Newsletter Sept. 2010 St. Monica ELC

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Monica Early Learning Centre

September Newsletter,2010
14710 53Avenue Edmonton, AB T6H 4C6 Ph. 789 436-7888

Dear Parents/Guardians: We warmly welcome all of you to St. Monica Early Learning Centre! It will definitely be a year of discovery and new beginnings. Our amazing staff is extremely proud of our school and the many rich learning experiences that we offer your children. It will truly be amazing to witness our students successes as they grow spiritually, academically, socially, creatively, physically and emotionally. We extend a very special welcome to all of our new students and families and to our new music and kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Toyad, as well as to our new teacher assistants Ms Dupuis, Ms Maudsley, and Ms Nevell. A special thank you to our teachers, our secretary, Mrs. Sherburne, our custodians, Mr. Buenviaje and Mrs. Lee, who contributed many long hours, long before school began, to set up our classrooms and various learning spaces throughout the school. Thank you to Mrs. Vaage for updating our website and adding our new school logo it looks great! As a new principal, I have so much to learn about the school and could not have achieved nearly as much without the guidance, kindness and support of our assistant principal, Mrs. Comartin. She is an outstanding teacher and a caring, warm and giving lady. She has been an invaluable rock for me over the last few months. Thank you, Mrs. Comartin, for all that you do! Parents, you play the most important role in your childs power to achieve their fullest potential, to discover their God-given gifts and talents and to use those gifts in their own special and unique way. We value a strong family-school partnership that builds an extraordinary learning community. Always feel welcome to offer your ideas about school improvement so we can continue to make St. Monica an outstanding learning environment for your children. We look forward to working with you as partners in your childs education! Together we are strong! Thank you for sharing the gift of your child with us! Yours in Christ who gives us the joy of learning! Mrs. Kathy Sosnowski Principal Mrs. Beth Comartin Assistant Principal

Inside this newsletter School Hours and Fees Important Information Upcoming September Events Parent Council Meeting Staff Dates for 2010-11 Superintendents Message Calendar Parent Return Form 6 7 8 5 4 2

Office Hours:
8:00 4:00 p.m.

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation. All new beginnings are a sign of your love for us. Bless the school year. Fill each day with your grace, That in our learning, We may continue to grow in your love. Grant us a wealth of patience & compassion for each other. As the year continues with strengths & challenges, Let us celebrate the promise in our Catholic school community. Amen

Our Prayer Corner

School Hours and Fees


Jr. K Morning Class Jr. K Afternoon Class K Morning Class K Afternoon Class Grade One


A.M. 8:30- 11:00 12:15 - 2:45 8:30 - 11:08 11:50 - 3:05 8:30 - 11:56 12:36 - 3:05


MTWF MTWF M T W Th F MTWF MTWF Half Day Thurs. (except before Christmas an Spring Break)


$260.00/mo. $260.00/mo. $150.00/yr.

Bus Passes

No bussing for Junior Kindergarten No Cost for Kindergarten $27.00/mo.


Post-dated cheques for bus passes and/or monthly Junior Kindergarten fees (made payable to St. Monica School) are most welcome!

Important Information
Newsletters and Monthly Calendars A newsletter and calendar will be sent home the last Friday of each month to keep you informed of events, opportunities and life in general at St. Monica Early Learning Centre. The newsletters will also be available on our website:
We a moving towards sending emails to you via your email so please see the return form on the last page of this newsletter.

