Sainath School of Nursing, GNM Syllabus
Sainath School of Nursing, GNM Syllabus
Sainath School of Nursing, GNM Syllabus
Guidelines !eaching "acility School Management committee #udget Physical "acilities $linical "acilities %ostel Admission !erms and $onditions !raining Period and !ime &istribution 'valuation Internship Period CURRICULUM
Anatomy and physiology Microbiology Psychology
Sociology "undamentals of ursing "irst Aid Personal %ygiene $ommunity %ealth ursing( I 'nvironmental %ygiene %ealth 'ducation and $ommunication S)ills utrition 'nglish Medical Surgical ursing * I Medical Surgical ursing * II Mental %ealth and Psychiatric ursing $omputers in ursing
Gynaecological ursing $ommunity %ealth ursing *II Paediatric ursing CURRICULUM FOR INTERNSHIP
'ducational Methods and Media for !eaching in practice of ursing Introduction to Research Professional !rends and Adjustment
Introduction .%ealth for All/ implies both a revolution and decentrali0ation1 demanding change in the role of all health professionals at every level of the health care system2 !his concept has far reaching implications for ursing education and ursing practice2 Increasingly1 the nursing profession is faced ,ith questions such as3 %o, can nursing services meet the health needs of the society most effectively4 5hat changes are needed in nursing education4 %o, can the necessary changes be effected in the best possible manner4 !he revised syllabus has attempted to ans,er these questions1 as they impinge upon basic nursing education2 It has systematically revie,ed and revised the e6isting curriculum of General ursing and mid,ifery course of three years duration to a three and half years &iploma course2 Indian ursing council in collaboration and co(operation ,ith nursing e6perts form various institutions of nursing in the country has been successful in revising the syllabus2 !he revision has ta)en into consideration sound education principles1 changing educational need of nursing profession and the current health needs of the society2
!he primary objective of preparing and publishing this revised syllabus for the &iploma in General ursing and Mid,ifery is to improve nursing care component in all )inds of patient care settings2 An attempt has been made by restructuring the curriculum to ma)e the e6isting training programme relevant to the health needs of the community and country at large2 !he revised syllabus is broad and fle6ible in nature2 It has prescribed a learning environment ,hich ,ill enable the student to learn complete1 comprehensive and continuous nursing care1 both in hospital and community2 It also enables the student to develop varied s)ills of nursing2
!his syllabus should be considered as the minimum requirements2 %o,ever1 institutions may reorgani0e the sequence of courses1 units or plans to suit their o,n situations ,ithout compromising the minimum requirements laid do,n by the Indian nursing council2
!he council hopes that the revised syllabus ,ill provide necessary guidance in meeting the changing needs of the students and the community for the ne6t fe, years2
Modern ursing is a dynamic1 therapeutic and educative process in meeting the health needs of the individuals1 the family and the community2 ursing is one of the health professions ,hich functions in conjunction ,ith other health care agencies in assisting individuals1 families and communities to achieve and maintain desirable standards and maintain desirable standards of health2
Indian ursing $ouncil believes in the concept of health as laid do,n by the ,orld health organi0ation 85%O9 i2e21 .%ealth is state of complete physical mental and social ,ill being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity/2
Since nurses provided and ,ill undoubtedly continue to provide a large part of health care1 their training should equip them ,ith professional e6pertise to meet the changing demands of society and their e6panding role therein2 !o achieve this1 emphasis must be laid to impart the )no,ledge and s)ills most relevant to the health care needs of he community and the country as a ,hole2 !his must also be accompanied by a corresponding change in professional attitudes2
!he international $ouncil of urses states that the unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual1 sic) or ,ell1 in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery 8or to peaceful death9 that he ,ould perform un( aided if he had the necessary strength ,ill or )no,ledge2 And to do this in such a ,ay as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible2 Indian ursing $ouncil recogni0ed that basic nursing education is a formally recogni0ed programmed of study providing a broad and sound foundation in the behavioral1 life and nursing sciences for the general practice of nursing1 for a leadership role and for the post basic education in specialties for advanced nursing practice2 !he council believes that this basic course in nursing should prepare nurses for occupying first level positions in nursing should prepare nurses for occupying first level positions in nursing in all )inds of health care settings2 !he council recogni0es that nursing is a profession ,hich is influenced by advances in science and technology2 It believes that s)ills in all aspects of communication are also essential for learning and for the practice of nursing2 !he council also recogni0es that the nature of nursing is such that a substantial portion of learning of the students is acquired in the clinical fields8s9 of practice2 It further recogni0es the interdependence of or nursing and allied professions and occupations in promoting1 maintaining and restoring health and prevention of diseases2
!he council believes that it has a responsibility in helping the students to develop pride in their profession besides )eeping them abreast ,ith current )no,ledge and professional trends for a successful career a head2
Aim !he basic &iploma course in General ursing and Mid,ifery is geared to the health needs of the individual1 family1 community and the country at large2 !he aims of the &iploma in General ursing and Mid,ifery programme are3
2. !o help nurses develop and ability to co(operate and co(ordinate ,ith member of the health team in the prevention of disease1 promotion of health and rehabilitation of the sic)2 3. !o help nurses in their personal and professional development1 so that they are able to ma)e ma6imum contribution to the society as useful and productive individuals1 citi0ens as ,ell as efficient nurses2 4. !o serve as a base for further professional education and speciali0ation in nursing2 5. !o prepare nurses to )eep pace ,ith latest professional and technological developments and use these for providing nursing care services2
!he nurse on completion of this course ,ill be able to3 &emonstrate competency in providing health care to individual1 sic) or ,ell1 using nursing process2 Assess the nursing need of clients from birth to death2 Plan and carry out appropriate action to meet nursing needs2 Provide effective nursing care for maintaining best possible level of health in all aspects2 Promote self care in people under their care2 Apply problem solving techniques in nursing practice2 'valuate effectiveness of nursing care2
Apply )no,ledge from the humanities1 biological and behavioral sciences in functioning as a nurse2
"unction effectively ,ith members of the health team and community applying the )no,ledge of human relations and communication s)ills in her ,or)2 Participate as member of the health team in delivery of curative preventive1 promotive and rehabilitative health care services2 th communit resourc an ei Mobili0e y es d r involvement in ,or)ing ,ith the communities2 &emonstrate use of ethical values in their personal and professional life2 &emonstrate interest in activities of professional organi0ations2 Recogni0e the need of continuing education for professional development2 &emonstrate basic s)ills in teaching patients and giving nursing care to them2 &emonstrate basic s)ills in administration and leadership ,hile ,or)ing ,ith
GUILDELINES AND MINIMUM RE#UIREMENTS FOR SETTING UP OF A SCHOOL OF NURSING Guid$%in$ !he follo,ing are the minimum pre(requisites for recognition of a School of using offering a &iploma in General ursing and Mid,ifery programme2
!he authority ,hich desires to open a School of ursing has to furnish the follo,ing documentary proof to the Indian ursing $ouncil and comply ,ith the follo,ing3
1. An organi0ation 8Private1 !rust1 Mission1 =oluntary etc2 registered under society Act9 to open a School of ursing should obtain the no objection certificate form the State government2 2. !he Indian ursing $ouncil on receipt of no objection certificate from the organi0ation ,ill underta)e first inspection to assess suitability to start the programme2 3. On the assessment of I $1 if the institution is found suitable to start the
programme1 I $ shall ,rite to the state ursing $ouncil>#oard for inspection2
4. On receipt of the inspection report from the state nursing council>board1 I $ shall decide ,hether to give permission to admit the students or not2 5. !he Indian ursing $ouncil ,ill conduct inspection every year till the first batch is passed out2 T$&c'in( )&cu%t*
!he principal should be the administrative head of the school2 %e>She should hold qualification as laid do,n by I $2 the principal should be the controlling authority for the budget of the school and also be the dra,ing and disbursing officer2 !he principal and vice(Principal should be ga0etted officers in Government Schools and of equal status 8though non(ga0etted9 in non(government schools2
A. "or School of nursing ,ith ?:@ students 8i2e21 an annual inta)e of :@ students9 the follo,ing faculty is required3 !eaching "aculty Principal =ice Principal o2Required ? ?
Senior !utor
? + ?
?37 ration is to be maintained for Senior !utor to !utor2 #2 "or school of ursing ,ith ;@ Students
8i2e21 an annual inta)e of +@ Students9 !eaching "aculty Principal =ice Principal Senior !utor !utor Additional !utor for Interns o2 Required ? ? ? : ?
ote3 1. !eacher student ration should be ? 3?@ 2. School of ursing cannot start this course ,ith the annual inta)e less than +@ students2 3. One of the !utors should stay at the community health field by rotation2 4. !he salary structure of the teaching faculty in private Schools of ursing should not be
less than ,hat is admissible in the schools of nursing under State > $entral Government2
5. ursing service personnel should actively participate in Instruction1 Supervision1 guidance and evaluation of student in the clinical and field > community practice areas2 !he teaching faculty of the School of nursing should ,or) in close coordination ,ith ursing service personnel2 6. !he teaching faculty of the school and the nursing service personnel should be deputed to attend short term educational courses> ,or)shops> conferences etc2 to update their )no,ledge2 'ach one of the teaching faculty must attend such courses at least once in t,o years2 7. It is mandatory for school authorities to treat teaching faculty of the school of nursing on duty ,hen nominated> selected for the purpose of e6amination or inspection or inspection by the $ouncil 2 8. !he Senior !utor and !utors should spend at least four hours each day in the clinical teaching and 2 or supervision of care by the students2 9. I $ ,ill not permit more than ;@ students per batch2 Bualification of !eaching Staff ?2 Principal 3 M2Sc ursing ,ith ; Cears of teaching e6perience or #2Sc ursing 8#asic9 > Post #asic ,ith A of !eaching e6perience2
3 M2Sc
ursing ,ith 7 Cears of teaching e6perience or #2S c ursing 8#asic9 > Post #asic ,ith ; Cears of teaching
3 M2Sc ursing ,ith + Cears of teaching e6perience or #2Sc ,ith 7 Cears of teaching e6perience2 3 M2Sc ursing or #2Sc ursing 8#asic > Post #asic9 or &iploma in ursing 'ducation and Administration or its equivalent years of professional e6perience after graduation2
E+t$rn&% L$ctur$r
#esides the regular teaching faculty in the school of nursing1 there should be provision for e6ternal lecturers for teaching the students2 !hey should posses the desired qualifications in the respective subjects ,hich are to be taught 2 Remuneration of these '6ternal lecturers may comprise of nursing e6perts1 Medical "aculty and Scientists1 General 'ducationists including teaching e6perts in 'nglish 1 $omputer 'ducation 2 Physical e6amination >Coga1 psychologists1 sociologists1 %ospital &ieticians1 ursing Service personnel li)e ursing Superintendent1 5ard In $harge or 5ard sister 1%ealth 'conomists> Statistician etc 2,or)ing in or outside the institution2
Additional staff for school of nursing ? 2 Stenographer>personal assistant + Senior cler) cum 2 cashier>accountant 2 Eunior cler) cum typist
7 2
one one one one one t,o one for each vehicle one for each vehicle three t,o one
Fibrarian Faboratory attendant $ho,)idar>,atchman &river $leaner Peon S,eeper >safai )armachari Machine 8duplicate>Gero69 operator
: 2 ; 2 < 2 A 2 D 2 ? @ 2 ? ?
