Oracle AR Questionnaire
Oracle AR Questionnaire
Oracle AR Questionnaire
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30 Do you use Debit Memos? Process
31 How are Debit Memos accounted for? Process
32 Why are Debit Memos used? Process
33 What items appear on Debit Memos? Process
34 Do you use Customer Account Credit Memos? Process
35 How are Customer Account Credit Memos used? Process
36 Why are Customer Account Credit Memos used? Process
37 What items appear on Customer Account Credit Memos? Process
38 Do you enter invoices in batches? Process
39 How are batch invoices defined? Setup
40 Do you use batch controls, such as counts and amounts? Process
41 What are the units of measure you use when you bill customers for products and/or servicSetup,Process
42 Do you require taxes to be established for use when preparing invoices? Setup
43 Do you validate the tax rate against a Customer’s Ship To address when preparing invoic Setup
44 Do you have any subsidiaries that bill customers in a foreign currency? Process
45 Are there any other foreign currency issues regarding invoice generation? Process
46 How many invoice types do you have? Setup,Metric
47 How frequently do you invoice your customers? Metric
48 How do you track sales revenue on invoices? How is it reported? Process
49 What different shipping methods do you use? Process
50 How do you number your invoices? Process
51 Do you have standard default line items that you use? Process
52 Do you have standard default line items that you use or are most lines free format? Process
53 What type of units of measure do you use? Process
54 Do you have different price schedules dependent on customer or volumes? Process
55 Where are your price schedules maintained? Process
56 How often are sales orders invoiced? Metric
57 What is the criteria to invoice? Process
58 What items appear on your invoices (inventory? non-inventory?) Process
59 Who maintains your valid payment terms? What are they? Process
60 What paper stock is used to print the invoices? Process
61 Where are the invoices printed? How many printers and where are they? Pre-printed for Process
62 What remit to address is assigned for your invoices? Process
63 Do you assign shipping charges for your invoices? Process
64 How are shipping charges calculated? Process
65 How do you calculate your tax charges? What are the rates? Process
66 How do you keep your tax rate information up to date? Process
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67 Why are credit memos used? Process
68 How are the revenue, receivable, freight and tax accounts configured for each invoice typ Process
69 How are adjustments to closed periods handled? Process
70 Do you ever recognize revenue from a single transaction over multiple periods? Process
71 When do you recognize revenue? Process
72 How many General Ledger accounts do you distribute to? Setup, Process
73 When do you create or recognize outstanding receivables? Process
74 Do you distribute earned and unearned revenue? What are the GL accounts? Setup,Process
75 Do you have unbilled receivables? Process
76 Is revenue assignment associated with sales people information? Process
77 Do you assign non-revenue credit to sales people? Process
78 Do you have special revenue recognition for long-term agreements? Process
79 How do you maintain and assign salespeople to customers? Process, Setup
80 Do you track Sales Territory Information? Process
81 How is Sales Territory Information for tracking purposes derived? (i.e. customer, salesper Process
82 Do you maintain mandatory and/or optional reviews in your orders cycle for credit risk, leg Process
83 Do you have sales representatives? How many? Process,Metric
84 How do you breakup territory for sales? Process
85 How do you assign commissions? Process
86 Do you track non-revenue sales credits? Process
87 Do you automatically determine the general ledger accounts for specific transactions (i. e Setup
88 Do you have a central registry of customers which supports more than one business? Process
89 Will customers of different businesses be supplied with the same items ? Process
90 How do you enter/manage a credit amount owed to the customer by your company? Process
91 How do you enter/manage a credit amount owed to your company by the customer Process
92 Do you send customers statements? Process
93 Do you ever adjust receivables? Process
94 How do you adjust receivables? Process
95 Do you limit the amounts when adjusting receivables? Process
96 What do your agings look like? Process
97 Do you have multiple "remit tos"? Process
98 How are multiple "remit tos" determined for a customer? Process
99 What credit information is tracked for each customer? Process
100 Do you charge finance charges? Process
101 How do you charge finance charges? Process
102 Do you send dunning letters to customers? Process
103 Do collectors actively call customers on delinquent items? Process
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104 What is the process for tracking actions to collect on delinquent accounts? Process
105 Is the process for tracking actions to collect on delinquent accounts automated? Process
106 Do terms and conditions of customer agreements and/or payment terms change based u Process
107 Do you monitor your collectors performance? Process
108 What metrics are used to monitor collections performance? Metric
109 Do you run a detailed expense statement periodically? Process
110 How often is a detailed expense statement run and to whom is it distributed? Process
111 Do you do cash requirements forecasting? Process
112 What sort of buckets do you use for cash requirements forecasting? (i.e. 30, 60, 90...) Process
113 How do you monitor customer account status? Process
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