Parent Handbook We are currently updating our Parent Handbook and it will be sent home as soon as our central office has completed the printing. For now, policies may be viewed on our website. Sorry for the delay. Property Taxes Catholic School Administrators have been asked to encourage all parents to examine their Tax Notice to ensure that their support is assigned to Edmonton Catholic Schools. If there is an error or any doubt, please contact City Hall. We need your support! Transportation Fees and Safety Bus passes are available for $27.00/month for grade one. Kindergarten bus passes are free of charge. Students will be issued a monthly bus pass upon receipt of payment. If your child will NOT be on the bus, please inform the office and the bus driver so that we arent looking for you child and keeping the other waiting. This courtesy is very important for the safety of your child and for the students at both St. Mary and St. Monica. The bus will not leave until all children are accounted for. Late Arrivals If your child is late, please come to the office to receive a Late Slip which your child will give his/her classroom teacher. Reporting Your Childs Absence After School Hours Please call the office at 780 436-7888 to inform our secretary, Mrs.Sherburne, when your child is absent from school. There is no need to report an absence directly to your childs teacher. If the school has not heard from you regarding your childs absence, Mrs. Sherburne will call to make sure your child is at home and safe. Please make Mrs. Sherburnes job easier by calling the school yourself. If you call after school hours, you may leave a message regarding absences on our answering machine. Please state your childs name, classroom teacher and the reason for the absence. Remember to speak slowly and clearly as the quality of answering machine may not be the best and it is difficult to understand the message.

Who Will be Picking Your Child Up From School? If your child/ren are leaving the school with anyone else but the legal parent/guardian or arranged person, we must have written permission from you please. We will not release your child to anyone without prior contact and permission from yourself. Taking Students Out Early When you take your child out from school earlier than the usual dismissal time, please come to the office to sign your child out. We will contact your childs teacher to ready your child to leave. We try not to disrupt our valuable teaching and learning time and, therefore, strive to reduce distractions at the classroom door. Medical Conditions and Administering Medication Please visit the office to fill out the necessary forms for medical conditions your child may have and for any medication they require while at school. We are not able to administer ANY medication without the proper forms and permissions. Supervision Supervision begins at 8:15 and, therefore, for safety, please do not leave your children until staff is supervising. Allergies There are many students and staff members who have life-threatening nut and other allergies. WE WILL STRIVE TO BE A NUT AND ALLERGY AWARE SCHOOL AND WILL TAKE ALL REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS NOT TO HAVE KNOWN ALLERGENS IN THE SCHOOL. HOWEVER, WE CANNOT FULLY CONTROL EVERY ITEM BROUGHT INTO THE SCHOOL AND, THEREFORE, NEED YOUR FULL CO-OPERATION. - Parents are asked to please read ingredients on food items and not to bring any foods to the school that have nuts in them or that have been produced in places where there could have been possible contamination. Parking (Repeat Announcement) We have a very small parking lot and a large number of staff. Most of our staff carry in heavy boxes, back packs, etc. on a daily basis. For this reason, all parking stalls beside the west doors are reserved for staff. Parents and visitors are welcome to use the stalls to the north, in the overflow parking area, close to the grade one door. We encourage all parents to use the Valet Service as often as possible, due to the sheer numbers of parents driving their children to school. From 8:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., you will find several staff waiting in the parking area (wearing safety vests) to assist your children out of your vehicle and direct the children to their door. The children can leave their backpacks on the designated hooks and then go out to the playground until the bell rings at 8:25 a.m. There will be supervision on the playground from 8:15 8:25. At the 3:05 dismissal, Kindergarten and grade one students can wait with the supervisor at the side door until parents come through the turn around area. We really appreciate your co-operation in keeping the turn around area flowing. Please do not stop or double park. This is imperative for the safety of our children. We would like to hear any ideas you may have to improve the situation in the parking lot at St. Monicas.

Information to Parents and Guardians

Regarding the Permeation of the Catholic Faith in Edmonton Catholic Schools

As a result of Bill 44, The Alberta Human Rights Act requires all schools in the province of Alberta to give notice to a parent or guardian when courses of study, educational programs, institutional materials, instruction or exercises include subject matter that deals primarily and explicitly with religion. The essential purpose of Edmonton Catholic Schools is to fully permeate Catholic theology, philosophy, practices and beliefs, the principles of the Gospel and teachings of the Catholic Church, in all aspects of school life, including in the curriculum of every subject taught, both in and outside of formal religion classes, celebrations and exercises. Every course of study and education program, all institutional materials, instruction and exercises will at all times include subject matter that deals primarily and explicitly with religion.

