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University Malaya Library Resource Publication 2004
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Jil. 23 Bil. 1 Jun 2004 / Vol. 23 Issue 1 June 2004 ISSN 0127- 2578
Laporan Persidangan 15
Conference Reports
Ulasan Buku 22
Book Reviews
Berita Ringkas 75
News in Brief
Kekal Abadi 23 (2) 2004
Shamsul A.B.*
Director of Institute of the Malay World & Civilization (ATMA)
Director of Institute of Occidental Studies (IKON)
The general argument advanced since the advent of ICT globally is that it has made knowledge
more accessible to a wider public in super quick time. While this is true, it is also a fact that the way
knowledge is organized is still very much in the mould of nation-states because it is produced and
reproduced as well as consumed in the said mould. This essay discusses how, despite the presence
of ICT, this still happens in the context of Southeast Asian studies, which is essentially a form of
knowledge in itself. The challenges and contradictions this process has produced is discussed and
analyzed with examples from a Malaysian experience.
Sejak Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi atau ICT diperkenalkan secara global, akses terhadap
ilmu pengetahuan telah berlaku dengan pantas kepada audien yang lebih luas. Biarpun ini benar,
fakta juga membuktikan bahawa produksi dan reproduksi serta konsumpsi ilmu pengetahuan masih
berlaku dalam acuan negara-bangsa. Esei ini membincangkan bagaimana Kajian Asia Tenggara,
sebagai satu bentuk ilmu pengetahuan, masih dikongkong oleh ruang negara-bangsa dalam rantau
berkenaan. Cabaran dan kontradiksi yang timbul dalam proses ini akan dibincangkan berdasarkan
pengalaman Malaysia.
This essay is advancing an argument We wish to present the case of
that although ICT has made knowledge in ‘Southeast Asian Studies’, as a form of
general more accessible to a wider audience knowledge, and examine briefly how it has
in larger volume and quicker than ever been produced and reproduced, metho-
before, ironically, its production, especially, in dologically, as well as consumed in
the field of social sciences and humanities, is contemporary globalized context, hoping to
increasingly trapped in its ‘dividedness’ capture some of the contradictions and
because it is organized usually within the challenges that it has to cope with and
‘nation-state’ thus giving rise to what could overcome, especially, in the context of ICT-
be called ‘methodological nationalism’, in based technologies of globalization. It has
which universal social issues are studied and implications, too, in the area of resource
elaborated in the micro-context of a nation- accumulation and maintenance, especially, in
state, not as universal social issues the organizational sphere, and a Malaysian
unimpeded by the physical and ideational experience shall be presented to provide a
boundaries of historically and artificially brief empirical elaboration.
constructed nation-states.
Shamsul A.B., BA, MA (Malaya), PhD (Monash, Australia), is Professor of Social Anthropology and currently Director of
both The Institute of the Malay World & Civilization (ATMA) and the newly established Institute of Occidental Studies
(IKON), The National University of Malaysia (UKM). He researches, writes and lectures, for the last 25 years on the theme
“politics, culture and economic development”, with an empirical focus on Southeast Asia. He has published extensively in
English and Malay. He is also a frequent social commentator on Malaysian current affairs for the BBC, ABC, CBNC, Radio
Singapore International and Malaysian TV3, RTM1 and NTV7. He also writes for Far Eastern Economic Review (Hong
Kong), Economic & Political Weekly (India), Asian Wall Street Journal and a number of Malaysian dailies and weeklies.
Analyzing Southeast Asia as a maintenance process of the various
Form of Knowledge research resources. Undoubtedly, framing
the analysis is very important, too, in
understanding as to how Southeast Asian
Society is both real and imagined.
studies constitute and reproduce itself
It is real through face-to-face contact and
through the study of ‘society’ and
imagined when the idea of its existence is
‘societies’ within Southeast Asia. The
mediated through mediums such as printed
‘knowledge baseline’ approach is useful in
materials and electronic images, and, in
making sense of the said framing process.
particular, ICT. Therefore, the term society
refers simultaneously to a micro unit that
we can observe and to a macro one that The ‘Knowledge Baseline’ in
we can only partially engaged with. We Southeast Asian studies
therefore have observable ‘societies’ within
a macro imagined ‘society’. Southeast Social scientific knowledge -- humanities
Asia, like other regions in the world, has included -- on Southeast Asia has a clear
both (Reid 1993, Tarling 1992). However it knowledge baseline, meaning a continuous
is the way that both of these components and inter-related intellectual-cum-
have been weaved into an enduring conceptual basis, which emerged from its
complex whole, which seemed to have own history and has, in turn, inspired the
made Southeast Asia and Southeast construction, organization and consump-
Asians thrive and survive even under tion process of this knowledge. The two
adverse conditions, such as the recent popular concepts that have been used
financial-economic crisis, that has become frequently to characterize Southeast Asia
the source of endless intellectual attraction are 'plurality' and 'plural society', both of
and academic inquiry to both scholars and which are social scientific constructs that
others, hence the birth, growth and emerged from empirical studies conducted
flourishing of Southeast Asian studies within Southeast Asia by scholars from
(Evers 1980, SSRC 1999). outside the region.
Thus Southeast Asian studies, In historical terms, or during the
dominated by humanities and the social ‘proto-globalisation’ era, 'plurality'
sciences, have been about the study of the characterizes Southeast Asia before the
‘society’ and ‘societies’ in the region, in Europeans came and who, subsequently,
their various dimensions, in the past and at divided the region into a community of
present. The complex plurality of these 'plural societies'. Plurality here signifies a
‘society’ and ‘societies’, or societal forms, free-flowing, natural process not only
that do indeed co-exist, endure and enjoy articulated through the process of
some functional stability, have made it migration but also through cultural
imperative for researchers to apply an borrowings and adaptations (Bellwood
equally diverse set of approaches, some 1985, Collins 1994). Politically speaking,
discipline-based (anthropology, sociology, polity was the society's political order of the
geography, history, political science, etc.) day, a flexible non-bureaucratic style of
and others thematically-oriented management focusing on management
(development studies, gender studies, and ceremony by a demonstrative ruler.
cultural studies, etc.) in studying Southeast States, governments and nation-states,
Asian society. In some cases, it even which constitute an elaborate system of
involve disciplines from the natural and bureaucratic institutions, did not really exist
applied sciences (Wallace 1869). until Europeans came and dismantled the
The greatest challenge in traditional polities of Southeast Asia and
Southeast Asian studies, and to its experts, subsequently installed their systems of
has been to keep pace with the major governance, using ‘colonial knowledge’,
changes that have affected the ‘society’ which gave rise to the plural society
and/or ‘societies’ and then narrate, explain complex (Tarling 1992).
and analyze these changes and present Historically, therefore, plural
the analysis in a way that is accessible to society signifies both ‘coercion’ and
everyone within and outside the region. ‘difference’. It also signifies the
The technique of presenting and accessing introduction of knowledge, social
this knowledge is equally critical, which, by constructs, vocabulary, idioms and
implication, involves the accumulation and institutions hitherto unknown to the
Kekal Abadi 23 (2) 2004
baseline' but also a real-life social teaching. This brings us to the second axis,
construct that was endowed with a set of namely, the undergraduate/graduate
ideas and vocabulary, within which people studies axis.
exist day-to-day in Southeast Asia. The Those who favour area studies
presence of ICT does not alter the often believe that Southeast Asian studies
knowledge baseline. Instead, it has further can be taught at the undergraduate level
enhanced the plurality-plural society hence the establishment of Southeast
conceptual-cum-analytic divide because Asian studies departments or programmes,
newly-built digital databases have in a number of universities in Southeast
accepted the existing knowledge grid as Asia, combining basic skills of various
given. The voluminous empirical material, disciplines to examine the internal
both published and unpublished, that are dynamics of societies within the region.
now accessible in digital form, either online Acquiring proficiency in one or two
or offline, have been accumulated, languages from the region is a must in this
classified, catalogued and maintained, case. The problem with this bureaucratic
indeed, locked in that grid. strategy is that these departments have to
be located in a particular faculty, say, in the
Constituting and Reproducing the arts, humanities or social science faculty.
Knowledge on Southeast Asia This denies, for instance, those with a
background in the natural sciences the
There are at least four major axes along opportunity to study in-depth about
which the construction, organization and Southeast Asia.
reproduction of social scientific knowledge Therefore, those discipline-inclined
about Southeast Asia and its societies observers would argue that Southeast
have taken place. Asian studies should be taught at the
The first axis is that of discipline/ graduate level to allow those grounded in
area studies. There is an ongoing debate the various disciplines, whether in the
between those who prefer to approach the social or natural sciences or in other fields
study of Southeast Asia from a disciplinary of study, to have an opportunity to
perspective, on the one hand, and those specialize in Southeast Asian studies.
who believe that it should be approached Therefore, a geologist or an engineer who,
from an area studies dimension, employing for instance, is interested in the soil and
an inter-disciplinary approach, on the irrigation systems of Southeast Asia could
other. examine not only the physical make-up of
The former prefer to start clearly Southeast Asia but also the human-
on a disciplinary footing and treat environment relationship. This is
Southeast Asia as a case study or the site particularly relevant at the present time
for the application of particular set of since environmental and ecological issues
theories that could also be applied have become global concerns.
elsewhere globally. The aim of such an This has made many individuals,
approach is to understand social institutions and governments carefully
phenomena found in Southeast Asia and to study how they should invest their precious
make comparisons with similar phenomena time and money when they are requested
elsewhere. Those preferring the latter to support the setting up of a programme,
approach see Southeast Asia as centre or institute of Southeast Asian
possessing particular characteristics and studies. They often ask whether
internal dynamics that have to be universities should continue to have the
examined in detail using all available prerogative on the teaching, research and
disciplinary approaches with the intention dissemination of knowledge about
of unravelling and recognizing the Southeast Asia and its societies. Why are
indigenous knowledge without necessarily non-university institutions not given this
making any comparison with other regions prerogative?
of the world. This takes us to the third axis,
The bureaucratic implications of namely, the university/non-university axis.
these two approaches can perhaps be For many years, we imagined that we
clearly discerned in the way social could acquire and reproduce knowledge
scientific knowledge about Southeast Asia about Southeast Asia, whether approached
is reproduced through research and from the disciplinary or area studies
perspective only at the university. it still produces scholarly work of high
However, many governments and quality and encourages basic research to
international funding bodies felt that to be conducted by its research fellows either
obtain knowledge about Southeast Asia on an individual or a group basis. In other
one need not go to a university, but could words, a non-university research institute
acquire it through non-academic but of Southeast Asian studies, such as
research-oriented institutions established ISEAS, could simultaneously conduct
outside the university structure to serve applied and basic research without
particular purposes. National research sacrificing the academic and scholarly
bodies such as LIPI (Indonesian Institute of qualities of its final product; or put in
the Sciences) in Jakarta and ISEAS another way, it is 'policy-oriented yet
(Institute of Southeast Asian Studies) in scholarly'.
Singapore have been playing that role. Without doubt, the availability of
‘Think-tanks’, such as the Center for ICT has helped tremendously the building
Strategic Studies (CSIS), Jakarta, or the of a more efficient and user-friendly system
Institute of Strategic and International of accumulation and management of the
Studies (ISIS), Malaysia, have also played knowledge, in terms of storage, retrieval
the role of the producer and reproducer of and access. Graduate students would
knowledge on societies in Southeast Asia easily vouch that the exercise of literature
outside the university framework. However, review is much less arduous than before.
there seems to be a division of labour, The numerous databases on Southeast
based on differences in research Asian Studies available, both within and
orientation, in the task of producing and outside the region, would probably render
reproducing knowledge between the inter-library loan an activity of the past.
academic and non-academic institutions. The moot question is who are
This final axis is academic/policy- really the consumers of knowledge on
oriented research axis. While academic Southeast Asian societies, hence
endeavours pursued within the context of Southeast Asian studies; the Southeast
Southeast Asian studies in the universities Asians or outsiders?
are motivated by interest in basic research,
which is by definition scholarly, those Consuming the Knowledge on
pursued outside the universities are often Southeast Asia
perceived as not being scholarly enough
because they are essentially applied or
It could be argued that social scientific
policy-oriented in nature and serving rather
knowledge about Southeast Asia and its
narrow, often political, interests of the
societies is a commodity with a market
powers that be in Southeast Asia.
value. Often the 'market rationale', and not
It is argued that the critical the 'intellectual rationale,' prevails in
difference between these two approaches matters such as the setting-up of a
is that the academic approach is always Southeast Asian studies programme,
open to stringent peer-group evaluation as centre or institute, even in the government-
a form of quality control, but the applied funded academic institutions. However, the
approach is not always assessed funding of research on Southeast Asian
academically. The latter is often highly studies has often been dictated not by
confidential and political in nature, thus idealistic, philanthropic motives but by
denying it to be vetted by the peer groups. quite crass utilitarian desires, mainly
The basic research-based academic political or economic ones. There are at
endeavours are therefore seen as highly least three important ‘sectors’ within which
scholarly, whereas the non-academic ones knowledge on Southeast Asia societies
are not perceived as scholarly works and has been consumed: the public, the private
are not considered to contribute to the and intellectual sectors.
accumulation of knowledge on Southeast
Since the governments in
Asia societies.
Southeast Asia have been the biggest
However, research institutes like public sector investors in education,
ISEAS in Singapore would argue that, through public-funded educational
even though it is essentially a policy- institutions, they have been the largest
oriented research institute mainly serving employment provider. They have set their
the interests of the Singapore government, own preferences and priorities, in
accordance to their general framework of massive investments in Southeast Asia.
manpower planning, in deciding what type There is therefore a constant need to know
of graduates and in which fields of what is happening in the region. Research
specialization they want to employ them. foundations from Japan, in particular the
The pattern in Southeast Asian countries Toyota Foundation, has been very active in
has been well-established. There is a the last decade, in promoting ‘Southeast
higher demand for science graduates than Asian studies for Southeast Asians,’ and
social science and humanities graduates supporting other research and exchange
especially those who specialize in programmes. Taiwan and Korea are the
Southeast Asian studies. However, there two other Asian countries having their own
seems to be a significant demand for the Southeast Asian studies research centres,
inclusion of the Southeast Asian studies besides United States, United Kingdom,
content in all the non-natural science France and The Netherlands, former
courses at the undergraduate level in most colonial powers in Southeast Asia.
of the government-funded academic Perhaps after September 11, the demand
institutions in Southeast Asia. This is in the USA has increased substantially
related to the fact that the awareness parallel to the increase in its military
about ASEAN as a community amongst interest and operation in the region.
the public, hence the need for a more A more generalized demand for
informed description on the different knowledge on Southeast Asian societies
countries and societies within ASEAN relates to marketing and this trend must
(read Southeast Asia). not be underrated with the recent
Outside Southeast Asia, such as in expansion of the middle class in the region.
Japan and the United States of America, As the market and clients in Southeast
specialization in Southeast Asian studies, Asia become more sophisticated the need
or its components has very rarely been for in-depth knowledge on sectors of the
considered highly desired in the job market Southeast Asian societies has increased.
of the public sector. A graduate-level This in turn has increased the demand for
qualification in Southeast Asian studies is graduates who have followed courses
perhaps more marketable in the public relating to Southeast Asian studies.
sector especially in government and semi- In the intellectual sector,
government bodies that deal with knowledge on Southeast Asia has been
diplomatic relations or intelligence. consumed generally by the NGOs, namely,
In the private sector, the demand those that are national-based as well as
for Southeast Asian studies as a form of those that have regional networks. Since
knowledge and the demand for a potential most of the NGOs are issue-specific based
employee who possesses that knowledge interest group, such as environmental
are both limited and rather specific. protection, abused housewives, social
However, the number could increase justice and the like, and often seeking
depending on how large is the investment funds for their activities from the
and production outfit a particular company governments and NGOs in developed
has in Southeast Asia, which is particularly countries, they find it more advantageous
relevant to large transnational corporations to operate on a regional basis because
with multi-sited production locations. Since they get more attention and funding from
some of the demand for the knowledge is these sources. The strength and success
rather short-term, often specific but of their operation is very much dependent
detailed, and has to be customized to the on the amount of knowledge they have
needs of a company, ‘think-tanks’ or about Southeast Asian societies in general
‘consultant companies’ have often become as well as the specific issue that they are
the main supplier of such tailored focusing on as a cause in their struggle.
knowledge. Many of such organizations With the popularity of the Internet
are actually dependent on ‘freelance’ and its increased usage around the world
Southeast Asianists or academics doing and within Southeast Asia, it has now
such jobs on a part-time, unofficial basis. become an important medium through
It has been observed that the which academic and popular knowledge on
Japanese seems to be a regular consumer Southeast Asian societies has become
of knowledge on Southeast Asia. This is available. The source of the knowledge
hardly surprising because they have could be located outside or within the
region but are now much more accessible sphere (Shamsul, Rumaizah &
for commercial and non-commercial Haslindawati 2002).
purposes. An interesting development in With the increase in importance on
the latter is in the realm of ‘democratic the region in the globalizing world, both
politics’. Put simply, the presence of ICT generalist and specialist knowledge about
has enabled the various aspects of Southeast Asia have become critical to the
knowledge on Southeast Asian society and world and the region itself. Southeast
politics to be utilised for political purposes. Asian studies as a knowledge construct, is
Beyond that the Internet has also become transforming itself into a lived reality,
an effective and popular alternative source especially for the Southeast Asians
of information and news to the opposition, themselves. This knowledge therefore
anti-establishment as well as minority becomes indispensable both to those who
groups. Indeed, the Internet has become a study Southeast Asia and its society as
new medium of producing and reproducing well as to the Southeast Asian themselves.
knowledge on Southeast Asian people, However, the struggle against
politics and society. ‘methodological nationalism’ would still be
It could be said that Southeast the biggest challenge for such an
Asian studies and what it constitutes is, endeavour.
first and foremost, a knowledge construct
that represents only part of the region’s ACCESS AND USAGE OF ICT-BASED
social reality. In spite of this, it is the most KNOWLEDGE: A GLIMPSE OF THE
important element, amongst the many, that MALAYSIAN EXPERIENCE
gives Southeast Asia, the geo-physical
region as well as its people and Preliminary empirical evidence from the
environment, its history, territory and Malay world -- the maritime and riverine
society. Due to the co-existence of different complex of Southeast Asia, an integral
societal forms in the region, the component of the region -- shows that the
unevenness of the tempo of social life in distribution of the nation-state-based
the region and the speed of social change knowledge, including those that use ICT as
also differs from one community to the a conduit, is very much limited by the
other and from one area within the region dominance of a number of factors, in
to another. The understanding and particular, the larger and dominant social
analysis are complicated by the inequality grid articulated by the uneven
persistence of ‘methodological distribution of infrastructural facilities, such
nationalism’. Therefore, only a poly- as electricity supply, without which the
disciplinary approach could capture these access to ICT-based knowledge is only a
complexities embedded in the societies of dream.
Southeast Asia. Increasingly, ICT has
In our attempt to make the
played the critical role of weaving the knowledge on the Malay world (originally
complex of information and knowledge, called the Malay Archipelago by Wallace
available from all corners of the globe on
1869) available through our digital
the region, into a coherent storageable, databases, we have come to realise that
retrievable and accessible whole. the reach or audience is very much limited
The Institute of the Malay World by a number of factors, such as presence
and Civilization (ATMA), Universiti or absence of basic infrastructural items,
Kebangsaan Malaysia, can testify to that. such as electricity and telephones, habits
With a collection of some 50,000 single- of Internet users and undoubtedly the state
text articles, written in a number of of social inequality in a particular country.
languages, located in the newly- We do not have to look very far as the
constructed ATMA’s Malay World Studies Malaysian case would give us ample
Database, another 11,000 Malay pantuns evidence to that effect.
in the ATMA’s Collection of Pantun Baba To the people in Bario, Sarawak, a
Cina Database and ATMA’s Kamus place located in the middle of Borneo
Peribahasa that holds about 20,000
forest that does not enjoy the taken-for-
Malay proverbs, ATMA’s portal granted luxuries of electricity, piped-water
( is slowly
supply and telephones, a special E-
making its presence felt thus establishing
Community pilot project has to be created
its own niche in the global knowledge
to find means and ways how the population
in Bario could have access to ICT and be of researchers from the International
wired to the outside world. It has been a Islamic University Malaysia amongst 442
costly project. Whether this could be Internet users in the Klang Valley, 56% of
repeated elsewhere in Malaysia is a moot whom are students from local institutions of
point. Although the Malaysian government higher learning (private and public),
promised that in the next five years there revealed that less than 10% actually use
should be one computer in every home, no the Internet for activities that could be
electricity supply and telephones lines in considered as knowledge seeking, such as
these homes would render these items for academic assignments. The majority
useless. use the Internet for chatting, e-mail and
One study conducted, in 1999, by games.
Communications Department, Faculty of Our point is that even for those
Modern Language and Communications, who have access to the Internet, the
Universiti Putra Malaysia, that involved percentage of which, against the total
2,015 respondents (males and females, Malaysian population, is very small (not
urban and rural as well as from the major more than 15%), they do not necessarily
ethnic groups) indicated that about 95% of use it for knowledge enhancement, less so
Malays have heard the word IT, followed for knowledge production. We would
by 85 % Indians and 76 % Chinese. therefore advance the argument that
However, the Chinese seems to lead digital-based knowledge located in the
among the ethnic groups in terms of “have numerous web-based databases
used computers” (65%), “have computers accessible on-line, although easily
at home” (46%), “have computers available, is not the dominant knowledge
connected to Internet” (30%), and “have source for the majority of the population,
attended computer training especially in the developing countries, like
courses” (23%). The Malays that have their Malaysia. Indeed, we are still dependent
computers connected to the Internet is only on paper-based knowledge and databases.
14%, compared to 30% of Chinese and It brings us to the basic issue of
22% Indians. The study also showed that resource accumulation and maintenance.
in the urban area, “computers connected to The debate over conservation and
Internet” was about 26% and in the rural preservation of paper-based material
only 10%. versus open access and digitization of all
We can argue endlessly about the forms of material remains an important
validity of these figures and whether or not one. The trend seems to be favouring the
we can arrive at any useful conclusion from latter -- digitize and digitize and digitize. It
them. These figures simply demonstrate is becoming obvious that the different
the fact that the basic precondition for the ownerships of softwares and also
possibility of any form of knowledge being operating systems do not make the
distributed through the ICT is the exercise of digitization an easy, cheap and
availability of basic infrastructural facilities, manageable process, as it seems. The
such as electricity supply and telephone issue of the shelf life of a particular
lines, the ICT hardware and software, and software or technology is also a critical
these have to be connected. The users one. These issues have never been
too, must be computer literate. discussed openly because of the ‘digital
To the urban inhabitants of Klang fetish’ that has swept the world over.
Valley, the majority of whom have access However, the evidence available to us
to the basic infrastructural facilities that the seems to show that the paper-based
people in Bario does not, ownership and materials, with good techniques of
usage of computer is common place, if not preservation, are still surviving well after
at home, but at the hundreds of Internet centuries. The problem is how to store
cafes in the region. However, the findings them because they need larger and wider
from a number of studies conducted in the space. This is the unfavourable factor that
Klang Valley, in the last three years, seem the present accumulation, storage and
to indicate that amongst Internet users, maintenance system has vis-à-vis
very few actually use the Internet to access Southeast Asian studies. Being in the
knowledge of various kinds, either for tropics does pose a special challenge for
personal or other use. the preservation of the paper-based
A research, conducted by a group material. The debate goes on.
2) Brown, David, 1994, The State and Ethnic Politics in South-East Asia, London & New York:
3) Collins, James T, 1998, Malay, world language : a short history. Kuala Lumpur : Dewan
Bahasa dan Pustaka.
4) Evers, Hans-Dieter (ed.), 1980, Sociology of South-East Asia: Reading on Social Change
and Development, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press.
5) Harvey, David, 1993, “From Space to Place and Back Again: Reflections on the Condition of
Postmodernity”, in J.Bird et. al (eds), Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change,
London: Routledge, pp. 3-29.
6) Reid, Anthony, 1988, Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce 1450-1680; Volume 1: The
Lands Below the Winds, New Haven, Con.: Yale University Press.
7) Reid, Anthony, 1993, Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce 1450-1680; Volume 2:
Expansion and Crisis, New Haven, Con.: Yale University Press.
