Resume Ninad Jadhav

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Ninad N.

Programming Tech (9 !" #$%-&'1(
Microsoft .Net and Web Technology

Email [email protected] Contact No: +1

PROFESSIONAL SYNOPSIS: )ide E*perience in +icro,o-t .Net and )e. technolog/. )or0ed e*ten,ivel/ on 1e. 2pplication, 3evelopment and +icro,o-t Technologie,. E*cellent data anal/tical ,0ill, u,ing 456 tool,. 7ood 8no1ledge on 2pplication 3evelopment and +aintenance. 4trong application trou.le ,hooting ,0ill,. 7ood -unctional 0no1ledge on 4uppl/ Chain +anagement9 E:P9 ecommerce application,.

Employment History: 1 2 Currentl/ )or0ing a, Programming Tech in CompuCom 4/,tem,9 ;nc. 4ince 2pril !(1' Previou,l/ 1or0ing a, 4o-t1are 3eveloper in 2,mi 4olution, Pvt.9 6td Pune ,ince 2pril !(1(.

e!hni!al S"ills Lan#$a#es: %ata&ase: C9 C++9 C<9 24P.NET9 456 4erver and P=P. +4 4>l 4erver !((#9 +/4569 +4-2CCE449 ?racle. =tml &@$9 A+69 Bava 4cript9 C44 and Po1er4hell. 6inu*9 2pache9 C4C

S!riptin# lan#$a#e: Other: Pro'e!t (nderta"en

Pro'e!t: 4ervice-No19 Change +odule 3evelopment. Or#ani)ation: CompuCom 4/,tem,9 ;nc. %es!ription: 4ervice-no1 Change re>ue,t ;ncident, 3evelopment D :e,olving :ole. Role: 3eveloper and )or0-lo1 3e,igner

Environment: Bava4cript9 )e. portal. Responsi&ilities: 1. !. '. &. )or0ed a, a Bava4cript developer in team. +onitor and manage the project ;ncident,. En,ure project meet, re>uirement, and o.jective,. Project 3eplo/ment.

Pro'e!t: 4C+ (4uppl/ Chain +anagement" - +igration -rom Cla,,ic 24P to 24P.Net Or#ani)ation: 2,mi 4olution, Pvt. 6td9 Pune %es!ription: 4C+ i, a 1e. .a,ed applicationE it ha, three main role, 2dmin9 Fu/er and 4upplier. G,ing thi, application client i, a.le to manage .u/er,9 ,upplier,9 and inventor/. ;n ,hort client i, a.le to manage ever/ detail o- ,uppl/ chain o- hi, .u,ine,,. Role: 3eveloper eam Si)e: & Environment: 24P.Net9 C<.net9 2ja*9 Bava4cript9 +44569 ;;49 Ci,ual 4tudio !((#. Responsi&ilities: 1. )or0ed a, a .Net developer in team. !. 3eveloped Purcha,e ?rder E*ecution +odule, D material acceptance +odule.

Pro'e!t: +6+ (+ulti-6evel +ar0eting" Or#ani)ation: 2,mi 4olution, Pvt. 6td9 Pune %es!ription: +6+ i, a 1e. .a,ed application 1here 1e implemented .inar/ plan. ;n thi, application u,er, can regi,ter under e*i,ting u,er9 chec0 there commi,,ion9 can ,ee the tree ,tructure .elo1 their po,ition. +anual pa/ment proce,,ing 1a, one o- the -eature, o- admin. Role: 3eveloper eam Si)e: ' Environment: 24P.Net9 C<.net9 2ja*9 Bava4cript9 B4?N9 +44569 ;;49 Ci,ual 4tudio !((#. Responsi&ilities: 1. )or0ed a, a .Net developer in team. !. 3e,igning 7G; D development.

Pro'e!t: ;ncredi.le Te,t 4erie, Or#ani)ation: 2,mi 4olution, Pvt. 6td9 Pune %es!ription: ;ncredi.le Te,t ,erie, i, 3e,0top Fa,ed 2pplication 3irectl/ :un, -rom C39 the 2pplication Contain 6ive Te,t 4erie, -or G,er 1hich i, availa.le in three language, =indi9 Engli,h and 7uajarati .