O!'3 provision should be made to have relieving staff in addition t,o regular staff according to rules2 School management committee "ollo,ing members should constitute the #oard of Management of the school2 Principal chairperson =ice(Principal Member Senior tutor member $hief ursing Officer> ursing Superintendent member Representative of Medical Superintendent member
Bud($t In the overall budget of the institution1 there should be provision for budget under a separate head2 Principal of the school of ursing should be the dra,ing and disbursing officer2 P'* ic&% )&ci%iti$ Bui%din(
!he school of ursing have a separate building2 If the school is situated in hospital premises1 the area mar)ed for the building of the school should be at a suitable distance from hospital ,hich enables a calm environment ideally required for a school2 Minimum land area recommended by I $ for a school of nursing is four acres of land o,ned and possessed by the applicant to set up the proposed nursing school 2 "or a school ,ith an annual admission capacity of +@ students 1 the constructed area of the school should be 7@@@ square feet 2"or every additional ?@ seats 1 an additional constructed area can be
increased2 $onstructed area be increased in a phased manner bet,een first and second year2 !he minimum physical facilities ,hich are required in the school are listed belo,3 1. $lassroom3 !here should be at least four classrooms ,ith the capacity of accommodating the number of students admitted in each class2 !he rooms should be ,ell ventilated ,ith proper lighting system2 !here should be built in #lac)> Green> 5hite #oards2 Also there should be space to accommodate a des)>dais2 A big table and a chair for the teacher and rac)s> cupboards for )eeping teaching aids or any other equipment needed to conduct the classes also should be there2 !here should be enough space for providing proper and adequate seating facilities for the students in the class2 2. Faboratories3 !here should be at least four laboratories as listed belo,3 a) ursing Practice Faboratory3 !here should be demonstration beds in proportion to the number of students practising a nursing procedure at a given point of time 8 the desired ratio being ?bed3; practicing students92
b) nursing procedures in a community set up2 c) utrition laboratory3 It should have facilities for imparting basic )no,ledge about food and to practice the coo)ing for the healthy as ,ell as for the sic)2 !he furnishing and equipments should include ,or) *tables1 ,ith running ,ater supply1 cutlery1 trays1 plates1 dietetic scales1 coo)ing utensils1 rac)s> shelves1 refrigerator1 pressure coo)er1 mi6ie and cupboards for storage of food items 2 !he food items shall be purchased for the conduct of practical classes as ,hen required2 Sets of croc)ery and cutlery for preparation 1 serving and display of food also should be there2
) $omputer Faboratory3 It can be shared ,ith other departments 2 3. Auditorium 3 Auditorium should be spacious enough to accommodate at least double the sanctioned > actual strength of students 1 so that it can be utilised for hosting functions of the school1 educational conferences > ,or)shops1 e6aminations etc2 It should be ,ell ventilated and have proper lighting system2 !here should be arrangements for the use of all )inds of basic and advanced audio(visual aids 2 4. Multipurpose hall 3 It should have multipurpose hall1 if there is no auditorium in the school2 5. Fibrary3 !here should be a separate library in the school2 It should be easily
accessible to the teaching facility and the students2 It should have comfortable
seating arrangement for half of the total strength of the students and teachers in the school2
!here should be separate but should have budget for the library2 !he library committee should meet regularly for )eeping the library updated ,ith current boo)s1 journals and other literature2 !he library should have proper lighting facilities and it should be ,ell ventilated 2it should have a cabin for librarian ,ith intercom phone facility2
!here should be sufficient number of cupboards1 boo)shelves and rac)s ,ith glass doors for proper and safe storage of boo)s 1 maga0ines1 journals1 ne,spapers and other literatures2 !here should be provision for catalogue * cabinets 1 boo)s display rac)s1 bulletin boards and stationery items li)e inde6 cards1 borro,ers cards 1 labels and registers 2 $urrent boo)s 1 maga0ines1 journals1 ne,s paper and other literature should be available in the library2 A minimum of :@@ nursing boo)s 8 all ne, edition 91 - )inds of nursing journals1 )inds of maga0ines1 + )inds of ne,s papers and other )inds of current health related literature should be available in the library2 6 2 office requirements 3 a) PrincipalHs office 3 there should be a separate office for the principal ,ith attached toilet and provision for visitorHs room 2 Independent telephone facility is a must for the Principals office ,ith intercom facility connected >lin)ed to the hospital and hostel2 b) Office for =ice( principal 3 !here should be a separate office of the =ice( Principal ,ith attached toilet and provision for visitorHs room2 Independent telephone facility is a must for =ice(PrincipalHs office ,ith intercom facility connected>Fin)ed to the hospital and hostel2 c) Office for "aculty Members3 !here should be adequate number of office rooms in proportion to the number of teaching faculty2 One office room should accommodate + teaching faculty2 Separate toilet facility should be provided for the teaching faculty ,ith hand ,ashing facility2 !here should be a separate toilet for male teachers2 ) One separate office room for the office staff should be provided ,ith adequate toilet facility2 !his office should be spacious enough to accommodate the entire office staff ,ith separate cabin of each official2 'ach office room should be adequately furnished ,ith items li)e tables1 chairs1 cupboards1 built(in rac)s and shelves1 filing cabinets and boo) cases2 Also there should be provision for type,riters1 computers and telephone2
<2 $ommon Rooms3 A minimum of - common rooms should be provided2 One for the teaching faculty1 one for the student and one for the office staff2 Sufficient space ,ith adequate seating arrangements1 cupboards1 loc)ers1 cabinets1 built(in(shelves and
rac)s should be provided in all the common rooms2 !oilet and hand ,ashing facilities should be made available in each room2 8. Record Room3 !here should be a separate record room ,ith steel rac)s1 built(in shelves and rac)s1 cupboards and filing cabinets for proper storage of records and other important papers>documents belonging to the school2 9. Store Room3 A separate store room should be provided to accommodate the equipments and other inventory articles ,hich are required in the laboratories of the school2 !his room should have the facilities for proper and safe storage of these articles and equipments li)e cupboards1 built(in(shelves1 rac)s1 cabinets etc2 !his room should be properly lighted and ,ell(ventilated2
1!. Room for Audio(=isual Aids3 !his room should be provided for the proper and safe storage of all the Audio(=isual Aids2 !he school should possess all )ind of basic as ,ell as advanced training aids li)e chal) boards1 overhead projectors1 slide and film( strip projector1 models specimen1 charts and posters1 !2=2 =2$2 R1 Photostat machine1 tape recorder and computes2 11. Other "acilities3 Safe drin)ing ,ater and adequate sanitary>toilet facilities should be available for both men and ,omen separately in the school2 !oilet facility to the students should be in the ratio of ?3+: ,ith hand ,ashing facility2 !here should be a separate toilet for men 12. Garage3 Garage should accommodate a :@ seated vehicle 13. "ire e6tinguisher3 Adequate provision for e6tinguishing fire should be available as per the local bye la,s 14. Play ground3 Playground should be spacious for outdoor sports li)e volleyball1 football1 badminton and for athletics2
CLINICAL FACILITIES, HOSPITAL 1. !here must be a parent hospital for providing practical e6perience to the students 2. !he parent hospital should have a minimum of +:@ functional beds ,ith daily of not
less than <:I occupancy for an admission of +@ students per year2 !here should be out
patient department1 casualty department1 operating rooms1 central sterile supply department and incinerator in the hospital -2 !he parent hospital should provide the clinical learning e6perience required for the students in the areas of medical1 surgical1 pediatrics1 eye1 ' !1 maternity1 gynaenocology and orthopedic nursing2
!here should be a variety of patients of age groups in all the clinical areas ,here the students are posted for obtaining the request the learning e6perience2
If all the required learning e6perience is not available in the parent hospital1 the students should be sent to affiliated hospitals >agencies>institutions ,here it is available2
CRITERIA FOR AFFILIATION, !he types of e6periences for ,hich a nursing school can affiliate are3 $ommunity health nursing $ommunicable diseases Mental health 8Psychiatric9 nursing SpecialtiesH li)e cardiology1 neurology oncology1 nephrology etc2 !he physical facilities1 staffing and equipment of the affiliated hospitals should be of the same standard as required in the parent hospitals2 !he staff of the selected hospitals should be prepared to recogni0e student status and their educational programme2 DISTRIBUTION OF BEDS, At least one third of the total no of beds should be for medical patients and one third for surgical patients2 !he number of beds for male patients should be less than ?>;th of the total number of beds2 Jie at least 7@ beds2 !here should be minimum of <:@ deliveries per year 8for annual admission capacity of +@ students9Provision should be made for maternity clinics1 child health and family ,elfare services and for preventive social medicine2
S-N O .
N O ?
/ 0
? ?
"or :@@ beds and above "or :@@ beds and above
As of principal of school of nursing As of vice principal of school of nursing As of vice principal of school of nursing
NORMS RECOMMENDED BY EXPERTS COMMITTEE ON HEALTH MANPOWER PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT 2RESOLUTION OF FOURTH CONFERENCE OF CENTRAL COUNCIL OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE3 ON NURSING3 .4456 CATEGORIES ?2 ursing superintendent +2&eputy ursing superintendent -2&epartmental nursing supervisors>sisters 7 2 5ard nursing supervisors>sisters : 2 Staff nurse for ,ards ; 2 "or OP&1#lood #an) 1G(ray &iabetic $linic $SR etc <2"or intensive care unit 8Abeds I$L for +@@ beds9 A "or speciali0ed departments and 2 clinics such as O! 1 Fabour room ? 3 ? 8or9 ?3- for each shift K -@I leave reserve A3+@@ K -@I leave reserve RE#UIREMENTS ?3+@@ beds ?3-@@ beds <3?@@@8plus ? for every additional ?@@ beds9 A3+@@K-@I leave reserve ?3-8or ?3D each shift9 K-@I leave reserve ?3?@@ OP& patients8? bed 3: OP& patients9K-@I leave reserve
!u ti)ic&tion 1. eeds may vary from one hospital to another1 depending upon its si0e and service rendered more staff than anticipated ,ill be required 2. Special attention is needed for supervision of patient care in the evening and night shifts
-2 -@I leave reserve posts are mandatory Ot'$r 7oint to 8$ con id$r$d 1. !he staff of the parent hospital should be strictly as per the criteria laid by the I $ in terms of doctors1 nurses and paramedical staffs2 2. 5ards > areas> OP&Hs >O!> $linical departments etc1 must have adequate coverage of staff in all the shifts to ensure that the students are only for attending the clinical e6periences in these areas and not utili0ed for service purposes 3. $ontinuing >in(service education programme must be attended by all the staff nurses to )eep themselves abreast ,ith latest technologies and sophistication used in day to day patient care in these areas Communit* H$&%t' Nur in( )i$%d 7r&ctic$ &r$&
!he students should be sent for community health nursing e6perience in urban as ,ell as in rural field areas2 Institutes can be attached to primary health centers2 A ,ell setup field teaching centre should be provided ,ith facilities for accommodation for at least ?@( ?: students and ? staff member at a time 2Peon1 coo) cho,)idhar should be available at health centre2 'ach school of nursing should have its o,n transport facilities and it must be under direct control of principal 2the security of staff and students should be ensured2
Ho t$%
Adequate hostel> residential accommodation for students and staffs should be available in addition to the above mentioned built up area of the nursing school respectively2
Ho t$% )&ci%iti$ !he programme is residential there should be a separate hostel for male and female students2 It should have the follo,ing facilities ?2 Ho t$% room3 It should be ideal for t,o students ,ith a minimum of ?:@ sq feet carpet area2 !he furniture provided should include a cot1 a table1 a chair1 a boo) rac)1 a cupboard1 a cloth rac) for each student2 2. Toi%$t &nd 8&t'room3 !oilet and bathroom facilities should be provided on each
floor of the student hostel2 One toilet and one bathroom for +(; students should be provided2 Geysers in bathroom and ,ashbasins should also be provided
3. R$cr$&tion3 there should be facilities for indoor and outdoor games 2there should be provisions for !=1 Radio and =$& player2 4. "i itor room3 !here should be a visitor room in the hostel ,ith comfortable seating1 lighting and toilet facilities2
9itc'$n &nd dinin( '&%%3 there should be a hygienic )itchen and dining hall to seat at(least A@ I of the total students strength at one time ,ith adequate tables 1 chairs1 ,ater coolers1 refrigerators and heating facilities 2 %and ,ashing facilities must be provided 5. P&ntr*3 One pantry on each floor should be provided 2it should have ,ater cooler and heating arrangements2 6. W& 'in( &nd ironin( room3 facility for ,ashing1 drying and ironing clothes should be provided in each floor2 7. Sic: room3 a sic) room should have a comfortable bed1 linen furniture and attached toilet2 Minimum of : beds should be provided2 8. Room )or ni('t dut* nur $ 3 should be in a quiet area2 9. Gu$ t room3 a guest room should be made available2 1!. W&rd$n room3 ,arden should be provided ,ith a separate office room besides her residential accommodation2 11. C&nt$$n 3 there should be a provision for a canteen for the students their staffs and all the staff members2 12. Tr&n 7ort3 school should have a separate transport facility under the control of the principal2+: and :@ seated buses are preferable2 R$ id$nti&% &ccommod&tion, !he residential family accommodation for faculty should be provided according to their marital status 2the telephone facility for the principal at her residence must be provided2 Residential accommodation ,ith all facilities is to be provided to the hostel ,arden2 Cr;c'$, !here should be a crMche in the school campus St&)) )or t'$ 'o t$%, 1. 5arden 8female9 * -3 Bualification *#Sc %ome science or diploma in house)eeping >catering2 Minimum - ,ardens must be there in every hostel for morning1 evening and night shifts2 If number of students are more than ?:@ one more ,arden >asst ,arden > house)eeper for every additional :@ students2 2. $oo) * ? 3for every +@ students for each shift 3. Nitchen and dining room helper * ? 3 for every +@ students for each shift 4. S,eeper(-
Minimum O Ma6imum age for admission ,ill be ?< and -: Minimum education3
years respectively2
?@1 K+ class passed or its equivalent2 Any group aggregate of 7@I mar)s2 "urther :I rela6ation is permitted to S$>S! students for G M Programme2
ion<S$%$ction Committ$$
T'i committ$$ 'ou%d com7ri $ o), Admi Principal P $hairperson =ice Principal Senior !utor $hief ursing Officer or ursing Superintendent ion Str$n(t'
GNM 7ro(r&mm$ i & :i%% ori$nt$d 7ro(r&mm$- T'$r$)or$3 INC =i%% 7$rmit M&+imum o) >?2Si+t*6 tud$nt 7$r 8&tc' 7$r *$&r Annual admission strength for each school should have prior sanction>permission from the Indian ursing $ouncil on the basis of student patient ratio1 i2e2 ?3?@ and other teaching learning facilities should be made available for effective learning2 Admi ion tr$n(t' i &nction$d & 7$r t&8%$ (i@$n 8$%o=, Ho 7it&% 8$d tr$n(t' +:@ -@@ 7@@ :@@
!here should be a preliminary period of ?+ ,ee)s2 &uring this time the student ,ill attend the ,ards for observation and supervised practice not e6ceeding ?; hours per '6emption for A Ms>F%=s> "emale %ealth 5or)ers
Si6 months e6emption in training shall be given during the third year 8in mid,ifery9 to those3 a. 5ho have undergone A M training of ?A months or + years recogni0ed by I $2 b. F%=Hs ,ith +Q years of training recogni0ed by I $ !herefore duration of training shall be of - years
S*%%&8u , Same as prescribed for G M trainees in all three years and internship period2
Y$&rAWi $ di tri8ution o) =$$: 3 d&* &nd 'our o) t'$ cour $ M&+imum 'our 7$r =$$: 7$r tud$nt '&%% 8$ 0> to 1? inc%udin( c%& room in truction &nd c%inic&% )i$%d 7r&ctic$Ist Cear IInd Cear IIIrd Cear 7; 7; 7; 5ee)s 5ee)s 5ee)s ?;:; hours ?;:; hours ?;:; hours
ote3 Out of :+ ,ee)s in one academic year1 total of ; ,ee)s are deducted2 7 ,ee)s vacation1 one ,ee) preparatory leave and one ,ee) for e6aminations2 Sundays and ga0etted holidays are to be considered as holidays2
=acation and holiday Annual =acation Sic) Feave Preparatory Feave 3 3 3 -@ days ?@ day per annum < days per annum
S-No I
T'$or$tic&% 'our C Su7$r@i $d 7r&ctic$ ./? D@ -@ >? 7@ +@ /.5 ?<: +@ +@ .5? A@ +@ +@ -@ 0? 5D5
FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING I2 "undamentals of ursing II2 "irst Aid III2 Personal %ygiene
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSINGA I I2 $ommunity %ealth ursing II2'nvironmental %ygiene III2%ealth 'ducation and $ommunication S)ills I=2 utrition
SECOND YEAR S-No ? I2 Medical Surgical Su8B$ct MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING I ursing THEORY ?7@ ?+@
II2 Pharmacology + MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING II 2S7$ci&%ti$ 6 I2 $ommunicable &iseases II2 Orthopaedic ursing III2 'ar1 ose and !hroat
+@ ?+@ 7@ +: +@ +@ ?: D? A 0? 0>?
