Lingv Istica

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[Questions 1-4 are omitted at Advanced level.]

5. Esperanto (15 marks)

Esperanto is an artificial language created by Ludwig La arus !amen"of in 1##$ and designed for international communication. Estimates of t"e number of active and fluent spea%ers range from 1&&'&&& to ('&&&'&&& people all around t"e world' wit" a few "undred native spea%ers. )"e letters *+, and *-, are pronounced li%e *g, and *c", in t"e words *gem, and *c"ase,. .ere are some Esperanto sentences translated into Englis". 1. La %apro man+intas. (. La "undo -asis la %aton. /. La %apro man+is. 4. La %apro man+itos. 0. La %apron -asintis la "undo. 1. La %apro man+as. $. La %apro man+otas. #. La %ato man+antas. 2. La %apro man+ontis. 1&. La %apro man+intos. 11. La %ato -asas la "undon. )"e goat "as eaten. )"e dog c"ased t"e cat. )"e goat ate. )"e goat will "ave been eaten. )"e dog "ad c"ased t"e goat. )"e goat eats. )"e goat is going to be eaten. )"e cat is eating. )"e goat was going to eat. )"e goat will "ave eaten. )"e cat c"ases t"e dog.

Question 5. 34rite your answers on t"e separate answer s"eet.5 )ranslate t"e following sentences into Englis"6 1. La %apro man+ontos. (. La %apro man+itas. /. La %ato -asitis. )ranslate t"e following sentences into Esperanto6 4. )"e goat was eating. 0. )"e dog is being eaten. 1. )"e dog will c"ase t"e goat.

6. Crocodile Bardi (15 marks)

7ardi is part of t"e 8yulnyulan language family and is t"e traditional language of t"e 7ardi people' w"o live in and around 9ne Arm :oint and t"e Lombadina;<=arrind=in Aboriginal >ommunities' along t"e coast of Australia,s ?imberley @egion. Alt"oug" about a t"ousand people identify as 7ardi' only a "andful of people can be considered fluent spea%ers of t"e 7ardi language. .ere is a diagram of a scene s"owing a bird' a cat' a c"ild' a woman' a dog' a man' a "orse and a %angaroo. 7ot" you and t"e spea%er are standing at t"e bottom of t"e diagram' facing t"e sceneA t"at is' Brig"tB is your rig"t' and Bin front ofB is closer to t"e bottom of t"e page.

.ere are some 7ardi sentences describing t"e diagram6 315 Aamba born%ony yaawardon. 3(5 7aawa =oorroonggony garrabalgoon. 3/5 7oorroo alaboor yaawardon. 345 Cila alaboor ooranygoon. 305 Cila baybirrony aambon. 315 Dinyaw baybirrony baawon. 3$5 9orany =oorroonggony baawon. 3#5 Eaawarda born%ony aambon. Question 6. 34rite your answers on t"e separate answer s"eet.5 )"e Fuestion is on t"e neGt page.

:air t"e Englis" words 1-1/ wit" one word eac" from t"e list of 1/ 7ardi words' A-D. )o get you started' 1H. and ( H <. 1 ( / 4 0 1 $ # 2 1& 11 1( 1/ bird c"ild cat dog "orse %angaroo man woman neGt to be"ind in front of to t"e left of to t"e rig"t of A 7 > < E I J . C K ? L D aarlgoodony aamba alaboor baawa baybirrony boorroo born%ony garrabal iila =oorroonggony minyaw oorany yaawarda

7. Waorani numbers (20 marks)

4aorani is spo%en by about 1&& native Americans in Ecuador. )"ey "ave fewer single-word eGpressions for numbers t"an Englis"' and are in fact said rarely to count above ten. .owever' in principle t"eir number system can be combined' as in t"e following eGamples' wit" our mat"ematical symbols suc" as H' L' G and ( 3wit" t"eir usual meaningsA G and and ( mean *times, and *sFuared,5. Eac" of t"e underlined eGpressions below represents a number less t"an ten. 315 meMNa meMNa meMNa meMNa L meMNa go meMNa H OeMmOeMmpo%e go aro%e G ( 3(5 aro%e( L meMNa( H OeMmOeMmpo%e 3/5 OeMmOeMmpo%e go aro%e( H meMNa go meMNa G OeMmOeMmpo%e meMNa go meMNa 345 meMNa G OeMmOeMmpo%e H tipOeMmpo%e Question $. 34rite your answers on t"e separate answer s"eet.5 Jive t"e 4aorani translations of t"e numbers from 4 to 1& inclusive.

