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Cdi Xl600 en

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The CDI (Capacitive Discharge Ignition) there is the electronic heart of the XL600. It controls the ignition of the engine. The two XL600 drivers Frosch and Tho as too! the initiative to co e" to the #ster# of the $lac! $o% a little closer. Tho as ade &&a few easure ents on the CDI with its XL600 with 'D0(. Frosch dissected a CDI of 'D0). *oth have $een docu ented in the picture. Finall#" I got (+lli,) the co ponents of the CDI and tried the circuit and co ponent anal#sis of. The principle of the ignition ti ing is provided than!s to Dieter-s research and Tho as- description. .eneral function of the CDI For the XL600 /onda developed $# three different versions of the CDI0 'D0( (1d)0 round connector with 6 pins 2ar!ed 32., CF))43 /onda Code0 (0 )0562.,6745 Ignition data" according to /onda wor!shop anual0 Ignition Ti ing0 68 $efore TDC in 5(00 rp (58 $efore TDC in )000 rp

'D0( (1f)0 two rectangular connector with ) pins and , 2ar!ed 32., CF)4693 /onda Code0 (0 )5062.,67:5 Ignition data" according to /onda wor!shop anual0 Ignition Ti ing0 558 $efore TDC in 5(00 rp (58 $efore TDC in (;00 rp

Further la$eling of CDIs for the 'D0( odels (Fiche61echerche)0 (0 )0562.(600(0 1D" LD all countries e%cept 9ustria and <wit=erland (0 )0562.,67450 1d onl# <wit=erland and 9ustria (0 )0562.,67:50 1f all countries (0 )0562.,67:,0 1 g" h an# countr#

'D0) (all odels)0 two rectangular connector with ) pins and , 2ar!ed 32>; CI6743 /onda Code0 (0 )5062>;600( Ignition data" according to /onda wor!shop anual0 Ignition Ti ing0 78 $efore TDC at 5(00 rp ,78 $efore TDC at )000 rp <i=e co parison" on the left 'D0)" on the right 'D0(. There is a presu ption that the 'D0) CDI is therefore greater" $ecause in her a spar! ti ing ad?ust ent there is reali=ed in event of legac# engine. In the 'D0) CDI there is a pin with a agnetic switch (@) connected" in the 'D0( CDI it is connected to the pulse generator ass.

Connections of the 'D0( CDIs

9ll CDIs have 6 6 and , @) 6 pin connectors with these connections0 Aire color Connection Designation in the sche atic .round charging coil engine stop Ignition Coil 'ulse .enerator 'ulse .enerator <tarter <witch Ignition at ),00 rp XL600

.reen . *lac! B 1ed *L B 1 *lac! B Ahite *l B A *lac! B Cellow *l B C *lue B Cellow f B C .reen B Ahite . B C Cellow B 1ed C B 1 Ignition at 5(;0 rp

.round 9lternator ignition Ignition Coil 'ulse 'ulse <tart

'D0(B'D0) 'D0(B'D0) 'D0(B'D0) 'D0(B'D0) 'D0(B'D0) 'D0( 'D0)

Charge coil0 violet 'ulse generator0 #ellow Ignition coil0 light $lue The design of XL-s ignition is i ple ented such that for each revolution of the cran!shaft the spar! is triggered. It is to ignite the i%ture $ut would $e reDuired onl# on ever# second revolution. The speed of the otor and thus its freDuenc# (F2) is ar!ed $# the two cursors (vertical dashed lines). Its nu erical value is specified with the varia$le 5BEX. FF2 G 5(;0rp B 60s G ,,";rps G ,,";/= FF2 G ),00rp B 60s G 40"0rps G 40"0/=

