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How Is A Disabled Protagonist Able To Become A Leader - The Role of Disability and Ability in James Cameron's Avatar

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Manassee 1 Gilian Manassee, University of Bayreuth Fadi Saleh M.A. PS Queer Theory 31st Mar h, !

!"13 #o$ %s a &isa'led Prota(onist A'le to Be o)e a *eader+ , The -ole of &isa'ility and A'ility in .a)es /a)eron0s Avatar %ntrodu tion An e1trava(antly lar(e s2a e shi2 is landin( on un3no$n (round. 4ne 'y one a (rou2 of several )us ular )arines is 2ilin( off. So)e $ay 'ehind the) a )an is a22earin(, slo$ly drivin( his $heel hair out of the s2a e shi2. This is su22osed to 'e the hero of this fil)+ Most 2eo2le $ould initially $onder ho$ a disa'led )an in a $heel hair an 'e o)e the leader of a tri'e and hero of a 56hite Messiah fa'le7, if they heard that story for the first ti)e, not 3no$in( $hi h fil) is des ri'ed. #o$ever, due to the fa t that this 2lot is the o2enin( s ene of the alle(edly )ost su essful fil) of all ti)e, the )a8ority of 2eo2le $ould i))ediately 3no$ that % a) tal3in( a'out .a)es /a)eron0s Avatar. Therefore, one 2ro'a'ly also 3no$s that .a3e Sully, the 2rota(onist, does not 'e o)e a leader in his disa'led hu)an 'ody 'ut an only o'tain the status of a hero e)'odied in a stron(, su2erior and in the first instan e 5a'led7 avatar 'ody. The story itself is not ne$ 9 so)e 2rofit,(reedy :in )ost ases $hite; 2eo2le oloni<e the land of the 2ea eful natives 'ut in the ourse of the fil) one of the $hites 'e o)es a$are of their a tions0 ruelty and therefore s$it hes sides. #e (ets hi)self a e2ted into the losed so iety of native 2eo2le and eventually 'e o)es their leader and )ana(es to res ue the). Any$ay one ould say, in order to 'e o)e that res2e ted and 2o$erful, 2hysi al stren(th and a'ility as $ell as )as ulinity are 2re onditions. %n ontrast, disa'led 2ersons are seen as $ea3 and de2endent in our so iety, $hereas 2hysi al 2erfe tion is re(arded as an ideolo(y a o)2anied 'y ha22iness $hi h an 'e sho$n 'y the e1a)2le of .a3e Sully in Avatar. %n this essay, % $ould li3e to de)onstrate 'y the e1a)2le of .a3e, that disa'led 2ersons are 2er eived differently 'y so iety, often as unha22y, $ea3 and inferior and % $ill 2resent, ho$ he an finally 'e o)e the hero of this 56hite Messiah Fa'le7. The to2i s of olonialis) and ra e are interestin( to2i s for dis ussion as $ell, 'ut to inte(rate these into )y analysis, $ould (o 'eyond )y s o2e here. So % $ill on entrate on ho$ .a3e0s re(ainin( of a'ility, 2hysi al stren(th and

Manassee ! )as ulinity influen e his develo2)ent of 'e o)in( a leader throu(hout the fil). #o$ &oes Avatar Fit into the 6hite Messiah Fa'le+ 5=very a(e 2rodu es its o$n sort of fa'les, and our a(e see)s to have 2rodu ed The 6hite Messiah fa'le7 states &avid Broo3s in his arti le in The >e$ ?or3 Ti)es. Sutherland alls it the 5>e$ 6estern Genre7, listin( @evin /ostner0s Dances with Wolves and The Last Samurai as e1e)2lars 'esides Avatar. %t is an ar hety2al s enario a'out a youn( adventurer $ho is in ited 'y so)e oloni<ers, intrudin( into a forei(n ulture in sear h of thrills and 2rofit. .a3e, the hero in Avatar, is a for)er Marine $ho $or3s for a (iant or2oration and hel2s the) 2lunder the environ)ent of the >a0vi, the 2ea e,lovin( natives of the 2lanet Pandora. The or2oration is the ruel olonial 2o$er $hi h hires .a3e to infiltrate into the 4)ati aya, a >a0vi tri'e, $ith the