Mortgage Deed: Amount) Which The Mortgagee Has Agreed On The Mortgagor Mortgaging His Property

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This Deed of Mortgage made at ................. (Give place) this .................... (Give date) Day of ...................... (Give month) 200... between X, son of.............................. resident of.......................(Give details) hereinafter called as a mortgagor of the ON !"#T and $, son of........................ resident of ..................... ( Give details) hereinafter called as a mortgagee of the OT% # !"#T. &% # "' the mortgagor is absol(tely sei)ed and *ossessed of the ho(se bearing no .................. sit(ated at.................... (Give address) more *artic(larly described in the sched(le here(nder written "ND &% # "' the mortgagor has re+(ested the mortgagee to lend him a s(m of #s............... ( Give amount) which the mortgagee has agreed on the mortgagor mortgaging his *ro*erty. NO& T%,' D D &,TN '' T% T%"T in *(rs(ance to the said agreement and in consideration of the s(m of #s.............. (Give amount) at or before the e-ec(tion of these *resents *aid by the mortgagee to the mortgagor (the recei*t whereof, the mortgagor hereby admits and ac.nowledges), the mortgagor hereby co/enants with the mortgagee that he will *ay on the................... ( Give date) Day of.........................(Give month) (hereinafter called 0the said date0), the said s(m of #s....................(Give amount) with interest 1.......... 2 per annum from the date of these presents till the repayment of the said sum in full every quarter. The first installment of interest to be *aid on the..................... day of.............200........... and each s(bse+(ent installment on the............... day of 3(ly, October, 3an(ary and "*ril of each s(cceeding year (ntil the said s(m is re*aid in f(ll. (clarify payment terms) "ND T%,' D D 45#T% # &,TN '' T% T%"T

,n consideration aforesaid, the mortgagor hereby transfers by way of mortgage his ho(se bearing no ................. (Give no.) sit(ated at ................ (Give address) as a sec(rity for re*ayment of the said s(m with interest 1................... !er ann(m with the condition that the mortgagor, his heirs, e-ec(tors, administrators or assigns shall on the said date *ay to the mortgagee, his heirs, e-ec(tors, administrators or assigns the said s(m of #s 678 together with interest thereon at the rate mentioned abo/e. "ND ,T ,' % # 9$ ":# D "ND D ;<"# D that if the mortgagor does not *ay the said mortgage amo(nt with interest the mortgagee shall be entitled to sell the said ho(se thro(gh any com*etent co(rt and to realise and recei/e the said mortgage amo(nt and interest, o(t of the sale *roceeds of the ho(se. "ND ,T ,' 45#T% # ":# D "ND D ;<"# D by the mortgagor that d(ring the *eriod, the mortgage amo(nt is not *aid and the said ho(se remains as a sec(rity for the mortgage amo(nt, the mortgagor shall ins(re the said ho(se and ta.e o(t an ins(rance *olicy in the =oint names of the mortgagor and mortgagee and contin(e the said *olicy in f(ll force and effect by *aying *remi(m and in case of defa(lt by the mortgagor to ins(re or to .ee* the ins(rance *olicy in f(ll force and effect, the mortgagee can ins(re the said ho(se and the *remi(m *aid by the mortgagee will be added to the mortgage amo(nt, if not *aid by the mortgagor on demand. "ND ,T ,' 45#T% # ":# D T%"T the mortgagor can grant lease of the said ho(se with the consent of the mortgagee in writing. "ND T% MO#T:":O# 45#T% # ":# ' that he shall bear stam* d(ty, registration charges and

other o(t of * e-*enses for the e-ec(tion and registration of this deed and recon/eyance deed. ,N &,TN '' &% # O4 the *arties ha/e signed this deed The 'ched(le abo/e referred to WIT E!!E!" #. !i$ned %y & the 'ithin named mort$a$or (. !i$ned %y ) the 'ithin named mort$a$ee


