The Caring Tree

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The Caring Tree

by Sheikh Hassan Seylan Abad


Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree

There was a huge tree. A little boy loved to play around it. As he grew older, he spent less time with the tree. He preferred to play with toys but he had no money to buy them. The tree suggested selling its fruits so that the boy could get some money. After that, the boy left and did not come back for a very long time. After a few years, the boy came back and he was already a young man. He needed a house for shelter. The tree asked him to use its branches to build the house. So the young man cut all the branches and left. He did not come back to visit the tree again until many years later. When he came back, he told the tree that he needed a boat to go sailing. The tree asked him to use its trunk to build the boat. The man went sailing for a long time and when he finally returned, he was already an old man. He told the tree that he only needed a place to rest because he was tired. The tree could only offer its root as it was the only part it had left. The tree was happy again.


* A garden

* A park

The main character in the story !layful "emanding #esponsible $aring #esponsible %ind hearted Sensitive %ind hearted 'nderstanding Sensitive $onsiderate

Hardworking Smart "etermined

The tree :

&oving !rotective !ositive

THEMES A caring society, sacrifice, love VALUES $oncern, gratefulness, helpfulness, kindness, be thankful

Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree




: (.).) #ead and learn the meaning of keywords for each topic taught.

OBJ. * +y the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to name the parts of the tree verbally and orally. MATERIALS* ,lash cards - worksheet on setting TIME * (. minutes STEPS : /. To begin with the lesson, teacher picks a few pupils to talk about the parts of the tree. &eaves, fruits, twig, branch, trunk, stump, root ). "iscuss with the class of the parts of the tree mentioned in the story. (. "rill the pupils of the words and discuss the meanings. 0. 1ive flashcards on the names of parts of the tree, where the pupils are re2uired to say out loud. 3. "istribute the worksheet.

Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree LESSON PLAN 1 Activity /

Sample of flash

trunk twig

leaves fruits




Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree or!"heet 1: What do you know about trees4 &abel the parts of the tree correctly in the space provided. Tr#$! Le')e" "t#%& *r#+t" root t,+Br'$(h

Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree


* (.5 #ead the story and predict the outcomes

OBJ. * +y the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to rearrange the paragraphs to form a story map and write the story. MATERIALS: worksheet TIME * (. minutes STEPS* /. "o a chain story telling with the pupils in the class where teacher needs to prompt those weak ones. ). #epeat the activity above but this time teacher gives the /st important event and pupils say the ne6t. (. "iscuss with the class on the stages in the development of the plot. 0. Teacher give 7umbled up events, where the pupils are re2uired to arrange them into the correct se2uence. 3. #ead out the events before the teacher distribute the worksheet to be completed in class.

Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree LESSON PLAN . W8#%SH99T / #earrange the paragraphs to form a story map and write the story. He returned as a young man. He did not have time to play. He needs a house for a shelter for his family. He went sailing far away and never showed up for a long time.

The tree gave its branches to build the house. The man cut the branches B to build the house and left.

There was a huge tree where a little boy loved to come and play around it. He climbed to the treetop, ate the fruits and took a nap under it.

The tree told the man to use its trunk to build the boat. The man cut C the trunk to build the boat.

Again, the man returned and the tree was delighted. Te man was getting old G and wanted to sail to rela6.

,inally, the man returned. He looked weak and old. The tree had D nothing to offer.

The tree asked the boy to pick his fruits and sell them. The boy grabbed the fruits on the tree and left.

The boy was no longer a kid. He did not want to play around it anymore. He wanted toys and needed money to buy them.

There was a huge tree ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::


Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree OR/SHEET . ;atch the answers to the 2uestions correctly.

$h% did the bo% stop pla%ing with the tree&

The roots

$h% did he take all the fruits&

'ts branches

$hat did the tree offer the bo% to build a house&

The tree

$hich part of the tree has the bo% not taken&

(e was growing older

$ho had been ver% caring&

To bu% to%s

Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree



LO : (.5./ #ead and give details about the characters in the story OBJ : +y the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to* i. describe the characters in the story. ii. list down the words that describe the characters.

