Hoardings Good Practice

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Temporary Works Forum (TWf)

Chairman: Bill Hewlett MA CEng FICE Secretary: John Carpenter CEng, FICE, FIStructE, CFIOSH

TWf2012: 01

HOARDINGS A guide to good practice

Temporary Works Forum c/o Institution of Civil Engineers, 1 Great George Street, London, SW1P 3AA, England. Published - October 2012 This TWF Guidance is available as a free download from www.twforum.org.uk

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HOARDINGS - A guide to good practice

Temporary Works Forum

Members of the Working Party Convenor Secretary Members Eur. Ing. P.F. Pallett J. Carpenter C.J. Bennion M. Butler M. Dyer A. Hollingshurst A. Jones A. Miles K. Shivji S. Smith G. Tolley P. Wilson D.Baker I. Donaldson S. Dudhia R. Hare-Winton S. Marchand T. J. Hyland P. Markham G. Mathieson A. Rattray J. Sammons P. F. Thomas J. Wilson L.L. York Pallett TemporaryWorks Ltd Temporary Works Forum Morgan Sindall Professional Services Ltd Hoard-it Ltd Hochtief (UK) Construction Ltd Kier Construction - Engineering RMD Kwikform Ltd Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd Miller Construction (UK) Ltd Contractors Design Services Ltd Balfour Beatty Major Civil Engineering Ltd Kier Construction Engineering Balfour Beatty Major Civil Engineering Ltd Balfour Beatty Construction Balfour Beatty Construction BAM Construct UK Ltd Wentworth House Partnership Network Rail R N P Associates George Mathieson Associates Health & Safety Executive Balfour Beatty Major Civil Engineering Ltd Health & Safety Executive Civil Engineering Contractors Association Temporary Works Consultant

Corresponding Members

Synopsis Site Hoardings are common features, particularly in populated areas. However, despite their temporary and incidental nature they are important structures, often of some height, and attracting significant loads. They have been known to collapse and cause both death and injury. This guidance note is written to assist all parties involved in construction understand the key issues, and to give specific assistance to those specifying, managing, designing and installing these structures. Hoarding design can be complex and will need engineering judgement. The designer should have a level of competence commensurate with the complexity. All hoarding designs should be independently checked. Foreword The Temporary Works Forum gratefully acknowledges the contribution made by members of the working party in the preparation of this guidance. Although the Temporary Works Forum does its best to ensure that any advice, recommendations or information it may give either in this publication or elsewhere is accurate, no liability or responsibility of any kind (including liability for negligence) howsoever and from whatsoever cause arising, is accepted in this respect by the Forum, its servants or agents. The working party recognise that some photographs may show breaches of current safety regulations but the photographs have been retained in the guide to illustrate particular items of interest. Readers should note that the documents referenced in this Guide and Appendix A are subject to revision from time to time and should therefore ensure that they are in possession of the latest version. Although guidance is given on different methods of design of post-in-hole foundations, one particular method is recommended with planting depths stated for timber posts for 2.5m high hoardings for three different ground conditions. This does not preclude designers from using sound engineering judgement in their design of alternative solutions. TWf2012:01 Page 2 of 46

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NAVIGATE TO PAGE On contents pages, place hand on item and CLICK. Return to contents and use hyperlinks with hand on return to contents or link and CLICK Page Contents Synopsis .................................................................................................................................... 2 Foreword ................................................................................................................................... 2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Definitions :................................................................................................................................ 4 1.0 Background......................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 Responsibility and information ............................................................................................ 6 3.0 The Design Brief ................................................................................................................. 7 4.0 Design................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1 Design life ...................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Design loads .................................................................................................................. 8 4.2.1 Minimum notional horizontal load .......................................................................... 8 4.2.2 Wind loading .......................................................................................................... 8 4.2.3 Crowd loading ........................................................................................................ 9 4.2.4 Face material loading............................................................................................. 9 4.2.5 Vehicle loading ...................................................................................................... 9 4.2.6 Indirect loads from passing trains ........................................................................ 10 4.3 Design guidance .......................................................................................................... 10 4.4 Load combination factors............................................................................................. 11 4.4.1 Permissible stress combination factors............................................................. 12 4.4.2 Ultimate limit state - combination factors ............................................................. 12 4.5 Post design .................................................................................................................. 13 4.6 Factors of safety .......................................................................................................... 14 4.6.1 General ................................................................................................................ 14 4.6.2 Factors of safety - permissible stress design....................................................... 14 4.6.3 Partial safety factors - limit state design - Euro Codes ........................................ 14 4.6.4 Factors of safety - sliding ..................................................................................... 15 4.7 Timber and wood based panel product properties. ..................................................... 15 4.7.1 General ................................................................................................................ 15 4.7.2 Timber.................................................................................................................. 16 4.7.3 Wood based panel products ................................................................................ 17 4.8 Foundations ................................................................................................................. 17 4.8.1 General ................................................................................................................ 17 4.8.2 Conventional post-in-hole................................................................................... 18 Method One PD 6547 simplified for lamp posts.............................................. 19 Method Two - HA 66/95 Section 5 Environmental Barriers .......................... 19 Method Three - Geotechnical design from first principles............................... 19 4.8.3 Bolted (or similar) foundations ............................................................................. 20 4.8.4 Proprietary, above ground, foundation block. ...................................................... 20 4.8.5 Foundation block / kentledge foundation. ............................................................ 21 5.0 Materials ........................................................................................................................... 21 5.1 Timber.......................................................................................................................... 21 5.2 Steel or concrete posts ................................................................................................ 22 5.3 Facing material ............................................................................................................ 22 5.4 Fixings ......................................................................................................................... 22 5.5 Scaffold and Proprietary Equipment ............................................................................ 24 TWf2012:01 Page 3 of 46

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6.0 Verification of design.........................................................................................................24 7.0 Site specific issues............................................................................................................25 7.1 Workmanship ...............................................................................................................25 7.2 Inspection in use ..........................................................................................................25 7.3 Access points...............................................................................................................25 APPENDIX A Design Documents Covering Associated Structures......................................26 APPENDIX B - Design Considerations - Wind on Hoardings .................................................28 B.1 General ........................................................................................................................28 B.2 Maximum wind force on hoardings ..............................................................................28 B.3 Working wind force on hoardings.................................................................................28 B.4 Calculation of the peak velocity pressure ....................................................................28 B.5 Combined exposure factor (Cef) ..................................................................................29 B.6 The net pressure coefficient cp,net .................................................................................29 APPENDIX C Working Structural Properties of Timber for Hoardings....................................32 APPENDIX D Post planting depths for hoardings using PD 6547 ..........................................34 D.1 General method ...........................................................................................................34 D.2 Post planting depth for hoardings up to 2.5m high ......................................................35 APPENDIX E Worked Example of Hoarding Design Post-in-hole .......................................37 E.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................37 E.2 Design Brief .................................................................................................................37 E.3. Documents used ..........................................................................................................37 E.4 Loading ........................................................................................................................38 E.5 Hoarding design...........................................................................................................39 E.6 Foundation design .......................................................................................................43 E.7 Summary......................................................................................................................44 E.8 Sketch of hoarding .......................................................................................................45 Scope This TWf Guidance gives guidance on the information necessary for specifying, procuring and sources of design data for the use of site hoardings. Recommendations for designers on relevant factors to be used and considerations to be incorporated into the design are included. Proprietary open mesh type fencing products, although used in similar locations to hoardings are not included in this Guide. The TWf Guidance is not a design code, but is intended to be used in conjunction with the current British Standards and other referenced documents as a guide to good practice in the design of a hoarding. The hoarding designer is not precluded from using other codes and methods of design. Definitions: Hoarding A temporary structure of solid construction, erected to shield the works from others and to prevent any person gaining access.

Temporary Works Coordinator (TWC) competent person with responsibility for the co-ordination of all activities related to the temporary works. Temporary Works Designer (TWD) competent person appointed to carry out the design of the temporary works. Permanent Works Designer (PWD) the organisation appointed to carry out the design of the permanent works


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Site hoardings are frequently substantial structures: most commonly about 2.4m in height, using a plywood sheet (but increasingly constructed using proprietary steel panels), and hence of solid construction. Hoardings are often used to enclose the front of shops while alterations are in progress and the National Association of Shopfitters has its own code of practice with sample drawings for Standard Hoardings up to 3.05m high erected within a shopping mall or on the High Street. This TWf Guidance considers the hoardings erected to construction sites, both in building and civil engineering where examples of hoardings up to 4m high are found. These are all subject to lateral loads of a similar magnitude to those affecting permanent works. Failure may bring fatality or injury and certainly disruption, cost and delay to the project. Site hoardings should not be confused with fencing or environmental barriers, although similar components may be used. The standard on solid close-boarded fences (BS 1722-5:2006) specifies materials for fences from 1.05m to 1.80m high using either timber or concrete posts. It gives installation and material requirements but minimal design data. The guidance on environmental barriers (HA 66/95) provides information on noise propagation and attenuation together with guidance on the acoustic performance of different materials. Use of proprietary open mesh type fencing products, although used in similar locations to hoardings are not included in this Guide. Users should refer to the suppliers/importers data sheets for correct use and design of such products. Hoardings are frequently used for advertising, by clients and contractors. Whereas painted or poster style adverts will not alter the fundamental design principles, the use of advertising signs that project above the hoarding should receive special attention. There is a separate standard for the design and construction of signs for publicity purposes (BS 559:2009).

Figure 1 - Typical site hoarding site view

Figure 2 - Site hoarding with advertising TWf2012:01 Page 5 of 46

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1.0 Background continued TWf is aware of concerns relating to: The lack of design guidance for this common site feature, thus leading to unnecessary repeated effort. Inadequate, or no hoarding design on some sites. Use of inadequate materials, often with inadequate durability. Lack of information prior to design. Insufficient consideration on inspection and maintenance. This document is intended to provide guidance on design matters and to indicate minimum levels of provision. 2.0 Responsibility and information Site hoardings will usually be the responsibility of the Principal Contractor 1 . The task of constructing (and designing) the hoarding will normally either be let to a sub-contractor or be undertaken by the Principal Contractor. On rarer occasions the hoarding, or its dimensions, may be specified by the Client, but generally the height and detail is left to the Principal Contractor and will be influenced by security needs. As hoardings are a temporary works item, the primary source for procedures for their management and control are given in BS 5975:2008+A1:2011. This includes requirements for the appointment of a Temporary Works Coordinator and for the preparation of a register of the temporary works on the site and preparation of design briefs. On most sites, hoardings are likely to be one of the first entries in the register of temporary works. Management procedures would include regular inspections and required maintenance during the life of the hoarding. For any particular design brief, relevant hazards to its location and use need to be identified. Hazards to be considered would include the proximity of traffic, services, loadings from wind and/or crowds. The level of design and design checking should be appropriate to the hazards identified, see BS 5975 procedures. The importance of the preparation of a suitable design brief in controlling the procurement and design for a safe, durable hoarding that is fit for purpose, cannot be stressed too strongly. Normally a site hoarding will be erected for the duration of the construction work. This may involve several stages and can involve different contractors, for example demolition, excavation, construction, fit out. Although each contractor will only expect to be on site for the duration of their own contract, the site hoarding will often remain substantially unaltered for the overall construction period. However, due to space constraints, part of the hoarding may need to be modified. The Client therefore has a duty at the start of construction to give a realistic assessment of the critical sequences, modifications and likely overall duration. This expected design life should be communicated to the designer of the hoarding in the design brief. It is particularly important that the parties responsible for the design brief, the design of the hoarding, and the relevant design checks are made clear and explicit 2 . Whoever designs the hoarding will need to know the layout of the hoarding, the location of the site, the service life, dimensions, below ground obstacles and hazards, geotechnical ground conditions and any restrictions on space (for, say, inclined lateral supports). If penetrations are to be made into the ground, the engaging party (usually the Principal Contractor) should consider the hazards which may affect effective progress, or which could affect the safety or health of persons. Utilities are the most common hazard in this regard. Information should also be made available by the Client as part of the pre-construction data requirements for the procedures to be put in place for all temporary works. Return to contents

Or on projects which are not notifiable under CDM2007 (usually if < 30 days on site), the Main Contractor. For simplicity the phrase Principal Contractor is used throughout this document.

It is suspected that many sub-contracts are not clear on this point.


