Atp Api 11510

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ATP API Description 11.5.

The Available to Promise (ATP) API is a public API which could be used to calculate the material and resource availability across the supply chain. The API accepts information about an item or group of items, checks availability for the item(s) and returns the availability picture for the items. Shown below is the specification of ATP API: PROCEDURE MRP_ATP_PUB.Call_ATP ( p_session_id IN OUT NUMBER, p_atp_rec IN MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Rec_Typ, x_atp_rec OUT NOCOPY MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Rec_Typ, x_atp_supply_demand OUT NOCOPY MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Supply_Demand_Typ, x_atp_period OUT NOCOPY MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Period_Typ, x_atp_details OUT NOCOPY MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Details_Typ, x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2, x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2, x_msg_count OUT NUMBER );

A) p_session_id : This is the session identifier of the user transaction. The session id is passed to ATP API from the calling module. - call msc_atp_global.get_atp_session_id (.....) API. This will gurantee that session_id
remain unique for various calls

B) p_atp_rec: This record of tables contains information about items for which resource and material availability check needs to be done. This record is explained in detail later in the document. C) x_atp_rec: This record of table contains resource and material availability information generated by ATP for items passed to ATP API in p_atp_rec. This record is explained in detail later in the document. D) x_atp_supply_demand: This record of tables contains information about supplies and demands ATP considered to check the availability. This record is explained in detail later in the document. E) x_atp_period: This record of tables contains net supply and demand picture for the items for the whole time horizon during which availability is checked. This record is explained in detail later in the document. F) x_atp_details: This record of tables is not used by ATP at present. G) x_return_status: This variable contains the overall status of ATP check. There are three possible value for this variable 1) FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS: The return value is S. It means ATP request was successful. 2) FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR: The return value is E. It means that some error occurred during ATP check. 3) FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR; The return value is U. It means that an unexpected error occurred during ATP check. G) x_msg_data : This variable is not used by ATP at present

H) x_msg_count: This variable is not used by ATP at present. The following nested tables are used for defining data types of members in a record TYPE number_arr IS TABLE OF number TYPE char1_arr IS TABLE of varchar2(1) TYPE char3_arr IS TABLE OF varchar2(3); TYPE char7_arr IS TABLE OF varchar2(7); TYPE char10_arr IS TABLE OF varchar2(10); TYPE char15_arr IS TABLE of varchar2(15); TYPE char20_arr IS TABLE of varchar2(20); TYPE char30_arr IS TABLE OF varchar2(30); TYPE char40_arr IS TABLE OF varchar2(40); TYPE char80_arr IS TABLE of varchar2(80); TYPE char2000_arr IS TABLE of varchar2(2000); TYPE date_arr IS TABLE OF date;

Description of MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Rec_Typ The specification of the ATP_REC_Typ is show below. call MSC_ATP_GLOBAL.Extend_ATP for extending this record type (for release 11.i.10) TYPE ATP_Rec_Typ is RECORD ( Row_Id Instance_Id Inventory_Item_Id Inventory_Item_Name Source_Organization_Id Source_Organization_Code Organization_Id Identifier Demand_Source_Header_Id Demand_Source_Delivery Demand_Source_Type Scenario_Id Calling_Module Customer_Id Customer_Site_Id Destination_Time_Zone Quantity_Ordered Quantity_UOM Requested_Ship_Date Requested_Arrival_Date Earliest_Acceptable_Date Latest_Acceptable_Date Delivery_Lead_Time

char30_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char40_arr, number_arr, char7_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char30_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char30_arr, number_arr, char3_arr, date_arr, date_arr, date_arr, date_arr, number_arr,