!pecial *o'er of Attorney !*E+IA, *OWER O- ATTOR E) .) A *ER!O GOI G A.ROAD TO A/T0ORI!E GRA T ,EA!E O- A 0O/!E .) T0I! *OWER O- ATTOR E) e-ec(ted at.................... (Give name of place where executed ) on this.......................... (Give date) day of................... (Give month) 200... (:i/e year) ,, ...................................... (Give name) aged................. (Give age) years, son of 'hri> .....................................(Give name)) and abo(t to lea/e ,ndia on................... (Give date) do hereby nominate, constit(te and a**oint, 'hri...(Give name) son of 'hri ............... resident of................................. (Give details) *resently residing at.................................... (Give addess) "s my attorney for me, in my name and on my behalf to do or e-ec(te all or any of the following acts or things in connection with the <ease of my ho(se sit(ated at...................................... ( Give address) ?. To let lease or gi/e on lease the whole or any *art or *arts of the said ho(se on s(ch terms and conditions as the said attorney in his absol(te discretion thin.s fit, acce*t s(rrender of *ossession from s(ch tenant lessee or licensee or other occ(*ier and to ta.e *ossession and recei/e rents, *rofits and income from he said ho(se in whole or in *art. 2. To e-ec(te and deli/er on my behalf tenancy, agreement, lease deed, licence agreement as may be necessary for letting, leasing or licensing the whole or any *art *arts of the said ho(se. @. To re*air from time to time, whitewash, colo(r wash and do other acts and things to .ee* the said ho(se in good re*air and condition. To *ay, settle, ad=(st and ded(ct and allow all acco(nts, claims and demands or rent, assessment and re*airs and other o(tgoing in res*ect of the said ho(se. To collect and recei/e from the licences, tenants and occ(*iers of the said ho(se all licence fees, rent and other s(ch of money that may be d(e and to ta.e all lawf(l *roceedings for reco/ery of he said s(ms.



"nd , hereby agree to ratify and confirm all and whatsoe/er attorney shall do ca(se to be done by

/irt(e of these *resents. WIT E!! ?. 2. 'igned by the within named


T0I! AGREEME T to sell made at...... (Give place) on this ..... ...........(Give date) day of ........ (Give month) 200C 9etween ", son of ......... resident of.......... ( Give details) hereinafter called the /endor of the ON !"#T and 9, son of ....... resident of ......... ( Give details) hereinafter called the *(rchaser of the OT% # !"#T. &% # "' the /endor is absol(tely sei)ed and *ossessed of the ho(se more f(lly described in the 'ched(le here(nderD &% # "' the /endor has agreed to sell his ho(se to the *(rchaser on the terms and conditions hereafter set>forth. OW T0I! AGREEME T WIT E!!ET0 A! -O,,OW! ?. The /endor will sell and the *(rchaser will *(rchase the ho(se bearing no,........ sit(ated at.........., (Give details) more *artic(larly described in the 'ched(le here(nder for a *rice of #s .......... (Give the price) free from all enc(mbrances. 2. The *(rchaser has *aid a s(m of #'........... (Give details) as earnest money on......... (Give date) (the recei*t of which s(m, the /endor hereby ac.nowledges) and the balance amo(nt of consideration will be *aid at the time of e-ec(tion of con/eyance deed. @. The sale shall be com*leted within a *eriod of........ (specify period) months from this date and it is hereby agreed that time is the essence of the contract. The /endor shall s(bmit the title deeds of the ho(se to the *(rchaser within one wee. from the date of this agreement for in/estigation of title and shall re*ort the same to the /endor. ,f the *(rchaser finds that the /endorEs title is not clear, the /endor shall ref(nd the earnest money, witho(t interest to the *(rchaser within ........ ( specify period) days from the date of intimation abo(t the re*ort by the *(rchasers. ,f the /endor does not ref(nd the earnest money within ........ (specify period) days from the date of intimation abo(t the re*ort, the /endor will be liable to *ay interest 1 ........... (Give interest rate) *.m. (*to the date of re*ayment of earnest money. The /endor declares that the sale of the ho(se will be witho(t enc(mbrances. The /endor will hand o/er the /acant *ossession of the ho(se on the e-ec(tion and registration of sale deed. ,f the *(rchaser commits breach of the agreement, the /endor shall be entitled to forfeit the earnest money *aid by the *(rchaser to the /endor and the /endor will be at liberty to resell the *ro*erty to any *erson.



