The document provides information about number systems used in digital electronics including binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal. It discusses converting between these number systems using methods like repeated division and weighting of digit positions. Specific topics covered include binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal number systems; conversions between decimal-binary, binary-decimal, decimal-octal, octal-decimal, binary-octal, octal-binary, decimal-hexadecimal and hexadecimal-decimal. Examples are provided for each conversion method.
The document provides information about number systems used in digital electronics including binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal. It discusses converting between these number systems using methods like repeated division and weighting of digit positions. Specific topics covered include binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal number systems; conversions between decimal-binary, binary-decimal, decimal-octal, octal-decimal, binary-octal, octal-binary, decimal-hexadecimal and hexadecimal-decimal. Examples are provided for each conversion method.
The document provides information about number systems used in digital electronics including binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal. It discusses converting between these number systems using methods like repeated division and weighting of digit positions. Specific topics covered include binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal number systems; conversions between decimal-binary, binary-decimal, decimal-octal, octal-decimal, binary-octal, octal-binary, decimal-hexadecimal and hexadecimal-decimal. Examples are provided for each conversion method.
The document provides information about number systems used in digital electronics including binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal. It discusses converting between these number systems using methods like repeated division and weighting of digit positions. Specific topics covered include binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal number systems; conversions between decimal-binary, binary-decimal, decimal-octal, octal-decimal, binary-octal, octal-binary, decimal-hexadecimal and hexadecimal-decimal. Examples are provided for each conversion method.
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The document discusses different number systems such as decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal and their uses in digital electronics. It also discusses alphanumeric codes such as ASCII code.
The different number systems discussed are decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal. It explains how to convert between these different number systems.
Different number systems like octal and hexadecimal are used to provide an efficient way to represent large binary numbers. This is important in digital electronics as circuits can only accept two voltage states requiring the use of binary numbers.
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upon Lhe compleLlon of Lhls chapLer, sLudenLs should be able Lo:
The field of digital electronics is currently developing rapidly. The development has resulted in the invention of electronic devices that are small in size but are to perform more complex and sophisticated function. Some examples of such electronic devices are computers, calculators, digital cameras, mobile phones and DVD players. The readouts on most measuring instruments such as thermometers, blood pressure sensors, weighing machines and watches are now in digital. They provide more accurate and quick reading.
The progress in digital technology has also made life easier. For example, we no longer have to queue in places such as in banks and bill payment centres. Instead, we now need only to take a number and wait to be called. New information may also be displayed on electronic display boards such as those at the airports and LRT stations. This information may be easily changed as required. Digital electronics systems are also widely used in hospitals and maritime industries.
1.1 nuM8L8 S?S1LMS
The binary number system is the most important one in digital systems but several others are also important. The decimal system is important because it is universally used to represent quantities outside a digital system. This means that there will be situations where decimal values must be converted to binary values before they are entered into the digital system. For example, when you punch a decimal number into your hand calculator (or computer), the circuitry inside the machine converts the decimal number to a binary value.
Likewise, there will be situations where the binary values at the outputs of a digital system must be converted to decimal values for presentation to the outside world. For example, your calculator (or computer) uses binary numbers to calculate answers to a problem and then converts the answers to a decimal value before displaying them.
In addition to binary and decimal, two other number systems find widespread applications in digital systems. The octal (base-8) and hexadecimal (base-16) number systems are both used for the same purpose to provide an efficient means for representing large binary numbers.
In a digital system, three or four of these number systems may be in use at the same time, so that an understanding of the system operation requires the ability to convert from one number system to another. This chapter will show you how to perform these conversions. This chapter also introduces some of the binary codes that are used to represent various kinds of information. These binary codes will use 1s and 0s, but in a way that differs somewhat from that of the binary number system.
1.1.1 uLClMAL nuM8L8 S?S1LM (n 10 )
The numbering system that we are familiar where ten digits are used to represent the numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. Historically, this may be so because man has 10 fingers and therefore simple calculations, adding and subtracting were made by counting with our own fingers.
1.1.2 8lnA8? nuM8L8 S?S1LM (n 2 )
Decimal system is not suitable in digital electronic circuits because the circuits can only accept two voltage states. The more appropriate numbering system for digital electronic circuits is the binary number system. In the binary number system, only two digits are used, 0 and 1. This system is knows as the base two number system (N 2 ).