Freight_Carrier Ship_Method Demand_Class Ship_Set_Name Arrival_Set_Name Override_Flag Action Ship_Date Arrival_date Available_Quantity Requested_Date_Quantity Group_Ship_Date Group_Arrival_Date Vendor_Id Vendor_Name Vendor_Site_Id Vendor_Site_Name Insert_Flag OE_Flag Atp_Lead_Time Error_Code Message End_Pegging_Id Order_Number Old_Source_Organization_Id Old_Demand_Class Ato_delete_flag Attribute_01 Attribute_02 Attribute_03 Attribute_04 Attribute_05 Attribute_06 Attribute_07 Attribute_08 Attribute_09 Attribute_10 Customer_name Customer_class Customer_location Customer_country Customer_state Customer_city Customer_postal_code Substitution_typ_code Req_item_detail_flag

char30_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, char1_arr, number_arr, date_arr, date_arr, number_arr, number_arr, date_arr, date_arr, number_arr, char80_arr, number_arr, char80_arr, number_arr, char1_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char2000_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char30_arr, char1_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, date_arr, date_arr, char80_arr, char30_arr, char40_arr, char60_arr, char60_arr, char60_arr, char60_arr, number_arr, number_arr,

Request_item_id Req_item_req_date_qty Req_item_available_date Req_item_available_date_qty Request_item_name Old_inventory_item_id Sales_rep Customer_contact Subst_flag Top_Model_line_id ATO_Parent_Model_Line_Id ATO_Model_Line_Id Parent_line_id Match_item_id Config_item_line_id Validation_Org Component_Sequence_ID Component_Code Line_number Included_item_flag Atp_flag Atp_components_flag Wip_supply_type Bom_item_type Mandatory_item_flag Pick_components_flag Base_model_id Oss_error_code Matched_item_name Cascade_model_info_to_comp Sequence_number Firm_flag Order_line_number Option_number Shipment_number Item_desc Old_line_schedule_date Old_source_organization_code Firm_source_org_id Firm_source_org_code Firm_ship_date Firm_arrival_date Ship_method_text Ship_set_id Arrival_set_id Project_id

number_arr, number_arr, date_arr, number_arr, char40_arr, number_arr, char255_arr, char255_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char255_arr, char80_arr, number_arr, char1_arr, char1_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char1_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char255_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char255_arr, date_arr, char7_arr, number_arr, char7_arr, date_arr, date_arr, char255_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr,

Task_id Project_number Task_Number Attribute_11 Attribute_12 Attribute_13 Attribute_14 Attribute_15 Attribute_16 Attribute_17 Attribute_18 Attribute_19 Attribute_20 Attribute_21 Attribute_22 Attribute_23 Attribute_24 Attribute_25 Attribute_26 Attribute_27 Attribute_28 Attribute_29 Attribute_30 Atf_date Plan_id Original_request_date Receiving_cal_code Intransit_cal_code Shipping_cal_code Manufacturing_cal_code Internal_org_id First_valid_ship_arrival_date Party_site_id available_qty_orig_uom requested_date_qty_orig_uom Primary_UOM );

number_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, date_arr, date_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, char30_arr, date_arr, date_arr, date_arr, number_arr, date_arr, char14_arr, char14_arr, char14_arr, char14_arr, number_arr, date_arr, number_arr, number_arr number_arr char3_arr

1. Row_Id: The row_id in database for an order. This field is used only in 10.7 and 11.0 versions of application. This field is optional for later versions. 2. Instance_Id: Instance identifiers of the requesting module. This is mandatory if calling_module is 724. For other calling modules instance_id is obtained from MRP_AP_APPS_INSTANCES. 3. Inventory_Item_Id: Inventory Item ID for which ATP check needs to be done. This field is mandatory. 4. Inventory_Item_Name: Name of the items. If not provided then ATP may populate this field.

