Tax Preparation
Tax Preparation
Tax Preparation
nd 32 2013
Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle
Mardi Gras beads are an enduring symbol of the carnival celebration. Revelers will wait in crowds along parade routes eager to catch the beads that are tossed down upon them. The meaning behind Mardi Gras beads has never been entirely clear. In fact, the beads take on different meanings depending on the person. Some people associate the beads with good luck, while others believe the jewelry is reminiscent of royalty who could afford lavish baubles. The less fortunate would stand on the side of roads begging for trinkets from the wealthy, and the phrase, throw me something, mister can still be heard during Mardi Gras celebrations. Others view the beads as a form of currency that could buy favors from others, perhaps even a glimpse of flesh during more raucous celebrations. Mardi Gras beads were once made of glass, but less expensive plastic beads are now used. Some Mardi Gras festivities feature large, novelty beads that tie into a particular theme. Beads are just one of the many types of throws cast to partygoers during Mardi Gras. Krewes, or carnival organizations that are part of parade planning, may also toss doubloons, money and other trinkets. Some krewes also have other events, such as private dances or parties, that may or may not feature the distribution of throws. Krewes also are responsible for electing the king of the parade. The Rex Krewe, founded in 1872, is one of the premier krewes of the Mardi Gras celebration. Their traditional colors are purple, green and gold, which have become the official colors of Mardi Gras Carnival. Their throws, including specially struck coins like the gold Rex doubloon, are sought-after pieces. Many of the traditions associated with Mardi Gras have ancient origins. Many of the festivities enjoyed in New Orleans, one of the more popular places to enjoy Carnival, include French customs brought by early settlers to the area. Since Mardi Gras is the last day before the start of the Christian Lenten season, which is a time of repentance and remembrance of Christs ultimate sacrifice, revelers engage in a final party before the solemnity of Lent. Early celebrations and processions were impromptu, but over time Mardi Gras festivities became more orderly and were planned months in advance.
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Page 2
Courtesy of
WEEKLY Bingo at the Shepherdstown Fire Dept. on Wednesday Evening. Doors open 5:30, Bingo starts 6:30pm. COACH Bingo to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters Mar. 9, 2014 at Moose Lodge 201 Woodbury Ave. Martinsburg. Doors open at Noon, Games at 1:30pm, King Tutt and Tips begin at 12pm. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at door. No outside food allowed in the Moose-No one under 18 permitted. For tickets, please call 304263-5522 50 Game Money Bingo Saturday, April 12th for the b e n i f i t o f t h e Shepherdstown Fire Dept. Doors open at noon, Bingo starts at 2pm, advance tickets not required. $3,550 total prize money (must have 100 players). Admission includes a comlimentary meal.
QUESTIONS About Healthcare? What Private Health Insurance Options Are Available? For questions or to sign up call our community assister 304263-5131. Berkeley County Health Department.
Calvary United Methodist Church 220 W. B u r k e S t r e e t , Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-4542 Pastor: Rev. Al Clipp 8:30 & 10:45am worship, Sunday School: 9:30am.
FIRST Presbyterian Church, 220 South Queen Street, Martinsburg invites you to join us for Sunday events. Church School at 9:30am, Fellowship Hour 10:30am and Mor ning Worship at 11:00am. Help us in Making Disciples of Jesus Christ! The Rev. Dr. Rufus Burton is Pastor. Church Office is 304-2635201. IMMANUEL NEW LIFE BIBLE CHURCH- 701 W. Burke Street, Martinsburg, WV 25401. Dr. Alex L. L a m b e r t J r. , S e n i o r Servant. Office: (304)2623355 Fax: (304)2623366 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: WEDNESDAYS Evening Prayer Service 6:45pm 7:15pm. In Life Empowerment Network (Formally known as Bible Study) - 7:15 pm. SUNDAYS Morning Service 1 0 : 0 0 A . M . F r i d a y, February 28, 2014 Friday Evening Service at 7:30pm Guest Preacher Reverend Delbert Pope. M I D D L E W AY U n i t e d Methodist Church, 7435 Queen Street, Middleway, will be hosting an Ash Wednesday Service on We d n e s d ay, M a r c h 5 beginning at 7 PM. Everyone in the community is invited to attend. For more information, please call the church office at 304-728-4770. OTTERBEIN United Methodist Church, 549 N. Queen Street in Martinsburg, invites you and your family to join them at their Sunday morning worship services, 8:30 a.m. (Contemporar y/Praise) a n d 1 0 : 5 0 a . m . (Traditional). Sunday School classes for all ages are at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Marks sermon message for this week, Sunday, March 2, for the Transfiguration services will be A Yo-Yo Faith All are welcome. Come celebrate the Good News! Church office: 304-2630342. The Rev. Mark C. Mooney is pastor. Pastor C. Wayne Frum, 304-229-8508 or 301-9887654, of the Bunker Hill United Methodist Church, 9863 Winchester Avenue, Bunker Hill announces the following Worship Service: Sunday School @ 9:00am. Worship Ser vice @ 10:00am.