use of an avatar identity. But throu(hout the narration he learns ho$ s2iritual and a)ia'le the indi(enous 2eo2le are and o)es to a reali<ation a'out the nature of life. The hero is 2la ed in a ross, ultural en(a(e)ent $here the indi(enous ultures )i(ht 'e in inferior 2ositions in order to 2la e the hero in an e1 e2tional one. But the hero annot stand in a su2erior 2osition to these endan(ered 2eo2le. #e ada2ts a saviour o)2le1 and 2ursues their olle tive ha22iness $hi h is eAuali<ed $ith his individual ha22iness. #e evolves sy)2athy and love for the 4)ati aya and 'e(ins to re)ar3 the ruelty of the or2oration that is a'out to destroy their livin( environ)ent. First .a3e is in a 'inary 2osition 'ut then he e)er(es as their Messiah, leadin( the) on a inevita'le ri(hteous o)'at a(ainst the ruel fol3 he 2ri)arily has 'elon(ed to and finally )ana(es to save the natives. The fa'le rests on the stereoty2e that $hite 2eo2le are rationalist, 2rofit,(reedy and te hno rati $hile olonial vi ti)s are s2iritual and nature,lovin(. Broo3s0 ter) 5Messiah /o)2le17 refle ts the san tity $hi h the native 2eo2le hara teristi ally e)'ody. Further)ore, in the lassi 6hite Messiah 2lot the hero is al$ays e1 e2tional. #e al$ays is e1 luded fro) individual and olle tive for)s of ha22iness. Be ause of his e1 lusion, the audien e for(ives the hero for 'elon(in( to the invaders at the 'e(innin(. .a3e0s e1 lusion is his disa'ility and that he only $or3s for the or2oration in order to (et his le(s 'a 3. After all % have )entioned a'out the su2erior $hite 2erson $ho e)'odies the hero, one ould al)ost for(et that .a3e Sully, the 2rota(onist, is esta'lished earlier on in the story as 'ein( 'oth an ostra i<ed and e)as ulated hara ter. Thus, he does not initially fall into the lassi $hite 2rivile(e ar hety2e that you see in these fa'les. .a3e only su eeds in 'e o)in( the 4)ati aya0s leader in his 5a'led5 avatar 'ody $hen havin( re(ained his 2hysi al stren(th. %n his hu)an 'ody he

Manassee 3 is a Marine $ho annot $al3 or even fi(ht. /o)2ulsory A'le,'odiedness 4ver the last years, disa'ility studies has )oved out of the traditionally a22lied fields of )edi ine and so ial $or3 to a ne$ field of inAuiry and on e2ts $ithin the (enre of identity studies. /entral to the narrative lo(i of .a3e Sully0s hara ter is a on e2t that -o'ert M -uer has ter)ed 5compulsory able-bodiedness :2. !;. M -uer notes that a'le,'odiedness is defined va(uely as 5soundness of healthB a'ility to $or3B ro'ustness7. 6hat stands out here is the e)2hasis on $or3. Bein( a'led )eans 'ein( a2a'le of the nor)al 2hysi al e1ertions reAuired in a 2arti ular syste) of la'our. Moreover, you an find definitions in ne(ative ter)s as, for instan e, 5free fro) disa'ility7. This i)2li ates that a'le,'odiedness is de2endent on disa'ility and seen as its 'inary in the sa)e $ay heterose1uality is de2endent on ho)ose1uality. So a'le,'odiedness is still onsidered as the natural order of thin(s, in the sa)e $ay heterose1uality is. /ri2 Theory is a theory e)er(in( fro) ultural studies that Auestion the order of thin(s and hen e states that the natural order of thin(s is onstru ted 'y so ial, ultural and e ono)i relations. A entral issue of the disa'ility ri(hts )ove)ent, disa'ility studies and theories li3e /ri2 Theory is the (eneral vie$ that everyone 2ursues to 'e a'le,'odied. %n Avatar, this desire of a'le, 'odiedness is attended 'y the a'ility to fi(ht and thus )ilitary stren(th, )as ulinity and