IMPROVEMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN PUBLIC TECHNICAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS (ECOLE TECHNIQUE OFFICIEL - ETOS) IN RWANDAPAPER SIZE (5,079 words excluding titles, tables, figures, acknowledgement & references) Maina Maringa and Mwangi Maringa, published in the Journal of Technical Education and Training (, Vol 2, No 1 (2010)
IMPROVEMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN PUBLIC TECHNICAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS (ECOLE TECHNIQUE OFFICIEL - ETOS) IN RWANDAPAPER SIZE (5,079 words excluding titles, tables, figures, acknowledgement & references) Maina Maringa and Mwangi Maringa, published in the Journal of Technical Education and Training (, Vol 2, No 1 (2010)
IMPROVEMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN PUBLIC TECHNICAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS (ECOLE TECHNIQUE OFFICIEL - ETOS) IN RWANDAPAPER SIZE (5,079 words excluding titles, tables, figures, acknowledgement & references) Maina Maringa and Mwangi Maringa, published in the Journal of Technical Education and Training (, Vol 2, No 1 (2010)
Maina Maringa
Integrated Regional Polytechnic Centre (IPRC),
Kigali City Kicukiro Campus, Rwanda
Mwangi Maringa
Rwanda Workforce Development Authority, Rwanda
Email; [email protected]
This paper presents a brief review of the state of technical education in Rwanda based on a
study conducted in 2007, with pertinent recommendations. The background of technical
education in the country is appreciated first, and then followed up with a situational analysis.
Thereafter, a 5-year implementation project plan proposal, to address the identified
shortcomings, needs, and expectations of government is advanced. The need to raise access
to post tronc commun (post O-Level) technical training is addressed within this proposal with
a specific interest to increase the capacity and range of programmes running in the existing
ETOs, and the introduction of new ETOs where deemed necessary. The establishment and
sustenance of a good quality technical education system is also given consideration in this
proposal for effective and efficient rehabilitation of existing physical facilities and the
purchase of new and appropriate training equipment. Simultaneously, considerations for
increasing the number of technical teachers in the system to a determined optimum level
while setting minimum acceptable qualifications for technical teachers are advanced.
Implementation of this proposal is expected to contribute greatly to the continuous
development of a labour pool with skills that are relevant to and adequate for the needs of the
Keywords; TVET, Cost-effectiveness, Fitness for Purpose
Journal of Technical Education and Training
This paper invariably addresses the two fundamental indicators of quality based TVET of,
Infrastructure and Training Equipment, and TVET Quality and Competence of instructors or
trainers. To a lesser degree it also touches on another two seminal indicators regarding fitness
for purpose, and cost effectiveness of TEVTs.
Rwanda comprises of five (5) provinces and thirty (30) districts. The Government of Rwanda
introduced fee-free primary education (FFPE) in 2003 in order to enable its citizens to gain
greater access to primary school. This was a policy option that was designed to ensure that
no child was denied the right of access to basic education. It was also one of the generic
measures for poverty reduction. Introduction of the FFPE has brought about a significant
increase in the enrolment figures in primary schools, which necessitates early planning to
provide diverse and acceptable alternative routes of further training of the primary school
The issues that surround the environment or the critical support system of education are
important. They have the potential to catalyse the linkage between primary education and the
many positive developmental outcomes that are so frequently advocated for in the primary
cycle of education. The issues emphasise the relationship of primary education to the broader
umbrella education environment; and between education and the wider social and economic
To be sustainable, the development of education must be balanced. It must also reflect a
system that produces students at different levels, and with qualifications that conform to the
demands of the labour market. Technical education should ideally be ordered according to the
recommended ratio of 1 Engineer (A0) to 5 Technicians (A1) to 25 Artisans (A2) to 125
casual labourers, and must conform to the Ministry of Educations TVET policy (MINEDUC,
April, 2008).
The Ministry of Educations TVET policy (MINEDUC, April, 2008) captures the fundamental
concept that skills development should be based on a holistic system of education that
integrates primary education, secondary education, technical and vocational education, and
tertiary education, into a coherent entity, as seen in Figure 1. The figure shows, amongst
other things, the pathways for entering the labour market and opportunities for continuation
with learning within institutions beyond basic education. The system shown however has
several shortcomings, which have been suitably addressed in section 4.1 of this paper, by way
of appropriate adaptations.
Journal of Technical Education and Training
F Fi ig gu ur re e 1 1: : The Structure of the Rwandan Education System (MINEDUC, April, 2008)
For effective comparison & competitiveness, it is necessary that the information given in
Figure 1 be compared to the systems that are in place within the East African region. These
other systems are presented here in Figures 2 4. It is critical too that the rationale behind
these other systems be properly understood. Such insights additionally foster possible future
harmonisation of all these systems. They also ensure that points of entry for graduates of the
local system into the regional labour market and institutions are clearly understood
(Ngerechi, August, 2003), (Farstad, December, 2002), (MINEDUC & GTZ, February, 2009)
and (Buyela & Mubiligi, 2006).
