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PTA Minutes Jan2014

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Sligo Creek PTA Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, 1/7/2014
7:00-9:00 pm
Sligo Creek Elementary School Gym

7:00 pm Meeung beglns
7:03-7:10 Welcome & approval of mlnuLes from november 2013
7:10-7:13 8udgeL updaLe
7:20- 8:30 Speaker: 8oard of Lducauon Members
8:30- 9:00 upcomlng LvenLs and Ad[ournmenL

November 2013 minutes approved by voice vote.

Motion to adjust the budget: an additional $160 allocated to babysitting. Approved by
voice vote.

Board of Education Members: Mike Durso and Rebecca Smondrowsk
> Mike Durso represents District 5, including upper Silver Spring and Olney. He was
a principal for 35 years, including 16 years at MCPS. He was one of only two BOE
members to vote against the MCPS-Pearson contract for the new math curriculum.
> Rebecca Smondrowsk represents District 2. She is a parent of a special needs
child and has experience with the PTA and state and local government. She was
endorsed by the Washington Post and won her seat beating her opponent by less
than four percentage points.
> Some of the topics covered during the discussion include:
Sibling preference for admission to immersion programs. The BOE is considering
whether this is fair given that some families get multiple children in with one child
winning the lottery while some are waiting.

SSIMS schedule. Mr. Durso indicated there were basic systemic fairness issues,
so whatever is done needs to match with what has been done through the

Compacted math. BOE members both admitted MCPS could have done it better.

Redistricting. Some of the paired school situations like Oak View are being
included in the redistricting. There was also some discussion that this
redistricting has considered giving the immersion middle school programs their
own building.

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1A meeungs are held on Lhe rsL 1uesday of Lhe monLh, and are open Lo all.

1ue March 4, 2014 (7:00pm - 9:00pm)
1ue May 6, 2014 (7:00pm - 9:00pm)
1ue !une 3, 2014 (7:00pm - 9:00pm)


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