J
c:.lf1:w:lrd into El)'mrus, :mJ p arrt!rla:;c, :t
proYincc ofthc JVIcdcs: and ifCIJ<'d.1c!J J.1H.i
UJ.1or be Colc!Jis and Jrrit!, a;
think, andas nuy kcm prob.1blc fro:n l1c
circumcilion uCJ by rlw1c 1Lltions 'rill t!1c
lbys ofllcrodotu.r, \\'C are J]J(J t() add t l!:-lc
t11 o Provinccs, \rirh thc t\\o ..t"fl"i'N':/,; .. :,
Po//t!lsand Cttppadocitt, :lS br as ro r.hc ri-
\cr l lalys: J()r t 1 Joodot 11 s tcll-; ;_<;, t lut
rhc pcoplc ofCap}'rulocitl a; L1r :t'; ro ri-
\Cr wcrc callcd S)Jirw.r by thc
borh bctc)rC and afrcr rhc l:l.y-; or CrJ'!i.l",
.11_1d rlut thc .Jl(j)Ji,JIH \\'ere ullc.d c\j.
nal!.r by thc
Yer thc Mcdc.r J'C'\ol:cd from t )e //(fi'-
1'/tl!ls in rhe bncr cmi oft he o' St"l-
7/tlrbcrib, 1 thiuk unon thc o( !Ji-;
[ 'J
T 2. army
, I .
\' p8.
t l-Jeron. l.
SS IAN Em ire.
army near and his flight to Nine.
ve/;: for at thar time the efhte of Sell!la-
t/J{'rib was rroublcd, o that Tobit could not
go into Media as he had done befare, Tobit
j_ r;. andiome time after, Tobit adviedhis
in to go into ]Jfedia whcre he might cx-
pct pcace, whilc Nineveb, according to
rhc prophdy hould be del:roycd.
\note that Arbaces a Mede being
admiued to iCe Sarda11apallts in his pahce.
and oGkrving bis voluptuous lite amongfi
womcn. rcvoltcd with the Medes, ::md in
conjum.'tion wirh Betejis a Babytoniall o
vcrcamc him, and cauCd him to fct frc ro
I1 is pala ce and burn hirnClf: but he is con-
traJited by other authors ofbettcr credit;
for 'D rtr is and * rnan y others wrote
Arbace su pon bcing admtted into thc P:l
lace of Sardanapatus, and feeing bis cAe
minare lite, 1cw himfclf; and Cteitarcb11s.
th:.1t Sardanapatus dicd of old age, afrcr he
}ucl lofl his dominion ovcr Srria: he lolt
ir by thc rcvolr ofthe wel:crn nations; anJ
1-ftrodotlts 1- te lis us, that rhc Me des re vol-
red flrfl, and defended their libcrty by furcc
oLums rhc JJffYrians, \\'thout con
qucrin:1; rl1cm; at thcir rcvolting lud no
K in:;, l)tlt aftcr iomc time fct up 'Dr:Jow
O\'Cr th:._'In, :1nd bnilt Ecbata11e for his rcfi
den ce ; and tlut rcigncd only o\cr
JHtdi.r, Jnd h:1.J :.1 pcaceablc Reign nf i
y c.H'i, bur hi-. J(Jnand ficcdf<H 'Phraortt'f,
nudi.: w .tr up:m his neighbours, ami con
q UCil
SSYRIAN Empire. 2 8 S
quered Tcrjia; and rh1t rhc Syria11s alfo,
red from thc Affyria!JS, bcing,cd
rhcrcunto by the cxamplc of thc 1.Vedcs;
and rhat Jftcr thc rcvolr of rhc \vcflcrn
rions, Phraortes imrJdcd thc A_(JjritwJ,
burwasnlin by rhrminthar war, h::
had reigncd t\\emy anJ two ycJrs. 1-I.:
was fi.ccccdcd by ilfh't:,(r.r.
Now A[fl.'rhar/o fccms to he thc S.rrd,r-
1Japalus who dicd ofold agc J.ftcr rhc rcvolt
of Syria, thc namc Srzrdai!ap.1l!ts bcin:.; dc-
rivcd ii-om Aj)'frbado11-'Pu!.
paltts was thc ion * of Allac_wzdarllx is, Athcnx-
Cy;tdaraxis, or A11aaxari.r, Kint; of Af- us l.Il.p.
j)'ria; and this namc 1ccms to bccn P-
corruptly for Somacberi rhc
rher of AfferbadOlJ. Sardanapalrts builr
Tarfits and .Jtcbiak in onc da y, and thcrc-
fore reigncd o ver Cificia, befe) re thc rcrolt
of rhe wcficrn nations: anJ if he be rhc
hme King with AfforbadoJt, he wa<> j[c-
c.eeded by Saofll!!chms n thc of V.t-
boJtaffar 8 r ; and by rhi-; rcvolution JtJ,t-
1wjfeh was fct :1t libcrry ro rcttrrn homc .l ;1\l
t?rtify Jerlljafcm: and thc tl!.r :t!-
Jo, aftcr thc Aj()'ria11s lud lururTcd h'gJj'f
and Etbiopirz llucc, 1 }t. x x. 3, +
werc fer ar libcrty, :J.nd conrinucd liiHkr
twelvc contcmporary Kings or thcir 0\\'1)
11:ltion, as abo ve. Thc /ljj}Tirllt.r IJJ \'ackd
and comucrcd thc thc flrl1 ol'
thc thrce ycars, ami rcigncJ o ver tbl'!l
t'\'. u
T \. e J. r
' .
286 SSYRIAN Em ire.
,cus more: thcfc n,o yc:us :1rc the in-
{crrC!!lll<tn \Yhich Ar"ricamts, from A/ac.
t!Hl, pbccc; ncxt befo re thc twclvc K
Tl1e S:ytbians of To!tr{t!t or Turqut(fr,:
bcYond thc riYcr Oxtts bcg:1n in tholc <.Lll;
. ' .
to infdl and by onc ofthcir inroJds
occ,dion to rhc rcvolt ofthc \rcl-
, '
1 t r 11 11 o n <;.
b thc y1::1r of Ytlb011a(]'rtr ror, SaoJ!it
ri,; ... ,,
!1 \'C"f' \\
/. ' o .. .. L ! l ... 1.. ' l :-, \,_ J e/ &.l :_..,' )
f: ccccLkd Jt B::hvlon bv and 1
,.\,::lr'7.r!J al! o, fnr I takc Cbyni/,:.
ti::,- to be tlur ;.\Tcb11cbodon(!(or w]w i-;
t i;ncd in thc bnuk of'Jldif !J; for thc hi!ltl
ry bcfl: \\'ith thcfc ti;:;:
. '
for tbcrc it i -. L1iJ t!Jrtt NcbuchodonrJor
r::_bo rcig!!ed at \i-
nc,ch, thatgrct7trity, intbc t:;.:clftb)'r,r
/Ji.r Rr,;'-r_1: 1JJ,;:r/c r:.;.rtr 1rpon
.i\1cdcs, \Ll<:. thcnlcft
l\ :1 dcfction of rhc natinn.; of
Cilii'r!, 7)r!.'ilrt({:l!.r, S}riil, ']'!Jfl'J!C:t, ifr; .
, .<1/u,n;, :1:-,d and \\itlwtit rh.:ir
hr!1 r\ltircd thc of rhc Ji!rr!r.r, :''''
'\\' ,,.,, !, . V '_. 111 l /-JI; . 1 1 '. 1
1' , ..
/1,'/,\.iJ(t. ( _,( . /t.\.i( .., '
L::,[! o e h1ilt Lc/;f!/JJ!r, 1 he r: :.>
\' .. !' 'J)rioro 0r hi-; ion Fh,r'; /1:,
. '
\\ f ' \ 1 11 i .:. h l r: ll i1 i l t h e e i y fn t! li de d b y hi : 'l
)/ 1 " . ,
rrr_r"d t 1.'1' : ' ,,j * 1 /n,dJ!/:.t rcll 'i l he hmc 1! )::
(' = n f a K : :! o f .t !'.! ( 1 1 i t1, \ \' h o ro u red >
' . . .
11.' .. . :111d \'\'. thcir l\ing 'P!JrrlfiJ'Ii;
l 1 . 1 1 !'
:1;:,1 l,tilntl!:!t i!l tl!( u me cfthis \V;u r 1c ,_
h'i'IJ!J \'. rrl..' lC:t al(lr.C bv thc dcfccbon ot
- J
l l! (.
O: tJ;e
he :mxiliary othcrw;[c in
. .. ood condiinn: !l'jlbaxad r;a<.;
_ ,;r, e ;Phraorlt.r <,flic'odotz!.r, J.nd by con-
\no.; fhin rhc bcginnin2; of
c ol'}cf/d;; l(Jr l his \LH \LlS nude
\.cn FIHl'!!':-.1, A!Ct!/.;, //.;Ji/,()/:, a;d
'J 1, . ..,-, .. .,.,: . . 1 .. l 7 ..
.;.:.1t.tJ\..llllO!,L"' u"'''' ,,(>l\i,, t .J,
. ' 1 1
. 8. I.J. anc: )y at'.r tht:
iJZci<.;n uf Aj(-/J:L:!ul! \\Le' t,tk1cd thcm:
. ' . l ,, .
i t \ \:1.; m . e \ r 1 1 ' rt t ,_. j , --,-_ . .- \1. r: ; e 1' e .- y
,Fturncd from ,,'1(/ tL 1 ,(d.r
d 1/
' f . .., . /., 1 ( .
.r;: / tdl' fllid u,J/': {' :.:.:.: 1 ,, j:n:..,,! :Cr. a-
J'J' the }lli!;iJ iv. 3. thJ.t i.-
alter }f,ma_{j(.',!J rh..:: ir Ei ;1:-; L.d beca
cmi.._'d upti\C to :;,,b)I:;:J by _.(-)"'::rb:u/o;, -,
t:i)on rhc dcath of rlut 1\.irl'.:, or
. . '
i11 rhc Ji_[lj-m l:mpire, luJ
h:::cn rclc.:ticd 1' ich rhc from
. :md lud thc AltJ.r, re-
. j(orcd thc hcriftcc:"' Jnd \\'mihip ofrLcTc!!l-
:plc,lChro!l.xxxiii. rr, rC').
\crf!onofrhcbook of]!di!IJ, cL.IJ. v. ..
ic is bid. tlur tbe To11/Jt ( C'od ral
' .
1ot!Jc G'rol:,-J; L r!i; lS tt(IL Lt:..! in
nms vcr{on; :1.1:,1 i1t r:1 (/nt-l ) crfton,
,.l.) !\, , '] i . ' l . ' . .., ) :" '1,1':
. .. . . _, . <! l - 1. ' 1. , 1 . -. . l ' ) ' ( .
tlut t!Jf. 'i-if/d.r. ;,) tbc ri!:.u, tllld //)e
' ..
:;,_nc.ft;(/.f, d ti(i,; t!Je /' <')hrt!ltl
1:1 :; , d i 11 L, e ' L 1, u ( ( " ; , t' ] . t , . i \' . 1 1
.rhc Tcn'l't :,. I'l'IJ!'"iirl ,., ' ,-, - ,.tIJ ,.r
'Lo...l .. L ... tt .. l
J. )
ACrcr thi::; 1\'ii/./11 1\ 111!!; of
Afh'J'tl, lllhc 1 n:, "c.t1 ,)f Li.-;. t(Li< 11, -ac-
. . ,., . )
.cording to die YC! <1i' k:1t his-
T 1
?. S
288 SSYRIAN Em ire.
c1pt:1in Holofcrnes \Vth a army to
avenge himklfon a!l thc wdl: counrry; bc-
C.luiC rlJcy h:1d Jilobcycd his command-
mcnr: and }fol.?fcrlles wcnt forth with :1!1
of nooo horic, and 12ooJo foor ot
..J1./[}'ri,1lJS, ./1/cdes and 'Pcrjia11s, and rcdu-
ccJ Ciliria, Afefopotamia, and Syria, and
and part of Arabia, ::md Am-
mon, and. Edom, and A1adian, and rhen
ca me ']11dtea: and this \'i as done
whcn rhc go,ernment \\':15 in rhc lunds of
thc and Ancicnrs of lfracl,
.7ttditb \'. 8. and vii. 2 3. and by con-
fequencc not in thc Rcign of Mana_f{eb or
.An-;olJ, but when jo(tab w;t<; child Iu
rime<; of proiiJcrity thc childrcn of J.fiacl
wcrc art ro go aftcr lk Gods, and in times
of:.tffiilion to repent and turn ro tbc LorJ.
So Jlfaaffch a ver y wickcd K ing, bcing
captivarcd by the .Ai[yriaJt.r, rcpentcd; and
bcing rcleafcd from capriviry reftorcd rhe
\vcd1lp ofrhc true God: So w hcn wc are
told rhat i11 the eightb year oj bis
rchiJe he u;as _}et _young, btgrw to
ftek after the God oJDa vid b fatber, rmd
in tbe b )'ear ofb Rcig11, D((?;tlll to
pur,'e J udah tmd J crul::dcm jlom 1 dottl!J)',
tltl to the 1/ig!J-'Piaa.r, aJI(/
,Grove.r, and.JJJ!ar.r, ad Jugcs oj'lbl.t-
:am, 2 Cl.:ron. xxxiv. 3 wc may undcr
fiand that thdc ats ofrcli-'ion wcrcocu(.
oncd by impcnding d:111gcrs, and
f;tom da11gcr. W htn fJo/ojes c1mc J:
O the
,,,::' oaint the \vcfl:en'l nations, and fi oiled
thcn were the Jews terrifie , and
.: rhey fortified and cryed tmto God
. 'iJ.:ith great and bumbfed them-
: (elves J fackclotb, a11d put ajhes on their
-heads, and cried 1111to the God oJifracl that
be wottid not give tbetr wi"Les a11d their
chiidre1t attd cities for a pre , and the
Temple for a an the
priejl, and aJJ the pttt 011 fackr:Jotb
tmd a,/hes, and offered daily burrtt offer-
?Jgs with -vows a1td free gifts of the peo-
ple, .'Jttdith iv. and thcn began .fojiah ro
:ek.after the God ofhis fathcr 'David: and
aftcr .'luditb had flain Hotofer:u:s, and the
J1J!jria11s wcre flcd, and thc Jews w ho
puducd them wcrc rcturncd ro ]erufoiem,
they worjhipped thc Lord, aud offered
bllrflt ojferings and gifts, a11d coJttiJtttcd
feafliug before the fanc7uary for tbe jpace
ofthreemonths, 'Jttdith xvi. 18. and then
did 'Jofiah purge .7 ttdab and J erttfolem
from \Vhence it ieerns ro me
thatthc eighth ycar of J ojittb fell in with
the fourtecnth or fiftcenrh of Nabuchodo-
1JOfor, and tbar the rwelfth year of Nabtt-
chodollojbr, in which 'Pirraorte.r was flain.
was thc fifth or fixr!J ot Jo(iab. PhraortN
Jcigned 22- ycars, accordi1g to 1-IcrodotJJs.
and thcrcfordiJccccckd hi-. Luhcr 'DejoccJ
:1hout thc 4oth year of .llfrma_(/i'/J,
NttbO!Jfl/[. 9, and was 1hin by thc .Ay..
nrws, and lccecdcd by s, /hmo
Nabmajf. I Ir. reigncd ) 3 yc:H'l
:according to Herodottts,and thcic ycar-; be.
gan in the r6th year of Hezekiab; \Yhich
makes it probable that the Jl1edes da:cd
rhem om the time oftheir revolt: and :l:.:-
cording to all this reckoning, rhc of
Nabucbodo?tofor fell in with that of Ch-di-
tado71; which it probable that thcy
were bur two names of one and rhc
SoonafterthedeathofPhraortes *
1. u.xo3. Srytbians under A!ad)'es or lliedus innd-
cd Jv!edt, and beat thc }.fedcs in battle.
