Fly High 3 Lesson Plans Master
Fly High 3 Lesson Plans Master
Fly High 3 Lesson Plans Master
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
Title of the lesson: Hello, boys and girls!
Skills to be emphasized: Listening Speaking Objectives: to introduce the setting and the main characters of the book Vocabulary: zoo, elephant, monkey, kangaroo, penguin, tiger, keeper rammar: Welcome to .. , Hello, Im , Hi, Im , Whats your name?, Hello, My names , How are you?, Im fine, thank you., Goo !ye. !aterials: class CD
"rocedure of the lesson Warm up: T. says Hello, girls and boys. Welcome to Fly High 3! My name is (his/her name). T. goes round the class asking children Hello, whats your na e! how are you! T. re"iews the na es o# the Fly High characters $y calling out kangaroo, %enguin, tiger, ele%hant, onkey and kee%er. &ach ti e T. asks the children to say the na e o# the character '(arla, Patty, Tag, Tru %et, )hatter, *ally+ Hello, girls and boys! T. says ,%en your $ooks at %age -. T. o%ens his.her $ook and holds it u% to de onstrate. T. asks the children to look at the %ictures on %ages - and /. T. chooses children to tell hi .her one thing they can see in the %ictures in &nglish. 0s they say the words, T. writes the on the $oard. 1# there are words the children cant re e $er 'e.g. the #ood words, like $read, eggs, a%%le, etc+. T. %ro %ts the $y writing ga%%ed words on the $oard. T. %oints to the words on the $oard one at a ti e and asks the children to call out the word and s%ell it. T. %raises the #or knowing so any &nglish words! T. %lays the )2. T. asks the children to #ollow the words with their #inger as they listen. T. %lays the )2 again. T. %auses a#ter e"ery %erson and asks the children to re%eat. T. di"ided the class into eight grou%s. T. allocates a %art to each grou% and asks the children to read the dialogue. T. encourages the to use character "oices. T. asks the children to look at the %icture and count the $alloons 'ten+. 3. holds u% his.her $ook and %oints to the $alloons one at a ti e. &ach ti e, the children call out the colour. T. %lays the )2. T. sees 1ntroduction, %."i #or guidance on teaching songs. "# Write the names#
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T. holds u% his.her $ook and %oints to the %icture o# *ally. T. asks Whats her name? and elicits Sally. T. asks the children to s%ell *ally. T. writes on the $oard as they call out the letters. T. asks the children to write the other na es. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
$ptional acti%ity T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns. ,ne child acts out a character #ro the story, doing what they are doing in the %icture on %age -. Their #riend guesses the character. T. de onstrates $y acting out (arla writing in her note$ook. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
T. writes on the $oard %arts o# the dialogue as ga%%ed te4t 'e.g. 5. o the !oo! ,r hose are ". .+. T. in"ites children to co e u% and co %lete the dialogues.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page + T. di"ides the class into two grou%s to sing the song #ro the %re"ious lesson. They sing one "erse each and together they sing the last three lines. 9hile one grou% sings, the other grou% acts out or dances to the song.
+ocabulary T. says ,%en your $ooks at %age :. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. sees 1ntroduction, %." #or guidance on %resenting new "oca$ulary. T. %ractices se"eral ti es the di##erent sounds in 0#rica '0+ ;<, air%ort 'ai+ .ea. and aunt 'au+ .a:..
