Tut 4 - Reliance Financial Statements

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112 Partnering India's new future. Sustainably.

Reliance Industries Limited Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2012

Note EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders Funds Share Capital Reserves and Surplus Share Application Money Pending Allotment Non-Current Liabilities Long Term Borrowings Deferred Tax Liability (net) Current Liabilities Short Term Borrowings Trade Payables Other Current Liabilities Short Term Provisions TOTAL ASSETS Non-Current Assets Fixed Assets Tangible Assets Intangible Assets Capital Work-in-Progress Intangible Assets under Development Non-Current Investments Long Term Loans and Advances Current Assets Current Investments Inventories Trade Receivables Cash and Bank Balances Short Term Loans and Advances Other Current Assets TOTAL Significant Accounting Policies Notes on Financial Statements
As per our Report of even date For Chaturvedi & Shah Chartered Accountants For Deloitte Haskins & Sells Chartered Accountants For Rajendra & Co. Chartered Accountants

As at 31st March, 2012

(` in crore) As at 31st March, 2011

1 2

3,271 1,62,825 1,66,096 -

3,273 1,48,267 1,51,540 9 51,124 11,562 60,156 62,686 12,304 34,844 18,735 4,601 68,888 2,95,140 70,484 2,84,719

3 4

48,034 12,122

5 6 7 8

10,593 40,324 13,713 4,258

9 9 9 9 10 11

88,001 25,722 3,695 4,059 26,979 14,340 1,62,796

93,084 49,623 2,759 9,469 23,209 10,698 1,88,842 14,443 29,825 17,442 27,135 6,833 199 1,32,344 2,95,140 95,877 2,84,719

12 13 14 15 16 17

27,029 35,955 18,424 39,598 11,089 249

1 to 36
For and on behalf of the Board M.D. Ambani Chairman & Managing Director N.R. Meswani Executive Directors H.R. Meswani P.M.S. Prasad R.H. Ambani M.L. Bhakta Y.P. Trivedi Directors Dr. D.V. Kapur M.P. Modi Prof. Ashok Misra

D. Chaturvedi Partner

A. Siddharth Partner

A.R. Shah Partner

Mumbai April 20, 2012

K. Sethuraman Company Secretary




Reliance Industries Limited 113

Reliance Industries Limited Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31st March, 2012
(` in crore) 2010-11

Note INCOME Revenue from Operations Other Income Total Revenue EXPENDITURE : Cost of Materials Consumed Purchases of Stock-in-Trade Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods, Stock-in-Process and Stock-in-Trade Employee Benefits Expense Finance Costs Depreciation and Amortisation Expense Other Expenses Total Expenses Profit Before Tax Tax Expenses Current Tax Deferred Tax Profit for the year Earnings per equity share of face value of ` 10 each Basic and Diluted (in `) Significant Accounting Policies Notes on Financial Statements 26 1 to 36 20 18 19


3,29,904 6,192 3,36,096 2,74,814 1,441 (872) 2,862 2,667 11,394 18,040 3,10,346 25,750 5,150 560 20,040 61.21

2,48,170 3,052 2,51,222 1,93,234 1,464 (3,243) 2,624 2,328 13,608 15,965 2,25,980 25,242 4,320 636 20,286 62.00

21 22 23 24 25

As per our Report of even date For Chaturvedi & Shah Chartered Accountants For Deloitte Haskins & Sells Chartered Accountants For Rajendra & Co. Chartered Accountants

D. Chaturvedi Partner

A. Siddharth Partner

A.R. Shah Partner

Mumbai April 20, 2012

K. Sethuraman Company Secretary

For and on behalf of the Board M.D. Ambani Chairman & Managing Director N.R. Meswani Executive Directors H.R. Meswani P.M.S. Prasad R.H. Ambani M.L. Bhakta Y.P. Trivedi Directors Dr. D.V. Kapur M.P. Modi Prof. Ashok Misra




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