MATERIALS : flashcards depicting on characteristics MATERIALS : flashcards depicting on characteristics Worksheet &esson !lan ( Worksheet &esson !lan ( TIME TIME STEPS STEPS * (. minutes * (. minutes


Teacher prepares phrases or sentences <lift out from the te6t=. 1et the pupils to guess the speakers of the phases or sentences read out by the teacher. 1et the pupils to read the words on flashcards and tell the meanings. Then 7umble up all the cards>words and call a pupil out to pick the cards and to group them to describe a certain character. This will be repeated with the other characters. 9ncourage the pupils to read the words and add in some more words that they think are relevant to the characters. &et the pupils read a few rounds before distributing the worksheet to be completed in class. "iscuss the answers to the 2uestions on the worksheet before the lesson ends.


(. 0. 3.

Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree 1LASH CAR2S

&oved to play around it. @eed money to buy toys. @eed a house for shelter. 96cited to come back. @eed a boat to go sailing. &eave the tree for many years.

#eturned after many years. &ooked weak, old and tired. @eed a place to rest. &oved to play with him. ?olunteer to give its fruits. Sad for being abandoned by the boy.

?olunteer to give its branches. ?olunteer to give away its trunk. "o not have anything to give anymore. Happy to see him again. 8ffer its dying roots. Happy and smiled with tears.

OR/ SHEET LESSON PLAN 0 Co%&'r+"o$ o* (h'r'(ter" State and compare the different characters of the two. No The Boy The Tree

/. ). (. 0. 3. A. B. C. 5.


Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree


How do you describe me? what?

.5./ #ead and give details about the characters in the story

L4O4 L4O4


+y the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to recognise and analyse the characters in the story.


Worksheet &9SS8@ !&A@ 0 Worksheet &9SS8@ !&A@ 0

STEPS STEPS /. "o a brief revision on ad7ectives. ). "iscuss with the class of the characters mentioned in the story.

(. 0.

"rills the pupils of the words and discuss the meanings. Teacher divides the whiteboard into two columns namely DThe boyE and DThe treeE. 1ives word cards depicting the 2uality of the characters and the pupils are re2uired to put them up under the correct name>place. "istribute the worksheet.




Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree or!"heet LESSON PLAN 3: Ho, 5o yo# 5e"(r+be %e6 !ick words from the bo6es below to describe each of the following characters. Some of the words may be repeated.

pla%ful d responsible determined

smart positive hardworking

caring loving protective

sensitive kind/hearted demanding understanding considerate

The boy

The tree

+a, ----------------------+b, ----------------------+c, ----------------------+d, ----------------------+e, ----------------------+., ----------------------+g, -----------------------

+a, ----------------------+b, ----------------------+c, ----------------------+d, ----------------------+e, ----------------------+f, ----------------------+g, -----------------------


Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree

Tell Me The Themes!


L4O4 L4O4

To identify possible themes and to do readerEs theatre for their further understanding.


+y the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to identify possible themes and to do readerEs theatre for their further understanding. Worksheet &esson !lan 3 and script.


(. minutes


"istribute the worksheet. !upils are to identify the possible themes of the story.


Teacher then gives instructions to pupils to do DReaders Theatre. Teacher provides scripts for ( pupils * the narrator, the boy and the tree.