./hmo NaboJtaJ/. I 13, and wcnt thcncc rn-
wards Egypt, but wcrc met in 'PIJa.'llia
by 'Pfommiticbus and bought off, and rc-
turning reigned o ver a great p::ut of Afa:
but in the cnd of about ycars wcrc cx-
pcllcd ; rnany of thCir Princes cor;l-
mandcrs bcing lain in a feafi by t he
undcr the conduf of S, thc JllCCcJ-
lor of jul: bt(Hc.rLc. !cfl
o f Nineveb, and thc rcft: ioon ::
ter torced ro retire.
In rhc yc:u of Nabo7la.ffar I23, i ATt!(I-
Puiyh;n. f'JO!(Jar the commander of thc force'; d.
npud Eu- -, . . . . . . . Cby11ziadon the of .djl)'na 111 Cbaf.
Chron. P da:r:t rcvoltcd from hlm, a.lld bccamc 1\
4,/::C3pud ) 1 /. d e>/ d . l '
ot )flfJ_) .o; an ti 011 \\''J.. S e11 1n
lum. P rhcn, or ioon aftcr, ii!Ccc.cdcd at NiJJc'cd,
' by thc lafi 1\.iug of called Sarrtc by
'Poi:J'bUior: and at lcngrh NdJilchadil('.;-:,.
Zflr, rhcfon of marricd
m\'ite rhc daubhrcr of ..Aflyages and fifi:cr of
c'\:lxares ; and by this marriagc thc two
milics h:wing affiniry, thcy
conipircd J.::;ain11: rhc .Ji.f[Ynas; and Na6o-
jJu/r?{t'J' bcing no:v g!0'\'11 old
kir, dcad. rhc1r fon'> JVebuchadJtezzar
C)'axaro lcd rhc Armics of thc two
. r r" . . l t' '11 : 1 } !' ;_;.: f/; 1110 111 IJ () f t J H C ',' Ca r b C ! ;_' ,\
.\;..,_,. 'jtFl.j,:/n J_:.!ll, :111d ill thc clc\'Cillh) '
1 "'1 .....
'- 111
onians and
of Zedekiah, in the: 4th and 5th months,
afrcr a ficge of one ycar and an halt: too k
and burnt the City and Temple .
.L\.rc6uchadnezzar, alter he w:1-: madcKing
by his thcr, reigncd ovcr Tba:JJicia .
C'rrk-Syria +5 ycars, ami* arrcr thc de.uh
, . ro .
of his fathcr 43 yc:1r'>, and t afrcr rhc capri- -- 2 K1ng
viry of Jeconiab 3 7; and thcn \Ll" Jccc2- xr..v.
dcd by his m Evi!JJU'J'Oddcb, callcd 1 /t-
arodtuntts in .7L'romc t t r1:cron.
rclls us, tlut Evibm:rod,.ciJ rci:.:;ncd iCvcn mlil. };:v.
vcars in his thcr's lifc-timc, whilc his -
thcr Jid C:lt [!:rJ.fS \V t h O X Cl1, anJ aftcr h S f.t-
rhcr's rcburation w:1s put in pnf(m \\-ith
.7cconiab King of JudtZ!J 'rill thc Jcarh of
his thcr, ::md thcn fi.Iccccdcd in th-:
Thronc. In thc fifth of .fL'CO!li:zb'.:,
optivity, Bel(ha.zzar \\as ncxt in
to his tJ.ther .LVcbttcbadncz.-:::,ar, and wa-; d2-
ro be his 1uccdTor, Rarucb. i. 2, r '
TI, 12, 14. and thercforc
\Ll" e ven thcn in difgLlCC. U pon hi" com-
ing to thc Thronc he brought hi-; Cricml 2 King:
and comnanion J{'COJJidb om of J'riJn on xxv.
,- y, G.c,
rhc 27th (h y of thc twcl frh mo11t h : In t hat
Ncucbctdnc-:::,zar dicd in rhc cnd of \\in-
rcr. A11110 NboJut ( 1 8;.
h'7; i lmerodi!c b tw o y c:us
his fathcr's dcJth, :mJ ior !Ji-; lt1l and n il
!11:11ll_Jcr_s \Ll> fLtin by his fi!l-:-r's hti-;Ju,,J
J\'1'1'1,'!, 11 'lar, or N!!; ;!, rd.-rJ.'.r, l\'.t oii.
J , r ll, i 'w ro t he C. m, 1 J 1.
u i-
1 \' .
L 1
Nerigli rar, in the name of his young
fon Labojordttcbtts, or Laboaj{erdach, the
grand-child of Nd;uc!JadtJezzar by hi\
daughrcr, rcigned four yc:us, according ro
thc CJ.non and Beroflts, including thc lhort
Reign of J--aboaJJerdacb alone: for La6o-
a!ferdach, according to Beroflts and }ojc-
pbus, ninc monrhs aftcr thc ckuh
cf his bthcr, and for his evil manncrs
was hin in :1 by thc confpiracy of l:is
fricnds wirh J\
r!bou11edus a Baby/otliaJJ, to
whom by confcnt thcy gavc rhc Kingdom:
but thck ninc months are not rcckonc-J
apart in thc CJ.non.
J.Vabo;medus, or Nabo11adius, according
to the Canon, began bis Reign in thc ycar
of Nab:ma 4r 193, reigned evenrem
and endcd his Reign in thc ycar of
.Nabo11a ar210, be!ngthcn vanquiihcdand
takcn by C)rtts.
Eler()t!Ot!ls calls this lafl: Kina of BabJ-
]ott, and fays that e wa-> rhc
fon of a formcr Lab)'J!ttts, and of Nitc-
cris an cmi11ent ofBakylo11: by thc
[:1rher fCems ro undcrlanJ rhat Labyl!i-, who, :1shcrellsu'>, \\':1Sl\ngof Bab)'-
io11 \Y hn1 thc grc::tr Eclipfc of thc: S un prc-
ditcd by Tbrtles put an cnd ro rhc lirc
yc:us \\ :1r bctwccn rhc A!edes ami (wl-
flll-'.; and r was rhc grcar l\7cbuchad!,c;>
' Ju11, Bctj/, andLurh rk.1t
\ras his llrhcr: and Jo fji.Jll s rclls
' , ..
. '
us, * rhat rhc lall King of Baby Ion was cal- Jof. Ant.
Jed Naboande! by thc Baby/o;ta1Js, and l.o.c.u.
reianedfcvenrcen ycars; and thcrefore he is
King of Ba!Jy!olt with Naborme-
dtts or Labyttittts; and this is more ao-reca-
ble ro f.1.cred writ rhan ro make Na o7me-
dtts a 1l:rangcr ro the royallinc: for alltta-
tioJts werfl to ftrve Ncbucludnczzar tlltd
/lis pojterity, titl tbe very time ofbis !tmd
fhortld come, attd may 7tatiOJzs fhould .forve
themftlves ofbim, .fer. xxvii . 7. Beljhaz-
zar was born and livcd in honour befare
rhe fifrh ycar of J econiah's ctptivity.
\\'hich was rhc clcventh ycar of Nebuchad-
uezzar's Reign; and rhcreforc he was a-
: bovc 34 ycars old at thc dcath of E vi/me-
1'odacb, andfo could be no other King rhan
Nabotmedtts: for Laboafferdacb rhe grand-
lon of Nebttchade zzar was a child whcn
he rcigned.
Herodottts t rells us, rlut thcre wcrc rwo t Heroa.
fJmous of BabyloJt, Semiramis l. r.c.I8f,
and Nitocris; and rhat rhc larrcr \Vas more tS.
skilful : fl1c obtCrving that rhc Kingdom of
rhc .!Jfet!es, l1aving Jitbducd m:my citics,
:tnd among othcrs JViJJC'7;cb, :wa'> bccnmc
grc;t and porcnt, inrcrccprcd :llld fortificd
rhc pafTagcs out of Jl!cdia in ro Rrtby/oia;
and rhc rivcr which bdorc was araighr, hc
madc crookcd wll grcat \\'indings, tlur ir
uc more f<xbrc, apt ro over-
flow : and on rhc fidc of thc ri ver abn\'C
Brtbylrm in imitation of rh e La k. e of J11rt'-
n V Ita
J,.J.C. lf.
ris in Egypt, fl1e dug a Lake every \LW
forty miles broad, ro reccive the water f
the river, an_d kecp ir for watcring the land.
S he built alo a bridge ovcr thc river in thc
middle of Babylott, turning the l:ream into
the Lake 'rli rhe bridge was built. 'Phi.
loflrattts aith, * rhat he made a
. '
under thc river two fJ.rhoms broad, mcan-
ing an archcd vault ovcr which the rim
flowed, and \V hich thcy might \Llli;
crofS the rivcr: he calls her a Affde.
Berofits rells us, that f,l.ebucbad;ez:::orir
built a penlilc gardcn u )011 are hes, bcc.1ulc
bis witC was a liJe e anJ dclighrcd ia
mount::linous profpcls, fi1ch ::!S abcmndcd in
]lfedia, bur were wanting in Bayio!!.t:
fhc was rhc daughtcr of Aiyagu,
fil:cr of Cyaxeres, Kings ofthe JVcdc.r.
Nr:bttcbad11ezzar married hcr upon :1
lcaguc benvccn thc two flmilics againf1- rk
King of.AJ!)ria: but Nitocris be J
nother woman who in thc Rcinn of hcr J(m
Lak)'!Jittts, a voluprnom :1ncl Yicion.., King.
too k cuc of hi" atfairs, and f()r
J(incrdom arrainfl: thc }Jedes, did thc 11
:::;J 0
a hove mcntioncd. This is rlur Quccn !11Cil
tioncd in 'Daliirl, chap. v. ver. rn.
7 ofl'P t relates out of rhc Tpi.'lll re
t o . ron t. . . . J 1
Aii"n.l. 1. conh, tlur 111 thc Rc1gn o{' t oort ,u
1. of T__)rc, rlut city w:1s by J\'d;!:
c/Jru/;lc::::.::::,ar thirtccn )'Cll'S to0cthcr: inth:
' ,
cnd of lic::,c .lt/;o/)(J,r thcir 1( ':ti
ib in , E;::,; e k. x x v i i i . , 9 , 1 u . d :ti i r
' .
a onians and
l1im, according ro thc Tyria1t rccords,
rcigned Baat ten ye:us, Eotihaltts and
Cbel6es onc ycar, Ab6artts thrce months,
llfytgomtsand Cerajlrattts fix ycars, Ba-
iatonts onc ycar, ldi'J'b'tzltt.r tour years,
and Irormts t\\cnty years: and in thc four-
rccnth ycaroflroJJms, C1y the Tyrian rc-
cords, rhc Rcign of C)ru.r bcgan in BtJb)'-
fofia ; therctcJre thc ti cgc of 'l)re bcgan
48 years :md lome months befo re thc Rcign
of C)'J"ItS in B-li;)'/07tia: it bcgan w hen Je-
1'!1[tt!em had bccn ncwly ta!\.cn and burnt,
\rirh the Temple, Ezek. xxY. and by
confcquencc afrcr rhc yc.u of e- C:1pti\'ity, or r6:::Jth ycar of lV.abo-
1htf{"ctr, and thcretorc thc Rci:;n of Cynts
in Baby!onia bcgan aCter thc of Nabo-
JJaHctr 208; it cndcd bcforc rhc eight and
nrcnticrh ycar of ec01al/s caprivity, or
176th ycar of N;z/;oafttr, Ezek. xxix.
F. and rhcrctorc rhc Rcign of Cyrlts ia
Bttb)'!ol!ia bctorc tbc ycar of Nabo-
JJa'jtZr 2 r r. By rhis argumcnt thc firf1 ycar
of C)nu in Btzbylo;Jia\var:; onc of rhc two
inrcrmcdi:ltc l'J<), 2 ro. Cyrtts in-
Lldcd Bctb_y!onia in thc of Nrt!ta '(
nr 209 ; * BtZ)'lon hdd Otlt, ami thc ncxt
\\'as takcn, rcr. Ji. 39 )7. by divcrr- l.r,c.I89,
thc river and cntring rhc
ciry rhrou!,h rhc cmpricd ch:tnnd, :llld by 1. 7 p.19o,
Coiz:,ucncc Jtlcr lllidJiunmcr: thc ri- '.9' '9l
Ed. Pam.
by thc mclring of thc Jiww in Arme-
1!, orcrnu\\-; yc,!rl y iu thc of
30, 31'
Ant.l. 10.
c. 11,
fummcr, but in the hcat of ftunmcr grO\n
low. * And that night was the I<mg oj'
Babylon jlai11, attd Darius the Mcdc, or
Kittg of the Medcs, too k the Kingdom, bc-
ing about threeftore and two years old:
io rhcn Babylott was rakcn a month or t\I'O
after thc tmmcr folfl:icc, in rhc ycar
of NabotJajjar 210; as rhc Canon J.l!o
t A:fch.
Perla: v.
Thc Kings of thc .kfedes befare C)'rus
wcrc Phraortes, Ajtyages, C)'
axeres, or Cyaxares, and 'Daritts: rhc
three firl: rcigncd befo re thc Kingdom grcw
grcat, the nvo lal: wcre great conqucrors,
and erctcd thc Empire; for .di.fcby!lts,
who f1ourifl1cd in rhe Rcigns of 'Dari11s
Hyjlafpis, and Xerxes, and dicd in rhe
76th Olympiad, introduces 'Daritts thus
complaining of thofe w ho pcrfuaded his ion
Xerxes ro invade Greece; t
Toty.fp orcJltv tpyov :::;)v .tvov
, T '" '
Mqr::;ov, IEJf.L>'1::;ov orov o< -x-w,
Te o' f.::;u Et!' qwv EeHavwqEv?rtq5v"
T '"'"'
a T6 ava:E T>jVO W'lrCltfiv,
'Ev' f.L>;Ao-rp1)l
Ta:ytTv, txov1a qHq7r1pov
MAot; yiip ;v ?rp.7.-rot; c;p:t.TII-
"AM1<; o' KEiv ..,.-ai.; -r6o' tpyov .jwq,
4>p6v,, yCt.p avTH- ola:Ko::;pt1)lHv.
a' a-r' auTH- Ki:po, 0axJ.WV
They bave do11e a wor k
Tbe greatejl, a11d mfJjt memorable, jitcb ,as
tJever d, hr
1' 1
Por it bas emptied tbe falliJtg Su:
;, From tbe time that King J upitcr grtlJttcrl
tbis !Joottr,
TbatonemaJtjhottld reig11 07Jer all frt:it-
fttl Afia,
Havi1tg tbe imperial Scepter.
For be that firjt led tbe army was a M eJe;
7be 11ext, wbo was bis fim, ji11ijht tbe
For prudence dire[/ed bis fout;
The third was Cyrus, a bappy matt, &c.
