Net Traffic Monitors2
Net Traffic Monitors2
Net Traffic Monitors2
Paul Moceri, [email protected] Abstract The growing dependence on networks for everyday tasks has created the demand for high performance, reliable networks. Part of achieving the goal of high performance is active monitoring of networks to help in the identification and prevention of network errors. Many tools have emerged to aid in performance monitoring of networks. The most common class of tools is based on the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), a protocol for sending and transmitting network performance information on IP networks. Other types of network performance monitoring tools include packet sniffers, flow monitors and application monitors. Examples of the various monitoring tools are SolarWind's Orion SNMP monitoring platform, Ethereal packet capture tool, Webmetrics' GlobalWatch and Cisco's NetFlow flow monitoring tools. KeywordsNetwork Performance, Network Monitoring, Network Performance Tools, SNMP, Integrated SNMP Monitoring, Network Flow Monitoring, Application Monitoring, Packet Sniffing, Ethereal, SolarWinds Orion, Cisco NetFlow, Webmetrics.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 1.1 Terminology 1.2 Overview of Network Performance Monitoring 1.3 Common Performance Metrics 2.0 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 2.1 Role of SNMP in Network Performance Monitoring 2.2 Management Information Base (MIB) 2.3 Versions and Interface 3.0 Types of Monitoring Tools 3.1 Integrated SNMP Monitoring Platforms 3.2 Passive Analysis 3.3 Application and Service Monitoring 3.4 Flow Monitoring 3.5 Comparison of Performance Monitoring Tool Types 4.0 Example Implementations 4.1 Integrated SNMP: SolarWinds' Orion Network Performance Monitor 4.2 Passive Capture Tool: Ethereal 4.3 Application and Service Monitoring: Webmetrics GlobalWatch 4.4 Network Flow Monitoring: Cisco IOS NetFlow 5.0 Summary References Acronyms
1. Introduction 1 of 11
Computer networks have become a huge part of everyday life. The world without computer networks is practically unimaginable. Every action, event and transaction in our modern world at some point crosses a network. And, ever since the days that networks emerged there has been the desire to ensure that they perform optimally. This has lead to the development of numerous network performance monitoring tools and standards. The most common tools are network management system based on standardized network management protocols that give a comprehensive view of a network and all of its devices. Of course, there are other tools that are not as complex as a full network management system but equally useful for monitoring certain aspects of network performance. This survey paper will cover the basics of network performance monitoring, standards for network management and different types of monitoring tools. It will conclude with a look at several different monitoring tools including commercial and open-source implementations.
1.1 Terminology
The following definitions are important for understanding the basics of network management and performance monitoring and will be used throughout this survey paper. Agent The software that runs on a managed network device and implements the information and/or management functionality of a management system. Managed Device Any network device that is capable of participating in a network management system. Management Information Base (MIB) A hierarchical specification of the management data on a managed network device. Management Station The software that sends requests to agents and receives traps on behalf of an administrator or management software. Also known as the Manager. Network-Management System (NMS) A complete hardware and software system that monitors and manages a network. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) A network protocol that is part of the Internet Protocol suite used to send and receive network management information. Trap Asynchronous messages sent by agents to managers. May be used for alerts or event notifications. Also known as Notification.
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Figure 1 A network management system composed of a management station and several agents. Network management systems are by no means the only form of network monitoring. This survey will cover several other types of network monitoring tools including packet captures tools, flow monitors and application monitors in addition to network management systems. Before covering specific types of monitoring tools, it is important to understand what information monitoring tools provide to network administrators and the metrics they use.
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Measure of the usage of a link, port, or network resources. Nominal is best because high utilization is accompanied by high delays and low utilization is seen as a poor use of resources. The amount of time for a packet to traverse, either one-way or round trip, a network, network segment or network device. Usually refers to the percentage of packets or bits that contain errors on a network link, segment or device. High error rates can signal to an administrator that there is a problem in the network.
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Figure 3 a) SNMP running on top of UDP in a network device. b) SNMP running on top of UDP in a system that also provides user applications. SNMPv2 added two new message types that are also carried into the SNMPv3. GETBULK made sequential requests more efficient by allowing a management station to request an entire block in a sequence rather than having to iterate over a sequence using GETNEXT. The INFORM message is another version of TRAP that is acknowledged by the management station. SNMPv3 added security to the protocol making it in the preferred version to use. Detailed specification of the standard can be found in IETF [RFC3411] -
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[RFC3418]. Table 2 summarizes the message types used by all of the SNMP versions. Table 2 SNMP message types and description of their functionality. All message types are supported by SNMPv1 and later unless otherwise specified. Message GET REQUEST GETNEXT REQUEST GET RESPONSE SET REQUEST TRAP GETBULK INFORM Usages Used by Manager to retrieve a specific piece of network information. Used by Manager to iteratively retrieve a sequence of information. Used by agent to send information to Manager in response to a request. Used by a Manager to initialize or change the value of an management object. Used by agent to report an alert or other asynchronous event to the Manager. Introduced in SNMPv2 to retrieve a sequence of information as a faster alternative to GETNEXT. Introduced in SNMPv2, an acknowledged version of TRAP.