Worksheet &esson !lan 3* The%'t+( &o""+b+8+t+e" <A= +elow is list of common general themes. Fdentify some of the themes in the short story, The $aring Tree from the list. 'se a tick < G = to indicate your choice. 0rt 1eaut% Care .amil% 2iving 2rowing up (ope 13

3ride Nature 4eparation 4acrifice Tolerance 5ove $isdom

Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree

THE SCRIPT @arrator* A long time ago, there was a huge tree. A little boy loved to coma and play around it every day. He climbed to the treetop, ate the fruits and took a nap under its shadow. He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him. Tree +oy Tree * $ome and play with me. * FEm no longer a kid. F donEt play around trees anymore. F want toys. F need money to buy them. * Sorry, but F donEt have any money. Hou can pick all my fruits and sell them. Then, youEll have money. The boy was so e6cited. He plucked all the fruits on the tree and left happily. However, the boy failed to come back for a very long time. The tree was sad. 8ne day, the boy who was now a young man, returned. The tree was very e6cited to see him again.

@arrator *

Tree ;an Tree ;an

* $ome and play with me. * F donEt have time to play. FEve to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. $an you help me4 * Sorry, but F donEt have a house. Hou can chop my branches off to build your house. * 8h, thank you. So, the man cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. The tree was left lonely again and sad for a long time. 8ne fine day, the man returned and the tree was delighted.

@arrator *

Tree ;an Tree

* $ome and play with meI * F am getting old. F want to go sailing to rela6 myself. $an you give me a boat4 * 'se my trunk to build your boat. Hou can sail far away and be happy. So the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and again never showed up for a long time. ,inally, the man returned after many years. He looked weak and old.

@arrator *

Tree ;an Tree ;an Tree ;an Tree

* Sorry, my boy. +ut F donEt have anything for you now. @ot even fruits. * @o problem. F donEt have any teeth to bite. * @o more trunk for you to climb on. * F am too old for that now. * F really cannot give you anything. The only thing left is my dying roots. * F donEt need much now. Just a place to rest. FEm tired after all these years. * 1oodI 8ld tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest. $ome sit down with me and rest. The man sat down, leaning on the roots. The tree was glad and smiled with tears.

@arrator *


Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree


* (./. #ead and tell what one has learnt from the story

OBJ4 * +y the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to tell what moral lesson they have learnt from the story. MATERIALS: Worksheet / <remedial=, worksheet ) <enrichment= TIME * (. minutes STEPS* /. Teacher will talk about the moral in the story. ). "istribute worksheet /. To those who have finished, teacher will give worksheet ). (. After finish answering, teacher will stress on the importance to always be thankful, grateful, helpful and concern.

Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree LESSON PLAN 9 W8#%SH99T / Choo"e the (orre(t %or'8 )'8#e" *or the *o88o,+$- &'rt" o* the "tory4

14 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

.4 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 34 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

04 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

,riendship sometimes involves sacrifice and generosity. $ompanionship and moral support are important even when we are old. $hange and adventure are part of lifeEs e6periences. ,riendship and companionship is important to everyone.


Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree OR/SHEET . A. ,rom the beginning of the story to the end, the boy always sought the tree to solve his problem. "escribe the tree in your own words.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+. The tree did everything to make the boy happy. "o you think it was right for the tree to ---------------------------help him the way he did4 1ive reasons for your answer. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::

$. "o you want your parents to be like the tree4 Why4 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree

LETS REVIE ,ill in the blanks with the correct words listed on the right. ,riend ;oney Shield House $hopped Shelter face family fruits $limb Tree Houng

$hen the bo% was ------------------6 (e had the tree as his ------------------6 (e would ------------------ to the treetop6 0nd the tree would ------------------ him from the sun7

The bo% came one da% to visit the ------------------6 $ith a ver% sad look on his ------------------6 (e needed ------------------ for to%s to pla% with6 4o he sold ------------------ from the tree and left the place7

Now the bo% was a %oung man6 (e had a ------------------ to take care of6 (e needed a ------------------ to ------------------ his famil%6 4o he ------------------ all the branches on the tree7


Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree PRACTICE 1 Circle the correct answer. /. $hoose the statement which is true. A. The boy was always sad to see the tree. +. The tree was always glad to see t he boy. $. The tree had always chased the boy away. (. The boy said KFEm no longer a kid.L How old do you think he was4 A. +. $. ". A M /. years old. // to /3 years old. /A to ). years old. Above )/. ). What is the most important thing the tree has given to the boy4 A. +. $. ". ,ruits, branches and trunk Toys, house and boat The roots &ove