the 2ossi'ility of ro)anti love. So iety0s 2ursuit of 'ein( nor)al in the sense of a'le,'odied an 'e sho$n 'y .a3e0s develo2)entC ho$ he 2ursues 'ein( 2hysi ally nor)al, res2e tively a'le,'odied and ho$ this influen es his 'ehaviour and 2sy holo(i al ondition throu(hout the fil). Based on the fa t that .a3e is $illin( to (o on a s ientifi )ission, a field he ori(inally has little or rather no relation to, in order to (et a s2inal sur(ery $hi h an ena'le hi) to )ove his le(s a(ain, the audien e naturally 2er eives 'ein( a'led as his (reatest desire. 6hen /olonel Quarit h har(es .a3e $ith his )ission and )entions the sur(ery, he tal3s a'out re(ainin( .a3e0s 5real le(s7, i)2lyin( that his disa'led 'ody is not his real one and onsiders it as less than hu)an. 4ne ould also read this as the /olonel distin(uishes .a3e0s 5real le(s7 fro) the le(s of his avatar, i)2lyin( that the avatar le(s $eren0t real as $ell. %t see)s as the /olonel is sayin( it $ould 'e 'etter for .a3e to re(ain the use of his hu)an 'ody rather than use the fa3e avatar 'ody. So Quarit h )a3es t$o allusionsC The first is that .a3e $ants to 'e a'le,'odied and the se ond, that his disa'led le(s are not his true self. As alle(edly everyone0s ai) is (ettin( the 2erfe t 'ody, 'e o)in( a'led a(ain is 2ortrayed as .a3e0s 'i((est ai). 6hat is stri3in( in the fil) as $ell in our so iety is that no$here do

Manassee D $e find that life as a $heel hair user )i(ht 'e full and satisfyin(. But )any 2eo2le $ho use the) a tually find their lives to 'e satisfyin(. Alle(edly everyone is strivin( for 2erfe tion, $holeness and oheren e 'ut in the end, it is not 2ossi'le for anyone to (et a 2erfe t, entirely a'led 'ody. Quite a2art fro) the fa t that sooner or later, the lon(er $e live, $e $ill all 'e o)e disa'led in so)e $ay. Butler alls this i)2ossi'ility of an a'le,'odied identity 5a'ility trou'le7. .a3e0s &evelo2)ent of Be o)in( a *eader 6hen $e $ould 'e allo ated the tas3 to thin3 a'out the first i)2li ations that o)e to our )ind $hen thin3in( a'out disa'led 2eo2le, $hat )ost of us asso iate are attri'utes li3e $ea3, or de2endent. Therefore, as a )atter of ourse, these attri'utes do not )at h the ty2i al hara teristi s of the su2erior 6hite Messiah hero at all. But % have already )entioned that Avatar definitely is a ty2i al 6hite Messiah fa'le, $ith one i)2ortant differen eC that .a3e, the hero, is disa'led. #en e, at the 'e(innin( he is not the ty2i al $hite hero at all. Bein( disa'led literally )eans not a'le to 'e a hero 'e ause he does 2ossess the )entioned attri'utes li3e $ea3ness and de2enden y. So, naturally the Auestion arises $hat in idents and develo2)ents )a3e it 2ossi'le for hi) to 'e o)e a ty2i al hero. The )ain in ident is the shift $hen .a3e 'e o)es a'led, 'ein( in his avatar 'ody for the first ti)e. % $ill no$ de)onstrate ho$ his a22earan e and 2hysi al 'ehaviour han(e and ho$ finally he is able to 'e o)e the ty2i al 2o$erful hero of the 6hite Messiah fa'le $ho hel2s the natives. The .a3e Sully $e first )eet in Avatar is sho$n as inferior and hardly a e2ted on Pandora. 4ther Marines seein( hi) arrive )o 3 hi) 'y na)in( hi) 5)eals on $heels7. They do not 'elieve a disa'led Marine an survive on Pandora for a lon(er ti)e at all or even serve a useful 2ur2ose for the or2oration. %n addition, he is initially de2i ted as a su'stitute for his de eased 'rother. 