Church News
A Soup, Sandwich and Bake Sale will be held at L e e t ow n U M C, 1 1 1 3 3 Leetown Road, Saturday, March 8, 10 AM - 1 PM (or until sold out). Eat in or carry out. Call 304-2298527 or 304-725-8304 for more information. All proceeds to benefit the churchs outreach programs. A Winter Carnival will be held in the Education Building of Otterbein United Methodist Church, 549 N. Queen Street in M a r t i n s b u r g , W V, o n Saturday, March 8, from 2 : 0 0 - 4 : 3 0 p . m . Refreshments, childrens crafts, games, and the magic of Michael T will all help highlight the days activities - and its all FREE!!! For more info., call the church office at 304263-0342. The Rev. Mark C. Mooney is pastor. ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE- Leetown United Methodist Church will be hosting a Joint Ash Wednesday Service with Marvin Chapel UMC on We d n e s d ay, M a r c h 5 beginning at 7 PM. All are invited. Leetown UMC is located at 11133 Leetown Road, Leetown. For more information, please contact the church office at 304-725-8304. ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE: At Otterbein United Methodist Church, 549 N. Queen Street in Martinsburg, beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5. The Rev. John Yost of St. Lukes UMC will share the message: The Prayer That Raises the Dead!. The service will include communion, anointing, and the imposition of ashes and is being sponsored by the In-Town United Methodist Churches of Ber keley County. All are welcome. For more info., call the church office at 304-2630342. The Rev. Mark C. Mooney is pastor. BETHELS Bread of Life Meal: A free meal is offered for those who are in need of assistance with a meal at Bethel Assembly of God every 3rd Tuesday, at 5:00 to 6:15. Our next meal will be Tuesday, March 18, Bethel Assembly of God is located at 2010 Tavern Road, across from City Hospital/University Health care. We look forward to seeing you.
PIKESIDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (25 Paynes Ford Road, Martinsburg). Early Bird Worship at 8:30 a.m., Sunday School for all ages at 9:25 a.m. and Morning Worship at 10:35 a.m. (nursery and childrens church available). Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00 p.m. FREE Breakfast, 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month. Pastor R i c h a r d B r o o m e J r. C h u r c h O f f i c e : 304.263.4633. COME HOME TO PIKESIDE! ST. Lukes UMC, 700 New York Avenue, will host a pancake dinner from 4:30 to 7pm. Shrove Tuesday in the church social hall. Menu: Homemade Sausage G r a v y, P a n c a k e s , Sausage Patties and Applesauce. Juice and Coffee also will be available. Cost is by donation. Proceeds will benefit missions. For more information, call Sandra Van Metre at 304-260-0405. THE Gerrardstown United Methodist Church morning worship service is at 11:00 am each Sunday. Church School for the children and a nursery is provided during the service. An adult church school class meets at 10:00am each Sunday morning. Come join us. TOMAHAWK Presbyterian Church in Tomahawk, West Virginia, invites you to worship on Sundays at 9 : 0 0 a . m . C h i l d r e n s Church offered during worship service. Contact us at (304) 754-8869,, or [email protected]
The auxiliary sponsors numerous fundraisers throughout the year in support of Berkeley Medical Center. For more information on the Auxiliary including membership, phone the marketing department at (304) 264-1223.
