Youth Delegate Reference Form - 0!1!22222
Youth Delegate Reference Form - 0!1!22222
Youth Delegate Reference Form - 0!1!22222
Please check the traits you consider to be characteristic of this applicant. Then circle the five adjectives you feel describe the applicants greatest strengths. Feel free to elaborate on any trait or any concern that would be helpful for the purposes of selecting this child for a CISV program. Keep in mind that we are looking for children who complement each other when forming program delegations. There is no set profile of a typical or ideal youth delegate. mature independent responsible expressive accepting discerning shows initiative optimistic pessimistic responsive cooperative cautious curious attentive practical helpful participates needs coaxing caring spontaneous reticent open-minded respects adults respects peers follower leader team player fair-minded organized dependent creative quiet secure vivacious sensitive forgetful introspective friendly articulate accepted unusual sincere healthy confident tolerant compromiser intense mild-mannered patient hurried studious motivated disrespectful athletic artistic outgoing inward intolerant flexible follows direction fun conscientious shares talkative adventurous ___________ Use this space to elaborate on any of these traits circled on the previous page or to express any concerns:
Do you know of any special talents or experiences that would help this applicant contribute to an international program? ________________________________________________________________________________ To the best of your knowledge, does this applicant have any emotional or behavioral characteristics that would interfere with his/her successful completion of a CISV program? ______________________________________ Behaviors that are NOT acceptable in any CISV program include: illegal acts, alcohol/drug abuse, dishonesty, prejudice or intolerance, violence or lack of self-control, sexual contact, verbal abuse of others, and inability to handle a reasonable amount of stress. If yes, please explain in the space below or call the Chapter contact person at the phone number listed on the front of this form.
The information provided above has been thoughtfully and honestly given, based on my knowledge and perception of the applicant. I understand that the information will be kept confidential and will be used by the local CISV Chapter in the evaluation of the youth applicant.
Signature _____________________________________________________Date_______________________