Because of the various dependencies and levels of adoption of the different versions of SNMP, it is very common to see network devices and network management systems that implement all three version of the standard. In fact, the IETF Network Working Group published an entire RFC on the subject of coexistence of the three versions of SNMP [RFC3584]. This document describes everything from how to convert between MIB formats and parameter mappings to approaches for multi-lingual network support. Back to Table of Contents
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Cisco IOS NetFlow is a complete network monitoring system used to collect and analyze network flows. NetFlow relies on routers to collect information on network flows which are identified as packet sequences that share the same IP protocol and source and destination addresses and ports. Flow information from all network devices is sent to a NetFlow collector to be analyzed. Cisco's IOS NetFlow application uses this NetFlow information to provide a variety of information and services including user and application monitoring, network planning, traffic engineering, usage accounting, and security analyzing [CiscoNF]. Compared to an SNMP-based monitoring platform, NetFlow is able to give a much more detailed view of the network user behavior and usage patterns. Though originally developed by Cisco, other network equipment vendors support NetFlow in their products. IEFT has even created an RFC for IP Flow Information eXport (IPFIX) which is based off of Cisco's NetFlow version 9 [RFC3954]. Not all network administrators need the detailed network view provided by a flow monitoring tool; however, NetFlow is becoming a much more common tool in the network administrator's toolbox [Zwers06]. Back to Table of Contents
5.0 Summary
Network performance monitoring is an important part of network functionality. Society has become dependent on networks and their ability to perform optimally is crucial. As a result, numerous network performance monitoring tools have emerged. Many of these are based on the standardized management protocol SNMP and provide administrators a complete view of a network and it performance. SNMP provides the messaging capability for management systems to collection network data for analysis. First introduced in 1988, SNMP is now in its third version and provides a secure messaging format. SNMP monitoring tools are some of the most flexible and comprehensive because of their ability to selectively poll any network device for exactly the information they need. SolarWind's Orion Network Performance Monitor is one example of an SNMP-based performance monitoring tool. However, many other types of tools are also available. Ethereal provides a tool for capturing and analyzing individual packets off of a network. Webmetrics GlobalWatch is an application performance monitoring tool that utilizes distributed agents to continuously monitor the performance of web applications. And finally, network flow monitoring tools provide an increasingly popular means of monitoring network performance. Cisco's NetFlow architecture provides flow monitoring, aggregation, and analysis and has even gone to IETF as an Internet draft. As the trend towards higher performance networks continues, more comprehensive monitoring tools like NetFlow will become as commonplace as SNMP today. Back to Table of Contents
The following references are roughly arranged in order of usefulness and relevance to the above paper. [RFC3411] D. Harrington, R. Presuhn, B. Wijnen. "RFC 3411: An Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks" IETF, Network Working Group, December, 2002. The first of eight RFCs that form a full definition of SNMPv3.
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[RFC3418] R. Presuhn. "RFC 3418: Management Information Base (MIB) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)" IETF, Network Working Group, December, 2002. The eighth RFC of eight that form a full definition of SNMPv3. [RFC1155] M. Rose, K. McCloghrie. "RFC 1155: Structure and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets" IETF, Network Working Group, May, 1990. Describes the structures and identification used to define management information in SNMPv1. [RFC1156] K. McCloghrie, M. Rose. "RFC 1156: Management Information Base for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)" IETF, Network Working Group, December, 2002. The definition of the initial Management Information Base (MIB) for SNMPv1. [RFC1157] J. Case, M. Fedor, M. Schoffstall, J. Davin. "RFC 1157: A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)" IETF, Network Working Group, December, 2002. The SNMPv1 definition as published by IEFT. [Cottrell06] Cottrell, Les. "Network Monitoring Tools." SLAC, Stanford University. October 29, 2006. A comprehensive list of network monitoring tools and links to more information for each tool. [Jain91] Jain, Raj. "The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis" New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1991. Full textbook that covers experimental design, measurement, simulation and modeling. [SolarWinds] "Orion Network Performance Monitor Datasheet" SolarWinds, accessed November 2006. Overview of features and functionality of the Orion Network Performance Monitor from SolarWinds. [Ethereal] "Ethereal: A Network Protocol Analyzer" Website. Ethereal, Inc. November 11, 2006. Offical website of the Ethereal Network Protocol Analyzer. Contains feature information as well as documentation. [Webmetrics] "Application Monitoring and Web Transacation Monitoring" Webmetrics website. Accessed November 28, 2006. Offical website of Webmetrics. Contains product information. [Stallings98] Stallings, W. "SNMPv3: A Security Enhancement for SNMP."IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 1, no. 1, Fourth Quarter 1998 pp. 2-17. Overview of SNMPv3 and the security improvements it provides to SNMP. [Cisco06] "Network Management Basics." Cisco Systems Inc, Octber 12, 2006. Basic overview of network management systems. [PacketSniffer] "Packet sniffer - Wikipedia." Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, accessed November 25, 2006. Definition and overview of packet sniffers and packet capture tools. [CiscoNF] "Cisco IOS NetFlow" Cisco Systems Inc, accessed November 20, 2006.
10 of 11 Homepage for Cisco's IOS NetFlow network monitoring solution. [RFC3954] B. Claise, Ed. "RFC 3954: Cisco Systems NetFlow Services Export Version 9" IETF, Network Working Group, October, 2004. Full protocol definition of Network services export protocol version 9. [Zwers06] Zwers, Joe. "sFlow vs. NetFlow: What is the big difference and which should you support?" Enterprise Networks & Servers. November, 2006. An article that compares NetFlow and similar technology sFlow. Back to Table of Contents
Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP Internet Engineering Task Force IETF Management Information Base MIB Network Management System NMS Request For Comments RFC SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SNMPvN Simple Network Management Protocol version N Transmission Control Protocol TCP User Datagram Protocol UDP User Security Model USM Back to Table of Contents This report is available on-line at List of other reports in this series Back to Raj Jain's home page
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