TOMAHAWK Ruritan Club is having a Turkey Supper, March 29th, 4pm-7pm. $10 adults and $5 for children. Entertainment: Stoney Creek Bluegrass Band. Raffles, 50/50s and Silent Auction for HHS Scholarship. Call 304754-3860 for info. PA N C A K E B r e a k f a s t Saturday, March 1st, 7:30am11am at Bedington United Methodist Church, 304-2742011. Pancakes, sausage, sausage gravy, biscuits, fried potatoes and made to order eggs. All You Can Eat! Cost by donation, supports BUMC Mission Projects. Sunday Services 9:30am Traditional, 11am Contemporary, 6pm Youth. PANCAKE & Sausage Supper- The Darksville United Methodist Church Annial Pancake and Sausage Supper!!!!Darksville United Methodist Church, Rt. 11 Darksville, WV ( 1 mile North of Inwood). Tuesday, March 11th, 4:0pm-7;00pm. Free will donation. Carry-Out available $6.00. MARDI GRAS PANCAKE & SAUSAGE SUPPER Tuesday, March 4, 5pm7 : 0 0 p m a t Tr i n i t y Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 200 W. King St. Pa n c a ke s, S a u s a g e, Applesauce, Sausage Gravy & Drinks. Adults $5.00 and Children under 12 $3.00. More info. 304263-0994.
Martinsburg, W.Va. - The Auxiliary of Berkeley Medical Center recently installed officers for 2014. The installation ceremony was performed by Anthony P. Zelenka, president and COO at Berkeley Medical Center. Pictured from left to right are: Eleanor Jones, president; Nancy Poulson, vice president; Barbara K. Arndt, secretary; and Fran Auld, treasurer.
Community Calendar
Ruritan Hall
The Tuscarora Ruritan Hall is available for a $150 donation- commercial $175 donation. Air conditioned. Seats 115. Call 304-263-3090 or 304-264-8411 for information.
Garages Commercial Pavilions Farm Horse Barns & Arenas Seamless Gutters Steel Roofing For Houses
(go right over shingles)
Ruritan Hall
Tomahawk Ruritan Club Rentals available for Birthday parties, wedding receptions, reunions, seminars and workshops. Small dining room $100 and Large Dining Room $150. Please call 304-7543860 for reservations.
W i n c h e s t e r Ave n u e Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 400 Winchester Ave, Martinsburg, WV. Rev. Benjamin Manning, Minister. Sunday School 9:30, Morning Worship 10:45. Thursday 10:001:00 Clothing Closet Open. (Church entrance and sanctuary are accessible to the handicapped). Everyone welcome.
General News
BERKELEY COUNT Y S c h o o l s Volunteers NeededAssist a student weekly with school work and selfesteem. Free training, TB test and finger pr ints. Volunteer at any BC School with principal discret i o n . F R E E PA S S training on Thursdays a t 9 : 3 0 a m , PA L C , 3635 Winchester Ave., Martinsburg. No reservations needed.
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Page 3
DIAMOND solitaire round, 3/4 kt in 14 kt gold, proof of authenticity. $2600. 304-582-1520 GOLD 18K rope necklace, 21 made in Italy in great condition, 1.5oz gold, $2,700. Call 910231-0939.
Sporting Goods
BAUER Pro Ice Hockey Skates, silver arrow, made in Canada, size 10, leather soles & uppers, $ 1 2 5 / O B O. 3 0 4 - 2 6 0 0508. BRISTOL NASCAR RACE TICKETS- 2 for the Nationwide race Mar 15th and 2 for the Sprint race o n M a r 1 6 t h G R E AT SEATS. Dale Earnhardt Terrace, Section V, Row 15, Seats 1 and 2 (under roof). $275.00 for all. Call 304-671-3038.
Computers/ Personal
DELL Laptop Studio 1 5 5 8 , W i n 7 H P, 6 4 b i t , 4 G B, 5 0 0 G B, I 3 , 1 5 . 6 d i s p l ay, G o o d B a t t e r y. $ 1 5 0 . M a r l o w e , W V. (304)591-8587.
Household Items
4, 2 shelf glass display case with lower storage $135/obo. 304-433-5723.
Electronics/ Personal
SONY Trinitron color TV 27, $40. Call 304-2635955. XBOX 360 kinect with two controllers, $160, 304-261-0417
Your Kitchen...
Reimagined, Revamped, and Redesigned.
- Free Estimates -
40 ROUND OAK TABLE, WITH LEAF, 4 CHAIRS. GREAT CONDITION $100.00. CALL 304-350-1059. FA R M H O U S E D R O P LEAF TABLE WITH 6 CHAIRS, LIKE NEW $350. CALL 304-2618226. KING size bed frame with headboard, $50. Call 304-582-3459.
Locally Owned & Operated
$7 12:35 ADULTS -2:15 -3:55 -5:30-7:10-9:00 CHILDREN (UNDER 11) $5 SR. CITIZENS $5 MILITARY (W/PROPER ID) $5 MATINEE:
ALL SEATS BEFORE 6PM - $5 For Showtimes Call:
Signature Cabinetry
68 Hinton Court Martinsburg, WV 25404
Mon. -Fri. 10am to 5pm Sat. & Evenings by Appt.
