Affidavit of Service

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Republic of the Philippines) City of _____________ ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY REGISTERED MAIL I, ____________________, of legal age, with office address

__________________ and an employee of ______________, counsels for the Defendant, after having been sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose and state: I am the messenger of _______________, counsels for the Defendant in the case entitled ______________, Civil Case o! _________ and that as such messenger, I served upon the counsel of the adverse party a copy of the foregoing "anifestation and #mnibus "otion for the Plaintiff via registered mail, this $th day of %uly &'() as evidenced by the registry receipt hereto attached*indicated with the corresponding numbers, and with instructions to the postmaster to return the mail to the sender after ten +(') days if undelivered!

,he addressee is: ______________________________ Counsel for the Plaintiff ________________________ ________________________ Post Office Pasig City Registry Receipt o! ________ Date: %uly $, &'()

-I, .// -0.R.#1, I have signed this affidavit on the $ th day of %uly,

&'() at Pasig City, Philippines! ________________________ SUBSCRIBED an S!OR" to #efo$e %e& the affiant e2hibited to me her 3IR ,I Card with o! ___________ issued on /eptember ((, &''4! #,5R6 P738IC Doc! o! ____9 Page o! ___9 3oo: o! ____9 /eries of &'()!

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