8) Shamsul A.B., Rumaizah Mohamed & Haslindawati Hamzah, 2002, “Pengajian Alam
Melayu di Pentas Global: Teknologi Maklumat dan Penstrukturan Ilmu di ATMA, UKM”,
(Malay World Studies on the Global Stage: Information Technology and Knowledge
Restructuring at the Institute of the Malay World & Civilization, UKM)”, a paper for a National
Seminar on ‘Language and Malay Thought: Malay Excellence in the ICT Era’,18-19 Jun,
Akademi Pengajian Melayu, Universiti Malaya.
9) SSRC (Social Science Research Council, New York), 1999, Weighing the Balance:
Southeast Asian Studies Ten Years After, Proceedings of two meetings held in New York
City, November 15 and December 10.
10) Steinberg, Joel (ed.), 1987, In Search of Southeast Asia: A Modern History, Revised Edition,
Sydney, Wellington: Allen & Unwin.
11) Tarling, Nicholas (ed.), 1992, The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia. Volume 1: From
Early Times to c.1800 and Volume 2: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
12) Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1869, The Malay Archipelago, the Land of the Orang-Utan and the
Bird of Paradise: A Narrative of Travel with Studies of Man and Nature, London: MacMillan.
resources in both urban and rural areas. The report on library development
Inadequate information technology in Myanmar was presented by Mynt Mynt
infrastructure and IT experts as well as Ki from Ministry of Information, Myanmar.
insufficient funds are some issues that The paper covered public library
impede the development of electronic development which evolved historically via
resources in the libraries. Collaboration royal libraries such as King Mindon’s
among the country’s library and information Library (19th century), reading rooms
services are carried out to promote during the post independence period and
resource sharing. The presenter mentioned the establishment of public libraries. The
that the Library and Information future plans of the government include the
Association of South Africa plays an upgrading and promotion of the status of
important role in developing networking public libraries through collection
among the librarians and in providing development, exchange of ideas via
continuous professional training for seminars, symposiums and training
librarians. The library and information courses. In conclusion, she expressed the
sector is now focusing on digitizing need for cooperation among national and
resources and making it available to users. international organizations.
Saima Rana, the speaker from The last presenter from the
Pakistan gave an overview of the country’s National and University Library of Bosnia
historical background, problems and issues Herzegovina gave a brief report on library
faced by the country, followed by the role development in Bosnia Herzgovina. During
of the National Library, university libraries, the early days, mosques and churches
public and special libraries and library served as educational institutions. Library
education. School and college libraries development of this region was affected by
were categorized as academic libraries the war which lasted from 1992 until 1995.
unlike the norm where academic libraries The country is still in the post war
refer to university libraries. The problems reconstruction phase. Efforts such as
impeding progress include lack of funds international co-operation, library expertise
and government support, curriculum development in the form of formal
evaluation and review, literacy programme, education offered by the University of
infrastructure and lack of reading culture. Sarajevo were discussed. The goals of the
Association of Librarians in Bosnia
The country report from Sri Lanka Herzegovina were also explained.
was delivered by Padma Bandaranayake
from the National Library & Services Board The developing countries
of Sri Lanka. The historical background of represented in this seminar face very
the library system included a description of similar problems and challenges such as
the coexistence of Buddhist temples and lack of funds, technology, infrastructure,
monasteries with libraries until the modern expertise, low literacy, the aftermath of war
library concept originated in the 19th and post war reconstruction due to political
century. Like the other presenters, she also instability and lack of cooperation.
discussed the role and activities of the Concerted efforts must be made through
National Library of Sri Lanka, their networking and collaboration not only
divisions, collections and services. She nationally but also at regional and
also touched upon academic libraries, international levels.
school libraries, public libraries, research/
special and monastic libraries.
Subsequently she highlighted the
landmarks of library automation achieved Harvinder Kaur
in her country to date. The creation of Librarian
databases, installation of computers, opac, Tan Sri Professor Ahmad Ibrahim
internet, local area networks and electronic
Law Library
mail were mentioned. The issues and
challenges include the lack of funds, the University of Malaya
dearth of professionally qualified librarians, [email protected]
poor organizational structure, poor attitude,
poor salaries and poor coordination.
The ABC’s of the collection, services and facilities provided by the
University of Malaya Library
Janaki Sinnasamy
Head, Research and Academic Services Division
University of Malaya Library
[email protected]
The University of Malaya Library has always strived to support quality research, teaching and
learning by providing excellent collections, services and facilities for the University’s staff and
students. An alphabetical list of the collection, services and facilities are given below :
Audio and visual materials on all subjects Discussion rooms which can accommodate
are acquired. A special collection of 3-8 users enable the students to discuss
traditional Malay music such as asli, freely without disturbing the other users. In
keroncong and ghazal have been recorded addition to these, photocopying facility is also
and are available for users to listen in the available at every library in the system for
studios at the Main Library. photocopying library materials only.
Book searches are carried out for users who GXEX1401, the Information Skills Course is
have problems locating items in the stack a compulsory one credit University course for
area. Generally, books are arranged by call undergraduates. The library and the
numbers on the shelves. A green card with librarians are solely responsible for the
bibliographical details of the book will have to registration, teaching, practical sessions,
be filled. Users will be informed 1-3 days time assignment, final examination and the
the outcome of the search. grading of the students.
Circulation services consist of book loans, Handouts covering details of the library
returns, renewal and reservation. Academic network, its resources, services, opening
core collection items, formerly known as red hours, rules and regulations and names of
spot books and library materials from the librarians are given to all new students.
openshelves can be borrowed at the loans Similarly, handouts on specific databases
counter. and faculties are also given to postgraduate
Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan
Service is for journal articles, conference Information Skills Programmes are offered to
papers, reports and books not available at postgraduate students. These programmes
the library. Lecturers and postgraduate go beyond OPAC skills and attempt to
students may request for items available at inculcate independent learning skills.
local institutions or overseas via this service. Students are taught search strategies in
Request is made by completing the online information retrieval so that they will be able
request form and charges vary according to to retrieve from printed and electronic
the type of materials and the amount sources and also to evaluate information
stipulated by the library. from these sources. Similarly, road shows
are conducted at the faculties for the
Electronic Resources subscribed by the academic staff to alert them on the academic
library consist of e journals, e books, services available.
conference proceedings, digital dissertations,
magazines and newspapers. Local Journal literature is in print and electronic
databases such as NSTP Online, SIRIM, format. Most of the electronic journals are
PALMOLIS and Bibliography of Asian subscribed through online databases and a
Studies are also subscribed in addition to at few are subscribed individually. Some are
least 50 foreign online databases. Open available via open access domain.
access databases are also made available Photocopying from print journals and
for the users at the library interactive web downloading of full-text e-journal articles is
portal. allowed.
to be a valuable information resource tool for
researchers interested in the local scene.
Special Collection donated by or acquired
These citations are not found in the popular from prominent scholars in the country such
online databases which consist mainly foreign as the late Tan Sri Zainal Abidin, Ungku Abdul
publications. Aziz, Ibrahim Ya’kob and the Father Pintado
collection of books on the Portuguese
Legal Updates and amendments is a special overseas as well as special script materials in
Arabic, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean and
service for the legal profession whereby legal
legislations are updated continuously. Tamil are a special feature of the total library’s
collection which amounts to about 1.2 million
Malaysiana collection, located at the Za’ba volumes.
Memorial Library consist of unpublished and
published materials pertaining to the country.
Theses and dissertation are digitized and
They are rich in the areas of the Malay available at d_lib@UM via the online
language, literature and culture and are catalogue. The library is also actively involved
considered as preserved collection. They are in the Malaysian Thesis Online project
kept in closed stacks and are only allowed for spearheaded by Malaysian University
reference. Libraries & National Library Network.
Network of computers with Internet access Updates of new books list in the library
are available at all the libraries in the system. website as well as display of new books
These computers are for the purpose of enable the users to keep in touch with what
searching the library catalogue (OPAC) and has recently been added to the library.
the online databases. The main library has 5
computer laboratories with Internet access for
Value added services such as creation of a
the postgraduates, undergraduates, blind personalized portal to the Library’s electronic
students, training and for teaching University resources such as My e-books, My e-journals
courses. and My web resources can be done via the
library interactive web portal. Members can
Orientation programmes are conducted at create their own My Library by selecting their
favorite e-journals and e-books, and keep
the beginning of every new semester, where
new students are briefed on the services and track of new issues of their favourite titles.
facilities offered by the Library as well as the
rules and regulations of usage, followed by a
Web site of the University of Malaya Library
tour of the library. at is made available
to the public. Visitors to the website are
Publications by the library include “Kekal updated on latest news, events and opening
hours. Links to the OPAC, other libraries, the
Abadi” which is the library bulletin published
since 1982 and distributed to libraries within parent organization, digitization projects are
the country and elsewhere. With effect from made available via this website.
volume 23 no 1 2004, issues will be made
eXtra features and facilities such as Book
available online via the library’s homepage.
drop for the return of books at times when the
Quality Management System complying with library is closed; TV for public viewing
showing videos on motivation,
MS ISO 9001:2000 with a commitment to
continual improvement is implemented in the communication, literature and recreation; a
library for all work procedures. Suggestion comfortable Free Range Reading area; car
boxes are placed at strategic locations park slot for handicapped students; and
throughout the library network for users to exhibitions held from time to time are all part
comment or make suggestions to improve the of the library’s efforts to be user friendly.
library services, facilities and collection.
Yellow pages of librarians with their
Reference and Information services are designation, address, email, phone numbers
and the faculties they are responsible for are
provided by all the libraries in the system.
Enquiries maybe made in person, over the all available at the library’s homepage.
telephone and through the electronic mail.
The Reference Desk at the Main Library is
Z39.5 compliant library system enables
manned by a professional librarian until 8 pm access to databases throughout the world
during weekdays and until 4.30 pm during from desktop computers.
week ends. Enquiries online are also
available 24/7 via the electronic mail.
Training in Management Skills by Phillip L. Hunsaker. Upper Saddle River,
NJ : Prentice Hall. 2001 (522 pages). 1
coordinating skills and negotiating or Those not actively involved in the
brokering skills. There is no mention on role-play will have to observe and
how Hunsaker decided on the choice of evaluate those involved.
skills to focus on, although he made vii. Use a summary checklist to
reference to deficiency found by identify their deficiencies. This is
management professors in TIPS that through self-assessment or
caused him to extend his coverage of evaluation by others.
skills in this book (Hunsaker, 2001, viii. Answer application questions to
Preface). The selection of skills could have check practical understanding of
been based on identification of emerging the concepts.
workplace demands. For example, with the ix. Complete reinforcement exercises
advent of the Internet, communication skills outside the classroom.
will have to be extended to email and the x. Develop an action plan for ongoing
application of ethics to cyberspace skill improvements in their personal
environment. life” (Hunsaker, 2001, Preface).
While skills relating to teamwork
are covered to a certain extent in relation
By blending self assessment,
to organizing skills, it will be an
concept learning, analysis, feedback and
improvement if coverage could be
practice opportunities, this model is
extended to show the importance of
optimally structured for skill development
effective teamwork in contributing to the
and is very much in line with other well
efficiency of its operations, increased
recognized educational frameworks,such
productivity and profitability. Training for
as Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational
team process observation and feedback
will be a further enhancement to this
The presentation style of this book
otherwise comprehensive text. Although
is commendable. Geared for college-level
Hunsaker’s coverage of leading skills
teaching, the writing style is direct, easy to
includes that of developing subordinates,
read and without unnecessary technical
no mention has been made of the skills
jargon, particularly in the review of key
relating to the selection of subordinates to
concepts related to the skills taught.
be developed.
Concepts are defined in a very precise
Each chapter is organized around
manner and then illustrated with examples.
the experiential learning model of
Keywords are highlighted in bold and
assessment, observation and practice and
subsidiary keywords are italicised. For
sets out ten components that require
example, the steps in the communication
students to do the following tasks :
process are explained as follows:
i. Self-assessment of their basic skill
level through a questionnaire,
“First, the message is encoded
followed by a scoring key and an
into a format that will get the idea
interpretation of score to facilitate
across. Then it is transmitted
through various channels orally
ii. Review key concepts that are
(e.g. sp eec hes , me e tings ,
relevant to the skill by referring to
telephone calls, or informal
published literature on the key
discussions), non-verbally ( e.g.
touch, facial expression, and tone
iii. Test their conceptual knowledge of voice), in writing (e.g. letters,
through a short quiz. memoranda, reports, and
iv. Identify on a checklist the specific manuals), or electronically (e.g.
behavioural dimensions that they e-mail, voice mail,
need to learn for each skill. Limited facsimiles)” (Hunsaker, 2001, 57).
to about seven behaviours, this
checklist is based on skills
The layout of this book is indeed very
concepts taught earlier.
convenient for the reader. Utilizing
v. Observe how to apply the skill headings in bold, or in bold and italics,
through watching others in a numbering and bullet points throughout the
modelling exercise. book, readers are able to follow or review
vi. Practise the skill in small groups the key points taught. A self-assessment
through role-plays or exercises.
questionnaire and a concept quiz together Conclusion
with the scoring scale and answers are All in all, despite the minor
well set out and easily understood. In the shortcomings as noted, Training in
behavioural checklist, bullet points are set Management Skills is indeed an almost
against the key points. Within each complete management skills training
chapter are a number of clear flow package for college level students.
diagrams and illustrations in relation to Relevant concepts are presented as they
concepts. apply to specific behaviours needed to
The modelling and group exercises practise a management skill. Personally I
which come in the form of case analyses, found working through the various chapters
role-play, peer-review of class member’s very enlightening as they have been very
performance are very well organized. For systematically laid out, with checklists and
each exercise, the purpose or objective, quizzes set out for self-assessment. In a
preparations and step-by-step directions classroom environment with the added
with set time limit are given. In fact for each advantange of group exercises and peer
skill, the exercises provided are quite assessment, the ten step learning model, a
comprehensive. My only complain, as a unique feature of this text, may be
Malaysian reader, is that the scenarios of exploited to its maximum to assist the
most of the exercises are American-based. nurturing of managerial skills.
For example, in creative problem-solving
skill, a group exercise given is on a winter
Molly Chuah
survival situation. Non-American
management students may respond quite
differently particularly in relation to skills Collection Development and
such as diagnosing and modifying Management Division
organizational culture as well as managing University of Malaya Library
conflict where differences in culture may [email protected]
evoke different responses.
NAWI Haji Ismail. Penyelewengan akidah HIDAYATI Karim. Personaliti muslimah :
di negeri Kelantan : kajian kes Ajaran kajian terhadap ayat 32 dan 33 surah Al-
Hassan Anak Rimau di jajahan Tanah Ahzab.
Merah, Kelantan. BP42 A2 UM 2004 Hidk
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Nawhi
IBRAHIM Abdullah. Israiliyyat dalam
WAN TAURANIAH YAHYA. Iman teras kuliah-kuliah agama : kajian di masjid-
pembinaan insan. masjid Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Wanty Lumpur.
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Ibra
YUSRI Abu. Kefahaman akidah di
kalangan saudara baru : suatu kajian di JAZILAH Mansor. Ayat-ayat kemasya-
Kuala Lumpur. akatan dalam surah Al-Nisa': tumpuan
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Yusa kepada pembinaan keluarga Islam.
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Jazm
Jabatan Al-Quran dan Al-Hadith
KHAIRUDDIN Said. Metodologi Ibn al-
ABDUNKARIM Samaeng. Pengajian Al- Jawzi dalam Nasikh dan Mansukh : kajian
Qur'an di kalangan pelajar-pelajar sekolah terhadap buku Nawasikh Al-Qur'an.
menengah agama di selatan Thai : suatu BP42 A2 UM 2004 Khas
kajian di Madrasah Al-Rahmaniah, Bra-O,
Pattani. MARDIANA Abdul Ghani. Penggunaan
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Abd ayat al-Qur'an dalam bidang perubatan :
kajian di Darussyifa', Bangi.
ABDULLAH BUKHARI Abdul Rahim. BP42 A2 UM 2004 Marag
Pemodenan dan pembaharuan dalam
pengajian tafsir di kalangan orang Melayu : MAZLAN Sidek. Hadis dalam kitab al-Durr
kajian ke arah pembinaan pengkalan data al-Thamin karangan Syeikh Daud al-
tafsir al-Quran. Fatani : takhrij dan analisis.
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Abdbar BP42 A2 UM 2004 Mazs
WAN ROHAYU Wan Semanis @ Wan Jabatan Fiqh dan Usul
Ismail. Israiliyyat dalam tafsir : kisah Musa
dan Khidir. MOHD NAZRI Asiabu. Penggunaan
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Wanrws maslahah dalam fatwa : kajian kes bagi
fatwa-fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Majlis
ZAHIDAN Hj. Abd. Wahab. Angka tujuh Fatwa Kebangsaan Malaysia.
dalam al-Quran. BP43 A1 UM 2004 Mohna
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Zahhaw
Jabatan Sejarah dan Tamadun Islam
ZAMZAM ATIRAH Md. Zain. Al-Amthal
dalam Al-Qur’an : kajian terhadap surah Al- AJIDAR Matsyah. Sejarah kerajaan Islam
Nahl. di Aceh : kajian faktor perkembangan dan
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Zamamz merosot.
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Aji
Jabatan Dakwah dan Pembangunan
Insan AHMAD NORISHAM Ab. Halim. Program
pembinaan sahsiah (PPS) di Sekolah
DZULKIFLI Haji Hasanuddin. Sahsiah Menengah Ugama (A) Saniah Pasir Puteh
pelajar kelas aliran agama dan bukan Kelantan.
aliran agama di Sekolah Menengah BP42 A2 UM 2004 Ahmnah
Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Dzuh AZIZ Mat Zain. Yayasan Pengajian Tinggi
Islam Kelantan Nilam : suatu kajian
MAHMUDAH Nawawi. Keberkesanan terhadap tokoh-tokoh akademik perintis.
program dakwah Tenaga Nasional Berhad, BP42 A2 UM 2004 Azimz
Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur di kalangan
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Mahn BURHANUDDIN Haji Wahab,
Pemberontakan 'Abd Allah bin 'Ali : kajian
tentang siasah Abu Ja'far al-Mansur
Mohd Rusdi Mansor. Pendekatan dakwah
terhadap saingan politiknya.
Rasulullah S.A.W. di Mekah : kajian
pelaksanaannya di institusi-institusi BP42 A2 UM 2004 Burhw
dakwah Perlis.
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Mohrm
FADZLIYAH Hashim. Kesan pendidikan
Islam terhadap cara hidup pelajar: suatu
NOR AZLINA Mat Jusoh. Keberkesanan
kajian di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
pembangunan sahsiah remaja Jabatan
Tunku Abd. Aziz, Simpang Empat, Alor
Belia Besut, Terengganu Darul Iman.
Star, Kedah.
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Noramj
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Fadz
NOOR IZZATI Mohd Zawawi. Masalah
GHAZALI Saad. Pendidikan remaja
rumah tangga Muslim di Hulu Langat :
muslim : kajian tentang sejarah dan
kajian tentang cara penyelesaiannya oleh
pelaksanaannya di Ma'had Attarbiyah Al-
Pejabat Agama Islam Hulu Langat
Islamiyah, Beseri,Perlis.
(PAIHL), Selangor.
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Ghas
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Nooimz
KHAIRANI Zakariya @ Abdul Hamid.
NOOR LIZATI Zakaria. Masalah
Kesan penceraian terhadap kehidupan
pembinaan akhlak di kalangan penagih
remaja Muslim: suatu kajian di sekolah-
dadah wanita : suatu kajian di pusat serenti
sekolah menengah Pulau Langkawi.
wanita di Kemumin Pengkalan Chepa
Kelantan. BP42 A2 UM 2004 Khaz
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Noolz
KHAIRUL ZIAD Zahari. Keberkesanan
pengajian Tamadun Islam di Institusi
RUHIAH Abd Rahman. Program dakwah
Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) : suatu kajian
pusat Pembangunan Tamadun Masyarakat
khusus di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Asli Pahang (PETAMA) : masalah dan
(UKM), Bangi, Selangor.
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Khazz
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Ruhar
MAHMUDAH Nawawi. Keberkesanan RAJA AZHAR Raja Ismail. Sejarah
program dakwah Tenaga Nasional Berhad, perkembangan dan peranan masjid di
Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur di kalangan Perlis : kajian di Masjid Negeri Arau, Perlis.
kakitangannya. BP42 A2 UM 2004 Rajari
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Mahn
ROMAE Chapakiya. Pengaruh
MOHD NOTHMAN Mohamad Nor. kebudayaan Thai dalam masyarakat Islam
Pengaruh Bahasa Arab dalam Bahasa di Selatan Thai : suatu kajian khusus di
Melayu : suatu kajian di Kota Bharu. Bandar Yala.
BP42 A2 UM 2004 Mohnmn BP42 A2 UM 2004 Rom
DESY Herawati. Kelonggaran hukum bagi perubahan hukum : satu analisis.
orang sakit dan musafir menurut Kitab BP42 A1 UM 2004 Mohm
Tafsir al-Manar.
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Des MOHD KAMEL Mat Salleh. Amalan tradisi
selepas kematian masyarakat Melayu
EDDY Gunawan. Hubungan kadar bunga Negeri Sembilan : satu huraian hukum.
dan inflasi dari perspektif kewangan Islam : BP42 A1 UM 2004 Mohkms
penyelesaian di Indonesia.
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Gun MOHD RIDZUAN Mat Noor. Kemalangan
jalan raya di Malaysia : analisis
FATIMAH Mamat. Amalan sewa tanah di berasaskan hukum jenayah Islam.
kalangan penduduk tempatan : suatu BP42 A1 UM 2004 Mohrmn
kajian di Jajahan Tumpat, Kelantan.
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Fatm MOHD SUHARDI Mat Jusoh, Pengabaian
solat fardu di kalangan remaja : kajian di
FAUDAH Johari. Keberkesanan zakat sekolah menengah di sekitar Pasir Puteh,
dalam mengatasi masalah kemiskinan di Kelantan.
negeri Melaka. BP42 A1 UM 2004 Mohsmj
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Fuaj
MOHD YUSRI Ngah. Latihan dalam
HASNIZAM Hashim. Metodologi pengajian pembangunan kerjaya dari perspektif
syariah di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa pengurusan Islam : kajian di Institut
Malaysia. Latihan Kakitangan MARA (ILHAM), Majlis
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Hash Amanah Rakyat, Kuala Lumpur.
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Mohyn
HUMAM Daud. Kutipan zakat dan
agihannya : suatu kajian di awal Islam. MOHD ZAKIR Majid. Konsep “Wakalah”
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Humd dalam aqad nikah dan amalannya : satu
kajian dalam masyarakat Islam di daerah
ISYAH RADHIAH Idris. Pendidikan salat Yan, Kedah.
oleh ibu bapa terhadap anak-anak dan BP42 A1 UM 2004 Mohzm
remaja di Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Isyri
MOHD ZAMANI Ismail. Hak politik bukan
Islam menurut perspektif Islam dan
KHOMSAH Mutalib. Metodologi pengajian
perlembagaan persekutuan.
syariah di Kolej Islam Darul Ulum, Pokok
Sena, Kedah. BP42 AI UM 2004 Mohzi
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Khom
NIK MAHADI Hj. Nik Mahmood.
MASTURI Rahmat. Analisis pemikiran Kecenderungan berijtihad di kalangan
politik Sayyid Abul A’la al Maududi dalam ulama : kajian di kalangan ulama negeri
the Islamic law and constitution. Kelantan masa kini.
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Masr BP42 A1 UM 2004 Nikmhnm
MASZLEE Malik. Hukum talfiq dalam NIK MUNIYATI Nik Din. Masalah solat di
muamalat : kajian terhadap Bay’ Al- kalangan pesakit dan cara
Murabahah Li Al-Amir Bi Al-Syira’ di Bank penyelesaiannya : satu kajian kes di
Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB). Hospital Kota Bharu.