Upcoming Events for September

Monday, September 6th is Labour Day and schools are closed. Tuesday, September 7th is the first day for our JK & K students Welcome! Thursday, September, 16th we will have a Family BBQ at St. Marys at 5:00. Everyone is welcome to attend!

Thursday, September 23rd FIRST REPORTING PERIOD MEET THE STAFF AND PROGRAM INFORMATION EVENING - at 7:00 p.m. The night will begin with a presentation in the gymnasium and will follow with individual class presentations. The purpose of this meeting is to provide parents/guardians with an opportunity to meet their childs teachers and to become more familiar with the school and its programs. This meeting is considered to be our first reporting period with parents. Come on out. September 24th Friendship Celebration 9:30 and 1:00 Morning and afternoon classes will each have their own celebrations September 29th Picture Day - Wear your best smile!!!!

Please join our Parent Council! We need representation from St. Monicas at these meeting. Our first meeting is Wednesday, September 8 at 7:00 at St. Mary School

Together We Can Make Such a Difference!

St. Monica Staff 2010 -11

Kathy Sosnowski Beth Comartin Eileen Sherburne Claudette Juba Romeo Buenviaje Cala Lee Teachers Michelle Bezubiak, Nancy Bromley Lisa Murphy Anna Slusarek Christine Santin Gwennyth Toyad Lee-Anne Wardell Carla Barnfather Katie Chamberlain Mary-Jeanne Miller Carol Vaage Gwennyth Toyad Marlene Smulski Principal Assistant Principal Secretary Librarian Head Custodian Light Duty Custodian Programs Junior Kindergarten, PM Junior Kindergarten, AM & PM Junior Kindergarten, AM Junior Kindergarten, PM Kindergarten AM Kindergarten AM Kindergarten AM & PM Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Music Music & ESL Teacher Assistants Kristine Maudsley, Ella Ghoreshi Helena Kraus Helena Kraus Krisitne Maudsley, Debbie Nevell Monina Butnande TBA (dependant upon funding) TBA (dependant upon funding) Heidi Mitchell Louise Dupuis


September 01 First Day for Grade One 01 - 03 Staggered Entry JK and K 02 06 07 16 23 24 29 Early Dismissal - No Staff Meeting Labour Day No School First Day for JK & K Family BBQ 5:00 7:00 St. Marys Meet the Teacher St. Monica Gym 7:00 Friendship Celebration St. Monica Gym 9:30& 1:00 Picture Day

October 04 - 08 Read-In Week 06 08 11 14 JK & K PD No Classes / World Teacher Day Thanksgiving Celebration 9:30 Thanksgiving - No School Visit from Father Andrew, St. Thomas More a.m.


Halloween Celebrations

November 01 Picture Retakes 03 05 07 10 11 19 25 JK & K Conference Day No Classes School-Wide PD No Classes Catholic Education Sun. 10:00 St. Thomas More Remembrance Day Celebration 1:00 Remembrance Day No School Report Cards Sent Home Demo/Celebration of Learning Christmas Concerts More Info, TBA I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all staff, students and their families to the 2010-2011 school year. For the first time in the history of Edmonton Catholic Schools, one of our schools, St. Catherine School, is on a different schedule for the school year, as it is piloting the concept of year round schooling for our District. St. Catherine Schools first day of school was August 9th. Our three new schools, Sister Annata Brockman, Monsignor William Irwin, and Monsignor Fee Otterson are also opening their doors for the first time and joyfully accepting students and their families, as they begin to develop their new school communities. As well, plans for the official opening of the Field House at St. Francis Xavier High School, and a celebration to signify the completion of the major modernization of Archbishop MacDonald High School are well underway. The partnership with the City of Edmonton for the High School Completion Center in Clareview is entering the design phase. Thank you to our Facilities Services staff, custodial and maintenance service workers who have spent many hours this summer doing repairs, cleaning and preparing our school/sites for another school year. The cleanliness of our schools continues to be an area on which parents and other visitors to our schools remark favorably. This is a direct result of the hard work and dedication of this group of employees, and I commend them for this. The administration of Edmonton Catholic Schools has developed a District Plan for Continuous Growth 2010-2013.