. !rcturan inter"alactic peace messa"e (20 marks)

Ct is t"e year (/04 A<' and we are trying to ma%e contact wit" two alien species' t"e >entauri and t"e Arcturans. Alt"oug" we "ave never met eit"er species' we "ave seen t"eir communication for a very long time. 9ur scientists first received messages from t"e >entauri. )"ese aliens from Alp"a >entauri live in t"e solar system closest to eart". )"eir first message was a message of peace6 Pfaro% crrro% "i"o% yoro% clo% %anto% o%-yurpQ. 8ow' we %now t"at t"e >entauri "ave been in contact for some time wit" t"e Arcturans' w"o live in anot"er solar system. 4e "ave never "ad contact wit" t"e Arcturans' but newly developed tec"nology ma%es it possible for us to send t"em a message. 4e would li%e to send t"em' first' a message of peace. 7ecause we do not understand t"eir language' t"is is not an easy tas%. .owever' we do %now t"at t"e >entauri "ave been in contact wit" t"em for a w"ile and we "ave intercepted messages w"ic" t"ey "ave sent. )"ese messages include bot" languages' and are s"own in t"e table below. .ere we find 1( sentences in >entauri and t"eir translations in Arcturan. Rnfortunately' because we "ave =ust been eavesdropping t"eir meaning is un%nown' but we do %now t"at t"e sentences pairs are translations of eac" ot"er. >E8 1 o%-voon ororo% spro%. >E8 ( o%-drubel o%-voon ano% plo% spro%. >E8 / ero% spro% i o% "i"o% g"iro%. >E8 4 o%-voon ano% dro% bro% =o%. >E8 0 wiwo% faro% i o% sto%. >E8 1 lalo% spro% i o% =o% sto%. >E8 $ lato% faro% ororo% lalo% spro% i o% enemo%. >E8 # lalo% bro% ano% plo% no%. >E8 2 wiwo% no% i o% %anto% o%-yurp. >E8 1& lalo% mo% no% yoro% g"rio% clo%. >E8 11 lalo% no% crrro% "i"o% yoro% an ano%. >E8 1( lalo% raro% no% i o% "i"o% mo%. A@> 1 at-voon bic"at dat. A@> ( at-drubel at-voon pippat rrat dat. A@> / totat dat arrat vat "ilat. A@> 4 at-voon %rat pippat sat lat. A@> 0 total ==at Fuat cat. A@> 1 wat dat %rat Fuat cat. A@> $ wat ==at bic"at wat dat vat eneat. A@> # iat lat pippat rrat nnat. A@> 2 totat nnat Fuat sloat at-yurp. A@> 1& wat nnat gat mat bat "ilat. A@> 11 wat nnat arrat mat an anat. A@> 1( wat mat forat

4e want to use t"is information to translate t"e original peace message from t"e >entauri so we can send t"is to t"e Arcturans. After some years a reply message in Arcturan is received. Ct reads6 Stotat nnat forat arrat mat bat.S Tince it,s li%ely t"at we on eart" will understand >entauri before Arcturan because of t"e closeness of its solar system' we would li%e to translate t"is sentence to >entauri. Question . 34rite your answers on t"e separate answer s"eet.5 1. )ranslate t"e >entauri message 3repeated below5 into Arcturan. >E86 faro% crrro% "i"o% yoro% clo% %anto% o%-yurp. (. )ranslate t"e Arcturan reply 3repeated below5 into >entauri. A@>6 totat nnat forat arrat mat bat.

#. Waan$i (25 marks)

4aanyi is an Australian language t"at used to be spo%en sout" of t"e Julf of >arpentaria in country t"at straddles t"e border between t"e states of Queensland and t"e 8ort"ern )erritory. Iew fluent spea%ers remain and our %nowledge of t"is language now relies mainly on audio recordings made between t"e 121&,s and (&&#. 9n t"e neGt page you will find a transcribed and translated story told by a 4aanyi spea%er. Question #. 34rite your answers on t"e separate answer s"eet.5 )ranslate t"ese 4aanyi sentences into Englis"6 1. Kung%u ngawu ra=ini. (. Kawi%a=ba barri bula nayi burrurri. /. 7udang%u ngawu bali%a=ba =alanya. )ranslate t"ese Englis" sentences into 4aanyi6 4. )"e man and t"e woman are sitting "ere. 0. )"at woman eats fis". 1. )"is man coo%s t"at meat standing under a tree.