F. G.



,f the /endor commits breach of the agreement, he shall be liable to ref(nd earnest money, recei/ed by him and a s(m of #s ......... (Give details) by way of li+(idated damages.

?0. The /endor shall e-ec(te the sale deed in fa/or of the *(rchaser or his nominee as the *(rchaser may re+(ire, on recei*t of the balance consideration. ??. The /endor shall at his own cost obtain clearance certificate (nder section 2@0", ,ncome ta"ct, ?IF? and other *ermissions re+(ired for the com*letion of the sale. ?2. The e-*enses for *re*aration of the con/eyance deed, cost of stam*, registration charges and all other o(t of * e-*enses shall be borne by the *(rchaser. !chedule a%ove referred to (Give details of the house referred to in the agreement ) I WIT E!! W0ERE O- the *arties ha/e set their hands to this "greement on the day and year first hereinabo/e written. WIT E!!E! ?. 2. 'igned by " C the within named /endor 'igned by 9 C the within named*(rchas


*ART ER!0I* DEED T%,' D D O4 !artnershi* made this.........(Give date) day of .......(Give month) 200..(Give year)between ", resident of .....(Give address) of the ON !"#T, and 9, resident of ......(Give address) of the ' ;OND !"#T and ;, resident of C (Give address) Of the T%,#D !"#T. NO& T%,' D D &,TN '' T%

That it is hereby m(t(ally agreed that the said ", 9, and ; shall become *artners in the trade or b(siness of C(Give the nature of business) (*on the following terms and conditionsD ?. The *artnershi* shall commence on the C(Give date) day ofC (Give month) 200C. (Give year) in the name of C (Give the name of the firm) and shall contin(e for a *eriod of C years, (ntil determined in the manner and (*on the conditions as hereinafter *ro/ided. 2. The *artnershi* b(siness shall be that of C ( Give details of the business) and s(ch other b(siness or b(siness as the *artners may from time to time (nanimo(sly agree (*on. @. The ca*ital of the *artnershi* shall be the s(m of #' C (Give the capital) and shall be contrib(ted by the *artners in e+(al shares and shall belong to the *artners in s(ch e+(al shares. The *rofits and losses of the b(siness (incl(ding loss of ca*ital) shall be di/ided and borne by


the *artners in e+(al shares. B. That each *artner shall be whole time *artner and they shall be *aid #sC. ( Specify amount) as salary for ser/ices rendered to the *artnershi* b(siness. The firm shall maintain all necessary and *ro*er boo.s of acco(nt at its office and entries of all recei*ts, *ayments and other matters as are (s(ally done and entered in acco(nt boo.s, shall be made in the boo.s of acco(nt. The ban.ers of the *artnershi* shall be C branch C and s(ch other ban. or ban.s as the *artners may from time to time (nanimo(sly agree (*on. ( Give the name of the bank and its branch ) Neither *artner shall directly or indirectly engage in any other b(siness. Neither *artner shall witho(t the consent of the other *artner> i. ii. "ssign, mortgage or charge his share in the assets or *rofits of the firm. Draw, acce*t or indorse any bill of e-change or *romissory note on acco(nt of the firm. nter into any bond or become s(rety for any *erson or *ersons or .nowingly ca(se or s(ffer to be done anything whereby the *artnershi* *ro*erty may be endangered.


G. H.



,f either *artner commits any act of ban.r(*tcy or any criminal offence or any breach of any of the *ro/isions of this deed any act which wo(ld be a gro(nd for the dissol(tion of the firm by the co(rt or any *artner becomes *hysically or mentally (nfit to attend the b(siness, then in any s(ch case, the other *artner may within one month after becoming aware thereof, determine the *artnershi* by notice in writing and in s(ch case he or any other *artner shall ha/e the o*tion of *(rchasing the share of the *artner committing breach or defa(lt, in the ca*ital and assets of the b(siness.