1.1.3 CC1AL nuM8L8 S?S1LM (n 8 )
The octal number system is often used in digital computer work. The octal number system has a base of eight, meaning that it has eight possible digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Thus, each digit of an octal number can have any value from 0 to 7. The digit positions in an octal number have weights as follows:
8 3 8 2 8 1 8 0 8 -1 8 -2 8 -3
Octal point
1.1.4 PLxAuLClMAL nuM8L8 S?S1LM (n 16 )
The hexadecimal number system uses base 16. Thus, it has 16 possible digit symbols. It uses the digits 0 through 9 plus letters A, B, C, D, E and F as the 16 digits symbols. Table shows the relationship among hexadecimal, decimal and binary digits. It is important to remember that hexadecimal digits A through F are equivalent to the decimal values 10 through 15.
HEXADECIMAL DECIMAL BINARY 8 8 1000 9 9 1001 A 10 1010 B 11 1011 C 12 1100 D 13 1101 E 14 1110 F 15 1111 Table Hexadecimal, Decimal & Binary
1.2 nuM8L8 S?S1LMS CCnvL8SlCnS
This sub chapter will show you on how to convert Decimal-to-Binary, Binary-to- Decimal, Decimal-to-Octal, Octal-to-Decimal, Binary-to-Octal, Octal-to-Binary, Decimal-to-Hexadecimal, Hexadecimal-to-Decimal, Binary-to-Hexadecimal and Hexadecimal-to-Binary.
1.2.1 uLClMAL 1C 8lnA8? CCnvL8SlCn
There are two ways to convert a decimal whole number to its equivalent binary system representation. The first method is illustrated as below:
Another method for converting decimal integers uses repeated division by 2. The conversion, illustrated below for 25 10 , requires repeatedly dividing the decimal
number 2 and writing down the remainder after each division until a quotient of 0 is obtained. Note that the binary result is obtained by writing the first remainder as the LSB and the last remainder as the MSB. This process, diagrammed in Table
PROCESS QUOTIENT REMAINDER 25 / 2 = 12 1 12 / 2 = 6 0 6 / 2 = 3 0 3 / 2 = 1 1 1 / 2 = 0 1 Table An example process for repeated division for decimal- to-binary
25 10 =11001 2
Using N bits, we can represent decimal numbers ranging from 0 to 2 N 1, a total of 2 N
different numbers.
Please try me!
Convert all these decimal numbers to binary:
" 0.6875
" 237.3125
1.2.2 8lnA8? 1C uLClMAL CCnvL8SlCn
Any binary number can be converted to its decimal equivalent simply by summing together the weights of the various positions in the binary number that contain a 1. To illustrate, lets change 11011 2 to its decimal equivalent.
1 1 0 1 1 2
2 4 + 2 3 + 0 + 2 1 + 2 0 = 16 + 8 + 2 + 1
= 27 10
Lets try another example with a greater number of bits: EE202 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS CHAPTER 1
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2
2 7 + 0 + 2 5 + 2 4 + 0 + 2 2 + 0 + 2 0 = 181 10
Note that the procedure is to find the weights (i.e. powers of 2) for each bit position that contains a 1, and then to add them up. Also note that the MSB has a weight of 2 7 even though it is the eighth bit; this is because the LSB is the first bit and has a weight of 2 0 .
Please try me!
Convert all these binary numbers to decimal:
" 01011001.1101
" 11001011.1100
1.2.3 uLClMAL 1C CC1AL CCnvL8SlCn
A decimal integer can be converted to octal by using the same repeated-division method that we used in the decimal-to-binary conversion but with a division factor of 8 instead of 2. An example follows in Table
PROCESS QUOTIENT REMAINDER 266 / 8 = 33 2 33 / 8 = 4 1 4 / 8 = 0 4 Table An example of repeated division process for decimal-to-octal conversion
266 10 = 412 8
Note that the first remainder becomes the least significant digit (LSD) of the octal number, and the last remainder becomes the most significant digit (MSD).
Please try me!