Figure 2: The Structure of the Ugandan Education System (Farstad, December,
than 1 year
Note: Entry requirement into Initial Vocational Training from Non formal and continuing
Degree A0
S4- S 6
3 years
3 years
Diploma A1
21/2 years
Certificate A2
3 years
Grade 1
1 years
2 1 years
Grade 3
2 years
P 6
Primary School (7 Years)
O Level (4 Years)
BTVET, JCTE (3 years)
A Level (2 Years) Apprenticeship / Industrial Training
(2-3 years)
University / College (3 Years)
The Labour Market
Journal of Technical Education and Training
Figure 3: The Structure of the Kenyan Education System
Primary School
8 years
University Education
4 5 years
Post Graduate
University Education
Village Polytechnics
Kenya Technical Teachers
Training Colleges
(1 year)
(3 years)
Craftsman Grade II
(1 year)
Master Craftsman
Craftsman Grade III
(1 year)
Government Trade
Test Grade II
(1 year)
Government Trade
Test Grade I
(1 year)
Government Trade
Test Grade III
(1 year)
(3 years)
Craftsman Grade
(1 )
Craftsman Grade
(1 )
Bachelor of
Craftsman Grade
(1 )
Craftsman Grade I
(1 year)
Journal of Technical Education and Training
The dotted lines in figure 3 above represent a return to work loop at the end of one year each
of Trade Test and craftsman training before continuing on with further institutionalised skill
Figure 4: The Structure of the Tanzanian Education System (Kayiranga and
Mfinanga, August, 2008)
The key roles in Rwanda of Science and Technology, as well as Vocational and Technical
Training in economic development presently and in the future are emphasised in the
Education Sector Strategic Plan of 2006 2010 (MINEDUC, April, 2006). Their
contribution to economic growth and poverty reduction in the country are underscored in the
Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) (MINECOFIN, July,
2007). Section 3.4 of the EDPRS, identifies the priorities of poverty reduction and economic
growth through technical, professional, and vocational training as requiring analysis in order
to evolve clear policies towards these goals (MINECOFIN, July, 2007). The need to develop
skills for a knowledge-based society
is also recognised in this document, which further projects a rise in the absorption rate of
TVET graduates in industry from 25% in 2006 to 75% by 2012.
Lower Secondary School
4 years
University Education
3 4 years
Post Graduate
University Education
Upper Secondary School
2 years
Technician (Level V)
Ordinary Diploma
(Level VI)
Bachelor of Technology
(Level VII)
Higher Diploma
(Level VII)
Master of Technology
(Level VII)
Doctor of Technology
(Level VII)
Pre Technician
(Level IV)
Primary School
7 years
Trade Test Grade III
(Level I0
Trade Test Grade II
(Level II)
Trade Test Grade I (Level
Journal of Technical Education and Training
Technical training ideally addresses the entire range of skills needed from the level of artisans
up till the level of technicians. This range needs to be reflected within the technical education
system of Rwanda in a balanced manner. In order to determine the needs for intervention in
the existing system it is essential first to carry out an audit of this system. This engenders the
identification of inherent constraints and shortcoming, and in this way help put forward
informed possible solutions to these empirically identified challenges.
Tables 1 and 2 contain information on the spatial distribution of both public and private
technical institutions in the country, and the programs run in them respectively. As a result,
the tables inform planning well on equity of access and possible points of intervention. In this
respect the tables uniquely supply critical information that anchors the evolution of a system
that responds positively to the desired fitness for purpose indicator of Quality based TVET
Journal of Technical Education and Training
Table 1 Overview of the Training Focus of Programs in the Countrys Public
Technical Secondary Schools (Mfinanga et al, August, 2007)
Programs Run
Rurindo - -
Musanze *E.S.T.B Busogo Construction
Huye *E.T St Kizito Save Electrical, Electronics with
Information Technology,
Public Works
Muhanga ETO Gitarama Auto mechanics, Construction,
Electrical, Electronics &
TelCom., Public Works
Nyanza *G.S.Mater Dei
-Electrical, Electronics
Bugesera ETO Nyamata Construction, Carpentry,
Electrical, Maintenance
Mechanics, ICT Info, Tailoring
Ngoma ETO Kibungo +Auto mechanics,
Construction, Electrical,
Maintenance Mechanics
Nyagatare Umutara Polytechnic Construction
Karongi ETO Kibuye Auto mechanics, Electrical,
Maintenance Mechanics
Ngororero ETO Gatumba Construction, Electrical
Rubavu *ETAG Gisenyi Auto mechanics
+(Maintenance Mechanics)
Kigali City Kicukiro E.S.Kicukiro -Fine Arts and Sculpturing
Nyarugenge ETO Muhima Auto mechanics, Construction,
Electrical, Electronics and
Maintenance Mechanics,
Public Works
*Evidently, each province has three ETOs, excepting of the Northern and Eastern provinces
(the latter as there are proposals to phase out Umutara polytechnic), and Kigali City.
Journal of Technical Education and Training
Table 2 Overview of the Training Focus of Programs in the Countrys Primary
Private Secondary Schools (Mfinanga et al, August, 2007)
Programs Run
Northern Musanze
E.T.Karuganda Construction
I.T.B. Musanze Electrical
Kamonyi ISETAR Runda Construction
Muhanga E.T Kabgayi Auto mechanics, Electrical
Collge Maranatha Nyanza Electrical
Inst.T de Hanika Auto mechanics, Electrical
E.T.Mukingi Construction
G.S. Indangaburezi Electrical Bethel Electronics and Info. Tech.
Eastern Gatsibo E.T.P Nyarurema ICT Information Tech
Rubavu E.T.Nazaren intern. Construction
Rusizi Collge de Giheke Electrical
Kigali City
Samuduha Integrated Electrical
International Carpentry, Electrical
G.S.ADB Nyarutarama. Auto mechanics, Electronics
and Telecommunication
E.T.SOS Kinder of ICT Information Tech
College (SICO) Auto mechanics
E.T.A.K. (Kimisange) Auto mechanics, Construction,
Electronics and Info. Tech.
E.T.St Joseph Construction
Solidarity Academy Electrical, Maintenance
E.T. Muhazi 2 Auto mechanics
Nyamirambo Public Works
* Kigali city has a conspicuously high concentration of private technical institutions.