9 West Appliances Refr igerators, Stoves, Washers/Dr yers & Freezers. All like new with warranty. Call 304-2635049. M O U N TA I N S TAT E APPLIANCES 304-2634612 Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, stoves. All major brands including: GE, Maytag, Kenmore, Frigidaire and more. Best prices anywhere with warranty. We service what we sell 304-263-4612. WHIRLPOOL Quiet Partner II Dishwasher in White. $100/OBO. Call 304-283-5117 after 4 PM.
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SEALY Ortho Rest Baby Crib/Toddler Bed Mattress. Brand New.$35.00 Call 304-676-6250
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Fax 240-582-9147
Pawn Shop
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April 3
2 Locations:
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[email protected] Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-1
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Page 4
C VA H aw ke n . 5 0 Caliber Muzzeloader Rifle w/case, $125. Call 304-263-0026. GOLDS Gym 450 t r e a d m i l l , l i k e n e w, $125 obo 304-4335723 LITTLE League BatsEaston XL1 $90 and Louisville Slugger EXO Grid $80. Call 304-2649414. MANUAL treadmill Weslo Cardiostride Plus perfect cond. $25 OBO. 304-258-6069. R a c q u e t b a l l Experienced SENIORS Preferred. 304-2299167
22HP 42 cut mower asking $575. Call 304-2677492. 55 gallon metal barrels (heavy duty) w/removable lids and lock rings, Great for burning or feed!!!Great Deal!!! $15 each or 2 for $25. Call 304-267-4648 or cell 304-268-5952. BASKETS-Chr istmas Collectors Editions. 6 BASKETS, with Hollyberr y Liner, protector, tie-on, handles, lid and Special Edition engraved tag. Ye a r s 1 9 9 4 t o 1 9 9 9 . Excellent condition. $275/ everything. (304)725-1301
CHAIR Caning-cane, split, & rush. Call for prices 304-2633964. DRY bath with bowl and vase. $250. Call 304-9955112. FREE Estimates Allstate I n s u r a n c e : Au t o, L i fe Insurance, Annuities, CDs, Accident, Cancer Disability, Long Term Care, Retirement Planning. Call 304-725-7943. HARLEY Davidson Mens Leather Jacket 3X, $145. Call 304-582-3459. KING and Queen Pageant March 9th at Harpers Ferry Quality Hotel. $15 entry fees. Call 304-263-1499 or SandySueScott@Comcast .net
K I T C H E N Ta b l e w i t h matching hutch $35. Free push mower. Call Debbie @ 304-616-0380 P R O PA N E ! ! ! . . . . a n d propane accessories. Tanks, hoses, regulators, brass fittings, copper tubing. Prices so good that Cheapskates Love Us!!! O p e n E V E R Y d a y. FALLING WATERS CAMPSITE. 304-274-2791. RAFFLE drum brass finish, new in box, holds 5,000 tickets, $125. Call 304-2630026. RETIRED senior needs employment to supplement Social Security income. Will do those jobs that homeowners never get around to or have time for like painting rooms, outside decks or whatever. Will work for low wages. 304676-8199. ROAD Work and Maintenance, Pot Holes, Ditch Cleaning, Drainage Pipes Replaced, Grading, Crowning, Stone Hauling 10 to 20 tons per load. No charge for gateing. Residential or Commercial. Licensed and Insured. Free Estimates. 304-262-4511. SANTA Sleigh, circa 1800. $1400/OBO or trade. Call 304-582-2460. SUNVISION sunbed excellent condition, 178 hours, also exact bulbs $1500.00 call 304-582-2403
VENDING Machine- Gains combo vending for sale 600.00/obo. Call 304-2615732. VHS Tapes-Over 50. Variety for all ages, Disney, comedys, drama, and more. All in or iginal case/box. Excellent condition. Cheaper than going to the movies!! Bundle price-$60 for ALL. (304)725-1301
Wanted To Buy
LOOKING for a closed in box trailer and size, single axle or dual in any condition. Call 304-582-2460. WANTED standing timberany amount considered 304258-5626 or 304-676-8578. WANTED TO BUY- Old Telephones, Trunks, Metal & Wood Signs, Old Banks, Pictures & Old Paintings, Old Clocks, Egg Baskets, Old Fishing Rods and Reals, Movie Posters, Pedal Cars, Old Hanging Lamps & Shades, Farm Related Items & Anything Old. Buying for 60 years in Eastern Panhandle. Call Phil Mercer 304-2629155.