?0. "ll dis*(tes between the *artners or the *artners and the re*resentati/es of a deceased *artner in relation to any matter whatsoe/er to(ching the *artnershi* affairs or the constr(ction or inter*retation of this agreement, and whether before of after the determination of the *artnershi* shall be referred to a single arbitrator to be a**ointed by C and the decision of s(ch arbitrator shall be final and binding. ( Give name of the person or authority who will appoint the arbitrator ) ,N &,TN '' &% # O4 the *arties hereto ha/e here(nto set their hands the day and year first hereinabo/e written. WIT E!!E! ?. 'igned and deli/ered by the abo/e named " 2. 'igned and deli/ered by the abo/e named 9 E1ecution

'igned and deli/ered by the abo/e name

,EA!E DEED O- A ./I,DI G -OR O--I+E This of <ease Deed is made at C(Give place) on thisC. (Give date) day of C (Give day) 200. (Give year) between 'hriC, son of C ( Give names) resident of C (Give address) (%ereinafter called 0the <essor0, which e-*ression shall, (nless re*(gnant to the conte-t and meaning incl(de his heirs, s(ccessors, administrators and assigns) of the ON !"#T and 'hriC, son of C, resident of C( Give details) (%ereinafter called 0the <essee0, which e-*ression shall, (nless be re*(gnant to the conte-t and meaning, incl(de his heirs, s(ccessors, administrators and assigns) of the OT% # !"#T. W0EREA! ?. The <essor is in com*lete *ossession of the b(ilding bearing M(nici*al NoC ( Give no.) 'it(ated at C (Give address) and more *artic(larly described in the sched(le , gi/en below. 2. On the re+(est of the <essee, the <essor has agreed to grant lease in res*ect of the demised *remises for a term of C (Give no.) years in the manner hereinafter stated. OW T0I! DEED WIT E!!ET0 A! -O,,OW!" ?. ,n *(rs(ance of the said agreement and in consideration of the rent hereby reser/ed and of the co/enants, conditions and sti*(lations hereinafter contained and of the <esseeEs *art to be *aid, obser/ed and *erformed, T0E ,E!!OR 0ERE.) DEMI!E! / TO T0E ,E!!EE A,, T0AT the b(ilding bearing M(nici*al noC sit(ated atCC. and hereinafter called as the demised *remises, TO: T% # &,T% "<< the fi-t(res and fittings therein, a com*lete list whereof is gi/en in 'ched(le ,,, hereto TO: T% # &,T% the electrical installations and together with the right for the <essee, its em*loyees, ser/ants, agents, c(stomers and *ersons a(thorised by the <essee in common with the <essor and all the *ersons a(thorised by the <essor to (se the entrances, door ways, entrance hall, stair cases, landings and *assages in the demised *remises for the *(r*ose of ingress thereto. i. The <essee shall occ(*y the demised *remises for the *eriod of C ( Give no.) years only commencing from theC (Give date of commencement) and determining on C (Give date). The <essee shall *ay to the <essor d(ring the said term monthly rent of #s. C ( Give sum) *ayable by se/enth of each s(cceeding calendar month to which it relates. The <essee has *aid to the <essor a s(m of #sC( Give sum) as sec(rity de*osit and a s(m of #sC (Give sum) as ad/ance rent, the recei*t of which the <essor ac.nowledges. The sec(rity de*osit shall be ret(rned on determination of the lease after ded(ction for damages if any to the *ro*erty e-ce*t reasonable wear and tear e-*ected and the ad/ance rent *aid shall be ad=(sted C ( specify the time in which the advance will be adjusted).





The <essee hereby co/enants with the <essor as followsD i. ii. To *ay the rent as aforesaid on the days and in the manner aforesaid. To *ay the electricity bills for the electricity cons(med for lighting the demised *remises and for o*eration of "ir ;onditioners, 4ans, ;om*(ters and electrical a**liances in the demised *remises.