December 06, 07, 08 16 17

Full Day for Tor Teachers and Grade One Santas Breakfast - Early Dismissal

20 31 Christmas Vacation January 03 School Starts after Break 12, 19, 26 19 20 27 K and Gr.1 Skating JK & K PD Day No Classes School-Wide PD - No School District PD

February 01 Faith Day No School 02, 09 21 March 3-4 09 11 17 24 25 April 04 13 18 22 25 26 May 05 08 13 23 June 19 22 24 29 30 Skating Family Day No School Teachers Convention - No School Ash Wednesday 9:30 and 1:00 Report Cards Sent Home Demo/Celebration of Learning Full Day for Grade One Early Dismissal

28 - April 01 Spring Break School Starts after Spring Break JK & K PD Day No Classes Open House Michael Mitchell Good Friday No School Easter Monday No School Easter Celebration 9:30 JK & K PD No Classes Mothers Day Celebrations in Classrooms Opera Jack and the Beanstalk Victoria Day No School Fathers Day Celebrations in Classrooms JK & K Year End Fun Day Grade 1 Year End Fun Day Last Day of Classes Full Day Teacher Day No School for Students



More information on each of the following goals: can be found at Along with the Board of Trustees, I have developed goals to support the Districts Plan which include some new directions for Religious Education with our District Chaplain Fr. Mike Mireau, hosting a nationally-advertised Catholic Schools conference in November, continuing to focus on providing high levels of learning for all 21st century learners, and continuing to foster partnerships with others while maintaining financial stability and safety and wellness for staff and students. May God continue to bless each one of you as we, the staff of Edmonton Catholic Schools, continue to serve the needs of your children in a faith-filled learning environment. Sincerely,

Joan Carr, Superintendent


Monica Calendar September 2010

Sun da y


T uesd a y 1

W edn e sda y Welcome Back, Grade One!

T h u rsd a y 2 Staggered Entry JK & K Dismissal 11:56 9 Dismissal 11:56 10 3

Fri da y 4

S at u rd a y

Staggered Entry JK & K

Staggered Entry JK & K 5 6 Labour Day No School 7 First Day for JK & K 8 Parent Council Meeting St. Marys, 7:00







Dismissal 11:56



Family BBQ St. Marys 5:00 7:00 19 20 21 22 23 Dismissal 11:56 Meet the Teacher 7:00 St. Monica Gym 26 27 28 29 Picture Day by Life Touch 30 Dismissal 11:56 24 Friendship Celebration: 9:30(a.m. classes) 1:00 (p.m.classes) 25

Dates for October:

Oct. 4-8 Read-In Oct. 11 No School Thanksgiving Oct. 29 Halloween Parties

How would you like to receive your newsletters? Parent Return Form Please reply by sending this page back to school with your youngest child by

Friday Sept. 17th

This year, we would like to move towards sending our newsletters to our St. Monica families by email. For those who dont use email, you can still receive newsletters as a hard copy which will be sent home each month with your child. We do, however, strongly urge all families to opt for the email version of the newsletter if at all possible as we are trying to save printing costs and paper! Please complete the following box and return the entire page back to school, please: (If we do not receive this information back from you, we will automatically send you a hard copy of the newsletter on the last Friday of each month)

_______ I would like to receive the school newsletter as a hard copy sent home with my child.

_______ I would like to receive the school newsletter by email this year. My name _______________________________________________________ My email address ________________________________________________(Please print very clearly) Name of my youngest child _________________________________________ Childs Teacher__________________________________________________

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