Demigods and Their Worship
Demigods and Their Worship
Demigods and Their Worship
On existence of demigods
!! Is
it just a figment of the imagination of some primitive aboriginal tribes? !! What is the need of so many demigods? !! Cant everything in nature happen by itself?
Demigods are parts and parcels (jivas) of Supreme Lord !! Krishna says in verse 10.2, aham !dir hi dev!n!" mahar%&'!" ca sarva#a( (I am the source of the demigods and sages)
All Vedic literature agree that Krishna is the source of Brahma, Siva and all other demigods
demigods are not different forms of God, but they are Gods different parts and parcels. God is one, and the parts and parcels are many. say, nityo nitynm: God is one Krishna, and the demigods are all living entities (nityanam) endowed with different grades of material power to manage this material world.
!! The Vedas
Approaching Demigods
!! Demigod
worship is impelled by material desires (Bhagavad-Gita 7.20) !! People worship demigods to get quick material benefits such as land, wealth, woman, power, position, fame, status and other enjoyable paraphernalia. (BhagavadGita 4.12) !! Examples: Ravana worshipping Lord !iva, Hiranyakasipu worshipping Lord Brahma etc.
Approaching Demigods
The medium of exchange between Krishna and His devotees is unmotivated love (BhagavadGita 9.26, 34; 11.54, 18.55) !! The medium that connects the demigods and their worshippers is material benefits. Material benefits are temporary. (Bhagavad-Gita 7.20, 9.2, 9.25, 8.16)
!! One cant worship demigods with love because by nature we are part and parcels of Krishna !! Therefore, the word worship (pooja) is used for demigods and the word devotional service (bhakti) is used for Supreme Lord
Demigods cant award liberation to conditioned living entity. (9.25, 8.16, 9.21, 8.5-6) !! Supreme Lord Krishna, known as Mukunda, can extricate the living entity from clutches of birth and death (4.9, 9.25, 9.34, 18.66)
!! If we worship demigods, destination is planets of demigods !! If we worship forefathers, destination is wherever they have gone !! If we worship other people, we go wherever they go !! If we serve Krishna, we go to Krishna loka which is beyond this material universe Bhagavad-Gita 9.25, 8.16, 9.21
is eternally related to Supreme Lord as His part and parcel !! When it forgets this relationship with Supreme Lord, it becomes vicious, and lives in a state of fear (bhaya) and lamentation (soka) !! Although jiva approaches demigods for solving his problems, they cant give that sense of protection and belongingness that the soul needs