I=2 Oncology>S)in =2 Ophthalmic ursing MENTAL HEALTH AND PSYCHIATRIC NURSING $ommunity %ealth 7 $omputer 'ducation TOTAL THIRD YEAR I + Mid,ifery and Gynaecological $ommunity %ealth Paediatric ursing !otal ursing (II ursing ursing
S-No I
INTERNSHIP PERIOD 'ducational Methods and Media for !eaching in Practice of ursing Introduction to Research Professional !rends and Adjustment Administration and 5ard Management
Hour R$Euir$d 7:
7@ 7@ 7:
+@ .4?
INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 1. !here shall be +:I internal assessment for all the theory papers and :@ I internal assessment for all the practicals2 2. A regular and periodic assessment for each subject and clinical > field e6periences is to be carried out2 3. "or the purpose of internal assessment there shall be ,ritten test in each subject ta)en by the respective teacher each month2 !he student shall be required to maintain the practical record boo) and report of observation visits and diary for assessment by the teachers concerned 1 various other techniques for assessment must be also used2 Mar)s shall be allotted for each of the follo,ing3 a) $ase study b) $ase presentation c) ursing care plan
) Maintenance of record boo)s 8procedure boo) and mid,ifery record boo)9 ") &aily diary #) Area ,ise clinical assessment is to be carried out 2minimum t,o assessments are required in each clinical area2 4. regular record of theory and practical is to be maintained 2tas) oriented assessment is to be underta)en2 assessment shall be maintained by teacher for each student each month2 !his can be chec)ed by the council> board principal shall sign all the records of e6amination of the students2 5. A candidate must secure :@ I mar)s in internal assessment separately in each theory and practical 2 to be successful a student must get :@I mar)s in the internal as ,ell as council or board e6amination of each year2 6. "or each student ,ho appears for many supplementary e6amination her > his fresh internal assessment in the failed subject 8s9 practical 8s9 is to be sent to the council > board2 7. State nursing council > board should prepare a model perform for performance evaluation for each of the clinical area and circulate to all R schools of nursing for maintaining uniformity2
'ach student is required to maintain the record of follo,ing assignment in clinical areas in each yearR FIRST YEAR a9 ursing care plan
( 7 in medical >surgical ,ards2
b9 &aily diary
%ealth * tal) "amily study including "amily care plan
(? each in urban and rural community
( ? each in urban and
SECOND YEAR a 9 Medical ,ard ursing care plan $ase study $ase presentation &rug study b 9 Surgical ,ard ursing care plan $ase study $ase presentation ? ? ? ?
+ ? ?
&rug study c 9 psychiatry ,ard ursing care plan $ase study $ase presentation &rug study Process recording Mental status recording
? ? ? ? + 7
THIRD YEAR a 9 Paediatric ,ard ursing care plan $ase study $ase presentation &rug study Observation report 8ne, born 9 b Maternity and gynaecology 9 ,ard ursing care plan $ase study $ase presentation &rug study + ? ? ? + + K ? ? K ? ? K ? ? K ?
urban and rural community c9 &aily diary field %ealth tal) + each "amily health nursing care plan + each Group project ? each In addition to above 1 each student shall maintain a procedure boo) and mid,ifery case boo) signed by concerned teacher > supervisor and principal
form and it should be duly signed by her and should be stamped as cancelled after practical e6amination2 SCHEME OF EXAMINATION A-EXAMINATION FIRST YEAR P a p er ?2 Subject !otal mar)s #IO(S$I' $' Anatomy and Physiology Microbiology #'%A=IOLRAF S$I' $'S Psychology1 Sociology "L &AM' !AFS O" LRSI G "undamentals of nursing1 "irst aid personal hygiene $OMML I!C %'AF!% LRSI G( ? $ommunity health nursing1 'nvironmental hygiene1 health education O communication s)ills1 nutrition PRA$!I$AF(I1 "L &AM' !AFS O" LRSI G SECOND YEAR PAP' SL#E'$! !O!A I !'R AF $OL $IF>#O A &LRA!IO ?@@ Internal Assessme nt +: $ouncil> board e6amination <: &uration of e6amination 8hrs9 -
ASS'SSM' R ? Medical F MAR NS ?@@ R& !S +: <: O" 'GAMI A!I O 8%RS9 -
surgical nursing(I 8pharmac ol ogy 9 Medical surgical nursing *II 8specialiti es 9 Mental health and psychiatri c nursing practical * I Medical surgical nursing Practical( II psychiatri c nursing
Practical e6amination for psychiatric nursing is to be conducted at the place of clinical e6perience at the end of clinical instructions by school itself and internal assessment mar)s should be sent to the council> board2
MARN S ?@@
ASS'SSM' ! +:
& <:
+ -
?@@ ?@@
+: +:
<: <:
Practical *I mid,ifery Practical( II Paediatric nursing Practical * III 3 communt y health nursing(II
?@@ ?@@
+: +:
<: <:
EXAMINATIONS FOR ANM <LH" <FHW !hese candidates ,ill appear for all the e6amination in theory and practicals as per the scheme of e6amination for other candidates2 #2'ligibility for admission to e6amination A candidate shall be eligible for the admission to the state council > board e6amination if the principal of the school certifies that3 a) she >he has completed not less than eleven month of the course b) she>he has attended <:I of the formal instructions given on each subject and <:I of the clinical field e6perience in each area > subject separately during the academic year2 %o,ever1 the total clinical >>field e6perience prescribed must be completed before the final council> board e6aminations and before the issue of diploma2 8 the diploma shall not be a,arded to the student till she> he has completed the clinical field requirements2
c) !he overall performance of the student and her >his conduct during the entire academic year has been satisfactory2 ) !he student has passed in the internal assessment in each subject i2e21 both in the teaching and practical 8:9 by securing :@ I mar)s separate in each theory and practical 8s92 ") !he record of practical e6perience is complete28the principal shall send to the council > board the internal assessment for each subject1 i2 '2 #oth theory and practical 8s9 before the start of the e6amination along ,ith the e6amination form9 #) A M >F%=> "%5 ,ho have been e6empted for si6 months during third year
,ill be eligible for third year e6amination after completion of si6 months
training $2 Supplementary '6amination !he council shall conduct supplementary e6amination ,ithin si6 months of the Annual e6amination3 a) If a student fails in one theory paper > practical 2she>he may be allo,ed to
proceed to the ne6t year of study 2she >he ,ill sit for a supplementary +D
e6amination held subsequently in the failed subject>practical 2if she>he fails to clear supplementary e6amination she>he shall be allo,ed to sit again along ,ith her ne6t year annual e6amination2 b) If a student fails in t,o or more papers or practical she>he ,ill not be allo,ed to proceed to the ne6t year2 She>he shall sit for supplementary e6amination in the failed subjects>practicals only but shall be eligible for the ne6t yearHs e6amination after one academic year from the date of passing the last e6amination c) o candidate for category 8a9 shall be allo,ed to proceed to third year8 higher class91 unless she> he has passed in the subjects of the previous year 8 bac)log to the second year92 ) If a student fails in one theory paper > practical e6amination of the third year1 she he may be allo,ed to proceed for internship2 She > he ,ill sit for supplementary e6amination held subsequently in the failed subject> practical2 ") If a student fails in t,o or more papers > practicals she> he ,ill not be
allo,ed to proceed for internship2 She > he shall sit for supplementary e6amination in the failed subjects> practicals only2 A student shall not be allo,ed to proceed for internship till he> she clears third year
e6amination2 &2 grading of e6amination '6amination shall be graded on aggregate mar)s of the entire three and a half
years of the training programme1 as follo,sR &istinction "irst division Second division Pass $.