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Masm BP42 A1 UM 2004 Nikmnd
NOOR HASLINA Osman. Adat Melayu dan kewajaran pelaksanaan di negeri
sebagai sumber hukum : penilaian dari Terengganu.
perspektif teori Al-'Urf Wa Al-'Adah. BP42 A1 UM 2004 Wanawa
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Nooho
WAN ISMAIL Muhamad. Pandangan
NORIZAN Awang. Perlantikan wanita Kassim Ahmad tentang hadith sebagai
sebagai hakim menurut Islam : suatu salah satu sumber hokum.
kajian berasaskan kepada realiti semasa. BP42 A1 UM 2004 Wanim
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Nora
WAN MUKHTAR Wan Muda. Amalan
RAFIDAH MOHAMAD Khushairi. Isu-isu bersuci pesakit-pesakit di Hospital Bentong.
pengurusan pembahagian harta pusaka BP42 A2 UM 2004 Wanmwm
orang-orang Islam di Malaysia : satu kajian
di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. WAN NOR AINON Wan Abdullah. Konsep
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Rafmk kesaksian wanita dalam undang-undang
keterangan : perbandingan antara
RASHIDI Abbas. Kesan pelaksanaan MS Mahkamah Syariah dan Mahkamah Sivil di
ISO 9002 : di Kolej IKIP Kuantan menurut Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
perspektif Islam. BP42 A1 UM 2004 Wannawa
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Rasa
ZAINUDDIN Lateh. Doktrin Al-Masyaqqah
SALMAN Lambak. Sistem tarif dalam Tajlib Al-Taysir : satu analisis mengikut
insurans kenderaan bermotor : analisis dari pandangan Fuqaha.
perspektif hokum. BP42 A1 UM 2004 Zail
BP42 A1 2004 Sall
ZULHAILI Haji Mahmood. The status of
SAID MOHAMED Said Alwee. non-muslim in Malaysia : an analysis from
Pensyariatan al-Rukhsah dalam ibadat : the perspective of Islamic law.
satu analisis terhadap `Illah. BP42 A1 UM 2004 Zulhm
BP42 A1 UM 2003 Saimsa
ZURITA Mohd. Yusoff. Metodologi
SOLEH Ibrahim. Perlantikan dan bidang pengajian syariah di Kolej Agama Sultan
kuasa kadi: satu kajian di wilayah Zainal Abidin (K.U.S.Z.A.), Terengganu.
Narathiwat Selatan Thailand. BP42 A1 UM 2004 Zurmy
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Soli
Jabatan Siasah Syar'iyyah
SYAMSUDDIN Muir. Qat'iy dan zanniy
menurut ulama usul dan pengaruhnya MAHAMARORSADEE Makoowing. Teori
dalam fiqh Islam. kepimpinan menurut perspektif Islam :
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Syam suatu kajian terhadap pemikiran Syeikh
Ahmad al-Fatani.
SYUKRIYAH Zakaria. Pemahaman dan BP42 A1 UM 2004 Mah
sambutan masyarakat terhadap skim
takaful : kajian di Bagan Serai, Perak. MASTURI Rahmat. Analisis pemikiran
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Syuz politik Sayyid Abul A'la al Maududi dalam
the Islamic law and constitution.
WAN ABDULLAH Hj. Wan Mamat. Konsep BP42 A1 UM 2004 Masr
Darurah dalam memenuhi keperluan masa
kini : satu huraian tentang teori hukum Islam. MOHAMED FAIROOZ Abdul Khir. Tanggung-
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Wanahwm jawab kerajaan terhadap kebajikan rakyat
menurut Islam : suatu kajian terhadap
WAN ANUAR Yaacob. Sikap masyarakat Dasar Penswastaan di Malaysia.
kelas pertengahan terhadap kewajipan BP42 A1 UM 2004 Mohfak
pendidikan agama anak-anak : kajian di
Kota Bharu. MOHD MAZLI Haji Mohd Aini. Pentadbiran
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Wanay organisasi Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera
(KAGAT) : analisis pencapaiannya terhadap
WAN AZMI Wan Ahmad. Kharaj : konsep pembangunan akhlak tentera Malaysia.
MOHD MAULI AZLI Abu Bakar. Analisis RASHIDI Abbas. Kesan pelaksanaan MS
pelaksanaan MS ISO 9000 di Institut ISO 9002 : 1994 di Kolej IKIP Kuantan
Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN) menurut menurut perspektif Islam.
perspektif Islam. BP42 A1 UM 2004 Rasa
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Mohmaab
SHARIFAH FAIGAH Syed Alwi. Pembiayaan
ROHANI Mohammad. Metode kaunseling hutang dalam kewangan Islam : amalan di
dan psikologi dalam organisasi menurut Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB).
Islam: kajian di Perbadanan Kemajuan BP42 A1 UM 2004 Shafsa
Iktisad Negeri Kelantan (PKINK).
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Rohm Jabatan Syariah dan Undang-Undang
ZAMANI Ismail. Hak politik bukan Islam ISMALIZA Ismail. Cerai Ta’liq : kajian kes
menurut perspektif Islam dan di Mahkamah Syariah Kota Bharu.
Perlembagaan Persekutuan. BP42 A1 UM 2004 Ismi
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Mohzi
MAZLAH Yaacob. Hukuman sebat : kajian
Jabatan Syariah dan Ekonomi dari perspektif hokum Islam dan undang-
undang jenayah di Malaysia.
AHMAD FAUZEE Abdullah. Aplikasi BP42 AI UM 2004 Mazy
pengurusan sumber aset : analisis
terhadap harta zakat di negeri Perak. NASRUL HISYAM Nor Muhamad.
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Ahmfa Pengaruh pemikiran Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
dalam pentadbiran zakat di Negeri
FATIMAH Mamat. Amalan sewa tanah di Selangor.
kalangan penduduk tempatan : suatu BP42 A1 UM 2004 Nashnm
kajian di Jajahan Tumpat, Kelantan.
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Fatm NOR FADHILAH Zakaria. Pelaksanaan
perintah nafkah di Mahkamah Syariah
FUADAH Johari. Keberkesanan zakat Kuantan dari tahun 1995-2000.
dalam mengatasi masalah kemiskinan di BP42 AI UM 2004 Norfz
negeri Melaka.
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Fuaj RAFIDAH Mohamad Khushairi. Isu-isu
pengurusan pembahagian harta pusaka
HYDZULKIFLI Haji Hashim. Pembiayaan orang-orang Islam di Malaysia : satu kajian
perdagangan Islam dalam sistem di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
perbankan : kajian perbandingan antara BP42 A1 UM 2004 Rafmk
Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad dan Bank
Islam Malaysia Berhad. WAN SALINI Wan Ab. Ghani. Kesalahan
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Hydhh pengguguran kandungan : perbandingan
antara undang-undang Islam dan undang-
NORHAZIMAH Che Hassan. Pelaksanaan undang jenayah di Malaysia.
sistem pengurusan dana secara Islam : BP42 A1 UM 2004 Wanswag
satu kajian di Lembaga Tabung Haji, 1992-
2000. ZAHARAH Jaafar. Penetapan kadar
BP42 A1 UM 2004 Norch nafkah isteri : satu kajian di Mahkamah
Syariah Wilayah Persekutuan.
SYAHPAWI. Pelaksanaan dasar BP42 A1 UM 2004 Zahj
pemerintah Daerah Bengkalis Riau,
Indonesia dalam pembangunan ekonomi ZANARIAH Dimon. Perkembangan
menurut perspektif Islam. undang-undang jenayah Islam di Malaysia.
BP42 A1 UM 2005 Sya BP42 A1 UM 2004 Zand
MOHAMAD HANIFAH B. K. Koya Moideen LIM, Chin Haw. The application of three
Kutty. Dayang Kak Nun : analisis types of building integrated photovoltaic
perbandingan teks dari aspek intrinsik dan modules under Malaysia climatic
kepengarangan Melayu. conditions.
PL5065 UM 2004 Moh NA2520 UM 2004 Lim
NORIA Anak Tugang. Tembikar dalam Sarjana Sains Binaan (M.Sc. Building)
budaya Iban di Sarawak.
PL5065 UM 2004 Nor IMRAN ARIFF Yahya. Value management
as an aid to communication during design
NORIZA Daud. Semiotik daripada stage in Klang Valley construction industry.
perspektif Islam : konsepsi lambang TH145 UM 2004 Imray
pantun warisan rakyat.
ROHAIDAH Haron. Perbicaraan di Sarjana Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai
mahkamah syariah : suatu analisis. Bahasa Kedua (M. E. S. L)
PL5065 UM 2004 Rohh
JANAKI Sinnasamy. The use of English in
ROSLI Ab. Rahman. Ciri-ciri sintaksis dan a Tamil language website.
semantik kata sendi nama Bahasa PE1128 UM 2004 Jan
JAYALETCHEMY Ramasamy. The effects NADIA SOH Abdullah. Analisis kata kerja
of peer tutoring on the language transitif dan tak transitif dalam penulisan
performance of low achievers in an ESL bahasa Jepun di kalangan pelajar-pelajar
class. Melayu.
PE1128 UM 2004 Jay PB12 UM 2004 Nadsa
NOOR SAAZAI Mat Saad. The perceptual Sarjana Sains Kejuruteraan (M.Eng.Sc.)
learning styles of upper secondary ESL
students in a Malaysian rural school. Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam
PE1128 UM 2004 Noosms
KHOO, Hooi Ling. A simulation study of
SHARIFAH HAFIZAH Syed Abdul Kadir. ramp metering on urban freeways.
Metaphors in stock market news reporting. TA145 UM 2004 Kho
PE1128 UM 2004 Shahsak
PAN, Wang Fook. Engineering properties
WAN AIDA Wan Hassan. The role of time- and durability of superlasticised metakaolin
intervals in teaching and learning of concrete with different water/binder ratios.
vocabulary in ESL classrooms. TA7 UM 2004 Pan
PE1128 UM 2004 Wanawh
BUSHROA Abdul Razak. Preparation and
ZARINA Mohd. Ali. The use of E-mail in characterization of deposited 3C-SiC films
business English : a case study. for electronic applications.
PE1128 UM 2004 Zarma TA7 UM 2004 Busar
ZURINA Haji Zubir. The use of cartoons in KOAY, Mei Hyie. Influence of composition
English language learning. on the electromagnetic properties of
PE1128 UM 2004 Zurhz MgCuZn ferrites.
TA145 UM 2004 Koa
Sarjana Linguistik (M. Ling)
EDI Majuar. Mechanical properties and
JOANNA Lwi. Penggunaan metafora durability high strength rice husk ash
dalam bahasa iklan cetak : satu kajian concrete.
semantik. TA145 UM 2004 Edi
P121 UM 2004 Joa
MOHAMMED YAZIZ Ahmad. Integrasi
LOI, Kiew Kiong. Penggunaan ayat majmuk fotogrametri digital dan sistem maklumat
dalam editorial akhbar Cina tempatan. geografi di dalam perancangan
P121 UM 2004 Loi pembangunan fizikal di institusi pengajian
tinggi awam (kajian kes : Universiti Malaya).
Sarjana Pengajian Bahasa Moden TA7 UM 2004 Mohya
(M. M. L. S)
Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik
AZMAN Azizan. Kiasan bahasa Arab dan
bahasa Melayu : satu kajian perbandingan. HASMAINI Mohamad. Digital simulation of
PB12 UM 2004 Azma pr actica l vo ltage sags , cr itica l
manufacturing process components and geometry achievement and metacognition.
mitigation equipment. LB7 UM 2004 Lam
TK7 UM 2004 Hasm
MARIAM Mohamed Nor. A qualitative study
MOHAMMAD FAIZAL Ismail. Imple- of group writing during process writing
mentation of an iterative maximum a lessons.
posteriori decoder on a configurable LB7 UM 2004 Marmn
embedded processor system.
TK7 UM 2004 Mohfi NAGALINGAM Karuppiah. The information
processing demand of stoichiometric
Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanik problems and its relationship with students'
performance based on selected
MAHENDRA Varman. Cost-efficiency psychometric variables.
analysis in support of the energy efficiency LB7 UM 2004 Nag
standard and label for TV sets in Malaysia.
TJ7 UM 2004 Mah NG, Soo Boon. Implementation of the
revised secondary science curriculum by
CHIN, Chee Lung. Synthesis and master teachers in creating a thoughtful
characterization of MgCuZn ferrites by co- classroom.
precipitation and mixed oxide route. LB7 UM 2004 Ng
TJ7 UM 2004 Chi
NOOR ROHANA Mansor. Analisis soalan
MONG, Weng Khoon. Superintelligent dalam bahan kurikulum bahasa Melayu
hybrid genetic algorithm/self-organizing tingkatan 4 dan 5.
fuzzy logic (SIGA-SOFLC). LB7 UM 2004 Noorm
TJ7 UM 2004 Mon
SA'ADAH Haji Masrukin. Cognitive
DEVARAJ Veerasamy. Concentration of processes in conceptual change in
natural rubber latex by ultrafiltration. electrochemistry among form four
TJ7 UM 2004 Dev Malaysian students.
LB7 UM 2004 Saahm
TAN, Bian Yean. A finger mechanism for a
prosthetic hand. SAEMAH Rahman. Hubungan antara
TJ7 UM 2004 Tan metakognisi, motivasi dan pencapaian
akademik pelajar universiti.
ROSLINA Ismail. Fabrication and LB7 UMP 2004 Saer
properties of nickel aluminide-alumina
intermetallic composite. Sarjana Kaunseling (M. Couns)
TJ7 UM 2004 Rosi
CHIAM, Sueh Li. Keengganan pelajar
FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN mendapatkan perkhidmatan kaunseling :
satu kajian kes di sebuah sekolah
menengah di Kuching.
Doktor Falsafah (Ph.D.)
LB1027.5 UM 2004 Chi
ALI MOH'D JUBRAN Saleh, Principal
leadership and creativity : a study of ELINA Kamaruzzaman. Self-esteem of
Islamic school principals in Jordan. children and adolescents in selected
welfare homes in Selangor and Wilayah
LB7 UM 2004 Ali
LB1027.5 UM 2003 Elik
GOH, Hock Seng. The use of think-aloud
in a collaborative environment to enhance
the reading comprehension abilities of ESL CHANG, Keng Fan. Kepuasan kerja di
students at tertiary level. kalangan guru sekolah jenis kebangsaan
Cina di negeri Selangor.
LB7 UM 2004 Goh
LB1027.5 UM 2004 Cha
LAM, Kah Kei. Effects of structured
cooperative computer-based instruction on KEH, Foo Bee. Validation of the Chinese
version of self-directed search.
LB1027.5 UM 2004 Keh
NORHANA Othman. Keperluan bimbingan learners' oral performance.
dan kaunseling murid-murid di tiga buah LB7 UM 2004 Cho
sekolah rendah di Daerah Gombak
LB1027.5 UM 2004 Noro CHOO, Wee Ling. Evaluation of an English
teaching courseware for form one.
Sarjana Pendidikan (M.Ed.) LB7 UM 2004 Cho
ABDUL RAHMAN Siraj. Kemahiran berfikir CHU, Shuk Lee. Management of quality
kritis dan kreatif dalam pelaksanaan instruction in a private higher institution of
kurikulum Pendidikan Islam di sekolah education : a case study.
menengah dalam daerah Muar, Johor. LB2805 UM 2004 Chu
LB7 UM 2004 Abdrs
CHRISTINA Vanathas. The effect of topic
ABDUL RAHMAN Hassan. The role of a familiarity on learners' listening comprehension.
principal as an instructional leader : a case LB7 UM 2004 Chr
LB7 UM 2004 Abdrh DARMARAJAH Nadarajah. The role of
schema theory in influencing the
ABDUL RAHMAT Abdul Ghani. Gaya understanding of reading texts amongst
pembuatan keputusan dalam pentadbiran form four students.
oleh guru besar dan GPK 1 di sekolah- LB2805 UM 2004 Dar
sekolah rendah daerah Kuantan.
LB7 UM 2004 Abdrag FARIDAH Daud. Masalah buli di kalangan
pelajar sekolah di sebuah sekolah
ABDULLAH Md Isa. Penguasaan fakta menengah di daerah Bentong, Pahang.
asas darab di kalangan murid tahun dua. LB7 UM 2004 Fard
LB7 UM 2004 Abdmi
FOONG, Peik Chow. Problem solving
ALIZA Abdullah. Communication strategies processes in geometry by form four
employed by ESL learners in carrying out students.
oral tasks. LB7 UM 2004 Foo
LB7 UM 2004 Alib
GANTI MATHI S. Kanaratnam.
BALKIS Ahmad. Reaction of teachers Perceptions of teachers towards the
towards the policy of teaching of science teaching of science in English in form one.
and mathematics in the English Language : LB7 UM 2004 Gan
a survey of some schools in the district of
Shah Alam. GNANAKKAN, Satkunamary R. A study of
LB7 UM 2004 Bala the differences in listening comprehension
strategies employed by effective and
BHARATI Samy. Developing students' ineffective listeners in a MUET class.
response towards literary texts using LB7 UM 2004 Gna
journal writing.
LB7 UM 2004 Bha GOPIGHANTAN Mylvaganam. The
perception of ESL learners towards the use
CHAN, Ming Ting. Peranan guru besar of language learning software.
sebagai pemimpin kurikulum : kajian di LB7 UM 2004 Gop
sebuah sekolah rendah kebangsaan di
negeri Melaka. GUAN, Teik Ee. Kematangan kerjaya
LB7 UM 2004 Cha pelajar Cina di sebuah Sekolah Menengah
Jenis Kebangsaan Negeri Perak.
CHONG, En Khee. A comparison of LB7 UM 2004 Gua
meaning negotiation activities and
communication strategies in teacher- GUNASEGRAN Singaraveloo. The role of
student and student-student interaction. prior knowledge in ESL reading
LB7 UM 2004 Cho comprehension among form six students.
LB7 UM 2004 Gun
CHONG, Ik Poh. A study of the effect of
cooperative learning instruction on HAJI OTHMAN, Haji. Pemilihan kerjaya di
kalangan pelajar-pelajar sekolah JORIAH Kamarudin. Tahap EQ pelajar-
menengah di Bandar Seri Begawan, pelajar tingkatan satu di Sekolah
Negara Brunei Darussalam. Menengah Kebangsaan Sentosa, Taman
LB7 UM 2004 Hajo Bandar Baru, Kampar, Perak.
LB7 UM 2004 Jork
HALIPAH Jamaluddin. Keberkesanan
rancangan program pembangunan rohani JUWITA Jamaludin. Kebajikan guru di
di kalangan pelajar sekolah berasrama sekolah rendah dan menengah daerah
penuh di daerah Pekan. Kuantan.
LB7 UM 2004 Halj LB7 UM 2004 Juwj
HASLINAH Johar. Ciri kepimpinan pengetua KHOO, Kin Peng. Keberkesanan kaedah
cemerlang di Daerah Manjung, Perak. keseluruhan kata dalam pengajaran dan
LB7 UM 2004 Hasj pembelajaran Bahasa Cina tahun lima.
LB7 UM 2004 Kho
IRENE Manickam. Developing literacy in a
form four ESL class through situated KONG, Chock Kwong. Penilaian terhadap
practice. pelaksanaan kurikukulum sains tahun satu
LB7 UM 2004 Ire di daerah Bentong Pahang Darul Makmur.
LB7 UM 2004 Kon
IRMADURA Ramli. Children's inter-
pretations of moral values in fairy tales. LAILI Atan. Penggunaan komputer dalam
LB7 UM 2004 Irmr membantu kepimpinan pengajaran guru
besar sekolah-sekolah di daerah Muar.
ISHAK Ismail. Kepuasan kerja guru : satu LB7 UM 2004 Laia
kajian di sebuah sekolah menengah di
Lembah Kelang. LATIFAH Hamid. Pelaksanaan kurikulum
LB7 UM 2004 Ishi matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris di
sekolah menengah : isu dan masalah.
JASSIE Sam. Integrasi teknologi maklumat LB7 UM 2004 Lath
dalam pengajaran pendidikan seni visual
(PSV) sekolah menengah. LENA N. Vimalanandan. Analysis of
LB7 UM 2004 Jas language difficulties encountered by form
one students in solving word problems.
JAYA KUMARI Sohan Lal. Developing LB7 UM 2004 Len
interpretive skills in a literature classroom :
a case study of a form 4 ESL class.
LIEW, Adeline Siew Lian. Exploring situated
LB7 UM 2005 Jay
literacy : a case study of an ESL learner.
LB7 UM 2004 Lie
JOHAN Kadis. Pengurusan disiplin asrama
di sebuah sekolah menengah di daerah
LIEW, Swee Lian. Reading strategies used
Raub, Pahang.
by form four ESL students in one school.
LB7 UM 2004 Johk
LB7 UM 2004 Lie
JOHN, Shiney. Difficulties encountered by
LIM, Siew Hoon. An analysis of
college students in solving probability
communication strategies employed by
ESL learners in group interaction.
LB7 UM 2004 Joh
LB7 UM 2004 Lim
LIM, Soo Lan. The development of komputasi murid.
expository writing skills among pre- LB7 UM 2004 Mdrr
university students : case study.
LB7 UM 2004 Lim MOHAMAD MUNIR Ismail. Faktor
penggunaan komputer di kalangan
LIM, Swee Kee. Keberkesanan kaunseling pentadbir sekolah menengah sebuah
kelompok dalam mempertingkatkan daerah di Kedah.
kecerdasan emosi. LB7 UM 2004 Mohmi
LB1027.5 UM 2004 Lim
MOHD EPENDI Ismail. Persepsi guru
MAGASVARI DOREEN Veerasingam. kanan tentang gaya kepimpinan guru
Dialogue journal writing in a form four besar terhadap keberkesanan pentadbiran
English class. sekolah rendah di Daerah Kuantan,
LB7 UM 2004 Mag Pahang.
LB7 UM 2004 Mohei
MAGENDRAN M. Munisamy.
Keberkesanan imageri dalam latihan di MOHD HISYAM Mohd Isa. Penyelesaian
kalangan atlit sekolah menengah. masalah melibatkan pilihatur dan
LB7 UM 2004 Mag gabungan oleh pelajar tingkatan lima.
LB7 UM 2004 Mohhmi
MANJIT KAUR Gian Singh. Persepsi
pelajar sekolah menengah tentang MOHD. KASHFI Mohd. Jailani. Gaya
pendidikan kewarganegaraan dalam pembelajaran dan tahap kemahiran proses
kurikulum. sains pelajar tingkatan empat.
LB7 UM 2004 Man LB7 UM 2004 Mohkmj
NAZIHA Yahya. The use of journals in persediaan guru sains tingkatan satu.
teaching ESL writing : a case study. LB7 UM 2004 Nort
LB7 UM 2004 Nazy
NUR AKHMAL Ismail. Kesedaran pelajar
NG, Beng Lean. Students' perspectives of tentang pendidikan alam sekitar dalam
effective teaching in private higher learning kurikulum (PAS) geografi.
institutions. LB7 UM 2004 Norai
LB2805 UM 2004 Ng
NURUL AMALI Mohd. Shamsudin. Kajian
NG, Jannet Yin Yin. Collaborative writing perlaksanaan pengajaran tilawah Al-Quran
in a polytechnic classroom. di sekolah menengah agama negeri.
LB7 UM 2004 Ng LB7 UM 2004 Nurams
NIK SALIDAH MAIZAH Nik Saleh. Kajian NURSHAM Abdul Aziz. Penggunaan
antara penguasaan al-Quran dengan pen- internet bagi mata pelajaran bahasa Melayu
capaian mata pelajaran pendidikan Islam. di kalangan pelajar-pelajar tingkatan empat
LB7 UM 2004 Niksmns di dua buah sekolah bestari Kuala Lumpur.
LB7 UM 2004 Nuraa
NOR 'AINUN Amir. Penyelesaian masalah
melibatkan nilai minimum dan maksimum OKADA, Akiko. Team teaching in an EFL
bagi pelajar tingkatan lima. class in Japan: a case study of a Japanese
LB7 UM 2004 Noraa high school.
LB7 UM 2004 Oka
NOR EAZRIN Zaini. Faktor yang
mempengaruhi pencapaian akademik PAKAS RAO Applanaidoo. Kajian minat
pelajar tingkatan empat di sebuah sekolah membaca bahan kesusasteraan Tamil di
menengah di Bentong, Pahang. kalangan pelajar-pelajar tingkatan lima di
LB7 UM 2004 Norez daerah Petaling.
LB7 UM 2004 Pak
NORHAYATI Maskat. A prediction study of
A-level chemistry students' achievement in PUNANESVARAN A. Nadairaja. Faktor
hydrocarbon. yang menyebabkan keciciran pelajar India
LB7 UM 2004 Norm di Kuala Selangor.
LB7 UM 2004 Pun
NORAINI Abdul Rahman. Kreativiti dalam
pengurusan kurikulum bahasa Inggeris : PREMILA Veerasamy. Using task-based
satu tinjauan di beberapa buah sekolah focus on form instruction to develop
menengah harian di Kelantan. proficiency in a UPSR class.