Convert all these decimal numbers to octal:
" 1372.1406
" 1000.3242
1.2.4 CC1AL 1C uLClMAL CCnvL8SlCn
An octal number can be converted easily to its decimal equivalent by multiplying each octal digit by its positional weight. For example:
372 8 = 3 x (8 2 ) + 7 x (8 1 ) + 2 x (8 0 )
= 3 x 64 + 7 x 8 + 2 x 1
= 250 10
24.6 8 = 2 x (8 1 ) + 4 x (8 0 ) + 6 x (8 -1 )
= 20.75 10
Please try me!
Convert all these octal numbers to decimal:
" 1251.4
" 1032.2
1.2.3 8lnA8? 1C CC1AL CCnvL8SlCn
The bits of the binary number are grouped into groups of three bits, starting at the LSB. Then each group is converted to its octal equivalent. To illustrate, consider the conversion of 100111010 2 to octal.
100 111 010
4 7 2 8
Sometimes the binary number will not have even groups of three bits. For those cases, we can add one or two 0s to the left of the MSB of the binary number to fill out the last group. This illustrated below for the binary number 11010110.
011 010 110
3 2 6 8
Note that a 0 was placed to the left of the MSB to produce even groups of three bits.
Using N bits, we can represent decimal numbers ranging from 0 to 8 N 1, a total of 8 N
different numbers.
Please try me!
Convert all these binary numbers to octal:
" 110010111100
" 011010011001
1.2.6 CC1AL 1C 8lnA8? CCnvL8SlCn
Converting each octal digit to its three bit binary equivalent performs the conversion from octal to binary. The eight possible digits are converted as indicated in Table
OCTAL DIGIT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
111 Table Octal digits and its binary equivalent
Using these conversions, we can convert any octal number to binary by individually converting each digit. For example, we can convert 472 8 to binary as follows:
4 7 2
100 111 010
Thus, octal 472 is equivalent to binary 100111010 2 . As another example, consider converting 5431 8 to binary:
5 4 3 1
101 100 011 001
Thus 5431 8 = 101100011001 2
Please try me!
Convert all these octal numbers to binary:
" 140
" 7526
1.2.7 uLClMAL 1C PLxAuLClMAL CCnvL8SlCn
Recall that we did decimal-to-binary conversion using repeated division by 2, and decimal-to-octal conversion using repeated division by 8. Likewise, using repeated division by 16 can do decimal-to-hex conversion. The following example contains two illustrations of this conversion.
Note that the remainders division processes from the digits of the hex number. Also note that any remainders that are greater than 9 are represented by the letters A through F.
Please try me!
Convert all these decimal numbers to hexadecimal:
" 46579
" 1000
1.2.8 PLxAuLClMAL 1C uLClMAL CCnvL8SlCn
A hex number can be converted to its decimal equivalent by using the fact that each hex digit position has a weight that is a power of 16. The LSD has a weight of 16 0 = 1; the next higher digit position has a weight of 16 1 = 16 and so on. The conversion
process is demonstrated in the examples below:
356 16 = 3 x 16 2 + 5 x 16 1 + 6 x 16 0
= 768 + 80 + 6
= 854 10
2AF 16 = 2 x 16 2 + 10 x 16 1 + 15 x 16 0
= 512 + 160 + 15
= 687 10
Note that in the second example, the value 10 was substituted for A and the value for
15 for F in the conversion to decimal.
Please try me!
Convert all these hexadecimal numbers to decimal:
" 1C
1.2.9 8lnA8? 1C PLxAuLClMAL CCnvL8SlCn
The binary number is grouped into four groups of four bits, and each group is converted to its equivalent hex digit. Zeros (shown shaded) are added, as needed to complete a four-bit group.
1110100110 2 = 0011 1010 0110
3 A 6
= 3 A 6 16
Using N bits, we can represent decimal numbers ranging from 0 to 16 N 1, a total of 16 N different numbers.
Please try me!
Convert all these binary numbers to hexadecimal:
" 1100101001010111
" 111111000101101001
1.2.10 PLxAuLClMAL 1C 8lnA8? CCnvL8SlCn
Each hex digit is converted to its four-bit binary equivalent (Table The conversion process is illustrated as below:
9F2 16 = 9 F 2
= 1001 1111 0010
= 100111110010 2
Please try me!
