Tubercular Miasm
Tubercular Miasm
Tubercular Miasm
"...In chronic miasms, however, the outer local symptom may either be driven from the skin or may
disappear of itself, while the internal disease, if uncured, neither wholly nor in part ever leaves the
system; on the contrary, it continually increases with the years, unless healed by art."
Hahnemann in Chronic Diseases Vol.
t is a fundamental fact that whoever tries to discover the truth independently in any field, finds the
same result or closer to the same result as his predecessors have found (it depends upon the deepness
of ones research); irrespective of time, place and language. The same fact is true in respect of the
miasms the basis of the chronic diseases. The medical scientists of the ancient ndia revealed that
there are three different kinds of perversive forces, responsible for various chronic diseases, singly or in
combination. These perversive forces are known as Vata or Vayu, Pitta and Kafa. n ndian system of
medicine Ayurveda the theory is still used and known as the theory of Tridosha.
Condensed from the book "The Body is The Hero by Dr Ronald J. Glasser was published in the
Reader's Digest, April 1977 issue's Book Section. The wise doctor, it seems to have no knowledge of
Hahnemann, the Homoeopathy and the theory of Vital Force yet he explains the supremacy of the Body
(indirectly the Vital Force). Some excerpts are given hereunder:
"From the beginnings of life, more than any cataclysm of nature, our real opponents in the
struggle for existence have been thousands of single-cell microbes, always there trying to destroy
us along our way. Nowhere can the desperateness of this struggle, nor the implication of how
dependent we are on our defences, be more graphically seen than in the case of children born
without the ability to protect themselves from these microbes.
About the utility of the body's defence system he writes:
"....All the great medical break throughs in infectious diseases, all the drugs and technical
achievements have done nothing more than assist the body's own immune system. They give us
an edge, the time to mount a defence, but nothing more.
About the make up of life he writes:
"There is an idea most of us share, that whatever it was which began in that distant time was a
very fragile thing. t is a notion nourished by our humanity and our fears, but also fostered by
science itself which conjures up the view that life is a delicate mechanism, so precariously
balanced that even the tiniest insult can shatter it.
About the possibilities of infections or effects of bacteria and viruses he writes:
"We live today as we always have, at the bottom of a sea of bacteria and viruses. Plague, wound
infections, the horror of leprosy, the convulsions of rabies, pus-infected organs, women dying of
puerperal fever: it is all one living thing eating another, even as it was in the ancient oceans.
n the end he says:
"There are a growing number of facts available that show plainly that we are as much a part of
our own diseases as we are of our health, that we should be able to and indeed can help
ourselves. The part of the doctor today is what it has always been, to help the body do what it has
learned so well to do on its own during unending struggle for survival to heal itself. For it is the
body, not medicine, that is hero.
n the eighteenth century unaware of the culture and the sciences of ancient ndia, when
Hahnemann sought to discover the cause of chronic diseases; he too discovered three kinds of stigmas
which are responsible for the chronic diseases singly or in combination. He named them Psora (the
external manifestation of which is itch pustule); Syphilis (the external manifestation of which is venereal
chancre) and Sycosis (the external manifestation of which is wart).
Dr. J. H. Allen quotes Herbert Spencer saying,Life is a continuous adjustment of internal
relations to external. Dr. Allen explains the role of a miasm in life in the following words;
"True, we are constantly adjusting ourselves to changes, so that any altered condition in our life
force throws us out of correspondence. f we correspond not with a part, a part is affected; and
with the whole, the whole is affected. The adjustment is always imperfect in the presence of the
miasm, and it is this imperfect adjustment with which we are constantly dealing. The external
adjustment is imperfect only when the internal is imperfect. t is the internal, the life, that rules the
organism. (Chronic Miasms, vol. )
At another place Dr. J. H. Allen says:
".....n our study of disease we may lose sight of the miasm for a time, as it becomes more
or less latent in the organism or is presented in new forms and as new phenomena, but we can
never lose sight of that force, that unknown quantity, which is constantly perverting life and
bringing changes in the organism, and although we may not recognize it as one of the chronic
miasms, it nevertheless is, and if we bring the life forces under law we at the same time bring it
under law, that is the miasm. Now if we bring the life force under law we have brought all under
law, and we can have no suppression, should we, however, not recognize either law, life force, or
miasm, we are forced to go back to chemical medicine, and our empiric measures, and the life
force must suffer the consequences and become more and more deflected until pathological
states and conditions arise without name and without number. (ibid)
Dr. Allen says: "Hahnemann tells of four miasms psora, syphilis, sycosis and drugs, but since his
time have been added tuberculosis and allopathic vaccination. The tubercular miasm is the psoric
miasm intensified or the combination of psora and syphilis".
Dr. J. H. Allen (in his book CHRONC MASMS in two volumes) has fully explained the Miasms
categorized as Psora, Pseudo-psora, Syphilis, Tubercular and Sycosis. He has given a good comparative
study of the indications in the chapter Basic Symptoms of Psora The Rubrics (The writer of this article
has translated this chapter in hindi and got the same published titled as "Dhatudoshon ki Abhivyaktiyan).