Role: +ultilingual 2pplication Programming. eam Si)e: ! Pro'e!t %$ration: ! +onth. Environment: C<.net9 +4 2cce,,. Responsi&ilities: 1. )or0ed a, a .Net developer in team and Create +ultilingual 5ue,tion 4et 3ata.a,e. !. +onitor and manage the project ,chedule.

Pro'e!t: P6? ( Paper 6e,, ?--ice" Or#ani)ation: 2,mi 4olution, Pvt .6td9 Pune %es!ription: Thi, i, -or C2 project that 1or0 -or .illing o- .ig organiHation and ma0e audit. There are module, ,uch a, regi,ter ne1 client9 regi,ter ne1 u,er9 a,,igning the ta,0 to the u,er9 ,ending noti-icati-ication to client, or u,er. The/ can ,et the ta*e,E document upload, -or cu,tomer,9 ,end mail to u,er and client, al,o. Role: 3eveloper eam Si)e: ! Environment: 24P.Net9 C<.net9 3NN9 2ja*9 Bava4cript9 +44569 ;;49 Ci,ual 4tudio !((#. Responsi&ilities: 1. )or0ed a, a .Net developer in team and Team 6eader. !. 2nal/,i,9 3e,ign D development o- important -eature, li0e pa/ment gate1a/,9 te,ting.

Pro'e!t: Frillion, e-Commerce 2pplication Or#ani)ation: 2,mi 4olution, Pvt. 6td9 Pune %es!ription: Frillion, i, an e-Commerce 1e. portal -or 1ell 0no1n computer .oo0 ,hop in pune. ; 1a, re,pon,i.le -or anal/,i, and implementation o- pa/ment gate1a/9 Flog,9 :evie1 module,. Role: 3eveloper eam Si)e: ' Environment: 24P.Net9 C<.net9 2ja*9 Bava4cript9 +44569 ;;49 Ci,ual 4tudio !((#. Responsi&ilities: 1. )or0ed a, a .Net developer in team. !. 2nal/,i,9 3e,ign D development o- important -eature, li0e pa/ment gate1a/,9 ,hopping cart. '. 3eveloped Client 4ide 3e,igned vie1 and Iunctionalit/.

Pro'e!t: 4pace 3e,igner, Or#ani)ation: 2,mi 4olution, Pvt. 6td9 Pune %es!ription: 4pace 3e,igner, i, a 1e. .a,ed applicationE it ha, a Project Pro-ile +odule 1hich i, u,ed to di,pla/ compan/ project 3etail,. Role: G; 3e,igner eam Si)e: ! Environment: Boomla C+49 Php9 =T+69 C44. Responsi&ilities: 1. 7athering Client :e>uirement and convert into Project +odule,. !. 3e,igning D 3evelopment G; o- 2pplication u,ing =T+6 and C44.

Pro'e!t: A-?l Or#ani)ation: 2,mi 4olution, Pvt. 6td9 Pune %es!ription: A-?l i, 4ocial Net1or0ing Portal 1hich Con,i,t o- :egular 4ocial Net1or0ing Ieature, plu, 4hopping cart and Bo. =unting Component,. Role: G; 3e,igner eam Si)e: ' Environment: Boomla C+49 Php9 =T+69 C44. Responsi&ilities: 1. 7athering Client :e>uirement and convert into Project +odule,. !. 3e,igning D 3evelopment G; o- 2pplication u,ing =T+6 and C44.

Pro'e!t: )e. 2pplication Ior +ahara,htra Prade,h Jouth Congre,, (+=PJC" Or#ani)ation: 2,mi 4olution, Pvt. 6td9 Pune %es!ription: +=PJC i, )e. Fa,e 2pplication9 thi, application i, G,ed ./ Total +ahara,htra Jouth Congre,,,9 6o0,a.ha,9 and a,,em.l/,9 thi, application mainl/ maintain the Communication .et1een all the,e,9 event, :egi,tration and in-ormation9 +onthl/ meeting, log,9 4+4 :eminder,9 document ,haring and man/ more. Role: 3eveloper and ,>l 3ata.a,e 3e,igner eam Si)e: ' Pro'e!t %$ration: % month and ,till )or0 7oing on

Environment: 24P.Net9 C<.net9 2ja*9 Bava4cript9 +4456. Responsi&ilities: 1. !. '. &. )or0ed a, a .Net developer in team and Provide 7uidance to Bunior Team,. +onitor and manage the project ,chedule. En,ure project meet, re>uirement, and o.jective,. Project 3eplo/ment.

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