T'$or* $+&min&tion
1. ursing teacher ,ith minimum of : years of teaching e6perience 8recent9 in a particular subject may be appointed as paper setters and e6aminers for that particular subject only2 2. Buestion papers should have a combination of essay 1 short ans,er and objective type question 8 situation based questions9 3. All units of a subject and sub subject should be given due ,eight age in accordance ,ith the instructional hours prescribed2 F. Pr&ctic&% $+&min&tion 1. practical e6amination is to be conducted in the respective clinical area 2 2. nursing teacher ,ith minimum of five years of teaching > clinical teaching
e6perience 8recent 9 in a particular subject > clinical area may
be appointed as practical e6aminer -2not more than ?@ to ?: student are to be e6amined in a day
72 internal and e6ternal e6aminer shall jointly evaluate each candidate for practical e6amination
INTERNSHIP PERIOD GENERAL OB!ECTI"ES Lpon completion of the internship period the period shall be able to 3 1. &emonstrate s)ills in the discharge of professional responsibilities independently and effectively2 2. &emonstrate beginning s)ills in teaching patients > client in health can
setting and nursing student in clinical setting in an effective manner2
4. Assist > participate in research activities of the institution >organi0ation in various health care settings2 5. Identify and participate the needs for continuing and in service education in practice of nursing2 DETAILS OF INTERNSHIP PERIOD !otal duration ( +; ,ee)s> ; months
(? =acation ,ee) (? '6amination ,ee) "or the remaining +7 ,ee)s students ,ill be posted in different clinical areas and also undergo formal class room instruction !otal ,or)ing hours of each day * A %ours per ,ee) ( A 6 ; S7A ( 7A 6 +7 !otal hours of internship period S??:+ !otal hours of theory instruction ( ?D@ (??:+( !otal hours of clinical posting ?D@SD;+ Student shall attend one hour class daily and < hours for clinical e6perience or one day for theory and five days for clinical e6perience shall be planned by institutes as per their suitability ,hich shall come to 7@ hours per ,ee) clinical and A hours for theory BREA9 UP OF CLINICAL EXPERIENCE (?2Medical nursing ,ee)s (+2 surgical nursing ,ee)s (-2paediatric nursing ,ee)s (72 psychiatric nursing ,ee)s (7 :2 community health nursing ,ee)s (7 ;2 mid,ifery ,ee)s (+ <2studentHs area of interest ,ee)s 8. + ,ee)s of night clinical e6perience is to be given during this period ,ith night supervisor TOTAL A /1 WEE9S
SCHEME OF E"ALUATION FINTERNSHIP PERIOD 2 SCHOOL EXAMINATION6 THEORY EXAMINATION A $ m$nt o) Tot&% u8B$ct > Sc'oo% m&r: mont' 7$riod $+&min&tion ?2'ducational :@ :@ ?@@ methods and media for teaching in
PRA$!I$AF '=AFLA!IO 3 S$%OOF ASS'SSM' ! MARNS Medical O surgical nursing +@ Paediatric nursing +@ $ommunity healthy nursing +@ Mid,ifery +@ !O!AF ?@@
Practical e6amination at the end of ; months is to be conducted by school at its o,n level to assess clinical s)ills ,ard management and professional trends 2 Mar)s are to be submitted to the council for addition in the over all result 2
&iploma by the council>board ,ill be issued only after successful completion of internship period
GENERAL OB!ECTI"ES Lpon completion of the course 1 the students ,ill be able to 3 &escribe in general the structure and the function of human body &escribe in detail the structure and function of different organs and systems in the human body Apply the anatomical and physiological principles in the practice of nursing COURSE CONTENT
UNITA. Introduction to &n&tomic&% t$rm UNITAII Or(&niG&tion o) 8od* c$%% ti u$ -or(&n - * t$m m$m8r&n$ &nd (%&nd UNITAIII S:$%$t&% * t$m #ones 3types 2 structures 1functions A6ial s)eleton Appendicular s)eleton Eoints 3classification1 structure and function UNIT FI" Mu cu%&r * t$m !ypes 1structure and functions Position and action of chief muscles of body UNITA" C&rdioA@& cu%&r * t$m #lood 3composition1 clotting and blood group 1 cross matching 2blood products and their use %eart3 position 1 structure 1 conduction system 1 function and cardiac cycle 2 #lood vessels 3 structural differences and position of chief vessels $irculation of blood 3 systemic 1 pulmonary and portal circulation #lood pressure and pulse Fymphatic system 3 lymph vessels 1 glands 1 ducts and lymph circulation 1 lymph tissues in the body 1 spleen UNITA"I R$ 7ir&tor* * t$m Structure and functions of respiratory organs Physiology of respiration $haracteristics of normal respiration and its deviations UNITA"II Di($ ti@$ * t$m Structure and functions of organs of digestion and accessory organs Process of digestion and absorption 2 Metabolism 3meaning and metabolism of food constituents UNITA"III E+cr$tor* * t$m Structure and functions of organs of urinary system Structure and functions of s)in Regulation of body temperature "luid and electrolyte balance UNITAIX N$r@ou * t$m !ype1 structure and functions of neuron2 $entral nervous system3 structure and functions Autonomic nervous system3 structure and functions2 UNITAX Endocrin$ * t$m
thyroid1 parathyroid1 thymus and supra renal glands2 UNITAXI S$n $ or(&n Structure and functions of eye1 ear 1 nose and tongue2 Physiology of vision 1 hearing and equilibrium2 UNIT FXII R$7roducti@$ * t$m Structure and functions of reproductive and accessory organs 2 Process of reproduction1 menstrual cycle and menopause Reproductive health Structure and functions of male reproductive system2 ote3 5herever possible related clinical application should be included
in each unit 2
P *c'o%o(*
Hr - 1? Cour $ D$ cri7tion !his course is designed to help students understand the dynamics of human behaviour and concept of mental health2 !his ,ill enable them to develop positive attitude and good inter * personal relationships in the practice of nursing in all health care settings2 G$n$r&% o8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course the students ,ill be able to3 &escribe the concept of mental health and psychology2 '6plain the dynamics of human behavior personality and learning2
&iscuss the role of adjustment mechanisms and emotions in health and illness2
&emonstrate s)ills in the application of principle of psychology in nursing practice in all )inds of health care settings2
Cour $ Cont$nt
UnitAI Introduction % &efinitions1 scope of psychology and its importance in nursing profession2
UnitAIII L$&rnin( % % % % ature of learning1 la,s and types of learning1 factors promoting 'ffective learning1 memory and forgetfulness2 !hin)ing and type of thin)ing2 ature and type of thin)ing2 Problem solving and reasoning2
UnitAI" O8 $r@&tion %
Attention and perception1 factors affection attention and Observation and errors in perception2
UnitA" Int$%%i($nc$ % % % % &efinition1 individual differences in intelligence2 Mental ability and nature of intelligence Measurement of intelligence2 &evelopment of intelligent behaviour2
Meaning1 !ypes1 factors affecting development of personality % $haracteristics of various age group3 $hild1 adolescent1 adult and aged2 % 5ill and character2
Micro8io%o(* Hr -0? Cour $ D$ cri7tion !his course is designed to help students gain )no,ledge and understanding of the characteristics and activities of micro * organisms1 ho, they react under different conditions and ho, they cause different disorders and diseases2 Nno,ledge of these principles ,ill enable students to understand and adopt practices associated ,ith preventive and promotive health care2 G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ U7on com7%$tion o) t'i cour $3 t'$ tud$nt =i%% 8$ &8%$ to, 1. &escribe the classifications and characteristics of microorganism2 2. Fist the common disease producing micro(organisms and their characteristics2 3. '6plain the activities of micro(organism in relation to the environment and the human body2
'numerate the basic principle of control and destruction of micro(organisms2 4. Apply the principle of microbiology in nursing practice2 Cour $ Cont$nt UnitAI Introduction #rief historical revie, of bacteriology and microbiology2 Scope and usefulness of )no,ledge of microbiology in nursing2 UnitAII MicroAOr(&ni m $lassification1 structure1 si0e method and rate of reproduction "actors influencing gro,th Pathogenic and non(pathogenic organisms ormal flora of the body2 $ommon diseases caused by different types of microorganisms2 Unit III in)$ction &nd it tr&n mi ion Sources of infection Gro,th of microbes Portals of entry and e6it of microbes !ransmission of infection $ollection of specimens2
UnitAI" Immunit* !ypes of immunity %ypersensitivity and autoimmunity2 Unit F" T'$ contro% &nd d$ truction o) microAor(&ni m Principle and methods of microbial control Sterili0ation3 dry heat1 moist heat1 chemicals and radiation2 &isinfection physical1 natural gases1 chemicals used and preparation of lotions $hemotherapy and antibiotics Medical and surgical asepsis1 cross( infection $ontrol of spread of infection Pasteuri0ation #io(safety and ,aste management2 UnitA"I Introduction to L&8or&tor* t$c'niEu$
Microscope3 Parts and uses2 %andling and care of microscope Inoculation of culture media Staining and e6amination of slides Preparation and e6amination of smears2
Hr -/? Cour $ D$ cri7tion !his course is designed to help student gain an understanding of sociology in the conte6t of its relevance to nursing practice2 G$n$r&% o8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to3 &escribe the concept of the family as a social unit and the status of the individual in the family2 '6plain the dynamics of society and identify common social problems2 &emonstrate ability to understand the socio(cultural and economic aspects of the community in the light of their effects on health and illness2 Ltilise the )no,ledge and understanding of sociology in nursing practice2 Cour $ Cont$nt Unit F I Introduction
$oncept scope nature and importance of sociology in nursing2 !he socio(cultural and economic aspects of the community and their effects in health and illness2 Unit F II T'$ Indi@idu&% % % % #rief revie, of human gro,th and development2 'ffect of environment on childhood1 adolescence1 adulthood and old age2 !he right and responsibilities of the individual in a democratic society2
Unit F III T'$ F&mi%* % % % "amily as a social institution and basic unit for health services2 #asic needs of family1 its structure and relationships2 "amily life education3 Pre(marriage1 marriage and parenthood2
Unit F I" T'$ Soci$t* % % % % % % $oncept Group3 !ypes1 Structure1 Inter(group relationship2 Group cycle1 group behaviour and group morale2 Social changes1 social control1 social stratification2 Rural and urban society2
Social problems3 unmarried mothers1 do,ry system1 prostitution1 drug addiction1 alcoholism1 delinquency1 handicapped1 child abuse1 ,omen abuse2
Unit F "I Econom* % % % % Resources of the country3 natural1 occupational agricultural1 Industrial etc2 Social Security Population e6plosion 3 Its effect on economy and the need for population control2 #udgeting for a family1 per capital income and its impact on health and illness2
Fund&m$nt&% o) Nur in( Hr -.D1 Cour $ D$ cri7tion !his course is designed to help students develop an ability to meet the basic health need of the patients ,ith regard to nursing care and develop s)ill in the competencies required for rendering effective patient care2 G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the student ,ill be able to 3 &escribe the physical mental and social adjustment required of a sic) individual and his family2 $arry out basic nursing techniques and care ,ith the application of sound scientific principles2 '6plain the concept of comprehensive nursing care2 &evelop s)ills in assessment1 planning1 implementation and evaluation of the nursing care rendered to the patients2 $ommunicate effectively and establish good interpersonal relationship ,ith the patients1 their relatives and other health team members2
&emonstrate s)ills in observation1 recording and reporting2 Recogni0e and utili0e opportunities for planning and implementing need based
health teaching programme8s9 for individuals1 groups1 families and communities2
Cour $ Cont$nt UnitAI Introduction to Nur in( % % % % % % ursing3 &efinition1 meaning1 ature1 Scope1 Principle sand history of nursing2 urse3 &efinition and meaning1 preparation of a nurse qualities( personal1 professional2 'thics in nursing1 Role and responsibilities of a nurse2 %ealth care agencies3 %ospital and $ommunity1 !ypes of %ospitals and their functions2 %olistic approach to nursing2 $omprehensive nursing care2
Unit F II Nur in( c&r$ o) t'$ 7&ti$nt < C%i$nt % % % % % Introduction to the sic) and ,ell2 &eterminants of health status2 Patient>$lient 3 As an individual1 member of the family1 society1 effects of illness and hospitali0ation on patient and his family2 Admission of a patient 3 PatientHs unit1 set up and care admission procedure1 reception of patient1 care of patientHs belongings2 #ed and #ed Ma)ing Principle of bed(ma)ing1 factor to be considered in selecting and ma)ing bed1 different types of beds and their uses2
Maintenance of therapeutic environment !emperature1 Fight1 noise and humidity2 Psycho Social 'nvironment %
Meaning and its importance1 aesthetic consideration in the environment1
colour scheme beauty and flo,er arrangements2 ursing Process and ursing $are Plan
&ischarging a patient % %
Preparation of the patient physically and mentally1 discharge procedure1 hospital policies1 preparation of the patientHs relatives for discharge2 "ollo, up and Rehabilitation revisit1 treatment compliance and referral1
Unit F III B& ic Nur in( C&r$ &nd N$$d o) t'$ 7&ti$nt %ygienic eeds and Physical needs % % % % % Importance of maintaining good personal and environmental hygiene in health and disease2 urseHs role in maintaining good personal and environmental hygiene2 $are of S)in and Mucous Membrane2 #ed bath1 care of hair1 eyes1 nose1 ears1 teeth1 genitalia1 hands and feet2 utritional needs2 Importance of diet in health and disease1 factors affecting the normal nutrition in sic)ness1 nurseHs role in maintaining good nutrition1 feeding helpless patients1 maintenance of inta)e and output record2
'limination needs % % Problem in sic)ness3 $onstipation and diarrhea1 retention and incontinence of urine2 urseHs role in meeting elimination needs2
Safety needs % % 'nvironmental ha0ards1 role of nurses in prevention of health ha0ards2 Interpersonal relationship1 cultural>spiritual>religious needs2
Activity and '6ercises A Importance of activity and e6ercise in health and sic)ness1 active and passive e6ercise2 Physical $omforts % $omfort 3 meaning and its importance in health and disease1 factors promoting and inhibiting physical comfort1 comfort devices and their uses1 body mechanics1 positions2
% $are of pressure points1 bed sores3 causes1 signs1 symptoms1 prevention and nursing care % Shifting of patient from one side to another1 from bed to ,heel chair and bed to stretcher2 Unit F I" A % $ m$nt o) 7&ti$nt < C%i$nt
Principles and importance of assessment1 methods of assessment 3 observation1 palpation1 auscultation1 percussion1 developing s)ill in observation2 Physical Assessment
speech Physiological Assessment % % % !emperature1 pulse1 respiration and blood pressure $haracteristics of normal and abnormal 8!2P2R2 and #2P29 and factors influencing the variations2
Lrine stool1 vomit1 sputum1 normal and abnormal behaviour and its deviation2
Unit F " T'$r&7$utic Nur in( C&r$ &nd Proc$dur$ A $7 i % % % % % % % % % %and ,ashing1 hand scrubbing1 use of mas)1 go,n1 gloves &isinfection techniques1 sterili0ation techniques2 Autoclaving1 boiling1 flaming1 ultra violet rays2 $are and Sterili0ation of3 Finen1 bed1 mattress1 floor1 ,alls1 cupboard and other articles2 Rubber goods1 dressings1 instruments1 needles1 syringes enamel articles2