During the recent past Choudhury H. Writes in his book titled "ndications of Miasms;
Acute miasms:
"Hahnemann says clearly that acute, half-acute, half spiritual and fixed miasms are mainly
responsible for all acute diseases. He has more clearly that miasm are "germs, "virus, "animated
living beings, "living creatures, "excessively minute, invisible, living creatures, etc. t is evident
that Hahnemann's miasms are nothing but bacteria and other micro-organisms according to
modern terminology. Dr. Kent defined nature of acute miasm very nicely: "An acute miasm is one
that comes upon the economy, passes through its regular prodromal period, longer or shorter,
has its period of progress and period of decline and in which there is a tendency to recovery.
He categorized the Acute Miasms as under:
1. Recurring type Those acute miasms which recur in the same manner more than once in a
life-time of a particular person are known as recurring type of acute miasms, e.g. , Cholera,
Plague, Yellow Fever, etc.
2. Non-recurring type Fixed miasms are those acute miasms which attack persons only once a
life time, such as Small Pox, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fever, etc. Half-acute Miasm
The micro organisms of Rabies or Hydrophobia are called half-acute miasms.
Half-Spiritual Miasm The living agents of measles, pox, scarlet fever, etc., are also called half-
spiritual miasms. After completing their parasitical existence in the organism for sometimes
they die out leaving the organism to recover soon if the patient survives by that time. (In
recent decades it has been noted that measles, chicken pox etc. which are in non-recurring
type have been seen to recur in some persons, it also has been seen that these have been
recurred in grown up persons.)
He further writes about the Chronic Miasms naming them as:
New miasms
"n our Homoeopathic literature there is another miasm which has been designated as
'Pseudo Psora'. t is also stated that this is the by-product of mixed miasms. We know that
mycobacterium or tubercle bacilli had been invented and isolated by Robert Koch in the year
1882. As there cannot be any Psora without psoric pathogen itch mite, any Syphilis without
syphilitic pathogentreponema palladium and any Sycosis miasm without sycotic
pathogengonococcus, so there cannot be any Tuberculosis without tubercular pathogen
tubercle bacilli. Hence we can no longer define Tuberculosis as the resultant effects of mixed
miasm. t should be treated as a separate miasm. This tubercular miasm has also got its
distinct characteristics. Some of which have stated in the chapter - ndications of Syphilitic
State. We are also getting 'Mycobacterium Lepra' for Leprosy. Accordingly we are also to
think about Cancer, ADS in future, if not now. ADS virus has already been isolated, although
causative factor of CANCER is yet to be explored. Separate chapters have been given on
Tubercular, Cancer and ADS miasms. The number of venereal miasms is now three instead
of two including ADS. n this way etiology of Chronic Diseases and their peculiar indications
may be developed gradually. This will assist us in diagnosis, prognosis, management of
diseases in one hand and selection of medicine on the other.
t is a natural phenomenon that any seed can germinate only when the specific conditions for its
germination are present; the seed dies away otherwise after a certain time. Similarly, no pathogen can
affect a person unless his life force is week enough and the circumstances favorable for the propagation
of the pathogen are present. The circumstances depend upon various factors e. g. heredity, mode of
living, social relations, diet, mental stress, loss of sleep, lack of physical exercise, use of various
intoxicants, excessive use of tea, coffee, smoking , tobacco chewing, accidental injuries, mental shock,
etc. etc.
Hahnemann writes in his Chronic Diseases;
"Suffering from several or from a greater number of these ailments (even at various times and
frequently), a person will still consider himself as healthy, and is supposed to be so by others. He
may also lead a quite endurable life in such a state, and without much hindrance, attend to his
business as long as he is young or still in his vigorous years, and so long as he does not suffer
any particular mishap from without, has a satisfactory income, does not live in vexation or grief,
does not overexert himself; but especially if he is of quite a cheerful, equable, patient, contented,
disposition. With such persons the psora (internal itch malady), which may be recognized by a
connoisseur by means of a few or by more of the above symptoms, may slumber on for many
years within, without causing any continuing chronic disease.
"But still, even in such favorable external relations, as soon as these persons advance in age,
even moderate causes (a slight vexation, or a cold, or an error in diet, etc.), may produce a
violent attack of (however only a brief) disease; a violent attack of colic, inflammation of the chest
or the throat, erysipelas, fever and the like, and the violence of these seems to be out of
proportion to its moderate cause. .......
