Measurement of Insulation Resistance IR Part 2
Measurement of Insulation Resistance IR Part 2
Measurement of Insulation Resistance IR Part 2
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Fluke ins ulatio n re s is tanc e te s te r up to 10kV - Allo ws te s ting o f hig h vo ltag e s ys te ms s uc h as c o ntro l g e ars , e ng ine s , g e ne rato rs and c ab le s . It c an b e ad jus te d to all te s ting vo ltag e s that are s p e c ifie d in IEEE 43-2000. Id e al fo r Ele c tric ity Bo ard and ind us trial c o mp anie s fo r p re d ic tive and p re ve ntive mainte nanc e .
Continued from first part: Measurement of insulation resistance (IR) Part 1 Index
Transf ormer windings are never lef t f loating f or insulation resistance measurements. Solidly grounded winding must have the ground removed in order to measure the insulation resistance of the winding grounded. If the ground cannot Ins ulatio n re s is tanc e te s ting : HV - Earth and HV - LV be removed, as in the case of some windings with solidly grounded neutrals, the insulation resistance of the winding cannot be measured. Treat it as part of the grounded section of the circuit. We need to test winding to winding and winding to ground ( E ).For three phase transf ormers, We need to test winding ( L1,L2,L3 ) with substitute Earthing f or Delta transf ormer or winding ( L1,L2,L3 ) with earthing ( E ) and neutral ( N ) f or wye transf ormers. IR Value for Transformer (Ref : A Guide to Transf ormer Maintenance by. JJ. Kelly. S.D Myer) Transf ormer 1 Phase Transf ormer 3 Phase Transf ormer (Star) 3 Phase Transf ormer (Delta) Formula IR Value (M) = C X E / (KVA) IR Value (M) = C X E (P-n) / (KVA) IR Value (M) = C X E (P-P) / (KVA)
Where C= 1.5 f or Oil f illed T /C with Oil Tank, 30 f or Oil f illed T /C without Oil Tank or Dry Type T /C.
0 5 10 15 20 30
32 41 50 59 68 86
40 50
104 122
3.95 7.85
Example: For 1600KVA, 20KV/400V,T hree Phase Transf ormer IR Value at HV Side= (1.5 x 20000) / 1600 =16000 / 40 = 750 M at 200C IR Value at LV Side = (1.5 x 400 ) / 1600= 320 / 40 = 15 M at 200C IR Value at 300C =15X1.98= 29.7 M
Apply the test voltage and note the reading. T he IR. Value at 60 seconds af ter application of the test voltage is ref erred to as the Insulation Resistance of the transf ormer at the test temperature. T he transf ormer Neutral bushing is to be disconnected f rom earth during the test. All LV surge diverter earth connections are to be disconnected during the test. Due to the inductive characteristics of transf ormers, the insulation resistance reading shall not be taken until the test current stabilizes. Avoid meggering when the transf ormer is under vacuum.
Test Connect ions of Transf ormer f or IR Test (Not Less t han 200 M)
Two winding transformer 1. (HV + LV) GND 2. HV (LV + GND) 3. LV (HV + GND) T hree winding transformer 1. HV (LV + T V + GND) 2. LV (HV + T V + GND) 3. (HV + LV + T V) GND 4. T V (HV + LV + GND) Auto transformer (two windings) 1. (HV + LV) GND Auto Transformer (three winding) 1. (HV + LV) (T V + GND) 2. (HV + LV + T V) GND 3. T V (HV + LV + GND) For any installation, the insulation resistance measured shall not be less than: HV Earth 200 M LV Earth 100 M HV LV 200 M
Minimum IR value f or Tap changer is 1000 ohm per volt service voltage Index
As per IEEE 43 Standard 1974, 2000 IR Value in M IR (Min) = kV+1 IR (Min) = 100 M IR (Min) =5 M For most windings made bef ore about 1970, all f ield windings, and others not described below
Ins ulatio n re s is tanc e (IR) value fo r e le c tric mo to r
For most dc armature and ac windings built af ter about 1970 (f orm wound coils) For most machines with random -wound stator coils and f ormwound coils rated below 1kV
Example-1: For 11KV, T hree Phase Motor. IR Value =11+1=12 M but as per IEEE43 It should be 100 M Example-2: For 415V,T hree Phase Motor IR Value =0.415+1=1.41 M but as per IEEE43 It should be 5 M. As per IS 732 Min IR Value of Motor=(20XVoltage(p-p/(1000+2XKW)