Situational Analysis
The situation prevailing in the ETOs at the time of this study in the year 2007, was one in
which, of the 119 technical teachers in place then; 10.7%, 24.8%, 48.8 and 15.7% had AO
Degree graduate), A1 (A- Level graduate), A2 (O-Level graduate), and below A2
qualifications, respectively (MINEDUC, 2006). Based on a set minimum ETO technical
teacher qualification of A1, the foregoing percentages indicate that only 35.5% of the
technical teachers working in ETOs then were qualified to teach there (Mfinanga et al,
August, 2007). This underscored an urgent need for
recruitment of new technical teachers, coupled with training to upgrade the qualifications of
many that were already in employment in the ETOs. The shortcoming thus identified was
addressed through proposals for recruitment and training. These were furnished complete
with schedules and accompanying costs. It was further proposed to establish A1 programs at
Journal of Technical Education and Training
Tumba College of Technology (TCOT) and conversion of ETO Kicukiro into an A1 offering
College of Technology (Mfinanga et al, November, 2007). Further a proposal was made to
the effect that the proposed Kicukiro College of Technology (KCOT) double up as a
technical teachers training centre, in order to quickly provide capacity in the country to
sustain and develop technical education.
Figures 5 7 inclusive give useful insights into the professional emphasis of technical
secondary education in the country presently, in terms of the number of students studying the
various programs offered in both public and private technical secondary schools.
Figure 5 Percentage Distribution of Students in Various Programs Offered in
Public Technical Secondary Schools (MINEDUC, 2006)
Figure 6 Percentage Distribution of Students in Various Programs Offered in
Private Technical Secondary Schools (MINEDUC, 2006)
Journal of Technical Education and Training
Figure 7 Percentage Distribution of Students in Various Programs Offered in Both
Public and Private Technical Secondary Schools (MINEDUC, 2006)
It is evident from these figures that the traditional programs of Construction, Electrical and
Automobile were at the time of this study still the most popular and numerous, while Fine
Art, Tailoring, Carpentry and ICT Information Technology were the least popular.
It is important, in any planned additional ETOs as well as in the existing ones, to lay more
emphasis on modern technologies such as Electronics and Computer, as well as Electronics &
Telecommunication, both of which account for only 12% and 17% of the total programs
offered in public and private technical institutions, respectively, at the time of this study. This
would ensure that the choice of programs on offer is not limited to the setup that prevails
then, but that it is also consistent with emerging trends in the world as well.
Because of poor industry/technical secondary school linkages and poor advertisement for
jobs (Buyela and Mubiligi, 2006), available figures on employment cannot alone be relied on
to guide decisions on investment in technical education. The employment and work practice
figures, such as the ones evident in Figures 8 and 9 for ETO Gitarama, an ETO whose
workshops are the best equipped of all ETOs in the country are very low. This statistic belies
the high demand in the market for skilled manpower, which continues to import skilled
personnel from the neighbouring countries, while simultaneously complaining of poorly
trained ETO graduates (MINEDUC and SOS Kinderdoff, September, 2007), (Buyela and
Mubiligi, 2006). Even as this last fact would on the face of it point to a need to improve
standards of training in the nations ETOs, it may also indicate the existence of an illicit
market for cheap and not necessarily better skilled workers. This possibility demands the
establishment of an employment system that will ensure the person with the right skills gets
the job and for the right wage.
Journal of Technical Education and Training
Figure 8 ETO Gitarama Graduate Employment Rates (MINEDUC, June 2007)
Figure 9 ETO Gitarama Graduate Employment Rates (MINEDUC, June 2007)
An interrogation of the employment industry in the country highlights an ambivalence of
opinion on the quality of graduates emanating from the nations ETOs. Thus for instance,
65% and 55% of 20 enterprises contacted in a tracer study rated the theoretical and practical
skills of the ETO graduates as being satisfactory, respectively, but latter in the same tracer
study went on to rate the graduates weak in both practical skills and technical knowledge,
particularly in scientific competencies, analytical skills, mathematical skills, communication
skills and capacity to use modern technological (Buyela and Mubiligi, 2006). In yet another
more recent study industry came through as being unsure of the level and type of skills they
required and in certain cases registered unwillingness to finance efforts to train the required
manpower (Kayiranga and Mfinanga, August, 2008). The challenge of training persons with
quality skills in the country is therefore seen to be compounded, requiring multi-pronged
approaches, with interventions both in the training institutions and industry.
The 2006 tracer study that was commissioned by MINEDUC and JICA showed that 56.4% of
the total technical labour force in 20 selected enterprises comprised of graduates of ETOs
Muhima, Gitarama and Kibungo. The 31 graduates making up this percentage were however
a very small proportion (about 9%) of the total output of 341 graduates from the three
institutions in the year 2005. This signifies very poor employment rates indeed, particularly
given the observed low absorption in the informal sector (Buyela and Mubiligi, 2006).
Not only was the technical education system facing challenges of absorption of its graduates
into the labour market, but it was also severely limited in its ability to absorb students
Journal of Technical Education and Training
desiring to obtain skill training. Figure 10, shows that, of a total of 44,865 students
completing tronc commun in the year 2006, 34,503 (76.9% of the total) proceeded with
further studies, while the remaining 10,362 (23.1% of the total) did not find placement in the
nations post tronc commun education institutions. Of those who proceeded with further
studies 7,644 (22.15%) joined science courses in upper secondary schools, 3324 (9.6%)
joined technical secondary schools (ETOs & Private), 15,890 (46.1%) joined professional
schools, and 7645 (22.16%) joined humanity courses in upper secondary schools.
Figure 10 Flow of Students Through the Countrys Education Ladder (Mfinanga et
al, November, 2007)
The important role played by the private technical secondary schools showed up from their
student load that was 2.29 times that of the ETOs. The yearly intake of 1011 students into the
ETOs was only 24.9% of the total number of 4067 students who sort for places there. This
study resolved that the shortfall of 3,056 students will be catered for through proposed
expansion of the existing physical facilities in the ETOs; through an increase in the number
of programs offered by each ETO to the identified desirable complement of 8 programs per
school; and eventual double streaming of all ETO programs. This is expected to raise intake
numbers into the ETOs to 1,530, 2460 and 5,580 students per year in the years 2008, 2009
and 2010, respectively, which is equal to 37.6%, 60.5% and 137.2% of the total demand of
4067 places, registered at the time of this study. The proposal given in this study therefore,
not only provided for all the registered demand then, but created space for future increase in
demand, while at the same time addressing the need for training placement of the 10,362
students completing tronc commun then who could not find post tronc commun education
placing whatsoever.