FREE Kittens- Adorable & Beautiful!!! 1 Siamese kitten lovable and needs home and 1 black kitten neutered w/shots and needs a home. Call 304-725-9411 or 304995-7221.
Built to Last
SHOPSMITH Mark V home workshop with 20 scroll saw. 115 or 230 volts. Includes table saw, disc sander, vertical drilling, horizontal boring, like new $700. Call 304-263-8230.
Misc. Pets
WANTED - Your unwanted farm animals, Goats, Chickens, Roosters, G e e s e , D u c k s , G u i n e a s , Tu r k e y s , Pigeons, House Birds, R a b b i t s, e c t . F u r t h e r details Call Big Ben 304267-4648. Clip&Save!
REMOVAL of dead livestock call for prices 304671-2220.
C U S T O M C a r p e n t r y, R e m o d e l i n g k i t c h e n s, painting, roofing, decks, HVAC, siding, fascia, soffit, b a t h r o o m s, a d d i t i o n s. Custom built homes. Plumbing, electrical, residential, commercial. J&J Builders. Licensed/Insured 304-263-1798,
BEAUTIFUL female 4 year old Red Nose Pitt Bull that is loving and gentle. No cats! Free. Call 717-9873163.
Contact the Buyers Guide Classifieds online to make an announcement, sell your stuff, post a job or offer a service today!
Buyers Guide
Rates may vary, depending on the classified section. Rates do not apply to free family classified ads.
Page 5
G OT D ay c a r e ? M i s s Cindys Childcare has FT/PT openings for ages up to 4 yrs. Clean, safe, non-smoking environment w/lg. play area in/outside. Mountainheart accepted. 304-274-6288. LOOKING For Excellent Childcare?23 years experie n c e . M o n d a y - Fr i d a y 6:30am-5:30pm. Berkeley Heights District. Please call Carol for more information 304-264-0938.
FIREWOOD-mixed hardwood 1/2 cord to 2 cords. Call O.W. Hauling 304-2645966. MIXED firewood, $70.00 per load, $130.00 per cord, call 304-268-3506.
O.W. Hauling- screened topsoil, mulch, gravel delivered. Junk and d e b r i s r e m o ve d . C a l l 304-264-5966.
PROFESSIONAL HANDYMAN SERVICE Lic & Ins-25 years experience in all phases of home repairs and r e s t o ra t i o n . D r y wa l l , paint, trim, tile, bathroom/basement finishing, windows, doors. Free Est. Call 304-261-3149. A. Handyman Service304-279-0182. Junk r e m ova l , I n t e r i o r a n d Exterior repairs, roofing, replacement windows, chimney sweeps, finish baths/ basements, landscaping, lawn care, plumbing, and cleaning service. F&K Properties LLC Handyman service. Specializing in ceramic tile of all kinds, laminate flooring, painting, power washing, and other odd jobs. Licensed and insured 304725-1790 or 304-725-2771 free estimates.
Elderly Care
27 years exper ienced Cargiver seeking position. Any hours with References. Call 304-229-4970.
FIREWOOD $140 Cord, $75 half cord, seasoned hardwood. Snow Removal commercial and residential. Call James 304-886-5510. FIREWOOD For Sale and Will Plow Driveways. Call 304-261-8683 and 304261-4899. FIREWOOD for sale, cut, split, and delivered $70 1/2 cord, $130 a cord. Call 304-283-2798.
MARTINSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY TAX-AIDE SCHEDULE February 3 thru April 14 Mondays- 9:30am - 8:00pm Tuesday -9:30am-5:00pm *Note time change
Dont Pay High Chain Store Prices . . .
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Bed Frames
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F urniture
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Buyers Guide
Page 6
Page 7
FINANCIAL SERVICES T RU G G L I N G W I T H YOUR MORTGAGE AND WORRIED ABOUT FORCLOSURE? Reduce your mortagage & save money. Legal loan modification service. Free Consultation. Call PREFERRED LAW 1800-915-4832. FOR SALEDISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-2814970
Home Improvement
HELPING Hands Home I m p r o v e m e n t s Experienced in but not limited to: Carpentry, Painting, Roofing, Siding, all home repairs. Affordable, Dependable and Honest. Call or text 304-268-5414. R/R Construction: Sunrooms, garages, additions, ceramic tile, laminate flooring, bathrooms, Handyman ser vices, kitchen and painting. Quality that will last a lifetime. Call 304-754-7041. WV 004871. Let me help you with your Spring projects!