The Poet hcre attributes rhe founding of
rhe Medo- PerjtaJt Empire ro rhc two im-
mediate predeceffors of Cyrus, thc firfl: of
which was a .Afede, and rhcfccond was his
fon: the fccond was 'Daritts the Me de, the
immediate prcdcccTor of Cyrtts, according
ro and rherefore rhe firft was the
farhcr of2Jctritts, rhat is, /lcbjitertts, il/ftt-
ents, Oxyares, Jxeres, Princc Axeres, or
Cy-Axeres, thc word Cy fignifying a
Princc: for 1JaJtiet rclls us, th:lt 'Darius
ILls the on of Achfltertts, or Ahafiunts,
rhc Maforetes crroneoufl y call him, of
rhcfccd of thc Afedcs, rhat is, of rhciccd
royal: this is that A_[/1terus who wgcrhcr
\rirh Nebuchad11e zzar roo k and dcflroycd
Nineveh, accordina ro Tobit: which acti-
:Jnd by E11polemus to /ljfibttres, a name
pcrhapc; e o rrupt 1 y \vri tren tor Jllflterll.r. By
rhis vitory o ver the A,,yrim;s, and ftdwcr-
r e Em ir es o t d
fion of their Empire feared ar Ni!teveb,
and the enfuing conquel:s of .Arme;tia,
Cappadocia and Perjia, he be an to cxtcnd
thc Reign of one man over a 1 ..djia; and
his fon 'Darius rhe Mede, b conquering
thc Kingdoms of Lydia and abylott, fi!li
fhcd rhe work: and rhe rhird King was Cy.
rtts, a happy man for his grcat i.1cceffcs un-
der and againl: Varitts, nd largc and pea ce.
ablc dominion in bis own Reign.
Cyrtts livcd fevenry ycars, according ro
C icero, ::md reigned nine ycars o ver Bczky-
m, according to Ptofemy's Canon, :mJ
rhcrcforc was 6 r ycars old at the raking of
Babylo1t, at which time Varitts thc .A!ede
was 62 years old, according ro 'DaJJief:
and rherefore 'Daritts was rwo Gencrations
youngcr than Ajfyages, the grand.thcr of
*Herod. Cyrtts: for Jljlyages, according ro borh *
1-lerodottts and XeJtophotz, gave his
phon. Cy- ter lvla1tda1te to Camb_)'.fes a Princc of Per-
rop:cd.l.I. jia, :111d by them bCC:1illC thC grandfathCr Of
' Cyrtts; and Cyaxeres \vas rhc ion of .Ajl_y-
iCyropred. ages, according to t ){e;tophoJt, and
l. !.p. l.l. bis dauohtcr ro c\'J'IIS. This daun hrcr,
e ro- . . :::. 'J ;::,
p. handiome, and ufcd ro play Wlth (_y1:11J
when rhcy were both children, and tu hy
11c would marry him: and rhcrct(nc
_ thcy wcre much of rhe bmc agc. XtJlU-
pbo7t ith rhat C)nts married hcr afrL'r thc of Babylo;t ; bnt lhe was thcn Jll old
woman: ir's more probable that he marricd
. ht:r
onians and
herwhileihe was youngand lu.ndiome, and
he a young man; and that bccatdc he \vas
rhe brother-in-law of 'Daritts rhc Kimr, he
Icd the armics of thc Kingdom untl he rc-
volred: fo then s, CJ'axere s ami
'])ar itts reigned 1 ccc[IJ ve 1 y o ver t he
\Jedes; and C)'rus \\':lS thc grandlon of A.f
tyages, and nurried rhc {flcr of 7Jarius,
andfuccceded him in thc Thronc.
Herodotus thcrdorc * Iuth in verted the *
orJer of thc Kings Ajlyages ami C_yaxerrs, L x.
makingCyaxeres ro be thc ion ::md li.tccciT<Jr
ofPhraortes, and thc hthcr and
f(Jr of Ajlyages thc f:nhcr ofJ1fadallc,
grandfarhcr uf Cyr!ts, and tclling m, t11J.t
this Ajlyages marricd Ar:11e rhc danahrcr
of JJ.lyattes King of Lydia, and \vl'<> at
Jcngth takcn prioncr ami dcpri ved of his
dominion by C_yrus: ami P attfimias harh
copied aftcr Jlerodotus, in relling us tlut
/l.flyages rhc fon of Cyttxcre s rcigned ia
J\fedia in the days of Alyattrs 1\ing of LY
dia. CyaxereJlud afon who nurricd A-
rime the daughtcr of Af)'fltfe; but rhis
f(m WJ.s not the hther of Mcmdae, and
of Cyrus, but of thc mc a;rc
e - .::>
ll'ith Cyrus: and hi" rrue namc is prcicncd
in rhc name of rhc Varic s, w hich u pon rhc
conLucfl: of Cra)fusbyrhc conduct of hi-;
Ccl!cral Cyrtts, he coy ned out of rhe gold
filver of tl1c conquercd L_ydtd!ls: hi)
IJ.Imc wa-. thercforc Darts, a..; he is Cll-
hl by 'Dattirl; for 'Dmcl r.:dls us, rlur
th i:o
312 O the Em ires o
this 'Darius was a Me de, and that his fJ.
ther'snamc was Ajfttertts, that is Axeres or
Cyaxeres, as above: confidering thercforc
that Cyaxeres reigned long, and that no au-
thor mentions more Kings of Afedia tlun
one called Ajlyages, and that .11!-Jcb)'irts
who livcd in rhoie days knc\V but of t1ro
great Monarcbs of lvledia and Perjia, thc
tither and the ion, older than Cyrtts; ir
fcems ro me rhar Ajlyages, rhc father of
Martda11e and grandfathcr of Cyrus, \vas
the father and predeccffor of Cyaxeres;
and thar the on andfucceffor of Cyaxeres
was called 'Daritts. Cyaxeres, according
Hrrod. ro * Herodottts, reigncd 40 years, and bis
l. J.c.1o6, fuccefor 3), and Cyrtts, according to Xe-
130 1tophott, fcven: Cyrus died Amto Nabottaf
219, according ro the Canon, and thereforc
Cyaxeres died An11o Nabotzaj[. 177, and
began his RcignAnno N"1botta{f. 137, anJ
bis farher .Jjlyages reigned 26 ycars, bcgin-
ninrr his Reign at rhe death of Pbraortes,
was flain by the ..llj[yria11s, Am1o
Nahotta/f. r 1 r, as abo ve.
Ofall thc Kings ofthe Medes, c_ya:arcs
tHerod. was rhc greatcfl: warrior. t f:lith
l . c.
3 rhat he was much more valiant than his :111-
cefl:ors, and rhat he was rhc flrfl: who di1 i-
dcd thc Kingdorn into provinccs, and red u-.
ccd rhc irregular and undiCiplincJ torces ot
rhc Medes into difciplinc and ordcr: and
thercforc by thc tdl:imony of
he was that King of the Me des w hom A.j-
c IJ)'Ius
rll)'ftts nnkc:, rhc (i dl: conqucror a11d ;. '11-
lkr of thc E m pi re ; inr 1 lr'f''Jtl;! !t 1 re -.-
. knt.:: him and hi Jo; to lLn e :h:-.._ t t'". o
immcdi:1rc wcdccc!<Y'i of Cvn:.>, e;- i.;
- '
only m tl!c 1umc of thc !(m.
norhin::; g!o1 i(ltt'>: in vf hi::>
Rcign :1 body of S't]tbitws c.>nmun-
ccd by j'
.-td\'C., * lll\'adcd JJr:dia J.nd par-
thia, as rci:rncJ Lhuc 28
. '
ycars; bur at lcngrh his fon C)'axercs cir-
cumvcntcd and 1lcw thcm in a fcaf1:, and
madc rhe rcfl: fl v ro thcir brethrcn in Par-
tbia; and immcdiatcly aftcr, in conjunc-
, tion with JVebucbaJ;czzar, invadcd a!ld
iubvcrtcd rhc h ingdom of ./!Jfj'riiz, Jc-
fl:rovcd J.Vine"vc/; .
ln rhc fourrh ,-eJ.r nf .Jcbr;it?!im, "ili.:h
'' the ]cr:.:.:s rccko.n to be thc firll: of J\'L.'m-
.: dJrldltr!::::;_z,ar. OJtiiW his Rci,rn ti-om hi.;;
o o
l. nudc Ktne!; by his L!thcr, or from thc
1, \ ..
'. mnnth 1\:.i frm p w he n r h vi ln r')
: had nc\\'1 y Jharcd th-:- Empirc of th2 .L/f(Y
I'lils, and in nrokcuting thcir vidor\' Wl!'C
l -
inLlding ,\)ritz J.ttd 'P/;rncirt, :tnd \\'2rt.:
r\'adv to ltlvadc rhC' n:1rion-; round
noli rhrcJtned rlur /;1' --.;_:ordd rlli (/!('
.('il/ics o( t!Jc r lut o;, thc J!Wi
of rl1" t'JJ'I Nl)"h.lL1l .. ,., lJ" ,.1,
1,.. j)
_. j "- \..,,.__,, ' ,./,, '
1\.iJ!g of Ihbylnn, rtlld lnt'-'.g t/.;.t,; 1'!
tl!ld avt:i:;f/ tJc llilflr;'i 1 "'iil'' / .t-
' . ) .
t:r;uf. cnrf rtrft'l.\' dc/t'rov th.-,J{ :;.:,-,l:u,
,::1d f.:/'i
clcjvlrt!irm, aud c,i:tF' .rhei/J (/; u J. -
X tllt
3 I 3
' [ !croJ. ib,
'- ... .,,.'
1 J .....
O the Em ires o the
tbe witte-cttp of hi.r fitry; and in parricn.
hr, he turnes the Kiltgs of J udah tmtl E-
gypt, a1td tboft of Edom, attd J\'Ioab, rll!d
Ammon, a1td Tyre, aud Zidon, a11d t /;'
ljles of the Sea, and Arabia, a1td Zimri,
a11d att tbe Ki11gs of Elam, and a tiJI'
ofthe Medes, and att the ]( ings of
the North, attd the Ki11 of Sebe; and
that after ftve1Jtyyears, Je woutd alfo pu-
1tijh the King ofB<J.bylon. Here, in num-
bering thc nations \V hich fl1ould fuffcr, he
omits thc Jljfjriarts as tallen alrcady, and
namcs thc Kings of Elam or 'Perfia, and
St'foc or Sttfa, as difrinf from thofc of thc
Medes and Bab)lonimu; and thcrcforc thc
Perflans werc not yet fubdued by thc
lrfedes, northc Kingof Sufa by thc C!J.1!
dcea1ts: and as by thc puniihmcnt of rhc
King of BabyloJt he means the conqucfl: of
Baby!o1l by the }rfedes; fo by the punilh
mcnt of thc ]Jf.edes he kcms to mean thc
conqucl: of the Me des by Cyrrts.
Aftcr this, in the bcginning of thc
of Zcdrkiab, tlut is. in thc ninth year of
Nc!J!!cbrldllezzar, God thrcatncd that he
uotdd g ive the R iJtgdoms ofEdom, J\1n:!b.
aJJd Ammon,aJtdTyrc, a11dZidon,i11tO
h:wd of' Ncbuchadnc:z.zar Ai11cr o(' lhh\'-
- ( \ .
lt'n, andtbrtt alt tbc 1/f!tion.r jhonfd_fi'r'c,'
/Ji m, t111 d . .r jh JJ, a11d bis .flm '.r .fb, ,; ; t 1!
tbc 'L.'O') tin:c of !Jis la11djhou!d romr. ti:ul
rJJ al! y 1: ;, t io 11.r a 11 d gret.z t K i11p;.r jho 11 !t!Ji'i ;r
! l nr'./d c.r /Ji m, J e r. x x vi i. .t\ d :1l ' lL'
j , . :
me ti:')JC God thus prcdited the :lpproach-
ing conq\1cfl of -r:1'- p..c_,:f.I!';; hy Jl,fr:dcs
\ and rh::ir confederares: Brho/d, Ll.tth he, 1
: r;di break the bow ELlm, t be c/Jirf of
their mig IJt: a11d ljJrm ELun rz.;:/ !tI briNg
tbe four -.;:,:Jdsfrom tbe fu m :f
bea-ve11, altdr.J.,:il/fctdtcr t/)('m ait
thoft r,;:ittds, aJtd tbere jbail lx 110 1ut iut
::.:hither the O!ltcaJfs of Ebm jhd!/ r;t
come: Jor 1 wiil crwfe Elam to b('
befo re tbcir C!JCtics, a11d /;(ftJn: tban
that flek tbeir lijr; aJJd 1 r;.;.i!/. brim!, cvit
ttfOlt them, eve11 m_yfz'ercr twgcr, frlit b the
Lord; aJJd I ftd the f:;._cd aft e
rhem 'tilt I have cof/am:d thcm; ad I
::;i/t fi't 11y tbrone i!t Elam, aJJd -..;.,i!J de-
Jiroyfrom tbma tbe ]{jg aJ thc Pril-
t'CJ', faith tlx Lord: b11t it jhll!f cotnc to
pafs itt t!Je latter da_ys, viz. in thc Rcign of
Cyrus, that lwill brt.(!, a({ailt t!Je Ctljti-
. of Ebm, .frtith thc l .. orrl. Jcr. xlx.
3), CEJe. The (Perjirms wctT thcrcforc b-
thcrto a free narionundcr rhci r own K ing,
butfoon afrcr this wcrc in' Jbducd.
c.tptiv:ltcd, Jnd dilj>crkd into rhc tLHo!IS
round abour, and contnued in fenitud,, un-
ril thc Rcign ofCyrtts: and finct thc
and ChatJ,ealls Jid nor cotHucr the Pn-
'till aftcr thc ninth ycar of
nczzar, it givcs us oc:1fion to cnq uirc
what rhat ahvc \\'arriot C'Yttxerc.r wJs
ingnexr aftcr rhc ulongot" NJt:'I.H:h.
X 2. \Vhcn
O t he E'm ir es o t e
)Le. 73>
7 4
W hcn Cyttxcrc s cxpelled thc Scythiallr,
* fome of thcm madc thcir pea ce with him,
and laid in Afedia, and prckntcd to him
d:lily iomc of the vcniion which thcy toq!\
in hunting : bur h:tppcning onc da y tn e:r eh
nothing, (;_,yaxeres in :.1 palion trcatcd th:m
\Vith bnguagc: this thcy re
fcntcd, ::md foon :.tcr killcd onc of rile
childrcn ofthc Medcs, drcUcd ir likc vc1i
ion, and prcfcntcd it ro qyaxerc s, and rhcn
flcd to .;1/yat tes King of Lyditz; \\hc11cc
t'ollowcd :1 \\::tr of fivc yc:1rs bctwccn thc
t\ro Kings C)axrres and A!yattes: :tEJ
thcncc 1 gatber thc Kingdoms of
Ale des and Lydtans wcre now contiguou;,
:md by conicqucncc that Cya:xerc s, foon
ter the conl1uc1: of Ntevcb, feizcd 1 he
gions bclonging ro thc ./lj])'ria11s, as fu ,;
to thc rivcr In thc fixth ycu ot
this war, in thc midfl: of a bartlc bcn\''''.'n
t llern,1.
ibid. Phn.
t he nv o 1\ ing", t he re \Va" a total E r Jipi;' ni
rhc Sun, prcditcd by Tbrzk.r: t J.!H.l r)s
.Eclipk fcJl upon thc 2gth of J1ftty, .A;;o
",rao11a.{: r6 3, forty and leven yc:u" be
forc thc uking of ]3aby!on, and put an CJJd
to rhc bartlc: and thcrcupon thc t\ro
madc pcacc by thc rncdiarion of Ncur!Jad
1Jc;::,:::.:rtr K ing of Babylo11, ami Sycii!JI'(..r
1\.inb of Cilicia: and thc \Lt'>
hy a bctwccn 'Drtri!ls thc Ion 'd
()rzxne.r Arienc thc (hughtcr of A(\
Mio: 'J)mitts was thcrciurc fifrccn u
{l ''l'' "1 . .. \,.
onians and
ii.xtccn ycars old at thc time of this
3ge; for he was 62.. ye:us old ar the taking
of Babylo11.
