Evaluating A CMS A Checklist
Evaluating A CMS A Checklist
Evaluating A CMS A Checklist
Content Creation
WYSIWYG authoring
Authoring is done in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get environment. Should be web based, no browser plug-in. Supports paragraph and character styles. WYSIWYG table editing: row and column spanning table headers and footers limited formating control over tables
Creation of hyperlinks, both to pages within the cms and to external sites. Ability to restrict or remove specified formatting options (fonts, colours, etc). Additional authoring tools, such as MS Word integration, XMLbased authoring tools. Image manipulation tools, such as resize, layout, styles.
Structured authoring
Supports a number of highly-structured content types. Content is mapped to a specific area via templates. Templates should be created using non-technical toolkit style engine, supporting HTML elements. Additional authoring environments, such as enterprise apps. Ability to choose template to match content type.
Online forms
Forms can be created online, validated and stored in a database.
WYSIWYG form editing. Full range of form fields supported (text field, text box, drop-down list, check-box, radio buttons, file upload). Support for complex forms, such a multiple choice, multiple pages, and pre-populated forms from external source. Ability to restrict input to a spectic data type. Form validation capabilities. Storage of data entered in repository. Exporting data from forms to formats such as XML or CSV.
Spell checking
Authoring environment must incorporate spell checking. Integrated into content editor. Automated suggestions and corrections. Localised main dictionaries (tailored to specific languages). Support for custom/user dictionaries. Thesaurus and grammar.
Non-technical authoring
Not be required to use technical knowledge when creating pages No HTML skills required. No 3rd party editor software.
Metadata support
Auto-creation of Metadata. AGLS, Australian Government metadata standard. Dublin-Core. Simple tools for entering metadata, such as text fields, drop-down list, radio buttons. Mark certain fields as mandatory. Pre-populate certain fields such as content author, page title, page drop date. Configurable metadata.
Index support
Ability to enter index terms (keywords) for each topic created. Should support a controlled-term thesaurus. Global search and replace of index terms. Index restructuring. Ability to tag content with keywords for use such as see also.
Content re-use
Ability to publish content from a number of sources. Having a single page of content appear in multiple locations. Formatting multiple occurrences to match the appearance of each site section. Publishing a page to multiple sites (such as an intranet and internet). Re-purposing small content units (such as individual paragraphs) to assemble published pages. Identify versions of content item in use across pages
Multi-user authoring
Support for editing a page by two different users simultaneously. Vendor needs to demonstrate how they prevent this locking of assets, such as check in / check out.
Immediate previews
Preview the draft content from within the authoring environment. Should see page as appears on final site. Page layout and navigation. Hyperlinks (which should be fully functional). Related topics. Results of content re-use.
Low-bandwidth authoring
How effective and usable the CMS is over slow-speed network.
Content migration
Ability to import content from an existing CMS. Support for multiple formats, such as MS Office. Highly-configurable conversion process. Mapping styles. Reworking document structure. Removing inappropriate formatting. Splitting source documents into multiple topics.
Consistent interface
Standardised interface for authoring.
Cross-platform authoring
Ability to author in any web browser on any operating system. Consistent functionality should be available across all versions. Which browsers the authoring tools support. Capabilities are the same across all browsers. Any required plugins, such as Java, Flash.
Collaborative authoring
Collaborative creation of content by separated groups of staff. Online whiteboard facilities. Annotation and revision marking. Instant (peer-to-peer) messaging between authors.
Content Management
Version control
Ability to roll-back to previous versions. Simple tools to locate a previous version and restore. Red-lining within content, similar to MS Words track changes.
Compare versions
Ability to look at different versions of a page. Built-in tools for comparing versions of a given page. Ability for workflow approver to compare pages.
Date-based snapshots
Ability to look up how a given page looked at a given date. Product should version all items in the system: pages templates style sheets users security settings images documents
Ability to control the approval process before a page is published.
Multiple status settings for content items, such as draft, in review, published, expired, etc. Simple linear workflows with a limited number of steps. Capture of comments entered by reviewers. Non-technical authoring for creating workflows.
Parallel workflows. Unlimited number of workflow steps. Graphical views and editing of workflows. Dynamic routing based on defined rules.
Workflow administration:
Creating and deleting workflows. Updating roles or steps within workflows. Modifying conditional rules.
Allow for workflows to be overridden. Support tracking and reporting on workflow stages. Support live previews for workflow approvers. Support for nested workflows.
Proactive notification
Able to actively notify of errors such as broken links or pages. Should not need to run specific reports. Notifications to groups, such as publishers and site owners.
E-mail notifications
Facility to send notifications, warning and error messages to users SMTP POP3 Microsoft Exchange Server
Image repository
To allow re-use and consistent use of resources Should contain all features of document repository. Automatic generation of thumbnails for previewing.
Document repository
A simple document repository, into which files can be uploaded Capturing metadata when documents are added. Searching or browsing tools for documents. Versioning and workflow of items. Optionally restrict authors to only use documents stored. Limit the size of uploaded documents (no larger than a specified value). Allow specified users to be given the rights to upload.
All elements must be controlled through the use of stylesheets. Includes the text, tables, links and images. The authoring environment must enforce style-based editing. Prevent the use of custom formatting.
Page templates
Page layout of published pages must be specified via templates. Non-technical interface is provided for template administration. Preview how templates will appear on the final site. Possible to apply different templates to specific sections of the site, allows customised information to be presented. Support multiple, multi-level nested templates.
Point-and-click interface for creating and configuring. Different domain name and URL for each site. Different page layout and formatting to each site. Option for different metadata schemas for each site.
Limited number of templates and formatting optionS. Restricted site size. Highly simplified editing tools.
High-quality PDFs will be used on the website PDF generated directly from the web pages OR Can be formatted independently from website design. Is any third-party software is required?
Publishing XML
Be able to publish content in eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Supoort for required DTD or schemas.
Load balancing
Load balance across multiple servers to reduce server load. Pages that are delivered to end users should be automatically cached by the publishing engine. Load balancing for real-time page creation directly out of the content repository.
Search engine
Search engine as part of the overall content management solution.
Robust and powerful full-text searching, with support for industry-standard searching functionality. Both simple (quick) search and advanced search interfaces. Search and results pages should follow design and styles. Meta tags used by the search engine during its indexing. Use of synonyms or thesaurus. Automated spell-checking. Search reports, such as most popular terms, failed searches that returned zero results.
Human-readable URLs
Should publish human-readable URLs for all pages. Automatically generated by the CMS. Be search engine friendly for listing on Google etc.
Allow access by users with a wide range of disabilities. W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI): indicate what level of accessibility (A, AA, AAA) should be met.
Valid HTML
HTML validates to web standards..
Effective navigation
Contains navigations aids. A_Z index Breadcrumbs Quicklinks
System technologies
What system technologies does the CMS product support. High availability. Scalability. Server hardware types: IBM System X. Virtualisation technologies: VMware. Operating systems: Windows Server, Red Hat Linux. Database systems, Oracle, MS-SQL