The Gre Writing Assessment
The Gre Writing Assessment
The Gre Writing Assessment
ETS (Educational Testing Service) will introduce the Writing Assessment test this fall. The goal of the Writing Assessment will be to demonstrate your ability to write analytically. It will test the kind of high-level thinking and writing skills that are generally viewed as essential for success in most graduate school programs. The Writing Assessment will be offered as a separate and optional test, which can be taken at ETS computer-based testing centers.
NOTE The Writing Assessment will be offered as a computer-based test year-round and as a paper-based test on designated Subject Test dates.
During the next year, graduate programs will be deciding whether to require their applicants to take the Writing Assessment as part of their application process. If you are planning to apply to graduate school in the fall of 99 or thereafter, check with the grad schools to which you are applying to find out if you need to take the Writing Assessment.
The Writing Assessment consists of two timed essay sections. The first is what ETS calls an Issue essay: Youll be shown two essay topicseach a sentence or paragraph that expresses an opinion on an issue of general interest. You must choose one of the two topics. You then have 45 minutes to plan and write an essay that communicates your own view on the issue. Whether your agree or disagree with the opinion on the screen is irrelevant: What matters is that you support your view with relevant examples and statements.
The second of the two writing tasks is the Argument essay. This time, you will be shown a paragraph that argues a certain point. You will then be given 30 minutes to assess that arguments logic. As with the Issue essay, it wont matter whether you agree with what you see on the screen.
STYLE POINTS Effective GRE style is: Concise Forceful Correct
Diction means word choice. For example, do you use the words affect and effect correctly? Be careful with such commonly confused words as precede/proceed, principal/principle, whose/whos, and stationary/stationery.
Syntax refers to sentence structure. Do you construct your sentences so that your ideas are clear and understandable? Do you vary your sentence structure, sometimes using simple sentences and other times using sentences with clauses and phrases?
THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF GRE WRITING 1. Use language effectively. 2. Keep it simple. 3. Dont worry excessively about making minor errors. 4. Keep sight of your goal.
Outline your essay Lead with your best arguments Think about how the essay as a whole will flow
Be direct Use paragraph breaks to make your essay easier to read. Make transitions, link related ideas; it will help your writing flow Finish strongly
Save enough time to read through the entire essay Have a sense of the errors you are liable to make As explained before, the two essay types youll meet on the GRE, the Issue and the Argument, require generally similar tasks. You must analyze a subject, take an informed position, and explain that position in writing. The two essay types, however, require different specific tasks.
The Stimulus Expect a sentence or two that discuss a broad, general issue, sometimes presenting two competing points of view, sometimes only one. While the issue will be one upon which reasonable people could disagree, it will not bring up an emotionally charged religious or social issue. You wont be expected to have prior knowledge of any specific subject matter. The first sentence or two will introduce the general issue itself and express a point of view. If two viewpoints are expressed, sometimes a Keywordsuch as but, however, yetwill signal the introduction of a contrasting point of view; sometimes, as in the statement above, this transition wont be quite as explicit. The last part of the stimulus will then discuss the opposing view on the issue. If only one viewpoint is discussed, there will be terms in the opinion as stated which make it extreme or overly broad. There may also be an additional statement which elaborates on it more fully. The Question Stem The stem will ask you to take a position on the issue and will instruct you to explain your position convincingly, using reasons or examples to back up your assertions.
The directions for the issue essay will be something similar to this: Directions: You will have 45 minutes to plan and write an essay that communicates your perspective on a given topic. Choose from the two topics provided. No other topics are admissible for this essay. The topic is a short quotation that expresses an issue of general interest. Write an essay that agrees with, refutes, or qualifies the quotation, and support your opinion with relevant information drawn from your academic studies, reading, observation, or other experiences. Feel free to consider the issue for a few minutes before planning your response and beginning your writing. Be certain that your ideas are fully developed and organized logically, and make sure you have enough time left to review and revise what youve written. The topic could take the form of a single-sentence quotation or it might be in paragraph form. Either way, it will state an argument for which one or more counterarguments could be constructed. In short, the topic will present a point of view. Your job is to form an opinion on the topic and make a case for that opinion. The topics you see in the Issue section might be similar to these: The invention of gunpowder is the single most destructive achievement in history. If extraterrestrial beings whose intelligence was comparable to humans visited Earth, they would judge humans by their potential and achievements rather than by their weaknesses and mistakes. The drawbacks to the use of nuclear power mean that it is not a long-term solution to the problem of meeting ever-increasing energy needs.
THE KAPLAN METHOD FOR THE WRITING ASSESSMENT 1. Digest the issue 2. Select a position 3. Organize your argument 4. Compose your essay 5. Proofread your work
Solar-powered homes and cars already exist (alternatives proven viable) No serious effort to research other alternatives like nuclear fusion (better alternatives lie undiscovered) Energy companies dont spend money on alternatives; no vested interest (better alternatives lie undiscovered)
Feel free to consider the issue for a few minutes before planning your response and beginning your writing. Be certain that your ideas are fully developed and organized logically, and make sure you have enough time left to review and revise what youve written. The author of an argument topic is trying to persuade you of somethinghis conclusion by citing some evidence. So look for these two basic components of an argument: a conclusion and supporting evidence. You should be on the lookout for assumptionsthe ways the writer makes the leap from evidence to conclusion.
THERES NO RIGHT ANSWER You can take either side in an Argument essay. Take the position that you prefer and argue it well.