5. Source_Organization_Id: Shipping Organization ID. If not provided, ATP will calculate the shipping organization ID using sourcing rules based on provided customer_site_id/organization_id.. This is the inventory org that you want the availability check to happen. 6. Source_Organization_Code: Shipping Organization Code. ATP populates this field based on Source_Organization_Id. 7. Organization_Id: Receiving organization ID. Either organization_id or customer_id must be provided but both should not be provided. 8. Identifier: This field contains Order line ID. This field is mandatory. 9. Demand_Source_Header_Id : Header ID for Order. This field is not mandatory. 10. Demand_Source_Delivery: This field along with demand_source_header_id and demand_source_type is used to uniquely identify an order in Order Management. This field is not mandatory. 11. Demand_Source_Type: This field along with demand_source_header_id and demand_source_delivery is used to uniquely identify an order in Order Management. This field is not mandatory. 12. Scenario_Id : This field is for ATP internal use. 13. Calling_Module: Module which called ATP. This field is mandatory A) 724 indicates planning server B) 660 indicates OM C) 708 indicates configurator -1 indicates backlog scheduling workbench 14. Customer_Id: ID of the customer for whom ATP check needs to be done. Either organization_id or customer_id must be provided but both should not be provided. 15. Customer_Site_Id: Ship to Site ID of the receiving Customer Site. If this field is not provided then ATP can not do global sourcing and ship method/delivery lead time calculation. 16. Destination_Time_Zone: Time zone of the requesting organization. ATP doesnt support this field at present. 17. Quantity_Ordered: Quantity ordered for the items expressed in Quantity_UOM. This field is mandatory. For unscheduling this field must be 0. 18. Quantity_UOM: Unit of measurement of items ordered. This field is mandatory. 19. Requested_Ship_Date: Requested ship date for the items. Either requested_ship_date or requested_arrival_date must be provided but both should not be provided. 20. Requested_Arrival_Date: Requested arrival date for the items. Either requested_ship_date or requested_arrival_date must be provided but both should not be provided. 21. Earliest_Acceptable_Date : Earliest acceptable date by which requester is ready to accept the order in case ATP check fails on requested ship or arrival date. This feature is not used by ATP at present. 22. Latest_Acceptable_Date: Latest acceptable date by which requester is ready to accept the order in case ATP check fails on requested ship or arrival date. This together with either the requested_ship_date or requested_arrival_date provides the date range. 23. Delivery_Lead_Time: Delivery lead time between shipping and receiving organization. If not provided then ATP calculates it based on ship method provided to ATP or else default ship method setup between ship-from Org and ship-to site. Customer_Site_ID must be provided for ATP to make this calculation. 24. Freight_Carrier: Freight Carrier used for the shipment. This feature is not used by ATP at present. 25. Ship_Method: Ship method to be used for shipping. If delivery_lead_time is provided then this is not required. Otherwise ATP will try to calculate delivery_lead_time based on provided ship method. If the ship_method provided is not a valid one between source organization and receiving organization/customer then ATP will to use the default shipping method. If default shipping method is set between source organization and receiving organization/customer then ATP will assign the default

ship method to this field else this field will be left empty. Customer_Site_ID or receiving organization must be provided for ATP to make this calculation. 26. Demand_Class: Demand class under which customer or requesting organization falls. This field is not mandatory. 27. Ship_Set_Name: Name of the ship-set. For line items, this field remains empty. Either Ship_set_name or Arrival_Set_Name, but not both, should be passed. All lines in a set must be passed consecutively. 28. Arrival_Set_Name: Name of the arrival-set. For line items, this field remains empty. Either Ship_set_name or Arrival_Set_Name, but not both, should be passed. All lines in a set must be passed consecutively. 29. Override_Flag: This flag indicate ATP to honor the requested date irrespective of availability of the requested items. Possible values are Y and N. 30. Action: Type of Inquiry This field is mandatory 100- ATP Inquiry 110- Scheduling 120 Rescheduling 31. Ship_Date: Date on which requested item will be shipped. This field is populated by ATP. 32. Arrival_Date: Date on which requested item will arrive. This field is populated by ATP. 33. Available_Quantity: Quantity available on ship date. This field is populated by ATP. 34. Requested_Date_Quantity: Quantity available on requested ship/arrival date. This field is populated by ATP. 35. Group_Ship_Date: Ship date for whole ship set. This field is populated by ATP in case of ship set. 36. Group_Arrival_Date: Arrival date for ship/arrival set. This field is populated by ATP for both ship set and arrival set. 37. Vendor_Id: Vendor ID from where item needs to be requested. This field is not used by ATP. 38. Vendor_Name: Vendor Name. This field is not used by ATP. 39. Vendor_Site_Id: ID of vendor site from where item needs to be requested. This field is not used by ATP. 40. Vendor_Site_Name: Vendor site name. This field is not used by ATP. 41. Insert_Flag: Flag to indicate if supply/demand and period details are calculated or not. If this field is set to 1 then ATP calculates supply/demand and period details. Unless user needs to see supply demand details, for performance reasons this field should be set to something other than 1. 42. OE_Flag : This flag indicates if it is an internal sales order or not. Possible values are Y or N. 43. Atp_Lead_Time: ATP Lead Time for Configure-to-Order Models/ Option Classes/ Option Items etc. This field is populated by ATP. 44. Error_Code: Error code of the error occurred during ATP check. Check MTL_DEMAND_INTERFACE _ERRORS Lookup for complete list of error codes and corresponding error messages. 45. Message: Error Message for error occurred during ATP check. This field is not used by ATP. 46. End_Pegging_Id: Pegging ID for the ultimate parent. This field is populated by ATP. 47. Order_Number : Order number in Order management. 48. Old_Source_Organization_Id: This field is used for unscheduling/rescheduling, and indicates ID of Organization where item was scheduled initially. 49. Old_Demand_Class: This field is used for unscheduling/rescheduling and indicates Demand class under which item was scheduled initially. 50. Ato_delete_flag: Used to Indicate if the item requested for Unscheduling is part of an ATO Model. Possible values are Y or N. This field has been obsoleted in 11.5.10.