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The Design Brief

The likely information to be included in the Design Brief for any hoarding would be: site location, Is the site in a town and more than 2km from the edge of the town? Is it in the country or by the sea? etc. expected duration of hoarding, including details, if known, for each stage of relocation. required minimum height, and length of hoarding, including dimensioned plan of the site showing the line of the hoarding for each phase, if appropriate, and the required height. details of any signage to be attached which may increase dimensions and wind loading etc, details of any specified requirements for hoarding lighting (including any earth bonding requirement), vision panels, decorative treatment, application of advertising etc., ground conditions (relating to strength parameters and any ground contamination). For example, some design methods classify the ground as Good, Average or Poor. position of relevant utilities, both buried, surface and overhead (dead, live and about to be energised.), access ways required in or through the hoarding; both vehicular and pedestrian, details of any permits and/or licences required, details of any fire ratings required for the materials to be used, any space restrictions, for example from existing inclined supports, any restrictions on the type of fixings to be used, design risk from future operations, for example undermining due to excavations. any crowd loading that may be relevant, whether vehicle impact loading may be relevant, whether in proximity to a railway with likelihood of passing train pressures, the category of design check required (See BS 5975:2008+A1:2011), the wind factor Swind for the site.
Note: If the wind factor is not known, then information on location, altitude above sea level, local topography (i.e. is site more than halfway up a hill or escarpment? how steep is the hill?) Although this might seem a long list, answers to these questions are required before a basic wind design can be carried out. See also Appendix B.

It should be pointed out that, unless it is a very large site, the value of the wind factor Swind will be the same for all the temporary works erected on that site. any restrictions related to inspection and maintenance. The design brief should include mention of whether there are any favoured materials already specified and what category of design check is required, to avoid contractual dispute at a later stage.

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4.1 Design life The anticipated design life of the hoarding will affect the loadings to be used in the design and the range/type of suitable materials. Durability of the hoarding is a design consideration. The service life 3 of a hoarding shall be : i) as specified by the Client or engaging party (usually the Principal Contractor); or ii) as agreed with, or specified by the manufacturer (for proprietary hoardings); or iii) if not specified or agreed elsewhere, 10 years. 4.2 Design loads For most hoardings the key design matter is lateral / horizontal loading arising from either the wind and/or impact. Depending on location the impact could be crowd loading and/or vehicular impact. The lateral loads will require either a positive connection to the foundations to prevent sliding, or be restrained by sufficient kentledge to resist sliding by friction alone. The various codes of practice in current use give differing combinations of design loads. To assist designers, these are discussed separately at Section 4.4 of this Guidance. Designers should be particularly aware of the implications of mix and match when using different codes. The various loading that may need to be considered are discussed below:4.2.1 Minimum notional horizontal load It is a recommendation of this TWf Guidance that a minimum notional horizontal line load of 0.74 kN/m shall be considered to act on all hoardings. This load will be considered to act at a height of 1.2m and may be applied from either side of the hoarding. This load is the minimum horizontal imposed load defined in BS 6180:2011 Table 2. For areas susceptible to overcrowding associated with wide pavements, shopping malls, retail areas, stadia, or public events a larger value of horizontal load should be considered from the public side. See Section 4.2.3 4.2.2 Wind loading Although the source of wind loading is BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010 and the UK National Annex to that standard, the simplified method given in BS 5975:2008+A1:2011 is generally recommended for hoardings provided due consideration is given to the life of the hoarding. Note though that a wind design in accordance with BS EN 1991-1-4 may provide a more economical design, particularly for very large or very exposed sites. The wind load varies along the length of the hoarding and increases significantly near corners and free ends. The location of a hoarding will also affect the flow of wind around it. For example the wind on a freestanding hoarding will pass over it and create both pressure and suction forces on the hoarding, whereas when erected in front of a large building the wind is effectively stalled by the building. In the latter case the wind will cause either pressure or suction depending on the direction of the wind. In all cases the wind will accelerate near the edges of hoardings and buildings. To assist designers, guidance and recommendations on factors and sources of wind information are given in Appendix B to this TWf Guidance. Advertising signs that project above the hoarding will locally increase the effective height and will increase the wind load. Where the advertising signs are freestanding they have a different wind regime from hoardings as the wind can pass underneath the sign; Such signs should be separately designed refer to both BS 559 and BS EN 1991-1-4. It should be noted that certain site hoardings may be erected in areas that are not subjected to wind loads, for example inside buildings or enclosed shopping malls. continues

similar to the design life of site signage recommended in BS 559:2009,


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Wind loading - continued

Designers should be aware though of the effect on the design of the hoarding should the circumstances alter; examples would include: (a) an internal hoarding to a building suddenly being fully exposed on removal of the curtain wall to the structure, and (b) a hoarding inside a building but adjacent to a roller shutter door!

4.2.3 Crowd loading This may be a consideration in populated areas, such as town centres and restricted railway platforms. Information may be specified in local bye-laws, or by the Client. These loads can be significant, particularly if there is a requirement to resist crowd or farm animal crushing loads. The location of the hoarding can be significant, for example in the approaches to a stadium. Where hoardings are erected in areas identified as susceptible to overcrowding, such as in retail areas or where there are footways or pavements less than 3m wide, then Table 2 of BS 6180:2011 recommends a lateral line load of 1.5 kN/m at a height of 1.1m above the ground area. This increases to 3.0 kN/m for footways greater than 3m width adjacent to sunken areas, for theatres and for shopping malls. Where overcrowding is considered, the crowd load is considered to apply from the public side only, and replaces the minimum notional horizontal load stated in Section 4.2.1. Where hoardings are erected in areas adjacent to spectator accommodation, barrier and crush loads may also need to be considered, and reference made to BS EN 13200-3:2005. Where crowd loading is a consideration, the combination of this load and the wind load is critical. See Section 4.4 of this Guidance. 4.2.4 Face material loading To ensure the robustness of all hoardings, it is a recommendation of this TWf Guidance that the facing material should be able to resist a uniformly distributed lateral load of 1.5 kN/m2 in the bottom 1.1m of the hoarding. This load is considered in the face material design only, and is not additive with the minimum notional horizontal load stated in Section 4.2.1. As it is for robustness this load is not considered in conjunction with any other load. 4.2.5 Vehicle loading A requirement to design a hoarding to withstand vehicle loading is not reasonable. The relatively lightweight nature of a temporary hoarding designed to resist the dynamics of moving vehicles is not usually economic. This will depend in part on the likelihood and the consequences of vehicle penetration, e.g. adjacent excavation behind the hoarding. It is recommended that if a risk of vehicle impact is considered likely, that separate vehicular barriers or other means are adopted to avoid vehicles impacting with the hoarding. A space should be left between the vehicle barrier and the hoarding to allow the barrier to move if impacted. It is noted that the example shown at Figure 3 does not have a space behind the barrier.

Return to contents Figure 3 - Typical hoarding with vehicle barrier TWf2012:01 Page 9 of 46

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4.2.6 Indirect loads from passing trains Where hoardings are erected close to railway tracks, the velocity pressures arising from passing trains can be significant. If in any doubt, seek advice. The magnitude of the forces from passing trains is affected by: velocity of the passing train (km/hour), usually the maximum line speed, aerodynamic shape of the train, shape of the hoarding, position of the hoarding, its clearance to the tracks and relative height to the track, To allow for the dynamic affects of the train, a 5m length at the start and end of the hoarding has double the force applied as stated in Clause 6.6.1(5) of BS EN 1991-2:2003, BS EN 1991-2:2003 at Section 6.6 gives a simple method of evaluating the pressure on vertical surfaces such as hoardings parallel to tracks and on other line side structures. Network Rail issue simple guidelines for calculations when close to railway structures. Further guidance is given in International Union of Railways UIC Code 779-1 relating to the slipstream of passing trains on structures adjacent to the track. 4.3 Design guidance Prior to the publication of this TWf Guide there was no specific design guidance for hoardings. The documents listed in Appendix A remain useful references. Appendix B gives guidance on calculating the forces arising from the wind and Section 4.8 gives guidance on foundations. A worked example of the design of one particular hoarding arrangement, including the post-in-hole foundation design is given in Appendix E. Designers will be aware of the two methods of design in current use; either the earlier permissible stress code(s) or limit state (EuroCode) codes. The hoarding working group are aware that there will remain many in the industry familiar with permissible stress design, and have therefore included design information to suit both methods. Factors cannot easily be compared between methods because the philosophy is different. Designers will opt for one method or another, but it must be stressed that methods cannot be mixed in a design. Recognised engineering principles apply to the design of any hoarding. The design wind exerts a pressure on the exposed vertical face, which creates an overturning moment. The wind pressure is considered uniform over the full height of the hoarding. It is usually sufficient to consider the worst case as the maximum wind blowing at right angles to the line of the hoarding and is separately considered blowing from either direction. When blowing from the public side the minimum / or crowd lateral load adds to the overturning. See Section 4.4 and Figure 4.
Hoarding wind from site side minimum notional load h h/2 1.2m 1.2m site side

wind from public side

minimum notional or crowd load

centre of wind pressure public side

[Notes: (1) wind can blow from either side. (2) for combinations of load see Section 4.4 ]

Figure 4 - Design loads on a hoarding continues TWf2012:01 Page 10 of 46

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4.3 Design guidance - continued The normal arrangement is for the face material and rails to be fitted above the ground on the public side of the posts. Any overturning caused by the eccentricity of the face material and the rails can reasonably be ignored in the post and foundation design. Although the face material loading, Section 4.2.4, is considered to apply in the bottom 1.1m of the hoarding for robustness, it is normal practice to consider this load over the full height of the hoarding when designing the face material. Where a horizontal rail is positioned about 1.1 to 1.2 m above the ground on the public side of the posts, the minimum notional horizontal load or crowd load may be restrained directly by the rail to transfer the load to the posts. Note that the position of this lateral load is a barrier requirement for the public. If the rail is positioned lower or higher, then the minimum notional horizontal load or the crowd load will need to be restrained by the face material, which is in turn restrained by adjacent horizontal rails in bending. Hoardings erected close to railway lines may be affected by the suction and pressure effects from passing trains. Some guidance is given at Section 4.2.6. The lateral forces are usually transferred through the face panels to the rails, and then to the posts. To resist an overturning moment, either inclined supports are used, or more conventionally, vertical posts in cantilever from the ground or foundation are used. Hoardings may also be designed with foundation blocks which will be required to resist lateral forces through their self weight and by friction to prevent sliding. The designer should consider the particular circumstances and risks involved with the hoarding when undertaking the design. The risk involved from various combinations of load should be considered. See Section 4.4 of this Guidance. The required design combination of load may need to be communicated to the designer 4.4 Load combination factors The principal load on a hoarding is usually the wind and the minimum notional horizontal line load. This is usually the critical design issue, and the loads from either side are considered in the design. See Figure 4. Where the design brief has identified that the hoarding is susceptible to overcrowding, then crowd loading is to be taken into account. The relevant factors of safety and partial safety factors to be used are given in Section 4.6. There will be occasions when the location of the hoarding requires the effect of passing trains (see 4.2.6) to be considered in the design. In such cases, care is needed to assess the likely combination of loads and for the designer to make engineering judgements, particularly where the load combinations are not specified in the design brief. This Guide only gives limited guidance about the combination of the passing train load with other loads. The combination of wind and crowd load(s) that need to be taken into account will depend on whether the design will be to permissible stress or limit state (EuroCode) code. The recommended loading combination factors to be used in the design of hoardings are given separately on the following pages. The face material load (Section 4.2.4) is not shown in Table 1 or 2 as it is not considered to act with any other combination of load as it is for robustness.

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4.4.1 Permissible stress combination factors Table 1 gives the loading combination factors using permissible stress design codes.
Table 1 - Load Combination Factors Crowd and Wind for Permissible Stress Design Direction Load Case LC1 NO CROWD LC2 LC3 LC4 LC5 WITH CROWD LOAD LC6 LC7 LC8 0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 0 1.0 0 1.0 Maximum Wind 1.0 0 From Public Side Working Wind 0 1.0 Minimum Notional Load 1.0 Crowd Load n/a n/a 1.0 0 0 1.0 0 1.0 From Site Side Maximum Wind Working Wind Minimum Notional Load

For calculation of maximum and working wind see Appendix B. The minimum notional horizontal load is stated at Section 4.2.1. Where passing trains loads need to be considered, it is recommended that the passing train load be added to the working wind and not to the maximum wind, unless specified otherwise.