6hen 'ein( introdu ed to Gra e she tells hi) 5% 3no$ $ho you are, 'ut % don0t need you. % need your 'rother7. She sho$s Auite o'viously that she is not ha22y a'out hi) 'ein( at the o)2any at all and thus o)2lains a'out hi) to Par3er. #en e, Par3er tells her that .a3e serves as a suffi ient re2la e)ent for his 'rother. The assu)2tion that disa'led 2ersons are $ea3 is is a result of a onstant o)2arison of 'odies in our so iety. This o)2arison 2enetrates into the for)ation of ulture, le(iti)atin( an uneAual distri'ution of status and 2o$er. The s ene $here Gra e atte)2ts to hel2 hi) (et his le(s into the 5station7 $here he (ets lin3ed to his avatar underlines this. But .a3e re8e ts, $hi h illustrates that he is a tually stron(er and less de2endent than everyone assu)es. Based on

Manassee E so iety0s assu)2tion that disa'led and thus $ea3 2ersons annot fi(ht, so iety on ludes fro) his outer a22earan e that he is $ea3. 6hen 'ein( lin3ed to his avatar for the first ti)e, the audien e re o(ni<es the i)2ortant shift. Suddenly, .a3e is in a hu(e, stron( and )us ular 'ody. As in )any situations the a)era e)2hasises on his le(s. 4ver$hel)ed 'y the feelin( that he an )ove his le(s he runs outside. This is the first ti)e .a3e is 2i tured as su2erior 'e ause he is taller and stron(er than t he other s ientists in hu)an 'odies. 6hat is )ore, this is also the first ti)e he is sho$n as a self, ons ious 2erson en8oyin( life. Throu(h his re(ained a'ility he is not only re(ainin( 2hysi al stren(th 'ut ha22iness as $ell. Thus, his first 8ourney re2resents a ele'rated freedo) fro) disa'ility, a 2oint unders ored 'y the dra)ati visual attention (iven to his first run $ith his 5ne$7 le(s. Ba 3 as a hu)an, in ontrast, our hero suffers a set'a 3 as a onseAuen e of not 'ein( a'le to )ove his le(s any )ore. %n ea h situation in his hu)an 'ody the e)2hasis is 2la ed on .a3e0s inferiority. #e needs hel2 to (et u2, has to 'e arried into the heli o2ter and in the end his disa'ility even restrains hi) fro) rea hin( the )as3 he needs for survival. But in )any of the s enes in his avatar 'ody his ne$ self, onfident de)eanour an 'e $itnessed. The fo us is al$ays on his re(ained )o'ility and )as ulinityC .a3e is a(ile, ready to fi(ht and a'le to run, 8u)2 and s$i). Pro(ressively he is (ainin( a2a'ility and hara teristi s $hi h are ne essary for 'e o)in( a leader. .a3e0s %dentity /risis 9 Fro) #u)an to >a0vi .a3e0s 2hysi al develo2)ent in his a'led avatar 'ody is onstantly underlined 'y his 2sy holo(i al develo2)ent. 5% feel %0) (ettin( tou(her, % an run farther every day. % an trust )y 'ody to 3no$ $hat to do.7, he e12lains. .a3e endeavours to 'e o)e a (ood >a0vi. #e learns their lan(ua(e and atte)2ts to understand their traditions, ultural 2ra ti es and $ay of life. 6e soon find .a3e en8oyin( his life a)on( the >a0vi far )ore than as a hu)an. The reasons for this are easily a22arent. >ot only does the avatar 'ody (ive .a3e all of the thin(s that he had 2hysi ally lostC he is a'le to $al3, )as uline and a'le to 2hysi ally love a(ain. Moreover, 'ein( $ith the >a0vi, and es2e ially >eytiri, e)otionally o)2letes hi). As the story develo2s, .a3e 'e(ins to see hi)self rather as a >a0vi than a hu)anC 5=verythin( is 'a 3$ards no$, li3e out there is the real $orld and in here is the drea)7. .a3e dis overs hi)self in an identity risisC 5% 'arely re)e)'er )y old life. % don0t 3no$ $ho % a) any)ore.7, he says. #is life as a disa'led hu)an and ho$ it ties hi) to the or2oration is 2i tured as e1tre)ely disillusionin(. #is disa'ility an 'e seen as a 2rison that the hero needs to es a2e. =very ti)e he a$a3es as a hu)an, .a3e is de2ressed and annot $ait to (et