51. Attribute_01: This field is used for passing source document line id for internal sales orders. 52. Attribute_02: This field is used for diagnostic atp 1 for on, 2 for off. 53. Attribute_03: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 54. Attribute_04: ATP internally uses this flag for passing refresh number in 24x7 processing. 55. Attribute_05: ATP internally uses this flag for passing visible demand flag for ATO items. 56. Attribute_06: ATP internally uses this flag for passing ATP_FLAG for an item from source to destination. 57. Attribute_07: ATP internally uses this flag to pass back the name of the plan used by ATP for inquiry. 58. Attribute_08: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 59. Attribute_09: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 60. Attribute_10: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 61. Customer_name: This field contains name of ship-to customer entered on the sales order pad. Currently, this field is not used by ATP. 62. Customer_class: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 63. Customer_location: This field contains customer location of ship-to customer entered on the sales order pad. Currently, this field is not used by ATP. 64. Customer_country: This field contains country of ship-to customer entered on the sales order pad. 65. Customer_state: This field contains state of ship-to customer entered on the sales order pad. 66. Customer_city: This field contains city of ship-to customer entered on the sales order pad. 67. Customer_postal_code: This field contains postal code of ship-to customer entered on the sales order pad. 68. Substitution_typ_code: This field contains type of substitution that should be performed on the line. The possible codes are: All or Nothing Mixed Refer to item attribute No Substitution. Currently, All or Nothing or No Substitution flavors are supported. 69. Req_item_detail_flag: This field indicates whether ATP details of original items should be provided or not in case a substitute is used to satisfy the demand The possible values are: Provide requested items details Dont provide requested items details. 70. Request_item_id: This field contains source inventory item id of the requested item in case substitute is used to satisfy the demand. 71. Req_item_req_date_qty: This field contains request date quantity for requested item. This field is populated by ATP only if Req_item_detail_flag field is set to 1 and susbtitution occurs. 72. Req_item_available_date: This field contains date on which requested item is available. This field is populated by ATP only if Req_item_detail_flag field is set to 1 and substitution occurs. 73. Req_item_available_date_qty: This field contains quantity of requested item on ATP date. This field is populated by ATP only if Req_item_detail_flag field is set to 1. This field is populated only if substitution occurs. 74. Request_item_name: This field contains name of the requested item. This field is populated only if substitution occurs.