Not to ma.e any str(ct(ral alterations into or (*on the demised *remises or ma.e any alterations or addition to the e-ternal a**earance or any *art of the demised *remises witho(t the *re/io(s consent of the <essor in writing. To (se the demised *remises for office *(r*oses of the <essee. Not to *lace or .ee* or *ermit to be *laced or .e*t on the demised *remises any offensi/e, dangero(s or highly inflammable or e-*losi/e material or any other article or things, which may constit(te a danger, n(isance or annoyance to the demised or s(rro(nding *remises or the owners or occ(*iers thereof. Not to s(b>let, transfer, assign or *art with the *ossession of the demised *remises or any *art thereof. To *ermit the <essor, his ser/ants, em*loyees or agents d(ly a(thorised by him to enter into and (*on the demised *remises at all reasonable times for /iewing the condition of the demised *remises or doing s(ch wor.s or things as may be re+(isite or necessary for any re*airs, alteration, ser/icing or im*ro/ements to the demised *remises. To hand o/er the *eacef(l *ossession of the demised *remises at the end or the sooner determination of the said term together with all the <essorEs fi-t(res and fittings in as good condition as recei/ed Not to obstr(ct or s(ffer to be obstr(cted the entrance hall, entrances, doorways, *assages, staircase or lifts. To ins(re and .ee* the demised *remises ins(red against loss or damages by fire with an ins(rance com*any a**ro/ed in writing by the <essor for an amo(nt which shall be not less than #s. C(Give sum) (nless otherwise agreed to in writing between the *arties. To carry minor re*airs in the demised *remises not e-ceeding the e-tent of #s C( Give sum) *er year. To re*lace all bro.en fittings and fi-t(res by e+(ally good or better s(bstit(tes.

i/. /.







-ii. @.

The <essor hereby agrees with the <essee as followsD i. That the <essee shall *eaceably and +(ietly hold, *ossess and en=oy the demised *remises d(ring the term witho(t any interr(*tion, dist(rbance, claim and demand by the <essor or any *erson lawf(lly claiming (nder or tr(st for the <essor. To .ee* the interior, e-terior of the demised *remises, the drainage thereof and the water *(m* in good and tenable re*air and condition. To .ee* the entrance, door ways, entrance halls, staircases, lobbies and *assages in the said b(ilding leading to demised *remises well and s(fficiently cleaned and lighted at his own e-*enses. To *ay rates, ta-es, assessment, d(ties, cess, im*ositions, o(tgoings and b(rdens whatsoe/er *ayable to local or other a(thority which may at any time or from time to time d(ring the term hereby created be im*osed or charged (*on the demised *remises.





,t is hereby agreed that if the rent or any *art thereof *ayable in res*ect of the demised *remises shall be in arrears for a *eriod of two months or if the <essee shall omit to *erform or obser/e any co/enants or conditions on the <esseeEs *art herein contained, the <essor may re>enter (*on the demised *remises after ser/ing a notice to the <essee. ,f within a *eriod of one month after the iss(e of s(ch notice, the <essee does not *ay the rent or does not *erform or obser/e the co/enant or condition and there(*on all rights of the <essee here(nder shall determine. T0E *ARTIE! A! -O,,OW!"


2. IT I! 0ERE.) E&*RE!!,) AGREED .ETWEE i.

The <essee shall be entitled to erect tem*orary fittings, fi-t(res, wooden *artitions, cabins or ma.e any s(ch addition or alteration, as may be necessary for its (se by the <esseeJ *ro/ided that the <essee shall remo/e the said fittings, fi-t(res, wooden *artitions, cabins, additions or alterations and restore the demised *remises to the <essor on the e-*iry of the term or sooner determination of the lease in the same condition as e-isted before s(ch changes. ,f the <essor fails to *ay the ta-es, charges, assessment *ayable by him, or fails to carry o(t the necessary re*airs and other wor. which he has to carry o(t as *ro/ided herein, the <essee may after one month notice in writing, *ay, discharge and carry o(t the same at its own cost and the <essee may set off the same from the rent *ayable to the <essor (nder these *resents.



The stam* d(ty and all other e-*enses shall be borne and *aid by the <essee. The 'ched(le , abo/e referred to The 'ched(le ,, abo/e referred to

WIT E!!E! ?. 'igned by the abo/e named <essor. 2. 'igned by the abo/e named <ess

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