Manassee F 'a 3. These s enes are al$ays sho$n in dis)al olours, a o)2anied 'y )elan holi )usi . *ife as a >a0vi, on the ontrary, is hi(hli(hted 'y olourful )ovin( 2i tures and 8oyful )usi . This notion of self, o)2letion, in 'oth a 2hysi al and an e)otional sense, is very i)2ortant to re o(ni<e in the narrative. For e1a)2le, one an o'serve eviden e of .a3e0s $illin(ness to leave his 5old7 life 'ehind 'y the fa t that he )ust 'e for ed to eat, ne(le ts to sho$er and ta3es less are of his hu)an 'ody. 6hen .a3e is told 'y the /olonel that his )ission is ter)inated and he an leave Pandora to (et his sur(ery, he refuses Quarit h0s offer. 5There0s one )ore thin( 9 the ere)ony. %t0s the final sta(e of 'e o)in( a )an. %f % do it, %0) one of the).7 At this )o)ent the audien e re o(ni<es that .a3e0s loyalties have shifted and that he really $ants to 'e o)e a full >a0vi. At his ere)ony, 'efore .a3e is told that he 5no$ GHI 'elon(GsI to the 4)ati aya7 an allusion to the endin( is )adeC 5The >a0vi say that every 2erson is 'orn t$i e. The se ond ti)e is $hen you earn your 2la e a)on( the 2eo2le. Forever.7 6hen they (et atta 3ed 'y the or2oration, .a3e ar(ues 5% a) an 4)ati aya, % a) one of you and % have the ri(ht to s2ea37. Further)ore, >eytiri sho$s hi) that she really trusts hi), 'y ta3in( .a3e to the sa red tree $here they (et )ated for life. 6e see that .a3e0s a'le,'odied status is a hieved in a dire t 2ro2ortion to his in reasin( a$areness of his love affair and )as ulinity. /ultural stereoty2es i)a(ine disa'led 2eo2le as ase1ual, unfit to re2rodu e, unattra tive and (enerally re)oved fro) handso)eness and )as ulinity. But the 5ne$7 .a3e, in ontrast, does e)'ody that )u h )as ulinity, 2hysi al stren(th and su2eriority that he 'e o)es 5Toru3 Ma to7, the hi(hest )e)'er of the >a0vi and even (ains the res2e t of Tsu0tey $ho $as a tually )eant to 'e o)e >eytiri0s )an and the ne$ leader of the 4)ati aya. After Gra e has died, .a3e s2ea3s to his 2eo2le as their leaderC 5My 'rothers and sisters, $e $ill sho$ the s3y 2eo2le that they annot ta3e $hatever they $ant and that this is our land7. #e refers to the hu)ans as the 5s3y 2eo2le7, so they are the aliens no$ $hilst he is re(arded as one of the >a0vi. %n another s ene .a3e, as the leader flies ahead $ith his $o)an >eytiri on the Toru3 and the others follo$ hi). #e finally is fully res2e ted and e)'odies all the attri'utes a leader is su22osed to 2ossesC he is de2i ted 2hysi ally stron(, su2erior, )as uline and is free of fear. #is $hole a22earan e and de)eanour eventually fit to a leadin( hero. =Auatin( A'ility $ith Freedo), #a22iness and =Auality &isa'led 2eo2le are seen as 'ein( de2endent, in o)2lete, vulnera'le and in o)2etent

Manassee J 'odies. They are 2ortrayed as hel2less, needin( assistan e and in a2a'le. #a22iness and freedo) for .a3e are al$ays onne ted to es a2in( his disa'ility and 'e o)in( a soldier on e a(ain, so .a3e0s a'led avatar 'ody sy)'oli<es his freedo). 