Identification of the Problem
A general survey of the prevailing situation in ETOs, reviewed several gaps that needed to be
addressed urgently if this crucial area of training and subsequent development was to
measure up to the national expectations of Vision 2020 (Rwanda, July, 2000), the EDPRS
(MINECOFIN, July, 2007), the Millennium Development Goals (Government of Rwanda,
Tronc commun
Proceeding for Further Studies
Science Courses (Upper Secondary
Technical Courses (ETO)
Humanity Courses (Upper
Secondary Schools)
Professional Courses
Science Courses (Higher Institution of
Students with no placement in the Science
Higher Institution of Learning
Students with no post Tronc commun
Journal of Technical Education and Training
United Nations Country Team, February, 2007), as well as the governments 7-year
development plan. These included:
The need to ensure that the countrys ETOs offered the full range of technical skills
programs within the building, electrical/electronics & IT, as well as mechanical
The need to ensure even spatial spread of technical institutions nationally in order to
provide equitable access. The would address the observed imbalance where the Western
and Southern Provinces in the country each had three ETOs, the Eastern Province and
Kigali City each had two functional ETOs and the Northern Province none. Kigali city
was well served by a number of private technical secondary schools in addition to the
one functional public technical secondary school.
The need to optimise the present non-optimal usage of existing physical facilities and
the land that each one of the ETOs was located on. This would address the observed
under utilisation of the ETOs in terms of the number of programs offered and their
possible expansion.
The need to rehabilitate existing physical facilities and to provide extra facilities where
these did not exist. It had been observed that the physical facilities in most ETOs had
over the years experienced significant dilapidation, as a result of general neglect,
vandalism and the absence of inspection and maintenance schedules. In certain cases
the full complement of physical facilities that ought to normally support such
institutions was not in place.
The need to upgrade the existing equipment, as a good number of the equipment and
plant had over the years fallen into disuse, becoming absolute, while some had been
The need to ensure the existence of a student/technical teacher ratio that was sensitive
to the high level of contact expected in technical training, in order to guarantee the
quality of technical training. The number of technical teaching staff in most ETOs was
inadequate considering the student population already in place, let alone those that were
planned for, as is evidenced by the fact that national average student/technical teacher
ratio lay between 30:1 and 25:1, compared to the desirable internationally accepted
student/technical teacher ratio of 10:1 for technical education.
The need to even out the distribution of technical teaching staff per programmes in the
ETOs in accordance with need as it did not presently match the corresponding
distribution of students and programs already in place.
The need to ensure that training was only offered by persons that were at the very least
holders of a technical certificate that was higher than the one they were expected to
train students for. It was noted that the qualifications of technical teachers in a lot of
cases fell short of this minimum standard as seen from the following facts :
- Out of a total of 119 technical teachers working in the ETOs, 13, 30 and 59 had AO,
A1 and A2 qualifications, respectively, while the remaining 17 had qualifications
that were below A2.
- This translated to 10.7%, 24.8%, 48.8 and 15.7%, for the four categories,
respectively. Since the highest level of training offered by the ETOs was A2, the
foregoing figures implied that only 35.5% of the current 119 technical teachers
currently working in ETOs were qualified to teach at this level, by the standard
mentioned above.
Journal of Technical Education and Training
The need to ensure that teachers in ETOs possessed the required industrial exposure
they tended to lack in order to facilitate them to offer effective practical skills transfer.
Quite a large number of teachers in employment at the ETOs were found to be raw
graduates of academic institutions of higher learning, with no technical training or
industrial work experience whatsoever; a very undesirable situation indeed.
The interventions proposed in this study were guided by the following basic objectives.
These in turn were derived from the challenge of technical education and national
development in Rwanda identified, and arising from the foregoing synthesis of available
To achieve even access to quality, competitive technical education within ETOs, in all
provinces of the country.
To increase the capacity of ETOs in the country in order to increase their absorption
rates of pupils completing tronc commun.
To avail a broad range of technical skill training programmes within ETOs, which
comprehensively addressed the development needs of the country.
To enhance and improve the quality of technical skills training in the ETOs by
upgrading or replacing existing equipment in the institutions and purchasing of such
equipment as was considered necessary.
To enhance and improve the quality of technical skills training in the ETOs by tagging
the staffing needs of the various programmes offered in them on acceptable
student/teacher ratios, as well as relevant qualifications.
The interventions proposed in this study purposed to improve the quality of technical
education offered in ETOs in Rwanda, through the enhancement of physical facilities,
equipment and technical teaching staff in the institutions. In order to ensure proper
implementation and sustainability of the implemented work, it was also proposed that the
Ministry of Education together with any other institutions given responsibility for the
implementation and management thereof of the completed project, all be correspondingly
strengthened in respect of necessary human resources and other required needs.
Intervention Strategies
The study proposed an increase in the capacity of the ETOs initially, by raising the existing
programmes to a recommended full complement of 8 programs namely; Automotive
Mechanics, Maintenance, Electrical, Electronics and Information Technology, Electronics
and Telecommunications, Plumbing, Carpentry and Masonry, the last three instead of the
original Construction and Public Works, in each institution. All these programmes were
thereafter to be double streamed at a selected period in time.
The study further proposed that the drive to put in place all 8 programmes for every ETO be
spread over a period of two years. Moreover, half of the additional programmes in each ETO
were to be set up in each of the sequential years 2 & 3 of implementation. Double streaming
Journal of Technical Education and Training
would follow the same pattern, where in each ETO 4 programmes would be set up in each of
years 4 & 5 of implementation.