In :he clcvcnth ycar of Zcdck.itzl/s
Rcign, thc ycar in which Nebuchrzdczzar
rook ]crttjizlcm and dc1:roycd thc Temple,
Ezekiel comparing thc Kingdoms of rhc
Eafl: ro trces in thc gardcn of Edcl!, thu-.
mcntions thcir bcing conllUcrcd by rh..:
1\inp;s of rhc ]jJedes and CbaldceaJJs: Hc-
hold, ilith he, the was rz Ccd.u i1t
Lcbanon .-..c:itb fair /;raches,--------- bis
beigbt exalted a07.-'e a!/ tbe t rNs o(
tbt fwld, ------a11d ltltder h fhado:v r/:;.:dt
a U gretzt 11atioJts,-------ttOt tlli_Y rrcc t! t he
garden of GfJd was likf' 1/JJto !Jim /! b
/;eauty :------b!tt 1 /;tZvc dcli7.:crcd /;j j_
to tbe hmtd o( t!Je migbty 011c of tbe !H:tt-
thell ,- -------1 m.-tde the ttatioJts to jbakc at
the foud of hi.rfall. \-V'bn;] ca.fl bim dov:..Jt
to tbe gra1.-e uit/; t!JCJIJ that dcfl:c71d i11to
tbe pit: aJJd al! tbe trccs Edcn, tbe
Lcb:mon, ali thtlf drillk
ter, jhalt lx !t'd 11 t IJC mt !Jo
part so f t be cart !J : t !Jf' y -a !Jo r..:. e 1 do-:.;_
into tbe grave r,;..>t!J hlm, 1/Jlto t!xmtbtd
cjlai wit!J t!Jc rwd t!Jr} 1 bdt ::_,a,
bis czrm, t !Jtlt .. J:dt tmdo !Jis !!
tc wicljl of 1 /;e /Jf !Jf'JI, Ezck. xx.:i.
Thc ncxc yc:>r 111 ancl!JcT 1ro
p ] cJ )r, t j ll 'i C 111 ll) 1 C "; l h C J r i; 1 C p .ti ll 1 () ll
wlw 1ud bccu iL1hJuul y
. ' l
.\ ! l iC
the conquering fword of Cyaxeres and 1Ve.
buchadnezzar. Ahur is there and tdi bcr
compay, viz. in }Jades or thc Iowcr p:trt')
of thc carth, w he re thc dead Lo(lics la y bu-
ricd, bis grtz-ves ttre ahout bim; tttl o/thtill
jltlt, fallen k Y tbe :,:;ord, r;;:!Jid;
t!Jcir terror iu the ltZJtd of tbe fi.0i!l(.
7 bcrc i.r Elam.and all b('r '!JJtdtitudc
abo!!! ber grtt'L'C, them jlaiil. _{t<fi<:;
tbef .. ;,.ord, 1 .. :.:bicb tzn do-..:. tmci;-
i11to the 1:ctHr pmt.r 1\
carth, u:bicb ca u fed t be ir tCJTO?' il tbr
lrmd t!Jc ln .. :izg: _yet lhrC thr:_y h1n
tbcir jhamc with tbem tbat go dow11 ,::Jh
the pit.------7 here is lVIcihcch, Tuba], a7ld
-i<TiuScy- alihL't' mtt!titude*; h-ergra'&esareround
thiar.s. auout bim: all of tbem tmcircumcijid.
f/,zi b.J t be hottg h t hc_:v caufl'd t /J'ir
terror 1t thela!tdof tbeth.:ing.----Thcre
is Edom, ber a;d ali bcr Pri!lus.
r_;_!Jicb 1.e:ith tbeir mi'!bt are taid bv tbCiil
t !:tl t r:.:.:::rc j//zi" by t be fword. ------ Tbtrc br
t/11 f'ri!lrc.rof thr:I'Jorrhallof tbem, twd
a/1/lh' Zdnuians, '"d'bicb thrir to-
ro r' ,z r (' gr; ;u' d {JY"J ."1/ r;. t /; /)(' jl ' r ;,('k
xx":iJ. .Hcrc hy rhc thc North 1
l' :H ;.r!land thd( nn t he t:nrrh of 'J.:I.t'<'l,
a1:d cl,;.._:]y rhc Fri:.ccs of JlJmniit ;\:l
Crtppt;tforlr1, who fcll in thc war<; \r]:,h
111<H1c in rcdltl:mg tlwk
thc of \'wt_tb. l.'/tll l'r
'j cr >1 w : t ; ( () n ll' ( r t d h y r h ,. }U 1 , /, _r .1: 11 l
J',!f>uJtl by rJc .ln n 1 :1(
onians and
ninth, and befare thc ninetcenth ycar of
}.Tcb!!ch,diJezzar: and rhercfore we can-
not en m u eh if we place thefe conqucl:s in
rhc rwclfrh or fourrcenrh ycar of
cbadne zzar: in thc nincrecnrh, nventi-
crb, and onc ::md rwenticrh ycar of rhis
I{it;g. he nvadcd and * conqucrcd .Judcea, Jer.:xxvii.
M1ab, Ammo11, Edom, thc P hilijlims and 3 Ez.ek.
., d t l h b i ! XXI.19,lQ,
tJ!It; an t 1e ncxr ycar e e 1egcc -:. xxv. 1.,
T)'re, and afrcr a icgc of rhirrcen ycars he B. 11.
rook ir, in rhc 3 )th ycar of his Reign; and
rhen he :j: invadcd and conquered Egypt, .xxix. '7
Etbiopia and Libya; and abour eighrccn
or t\\'cnry ycars afrcr rhc dearh ofthis King, xxix. 1
2)czrius thc Mede con quered rbe Kingdom &xx."+f,
of Sardes.; and afrcr fi ve or fix ycars more
be invadcd and conqucrcd thc Empire of
Baby Ion: and thcreb finihed rhe work of
propagating thc }.fe o-TcrjiaJt 1\iiorurchy
orcr all A ji a, as kflh)tus rcprefents.
Now rhis is thar Varitts '\ ho coined a
numbcr of picccs of pure gold callcd
'Darics, or Statcrcs'Darici: for Suidas,
Harpocrat iou, and rhe Scholial: of Ari:
topbrmes rcll us, rhar thefc wcre coincd
not by thc farhcr of Xerxes, but by an car-
licr 'Darius, by 'Daritts thc firl:, by thc A:zpm!1.
firfl: K ing of rhe Me di' s and "P er:f/a!l.r w ho in .k kc
J l l T t J Scholi30 .in
comen go c. moncy. 1cy werc ampc AnOophl-
on onc fidc with thc cfiigics of an Arc]cr,
\\ ho was crmvncd wirh a hikcd crown, lud v,
a bow in his lcfr h::md, a11< an JITO\\' in his
and was cloathcd \Vito a robe; 1
X 4. h.we
--f'l"!" .
, -- ..
. . ' .
feen one of gold, and another
value Wlth t,h.e . .Atttc of old
m.oney 'Yeighing two .A.,ttic a .
rtu eems to llave Iearnt the art and ufe of
from Kingdom ofthc
Ly_dtatts, and to their gold:
for b.efore. they .conquereo the
HcrocJ. L)dtalu, had no money. Hero4,otu,s * te1ls
a cer.tain. L calted San-
panis ailvifed him, that was. prepar11g
an expedition againfl a natio11 who
i:loatbedwithleather1z. IJreet:hes, -zt.,.ho eai
not fitch vifluats as they. bttt fiteh
ll.r fheir !Jarren COttntr.'Y, a:fforde4; who
i/ wine, !Jut water. onty, w.ho eat fHJ
good . , who had nothi11$
tolo fe, hut mi t get much t_he Lyd1
?tns: for:: t. be Perfians, faith !Je.
[o1e {01;1qtered the L ydians, had
tlra.xiii. r._tc.p f!_r .v.aluable: and t 1 foiilh tells
us, atthe Mcqesregardednotfit'!Jer, 1tor
. delrghted in but the Lydr.atzs and
. Thrygitmswereexc;eedingrich, even a
prC?vcrb: PJt1{f,
,a Ajta pon4rJ xr.xiv
'(rtt,prttt:e.r Vtif aur_t,n;que facltJm,
itz f!O fol-ia_ ac . . ua
Vttoria argent! tptingenta !a
f/t.{ Cf!Jit.r po1zdu.r tU,t!Jrfeczm
t"o)Jig't:at. Talentttm autem
' . '
ofloginta capere Yarro
the conqueror did with all this gold
and tilver appears by the. Varic.r. Tbe
Lydia1r.r, accordingto Herodotu.r, were uerod;
rhe firfi: who coined gold and filver, and J. ''9.+
aold monies in ,
lcd CrtE fti; an it was not that
monies of the Kings of fhould
continue current after the overthrow of
thcir K ingdom, and therefore 'Dttritu re-:-
(:oincd it with his own effi ies, but without
alterin the currfnt wcig rand value: he
re.jgne then from before the conqueft of
Sardes 'till after the conqueft of 11abylon.
And .nce the cup of S, u as
preferved 'till the conquefi: of CrtEfiu by
'!Jarius' it is not ero bable that he could be
older than is reprefented by Herodotus.
This conquefi: of the Kingdom of Ly-
dia pt rhe Greek.r into fear of Me des:
TheogNiJ:, wlw lived at Megara in the
ver y thnes of thefe wars, writes thus, t t Thcoga;
11:1/QIuv, 1a /UT
A yo-, 71.4
Tav M;.31111 ac.316'TI' 7rAip.w
tes dri11k, t alki11g p.Jeafont thing.r with
011e altother,
Not [cari11g thc war of thc Medes.
Andagain, t
1) &-ripu"'
tOI .\IZQl
* lbid.
'! 771
'11,1; 2-npx,p.<Evlf 1<M1T-"; 'lrifl.'II'Wq'
Tpr.o'ruvo uB.fp':! Ga:A>:!,
TI.tvwv 1 xnroi",, lct.)(,C1 .,.,, 7ripl {3o;.iv.
' . " ... '"' '"' . .
H 1'9 <)'W)'I e uepow
Ka:: ";(,, 'EJ..>.>jvw. pw O: O'u <l'oiee,
w ' '
l.\11''.; _,.,u.\C.:64t '1l'JA111
Tbort A pollo drive tbc illjttrious m.
m_y of t h!? Mcdcs.
From t bis city, tbat tbc pcop!e may r;;;it/.-
St>11d tbce choicr bf'catombs in the
r;,itb tbe harp a11d chea;ji:l
..A11d r!Jonts's of Pocans and acclamatiow
about tln altar:
For trufy 1 am afraid, bc!Jolding !Dr
_.-f,j .fcdit ioJt of the Grceks, e/; cl
rup: s tbr: people: tbou Aootlo,
Be j g pro p it iou s, kcep t !Jis our e )'.
Thc Poct tclls us furthcr that difCord lud
dd1roycd Colopboll, and Sw_)l'
1111, citics of lo:tia and ;Pbrygia, and \\OLdt1
ddlroy thc G1cek.s; w hich is as m u eh ro
fq tlut thc Medcs lud thcn con']UC!Cl!
thok citics.
Thc i1lf'dcs thcrcfiwc rcigncd 'rill rhc
takitlg of Srl'rdts . :1nd furthcr, J.ccntlhl ,
to Xt>l;op/Jr; thC'Scripturc:;, th:::y rci:'lt
n('d 'rill thc nf Bttbyiott: i<1r -' r'
l ... .
l.t ciror. 1. ur::/>IJOJJ * te lis ll'l, t lut afrcr thc rakin,.;
s. B 'tb'\ !:m, Cvnts \\ cnt to thc K o t. ! hl
,..., .... 1 (\':.'J
' .
' .
' .
onians and ec es.
j,{edes at Ecbata11e and fuccccdcd him in
thc Kingdom; and jerom, * that Babylon
)' 1 D l' ,: r M i mcnt. m
r;_as taR.ett o y ;HillS J\. 111'-f(, oJ t oc C<. es D.m. v.
and /;is kinfmall C:.rus: :md thc Scrpturcs
re!! us, rh:.1t Bak !m was dclroycd by a
/ltioJt out t be JJOrtb, Jrrem. l. 3, 9,
r. by tiN /\ llgdoms Ar.uar l\1inni, or
Annt'J!l, tmd Alhchcncz:, or mi-
1fl', ] er. li. 2. 7. by rhc J1!cdcs, f((t. xiii.
1"', 19. vtbcKiHe;sof tbc':vicJcsa!ldtbr
r,zptai:.'s mui r,krs a1td cd!
tbc la11d of bis t!cminioll, ja. Ji. II, 2g
Thc 1\in:J,dom of Baby/o; \Vl'> 1mmbrrd
m1d brokc11 a11d givrn to tbr:
'Da!l. v. 26. 28. firl ro
fhi.2 i1ffde.r undcr 'Dttritls, and thcn to thc
1)cr:fias undcr Cynts: for Darius rcigncd
n\ cr Ba;loJt likc a com]ucror, not obkr-
rhc laws of thc Bab)'foiaJJs, but in-
troduciug rhc imrnutablc bws of thc con-
. qticringnationc:;, rhc fifedcs and Per_(iall.r.
'/)al!. vi. 8, 12, I); :mdthcAfcdes in hi:;
are iCt befo re thc Ptrjialls, 'Dan. ib.
\\: \'. 1.8, & viii. 2.0. asthcPcrfiallswcrc
.:!lcnr.uds in thc Rcign of Cynu and
l'lcl'cffors fct bcr(nc thc lftdc.r, Fjlbrr i. 3,
1, H). ']JrtJJ. x. 1, 20. and xi.2.
l'i hich I!Jc\\s tiJJl in 'tlC I{ of '/);i;.r
. 1
Jlltc :1/cdcs wcrc up1Cnunr1.
Youmay knm\ ;di(> hy rhc lltllllhu
( 1 provincc" in t/c 1\ or Dt!J't.r,
l )e \ Ll" K i 11 !.'; o f l /e lf'flf'J . 111 d '/) n '//
,, :.r : >r u pon ll 1 e u) 11 L{llcfl (1 r H { /; }' J e
i e t
., ... -
.. .
.. l
fet ovcr the whole Kingdom an hundred and
Princes, Van. vi .. 1. and afterwards
w hen Cam!Jyfes and Varttu Hyftabis had
added fome new territories, the whole con-
tained but 12.7 provinces.
The extent of _the Ba!Jylonia1t Empire
was much the fame with that of Nitte'Veb
after the revolt of the Medes. Berojiu
. firith that Nebtuhadtzezzar held Egipt,
S;ria. P IJrrtzida and .Arabia : and Strno
adds Arhela to the territories of Bah Jo11:
andfayingthat was ancienr y the
metropolis of .Aff.yrja, he thus qefcribes
the limits of this .Aff.yrian Empire. Con-
tigttotu, faith he, to Perfia and Snfiana
l.l.tnuo. (l1'e the Aff'yrians: .for fo thcy cal! Babylo-
t1ia, andthe greatefl part of the regiott a-
hout it: partofwhicbirAtturia,wbereiJJis
Ninus [or Nineveh;] a11d Apolloniatis, tmd
the Elymreans, atzd the Parretacre, arul
Chalonitis by the mottntaitz Zagrus,. aud the
fields 11ear Ninus, a1zdDolomene, a11dCha
Jachene, andChazene, attd Adiabenc, aud
. r . ,
the rzations o 11ear t!Je Gor
dyreans, tf?e Mygdones ahotlt Nifibis,
111tto Zeugma fi./'_01t Euphrates; attd a
regio1t 011 tbis ]ide Euphrates i11habitcd bv
the Arabians mtd Syrians property .fb
as far a.r Cilicia a1zdPhrenicia a;d Lt:
altdtbeftaof Egypt mtd tl11e Sinus Il
(lcus: anda little after dcfcribing thc cxtcnt
of thc J)abylo11iau rcgion, he bounds it on
tbc north, with the .drme1tia11s :nd JdtdcJ
. onians and
nni:o the mountain Zagrr on 'the eall fidc; .
with Sufo and Etymai.r and Pdrd!tacc!Jc,
inclufively; .on the_fouth. the Petlian
Gulphand Chaldtea ;.and on the wefl,
tbe''Ara!Jes Sceititte as far as .Adia!Je;ze and
Gory_tea : afterwards fpeaking of Sttjiana
and a re ion between BabyJoz
and Su and of artetate11e and Co.f{tl!a
and 1. , andofthe Sagapetti andSi-
loce!ti, two little adjoining Provinces, he
a1td theft are thc 11atioiu srrh.t
whiihinhabitBabyloniaeajlward: to the
ttorth are Media a1zd Armenia, exclufi ve
ly, atzdrwejlward are Adiabenea1:d Mcfo-
potamia, inclufivcly; the greatefl part of
Adiabene i.r ptain, the fi1ne ei11g part of
Babylonia: i11 place.r it border.r 011
Armen-ia: for the .Medes, Armcnians a;zd
lonians warred frequetttl:)' o1te a-
110t Thus far S trabo.
