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SZRZ6014 SilibusApprovedSenate2010

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No. 1. 2. 3. Course Name : Information on Course RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

Course Code: S R !"#$ Name(s) of Academic Staff: Dr Noor Hashima Abd. Aziz


Ratio a!e for the i c!usio of the course i the "ro#ramme: $his is a com"u!sor% course for a!! &asters a d is hi#h!% recomme ded for 'hD "ro#rammes.

(. ,.

Semester)*ear +ffered:

2)1 .ace to face $ ' + S$-$

$ota! Stude t -ear i # $ime (S-$) - / -ecture $ / $utoria! ' / 'ractica! + / +thers 24






Credit 4a!ue: 4

11. 're5re6uisite (if a %): N711. +b8ecti9e(s) of Course : After com"!eti # this course: stude ts shou!d be ab!e to: i. u dersta d the research "rocess a d ste"s ii. use the ; o<!ed#e ac6uired to co duct research

12. Course -ear i # +utcomes: ="o com"!etio of the course: stude ts are ab!e to i. .ormu!ate research "rob!em >C3: '2: A1? ii. 'ostu!ate the "ro"er research 6uestio s >C(: '(: A4? iii. Desi# a""ro"riate research methods to address the research 6uestio s >C(: '(: A3? i9. 're"are a research "ro"osa! >C,: ',: A4?


$ra sferab!e S;i!!s: Commu icatio : critica! thi ;i # a d "rob!em so!9i #: team<or;: i formatio ma a#eme t a d co ti uous s;i!!: "rofessio a! ethics a d !eadershi" s;i!!.


$eachi #5!ear i # a d assessme t strate#%: &i@ed method bet<ee teacher5ce tred a d stude t5ce tred. .or the assessme t strate#% it is a co ti uous assessme t.

1(. S% o"sis: $he course <i!! "ro9ide stude ts <ith the ecessar% ; o<!ed#e a d s;i!!s to de9e!o" a d carr% out a research. 7 "articu!ar: the course aims at teachi # stude ts about research desi# : strate#ies: methods: a d "rocess. $he im"orta t ste"s i "!a i # a research "ro8ect: such as "rob!em ide tificatio a d formu!atio of the research 6uestio : de9e!o"i # the stud% ob8ecti9e: re9ie<i # re!ated !iterature a d formu!ati # a mode! <i!! a!so be co9ered. Additio a!!%: methods for data co!!ectio a d a a!%sis are i c!uded. $he course a!so discusses the "re"aratio s i 9o!9ed i <riti # a research "ro"osa!.

1,. &ode of De!i9er%: -ectures: discussio s: fie!d <or;: "rese tatio s a d com"uter !ab <or;s. 12. Assessme t &ethods a d $%"es: Course<or; A 111B (Re"ort: test: 6uiz: a d "rese tatio ) 10. &a""i # of the course)modu!e to the 'ro#ramme Aims %ro&ramme Aims # $he aim of this "ro#ramme is to "roduce #raduates <ith the ad9a ced ; o<!ed#e: "ri ci"!es a d s;i!!s i term of theoretica! a d "ractica! fou datio for desi# i #: 2 3 Course Learnin& Out'omes ( 3 ) 3 $ 3

im"!eme ti # a d ma a#i # i formatio tech o!o#% so!utio s a d resources a d a!so reco# izi # the im"act of tech o!o#% o i di9idua!s: or#a izatio a d societ%.

22. &a""i # of the course)modu!e to the 'ro#ramme -ear i # +utcomes

Course Learnin& Out'omes %ro&ramme Learnin& Out'omes #

e!aborate the ad9a ced co ce"t of 7 formatio $ech o!o#% i accorda ce <ith the busi ess eeds of the atio . a""!% the ac6uired ; o<!ed#e i so!9i # "rob!ems uti!izi # ad9a ced "ro#rammi # s;i!!s a d a""ro"riate too!s to de9e!o" a""!icatio s. demo strate "rofessio a! res"o sibi!ities a d ethica! beha9iour <ithi socia! e 9iro me t. demo strate "rofessio a!ism i ma a#i # tas;s i cor"orated <ith moti9ated attitudes a d 9a!ues that carr% ethica! co sideratio s. demo strate effecti9e commu icatio a d team<or; ca"abi!ities i ma a#i # a d co ducti # 7$ "ro8ects a d research. i te#rate a d s% thesize busi ess a d 7$ issues: a d critica!!% "ro"ose "ote tia! so!utio s uti!izi # scie tific a""roach. combi e suitab!e busi ess a d e tre"re euria! s;i!!s i 7$ re!ated "ro8ects. a""!% ac6uired s;i!!s a d ; o<!ed#e to "ursue !ife!o # !ear i # a d career ad9a ceme t: a d ;ee" u" to date <ith emer#i # i formatio a d commu icatio tech o!o#ies ad9a ceme ts. "ractice e@ce!!e t !eadershi" i

ma a#i # 7$ "ro8ects a d research.