Convert all these hexadecimal numbers to binary:
" 10A4
1.3 SuMMA8? Cl CCnvL8SlCnS
i. When converting from binary [or octal or hex] to decimal, use the method of taking the weighted sum of each digit position.
ii. When converting from decimal to binary [or octal or hex], use the method of repeatedly dividing by 2 [or 8 or 16] and collecting remainders.
iii. When converting from binary to octal [or hex], group the bits in groups of three
[or four], and convert each group into the correct octal [or hex] digit.
iv. When converting from octal [or hex] to binary, convert each digit into its three-bit
[or four-bit] equivalent.
v. When converting from octal to hex [or vice versa], first convert to binary; then convert the binary into the desired number system.
1.4 PLxAuLClMAL A8l1PML1lC
Hex numbers are used extensively in machine-language computer programming and in conjunction with computer memories (i.e., addresses). When working in these areas, you will encounter situations where hex numbers must be added or subtracted.
1.4.1 PLx Auul1lCn
The following procedure is suggested:
i. Add the two hex digits in decimal, mentally inserting the decimal equivalent for those digits larger than 9.
ii. If the sum is 15 or less, it can be directly expressed as a hex digit.
iii. If the sum is greater than or equal to 16, subtract 16 and carry a 1 to the next digit position.
Add the hex numbers 58 and 24. Solution: 58
+ 24
Example 2 Add the hex numbers 58 and 4B. Solution: 58
+4B A3
Example 3
Add 3AF to 23C. Solution: 3AF
1.4.2 PLx Su818AC1lCn
The 2s complement of the hex subtrahend will be taken and then added to the minuend and carry out of the MSD position will be disregarded.
How do we find the 2s complement of a hex number? One way is to convert it to binary, take the 2s complement of the binary equivalent and then convert it back to hex. This process is illustrated below.
* Subtrahend - Number that is to be subtracted from a minuend.
* Minuend Number from which the subtrahend is to be subtracted.
# Hex number 0111 0011 1010 # Convert to binary 1000 1100 0110 # Take 2s complement
8C6 # Convert back to hex
There is a quicker procedure: subtract each hex digit from F; then add 1. Lets try this
for the same hex number from the example above.
- 7 - 3 - A # Subtract each digit from F 8 C 5
+ 1 # Add 1
# Hex equivalent of 2s
Example 1 Subtract 3A5 16 from 592 16 . Solution:
+ C5B
1.3 8Cu CCuL (8lnA8? CCuLu uLClMAL CCuL)
If each digit of a decimal number is represented by its binary equivalent, the result is a code called binary-coded-decimal (hereafter abbreviated BCD). Since a decimal digit can be as large as 9, four bits are required to code each digit (the binary code for 9 is 1001).
To illustrate the BCD code, take a decimal number such as 874. Each digit is changed to its binary equivalent as follows:
8 7 4 (decimal)
1000 0111 0100 (BCD)
As another example, let us change 943 to its BCD-code- representation:
9 4 3 (decimal)
1001 0100 0011 (BCD)
Once again, each decimal digit is changed to its straight binary equivalent. Note that four bits are always used for each digit. EE202 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS CHAPTER 1
The BCD code then represents each digit of the decimal number by a four-bit binary number. Clearly only the four-bit binary numbers from 0000 through 1001 are used. The BCD code does not use the numbers 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110 and 1111. In other words, only 10 of the 16 possible four-bit binary code groups are used. If any of the forbidden four-bit numbers ever occurs in a machine using the BCD code, it is usually
an indication that an error has occurred.
1.3.1 CCMA8lSCn Cl 8Cu Anu 8lnA8?
It is important to realize that BCD is not another number system like binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal. In fact, it is the decimal system with each digit encoded in its binary equivalent. It is also important to understand that a BCD number is not the same as a straight binary number. A straight binary number takes the complete decimal number and represents it in binary; the BCD code converts each decimal digit to binary individually. To illustrate, take the number 137 and compare its straight binary and BCD codes:
137 10 = 10001001 2 (binary)
137 10 = 0001 0011 0111 (BCD)
The BCD code requires 12 bits, while the straight binary code requires only eight bits to represent 137. BCD requires more bits than straight binary to represent decimal numbers of more than one digit because BCD does not use all possible four-bit groups.