The topics you see in the Argument section may be similar to these: The problem of poorly trained teachers that has plagued the state public school system is bound to become a good deal less serious in the future. The state has initiated comprehensive guidelines that oblige state teachers to complete a number of required credits in education and educational psychology at the graduate level before being certified. The commercial airline industry in the country of Freedonia has experienced impressive growth in the past three years. This trend will surely continue in the years to come, since the airline industry will benefit from recent changes in Freedonian society: Incomes are rising, most employees now receive more vacation time, and interest in travel is rising, as shown by an increase in media attention devoted to foreign cultures and tourist attractions. Insurance policies guaranteeing the policyholders income if he or she becomes permanently disabled will surely provide the insurance industry with a popular and profitable product. The cost to a worker who is at average risk is very little, and the benefits paid to the disabled far outweigh this cost.
KEY POINT In attacking the argument, remember to: Jot down the conclusion Identify the evidence Sum up the essential argument in your own words
Next, identify the evidencethe basis for the conclusion. Here, the evidence is: The state has initiated comprehensive guidelines that oblige state teachers to complete a number of required credits in education and educational psychology at the graduate level before being certified. Finally, sum up the argument in your own words: The problem of badly trained teachers will become less serious because theyll be getting better training. Explain how logically persuasive you find this argument. In explaining your viewpoint, analyze the arguments line of reasoning and its use of evidence. Also explain what, if anything, would make the argument more valid and convincing or would help you to better evaluate its conclusion. Credits in education will improve teachers classroom performance Present bad teachers havent already met this standard of training Current poor teachers will not still be teaching in the future, or will have to be trained, too
WRITE ON! In writing your essay, cover each point in your outline and employ the four basic principles of analytical writing.
For an essay on this topic, your opening sentence might look like this: The writer concludes that the present problem of poorly trained teachers will become less severe in the future because of required course work in education and psychology. Then use your notes as a working outline. Remember to lead with your best arguments. You might also recommend new evidence youd like to see and explain why. The argument says that: The problem of poorly trained teachers will become less serious with better training. It assumes that: Course work in education will improve teachers classroom performance Present bad teachers havent already met this standard of classroom training Current poor teachers will not be teaching in the future or will get training, too
ESSAY STRUCTURE A two-paragraph essay may be the most natural format for your response. However, consider using a third or fourth if you wish to discuss a number of different features of an argument.
Your essay might look something like this: Sample Essay 2 The writer concludes that the present problem of poorly trained teachers will become less severe in the future because of required credits in education and psychology. However, the conclusion relies on assumptions for which there is no clear evidence. First, the writer assumes that the required courses will make better teachers. In fact, the courses might be entirely irrelevant to the teachers failings. If, for example, the prevalent problem is cultural and linguistic gaps between teacher and student, graduate level courses that do not address these specific issues probably wont do much good. The argument that the courses will improve teachers would be strengthened if the writer provided evidence that the training will be relevant to the problems. In addition, the writer assumes that current poor teachers have not already had this training. In fact, the writer doesnt mention whether or not some or all of the poor teachers have had similar training. The argument would be strengthened considerably if the writer provided evidence that current poor teachers have not had training comparable to the new requirements. Finally, the writer assumes that poor teachers currently working will either stop teaching in the future or will have received training. The writer provides no evidence, though, to indicate that this is the case. As the argument stands, its highly possible that only brandnew teachers will receive the training, and the bright future to which the writer refers is decades away. Only if the writer provides evidence that all teachers in the system will receive trainingand will then change their teaching methods accordinglydoes the argument hold.
Save a few minutes to go back over your essay and catch any obvious errors.
Directions: Write an essay on each of the topics below. While writing, pay particular attention to making your essay concise, forceful, and grammatically correct. After youve finished with each essay, proofread to catch your errors. Allow yourself 45 minutes to complete the first essay and 30 minutes to complete the second essay. Essay Topic 1: Issue Some people believe that second-language fluency is crucial to individual development and international accord, and maintain that language training should begin very early. Others feel that second-language fluency is not necessary to most Americans, and that elementary school should be devoted to basic skills. 13
Which argument do you find more compelling, the case for early foreign language learning or the opposing viewpoint? Explain your position using relevant reasons or examples drawn from your own experience, observations, or reading. Essay Topic 2: Argument Many lives might be saved if inoculations against cow flu were routinely administered to all people in areas in which the disease is detected. However, since there is a small possibility that a person will die as a result of the inoculations, we cannot permit inoculations against cow flu to be routinely administered. Explain how logically persuasive you find this argument. In discussing your viewpoint, analyze the arguments line of reasoning and its use of evidence. Also explain what, if anything, would make the argument more valid or convincing or help you to better evaluate its conclusion.
4: Adequate Essay Presents and adequately supports an opinion on the issue or a critique of the argument Ideas are fairly clear and adequately organized; logical connections are satisfactory Shows satisfactory control of language: grammar, stylistic variety, and accepted conventions of writing; some flaws may occur 3: Limited Essay Succeeds only partially in presenting and supporting an opinion on the issue or a critique of the argument Ideas may be unclear and poorly organized Shows less than satisfactory control of language: contains significant mistakes in grammar, usage, and sentence structure 2: Weak Essay Shows little success in presenting and supporting an opinion on the issue or a critique of the argument Ideas lack clarity and organization Meaning is impeded by many serious mistakes in grammar, usage, and sentence structure
1: Fundamentally Deficient Essay Fails to present a coherent opinion and/or evidence on the issue or a critique of the argument Ideas are seriously unclear and disorganized Lacks meaning due to widespread severe mistakes in grammar, usage, and sentence structure 0: Unscorable Essay Completely ignores topic