"But even where a person, whether a child or an adult, who has the psora slumbering within him,
shows much semblance of health, but happens upon the opposite of the above-described
favorable conditions of life, when his health and whole organism have been very much weakened
and shaken by a prevalent epidemic fever or an infectious acute disease, smallpox, measles,
whooping cough, scarlet fever, purple rash, etc., or through an external severe lesion, a shock, a
fall, a wound, a considerable burn, the breaking of an arm or a leg, a hard labor, the confinement
due to a disease (usually helped on by the incorrect and weakening Allopathic treatment),
confinement at a sedentary occupation in a gloomy, close room, weakening the vital force; the
sad losses of beloved relatives bending down the soul with grief, or daily vexation and annoyance
which embitter the life; deterioration of the food or an entire want of what is necessary and
indispensable, exposure and inferior food beating down man's courage and strength; then the
psora, which has hitherto slumbered, awakes and shows itself in the heightened and augmented
About the process of treatment Dr. Allen says:
"Our remedies only deal with miasms, not names of diseases. The law of similars is only co-
operative with that which disturbs life, not the organism as a part, and we have learned that the
miasms are the persistent disturbers of life.
Therefore the knowledge of active miasm is necessary so that the obstacles, if any, in the way of
cure may be overcome by prescribing some proper anti-miasmatic medicine.
As far as the search of curative medicine is concerned the symptom totality or the guiding
indications of the case in hand is the rule so that a medicine containing similar pathogenesis may be
chosen. Hahnemann has elaborated in respect to case taking for chronic diseases in Organon in the
following words:
"The age of the patient, his mode of living and diet, his occupation, his domestic position, his
social relations and so forth, must next be taken into consideration, in order to ascertain whether
these things have tended to increase his malady, or in how far they may favour or hinder the
treatment. n like manner the state of his disposition and mind must be attended to, to learn
whether that presents any obstacle to the treatment, or requires to be directed, encouraged or
modified. ( 208)
Miasmatic or constitutional treatment in accordance with the principles of Homoeopathy, as we
are to do in all other chronic cases, is the only way of treatment for eradicating and preventing
ndications of tubercular miasmatic states (tubercular and pre- tubercular states)
- Waste. Loss. Depreciation and Destruction.
- Cosmopolitan habits. Cosmopolitan mentally and physically. Mentally keen but physically
weak (Lyco).
- Fear of dogs.
- nsanity: Acute or Chronic with family history of tubercular diseases. True insanity of Psora is
usually of a tubercular nature.
- Symptoms are ever-changing. Rapid response to any stimuli, to any slightest change of weather
or atmosphere. For that reason it may be called responsive or reacting miasm.
- Emaciation instead of taking proper food and drink.
- Eats much but loses flesh rapidly.
- The face looks fairly well, even in the last stage of disease, when other parts of the body
become emaciated.
- Tendency to cough and cold. Catches cold very easily.
- History of Tuberculosis or any tubercular or lung, diseases (like whooping cough, bronchitis,
broncho-pneumonia, etc.), or ringworm or asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, hay fever or sinusitis.
- History of ringworm. Suppression of ringworm.
- Chronic inflammation of glands and tonsils.
- Chronic Diarrhoea. Morning Diarrhoea with extreme prostration and debility.
- Bed-wetting of chronic character. Nocturnal Polyuria.
- Nocturnal perspiration with or without fever. Nocturnal pollusion.
- When well selected medicine fails to relieve or permanently cure.
- "The problem child slow in comprehension, dull, unable to keep a line of thought.
- Rickets. Marasmus.
- Lean and thin constitution. Fatty constitution with extreme sickness. Fatness without fitness
(Calc.c. ).
- Pigeon chest. Forehead is high.
- Hair thin. Hair over scapula. Hair dry, dead, like hemp. Matted hair. Hair grey on the mid-line of
the head.
- Nails thin with white spot. Nails are thin as paper, bend easily and sometimes spoon-shaped.
- Epistaxis. Nose bleeding or bleeding from lungs, or rectum with family history of Tuberculosis.
".......Whenever cancer is accompanied by haemorrhage and secondary infection it is due
to presence of strong tubercular miasm. (MASTER F. J., Homoeopathy in Cancer)
"............ many cases of "ringworm" have been cured by tubercular remedies
such as Tuberculinum and Bacillinum. Many of these superficial fungal infections are difficult to
treat homeopathically. The vital force seems to consider it a very low priority in the course of cure.
Treatment is always aimed at the whole constitution. (MORRSON R., 'Desktop Companion to
Physical Pathology' under Fungal infections)
"nsanity is very frequently a manifestation of the tuberculosis miasm and there is something
more than a pyrexial power in Tub. Fatigue, faintness, profuse debility are frequent symptoms.
(MURPHY R., 'Homeopathic Remedy Guide' under Tuberculinum bovinum, kent)
"Diabetes Mellitus is classically considered to be of TUBERCULAR origin. All the classical
symptoms of Diabetes mellitus have been mentioned as being Tubercular. The following
symptoms have all been grouped under Tubercular miasm or Pseudo-Psora. (PAVR KEK R. S.,
Essentials of Diabetes Mellitus and ts Treatment by Homoeopathy - Miasmatic approach)
TubercuIinum bovinum proved by Kent and BaciIIinum proved by Burnett are two nosodes
which may be useful to modify the tubercular miasm.