CV NguyenHoangTuan English
CV NguyenHoangTuan English
CV NguyenHoangTuan English
I. PERSONAL INFORMATION Full name: NGUYEN HOANG TUAN Date of birth: Place of birth: #ometo$n: % re!!: &D No': ()*+,-(*) Contact 1hone: 2-mail % re!!: 16/11/1983 Sex: Male Nationality: Viet Nam
Quang Minh - Quang Trach i!trict - Quang "inh Province Quang Minh - Quang Trach i!trict - Quang "inh Province #uu Nghi Str - Dong #oi City - Quang "inh Province &!!uer: Police in Quang "inh 0918 823 758 - 0167 987 3059 hoangtuan'tran!1ort3gmail'com &!!ue on +./,0/+,,,
#ighe!t e ucational level: 4niver!ity egree Profe!!ional career!: 2ngineer - "uil ing "ri ge! an 5oa !' 2x1erience: 4n ergra uate: ,6 year!7 &nterme iate: ,8 year!' II. SUMMARY OF EMPLOYMENT Fro "o o!"# / $%&r o!"# / $%&r 'o (&!$) (o*+"+o! R&+,.&$* *"&"+o! 'o!*"r/-"+o!) Month 8/+,,* - 8/+,,8 "#% -o (&!$ No 875. Technical Staff 9 :or;!ho1 fabricate !teel !tructure!' L/o!0 N+!# 'o!*"r/-"+o! 'o (&!$ Technical !taff team $or;!' Tr/o!0 So! 'o!*"r/-"+o! 'o!*/,"&!" -o (&!$ Technical !taff team $or;! 'o!*"r/-"+o! 1o+!" S"o-2 P%"ro,%/ Tr/o!0 So! T#% -o (&!$ Volume 2ngineer 9 Technical De1artment G%!%r&, -o!*"r/-"+o! Month ,+/+,(+ to no$ T#% 4o!0 Ho+ L+ +"%5 ,+&6+,+"$ -o (&!$ Volume 2ngineer 9 Technical De1artment Quang "inh P3' Quang "inh Da Nang P,&-%
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Curriculum vitae
III. E7PERIEN'E 1. 'o!*"r/-"+o! T#% &+! 5/"+%*8 Technical team $or;!' Create 1rofile'
T#% .or2 +!9o,9%58 "en Da "ri ge - Quang Tri <!teel box gir er bri ge - Ne$ Technology =a1an>' ?ien Chieu "ri ge - Da Nang <!teel box gir er bri ge - Ne$ Technology =a1an>' The cultural amu!ement 1ar; for chil ren in Quang "inh School + 2lementary@ - floor room Phu #ai - Dong #oi - Quang "inh &+! 5/"+%*8 Aut!i e: Survey of con!truction $or;! &n!i e: Creat o!!ier! !urvey < ocument B ra$ing>
T#% .or2 +!9o,9%58 The !treet from cement factory to #on ?a &n u!trial Cone' 41gra e #igh$ay *)"' To u1gra e an ex1an the National #igh$ay (% "a Don - Quang Duan' The !treet cement concrete in Minh #oa commune' Pago a on Than Dinh Mountain' Ninh Chau #igh School' &+! 5/"+%*8 To ma;e the com1lete 1rofile To ma;e bi ing ocument!
T#% .or2 +!9o,9%58 ?eveling Quang Trach Po$er Plant' Tran Van Phuong Street' Center for Eouth Fob 1lacement'
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Curriculum vitae
The Quang Tien gratitu e' #ea Affice of PVC Truong Son'
T#% o!"#) $%&r "o o!"#) $%&r Eear ())8 9 +,,( Eear +,,( 9 +,,6 Eear +,,6 9 +,,8
L%&r!+!0 (ro-%** #igh !chool No + in Quang Trach Communication an Tran!1ort The college No + - &nterme iate "uil ing "ri ge! an 5oa ! Danang 4niver!ity of Technology 9 "uil ing "ri ge an roa
3. S;ILLS L&!0/&0%*8 E!0,+*# < ,%9%,8 com1lementary to u!e com1uter @ rea ing ra$ing!@ communicating $ith foreigner! !1ea; 2ngli!h' I!:or &"+-*8 I!:or &"+-* o::+-%8 Proficiency in :or @ 2xcel@ Po$er1oint@ ''' in 1re1aring an 1re!enting the ocument!@ calculate volume@ ocument 1re1aration' A((,+-&"+o! I!:or &"+o!8 Fluency in %utoC%D@ nova@ rea ra$ing!' Fix@ !oft$are in!tallation@ !y!tem trouble!hooting in the com1uter' So:" S2+,,*8 Communication !;ill! an 1re!entation i! goo Thin;ing@ ability to negotiate an !olve 1roblem! i! goo ra$ing! an i!!ection ma!! ''' goo a11lication in the 1re1aration of com1lete con!truction
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Curriculum vitae
#omey@ !ort@ organiGation of $or; an !en!e of re!1on!ibility 2a!y to a a1t to ne$ environment!
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Curriculum vitae
3I. PERSPE'TI3E IN 'AREER Suitable for 1o!ition a! ma!! 2ngineer' The Fob reHuire! the ability to 1re!ent text@ i!!ection@ calculation the volume@ e!ign the ra$ing!@ com1letion con!truction ocumentation@ bi ing ''' ?oo;ing for$ar to $or; in a 1rofe!!ional an mo ern environment@ !table !alary an a vancement o11ortunitie!'
3II. INTERESTS Communication $ith 1eo1le@ rea ing@ $al;ing@ $atching movie!@ li!tening to mu!ic on the free time'
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