Compact Steam Trap Assembly

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Compact Steam Trapping Assembly

Quick Fix Solutions

Energy Conservation | Environment | Process Efficiency

Forbes Marshall Forbes Marshall Arca Forbes Marshall Codel Krohne Marshall
Spirax Marshall Forbes Vyncke

For over six decades, Forbes Marshall has been building steam engineering and control instrumentation solutions that work for process industry. Today we have evolved into a leader in process efficiency and energy conservation through technology tie-ups and focused investments in manufacturing and research. Our joint ventures with the world's leading names enable us to deliver quality solutions in 14 countries. Forbes Marshall is unique in having extensive expertise in both steam and control instrumentation. The dual expertise has allowed us to engineer industry specific systems that focus on energy efficiency and utilities management for sectors as diverse as textiles, food processing, paper, power and chemicals. Our teams are peopled by some of the finest engineers in the land. These highly trained professionals have developed innovative solutions and saved millions of rupees in process costs for our clients. Our business practices and processes have combined into a singular philosophy of being trusted partners who provide innovative solutions. It's a philosophy we are proud to live up to. Forbes Marshall began sixty years ago as a company offering steam engineering solutions in association with Spirax Sarco of the UK. For decades, we have been designing, manufacturing and supplying steam engineering products and solutions to customers worldwide. Our experience in this area is the benchmark against which all others are compared. While our oldest joint venture is with Spirax Sarco, the world leader in steam engineering, our newest joint venture is with Vyncke Energietechniek, the world leaders in converting biomass into energy.

Compact, convenient and easy to install steam trapping solutions

The Spirax pipeline connector, coupled with world leading steam trap technology, reduces plant downtime, maintenance costs with zero emissions, conforming to Pertinent Environment & Pollution Norms. When a steam trap requires maintenance, the time taken to replace or repair depends on how easily it can be removed from the pipeline. Often it has to wait until the whole system is shut down. The pipeline connector's unique design allows steam traps to be quickly removed and replaced within a matter of minutes by simply undoing two bolts offering ease of installation, operation and maintenance. Integral piston valves are used for upstream, downstream, trap vent, trap test and bypass operations making the system leak proof with positive shutoff. Trap vent piston valve offers a great advantage in safety, as it vents out steam trapped between the trap and upstream isolation valve, when the trap is required to be removed or replaced protecting the operator from direct contact with it. Traditional steam trapping assemblies require many joints between the traps and isolation valves which are potential leak paths. A single permanent in-line connector significantly reduces installation time, cuts costs dramatically, and eliminates system leaks making it an energy efficient product. Many traditional isolation valves are difficult to maintain and prone to gland leakage and inline leakage. Piston valves which are integral with Spirax pipeline connectors provide simple and quick inline maintenance, positive shut-off and zero emissions ensuring their Reliable Life Cycles.

Conventional Steam Trapping Station

Spirax Compact Steam Trapping Station

From steam main or tracer

Inlet isolation valve

Trap Depressurization valve

Outlet isolation valve Steam Inlet Trap test valve Trap Bypass Valve DV1 Trap Depressurization valve Trap Test Valve DV3

Steam Trapping Station

Steam trap

Pipeline Connector (PC01N) having Inlet & Outlet Isolation Piston Valve (Integrated) in single steam piston) Universal Thermodynamic Trap (UTD3)

DV1 Trap Bypass valve DV3 750mm Estimated Wt.: 14 kg

Condensate 160mm

Typical Assembly length No of Components

Approx 750mm. More than 16 components with Five Valves >15 4 Hours (+ Welding)

160mm Only One Component with Five Integral Piston Valve Only Two 20-30min(+ Welding)

No of Welds/Joints Installation Time required Weight of assembly Valve Leakage

> 14 Kg 2 Potential steam leaks through gland And 3 potential inline leakage and many more at welded joints High due to large surface area