#arrier ursing and isolation2 $are of Respiratory System
Inhalation3 dry inhalation1 moist inhalation1 jug1 elsonHs inhaler1 steam tent1 electric inhalers1 suction oro(nasal2 $ollection of specimen of sputum for e6amination2 $are of Gastro Intestinal !react
Preparation and giving of enema 3 Retention enema1 evacuation enema1 suppository1 passing of flatus tube2
% %
$are of Genito Lrinary System Perineal care of terminally ill patient and patient ,ith urinary catheter2 $ollection of specimens of urine and stool for routine and cultural e6amination2 $are of S)in and Mucous Membranes
% %
$old application 3 Ice cap1 cold pac)s1 use of evaporating lotion2%ot application 3 use of hot ,ater bottle1 dry fomentation1 moist fomentation1 medicated fomentation2
Unit F I" B& ic N$$d &nd C&r$ in S7$ci&% condition % % % A $are of patient ,ith fever1 unconscious patient1 patient ,ith fluid imbalance1 patient ,ith dyspnoea2 $are of terminally ill patient2 $are of physically handicapped2 &ying patient Signs and symptoms of approaching death1 needs of the dying patient and his relatives1 care of the dying1 last offices1 pac)ing of dead bodies in non(communicable and communicable diseases2
Unit F "II Introduction to P'&rm&co%o(* % $oncept of Pharmacology2 % $lassification of drugs2 % Administration of drugs2 % General action of drugs2 % ursing implications in administration of drugs2 Fir t Aid
Hr - /? Cour $ D$ cri7tion
!his course is designed to help students develop and understanding of community emergencies and be able to render first aid services as and ,hen need arises2
G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to 3 &escribe the rules of first aid2 &emonstrate s)ill in rendering first aid in case of emergencies2 Cour $ Cont$nt UnitA I Introduction % % Importance of first aid and rules of first aid2 $oncept of emergency2
Unit F II Fir t Aid in Em$r($nc* itu&tion % % % "ire1 burns1 fractures1 accidents1 poisoning1 dro,ning1 haemorrhages1 insect bites1 foreign bodies2 !ransportation of the injured2 #andaging and splinting2
% % %
"ire1 e6plosions1 floods1 earthqua)es1 famines2 Immediate and late role of nurses2
eed for rehabilitation2 $ommunity Resources
% % %
Police Assistance2 =oluntary agencies 3 Focal1 ational and international agencies2 Ambulance services3 !heir functions in relation to emergencies2
Cour $ D$ cri7tion
!his course is designed to help students acquire the concept of health1 an understanding of the principles of personal health and its relation to nursing in health and disease2
G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to3 '6plain the concept of health and hygiene2 'numerate the principles of personal health2 &emonstrate s)ills to apply these principles in effective nursing care of the patients > clients as ,ell as in her o,n healthy living2 Cour $ Cont$nt Unit F I Introduction $oncept of health and its relation to successful living2 Unit F II M&int$n&nc$ o) H$&%t'
&eterminants of health1 building of good health habits1 immuni0ation1 correction of defects1 maintenance of health records2 Unit F III P'* ic&% H$&%t' $are of s)in1 hair1 teeth1 eyes1 ears1 hand and feet1 Rest and sleep1 e6ercise1 activity1 recreation1 posture1 nutrition1 elimination1 menstrual hygiene2 Unit F I" M$nt&% H$&%t'2 % % $haracteristics of mentally healthy person21 Mental hygiene in intrauterine1 infancy1 childhood1 adolescence1 adulthood and old age2
Cour $ D$ cri7tion !his course is designed to help students gain an understanding of the concept of commu<nity health in order to introduce them to the ,ider hori0ons of rendering nursing services in a community ste(up1 both in urban and rural areas2 General objective Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to3 &escribe the concept of health1 community health and community health nursing2 State the principles of epidemiology and epidemiological method of community health nursing practice2 '6plain the various services provided to the community and the role of the nurse &emonstrate s)ills to practice effective nursing care of the individuals and families in the clinics as ,ell as in their homes1 using scientific principles2
COURSE CONTENT UnitA I Introduction to communit* H$&%t' &nd commuDnit* '$&%t' Nur in( %ealth and disease $ommunity1 community health1 community health nursing2 &imensions of health %ealth determinants Indicators of health levels of health care
Primary health care3 'lements and principles urseHs role in primary health care2
%ealth for all by +@@@ A2& 'volution and development of community health nursing in India and its present concept2 &ifferences bet,een institutional and community health nursing2 $ommunity health team functioning Philosophy1 goals1 objectives and principles of community health nursing practice2 Bualities and functions of a community health nurse2
UnitAII communit* '$&%t' nur in( 7roc$ $oncepts and definition Importance of the community health nursing process Steps of the process3 $ommunity identification1 population composition1 health and allied resources1 community assessment1 planning and conducting community health nursing care services2 UnitA III H$&%t' A $ m$nt
$haracteristics of healthy individual Identification of deviation from normal health2 UnitA I" Princi7%$ o) E7id$mio%o(* &nd E7id$mio%o(ic&% m$t'od &efinition and aims of epidemiology #asic tools of measurement in epidemiology Lses of epidemiology
&isease $ycle Spectrum of disease2 Fevels of prevention of disease2 &isease transmission(direct and indirect Immunity Immuring agents and immuni0ation schedule $ontrol of infectious diseases &isinfection UnitA F&mi%* H$&%t' Nur in( c&r$ $oncept1 goals1 objectives1 family as a unit of health family health care services2 "amily health and nursing care process( family health assessment1 family care plan2 "amily health services( Material1 $hild care and family ,elfare services2 Roles and function of a community health nurse in family health services2 "amily health records2 UnitA"I F&mi%* '$&%t' c&r$ $ttin( %ome visiting Purposes Principles Planning and evaluation #ag technique $linic Purposes !ypes of clinics and their functions Setting up of various clinics "unctions of %ealth personnel in these clinics
UnitA "II R$)$rr&% * t$m Unit F "III R$cord &nd R$7ort !ypes of records Lses of records 'ssential requirements of records2 $umulative records &esign of cards> Records
UnitAIX Minor Ai%m$nt $lassification 'arly detection and management Standing instructions>orders
G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be to3 &escribe the concept of environmental health &escribe the principles of environmental health &emonstrate s)ills to apply these principles in the pursing care of the patients>clients as ,ell as in their o,n healthy living2 &escribe the environmental health ha0ards and health problems of the country and services available to meet these2 Cour $ Cont$nt Unit I Introduction $omponents of environment Importance of environmental health2
Safe and ,holesome ,ater Lses of 5ater ,ater pollution ,ater borne diseases2 5ater purification Air Air pollution Prevention and control of air pollution 5aste Refuse '6creta Se,age %ealth ha0ards of these ,astes $ollection removal and disposal of these ,astes %ousing Site #asic amenities !ypes and standard of ventilation Requirements of good lighting2 atural and artificial lighting2
oise Source of noise $ommunity noise levels 'ffects of noise oise control
Arthropods of Public %ealth Importance Mosquitoes1 housefly1 sandfly1 human louse1 ratfleas etc2 Rodents2
$ontrol measures for these arthropods2 Unit F III Communit* or(&niG&tion to 7romot$ En@ironm$nt&% H$&%t' Fevels and types of agencies3 ational1 state1 local1 Government1 =oluntary and Social agencies
Cour $ D$ cri7tion !his course is designed to help students acquire the concept of health education and understanding of the principles underlying health education in order to develop an ability to communicate effectively ,ith the patients1 community1 health team members and others2 G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$
Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to3 &escribe the concept of health education1 communication s)ills1 audio(visual education agencies2 Identify and utili0e opportunities for health education planned and incidental2 $ommunicate effectively ,ith others2 Cour $ Cont$nt Unit F I Introduction $oncept1 definition1 aims and objectives of health education2 Process of change>modification of health behaviour2 Opportunities of health education in hospital and community2 Scope of health education Fevels and approaches of health education2 Principles of health education2 urseHs role as health educator2
Unit F II Communic&tion :i%% &efinition of communication Purposes of communication Process of communication #arriers of communication and establishment of successful communication2 !ypes of communication2 Importance and art of observing and listening in communication2 Unit F III M$t'od &nd M$di& o) H$&%t' Educ&tion Methods of health education !ypes of media 8A2=2Aids92 Advantages and limitations of each2 Preparation and uses of simple aids Unit F H$&%t' Educ&tion A($nci$ ational State &istrict
NUTRITION Hr -0? Cour $ d$ cri7tion !his course is designed to help students understand that nutrition is an integral component of health since nutrition play a vital role in the gro,th1 development and maintenance of the body2 G$n$r&% o8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to3 &escribe the principles of nutrition and dietetics and its relationship to the human body in health and disease2 &escribe the common foods in health and disease2 Apply )no,ledge in the promotion of health and in the care of sic)2 &emonstrate s)ills in selection1 preparation and preservation of foods2 Cour $ cont$nt Unit F I Introduction $hanging concepts( food habits and customs2 Relationship of nutrition to health2 Unit F II C%& i)ic&tion o) )ood A. $lassification by origin "ood of animal origin "ood of vegetable origin
G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to3 Read and ,rite correct 'nglish2 $ommunicate effectively in 'nglish language2 &emonstrate s)ill in ,riting and spea)ing in 'nglish language2 Cour $ cont$nt Unit F I Gr&mm&r !he sentence &ifferent parts of speech in brief2 Unit F II Com7o ition Analysis1 transformation and synthesis of sentences
$orrect usage of sentences2 Reading comprehension( '6ercise of prescribed short ans,ers2 Unit III Written composition Paragraph ,riting Story ,riting $omprehension Precise ,riting 'ssay ,riting Unit IV Vocabulary $onversation Spea)ing s)ills2
Medical Surgical Nursing Hrs.14 !ourse "escription !his course ,ill help students understand the concept of disease and disease process2 Students ,ill be able to gain )no,ledge and develop understanding of various medical1 surgical disorders and diseases2 !hey ,ill be able to give comprehensive nursing care to patients ,ith these diseases2 #eneral ob$ecti%es Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill able to 3
Describe the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of medical surgical diseases. Demonstrate skills in carrying out nursing technique and procedures with the
application of scientific principles.
Discuss nursing process and provide nursing care to patients with medical surgical/ diseases. !ourse content
Unit Introduction
Brief history of evolution of modern medicine and surgery and theories of illness and its causation.
& Illness as human experience. & ursing process and nursing care plan. Unit Nursing &ssessment & !ealth "ssessment & #hysical examination & $eneral clinical investigation Unit 'at(o '(ysiological Mec(anism o) "isease & Inflammation. & %tress adaptation. & Defence against in&ury. & utritional consideration. Unit V <ered Immune *espnse & 'eview of normal immunity,( 'eview )nit *+ of microbiology, & "ltered immune response, hypersensitivity and allergy. & ursing management of immuno therapy. & "uto immune disease. & $raft verses host disease.
Unit V !linical '(armacology & -erminology & Drugs and laws. & Basic clinical pharmacology. & %ource of drugs, action, side effects, doses of drugs. & Different pharmacological preparations. & "dministration of medicine to patient. & ursing implications of administration of drugs.
Unit V Nurse+s role in Management o) ,luids- .lectrolyte and &cid /ased /alance & & & & & 5ater content of body2 %omeostasis Revie, mechanism of controlling fluid and electrolyte movement2 Revie, regulation of fluid and electrolyte2 "luid and electrolyte imbalance and their therapeutic management2
Unit V Management o) patients in pain & $oncept & Assessment & !ypes1 location & ursing management & Analgesic drugs & !herapeutic approaches to pain2 Unit V 0peration 1(eater 1ec(ni2ue '(ysical .n%ironment & Operation theatre 3 cleaning of rooms1 tables1 trolleys1 lights and other equipments2 & Pre( operative holding areas2 !heatre !echnique & Scrubbing( hand ,ashing & Go,ning & Gloving & Positioning of patient for various surgical procedures2 Preparation of !heatre equipment O Supplies & $leaning & Pac)ing & Sterili0ation & eedles1 Sutures( types and their uses2 & Role of nurses in care of patient in the theatre2
Unit 3 Management o) patient undergoing surgery & Assessment of pre( operative patient 3 physical1 psychosocial and physiological aspects2 & ursing management of pre( operative patient2 Intra operative Management & Surgical team & urseHs functions in operation theatre2 & Anesthesia3 classification1 anesthetic agents and role of a nurse in anesthesia2 Post( operative management * Immediate and Routine & !ransferring patient from operation theatre2
#atient in recovery room. & 'ecovery from anesthesia. & #ost operative nursing management. & "dministration of post operative orders. & #ost0 operative complications1 observation, prevention and management. Unit 3 Nursing management o) patient 4it( impaired respiratory )unction and gaseous e5c(ange & "ssessment of respiratory functions. & 2anagement of patient with impaired respiratory functions. & 'espiratory intensive care. & 2anagement of patients with disorders of upper respiratory tract. & 2anagement of patients with disorders of the chest and lower respiratory tract. Unit 3 Nursing Management o) 'atients 4it( "igesti%e and #astro6Intestinal "isorders & "ssessment of $astro0intestinal disorders. & 2anagement of upper gastro0intestinal disorders. & $astro0Intestinal intubations and special utritional 2anagement. & 2anagement of patient with lower gastro0intestinal disorders Unit 3 Nursing Management o) 'atients 4it( Metabolic and .ndocrine "isorders & "ssessment of hepatic and biliary function & 2anagement in hepatic and biliary disorders & "ssessment of endocrinal function & 2anagement of endocrinal disorders. )nit 3 4*** ursing 2anagement of patients with renal and urinary disorders & "ssessment of renal and urinary functions & 2anagement of patients with urinary and renal disorders. & 'enal failure and dialysis & 'enal transplant. )nit 3 4*+ ursing 2anagement of patient with eurological disorders & "ssessment of neurological function & 2anagement of patient with neurological dysfunction & 2anagement of patient with neurological disorders. )nit 3 4+ ursing 2anagement of patients with disorders of connective tissue collagen disorders. & "ssessment & 2anagement of patient with disorders of connective tissue and collagen )nit 3 4+* ursing 2anagement of the 5lderly 67
"ssessment of elderly & "geing process & !elping in promoting wellness and self care & !ealth problems in elderly )nit 3 4+** 5mergency 2anagement & & 2edical surgical emergencies.
urses role in emergency conditions.