1 ( / 4 0 1 $ # 2 1& 11 1( 1/ 14 10 11 1$ 1# 12 (& (1 (( (/ (4 (0 (1 ($ (2 /& /1 /(

?arrin=a nyulu %irriya barrawunu. Kung%u nyulu burrurri %undana. Kung%u bula nawunu ra=ini. <abarraba nyulu wali=i' nang%ani burrurrii. 7ali%a=ba nyulu' wali=iyanyi' nana %irriya. 8ayi burrurri' lalu=bu nyulu. ?anung%u barri nyulu =ilaba %irriyawurru. 4i=bi barri nyulu %irriya wali=iyanyi =ang%aranyiyanyi' %arrin=awurru. 8anang%ani %irriyaa' nangan=a barri nyulu manii nana wali=i burrurrinan=a. Karrba barri nyulu' bali%a=ini' nanang%ani %irriyaa' nana wali=i' %arrin=ana nanawunu barrawunu. Kawi%a=ba barri nyulu burrurri6 8in=i' wanyi nin=i =arrbaU 7udang%u ngawu =arrba =alanya. Kila%anyi ngawu %a%uwanyi nangan=aanyi. ?arubu-yanyba ngawu. 4un=u%u nin=i =ilabaU ?ularra ngawu =ilaba' nanang%urru manang%awurru. 8gabungabu' mali=ibi nyulu %irriyaa' ban=ana nyulu =ilaba. 8a=ba barri nyulu' burrurri' =ung%uwurru' %arubu-yany%urru. Danang%ana nyulu =ung%u' nana burrurri. 8a=ba nyulu %irriya' %anung%uwurru. ?awaV Kilan=i nang%urru. Kawi%a=ba nyulu burrurri %anung%unu. ?a%u nin=i nangan=aU 7udang%u ngawu %a%uwanyi. 7udang%u nayi %a%uwanyi. 8gamuyu-%iya nin=i nangan=a %a%u nawunu. ?a=a. Eanyba nyulu nangangi. 8a=ba ngawu %a%u nawunu wanamini' bili%i=awurru' bung%una. 7udang%u yalu bali%a=ba wali=iyanyi =alanya. 8gadi=bi yaluwang%a bulin=ana. @a=iwurru barri bula %annga' budang%u %a%uwanyi. 7ali%a=ini bula %annga ra=iwurru' %irriya' burrurri.

)"e woman is standing in t"e "ouse. )"e man is sitting under a tree. )"ey are "ere in t"e camp. )"is man is coo%ing meat. T"e is "ungry for meat' t"at woman. )"is man' "e gets up. .e t"en goes up to t"e woman. )"en "e gives some coo%ed meat to t"e woman w"o,s standing. )"at woman' s"e t"en ta%es t"at meat wit" "er "and from t"e man. )"en t"at woman "ungrily eats t"at meat' standing t"ere in t"e "ouse. T"e t"en as%s t"e man. 4"at are you eatingU C,m not eating now. C,ll go and catc" some fis". C,m going fis"ing. 4"ere are you goingU C,m going sout"' to t"at river. Late afternoon' t"e woman followed "im' s"e went after. )"en s"e saw t"e man sitting fis"ing. )"at man was sitting by t"e river. .e saw t"e woman approac"ing. >omeV >ome "ereV T"e as%ed t"e man as s"e approac"ed. .ave you caug"t any fis"U C,ve got no fis". )"ere,s no fis" "ere. C t"oug"t you would "ave caug"t fis" "ere. Lots. .e said to "er6 C saw fis" swimming "ere in t"e water yesterday. )"ey are not "ungry for meat rig"t now. )"ey are "iding in t"e water-grass. )"ey bot" returned "ome' wit"out any fis". )"ey bot" return "ome "ungry W t"e woman 3and5 t"e man.

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