House Cleaning
CLEANING lady with 20 years experience will clean your home weekly, biw e e k l y, o r m o n t h l y. Licensed, Bonded & Insured. Low affordable rates. 304-995-7240. HOUSE Cleaning and Organizing plus Runs Errands. Reliable, Low Rates. References Available. Please call KT 304-283-3834.
SLONAKERS Painting and Cleaning LLC. Neat and Reliable. Strip and Wax VCT Floors. 304-579-5548.
Misc. Services
P R O PA N E ! ! ! . . . . a n d p r o p a n e a c c e s s o r i e s. Tanks, hoses, regulators, brass fittings, copper tubing. Prices so good that Cheapskates Love Us!!! O p e n E V E R Y d a y. FA L L I N G W AT E R S CAMPSITE. 304-2742791. ROAD Work and Maintenance, Pot Holes, Ditch Cleaning, Drainage Pipes Replaced, Grading, Crowning, Stone Hauling 10 to 20 tons per load. No charge for gateing. R e s i d e n t i a l o r Commercial. Licensed and Insured. Free Estimates. 304-262-4511. SPORTS Physical $50 & D.O.T. Physical $89. Same Day Exam. Dr. Chambers 304-263-4927.
ADOPTION- A CHILDLESS MARRIED COUPLE seeks to adopt. Will be fulltime mom and devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Call/text. Patricia & Adam. 1-800790-5260. ANNOUNCEMENTS- All Things Basementy! Basement System Inc. Call us for all your basement needs! Water proofing? Finishing? Structural Repairs? Humidity and Mold Control. Free Estimates! Call 1-866-5890174. ANNOUNCEMENTSFeeling older? Men lose the ability to produce testosterone as they age. Call 888-476-0957 for a FREE trial of Progene-All N a t u r a l Te s t o s t e r o n e Supplement.
AUTOMOTIVE- $21 Car Insurance - Instant Quote - All Credit Types - Find Out If You Qualify - As Low As $21/Month. Call (888) 291-2920. AUTOS WANTED: TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any Car/Truck, Running or Not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800-454-6951 EMPLOYMENT- $21 Car Insurance - Instant Quote - All Credit Types - Find Out If You Qualify - As Low As $21/Month. Call (888) 296-3040
Page 8
FOR Sale- SAFE STEP TUBS. Enjoy safety, comfort and theraputic relief from the best walk-in tubs made in the USA. Call 1-888-734-4527 for FREE information and SENIOR DISCOUNTS.
ADOPTION- PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring adoption expert. Choose from families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abbys One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6296 Void In I l l i n o i s / N e w Mexico/Indiana.
A PA R T M E N T S F O R RENT- RETIREMENT A PA R T M E N T S , A L L INCLUSIVE. Meals, transportation, activities daily. Shor t Leases. Monthly specials! Call (877)2104130. A U T O D O N AT I O N S CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, M a ke, M o d e l s. Fr e e Towing! Were Local! 7 days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330.
Garage Doors
3167 Valley Pike Winchester, VA
Full Service gun shop ~ Everything for your shooting & reloading needs
Spring IS Coming!
Need Storage Space?
Check out our sheds built by the local Breezy Knoll Structures!
Inventory Clearance on Vinyl Playsets
Hours: Mon-Thurs 9-5 Fri 9-6 Sat 9-4 Located: 2 1/2 miles west of Hedgesville along Rt. 9
Page 9
Financial considerations for those nearing retirement Determine the best time to refinance a mortgage Things to know about credit scores
Page 10
Financial considerations
for those nearing retirement
Retirement can simultaneously excite and distress men and women as they approach the day when they end their careers. Anticipating the freedom can be exciting, while concerns about maintaining nancial independence can be stressful. Though there are no guarantees that men and women who prioritize retirement planning will not outlive their nances, those who do arrange their priorities in such a manner are far more likely to enjoy a comfortable retirement without worrying about their nances. Assess your resources. An honest assessment of your assets will help you determine a retirement lifestyle you can afford. Assets can include any property you own, investments, savings, and retirement accounts. Make a list of your monthly expenses. Once you have assessed your resources, make a list of your monthly bills. Mortgage payments, healthcare costs, taxes, and food are among the essentials, while additional expenses like travel and entertainment will need to be factored in as well. When considering monthly expenses, keep in mind that some of those expenses, including mortgage payments and commuting costs, will likely disappear, while others, including healthcare costs, are likely to increase signicantly. Once you have assessed your resources and expenses, you can then begin to paint a picture of the retirement lifestyle you can afford to live.
