Mfg WIP Advisor Webcast 2013 1030Understanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job Closure
Mfg WIP Advisor Webcast 2013 1030Understanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job Closure
Mfg WIP Advisor Webcast 2013 1030Understanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job ClosureUnderstanding Discrete Job Closure
Basem Abdelrahim
Assist users in better understanding and troubleshooting of discrete job closure issues. Address month end issues where material or resource transactions are stuck. This, in turn, will prevent discrete job closure.
open requirement does not appear as valid demand in the Item Supply/Demand form.
You can close several standard and non-standard discrete jobs simultaneously. You
Closing a Job will prevent Cost Update transaction from updating items/resources in a job. Closing a Job writes off any balance remaining in wip elemental valuation accounts Closing a Job will prevent any transactions from occurring. All variances are computed at job close.
Closing a job calculates final costs and variances. The actual close date that you specify determines the accounting period that WIP uses to recognize variances. You can back date the close to a prior open period if desired.
The close process writes off the balances remaining in the WIP elemental valuation accounts to the elemental variance accounts that you defined by accounting class, leaving a zero balance remaining in the closed job.
You can manually close non standard jobs whenever you choose. The job status is set to Closed Jobs with asset type class are costed in the same way as standard jobs, and all variances are computed at job close. For jobs with expense type class, an accounting close is performed on a periodic basis.
You can view information for closed discrete jobs. You also can print reports on
Discrete Job Value Report, which lists standard and non-standard asset jobs, or the Expense Job Value Report, which lists non-standard expense jobs. See: Discrete Job Value Report, page 16-18 and Expense Job Value Report, page 16-23.
Submit and immediately process job close requests Specify a close date other than the system date Unclose discrete jobs Check and resubmit failed job close requests View discrete jobs before closing them
Specify when to submit the close request (concurrent or scheduled processing) Specify a close date other than the system date Use criteria for closing jobs based on a range of accounting classes, job numbers, and dates - including release, start, and completion dates Exclude or include jobs linked to sales orders from the processing Exclude or include uncompleted jobs from the processing Exclude or include jobs with pending transactions
In the Close Discrete Jobs (Form), you cannot close a job that has pending material, resource, or move transactions including those that the concurrent manager has not processed. You also cannot close a job that has uncosted material transactions. If you attempt to close a job for which pending or uncosted transactions exist, the close process fails and the job status changes to Failed Close. When a job with outside processing operations is changed to complete, closed, or canceled status - an informational warning message displays if open purchase orders or requisitions exist for any of the operations. Changing a job status to completed, closed, or canceled is prevented if open reservations exist.
If you attempt one of these transactions for a job linked to a sales order, an error message displays. You have two options in order to continue:
a. b.
Unlink the sales order reserved to this job Reduce the job quantity of the job to equal the completed quantity
6. 7.
If you close a job for an MPS-planned item with a quantity complete different from the quantity originally scheduled, the MPS for the actual quantity is automatically updated. In Oracle Warehouse Management organizations, open move orders for a job are cancelled when the job is closed. However, you must perform an unload task transaction to delete material requirement and move order record.
You cannot unclose a job that does not have a status of Closed. You cannot unclose a job that is linked to a sales order. You also cannot unclose a job that was closed in a now closed accounting period. The form function parameter WIP_WIPDJMDF_CLOSE enables the Unclose option in the Tools menu. See Figure 1. If you do not want Unclose to display in the menu, set the parameter to No. The default for this option is Yes. See Figure 2.
Figure 1
21 Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Figure 2
22 Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
From the queried jobs displayed, select which jobs to reopen. When you reopen a job, it reverts to its pre-close status.
For example, reopening a job that had a pre-close status of Complete changes its status from Closed back to Complete. See: Work In Process Users Guide - Discrete Job Statuses, page 12-6.
3. 4.
Choose Unclose from the Tools menu to submit the request. When you choose Unclose, job statuses are immediately changed to their pre-close status.
[3] Troubleshooting
Check for Stuck Records via Application or SQL*PLUS: ** At the Application Level:
Pending Transactions form N: Inventory -> Transactions -> Pending Transactions Resubmit errored transactions if any exists under Error tab.