4.4.2 Ultimate limit state - combination factors Where the design is to limit state (EuroCode), the combinations of loads (known as actions in Euro codes) are stated in EuroCode 0. The design at ultimate needs to consider both strength and stability. The value of the loads are multiplied by a partial safety factor (commonly called gamma factor) to allow for uncertainties. The values of the partial safety factors vary depending on whether they are considered as permanent, variable or accidental loads. The minimum notional horizontal load, crowd loads and wind load are all considered as variable loads. It is noted that no permanent load is normally attributable to hoarding design. In the unlikely event of a requirement to design a hoarding for impact load (see 4.2.5), the vehicle impact would be considered an accidental load. The value for the partial safety factor for variable loads is given in Section 4.6.3 (a). To allow for several variable loads to be applied simultaneously, Eurocodes introduce reduction factors to acknowledge that peak values of two or more variable loads are unlikely to occur simultaneously, and therefore introduces a lower value for accompanying variable actions. These reduction factors are commonly called psi factors . In order to consider all likely cases, each variable load is considered in turn with no reduction but with other variable loads reduced by a factor 0 . To assist designers of hoardings, the basic loading cases and their combination factors 0 to be considered for crowd and wind load are shown in Table 2. Values for the factors given in Table 2 are taken from Table NA.A1.1 for buildings in the UK NA to BS EN 1990:2002+A1:2005. The loading cases are based on the Equations 6.10, 6.10(a), 6.10(b), 6.11(a) and 6.11(b) of Clause 6.4.3 of the BS EN 1990:2002+A1;2005. It is noted that when the wind is considered from the site side, the crowd loading is incidental and overturning in that direction need only consider the wind loading and the minimum notional horizontal load. In the rare occasion where crowds might form on the site side of the hoarding, then due consideration would need to be taken. This should have been identified in the design brief. continues TWf2012:01 Page 12 of 46

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Ultimate limit state - combination factors - continued

Table 2 - Load Combination Factors (0) Crowd and Wind using Euro Codes for Ultimate Limit State Design Direction Load Case LC9 NO CROWD LC10 LC11 LC12 LC13 WITH CROWD LC14 LC15 LC16 1.0 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.7 1.0 From Public Side Maximum Wind 1.0 0.5 Minimum Lateral Load 0.7 1.0 Crowd n/a n/a 1.0 0.5 0.7 1.0 From Site Side Maximum Wind Minimum Lateral Load

Note: (1) Partial safety factor for variable actions, Q not included see Section 4.6.3. (2) Where accidental load is a considered combination of load, refer to BS EN 1990. (3) Load combinations from passing trains need separate consideration.

Where the design brief requires the load from passing trains (see 4.2.6) to be considered, the combination depends on which other variable and/or accidental loads need to be considered. As already stated, each variable load is considered in turn with no reduction but with other variable loads reduced by a factor 0 . Where an accidental load is a requirement in the design, the accidental load is applied unfactored and the variable loads reduced by lower values of combination factor as 1 and/or 2 , to those stated in Table 2. Refer to both BS EN 1990 and the NA to BS EN 1990. 4.5 Post design The post to a hoarding is designed to resist the worst load combination identified from Section 4.4 applied separately from either direction. The wind and the minimum notional/crowd load generate a combined moment (Mo) and shear force (Qo) at the ground level (level 0) of the post. The loads are shown diagrammatically in Figure 5(a) and the design representation in Figure 5 (b).
Minimum notional or crowd load centre of wind force hoarding hoarding Note overturning from one side shown h h/2 1.2m h

Mo Qo

(a) Applied loads on system

(b) Design representation

Figure 5 - Post design moment and shear The design moment (in kNm) about the ground level for the post is given by: Mo = {(Wind Force) x h/2 } + { (minimum notional or crowd load) x 1.2 } {Note: The 1.2 in the equation above is the height in metres of the line of
action of the loads and not the factor of safety.}



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4.5 Post design - continued The design shear load (in kN) applied to the post at ground level is given by Qo = {Wind Force + (minimum notional or crowd load) } A worked example using the above information is given in Appendix E. 4.6 Factors of safety

4.6.1 General As designers will either be using permissible stress or limit state codes in their design, the recommended factors of safety used in the design of hoardings for materials and for overall stability are given in separate sections. Factors of safety for positional stability are discussed in Section 4.6.4. An adequate factor of safety should be used when considering the overall stability of the hoarding when subjected to wind and/or crowd loading. 4.6.2 Factors of safety - permissible stress design (a) Materials Where the strength of a component cannot be ascertained from the relevant permissible stress code outlined in BS 5975, it is recommended that a minimum factor of safety against structural failure of 2.0 be used. (b) Overall stability No part of the hoarding should overturn at any stage during construction or use. The factor of safety for hoarding overturning when using posts in the ground, with or without concrete surround to the post foundations should be 1.5. Where the ground properties are adequately known by the designer, the factor of safety used in the ground element of the design when using posts in the ground, may be reduced to a minimum 1.2. Where the overturning of the hoarding is resisted by more reliable means, for example fixings into a base slab or using known kentledge, the factor of safety on overturning may be reduced to a value not less than 1.2 unless site conditions dictate otherwise. 4.6.3 Partial safety factors - limit state design - Euro Codes (a) Materials The partial safety factor for the material properties and resistance for the ultimate limit state shall be: m = 1.1 for steel and aluminium m = 1.2 for all plywood and oriented strand board (OSB) m = 1.3 for all solid timber either untreated or preservative treated m = 1.3 for particleboard. The partial safety factor for loads (actions) in the ultimate limit state depend on whether the loads are permanent or variable, and are further factored on the likelihood of their combined occurrence. See Section 4.4 and Table 2. The recommended values for use in hoardings are: Q = 1.5 for all variable loads
{Note: Although BS 559:2009 states F = 1.4 for resistance to wind pressure it is the recommendation of this TWf Guidance that for hoardings the partial safety factor for wind load, a variable load, be F = 1.5. }

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Partial safety factors limit state design - Euro Codes - continued The design moment resisting overturning shall be greater than or equal to the design moment causing overturning. The partial load factor using BS EN 12812 for the ultimate limit state for equilibrium shall be: F = 1.5 for all destabilising variable actions, e.g. the wind load, F = 0.9 for all stabilising permanent actions resisting the and overturning, e.g. dead load of kentledge. Note: F = 0 for all stabilising variable actions.

(b) Overall stability

Considering the overall stability of foundations in Methods One and Two of this Guide (see 4.8.2) , being prescriptive comply with Eurocode 7 4 . BS EN 1997-1:2004. 4.6.4 Factors of safety - sliding Where a hoarding relies on its self weight and/or fixings to prevent global sliding under the applied lateral loads, the design force (i.e. including the relevant factors of safety) resisting sliding shall be greater than or equal to the applied design lateral load causing sliding. Table 24 of BS 5975 gives recommended values of the coefficient of static friction for a limited number of materials. Designers should be aware that frictional restraint does not depend on area of contact, but only on the magnitude of the applied load perpendicular to the friction surface considered. The value of frictional restraint calculated using Table 24 gives the actual value at which the components would slide, without any factor of safety. It is recommended that for all hoardings designed to permissible stress, the minimum factor of safety on sliding be 2.0. When designing to limit state the relevant favourable and unfavourable factors shall be used; when sliding resistance is the means of restraint the relevant partial safety factors for static coefficient of friction () shall be used. Where mechanical fixings are used, unless it can be proven that the frictional resistance can be mobilised together with the mechanical restraint, then only one or other means of restraint should be assumed. 4.7 Timber and wood based panel product properties.

4.7.1 General Timber is a material whose load capacity depends on the duration of the load and its durability on its state / quality. See Section 5.1. A long term load will cause a permanent movement in its fibres, whereas under a short term load, the wood fibre will recover. Hence timber codes introduce a modification factor (K3) for the duration of load, varying from K3 = 1.0 for long term, K3 = 1.4 for one week, K3 = 1.5 for short term (from Table 7 of BS 5975:2008+A1:2011) and K3 = 1.75 for very short term loading. The modification factor (K36) for duration of load used in plywood varies from K36 = 0.83 for long term to K36 = 1.17 for short and very short term load durations. (from Table 39 of BS 5268-2:2002) As the wind is the main lateral design load on hoardings (see Appendix B), it is a recommendation of this TWf Guidance that K3 = 1.75 may be used in the design of timber for freestanding site hoardings and K36 = 1.17 for plywood stresses used in the facing material. See also Table 3. In temporary works where several timber members are spaced not more than 610mm apart and can share the load an additional modification factor of K8 = 1.1 can be applied. This is not applicable to the use of timber in hoardings where individual members have to take the full load. continues
BS EN 1997-1:2004 Eurocode 7. Geotechnical Design General Rules at Section 2.1 (4) states (4) Limit states should be verified by one or a combination of the following: - use of calculations adoption of prescriptive measures experimental models and load tests.


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General - continued

A useful guide to the working structural properties of timber and wood based panel products is the Formwork a guide to good practice. Although written for temporary works use in formwork, often to resist the pressure of concrete on the formwork, the material properties, with certain provisos, discussed in the following paragraphs may be considered suitable for design in hoardings. The combined modification factor for duration of load and load sharing for timber in hoardings is K3 K8 = 1.75 x 1.0 = 1.75. Recommendations of this TWf guidance are given in the following sections. 4.7.2 Timber Where the design properties are not specified, it is recommended that the permissible stresses and moduli of elasticity of timber softwood strength class C16, C24 and C27 be taken from Table 3.
Table 3. Permissible stresses and moduli of elasticity for hoarding timber in the wet exposure condition Strength class Bending stress parallel to grain (N/mm2)
(Note 1)

Tensile stress parallel to grain (N/mm2) 4.48 6.30 8.40 K2 K3 K8

Compressive stress perpendicular to grain (N/mm2)

(Note 2)

Shear stress parallel to grain (N/mm2)

(Note 3)

Modulus of elasticity (N/mm2)

Average density 3 (kg/m )


Hoardings (Note 4)

C16 C24 C27

7.42 10.50 13.30 K2 K3 K8

3.16 (2.44) 3.45 (2.73) 3.59 (2.87) K2 K3 K4 K8 and 1.2

1.58 1.68 2.60 K2 K3 K8 and 1.5

4640 5760 6560 K2

370 420 450 K2

Modification factors used (BS 5268-2)

Note 1 Values for bending stress may be increased by the depth factor K7 where the depth of solid timber is less than 300 mm. Note 2 Values for compressive stress allowing for wane are shown in brackets. Note 3 The shear stress parallel is the maximum value and has been increased by the factor of 1.5 as recommended in BS 5975:2008+A1:2011 . Note 4 Timber is carrying load without load sharing, i.e. K8 = 1.0.

When using the stress values in Table 3 the designer should be aware that the following conditions apply: (a) The timber has been accepted as appropriate to the class concerned, has not been reduced in cross-section and is still in good condition. (b) The wet exposure condition is assumed. (Factor K2 allows for the change in stresses and moduli.) Note: In air-conditioned buildings and countries of much lower humidity than the UK
the dry condition would be appropriate.

(c) The load duration factor for K3 has been taken as 1.75. (d) The bearing length does not exceed 75 mm and there is at least 75 mm of timber each side of any bearing and take-up is not critical. (Factor K4 allows for this condition.) (e) The depth factor of K7 is taken as 1.0 for depth of timber 300 mm. For depths 72 mm to 300 mm the value is amended using the formula from Clause 2.10.6 of BS 5268-2 as: K7 = (300/depth)0.11 (For depths of timber up to 72 mm, the value of K7 = 1.17).

(f) Values for compressive stress perpendicular to the grain have been increased by a factor of 1.2 for temporary works in agreement with Clause of BS 5975:2008+A1:2011. continues TWf2012:01 Page 16 of 46 Return to contents

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4.7.2 Timber - continued (g) The depth-to-breadth ratios of Table 9 in BS 5975:2008+A1:2011 have not been exceeded. Generally, this is a ratio of maximum depth/breadth of 2:1 with no lateral support, reducing to ratio 3:1 where the ends are held in position. For other values refer to BS 5975. (h) There is no wane at any point of bearing. The working structural properties of different sizes of timbers for use in external hoardings, using the stresses in Table 3, are given in Appendix C of this TWf Guide. The characteristic values of softwood timber species to Service Class 1 for strength classes C16, C24 and C27 for use in limit state design are given in BS EN 338:2009 and partly reproduced in Appendix E.3 of Formwork a guide to good practice. The relevant modification factors for load and Service Class 3 should be used. 4.7.3 Wood based panel products The design properties of wood based panel products should be given by the supplier / importer of the products for the grade and thickness to be used. For common thicknesses of plywood, particleboard and oriented strand board it is recommended that the working structural properties given in Table 15 of Formwork a guide to good practice be used for hoardings. Where specific trade names are used, working structural properties are given in Table D-W of Formwork a guide to good practice. The working properties in Tables 15 and Table D-W recommended are values for wall formwork application with a combined load duration and load sharing factor of K36 K8 = 1.17 x 1.0 = 1.17, which is also the value recommended for very short-term load in hoardings. Hence the recommendation that Tables 15 and Table D-W may be used. Many wood based panels have different properties in the two directions, so orientation of the sheet material should be carefully considered by the designer and communicated to site. Where designers wish to carry out wood based panel product designs from first principles to establish structural properties, it is recommended that :

wet (site) condition be used for Service Class 3, stress modification factor of K36 = 1.17, moduli modification factor of K36 = 1.43, load sharing factor is not relevant thus K8 = 1.00.

