Danial Sutami Putra Director R & D Hawariyyin Research Centre ©2009

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Danial Sutami Putra

Director R & D
Hawariyyin Research Centre
 Every masterpiece in this world (e.g.
paintings, musical instruments, carvings, etc)
have a special mark, or signature inscribed
on certain spot of it by the artists.

 It was made as a legitimate proof of the

artists, to show that the masterpiece really
indeed created by them, so nobody could
claim their finest work.

 It also functions as a ‘memorial sign’

 One of the most famous violin & guitar maker
in the world

 His
masterpiece was worth average more
than USD 300,000 sold in Christie’s auction

 He always put an inscription “S” on every

violin he made as his legitimate signature
Auction house
Christie's in New
York sold an
original Stradivari
Violin known as
the "Lady Tennant"
for US$ 2 million in
April 2005

on the

Let’s take
a closer
A famous painter in Indonesia

 Wellknown for his unique technique of

painting using only with both hands

 Mostof his paintings worth average USD


 Each of his works contained letter “AF”

inscribed on it as his special signature
This small self-
portrait painting
sold for US$ 5,000
in 2008 to an
Let’s take a
Indonesian auction closer look..
house, Borobudur

Notice the “AF”-
stands for
and the year the
painting was
made in (1958)
 Eachand everyone of us have a special
signature to differentiate one another

 Weuse our signature to show that we’re in

charge of something important (e.g. giving
approval over some matters)

 Our
signature is also one of requirement
needed in legal agreement
 There are so many religions in the world, and
each claims that they are the RIGHT ONE.

 For this matter, many then decided not to

believe and there’s no such thing as ‘GOD’.

 For those who believe and involved in an

established religious organizations, they
attacked others for defending their dogma, and
judged those outside group as ‘unbelievers’
 Did God really do it in purpose to let us, His
creatures, wandering in confusion and despair in
order to know Him? Trapped in a such hostile
situation among believers? Hated each other for
defending religion?

 Did He leave us here in the world without giving

any sign, or leaving any trace for us, so we can
follow the ‘right-path’ that leads directly and
only to Him?

 How do we know that the God we’re all

currently worshipping are the one Who created
us and the universe?
 God
is our CREATOR. He is The ONE and
ONLY Who created the universe

 Theworld we’re living is one of His


 ThereforeHe must have left His ‘signature’

as the Legitimate Proof of His work of

 The“exclusive sign” that help us to identify

that He really is the TRUE God, the Creator
 Genesis chapter 1 told about the process of
creation. It all finished on the sixth day.
 Then in Genesis chapter 2 verse 2-3 :

And on the Seventh day God ended His

work which He had made; and He rested
on the Seventh day from all His work
which He had made.
And God blessed the Seventh day, and
sanctified it: because that in it He had
rested from all His work which God
created and made
 Genesistold us that God created heavens
and earth in 6 days.

 ThenHe rested, blessed, and sanctified His

work of creation on the seventh-day.

 Three verbs was emphasized on the seventh

day somehow showed how important this day
really was.
 Exodus 20: 3-17
1. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me
2. Thou shalt not make any images
3. Thou shalt not take the name of God in vain
4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy
5. Honour thy father and thy mother
6. Thou shalt not kill
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery
8. Thou shalt not steal
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness
10.Thou shalt not covet
 Exodus 20: 8-11
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it
Six days you shall labor and do all your
work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath
of the Lord your God.
In it you shall do no work…
For in six days the Lord made the heavens
and the earth, the sea, and all that is in
them, and rested the seventh day.
Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath
day and hallowed it.
 QS. Al-A’raaf :54

Your Guardian-Lord is God, Who created

the heavens and the earth in six Days, and
is firmly established on the throne (of
 QS. Yunus:3

Verily your Lord is God, Who created the

heavens and the earth in six Days, and is
firmly established on the Throne (of
 QS. Huud:7

He it is Who created the heavens and the

earth in six Days—and His Throne was over
the Waters…
 QS. Al-Furqaan: 59

He Who created the heavens and the earth

and all that is between, in six Days, and is
firmly established on the Throne (of
 QS. As-Sajdah: 4

It is God Who has created the heavens and

the earth, and all between them, in six
Days, and is firmly established on the
Throne (of Authority)…
 QS. Al-Hadiid:4

He it is Who created the heavens and the

earth in six Days, and is moreover firmly
established on the Throne (of Authority)…
 BothGenesis and Quran implied that
Creation process finished in 6 Days.

 Genesis told there’s still one more day, that

is the 7th Day, the day where God rested,
blessed, and sanctified as He finished His
work of Creation.

 Quran told us that after God finished the

Creation process, then He firmly established
on His Throne.
Creation finished in Creation finished in
6 days 6 days

On the 7th day Firmly established

rested, blessed, on His Throne
and sanctified
 Despite the seeming parallelism, Quran didn’t tell us about
the 7th day, like Genesis.

