A Aluna: Jandira Lopes Araújo

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A Aluna: Jandira Lopes Arajo

Democracy It's called democracy (from the Greek demos, "people" and kratos, "authority") a form of political organization that recognizes each of the community members the right to participate in management and governance and social issues. In modern societies, are further reduced the opportunities for direct participation of all citizens, given the number and complexity of various institutions and public affairs in general. In fact, it is only possible to exercise direct democracy in a few traditional institutions - local government or popular assemblies, for example. Thus, in most democratic countries, is the common practice of democracy through a system of indirect or representative system. Typically, this system is regulated by a basic law or constitution. Citizens elect representatives, whose participation in various governmental guarantees to defend their interests. The candidates receiving the most votes in elections then pass to the category of members of parliamentary bodies - Congress, Senate, Chamber of Deputies, parliament, courts, national assembly etc.. - In which, for a specified period (term) must defend the views of the party for which they were elected, supporting, criticizing, and reworking by voting the bills that are submitted to the discussion. In the parliamentary system, the nation's government is exercised by the party or coalition of parties holding the parliamentary majority, and usually the head of government is the leader of the majority party. The presidential system is distinguished by the fact that the parliamentary citizens elect both a president, who exercises executive power with the support of a ministry appointed by it as members of Congress, whose powers are usually limited to legislation and approval the general budgets of public administration. Democracy originated in ancient Greece. Athens and other city-states have introduced a system of government through which all free citizens could elect their leaders and be elected to this position. This democratic exercise - which had excluded slaves, women and foreigners was possible because the citizens formed a numerically small and privileged group. Although the system has received the support of theoretical and doctrinal thinkers ranging from Aristotle, often occurring situations in which normal democracy was interrupted by mechanisms that are often repeated often throughout history. While there was some conflict with a neighboring city or region, were attributed to some generals absolute powers for the duration of the war. Sometimes at the close of this, using the prestige gained popular, the generals took possession of power as dictators. Such a situation ended with the "democracy of notables" of the early days of Rome. The democratic system has lasted much less time in Rome than in Greece, and even during the Republican period, the power usually remained in the hands of the aristocratic class. Only in the seventeenth century began to be developed the first theoretical formulations on the modern democracy. The British philosopher John Locke was the first to say that the power of governments born of a free and mutual agreement and advocating a separation between the legislative and judiciary. In the mid eighteenth century was published a major work for the modern political theory: De l'esprit des lois (1748; The Spirit of Laws), Montesquieu. The

distinguished French philosopher and moralist in this book are three different types of government: despotism, monarchy and republic - based on fear, in virtue and honor, respectively - and proposing a constitutional monarchy as the most prudent and wise option. Political freedom would be guaranteed by the separation and independence of the three fundamental powers of the state: legislative, executive and judiciary. Thus, Montesquieu has formulated the principles that would become the foundation of modern democracy. The United States of America was the first nation to create a modern democratic system, definitively established as a result of his victory in the war of independence against the British monarchy. For new American countries in general walked together the ideas of democracy and independence. The "liberators" sought to end not only the control exercised by the colonial powers, but also the absolute power that the sovereign powers of these embody. Democracy in the news: Although they are remarkably widespread in the world today and is difficult to find arguments against the doctrine that they deserve consensus in many areas of the world democratic ideas are not implemented by political systems. In countries where there was a takeover by leftist organizations, particularly the communist character, were established systems of political and military domination, while it is proclaimed democratic, prevented the free exercise of rights and fundamental freedoms. In these political systems, it was stated that the parliamentary democratic organization was not an appropriate translation of democratic ideas, as they only serve to legitimize the exercise of power by influential pressure groups, mainly of an economic type. For systems that were dominant in these countries, the democratic organization of parliamentary democracy would be a formal, without content, as opposed to real democracy, which they represent. Legal organization of Democracy: The essence of democracy as a political system lies in the separation and independence of the fundamental state - legislative, executive and judicial - as well as in its exercise, on behalf of the people, through the institutions emanating from it. SOME FEATURES OF A DEMOCRACY - Individual freedom - Equality before the law regardless of gender, race or creed - Right to vote - Education - The freedom to pursue any job or profession

THE ADVANTAGES OF DEMOCRACY In democracy the individuals usually have freedom of choice within the company to choose a party for their representation in the House to protest, give their opinions on strike, demanding an ethical stance of the government, has the rights to come and go in society covered by democracy.

THE DISADVANTAGES OF DEMOCRACY The downside is that if democracy is manipulated or led by people of bad faith or that are aimed at their interests may have a downside in society. The elections must be held constantly, and this has a cost.

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