The study also proposed that 2 new ETOs in the Northern Province and the expanded
Umutara ETO in Eastern Provinces be built within a 2-year period starting from the
beginning of the implementation period of all these proposals; with 4 programmes being
facilitated in each year for each of these three new ETOs.
Recruitment of technical teachers for the existing ETOs, aimed at bringing the number of
technical teachers to a recommended number of 9 per programme was proposed to start at the
beginning of the year 2008. The recruitment of technical teachers for the years 2009 and 2010
was proposed to start in mid 2008 and 2009 in order to ensure that all required teaching staff
members were in place on completion of all proposed works on physical facilities for the
years 2008 and 2009, respectively.
This 6 months recruitment and one year employment phasing was proposed for each
subsequent year of implementation of the rehabilitation and enhancement of the physical
facilities. The operational costs (salaries for technical teachers and teaching as well as
workshop materials) for each phase of the physical facilities proposed works were therefore
budgeted to run one year behind all the costs for physical facilities throughout the proposed
implementation period.
The proposal put forward therefore, had three aspects; rehabilitation, capacity building or
expansion, and double streaming of ETOs, as shown, and with the necessary overlaps. It was
conceived to span a project period of 5 years as shown in Table 3.
The table gives details of the project implementation cycle of 5 years, from 2008 2012 for
the infrastructural development, purchase of equipment and operational costs for ETOs. The
equipment and staffing facets of the project were planned to follow the
building cycles of rehabilitation of existing structures, expansion of physical facilities to cater
for a full complement of 8 programs, and double streaming and construction of
new ETOs. Double streaming was proposed in order to utilise the workshop facilities fully as
with a single stream these only experience utilisation levels of up to 48%.
Journal of Technical Education and Training
Table 3 5-Year Development Plan for the Improvement of ETOs, (Mfinanga et al,
August, 2007)
2008 2009 2010
Rehabilitation of existing
Putting into place 8 programmes
per ETO
Double streaming all the
existing 8 programmes / ETO
New ETOs (4 in number in the
North, East and South)
t of
Journal of Technical Education and Training
A budget summary of the activities shown in Table 3 above is presented in Table 4 below.
Table 4 Summary of the Budgetary Requirements for the Proposals Given,
(Mfinanga et al, August, 2007)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Cost of
Cost of
teaching and
1.5 /
Salaries for
0.2 /
Salaries for
(if required)
7.9 /
80.0 /
and books
17.3 /
The last column 1
and 2
percentages are based on totals without and with
expatriates, respectively
A unit cost of Rwf 5,000,000/00 /program/year, was used in arriving at budgetary
estimates for teaching and workshop materials.
Journal of Technical Education and Training
The salaries for technical teachers are based on monthly salaries of Rwf 113,000/00,
90,000/00, 50,000/00 and 30,000/00 for AO, A1, A2 and A3, respectively, and US $
1,000/00 for expatriate staff.
The budget for building is based on the three categories of rehabilitation of existing
buildings, expansion of existing ETOs & COTs to cater for the full complement of
programs and construction of new buildings to take in double streaming and for the
setting up of new ETOs. The basic unit for new buildings and for rehabilitation is
taken to be US $ 500 (Rwf 271,000/00) and US $ 50 (Rwf 27,100/00) per square
meter, respectively.
The equipment costs are for raising the complement of equipment to what is
considered normal for each workshop, existing or newly constructed
The objectives guiding the proposals made in this study tie in with the Economic
Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) - 2008 to 2012, draft document of 9
July 2007, as enumerated in item 7 on page 11, item 3.12 in section 3.3 on page 42, section
3.3.3 on the same page, Table 3.2 on page 38, item 4.35 on page 48, item 4.30 on page 49,
Table 7.2 on page 106 and Table 7.3 on page 107 (MINECOFIN, July, 2007), and is also in
conformity with the nations Vision 2020 (Rwanda, July, 2000), as well as the Millennium
Development Goals (Government of Rwanda, United Nations Country Team, February,
If implemented the proposals put forward in this study will give rise to an increase in the total
number of ETOs in the country to 12, in accordance with the 7 year national development
plan. The quality of technical education offered in the ETOs will be ensured through
implementation of the recommended improvements in the physical facilities, equipment,
numbers as well as levels of qualifications of the technical teaching staff, while at the same
time limiting class sizes to 30 students per programme, initially. Two (2) new ETOs will be
constructed in the Northern Province and ETO Umutara (Umutara Polytechnic) in the Eastern
Province will be expanded in order to address the identified shortfall in these two Provinces.
Training will also be restructured to offer a full complement of 8 recommended programmes
in each ETO. The total student enrolment per year is expected to grow from the registered
figure at the time of the study of 1011 through to 1770 (due to the rehabilitation and
expansion of existing ETO to offer 4 full programmes, the associated increase in the number
of technical teachers in the programs to a full complement of 9 per programme, and setting
up of new ETOs), 5040 (due to the expansion of existing ETOs to offer a full complement of
8 programs, double streaming of 4 programs per ETO and setting up of new ETOs), and 6720
(due completion of double streaming of all programs in all ETOs) during the period of the
proposed project.
Space Needs, and Growth Plans in ETOs
It was proposed that all physical development in this project be guided by the pertinent
schedule of the Rwanda legislation, on standards of the physical facilities for universities
and post primary/secondary institutions in Rwanda. Further that it was also to rely on the
Building Code and its constituent by laws, the Local Government (Adoptive by-laws)
(Building) and The Local Government (Adoptive by-laws) (Grade II Building). Reference
Journal of Technical Education and Training
was also to be made to the Kigali City Council (KCC) fire guidelines to architects, designers
and developers in Kigali and the factories Act.