He's &rom (&rica! Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks ' in L8where necessary+ Where are Sally, r#m$et and %arla?Where is &iggy? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories = T. can use 1ntroduction, %. ". T. asks so e >uestions in L8 to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Who is &iggy 'ith? (s &iggy on holiday? )re the animals ha$$y? "# Circle#
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T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. allocates the %arts o# %icture 8 o# the story to three "olunteers. T. asks the to read the dialogue aloud. T. asks (s it a nice day? T. elicits *es, it is. T. asks Whats that noise? T. elicits (ts a mobile $hone. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le >uestion and answer. T. asks the children to circle the correct answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag
T. says ( am a teacher. (m a teacher. T. %oints to a $oy, looks at hi and says *o# are a boy. *o#re a boy. T. %oints to the $oy again, looks at the class and says He is a boy. Hes a boy. T. asks the children to re%eat. T. does the sa e with girl and ta$le to de onstrate She is/Shes and (t is/its. T. asks a child to co e to the #ront, stands ne4t to hi .her and says We are ha$$y. Were ha$$y. T. %oints to the class and says *o# are ha$$y. *o#re ha$$y. T. looks at the child ne4t to hi .her, %oints to the class and says hey are ha$$y. heyre ha$$y. T. asks the children to re%eat each ti e. T. writes on the $oard: ( am. Then ru$s out the a and re%lace it with an a%ostro%he. T. re%eats with other short #or s. T. asks the children to read tags s%eech $u$$le and the gra ar $o4 out loud. Signature:__________________
Class: _______________________
T. chooses children, gi"es the a word 'a , is or are+ and asks the T. asks #or the co %lete and the short #or . 0# .isten and stic)#
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T. asks the children to #ind the stickers #or Lesson 8. T. %lays the )2. T. says +isten and stic,. T. sto%s a#ter each sentence. T. allows enough ti e #or children to stick their stickers. T. checks the answers. 1# Circle and /rite#
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T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence and calls out the issing word 'white+. T. asks the children to circle and write. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 2# What about you3 Write#
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T. asks the children to write a$out the sel"es. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. asks as any children as %ossi$le to read out what they ha"e written. !# Sing along /ith The 4ly High band!
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T. %lays the )2. T. can see the introduction, %."i #or guidance on teaching songs.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro the %re"ious lesson. T. can see 1ntroduction, %. " and %. i4 #or guidance on checking ho ework e##ecti"ely and %racticing "oca$ulary and s%elling. +ocabulary )hildren %lay AHang anB on the $oard with the "oca$ulary #ro choose a word each ti e. 'T. sees 1ntroduction, %, 4i.+ Lesson 8. T. asks "olunteers to
Presentation PB page 6,
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age C. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. sees 1ntroduction, %. " #or guidance on %resenting new "oca$ulary. T. calls out the words at rando . T. asks the children to s%ell the and %oints to the correct %ictures.
(re you on holiday3 Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Where is &iggy? Who is 'ith &iggy? (s &iggys co#sin ha$$y? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories = T. can use 1ntroduction, %. ". T. asks so e >uestions in L8 to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ (s &iggy on holiday? (s &iggys co#sin shy? )re the animals h#ngry? "# 7atch #
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T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to look at %icture @ and tell hi .her who they can see '&iggy, a#nt, #ncle, co#sin and -atty+. T. asks (s &iggys co#sin shy? T.elicits .o, she isnt. t. holds u% his.her $ook, reads sentence8, then traces the line with his.her #inger to the cousin. T. asks the children to atch. T. re inds the to look in the story to check their answer. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag
T. asks #or two "olunteers to read out the s%eech $u$$les #or (arla and Tag. T. asks the children to read the gra ar $o4 out loud. T. writes only the %ersons #ro the gra ar $o4 on the $oard 'you! 1!, etc.+ T. in"ites children ti #ill in the issing "er$ #or s 'with their $ook i# necessary+. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
T. %uts the children in s all grou%s. T. asks the to take turns asking and answering )re yo# "?, (s he/she "?, )m ( "?, and )re 'e "? Duestions a$out %eo%le in the grou%. T. de onstrates with one grou% $y asking a child )re yo# h#ngry? T. elicits *es, ( am./.o, (m not. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 0# What about you3 Write#
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T. asks di##erent children >uestions e.g. (s yo#r /riend a ballerina? )re yo#r m#m and dad teachers? )re yo# /#nny?, etc. T. asks the class to write their answers to the >uestions in the e4ercise. T. re#ers the to the Era ar $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 1# Play the game#
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T. asks the children to look at the %icture and guess what the children are %retending to $e.. T. asks three children to co e to the #ront = two o# the are Akangaroo children and the other one asks the >uestions. T. asks the to read and act out the e4a %le dialogue. T. %uts the children in s all grou%s '3 or -+. T. asks the to %lay the ga e. T. tells the so eti es one child acts out and other ti es two or ore children act out together 'to ensure %ractice o# short answers with 1 and we+. 2# Write /ith 9arla#
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T. asks the children to look at the #irst %icture. T. asks Where is %arla /rom? What colo#r is her /lag? T. asks the children to read (arlas sentences out loud. T. distri$utes the %a%er. T. asks the children to draw and colour a #lag #or their country, decorates their %icture and writes sentences like (arla. T. asks children to read their sentences to the class.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page &/ T. writes on the $oard: ha$$y, h#ngry, a ,angaroo, a tiger, /rom )#stralia, /rom 0reece. T. %oints to tiger and says (s ag a tiger? T. chooses a child. T. elicits a short answer. T. chooses children, %oints to a word on the $oard and asks the to think o# a >uestion using )m, (s or )re. T. chooses another child to answer the >uestion each ti e.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age 8G. T. can see the 1ntroduction, %. " #or guidance on %resenting new "oca$ulary using the Pu%ils ?ook %ictures. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the sh .. sound on shorts and shirt.
