Cycle Training Booking Form
Cycle Training Booking Form
Cycle Training Booking Form
The Bike Station is accredited by Cycling Scotland to promote and encourage confident cycling. We work to promote sustainable travel and healthy lifestyles.
bike check | helmet fitting | braking/cornering | gears | getting on and off | starting and stopping | cycling one handed/signalling | looking behind | keeping a bicycle roadworthy | clothing for cycling | relevant accessories
theory of on-road cycling | starting and stopping safely | left turns | right turns | overtaking parked vehicles/passing hazards | use of gears | using cycling facilities on and off road | keeping a bicycle roadworthy | clothing for cycling | relevant accessories
left and right turns | filtering and lane selection on: busier roads, signal controlled junctions, roundabouts | hill starts | gear selection going up and down hill | general competence and confidence when riding in heavy traffic
All cycle trainers are quality assured by Cycling Scotland and have public liability insurance. Cancellations require minimum 24 hours notice or you may incur a charge. See website for terms and conditions.
EDINBURGH 250 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1UU, 0131 668 1996 PERTH Unit 11, Mid Friarton Business Park, Friarton Road, Perth PH2 8EL, 01738 444 430 GLASGOW 65 Haugh Road, GlasgowG3 8TX, 0141 248 5409
The Bike Station registered as Recycle to Cycle Ltd, a charitable company limited by guarantee, in Edinburgh under number 237798. Scottish charity number SC033703. The Glasgow Bike Station. Registered as Glasgow Bike Shed Ltd, a charitable company limited by guarantee. Registered in Glasgow under number SC376469. Scottish charity number SC042707.
Date of birth (if under 18 parental consent must be signed below): Please give name of a contact in case of emergency during the event Name: Telephone: Please give any relevant medical conditions that we need to know about e.g. recent surgeries, treatment, pregnancy, frequent epilepsy, asthma or anemia: Relationship:
Can we take photos/video for training/publicity? (please tick): Yes My availability is (e.g. weekday afternoons):
During the training session I will act responsibly and adhere to the rules of the road and countryside. Instructors are there solely to give advice and it is my responsibility to ensure that the manoeuvres are carried out safely. I hereby maintain that I am fit and healthy enough to participate in this event and my cycle is in a safe, legal and ridable condition. Name: Signature: Cycle training costs 20/hour, or part thereof. Bike hire per lesson costs 5. I enclose a cheque for I would like I would like sessions bike hires Date:
Please tick which cycle training level best matches your needs:
If you are unsure how many lessons you require or have any questions, please contact your local Bike Station for advice. Do you have a bike? (please tick): Yes No If no, would you like to buy a bike from the Bike Station? (please tick): Yes No
EDINBURGH 250 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1UU, 0131 668 1996 PERTH Unit 11, Mid Friarton Business Park, Friarton Road, Perth PH2 8EL, 01738 444 430 GLASGOW 65 Haugh Road, GlasgowG3 8TX, 0141 248 5409
The Bike Station registered as Recycle to Cycle Ltd, a charitable company limited by guarantee, in Edinburgh under number 237798. Scottish charity number SC033703. The Glasgow Bike Station. Registered as Glasgow Bike Shed Ltd, a charitable company limited by guarantee. Registered in Glasgow under number SC376469. Scottish charity number SC042707.