EEE445 Fall2009 Syllabus
EEE445 Fall2009 Syllabus
EEE445 Fall2009 Syllabus
Catalog Description: Asynchronous logic system. Algorithmic state machines. CPU organization.
Construction of arithmetic logic unit. Process control architectures. Instruction modalities.
Microprogramming. Bit slicing. Prerequisite: EEE 248 or consent of the department.
Course Objectives: We will learn about the components of a computer system organization, and
instruction set architectures. We will build on the knowledge of microcontroller macro-coding from EEE
347, and study hardware and micro-programmed control for single- and multi-cycle datapath design. I/O
organizations, asynchronous logic design concepts will be covered as time allows this term. EEE-446
(next term) will follow from where we left off. Those without EEE 347 background can take the course, but
let the instructor know in advance.