:'%e got a camera Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T asks 'in L8 where necessary+ (s it a s#nny day? What clothes has &iggy got? Where is &iggy going on holiday? What has tag got? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories = T. can use 1ntroduction, %. ". T. asks so e >uestions in L8 to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ 1o 2hatter and %arla li,e &iggys clothes? 1oes &iggy li,e his clothes? 1o yo# li,e &iggys clothes? "# Choose and /rite#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence, then to #ind the %lace in the story which gi"es that in#or ation. T. asks the children to choose words and co %lete the sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag
T. asks the children to read out Tags s%eech $u$$le and the gra ar $o4. T. writes on the $oard: ( " got bl#e shorts. &iggy ". got blac, and 'hite shorts. T. %oints to the ga%s one at a ti e and elicits the issing words. T. writes on the $oard: ( ha3e got. T. ru$s out ha and re%laces it with an a%ostro%he. T says (3e got. T. writes on the $oard *o# ha3e got. 0nd She has got. T. in"ites children ti ru$ out letters and adds a%ostro%hes to ake the short #or s. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns telling their #riend a$out things they"e got in their $ag or on their desk. Then %ut the in s all grou%s. They take turns talking a$out what their #riend has got.
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T. asks the children to read the e4a %le aloud. T. asks the children to read the rest o# the %ro %ts and writes sentences. T. re#ers the with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
$ptional acti%ity T. distri$utes the %a%er and asks the children to draw one or ore o$Hects #ro the lessons story. T. %uts the children in s all grou%s. They show their #riends their drawings and take turns talking a$out the , using ha"e.has got. 1# 5ead and /rite# Then colour#
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T. asks the children to read the sentences aloud. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks What colo#r is a banana? Then T. asks What colo#r is her 4shirt? T. asks the children to read the e4a %le answer. T. asks the children to read the te4t and write. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. T. asks the children to colour their %ictures. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 2# Sing along /ith The 4ly High band!
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T. %lays the )2. T. can see 1ntroduction, %. "i #or guidance on teaching songs.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
with %ictures o# ani als or classroo o$Hects that the children ha"e learnt '8 or @ %er child+, sets o# cards %re%ared $y hi .her with colour words on the 'one set %er grou%+, $ags '@ %er grou%+ "rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page &, T. holds u% di##erent classroo answers each ti e. o$Hects and asks Ha3e yo# got a (ob5ect)? )hildren call out their
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age 8@. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. %ractices se"eral ti es the a sounds in %lane .ei. and ta4i ..
