School-Wide Goals Report: February 14, 2014

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February 14, 2014

Tri-County Intermediate Families, It has been a long, tiresome winter full of delays and cancellations here at school. I want to assure you that Tri-County schools are committed to bringing your child the best education possible despite the weather-related difficulties. The staff here has worked hard to make every moment count while students have been in school. The state has extended the Applied Skills ISTEP window to give teachers an extra week for instruction. Tri-County Schools will be in session on Feb. 17th and April 21st as make-up days, and we are working on additional plans to make up the lost time. As soon as those plans are finalized, we will be communicating them with families. I appreciate the students patience during this unsettled time and their dedication to giving their personal best when they are at school. Having your child read at home is an important way to help him/her continue to grow even when school is not in session. Thank you for your help and support at home as we work together for the good of your child(ren). Spring is coming!

School-wide goals report

In the last TCI News, I shared with you our school goals. I am happy to report the progress we have made already in meeting these goals. Goal 1: 80% of Tri-County Intermediate students will be reading at/above grade level by the end of spring semester, 2014. Our latest SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) tests show 78% of our students are reading at or above grade level. That is exciting news! Thank you to families who encourage students to read at home and complete reading logs. The hard work is paying off! Goal 2: 45% of Tri-County Intermediate students will score a 4, 5 or 6 on the writing application portion of ISTEP+, 2014. TCI teachers have undergone training on teaching writing and started an approach called Simple 6. Students have learned how to attack a writing prompt by using a graphic organizer. We believe this will help our students on the ISTEP writing prompt in early March. Students will continue to learn writing strategies in the weeks to come, including putting their writing in logical order, writing good leads and endings, varying sentence types and using interesting words. Already, teachers have seen an improvement in student writing. We are encouraged our students will continue to write better!

PTO Carnival
Feb. 22nd 4:30-7:30 Tri-County HS The annual PTO carnival is just around the corner. This night of fun is a great fund-raiser. The money raised goes directly for student activities at TCP and TCI. I look forward to seeing many students and families there. If you are able to volunteer, help is still needed. Please email Karena Price ([email protected]) if you can help. Baked goods for the cake walk can be brought to the carnival on the 22nd.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
We have decided to hold spring parent/teacher conferences earlier in the year to help parents and students finish the school year strong. This years conferences will be on March 19th at TCI in Wolcott. Students will be in school that day, and conferences will be held from noon to six. Teachers will be sending home conference forms to confirm a specific time. Even though we have missed several days of school, the grading period for TCP and TCI will still end on March 14th so you can receive your childs report card at the conference.

Honor Roll Breakfast

To reward students and their families for their commitment to education, we will be having an honor roll breakfast at the end of the school year. Students who make the honor roll three out of four grading periods will be invited to bring family guests to the breakfast. More details will be passed along later closer to this special event.

Reading Counts Challenge

Continue to encourage your child to read and take Reading Counts tests. The challenge will end March 14th with the reward pizza party on March 20th. Students are progressing toward their goals already - keep up the great work!

ISTEP and IREAD testing

At TCI, ISTEP testing for grades 3-6 will take place the week of March 10th. IREAD for third graders only will be March 17-19. Please avoid making appointments and having absences during this important time. Studies show students who get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast score better on standardized tests. Please help your child by preparing in this way.

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