75. Old_inventory_item_id: This field contains source inventory item ID for the item used during last scheduling session for the line. 76. Sales_rep: This field contains name of the sales rep listed on the order line. If this is not provided then workflow notification is not sent in case of substitution. 77. Customer_contact: This field contains name of the customer contact listed on the order line. If this is not provided then workflow notification is not sent in case of substitution. 78. Subst_flag: This field contains 1 if substitution occurs for the line. 79. Top_Model_line_id: This field contains line ID of the top model for an ATO/PTO configuration. 80. ATO_Parent_Model_Line_Id: This field contains line ID of parent ATO configuration. 81. ATO_Model_Line_Id: This field contains line ID of the top ATO model configuration. 82. Parent_line_id: This field contains line ID of the parent item in case of ATO/PTO models. 83. Match_item_id: This field contains source inventory item ID for the matched configuration. 84. Config_item_line_id : This field contains line id of the configuration item linked to a sales order. 85. Validation_Org : This filed contains validation organization ID for the calling instance. 86. Component_Sequence_ID: This field contains sequence ID of an option item/class in the BOM of an ATO model. 87. Component_Code: This field contains component code of an option item/class in the BOM of an ATO model. 88. Line_number: This field contains line number of an item on sales order. 89. Included_item_flag: This field indicates whether calling module has already exploded included items for a PTO model/Kit or not. The possible values are i. Null or 1- Calling module has exploded included items 3Calling module has not exploded included items 90. Atp_flag: This field contains ATP flag for an item. This field is for internal ATP use. 91. Atp_components_flag: This field contains ATP Components flag for an item. This field is for internal ATP use. 92. Wip_supply_type: This field contains WIP Supply type for an item. This field is for internal ATP use. 93. Bom_item_type: This field contains BOM item type for an item. This field is for internal ATP use. 94. Mandatory_item_flag: This field indicates whether the item is mandatory for PTO model or not. This field is applicable only when Included_item_flag field is set to 2. This field is for internal ATP use. 95. Pick_components_flag: This field contains Pick compoents flag for an item. 96. Base_model_id: This field contains inventory item id for the base model for a matched configuration. 97. Oss_error_code: This field is populated with code for an error encountered while evaluating Option Specific sourcing. 98. Matched_item_name: This field contains name of the matched configuration. This field is populated by ATP in case matched ATO configuration is found. 99. Cascade_model_info_to_comp: This field indicates whether availability result information for top ATO model should be cascaded to its components or not. Possible values are: 21 or null- Model information is cascaded to its components 3Model information is cascaded to its components 100. Sequence_number: This field contains sequence in which items are passed to ATP for availability check. 101. Firm_flag: This field indicates whether line has been firmed or not. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench.

102. Order_line_number: This field contains line number for an item on Order backlog workbench. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 103. Option_number: This field contains number for on option on Order backlog workbench. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 104. Shipment_number: This field contains shipment number for on option on Order backlog workbench. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 105. Item_desc: This field contains description of an item on Order backlog workbench. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 106. Old_line_schedule_date: This field contains old schedule date for a give line on Order backlog workbench. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 107. Old_source_organization_code: This field contains code of an organization in which order was last scheduled. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 108. Firm_source_org_id: This field contains code of an organization in which order was last scheduled. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 109. Firm_source_org_code: This field contains code of the source organization. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 110. Firm_ship_date: This field contains firm ship date. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 111. Firm_arrival_date: This field contains firm arrival date. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 112. Ship_method_text: This field contains ship method description. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 113. Ship_set_id: This field contains ID for the ship set. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 114. Arrival_set_id: This field contains ID for arrival set. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 115. Project_ID: This field contains ID of the project with which line is associated. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 116. Task_ID: This field contains ID of the Task with which line is associated. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 117. Project_number: This field contains project number. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 118. Task_number: This field contains Task number. This field is specifically used for order backlog workbench. 119. Attribute_11: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 120. Attribute_12: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 121. Attribute_13: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 122. Attribute_14: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 123. Attribute_15: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 124. Attribute_16: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 125. Attribute_17: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 126. Attribute_18: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 127. Attribute_19: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 128. Attribute_20: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 129. Attribute_21: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities.