 But the term rest, blessed, and sanctified might somehow

have the same meaning as firmly established on the

 One thing we can be sure that both means God is doing

something after He finished His work of Creation.
 The7th Day in Genesis is called Sabbath, a
Hebrew word

 Comes from root sbt meaning to rest, to

desist from previous work

 Interestingly,
many languages in the world
have quite similar form when refer to
number 7 or the seventh day (eg: sabbado,
sabbaton, sapta, sabtu, sabti, sieben, etc)
And well ye know those amongst you who
transgressed in the matter of Sabbath: We
said to them: “Be ye apes, despised and

So We made it an example to their own time

and to their posterity, and a lesson to those
who fear God.
O ye People of the Book! Believe in what We
have (now) revealed, confirming what was
(already) with you, before We change the
face and fame of some (of you) beyond all
recognition, and turn them hindwards, or
curse them as We cursed the Sabbath-
breakers, for the decision of God must be
carried out.
And for their covenant were raised over
them (the towering height) of Mount (Sinai);
and (on another occasion) We said: “Enter
the gate with humility”; and (once again) we
commanded them: “Transgress not in the
matter of the Sabbath.” And We took from
them a solemn covenant.
Ask them concerning the town standing close
by the sea. Behold! They transgressed in the
matter of the Sabbath. For on the day of
their Sabbath their fish did come to them,
openly holding up their heads, but on the
day they had no Sabbath, they came not:
thus did We make a trial of them, for they
were given to transgression.
The Sabbath was only made (strict) for
those who disagreed (as to its observance);
but God will judge between them on the Day
of Judgment, as to their differences.
 Theword Sabbath is mentioned 7 times in
Quran, while Friday prayer only 1 time in Al-
Jumu’ah (which literally means Congregation)

 History
of Islam told that before Hijra to Medina,
Muhammad and his umma were Sabbath-keeper,
and their qiblat was toward Jerusalem

 Afterhaving quarreled with the Jew people in

Medina, he changed the Sabbath to Friday, and
the qiblat to Mecca
 One friend once argued that the Israelites in
Muhammad’s time were having different opinion
about which one is the true Sabbath: the seventh
day or the first day? And Quran provides the
answer that the true Sabbath is the seventh-day.

 Another friends argued that those verses about

Sabbath were referred to the story of Israelites,
then it’s no longer applied to the moslems. It’s
just a history.
 The command to keep Sabbath was given by God
to Moses in Mount Sinai. Therefore the Israelites
had been observing the Sabbath for about 3000
years before Muhammad’s time, even until now.

 It really doesn’t make sense if there were

differences among them about which day is the
true Sabbath, while we know how close their
community was and how fanatic they were
especially about their religion.

 Their Tanakh and Talmud are the only sources

of their law. It’s impossible for the Jewish to ask
about true Sabbath from Quran.
 Let’s have a look on Quran verses:

No change wilt thou find in the practice

(approved) of God. Al-Ahzab:62

No change wilt thou find in the practice

(approved) of God. Al-Fath: 23
 IfGod commanded the Russian ‘thou shalt
not kill’? Would it be the same to the
French? Of course!

 IfGod commanded the Brazilian ‘thou shalt

not steal’? Would He do the same to the
Mexican? Absolutely!

 IfGod commanded the Chinese ‘honor your

father and mother’? What would be His
command to the Japanese? No doubt it
would be also ‘Honor your father and
 Our God is not working by ‘trial-and-error’,
always revising His Law and Commandment in
order to make it more perfect. Everything that
comes out from Him is perfect already.

 Most well-known religions in the world including

Islam, have observed at least some of the
commandments of 10 Commandments, except for
the 4th one. They seem forgetting about it.

 No wonder God use the word ‘Remember’ in the

4th commandment, for He knew from the first
time that most people would eventually forget
about the Sabbath day.
 A YEAR: You can count a year by knowing
that earth revolving around the sun for one

A MONTH: Month is counted by moon

revolving the earth

A DAY: One day is when Earth rotating within

its core
 There is no natural phenomenon to explain
scientifically why there are 7 days in a week

 Itis God Himself protected this ‘memorial of


 Sabbath is no doubt a legitimate proof of

our Creator
 La ila ha ilallah is implied in the First
Commandment: Thou shalt have no other
Gods before me

 In order to do this, God--as the Sole Creator

--put a bold distinction with other possible
gods in His Fourth Commandment, to
Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it

 For He blessed the seventh Day as He

finished from the work of Creation.
 The very basis foundation of true worshipping is
that we define ourselves as creature, who bow
down before our Creator

 How do we recognize and be sure that the God

whom we worship really is the one Who created

By acknowledging the Sabbath Day as our Holy

Day because the seventh-day is
His Signature of Creation

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