The characteristic values and moduli for many wood based panel products in the Service Class 1 (dry) condition for use in limit state design are given in Appendix E.4, Table E.4 of Formwork a guide to good practice. To convert characteristic values given by a supplier for a particular wood based product into permissible stress terms, it is recommended to use the conversion factors given in Table 13 for wall formwork in Formwork a guide to good practice. 4.8 Foundations

4.8.1 General The adequate founding of hoardings will always require care and on-site experience given the variability and nature of the ground. Although the design brief, (Section 3.0) will have identified the ground conditions, the designer should take account of expected variations. In common with all below ground work, procedures should be in place to assess any unexpected conditions found during erection, such as sudden changes in ground conditions and/or services. The structural safety of the hoarding relies on its adequate founding. continues TWf2012:01 Page 17 of 46

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Foundations - general - continued

There are generally three types of foundation used, conventional post-in-hole, bolted sleeve fabrication or above ground foundation blocks / kentledge: A worked example of a 2.44m high hoarding design with conventional post-in-hole foundation is given in Appendix E The post design considered at Section 4.5 will have established the design overturning moment (Mo) about the ground level (level 0) and the shear force (Qo) at that level. The foundation is then designed, with a suitable factor of safety, to resist the applied moment and shear force. The point of rotation of the foundation, or fulcrum, depends upon the type of foundation. A bolted foundation at ground level would use the design overturning moment and shear force at that level, but a post-in-hole or ground foundation would rotate about a point within the rigid foundation. The designer would need to take account of this fulcrum point in the design. A fuller treatise on establishing the fulcrum point for post-in-hole foundations for one method of design is shown at Appendix D 4.8.2 Conventional post-in-hole This is very similar to domestic style fencing. The normal construction being that a post is placed in a pre-excavated hole at suitable centres, and while the post is held in position, concrete is placed around the hoarding post. Typical hole sizes are 300 to 400mm wide. The concrete should always be placed after the post is inserted and should be well rammed as filling proceeds (See BS 1722-5:2006). An example is shown at Figure 6. This arrangement does allow some drainage of moisture in the post downwards into the ground below, although it may capture some moisture and if the timber is not properly preserved, provide a medium for deterioration over time. If the concrete is placed in the hole first, and the post then inserted, the timber is fully encapsulated and deterioration of the post significantly accelerated. The type of ground needs to be ascertained prior to design. For example, the design method recommended in this TWf Guidance requires an engineering judgement of the ground with classification of Good, Average or Poor. For other design methods excavation and material testing may be required to determine soil type and strength properties. This guidance relates to upright posts, located centrally in excavated holes with concrete infill to ground level. The depth of post embedment is required to be sufficient to resist the bending moments and shear forces that will be induced in the posts when subject to horizontal loading above ground level. Having established the design parameters and selected a suitable size of post (Section 4.5) it is considered good practice to then design the post foundation to resist the full capacity of the selected post. Recommended planting depths for 2.5m high hoardings, for two sizes of excavated hole, are shown in Appendix D for the timber post sizes given in Appendix C.

Figure 6 - Typical timber post-in-hole hoarding

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4.8.2 Conventional post-in-hole foundation - continued Post stability is achieved by mobilising portions of passive resistance and reverse passive resistance in the soil. These portions form a couple, from which the post cantilevers above ground level. The required depth of embedment is dependent on the resistance characteristics of the soil and the width of the concrete infill. It should be noted that the fulcrum of the ground resistance to the applied overturning moment is within the foundation depth, and not at the ground level. Enhanced stability may be achieved by casting a concrete slab around the post at ground level to act as a strut. There are many variations for the design of such foundations, and the subject is covered by organisations in different ways. A full geotechnical design will rarely be justified for a site hoarding and the importance of simple rule-of-thumb rules in the design should be encouraged, provided the user has the necessary experience. There are three methods commonly used in design of embedded posts for hoardings; discussed in the following sections, with the first method the preferred option. Method Three should only be carried out by engineers with an adequate understanding of geotechnical principles. Method One PD 6547 simplified for lamp posts This TWf Guidance recommends use of the simplified method given in PD 6547:2004 + A1:2009, (Appendix A ) but with a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 applied to the design overturning moment of the post. This method considers and defines good, average and poor soil types. The post is considered to be encased in concrete of a certain diameter (or width) so that the foundation rotates as a solid body with the embedded post about a fulcrum point in the ground. The fulcrum point for the ground resistance is considered to act at a level below the ground level of 0.707 times the planting depth. Planting depths for 2.5m high hoardings using this method are stated in Appendix D. A full worked example using this method is shown in Appendix E. Method Two - HA 66/95 Section 5 Environmental Barriers

This method assumes that the foundation is fully embedded in well compacted material with a reduction factor for poor surface material. See Appendix A for the reference. Method Three - Geotechnical design from first principles. For post embedment design from first principles, the following parameters are recommended: (a) For concrete infill of 600mm width or less, zero active pressure is considered as the soil arches around the infill. (b) Passive resistance is considered to be mobilised over a width the lesser of either three times that of the concrete infill (3b) or the spacing of the posts, where b is the actual width of the concrete infill. Passive resistance from the upper part of the stress block is ignored to a depth of 1.5b for undrained cohesive soils, or b for drained cohesive and granular soils as recommended in CIRIA SP95. (c) Where the ground investigation data is available and known by the designer, a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 on passive resistance should generally be used, based on moderately conservative soil parameters. (d) The factor of safety used in the ground element of the design when using posts in the ground may be reduced further where the prevention or limitation of ground movement and therefore hoarding movement is less important. The recommended minimum factor of safety is 1.2 but should only be used where the designer is confident in the ground conditions and the parameters adopted. continues TWf2012:01 Page 19 of 46

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Temporary Works Forum Method Three - Geotechnical design from first principles - continued (e) The effect of wall friction or adhesion should be ignored in the calculation (which is conservative), unless the designer is competent to make a proper evaluation of their effects and takes these into account with the chosen factor of safety, which may well need to be greater than the value recommended above. (f) In granular soils, where there is limited data, an internal angle of friction of 30 deg. should be adopted. Where comprehensive information is available on relative density, soil angularity etc., a less conservative design value may be used. (g) Undrained, total stress, shear strength parameters should be used to assess passive resistance in soft normally to lightly over consolidated cohesive soils. In general, undrained, total stress, shear strength parameters may also be used to compute passive resistance in stiff over consolidated cohesive soils. Most design loads are from short-term events such as wind or a collision and are highly unlikely to be sustained long enough for long term drained conditions to apply. Care should, however, be taken when assigning design shear strength values. Because of the fissuring in the clay, the mass shear strength is often significantly lower than measured in the laboratory in hand vane shear tests or in triaxial tests on 38mm or 100mm diameter specimens. In such cases, it is advisable to adopt a maximum design value no greater than 75% of the laboratory measured undrained shear strength. Where it is anticipated that long term softening of the clay may occur, for an example adjacent to an excavation, design checks should also be made using effective stress parameters. (h) In locations where ground water level varies within the depth of post embedment, the design should assume water at ground level. (i) Ground level surcharge loads should not be used to enhance passive resistance unless these can be guaranteed to be of a permanent nature. 4.8.3 Bolted (or similar) foundations The fixing posts can be secured to foundations already prepared. Posts can be bolted to the base. Care is necessary in the selection of corrosion resistant bolt assemblies to ensure the design service life is achieved. Proprietary corrosion resistant post sleeves and end plates are available so that the post is kept out of contact with the ground. These items are suitable for a short design life of normal hoardings up to two years, provided there are regular inspections. 4.8.4 Proprietary, above ground, foundation block. These should be verified see (Section 6), for sliding and overturning, against the prevailing site conditions. The technical data provided by the supplier, should provide sufficient information to enable its sufficiency, in the particular circumstances. Typical proprietary hoardings are shown at Figure 7 and Figure 10.

Return to contents Figure 7 - Typical proprietary hoarding with foundation blocks TWf2012:01 Page 20 of 46

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4.8.5 Foundation block / kentledge foundation. Resistance to overturning may be provided by either a foundation block or kentledge, see Figure 7. Where this type of foundation is used, the stability in both directions should be carefully considered. The kentledge may be precast concrete, a purpose made block, or a number of scaffold tubes 5 , or a container acting as ballast and filled with sand or a liquid. Ballast in the form of liquids should be securely contained to prevent inadvertent or malicious removal. Whenever using kentledge, see Figure 8, or ballasted containers, see Figure 9, the exact value of overturning resistance is known, and a lower factor of safety can be utilised. See Section 4.6.2(b).

Figure 8 - Typical kentledge block hoarding 5.0 Materials

Figure 9 - Typical ballasted hoarding

5.1 Timber The minimum quality of timber used in hoardings should be grade C16 (BS EN 338). Where subject to moisture and possibilities of decay, all hoarding timber should be treated with a wood preservative, preferably supplied pre-treated with a pressure applied wood preservative. The permissible stresses and moduli of timber for hoardings are given in Table 3 and working structural properties of common timber post and rail timbers are given in Appendix C. Wood does not deteriorate just because it gets wet. When wood breaks down, it is because an organism is eating it as food. Preservatives work by making the food source inedible to these organisms. Properly preservative-treated wood can have 5 to 10 times the service life of untreated wood. Preserved timber is used for railway sleepers, telegraph poles, marine piles, fences and other outdoor applications. The durability of wood and wood based products is defined by use classes. (BS EN 335-2:2006) The use classes relevant for hoardings are: Class 3.1 Exterior use above ground and protected. Class 3.2 Exterior use above ground but unprotected and Class 4.1 Exterior in ground contact and/or fresh water. Where the ground water is severe or in salt water other classes would apply. Although circumstances will vary, it is foreseeable that a treated wooden hoarding post will rot after about 9 or more years in the ground and surrounded by concrete, giving an expected design life of about 5 years, subject to regular inspections at maximum six monthly intervals. For correct placement of the concrete surround see Section 4.8.2. continues
Not only should the number and length of tubes be stated, but whether Type 3 or Type 4 has been assumed because different wall thickness will give a different weight!


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Timber continued

Timber will also be used as horizontal rails on to which the facing material can be secured. Care is necessary to avoid water build-up on top surfaces of such rails when using square timbers. Water ponding will promote decay and local rotting of both the rail and/or the facing material. Certain situations may require fireproofing of the timber. Although this should be included in the design brief (See Section 3) the procurer and/or client may specify particular methods of fire proofing to be incorporated. 5.2 Steel or concrete posts Steel posts should have corrosion protection and be regularly inspected. The use of concrete posts for hoarding is rarely justified. They will give long service life with little maintenance 5.3 Facing material The facing material for hoarding is often a wood based material, such as plywood, wood particleboard (commonly known as chipboard) or Oriented Strand Board (OSB) The face material is normally fitted to span vertically between horizontal rails. See Figure 6. The structural properties of wood based panel products for use in hoardings is discussed in Section 4.7.3, and the importance of correct orientation of the facing material. Generally all external hoardings will require a water resistant wood based panel product. Procurers should be aware of the variations in face materials and the various glues and resins used to make the panel. They may not be suitable for long term exposure to the elements. Reference should be made to the manufacturers specifications and advice on the specific product. When using wood particleboard, the minimum grade recommended is P7. (EN 12369-1). None of the grades of particleboard are designed for use in wet conditions where the moisture content is likely to exceed 18%. This limits the use of wood particleboard to short term hoardings in less exposed locations. Particleboard is hygroscopic and its dimensions change in response to humidity. For example, a 1% change in moisture content typically results in a change of 0.4mm per metre length or width of a sheet. When using oriented strand board (OSB) the minimum grade recommended is OSB/3 (BS EN 310). OSB has significantly different properties in its two directions and users should be particularly aware of the orientation of the board. OSB, like particleboard is hygroscopic and its dimensions change in response to humidity. For example, a 1% change in moisture content typically results in a change of 0.3mm per metre length or width of a sheet. For robustness it is suggested that the minimum thickness of a panel of wood or wood based material for an external hoarding should be not less than 16mm. When using correctly preserved timber for hoarding panels, under normal conditions of use, a life expectancy of the resulting facing panel shall be 15 years (Clause B.3 BS 1722-5:2006). If part of the face is covered, for example by advertising, the change in the moisture conditions on the face will reduce significantly the life expectancy. Certain situations, such as in station environments, underground works, shopping malls etc., may require fire proofing of the facing materials. Although this should be included in the design brief (See Section 3) the procurer and/or client may specify particular methods of fire proofing to be incorporated. Certain materials may be prohibited from use. In such cases, seek advice. 5.4 Fixings All fixings shall be considered for durability of the hoarding, and when a long duration is expected, be designed for ease of regular inspection. Nailed connections are to be avoided where joints may become loose under cyclic loading or deteriorate with age. The frequency of fixings should be increased near to the ends of hoardings - the wind pressure is larger due to the effects of local turbulence of the wind around the ends, see Appendix B. continues TWf2012:01 Page 22 of 46

