Socialmediastrategy Final

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Social Media Strategy Drew Cooper & Anding Whistleblower

Overview Social Media Approach Guide LinkedIn Strategy Twitter Strategy Facebook Strategy Blogging Strategy Content Focu !ey Me aging

Social Media Approach


"#$ %e ign & Marketing' ocial (edia )SM* road(ap i a two+pronged approach, Audit and Strategy- .e alway begin by li tening/ ob erving and evaluating- Thi enable u to de ign the be t SM trategy to (eet your de ired outco(e - SM i a very 0luid and 0le1ible pace with (any opportunitie to (odi0y/ evaluate/ (ea ure/ grow or i(prove- Ob ervation and change (u t occur regularly in order to continually i(prove contentThi report contain the audit/ bench(arking ob ervation and reco((endation 0or %rew Cooper & Anding .hi tleblower practice )%CA.*- 2evi iting thi audit at regular interval will be key to the ucce o0 the organi3ation' co((unication trategyThe core principle o0 the "#$ SM trategy are content and engage(ent- .e 0ind that our client get the be t re ult 0ro( haring valuable SM content and li tening to re pon e 0ro( cu to(er - .hen it co(e down to it/ Twitter/ Facebook/ 4ouTube/ Four 5uare/ etc- are all channel 0or li tening/ learning and engaging with an audience++it' what we help our client do- .ithin each channel we u e tool and techni5ue to build a co((unity around a brand- .e do not ell/ preach or (arket in general- In tead/ we help our client create a relation hip with a con u(er- .e do o by providing a (i1 o0 content that i not all about the client/ but provide opportunitie 0or involve(ent/ celebration o0 achieve(ent/ re ource 0or e(power(ent and i(ple way to beco(e in0or(ed-

DCAW social media audit is included on the Excel spread sheet and includes notes and observations of the current social media platforms. 1. Field Definitions )a hown on pread heet*, The 0ollowing de0inition are a pringboard 0or a greater conver ation Brand Guidelines, Thi i how "#$ en ure that the brand i repre ented a intended through (arketing ae thetic and (e aging 6 including detailed u age in truction on 0ont/ tyle/ color/ language/ place(ent/ po itioning/ etcEngagement (1 1!"# 7ow doe your brand and the people behind your brand interact with the co((unity via ocial (edia8 9- Strictly in0or(ing )9+$* :- In piring action );+<* #- =ngaging and creating brand a(ba ador )<+9>* A big part o0 ocial (edia i e(powering your brand a(ba ador to do your (arketing 0or you- The dialogue you hare a the owner o0 the brand )the ?per onality@* i i(portant in achieving a bond with your audience (e(ber - =veryone i a potential con u(er o0 your (e age$trateg%&'urpose as observed# .hat "#$ deduce your trategyApurpo e to be by ob erving only the characteri tic o0 your pre ence on SM at 0ir t glance- ).hat a tranger ee -* $trateg%&'urpose as recommended# 2eco((endation 0ro( "#$- 7ow "#$ would like to con truct your trategyApurpo e to ?look@ like on SM plat0or( now and in the 0uture'ost (re)uenc% as observed# .hen do you po t8 I there a pattern8 A rea on8 Method to the (adne 8 I it planned or deliberate8 I there purpo e or trategy to your po t 8 %o the type o0 po t vary8 2

'ost (re)uenc% as recommended# 2eco((endation 0ro( "#$- 7ow "#$ would like to con truct your trategyApurpo e to ?look@ like on SM plat0or( now and in the 0utureContent $hared as observed# .hat do you hare8 .hy8 Content $hared as recommended, .hat you would like to con ider haring'art% *esponsible, "#$ %e ign & Marketing & %CA. 6 a hared approach +easurement# 7ow will you know thi i ucce 0ul8 7ow can we (ea ure thi trategy ba ed on obBective et by you and "#$8 I0 it i n't ucce 0ul/ how can we tweak to provide deliverable to you8 Thi i a con tant and revolving (echani ( to upport ca(paign advance(ent-