COURSE OUTLINE -his course will help students understand the concept diseases and disease process. %tudents will be able to gain knowledge and develop understanding of various medical surgical speciality disorders and diseases. -hey will be able to give comprehensive nursing care to patients with these disease. $5 5'"8 9B:5;-I+5% 6<
Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able toR & &escribe the causes1 symptoms1signs1treatment and prevention of diseases classified under medical surgical specialities2 & &emonstrate s)ill in carrying out nursing techniques and procedures ,ith the application of scientific principles2 & Prepare nursing care plan using nursing process and provide care to patients ,ith these diseases2 Cour $ cont$nt Unit A. onco%o(* nur in( ursing management of patients ,ith abnormal cell gro,th2 Problems and management2 $lassification of cancer2 &etection1prevention2 !reatment modalities2 ursing management of patients receving3 $hemotherapy Radiation Fate effect of chemotherapy and radiation nursing management of patients undergoing radical surgery bone marro, transplant and its management nursing management of terminally ill patients rehabilitation of cancer patients
UnitA/ Nur in( M&n&($m$nt o) 7&ti$nt =it' di $& $ o) m&%$ ($nitorAurin&r* tr&ct-
Assessment of genito(urinary function2 &isorders of male genito(urinary tract and its management2 UnitA0 Nur in( m&n&($m$nt o) 7&ti$nt =it' di ord$r o) 8r$& t Assessment2 &isorders of breast and breast cancer2 Management of patients undergoing surgery for cancer breast2 Unit A1 Nur in( m&n&($m$nt o) 7&ti$nt =it' di $& $ &nd di ord$r o) int$(um$nt&r* * t$m Assessment of s)in and its functions2 Inflammatory and non inflammatory disorders and its management2 Infestations1 infectious and non infectious diseases and their management2 S)in cancer Special dermatological therapy2 #urn and its management2
Unit A5 Nur in( m&n&($m$nt o) 7&ti$nt =it' o7t'&%&mic di ord$r &nd di $& $
Assessment of function of eyes2 &iseases and disorders of eyes and its management2 Revie, national programmes on blindness and trachoma2 %ospital cornea retrieval3
Grief counselling 1 eye collection in hospitals % Motivations for eye donation2 % Obtaining consent for eye donation2 % !ransplantation of human organs bill and eye collection2 % 'ye ban)ing in India2 Unit A> Nur in( m&n&($m$nt o) 7&ti$nt =it' di ord$r &nd di $& $ o) $&r3 no $3 &nd t'ro&t Assessment of the functions of ear1 nose1 and throat2 &isorders and diseases of the ear1 nose1 and throat2 Management of disorders and diseases of ear1 nose1 and throat2 Unit AD Nur in( m&n&($m$nt o) 7&ti$nt =it' c&rdio @& cu%&r 3circu%&tor* &nd '&$moto%o(ic&% di ord$r Assessment of cardio vascular functions2 Management of patients ,ith cardio vascular diseases2 Management of patients in I2$2L and $2$2L2 Assessment and management of circulatory 1 haematological disorders and problems of peripheral ciculation2 Phlebotomy procedure in blood donars2 Sample and request for blood transfusion2 Safety chec)s and records for blood transfusion2 Adverse transfusion reaction and their management2 #lood ban) functioning * hospital transfusion committee2 #lood donar care 1 post donation management1 counseling of blood donors2 Inventory of necessary requirement for the transfusion2 Unit AH Nur in( m&n&($m$nt o) 7&ti$nt =it' communic&8%$ di $& $ Assessment Revie, of infection1 ho, it spreads and its control2 Preparation1 care and administration of antisera and vaccines2 Isolation( revie, of epidemiology and control measures2 Management of various infectious diseases2 &iseases caused by3 =irus * Measles1 chic)en po61 influen0a1 small po61 mumps1 encephalitis1 infective hepatitis1 poliomyelitis1 rabies1 AI&S2 #acteria * &iptheria1 ,hooping cough1 tetanus1 typhoid1 dysentery1 gastro( entritis1 cholera1 meningococcal meningitis1 tuberculosis2
Toonosis * Nala(a0ar1 plague1 relapsing fever2 Mosquito * malaria1 filarial1 yello, fever1 dengue fever2
Unit F 4 Nur in( M&n&($m$nt o) 7&ti$nt =it' $+u&%%* tr&n mitt$d di $& $ Assessment
Se6 health and hygiene2 Gonorrhoea1 syphilis1 Granuloma venerium12 $hancroid1 Granuloma inguinale and AI&S2
Unit F .? Nur in( M&n&($m$nt o) 7&ti$nt =it' Mu cu%oA :$%$t&% Di ord$r &nd di $& $ Assessment of musculo(s)eletal functions2 &isorders and diseases of bone1 muscles1 cartilage1 ligaments and their management2 Rehabilitation1 physiotherapy and occupational therapy2 Unit F .. Em$r($nc* &nd di & t$r Nur in( atural calamities2 Manmade disaster2 $ommunity resource available to meet such calamities2 urseHs role in disaster management2
Cour $ D$ cri7tion
!his course is designed to help students develop the concept of mental health and mental illness1 its causes1 symptoms1 prevention1 treatment modalities and nursing management of mentally ill2 G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to3 &escribe the concept of mental health and mental illness and the emerging trends in psychiatric nursing2 '6plain the causes and factors of mental illness1 its prevention and control2 Identity the symptoms and dynamics of abnormal human behaviour in comparison ,ith normal human behaviour2 &emonstrate a desirable attitude and s)ills in rendering comprehensive nursing care to the mentally ill2 Cour $ cont$nt Unit F I Introduction Meaning of mental health and mental illness2 &efinition of terms used in psychiatry2 Revie, of mental mechanisms 8ego mechanisms92 Revie, of personality and types of personality2 Unit F II Hi tor* o) P *c'i&tr* $ontributors to psychiatry2 %istory of psychiatric nursing2 !rends in psychiatric nursing2 Unit F III M$nt&% H$&%t' A $ m$nt Psychiatric history ta)ing Intervie, technique and mental status e6amination2 Unit F I" Communit* M$nt&% H$&%t' $oncept1 importance and scope2 Attitude and misconception to,ards mentally ill2 Prevention of mental illness 8preventive psychiatry9 during childhood1 adolescence1 adulthood and old age2 $ommunity mental health services2
Role of nurses in community mental health services2 Unit F " P *c'i&tric Nur in( M&n&($m$nt &efinition of psychiatric nursing2 Principles of psychiatric nursing2 ursing process2
Role of nurses in providing psychiatric nursing care2 !herapeutic nurse(patient relationship2 $ommunication s)ills2 Unit F "I M$nt&% di ord$r &nd Nur in( Int$r@$ntion 'tioloy( various etiological theories 8genetics1 biochemical1 psychological1 etc29 $lassification of mental disorders2 Organic mental disorders( Acuter brain syndrome2 $hronic brain syndrome2 "unctional Mental &isorders Prevalence1 etiology1 signs and symptoms1 prognosis1 medical and nursing management2 Schi0ophrenic disorders2 Mood 8affective9 disorders2 Manic depressive psychosis2 An6iety states2
&efinition1 etiology1 signs1 symptoms1 medical and nursing management of3 Phoebic disorders1 obsessive compulsive disorder1 depressive neurosis1 conversion disorders1 dissociative reaction1 hypochondriasis1 psychosomative disorders1 alcohol1 drugs and other psychoactive substances abuse2 Unit F "II BioAP *c'o oci&% T'$r&7i$ Psychopharmacology &efinition1 classification of drugs1 antipsychotic1 antidepressant1
&efinition of psychosocial therapies2 !ypes of therapies3 individual and group therapy1 behaviour therapy1 occupational therapy2 Role of nurse in these therapies2 Somatic therapy %istory1 technique of electro(convulsion therapy 8'$!91 indications1 contraindications2 Role of nurses before1 during and after electroconvulsive therapy2 Unit F "III For$n ic P *c'i&tr* < L$(&% A 7$ct Fegal responsibilities in care of mentally sic) patients Procedure for admission and discharge from mental hospital1 leave of absence2 Indian Funatic Act ?D?+ Mental %ealth Act ?DA< arcotic &rugs and Psychotropic Act ?DA:
Unit F IX P *c'i&tric Em$r($nci$ &nd Cri i Int$r@$ntion Over active patient &estructive patient Suicidal patient2
Cour $ D$ cri7tion
!his course is designed to help students gain a basic understand of computers in order to utili0e this in rendering effective nursing care in different settings2
G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to3 &escribe the basic dis) operating system2 Lse computer for data processing2 Lse computer for ,ord processing and graphics2 Lse computer in patient management system2 Lse '(mail and internet2 Cour $ Cont$nt Lnit I ( Introduction to computers and dis)(operating system2 Lnit II ( Introduction to ,ord processing2 Lnit III ( Introduction to data base2 Lnit * I= ( Graphics and use of statistical pac)ages2 Lnit * = ( 5indo,s application1 ,ord1 e6cel1 po,er point1 multimedia Lnit * =I ( Introduction to Internet and use of electronic mail2 Lnit ( =III ( $omputer aided teaching and testing2
Mid=i)$r* , Hr - .??