LB7 UM 2004 Norar LB7 UM 2004 Pre
RAZMAN Kamaruddin. Sikap pelajar SAM, Kit Mun. Peranan guru besar
terhadap guru dan pencapaian dalam mata sebagai pemimpin pengajaran di sekolah
pelajaran pendidikan seni. berkesan : persepsi guru di sebuah
LB7 UM 2004 Razk sekolah rendah Kepong.
LB7 UM 2004 Sam
RANVENDER JIT Kaur Banga Singh.
Students' beliefs in learning English as a SAMINATHAN Govindasamy.
second language. Keberkesanan kaedah membaca
LB7 UM 2004 Ran seimbang bahasa Tamil di kalangan murid-
murid tahun satu sekolah rendah.
REDWAN Majid. Pandangan guru-guru LB7 UM 2004 Sam
tentang program perkembangan staf : satu
kajian kes sekolah menengah di Ampang. SAMSUDIN Arsad. Analisis kesalahan
LB7 UM 2004 Redm bahasa dalam karangan bahasa Melayu
oleh pelajar bukan Melayu.
ROJAHAN Haji Abdullah. Pencapaian dan LB7 UM 2004 Sama
kesalahan konsep dalam kerja, tenaga dan
kuasa di kalangan pelajar tingkatan lima SARASWATHY Vellasamy. Keberkesanan
aliran teknikal. demonstrasi dalam meningkatkan
LB7 UM 2004 Rojha pembelajaran sesuatu kemahiran.
LB7 UM 2004 Sar
ROHIZA Jamaluddin. Pencapaian guru
sains sekolah menengah dalam SARIFAH NORAZAH Syed Anuar. Moti-
pernyataan tentang isu alam sekitar. vasi kerja di kalangan guru bukan opsyen
LB7 UM 2004 Rohj di beberapa buah sekolah menengah di
zon Keramat Kuala Lumpur.
ROMZY Kemis. Analisis kesilapan pelajar LB7 UM 2004 Sarnsa
tingkatan empat dalam menyelesaikan
persamaan kuadratik. SELVA JOTHI Gopal. The use of
LB7 UM 2004 Romk conversational storytelling techniques to
develop English language skills.
ROSE MARY Doraisamy. Persepsi guru LB7 UM 2004 Sel
terhadap pengurusan program NILAM
(Nadi Ilmu Amalan Membaca) di sebuah SHAMSUDIN Abdul Rahman. Persepsi
sekolah menengah di daerah Petaling. guru-guru bahasa terhadap penggunaan
LB7 UM 2004 Ros komputer dalam pengajaran bacaan dan
pemahaman di sekolah-sekolah di daerah
ROSLAN Saari. Perspektif guru matematik Sabak Bernam.
terhadap keberkesanan perlaksanaan LB7 UM 2004 Shaar
kerja projek Matematik Tambahan
tingkatan empat. SHAMSUL NIZAM Kachi Mohideen. The
LB7 UM 2004 Ross use of cooperative group work in a form
four reading class.
S. RAJANTHIRAN A. Shanmugam. Faktor LB7 UM 2004 Shankm
yang menyebabkan keciciran pelajar India
di Kuala Selangor [sic]. SHYAMALA K. Sankaran. Using small
LB7 UM 2004 Sra group discussions to develop students
renponses to literature in a form four class.
SANDRA KUMARI Raymond. Coping with LB7 UM 2004 Shy
change in the medium of instruction : a
case study of a form one student. SITI SUAIBAH S. Said. Hubungan gaya
LB7 UM 2004 San komunikasi pengetua dengan kepuasan
kerja guru di sebuah sekolah menengah di
SADHNA NAIR Ramachandran Nair. Shah Alam.
Coping with an unfamiliar language in a LB7 UM 2003 Sitsss
familiar context : teaching science in
English. SOFINAZ Abu Bakar. Inovasi dalam
LB7 UM 2004 Sad pembangunan pendidikan Islam di zon
Sentul, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. sekolah menengah daerah Gombak.
LB7 UM 2004 Sofab LB7 UM 2004 Wmodwm
YONG, Wai Yee. Linguistic and discourse NG, Beng Lean. Students' perspectives of
features in e-mail writing between non- effective teaching in private higher learning
native and native speakers of English institutions.
language. LB2805 UM 2004 Ng
LB7 UM 2004 Yon
RASIDI Md Sidik. Pelaksanaan dasar
YUSRI Mat Johor. Penggunaan komputer penggunaan bahasa Inggeris dalam
dalam pengajaran sejarah tingkatan tiga. pengajaran sains dan matematik di sebuah
LB7 UM 2004 Yusmj sekolah menengah Kuala Lumpur.
LB2805 UM 2004 Rasms
ZAMRI Haji Sulaiman. Persepsi pelajar
tingkatan empat terhadap amalan SURENDRAN Dass. The policy of the
pendekatan pembelajaran konstruktivisme National Accreditation Board on the
dalam mata pelajaran Prinsip Perakaunan approval of programmes submitted by
di dua buah sekolah menengah. Private Higher Educational Institutions.
LB7 UM 2004 Zamhs LB2805 UM 2004 Sur
LOONG, Mee Har. Factors influencing SIM, Helen. Learning simple grammatical
enrolment for new students into a local concepts through.
private higher education institution. LB1028.3 UM 2004 Sim
LB2805 UM 2004 Loo
FAKULTI PERGIGIAN ZURINA Abu Bakar. The quality of life of
young adults in relation to oral health.
Sarjana Pergigian (M. D. Sc.) WU113 UM 2004 Zurab
AZMAN Mohd Yasin. Pay appraisal of the TEH, Teck Chin. Managing a diverse work
other ranks in the Malaysian Army : effects force in the army units through the
on quality of service. effectiveness of human resource
HD31 UM 2004 Azmmy management.
HD31 UM 2004 Teh
BAHAROM Baba. The effectiveness of
Islamic mental and spiritual building policy WAN AZNI Wan Muhammad. Stress and
in the military units (army) : an analysis. depression among military personnel.
HD31 UM 2004 Bahb HD31 UM 2004 Wanawm
CHE AZUHA Shafie. The effect of pay and YAACOB Hashim. Kemampuan askar
allowances on morale of the soldiers in the wataniah menambah besar (augment)
army. angkatan tetap.
HD31 UM 2004 Cheas HD31 UM 2004 Yaah
IDROS Haji Muhammad. Perceived values SYED NAZIR M.S. Kadir. Neonatal
and hindrances of the job as an instructor : screening for congenital hearing loss in
a study of senior non commissioned University Malaya Medical Centre Kuala
officers in the Malaysian Army. Lumpur : a study of incidence and cost
HD31 UM 2004 Idrhm effectiveness.
WS100 UM 2004 Syenmsk
MOHD HATIM Saad. Logistics support
system and its effectiveness in supporting Sarjana Radiologi (M. Rad.)
and maintaining a mission ready fleet in
the Royal Malaysian Navy.
KHAIRUL AZMI Abd Kadir. Combined
HD31 UM 2004 Mohhs
multislice ct pulmonary angiography and ct
venography in patients with suspected
MUSTAFA Ibrahim. A study of the pulmonary embolism.
perception of army officers toward meeting WN100 UM 2004 Khaaak
future security challenge.
HD31 UM 2004 Musi
MOEY Soo Foon. A study of image quality
and dose optimization in paediatric chest
PADMAN K. P. Bhaskaran. Contemporary radiography in Malaysia.
study on the performance management in WN100 UM 2004 Moe
mid-level leaders in the army and it's
effects on motivation.
Sarjana Sains Perubatan (Mikrobiologi)
HD31 UM 2004 Pad
( M. Med. Sc.)
ROSLI Muhammad. Managing competency
ARUL SAKHTI Aruminathan. The role of
amongst drivers tradesman in the service
free radical and/or isoprostane in the
corps : empirical investigation into user and
pathogenesis and intracellular survival of
provider perception of quality.
Burkholderia Pseudomallei in melioidosis.
HD31 UM 2004 Rosm
QW4 UM 2004 Aru
SINGAM, Gerard Denis. Management of
CHAN, Li Li. Molecular basis of multidrug
sport in the Malaysian Armed Forces and
resistance in cryptosporidium parvum.
its relevancy towards the national
QW4 UM 2004 Cha
development of sport.
HD31 UM 2004 Sin
Sarjana Surgeri Ortopedik (M. O. S.) kopsia.
QD3 UMP 2004 Sub
CHANG, Kok Chun. Evaluation of surgical
treatment of displaced pediatric radius & WIDI, Restu Kartiko. Selective oxidation of
ulna shaft fractures by percutaneous cross propane to acrylic acid over multi metal
K-wiring. oxide catalyst.
WE168 UM 2004 Cha QD3 UMP 2004 Wid
HASHIM, Hind Hassan Abdalla. Synthesis NOOR FAIZUL HADRY Nordin. Molecular
and liquid crystal phase behaviour of biological analysis of hydrocarbon
branched chain alkyglycosides. degraders from oily waste polluted sites.
QD3 UMP 2004 Has QH302 UM 2004 Noofhn
ANUAR Alias. Slowly rotating spherically NORHAZLINA Khamis. Analysis of
symmetric wormhole with a cosmological pesticides in water using solid phase
constant. QC3 UM 2004 Anua extraction (SPE).
QD3 UM 2004 Nork
CHEE, William. Thermoluminescence
study of TLD-200, TLD-900, Gd[2]O[3]:Eu POOVANAESVARAN Paramaesvaran.
[3+] and La[2]O[3]: TB[3+] exposed to Monte Carlo simulation of atomic diffusion :
ultraviolet radiation. gold into silicon.
QC3 UM 2004 Che QC3 UM 2004 Poo
PUA, Siew Siew. Determination of KHANG, Tsung Fei. A new generalization
acrylates/methacrylates via dynamic of the logarithmic distribution.
headspace outgassing procedure. QA3 UM 2004 Kha
QD3 UM 2004 Pua
LEE, Chan Lye. On crossing numbers and
TEOH, Kim Tat. Development of peptides removal numbers of graphs.
as inhibitor of dengue virus serotype 2 QA3 UM 2004 Lee
(Den 2) protease.
QH302 UM 2004 Teo LIEW, Kian Wah. A study of the Au-Al wire
bonding image using mixture distribution.
SATARIAH Hassan. Bioassay-guided QA1 UM 2004 Lie
isolation of insecticidal constituents of
Piper sarmentosum. MOK, Chia Yee. Confidence intervals for
QD3 UM 2004 Sath the ratio between two random variables.
QA3 UM 2004 Mok
WONG, Kang Ying. Hydrocarbon
compounds in marine sediments from the PAN, Wei Yeing. Inference concerning the
Gulf of Thailand. diffference of the means of two
QD3 UM 2004 Won distributions.
QA3 UM 2004 Pan
ZUNOLIZA Abdullah. Chemical
constituents of Desmos dunalii. RAJNI Selvaraj. Solving convection-
QD3 UM 2004 Zuna dispersion equation by Eulerian-
Lagrangian method.
ZURINA Marzuki. Characterisation of QA3 UM 2004 Raj
modified silica gel chelating ion exchanger.
QD3 UM 2004 Zurm SITI SUZLIN Supadi. Optimal inventory
control in production system.
Sarjana Bio Teknologi (M.Bio Tech.) QA3 UM 2004 Sitss
CHANG, Chin Shia. Sequence variation of TAN, JOSHUA Juat Huan. Some
latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) from properties of subsets of finite groups.
nasopharyngeal carcinoma. QA3 UM 2004 Tan
TP248.15 UM 2004 Cha
TAN, Tu How. Numerical isomerism.
KO, Kwan Mor. Evaluation of fresh and QA3 UM 2004 Tan
frozen-thawed human sperm
characteristics using automated sperm Jabatan Geologi
TP248.15 UM 2004 Ko MEOR HAKIF Amir Hassan. Stratigraphy
and palaeontology of the transitional
LIM, Hooi Cheng. Molecular typing of sequence between the Upper Setul
Cryptococcus neoformans. Limestone and Kubang Pasu/Singa
TP248.15 UM 2004 Lim formation in northwest Peninsular
NOR HASLINDA Abdul Aziz. Genotyping QE3 UM2004 Meohah
and identification of high-risk human
papilloma virus from cervical specimens Sarjana Pengajian Polisi Sains dan
using polymerase chain reaction approach. Teknologi (M.Sc. Tech. Policy Stud.)
TP248.15 UM 2004 Norhaa
CHEW, Kah Yoke. Environmental ethics
Institut Sains Matematik from the perspective of Daoism.
Q175 UM 2004 Che
HO, Chee Kit. On graphs determined by
their chromatic polynomials. SUZANA Ariff Azizan. Enhancing human
QA3 UMP 2004 Ho resource development through research
and development activities : a comparative Sarjana Sastera (Pengajian Peradaban)
study on Malaysia and Japan. (M.A.(Civilization Stud.))
Q126.9 UM 2004 Suzaa
ABU BAKAR Jaafar. Pertembungan
FAKULTI SASTERA DAN SAINS tamadun Jepun-tamadun Barat :
SOSIAL dampaknya ke atas pembentukan tamadun
Jepun moden.
Doktor Falsafah (PhD) CB20 UM 2004 Abubj
GHAZALI Taib. Sejarah perlombongan SURAIYA Pauzi. Galeri Ilmu Sdn Bhd :
daerah Dungun, 1910-1971. pengurusan penerbitan majalah berunsur
D7 UM 2004 Ghat Islam.
Z278 UM 2004 Surp
JAMALIA Jenni. Krisis air di Lembah
Kelang 1998 : satu analisis kritikal. ZAWIAH Md. Sari. Kajian pengurusan
G59 UM 2004 Jamj penerbitan majalah VISI.
Z278 UM 2004 Zawms
TAN, Lip Thong. Kesusasteraan Mahua
yang bertemakan cintai alam sekitar.
DS703.4 UM 2004 Tan
FAKULTI UNDANG-UNDANG TEOH, Kok Chye. The deterrent effect of
mandatory death sentence in drug cases in
Doktor Falsafah (Ph.D) Malaysia.
K668 Teo
RAHMAH Ismail. Keselamatan produk
pengguna : perlindungan ke atas PARAMESWARY Karpusamy. Death
keselamatan pengguna di peringkat penalty: a case for its abolition.
sebelum, semasa dan selepas pemasaran K668 Par
K668 Rahi A.H. MOHAMAD ZULKIFLY Abdul Hamid.
Entrapment defence in Malaysia.
Sarjana Undang-Undang Pengadilan K668 Ahm
Jenayah (MCJ)
2002 Sarjana Undang-Undang (LLM)
Jaimis Saiman. Amalan pengurusan Tukinah Sadi. Pengurusan pemilihan pakej
kewangan di sebuah sekolah menengah mata pelajaran dengan minat kerjaya
kebangsaan agama bertaraf PTJ di Sabah. pelajar di sebuah sekolah menengah di
LB2831.9 UM 2004 Jais Ampang, Selangor.
LB2831.9 UM 2004 Tuks
Joohari Ariffin. Penyeliaan pengajaran
mata pelajaran sains dalam bahasa Weddia Kimpui. Laporan Pemeriksaan
Inggeris di sebuah sekolah menengah di audit di sebuah sekolah menengah di
daerah Seberang Perai Selatan, Pulau daerah Kuala Penyu, Sabah.
Pinang. LB2831.9 UM 2004 Wed
LB2831.9 UM 2004 Jooa
Zainudin Kusnin. Amalan pengurusan
Magandran Ramasamy. Aplikasi komputer kewangan di sebuah sekolah menengah
dalam pentadbiran di tiga buah sekolah kebangsaan harian di daerah Muar.
jenis kebangsaan (T) di Selangor Darul LB2831.9 UM 2004 Zaik
Mohd Noor Said. Pengurusan kewangan di Sarjana Seni Persembahan
sekolah menengah bantuan penuh M. A (Perform. Arts)
kerajaan dan sekolah menengah bantuan
modal di Pahang.
LOY, Chee Luen. Teater boneka sarung
LB2831.9 UM 2004 Mohns
tangan di Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia :
unsur-unsur pendidikan dan teknik
Sasidharan Vasutheven. Teachers' persembahan.
participation in decision making in a PN2037 UM 2004 Loy
secondary school in Malacca.
LB2831.9 UM 2004 Sas
AKHMAL Ayob. "Ciri-ciri Organisasi Bahagian Penguatkuasa Jabatan Agama
Pembelajaran (Learning Organization). Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI).
Kajian di Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)".
BP43 M42004 Akha APIZAL Md. Nor. Pembiayaan perdaga-
ngan di Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad
AKMALLUDDIN Ilyas. Masalah jenayah (BIMB).
syariah melibatkan warga asing : kajian di BP43 M42004 Apimn
Mahkamah Syariah Johor Bahru.
BP43 M42004 Akmi ASMAT Daud. Peranan Majlis Penasihat
Syariah (MPS) dalam pembangunan
AL ANISAH Dollah @ Abdul Aziz. Konsep produk perbankan : kajian di Bank
al-'adalah dan pelaksanaannya pada Muamalat Malaysia Berhad.
zaman pemerintahan Khalifah Umar bin BP43.2 M42004 Asmd
Abdul Aziz.
BP43 M42004 Aladaz ASWAT Osen. Institusi Baitulmal
Sarawak : sejarah dan undang-undang.
AMAL HAYATI Abdul Rahman. BP43 M42004 Aswo
Penganiayaan terhadap isteri : satu kajian
menurut Enakmen Keluarga Islam Kedah ASYIQIN Abdul Halim. Tuan Guru Dato'
1979. Haji Muhammad Nor bin Haji Ibrahim
BP43 M42004 Amahar Penambang : peranannya dalam institusi
fatwa di Kelantan.
AMALUL IZZAH Hassan. Fatwa BP43.1 M42004 Asyah
Jawatankuasa Syariah Negeri Perak dari
tahun 1995 hingga 2002 : satu analisis. AYU AMIROSEMINI Yusoff. Prosedur
BP43 M42004 Amaih pendakwaan kes cerai tanpa kebenaran
mahkamah : kajian di Mahkamah Rendah
AMINUDDIN Mohamed. Sikap masyarakat Syariah Tanah Merah Kelantan.
Islam terhadap rezeki : satu kajian di BP43 M42004 Ayuay
Daerah Perupok, Bachok, Kelantan.
BP43 M42004 Amim AZEANTI Abdullah. Konsep kesenian :
satu perbandingan antara Antropologi
AMIR HAMZAH Mohd Ali. Talfiq dalam Islam dan Antropologi Barat.
pelaksanaan ibadah solat fardhu : kajian di BP43.1 M42004 Azea
kalangan mahasiswa Akademi Pengajian
Islam,Universiti Malaya. 2004. AZEMAN Mohamad. Sumbangan masjid
BP43 M42004 Amihma kepada masyarakat : kajian kes di Masjid
Ismail Petra, Tanah Merah, Kelantan.
AMIRUL HAFFIZ Ariff. Dasar BP43.2 M42004 Azem
pembangunan holistik kerajaan Negeri
Johor : satu tinjauan menurut perspektif AZHAR Hipni. Skim pembiayaan
Islam. perumahan : perbandingan antara Bank
BP43 M42004 Amiha Bumiputra Commerce Berhad dan Bank
Islam Malaysia Berhad.
AMNAH Shaari. Analisis penggunaan al- BP43 M42004 Azhh
masalih al-mursalah dalam amalan fatwa
di Negeri Kedah (1975-1985). AZIAN Abdul Rahman. Kepuasan
BP43 M42004 Amns perkahwinan di kalangan surirumah di
perkampungan Cenderawasih, Kuantan
ANIMAS Nawi. Masjid Al-Rahman : kajian Pahang.
mengenai sejarah dan sumbangannya BP43.1 M42004 Aziar
dalam pendidikan Islam.
BP43.1 M42004 Anin AZILAH Mohd Noh. Pembiayaan
usahawan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana
ANIS FAZIHA Abdul Halim. Tatacara (IKS): pelaksanaannya di Bank
penyiasatan dan penangkapan oleh Pembangunan dan Infrastruktur Malaysia
Berhad (BPIMB).
BP43 M42004 Azimn
BP43.2 M42004 Ermma
AZLIN Ariffin @ Riffin. Peranan Takaful ERZA ROZANAH Jaim. Isu-isu tentang
Keluarga dalam memberi perlindungan wanita dalam majalah Nur sepanjang
kepada peserta : kajian di Takaful Nasional tahun 2003.
Sdn. Bhd. BP43.1 M42004 Erzrj
BP43.2 M42004 Azlar
FAKHRULROZI Abd Rahman. Pengurusan
AZLINA Abdul. Jabatan Kehakiman aktiviti dakwah masjid-masjid di Gombak.
Syariah Malaysia : ditinjau dari sudut BP43.1 M42004 Fakar
perkembangan dan peranannya dalam
pelaksanaan sistem kehakiman Islam di FAKRUROZI Fadzin. Koleksi hasil
Malaysia. tinggalan sejarah Islam di Negeri Kedah :
BP43 M42004 Azla kajian di Muzium Negeri Kedah Darul
AZLINA Awang. Fungsi dan amalan BP43.1 M42004 Fakf
pelaburan KWSP menurut perspektif
Islam : kajian di KWSP Kuala Lumpur. FAKRUROZI Ismail. Kesedaran
BP43.2 M42004 Azla masyarakat Islam terhadap zakat wang
simpanan : kajian di Wilayah Persekutuan
AZRI Abdul Hair. Imam al-Mahdi al- Kuala Lumpur.
Muntazar dari perspektif Ahlal-Sunnah wa BP43 M42004 Faki
BP43.1 M42004 Azrah FARAWAHIDAH Abdul Rahman. Sejarah
dan perkembangan sistem pendidikan
AZURA Awang. Keberkesanan proses Islam di Johor Bahru.
pembelajaran di tadika-tadika mukim Hulu BP43.1 M42004 Farah
Langat, Selangor.
BP43.1 M42004 Azua FARIDAH ADAWIYAH Abdul Rashid.
Pembuktian dalam kes tuntutan hak
BAHRUDDIN Yaa'cob. Faktor-faktor hadhanah : kajian di Mahkamah Tinggi
berlakunya perceraian di kalangan Syariah Negeri Kedah Darul Aman.
masyarakat Islam : satu kajian di Wilayah BP43 M42004 Faraar
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
BP43 M42004 Bahy FARIDAH HANUM Mohd Yaakob. Struktur
cukai pendapatan ke atas penggajian:
BURHANUDDIN Abdullah. Takaful tinjauan di Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri
Keluarga : sambutan di kalangan (LHDN).
kakitangan akademik Universiti Malaya. BP43 M42004 Farhmy
BP43 M42004 Bura
FATHIEHA Musa. Kajian kes kesalahan-
CHE SABARIAH Mat Daud. Keberkesanan kesalahan matrimoni berdasarkan Akta
kursus perkahwinan dalam meningkatkan Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam Wilayah
kebahagiaan institusi kekeluargaan Islam Persekutuan 1984.
di Kuala Nerang, Kedah. BP43 M42004 Fatm
BP43.2 M42004 Chesmd
FATHIN Ahmad. Sambutan masyarakat
DONE WANI Mohd Darul. Konsep al- terhadap perkhidmatan Bank Islam
Murunah dalam pemikiran Islam : satu Malaysia Berhad : kajian di Cawangan
analisa. Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang.
BP43.1 M42004 Donwmd BP43.1 M42004 Fata
ERMA M. Ali. Prosedur tuntutan harta HABIBAH Nordin. Kesenian Islam dalam
sepencarian di Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah masyarakat Melayu : kajian mengenai seni
Terengganu. kompang di Hulu Langat, Selangor.
BP43.1 M42004 Habn BP43 M42004 Husmh
HAFIZ AMRI Ab. Rahim. Pemahaman dan IDLIANA Ahmad. Kes tertunggak : satu
amalan i'tikaf di kalangan jemaah masjid kajian di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah
Abu Bakar As-Siddiq, Bangsar, Kuala Seremban Negeri Sembilan.
Lumpur. BP43 M42004 Idla
BP43 M42004 Hafaar
IMELDA Hj Bujang. Analisis kes-kes
HAFIZAH Abdul Rahim. Aplikasi prinsip pemberian nafkah anak di Mahkamah
Bay' al-Ma'dum dalam Pasaran Niaga Rendah Syariah Kuching, Sarawak tahun
Hadapan (PNH) di Malaysia. 2000 hingga 2002.
