Argumentative Writing

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Teacher: Chuah Kee Man

Subject Class Duration Level Topic Skills focus Language content Previous knowledge

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English Language Form 4 A (41 students) 1 period (40 minutes) Date: 14 June 2006 (Wednesday) Intermediate and above Social Issues Facing Teenage Blues Writing logical connectors and punctuation (use of colon) The previous two lessons managed to expose students with the relevant knowledge about the topic of Teenage Blues. They were also introduced to new vocabulary. They had been taught about the structure of argumentative text in the previous topic. 2.2 Process information for various purposes by: b) extracting main ideas from print materials Level 2 vii) identifying main ideas in a simple text viii) identifying supporting details in a simple text. 2.3 present information to different audiences by: j) using appropriate format, conventions, and grammar when presenting information.

Curriculum specifications

General objectives

Specific objectives

Upon successful completion of the lesson, students will be able to: i) demonstrate general understanding of the generic structure and language features of an argumentative text. Upon successful completion of the lesson, students will be able to: i) identify the generic structure of a model argumentative text and distinguish its language features. worksheet Awareness of current issues Form 4 KBSM textbook.

Teaching aids Moral value References Lesson development Stage Set Induction (5 minutes)

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Activity and content 1. Teacher starts the lesson by highlighting the current trends among students study for examination. 2. Students are asked to give their views on examination. Do they think is necessary? What if they can come to school without worrying about examination? 3. Teacher will generate as many responses from the students before proceeding into the next stage. 1. Students will be told to refresh their memory on the structure of argumentative text (taught in the previous topic on Reaching out before school holiday) 2. Teacher draws the structure box (appendix 1) on the board and asks students the label of each box. 3. Students are then given a model text (on Students study just to pass examination).
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Rationale - to introduce the subject matter of the lesson. And to activate students previous knowledge.

Presentation (15 minutes)

- argumentative text is introduced again in this topic to allow students to apply it in different context - model text is given
Lesson 09

Form 4A

Teacher: Chuah Kee Man

Practice (15 minutes)

Closure (5 minutes)

4. The students are required to the read the text silently. 5. After they have finished reading, teacher will ask some general questions based on the text, to check on their understanding. 6. Teacher then draws students attention to the use of logical connectors and colon (punctuation) in the text. Refresh students memory on the function of both items. 7. Teacher should also spend time to explain any unfamiliar word asked by the students. 1. Students are then told to identify the structure of the model text by filling in the label boxes on the left. 2. They may discuss with their friends while completing the task. 3. Upon completion, teacher will discuss with the students and explain to the students the right way to write an argumentative text (especially if many are still confused). 1. Teacher informs students that they are going to write an argumentative text based on what they have learnt in the following lesson. 2. Teacher sums up with by instilling the moral value.

to serve as a guide for students to follow.

- to check if the students manage to identify the structure of an argumentative text.

- to make an overview of what the students have learnt and also to instil moral value.

Self reflection:


Form 4A

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Lesson 09

Teacher: Chuah Kee Man

Appendix 1: Structure Box


Argument for: (Main Point 1) Elaboration:

Argument for: (Main Point 2) Elaborations:

Argument for: (Main Point 3) Elaborations:


Form 4A

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Lesson 09

Teacher: Chuah Kee Man

Model Text/Worksheet (Teachers Copy) Argumentative Text Purpose: to state ones stand on a certain issue.

Students study just to pass examination. Do you agree?

Introduction State your__ stand______ I fully agree with the above statement. I am a student and I study just to pass examinations. It seems the same with my schoolmates. We are all only concerned with examination. We do not have time for other things. The reason that we do not study other things is because we have no time for them. School subjects take up all our time in school and much of our time out of school. Lessons continue one after the other with hardly a break. Our brains switch from history to geography to mathematic and to science continuously. We manage most of our time, but sometimes it gets too tiring that we cannot concentrate in class. In addition, examinations are considered as very important and cannot be taken for granted. Since very young, we have been taught this: passing an examination is good, failing is bad. We are expected to pass. Our parents, teachers and all grown-ups congratulate us when we pass. If we fail, we are made to feel worthless. We are often forced to do well in examination by our parents, teachers and even friends. The pressure is high as our concern is to excel in the examination. Moreover, no one wants to be labeled as worthless or be punished for failure. This makes us obsessed with examinations. We study because we do not want to fail. I have heard some teachers say that we should study to acquire knowledge. It is all very well to say such things but I do not see anyone practicing it. The only knowledge that I acquired in my years in school is that if I fail I am finished. In a nutshell, I strongly agree that students really study just to pass examination. Some of them study very hard indeed. For them, passing means success in the world and failure is unspeakable. The fact remains that they study not for the sake of knowledge but only so that they can pass the next examination. I am no different from them.

Body Argument 1: Too many__ subjects___

Argument 2: Exams are considered as important

Argument 3: Scared of failure

Conclusion Conclude and restate your stand

Form 4A

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Lesson 09

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