CDI G Capacitive Discharge Ignition" i.e. The ignition is triggered $# the discharge of a capacitor. ConseDuentl#" the capacitor ust $e charged first. This is done $# Charging coil (ignition coil" alternator) of the generator" $lac! B red wire to the CDI. It is eas# to see that si% pulses represent the t#pical Charging curve (envelope) of the capacitor (purple). The ignition pulse (light $lue) is raised $efore the pulse (#ellow) supplies its signal at top dead center (TDC) of the CDI. 9lthough the two representations are not in scale with each other" so it is seen that the ignition advance depending on the rotational speed" two different values" ti es" and thus we can assu e angle. The difference $etween the trigger pulse (Hi) for the pulse generator (I.) is the angle of ignition ti ing (F=). 1oughl# esti ated it in the i age of the lower speed a$out ,I in view of the higher speed a$out :I. This corresponds to a$out 4., 8 and (,.) 8 spar! advance. This is consistent with the indication of CDIs for the XL6001d. I had to print the pictures and then easured with a ruler the distance and a calculated a ratio. For e%a ple0 Hi 6J Ig G 5 Hi 6J Hi G 555 G (608 G 500I 5 B 555 G 0.0: G :I :I % (608 G (,.)8 This is of course correspondingl# i precise" there are easuring and reading errors. In addition" the division of the stress a%is is not !nown and therefore the trigger threshold of the pulse signal is not e%actl# as deter ined. +n the charging capacitor Dieter was a$le to voltage values &&on the order of ,506,)0K. easure using a Digitalos=illoscops

9nal#sis of the CDI of a XL600 'D0)

Co ponents" parts list

Component Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode 0 5 , ( ) ; 6 4 7 : Label DIK6) DIK6) DIK6) DIK6) L*6)06 ;)6 6)( ;;0 ;;0 ;;4 Label measured UAK (mV) ;,0 ;,0 ;,0 ;,0 )50

Component H6Diode 5 H6Diode , H6Diode ( Component C0 C5 C, C( C) C; C6

measured UKA (mV) 4K; 4K; ;K

Label ,",57M 5")67M 5;":n Nl!o 50MB;0K Nl!o 50MB;0K 5;(! (5;n) Nl!o )4MB50K

measured C (F)

:"4M :":M 5;"7n ;0",M

C4 C7 C: C50 C55 C5, C5( C5) C5; C56 C54 C57

Nl!o 50MB56K ,,,! (,",n) 5;0n 5;(! (5;n) )4(! ()4n) 5;(! (5;n) 5;(! (5;n) Nl!o 50MB;0K 5;(! (5;n) 5;(! (5;n)

55",M ,"(;n & (evtl. )4nF) & (evtl. 500nF) 5;)",n 5;",n )4")n 5;")n 56",n 50"5M 5)"6n 5;",n

Component 15 1, 1( 1) 1; 16 14 17 1: 150 155 15, 15( 15) 15; 156 154 157 15: 1,0 1,5 1,, 1,( 1,) 1%5 1%, Component Th O5 O, O( O) O; O6 O4 <C1 *uffer Ignition Control IC custo ade

Label (Color Code) ,0! 5! 5;! 50! ;501 5;)! (:0! 5! ;6! 54)! 5,1 n$ 5!; ,!: ;6! ;6! ,):! 50! ;501 ,!: ,!: 50! 50! 5! ,7! ),! IC (,<)9505; C65 C:)) <>;C ,,0) 6P (,<)9505; C65 5,0);/ 5,0)6/ (,<)9505; C65 LNC ,')2' 64 TC)0):*' F2),5(" 21),5( &

measured R () ,0!5 :::1 5)!:4 50!07 ;501 546!; (:7! 5! ;6!6 54:!, 551; n$ 5!;0: ,!)) ;6!, ;6!; ,(;! 50!,, ;071 ,!), ,!); 50!57 50! 5! ,4!( ),!4 type 'L' L'L 'L' 'L' data sheet data sheet data sheet &