. .
When Oyru.r took Babylott, be dunged
the Kingdom into a Satrapy or Proyince :
whereby the bounds wcre long aftcr
known: and by this means Heroaotu.r t tHerod.
ives. us an efi:imatc of the bionefs of th is 1. c.
jia1u, tel ing us that whitjl every rcgion
whit'h thc ing, of Perfia ;,
hu ays, wa.r dijlrzbretedfor the IJOtJrijb-
t of hi.r army, ejide.r the tribrtte.r,
the Babylonian 1egion 11011rijhed him four
mrnzth.r of the twelvc ilt the yeitr, a1zd dlt
thcrcjlof Afiaeight: fl
n:gzo11 .
re,gio11, [th he, is r:quiua/et to the thiJ'rl
part of Ai:.1, and it s PriJtcip,di(y, which
the Perfi:m" ca/t a, is Jttr t be bejt
of al/ the 'Provi ceJ.
J Herod. Babylon * \V:l'> a city of IlO fur-
.,:.c178' longs, or I 5 mil e'> on cvcry fidc, compaffcd
firfl: with a broad :.1.nd dcep ditch, and thcn
with a wall fifty cubits thick, and two hnn-
drcd high. Eupbratcs flowcd through thc
middle of it a fcw Jeap.1cs on
rhis fidc TigriJ: and in thc middlc of onc
haifwcfl:ward ll:ood thc King's ncw Pabcc,
built by and in thc
middle of rhc othcr halfll:ood thc Temple
of Belus, with rhc old P:.1.bcc bctwecn rlur
Temple and thc ri ver: this old Pabcc \\ :>
tifa.xxiii. built by the 4{!jrians, according ro t IJ,,_
'3 ah, and by conkqucncc) by J..Juf ami J::.;
fou as abovc: Jot::Jd:'d
the for the Arabians, a11d Jet ttp d:
towers tbereof, aJtd rai fid tbe P alilc,.r
thereof: and at that time Sabaco11. thc i>
tbiopian invaded Egypt, and m:1dc gru
multitudes of .6gyptians fly from him inrll
Chaldtta, and carry thithcr thcir Afl:rono-
my, and Afl:rology, and A rchitcdurc, a:;d
rhc form oftheir ycar, w hich rhcy prciCrvcd
rhcrc m thc .lEra of!ta({ttr: fr rk
pratlicc of rhc Srars bcg:m i11
Eg_ypt in thc d:1ys of Ammo11,
W:lS ro )ag:1tcd from rhcncc in I _
lZeign of 1is (m Sej(u: imo JJ_f'tic, }:'m of'c
Aji:l by conqucfl :111d rhctJ At/tiJ l
1 : '' '
' '
onians and
mcd rhc Sphcre of thc Libya:1s, and Cbi-
ron th:lt of thc Grcl'iu, and thc C!Jald'rlll.r
alfo m1de a Sphcrc of thcir own. Bnr
rrolory \Ll'., invcntcd in Eopt b)r i\ficbep-
o. <.
(Os, or Necr'/Jfls, onc of thc K of rl1e
lowcr h-'g_ypt, and hi-; Pricfl, alit-
tlcbcforc thc (hys ofSabaco11,and
rcd thencc into Cbald(('a, whcrc ./:fJ't'fJaj/t'r
rhci.cgiflator of thc ... mcr \'. ith it: lil
'P a u! ttts,
magos a'oc!!t m_:dltr ! 7.'r!iN .._\"t:-
And Viodortts, * tbrtt o10.:.\:.
dxansi11 Babyloniaarc to!o!lics of tbc 1':- Pfl
gyprians, a11dbeil!g taugt by t!N :Pric/!s
Egypt bccamc {tlmous for A(lrohgy. By
the inf1ucnce of thc bmc colonit-;, thc
!cmplc of J!!pitcr Bet.'IS in
lcems to ha ve bccn crcctcd in rhc f mn of
thc PyrJ.mids: f()r i thi; Tcm-
:le was a fokl To\\cr or Pyumid a l.
': ':.
huarc, anda rlong wirh fcvcn rc-
tubons, "hich llLltk it appur likc
rnwers il:anding pon OilC anothcr, ;t!ld
gro\ring Jcs :wd lds ro rhc top: and i1
\\ith a bcd.:d
rabie, k.cpt b.'i a \\'Oil1;ln, :1frcr thc-
of rbc Eg_yptitm.r iil th:: Tc;plc ,t
./lf/'1/tr .Amwo11 ;lt Tlxbr.r: ;l'Hl abovc! hL:
Temple ;l pLln: liJI' o bk rv i 11 t h : ) r:u.., .
cy \H:Ilt up ro che rop of ir by Hcp; on
thc oudidc, and thc bottom was compa1Tcd
with a court, J.nd thc court wirh a buildinn
nv o furlongc; in lcngrh on cvcry idc.
The Rrzl?)'itJ1!m.r wcrc cxtrc:1mly addil:-
C:ct to Sorccry, lncluntmC'nts,
' .
:1nd Di\inJtion:;, 1 (.'t. xlvii. r;, 12, 11
. '
<J)rw. ii. 2, & v. TI. andtothcworfhipl't.
ld\11->, 'jcr. l. 1, u1. and to l(::d1in'r, '' i11,
.. ' '1
:1nd womcn. l'!ibil !lrli.r r'jlt.r rorrttpt!;::
rnoriu.r. 1:cc ad irritrmda.r
iJ!Jilodicas df t'J i Jt/lnt/1 i11r. I /;(.
ros L Ol(j ttg ((J11 re JtJJt IJoJp i ti./; :r rjht pro r.?:-
n, rmdo pnt ittm jl,t,git it dLt m, p::rc;:;'rr
1iltlritiqlfc (Jt!!!l/!1!'1'. CoJ!7J7.'a!rs l!!d:
tOttt Per_fidr Jt't/'!i'clf ("/
.fimt: Babylonii maxnc iJl. 'l.'iin:m 0
ebrict al e m /t'qmmtttr cj!ltfi flmt. Fif,.::-
o '
uarltm nietmtmm m prn;c:t;
modt:fi11s !J,1bit:t.r; dei1t fimmuz ]"/
amiC!t!tt cxJI!!Jlt, J':Wfat!lJllf' f!l!'lJ'l'.!
pro_f{m ant : a d 11 tllm, ho W
J r!l11' i / .'!J (':'.
irtuz corpont;;J '7..-c/,zm r:; t <l p i c: ;t. \.TI
tJJU'ftricum boc dcc/a:ts l'j/, rf m.-::::;Jt.
rttm 'VJ.rgiJwmqJI(:, apud com!t t!J / 1
beturvuf(Jati cor')oris (). (,.,f
11s, lib. v. cap. 1. And this i. (,
thcir womcn, colourcd O\'Cr \'>iLh r:.,::.:
of civiliry, \\as cncour:l:_>;cd cvcn 1'_\ tk:
rcligion: 1(Jr it \LlS thc cufl:on f(,r
' '
womcn once in thcir Ji k tP fit in rhc "I , '
plc of Vt:mt.r for rhc uk of' .. '
\vhich Temple thcy ollcJ S;icri '1 ';,
11 o t IJ, t he Te 111 p 1 e o f \V o me u : .11 .[ , ; 1 '
' ' '
. '
' .
on1ans and .L
11 any was once t thcrc, t1Jc was not
to depart r_illiomc 1:rangcr thrcw moncy
; ntoherbofom,tookhcrawayandby with
, hcr; and rhe moncy bcing for cred uf es,
.. !he was obligcd ro acccpt of it how littk lo-
cycr, and follow rhc lrangcr.
Thc Perjia1u bcing comncrcd by tbe
Nedes about rhe middlc of thc Itci)n of
Xcdekiab, conrinncJ in fubjcdion umlcr
rhcm 'till thc cnd of ;:he of 'Dttrius
thc 11fede: and C1;::.r, '' ]o wa-; of rhe
Royal Fam!ly oC thc Pe;j;:m.r, might be
S11trapa of "P e,jl, :1nd comnund a bo-
dr of thcir trc..:s und-.:r 'DtZru; but \\as
cr an abf(JJutc ami indcpcndcnr K ing:
. but afrcr the of BczyioH, w hcn he
luJ a Yilorious at his Jc:\ otion, aml
'J).1J'its \\as rcturncd from E.lj'JlJ inw
J/,,ditl, he rcvolted from 'Dczritts, in con
j!mction wirh thc ':Pcr(t'tms undcr him: * ;. sui,!n in
chcy bcin::r incircd thcrcunto by n
AJ J 1 / 1 J llct od. l t.
e e, w 1om
P :1.33. fi1cndinT thc kvcn \\'ir1rcr months ;carly at
t o
Bab)'i011, thc tlucc ycarly y
Suja, and thc t\vo liimncr months at I.t-
bata1Je, he cune rhc fcvcnth rime in ro ;Pn
ft'a, and dicd thcrc in thciiwing, aml WJ'i b\I
ricd at 'PajrlrKadti!. By thc CJ!l011 :li:,
rhc commun coniCut uf :1ll
he dicd in thc ycar of 7.. Ji)
and rhcrcforc comucrcd 'J)mms in th
year of Nao11ajJar 2 12, iCvt11ty :md n'.c
ycars aftcr the defl:rulion of l\J7!e,tfl:
a onians and
fl.nd bcat him the firfl: time in the ycar of
Nabolta(/ar 2rr, and rc\oltcd from him,
and bccamc King of rhc 'Poftws, crhcr
rhe famc ycar, or in rhe cnd of the yc2r bc-
fore. Ar hi<> he \L1S kvcnty
old according ro 1-lrrodotlt.r, and rhcrcforG:
he was born in thc ycar of !Vttbo11a!far I+Y
his mothcr Ala!!drttiC fi((cr of Cy-
. -
axeres, at rlut time :l 'r uu1 r ,;Jn, and alio
the ftfier of /hnviu Lhc \\'Ji( uf iVc!JIIrhad-
7tezzar, and hi-., fathcr (aby(l:.r bcing of
the old RoyJl FJm.ily of tl
e Pn:fiat!s
De cri tion o the Clll) e o
So 0111011,
HE Temple of Solomo?t being de- SeePlatcl;
fl:roycd by the Bab)'foJtians, it rnay & li.
not be amifs here ro givc a dekription of
rlut edificc.
This * T cmple looked eal:w:.1.rd, 1nd xl!.
!1ood in a arca, callcd rhc Separa/e
' If.
'Place: it fl:ood thc JI!tar, in thck.\l.
rhc ccntcr of anothcr il.uarc c1llcd +
rhc lmu:r Court, or Court of t/;e Pr:fh:
rhdc rwo arcas, being p:.1rrcd on-
ly by a marblc ral, madc :m arca 200 cubir'>
long from wefl ro c:1fl:,and 100 cubirs broad:
rhis area wa-; compal1cd on thc wefl: \\'ith a
wall, t and on thc orhcr tlucc lides wirh a ::F.zck .. '.L
pavcmcnt fifry cubits broaLl, npon \\'hiLh !<J, Ll 3
fiood rhc bui!dinos f(H rhc: Pridls, \\'tt l1
Y ..:lo,
- .
,- .... , .. '
; . '
. '
. . ' .
. "
.. :3 3+
cloyfl:ers nnder thein : and the pavement
wasfaced on the infidewitlt:a marl>Ie rail
before the cloyfters : the \vhole 'an cubits long from weft to and
ioo broad, and ws with an
Watd Court,' called Great CtJNrt, or
!'Jtt.ek.xl. Co11rt of thePeople, which was an hun-
dred op fide; for there
were but two Courts hUiltrby Solomo11: and
the outward Court was ah out four cubits
.. lower than the inward, and was compafed
on the wcd1: with a wall, and on the other
tEuk. xl. three fidc;s t with a pavement hft cubits
broacl, \Vhich flood the buil ings for
. the . :All this was the t Sanflttary,
alid a.fquare area ;o':) cubits and
ITJtcs 1ooking to\1/ard-; thc .Altar. Thc
!tcrsadbcrcd to nurblc \Lllls, which b:..nu1- Pbte r.
dd thc doy!l:crs and iLipportcd thc b:Iild-
\ ;ovc thc cloyficn, and t wcrc iupportcd t 1 Kiog.
i1 cach of thoic fl:orics by a row of ccd:1r vt_- 3
tllc miJdlc row of thc nurblc pllars: thc
. buildings on cirhcr ftdc of cvcry gare ,
i Comt; bcing I g 7 cubits long,
11crc dilinguiihcJ i nto fi ve clu.mbcrs on J.
! J1oor, in Icngth from thc g;ttcs ro
! rhc corners ot thc Court::;: thcrc ':: bcing :: Ezck.::I.
irull rbirry clumbcrs in a ftory, whcre thc
Pcoplc ate thc Sacrit1ccs, or rhirry cxhc-
dr:t<;, cach ot'which containcJ rlucc cham-
bm, a low-cr, :1 mic.Lllc, ::md anuppcr:
rr exhedra was 3 7 cubits lon;, bcing tlp-
porreJ by tour )ilbr-> in ro\\', who1c; wcre 4; cuoits I(JuJ.rc, and thc difbn- PllteiiJ.;
bctween thcir lu!Cs 6 : cubits, and thc
Jj[:tnces betwccn rhc axc:; of'rhc clc-
\Cllcubirs: and wh2i'C two cxhcdr.t"> jnyn-
d, thcrc thc b:llc'> of rhci r pilbrs joyr:cd;
thc axcs of rho/c two hcing o11l y 4 i
cubits dib.nt tiom onc pcr-
h.!p:ilur fl:rcn'rthuiJh! thc rh.: Jucc
:;) V L L
Plate I &
ll .
:f Ezek.
:x.lvi. 2 r,
A De
tton o the
betwecn the :1xcs of thcfc n,o pilbrs in
fr0nt fillcd up \Vith a nurble column +;
cubit<> fquarc, rwo pilLu-; lult'
out on cirhcr idc of thc column. A e
t he cnds o f t hdc bui! di ngs, * in t he to tt
corncrs of rhc 'Peop's Comt, wcrc lirtlc
Comts fifcy cubits il.]uarc on the octfidc nf
rhcir J.nd f{)rty on rhe inide thcrcof,
li)r ILtir-c:J.ks to the buildin;:>. kitchim
ro bakc and boil rhc S.:tcrificcs for the Pco-
plc, thc kitchin bcing thirty cuhits brnad,
and thc ihir-c:11C ten. The buildin:J;s on ci-
rhcr filk of thc of thc Priefl's Co!!rt
wcrc ali 3 7: cubic') long, Jnd cont.1incd
eKh of them onc !rrcn ch:1mbcr in :1 ll:nn,
...__., 11 "'
fubdi vidcd into iinaHer rooms, forthc G rot
Officers of thc Temple, and Priuces oftll!