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5.4 Fixings - continued Typically a hoarding has interface areas of fixings, the face material to the rails, and the rails to the posts. In both cases, the principal load on the fixings will be the tension caused by the wind blowing from the opposite side to that which the rails are fitted. As the face and rails are normally fitted to the public side of the hoarding post, the effects of crowd loading can be ignored in the fixings design. The fixings should be designed for either the full wind force or the working wind plus the minimum notional horizontal load. The worst cases should be considered see Loading Combinations at Section 4.4. It is recommended that coach screws, bolts, nuts and washers shall have a protective coating. This could be hot dip galvanised in accordance with BS EN ISO 1461 as recommended for fencing (BS 1722-5 Cl; 8) or other suitable protection. The use of stainless steel fixings will rarely be justified on a temporary hoarding construction. Information on the safe loads of nails, screw and bolts are given in Section 6 of BS 5268-2:2002. This includes shear strengths and spacing of nails, use of differing face materials, effects of predrilling holes for screws etc.. The permissible load for a screwed joint is given by the expression: Fadm = F x K52 x K53 x K54 x l Where Fadm K52 K53 K54 l
[Equation 1]

is the permissible load in a screw (in N per mm of penetration) is a modification factor for duration of load is the modification factor for moisture content is a modification factor for screws in line. is the threaded point side penetration of the wood screw (in mm)

It is a recommendation of this TWf Guidance that for hoardings the fixings shall be designed for a very short term load, for service Class 3 (wet condition) and with no reduction for line loads. Hence K52 = 1.25, K53 = 0.7 and K54 = 1.00 The minimum penetration of a screw should be 15mm. To assist designers, the basic withdrawal load (F) per millimetre of penetration for common sizes of wood screws in pre-drilled holes are shown in Table 4 for different strength classes of timber.
Table 4 : Basic Withdrawal Load (F) per millimetre of penetration in N/mm Screw Diameter (mm) 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 7

Strength Class of timber C16 10.8 12.2 13.5 14.7 15.9 17.1 18.2 20.5 C24 13.1 14.7 16.3 17.8 19.2 20.7 22.1 24.8 C27 14.6 16.3 18.1 19.7 21.3 22.9 24.5 27.5

(1) The total withdrawal load should not exceed the tensile strength of the screw. (2) Based on Table 67 of BS 5268-2:2002

As an example: The safe tensile capacity of a 5mm wood screw fixing attached onto a section of C16 timber with an expected penetration of 50mm, using Table 4 and Equation 1 would be: Fadm = F x K52 x K53 x K54 x l = 15.9 x 1.25 x 0.7 x 1.00 x 50 = 696 N = 6.96 kN Where hoardings are expected to be in position for some time using wood based facing products, the use of screws as fixings can become unsafe, hence the need for regular inspections. continues TWf2012:01 Page 23 of 46

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5.4 Fixings - continued The change in thickness of the panel by prolonged periods of wet and dry with changes in moisture content cause swelling and subsequent shrinkage on drying. This can change the effectiveness of the screw over time. Where proprietary fittings / connectors are used forming part of the structure supporting a hoarding, they should have a rated safe working load/ characteristic strength in accordance with the requirements of the design. 5.5 Scaffold and Proprietary Equipment Scaffold and proprietary equipment should be clearly and readily identifiable by shape or size. Where this is not possible they should be marked. Scaffolding equipment should conform to current recommendations. Useful guidance is given by the National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) in publications such as TG20:08 and SG4:10. The safe working loads stated for steel scaffold tube and fittings given in TG20:08 may be used for design of hoardings without modification. It is a recommendation of this TWf Guidance that BS EN 39 Type 4 scaffold tubes in the galvanised condition be used in the construction of hoardings. Information necessary for the design, erection, use, maintenance and dismantling of the proprietary equipment used in the construction of hoardings should be made available. The supplier / manufacturer has a duty at Law to provide data about the product, together with any limitations and requirements affecting the safety of the product. Any particular inspection regimes should be made known to the user. The recommendations of the supplier should be followed and communicated, as relevant, to the site team. A typical proprietary hoarding incorporating advertising is shown at Figure 10.

Figure 10 - Typical Proprietary Hoarding with Advertising Panels If the stability of a proprietary hoarding system is based on tests, the user must ensure that the tests accurately reflect the design loads established from appropriate standards, codes or by using this TWf guidance . The user must also ensure that the proprietary system when erected will not exceed the conditions or arrangements for which the testing was carried out. 6.0 Verification of design The design of a site hoarding and its foundations should either be to a recognised code, in accordance with fundamental design principles, or in accordance with the design principles outlined in this guidance note. The design of all hoardings should be checked and a relevant design check certificate be issued. The categories of design check are outlined in BS 5975:2008+A1:2011 at Section 9.2 and listed in Table 1 to that standard. The design check should not be regarded as an onerous task; it is a verification that an independent person (not the actual designer) has carried out a check. continues TWf2012:01 Page 24 of 46

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6.0 Verification of design - continued On a simple hoarding, built to a standard solution, the design would involve ensuring the standard solution was suitable for the site, location and height envisaged, and that the correct data table and/or solution has been used. More complex hoardings would require a greater degree of independence of check. Where proprietary products are used, the supplier should have already arranged for a structural engineer to certify that the design meets the requirements and a design check certificate issued. Note that the end user would not require to necessarily have access to the suppliers method of verification and certificates. However, it is necessary for the user to ensure that the product is being used as intended, and that the circumstances of use agree with the design assumptions for the hoarding stated in the design brief. 7.0 Site specific issues

7.1 Workmanship The quality of workmanship should be to recognised works standards. Operatives assembling and erecting hoardings should be competent and be aware of correct good practice. Some examples to be considered would include:

where using timber posts in holes with concrete, remembering to place the post first, and then place the concrete surround, ensure the orientation of the facing material is as intended, fixings are used as designed, more fixings and usually closer post centres near to the ends of hoardings where the wind loads are larger.

7.2 Inspection in use All hoardings should be regularly inspected during their working life. At the time of erection of the hoarding the requirement for regular inspection and timings of such inspections should be specified, and is usually a requirement in the initial risk assessment. The maximum period between formal inspections of hoardings should be six months, although in many applications, with fast changing construction processes inspections may require to be more frequent. Additional inspections should be carried out after any exceptional event such as high winds or impact. It is accepted engineering practice that the design life of a structure can be extended by regular inspections. These more detailed regular inspections should also be agreed at an early stage in the use of the hoarding. Such inspections would be carried out by competent person(s) who have the ability to inspect the critical areas of the structure. Where the hoarding is designed with diagonal stays, there is always the risk that the stays might be removed by operators, for example to give clearance for a forklift unloading pallets etc. Particular care is required to ensure that such stays are not displaced or removed, making routine observations/inspections more important. 7.3 Access points Hoardings will require openings for access, either personnel and/or vehicular. Site gates with solid panels pick up large wind loads and consideration should be given to use of open mesh panels to reduce the loads. The gates should be securely fixed when closed and should incorporate a restraint chain or similar to prevent the gate from swinging out beyond the site boundary when not in use. Particular care is needed in the design of the likely loads on the hoarding posts supporting the gates. When the gates are open there will be loads on to the gate posts acting orthogonal to the hoarding; a different loading case to that when the gates are closed. Return to contents TWf2012:01 Page 25 of 46

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APPENDIX A Design Documents Covering Associated Structures Part One British Standards 1 Eurocodes (BS EN1990-1997) The Structural Eurocodes cover hoardings (in the sense that they are structures). Several parts of the ENs will be required and are listed below. Unlikely to be user friendly for this scale of structure. This gives the fundamental formulae and factors used in limit state design. Should be read in conjunction with the UK NA. Section 7.4.1 gives information on wind on freestanding walls and returns. Gives design information for wind loads, to be read in conjunction with the NA. Section 6.6 gives information to calculate the dynamic pressure on vertical surfaces parallel to railway tracks. Section 2 on procedural control of temporary works Section 17.5.1 Wind loading details the simplified method of wind loads using BS EN 1991-14:2008+A1:2010 Specification for post and rail solid fencing up to 1.80 m high using either concrete or timber posts. Installation guidance included, but no design data. Gives classes of use in relation to biological agents that attack wood. Tables on natural durability and treatability of selected wood species. Gives a range of barrier load options; particularly relevant for hoardings. Values from Table 2 are used in this guidance. Permissible stress design code, materials, workmanship and fixings. (Withdrawn in 2010 on publication of limit state BS EN 1995) Characteristic strength classes for softwood and hardwood timber continues TWf2012:01 Page 26 of 46

BS EN 1990:2002+A1:2005 Eurocode Basis of structural design.

BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures General actions Wind Actions

BS EN 1991-2:2003 Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. Traffic load on bridges.

BS 5975:2008+A1:2011 Code of practice for temporary works procedures and the permissible stress design of falsework

BS 1722-5:2006 Fencing Specification for Close Boarded and wooden Pallisade Fences.

BS EN 335-2:2006 Durability of wood and wood-based panels definitions of use classes BS EN 350-2:1994 Durability of wood and wood-based panels Natural durability of solid wood BS 6180:2011 Barriers in and about buildings code of practice

10 BS 5268-2:2002 with AMD 1 (2007) Structural Use of Timber

11 BS EN 338:2009 Structural Timber Strength Classes

HOARDINGS - A guide to good practice

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APPENDIX A - continued Part One British Standards 12 PD 6547:2004 + A1:2009 Guidance on the use of BS EN 40-3-1 and BS EN 40-33 13 BS EN 13200-3:2005 Spectator Facilities Part 3: Separating elements requirements Section 6 gives guidance on planting depths for lighting columns by introducing a Ground Factor for Good, Average or Poor conditions. Design requirements for permanent and temporary separating elements and barriers for spectator events, indoor and outdoor. Includes crush loading and line load values. Service life, materials, design, wind and foundation requirements. Includes illuminated signs . Background only as this does not reflect current codes. Appendix C has simple method of calculating post embedment. No specific mention of hoardings, but Supplement 1 gives latest method to determine the wind factor Swind used in the calculations. . Informative guidance, planning method statements and sample drawings for shopping malls and high street applications. Guidance on slipstream of passing trains on adjacent structures Section 4.5 discusses effect of wind on wall formwork both freestanding on the ground and on a suspended slab. Pages 224 -228 give the Brinch Hansen method of ultimate resistance of short rigid piles subjected to lateral loads. Needs a spreadsheet to use and time consuming. Needs accurate knowledge of soil parameters. Although written primarily to assist timber designers to understand Eurocode 5, this document is background reading for limit state design concepts, and explains the notation used in Eurocodes. Return to contents

14 BS 559:2009 Specification for the design and construction of signs for publicity, decorative and general purposes. 15 HA 66/95. Environmental Barriers: Technical Requirements (Vol 10, Section 5 of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges) 16 National Access and Scaffolding Confederation, TG20/08 Tube and Fitting Scaffolding and Supplement 1 17 National Association of Shopfitters The Safe Erection of Hoardings and Similar Structures A Code of practice 18 International Union of Railways UIC Code 779-1 Safety of railways 19 The Concrete Society, Formwork a guide to good practice: 2012 Environmental loads. 20 Pile Design and Construction Practice, 4th Edition by M.J. Tomlinson

Part Two Other Documents

21 Timber Research and Development Association, GD2 How to calculate the design value of loads using Eurocodes 2006


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Design Considerations - Wind on Hoardings

B.1 General Where hoardings are subjected to the wind a full design to BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010 and the UK National Annex to that standard is rarely justified. This TWf Guidance recommends the use of the simplified method given in BS 5975:2008+A1:2011 provided due consideration is given to the life of the hoarding. This Appendix outlines the simplified method and gives recommendations on the factors to be used. The use of this simplified method will generate conservative values of the wind force on to the hoarding except in extremely onerous site conditions. B.2 Maximum wind force on hoardings The calculation of the maximum wind force applied to a hoarding is given by the expression: FW = qp Aref cp,net x where Fw qp cp,net Aref
[Equation B.1 ]

is the maximum wind force on the structure in N is the peak velocity pressure in N/m2 see B.3 is the net pressure coefficient see B.6 is the reference area on which the wind acts in m2 is the shielding factor, generally taken as 1.0 for hoardings