4nly $ith his rene$ed )o'ility in this 'ody he is a tually a'le to fi(ht for the >a0vi and for freedo). This a'led 'ody thus allo$s hi) to 'e o)e a 2rodu tive )e)'er of the )ilitary, not only a )ar(inali<ed )e)'er as he used to 'e. =ven thou(h in his hu)an 'ody he $ould have tried to su22ort the >a0vi 'ut he ould not fi(ht for the) as a disa'led Marine. .a3e hi)self utili<es the ter) 5freedo)7 to des ri'e his intentions to$ards the 4)ati aya and to se2arate hi)self fro) other )e)'ers of the or2oration durin( the fil). #e is fi(htin( for freedo), $hereas 5the other ar)y do(s7, as he alls the hu)ans on Pandora, are fi(htin( for 2rofit. =ventually, he is not only fi(htin( for olle tive freedo) 'ut also for an individual freedo) fro) disa'ility. As Sutherland des ri'ed it, 5his 2aralysis is al$ays seen as a ty2e of 2rison, and his avatar 'ody as a 3ind of vehi le that ena'les es a2e fro) this 2rison7 :Sutherland, 2.1K;. %n addition, his on e2tions of freedo) are for)ali<ed throu(h 2ersonal and olle tive for)s of ha22iness. .a3e0s ha22iness at the end of Avatar is su22osed to re2resent a synthesis in $hi h the individual and olle tive are ha22y and eAual. .a3e Sully and the indi(enous 2o2ulation, the >a0vi, eventually find freedo) and therefore individual and olle tive ha22iness. So .a3e does not only a hieve freedo) in his Avatar 'ody $ith the >a0vi, 'ut also olle tive eAuality. As a hu)an he $as al$ays seen as 5the disa'led other7. &isa'ility, as already )entioned, is re(arded 'y so iety as a differen e or rather an a'nor)al disadvanta(e $hi h devalues 'odies that do not onfor) to ultural standards. 4nly throu(h his Avatar 'ody .a3e an 'e o)e a full )e)'er of a o))unity, not only a )ar(inali<ed )e)'er of )ilitary on earth or a )ar(inali<ed )e)'er of the s ientifi o))unity in the or2oration. #e 'e o)es a full )e)'er of the >a0vi tri'e and 'e o)es a e2ted as one of the). At the 'e(innin(, .a3e is the alien other, fro) hu)an0s 2ers2e tive as $ell as fro) the >a0vi0s 2ers2e tive. #e is ridi uled 'y the other hu)ans and >a0vi as a stran(er $ho does not 'elon( to neither of these (rou2s. 5This alien 3no$s nothin( :H; ?ou should (o a$ay, you don0t 'elon( here.7 Tsu0tey tells hi). But alon( $ith his o$n develo2)ent of onsiderin( hi)self )ore as a >a0vi than a hu)an, the other indi(enous 2eo2le trust hi) )ore and )ore and a e2t hi) as one of the) as $ell. Therefore, his 2ursuit of ha22iness is eAuali<ed $ith the freedo) and ha22iness of the 4)ati aya. 5=very Person %s Born T$i e. The Se ond Ti)e %s 6hen ?ou =arn ?our Pla e A)on( the Peo2le. Forever.7

Manassee K Before he si(ns off in his final videolo(, $e learn that .a3e has hosen to 2er)anently transfer his ons iousness into his avatar 'ody, out2a in( his disa'ility and his ori(inal role as a $hite oloni<er. 5%t0s )y 'irthday after all7, he states insinuatin( the >a0vi0s sayin( and that he finally earns his 2la e a)on( the 2eo2le. Additionally, .a3e has the last $ord in the fil), e)2hasisin( his 2ersistin( su2eriority. 5The aliens $ent 'a 3 to their o$n $orld7 he says, referrin( to the hu)ans. At the 'e(innin( .a3e has 'een de2endent on other hu)ans and on the or2oration, 'e ause only throu(h their hel2 he has 'een a'le to a ess his >a0vi 'ody at all. %n the end he )ana(es to 'e o)e entirely >a0vi $ithout their hel2, on e )ore 'es2ea3in( his (ained inde2enden e and stren(th. After all, he ulti)ately 2ossesses the haris)a and de)eanour of a hero. A'ility As a Pre ondition for Be o)in( a *eader+ , /on lusion .a3e0s transfor)ation to a su2erior leader o)es as he )oves a$ay fro) disa'ility to a 2i ture,2erfe t a'le,'odied #olly$ood hero. .a)es /a)eron0s Avatar and the 2rota(onist, .a3e Sully, are the 2erfe t e1a)2les to sho$ that in today0s so iety disa'led 2ersons are still onsidered as $ea3, inferior and de2endent. % have analysed that .a3e an only o'tain the status of