Pricls: J.nd in thc fouth-cafl: and north-caf1:
corncrs of this court, ac the cnds of rhc
builclings, wcrc kitchins and l,lir-caks !iH
thc Grcat Ofiiccrs; and pcrhaps rooms for
hying up wood for thc /Jitar.
[n the cafl:crn gatc ofthc 'Pcoplcs Comt,
t a Conrt of J udicatnrc, compoicd of 2 3
Thc of rhc 'Prit:(ls
Com'l, \\' ith thc buildinps on cithcr idc,
wl1o Cor thc Hi:;h-Priefl, aml!Ji-; de
pury rhc Sagrttt, and'ror thc Stmbcdrim
Suprcmc Court of J udicaturc, compolu[
o!'!Cvcnty Eldcrc;. + The buildin<r or ex he
(11.1 on thc calcrn ftdc of thc lr)ttrhcrn
w as f ( > r 1"1 1 e P r i e l:" \\' h o !u d t he ove r i . , !1 t ll C
' 1
t he el u rgco f thc Srll! [/ uro:y w ith i r:; r rc.t
[ furies: and thc1c wcre, firft, two Crthof;_
' kim, who werc High- Trc::diners and S>
creuries to the High-Pridl:, J.nJ
hrcd, and prepared all ads and :lCconnr.-;
ro be iigncd and fealcd by him; thcn k ven
Amarcholim, w ho kcpr rhc !Zcy ., of rhc ic-
rcn locks of evcry g<ltc of rhc .fnCfrzr ,
and thofc alio of thc tiTJliirics, :1nd }ud r 1e
ovc:r-fighr, dircc'tion, Jppointmcnt of
all rhings i11 thc SrnJl!!!tl'i'J; thcn thrcc or
more Gi.rbtlrim, or or
Rcccivcrs, who kcF rhc Holy V cT:l:, ;md
rhc Publick Moncy. :md J-ccci\-cd or ddi>()-
kcl ofi.IC h 1 tllll" \V ere hrou:;h r in r 1: 1 e
knicc of thc Temple. ::md f:r
rhcmc. Al! rhdc, \rirh rh: Hi.:h-!
' .
compokd rhc Suprcn1c
gin,J; rhc affJ.irs ofthc Temple.
Thc Sacrificcs * wcrc kiilcd ri1e no!-
thcrn fidc of th<::" /!l!ttl', <11ld tk:1'd, CIJt tl
picccs J.drcd in'thc nnrrhcm of thc
Temple; allll thcrcfcrc rhc (Jr cx-
hcdra on thc calhrn fid,:: of thi" \\ .lS
. ,
hr Lhc Pridb \\ ho lud rlic o\-crl! .;hr < fthc
clunrc o( rhc .Attt;, :1.:1d D.1i: ,: Sen iL-c:
. ) .J
.llld thc:1c 0 J1-iccrc; \\'Crc, fL: tlut . .l
lllO!lC)' ;J"Lhc PcopL J{Jr purclufitJ:' t!l!:1:'>
;lr thc out l ic L'l" t'or
thcLIInc; fi:',htnftli:.:
tkli., crcd r!Jc \\ i11c, ilo\','Cr :1nd ov l !d
-' .
rd; 1 h tlur \\ .t'> o\ cr lor:;, \\ llT:_I,., t'-
v : r y P r i ll :lt Le 11 ti i ll o 11 t h e A 1.: , /1 h
' : h i ;
He ' upo11 f:)11 lli t i1.:
. '
L1Lt ...... l_,
Y'',k "J
. . . -' .
A De cri tion o
purch:1icd; He that adminil:red pbyflc to
thc Pridls .l.ttcndi!1g; He tlut \Vas o ver thc
- !
W;ltcrs; He that was o ver the times, and ,
did the Juty of a cryer, calling the Pricl1s
and tt) :H tcnd in thcir minifl:crics;
He that opc1trll thc ga.tes in the morning rll
bcgin thc len iu:, and ilmt tbcm in thc cvc::-
in; \\ hc;1 thc lerricc w:1s done, and tor tiL.te
cnd rccci \cd thc Kcys of thc Anac/;o/fi,,
and rcnr . .,. l rhcm whcn he Iud done b!s
dury; He viitcd thc night-\Lttch-
cc;; He rlut :) y Cymh;1l callcJ thc Le-
vites ro thc;r f(>r inging ; .He
r bar L. he H rhc
Ttmc; I k t::!:1t: te .;z. c.uc of thc SllC\1
Brc1d: rlt.:rc \\'crcaLu Oriiccrs who rook
\..'.re of thc Perfume, \-cil, ami rhc
\. :udrobc nf r he Pricls.
Thc cKJc,_];-a on thc fiJe 0f thc
fomh natc, :1.1;d on thc wcftcm nf
t!1c norrh g::nc, wcr2 for rhc Pri1:ccs cf l:12
fom and rwcnt\' courks of thc
cxhc-du for twclvc of rhc Princcs, ami t:;e
rlatc Ir. ot hcr ex hcdra to r thc ot h cr t\\' eh 2 : :l!ld u p-
e t1 thc parcmcnr on cirhcr (idc oh he Sc/'t?-
:- . '.') * wcrc othcr buildings \'. ithnut
'* E1.. , ! .
lr<i 1 2,
, <. .' : . . '>, for t lC four :111(! t\\'Cnty courh
4-.6, s,
3, ofthc i' tiLls ro C:lt thc J11d ).y
,.. up rhcir JIH.l thc mofl hol y
c. eh p:t \'l' i'1t.:llt hcing 1 o o cubirs l( .t:d
5') i;r... d, lud bui!tliiJPS on cithcr n(!C
t\V<..'li',j cuuits broad, with a\\ al k nr :dky
l ' : 1
OLOMON. 34-1
ten cubits broad bcrwcen thcm : the build-
ing which bordered upon thc Separa/e
Nace an hundrcd cubits ::md tlut
ncxt thc 'Peoples Cottrt bnt fifcy, rhc orher
fifry cubits wcfbvard * bcing for fbir-caiC *,Fzrk.
and kitchin: thcfc bnildin;" t \V ere thrce
norics hi,
h, and thc middJc i1ory \1/J.S t F."k.
.1 J h
roi\'CT in thc frcnt tlun thc lowcr l1ory, and Xlll. i -'
rhc uppcr i1:ory fhll naiTO\\-cr, to nukc
room tor g1l !cres for rhcy haJ icrics bc-
t(rc thcm, a1J undcr the wcrc clo-
fcrstor byingnp thc and thc
of rhc Pricf1:s, and rhdcgallcrics
11crctowards thc \\'Jik orallcy, whichraa
tbc bnildiu:_rs.
Thcy \vent np from thc C'owrt to
rhc Porch of thc Temple by T o Stcps: and
rhe t Houic ofthc Temple \\';lo; rwenty cu- t 1 King.
l'its broad, and ftxty lOJw_.,. within , or thirt_,.
E, k ,.;
- . . ....
brrwi, and ii..'vcnty lnn:r, i;H:lnd;n 2,f, Jl
,.., ,
l'rllls; orkvcntycuhitsbro:1d,and nincty
inclnding a
bcrs which ":l" twcnty cnbil's broad en
thrcc fidcs ofrhc H onlc; and if rhc Porch
bcalio includcd, rhc Temple \LlS an hui> (
v , . .,
drcd cubits Thc trctfrc-clum!>cr'; ,. "
11crc built bctwccn rhc .. ;1 x<:.
Temple, anothcr wall \\'ithont: thcy '3
ll'crc * built in t\\TO rows thrtc lt high, *E, .. k x;i,
oH.:ncd door againf1 door inr', \'. :dk. .lr 6,
which ran h;:twccn t;ll'lil, and
ll,h li ve cubits hroad C\'cry flor y; Jll t
!1c brc:.tdth ofthe OJJ CJthcr fidc
De cri tion o
ofthc gaUcry, including thc breadth ofrhc
wall to which they adjoined, was ten cu-
birs; and thc whole brcadth of the allcrr
and chambers, and both walls, was 1 ve
*. r King. twenry cubtts : thc clumbcrs * werc tn
vi. 6. cubits broad in the lower l:ory, fix broad in
rhe middle f1:ory, and cvcn broad in thc up-
er f1:ory ; for the wall of the Temple
milt wirh rctrabons of a cubit, ro rdl: rhc
timber w on. Ezekiet reprcfcnts the clum-
bers a cu ir n:nrower, :md the \valls a cubir
rhicker th:w rhcy wcre in Sotomott's Tcm-
i Ezek. plc: there wcrc t thirty chambers in a Jt,).
xli.6. ry, in all ninety chambcrs, and they
t2Chron. five cubits high in cvcry l:ory. The :j: Porcl1
.i. 4 ofthe Temple was 120 cubits high. and
lcngth from fouth ro north cqu::dlcd rhc
breadrh of rhc Hou1e: rhe Houfe wa" rhrcc .
fiories high, which maJe rhe heighr of the!
1-!oty P ttZcc three times thirty cubits, and :
rhar ofthc }.fojl Ho{y tluec times rwcnty: ;
rhc uppcr rooms werc trcafure-clumbcrs ;
:>(- r King. rhcy * wenr up ro thc middle clumbcr by '
i.S. \Vinding hir3 in rhc iourhern ihou!Jcr
of rhc Houk, and fi-om thc Iuiddlc into
the uppcr. .'
So me time afi:cr this Temple was built, :'i
1. Chron. thc J addcd a New Court,on rhc :.,
:xx. > tcrn fidc ot' rhc Cowrt, bctorc rile :
ng. 1\tt's :llld thcrcin built *a covcrc .
XVI. l. t' S 1 ' 1 l . e e 1 ..
or t lC. 1 : t 11s ourt was not m :
fi1rcd by Ezckict, but thc
thcrcof mJ. v be gathcrcd om rhok o.f rht:. :
J lf'v '
Jrometts Gottrt, in rhc fccond Temple,
built aftcr the cxamplc thcrcof: for whcn
had ddhoycd thc f1r!t
Temple, Zerttbbac!, by thc commifllons:
ofC'yrus and 'Dari11s, built anothcr upon
the ilmc arca, cxccpting thc
Cottrt, which \\as lcfr opcn ro thc G'c/t-
tiles: :1nd this Temple* \\'J.S lixty cubits vi;
long, and ixry broad, bcing only rwo lo- 34
rics in height, and having only onc ro\\. of
trcafi..u-c-chambcrs about ir: ::md on cirhcr
fidc ofthc Pricjts Cottrt wcrc doublc buil-
Jing" for thc Prid1:s, built npon rows
ofnurblc in thc Io\vcr 1ory, \\irh :1
row of ccdar be:uns or pilbrs in thc 11orics
abo ve: and thc cloylcr in rhc lowcr lory
lookcd towards thc Priefls Court: and thc
Separate 'Place, and Priefls Co11rt, wirh
ther buildings on thc north :md fourh liJes,
and thc Jf/omcs Cottrt, at thc c::tf1 cnd,
took up an arca. tlucc hundrcd cubirs long,
and two hundrcJ broad, thc Altar ibnding
in thc ccntcrofthe wholc. Thc ff/omms
Comt \\as fo namcd, hcc:wfC rhc womcn
camc into itas thc mcn: thcrc \\e te
gallcries tr thc womcn, and thc 111CII \\'or-
fllippcd u pon thc be lo\\ : :111d i 11 thi'>
fiare thc tCcond Tc!llplc cn:tt ;lll rhc
Rcign ofthc bm J[(".
fe red fome altcLttiuns, 1 y in r.hc
days of fiero d.
A De cri tion o the
Plate Ili.
This de.fcription of thc Tem le beinO'
. ::;,
taken princrpally from Eze te 's Vifton
thereof; and thc ancicnt Hebrew copy
lowed by the Scventy ditfering in fome
rcadings fi'om thc copy followed by rhe
cditors of thc prefent Hebrew, 1 will hcrc
fubjoin that part of the V ifion w hich re-
lates to tbc Out'I.L'tzrd Court, as I luvc dc-
duccd it from the prefcnt llcbre:v, and th;:
vcrfion of thc Scvcnty comparcd
./11Jdbeholda " .. oallo7t tbe out(idc o(t/1c
Hol!ft round about, at thc difb.ncc fitty
cubits from it, a a b b: mJd in tbe mcZI/s
hal'Jd a meajitri11g ccd J: cttbit s
the cubit, andan hmtd-hrfatb: fo be n;ctz-
jitrfd t he breadt /; be bu ildig, or r..:._ 1!,
otte rced, a11d the height oe rad. 7/mt
e ame he ttnto t he g ate of t bt Jloufl), r;;_/Jicb
looketb towards the eajl, and r;;_e;tt 11p tbc
fuen jtcps AB. t!l!d t bt'
t brc)hold of t he g ate, e D. eh OJJ{'
rt'cd roa d, a:d t he Portcrs lit! le ct!JtJi'i',
E F G, OJU' recd io11g, tmd oe rccd brotid;
aud tbe arched thc /itt/1
c!Jtanbcrs, F H, .fi"ue cubil s: and t IJcjol!d
lit tic crlttibcr, H I K, tt a ti road fl}/f/ t1
1ccd lon<-c;; rmd tbc ardxd pr!Jjitgc, l L,_(';l'
cubits: tmd tbt third lit tic c!Ji!illbcr L 1\l
!'\ ({
. '
OLOMON. 34-5
N, a rced tottg anda recd broad: ll?td tbr.
r!Jrcjhold the grztc thcjJorc!J of
(ii!C ::.-it!JiJ, P, O!lt rcecf: and !Je 1'/lr.a.fitr-
fd the porch gate, Q R, eight cubit.r;
Jl!d the pojls thercof, S T, s t, t::.o c116its;
aiid the porch uf the Q_ R, 1-oas 1t-
r:..ard,or towart! thr: in\)ard co1tJ'f;a11d tbt
littte chambcrs, EF, HI, LM, f, h i, lm,
were outward, orto thr: eafl; tbJ'cc on t his
fde, and thrr:e O!t that Jide of tbe gatc.
The'e was oe meafure of tbc thrce, antl
one me afore of thc pojl s 011 th f/dc, rmd o1r
tbat jide; and he mcaflrrcd the brcad:h of
the door of tbe gate, Ce, or D d, te ot-
bits; a1td the breadth of tbe gate wit!Jr.
betwee!t tbe tittic: chambcrs, E e or F r:
tbirteeJt cubit s; and t he timit, or mczrg JJ.
orftep before t e titt te chamber s, E I\1, o;c
mbit OJt this fide, alld the jlep, e m, O!C
mbit OJi tbe other jide; a!ld the tittlc
chambers, EFG, HIK, LMN, e fg.
hik, 1m n, werefi:-: cubits broad 011 th
fide, mtd fix cttbits road OTt that jidc:
and he meajitred the 7)bolr: readtb of tbc
gate, from the furthcr walt of onc lit-
tic cbambcr to thc fitrthcr r;.;;rdt of ano-
tbcr tittle chamber: the brcadtb, G <T,
or K k, or N n, was twenty aJtd fz'vc e u-
bits througb; d?or, F H, door
fh: aJtd be mcajitred tbe E F, H_T,
altc/ L M, e f, h i, ad 1m, twCJJty nt!JJts
bi;b; a.1:d rtt tbc pojls tbcre ,r:,,ltr:.r,
or tll'Cbcd prljj;!_Jts, F H, I L, i'il, i 1,
z 1''0ttiid
_A De
tton o the Crt
'J'CWid aon; a11d _(;o;; tc ca(lcrn fw
e{ t!JC at {/;(' f!J/rtl!ICC, C C, (O
--.. :;rjlcnt fc of 1 !:e porcb t!Jc gtU{
.-:._ifhl, T t, \:.'iTt (/(ircubits: tllldth{it:
. . . -
r:.;_crc 1/tZJ'f'O:;:.: -;.::-i Jo-:..;_J' {O t he fitt /e c!Jt!hl;.
h'is, an r! t o t he t;t;rc /; '4;:,:it bi 11 t lx r.r rr!. ?'
r <."' t:
'Ou:d ttO!!l, tl!!d to thi' pof!.r;:
t'Ic::;:;iado::..r ::.en J'O!tJLd rtbo11t -.;:;ithi::
tlltd 11po:t ctzc!J pojl --..;_ne pa!m trre.r. .