130. Attribute_22: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 131. Attribute_23: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 132. Attribute_24: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 133. Attribute_25: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 134. Attribute_26: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 135. Attribute_27: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 136. Attribute_28: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 137. Attribute_29: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 138. Attribute_30: This field is reserved for future ATP functionalities. 139. Atf_date: This field contains ATF date associated with the time phased product family item. This field is used for internal ATP processing. 140. Plan_id: This field contains ID of the plan used to satisfy the demand. 141. Original_request_date: This field contains the original request date for the order. This field is used for internal ATP processing. 142. Receiving_cal_code: This field contains code for the receiving calendar of the customer associated with the line. This field is used for internal ATP processing. 143. Intransit_cal_code: This field contains code for the In-transit calendar for the customer associated with the line and the source organization. This field is used for internal ATP processing. 144. Shipping_cal_code: This field contains code for the shipping calendar of the source organization. This field is used for internal ATP processing. 145. Manufacturing_cal_code: This field contains code for the manufacturing calendar of the manufacturing organization. This field is used for internal ATP processing. 146. Internal_org_id: This field contains ID of the receiving organization in case of Internal sales order 147. First_valid_ship_arrival_date: This field contains first valid ship date after system date as per shipping calendar for source organization if the request date type is Ship. If the request date type is Arrival then this field contains first valid arrival date after system date as per receiving calendar of the customer. 148. Party_Site_ID: This field contains party site identifier for ship-to customer site. 149. Available_qty_orig_uom : This field contains Available qty in Original UOM 150. Requested_date_qty_orig_uom : This field contains Requested date qty in Original UOM 151. Primary_UOM : This field contains Primary UOM

Data Validation for ATP_REC_TYPE 1) Either requested_ship_date or requested_arrival_date should be provided. Error will be generated if none or both of these dates are provided 2) If delivery lead time and source organization id are specified then organization_id and customer_site_id could be null. If either delivery lead time or source organization are not specified then at least one of these fields should be populated to enable ATP to do global sourcing and delivery lead time calculation. 3) Instance_ID must be provided if calling_module is 724. 4) Inventory_Item_ID field should contain a valid inventory item ID. 5) Quantity_ordered field should contain a valid quantity. 6) Quantity_UOM should contain a valid unit of measurement value. 7) Action field should contain a valid Action type. Please see description of action field for valid values. 8) Old_Source_Organization_id and Old_Demand_class should be provided in case of order rescheduling.

9) Substitution_typ_code should always be populated if substitution needs to be done for the item. 10) Old_inventory_item_id should always be populated for a substituted line in case of order rescheduling. 11) Top_Model_line_id, ATO_Model_Line_Id, Parent_line_id, Config_item_line_id, Component_Sequence_ID and Component_Code fields should always be populated for Inquiry on ATO models. 12) Either Validation_Org or Source_organization_id field should always be populated. Description of MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Supply_Demand_Typ TYPE ATP_Supply_Demand_Typ is RECORD ( Level number_arr, Identifier number_arr, Inventory_Item_Id number_arr, Request_Item_Id number_arr, Organization_Id number_arr, Department_Id number_arr, Resource_Id number_arr, Supplier_Id number_arr, Supplier_Site_Id number_arr, From_Organization_Id number_arr, From_Location_Id number_arr, To_Organization_Id number_arr, To_Location_Id number_arr, Ship_Method char30_arr, Uom char3_arr, Disposition_Type number_arr, Disposition_Name char80_arr, Identifier1 number_arr, Identifier2 number_arr, Identifier3 number_arr, Identifier4 number_arr, Supply_Demand_Type number_arr, Supply_Demand_Source_Type number_arr, Supply_Demand_Source_Type_Name char80_arr, Supply_Demand_Date date_arr, Supply_Demand_Quantity number_arr, Scenario_Id number_arr, Pegging_Id number_arr, End_Pegging_Id number_arr Original_Item_Id number_arr := number_arr(), Original_Supply_Demand_Type number_arr := number_arr(), Original_Demand_Date date_arr := date_arr(), Original_Demand_Quantity number_arr := number_arr(), Allocated_Quantity number_arr := number_arr(), Pf_Display_Flag number_arr := number_arr() );