Page 11
With Citys Champion Mortgage, you can buy a home with as little as 3% down*, no PMI (up front or monthly), $795* in closing costs and low rates. Stop by any of our offices for more information.
Tom McCarthy 304-728-7803 Ian Gingold 304-264-4550
* Not available for fixed rate or construction loans. Closing costs include expenses for appraisal, title search, credit report, flood determination and recording. Closing costs do not include expenses for prepaid interest, hazard or flood insurance, owners title policy, or real estate taxes. For example, based on a $100,000 loan amount at an estimated interest rate of 3.99% (4.273% APR) for a 5/5 Adjustable Rate Loan for 30 years, the monthly payment is $476.84. Interest rate is accurate as of 02/11/2014, is subject to change, and may increase/decrease after the first five years. Limited time offer.
Page 12
generic manufacturers can pass the savings on to the consumer. This helps consumers stretch their food budgets that much further. A little-known secret of generic brands is that many are actually produced and shipped from brand-name facilities. A company that produces a certain brand of breakfast cereal may also package that product under a generic label. The ingredients are identical, but the price is not. In many instances, the taste of generic foods may be comparable to brand name alternatives. When generic products do taste differently, such differences are often minor. At the very least, generic ingredients can be used in recipes where differences in taste are nearly impossible to notice. Those ready to try generics can begin by experimenting with a certain products. Buy a small serving size of the desired product and try it, then try it again, and you may be surprised by the results. Cereal: A consumer can save anywhere from 25 to 50 percent on generic cereal. If children insist on a brand that they saw on a commercial, buy it once in the branded variety, then save the box and rell it with a generic cereal. Soda: Although relatively cheap to produce, brand-name sodas are often much more expensive than generic versions. Many generic colas are comparable to the better-known brands. Salt, our and spices: Generic baking ingredients can save consumers lots of
money, and few people are likely to notice a difference in taste. Flour is our, and there is likely only a minimal difference between one packaged by a store and one packaged by a name company. Frozen french fries: French fries are simply potatoes sliced and fried, then ash-frozen. There is little taste difference between unseasoned varieties of french fries between brands. Medications: Opting for generic pain relievers can save you quite a lot of money. These drugs are subjected to the same rigorous testing as namebrand medicines, so consumers can rest assured that they are safe. Produce: Whether an apple has a name brand on it or a generic label, it will taste the same. Lettuce, vegetables and other foods sold in the produce department can all be purchased as generics rather than brand names without sacricing quality. Baby formula: There is a public perception that generics are cheap and bad for you, which is why some shy away from generic baby formula. But parents who compare the containers side-byside are likely to nd the same exact ingredients in formulas. The taste and the texture may be slightly different, but the products are nearly identical. The Infant Formula Act requires specic procedures be followed in making infant formulas, which means the generic brands must be just as safe as their brand name counterparts.
Ask Us About Our Auto Insurance Rate Price Guarantee... Even If You Have An Accident, Your Rates WONT GO UP!
Page 13
Size First-time real estate investors might be wise to choose a smaller property for their initial investment. Larger properties can be overwhelming to manage, and investors often rely on property management rms to tend to these properties. Such rms charge more to manage bigger properties, which can eat into investors nances. Veteran investors can handle such overhead costs, but rst-timers might nd themselves caught off guard upon realizing the gravity of their nancial commitment. A good rule of thumb for rst-time investors is to stick to smaller properties, only moving on to larger buildings once they are fully comfortable with all that comes with investing in real estate. Costs The cost of a real estate investment goes beyond the purchase price of the home. In addition to the mortgage on the property, investors must pay the taxes and insurance on the property, as well as any costs associated with maintaining and managing the property. Certain tax breaks are available to real estate investors depending on where they live. For example, in the United States, taxes on the prots when a property is sold may be deferred if those prots are immediately rolled into another property (such a deferment is only available to those investors who arrange this exchange prior to selling the initial property). Potential investors need to consider all of these costs, and might want to hire a real estate lawyer to help them make the most of their investments and any prots they yield. But even hiring an attorney is an additional cost investors must consider before investing.
another way to invest their money. Time also must be considered when considering prots. Real estate is not the type of investment that turns a prot overnight. Even investors who are looking to invest in an up-and-coming neighborhood must be prepared to hold onto their properties for at least a few years, if not much longer, to maximize their investments. Though real estate is a sound investment, it is not a get rich quick type of investment, so investors looking to make a quick buck should consider alternatives before buying investment properties.
