Gayathr 1

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Gayathri – Mantra

The grand mansion of Bharatheeya thought has been raised on the

four walls of karma, janma, dharma and Brahman (action, birth,
righteous action, and Supreme Self or God). These four are
interdependent. No one can escape the consequences of one's
action, whether good or bad. No action goes in vain. Karma (action)
is the primary cause of one's birth. The jeevi is born in karma, he
grows through karma, and he ceases in karma. Karma is the cause of
happiness and misery. It has been said "The body is the basis for the
pursuit of dharma" (Shareeramaadhyam khaIu dharma saadhanam).
It is by the pursuit of dharma that Brahman is realized.

The Githa has declared that whenever dharma declines the advent of
the Avathaar (divine incarnation) occurs. This implies that the object
of human existence is to uphold dharma. As creation is a projection of
the divine will, the aim of every human being should be to live in
harmony with that will. One's life should be dedicated not for
promoting one's selfish interests or to serve the interests of other
fellow-beings but in the service of the divine. Whatever is done to
anyone, if it is done as an offering to the divine, it will reach the
divine. Man should consecrate every action by regarding it as an
offering to the divine. From the moment of issuing from the mother's
womb, one is involved in action. This natural state is common to all
and may be described as Shuudhrathwam (the state of the Shuudhra,
that is, one who is not subject to any regimen). After one receives the
Gaayathree initiation, he is born again and becomes a Dwija (the
twice-born). The Gaayathree is described as "Chhandhasaam
Maathah'--the mother of all the Vedas. One meaning of Gaayathree is
that it is a manthra (sacred formula), which protects or fosters the
"Gayaas" or jeevis (individual beings).

By observing the disciplines of the Brahmachaari (celibate) stage,

one qualifies for the study of the Vedas. When one begins to study
the Vedas he is known as "Vipra" (Braahmana). This is a third birth,
as it were. At this stage, by the study and understanding of the
Vedas and living up to their precepts, one gets the opportunity to
understand Brahman (Supreme Being). Once the Brahman principle
is understood, one merges in Brahman. It is only when there is
awareness of Brahman can one claim to be a real Brahmin. It is not
birth alone, but the realization of Brahman, which confers real
Braahmanathwa (Braahmana-hood) on a person. This is the
difference between a "Janma brahmana" and "Karma brahmana" and
it is obvious that the latter is superior any day.

The Gaayathree manthra has to be recited three times a day--in the

morning at sunrise, at noon, and at sunset. These are
called "Sandhyaa Kaalam"--the time of coming together of night and
day, of morning and evening, and of day and night. Time, like man,
has three qualities: Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas. The day is divided
into three parts. The four hours between 4 and 8 a.m. in the morning
and between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. in the evening have the Sathwa
(equanimity) quality. The eight hours between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. are
Raajasik (Passionate). The eight hours between 8 p.m. and 4 a.m.,
which are mainly used, for sleep, are Thaamasik (inaction). The
eight hours of the day (from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) are employed by all
beings, including animals and birds, in the discharge of their day-
to-day duties and are regarded as Raajasik (active pursuit).
When the four Saathwik hours of the morning (4 a.m. to 8 a.m.) are
used for engaging oneself in good actions like worship, virtuous
deeds, keeping good company, one is sure to raise, himself from the
human to the divine level. It is during the Saathwik period (from 4
a.m. to 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.) the Gaayathree manthra should
be recited. This manthra is the embodiment of all deities. It is not
related to any particular sect, caste or idol or institution. It is
said to embody nine "colours": (1) Om (2) Bhuh (3) Bhuvah (4) Suvah

(5) Thath (6) Savithur or powers (7) Varenyam (8) Bhargah (9)
Dhevasya. "Dheemahi" is related to the meditative aspect. "Dhiyo-yo-
nah prachodayaath" relates to the aspect of prayer. The manthra as a

whole thus contains three aspects of description, meditation and


Gayathri is taken to mean either a Goddess or a formula. Gayathri is

that which protects (Thra) the Gayas, or Pranas or the Indriyas,
beginning with Vaak. Besides, it is said, "Gaayantham thraayathe
yasmaad gayathri, thena thathyathe." That is to say that which saves
those who sing it, or revere it and repeat it or meditate on it is
called Gayathri. It is this sacred Manthra that transformed a
Rajarishi like Viswamithra into Brahmarishi. The Vedamaatha, the
mother that is the Veda, will confer all boons on all those who
worship Her. That Goddess is described in glorious terms in
Brahmanas and in the Dharmasuthras. Try to understand these
clearly and you can realize it, unaided.

"Om Bhur Bhuva Suvah

Tat Savithur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat"

Meaning: We meditate on that most adorable, most desirable and

most enchanting luster (effulgence) of our supreme Lord, who is our
creator, inspirer and source of eternal Joy. May this light inspire
and illumine our intellect (and dispel the darkness).
Word Meaning: Aum: The primeval sound (from which all sounds
emerge); Dheemahi: We meditate upon; Varenyam: the most
adorable, most desirable or most enchanting; Bhargo: luster or
effulgence; Tat: of that; Devasya: supreme (Lord); Savitur: from whom
all creations emerge (also means the Sun God who is our life
source); Bhur: who is our inspirer; Bhuvah: who is our creator;
Suvaha: who is the abode of supreme joy; [Bhur, Bhuvah and Suvaha
are also considered to mean three lokaas or worlds namely heaven,
earth and patala]. Yo: May this light; Prachodayaat: inspire/illumine;
Naha: our; Dhiyo: intellect (activities of the intellect).

The Gaayathri manthra has in it the validity of the Vedas. It

contains the essence of Vedic teachings. Each of the four Vedas has
a core axiom (Mahaa Vaakya) enclosed in it: Thath Thwam Asi (That
thou art), Prajnaanam Brahma (Consciousness is Brahman), Ayam
Aathma Brahma (This Self is Brahman) and Aham Brahmaasmi (I am
Brahman). When all these are synthesized, the Gaayathri emerges.
Gaayathri is all Gods in One: The triple stranded Yagnopaveetham
(Sacrificial Thread) is to be worn by every one who is initiated
into Gaayathri recital, for he has to perform the three sandhya
rites when the sun rises and sets, as well as when the sun is at the
zenith. The rites are in adoration of the Trinity---Brahma, Vishnu
and Shiva. The purpose of the rites is to invoke the Gods to bless
the novitiate to lead a good life at all times (past, present and
future), in all places (heaven, earth and nether region).
The Gaayathri divinises the five elements; it represents the presiding
deities of all the five. Gaayathri is worshipped as a Five-Faced
Goddess---Om, being the first, Bhoor-bhuvahssuvah, the second,
Thath Savithur Varenyam, the third, Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi, the
fourth, and Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayaath, the fifth face.
Through meditation on the Gaayathri, one can become aware of the
inner motivating principle of the five elements, the five vital airs
in the human body and the five sheaths, which encase the Aatma.
Just as there are three basic energies that govern man---the physical,

the metaphysical and the psychical, the Aadhi-bhowthik, the Aadhi-

daivik and the Aadhi-aathmic, Gaayathri has three facets: Gaayathri,
Saavithri and Saraswathi. Gaayathri fosters the metaphysical,
Saavithri, the physical, and Saraswathi, the psychical. These three
karanas or instruments have to be cleansed and sublimated so that
man can realize the goal of life. Through the recital of Gaayathri
manthra and meditation thereon, this great task of God realization
can be achieved.

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