0. Why was the tree in tears4 A. +. $. ". Ft was angry with the old man Ft was sad Ft was happy and glad Ft was in pain.

PRACTICE . Answer the questions correctly. /. Why did the little boy no longer play around the tree4

). What did the tree suggest the boy do in order to get money4

(. What did the boy want the second time4

0. How did the tree help him4

3. What did the man re2uest from the tree the third time4

A. How did the tree help him4

B. Why did the tree cry when he finally returned4

C. What did the man want in the end4


Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree

ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY 1 ,ind, cut and paste pictures of plants in your log book M flowering plants, non flowering plants and woody plants. ACTIVITY . "raw a poster entitled * D&ove @ature Save 8ur TreesL @8T9S * FtEs optional for the teacher to use any activities SUGGESTE2 ANS ERS: or!"heet 1: SETTING <a= &eaves <b= ,ruits <c= Twig <d= +ranch <e= Trunk <f= Stump <g= #oot

or!"heet 1 : PLOT </= , . <)= F <(= H <0= A <3= + <A= 1 <B= $ <C= 9 <5= "

or!"heet . : PLOT /. He was growing older ). To buy toys (. Fts branches 0. The roots 3. The tree

or!"heet LP0: CHARACTERISTICS /. ). (. 0. 3. A. B. C. 5. THE BOY &oved to play around it. @eed money to buy toys. @eed a house for shelter. 96cited to come back. @eed a boat to go sailing. &eave the tree for many years. #eturned after many years. &ooked weak, old and tired. @eed a place to rest. TO 2ESCRIBE ME THE TREE &oved to play with him. ?olunteer to give its fruits. Sad for being abandoned by the boy. ?olunteer to give its branches. ?olunteer to give away its trunk. "o not have anything to give anymore. Happy to see him again. 8ffer its dying roots. Happy and smiled with tears.

or!"heet LP3: HO

The Boy : playful, smart, demanding, responsible, hardworking, determined The Tree : caring, responsible, kind hearted, sensitive, understanding, considerate, loving, protective, positive or!"heet LP7: The%'t+( &o""+b+8+t+e" c, k, m


Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree or!"heet LP9: MORAL VALUES Ws 1 /. ,riendship sometimes involves sacrifice and generosity. ). ,riendship and companionship is important to everyone. (. $hange and adventure are part of lifeEs e6periences. 0. $ompanionship and moral support are important even when we are old. Ws 2 - (Pupils own answers Let" Re)+e, Houng, friend, climb, shield, tree, face, money, fruits, family, house, shelter, chopped Pr'(t+(e 1 /. + ). " (. " 0. $

Pr'(t+(e . /. +ecause he had already grown up and needed money to buy toys. ). The tree offered the boy its fruits to sell. (. He wanted a house for shelter. 0. The tree offered its branches to build his house. 3. The man re2uested a boat to go sailing. A. The tree offered its trunk to build his boat. B. The tree felt sad because it cannot give anything to the old man anymore. C. The old man wanted a place to rest.

RE1ERENCES /. Sheikh Hassan Seylan DAbad. <)..A= !o"le Tales #ntold. ;uar, Johor* Abad $eria 9nterprise. ). Siti #ohani ;ohd @oor. <)..B=. $it %or &ids. 'ear (. !etaling Jaya* !earson ;alaysia Sdn +hd. (. ?eronica ;arie &oo. <)..5=. Conte)porary $iterature in The $an*ua*e Classroo)+ !o"le Tales #ntold. 'ear ( &,-R. Shah Alam* $erdik !ublications Sdn. +hd. 0. $urriculum "evelopment "ivision, ;inistry of 9ducation, )..5



Noble Tales Untold The Caring Tree


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