LinkedIn Strategy
LinkedIn o00er the opportunity to be an e1pert in a 0ield and gain attention a you connect to other / alway ai(ing to drive tra00ic back to the blog ite- 7ere you can al o o00er advice through LinkedIn An wer to earn credibility in your 0ield and beco(e a leader in topic area One o0 the key to LinkedIn i re(aining vi ible and active- .e will help you utili3e LinkedIn a a 0a t+(oving in0or(ation trea(- 4ou probably con u(e a lot o0 content throughout the day/ o we will help you hare what you're reading with your connection - To highlight your e1perti e or kill / we will tick to haring in0or(ation that align with a particular indu try or ubBect (atter and take ti(e to write a couple o0 entence that detail your thought on the piece when you po t.hen we po t content to your LinkedIn pro0ile/ we will al o elect the appropriate group to hare the link with/ which i a great way to cro +po t to everal di00erent area at once and gain e1po ureGoal, Build a network o0 pro0e ional re0erral ource Objective, To e tabli h ;> re0erral ource connection by May 9/ :>9$Strategy, To network with other law colleague by haring knowledge and ervice o00ering o0 %CA.Tactics: ,actic 1, C e application 0eature to drive LinkedIn connection to .hi tleblower MI blog powered by .ordpre ,actic -, 7ighlight target whi tleblower indu trie =1, healthcare/ phar(aceutical / govern(ent/ etc,actic ., Set+up i(ple poll to 0ind out what your colleague / advocate and critic are thinking on topic area ,actic /# 2e earch and Boin group to help develop practice- 4ou can Boin up to ;> group 0ree+o0+charge- Take advantage o0 all ;>-

Twitter Strategy

The (o t i(portant 0eature o0 Twitter i it i((ediacy/ (aking it an opportunity to capitali3e on current event by tapping into the di cu ion on the(Twitter 7andle, D.hi tleblowerMI Goal: To develop a 0ollowing o0 individual intere ted in learning about whi tleblowing/ particularly tho e working in indu trie with a higher ri k o0 0ederal 0raud )health care/ govern(ent/ etc-* Objective: To gain 9>>+9;> 0ollower by May 9/ :>9$Strategy: $trateg% 1, To hare knowledge and ervice o00ering o0 %CA. and relevant localAnational new article $trateg% -, To increa e overall awarene o0 whi tleblowing-

Tactics: ,actic 1, To eek opportunitie to participate in relevant Twitter conver ation =1* Earticipate in conver ation highlighting =dward Snowden' FSA 0ile leak,actic -, To re earch/ connect/ and network with law 0ir( / individual / and organi3ation Galway taying (ind0ul o0 your target audience =1* Sending a direct (e age a0ter receiving a new 0ollow to acknowledge their activity and appreciate their intere t in your cau e,actic ., To hare content that po ition %CA. a a thought leader in the legal co((unity and identi0y opportunitie 0or live tweeting=1* .ill you be attending a con0erence or peaking on a radio (orning how8 O00er to live tweet key conver ational point 0or tho e who cannot attend or li ten in ) ee Tweet Sheet below 0or guideline * ,actic /, To (i1 in ti(ely po t and per onal interaction with 0ollower / identi0ying opportunitie to retweet relevant in0or(ation,actic 0, To hare a balanced (i1 o0 breakingAnational new torie / call+to+action / 0act and 0igure / 5ue tion / link to intere ting article / web ite / page / and (ore to keep people intere ted,actic 1, To (onitor conver ation o0 target audience and generate content that (atche their need ,actic 2, To pro(ote D.hi tleblowerMI Twitter handle acro Facebook and per onal bu ine card =1* Add direct pro0ile link to e(ail ignature1. Content o!us" Internal Few o Blog po t Aother original content o Congratulation Aca e won o Co((unity outreach o Ehoto o Award 4 varying plat0or( including/ but not li(ited to/

Article related to whi tleblowing

#. I$ple$entation" "#$ will provide the 0ollowing peci0ic i(ple(entation, Scheduling 9+: tweet to publi h each day/ we encourage %CA. to contribute additional tweet each day Manage(ent o0 pro0ile )including update to in0or(ation/ re pon e to di cu ion/ curating o0 (ulti(edia content/ etc-* Eubli hing o0 other content a needed during ti(e o0 high activity

Tool it Training: !ive T"eeting Tweet Sheet

Live tweeting erve everal purpo e / including, de(on trating that %CA. i engaged and ready to interact with 0ollower H reporting on i ue or happening in MichiganH po itioning D.hi tleblowerMI a a topic e1pertH and connecting other Twitter u er who (ay be intere ted in or attending the a(e event Tip 0or Live Tweeting, Live tweeting hould be ti(ely and relevant Tweet hould be po ted about peci0ic tate(ent (ade or tati tic given during an event- Becau e it i / at ti(e / di00icult to 5uote people directly/ it i acceptable to work o00 o0 note or other (aterial provided during a pre entation or (eeting It i appropriate to tag/ or ?D(ention/@ other Twitter u er who are peaking at the event and on Twitter- )Thi i encouraged whenever po ible/ a it' viewed a a 0or( o0 ocial (edia 0lattery and i nor(ally returned or help garner additional 0ollower -* The 0re5uency o0 live tweeting i deter(ined by the per on tweeting- 7owever/ a general rule i to tweet every 9> + 9; (inute or 0our to i1 ti(e an hour A with the planned Twitter po t / ha htag )I* hould be u ed a o0ten a po ible- 7a htag are u ed to track how o0ten a topic i being di cu ed and to link group or individual through a co((on intere t or ubBect (atterFor e#a$ple: %&histle'on()1*