G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course the students ,ill be able to3 &escribe the health needs of ,omen in pregnancy1 labour and puerperium2 Identify deviation8s9 from normal pregnancy and ta)e appropriate action2 &emonstrate s)ills in providing ante partum1 intrapartum and postpartum care to the ne, born2 Fist different gynaecological problems and demonstrate s)ills in providing nursing care to ,omen suffering form these disorders and diseases2 Cour $ Cont$nt Unit F I Introduction % &efinition 3 Mid,ifery1 obstetrical nursing2 % Scope2 % %istorical revie,2 % &evelopment of maternity services in India Unit F II R$7roducti@$ * t$m % Revie, of genitor(urinary system of male and female organs structure1 physiology2 % Menstrual cycle2 % Internal and e6ternal organs of reproduction2 % "emale pelvis3 structure1 diameters and type2 Unit F III Em8r*o%o(* &nd )o$t&% d$@$%o7m$nt % Ovum1 sperm1 maturation 1 fertili0ation and implantation2 % &evelopment of fertili0ed ovum1 morula1 blastocyst1 embryo2 % &evelopment of pacenta3 structure of full term placenta1 functions and abnormalities1 anatomical variations2 % "ormation of foetal sac1 membranes1 amnion and chorionand their functions2 % "ormation of liquor amni1 its functions and abnormalities2 % &evelopment of umbilical cord3 structure1 functions and abnormalities2 % "oetal s)ull3 diameters1 frontanelles1 sutures and their importance2 % "oetal circulation2 Unit A I" Nur in( M&n&($m$nt o) Pr$(n&nt Wom$n
Reproductive health2 % Genetic counseling2 % Physiological changes in pregnancy2 % &iagnosis of pregnancy3 history1 signs and symptoms and investigations2 % Influence of homones2 % Prenatal care3 objectives1 history ta)ing1 calculation of e6pected date of delivery1 routine e6aminations2 % %ealth education3 breast care1 diet in pregnancy antenatal e6ercises2 % Preparation for hospital> home delivery2 % Immunisation2 % Minor disorders of pregnancy and its management2 Unit F " Nur in( M&n&($m$nt o) =om$n in L&8our % &efinition1 stage and duration2 % $auses of onset of labour2 % !rue and false labour2 A2 "irst Stage of Fabour % Signs of onset of labour2 % Physiological changes in first stage of labour2 % Management * preparation of labour room2 % Preparation of ,omen in labour 3 Physical and psychological2 % 'quipments for normal delivery2 % $are3 physical1 psychological1 monitoring of maternal and foetal condition2 % =aginal e6aminationR indication1 articles1 technique2 #2 Second Stage of Fabour % Signs of second stage2 % Mechanism of labour2 % Monitoring of maternal and foetal condition2 % Physical and psychological care2 % Procedure for conduct of normal delivery2 % Prevention of perineal tear2 % 'pisiotomy1 suturing and care2 $2 !hird Stage of Fabour % Signs1 physiological changes2
% %
Management 3 immediate baby care1 technique of placental e6pulsion1 monitoring maternal condition e6amination of placements and its membranes1 blood loss2 Immediate postnatal care > fourth stage of labour2
&2 $onduct of %ome &elivery Unit F "I Nur in( M&n&($m$nt o) B&8* &t 8irt' % Assessment % Revie, of physiology of ne, born % Apgar scoring1 e6amination for defects 8head to foot e6amination9 % Infant feeding3 breast feeding1 artificial feeding2 % $are of s)in1 eyes1 cord1 buttoc)s2 % Psychology and perception of ne, born2 % Minor disorders of ne, born3 birth mar)s1 rashes1 s)in infections1 sore buttoc)s1 infections of eyes2 % Eaundice of ne, born2 % Major disorders3 birth asphy6ia1 resuscitation measures1 haemolytic disease 8R% factor92 % Infections and birth injuries2 Unit F "II Nur % % % % % % % % % % in( m&n&($m$nt o) Mot'$r durin( 7u$r7$rium &efinition1 objectives of care Immediate postnatal care 8care during 7th stage of labour9 Physiological changes during puerperium2 Psychosocial aspects of care2 &iet during puerperium2 'stablishment of lactation and breast care2 Perineal care2 Postnatal e6ercises2 Postnatal e6amination1 follo,(up1 family ,elfare2 Minor ailments and its management2
Unit F "III Com7%ic&tion o) 7r$(n&nc* &nd it m&n&($m$nt % #leeding in early pregnancy2 % #leeding in late pregnancy2 % Pregnancy induced hypertension1 pre(eclampsia1 eclampsia2 % %ydramnios1 oligohydramnios2 % %ydatidiform mole2 % Pelvic inflammatory disease2 % Intrauterine gro,th retardation1 intrauterine death2
Post maturity2 Unit F IX Hi(' Ri : 7r$(n&nc* &nd it m&n&($m$nt % $oncept1 factors2 % Anaemia1 Eaundice1 =iral infections2 % Lrinary tract infection1 %eart &iseases1 &iabetes Mellitus1
Ostemalacia1 Se6ually !ransmitted &iseases1 AI&S2
% %
Unit F X Hi(' Ri : L&8our &nd it m&n&($m$nt % Malpositions1 Malpresentations3 occipitoposterior position face1 bro,1 shulder and breech presentation2 % $ontracted pelvis3 definition1 causes1 diagnosis1 management and trial of labour2 % Abnormal uterine action3 hypotonic and hypertonic action1 bandlHs ring1 contraction ring1 precipitate labour2 % $ervical dystocia2 % 'arly rupture of membranes1 prolonged labour1 Induction of labour2 % Obstructed labour rupture of uterus2 % Obstetrical emergencies3 cord presentation1 cord prolapse1 amniotic fluid embolism1 obstetric shoc)2 % $omplications of third stage3 post partum haemorrhage1 atonic uterus1 retained placenta and membranes1 inversion of uterus2 Unit F XI Com7%ic&tion o) Pu$r7$rium &nd it m&n&($m$nt % Puerperal pyre6ia1 Puerperal sepsis1 !hrombophlebitis1 'mbolis1 Puerperal psychosis2 % Mastitis1 #reast abscess2 Unit F XII O8 t$tric o7$r&tion % Manual removal of placenta2 % =ersion 3 internal1 e6ternal2 % "orceps delivery2 % =acuum e6traction2 % $aesarean section2 % Medical termination of pregnancy2 % Faproscopic sterili0ation2 % 'mbryotomy2 Unit F XIII Dru( u $d in o8 t$tric
Unit F XI" Et'ic&% &nd %$(&% & 7$ct r$%&t$d to Mid=i)$r* &nd G*n$co%o(ic&% Nur in(C%inic&% E+7$ri$nc$ % &uring this period of training each student shall2 % $onduct thirty antenatal e6aminations2 % 5itness fifteen deliveries before conducting one herself2 % Ma)e five vaginal e6aminations2 % $onduct t,enty deliveries2 % Perform and suture five episiotomies1 five first degree tears2 % Give post natal care to thirty lying(in(mothers and to their ne, born babies2 % $arry out ten health teachings for antenatal and lactating mothers2 % Insert five intrauterine devices2
G*n$co%o(ic&% Nur in(
Hr - /? Cour $ Cont$nt Unit F I Introduction % &efinition related to gynecological nursing2 % Se6uality2 % Gynecological history ta)ing1 e6amination and investigations2 Unit F II Pu8$rt* % &efinition development of se6 organs in females2 % Menstrual cycle2 % &isorders of menstruation3 amenorrhoea1 dysmenorrhoea1 cryptomenorrhoea2 Unit F III F$rti%it* &nd In)$rti%it* &efinition1 causes both in male and female investigation and management2 Unit F I" P$%@ic In)$ction % =ulva3 vulvitis1 bartholinitis2 % =agina3 vaginitis1 trichomonas vaginalis1 moniliasis2 % Metritis1 salpingitis1 oopthoritis1 pelvic abscess2 % $hronic infections1 cervical erosion2 Unit F " Ut$rin$ Di 7%&c$m$nt &nd D$ c$nt % Retroversion1 retrofle6ion2
Unit F "I S$+u&%%* tr&n mitt$d di $& $ &nd t'$ir 7r$@$ntion % Syphilis1 gonorrhoea1 ,arts2 % Acquired Immuno &eficiency syndrome 8AI&S9 > %I=2 Unit F "II Br$& t Di ord$r % Mastitis2 % #reast abscess2 % !umours2 % Malignancy2 Unit F "III B$ni(n &nd M&%i(n&nt N$o7%& m o) R$7roducti@$ or(&n % Lterine polyps1 uterine fibroids2 % $ancer 3 cervi61 uterus2 % Ovarian cyst3 benign1 malignant2 % $ancer 3 chemotherapy1 radiotherapy2 % Palliative care2
Communit* H$&%t' Nur in( F II Hr - .??
Cour $ D$ cri7tion !his course is designed to help the students gain indepth )no,ledge of community health and community health nursing services2 On completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to function at the first level in various community health settings both in urban and rural areas2 G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to 3 &escribe health system and health care services in India2 Identify major health problems1 national health programmes and speciali0ed community health services2 '6plain the concept of health team and describe the nurseHs role at various levels of health care settings2 &escribe the demographic concept and family ,elfare programme2 '6plain and motivate use of birth control methods to the community2 State the importance of health statistics2 Maintain records and reports required in community health nursing services2 &emonstrate s)ills in rendering effective nursing care in all community health settings2 Cour $ Cont$nt Unit F I H$&%t' * t$m in Indi& 2Or(&niG&tion&% $tAu76
$entral level2 % % % State level2 &istrict level2 #loc) and local level2
Unit F II H$&%t' c&r$ $r@ic$ in Indi& % %ealth care concept and trends2 % %ealth care delivery system2 % Public sector3 Rural areas1 urban areas1 health insurance1 scheme1 other agencies 8defence1 Rail,ays etc29 % =oluntary health agencies2 % Indigenous system of medicine2 % urseHs role in health care services2 Unit F III H$&%t' P%&nnin( in Indi& % ational %ealth policy2 % ational %ealth planning2 % "iver years plans2 % %ealth committees and reports2 Unit F I" S7$ci&%iG$d communit* H$&%t' S$r@ic$ &nd nur $I ro%$ % M2 $2 %2 8Reproductive health and child care92 % School health services2 % Industrial nursing2 % Geriatric nursing2 % $are of the handicapped3 physically and mentally challenged2 % Rehabilitation nursing2 Unit F " Nur $I Ro%$ in N&tion&% H$&%t' Pro(r&mm$ % Major health problems in India2 % ational control and development programmes2 % ational eradication programmes2 % urseHs role in national health programmes2 Unit F "I D$mo(r&7'* &nd )&mi%* =$%)&r$ d$mo(r&7'* % $oncept % !rends in India and its implications2 % $oncept of fertility and infertility2 % Small family norms2 "amily 5elfare
$oncept % % % % % Importance Aims and planning methods "amily ,elfare policy ational programme2 urseHs role in family ,elfare programme2
Unit F "II H$&%t' T$&m % $oncept2 % $omposition2 % "unctions2 Role of nursing personnel at various levels % Multipurpose health ,or)er3 male and female % Fady health visitor > %ealth supervisor % Public heath nurse % Public health nurse supervisor % &istrict public health nursing officer2 Unit F "III "it&% H$&%t' St&ti tic % concept % Lses % Sources % Important rates and indices % =ital health records and their utility2
P&$di&tric Nur in( Hr - D?
Cour $ D$ cri7tion
!his course is designed to help the students develop and understanding of the concept of child health1 the trends in child care and health problems of children2 !his ,ill enable the students to meet the needs of the children1 in health and sic)ness2
G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able to3 '6plain the concept of child health1 the principles underlying child care and trends in paediatric nursing2 &escribe normal gro,th and development of children1 so as to recogni0e deviation8s9 form normal health2 &emonstrate s)ill in meeting the needs of the sic) as ,ell as health children2 Cour $ Cont$nt
Unit F I Introduction % $oncept in child health care2 % !rends in paediatric nursing2 % Role of paediatric nurse in child care2 % $hild care in India2 % 'merging challenges1 nursing process related to paediatric nursing % $oncept of preventive paediatics2 % =ital statistics2 Unit F II T'$ N$=8orn A2 $haracteristics of e, #orn and Physiological status of the ne, born Assessment of the ne, born3 head to toe assessment 8physical assessment91 neurological assessment2 % ursing care of the normal>healthy ne, born including home care2 % #reast feeding(concept of #aby friendly hospital initiative2 %
#2 $ommon health problems *medical and nursing management of3 ( %yperbilirubinaemia1 haemolytic disorder neonatal hypoglycaemia1 sepsis1 oral thrush1 impetigo1 erythema to6icum1 hypothermia1 neonatal convulsions2 ( #irth injuriesR injuries of muscles and peripheral nerves1 injuries of bones1 sort tissue injury and injury of nervous system2 $2 %igh Ris) e, born ( &efinition 3 small for dates1 Fo, birth ,eight ( $ommon health problems of pre(term1 post term and lo, birth ,eight infants and their nursing management2 ( %igh ris) to ne, born of %I= Kve mother1 diabetic mother1 its medical and nursing care2 Unit F III T'$ H$&%t'* C'i%d
( Gro,th and development3 &efinition1 principles1 factors affecting gro,th and development1 techniques of assessment of gro,th and
development1 importance of learning about gro,th and development2 !he Infant % Gro,th and development during Infancy2 %ealth Promotion during infancy % utrition counseling and ,eaning1 immuni0ation2 % Safety and security including prevention of accidents1 play and toys2 !he !oddler % Gro,th and development of !oddler2
%ealth promotion during toddler hood1 nutrition counseling1 toilet training1 immuni0ation1 safety and prevention of accidents1 guidance to parent on toddlerHs care1 play and toys2
!he Pre(Schooler % Gro,th and development during pre(school years2 % %ealth promotion during pre(school years1 nutritional guidance1 safety and security1 day care centers>nursery school1 play1 role of parents in se6 education of child2 !he School ager % Physical1 psychological and moral development during school age years2 % %ealth promotion during school years1 nutritional guidance1 sleep and rest1 physical e6ercise and activity1 dental health1 se6 education1 play1 role of parents in reproductive child health2 !he Adolescent % Physical changes1 physiological and reproductive changes1 reaction of adolescents to puberty2 % %ealth promotion during adolescence2 % utritional guidance1 personal care1 reproductive health > se6 education1 role of parents in health promotion of adolescents2 Unit F I" T'$ Sic: C'i%d % $hildHs reaction to hospitali0ation2 % 'ffects of hospitali0ation on the family of the child2 % Role of nurse in helping child and family in coping ,ith stress of hospitali0ation and illness2 ursing interventions adaptations in nursing care of sic) child % % % % % % % % % % %