1. Level: This field indicates the level of supply/demand in pegging. 2. Identifier: A unique identifier to identify a line (Order line number in case of OM). 3. Inventory_Item_Id : Inventory item ID (Product Family ID in case of product family). 4. Request_Item_Id : Inventory Item ID. 5. Organization_Id: Organization ID of Organization where supply/demand is placed. 6. Department_Id : Department ID of the department to which resource belongs. 7. Resource_Id : Resource ID. 8. Supplier_Id : Supplier ID. 9. Supplier_Site_Id: Supplying Site ID. 10. From_Organization_Id : Shipping Organization ID. This field is not used by ATP at present. 11. From_Location_Id : Shipping Location ID. This field is not used by ATP at present. 12. To_Organization_Id : Receiving Organization ID. This field is not used by ATP at present. 13. To_Location_Id : Receiving Location ID. This field is not used by ATP at present. 14. Ship_Method: Ship Method Used. This field is not used by ATP at present. 15. Uom : Unit of Measurement. 16. Disposition_Type: This field is not used by ATP. 17. Disposition_Name: This field contains Order Number. 18. Identifier1: This field contains instance ID. 19. Identifier2: This field is not used by ATP. 20. Identifier3: This field contains demand ID in case of demand, and transaction ID in case of supplies for resource or components. 21. Identifier4 : This field is not used by ATP. 22. Supply_Demand_Type : Type of supply demand. Possible Values: 1- Demand, 2: Supply. 23. Supply_Demand_Source_Type: Type of Supply/Demand. 24. Supply_Demand_Source_Type_Name: This field is not used by ATP at present. 25. Supply_Demand_Date: Date of Supply/Demand. 26. Supply_Demand_Quantity: Supply/Demand Quantity. 27. Scenario_Id: This field is not used by ATP at present. 28. Pegging_Id: Pegging ID for the current record. 29. End_Pegging_Id: Top Parents pegging ID. 30. Original_Item_Id: ID of the Original Item 31. Original_Supply_Demand_Type: Type of the original Supply/Demand. This is applicable only for supplies and demands of items that are members of time-phased enabled product families. 32. Original_Demand_Date: Date of the original demand. This is applicable only for demands of items that are members of time-phased enabled product families. 33. Original_Demand_Quantity: Quantity of the original demand. This is applicable only for demands of items that are members of time-phased enabled product families. 34. Allocated_Quantity: Allocated quantity of the supply/demand This field is used for internal ATP processing. 35. Pf_Display_Flag: Flag to know whether to display in ATP supply demand window. Description of MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Period_Typ TYPE ATP_Period_Typ is Record (

Level number_arr, Identifier number_arr, Inventory_Item_Id number_arr, Request_Item_Id number_arr, Organization_Id number_arr, Department_Id number_arr, Resource_Id number_arr, Supplier_Id number_arr, Supplier_Site_Id number_arr, From_Organization_Id number_arr, From_Location_Id number_arr, To_Organization_Id number_arr, To_Location_Id number_arr, Ship_Method char30_arr, Uom char3_arr, Total_Supply_Quantity number_arr, Total_Demand_Quantity number_arr, Period_Start_Date date_arr, Period_End_Date date_arr, Period_Quantity number_arr, Cumulative_Quantity number_arr, Identifier1 number_arr, Identifier2 number_arr, Scenario_Id number_arr, Pegging_Id number_arr, End_Pegging_Id number_arr Identifier4 number_arr, Demand_Class char80_arr, Class char80_arr, Customer_Id number_arr, Customer_Site_Id number_arr, Allocated_Supply_Quantity number_arr, Supply_Adjustment_Quantity number_arr, Backward_Forward_Quantity number_arr, Backward_Quantity number_arr, Demand_Adjustment_Quantity number_arr, Adjusted_Availability_Quantity number_arr, Adjusted_Cum_Quantity number_arr, Unallocated_Supply_Quantity number_arr, Unallocated_Demand_Quantity number_arr, Unallocated_Net_Quantity number_arr, Total_Bucketed_Demand_Quantity number_arr := number_arr(), Unalloc_Bucketed_Demand_Qty number_arr := number_arr() ); 1. Level : This field indicates the level of supply/demand in pegging.