2,. Co te t out!i e of the course)modu!e a d the S-$ "er to"ic Learnin& Out'om es Fa'e to Fa'e SL L T % TLT


#. Intro+u'tion to Resear', Defi itio of research Characteristics of research $%"es of research Casic A""!ied A""roaches i research Dua titati9e Dua!itati9e &i@ed method +9er9ie< of research "aradi#m 'ositi9ist Socia! co structio ist 'ost5"ositi9ist 'ra#matism 'ost5moder ism Critica! theor% (. O-er-ie. of resear', *ro'ess .ormu!ati # research "rob!em a d !iterature re9ie< Co ce"tua!izi # research desi# Co structi # a i strume t for data co!!ectio Se!ecti # sam"!e Eriti # research "ro"osa! Co!!ecti # Data 'rocessi # Data Eriti # Re"ort ). Formu/atin& resear', *ro0/em 7m"orta ce of formu!ati # research "rob!em Sources of research "rob!em Co sideratio i se!ecti # a research "rob!em Ste"s i the formu!atio of a research "rob!em .ormu!atio of research ob8ecti9e -i ;i # research "rob!em a d ob8ecti9e 4



$. Re-ie.in& t,e /iterature Reaso s for re9ie<i # Cri # c!arit% a d form 7m"ro9e methodo!o#% Croade ; o<!ed#e 'rocedure for re9ie<i # Re9ie< the !iterature se!ected De9e!o" theoretica! frame<or; De9e!o" co ce"tua! frame<or; 7de tif%i # 9ariab!es Co structi # h%"othesis Eriti # u" the !iterature re9ie<ed .orms a d structure of a !iterature re9ie< 1. Resear', +esi&n Defi itio of desi# .u ctio of desi# Dua!itati9e 9s. 6ua titati9e desi# s F@"!orator% Descri"ti9e Causa! Se!ecti # a stud% desi# Cross5sectio a! Cefore5a d5after -o #itudi a! 'ros"ecti9e F@"erime ta! !. Data 'o//e'tion met,o+ for 2uantitati-e Seco dar% sources 'rimar% sources +bser9atio 7 ter9ie< Duestio aire &easureme t a d Sca!i # Differe ce bet<ee co ce"t a d 9ariab!e Co ce"ts: i dicator a d 9ariab!e -e9e!s of measureme t sca!es +rdi a! Nomi a! 7 ter9a! Ratio $%"es of sca!e Numerica! Sema tic differe tia! -i;ert






$hursto e Guttma : etc. ess of measureme t i strume t 4a!idit% Re!iabi!it% Se siti9it%

3. Data 'o//e'tion met,o+ for 2ua/itati-e .ocused i ter9ie< Semi sta dardized i ter9ie< 'rob!em ce tred i ter9ie< Fth o#ra"hic i ter9ie< 'he ome o#ra"h% i ter9ie< 4a!idit% a d re!iabi!it% i 6ua!itati9e data 4. Sam*/in& Co ce"t of sam"!i # $ermi o!o#% of sam"!i # 'ri ci"a! of sam"!i # .actors affecti # i fere ces dra< from sam"!e Aims i se!ecti # sam"!e $%"es of sam"!i # Ca!cu!atio of sam"!e size Sam"!i # Strate#ies i 6ua!itati9e research 5. Com*onents of resear', *ro*osa/ 7 troductio 'rob!em stateme t Research ob8ecti9e Si# ifica ce of the research Sco"e of the research Re9ie< of !iterature Stud% desi# a d h%"othesis &easureme t "rocedure Sam"!i # A a!%sis of data F@"ected fi di # Eor; Schedu!e #". Et,i'a/ issues 'artici"a ts Co se t





7 ce ti9e Se siti9e i formatio Harm Co fide tia! Researcher A9oid bias De"ri9atio of treatme t Correct re"orti # '!a#iarism S"o sor Restrictio im"osed &isuse of i formatio ##. %ro'essin& an+ ana/67in& +ata Fditi # data Codi # data A a!%zi # 6ua titati9e data .re6ue c% of distributio s Cross tabu!atio Statistica! "rocedure A a!%zi # 6ua!itati9e data $hematica!!% a a!%sis Co te t a a!%sis #(. 8ritin& re*ort Co te t of re"ort Refere ci # Re"ort out!i e #). Resear', met,o+o/o&6 in +ifferent fie/+s 1:2:3:4 2 24 Assessment Course<or; 111B $ota! Notio a! Hours Credit Hours Referen'es9 Main Referen'e9 Humar: R. (2111). Research methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners. -o do : Addiso Ees!e%. A++itiona/ Referen'es9 4 1 12 SL 112.0 4 (, 2 32 TLT 1(3., 1(3.,



Fa'e to Fa'e (1.0

Cres<e!!: I. E. (2113). Research design: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Ca!ifor ia: SAGF 'ub!icatio . Hair: I. .. Ir.: &o e%: A. H.: Samoue!: '. J 'a#e: &. (2112). Research methods for business. Chichester: Ioh Ei!e%. Si!9erma : D. (211,). nterpreting qualitative data (3rd ed.). -o do : SAGF 'ub!icatio . Eo!cott: H. .. (2113). !riting up qualitative research (3rd ed.). Ca!ifor ia: SAGF 'ub!icatio . Ki;mu d: E. G. (2113). "usiness research methods (#th ed.). +hio: $hom"so 5 South<ester .

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