For simplicity of calculation, the wind may be considered as blowing only in the directions at right angles to the axis of the hoarding. B.3 Working wind force on hoardings A maximum working wind force is considered in permissible stress design, see Section 4.4 and Table 1, is assessed as the maximum velocity pressure during which operations can take place. In the UK this is normally limited to a wind of Beaufort Scale 6 and represents a velocity pressure {Note: at this wind pressure, standing upright unaided is difficult.} of 200 N/m2. The calculation of the maximum working wind force applied to a hoarding is given by the expression: FWork = 200 Aref cp,net x where Fwork cp,net Aref
[Equation B.2 ]

is the maximum working wind force on the structure in N is the net pressure coefficient see B.6 is the reference area on which the wind acts in m2 is the shielding factor, generally taken as 1.0 for hoardings

B.4 Calculation of the peak velocity pressure The peak velocity pressure, formerly called dynamic pressure, for hoardings is given by :
2 2 q p 0.613 c prob C ef Swind

[Equation B.3 ]


qp cprob

is the peak velocity pressure (N/m ) is the probability factor for hoardings erected: up to two years use cprob = 0.83 longer than 2 years use cprob = 1.00 is the combined exposure factor - See B.5 is the wind factor See either BS 5975:2008+A1:2011 Clause or Formwork Guide Clause continues

Cef Swind


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B.4 Calculation of the peak velocity pressure - continued The basic values of wind velocity in BS EN 1991-1-4 assume a mean return period of 50 years. To take account of a structure being erected for a shorter period, and therefore less likely to be exposed to the peak wind, a probability factor cprob is introduced. Users of this TWf Guidance should be aware of the risk of using the lower probability factor in consideration of the site hoarding whenever there is a likelihood of delays and the construction time being extended if in any doubt, then the design brief should specify a value of cprob = 1.00 The peak velocity pressure is considered to act over the whole area of the hoarding. B.5 Combined exposure factor (Cef) The exposure of the site affects the wind velocity, being higher by the sea, than in a town. Table B.1 gives values of a combined exposure factor Cef and includes the relevant correction factor for towns. A town is considered if the site is situated more than 2 km inside the edge of the town with separations between buildings/trees less than 20 obstacle heights apart. If you have an open area of more than 20 obstacle heights in front of the structure, then the wind picks up speed across the opening and you are in the country! Where a town is by the sea or a lake, the first 2 km from the sea or lake are considered as country and adjacent to the sea. Table B.1. Combined exposure factor, Cef Hoarding Height (m) 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Site in country and adjacent to sea Closest distance to the shoreline (km) 0.1 1.90 2.03 2.15 2.23 2.31 2 1.60 1.72 1.84 1.94 2.03 10 1.50 1.62 1.73 1.82 1.90 100 1.40 1.51 1.62 1.70 1.78 Site in town, more than 2 km from the edge of the town Distance to shoreline (km) 2 1.07 1.20 1.32 1.43 1.54 10 1.01 1.13 1.25 1.35 1.44 100 0.94 1.06 1.17 1.26 1.35

Notes to Table B.1 (1) Interpolation may be used in this table. (2) Based on Figures NA.7 and Figure NA.8 in the NA to BS EN 1991-1-4

B.6 The net pressure coefficient cp,net The force applied to a structure by a given peak velocity pressure depends on the shape of the structure and how the wind is constrained to flow around it. Depending on the shape, the wind speed will increase and decrease in different regions giving areas of higher and lower pressure, and therefore of differing force. These differences are taken into account using the net pressure coefficient (cp,net). The term net pressure coefficient is the summation of the pressure on the windward side plus the drag on the leeward side of the hoarding; the term is effectively interchangeable with the term force coefficient. This TWf Guidance refers to net pressure coefficients. The net pressure coefficients (cp,net) for freestanding hoardings erected on or near the ground should be taken from Table B.2. To cater for the increased wind force near the ends of hoardings, four zones have been assumed. The zones near to the ends of the hoarding are considered to have a larger value of net pressure coefficient. This is shown diagrammatically in Figure B.1. Where the hoarding returns around a corner the wind regime changes and values for returns greater than the hoarding height are shown in table B.2 This method is similar to the design of permanent walls in BS EN 1991-1-4. continues


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B.6 The net pressure coefficient - continued To simplify the design, engineering judgement may be used to rationalise the net pressure coefficients in the Zones. When considering the face material fixing then critical Zone A should be used for the areas adjacent to the hoarding end. Where there are vehicular wide access ways through the hoarding it would be prudent to design the hoarding as separate structures, i.e. the access way creates two ends in the hoarding. See Figure B.1 (b). Where pedestrian access doorways are included in a hoarding structure, engineering judgement can be used and the hoarding considered as a continuous solid structure with relevant net pressure coefficients related to the doorway zone. Table B.2. Net pressure coefficients for freestanding hoardings erected on the ground cp,net
Without returns ZONE Considered Ratio 3 l h effective length / hoarding height 5 2.9 1.8 1.4 1.2 10 3.4 2.1 1.7 1.2 With return corner of length > h 2.1 1.8 1.4 1.2


2.3 1.4 1.2 1.2

Notes to B.2: (1) The hoarding is impervious (solid) and erected on or near the ground level. (2) Effective length/height is the combined dimension of hoarding that creates a continuous barrier to the wind. (3) The location of zones is illustrated in Figure B.1. (4) Values for hoardings may be interpolated provided the solidity ratio is between 0.8 and 1.0 (solid). 4h 2h 0.3h

l (a) Freestanding hoarding 4h 2h

4h 2h 0.3h 0.3h


Vehicle Access


(b) Freestanding hoarding with vehicle access way

Figure B.1 Key to zones for hoardings TWf2012:01 Page 30 of 46

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B.6 Net pressure coefficients - continued Where a hoarding is erected in front of a large building, then the wind is stalled. The wind blowing onto the hoarding creates a pressure. Where the hoarding is connected to the building the wind force is resisted by the existing building. Where the wind blows from behind the building a suction (drag) force will be generated on the hoarding, pulling it away from the building. The magnitude of the forces will also be affected by how close the hoarding is erected in front of the building. Effectively the hoarding will be subjected to similar wind forces to that of the permanent building; parts of the hoardings becoming the external wall of the building. The values of external pressure coefficients for vertical walls of rectangular buildings are given in Table NA.4 of the NA to BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010. The sign convention is that a coefficient shown as a negative value indicates it is a suction (drag) value. Any fixings to the building and the floor/pavement will need to be designed to transfer this force. The components of the hoarding will also need to resist the suction force. Where hoardings are erected in floors of multi storeyed buildings, the wind will be able to pass around and possibly below the hoarding, and different wind conditions and coefficients will apply. Some guidance is given in Section of Formwork Guide to good practice.

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APPENDIX C Working Structural Properties of Timber for Hoardings

Table C1
Basic Size square Rail Post


Basic Size rail
100 x 50 100 x 75 75 x 100


Strength Class

rectangular Post
75 x 150 75 x 225 100 x 200

100 x 125

75 x 75

100 x 100 1.274 1.802 2.283 9.91 10.54 16.31 34.23 42.49 48.40

150 x 150 4.069 5.758 7.293 22.15 23.55 36.44 170.93 212.18 241.65 0.299 0.423 0.536 4.80 5.11 7.90 3.89 4.83 5.51 3,160 3,450 3,590 0.702 0.993 1.258 7.36 7.82 12.11 14.00 17.38 19.79 0.945 1.338 1.695 7.36 7.82 12.11 25.41 31.54 35.92 1.934 2.737 3.466 12.36 13.15 20.34 66.45 82.48 93.94 2.02 2.859 3.621 11.00. 11.69 18.10 84.87 105.36 119.99 4.448 6.294 7.973 16.69 17.74 27.46 296.44 368.00 419.11 4.769 6.749 8.549 19.92 21.19 32.79 278.11 345.24 393.19

Moment of Resistance
f Z K7 K8 (kNm)

C16 C24 C27


0.538 0.761 0.964 5.46 5.81 8.99 10.39 12.90 14.69

Shear Load
q A K8 (kN)

C16 C24 C27


Bending Stiffness
EI (kN/m)

C16 C24 C27


Bearing Stress

C16 C24 C27 (4)

( 2,440 with wane ) ( 2,730 with wane ) ( 2,870 with wane)

NOTES to Table C1
Assumes sawn softwood structural timber is used. Structural properties of timber are based on the permissible stresses and moduli from Table 3 appropriate for hoarding applications in the UK. The section sizes are the commonly available target sizes stated in Table NA.2 of BS EN 336:2003. See Table C2 In the UK the target sizes stated are commonly available in strength classes C16 and C24. The timber has been accepted as appropriate to the class concerned, has not been reduced in cross section and is still in good condition. The load duration factor (K3) has been taken as 1.75 for hoardings based on very short term loading. There is an assumed minimum 75mm of end bearing where using rails. Where wane is permitted in the grading, use the values for bearing shown in the brackets. 8. Maximum permitted shear stress values have been increased by a factor of 1.5 in agreement with BS 5975 Clause Continues 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


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Working Structural Properties of Timber for Hoardings continued

The orientation of rectangular timber members is important, and Table C1 gives values for rectangular timber for both the "strong" and "weak" way around for the smaller sizes commonly used as the horizontal rails. For example the 100 x 75 mm timber when used as a structural beam is assumed to have the 100mm side vertical (Strong); it is considerably weaker when used "on the flat". In hoardings the principle design load is the lateral wind or crowd load and the rails are generally fitted with the long side vertically, but loaded horizontally, i.e. with the 75mm side horizontal (i.e. in the Weak direction). See sketch.



It is assumed that constructional sawn softwood is used. The EN convention is that the width is stated first, and depth second. The size of timber is normally based on its size measured at 20% moisture content, and the European standard for coniferous and poplar structural timber, BS EN 336, assumes that the thickness and width of a piece of timber can be increased by 0.25% for every 1% of moisture content greater than 20% up to 30%, and decrease by 0.25% for every 1% of moisture content lower than 20% moisture content. These values are typical without regard to the species of softwood timber.

Table C2 Geometric Properties and Depth Factor for Timbers

Basic Size - square Rail post
100 x 50 75 x 75

Basic Size rail

100 x 75 75 x 100

Nominal Size


rectangular Post
75 x 150 75 x 225 100 x 200

100 x 125

100 x 100 97 x 97 9,409 152.1 x 103 7.38 x 106 1.128 3.48 3.95 4.23

150 x 150 145 x 145 21,025 508.1 x 103 36.8 x 106 1.079 7.78 8.83 9.46 97 x 47 4,559 35.7 x 103 0.84 x 106 1.128 1.69 1.92 2.05 97 x 72 6,984 83.8 x 103 3.02 x 106 1.128 2.58 2.93 3.14 72 x 97 6,984 112.9 x 103 5.48 x 106 1.128 2.58 2.93 3.14 97 x 121 11,737 236.7 x 103 14.32 x 106 1.101 4.34 4.93 5.28 72 x 145 10,440 252.3 x 103 18.29 x 106 1.079 3.86 4.39 4.70 72 x 220 15,840 580.8 x 103 63.89 x 106 1.032 5.86 6.65 7.13 97 x 195 18,915 614.7 x 103 59.94 x 106 1.046 7.00 7.94 8.51

Finished Size Area A Section Modulus (Z) Moment of Inertia I Depth Factor Approximate Weight (kg/m) Notes to Table C.2

72 x 72 5,184 62.2 x 103 2.24 x 106 1.165 1.92 2.18 2.33

mm mm mm4

C16 C24 C27

1. The depth factor (K7) assumes the timber largest dimension refers when using depth factor formula. See Section 4.7.2 (e). 2. The approximate weight is calculated assuming the mean density based on the finished size stated. 3. The finished size of timber assumed is the target size finished by planing two opposing faces from Table NA.4 of BS EN 1313-1:1997. Return to contents ( It is noted that there is no National Annex in BS EN 1313-1:2010 )


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APPENDIX D Post planting depths for hoardings using PD 6547 D.1 General method

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The TWf Guidance at Section 4.8.2 recommended the use of the simplified method given in Section 6 of PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 for calculating the planting depth of timber hoarding posts. The designer will have established the post centres, and calculated the design overturning 4.5 and will also have selected the moment (Mo) and shear force (Qo) for the post, see Section 4.5, optimum size of post. The working structural properties of common timber post sizes are stated in Appendix C. The method assumes that the overturning moment on the hoarding is resisted by a rigid block of concrete that rotates about a fulcrum point in the ground, as illustrated in Figure D1. The fulcrum point for the ground resistance is considered to act at a level below the ground level of 0.707 x planting depth. The ground resistance moment (Mg) is given by the equation:

Where Mg G D P

GDP3 10

[ Equation D1 ]

is the ground resistance moment (in kNm) is the Ground Factor (in kN/m2 ) (see Table D1) is the minimum effective width of the concreted foundation in metres is the planting depth of the post from ground level in metres.