a hero in a stron(, )as uline and, a'ove all, 5a'led7 avatar 'ody. The Auestion re)ains, $hether it $ould have 'een 2ossi'le for .a3e, to 'e o)e this su2erior leader in his hu)an sha2e. The ans$er is 2ro'a'ly no, 'e ause not only does .a3e have an entirely different ran(e of o22ortunities in his avatar 'ody, he is also 2er eived as a o)2letely different 2erson 'y everyone surroundin( hi). #e si)2ly ould not have (ained that )u h res2e t and su22ort 'y the >a0vi $hen 'ein( in a $heel hair. #e )i(ht have rather 'een 2itied and 2eo2le )i(ht have authori<ed hi) less 'e ause of his disa'ility. 6hat is 'eyond any dou't, is that it is )u h harder for disa'led 2ersons to 'e res2e ted in a leadin( role and to e)'ody authority. %n addition to .a3e0s 2er e2tion 'y others, his o$n self, ons iousness 2lays an i)2ortant role for 'ein( a leader as $ell. #e does not only 2hysi ally han(e throu(hout the story, he is also feelin( different hi)self in his a'led avatar 'odyC self, ons ious, )as uline, stron(. This hara ter under(oes a re)ar3a'le transfor)ation, only throu(h the 2ossi'ility to )ove his le(s. So .a3e0s re(ainin( of a'ility, 2hysi al stren(th and )as ulinity do influen e his develo2)ent of 'e o)in( a leader dou'tlessly. >evertheless, .a3e )a3es an i)2ortant state)ent at the 'e(innin( of the fil). #e stresses that he does not reAuire 2er)anent assistan e and is a tually stron(er and less de2endent than anyone assu)es. My 2oint is that so iety should not al$ays on lude assu)2tions fro) 2eo2le0s outer a22earan e. Peo2le

Manassee L $ith disa'ilities an 'e stron( and 2eo2le $ith 2hysi ally see)in( 2erfe t 'odies an 'e $ea3. 6hat is i)2ortant in the end is that everyone has to 'e res2e ted the $ay they are. 6e all 3no$ that there is )u h )ore inside us than one )ay assu)e at first si(ht. So, eventually one does not 3no$ $hether .a3e, in his disa'led 'ody, )i(ht have 'een a'le to 'e o)e a leader.

Manassee 1" 6or3s ited Avatar. &ir. .a)es /a)eron. Perf. Sa) 6orthin(ton, Si(ourney 6eaver, and Moe Saldana. T$entieth /entury Fo1 Fil) /or2oration, !"1". &N&. Broo3s, &avid. The Messiah Complex The >e$ ?or3 Ti)es. .anuary J, !"1". 6e'. Mar h !1, !"13. htt2COO$$$.nyti)es. o)O!"1"O"1O"KOo2inionO"K'roo3s.ht)l+PrQ1R &e Ne(a, /. What Does Avatar Tell !s About Masculinity and Disability" !3 &e . !""L. 6e'. htt2COOo2en.salon. o)O'lo(O haun eyPdeve(aO!""LO1!O!3O$hatPdoesPavatarPtellPusPa'outP)a s ulinityPandPdisa'ility. Garland,Tho)son, -ose)arie. 5%nte(ratin( &isa'ility, Transfor)in( Fe)inist Theory.7 >6SA .ournal 1D.3 :!""!;C 1,3!. 6e'. htt2COOuser$$$.servi e.e)ory.eduOusersOr(arlanO2dfsO-GT S!"%nte(ratin(S!"&isa'ilityS!"Fe)S!"TheoryS!">6SAS!""!.2df M -uer, -o'ert. Crip Theory# Cultural Si$ns o% &ueerness and Disability >e$ ?or3 and *ondonC >e$ ?or3 University Press, !""F. Print Pal)er, Sara. 'ld( )ew( *orrowed and *lue# Compulsory Able-bodiesness and Whiteness in Avatar &isa'ility Studies QuarterlyC An 4nline,4nly .ournal 31.1 :!"11;. n. 2a(. 6e'. 13 A2ril !"11. http#++ds,-sds or$+article+view+-./.+-01. Podhoret<, .ohn. Avatarocious The 6ee3ly Standard. !K &e . !""L. 6e'. Mar h !1, !"13. htt2COO$$$.$ee3lystandard. o)O/ontentOPu'li OArti lesO"""O"""O"1JO3E"fo<ta.as2 Sutherland, A. Stop 2e-centerin$ the White Colonialist+3mperialist Sub4ect5. !"1". 6e'. Mar h !1, !"13. htt2COOe o))ons.usas3. aO'itstrea)OhandleO1"3KKOetd,"L1D!"1", 1"D333O%>T-4&U/T%4>A>&B4&?4FPAP=-/GS-.2df+seAuen eQ!

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