BP43 M42004 Hafar BP43 M42004 Imehb
BP43 M42004 Mazam sadaqah di kalangan masyarakat Islam di
MAZMIN Ag. Matusin. Masalah sosial Pendang, Kedah Darul Aman.
orang dewasa di kalangan masyarakat BP43 M42004 Mohz
Melayu Kg. Benoni Papar, Sabah.
BP43.1 M42004 Mazam MOHAMMAD KHAIRIL Akmal Masduki.
Konsep Captive Mind menurut pandangan
MD NABIL Haji Husain. Hubungan Syed Hussein al-Attas : suatu analisis
penyebab antara pulangan saham Islam kritis.
dan pembolehubah makroekonomi di BP43.1 M42004 Mohkam
Bursa Malaysia.
BP43 M42004 Mdnhh MOHD AB. LATIF Mat Zin. Haji Nik
Mohamed Mohyideen bin Haji Wan Musa :
MEGAT MOHD FARIEQ Megat Abdul sumbangannya kepada pendidikan Islam
Malek. Budaya negatif di APIUM : di Malaysia.
penyelesaian menurut psiko-spritual BP43.2 M42004 Mohalmz
BP43.1 M42004 Megmfmam MOHD AMIR Hj Arifin @ Md Rifin. Isemen
dalam undang-undang tanah : satu kajian
MOHAMAD AFFENDY Junaidi. Kajian kes perbandingan di antara undang-undang
poligami di Mahkamah Syariah Kuching Sivil dan Islam.
Sarawak. BP43 M42004 Mohaha
BP43 M42004 Mohaj
MOHD ASRI Othman. Fenomena
MOHAMAD HAFIZ Romli. Fatwa Majlis 'cybermonia' di kalangan mahasiswa
Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Melayu Islam : satu kajian kes di Pantai
Perlis dari tahun 1985 hingga tahun 1990 : Dalam, Kuala Lumpur.
satu analisis. BP43.2 M42004 Mohao
BP43 M42004 Mohhr
MOHD AZLI Mohd Nizah. Penyeragaman
MOHAMAD NASIR Abd Patah. Tipu helah undang-undang Syariah : kedudukan dan
dalam peperangan mengikut perspektif masa depannya di Malaysia.
Islam. BP43 M42004 Mohamn
BP43 M42004 Mohnap
MOHD BADIE Zakri Zainun. Kadar
MOHAMAD SAMRI Othman. Pandangan pemilikan barang perhiasan di kalangan
suami terhadap penglibatan isteri dalam wanita Islam golongan menengah ditinjau
kerja-kerja kemasyarakatan : satu kajian di dari perspektif pembayaran zakat.
daerah Seremban. BP43 M42004 Mohbzz
BP43 M42004 Mohso
MOHD FAIZ Ibrahim. Perancangan
MOHAMAD SHAFIEE Wahab. Kefahaman kewangan menurut perspektif Islam.
dan pengamalan ibadat solat fardu pelajar BP43 M42004 Mohfi
tahun enam Sekolah Kebangsaan Petaling
(1) Kuala Lumpur. MOHD FAIZAL Md. Lazim. Pungut zakat
BP43 M42004 Mohsw padi di Negeri Kedah Darulaman : kajian
dari tahun 1997 hingga tahun 2002.
MOHAMAD SOLA Zakaria. Kefahaman BP43.2 M42004 Mohfml
warga sekolah terhadap sistem Insurans
Islam (Takaful) : satu kajian di Sekolah MOHD FAKHRU AL-RAZI Ab Rahaman.
Menengah Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, Kuala Peranan Institusi Hisbah : kajian di
Lumpur. Bahagian Penguatkuasaan dan
BP43.2 M42004 Mohsz Pendakwaan Jabatan Agama Islam
Wilayah Persekutuan.
YAZID Marzuki. Persetujuan waris dalam BP43 M42004 Mohfarar
mekanisme agihan harta pusaka di Pejabat
Tanah dan Galian Bangi. MOHD FAUZI Abu @ Hussin. Guna
BP43 M42004 Mohym tenaga graduan syariah Akademi
Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya (1999-
MOHAMAD Zainun. Amalan ibadah 2001).
BP43 M42004 Mohfah BP43.1 M42004 Mohraw
MOHD HAFISZI Othman. Kesan dualisme MOHD RAHIM Ramli. Kefahaman tentang
pendidikan terhadap pengajian syariah di konsep Negara Islam di kalangan
Malaysia. masyarakat luar bandar : satu kajian di
BP43 M42004 Mohho kawasan Banggol Kulim, Rantau Panjang,
MOHD HAFIZH Idris. Peranan Institut BP43 M42004 Mohrr
Dakwah Islamiyah PERKIM (IDIP)
terhadap pembinaan sahsiah mualaf di MOHD RAZIF Abdul Rahman. Pembuktian
Kelantan. dalam kes harta sepencarian : satu kajian
BP43.2 M42004 Mohhi kes di Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Shah
MOHD HAKIMI Hussin. Analisis BP43 M42004 Mohrar
keberkesanan pengagihan dana zakat di
Kota Bharu Kelantan. MOHD RIDZUAN Romli. Zakat
BP43 M42004 Mohhh pendapatan : kajian di negeri Kedah Darul
MOHD HELMI Fahrul Radzi. Perbezaan BP43 M42004 Mohrr
amalan ibadat antara pengikut Shafi'e dan
Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jamaah di Perlis. MOHD RIZUAN Hussin. Peranan sumpah :
BP43 M42004 Mohhfr kajian perbandingan antara undang-
undang Syariah dan undang-undang Sivil.
MOHD HERMAN Mamat. Kod etika BP43 M42004 Mohrh
perubatan mengikut perspektif Islam.
BP43 M42004 Mohhm MOHD ROKHAIMI Zakaria. Keperluan
asas sebagai ukuran penentuan wajib
MOHD HILMI Daud. Kefahaman zakat : kajian di Daerah Kota Setar, Kedah.
masyarakat Islam di mukim Wakaf Bharu BP43 M42004 Mohrz
Kelantan terhadap hukum-hukum berkaitan
masjid. MOHD SABRI Mohamad Hanafi. Sakit
BP43 M42004 Mohhd mental : penyelesaiannya menurut psiko-
spiritual Islam.
MOHD IKRAM Syahmi Ismail. Bid'ah BP43.1 M42004 Mohsmh
menurut pandangan Islam : kajian di
daerah Peringat, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. MOHD SHARIFUDIN Khairudin. Analisis
BP43.2 M42004 Mohisi perancangan strategik menurut perspektif
Islam di Sektor Sosial, Unit Perancangan
MOHD IZUAN Moin. Kaedah Ekonomi Negeri, Suk Negeri Perak.
penyembelihan ayam secara moden (water BP43 M42004 Mohsk
stunner) dianalisis mengikut perspektif fiqh.
BP43.2 M42004 Mohim MOHD ZAINAL ABIDIN Che Mood.
Dakwah terhadap remaja : suatu kajian di
MOHD. MUSDY Fahimi Mohamed. Pasir Mas, Kelantan.
Keberkesanan akhlak dan disiplin di BP43.1 M42004 Mohzacm
kalangan anggota Palapes Darat : satu
kajian di Kompleks Palapes Universiti MOHD ZAKI Sapuan. Peranan wakil rakyat
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. dalam meningkatkan syiar Islam : tinjauan
BP43.1 M42004 Mohmfm di kawasan Hulu Bernam.
BP43 M42004 Mohzs
MOHD. NAZRI Samsudin. Program Bina
Insan menurut perspektif Islam : kajian MOHD ZALIZAL Mohd Desa. Pengurusan
terhadap Latihan Pembangunan aktiviti Masjid Ar Rahman, Kg Tunku,
Organisasi di INMIND (Institut Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Perkembangan Minda). BP43.1 M42004 Mohzmd
BP43 M42004 Mohns
MOHD ZULKIFLI Ismail. Pelaksanaan
MOHD RADHI Abdul Wahab. Kaedah ibadah wajib di kalangan saudara baru :
pengajian akidah di Akademi Pengajian kajian di kalangan pelajar Universiti
Islam Universiti Malaya : suatu analisis. Malaya.
BP43 M42004 Mohzi BP43 M42004 Muhhms
MORSHIDI July. Penguatkuasaan dan MUHAMMAD HAMDY Zulkafli. Konsep
pendakwaan kes lelaki berlagak seperti kepaderian menurut mazhab Roman
perempuan di bawah Enakmen Kesalahan Katholik dalam agama Kristian dan
Syariah Negeri Melaka 1991. pandangan Islam mengenainya.
BP43 M42004 Morj BP43.1 M42004 Muhhz
BP43 M42004 Mura meningkatkan akademik pelajar : kajian di
MUSLIAH Muslim. Jenis-jenis pembubaran Perpustakaan Awam Kota Bharu.
perkahwinan yang didaftarkan di BP43.2 M42004 Niknny
Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Kuala Langat
dari tahun 1998 hingga 2002. NIK ZUBAIRI Abdullah Nik Zabidi.
BP43 M42004 Musm Demokrasi menurut perspektif Islam :
penilaian terhadap pemikiran sarjana-
MUSLIHA Idris. Kedudukan anak tak sah sarjana Islam.
taraf di Malaysia : kajian perbandingan. BP43 M42004 Nikzanz
BP43 M42004 Musi
NILASURYANI Che Mat. Unsur-unsur
NADZIMAH Md Hanafi @ Md Zain. dakwah dalam kesenian dikir barat
Penglibatan wanita dalam Institusi masakini di Kelantan.
Pekebun Kecil (RISDA) di Kelantan. BP43.1 M42004 Nilcm
BP43.2 M42004 Nadmh
NOOR AISHA Yasin. Kebebasan individu
NANI AZILA Abd Rashid. Peranan menurut perspektif siasah Syar'iyyah.
Lembaga Kemajuan Johor Tenggara BP43.2 M42004 Nooay
(KEJORA) dalam pembangunan tempat
tinggal. NOOR AZAREF Naim. Usaha-usaha
BP43 M42004 Nanaar Kerajaan di dalam meningkatkan integriti di
kalangan para penjawat awam di Malaysia.
NANI RAHAYU Abdul Malek. Tempoh BP43 M42004 Nooan
penyelesaian bagi kes-kes pembubaran
perkahwinan dari tahun 2000 hingga 2003 NOOR AZZAM Syah Mohamed.
di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Gombak Penguatkuasaan undang-undang zakat di
Timur : satu kajian. negeri Selangor.
BP43 M42004 Nanram BP43 M42004 Nooasm
BP43 M42004 Noohh
NOOR HIDAYAH Kasim. Hukuman mati NOORUL HUSNA Myiddin. Keberkesanan
dan pelaksanaannya dalam undang- Institut Kemahiran Baitulmal Wilayah
undang di Malaysia : penilaian dari sudut Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dalam
perspektif hukum jenayah Islam. meningkatkan taraf hidup asnaf fakir dan
BP43 M42004 Noohk miskin.
BP43 M42004 Noohm
NOOR IZZUDDIN Mat Zain. Pemikiran Tun
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mengenai hudud : NOORUL WAHIDAH Mohd Yaakob.
analisis kritis. Penetapan kadar nafkah di Mahkamah
BP43.1 M42004 Nooimz Syariah Johor Bahru.
BP43 M42004 Noowmy
NOORADILAH Mohd Rukon. Sains sosial
menurut al-Quran : tumpuan kajian NOORYAHAFIZAH Radzuan. Asas-asas
terhadap bidang ekonomi. pemilihan pakaian di kalangan mahasiswa
BP43.1 M42004 Noomr Islam Universiti Malaya.
BP43 M42004 Noor
NOORAINE Mat Noor. Sejarah
perkembangan Madinatul Ilmi dan NOR ADILA Mohd Noor. Prosedur
peranannya dalam pendidikan Islam di pentadbiran harta wasiat orang-orang
Bachok Kelantan. Islam : kajian di Mahkamah Sivil.
BP43.2 M42004 Noomn BP43 M42004 Noramn
BP43.1 M42004 Norhy BP43.2 M42004 Norzz
NOR HANANI Ismail. Kitab al-Solat Sunan NORA Mat Rasid. Potensi pelaburan harta
Abu Dawud : kajian sanad. wakaf Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat
BP43.1 M42004 Norhi Istiadat Melayu Kelantan.
BP43 M42004 Normr
NOR HASLIZA Nordin. Pandangan kaum
wanita Islam terhadap poligami : satu NORAAINE Ismail. Sistem perakaunan
kajian kes di Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. dan amalan kewangan perniagaan
BP43.2 M42004 Norhn insurans Islam : satu analisis.
BP43 M42004 Nori
NOR HIDAYAH Zakaria. Peranan ibu
dalam mengawal masalah sosial remaja NORAFIZA Ibrahim. Instrumen muamalat
Melayu di Bandar : satu kajian kes di dan pelaksanaannya di Koperasi Guru
rumah pangsa Taman Bukit Angkasa, Melayu Pahang Barat Berhad (KGMPB).
Pantai Dalam, Kuala Lumpur. BP43 M42004 Norii
BP43.2 M42004 Norhz
NORAIDA Yusoff @ Ayub. Kefahaman dan
NOR KARTINI Ghazali. Penerimaan penerimaan masyarakat Melayu terhadap
golongan remaja muslim terhadap seni konsep pelaburan insurans : kajian kes di
persembahan di Universiti Malaya : kajian Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad
di Universiti Malaya. Cawangan Kota Bharu Kelantan.
BP43.2 M42004 Norkg BP43.2 M42004 Nory
Rahim. Dakwah kepada ibu tunggal di BP43.1 M42004 Nory
Pertubuhan Ibu Tunggal Islam, Wilayah NORWANI Arshad. Pelaksanaan
Persekutuan, Selangor. kaunseling di Unit Kaunseling Keluarga,
BP43.1 M42004 Norar Jabatan Agama Islam Kedah (JAIK).
BP43.1 M42004 Nora
NORHAIFA Bakar. Retorik pengucapan
Datuk Abu Hasan Din al-Hafiz. NORYANTI Mad Karim. Pengetahuan
BP43.1 M42004 Norb hukum tajwid mengenai Nun Mati dan
Tanwin (Hukum Lima) : satu kajian
NORHAYATI Abu Bakar. Peranan Jabatan terhadap penduduk Kg. Sasapan Batu
Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sabah Minangkabau, Beranang.
(JHEAINS) dalam memantapkan BP43.1 M42004 Normk
penghayatan Islam di Sabah.
BP43.1 M42004 Norab NUBAILAH Che Ahmad. Kajian kes-kes
harta dom di Mahkamah Syariah Negeri
NORHAYATI Hasbullah. Analisis Kelantan.
penghakiman kes-kes pusaka dan wasiat BP43 M42004 Nubca
di Mahkamah Syariah Kelantan.
BP43 M42004 Norh NUR FAIZAH Pauzi. Penentuan liabiliti
majikan terhadap kecederaan yang dialami
NORHAYATI Hitam. Bank Muamalat pekerja.
Malaysia Berhad (BMMB) : penawaran BP43 M42004 Nurfp
produk pembiayaan kewangan dan
peranannya. NUR FATIMAH Mohamed. Koleksi bahan
BP43.2 M42004 Norh berunsur sejarah dan tamadun Islam :
kajian di Muzium Sejarah Nasional.
NORHAYATI Yaacob. Pembangunan diri BP43.1 M42004 Nurfm
pendakwah menurut Fathi Yakan.
BP43.1 M42004 Nory NUR HANANI Idris. Penubuhan Madrasah
al-Irsyadiah, Marakau Ranau : kajian
NORHIDAYAH Abdul Latep. Kriteria terhadap sumbangan dan peranannya
syariah sekuriti tersenarai di Bursa Saham dalam pendidikan Islam di Sabah.
Kuala Lumpur. BP43.2 M42004 Nurhi
BP43 M42004 Noral
NUR MARLIANAH Abu Bakar. Persetujuan
NORIZAH M. Yusof. Amal ibadat ahli sufi : waris dalam mekanisme agihan harta
kajian terhadap rukun Islam. pusaka orang Islam di Pejabat Tanah dan
BP43.1 M42004 Normy Galian Wilayah Persekutuan.
BP43 M42004 Nurmab
NORLIDAI Shabli. Kesalahan
menyebabkan kematian dengan cuai NURHANI ILYANA Samijan. Penyusuan
menurut Kanun Keseksaan dan ibu menurut al-Quran dan sains : kajian
perbandingannya mengikut hukum syarak. berdasarkan ayat 233, Surah al-Baqarah.
BP43 M42004 Nors BP43.1 M42004 Nuris
NURUL HERNANI Zainuddin. Masalah RADIN FITRIYANI Radin Abd. Muin. Skim
pengurusan dakwah di Yayasan Dakwah pembiayaan kenderaan bermotor : kajian
Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM). perbandingan antara Bank Islam Malaysia
BP43.1 M42004 Nurhz Berhad dan Mayban Finance Berhad.
BP43 M42004 Radfram
NURUL HUDA Che Abdullah.Kebajikan
anak dalam penentuan hak hadhanah : RAFIDAH Abdul Rahim. Penguatkuasaan
kajian kes di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah dan pendakwaan kesalahan tidak
Kota Bharu, Kelantan. menghormati Ramadhan di Kuala
BP43.2 M42004 Nurhca Terengganu.
BP43 M42004 Rafar
NURUL HUDA Haji Md Salleh. Nikah fasid
dan implikasinya dalam sistem RAFIDAH Akhya. Pengaruh kesenian
kekeluargaan Islam : satu kajian menurut Islam dalam seni artifak Melayu : kajian
pandangan fuqaha`. terhadap koleksi di Muzium Seni Asia,
BP43 M42004 Nurhhms Universiti Malaya.
BP43.1 M42004 Rafa
NURULHUDA Omar. Keberkesanan
program Pemulihan Rakan Sekelompok RASYIDA Ismail. Peruntukan poligami :
Amalan Daya Juang Abadi (PERSADA) analisis ke atas Enakmen Pentadbiran
terhadap penagih di Agensi Dadah Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam Perlis
Kebangsaan, Sg. Besi, Kuala Lumpur. 1991.
BP43.1 M42004 Nuro BP43 M42004 Rasi
NURULL ZAWIAH Md. Tohit. Psikologi RAZALI Yusof. Kefahaman dan amalan
warga tua di Rumah Seri Kenangan menutup aurat semasa pergaulan dalam
Cheras. masyarakat Islam di Jeli.
BP43.1 M42004 Nurzmt BP43 M42004 Razy
ROHAZNIDA Abd Rahim.Tadika An-Najmi BP43 M42004 Rosa
Taman Sura Dungun : sejarah penubuhan ROSMAINI Abdul Kadir @ Ismail. Amalan
dan sumbangannya kepada masyarakat sedekah di kalangan masyarakat Islam
setempat. Kampung Lembaga, Gua Musang,
BP43.1 M42004 Rohar Kelantan.
BP43 M42004 Rosaki
ROKIAH Hussin. Feng Shui dalam
pemikiran masyarakat Cina dari perspektif ROSMAWATI Abdul Kadir @ Ismail. Solat
Islam. antara adat atau ibadah : satu tinjauan
BP43.1 M42004 Rokh terhadap kefahaman masyarakat Islam
Kampung Lembaga, Gua Musang,
ROSHAHIZAD Shahidan. Majlis Agama Kelantan.
Islam Negeri Perlis : satu kajian mengenai BP43 M42004 Rosaki
peranannya dalam pentakmiran masjid.
BP43.2 M42004 Ross ROSMAWATI Mat Husin. Peranan Majlis
Perunding Wanita Islam Malaysia dalam
ROSHAIDA Yaacob. Al-Quran braille, aktiviti dakwah di kalangan wanita.
kaedah penerbitan dan sumbangannya BP43.2 M42004 Rosmh
kepada golongan cacat penglihatan :
kajian di Persatuan Orang-Orang Cacat ROSMINI Mat Sood. SMU(A) Ar Rahmah
Penglihatan Islam Malaysia Kenali : suatu kajian mengenai sejarah dan
(PERTIS). peranannya dalam pendidikan Islam di
BP43.2 M42004 Rosy negeri Kelantan.
BP43.1 M42004 Rosms
ROSHIDA Osman. Syeikh Muhammad
Nasir al-Din al-Albani : sumbangannya ROSNI Ismail. Aplikasi insurans Islam di
dalam hadith. Malaysia : kajian di Syarikat Takaful Ikhlas
BP43.1 M42004 Roso Sdn Bhd.
BP43 M42004 Rosi
ROSHILA Abdul Rahman. Unsur-unsur
dakwah dalam novel Mereka Yang ROSNITA Husin. Skim pembiayaan
Tertewas karya Hasanuddin Md. Isa. kenderaan : satu kajian di Bank Islam
BP43.1 M42004 Rosar Malaysia Berhad (BIMB).
BP43.2 M42004 Rosh
ROSIAH Abdul Ghani. Harta intelek
mengikut pandangan Sarjana Islam ROZANA Hashim. Keadilan dalam
semasa. berpoligami : tumpuan kepada surah al-
BP43 M42004 Rosag Nisa, ayat 3.
BP43.1 M42004 Rozh
ROSILAWATI Ismail. Masalah dalam
penghayatan ajaran Islam di kalangan ROZINA Hamdi. Pengagihan zakat di
saudara baru di PERKIM cawangan Kota Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak.
Bharu, Kelantan. BP43 M42004 Rozh
BP43.1 M42004 Rosi
RUHILL HUSNA Mohammad. Analisis kes
ROSLILA Che Isa. Nilai-nilai dalam hadhanah di Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah,
pergaulan masyarakat Melayu di Jeli : satu Alor Setar, Kedah 2000-2003.
kajian mengikut perspektif hukum Islam. BP43 M42004 Ruhhm
BP43 M42004 Rosci
RUSMINI Ahmad. Sumbangan lepasan al-
ROSLINAINI Safie. Etika guru Islam dan Azhar kepada pembangunan sosial : satu
peranannya ke arah pendidikan berkualiti : kajian di Daerah Pasir Mas.
kajian di Sekolah Menengah Agama BP43.1 M42004 Rusa
Maahad Hamidiah Kajang, Selangor.
BP43.1 M42004 Ross SABARIAH Kupun. Faktor kejayaan
kerjaya wanita dalam ruangan "Wanita
ROSLIZA Awang. Kesedaran usahawan Cemerlang" Majalah Mingguan Wanita
Islam tentang zakat perniagaan : kajian di tahun 2002.
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
BP43.1 M42004 Sabk wanita dalam profesion perguruan : kajian
SABARIAH Mohmad Salleh. Perakaunan di Sek. Keb. Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.
zakat pertanian : kajian di Daerah BP43.2 M42004 Silan
Seberang Perai Utara, Pulau Pinang.
BP43 M42004 Sabms SITI AISAH Abdullah. Pensyaratan
mahram dalam ibadah haji bagi wanita
SAKINAH Idris. Pengaruh 'urf dalam yang menunaikan haji : kajian terhadap
penentuan wang hantaran di kalangan kefahaman masyarakat Islam di Kuala
masyarakat : kajian di Kubang Pasu, Lumpur.
Kedah Darul Aman. BP43 M42004 Sitaa
BP43 M42004 Saki
SITI AISYAH Abdul Rahman. Operasi dan
SALEHAH Yaacob. Kajian kes poligami di pengaplikasian surat kredit dalam amalan
Mahkamah Syariah Alor Setar, Kedah. perbankan Islam : kajian di AmBank
BP43 M42004 Saly Malaysia Berhad.
BP43 M42004 Sitaar
SALHAH Awang Tengah. Sidang
kemuncak ke sepuluh Pertubuhan SITI FATIMAH Ibrahim. Kahwin lari dan
Persidangan Islam (OIC) di Putrajaya : hubungannya dengan permasalahan
analisis terhadap deklarasi dan keputusan sosial : kajian kes di Tumpat Kelantan.
yang dicapai. BP43.2 M42004 Sitfi
BP43 M42004 Salat
SITI FATIMAH Md Makhtar. Al-Quran
SALMIYAH Shafie. Pendakwah wanita Mushaf Malaysia : pengaruh seni tempatan
Kelas Pengajian Takmir Masjid dan Surau, terhadap dekoratif dan kaligrafinya.