The planting depth (P) will vary depending on the ground conditions and the diameter of the effective post hole (D). The three ground conditions used in the method are stated in Table D1. In hoarding design, the effective post hole considered is the width of the concreted hole that provides the ground restraint - typically between 300 to 400mm wide holes are excavated, filled with the post and then concreted. It is noted that these holes could be dug as square, or be circular if augered. The effect of the applied loads and the design representation are illustrated in Figure D1. The design needs to take account of the overall factor of safety on stability (minimum 1.5 see Section, hence the post is stable if the following criteria is met: Mg { Mo + ( 0.707 x Qo x P) } x 1.5
Where [ Equation D2 ]

Mg is the ground resistance moment (in kNm) from Equation D1 Mo is the critical overturning moment about the ground level from the applied wind and minimum / crowd overturning moment (in kNm). See Section 4.5 Qo is the critical horizontal shear force at ground level from the applied wind and minimum notional / crowd loading (in kN) See Section 4.5 P is the planting depth of the post from ground level in metres. 1.5 is the minimum factor of safety on overturning of the foundation. See
minimum notional or crowd load hoarding hoarding concrete D Mo {1.2 + 0.707P} P ( c) Plan of hole [square or circular] 0.707 P Fulcrum (b) Design representation

centre of wind force {h/2 + 0.707P}

h Qo

(a) Applied loads on foundation

Figure D1 Post foundation TWf2012:01 Page 34 of 46

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APPENDIX D Post planting depths for hoardings using PD 6547 - General - continued Equations D1 and D2 cannot be solved to generate a simple formula for establishing the planting depth (P) for all cases of post. The designer will be aware of the moments, shear force and ground conditions, and by varying values of D can carry out an iterative trial and error calculation to establish a planting depth that satisfies Equation D2. The three ground conditions used in the method, and the ground factor (G) used in Equation D1 are stated in Table D1.
Table D1 Ground classification Quality of the ground Compact, well graded sand and gravel, hard clay, well-graded fine and coarse sand, decomposed granite rock and soil Good soils drain well Compact fine sand, medium clay, compacted well-drained sandy loam, loose coarse sand and gravel. Average soils drain sufficiently well that water does not stand on the surface. Soft clay, clay loam, poorly compacted sands, clays containing a large amount of silt and vegetable matter, and made-up ground. Includes site placed backfill unless fully compacted. Poor soils are normally wet and have poor drainage G (kN/m2) Classification







D.2 Post planting depth for hoardings up to 2.5m high Inspection of Figure 4 shows that if the hoarding height were h = 2.44m, then the centre of wind force and the lateral minimum/crowd loading are almost coincidental. As the most common hoarding size is based on a single 8-0 wood based sheet material placed vertically, i.e. 2.44m, then it is possible to reconcile Equations D1 and D2 and create tables of planting depths. Tables D2 states the minimum planting depths for timber posts used on up to 2.5m high hoardings based on the moment capacity of the post size stated in Appendix C assuming a 300mm width of effective concreted hole. Tables D2, D3 and D4 give values for timber posts to strength class C16 and C24.
Table D2 Planting depth (mm) for hoardings less than 2.5m high using a 300mm wide hole Timber Hoarding Post 100 x 125 75 x 150
Ground Condition

75 x 225

100 x 200

100 x 100 C16 C24 600 700 850

150 x 150 C16 800 950 n/a C24 900 n/a n/a C16 600 700 850 C24 700 800 1000 C16 600 750 900 C24 700 850 1000 C16 800 1000 n/a C24 950 n/a n/a C16 850 1000 n/a C24 950 n/a n/a

Good Average Poor Note: (1) (2) (3) (4)

500 600 750

Assumes timber post is surrounded by concrete of effective width 300 mm. Factor of safety of 1.5 applied to the post moment see Ground condition as appropriate see Table D1 Notation n/a indicates that ground resistance not sufficient for loaded condition.



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Appendix D.2

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Post planting depth for hoardings up to 2.5m high - continued

Where the effective hole width increases to 400mm, the planting depth is reduced, and Table D3 states the minimum planting depths for timber posts used on hoardings up to 2.5m.
Table D3 Planting depth (mm) for hoardings less than 2.5m high using a 400mm wide hole Timber Hoarding Post 100 x 125 75 x 150
Ground Condition

75 x 225

100 x 200

100 x 100 C16 C24 550 650 750

150 x 150 C16 700 850 1000 C24 800 950 n/a C16 550 650 800 C24 600 750 900 C16 550 650 800 C24 650 750 900 C16 750 900 n/a C24 850 1000 n/a C16 750 900 n/a C24 850 1000 n/a

Good Average Poor

450 550 650

Note: (1) Assumes timber post is surrounded by concrete of effective width 400 mm.. (2) Factor of safety of 1.5 applied to the post moment see (3) Ground condition as appropriate see Table D1 (4) Notation n/a indicates that ground resistance not sufficient for loaded condition.

Where the effective hole width increases to 500mm, the planting depth is further reduced, and Table D4 states the minimum planting depths for timber posts used on hoardings up to 2.5m.
Table D4 Planting depth (mm) for hoardings less than 2.5m high using a 500mm wide hole Timber Hoarding Post 100 x 125 75 x 150
Ground Condition

75 x 225

100 x 200

100 x 100 C16 C24 500 600 700

150 x 150 C16 650 800 950 C24 750 900 1050 C16 500 600 750 C24 600 650 800 C16 500 600 750 C24 600 700 850 C16 700 800 1000 C24 750 900 1100 C16 700 850 1000 C24 800 950 n/a

Good Average Poor

450 500 600

Note: (1) Assumes timber post is surrounded by concrete of effective width 500 mm.. (2) Factor of safety of 1.5 applied to the post moment see (3) Ground condition as appropriate see Table D1 (4) Notation n/a indicates that ground resistance not sufficient for loaded condition.

Where hoardings are shorter than 2.5m, say less than 1.75m in height, the resulting planting depths given in Tables D2, D3 and D4 are unlikely to be economical, and a separate design calculation would give a more reasonable planting depth. Where hoardings are taller than 2.5m or ground conditions are not as classified in Table D1, or hole effective widths (D) differ from that stated, then a separate foundation design should be carried out as described at Section D1. Note that the basic design method using PD 6547 is also explained in detail in the worked example at Appendix E. Return to contents


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APPENDIX E Worked Example of Hoarding Design Post-in-hole E.1 Introduction

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It is proposed to design a timber hoarding with the post embedded in the ground using the recommendations of the TWF Guidance on Hoardings. The design will be to permissible stress codes. The foundation design will use the simplified method to determine planting depth given in PD 6547. The calculations in the example are not necessarily complete for the entire hoarding, but demonstrate the recommended approach to the design. The source of the information and/or equations used is stated; these would not normally be included provided the actual documents used in the calculations are listed, with relevant dates, as E.3 below. E.2 Design Brief The project requires a freestanding site hoarding. The design brief, supplied by site, requirements are:Site Location:- Liverpool. The site is located in town but with a large park on the west side of the side, approximately 5 to 6 km from the sea.. Topography - flat townscape, no hills. Height of Hoarding required:- 2.4m (i.e. one 8-0 sheet) Length of hoarding: 20m + 20m In plan the hoarding will be Lshaped with both ends butting up to an existing chainlink fence. The site is adjacent to a normal width pavement adjacent to an existing road. Site have advised there is nominal public pedestrian movements. No specific crowd loading is stated. Site have advised there are no services in the area where the hoarding is to be located. The ground has been described as 100mm of topsoil overlying firm to stiff clay. There is no ground water. The top soil will be stripped prior to installing the hoarding. The hoarding will be in place for approximately 18 months. The preferred facing material for the hoarding is Oriented Strand Board (OSB). Site have 75 x 225 C24 constructional sawn timber posts available.


Documents used TWf2012:01 Hoardings A guide to good practice October 2012 PD 6547:2004 + A1:2009 Guidance on the use of BS EN 40-3-1 and BS EN 40-3-3 BS 5975:2008+A1:2011 Code of practice for temporary works procedures and the permissible stress design of falsework Ordnance Survey Mapping


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Appendix E - Worked Example - continued Calculation E.4 Loading

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Source/ Output
Hoardings 4.2.1

E.4.1 Minimum notional horizontal load As crowd loading not considered significant in the design brief, the minimum notional horizontal load applied to hoarding is 0.74 kN/m acting 1.2m above the base. (4.2.1) E.4.2 Wind loading Site post code: - Liverpool From Ordnance Survey Map site Altitude = 55m and the site is not topographically significant. Site is approximately 5 to 6km from the coast. The site is located in town but with a large park on the west side of the side. Hence for the purposes of these calculations the site will be treated as in the Country. Fundamental basic wind velocity for Liverpool vb,map = 23m/s Topographical factor Altitude stated in brief Wind factor Twind = 1.0 A = 55m = 1.0 x 23 x (1 + (55/1000)) = 24.27m/s Probability factor for period less than two years cprob = 0.83 Combined exposure factor for Site in Country and stated about 5 to 6km from sea, say 5km. Hence interpolating in table for 5km distance from sea gives for hoarding height of 2.5m a Cef = 1.68 and for h = >2m Cef = 1.56 Hence interpolating for h = 2.44m gives Cef = 1.66 Peak velocity pressure qP = 0.613 c2prob Cef S2wind = 0.613 x 0.832 x 1.66 x 24.272 = 413 N/m2 = 0.413 kN/m2

Minimum notional horizontal load 0.74 kN/m

BS 5975 Figure 4 BS 5975 Figure 5 (a)

Swind = Twind x vb,map x (1 + (A/1000))

Swind 24.27 m/s

Hoardings B.4 Hoardings Table B.1 Hoardings B.4

qp=0.413 kN/m2

Net pressure coefficients (cp,net): To simplify the design, design will assume each end of the hoarding as freestanding and ignore the return corner Ratio of effective length/ height= l / h = 20 / 2.44 = 8.2 As the hoarding is solid, the values of cp,net for each zone may be linearly interpolated from Table B.2 Zone A Zone C cp,net = 3.2 cp,net = 1.6 Zone B Zone D Continues cp,net = 2.0 cp,net = 1.2
Hoardings Table B.2

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Appendix E - Worked Example - E.4.2 Wind Loading continued Calculation

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Source/ Output
Hoardings B.6

Design philosophy - The ratio of length/height is 8.2h, and as overall length is about (2 x 4h), Zone D is not applicable in this example. Hence design the first 10m (4h) of the hoarding from end or return for cp,net for Zone B. Zone A is excluded in the post and rail calculations as the end post supports less face area of the hoarding. The connections are designed for Zone A. For simplicity Zone C is ignored.
Note to calculations If the hoarding is longer than 8h, then additional calculations

for Zones C and D, using the methods shown, may be justified for economy.

Net pressure coefficient for Zone B is Maximum wind force

cp.net = 2.0

cp,net = 2.0
Hoardings B.2

FW = qp x Aref x cp,net x

The reference area on which the wind acts in m2 is 2.44 x 1 m2 per metre The shielding factor is assumed 1.0 Hence Fw = 0.413 x ( 2.44 x 1.0 ) x 2.0 x 1.0 = 2.015 kN/metre run FWork = 200 Aref cp,net x Force acts at half height, i.e. 2.44/2 = 1.22m above ground Working wind force

Maximum Wind Force 2.02 kN/m

Hoardings B.3
Working Wind

Hence FWork = 200 x ( 2.44 x 1.0) x 2.0 x 1.0 = 976 N/m = 0.98 kN/metre E.4.3 Face material loading Design panels for robustness as a local area loading of 1.5 kN/m2. For simplicity of design this value is considered over the full height of the panel. The overturning effect of the self weight of the face material, fitted to the public side of the posts, is ignored. Note to calculations : This adds about 3% to the overall overturning effect, and because it acts in opposite direction to the crowd load is a stabilising load! E.5 Hoarding design

0.98 kN/m
Hoardings 4.2.4

Hoardings 4.4

E.5.1 Load combinations As there is no specific crowd load stated in the design brief (E.2), consider the worst combination cases of either LC1, LC2 or LC3, LC4. Consider overturning moment about base per metre run of hoarding LC1 LC2 100% maximum wind = 2.02 x (2.44/2) = 2.46 kNm / m run 100% working wind + 100% minimum notional horizontal load (100% x 0.98 x (2.44/2)) + (100% 0.74 x 1.2) = 2.08 kNm / m run = 2.46 kNm / m run

Hoardings Table 1

LC3 = LC1 = 100% maximum wind LC4 = LC2 = 2.08 kNm / m run

Overturning Moment

2.46 kNm/m

Design on overturning moment Mo = 2.46 kNm / m run This is in both directions as LC1 = LC3 continues TWf2012:01 Page 39 of 46

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Appendix E - Worked Example - E.5.1 Loading Combinations continued Calculation Consider shear force in base from loading cases per metre run of hoarding LC1 = LC3 maximum wind = 2.02 kN / m run LC2 = LC4 working wind + min. notional horizontal = 0.98 + 0.74 = 1.72 kN Maximum shear force per metre is Qo = 2.02 kN / m run E.5.2 Timber posts Site intend to use 75 x 225 C24 constructional sawn timber posts as available on site. Check suitability with properties from Appendix C: Permissible moment capacity C24 class is 6.294 kNm Permissible shear load capacity C24 class is 17.74 kN Permissible bearing stress C24 class is 3,450 kN/m2 (2,730 kN/m2 wane) Maximum centres of posts due to bending = 6.294 /2.46 = 2.558m Maximum centres of post due to shear = 17.74 / 2.02 = 8.78m (not critical case)
Note to calculations: The overall factor of safety of overturning of 1.5 mentioned in Section 4.5.2 (b) is NOT considered in the strength check calculation above as the permissible values of the material strength are used. Although it is used in the foundation check at Section E.6 of this example.