Tbc11 he brou bt rtJr lito tbc Olt".;.:arl.
Colrt, rwd lo t Jcrc -:;.,ere: cbrtmrr.r, r!I!J:;
a JtZI.Xllltllt r;_;._it/J jJd'S lljJOll it lll j'(
co?trt rotmd aO!t, tbirty cbtwl.0cn
Piate L 1tpon 1 be pat.;cct, jiljJport cd j,;
tbe pdfar.r, te d)(lJJicr.r on C'l-'Ci'Y firlfi>
n:apt t be r:;._cjlcr!l: tn:d t /;e prcmc:{:
nt tcd llfJOil t be jho11/arrs or f/dcs b'(
rr,atCJ be/o-:;.,, cvCJ)',garr ba&'!f!.fi'"c
!Jcrs o; c.'\!Jcdra Oll ti/ bcr .frfe. /!;;r/
1J1 {'(tj;n (' :! r he J'{'fl dt!J {) f t he o !1 t
Cr);t, .fjo11z t /){ jon:-f1J;t tlx !v._:_ .
. tu tbc jurc-froJJt of tbr: i::.;ar
U;tot, rm h.rmdrcd c11hit s cajl--..;_ard. , .
T br /;e [;'O l.'/!, lit 11n: 1:ort b--:.;.,ard, a.
t lxe ';;.:a.r a ( f!! e 1 bflt t o""u:-'rn
e .
be ort !J; !Jc 7'JJC'a_(ncd t IH /rsr !JthL'i ,
(J, m:d tln rNit rwd t!JI'ii,."
fL' rhr:mlns 1 t bree 011 t hi.r .
t71! rl tln ce o" 1 /; .-1 t .fl'dc, a 11 d t lx j' r; ,
: a;r/ 1 be p.J'tb t hr.rcof, llitl
accon!i.l!g 1 o t be 1l1L'tljit c.r t /J1j ,
l'; il.r /c11gt b 'Z:.-'tl.r jjry rubit.r, rlid , ,
IJrc:u/tiJ Jt'vc tllld twnJ!_y : rmd ! .
<lLOMON. 3f7
ui11dows thereof. aJld the porch aJJd the
palm-tret:'S thereof ~ e r e accordrg to the
meafitres of the gate ~ h i h !ook.ed to the
ea.fl, a11d tbf_y 'Z.oe!!t ttp to it by ftve1f.
flt!ps: a11d its porch before them,
that is inward.. /htd there was a gate
of the JtWard court over again.fl this
gate of the north, as lt the gates to tbe
te we.flward: rwd be mcajitred from gatr:
to gate a11 btmdred cttbits.
2 HA P.
' '
T R 'U S luvim; tnnnarcd thc Mo-
1urchy to thc 'Pcrfia!JS, ::md .
fcvcn ycars, was il.lCcccdcd by his i.1n Cmn-
byfcs, who rcigncd CYcn ycars Jnd fivc
months, Jnd in thc thrcc bfl: ycars of his
Rcig11 {ibducd Eg)1Jt: he \VlS fuccccdcd
by l.tardl.r, or Serdis thc Afagtts, who
fcioncd himfclf to be Smerdis thc brothcr
Smcrdis rcigncd fcvcn montlts, ::t11<l in
the cighth month bcing difCovcrcd,
hin, with J. grcat numhcr of thc
thc 'Pcrjians c1llcd thcir Prid1'l, and in mc-
mory of this kcpt ::m annivcrbry <hy,
which thcy c::tllcd, 1/Je Jlattgbtr:r the
Thcn rcigncd Jv/araplJI!s ancl A1-
t apbcnu:s J.ii:w d:1ys, and aft:cr thcm 'Da-
'J"ts thc ftJn ot H_yjlaf}Hs, rhc ion of .dr-
.falJJCIICJ", of thc .mily of Acbttmees,
Z 3
3 so
Pel.fia, being chafen King by the neighing
valer. of his horfe : befare he rcigncd bis * namc
Max.l.9. was Oc bus. He feem<> on r"his accation to
c. l..
t Porph.
de Ah{l.
,. b
.J ,
ha ve rcformed rhc confiitution of thc .fofa-
gi, making bis father their M :1ft-
ter, or Arcbim<'zgtts; for Porpbyri!ts rclh
us, t that the Magi 1cere a fort of 1JJC11 .fo
.. .. CIJCrttb!c amogjl t he Pcriians, t!Jat D::t
rius tbe fln H y laiiKs .-.:.,rote OJt t !H mo-
11111llfllt of bis ;zt!Hr, amonQ,fl: othcr
thing<>, tbat be bad been tbe ./lla.flrr tbe
J\L1:j. 111 this rcform:1tion nf thc .11/lrlJ i,
li_y(lafpes was afTifl:cd by Zoroaj!res: ;,
Tbc Pcrlians at tbis day .fa)'
jtl'lP[Y t!Jat Zoroafl:rcs !i.tN/ twder H yfia!".
pes: and Apuleitts; Pythagorctm, amt,
Regs [ex
to loncm abdutosl do[forcs babuijjc
Pofarnm JVagos, G prtecipue
trem, ormzis divil arca11i /Jtijtitcw. By
Zoroajlre.r's convcr.ling at B.zkYiOII, he
fCcms ro lu ve borro\\'cd h 'i ski ll f1 o m thc
Cbald,erw.r: for he \\as skillcd in Af1rono-
my, ::tnd ufed thcir yur: i f!.: C11rr i!Ls,
=FQ.<::urt, t ]lf,rgi noximi prztrim; CllJ"i!JL'iJ CtlJJL'-
Ltb.w. b , . r.J
. tlllt: 1 rcL C/lt t jL'.'<:ilf./.JIJt a qu;.
tttf_Jit'L'l'ttc.r_fl'rptL'rt:Jt m, p tci.!s tlJIJ:li-
lis 7./tlati. diclts tot itts anni pan.r 1Jtt1Jit'-
1'0: :tnJ J]JiJJItl/J!ts; SciCI!tirc Jll/1/ta C."(
C/J,dd,rorllm r1rr il!! is rir1 !lit s addicl
Lr;ror<'j/ro From hi; conrcrli:JL; in E:vc-
ul; he 'l rcckoncd :1 C!JaiJ,er/11, :lll
J. a 'FoJ/(l/!. ;t lJ,t[/; ,,:;
/,' !
o the ERSIANS.
3 SI
S 11 i dtt s calls h i m* :l 'fJ ofo- Me de, and Eth Su:dJ> in
tlut he \LlS thc .r/.:i!jitl of .Jljlro!lO- :'":o:i;:;'
mr:rs,'rjl twtbor of tbe 1/il'I'!Je tN
rccei-z:cd r!J/JO!Jg tbem. This skill in
Aflronomy he lud dciubtlcf; from rhc Chaf-
rl'rlliS, hur I/!t.Jpn tLlvclled into ]r/ia,
to be infl:rutcd by rhc C)mnoflf!Jd!s: ami
thdc twn L'OIJj()y thcir :!nd Juthn-
riry, inf1irmcd kt of Pridb cr .J!d-
gi. idlruL:J t!Icm i11 1iiCh
ami myi1crics of :md Philo1(,phy
,1.:; they lit to cfl:ablilh for thc H.eli-
:1nd Ph iloJ(,phy of that Fmpirc; and
rhclc infln:dcd orhcrs, 'till from a
thcv g:-c\\' ro :1 nmltitude: H
"' l.- L
Suidrts tcll:; w;, tlut Zoroa/hc.r rrttvc rt.
J (.)
ctri:!aI'! to ;m;;e of' tbc J\!Llni: a11d
.._, (_) ') o
Ebtlttcilms; rlut lc J'tfo;mcd tlx rcfigio1t
t!JC r.;.JJicb cfore ::vas dividcd
i!lt!J s: and ./1'-:;atbias; that be Jt-
1 rodccd t be t be Magi
1 be P cr (i s. c.6,wg i 11g t hrir a llr i CJJt fltcrcd
ritcs, a11rl iJt j(vcrai opinio;ts:
Am;;r!I!!IS tcll:) us, Alagiwt r:l}( di-
r7 a n 1 2. '
7.'1//0}'/WI Clf flfJJJ, Ci(JiS c.. >'
ji'ii'Jiti,t.f/u:!i.r priji'i.r m!tlla e: .. : Cba!cttl'O-
'J '/111 ({ J'(il/1 iJ ]?,.:{ rtll/1/ S a ddidit .ZO?'Orl r
tn.r: rll'il!tk 1 Rcx pr.'tdctijj/-
?JJ/ts 'J),;ii jJrt/11'; rui quum Jltpcrioru
1 11di,t Jn:t ttjt'dcnt !ts pmctmct, ad 1/C
'f!J?roj.:;;. vc!IL'rrtt joiitlldi!!cw,
r ltJII.r 1 r.t!l'f 11 i 1/ Jt'!cntiis
J/:-t.t:or:;irJ 111 gonrt pot W!lllll'; t'OJ'I!J'/1fjlll!
Z 71101I!t
3 sz
monittt ratioes tmmdani mottts fidc ..
rmn, purofque facrorum ritus qttantum
cotligere potuit erttditus, ex his qttte didi-
cit, afiqtta [c11jihtts. J,fagorum infitdit;
qutC iffi Cltm diflipl/iJ pr!ftntielldi fu-
t!tra,pcr fitaJJJ quifqtJe proge;Jirm, pojlc-
ris d!tatlls tradtmt. ro per fceculrl
'l'lll!ft:z ad prtC(ens, 1/Jla cadanq11r pro-
.f'tpt mlllt it urlo crcata, 7Jcor1tm cult ibu.r
dcdicatnr. Fcnmtquc,jij11jhmt rjl ere di,
l'tiam ig;:cm ca'littts f,-zpfttm apttd fcfcmpi-
tcrnis foctt!is cuj?odiri, cujtts portiOllfJJi
exigttam ttt .fattjlam quo11dam A_{irl
tins Regius dictmt: originis rz.
vud 1tltn'JCrtts crat exi!is, tju[q11r
Pcr.ficce potcjlatcs i11 fitciclldi r
rcbus di"'itzis fo!crmtcr uteatur. Errzt
'!fltC piacttlum aras adirc, "'d hojliam co; .
trerfarc, atcqttam .A1ttglts conccptis
catio7'1ihtts !ibtzmcnta diffimderct prtecttr ..
foria. Verrmz auli prztt/!atim, lt am-
j'litudi1lem gcnt is folidte coajfertmt
1/IJ?nClt : i11babitalltrs 1tttl!rt mtt
-:;or11nfirmitudi71cconmumitas, !cgiu.r
jitis ttti pcrml]i, religio11is rcfpef!lt jiwt
/Joorttti. So this Empirc W:l..S at firl: com-
ofcd of mar:y nJ.tions, c:1ch ofwhich Iud
1ithcrto its own rcligion : but now lly:
tajj;cs :1nd Zoroaj!res col1ctcd wlu.t thcy
ro be bdl, cfb b!ihcd it hy,
and taught ir to othcrs, tiwi.: to ot!Jcrs,
rill rhcir diki)lcs bcc:.lnlc 1 cnouP h
for thc PricHhooJ of thc wholc Empirc;
o the
infl:ead of rhofc various old rcligions,
they fcr up thcir own inl:itutions in thc
whole Empire, much aftcr the nunner that
Numa contri ved and inl:iruted the rcligion
of the RomaJ:s: and this rcligion of rhe
'Po:fia11 Empire was compocd part1y ofthc
inbturions of thc Cba!dtt'a!l.r, in which
ZoroaJtre.r wac; wcll skillcJ; :md of
rhe nflitmionc; of rhe ancicnt Brachmrms,
w ho :u e ti1ppofcd to derive cvcn thcir 111m e
from the .Arabamans, nr f(ms of .Arabam.
born of his fcconcl wife Kctttrah, inl:rut-
cd by thcir fathcr in the worhip of O N E
G O D without imagcs, and fcnt into thc
cJl:, w hcrc Iljjlaj)es was infirutcd by
their fuccdfors. About the famc time wirh
l!y.flaJl'e.r .1nd Zoroaflres, lved alfo Ojta-
;w.r, anothcr cmincnt A fa tts: P lilty la-
ces him unJcr Varitts !!)' t!f}cs, and tti-
d,1.r m:-tkcc; him rhc followcr of Zoroaflres:
he camc into Grecce wirh Xr:rxes, and
fccms to be thc Otauesof I!erodot!!s, who
difcovcrcd Swcrdis, and formcd rhc con-
i)irJcy againfl him, and for that icrvicc was
ho110urcd by thc conf})iLltors, :1nd cxcmpt
fromfiibjctinnto 'Daritts.
In rhc ftcrcJ commcnt:uy of rhe Per-
fia!!. riLl'; r.I:clc words are afcribcJ ro Zoro-
,11rt)s "' , v ., ., ., " - "Eufcb
4.:JI , U t;"l EX:.UV H T:l; '.;-IV o 7rp:;.;.,
mo _,':' , , , , Ptxp.
'To.;, a"Y ., oJO;, u..oJ.';tO r.xro;, E
_ , . -4 , vang. ..
o; y.x0.vv ay.xDwrara;, 4J,,OY'f.I.WV 4>po1'1f.L"- e, uJt.
-a . v , ' ' ' ' ' 7
TO!J' G;t 1:& )LJ --:rar"lp X.J :croo,o.XK o.:, '+'u,n ..
t<o:, x) TiMw;, :Qrl:t 4Juctml1 .t./vo; 'Dett.r
accifttris capitr:: bic }71'!Jtts,
corruptibi!is, tCtenms, il!gelli!!tJ, Jti;e
partibus, OJnttibus aliis wo-
deratoromnis bo11i. du!lis llOJl c,1pirndus,
bo JJO rllm 0/J t mt .r, p; 11 rl e 11 ti u m pru de ll t
fimus, teq i!rtt is a e }11(/ ir ite ftlre;s,
ipjc fui doflor, 03 j'ojc7us G
.ftljlci!S (:} jatri jJh)jt(:i 1!i!l[ 1/S i!t'VC/l(Ol' :
.1nd thc lime was raught by O.flal!t.r, in hi,
boo k Cllled O{/ a u uc!Jrt .r. T hi-; w :l. S thc
Ancicnt G od of thc 'P erftrm JVla,z i, and
thcy ,,orihiDccl him by kccping a pcrpctu::d
f1rc for S.tcri ces upon Alur in thc ccn-
rcr of a round arca, con1pa1Tcd with :l
ditch, withoq,t any Temple in rhc pL:cc,Jod
\Vithour pa ying .111 y wodbp to rhc dc.1d, or
J.ny inugcs. Bur in J. fhort time thcy dccli-
ncd from the worlhip of this Eterna!, Invi-
fiblc God, to \Yorlhip thc Sun, and thc
hrc, and JcaJ m en, J.nd inn!_';c:;, as thc E-
'l'!Jl'JJciatiJ, ::l!1d CbrzfclteaJJs
lud done bcirc: and from thdc i-
on"' ::md thc prcrcndin[! to ion';,
thc \\'ord'i Mrt and 1J,-z'lta, \\'hich
(.1 (J
r he: P r i cfls :111 d Re l i ion o f t be 'P ojt'illl .r,
C.lll\C to be u k en ll :111 i! 1 nr,:.