Kota Bharu, Kelantan. BP43.1 M42004 Sitfmm
BP43.1 M42004 Sals
SITI FATIMAH Saad. Taqlid dan talfiq
SALWANI Abdullah. Rukun fi'li dalam dalam amalan fatwa Jawatankuasa Fatwa
solat : kajian terhadap amalan masyarakat Negeri Kedah Darulaman (1970-1981).
Islam di Kampung Kangkong, Pasir Mas, BP43 M42004 Sitfs
BP43 M42004 Sala SITI HAJAR Baharum. Adat Perpatih dari
perspektif pemikiran Islam.
SALWANIE Abd Manan. Peranan BP43.1 M42004 Sithb
Persatuan Ibu Tunggal dalam
meningkatkan taraf hidup ibu-ibu tunggal : SITI HKAIRATUL Maksumah Basar. Isu-
satu tinjauan di Kuala Lumpur. isu agihan zakat di negeri Selangor Darul
BP43.2 M42004 Salam Ehsan.
BP43 M42004 Sithmb
Penglibatan remaja dalam kesalahan SITI KHADIJAH Abdul Latif. Isu-isu utama
jenayah syariah : satu tinjauan di Bahagian dalam Majalah Dewan Agama dan
Penguatkuasaan dan Pendakwaan, Ipoh falsafah.
Perak. BP43.1 M42004 Sitkal
BP43 M42004 Shass
SITI MARIAM Mohd Noor. Perlaksanaan
SHARIPAH Abdul Halim. Persah ta'liq : dan keberkesanan Kelas Al-Quran dan
satu kajian di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Fardhu Ain (KAFA) di sekolah rendah :
Pendang. kajian kes di Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri
BP43 M42004 Shaah Kiambang Pasir Mas, Kelantan.
BP43.2 M42004 Sitmmn
SHAZLINA Abdul Rashid. Pembuktian
dalam kes-kes kecederaan : suatu kajian SITI MARLIZA Alias. Sambutan penghuni
perbandingan. Apartmen Rajawali Bandar Country
BP43 M42004 Shaar Homes, Rawang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
terhadap program Agama di TV3.
SILANUWANI Awang Ngah. Penglibatan BP43.1 M42004 Sitma
pengamalannya di Malaysia : satu kajian di
SITI NOR FIRDAUS Zakaria. Pentadbiran Pejabat Agama Islam Selangor, Sabak
dan pengurusan Baitulmal dalam Islam : Bernam.
kajian di Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Pulau BP43 M42004 Suhma
Pinang (MAINPP).
BP43.1 M42004 Sitnfz SURAYAWATI Sulaiman. Kesihatan
wanita Melayu Islam luar bandar : satu
SITI NOR RASHIDAH Haji Ahmad. Farak kajian di Pasir Mas, Kelantan.
nikah : satu kajian kes di Mahkamah BP43.2 M42004 Surs
Syariah Negeri Melaka.
BP43 M42004 Sitnrha SUZIANA FAIROZ Md. Ripen.
Keberkesanan khutbah Jumaat dalam
SITI NORULHUDA Mat Jusoh. 'Kaedah memberi kesedaran kepada umat Islam :
penentuan kadar mahar dalam kajian di Masjid Negara Kuala Lumpur.
perkahwinan masyarakat Islam di BP43.2 M42004 Suzfmr
BP43 M42004 Sitnmj SUZIANA Mat Hassan. Peranan Lembaga
Tabung Haji dalam membantu proses
SITI NURBAYA Arzmi. Perlaksanaan simpanan umat Islam : kajian di Lembaga
konsep hibah dalam Pelan Takaful Siswa Tabung Haji Kuala Lumpur.
di Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Sdn Bhd. BP43 M42004 Suzmh
BP43 M42004 Sitna
SYAKIRAH A. Aziz. Fatwa Jawatankuasa
SITI ROKIAH Razali. Peranan imam dalam Syariah Negeri Sembilan dari tahun 1987-
mengimarahkan masjid : kajian kes di 2002 : satu analisis.
Masjid al-Syakirin. BP43 M42004 Syaaa
BP43.2 M42004 Sitrr
SITI SUHANA Sahibul Ghani. Penglibatan Perceraian luar Mahkamah : analisis dari
wanita dalam kesalahan jenayah syariah: aspek pembuktian di Mahkamah Syariah
kajian di Mahkamah Syariah Shah Alam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
tahun 2001-2003. BP43 M42004 Syajzsa
BP43 M42004 Sitssg
SITI ZARINAH Mohd Hussin. Perceraian Sumbangan lepasan al-Azhar terhadap
luar mahkamah secara dokumen : kajian di masyarakat : suatu kajian di Kota Bharu
Mahkamah Syariah Wilayah Persekutuan Kelantan.
Labuan. BP43.1 M42004 Tennarm
BP43 M42004 Sitzmh
THUWAIBAH Hasan. Penggunaan bahasa
SITI ZENANI Hamad. Pejabat Tanah dan Arab dalam subjek teras syariah di
Jajahan Jeli : kajian terhadap pelaksanaan Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti
pembangunan sosio ekonomi masyarakat Malaya : kesan kepada pemahaman
setempat menurut perspektif Islam. pelajar.
BP43 M42004 Sitzh BP43 M42004 Thuh
SUHAIDA Ismail. Kajian kes nusyuz di WAN ABDUL HALIM Wan Omar.
Mahkamah Syariah Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia,
BP43 M42004 Suhi sejarah kemunculan dan pengaruhnya :
satu kajian di Daerah Machang, Kelantan.
SUHAILIZA Abd Hadi. Agihan zakat ke BP43.2 M42004 Wanahwo
atas asnaf fakir dan miskin melalui Skim
Bantuan Kewangan Bulanan : kajian di WAN AHMAD TIRMIZI Wan Sulaiman.
Wilayah Persekutuan. Etika ahli politik menurut siasah syar'iyyah.
BP43 M42004 Suhah BP43 M42004 Wanatws
SUHANA Mohamed Ali. Wali hakim dalam WAN HABSAH Wan Awang. Konsep jihad
sistem perkahwinan Islam dan realiti dalam Islam : kefahaman di kalangan
pelajar Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti
Malaya (APIUM).
BP43.1 M42004 Wanhwa BP43.1 M42004 Yusmy
WAN MUSA Wan Ibrahim. Sikap YUSOFF ZAKI Ramli. Pola berfikir
masyarakat terhadap halal haram masyarakat Islam di Jajahan Tanah Merah
makanan : satu kajian di Kampung Paya Kelantan.
Rambai, Kota Bharu Kelantan. BP43.2 M42004 Yuszr
BP43 M42004 Wanmwi
ZAHRAH Md Zuhri. Pembiayaan
WAN NAIMAH Wan Daud. Analisis perdagangan menurut perspektif Islam :
peminggiran dan kemiskinan bandar : kajian di Bank Industri dan Teknologi
kajian di Daerah Gombak, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Berhad.
(1998-2002). BP43 M42004 Zahmz
BP43 M42004 Wannwd
ZAINAB Mat Yusuf. Permohonan
WAN NOOR AZLINA Wan Ngah. Sistem pengesahan ta'liq : kajian kes di
ganjaran dan kepuasan pekerja : satu Mahkamah Rendah Syari'ah Petaling Jaya,
kajian di JAKIM. Selangor.
BP43 M42004 Wannawn BP43.2 M42004 Zaimy
WAN NURUL ADILAH Wan Ramli. Multi ZAITON Sidi. Perancangan wasiat ke atas
level marketing menurut perspektif Islam : harta pusaka orang Islam : kajian di
kajian di Syarikat Gano Excel Enterprise Amanah Raya Berhad (ARB) Kuala
Sdn. Bhd. Lumpur.
BP43 M42004 Wannawr BP43 M42004 Zais
ZAZILA Ismail. Peranan Bank Islam ARTINA Selamat. Kesalahan bahasa
Malaysia Berhad dalam pembangunan dalam iklan: suatu kajian terhadap akhbar
sosial umat Islam : satu kajian di Selangor Melayu Singapura.
Darul Ehsan. PL5065 2004 Arts
BP43.2 M42004 Zazi
ASNIA Adas. Tautan perulangan:
ZULKEFLI Hamat. Penerbitan rancangan perbandingan antara buku teks Singapura
agama di TV1. dengan Malaysia.
BP43.1 M42004 Zulh PL5065 2004 Asna
ABDUL NIN Hajim. Penjualan ubat-ubatan: GOH, Harn Shan. Pasar malam di
kajian kes di Jalan Masjid India. Semambu, Kuantan, Pahang.
PL5065 2004 Abdnh PL5065 2004 Goh
NORUL ASHIKIN Che Saari. Perbezaan NURUL SAZILA Zulkofli. Kepengarangan
makna antara Bahasa Melayu dengan Anwar Ridhwan dalam penulisan novel.
Bahasa Indonesia. 2004.
PL5065 2004 Noracs PL5065 2004 Nursz
ROSYATIMAH Abdullah @ Abd. Razak. SUNARTI Shafie. Datuk Abu Hasan Din al-
Kata ganda dalam teks Sejarah Melayu. Hafiz: sumbangan dan pemikirannya
PL5065 2004 Rosa dalam penulisan skrip drama.
PL5065 2004 Suns
ROZLIANA Awang Nor. Bahasa Melayu
Pasar di Pasar Minggu Sabak Bernam, SURIA Mohd. Zin. Etnografi kampung:
Selangor Darul Ehsan. tumpuan kepada kegiatan ekonomi
PL5065 2004 Rozan pertanian penanaman getah di Kampung
Desa Sri Haji Anuar 2, Batu 17 Air Hitam,
SARIFAH Yusof. Iman Markisa - Aminah Muar, Johor.
Mokhtar: analisis pemikiran pengarang dan PL5065 2004 Surmz
PL5065 2004 Sary SURIYANI Raming. Suhaimi Haji
Muhammad: satu kajian ketokohannya
SHAFIZA Shamsudin. Keseimbangan dalam kesusasteraan Melayu di Malaysia.
bauran ilmu, emosi dan pemikiran dalam PL5065 2004 Surr
pengkaryaan puisi-puisi Hashim Yaacob.
PL5065 2004 Shas SUZANAHALIZAWATI Nor. Analisis
penggunaan ayat majmuk pancangan
SHURDI Shuib. Takmilah sebagai teori dalam Hikayat Malim Deman.
penyempurnaan: tumpuan novel Diari PL5065 2004 Suzn
Bonda karya Rohani Din.
PL5065 2004 Shus SUZANI Sabran. Unsur-unsur linguistik
Bahasa Melayu dialek Sabah oleh murid-
SITI AISHA Ahmat Yusop. Retorik gaya murid tahun 5 berbangsa Sungai.
ceramah motivasi: analisis retorik paling PL5065 2004 Suzs
PL5065 2004 Sitaay UMMIYAH Ahmad. Pemilik dusun buah-
buahan di Kampung Raga, Yan, Kedah:
SITI MARIYAH Dahari. Muzium Negeri satu kajian etnografi.
Sarawak ke arah pengembangan budaya PL5065 2004 Umma
dalam industri pelancongan.
PL5065 2004 Sitmd WAN NORHIDA W. Ibrahim. Kajian
etnografi Kampung Gong Beris, Marang,
SITI NORBAYA Abdullah Zawawi. Citra Terengganu: tumpuan kepada kegiatan
wanita dalam novel Syumul karya Azmah ekonomi pembakaran arang kayu dan
Nordin. kaitannya dengan pembuatan kayu
PL5065 2004 Sitnaz perabot.
PL5065 2004 Wannwi
SITI NORAINI Ibrahim. Kajian asal usul
nama-nama tempat dari aspek WAN SAKINAH Wan Ismail. Penggunaan
sosiolinguistik: suatu kajian kes di jajahan Bahasa Melayu biasa dan Bahasa Melayu
Bachok, Kelantan. Di Raja dalam filem animasi Putih.
PL5065 2004 Sitni PL5065 2004 Wanswi
SUHAIMI Suradi. Gangguan Bahasa YUZI Ismail. Getah sebagai sumber sosio
Inggeris terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa ekonomi: kajian kes Kampung Bukit Tok
Melayu di Sekolah Menengah Shuqun, Hat Chalok, Setiu, Terengganu Darul Iman.
Singapura. PL5065 2004 Yuzi
PL5065 2004 Suhs
ZARATUL ASHARAH Ahmad Daud. Lumpur : kajian kes harta tanah komersial.
Ekonomi kampung: perusahaan keropok HD1394 2003/04 Arnaa
lekor di Kampung Pulau Belangan,
Bachok, Kelantan. ASOKUMAR Ponnan. Problems on flat in
PL5065 2004 Zaraad industrial building.
TH153 2003/04 Aso
ZUHAINA Hamat. Marsli N.O. sebagai
seorang sasterawan. AZIYAN IRDAWATI Sahari @ Shaari.
PL5065 2004 Zuhh Vandalisme di kawasan perumahan awam
Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur.
FAKULTI ALAM BINA TH153 2003/04 Aziis
ABDUL HADI Abd Jalal. Faktor-faktor yang AZULIANA Mohamad. Falls prevention in
mempengaruhi lokasi kompleks membeli high-rise building construction.
belah. TH153 2003/04 Azum
HD1394 2003/04 Abdhaj
BALKIS Sha'ri. Sejauh mana polisi
ABDUL RAZAK Abu Bakar. Pasaran kerajaan yang digunapakai oleh pemaju
perumahan : kesan pemilihan lokasi perumahan swasta dalam pembangunan
terhadap permintaan dan penawaran. perumahan di Malaysia : kajian kes
TH435 2003/04 Abdrab Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
HD1394 2003/04 Bals
Kesan kedatangan buruh asing ke atas BEE, Sing Lam. The practice of
ekonomi Malaysia. prefabrication system in residential building
TH435 2003/04 Agkmnako in Malaysian construction industry.
TH435 2003/04 Bee
AGNES FLORA Alak. Kecacatan pada
dinding bata (dinding luar) bagi bangunan CHAN, Chang Chiaw. Analysis on the
rumah pangsa empat tingkat di sekitar moisture content of wood decay in
Lembah Kelang. residential house which leads to the
TH153 2003/04 Agn termites infestation.
TH153 2003/04 Cha
Perancangan projek pembinaan : teknik- CHAN, Seng Ching. Residential properties
teknik perancangan dan penjadualan portfolio diversification in Malaysia, 1989-
projek pembinaan. 2001.
TH435 2003/04 Ahmfaf HD1394 2003/04 Cha
AIDA SYELIZA Abdul Jalil. Pengurusan CHIAM, Kher Siew. Construction dispute
risiko kebakaran di Perpustakaan. resolution : arbitration or mediation?
TH435 2003/04 Aidsaj TH435 2003/04 Chi
AMARJIT SINGH Harjit Singh. Kesan CHONG, Siew Kai. Comparison between
kemalangan terhadap pekerja industri traditional method and design & built
binaan di Malaysia. method.
TH435 2003/04 Amas TH153 2003/04 Cho
LEE, Wai Mun. Contractors' MOHAMMAD HARITH Mohd Yunos. A
professionalism : fundamental mistakes study on incinerator technology as an
and ignorance during costing and alternative to solve solid wastage problem
tendering. in Kuala Lumpur.
TH435 2003/04 Lee TH435 2003/04 Mohhmy
LOH, Soon Phong. Variations and their MOHD KHAIRUL A. Khalid. Bandaraya
claims in construction contract. Shah Alam sebuah bandar baru yang
TH435 2003/04 Loh terancang.
HD1394 2003/04 Mohkak
LOW, Emily Sze Yieng. Pipe failures in
water supply system resulting in non- MOHD KHAIROL Shapiee. Kajian
revenue water. pembangunan fizikal di Jalan Petaling,
TH435 2003/04 Low Kuala Lumpur dan kawasan sekitarnya.
HD1394 2003/04 Mohks
MARDIHA Mahmud. Keunikan ciri-ciri dan
sifat-sifat harta tanah sebagai suatu MOHD NATASYA Mohmad Rozee.
alternatif pelaburan. Keselamatan di kawasan tempat letak
HD1394 2003/04 Marm kereta bawah tanah bangunan : kajian kes
Amcorp Mall.
MARLINI Ramlee. The relationship TH153 2003/04 Mohnmr
between construction industry and
Malaysian economy. NADIA MONIRA Mohamed Taib. Public
TH435 2003/04 Marr awareness in quantity surveying discipline.
TH435 2003/04 Nadmmt
MAZLINA Zakaria. Penggunaan topi
keselamatan dan kasut keselamatan di NAZIHAH Azizan. Mengkaji keberkesanan
tapak binaan. fungsi dan peranan zon penampan : kajian
TH153 2003/04 Mazz kes bandar Kinrara, Puchong, Selangor.
TH153 2003/04 Naza
NG, IRENE Ling Ling. The powers and NORIZAN Mahmud. Maintenance on flat
procedures of arbitration in the roof at DBKL flat house.
construction industry. TH153 2003/04 Norm
TH435 2003/04 Ng
NGIAM, Wei. A study on maintenance Analisis terhadap pengecualian cukai
approaches of floor finishes in commercial kadaran/taksiran ke atas harta tanah
kitchen area. kediaman di Majlis Perbandaran Kuala
TH153 2003/04 Ngi Terengganu.
HD1394 2003/04 Nureecb
NGOO, Wai Hong. A research into
oversupply of commercial property in NUR SHARLIZAN Mohd Rapi'ain.
Cheras. Kegagalan pembayaran caj perkhidmatan :
TH153 2003/04 Ngo mengenalpasti punca, faktor dan
kesannya melalui tinjauan terhadap pemilik
NIK AHMAD Khalis Ibrahim. Masalah petak dan perbadanan pengurusan.
banjir kilat di Kuala Lumpur. HD1394 2003/04 Nursmr
TH435 2003/04 Nikaki
NURASHIKIN Abdul Rahim. Maintenance
NOOR AKMAL Adilah Ismail. Peningkatan on building affected by weathering.
keselesaan dalam bangunan di Universiti TH153 2003/04 Nurar
Malaya melalui sistem penyamanan
udara. NURUL HIDAYATI Mohamed. Wanita dan
TH435 2003/04 Nooaai ukur bahan binaan.
TH435 2003/04 Nurhm
NOR AISHAH Mohd Amin. Causes that to
scaffolding collapse at construction sites. NURULLIZAH Mohd Fakhirudin. Risk
TH153 2003/04 Norama management in north-south expressway
project using build-operate-transfer contract.
NOR IZYANI Md Salleh. Comparison of TH435 2003/04 Nurmk
inventory control between conventional
and computerised maintenance ONG, Cheng Gee. Waste management in
management system (CMMS) in large- construction : towards waste minimization.
scale buildings. TH435 2003/04 Ong
TH153 2003/04 Norims
OOI, Boon Leong. Faktor-faktor utama
NOR NGARIFAH Moklis. Kajian yang dipertimbangkan oleh pemaju dalam
perbandingan pengurusan penyenggaraan pembangunan perumahan.
di bangunan kediaman pangsapuri kos HD1394 2003/04 Ooi
rendah bagi Kerajaan Tempatan dan
Badan Berkanun. PENELOPE Sika. Tanah runtuh : punca
TH153 2003/04 Nornm dan pengawalan terhadap pembangunan
kediaman di Bukit Antarabangsa.
NORAINI Mat Yusoh. Sistem pembuangan TH435 2003/04 Pen
air sisa dan najis (sistem pembersihan).
TH435 2003/04 Normy PHANG, Kok Peng. The study on
problems and requirements of
NORAINI Md Salleh. Kajian keretakan underground pedestrian walkway : case
pada bangunan di sekitar Sekolah study in Klang Valley.
Menengah Teknik Kuala Lumpur. TH153 2003/04 Pha
TH153 2003/04 Norms
PHUA, Ser Yong. Project site layout
NORHAFIZA Ahmad. Landskap dalam planning in relation to site constraints in
konteks pengurusan harta tanah. urban building construction in Klang Valley.
HD1394 2003/04 Nora TH435 2003/04 Phu
TEO, Yueh Fung. Kelebihan Pelabuhan FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN
Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) menurut perspektif
pengguna. AARON Justus. Modeling and simulation of
HD1394 2003/04 Teo industrial process using Simulink and fuzzy
logic toolbox in MATLAB.
TEONG, Duong Woon. A study on building TK1 E1477
defects caused by dampness in the
Dindings Poultry Processing Sdn Bhd ABDUL AZIZ Abdul Latif. Embedment
factory in Sitiawan Perak. strength for Malaysian timber MZJ 2.
TH153 2003/04 Teo TA1 C2064
AHMAD ZAIDI Abdul Patar. Study of wear AYU AZIANI Mohd Yusoff. Design of n-
and lubricant in rolling mill system. butanol plant.
TJ1 M1845 TP1 K113
ANUAR Adamuddin. Modelling the variable CHEAH, Chin Wooi. Effect of quarry dust
strength of concrete using mathematical on high strength rice husk ash concrete.
method (NAAH 1). TA1 C2071
TA1 C2068
CHEAH, Keng Soon. A hard to catch
ASIAH Abdul Manaf. Texture segmentation inverted pendulum with wheels (software
using gabor filters. part).
TK1 E1482 TK1 E1485
ASRUL AFFANDI Abdullah. Effect of pipe CHEE, Chin Lee. Use of rice husk for the
geometry on the stability of stratified flow. removal of Cadmium from waste water.
TJ1 M1852 TA1 C2072
ASRUL Sanny Yem. Design and small CHEONG, Soon Yau. Multiple integrated
natural gas fuelled land based power laser engagement - phase II (miles II) : the
generation gas turbine (thermofluids light weapon.
analysis). TK1 E1486
TJ1 M1853
CHEONG, Wei Sheik. Automated theorem
AW, Yong Sem. Development of coolant prover using resolution.
device and study of coolant effect on TK1 E1487
surface grinding machine.
TJ1 M1854
CHEW, En Yong. An investigation on the CHONG, Choon Aun. Novel method of
effect of the curing period on sand- manufacturing collar shaft by the diffusion
bentonite mixture in soil compaction. bonding of duplex stainless steel (DSS)
TA1 C2073 and stainless steel shaft.
TJ1 M1863
CHEW, Kok Kit. Designing plant automatic
watering system. CHONG, Edward Chi-Chien. The effects of
TK1 E1488 lime on the consolidation characteristics of
a kaolinite-bentonite mix.
CHEW, Wui Chai. Performance analysis of TA1 C2075
a household refrigerator cabinet.
TJ1 M1856 CHONG, Fatt Yee. Investigation on the
effects of supply voltage variations on the
CHEW, Wui Gak. Design of ammonia plant performance of transformers.
of capacity 1500 tpd. TK1 E1491
TP1 K116
CHIA, Chee Weng. High performance CHOONG, Kean Tong. Digital IC tester
computing algebraic multigrids. (hardware).
TJ1 M1857 TK1 E1492
CHIA, Kent Wee. Development of new CHOW, Siang Cuan. Studies on lead
coolant and study the coolant effect on removal through oil palm shell.
surface grinding machine. TA1 C2074
TJ1 M1858
CHOY, Han Ping. Electric vehicle
CHIA, Kiah How. Simplified modeling of (hardware).
semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors TK1 E1493
using different types of refrigerant.
TJ1 M1859 CHUA, Pei Shan. Development of single-
strip tester and evaluation on stray flux.
CHIN, Kok Hee. Experimental study on the TK1 E1494
slug velocity in a horizontal pipe using the
pixel shifting method. CHUAH, Chong Chiew. Development of a
TJ1 M1860 gui, diagnostic and communication
software for patient health monitoring and
CHIN, Shin Liang. Electric vehicle. diagnostic.
TK1 E1489 TK1 E1495
CH'NG, Bee Hui. AC power line data DARIN MOREIRA Anthony Vincent. A
transmission in smart environment. comparison between k-epsilon k-omega
TK1 E1490 and les turbulence models in the prediction
of lid driven cavity flow.
CH'NG, Kar Keong. Study the effect of TJ1 M1864
heat treatment process parameters on
mechanical properties and microstructure DAYAGARAN Kanan. Multiple integrated
of structural steel. laser engagement system (miles) : booby
TJ1 M1861 traps.
TK1 E1497
CH'NG, Wah Kee. Theoretical and
experimental analysis of a wickless heat DONNY Raymond Ramba. Simulation of
pipe. AHU room flow distribution.