The main advantage of the BCD code is the relative ease of converting to and from decimal. Only the four-bit code groups for the decimal digits 0 through 9 needs to be remembered. This ease of conversion is especially important from a hardware standpoint because in a digital system, it is the logic circuits that perform the conversions to and from decimal.
1.6 u11lnC l1 ALL 1CCL1PL8
Table 1.6.1 gives the representation of the decimal numbers 1 through 15 in the binary,
octal and hex number systems and in BCD code. EE202 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS CHAPTER 1
In addition to numerical data, a computer must be able to handle numerical information. In other words, a computer should recognize codes that represent letters of the alphabet, punctuation marks and other special characters as well as numbers. These codes are called alphanumeric codes. A complete alphanumeric code would include the 26 lowercase letters, 26 uppercase letters, 10 numeric digits, 7 punctuation marks and anywhere from 20 to 40 other characters such as +, /, #, %, * and so on. We can say that an alphanumeric code represents all of the various characters and functions that are found on a computer keyboard.
The most widely used alphanumeric code is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). The ASCII (pronounced askee) code is a seven-bit code, and so it has 2 7 = 128 possible code groups. This is more than enough to represent EE202 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS CHAPTER 1
all of the standard keyboard characters as well as the control functions such as the
{RETURN} and {LINEFEED} functions.
Table 1.7.1 shows a partial listing of the ASCII code. In addition to the binary code group for each character, the table gives the octal and hexadecimal equivalents.
CHARACTER SEVEN- BIT ASCII OCTAL HEX A 100 101 41 Y 101 131 59 B 100 102 42 Z 101 132 5A C 100 103 43 0 011 060 30 D 100 104 44 1 011 061 31 E 100 105 45 2 011 062 32 F 100 106 46 3 011 063 33 G 100 107 47 4 011 064 34 H 100 110 48 5 011 065 35 I 100 111 49 6 011 066 36 J 100 112 4A 7 011 067 37 K 100 113 4B 8 011 070 38 L 100 114 4C 9 011 071 39 M 100 115 4D blank 010 040 20 N 100 116 4E . 010 056 2E O 100 117 4F ( 010 050 28 P 101 120 50 + 010 053 2B Q 101 121 51 $ 010 044 24 R 101 122 52 * 010 052 2A S 101 123 53 ) 010 051 29 T 101 124 54 _ 010 055 2D U 101 125 55 / 010 057 2F V 101 126 56 , 010 054 2C W 101 127 57 = 011 075 3D X 101 130 58 {RETURN} 000 015 0D {LINEFEED} 000 012 0A Table 1.7.1 ASCII code (partial)
! '&KI&L M-&/%I,*/
1. Convert 100011011011 2 to its decimal equivalent.
2. What is the weight of the MSB of a 16-bit number?
3. Convert 83 10 to binary using both methods.
4. Convert 729 10 to binary using both methods. Check your answer by converting back to decimal.
5. How many bits are required to count up to decimal 1 million?
6. Convert 614 8 to decimal.
7. Convert 146 10 to octal, then from octal to binary.
8. Convert 10011101 2 to octal.
9. Write the next three numbers in this octal counting sequence: 624, 625, 626, , , .
10. Convert 975 10 to binary by first converting to octal.
11. Convert binary 1010111011 to decimal by first converting to octal.
12. What range of decimal values can be represented by a four-digit octal number?
13. Convert 24CE 16 to decimal.
14. Convert 3117 10 to hex, then from hex to binary.
15. Convert 1001011110110101 2 to hex.
16. Write the next four numbers in this hex counting sequence: E9A, E9B, E9C, E9D, , , , .
17. Convert 3527 8 to hex.
18. What range of decimal values can be represented by a four-digit hex number?
19. Represent the decimal value 178 by its straight binary equivalent. Then encode the same decimal number using BCD.
20. How many bits are required to represent an eight-digit decimal number in BCD?
21. What is an advantage of encoding a decimal number in BCD rather than in straight binary? What is a disadvantage?
22. Encode the following message in ASCII code using the hex representation: COST = $72.
23. The following padded ASCII-coded message is stored in successive memory locations in a computer.