a!ebook Strategy
.ith the broade t reach o0 any o0 the ocial networking plat0or( / thi pre ence will be an all+purpo e way to connect with the co((unity/ (edia and pro pective client and to pro(ote the %rew Cooper & Anding .hi tleblower practice to the world- Thi will be a place to po t general new about .hi tleblower ca e / internal co(pany new and co((unity outreach e00ort - The (o t i(portant 0eature to u e when (aking Facebook update i tagging people in po t and photo - Thi i a (aBor advantage o0 Facebook over TwitterC2L, 0acebook-co(A.hi tleblowerMI Goals" To e tabli h a pre ence 0or %CA. and increa e the nu(ber o0 like by u er who are intere ted in whi tleblowing in0or(ation and ervice o00ered by %CA.Objective: To gain :>>+:;> ?like @ by May 9/ :>9$-

$trateg% 1, To pro(ote knowledge and hare ervice o00ering o0 %CA. a well a relevant localAnational 5

new article $trateg% -, To increa e overall awarene o0 whi tleblowing-

$trateg% ., To educate pro0e ional working in indu trie highly u ceptible to 0al e clai( 0raud1. Content o!us" Internal Few o Blog po t Aother original content o Congratulation Aca e won o Co((unity outreach o Ehoto o Award Article related to whi tleblowing #. I$ple$entation" "#$ will provide the 0ollowing peci0ic i(ple(entation, Scheduling 9+: ite( to publi h each day Manage(ent o0 pro0ile )including update to in0or(ation/ re pon e to di cu ion/ curating o0 (ulti(edia content/ etc-* Eubli hing o0 other content a needed during ti(e o0 high activity +. F, Tactical S-ggestions: "#$ will create Facebook page 0or whi tleblower practice o0 %CA- Below are ugge tion to enhance and per onali3e pro0ile page 0or (a1i(u( engage(ent About, Li t and link all plat0or( H ?About C @ hould be no (ore than 9+: entence =vent , .ill be utili3ed 0or potential peaking engage(ent and co((unity appearance Cu to( Tab Feeded, Blog Like , Create (all goal to increa e 0ollowingAlike H hoot 0or 9+;J growth per (onth Facebook Ad , Through ad / we are able to trategically target %CA. target audience by indu try/ age/ intere t etc- Thi will a i t in developing conver ation / creating bu33 and increa ing 0an Overall, Con i tency and 5uality- There i currently no activity on the page- .hen "#$ begin (anaging/ po ting will re0lect %CA. (i ionThe Facebook algorith( ha changed igni0icantly ince the relea e o0 $ocial +edia for $ocial Good- To (a1i(i3e your Facebook 2OI to increa e like and co((ent / we will need to upload (ore photo with link po ted in ide tatu update rather than i(ply po ting link - Ehoto get a higher =dge2ank core and better grab the attention o0 0an in an increa ingly cluttered Facebook Few Feed-

%logging Strategy
Goal: To increa e recognition o0 %CA. and drive tra00ic back to blog iteObjective: To increa e uni5ue vi it by :>J by May 9/ :>9$Strategy: $trateg% 1, Increa e recognition and tra00ic to blog ite6

$trateg% -, Eo ition %CA. a a thought leader on whi tleblowingTactics: ,actic 1, To curate original blog content 0or haring on ocial (edia plat0or( ,actic -, Eo ition %CA. a a thought leader1. .$ple$entation: (re)uenc% 6 Four po t per (onth )reco((end "*H "#$ will contribute two po t per (onth/ %CA. will be re pon ible 0or the re(aining :3e%4ord posts 6 Create po t around pre+identi0ied keyword - Blogging i a great tool 0or driving earch engine tra00ic5ptimi6e 'osts + The other e ential ele(ent o0 attracting (ore tra00ic through organic earch i opti(i3ing blog po t - Blog title hould incorporate indu try keyword that people enter in earch engine a they do re earchCase $tudies 6 Eubli hing ca e tudie i a proven way to achieve (ore tra00ic to your iteBuild ,hought 7eadership 6 C e the blog a a plat0or( to howca e the 0ir( 0or 0ederal .hi tleblowing e1perti e- InBecting knowledge o0 the indu try into blog po t will (ake a clear di tinction between %CA. and other 0ir( acro Michigan and the nation=1* Solve Eroble( - Fa(e the bigge t proble( potential .hi tleblower have- .ith that proble( in (ind/ write a detailed blog po t that provide practical olution - Solve proble( with content- For e1a(ple/ di cu how .hi tleblowing (ay re ult in a rewardEarn 'eople8s ,rust 6 According to a recent 7ubSpot urvey/ <9J o0 re pondent purcha ing deci ion aid that blog a00ect

