Laptop Procter
Laptop Procter
Laptop Procter
D. MOHAN KUMAR age through a water-activated tilt fectively shorts the contacts, so the out-
switch only when the probes in the put of IC1 remains low. The alarm gen-
rotect your valuable laptop tilt switch make contact with water. erator remains silent in the standby
against theft using this minia- When the tilt switch is kept in the hori- mode as trigger pin 5 of IC2 is low.
ture alarm generator. Fixed in- zontal position, the inverting input of When someone tries to take the
side the laptop case, it will sound a IC1 gets a higher voltage than its non- laptop case, the unit takes the vertical
loud alarm when someone tries to take inverting input and the output remains position and the tilt switch breaks the
the laptop. This highly sensitive cir- low. electrical contact between the probes.
cuit uses a homemade tilt switch to IC CD4538 (IC2) is used as a Immediately the output of IC1 be-
activate the alarm through tilting of monostable with timing elements R5 comes high and monostable IC2 is trig-
the laptop case. and C1. With the shown values, the gered. The low output from IC2 trig-
The circuit uses readily available output of IC2 remains low for a pe- gers the pnp transistor (T1) and the
components and can be assembled on riod of three minutes. CD4538 is a pre- buzzer starts beeping.
a small piece of Vero board or a gen- cision monostable multivibrator free Assemble the circuit as compactly
eral-purpose PCB. It is powered by a from false triggering and is more reli- as possible so as to make the unit
12V miniature battery used in remote able than the popular timer IC 555. Its matchbox size. Make the tilt switch us-
control devices. output becomes high when power is ing a small (2.5cm long and 1cm wide)
IC TLO71 (IC1) is used as a volt- switched on and it becomes low when plastic bottle with two stainless pins
age comparator with a potential di- the trigger input (pin 5) gets a low-to- as contacts. Fill two-third of the bottle
vider comprising R2 and R3 provid- high transition pulse. with water such that the contacts never
ing half supply voltage at the non-in- The unit is fixed inside the laptop make electrical path when the tilt
verting input (pin 3) of IC1. The in- case in horizontal position. In this po- switch is in vertical position. Make the
verting input receives a higher volt- sition, water inside the tilt switch ef- bottle leakproof with adhesive or wax.
Fix the tilt switch
inside the enclo-
sure of the circuit
in horizontal posi-
tion. Fit the unit in-
side the laptop
case in horizontal
position using ad-
Use a minia-
ture buzzer and a
micro switch (S1)
to make the gadget
compact. Keep the
laptop case in hori-
zontal position and
switch on the unit.
Your laptop is now