Pending Move Transactions form N: Work In Process -> Move Transactions -> Pending Move Transactions Resubmit errored transactions if any exists under Error button
Pending Resource Transactions form N: Work In Process -> Resource Transactions -> Pending Resource Transactions Resubmit errored transactions if any exists under Error button
View Material Transactions form N: Work In Process -> Material Transactions -> View Material Transactions Resubmit errored transactions if any exists under Tools -> Submit All
Uncosted Material Transactions: select * from MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS where costed_flag in ('N','E') where transaction_source_type_id = 5;
Pending or Errored Move Transactions: select * from WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE where process_status in (1,3);
Pending or Errored Resource Transactions: select * from WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE where process_status in (1,3); Error Associated with Resource Transactions: select * from WIP_TXN_INTERFACE_ERRORS where TRANSACTION_ID in (select TRANSACTION_ID from WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE where process_status= 3)
Error Associated with Move Transactions: select * from WIP_TXN_INTERFACE_ERRORS where TRANSACTION_ID in (select TRANSACTION_ID from WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE where process_status= 3)
Unwanted Records in wip_dj_close_temp In some cases, the concurrent process is interrupted or terminated. This, in turn, causes records to get stranded in WIP_DJ_CLOSE_TEMP. If records in this table have status of 'Pending Close', no close routines have been called and committed.
a. b.
Create backup tables for from wip_dj_close_temp and wip_discrete_jobs. Datafix to set all the jobs with Pending Close or Failed Closed to Complete status:
q q
delete wip_dj_close_temp where 1=1; update wip_discrete_jobs set status_type = 4 where status_type in (14, 15) and date_closed is null; commit;
q c.
Responsibility: Work In Process Navigation: Discrete -> Close Discrete Jobs (Form) Query a discrete job with stats Pending Close Go to Tools -> Check Requests 1
You can use the Check Requests option from the Tools menu to manually resubmit jobs that have failed to close and have a Pending Close status. Resubmitting a job with Check Request sets the job's status back to its original status. Resubmitting jobs that have Pending Close statuses because the process has not yet concluded does not interrupt the close process.
No data fix can be provided. The two options are to re-open the closed jobs which would require re-opening the closed inventory periods OR create new jobs for the remaining quantity of the jobs that were closed. If you wish to re-open the Inventory period to allow you re-open the jobs, refer to the following note: Re-Open a Closed Inventory Accounting Period (Doc ID 472631.1)
Go to WIP > Discrete > Close Discrete Jobs (Form) Query the problematic closed job(s) Menu > Tools > Unclose
Code Issue If jobs cannot be closed even though the associated Purchase Order is closed, this could be a bug in the pertinent file (e.g. wicdcl.opp). Data Corruption Example: If cancel_flag = NULL in PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL. Purchase requisition status (cancel_flag) shows as NULL where this should be cancelled instead. Please log an SR to obtain a data fix.
[4] Diagnostics
WIP Diagnostic wipjob11i (see Doc ID 1476250.1) ** This is SQL script that captures the job information from various tables. The output will be named after the wip_entity_id and will be called <wip_entity_id>.lst . The script takes job_name (wip_entity_name) and job_id (wip_entity_id) as inputs and generates a report. ** WIP Diagnostic wipjob11i shows important information to diagnose job closure data, such as: 1. Discrete Job Status 2. Pending or errorred transactions 3. Resource and material records
FND: Debug Log Filename = (Make sure this is null) FND: Debug Log Enabled = Yes FND: Debug Log Level = Statement FND: Debug Log Module = WIP% Remember: select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages; Now do the test case Get the log by: select * from fnd_log_messages where log_sequence > &max_log_sequence; --get this from Step 5..
Enable profile option MRP: DEBUG to YES Enable the level 12 trace with waits and binds for the Job Close Concurrent program Provide the unsorted trace as well as the tkprof Also, provide the log file of the concurrent program
For guidelines on generating level 12 trace files see DOC ID 726039.1. If using this method, ensure that the concurrent program definition does not have the trace option checked. Also be sure to log out of the application before running tkprof to ensure that all the information is dumped to the trace file.
[5] Resources
Oracle Work in Process User's Guide, Release 12, Section Discrete Job Close Oracle Cost Management Users Guide, Release 12, Section Job Close Costing Information Center : Using Oracle Work In Process (Doc ID 1417745.2) Work In Process - Discrete / Lot Based Job Data Collection Script (Doc ID 1476250.1) Discrete Job or EAM Work Order remain stuck in Pending Close Status (Doc ID 158674.1) Closing WIP Jobs Causes (WICDCL - Close Discrete Jobs) Causes WIP_PO_NOT_DELIVERED Message (Doc ID 1352980.1)
Closing 'Failed Close' Discrete Jobs Using the Application (Not A Data Fix). Try this first (Doc ID 422245.1) WIP Close Discrete Job Program (WICDCL) Ends In "Error" Status (Doc ID 1394986.1) WIP Jobs Are Closed But Need To Perform Further Transactions Against Them (Doc ID 1302257.1) How to Close Outside Processing (OSP) Discrete Jobs (Doc ID 1279878.1) How To Get Level 12 Trace And FND Debug File For Concurrent Programs (Doc ID 726039.1)
What we covered today
[1] Technical Overview [2] Discrete Job Closure Flow [3] Troubleshooting [4] Diagnostics [5] Resources
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