2. Identifier: A unique identifier to identify a line (Order line ID in case of OM). 3. Inventory_Item_Id: Inventory Item ID (Product Family ID in case of product family). 4. Request_Item_Id: Inventory Item ID . 5. Organization_Id: Organization ID of the Organization where supply/demand is placed. 6. Department_Id : Department ID of the department to which resource belongs. 7. Resource_Id : Resource ID. 8. Supplier_Id: Supplier ID . 9. Supplier_Site_Id : Supplying site ID. 10. From_Organization_Id : Shipping Organization ID. This field is not used by ATP at present. 11. From_Location_Id : Shipping Location ID. This field is not used by ATP at present. 12. To_Organization_Id : Receiving Organization ID. This field is not used by ATP at present. 13. To_Location_Id : Shipping Organization ID. This field is not used by ATP at present. 14. Ship_Method : Ship Method used. This field is not used by ATP at present. 15. Uom: Unit of Measurement. 16. Total_Supply_Quantity : Total supplies for a period. 17. Total_Demand_Quantity: Total demands for a period. 18. Period_Start_Date: Start date for a period. 19. Period_End_Date: End date for a period. 20. Period_Quantity: Net Supply-Demand quantity for that period. 21. Cumulative_Quantity : Cumulative quantity for a period after doing backward consumption, forward consumption and accumulation. 22. Identifier1: This field contains instance id. 23. Identifier2: This field is not used by ATP. 24. Scenario_Id: This field is for ATP internal use. 25. Pegging_Id: Pegging ID for the current record. 26. End_Pegging_Id: Pegging ID of the top parent. 27. Identifier4: Sysdate allocation percent. Used by allocation workbench in allocated ATP based on user defined allocation percentage. 28. Demand_Class: Demand class. Used by allocation workbench. 29. Class: Customer class. Used by allocation workbench. 30. Customer_Id: Customer Id. Used by allocation workbench. 31. Customer_Site_Id: Customer site Id. Used by allocation workbench. 32. Allocated_Supply_Quantity : Supply allocated to a demand class on a date. Used by allocation workbench. 33. Supply_Adjustment_Quantity: Supply adjusment. Used by allocation workbench. 34. Backward_Forward_Quantity: Figures after backward and forward consumption. Used by allocation workbench. 35. Backward_Quantity: Figures after backward consumption. Used by allocation workbench. 36. Demand_Adjustment_Quantity: Demand adjusment. Used by allocation workbench. 37. Adjusted_Availability_Quantity: Figures after demand class consumption. Used by allocation workbench. 38. Adjusted_Cum_Quantity: Adjusted cumulative quantity. Used by allocation workbench. 39. Unallocated_Supply_Quantity: Unallocated supply. Used by allocation workbench. 40. Unallocated_Demand_Quantity: Unallocated demand. Used by allocation workbench. 41. Unallocated_Net_Quantity: Unallocated net. Used by allocation workbench.

42. Total_Bucketed_Demand_Quantity: Bucketed Demand. Used only in PF time phased ATP. 43. Unalloc_Bucketed_Demand: Unallocated bucketed demand. Used in rule based + time phased ATP. Description of MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Details_Typ TYPE ATP_Details_Typ is RECORD ( Level Identifier Request_Item_Id Request_Item_Name Inventory_Item_Id Inventory_Item_Name Organization_Id Organization_Code Department_Id Department_Code Resource_Id Resource_Code Supplier_Id Supplier_Name Supplier_Site_Id From_Organization_Id From_Organization_Code From_Location_Id From_Location_Code To_Organization_Id To_Organization_Code To_Location_Id To_Location_Code Ship_Method Uom Supply_Demand_Type Supply_Demand_Quantity Source_Type Identifier1 Identifier2 Identifier3 Identifier4 Scenario_Id ); ATP_Details_Typ is not used by ATP at present.

number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char40_arr, number_arr, char40_arr, number_arr, char3_arr, number_arr, char10_arr, number_arr, char10_arr, number_arr, char80_arr, number_arr, number_arr, char3_arr, number_arr, char20_arr, number_arr, char3_arr, number_arr, char20_arr, char30_arr, char3_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr, number_arr

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