Page 14
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Page 15
A homeowner may also opt for a line of credit with the reverse mortgage proceeds. Here is a more in-depth look at the pros and cons to reverse mortgages. PROS A reverse mortgage enables seniors to live in their homes for the rest of their lives without fear of mortgage payments. Because there are no payments being made during the life of the loan, borrowers do not have to meet income requirements or credit checks. As long as the borrower continues to maintain residence in the home, he or she is still eligible for the monthly payments received through the reverse mortgage. This money can be used for any purpose and is tax-free. Borrowers can opt to modernize their homes or make
Reverse mortgages enable seniors to retire comfortably in their own homes. But that comfort does come with some drawbacks
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Page 16
Becoming a homeowner is a great feeling for many people, but that feeling of elation often dissipates when the first mortgage payment comes due. Although most responsible buyers shouldnt be surprised at the amount of that first mortgage payment, that first bill can still catch someone off guard.
rate, will likely ease some of your nancial burden. Home value: A higher home value means more equity in the home. This money can be used to pay down debt or for home improvements that further improve the value of the home and property. It is important to speak with a real estate professional to determine if home values have spiked in a particular neighborhood and to gain an accurate appraisal of the home. This will help determine if renancing is frugal. Interest rates: Lower interest rates often motivate homeowners to renance, as a lower interest rate can save homeowners a substantial amount of money over the course of their loans. However, renancing
too soon (within 4 years of the original home loan) may put homeowners in a negative light. Lenders may see borrowers who renance too soon or too frequently as risky borrowers who cannot successfully manage their money. Prepayment penalties: Certain mortgages have prepayment penalties built in. Should a person pay off the mortgage too early, usually within two to ve years, 2 to 4 percent of the homes loan value must be paid out. Renancing counts as paying off one loan and opening up another. Penalties could deter a person from renancing too soon. Determining the best time to renance your home mortgage takes effort on the part of the borrower and information about market trends.
Page 17
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Page 18
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1999 Plmouth Grand Voyager,new tires 108k miles 2 sliding doors, 7 passenger one onwer needs nothing, cost $2300. call 304-707-8178. 2002 Dodge Caravan 3.3 lt, 5 doors, roof rack, twin a/c, twin heater, good tires, high mileage, good condition, $2,950 as it. Call 571331-3579 or 732-5277632.
CHRYSLER 6x14 factory wheels,5 spoke chrome and bl a ck . $ 2 5 0 . 3 0 4 - 2 5 8 2144. P R O PA N E ! ! ! . . . . a n d propane accessories. Tanks, hoses, regulators, brass fittings, copper tubing. Prices so good that Cheapskates Love Us!!! O p e n E V E R Y d a y. FALLING WATERS CAMPSITE. 304-274-2791. TIRES (used)- (4)P195/60/R15, (2)P215/60/R-15, (3)195/60/R14, (4)185/65/R-14, (4)P185/65/R14, (2)225/60/R16, (4)P1 8 5 / 7 0 / R 1 3 , ( 2 ) 2 1 5 / 7 0 / R 1 4 , (2)195/70/R-14, (2)215/70/R-15, (2)P235/60/R15, (2)185/65/15, (4)225/50/R16, (4)205/70/R15, (4)P185/75/R14, ( 2 ) 2 1 5 / 7 0 / 1 5 , ( 2 ) P 2 1 5 / 6 5 / 1 5 , ( 2 ) P 1 8 5 / 7 0 / 1 4 , (4)P195/70/14. Call 304261-7036.
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998 Arden-Nollville Rd Inwood, WV 25428 Mon - Thur 10-6 Fri 10-7 Sat 9:30-4
Spring Mills
Tire, Truck & Auto Repair
2179 St. Andrews Drive, Hedgesville, WV 25427
A Sausage, Egg and Cheese CroissanwichTM breakfast sandwich and small size coffee for
Valid during breakfast hours only. Breakfast served from 6:00am to 10:30am daily. Coupon code 28000214. Offers end 3/31/2013
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50 OFF
any sale between $ 500-$1,000 any sale over $ 1,000
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35 OFF
45 Monroe Street Berkeley Plaza Martinsburg, WV