TJ1 M1862 TJ1 M1865
DZULKIFLE Dawam. Designing a Li-ion GAN, Kok Seng. Simulation and modelling
batteries balancing system. irradiance and solar radiation for
TK1 E1498 photovoltaic system using PSPICE.
TK1 E1504
EDDY Herman Rahmat. Design of
synthetic ammonia production plant. GOH, Chia Lan. Study the effect of
TP1 K117 sintering temperature and sintering time on
grain size and electromagnetic properties
FAIRIZAT Abu Hasan. A study to optimize of MgCuZn ferrite.
electrical energy utilization. TJ1 M1868
TK1 E1499
GOH, Yeh Huann. Ultrasonic range meter
FAIROZE SALWANA Ruslan. Face (transmitter & receiver).
detection based on color information : TK1 E1505
YCrCb color space.
TK1 E1500 GOOI, Leong Ching. Development of
hardware interface and instrument to be
FAIRUS FARIZA Ayoob. A study and used in patient health monitoring and
simulation of multicast communication in diagnostic system.
high speed networks. TK1 E1506
TK1 E1501
HADIJAH Oon. Study on superplasticity of
FAIRUZ Ahmad Barui. Attenuation of duplex stainless steel and its application.
leachate pollution by rapid infiltration using TJ1 M1869
soil column.
TA1 C2077 HAFIS Md. Harif. A study on water
distribution system.
FARAH ADILAH Hj. Wahid. Modelling the TA1 C2081
deformed helix ferroelectric (DHF) effect
for a short pitch ferroelectric liquid crystal HAIRIL HELMY Hamzah. Performance and
device. emissions characteristics of biofuel on
TK1 E1502 turbocharged diesel engine (engine
FARAH HYERANIE Mohamad. The study TJ1 M1870
on mechanical properties of natural fiber
composite. HAIRONI Talib. Miles phase 2 : the body
TJ1 M1866 kit.
TK1 E1507
FARAH MAIZURA Ali. Development of
near net-shape bonding process. HAIRUL ASWADI Rameli. A study on two-
TJ1 M1867 phase flow behavior in subcooled flow
based on three fluid models.
FARIDAH HANIM Mohd Noh. Solar vehicle TJ1 M1871
telemetry system.
TK1 E1503 HAPSAH Mohamad. Potential of
sugarcane bagasse for Chromium (VI)
FATHIAH Nawam. Study of the effects on removal.
fly ash on CBR value for different type of TA1 C2082
TA1 C2078 HARRY, Nick. Pet home alone.
TK1 E1540
FAUZI Abdul Rahman. The effect of used
motor oil on blended cement concrete. HASNULHADY Hasan. Study on the
TA1 C2076 performance of different trellis coded
modulation (TCM) schemes.
FUZAI SYADRIQ Mohd Fuad. A review of TK1 E1508
the implementation and application of ISO
9000(2000) in construction industry.
TA1 C2080
HAZA ANDI Muhammad. Design of timber IZUWAN Ab. Hamid. Eyes extraction from
joint to resist bending moment. the human face and its application to the
TA1 C2083 face recognition.
R856 E66
HAZLEEN Mohd Zakaria. Classroom
design : anthropometric and ergonomics JAMIKALIZA Abdul Karim. Image cleaner
approach. and enhancer.
TJ1 M1872 TK1 E1513
HO, Chee Hoe. Automatic car park KALADEVI Vadivelu. Performance analysis
(hardware part). of orthogonal frequency division
TK1 E1509 multiplexing (OFDM) system (bit error rate
HON, Chee Hock. Turbo coding. TK1 E1514
TK1 E1510
KAMARUL ANUAR Mohamad Kamar.
HOOI, Boon Kheng. Adaptive control Knowledge management in the
design package (controller design). construction industry.
TK1 E1511 TA1 C2088
HOW, Yong Chang. Analysis of sound KHAIRUL AZRIN Yahya. Web based
propagation in an enclosed space. lecturer.
TJ1 M1874 TK1 E1515
HUSNI ALHAN Md. Salimun. Analyical KIMSIN, Jeremy Ronald E. The use of
predication of dryout critical heat flux project management consultant (PMC) in
(CHF) in a force convective boiling. projects.
TJ1 M1875 TA1 C2087
IMELDA LANDER Gregory Jimos. Life LAI, Choon Khong. A study on the
cycle assessment (LCA) study using performance of different trellis-coded
SIMAPRO 5.0. modulation (TCM) schemes.
TA1 C2085 TK1 E1516
IRDA ROYANI Ishak. Hough transform for LAILATUL HARINA Paijan. Blending of
curve detection. recycled polyethylene terephthalate
TK1 E1512 (RPET) with polycarbonate (PC).
TJ1 M1877
LAM, Pai Kam. Mix design of high LIEW, Puei See. A study on geotechnical
performance concrete. parameters for foundation design.
TA1 C2089 TA1 C2093
LATIFAH Muhammad Basir Lubis. LIEW, Seng Chin. Vision based automatic
Evaluation of two-dimensional steering control using fuzzy logic controller.
magnetization for electrical steel. TJ1 M1882
TK1 E1517
LIM, Chin Shin. Structural analysis and
LAU, Chia Lan. Project planning and design of two-way R.C. slabs : structural
control in improving construction project design part.
performance. TA1 C2094
TA1 C2090
LIM, Chun Kiat. Sintering additives (Tin
LAU, Wah Han. Genetic algorithm (IV) oxide) for the processing of MgCuZn
application to timetable scheduling. ferrites.
TK1 E1518 TJ1 M1883
LEE, Han Wah. Urban drainage system LIM, Kah Ming. Ultrasonic range meter
design. (PIC and seven segment display).
TA1 C2091 TK1 E1521
LEE, Sing Hui. Theoretical and experiment LIM, Kang Keat. Eye detection using
analysis of a wickless heat pipe. template matching in frontal images with
TJ1 M1878 uniform background.
TK1 E1522
LEE, Teck Horng. Investigation of total
number of load increment on computation LIM, Kheng Loon. Analysing end-to-end
of localisation in strain-softening delay in VoIP over GPRS.
geomaterials. TK1 E1523
TA1 C2092
LIM, Kin Heng. Development of a
LEE, Tse Twan. Design of ammonia plant prosthetic hand.
of capacity 1500 tpd. TJ1 M1884
TK1 K120
LIM, Kuang Yaw. Robotic vision system.
LEE, Yu Leong. Thermal characteristics of TK1 E1524
solid two gas two phase flow in high
propulsion laval nozzle. LIM, May Ling. Gibbs Random Field (GRF)
TJ1 M1879 for texture synthesis.
TK1 E1525
LEONG, Hoon Yein. Development of
refrigerator-freezer energy labels based on LIM, Tiong San. Heat pump
consumers' perspective. dehumidification dryer.
TJ1 M1880 TJ1 M1885
LEONG, Wei Boon. The study on spark LIM, Yee Chet. Comparison studies on
ignition engine exhaust emissions performance of high energy efficiency
influence by variations of engine setting (EFF1 cemep standard) and low energy
parameter. efficiency motors (EFF3 cemep standard).
TJ1 M1881 TK1 E1526
LEONG, Weng How. Speech recognition LIM, Yew Chai. Cryptography : an exercise
trainer (hardware). to RSA cryptosystem.
TK1 E1519 TK1 E1527
LEOW, Jamie Hui Chen. Automatic car LING, Ling Chui. Treatability of wastewater
park (software). using organic media.
TK1 E1520 TA1 C2095
LISA Yeim. An expert system for user MEGAT MOHD RUSHDI Megat Ngah.
assisted solar cell system selection. Digital clock with prayer tomes.
TK1 E1528 TK1 E1532
LOH, Chang Foo. Design of PIC-based MEOR FAIZUL RANI Mohd Ibrahim. The
vision system. development and effects of clothes
TK1 E1529 washers' energy label in Malaysia.
TJ1 M1889
LOO, Kim Hai. Vision based automatic
steering control using a PID controller. MOHAMAD IZUAN Ab. Khalid. Influence of
TJ1 M1886 fine material on the characteristics of soil
LOW, Ting Kang. The effect of boundary TA1 C2104
size in rough wall analysis of localisation
TA1 C2096 Performance analysis of household
refrigerator cabinet.
LOW, Yit Seng. Analysis of brake specific TJ1 M1890
fuel consumption in a turbocharged diesel
engine using response surface MOHAMMAD ASRI Pauzi. Study on
methodology. characterization and performance of non-
TJ1 M1887 porous bearing material.
TJ1 M1891
LU, Chin Seng. People tracker (hardware).
Biomechanical analysis of spiking
MAH, Sze Chin. The effect of increment technique in sepak takraw during Sea
sizes on computation of localisation in Games 2001.
strain softening geomaterials. R856 E73
TA1 C2097
MAHENDRA Sreedaralingam. Regression Linear generator analysis using finite
analysis of air conditioners in Malaysia. element method magnetic (FEMM).
TJ1 M1888 TK1 E1533
MAK, Chin Onn. Reflection of urbanization MOHAMMAD SAUFI Esa. Analysis of heat
effects on hydrologic modeling of Batu treatment on structural steel.
River catchment. TJ1 M1892
TA1 C2098
MOHD AIDIL Afizie Daud. Energy
MAN, Shee Leong. A computer study of performance analysis of a refrigerator-
groundwater flow through a single clay freezer using response surface
liner. methodology.
TA1 C2099 TJ1 M1893
MOHD. ARIFF Ab. Halim. A quantitative MOHD RAFFIQ Mohd Yunus. Performance
analysis of lift, push, and tumble net shots of a heat pump using direct expansion
in the game of badminton for International solar collectors.
single players during the Thomas Cup TJ1 M1898
2000 (Part 11).
R856 E71 MOHD RIZAL Abdullah. Permeability of
rice husk ash concrete.
MOHD ASYRAF Reduan Azmi. TA1 C2106
Cryptography : an exercise on data
encryption standard (DES) cryptosystem. MOHD SAAD Shaffie. Performance and
TK1 E1534 emissions characteristics of biofule on
turbocharged diesel engine (emissions).
MOHD AZAD Mohd Suan. A quantitative TJ1 M1899
analysis of service, drive and lift in the
games of badminton for International single MOHD SHAHNAZ Sani. Moment resisting
players during the Thomas Cup 2000. joint in Chengal.
R856 E72 TA1 C2107
Mengurangkan kesan kelewatan dan kos Engineering economic in support of the
untuk projek pembinaan. energy efficiency standards for clothes
TA1 C2102 washer.
TJ1 M1900
MOHD FUAD Mohamad. Energy efficiency
programme implementation. MOHD SHAMIL Abdul Samat.
TK1 E1535 Visualization of vision based automatic
steering control using virtual reality
MOHD HASSAN Kalam. Heat transfer and technology.
moisture transport in domestic refrigerators TJ1 M1901
during open door conditions.
TJ1 M1895 MOHD SUHAFRI Supomo. Study on
mechanical properties of PC/PBT/ABS
MOHD HELMI Hashim. Structural works of ternary blends.
steel telecommunication tower project. TJ1 M1902
TA1 C2103
MOHD SYAFIQ Kamaruddin. Real time
MOHD HEZRI Abu Bakar. Digital compass internet surveillance system.
with Qiblat direction. TK1 E1538
TK1 E1536
MOHD SYAHRUL Abd Ghani. Alumina
MOHD IZUDDIN Mohamad. A study on copper oxide ceramics for low friction dry
two-phase flow behaviour in subcooled sliding.
flow boiling based on two-fluid model. TJ1 M1903
TJ1 M1896
MUBARAK HUSSEIN Abdul Alim Sithik.
MOHD IZWAN Mohd Noor. Effects of fiber Implementation of a dims fuzzy control
on bituminous mixes. scheme for a 4 quadrant induction motor
TA1 C2105 drives (MATLAB simulation).
TK1 E1539
MOHD NORLEZAN Rosley. Imple-
mentation of a dims fuzzy logic control MUHAMMAD FAIRUZ Remeli. Experi-
scheme for a 4 quadrant induction motor mental study on the slug velocity in a
drives (hardware). horizontal pipe using the direct overlapping
TK1 E1537 method.
TJ1 M1904
MOHD RADZI Zainuddin. Development of
sintered zirconia from injection moulding MUHAMMAD FAISAL Mansor. Water
process. modelling of flow distribution in AHU room.
TJ1 M1897 TJ1 M1905
MUHAMMAD KAMAL Aman Shah. NOR HANA Mamat. Effectiveness
Understandable and possible improvement evaluation of intra-domain mobility
of room air conditioner energy labels based management protocol (IDMP).
on consumer's perspective. TK1 E1546
TJ1 M1906
NOR HAZREEN Mohd Hanifah. Solar
NAZATUL LIANA Sukiman. Study on vehicle telemetry system.
mechanical properties of natural fiber TK1 E1547
TJ1 M1907 NOR ISHIDA Zainal Abidin. Coating of mild
carbon steel with superplastic duplex
NG, Chen Loon. Theoretical and measured stainless steel.
reverberation times. TJ1 M1912
TJ1 M1908
NG, Swee Kiang. Heat pump modeling. Ageing characteristics of rubberised
TJ1 M1909 bitumen.
TA1 C2109
NIK ABDULLAH Sharris Shihabuddin. Low
cost domestic digital power monitoring NOR ZURAIMY Md Yusoff. N-butanol
device. production plant : design of a plant to
TK1 E1541 produce 250,000 tonnes of n-butanol per
year with purity 99.5%.
NIK AMIZAN Nik Abdul Ghani. TK1 K122
Optimisation of the JOERS/ALVEY
addressing scheme for surface stabilized NORAZIDA Mat Yunus. Design of
ferroelectric liquid crystal (SSFLC) anhydrous ammonia production.
displays. TP1 K123
TK1 E1542
NORBERT Kasimin. Heat pump
NIK MOHD ANAS Nik Abdullah. Simulation dehumidification dryer.
of vision based automatic steering control TJ1 M1913
using simmechanics.
TJ1 M1910 NORFAZLIANA Salleh. Road hump as a
traffic calming device.
NOOR AZEERAH Abbas. Design of a plant TA1 C2108
to produce 250,000 tonnes of n-butanol per
year with purity 99.5%. NORLINA Md Yusof. Development of
TP1 KK121 ultrafine structured carbon steel.
TJ1 M1914
NOOR AZRIN Mohamad Arshad.
Optimisation of the Seiko addressing NORMAIZA Daud. Kajian penggunaan sisa
scheme for surface stabilised ferroelectric kelapa sawit dalam konkrit.
liquid crystal (SSFLC) displays. TA1 C2112
TK1 E1543
NORUL AZUWA Ali Rusdan. A study on
NOOREHA Ahmad. Modelling the light rail transit (LRT) demand in Kuala
deformed helix ferroelectric for a long pitch Lumpur and its conurbation.
liquid crystal device. TA1 C2110
TK1 E1544
NOORSYAKIRIEN Hanifah. Energy Development of design charts for rainwater
efficiency in building Perdanasiswa harvesting systems.
Complex University of Malaya. TA1 C2111
TJ1 M1911
NORZILA HANI Abdul. Arian. Design of
NOR ASYIKIN Abdullah. Face detection ammonia plant of capacity 1500 tpd.
based on color information (HSV color TP1 K124
TK1 E1545
NUR HARIZA Mat Nor. Web-based instrumented treadmill.
interactive product marketing. R856 E76
TK1 E1548
RAJKUMAR Mohanan. Design and
NUR HAZWANI Mohd Latifi. A study of construction of a 3-phase induction motor
exercise stress test using ECG. (stator).
R856 E75 TK1 E1551
NURLIZA Salim. Face detection based on RIDZUAN Zainal Abidin. The uses of
colour information using RGB colour project management consultant (PMC) in
scheme. the mitigation of project delay.
TK1 E1549 TA1 C2117
ONG, Chen Ho. Modeling of plate heat ROSMAWATI Mat Jihin. Blending of
exchanger and condenser working with recyled polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
R134A. with polycarbonate (PC).
TJ1 M1916 TJ1 M1919
ONG, Phei Shen. Biomass production ROSNITA Yosop. Pedestrian facilities and
Chlorella vulgaris UMACC 001 grown on walking characteristics in urban
chicken manure using high-rate algal environment.
ponds (HRAPs). TA1 C2118
TA1 C2114
ROZIMI Ngah. Embedment strength for
OOI, Hock Sheng. Software development Malaysian timber MZJ 2.
for analyzing optimum insulation thickness TA1 C2119
of building wall.
TJ1 M1917 RUFAIHAH Yusoff. Designing egg
OOI, Soo Kee. Root pullout test. TK1 E1552
TA1 C2113
SAAIDAL Razalli Azzuhri. Measurement of
PANG, Bih Fong. Effects of different power line electromagnetic field (EMF).
viscosity agents in the mortar. TK1 E1553
TA1 C2115
PANG, Chan Tze. Signature capture Modelling of SSFLC using three elastic
device using touch screen technology. constants.
TK1 E1550 TK1 E1554
SHAHRUL AMIN Ibrahim. Study on management : an application for SME.
mechanical properties of PC/PBT/PE TA1 C2124
ternary blends.
TJ1 M1922 SRI YOGESWARI Yoganathan. Use of rice
husk for the removal of lead from
SHEIKH MOHD RIDHUAN Sikh Abdullah. wastewater.
Energy performance analysis of a room air TA1 C2124.1
conditioner using response surface
methodology. S U L A I M AN Hashim. Developing
TJ1 M1923 educational circuit analysis software using
object-oriented approach.
SIM, Kian Chye. Pilot symbol assisted TK1 E1557
TK1 E1555 SURAIYA Nadzrah Ramli. Shielding effect
measurement on cable (simulation).
SINGKOI, Jeneffer. Red gypsum addition TK1 E1558
in building material as a resource recovery.
TA1 C2086 SU'UD RIDZUAN Ma'arof. Multiple
integrated laser engagement system
SITI AMINAH Noh. Studies on side- (miles) : remote controlled turret, phase 1.
channel dam spillway flow. TK1 E1559
TA1 C2121
SUZULIWATI Ahmad Saruji. Blending of
SITI HAJAR Othman. Quantitative analysis polycarbonates with acrylonitrile butadiene
of service techniques in sepak takraw styrene.
among new talents during the 9th SUKMA TJ1 M1926
R856 E77 SYAREHAN Hassan. A simulation study of
biomass power plant.
SITI NOOR SYAHREEN Kamaruddin. TK1 E1560
Eyes extraction from the human face and
its application to the face recognition. SYAUZAB Abdul Jalil. Rear wing spoiler
R856 E74 CFD analysis of a car.
TJ1 M1927
SITI SERINARA Abdul H am i d .
Characteristics of flow under radial gate TAN, Alan Tin Jon. Developing image
control. processing for vision based automatic
TA1 C2120 steering control system.
TJ1 M1928
SITI ZURAIDAH Ibrahim. Texture
classification using gabor filters. TAN, Chew Keng. Two-way wireless car
TK1 E1556 security system (hardware).
TK1 E1561
SIVA BALAN Joega Nathan. Design and
development of a remote control mobile TAN, Chou Chin. Analysis of sound
platform for critical environment. propagation in an enclosed space.
TJ1 M1924 TJ1 M1929
SONG, See Siong. Incremental finite TAN, Chun Pin. Digital IC tester (software).
element analysis of embankment dams. TK1 E1562
TA1 C2125
TAN, Kian Wee. Interface effect in zoned
SOO, Koh Hoe. Experimental study on the embankment dams.
slug velocity in a horizontal pipe using the TA1 C2127
pixel shifting method.
TJ1 M1925 TAN, Kim Tiam. Structural analysis and
design of reinforced concrete beams :
SRI VIKNA Rohan. Implementation of EMS design part.
ISO 14001 for environmental TA1 C2126
TAN, Kok Liang. Distributed control system TEOH, Ban Tat. Traffic improvement study
using fuzzy logic control. for University of Malaya campus.
TK1 E1563 TA1 C2132
TAN, Mei Yen. Two-way wireless car THAM, Veng Leong. Development of a
security systems (software). prosthetic hand.
TK1 E1564 TJ1 M1931
ZARINA Kamaruddin. Pedestrian facilities ISNEY ZAIREEN Rose Zaini. EPMA
and walking characteristics in urban (Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer) study with
environment. emphasis on characterization of topaz and
TA1 C2146 associated heavy minerals at Tekka area,
Ipoh, Perak.
ZARIYAH Abdullah. Flux distributions QE299 2003/2004 Isnzrz
assesment in laminated soft magnetic
materials (software). JOHN MARK Anthoa. Sedimentology and
TK1 E1583 structural geology of the Bandar Seri
Iskandar area, Perak Darul Ridzuan.
ZIN IZZUDDIN Mahrim. Energy efficiency QE299 2003/2004 Joh
in high rise building.
TJ1 M1943 JOSEPH Gnapragasan. Geologi am
kawasan Kg. Mengkuang, dengan
ZUHURAH Zaibidi. High speed traffic penekanan kepada peluluhawaan granit.
analysis. QE299 2003/2004 Jos
TK1 E1584
JULIANA Shafii. Geologi am kawasan
QE299 2003/2004 Juls
Jabatan Geologi
MD. FAIRUL Adnan. Kajian geofizik
kawasan Sungai Baru, Masjid Tanah, Alor
ABD. QUDDUS Hashim. Geologi am
Gajah, Melaka.
kawasan Batu Pahat, Johor dengan
QE299 2003/2004 Mdfa
penekanan kepada perihalan dan
pengelasan tanah.
QE299 2003/2004 Abdqh MOHAMMAD HAFIZI Osman. Kajian
EPMA pemineralan emas di dalam sulfid
masif di Tasik Chini, Pahang.
AHMAD HUSAINI Hassan. Geologi am
QE299 2003/2004 Mohho
dan hidrogeologi kawasan Kuala Muda,
Kedah Darul Aman.
QE299 2003/2004 Ahmhh MOHD. ASHWAAD Mohamad. Geologi am
kawasan sekitar Cherating, Pahang Darul
Makmur dengan penekanan kepada kajian
AMIRULHIZAD Bahari. Geologi kawasan
permatang-permatang holosen.
sekitar Kemamas, Terengganu dengan
QE299 2003/2004 Moham
penekanan kepada kajian Permatang Pasir
QE299 2003/2004 Amib MOHD. HAFIZUL Kamaruddin. Kajian
analisis petrologi dan geokimia organik
sampel arang batu Lembangan Barito,
CHOK, Pit Yuen. General geology of the
Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia.
Nenasi area, Pahang, with emphasis on
QE299 2003/2004 Mohhk
peat and soil study.
QE299 2003/2004 Cho
MONIEZSA Joeharee. Sifat petrografi dan
kejuruteraan batuan di Kuari Bukit
ERWAN MARYADDI Wakiman. Geologi
Penggorak, Kuantan, Pahang Darul
am Lebuhraya Butterworth - Kulim dengan
penekanan kepada kestabilan cerun,
QE299 2003/2004 Monj
QE299 2003/2004 Erwmw
HAMZAH Harun. Kajian sedimentologi dan
Mohamad. Geologi am dan penekanan
geologi struktur kawasan Tg. Leman,
terhadap geomorfologi dan mendapan-
Mersing, Johor.
mendapan lanar di kawasan Bruas, Perak.
QE299 2003/2004 Hamh
QE299 2003/2004 MUHAEM
MUHAMMAD SOFI Mohammed Nasir.
Adyll Dadameah. Kajian bahan terluluhawa
Geologi am dan hidrogeologi kawasan
formasi Bukit Kenny di kawasan Bukit
Pokok Sena, Kedah Darul Aman.
Arang dan Bukit Kerinchi.
QE299 2003/2004 Muhsmn
QE299 1003/2004 Honddsad
MUHD. NIZAR Othman. General geology ROZAIMI Mat Moor. Kajian graviti dan
on east-west highway, segment W7 Kulim- magnetik kawasan Jasin, Melaka.