Preparation of child for diagnostic tests1 collection of specimens2 $alculation and administration of oral and parenteral medications2 Procedures related to feeding3 formula preparation1 gavage1 gastrostomy feeding2 Procedures related to elimination3 enema1 colostomy irrigation2 Lse of play as nursing intervention2 $are of child in incubator2 Administration and analysis of o6ygen concentration2 Surgical dressing Stea tent inhalation2 Immobilised child
Unit F " B$'&@ior&% Di ord$r &nd common H$&%t' Pro8%$m durin( C'i%d'ood3 t'$ir 7r$@$ntion3 M$dic&% &nd Nur in( M&n&($m$nt-
Infancy % utritional disturbances1 allergies1 dermatitis1 vomiting1 diarrhea1 failure to thrive1 resistance to feeding1 colic an6iety2 'arly $hildhood % $ommunicable diseases1 poisoning1 tonsillitis1 otitis1 media1 urinary tract infections1 diarrhea1 child abuse1 breath holding spells1 bed ,etting1 thump suc)ing1 nail biting 1 temper tantrums1 masturbation2 Middle $hildhood % %elminthic infestations1 common s)in infections1 animal and insect bites1 stuttering1 pica1 tics1 antisocial behaviour1 enuresis2 Fater $hildhood % Problems of puberatal development3 precocious puberty1 tall stature1 gynaecomastia1 acne1 amenorrhoea1 dysmenorrhoea1 se6ually transmitted diseases1 accidents1 sports injuries1 juvenile delinquency1 anore6ia nervosa1 obesity2 Unit F "I C'i%dr$n =it' con($nit&% D$)$ct < M&% )orm&tion % 'tiology1 signs1 symptoms1 complications1 medical1 surgical and nursing management of3 % Malformations1 of the central nervous system(cranial deformities1 defects of spinabifida1 meningocele1 hydrocephalus1 cerebral palsy1 neural tube closure2 % S)eletal defects(cleft lip and palate2 % &efects of Gastro(intestinal tract( Oesophageal atresia and distula1 anorectal malformations1 hernia1 congenital hypertrophied pyloric stenosis2 % &efects of Genitourinay tract * %pospadiasis1 epispadiasis1 e6trophy of bladder1 phimosis1 cryptrochidism1 polycystic )idney2 % Se6ual abnormalities * ambiguous genitalia1 hermaphroditism2 % &efects of cardio(vascular system * $ongenital heart diseases1 major acyanotic and cyanotic defects2 % Orthopeadic Abnormalities * $lub foot1 developmetal abnormalities of e6tremities2 Unit F "II C'i%dr$n =it' @&riou di ord$r &nd di $& $ 'tilogy1 signs1 symptoms1 complications1 prevention1 medical1 surgical
and nursing management of 3 % &isturbances of fluid and electrolyte balance3 imbalance1 burns1 disturbances pf renal function1 acute and chronic glomerulonephritis1 acute and chronic renal failure2 % &isturbed respiratory functions3 Acute infections of upper and lo,er respiratory tract1 acute inflammation of lungs2 % Gastro(intestinal disorders3 Malabsorption syndromes 8celiac diseases9 and obstructive disorders 8intestinal obstruction1 %irschsprugnHs disease9 inflammatory conditions 8appendicitis1 Mec)elHs diverticulumHs1 ulcerative colitis91 ,orm infestations2 % Problems related to production and circulation of blood3 Acquired heart diseases1 congestive cardiac failure1 infective endicarditis1 rheumatic fever2 % Problems related to the elements of blood3 Anaemias1 sic)le cell anaemia1 thalassemia1 defects of haemostasis1 haemophilia1 Immune deficiency diseases1 %I= infection 8AI&S9 leu)emias1 thrombocytopaenia1 purpura2 % &isturbances of regulatory mechanism3 disturbances of cerebral functions * altered state of consciousness1 craniocerebral trauma2 % Intracranial infections3 Meningitis1 encephalitis1 convulsive disorders2 % 'ndocrine dysfunctions3 &isorder of pituitary functions1 disorders of thyroid and parathyroid function1 disorders of adrenal corte61 disorders of pancreatic hormone secretion2 % Problems that interfere ,ith locomotion3 Polimyelitis1 osteomyelitis1 )yphosis1 lordosis and scoliosil1 rheumatoid arthritis2 % $hildren ,ith development problems3 %andicapped children1 multiple handicapped children1 mental retardation2 % $ommunication disorders * hearing1 vision impairment1 deaf and blind children2 Unit F "III W$%)&r$ o) C'i%dr$n % $hild ,elfare services1 agencies1 bal,adi1 angan,adi1 day care centers1 midday meal programme2 % 5elfare of delinquent and destitute children2 % Programme and policies for ,elfare of ,or)ing children2 % ational child labour policy2 % $hild Act1 Euvenile Eustice Act2 % Internationally accepted rights of the child2
Cour $ D$ cri7tion !his course is designed to introduce the students to the concept of teaching as an integral part of nursing 1 its relationship to nursing process and also the importance of effective communication in nursing2 G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$
Lpon completion of this course the students ,ill be able to 3 '6plain the concept of teaching in changing the behaviour of the client2 &escribe techniques used for teaching clients2 &escribe the use of different media in teaching and effective communication2
Cour $ cont$nt Unit F I Introduction Meaning aims and purposes of education2 Meaning of teaching and learning Principles of teaching and learning !eaching responsibilities of a nurse2 Methods of teaching1 methods of clinical teaching2 Preparation of teaching plan2 Unit F II M$di& &efinition 1 purposes and types of media2 Preparation and use of audio * visual aids3 graphic aids1 printed aids1 three dimensional aids1 projected aids2 Fimitations1 advantages and uses of different types of media2 Pr&ctic&% =or: Students ,ill organi0e teaching in the ,ards>clinics using nursing process approach and prepare variety of audio(visual aids to implement their teaching either individually or in groups2 Students ,ill also submit ,ritten teaching plan to the concerned teacher of selected clinical area2
Introduction to R$ $&rc'
Hr -1? Cour $ D$ cri7tion !his course is intended to develop fundamental abilities and attitude in the students to,ards scientific methods of investigation and utili0ation of research finding so as to improve practice of nursing2 G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of the course the students ,ill be able to 3
&escribe the need of research in the practice of nursing2 &escribe scientific methods of investigation used in nursing2 Participate in small and large research activities of the hospital > unit>,ard>community2
Cour $ cont$nt Unit F I Introduction &efinition > meaning of research Steps in scientific methods2 eed for nursing research2 $haracteristics of good research2 Unit F II Introduction to r$ $&rc' 7roc$ Statement of research problem Statement of purposes and objectives2 &efinition of research terms2 Revie, of literature2 Unit F III Introduction to r$ $&rc' &77ro&c'$ !ypes 1 methods1 advantage and disadvantages of each method2 Lnit * I= Introduction to data collection proves &ata collection Instruments of data collection $haracteristics oaf data collection !echniques of data $ollection Unit F " Introduction to &n&%* i o) d&t& !abulation $lassification and summari0ation Presentation and interpretation of data using descriptive statistics2 Lnit * =I 5riting of report Lnit * =II Introduction to Statistics Lnit * =III Application and Ltili0ation of Research in ursing Practice
Practical ,or) Students are to read research literature in the library of the school and participate in or assist in conduction scientific investigation in any health bare setting ,ith the help of the teacher and submit a ,ritten report of the investigation in group of five of si6 1 to respective teacher of selected clinical area2
Cour $ d$ cri7tion
!his course is designed to help students develop an understanding of the career opportunities available1 limitations of nursing profession professional development2
G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ U7on com7%$tion o) t'i cour $ t'$ tud$nt =i%% &8%$ to,
D$ cri8$ nur in( & & 7ro)$ ion &nd t'$ crit$ri& o) & 7ro)$ ion Id$nti(* @&riou 7ro)$ ion&% r$ 7on i8i%iti$ o) & nur $D$ cri8$ @&riou 7ro)$ ion&% or(&niG&tion r$%&t$d to nur in( &nd '$&%t' Id$nti)* t'$ n$$d )or in $r@ic$ &nd continuin( $duc&tion in nur in(-
D$mon tr&t$ :i%% in &77%ic&tion o) :no=%$d($ o) 7ro)$ t'$ 7r&ctic$ o) nur in( in &n* '$&%t' c&r$ $ttin(Cour $ cont$nt Unit I Introduction to nur in( & & 7ro)$ ion
ion&% $tiEu$tt$ in
D$)inition &nd criti$ri& o) nur in( 7ro)$ ion E@o%ution o) nur in( 7ro)$ ion in Indi& Educ&tion&% 7r$7&r&tion o) & 7ro)$ ion&% nur $ #u&%iti$ <c'&r&ct$ri tic &nd ro%$ o) & 7ro)$ ion&% nur $UnitAII Pro)$ ion&% $t'ic
M$&nin( &nd r$%&tion 'i7 o) 7ro)$ ion&% $t'ic &nd $tiEu$tt$ - Cod$ o) $t'ic )or nur $ 3 I-C-N cod$ o) $t'ic &nd ni('t&n(%$ 7%$d($-
Proc$dur$ )or $m7%o*m$nt, %oc&tin( & 7o ition3 &77%*in( &nd &cc$7tin( & 7o ition3 r$ i(n&tion )rom & 7o itionUnitAIII 7$r on&% &nd 7ro)$ ion&% (ro=t'<d$@$%o7m$nt
a. Continuin( Educ&tion M$&nin( &nd im7ort&nc$ o) continuin( $duc&tion Sco7$ o) continuin( $duc&tion
P%&nnin( &nd )in&ncin( )or continuin( $duc&tion In $r@ic$ $duc&tion, d$)inition3 n$$d 7&rtici7&tion
b. C&r$$r in Nur in( O77ortuniti$ &@&i%&8%$ in 'o 7it&%3 communit*3 t$&c'in( &nd ot'$r r$%&t$d 7$ci&% or(&niG&tion Int$rn&tion&% in)%u$nc$ &nd &id
Nur in( in t'$ )utur$ Lnit(I= Fegislation in nursing Purpose and importance of la,s in nursing1 legal terms2 $ommon legal ha0ards in nursing %ealth la,s and regulations affecting nurses in India at different levelsR center and state2 $onsumer protection bill and its impact in nursing practice "undamental conduct and service rule and instructional rules2 Regulation and reciprocities
Lnit(= professional and related organi0ations Professional organi0ation3!rained nurses association of India8! AI91 Student urse Association1 Internation council of urses8I$L9 Indian ursing $ouncil 8I $9 State ursing councils1 $ommon,ealth urses "ederation8$ "9
urses league of $hristian Medical Association Related organi0ations and their contribution to nursing
5orld health organi0ation 85%O9 Red cross1 st2 johnHs ambulance1 L I$'"1 5orld ban) etc2
G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of the course the students ,ill be able to3 &escribe the meaning and principle of administration2 Apply the principle of administration in practice of nursing in various health care settings2 Plan the nursing service in the ,ard and community health settings2 &escribe the importance of good administration in the day to day nursing service in varied health care settings2 Cour $ Cont$nt UnitAI Introduction % % Meaning and philosophy of administration and management and their significance2 'lements and principles of administration2
Unit F III Or(&niG&tion, Comm&nd3 CoAordin&tion &nd Contro%3 D$%$(&tion3 St&))in( &nd Bud($tin( % % % &efinition1 aims principles and techniques2 Preparation of organi0ational chart of a hospital ,ard primary health center1 sub center2 Policies of the hospital and of the various departments of the hospital2
Unit F I" Admini tr&tion o) & 'o 7it&% unit &nd =&rd %
Administration of ,ard>unit>health center1 physical layout1 safety measures1 prevention of accident and infections1 legal responsibilities of a nurse2
Personal Management % % % Eob description1 job specification1 Eob analysis1 and job satisfaction2 Staff development and staff ,elfare2 Feadership styles1 &emocratic leadership2 Management of 'quipment and supplies % % % % % Maintenance of supplies and equipment2 %andling over and ta)ing over of inventory2 Indent and ordering of supplies and equipment2 Problem solving3 Process and approach1 steps and methods of dealing ,ith complaints of patients and other health team members2 Record and reports3 meaning1 type of records and reports maintained in the ,ard1 importance and use of records and reports2 Records and reports maintained in Primary %ealth $enter and Sub($enter2
Pr&ctic&% Wor:
Student ,ill ,or) in ,ard > health center ,ith 5ard Sister > Public %ealth urse assisting her in carrying out her duties1 to get e6perience in maintain ,ard inventory supplies1 preparation of duty roster and solving problems2 Students ,ill also get e6perience of ,or)ing in the hostel )itchen1 clinics and in camps organi0ed by the hospital2
Grou7 ProB$ct
Project are to be underta)en by individual or group of student in related fields on a selected topic or problem and solving the problem by using problem solving technique and submitting a ,ritten report of the same to the concerned teacher in the selected clinical area2 !his e6perience may be planned as part of the e6perience in various clinical areas and proper e6perience record should be maintained2
H$&%t' Economic
Hr - /? Cour $ D$ cri7tion
!his course ,ill help student to understand the basic concept of economics1 health economics1 the relationship bet,een health and economic development1 demand and supply1 concept of cost and financing system of health care services in India2 !his ,ill enable them to appreciate financial aspects of health care services2
G$n$r&% O8B$cti@$ Lpon completion of this course1 the students ,ill be able t3 '6plain the meaning of economics and health economics2 Analyse the relationship bet,een health and economic development2 '6plain the concept of demand and supply2 &escribe the structure of health care industry and characteristics of mar)et for health care services2 Analyse the concept of cost in health care2 &iscuss financing system of health care services in India2 Cour $ Cont$nt Unit F I Introduction to Economic % &efinition and meaning1 dimensions of economics1 positive and normative economics2
Unit F II Introduction to H$&%t' Economic % % % % % $oncept of %ealth 'conomics2 "ocus of health economics2 Areas of health economics2 !he economics of health and health care service %ealth and economic development2 $auses of health problems in India2
Unit F III Co t o) H$&%t' C&r$ % % $oncept of cost1 types of costs2 Opportunity cost1 total fi6ed and variable cost1 average marginal and sun) costs1 cost benefit1 cost effectiveness2
Unit F I" D$m&nd &nd Su77%* in H$&%t' C&r$ % % % % $oncept of demand1 need1 supply input1 output1 production function1 industry and mar)et2 Structure of health care industry2 $haracteristics of health care services mar)et2 &emand side and supply side2
Unit F " Fin&ncin( o) H$&%t' C&r$ in Indi& % % % % "inancing system and allocation2 Sources of financing of health care services2 %ealth plans and outlays1 the relative role of state and central government on financing of health care services2 "actors influencing the stateHs ability to finance health care services2