Tables 5 and 6 give details of the recommended complement of facilities and scale of
development, for every ETO, respectively.
Table 5 Recommended Complement of Facilities for Each ETO, (Mfinanga et al,
August, 2007)
S/No. Category of Item Description of Facilities
Non-Residential Campus
Classrooms and lecture rooms.
Departmental areas, staff offices and seminar rooms.
Central administration offices.
Auditorium or lecture theatre.
Staff common rooms.
Student common rooms with indoor recreation facilities.
Outdoor recreation facilities: games or sports facilities.
Drainage system, proper sanitation and water supply.
2 Additional Items for a
Residential Campus
Kitchen and dining facilities.
Student accommodation including adequate laundry and storage
Table 6 Description of Proposed Sizes and Composition of Classrooms, Workshops,
Offices and Other Support Structures for Each ETO, (Mfinanga et al,
August, 2007)
S/No. Description of Type and Scale of Development
1 On implementation of these proposals, each ETO is expected to be running 8 programs, each
with durations of 3 years of study. Though the optimum number of students in a technical
education class is 20, a class size of 30 students is adopted here in response to the prevailing
high demand for technical education in the country today.
2 It is proposed that each ETO has a normal capacity of one stream of training, and an
expanded target of an extra full stream.
3 In order to guarantee quality of teaching, this expansion comes with a full complement of
academic staff, equipment, and all physical facilities (and in some cases with necessary
expansion of existing facilities).
4 It is proposed to have one and two stream arrangements in each ETO and then to time-share
each of the proposed 8 workshops @ of 600m
plinth area, 3 laboratories @ of 200m
area, 2 seminar rooms @ of 200m
plinth area, and 16 classrooms @ of 200m
plinth area.
The single stream auditorium of 400m
plinth area though will need to grow to 800m
plinth area.
5 The single stream student complement will be 720 students attracting a hostel space need
complement of 360 rooms @ of 7m
plinth area, and a total space need therefore of 2520m
The double stream situation will enrol 1440 students, with a hostel space demand of 720
rooms @ of 7m
plinth area and an overall space need therefore of 5040m
6 The auditorium or assembly hall (of a multipurpose nature) for the single stream setting will
Journal of Technical Education and Training
seat not less than 50% the students and therefore have an area of 400m
. For the double
stream this needs to grow to 800m
7 Despite the Information technology revolution, hardcopy stocking for long-term regular
referencing remains a critical support for effective teaching. A spacious library of an overall
area amounting to 944m
rounded of to 1000m
(comprising of 216 reader stations that take
up 432m
, and a stack area of 240m
, a periodicals and referencing space of 24m
, and staff
and services space of 160m
, and support services and distribution spaces of 88m
) would be
needed for the single stream option. This would grow in size to 1888m
rounded of to
for the double stream full development (comprising of 432 reader stations that take
up 864m
, and a stack area of 480m
, a periodicals and referencing space of 48m
, and staff
and services space of 320m
, and support services and distribution spaces of 176m
8 Catering facilities for a 720 student single stream mode take an area of 2880m
, while the
double stream option calls for a space provision of 5760m
9 These being technical programs, student staff contact are kept at a maximum. It is assumed
for working purposes here that each stream in an ETO will have 72 academic staff members,
who then ideally, will each require office of on the average 9m
, to generate an overall
academic staff office space need of 648m
. The double stream is expected to be supported
by 144 academic staff. These will require creative design adaptation of the single stream
staff office facilitation especially in respect of the furniture layouts to assure effective
accommodation of the extra staff. Double occupancy of offices will be an option here.
10 It is proposed to have adequate central administration offices of an area of 400m
for the
single stream situation which same can with careful furniture layouts be adapted to
accommodate the double stream full phase.
11 A starter area of 250m
would suffice for a modest on-campus dispensary, pending much
more thorough determination of needs. Growth to 500m
can be assumed for the double
stream, as an eventuality.
Journal of Technical Education and Training
Recommended Workshops Equipment for the ETOs
Technical training is practical in nature and therefore requires adequate equipment to ensure
that trainees gain competence in the use of various types of equipment common to their trade.
It is necessary therefore, to carry out an audit of available equipment against a set standard in
order to guide decisions on future needs.
The equipment for each ETO in the proposal made in this study were specified both for the
existing and extra programmes required to raise the total number of programmes to a full
complement of 8 identified programmes, in order to ensure that each ETO was adequately
equipped. Once fully equipped the workshops would be capable of catering for double
streaming given the reality of the fact that normally the workshops experience only up to
48% utilisation levels. Double streaming would also be made easier by the fact that
programmes commonly access more than one workshop at a time, each addressing different
practical skills.
Table 7 gives details of workshops that were expected to be audited for possible upgrading of
equipment in order to support the existing programmes, a full complement of 8 recommended
programmes and double streaming, as well as the equipment needs for the proposed new
Table 7 Auditing Needs of Workshops for Possible Upgrading and Purchase of
Equipment in the ETOs, (Mfinanga et al, August, 2007)
E.S.T.B Busogo, E.T. St. Kizito, Gatumba,
Gitarama, Kibungo, Muhima, Nyamata.
Electrical Installation,
Basic Electricity, and
Electrical Machines
E.T. St. Kizito, Gatumba, Gitarama, Kibungo,
Kibuye, Muhima, Nyamata, G.S. Mater Dei Nyanza
Electronics &
Electronics &
E.T. St. Kizito, Gatumba, Gitarama, Kibuye,
Muhima, G.S. Mater Dei Nyanza
Electronics &
Electronics &
E.T. St. Kizito, Gatumba, Gitarama, Kibuye,
Nyamata, G.S. Mater Dei Nyanza
Machine tools
E.S.T.B Busogo, ETAG Gisenyi, Gatumba,
Gitarama, Kibungo, Kibuye, Muhima, Nyamata.