(. 'alls/to/Action 0'TA1: A blog give the %CA. the virtual real e tate to trategically place call +to+action to generate lead - The goal i to retain blog reader and engage the( 0urther with the web ite and content- .e (ight a k the( to attend your webinar or download a 0ree .hi tleblower guide- Call +to+action introduce pro pect into the overall proce and tart 5uali0ying the( Eo t CTA in blog idebar that corre pond with the o00er or action you want the reader to take- Thi can include, o Free con ultation o .hitepaper download

Content o!us
Content will be original/ keyword+ba ed ca e tudie and gue t blogger Topics: Curated content )reco((ended ite / re ource / organi3ation */ pro0ile o0 previou ucce e and e1pert opinion / topic that are trending nationally or internationally/ and proactive and reactive tactic 0or organi3ation and individual 7

9- .hi tleblowing 9>9, The .hi tleblowing 9>9 erie will 0ocu on the i(portance o0 .hi tleblower education/ protection 0ro( di cri(ination )pay cut / threat / denial o0 bene0it / blackli ting/ etc-*/ how to 0ile an anony(ou co(plaint/ ri k a e (ent/ training/ prevention/ how to eek attorney help/ 0al e clai( / co(plaint v - whi tleblowing/ etc:- Ca e Brie0, The Ca e Brie0 erie will highlight an i(pact0ul whi tleblowing ca e and it ari ing outco(e #- Corporate v - Federal, The Corporate v - Federal erie will 0ocu on educating reader about the di00erence between the di00ering level o0 whi tleblowing- Topic will include protection/ how to 0ile a co(plaint/ reporting/ lawAlegal protection / privacy/ co(pany training/ etc$- .hi tleblowing and Fal e Clai(, Topic will 0ocu on detection and preventiono Detection, 7otline and whi tleblower (echani ( / auditing and (onitoring/ proactive 0oren ic data analy i o 'revention, 0raud/ (i conduct/ ri k a e (ent/ code o0 conduct/ ri k control / e(ployee third party due diligence/ 0al e clai( / rever e 0al e clai( / etc.ncrease 2ngage$ent Include social sharing buttons )e-g- ?Like/@ ?Share on LinkedIn/@ ?Tweet/@ etc-* on every po t- Thi will encourage reader to hare content with their per onal network and e1pand it reach beyond your own connection 9mages and 9nfographics + Include an i(age that convey what the blog po t i about- Thi i appealing to reader and help the( go through the te1t+ba ed content- A blog po t that ha o(e type o0 vi ual that' a photograph/ a graphic or o(e type o0 in0ographic typically play a little better than o(ething that i purely te1t Create e%e catching and optimi6ed titles o Be clear and direct o %rive urgency o C e nu(ber o Be controver ial o Few worthy

3ey Messaging
1. D'A& is the only &histleblo"er practice in the state. 7andle ca e within we t Michigan/ acro the tate and nationally Strive to (ake pre enting in0or(ation about 0raud ea y/ co(0ortable and private(. 2#perience Matters. Koe 2o i/ 0or(er A i tant C-S- Attorney/ lead the practice with eight year o0 .hi tleblower peciali3ation at the 0ederal level- Koe erved a Civil 7ealth Care Fraud Coordinator and A00ir(ative Civil =n0orce(ent Coordinator/ evaluating every Lui Ta( ca e 0iled in we tern Michigan 7e ha e1perience with ca e involving (edical billing 0raud/ phar(aceutical 0raud and 0raud perpetrated by %epart(ent o0 %e0en e and other Federal contractor 7e ha ucce 0ully obtained (ulti+(illion dollar Budg(ent and recoverie in everal (atter +. &e cannot e#ist "itho-t the people. .hi tleblower Michigan e1i t to educate the general populou about .hi tleblowing %CA. target pro0e ional working in at+ri k indu trie )health care/ de0en e contracting/ govern(ent* 8

%CA. o00er 0ree ca e evaluation with no pay(ent re5uired until reward i ucce 0ully obtained

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