Less than 4 kg

Zero Leakage Low due to smaller surface area


Heat Emission

Time Needed to replace a Steam Trap

2 hours for a conventional steam trap with welded or screwed connections



4 minutes for a Spirax pipeline connector and a steam trap

With 2-bolt design

Provision of Strainers

Single Strainer provided for protecting Trap Internals, No arrangement of Strainer for protecting Valve Internals.

a) Trap Strainer To Protects Steam Trap internals. b) Body Strainer To Protect Piston Valve internals Long Life due to Forged Construction

Material of Construction Vendor Coordination Cycle Cost of Ownership

Limited Life due to MS/CS Construction


Single Vendor to Co-Ordinate



Cut Section of PC01N

Pipeline Connector (PC01N) having Inlet & Outlet Isolation Piston Valve (integrated in a single stem-piston)
Strainer at Inlet

Steam Inlet
Inlet Piston Valve

Trap Bypass Valve DV1

Trap Depressurization Valve

Outlet Piston Valve

Universal Thermodynamic Trap (UTD3)

Trap Test Valve (Optional Valve) DV3 Condensate

Components ? Thermodynamic (UTD3) / Balanced pressure thermostatic (UBP21CV) steam trap with universal connector. The mating surface of body and TD trap is friction welded in order to avoid galvanic corrosion. Pipeline connector has a single stem for upstream and downstream isolation, operated by manual hand wheel. Strainer at inlet to get the inflow free from foreign particles dirt / and protecting valve internals and not for initial start up (flushing) purpose. Drain valve DV1 glandless piston valve for bypass when opened, discharges condensate from the line. The trap can be maintained by isolating inlet valve and opening the bypass valve (DV1) so as to keep the process live. Besides, it is also sufficient to take care of startup load conditions. Drain valve DV2 glandless piston valve for trap vent (depressurization valve), used to depressurize the line before steam trap by discharging steam when it is isolated for maintenance. Drain valve DV3 optional. This glandless piston valve for trap test is used for checking the working condition of the steam trap, when condensate is to be returned for recovery in a closed loop system.

Application of PC01N for main drip lines, tracing, jacketing

Drain Traps Assembly In Header & Distribution Line

Tracing Line Traps Assembly

Steam Inlet

Air Vent


Drain Traps Assembly Under Moisture Separator

Steam main Steam Supply Manifold Station

Product line

Product line Tracing lines PC01 with UTD3 To return

Think Different, Think Compact, Think Pipeline Connector

Variance of pipeline connectors for steam tracer lines, instrument tracing line, jacketing line and main drips.

General Installation

Tracing Application Upto 32 bar and 300C

Main Header Drip leg Application Upto 42 bar and 425C

PC30: Pipeline connector with integral glandless piston valve for trap upstream isolation. (Option: Thermostatic trap / Thermodynamic trap)
Upstream Integral Piston Valve Upstream Integral Piston Valve Inlet Inlet Thermodynamic Steam Trap

Upstream Isolation Valve


Outlet Thermostatic Steam Trap Outlet

PC35: Pipeline connector with integral glandless piston valve for trap upstream isolation and bypass. (Option: Thermostatic trap / Thermodynamic trap)
Upstream Integral Piston Valve Upstream Isolation Valve Trap Inlet Thermodynamic Steam Trap

Bypass Valve


PC34: Pipeline connector with integral glandless piston valve for trap upstream isolation, bypass and trap vent. (Option: Thermostatic trap / Thermodynamic trap)
Upstream Integral Piston Valve Upstream Isolation Valve Trap Trap Vent Piston Valve Bypass Valve Trap Vent Valve Outlet Thermostatic Steam Trap Outlet Inlet Bypass Piston Valve Upstream Integral Piston Valve Inlet Thermodynamic Steam Trap

Upstream Isolation Valve

Downstream Isolation Valve

Steam Inlet

Pipeline Connector (PC01N) having Inlet & Outlet isolation piston valve (integrated in single stem-piston) Universal Thermostatic Steam Trap (UBP-21CV)

Steam Inlet

Pipeline Connector (PC01N) having Inlet & Outlet isolation piston valve (integrated in single stem-piston) Universal Thermodynamic Steam Trap (UTD-3)