Welding and
Fabrication Including
Sheet Metal
E.S.T.B Busogo, ETAG Gisenyi.
Auto Mobile
(Including Auto
Electrics /
E.S.T.B Busogo, ETAG Gisenyi, Gitarama,
Kibungo, Kibuye, Muhima.
Journal of Technical Education and Training
CAD (Computers +
E.S.T.B Busogo, E.T. St. Kizito, ETAG Gisenyi,
Gatumba, Kibungo, Kibuye, Muhima, Nyamata, G.S.
Mater Dei Nyanza
Tailoring Tailoring Nyamata.
E.S.T.B Busogo, E.T. St. Kizito, ETAG Gisenyi,
Gatumba, Gitarama, Kibungo, Kibuye, Muhima,
Nyamata, G.S. Mater Dei Nyanza
Carpentry ETAG Gisenyi, Kibuye and G.S. Mater Dei Nyanza
Masonry ETAG Gisenyi, Kibuye and G.S. Mater Dei Nyanza
Plumbing ETAG Gisenyi, Kibuye and G.S. Mater Dei Nyanza
Installation & Basic
E.S.T.B. Busogo and ETAG Gisenyi.
Electrical Machines E.S.T.B. Busogo and ETAG Gisenyi.
Electronics &
Electronics &
E.S.T.B. Busogo, ETAG Gisenyi, ETO Kibungo and
Electronics &
Electronics &
E.S.T.B. Busogo, ETAG Gisenyi, ETO Kibungo and
Machine tools E.T. St. Kizito, Gatumba and G.S. Mater Dei Nyanza
Welding and
Including Sheet
E.T. St. Kizito, Gatumba and G.S. Mater Dei Nyanza
Auto Mobile
(Including Auto
Electrics /
E.T. St. Kizito, Gatumba, Nyamata and G.S. Mater
Dei Nyanza
CAD (Computers +
E.T. St. Kizito.
Tailoring Tailoring Nyamata.
E.S.T.B Busogo, E.T. St. Kizito, ETAG Gisenyi,
Gatumba, Kibungo, Kibuye, Muhima, Nyamata, G.S.
Mater Dei Nyanza
Proposed Recruitment of Technical Teachers for the ETOs
The cumulative total number of technical teachers nationally during the baseline year as well
as during the 3-year proposed implementation period, the corresponding cumulative total
number of students and total number of programmes offered in the ETOS are shown in Table
8. In this table, each full stream year is shown as a programme, for purposes of evaluating the
budgetary figures for the purchase of teaching and workshop materials.
Journal of Technical Education and Training
Table 8 Number of Technical Teachers, Students and Programmes in ETOs in the
Baseline Year (2007) and During the Project Years 2008 2010, (Mfinanga
et al, August, 2007)
The quality of technical education is partly dependent on both the qualification and numbers
of technical teachers available in each programme. The percentage cost of paying salaries for
technical teachers in the proposal given amounted to a mere 1.34% and 5.02% of the total
project costs without and with expatriates, respectively. The cost of investing in adequate
numbers of technical teachers is thus seen to be comparatively much smaller than the other
costs in the proposal given, thus clearly highlighting the fact that there was little to be gained
from reducing the numbers of technical teachers below the recommended levels. Technical
teachers are required to have a good background in technical education and should ideally
have grown through the technical education system. The proposal underlined the importance
of ensuring that higher levels of academic training were not mistaken for qualification to
offer instruction in technical schools, as they certainly do not qualify as so. It was further
noted that the practical nature of technical education demanded a high teacher/student ratio,
thus placing constraints on the class sizes.
At the time of this study, there was in the country a shortfall of 187 technical teachers within
the existing programmes offered in ETOs based on the ideal student / technical teacher ratio
of 1:10. However due to the current high demand for skills training in the country, an initial
class size of 30 in the ETOs was proposed, in the circumstances. This for a student/technical
teacher ratio of 10:1 implied a staffing requirement of 3 technical teachers per programme. It
was proposed that this requirement be fulfilled by one A0 and two A1 technical teachers in
every programme as a minimum. The number of technical teachers employed then would,
with this ratio and class size, be adequate for the existing programmes. However, only about
65% of them had qualifications below A1, in addition to their not being distributed evenly in
the various courses and ETOs. This therefore raised the challenge of training and
redistribution of both cadres within programmes and ETOs.
With the proposed expansion in capacity and the addition of 2 new ETOs in the Northern
Province, the total number of technical teachers required was projected to rise to 456; which
Teacher / Program /
Student Numbers
Baseline Year Project Years
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Technical Teachers 113 97 132 189 288 435
Programmes 93 94 107 135 199 304
Student Population 3,032 2,910 3,960 5,670 8,640 13,050
Students Annual Enrolment 1,011 970 1,320 1,890 2,880 4,350
Journal of Technical Education and Training
are 337 more than the 119 in the system at the time of the study. It was proposed therefore
that aggressive recruitment be done internally and externally as well, starting from the
beginning of the year 2008. TVET in Rwanda at the time of conducting the study was
characterised by very poor retention of technical teachers, particularly those with A1 and A0
qualifications. It was recommended therefore that measures be put in place to ensure that the
remuneration package for national technical teachers was attractive enough to ensure
retention. This would guarantee long term availability of a stable and reliable pool of
technical teachers in the country. It was further recommended that the remuneration package
be made in such a way that it realistically addressed the productivity, qualifications and needs
of the staff employed, while also taking into account the remunerations offered within
alternative or competing job markets that were available to the technical teachers.
Figure 11 shows some proposed adaptations to the system shown in Figure 1. The proposed
adaptations (presented in broken arrows and boxes in this figure) are aimed at ensuring that
each level of formal Grade level skill training is followed by one year of work in industry in
order to ensure that the skills acquired in training are firmed up before proceeding to the next
level. The same approach should be adopted for non-formal vocational training for the same
reasons proffered.