Airing diagra

<pecial features

The wiring diagra and the part list helped for the anal#sis of the 'C* and the co ponents. The application in the data sheet has $een additionall# helpful. The Charging coil (alternator) supplies power to the CDI. The diodes D0 and D( for a si ple rectifier" if the capacitor C0 is a voltage $uffer. 9t the sa e ti e invites the Charging coil (alternator) through the diode D0 the capacitor C5 to the positive half6c#cle the ignition on. The pulse generator is cloc!ed through transistors O5 and O, to the IC5 (Ignition Control Circuit" if ICC) on pins , and 4. The infor ation of the speed and the ti e of the TDC are included here in it. The ignition is then triggered depending on the rotational speed. This is done $# controlling the th#ristor <C1" if it is conducting or not. The th#ristor is conductive as long as the capacitor charge is discharged. The charge capacitor C5 will discharge its energ# through the pri ar# winding of the ignition coil connected e%ternall#. This in turn transfor the tension further up" such that the electric spar! at the spar! plug can s!ip to the i%ture ignited. The ignition ti ing can have two or three different values for the advance0 Q N%a ple0 ,78 advance The speed6dependent evaluation is ost li!el# reali=ed $# the wiring of the co $inations of resistors and capacitors on pins 5565) of the ICC. The output pin 50 then controls the transistor O) to the th#ristor <C1. Q N%a ple0 78 advance 9t low engine speeds" the control pin 55 of the ICC over the Converter <tage ( of IC, the transistor O(" which is over the stage 5 that controls" the transistors O; and O). The latter served again the th#ristor. Q N%a ple spar! advance in electric start0 In this case" the otor turns ver# slowl# and the spar! advance is e%pected to adopt an even lower angle. The signal of the pulse generator (pulse generator) is provided on O, not onl# to the ICC 'in 4" $ut also to the IC, pin : The signal is out of the converter stages ) and ; of IC, and is applied to pin 5,. The co $ination of C5) and 156 is pro$a$l# the suppression of low freDuenc# and DC voltage levels. +n the converter stages 6 and , of the transistor 6 is controlled. Together with the transistor 4" which is is replaced $# the e6start its control" the th#ristor returns to the conducting state. The $lac! B white wire is connected to the !ill switch" engine stop. It is in operation to ground" the power to the CDI is therefore no longer guaranteed and the ignition is stopped i ediatel#.

*loc! diagra

of the CDI and the ignition co ponents0

Ahere0 5. charge coil ,. 'ulse (. and ). <ignal generator (see function diagra ) ;. 3Co parator3 6. 'rocessing unit for trigger pulse to <C1 : 4. *efore ignition co putation 7. Diode for rectif#ing the charging voltage of the capacitor :. Th#ristor 50. CDI Case 55. Capacitor 5,. <par! plug 5(. Ignition coil Lote0 the sche e is highl# si plified and represents onl# are the the CDI ain functions of

<ignal of the pulse generator

5. 'ulse generator ca ,. 'ic!up coil Ahen approaching the coil of the first ca induces a positive voltage pulse (9) The =ero crossing of the pulse occurs when the ca and the coil face e%actl# (*) Then changes the direction of the agnetic field and thus the direction of the induced voltage (C)

<che e of the ignition ti ing

The calculation of the CDI is $ased on the co parison of two voltage ra ps (, @( in the diagra (). Ahile the ra p , alwa#s ta!es the sa e course" the steepness of the ra p ( fro the CDI is changed with engine speed (L5 low speed ... L) high speed" a%i u ignition ti ing (5 8). In the 3co parator3 (; in Figure 5)" $oth of these voltages are with each other co pared. Ahen the voltage , the value of the voltage (" the ignition (represented $# T5 ... T) is triggered at point ;). The ignition ti ing is shown in the diagra at point ) $# the intersection of the two voltage ra ps. This is also clear that the ere height of the pulse fro the pulse generator has no influence on the ignition ti ing" as this is calculated purel# fro the generated voltage ra ps within the CDI.

+lli," 2arch ,00;" +lli,RXL600.de

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