1000 M 10 M 1000M
11kV and 33kV Cables bet ween Cores and Eart h (As per ETSA St andard)
Application 11KV New cables Sheath 11KV Af ter repairs Sheath 33KV no T Fs connected 33KV with T Fs connected. Test Voltage 5KV DC 5KV DC 5KV DC 5KV DC Min IR Value 1000 M 100 M 1000 M 15M
IR Value Measurement s:
If during periodical testing, insulation resistance of cable is f ound between 5 and 1 M /km at buried temperature, the subject cable should be programmed f or replacement. If insulation resistance of the cable is f ound between 1000 and 100 K /km, at buried temperature, the subject cable should be replaced urgently within a year. If the insulation resistance of the cable is f ound less than 100 kilo ohm/km., the subject cable must be replaced immediately on emergency basis. Index
IR Value of S/S Equipments As per DEP Standard Equipment Switchgear Meggering HV Bus LV Bus LV wiring Cable(min 100 Meter) Motor & Generator Transf ormer Oil immersed Transf ormer Dry Type HV & LV Phase-Earth HV & LV HV LV Fixed Equipments/Tools Movable Equipments Distribution Equipments Circuit Breaker Phase-Earth Phase-Earth Phase-Earth Main Circuit Control Circuit Relay D.C CircuitEarth LT CircuitEarth LT-D.C Circuit LT-LT Index IR Value at Commissioning T ime (M) 200 M 20 M 5 M (10XKV) / KM 10(KV+1) 75 M 100 M 10 M 5K / Volt 5 M 5 M 2 M / KV 5M 40M 50M 40M 70M IR Value at Maintenance T ime 100 M 10 M 0.5 M (KV) / KM 2(KV+1) 30 M 25 M 2 M 1K / Volt 1M 1M -
T he resistance between Phase-Phase-Neutral-Earth must never be less than 0.5 M Ohms f or the usual supply voltages. In addition to the leakage current due to insulation resistance, there is a f urther current leakage in the reactance of the insulation, because it acts as the dielectric of a capacitor. T his current dissipates no energy and is not harmf ul, but we wish to measure the resistance of the insulation, so DC Voltage is used to prevent reactance from being included in the measurement .
1 Phase Wiring
>T he IR test between Phase-Natural to earth must be carried out on the complete installation with the main switch of f , with phase and neutral connected together, with lamps and other equipment disconnected, but with f uses in, circuit breakers closed and all circuit switches closed. Where two-way switching is wired, only one of the two stripper wires will be tested. To test the other, both two-way switches should be operated and the system retested. If desired, the installation can be tested as a whole, when a value of at least 0.5 M Ohms should be achieved.
3 Phase Wiring
In the case of a very large installation where there are many earth paths in parallel, the reading would be expected to be lower. If this happens, the installation should be subdivided and retested, when each part must meet the minimum requirement. T he IR tests must be carried out between Phase-Phase-Neutral-Earth with a minimum acceptable value f or each test of 0.5 M Ohms. IR Testing for Low voltage Circuit voltage Extra Low Voltage Up to 500 V except f or above 500 V To 1KV Test voltage 250V DC 500 V DC 1000 V DC IR Value(Min) 0.25M 0.5M 1.0M
3 Phas e Wiring 1 Phas e Wiring
Min IR Value = 50 M / No of Electrical outlet. (All Electrical Points with f itting & Plugs) Min IR Value = 100 M / No of Electrical outlet. (All Electrical Points without f itting & Plugs). Index
Required Precautions
Electronic equipment like electronic f luorescent starter switches, touch switches, dimmer switches, power
controllers, delay timers could be damaged by the application of the high test voltage should be disconnected. Capacitors and indicator or pilot lamps must be disconnected or an inaccurate test reading will result. Where any equipment is disconnected f or testing purposes, it must be subjected to its own insulation test, using a voltage which is not likely to result in damage. T he result must conf orm with that specif ied in the British Standard concerned, or be at least 0.5 M Ohms if there is no Standard.