Journal of Technical Education and Training
F Fi ig gu ur re e 1 11 1: : A A H Ho ol li is st ti ic c E Ed du uc ca at ti io on n S Sy ys st te em m S Sh ho ow wi in ng g T TV VE ET T G Gr ra ad de es s, , a as s W We el ll l a as s V Ve er rt ti ic ca al l
a an nd d H Ho or ri iz zo on nt ta al l M Mo ob bi il li it ty y, , W Wi it th hi in n t th he e S Sy ys st te em m
The main challenge expected in meeting the requirement of a one year industrial attachment
as shown in Figure 11, is the shortage of industries to attach trainees in. It will be necessary
to reclassify industry and pull in small and medium scale industries and other small scale
enterprises, as has been done in one neighbouring country. This not only gives the trainees
the desired practical experience, but also exposes them to the real life experiences of
upcoming small businesses. This is exposure that is likely to serve the students well in
possible attempts to set up their own enterprises in future.
The following benefits are expected to be realised on implementation of the proposals made:
The existence of ETOs with proper physical infrastructure, in respect of classrooms,
workshops, and ample room for other supporting facilities.
The existence of properly equipped ETOs, in which skill training could be done.
The existence of a system with the capacity to take in all qualifying students.
The presence of adequate numbers of technical teachers in the system.
The presence of technical teachers with relevant and right qualifications in the system.
The full complement of 8 identified programmes in place and running in the ETOs.
The establishment of a basis for future expansion of the ETOs.
The beneficiaries of the proposed project were identified as:
3 years
Diploma A1
21/2 years
Certificate A2
3 years
Grade 1
1 years
Grade 2
1 years
Grade 3
2 years
Degree A0
P 6
S4- S 6
3 years
Non Formal
Training less
than 1 year
Entry requirements into Initial Vocational Training from Non formal and continuing training are as follows: Entry to Grade
3 from P6, entry to Grade 2 from S3 and entry to Grade 1 fromS6
Labour Market
1 year
Labour Market
1 year
Labour Market
1 year
Labour Market
1 year
Journal of Technical Education and Training
The nation in the sense of gaining enhanced skills for its nationals in various technical
fields, who then are better able to produce technical solutions to the needs of the
nation and to create employment.
The students attending ETOS who will gain good access to well equipped and staffed
institutions with good physicals facilities; with all such ETOs providing a good
environment to develop the various technical skills that the students seek.
The private sector who will gain access to greater numbers of fully trained personnel,
capable of working in their respective technical fields without need for further on-job
The technical teaching staff who will enjoy the advantage of a better working
environment and more competitive remunerations that will motivate them in their
quest to transfer knowledge and technical skills to their students.
We are grateful to the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) of Rwanda for financing this
study, Mr. Issa Claver the then Planning Officer in MINEDUC and Mr. Gerald Karamutsa
the then TVET Officer in MINEDUC, the last two for availing necessary information of the
form of tertiary and secondary data, and for sparing time to discuss the study in various
review sessions. Our gratitude also goes to the then Minister of Education, Dr. Jeanne d Arc
Mujawamariya, and the then Minister of State in Charge of Secondary and Primary
Education, Joseph Murekeraho, for availing time to tirelessly and meticulously peruse the
several draft reports produced while undertaking this study and compiling a project
document; and also for the useful feedback sessions held with them. The inputs of our
professional and academic colleague Mr. Joseph Mfinanga, in developing TVET equipment
lists, undertaking its costing, and assisting with the write up of the project document project
is also greatly appreciated.
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Policy Rwanda, Ministry of Education
(MINEDUC), April, 2008.
Ngerechi J. B., Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Kenya, Conference on the
Reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) - Regulatory Instruments
for Quality Assurance of TVET, Gaborone, Botswana, August 4 6, 2003.
Halfdan Farstad, Integrated Entrepreneurship Education in Botswana, Uganda and Kenya, National
Institute of Technology, Oslo, Norway, December, 2002.
Strategic Plan for Technical Education in Rwanda for the Years 2008 2012, Inclusive, Ministry of
Education (MINEDUC), February, 2009.
Buyela Wepukhulu, Mubiligi Jacques Jean, Tracer Study on the Employability of Graduates from
Technical and Vocational Schools in Rwanda, Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) / Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) October 2006
Kayiranga Gakuba Theogne and Mfinanga Joseph, Draft Strategic Plan for Technical Education in
Rwanda for the Years 2009 2012, Inclusive, Funded by the Ministry of Education
Journal of Technical Education and Training
(MINEDUC) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), August,
Education Sector Strategic Plan, 2006 2010, Sector, the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC),
April, 2006.
Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS), Ministry of Finance and
Economic Planning and (MINECOFIN), July 2007.
Mfinanga Joseph, Maringa Maina and Maringa Mwangi, A Short Term Strategy for the
Improvement of Public Technical Schools (ETOs) in Rwanda, Funded by the Ministry of
Education (MINEDUC), August, 2007.
Capacity Data Sheet for Technical Schools, Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), 2006.
Mfinanga Joseph, Maringa Maina and Maringa Mwangi, A Short Term Project for the Improvement
of Technical Education in Technical Secondary Schools (ETOs) and Colleges of Technology
(COTs), in Rwanda, Funded by the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), November, 2007.
Number of Students in Public, Public/Private and Private Technical Secondary Schools, Ministry of
Education (MINEDUC), 2006.
Ensuring Technical Schools Deliver Employable Young People, Ministry of Education
(MINEDUC)/SOS Kinderdoff International Rwanda Conference, 18
September 2007, Kigali.
Tracer Study for ETO Gitarama, Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), June, 2007.
Vision 2020, Government of Rwanda, July, 2000.
Millennium Development Goals, Government of Rwanda / United Nations Country Team, , 2003.
Journal of Technical Education and Training