068 - Feb 23 - Bulletin Inside Pages

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7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, Feb 23, 2014


Sunday, February 23: Monday, February 24: Tuesday, February 25: Wednesday, February 26: Thursday, February 27: Friday, February 21: Saturday, February 22: Sunday, February 23: 9:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 12:10 pm Mass 8:00 am Mass 4:00 pm Mass 9:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass Jake Thomason Deaf Community Mass All souls Fred Spada Rose Scafidi (B) For the Sick Sylvia DAmbrosia Christopher Chang-Han Oh Mary Ann Gatto Santi + Filomena Bocci Deaf Community Mass Church Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Church Church Chapel

Please fill out a Mass Intention Form (located in the foyer of the Church) if you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death, birthday or marriage, or some other special event. You can also call the office.

Church cleaning for February 24 - March 2nd: Vic and Sue Wandtke
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 am Noon on Mondays 9:00 am 4:00 pm Tuesday through Friday Office: 503.231.4955

Pastor, Director of the NW Paulist Center Business Manager Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x 118, [email protected] Jeanne McPherson, x 103, [email protected] Associate Pastor Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x114, [email protected] Rose Wolfe, x101, [email protected] Director of Adult Faith Formation Maintenance and Grounds Barbara Harrison, x107, [email protected] Edward Danila, [email protected] Receptionist/Bulletin Editor Angelica Liharik, x102, [email protected] BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: Deadline (unless otherwise noted) is Tuesday at Noon prior to the Sunday Mass.

Next Sundays Scripture Readings:

Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time March 2, 2014 Reading 1, Isaiah, 49:14-15 Responsorial Psalm, 62:2-3, 6-7,8-9 (6a) Reading 2, Corinthians 4:1-5 Gospel, Matthew, 6:24-34

BLOOD DRIVE VOLUNTEERS Volunteers needed for the March 14 Red Cross Blood Drive. We are hoping to get the word out to area businesses to help promote our blood drive. Can you take a few flyers to area businesses to post or to encourage employees to schedule a donation? We will also need volunteers to help the day of the drive to register people as they arrive & canteen workers are always welcome. No experience needed. Contact Rose in the parish office 503 231-4955 or by e-mail [email protected].


Liturgical Ministers (all Readers and Eucharistic Ministers) are asked to attend an update workshop on Saturday, March 8, 10-12:30PM in the church. We will begin will a short reflection and then divide into ministry groups for a hands on workshop. If you are currently not serving in one of these ministries but would like to attendyou are welcome.

Please Pray for: Fr. Michael and his recovery of sight. Merrie Rinella

7th Sunday In Ordinary Time Sunday, Feb 23, 2014

PASTORAL CORNER Repentance by sinners is a familiar theme throughout the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. The Scriptures are filled with examples of sinners hearing God's call and responding in humility and thankfulness that our's is a God who loves and heals and forgives readily and graciously whenever we ask. But we are the ones who have to act in responding to God's call by acknowledging our sinfulness and asking for forgiveness. When Jonah preached repentance to the pagan city of Nineveh, the king and the entire population responded immediately and whole heartedly. Unfortunately, when Jesus began his ministry with a similar call: 'Repent and believe the God News', the response was not nearly as universal. Nor is it in our day as well. Yes, many sinners responded to Jesus call, as they had with John the Baptist's similar call. While John's and Jesus' preaching were both directed in a particular way towards 'the sinners', it was also directed toward the 'good people' as well. Jesus had a more difficult time with the good people than he had with sinners. Why? The hardest people of all to convert are the good, because they don't see any need of conversion. It's hard enough to get those who are ill to go to the doctor, but even more difficult to get those who are convinced they are well to go! Sinners who openly admitted they were sinners didn't cause Jesus much trouble. But the 'righteous' certainly did. To accept wholeheartedly the call to repentance demands openness, honesty, humility, and above all courage: the courage to put an end to self deception, and confront a painful reality; the courage to admit one's guilt, the courage to ask for forgiveness, and resolve to change. Sadly, we can sometimes become so set in our ways, so sunk in our familiar ruts, that it's almost impossible to move ourselves. Sometimes we can see a better future, and still won't move. When we realize that this future can't be achieved in the twinkling of an eye or by means of a magic wand or in a single simple step, when we realize that the road forward will be long, and the progress slow and painful, we can easily get discouraged and settle for the status quo. Many people think that repentance must be a harsh, negative and sad thing, as if it merely consisted in feeling guilty about one's sins and doing penance for them. The fact is that Repentance is a very positive thing. True, to repent is to admit that all is not well with oneself. But it is also to discover something wonderful about ourselves: - that we have potential we didn't know we had. This means acquiring a new vision, taking a new direction, setting more worthwhile goals and living better values. True repentance opens the way to a new life. Understood like this, repentance is exciting, and always leads to joy. To repent means to be converted. Conversion is the starting point of every spiritual journey, and is the necessary starting point of the journey into the kingdom of God. The Christian life is a continuous process of conversion. Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP

Repentance Is For Everyone: for 'us saints' as well as 'those sinners'.

Thank you to all of you who shopped at grocery stores, restaurants and the on-line mall as our contributions have increased from the low that was reported several months ago to increased revenue in Oct. and Nov. (They run a few months behind in actually depositing the funds into our account.) Please register your cards if you have not already done so. If you need help with any of the features on their website, please call the office. Thank you again for supporting St. Philip Neri parish.


Recently I went through some medical diagnostic tests and surgery. I want to express my gratitude for all of your prayers and say how blessed I am to be in such a wonderful faith community and walk with other people who believe in Jesus Christ and the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit. A special thank you to the wonderful women of the Altar Society, the prayer chains, and my sister Mary Palmer for reaching out to you on my behalf. Peace in Christ, Priscilla Connolly Centafante


If you are looking for a way to give your faith a much needed boost at this time of year---we can help. Lent begins Ash Wednesday, March 5th. During this time ---when we need a transition from Winter to Spring--- we enter Lent looking for ways to become more purposely Christ-like. We suggest you join a SMALL FAITH GROUP for 90 minutes once a week for the six weeks of Lent. This is an opportunity to give concentrated time to your spiritual growth--an opportunity to share your ideas and share companionship---an opportunity to learn more scripture and an opportunity to learn how the Eucharist fits into your life style. This is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Please sign up in the foyer of the church March 1-2 or March 8-9.


THANK YOU to the Cettina family (Greg, Teri, Flora and Sophie)! For the past 3 Saturdays this family volunteered to clean those areas in the church that rarely get done: they swept and mopped all the exposed wood areas from the choir area coming forward including the sanctuary front steps, they swept and mopped under all of the pews, they vacuumed all the rug area in the church proper, AND they washed all of the pews.

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