ABHSF Marriage Satisfaction Survey
ABHSF Marriage Satisfaction Survey
ABHSF Marriage Satisfaction Survey
0a112 with the 3#ie ds we sha#e i "ommo . Client: ). 4atis3ied with ou# se5 li3e.
$O% & ' 1 ( ) * + ' , - . / 1 & ' 0IG0 *. I a6#eeme t with the amou t o3 time 2ou o# we s1e d Ma#ital at wo#!#elatio a d at shi1s home. a#e "om1le5 i stitutio s@ I o#de# to im1#o9e the Aualit2 o3 a ma##ia6e8 it hel1s to ta!e a s2stemati" loo! at how it is 3u "tio i 6. 0e#e is a Auestio ai#e 2ou "a use as a 6e e#al 6uide 3o# $O% &' 1 ( ) * + . , - . / 1 & . 0IG0 +. I a6#eeme t with the wa2 we a#e s1e di .6 e9aluati 6 2ou# ma#ital satis3a"tio mo e2. A3te# ea"h Auestio ;elow w#ite dow the um;e# that most "losel2 a11#o5imates 2ou# 1#ese t 3eeli 6s a;out 2ou# o# t2ou# O a s"ale is , 71leased87 is 7hal3 2es?hal3 o87 a d $O% o3 &'o 1e ( to ) te* 8 1& + . - . / + 1&' 0IG0 ,. Pleased with the !ima##ia6e d o3 1a#e 2ou s1ouse. a#e. & is 7 ot 1leased.7 (This #e3e#s to the wa2 2ou# s1ouse i te#a"ts with the "hild#e .) -. O3 the o1i io that 2ou a#e 7o m2 team.7 .. Pleased with ou# leisu#e time to6ethe# (e.6.8 s1o#ts8 9a"atio s8 outi 6s8 et".). /. :asi"all2 i a6#eeme t with 2ou# outloo! o li3e (e.6.8 9alues8 attitudes8 #eli6ious ;elie3s8 1oliti"s8 et".). 1&. Ge e#all2 1leased with the wa2 2ou #elate to mem;e#s o3 2ou# ow 3amil2. (This #e3e#s to 2ou# s1ouse<s 1a#e ts8 si;li 6s8 et".) $O% & ' 1 $O% & ' 1 ( ) * + ' , - . / 1 & ' 0IG0 ( ) * + ' , - . / 1 & ' 0IG0
1&' 0IG0
11. 4atis3ied with the wa2 2ou #elate to mem;e#s o3 m2 3amil2. (This #e3e#s to 2ou# ow 1a#e ts8 si;li 6s8 et".) 1(. Pleased with 2ou# 6e e#al ha;its8 ma e#isms8 a d o9e#all a11ea#a "e.
#et$een %&'8( re)*ects SA+,S-AC+ORY to GOOD )ee* n!s and nteract ons"
A score o) ./'%/ su!!ests that you need to ma0e some 1as c chan!es"
2arr a!es that are 1an0ru3t usua**y ca** )or d vorce counse* n! so that the hus1and and $ )e 3art am ca1*y" Usua**y4 ho$ever4 3eo3*e $hose *eve*s o) sat s)act on are th s *o$ don5t consu*t 3sycho*o! st""" they head stra !ht )or the *a$yers6 2any marr a!es can 1e m3roved so that cou3*es can e73er ence more 8oy than !r e)" Peo3*e $ho 1e* eve that noth n! can 1e done to m3rove a 1ad marr a!e are usua**y ncorrect ,t s d )) cu*t 1ut not m3oss 1*e4 to