Baling with emphasis on structural & QE299 2003/2004 Rozmm
QE299 2003/2004 Muhno RUSZAIDI Kahar. Kajian sedimentologi
dan geologi struktur kawasan Bentong-
MUSTAZA Musa. Kajian geologi struktur Karak, Pahang Darul Makmur.
kawasan Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul QE299 2003/2004 Rusk
QE299 2003/2004 Musm SAIFUL AZAM Mohd. Nor, Geologi am
dengan penekanan kepada mendapan
NANY ADIFAH Abdullah Kamal. Geologi lanar kawasan Manong, Perak.
am kawasan Lumut dengan penekanan QE299 2003/2004 Saiamn
terhadap analisis kestabilan cerun batuan
granit. SHAZWANIZA Razali. Sifat petrografi dan
QE299 2003/2004 Nanaak kejuruteraan batuan kuari-kuari sekitar
Jalan Santong, Paka, Terengganu Darul
NIK AHMED AZRAN Anizam. Kajian Iman.
magnetik kawasan Simpang Pertang, QE299 2003/2004 Shar
Durian Tipus dan Air Hitam, Negeri
Sembilan. SITI HASMAH Ayub. Sifat petrografi dan
QE299 2003/2004 Nikaaa kejuruteraan batuan kuari Kemaman, Kijal,
Kemaman, Terengganu Darul Iman.
NOOR NASHIRA AZDA Ab. Halim. QE299 2003/2004 Sitha
Geologi am kawasan Air Terjun Lasir,
Tasik Kenyir, Hulu Terengganu, SITI SARAH Baharuddin. Penggunaan
Terengganu Darul Iman. kaedah kerintangan elektrik untuk
QE299 2003/2004 Noonaah mengesan air tanah, Lasah, Sg. Siput (U),
NOR AZLIDA Ismail. Geologi am dan QE299 2003/2004 Sitsb
hidrogeologi akuifer aluvium kawasan
Putrajaya, Selangor. SITI SUHANA Che Mohamed Sukri. Sifat
QE299 2003/2004 Norai petrografi dan kejuruteraan batuan kuari
Kesang, Dungun, Terengganu Darul Iman.
NOR KARTINI SURIATI Mansor. Geologi QE299 2003/2004 Sitscms
am dan penekanan terhadap geomorfologi
mendapan-mendapan lanar di kawasan UMMI FARAH Mohamad Rosli. Geologi
Kampung Dendang, Perak. am dan hidrologi Lembangan Langat.
QE299 2003/2004 Norksm QE299 2003/2004 Ummfmr
FADZLINDA Md Fazil. Impak pem- RADZIAH Ros. Etika perniagaan : satu
bangunan pelancongan terhadap tingkat kajian ke atas Bank Islam Malaysia Bhd.
dan corak gunatenaga dalam sektor HD28 2003/2004 Radr
pelancongan di Telok Batek.
HD28 2003/04 Fadmf RODZIAH Adnan. Etika perniagaan :
pandangan pengguna terhadap isu cetak
JULIANA Jaidye. Persepsi dan kepuasan rompak dan hakcipta di Malaysia.
pengguna terhadap kualiti produk elektrik HD28 2003/2004 Roda
jenama import.
HD28 2003/2004 Julj SITI AISHAH Sadri. Tahap kepuasan
penumpang terhadap perkhidmatan bas
MOHD FARID Sharif. Tekanan kerja di pengantara Putra LRT Sistem 2
kalangan kakitangan pengeluaran : kajian (PUTRALINE).
kes ke atas GBH (Goh Ban Huat) Crown HD28 2003/2004 Sitas
Lynn Sdn. Bhd.
HD28 2003/04 Mohfs SITI NURFATIMAH Ibrahim. Hubungan di
antara Machiavellianisme dan keagamaan
MOHD RIDZWAN Mohd Isa. Minat pelajar di kalangan guru.
dan faktor perangsang ke arah HD28 2003/2004 Sitnfi
HD28 2003/2004 Mohrmi SITI ZAMZARINA Abd Hamid. Aplikasi
model servqual dalam mengukur tahap
NOOR AIDA Mohamed. Keberkesanan kepuasan pengguna terhadap kualiti
radio sebagai satu media mempromosi perkhidmatan bas ekspres Syarikat Resort
barangan kosmetik : hubungan kesedaran World Tours Sdn. Bhd.
pengiklanan dan kesan ke atas kesedaran HD28 2003/2004 Sitzah
pengguna ke atas jenama.
HD28 2003/2004 Nooam ZAIDAH Zakaria. Motivasi dalam kepuasan
NORAZIRAWATI Ismail. Consumer HD28 2003/2004 Zaiz
perceptions towards fish in urban area : an
income group comparison. ZAITUL HAFIZA Jamaludin. Promosi
HD28 2003/2004 Nori mempengaruhi niat pengulangan
pengunjung di taman tema satu kajian kes
NOR FAIZAH FAZEN. Hubungan di antara di 'Wet World' Shah Alam.
Machiavellianisme dan keagamaan di HD28 2003/2004 Zaihj
kalangan bakal guru.
HD28 2003/04 Norff ZULFIKER Pitting. Segmentasi pasaran
industri kereta : Proton-Perusahaan
NOR HAFIDZAH Ismail. Hubungan antara Automobil Nasional.
Machiavellianisme dan keagamaan di HD28 2003/2004 Zulp
kalangan pekerja kolar putih sektor awam.
HD28 2003/2004 Norhi FAKULTI PERUBATAN
NORHAIDAH Liman. Tahap kepuasan Jabatan Perubatan Molekul
pengguna terhadap perkhidmatan
pengangkutan Putra LRT.
KU, Chee Seng. Clinical relevance of
HD28 2003/2004 Norl genetic polymorphism of human CYP2C
subfamily and racial backgrounds in
NOR UMNIYAH Embong. Kedatangan warfarin maintenance dose in Malaysia.
pelancong terhadap impak sosial : satu QV4 2003/2004 Kuc
kajian kes di Pulau Redang, Terengganu.
HD28 2003/04 Norue
FAZIA Mohd Sinang. Studies on the
detection of pneumocystis carinii.
NORZITA Zakaria. Hubungan lokus QU4 2003/2004 Fazms
kawalan dengan komitmen terhadap
organisasi di kalangan pekerja kolar putih
MOHD AZRIL M. Yusof. Species
sektor awam di Lembah Kelang.
identification of cadaveric dipteran flies
HD28 2003/2004 Norz
using the application of DNA techniques.
QU4 2003/2004 Mohamy
NOR AZMA HANNAH Mazlan. Cyto- CHAN, Chau Yong. Perbandingan sikap
protection effects by honey alone or in kematangan kerjaya di kalangan pelajar
combination with methanol extract of sekolah menengah kerajaan dan sekolah
punica granatum L. and ethanol extract of menengah swasta.
nigella sativa L. on ethanol-induced gastric HN700.6 A82003/04 Cha
damage in rats.
QU4 2003/2004 Norahm CHIN, Fei Fong. Corak perhubungan dan
interaksi antara remaja dan ibu bapa: satu
SELING, Neilson Richard. Detection of kajian di Mersing.
acanthamoeba and naegleria in the HN700.6 A82003/04 Chi
swimming pools.
QU4 2003/2004 Sel CHIEW, Roger Chwee Guan. Amalan tilik
nasib di kalangan masyarakat Cina,
ZULKHAIRI Ayop. The effect of palm perbandingan antara golongan tua dengan
vitamin E on recovery after nerve crush muda: kajian kes di pusat Bandaraya
injury in rats. Melaka Bersejarah.
QU4 2003/2004 Zula HN700.6 A82003/04 Chi
AZURA Ab. Majid. Pola kegiatan belia GOH, Mei Mei. Amalan merokok di
desa: satu kajian kes di Kampung Jal kalangan remaja di sekitar pekan Gombak,
Besar, Tumpat Kelantan. Kuala Lumpur.
HN700.6 A82003/04 Azuam HN700.6 A82003/04 Goh
IRMAYANTY Mohd Simin. Putri UMNO LIM, Jenny Hsin Ee. Proses sosialisasi di
dari perspektif kumpulan sasar: kajian kes kalangan keluarga Cina di Taman Saujana
di Batu Pahat, Johor. II, Kamunting, Taiping.
HN700.6 A82003/04 Irmms HN700.6 A82003/04 Lim
rakyat (PPR) di Kampung Kerinchi, Kuala HAZRUL SHAHRIL Azlan Daud. Satu
Lumpur. kajian mengenai prestasi program padi di
G77 M42004 Abdra Kelantan: kajian kes di daerah Tumpat,
AHMAD AZIZI Musa. Pengurusan mampan G77 M42004 Hazsad
hutan bakau: kajian kes hutan bakau Larut
Matang, Perak Darul Ridzuan. HONG, Lay Kiaw. Industri perhotelan di
G77 M42004 Ahmam Kuala Lumpur.
G77 M42004 Hon
Pemuliharaan kepelbagaian tumbuhan JAMILAH Ariffin. Perhotelan di Pulau
hutan hujan tropika: kajian kes Rimba Ilmu Pinang: kawasan kajian Batu Feringghi
Universiti Malaya. dan Tanjung Bungah.
G77 M42004 Ahmram G77 M42004Jama
RUDY Dimi. Insinerator: penggunaannya di ZAIDA Yusof. Analisis banjir kilat pada 10
Lembah Klang. Jun 2003.
G77 M42004 Rud G77 M42004 Zaiy
SHAHURIN Abdul Hamid. Kajian terhadap ZANILA Mohd. Zain. Satu kajian mengenai
sistem pengangkutan KL Monorail. fenomena-fenomena yang berkaitan
G77 M42004 Shaah dengan pencemaran udara di Kuala
SITI RAHAYU Ismail. Pengurusan sampah G77 M42004 Zanmz
sarap di Kuala Lumpur: kajian kes di
Kampung Kerinchi. ZAWIYAH Mohd. Yusof. Menilai sensitiviti
G77 M42004 Sitri isu alam sekitar di kalangan pelajar
Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya
SOON SINGH Bikar Singh. Development (APIUM).
in mountain area and impact on climate: G77 M42004 Zawmy
study area Cameron Highlands.
G77 M42004 Soo ZURAIDAH Zakaria. Operasi perkhidmatan
tren antara bandar oleh KTMB: kajian kes
SUHAILA Othman. Teknik pengawalan Express Wau dari Kuala Lumpur-Tumpat-
hakisan Sungai Kelantan (Kota Bharu). Kuala Lumpur.
G77 M42004 Suho G77 M42004 Zurz
SUNI ANURI Che Mat. Perumahan awam ZURIDA Ngah Abdul Rashid. Kajian
mempengaruhi masalah sosial di Petaling kawasan hijau dan pola gunatanah antara
Jaya: kajian kes di Kampung Medan. tahun 1989 hingga tahun 2000: kajian kes
G77 M42004 Sunacm kawasan terpilih di sekitar Kuala Lumpur.
G77 M42004 Zurnar
WAN AZMI Wan Abdullah. Masalah
hakisan pinggir pantai kesan kepada fizikal Jabatan Pengajian India
dan manusia: kajian kes Pantai Sabak,
Kelantan. AJUNTHA Kuppan. Malaysiath thamil- pen:
G77 M42004 Wanawa pat:aippa:l:arkal:in pa:rvaiyil pen:n:iyam.
WUQWA 2003/04 Aju
WAN NUZAIHAN Wan Hashim. Faktor
perletakan perindustrian: kajian kes BATHMAVATHY Murugan. Nha, n:a, na -
perkembangan struktur perindustrian di kara; la, l:a, l-a - kara; ra, ta - kara el-
Pengkalan Chepa, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. uththukkkaLaikkon : t: a cotkal : in citappu
G77 M42004 Wannwh iyalpukal.
WT O 2003/04 Bat
WILFRED Ediwin. Impak kegiatan
pembalakan ke atas alam sekitar fizikal: CHANTHIRA MALAH Karuppiah. Mu:likai
kajian kes Kg. Patau, Tambunan, Sabah. maruththuvaththil co:thit:am.
G77 M42004 Wil WUIOT 2003/04 Cha
MEENACHI Maruthai, M. Malaysia Thamil- ALIZATU AKMAL Ali @ Mohamad.
thakaval thot:arpu ca:thanangkal:in Jesselton Ice and Power Company, 1913-
tho:t:t:amum val:arcciyum. 1941.
WU77 2003/04 Mee DS596 2004 Aliaa
LATIPAH Idris. Masyarakat Kuala Kubu NOR KASMA Saman. Perusahaan perlom-
(1883-1930): kajian mengenai kegiatan bongan emas di Segama, Sabah 1881-
politik, ekonomi dan sosial. 1941.
DS596 2004 Lati DS596 2004 Norks
MOHD. KHAIRUL FITRI Abdul Hadi. NORUL HUDA Mohamed Alih. Sejarah
Sejarah perkembangan pasukan polis perdebatan di Parlimen di bawah
Selangor, 1875-1895. pentadbiran Tun Abdul Razak, 1970-1976.
DS596 2004 Mohkfah DS596 2004 Norhma
tentang penulisan mimpi, fantasi dan alam TAN, Hui Wen. Qi Jun san wen de you
tidak sedar dalam novel "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi". qing shi jie: lun qi wen hua xuan ze yu
PL3097 M42004 Lim chuang zou qing xiang = Dunia sentimental
prosa Qi Jun : satu kajian pemilihan
LIM, Woon Hua. Han yu ji Ma lai xi ya hua budaya dan arah kreativiti.
yu zhi wai lai ci chu tan = Kata pinjaman PL3097 M42004 Tan
dalam Bahasa Cina di Negeri China dan
Malaysia. TEO, Siau Jin. Sha ba <you yi hua kai>: yi
PL3097 M42004 Lim ge lai zhi ge yuan liu zhong xue hua wen
xue hui de fei zhen shi lian yi xing zu zhi
NG, Mei Wan. Yan Ge Ling xiao shuo <Fu (1977-2002) = Persatuan Semarak
Sang> de tan tao = Satu kajian Persahabatan Belia Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
fiksyen Yan Ge Ling yang bertajuk Fu (1977-2002) : satu kajian kes.
Sang. PL3097 M42004 Teo
PL3097 M42004 Ng
TEY, Sin Yee. Ma liu jia ba ba ma lai yu
ONG, Siew Kian. Tang ren xiao shuo zhong de fu jian fang yan jie ci = Kata
zhong de ji meng xiao shuo = Satu kajian pinjam Hokkien dalam Bahasa Melayu
novel catatan mimpi dalam novel Dinasti Baba di Melaka.
Tang. PL3097 M42004 Tey
PL3097 M42004 Ong
TH'NG, Bee Fu. Zhang Ai Ling yu Tang shi
ONG, Yin Hsiar. Ma lai xi ya guang tong = Petikan dan alusi : sajak Dinasti Tang
hua yan jiu = Kajian dialek antonis di dalam karya Eileen Chang.
Malaysia. PL3097 M42004 Thn
PL3097 M42004 Ong
WONG, Pak Chiong. Shi wu fu zhou fan
SEOW, Yuening. Ma lai xi ya hua yu guang yan ci xing yu ci hui de te se = Keunikan
bo zhong de yu yin wen ti = Isu-isu fonetik dialek Fuzhou : kajian ciri-ciri dan kosa
dalam siaran radio Bahasa Mandarin di kata dialek Fuzhou di Sibu, Sarawak.
Malaysia. PL3097 M42004 Won
PL3097 M42004 Seo
WONG, Yin Ting. Cong Ma lai xi ya yue yu
SOO, Siew Sen. Qian tan <Wei Cheng> yu Guang zhou Xiang gang yue yu ci hui
yong yu li de xi fang wen cai = Analisis zhi yi tong tan tao ben di yua yu te se =
tentang penggunaan bahasa yang Perbandingan keunikan kosa kata dialek
mengandungi unsur-unsur Barat dalam kantonis di Malaysia, Guangzhou dan
novel Wei Cheng. Hong Kong.
PL3097 M42004 Soo PL3097 M42004 Won
KHAIRUL Bariah Samsuddin. Poligami obligations” in the light of the increasing
dalam perundangan Islam. regional economics co-operation &
K668 FUU 750 liberalization.
K668 FUU 755
TEW, Min Siew. Prinsip
ketidakbolehsangkalan hakmilik undang- UMI Atiyyah Che’ Azmi. Kajian
undang tanah di Malaysia. perbandingan: di antara institusi hisbah
K668 FUU 753 dan Ombudsman.
K668 FUU 754
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Tahun 2004 telah diadakan di Dewan Tunku Canselor, Universiti
Malaya pada 9 Disember 2004. Beberapa orang staf pelbagai peringkat yang telah menunjukkan
prestasi cemerlang sepanjang tahun 2003 telah menerima Anugerah dan Sijil masing-masing
daripada Naib Canselor, Y. Bhg. Dato' Profesor Dr. Hashim Yaacob.
Staf perpustakaan yang telah menerima Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Tahun 2004 adalah
seperti berikut :
Staf perpustakaan yang telah menerima Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Tahun 2004 adalah
seperti berikut :
1. Sanisah bt. Bidin (Penolong Pegawai Sistem Maklumat F29)
2. Mohd. Arnuar b. Mohd Idris (Pembantu Perpustakaan S17)
Mohammed Zaki Abd Rahman, [email protected]
Shamsiah Abu Bakar, [email protected]
Bahagian Pembangunan Pangkalan Data
Encik Mohd Azrul Hisham bin Bohari, 16 Pembantu Am Rendah (N1) - seorang
Julai 2004. Puan Normah binti Mat Esa, 30 Julai 2004.
Encik Mohamad Shahril bin Abdul
Rahman, 17 Ogos 2004.
Pembantu Perpustakaan (S17) – 5 orang
Encik Zahariman bin Zainal Abidin, 23
Ogos 2004. Encik Parisamy a/l Kulapiri, 6 Julai 2004.
Encik Mohd Shukri bin Bakar dan Encik Encik Hashim bin Dahalan, 11 September
Mohd Idham bin Arsa, 1 September 2004. 2004.
Encik Hairul Nizan bin Ramli, 2 September Encik Varughese a/l Thomas, 5 November
2004. 2004.
Encik Nazri bin Zubil, 3 September 2004. Encik Kamaruddin bin Kilau, 6 November
Encik Mohd Hafizi bin Jafri, 6 September
2004. Encik Anthony Vincent a/l A. Samuel, 13
November 2004.
Cik Iylia Syazana binti Imam Jamal pada
17 November 2004.
Encik Mohamad Azaddin bin Ahmad, Pembantu Tadbir Rendah (N11) - seorang
Encik Gopy Satishvaran a/l Sarvana dan Puan Kalsom Bee binti Hashim, 11
Encik Mohd Rizuan bin Hamzah, 1 November 2004.
Disember 2004.
Encik Khairul Rijal bin Safiee@Hamdan,
21 Disember 2004. Pembantu Tadbir (Perkeranian/Operasi)
(N22)- seorang
Encik Faiz bin Ahmed Supian, 27
Disember 2004. Encik Rajoo a/l Murugaiah, 20 Disember
Kenaikan Pangkat
Juruteknik (B17) - seorang
Encik Sham bin Ismail, 21 Disember 2004.
Encik Md. Hafiz bin Ahmad Zulkifli,
Pembantu Perpustakaan (S17) telah
dinaikkan pangkat ke jawatan Penolong Pertukaran Jabatan
Pegawai Perpustakaan (S27) (Kontrak)
pada 3 November 2004.
Seramai lapan Pembantu Tadbir
(Perkeranian/Operasi) (N17) telah bertukar
Perletakan Jawatan ke Jabatan lain pada tarikh yang
dinyatakan iaitu:
Encik Mohd Yusaini bin Mohd Yusof,
Pembantu Perpustakaan (S17) (Kontrak) Puan Fatimah binti Ngah Ahmad - Pejabat
telah meletakkan jawatan pada 30 Ogos Dekan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan, 17 Mei 2004.
Puan Norizan binti Abd. Raji - Jabatan Noraidah binti Tuanku Abdul Rahman dan
Pengurusan Harta Tanah, Fakulti Alam Cik Norazlina binti Dol @ Othman.
Bina, 15 Ogos 2004.
Puan Marziah binti Babu - Klinik Kesihatan ‘The International Seminar on The
Pelajar, 15 September 2004. Humanities in the 21st Century’ (27 Julai
2004 : Auditorium Fakulti Sastera dan
Puan Zaini binti Jamaludin - Jabatan Sains Sosial), anjuran Fakulti Sastera dan
Farmakologi, Fakulti Perubatan, 16 Sains Sosial, Universiti Malaya - Encik
September 2004. Mohammed Zaki bin Abd. Rahman, Cik
Cik Nor Aishah binti Ahmad Ramli - Noorsuzila binti Mohamad dan Puan
Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Fakulti Rohaizah binti Jaafar.
Kejuruteraan, 16 September 2004.
Puan Faizah binti Abd Rahim - Jabatan Kursus ‘Developing Executive Leadership:
Pembedahan Mulut & Maksilofasial, Fakulti The Situational Leader’ (10-11 Ogos 2004 :
Pergigian, 19 November 2004. Kuala Lumpur) - Encik Mahbob bin Yusof.
Puan Normala binti M. Shamsudin - ‘Malaysia Library Connect Seminar’ (12
Jabatan Biologi Mulut, Fakulti Pergigian, 6 Ogos 2004 : Kuala Lumpur), anjuran
Disember 2004. Elsevier Science & Technology - Puan
Puan Jamiah binti Abd. Rahman - Pejabat Adida binti Mohd Amin, Cik Molly Chuah,
Dekan, Fakulti Pergigian, 8 Disember Encik Mohammed Dzulkarnain bin Abd.
2004. Karim dan YM Tunku Noraidah binti
Tuanku Abdul Rahman.
Jabatan Perdana Menteri - Encik Safri bin Jaya) - Encik Mohd Imran bin Mat Rahim,
Alias, Encik Zohri bin Aziz dan Encik Md. Sawal Nasharill bin Shaari, Mohd
Zulkifle bin Shahid. Radhi bin Mustapha, Encik Prabhakaran
a/l Balachandran, Encik Suhaimi bin Rasol,
Kursus Kenegaraan (26-30 Ogos 2004 : Encik Saipol Kamal bin Idris dan Encik
Kem Bina Negara Meru (A), Selangor), Zamzaliman bin Ghazali.
anjuran Biro Tatanegara, Jabatan Perdana
Menteri - Puan Jamiah binti Abdul Bengkel Pengurusan Insurans bagi
Rahman. Universiti Malaya (5 Oktober 2004 : Kuala
Lumpur), anjuran Syarikat Takaful
Persidangan ‘Occidentalism and Nasional Malaysia Bhd - Puan Koh Ai
Orientalism: Reflections of the East and Peng dan Encik Mohammed Dzulkarnain
the Perceptions of the West’ (14-16 bin Abd. Karim.
September 2004 : Pusat Dialog
Peradaban, Universiti Malaya) - Puan Kursus ‘A Personnel Style and Colour
Noriyah binti Md. Nor. Analysis’ (30 September & 7 Oktober
2004 : Petaling Jaya) - Puan Noriyah binti
Bengkel SPK untuk Ahli Jawatankuasa Md. Nor.
Pusat Tanggungjawab Universiti Malaya
(18-19 September 2004 : Sepang), anjuran Kursus ‘Introduction to SPSS’ (28 Oktober
Unit Pengurusan Penjaminan Kualiti, 2004 : Makmal Lanjutan, Fakulti Sains
Universiti Malaya - Cik Sutarmi binti Komputer Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti
Kasimun. Malaya) - Cik Sossamma George.
Program Pembangunan Diri & Organisasi Kursus Kenegaraan (16-20 Disember
Cemerlang (3-5 Disember 2004 : Kem Al- 2004 : Selangor), anjuran Biro Tatanegara,
Azhar, Morib, Selangor) - Encik Amear Jabatan Perdana Menteri - Puan Masitah
Puzi A. Wahab, Encik Ab. Rahman Abu Mohamad dan Puan Rokiah Jaafar.
Kassim, Encik Amir Nazim Yahaya dan
Encik Neelamagam Suberaminiam. Kursus Penyelenggaraan & Pengukuhan
Komputer (Asas) (23 Disember 2004 :
Kursus Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan Makmal Pusat Teknologi Maklumat,
Organisasi (LOM) untuk Staf Pentadbiran Universiti Malaya) - Encik Choo Keng Koh,
(7-9 Disember 2004 : Port Dickson, Negeri Puan Maznah binti Md. Yunus, Encik
Sembilan) - Encik Mahbob bin Yusof. Ruslan bin Mansor, Encik Ramli bin
Hassan, Encik Mat Isa bin Sulaiman, Puan
Kursus Kenegaraan (9-13 Disember 2004 : Ng Sook Har, Encik Selamat bin Lajis dan
Sabak Bernam) anjuran Biro Tatanegara Puan Rokiah Jaafar.
Jabatan Perdana Menteri - Puan Jainah
binti Abdul Kadir.