Source/ Output

Shear Force

2.02 kN/m

Post C24 75 x 225

Hoardings Table C.1

Hence maximum post centres limited by bending strength on 75 x 225 C24 posts is 2558mm centres, allowing a slight overstress, say 2.6m c/c. E.5.3 Horizontal rails

Use four horizontal rails. Hence the minimum notional horizontal load occurs between two rails, and midspan of the face material spanning between the rails. Design assumption that worst case is full minimum notional horizontal load on one rail. Maximum centres of rails = 0.8m.
Note to calculations: The theoretical spacing is (2440 100)/ 3 spaces = 780mm Hence design will assume a worst case of 800mm

Try C24 100 x 75 constructional sawn timber used on the flat Working structural properties of rail 100 x 75 class C24 used on the flat, i.e. used in the weak direction: Permissible moment capacity C24 is 0.993 kNm Permissible shear load capacity C24 is 7.82 kN Permissible bearing stress C24 is 3,450 kN/m2 (2,730 kN/m2 wane) Continues TWf2012:01 Page 40 of 46
Hoardings Table C1

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Appendix E - Worked Example - E.5.3 Horizontal Rail Calculation continued

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The design assumption for worst case for one central rail is either full wind or working wind with min. notional horizontal load applied to a single rail. Wind force is calculated using Force = qp Aref cp,net
Formwork Guide Appendix B Load Case 26

Allowing for continuity factor of 1.1 on udl on face material, the load per metre run on rail is either:Full wind force is 0.413 x 0.8 x 1.0 x 2.0 x 1.1 = 0.727 kN/m run Working Wind plus minimum notional horizontal load on one rail = ( 0.2 x 0.8 x 1.0 x 2.0 x 1.1) + 0.74 = 1.092 kN/m run Assuming the rail is simply supported at the posts, the maximum span is (0.993 x 8 / 1.092 ) 0.5 = 2.697 = 2.7m span of rail By inspection shear not critical. Hence use four C24 100 x 75 timber rails on the flat at about 800mm centres with posts at maximum 2.6m centres is Okay. E.5.4. Face material By inspection design for worst case loading of either panel robustness loading of 1.5 kN/m2 (see E.4.3 ) or the effect of the min. notional horizontal load mid-way between rails. Assuming four rails would give a maximum span c/c of about 0.8m Maximum applied bending moment assuming face material simply supported and not allowing for continuity over the four rails (i.e. fitted as one sheet) for robustness gives = (1.5 x 0.82 x 1.0) / 8 = 0.120 kNm/m width Assuming the minimum notional horizontal line load acts as a point load at midspan and the working wind load is distributed, then the maximum applied bending moment on the face material would be = ( 0.74 x 0.8 / 4 ) + (0.2 x 0.82 / 8) = 0.148 + 0.016 = 0.164 kNm/m Checking properties of preferred OSB the 18mm OSB/3 to EN 310 has stated working property of 0.449 kNm/m or 0.225 kNm/m. Hence this material would be suitable.
Note to calculations: Although the calculations indicate that the 18mm OSB/3 could be fitted in either orientation, because there are four rails, it would have to be fitted as one continuous vertical sheet.

Posts at 2.6m

Hoarding 4.7.3

Formwork Guide Table 15 Face Material

18mm OSB/3



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Appendix E - Worked Example continued

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Calculation E.5.5 Connections

Source/ Output

Two connections need to be considered, the face material to the rail, and the rail to the post. Due to increase wind loading at the ends of the hoarding, design the face material and ends of the rail for Zone A pressure coefficients. Note to calculations: For economy screw fixings in other Zones may be considered. The connections are designed for tension, so as fitted on the public side, any crowd loading is ignored, and loading cases LC3 & LC4 considered. E.5.5.1 Connection of ply to rails Design wind force (zone A) = qp . cp.net (zone A) Aref = 0.413 x 3.2 x 1.0 x 1.0 = 1.32 kN/m

Hoardings 5.5 and Table 1

Working wind force (zone A) = 0.20 x 3.2 x 1.0 x 1.0 = 0.64 kN/m2 LC3 LC4 Line load Zone A wind = 1.32 kN/m x 0.8m = 1.056 kN/m Line load working wind + Min. notional horizontal load = { 0.64 kN/m x 0.8m } + 0.74 kN/m = 1.252 kN/m - governing case

Hoardings Table B.2 and Fig B.1 (a)

Try 4mm screws 50mm long at 300mm centres into C24 rails Point side penetration = 50 18mm (face thickness) = 32mm (say 30mm) Basic withdrawal load/mm of point side penetration = 16.3 N /mm K52 = 1.25 (very short term loading) K53 = 0.7 (Class 3)

Hoardings 5.4 and Table 4

Permissible load per metre = (30 x 16.3 x 1.25 x 0.7 / 0.300) x 10 = 1.43kN/m > 1.252 hence Okay

Use 4mm screws 50mm long at 300mm centres in pre-drilled holes. E.5.5.2 Connection of rails to post

Ply to rails Use 4mm screws 50mm lg at 300mm c/c

Due to the large centres of the posts (2.6m), the rails will span simply supported from post to post, hence: Loaded area per post = 2.60m x 0.8m / 2 = 1.04m Consider the last span at the end. The hoarding values of cp,net for each zone are Zone A cp,net = 3.2 and Zone B cp,net = 2.0 Hence Averaging for the last 2.6m long rail gives cp, Ave A,B rail = { (3.2 x 0.30 x 2.44) + (2.0 x (2.60 (0.3 x 2.44))) } / 2.60 = { 2.342 + 3.736 } / 2.60 = 2.34 Design wind force (end rail) = qp . cp. Ave A,B rail Aref = 0.413 x 2.34 x 0.8 x 1.0 = 0.773 kN/m Working wind force (zone A) = 0.20 x 2.34 x 0.8 x 1.0 = 0.374 kN/m Continues TWf2012:01 Page 42 of 46

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Appendix E - Worked Example - E.5.5.2 Connection of rails to post Calculation LC3 LC4 Line load full wind = 0.773 kN/m x ( 2.60 / 2 ) = 1.005 kN Line load working wind + Min. notional horizontal load = { 0.374 kN/m x ( 2.60 / 2) } + { 0.74 kN/m x (2.60/2) } = 0.486 + 0.962 = 1.448 = 1.45 kN - governing case

continued Source/ Output

Note to calculations: the rails are not continuous past the post, hence in this example the loaded length is halved i.e. 2.6 / 2

Due to practicalities of achieving screw centres at intersection of post and rail try 4No. 5mm screws 100mm long into C24 posts. Point side penetration = 100 75mm (rail thickness) = 25mm Basic withdrawal load/mm of point side penetration = 19.2 N/mm K52 = 1.25 (very short term loading) K53 = 0.7 (Class 3)

Hoardings 5.5 and Table 4

Permissible load per joint = 4 x 25 x 19.2 x 1.25 x 0.7 x 10 = 1.68 kN > 1.45 kN hence OK

Use 4No. 5mm screws 100mm long per rail to post connection into predrilled holes.

Rail to post Use 4No 5mm screws 100mm lg


Foundation design

E.6.1 Planting depth As the hoarding is 2.44m high then the planting depth tables in Appendix D can be used. For design, assume a concreted hole of width 400mm, hence D = 0.40m. The ground has been described as 100mm of topsoil overlying firm to stiff clay. This is not hard clay, so in consideration of ground classification from Table D.1 assume average ground. Hence from Appendix D Table D3 the planting depth for C24 75 x 225 posts in average soil is stated as 1000mm.
{Note: the planting depth stated in Table D3 is based on the full moment of the post, whereas the supportive calculation in E.6.2 check against the actual moment. Shear force applied}

Hoardings Appendix D

Concrete Hole minm 400mm

Post Planting

depth 1000mm

*** Note to Calculations *** The following section E.6.2 would not normally be required, but has been completed to illustrate the PD 6547 method as outlined in Appendix D, at Sections D1 and D.2 Return to contents


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HOARDINGS - A guide to good practice

Appendix E - Worked Example - E.6 Foundations Calculation E.6.2 Ground resistance calculation for post depth G = 390kN/m continued

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Source/ Output
Assume Average Table D1

The ground has been classified from Table D.1 as average ground Hence ground factor is Assume hole for the 75 x 225 post is concreted after post placed in hole such that effective Diameter of hole, D = say 400mm, hence D = 0.40m The ground resistance moment, Mg = G . D . P / 10 where Mg is the ground resistance D is the minimum diameter of the effective item planted P is the planting depth (in m) G is the ground factor (in kN/m2 Hence Mg = = 390 x 0.40 x P / 10 = 15.60 x P 3 kNm per post The critical overturning moment about the ground level (level 0) identified from the loading combinations at E.5.1 gives Design on overturning moment 2.46 kNm / m run and Maximum shear force of 2.02 kN / m run Hence for posts at 2.6m centres: Critical overturning moment is M0 = 2.46 x 2.6 = 6.40 kNm / post and Critical shear load is Qo = 2.02 x 2.6 = 5.25 kN / post The post is stable provided Mg { Mo + ( 0.707 x Qo x P) } x 1.5 giving Mg { 6.40 + ( 0.707 x 5.25 x P) } x 1.5 { 9.60 + 5.57 P } 15.60 x P 3 = 9.60 + 5.57 P - solved by trial and error gives: 9.60 = 15.60 P 3 - 5.57 P

Equation D1

Equation D2

Combining the equalities gives Giving

Try planting depth, P = 1.0m then (15.60 x 13 ) - (5.57 x 1) = 10.03 P = 0.95m then (15.60 x 0.953 ) (5.57 x 0.95) = 8.08 Hence Planting Depth of 1.0m is acceptable E.7 Summary Sketch layout shown on next page. Use 75 x 225 C24 constructional sawn timber posts at 2.6m centres. Use four 75 x 100 C24 constructional sawn timber rails on the flat at about 800mm centres. Use 4No. 5mm screws 100mm long per rail to post connection. Use 4mm screws 50mm long for the ply to rail at 300mm c/centres. Posts are to be embedded in to the ground in 400mm diameter hole 1.0m deep and infilled with mass concrete. Face material assumed as 18mm OSB Grade 3 in vertical 2.44m sheets

Planting depth



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Appendix E - Worked Example E.8 Sketch of hoarding continued

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4No. 100 x 75 C24 Timber rails on flat at maximum 800 centres

2600 A

225 x 75 C24 timber posts with concrete surrounds



face material 18mm OSB 3 100


400 REAR ELEVATION OF HOARDING SECTION A-A NOTES: 1. Hoarding design for the following loads: A Maximum peak velocity pressure 0.41 kN/m2 or A working wind pressure of 0.2 kN/m2 in conjunction with a minimum notional horizontal load (pedestrian load) of 0.74 kN/m acting 1.2m above ground. 2. Post embedment is based on firm to stiff clay with the top 100mm of top soil already removed. 3. Concrete surround, minimum 400mm to be placed in hole after the post is positioned. 4. Connections: Face material to rail connection - 4mm screws 50mm long at 300mm centres Rail to post - 4 No. 5mm screws 100mm long Screws to be in pre-drilled holes. Title: Hoarding example for Liverpool site As TWf Hoarding Guidance Drawn: Checked Date A.H. P.F.P 24/05/12 Sketch No. SK/001 Revision Status WORKING

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