'J)arilt.r, or 'Darfl, hi; Rci;;n in.
lpring, in thc ftxtccnth yc:tr cf thc Empirc
o f t IJ e 'Po '('rw.r, Jl/m o r; 1: r,.(j.' 2. 2 7 , ,1IJ d
. -
3< ycar), by tbc li1W1imoll'i conknt:
of all f11 Lhl kcfJnd yc.n
of hi'> P. .. cign thc .'JI'-;,;,.r lJc:',,m lo bui!d thc
Temple, by che proplid of 1
o the pE R SI A N S.
-and Zcc!Jariah, and finiihed it ln the fixth.
He foughr rhe Cree/u ar JJ.1aratbo7t in Ofi-
ober, AmJO NaboHa{{. 2 s8' ten ycars bcforc
che bJ.ttcl at Salamis, and died in rhc fifth
ycar following, in thc end of wintcr, or bc-
of 1pring, A 1m o NaboiJ,1/. 26 3.
Tbc ycars of Cawbyfts and 'Daritts Jre
dcrcrmincd by rhrcc. Eclipks of rhc M oon
1CCO!llcd by 'Ptof&my, {() t!ut thc:y C.ll1!F)t
. -" ..
be JdpurcJ: ami by rlwJc EclipJc-.;, and rhc
Prophdcs nf Zccbarirtb com-
urcd togcthcr, iris h:1t thc yors
of 'Darin.r DC:2::11l ::tftcr thc dJy or thc
c!c\ cnth ./ month. and rhc
!. )lh cby uf Alril, ::l!1J by conic,lucnc:.: in
J1!rli'tb or AJriJ.
) ... 'crx c.r, Ac!J fc h i ro_(cb, //e b.f-;,:.,cros, or
0.\Jrl'CJ, fi.ccecdcd his bthcr 'J)ariu.r, and
J;,)cnt rhc firft fi,-c )rcars of his RciC'n, J.nJ
- '
more. 11 prqurariom for his cx-
r::-di.rion J:.;ainf1 rhc Creck.s: J.nd r!Ji.; cxpc-
dltinn \Lh in rhc time nf thc Olympic
(j J 111 e S, 11 t J C b Ji llll i 1 L! e f t !J C l r f1 ) C o f
.._) . ) -'
thc '7\lh Olympud, Ctt!litu bting _,cbo;t
J t .//1 .6 (') _r ; a S :111 e h ro ll () 1 ()" e r" ; l ': re e. T he
' J 1
grcal lllllllOcr ()' v;hich he tire\\' Ol!t
(lj' Sufi t<l im GnL'tl', .:Jj/Jj!:.'s .. . r .
1 he Poct :l)': l\:rt..: v
.... r,
1 . .J
/1 S11h.
Tht Jl:lfh:->.c ur hi'> arllly m cr thc 1 !d-
lt(:,.o/1! intll(: cnd of thc i't)urth yc;tl
Hieron. in
O the Enz irt
of thc 74th Olympiad, th1t isinJu;te,
1to NaboTtajJ 268, and too k up :.1 month;
and in a.utumn, a.ftcr threc months more,
on thc r6th day of the month .lv!tmycbio1t,
at thc full moon, was the battcl at Satamis;
and a lictlc afrcr that an Eclpfe of the
lVIoon, w hich by thc C:licnbtion fcll on
Ofiob. 2. His firl: yc:w thcrcforc bcgan i11
ipring, .Antw Nabonaj( 26 3, abovc: he
rcgncJ almofi: twcnty onc ycars by thc
concnt of atl writcrs, and \Y as mnrthcrcd
by Artabamts, captain of his gu:ulls ; to-
w:.uds thc cncl o( wintcr, _J:mo .:...Vczbo11ajJ.
2 8-f .
.ArtabamtJ rcigncd crcn months, :1nd
upon fuipicion of trcJ.on ag:linl: Xer:xcs,
was hin by Artaxerxcs Lo11gimamts, thc
ion of Xcrxcs .
../lrtaxerxes bcgan his Rcign in rhc au-
tumnal halfycar, berwccn thc 4th ::md 9th
'jewifhmonths, Nehem. i. 1. & ii. r. &
v. 14. andE.:--:ra vii. 7, 8,
ycar fcll in with thc fourth y( ar of thc 8 3d
Olympiad, a e; ./Jfricatms * informs us, and
thercforc his firt yc.u bcQ;J.Il w itbin :1 mont h
or two ofthc autumnal Equinox, A11110 Na-
bottaf{. 284- Tlmcydidcs rchtcc; that thc
ncws of his dcath camc ro ./lt!Jc.r n \\in-
ter, in thc cvcnth ycar of thc 'Pr:toponllL'
j/rm th:u: is.Att. 4 Olymp. 88. and by
thc Canon he rcigncd forty onc ycars, in-
cluding thc Rcign of his prcdcccffilr Arta-
baftlt.r, and di e<) t he m iddlc of win-
o the
ttr, J1m10 Nabonaj{. 3 2) ftetmte: thc Pcr-
jia1Js now call him Ardfchir and Baha-
ma11, thc OricntJ.I Chril:ians .Artctbaftbt.
Thcn rcigncd .Xcrxr:s two months, J.nd
Sogdialt fcvcn months, and Varitu No-
!!J!ts, thc bJ.fhrd ion of .il.rtax,_'r:x:es, ninc-
rccn years \Llllting tour or fivc months; and
:Daritts dicd in fummcr, a littlc afrcr the
cnd of rhc PelopomtejiaJt war, and in thc
fm1c Olympic ycar, and by conklJUCncc in
or 7wte, Am1o NaboJJafl 344 The
I th of hi-; Rcign was coincidcnt in
- .
wintcnvith thc :!.cth of thc Pelopomu:fialt
\Ll.r, ami thc ycars of t1nt w.u are htcd by
cluratcrs, J.lld agrccd ?n by
all Chronologcrs: thc \\"J.r !Jcgan in fpring
.ilmt. 1. Oiymp. 87. laftcd 27 ycars, and.
endcd r. 14 . .il.ll.4.0lymp. 93
Thc ncxt Kiug \LlS Artaxcrxi's .L1!nr:-
mo11, thc ion of 'lJaritts: he rcigncd forty
1ix years, and dicd .fl.wo Nttbonajf. 390.
Then reigned Artaxerxcs Oc/ms nvcnty
onc ycars; .A1js, or rwo yc::us,
'I.Jaritts Codowttlllltts our yc;.us, unto
thc battlc of Arcfil, \\' hcrcby rhc 'Pafm
Monarchy \\':1S rranfhrcd to thc Gred:.s,
Olob. 2 . .1111. 417: but
was not fhin umil a ycar anJ fume monrhs
1 luvc hirhcrto fbred thc rimes of this
Monarchy out of thc Cree!: ami L11tilt
writcrs : fr rhc 'Jcu's know more
of thc Babylo11m and Mcdo.Perjlfm
- -
3 S 7:
O the Ern ire
ircs than w Iut rhcy h:wc out of rhc fa e red
ooks of tbc old Tdb.ment; :md thcrcforc
O\VIJ no more Kings, nor ycars of Kings,
rhey can find in thofc books: rhcKings
thcy rcckon are only JVe6!t(:ad1te zzar,
E,;iimcrodacb, 'Daritts rhc
Mcdc, rynts, A!Ja_(itcrus, ami 'Darius rhe
'P n:f(m this laf1: 'J)arus thcy rcckon ro
l)c rhc Artaxrrxes, in \\bofe Rcign Ezra
Nebcmiab c1mc to .7 cr!!foicm, ac-
counting Arta.Ycr . .....:fs :1 common namc of
thc iVcucbadczzrtr,
thcyy, rcigncd forty five ycars, 2 1\tg-
'-XY. 27. three ycars, Va1t.
viii. I. and thcrefore Evilmcrodach twcn-
ty thrcc, ro makc up thdcvenry ycars cap-
tivity; cxcluJing thc firfl: ycar of Nebtt-
dJr!dJiczzar, in w hich rhcy fa y re Pro-
phd)' of rhcc,enry ycars wJ.c; givcn. To
Dari11s the Me de they ailign onc yc:u., or
mofl but rwo, 1Jall. ix. I. to Cyrus
rhrcc yc:us incomplcre, <JJa!l. x. 1. ro .A-
bafrtcr:t.r rwclvc ye:1rs 'till thc cafl:ing of
Ejlh. iii. 7 o onc ycar more 'till thc
7cws fino te their cncmics, Eji!J. i x. I o and
onc ycar more 'till .E,jlbcr and filordccai
\note thc fccoml Ietter fi.)r the kccping of
P11rim, ix. 29. in al! fourrccn ycars:
to'Dari 1/J' thc 'P cr:f/a thcy allot th i rty
t\\'O or rarher thirry ix years, Nc!Jcm xiii.
6. f() tlnt thc'PnjiwEmpirciioom thc build-
of rhc Temple in rhc fcconLl ycar of
?J:rri;s 1-(vf!a_fj)cs, ilourifhcd only thirry
o the
;,ur ycars, tmtiL1/c.\,z;tder thc Great ovcr-
thcN ir:: t hm rhc 'Jc-.;._s reckon in thcir
!p .. ':Hcr Chroniclc, Scdcr ()f,zm Ra!JtZh.
:/ fJ_fcplms, out or rhc Ltcrcd and othcr
books, rcckom o ni y thcfc 1\ ingsof'Perjz
G) '.'t.r, C't! 111 'f)m t s ll_y(lajj; is,
.... Yrrxc.r, A11 t?xl'rxc.r, J.nd 'Darius: and
taL;. i 11 r r h i ' ')) I7J. i l.f' '\. h o \ \':1 S 7] {{ J' i S N f)-
t b !t .r,- re be <: 1 e :111 d r he L1I11 e 1\ in g \\' i t h t he
1.1[1- '/),'i'JrtJ, wi10m A!txalfdcr rhc Grcar
o-. crumc; h\- of this he
Sa/;,-71/at 1add!ta :1livc ,,hcn
AltxaJtdcr che GrcJ.t O\Trthrcw thc :Pcr-
ji(m Empirc Thm al! thc .Jc-.;._s concludc
thc Pcrjia;t Empirc \Vith Artaxnxcs Lo-
"J!Jall1ts, and '1Jari11s Not!Jlts, allo\\'irl:rna
more Kings of 'PCJ)l, than rhcy found in
thc books of F,-:::;ra ::md iVci.Jemiaf,; and rc-
ro rhc Rcigns of rhi"
.and this 7Jzrills, \\ hatC\'Cr thcy mct \'>ith
in profmc htlory conccming rhc
h.. of rhc hmc Iumcs: Jo a<; ro rakc Ar-
1 ttxcr.\c.r Lu,.g imtll!tt.r. Artaxcrxcs Allle-
'J!!OI!, /Ir! ttXrl' Yt.r Ocb!l.r, t()r onc .and
thc hmc /ll'lil.\'CJ'.'Y.'t'.r; ami 'Dari!i.r JVo-
tb:.r.alld '/)arls ('or!.Whl!J:!!t.r, t()r onc J.nd
thc hmc '!Jt!r!t.r; and ],zd(:'llrt, and Siiii('(JJ!
j;'(!!l.r. f'nr orlC' r :1c hrnc H Pricl1.
']'IJ(,Jc Jc .... r \\ lw roo!\. /-Jcr./dfor rhc Jllt:f
f>d,, :1:;d \\ere rhcncc calicd 1 hror!itm.r,
kcrn to thcir opiri<lil 11 )011
thc ic\'Cill \r \\cck...; oJ' ycar<;, which t 1cy
J(,utHl bct\':ccnthc R ofCynts :.mJ tlur
. ) -
3 59
of He roe!: bur aCrcnv-ards. in appl ying the
Prophcfy to Tbeudas, .'Jttclas of G_aJi-
lcc, and at lcngth to Barcbocha, thcy icctn
to ]uve fhortcncd thc Rcign of thc King-
dom of 'Pcr!ia. Thdc accounts being vc-
ry impcrfctt, it was nccc{[uy to havc re-
caude to thc rccords ofthe Gree/u and La-
til:es, and to thc Canon recitcd by Pt
P.JY, f()r hting thc times of this Empirc.
\V hich bcing done, wc ha re a be: ter ground
!(1r undcrfbnding thc hil:ory of thc _'lews
tCt down in thc books of Ezra and
mi ah, :md it ; for this hifi:ory lur-
lgfuffcrcd by wants fome illufl:rari-
on: and fi dl: 1 fiull fl:arc the hil:ory of thc
.1 ews undcr Zerubabel. in thc Reigns of
)rus, Cmtb}fes, and 'Darius HyJta.fPes.
This hii1ory is conuincd p:utly in the
thrcc firfl: cluptcrs of thc book of Ezra,
and firfl: fi ve vedes of rhc fourth; and
1 y in thc book of 1Vc!Jcmiab, ti-o m thc ;th
verle ofthc kvenrh chaptcr to the 9th vcrk
of thc twclfrh: for .1._Vthcmiab copicd :tll
r h i-> out of r he Chronic les of thc .7 c-;;:;s,
w rittcn bcforc his days; :1'>. nuy by
rcading rhc pbcc, anJ tbat thc
Prich :md Le\ irc..; who rhe l't 1\ c-
IUnt 011 thc 24th lLly of rl1l'
J.\'d;n;t. x. wcrc ver\' ::une ith thof(..:
\rho rcturncd from i:1 t!1 irll
. '
'Cll" <Ji-' (
'-rs f\r "
! .,.., .,.!-; " 1 1
. 1ll
' ) 1 , . ( 1 l ti. . '\ ' . 't .... t 1 J . l \.
- -
t bofe who k.tkJ ;r: ri:i" will h.:.:
pt!CCi\'1:-c\ hv l !J
.; j; <;'
th...:ir '[';::;;
o the
The Priefis whore-
J..YdJo;;i ah. E z rtt
11. 2.
']rrrm i ab.
J11alt?tcb: or ~
lictt, Neb. xii.
2, 14-
Jfttt t ujh.
Sbec!Jaiab orSbe-
baJJiab, JVeb.
:X 11. 3 , Lf- .
Re!Jifm, or Harim,
ib. 3, 1).
Cmetbo: or GiJt-
uethoJJ, Neh. xii.
4, I 6.
The Priel:s w ho fea-
A ztZJi ab.
'Jae mi ab.
Lzra. J'(chcm. 8.
P aJhur.
Obadiah or 0/;dia.
Abijab .
]tf ij (IJIJ 11,
- .
O t!Je Ern ire
__ , r a (l :1 i ,1/7.
Yhnn t?J ab.
- l'/h !! /l.
p iJ:lllf.
,\ frrc/; itt/; ;'\':.11'/J
r/1: cf,.- b: o r I!odacz. z a/),
. f' .. Q ..
. >Z.; 1! !!. + ') ('(., 111, 9
, ' ('(' { f ., 1g
....... ,u;--.-, ...
B i!gai.
J? t 1t1t.
K admir!
S!xha iah
T he