Trap Trap Test Valve

Trap Bypass Piston Valve Trap Vent Piston Valve Trap Depressurization Condensate Valve

Bypass Valve

Trap Vent Valve

Trap Bypass Piston Valve Trap Depressurization Valve Trap Test Valve


Cut Section of PC35 with UBP21CV (For Tracing Applications)

Cut Section of PC34 with UTD3 (For Main Line Drain Applications)

Steam and Condensate from the Main line Inlet Glandless Psiton Valve for upstream isolation valve Glandless Psiton Valve for upstream isolation valve Bypass Piston Valve

Steam from the Inlet tracing line Bypass Piston Valve

Universal Thermodynamic Steam Trap

Outlet Condensate from the trap Outlet Universal Balanced Pressure Thermostatic Trap with in-built check valve (UBP21CV) Condensate from the trap

Upstream Integral Piston Valve

Inlet Universal Thermodynamic Steam Trap

Bypass Valve


Conventional steam trapping system with separate components

Modern, innovative compact trapping station

High pressure compact steam trap stations

The CM-TD62M is a compact thermodynamic steam trap module designed with an in-built bypass valve for high pressure steam applications up to 62 bar g for mainline drip legs. Replaceable trap internals and inbuilt strainer eases inline maintenance. The CM-TD62M has an integral upstream piston valve which isolates the upstream piping of the steam trap. Features Cross-Section of CMTD62M 1. Inbuilt piston valve for upstream and trap bypass valve, sufficient to take care of startup and running load conditions. Downstream isolation valve can also be provided in case of closed loop system (optional). 2. Blow down valve provided for online cleaning of strainer element. 3. Ease of Maintenance trap seat is maintainable online (Once Seat is replaced, trap becomes as good as new). 4. Simple and compact in construction.
To return

Steam Main


PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Body MOC Size range Ends for main body Connection to trap Leakage class Bypass, trap test, trap depressurisation piston valve

COMPACT MODULE -CMTD 62M Alloy Steel (WC6) 15NB , 20NB Inlet=SWE; Outlet=SWE Trap is in built with assembly VI -Bubble tight shut off Bypass - IN BUILT Trap Test Optional. Trap Depressurization Optional MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE: 62 bar MAX.OPERATING TEMPERATURE: 525 deg.c HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSURE: 155 bar

Maximum operating conditions

Successful Installations across sectors Oil & Gas Refinery & Petrochemical Edible Oil Breweries& Distilleries Food Industry Textiles Fertilizers Pharmaceutical Paper Rubber EPC Contractors

Install PCO1N for arresting leaks

A study on Energy Conservation, conducted by Forbes Marshall, reveals that steam leak through 15mm steam traps or 15mm isolation valves leads to the loss of 48 tonnes of steam annually (considering steam leak through a 3mm orifice size for a period of 16 hrs/day and 300 days in a year). Which means loss of, Rs. 52000/yr - for plant running on an Oil Fired Boiler Rs. 43000/yr - for plant running on a Gas Fired Boiler Rs. 28000/yr - for plant running on a Coal Fires Boiler The leakage through weld joints wastes an equal amount of energy too. The Spirax Compact Steam Trapping Station is designed to arrest all these leaks.

One of our many satisfied customers say.... As an effort to reduce steam leakages in the refinery, a new device called Spirax Compact Trapping, formed by connecting PC 01 with UTD3 is installed in our plant. Apart from steam loss reduction, the compact trapping station facilitates easy online maintenance of steam traps.

Spirax Marshall (A joint venture of Forbes Marshall and Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc.)
Mumbai-Pune Road, Kasarwadi, Pune - 411 034. India. Tel.: 91(0)20 - 27145595, 39858555 Fax: 91(0)20 - 27147413 E-mail: [email protected] Domestic: Ahmedabad, Alibag, Bangalore, Bhopal / Indore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Madurai, Nagpur, Navi Mumbai, Surat, Trichy, Vadodara, Visakhapatanam International Operations: [email protected] Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka

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