Ha%e you got your passports3 Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T asks 'in L8where necessary+ Where are &iggy and his /amily going? Who has got the s#itcases? Who has got the tic,ets? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories = T. can use 1ntroduction, %. ". T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ )re Sally and the animals sad in $ict#re 3? Why? What has Sally got /or the animals? "# Circle# $ack to the story to check their
T. asks the children to read sentence 8 and say *es aloud. T. asks the children to read and circle yes or no. t. re#ers the answers. T. onitors and hel%s when necessary. .earn /ith Tag
T. chooses a girl, %oints to her and says She has got (colo#r) hair. Then T. asks Has she got (colo#r) hair? *es, she has. T. asks Has she got (di//erent colo#r) hair? T. elicits .o, she hasnt. T. writes on the $oard: She has got " and Has she got "? T. draws arrows #ro the words she and has in each sentence to show that they change %osition in >uestions. T. %uts the children in %airs and asks the to take turns asking and answering >uestions a$out children in the class. 0# What about you3 Circle and /rite# Signature:__________________
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Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to read sentence 8 aloud. T. asks so e children to gi"e hi .her an answer, then T. asks the children to write an answer. T. asks the children to answer the sel"es. T. re#ers the to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
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T. %lays the )2, %auses a#ter #irst sentence. T. holds u% his.her $ook, reads out the >uestion, traces the line with his.her #inger and read the e4a %le answer. T. says +isten and match. T. %lays the )2. 1# children need e4tra ti e to atch the >uestions and answers, %auses a#ter each sentence. T. checks the answers. 2# Play the game#
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T. asks the children to look at the %icture and elicits how the ga e is %layed. T. chooses two children to read and act out the e4a %le. T. %uts the children in s all grou%s. T. distri$utes the al%ha$et 'or his.her+ crads in two $ags #or each grou% 'a #ew o$Hect cards in one $ag7 a #ew colour cards in another $ag+. T. lets the children %lay the ga e in their grou%s.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page &0 )hildren %lay the ga e to re"iew (3e got . T. says (3e got a bag. T. chooses a child to re%eat what he.she said and adds an o$Hect o# their own '%ro %ts i# necessary =e.g. (3e got a bag and a $encil.+. )hildren choose the ne4t child to re%eat and add an o$Hect o# their own. T. %lays #or as long as %ossi$le.
T. says ,%en their $ooks at %age 8-. T. holds u% his.her $ook and %oints to the %ictures one at a ti e, saying the words each ti e. T. %ractices se"eral ti es the th .*. on Maths and sh .. in &nglish.
Sally's story: Sno/y Pre6reading: T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ the children to look at each %icture in the story and tells hi .her what they can see. T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories = T. can use 1ntroduction, %. ". T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Has 6oanna got 7nglish on Wednesday? Ha3e yo# got 7nglish on Wednesday? What has 6oanna got on #esday?
$ptional acti%ity T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns reading out sentences #ro the nu $er o# the %icture #or that sentence. "# 5ead and ans/er# the story = their #riend says
?e#ore doing the e4ercise, T. re"iews the days o# the week. T. writes on the $oard the #irst letter or two letters o# each day. T. in"ites children to co %lete the words on the $oard. T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. di"ides the class into two grou%s. T. asks one grou% to read >uestion 8 and the other to read the answer. T. asks the children to read and answer. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and tell what they can see. T. asks the children to read (arlas sentences out loud. T. asks the children to write their sentences. They can use (arlas e4a %les as a odel, $ut T. re ind the to write a$out their own #a ily. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. &arly #inishers can draw a %icture to go with their sentences.
Home/or) =ui* " T. can now use %hotoco%ia$le =ui* ". T. can see (cti%e Teach esources section T. asks the children to co %lete %%.8@683 in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page &+ T. %uts the children in %airs to %lay AHang anB with so e o# the "oca$ulary #ro Lessons 86-
5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro the %re"ious lesson. ?e#ore doing an e4ercise with the class, $rie#ly re"iew the rele"ant "oca$ulary and gra #lashcards, >uestions and answers, etc. "# 7atch# onitors and hel%s where necessary.
ar. T. uses
T. asks the children to read the e4a %le. T. asks the children to atch the rest o# the sentences. T. 0# 5ead and ans/er#
T. asks the children to read the e4a %le and answer the rest o# the >uestions. T. where necessary. 1# Write#
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T. holds u% his.her $ook and %oints to the #irst %icture. T. asks Has he got a s#itcase? For the second %icture asks Ha3e yo# got tic,ets? T. elicits the correct answer. 2# What about you3 Write#
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T. asks children Ha3e yo# got ".? Duestions and elicits correct short answers. T. asks the children to read the >uestions and answer a$out the sel"es. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. !# .isten and circle#
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T. asks the children to read the ti eta$le one day at a ti e. T. %lays the )2 and asks the children to listen and circle the correct su$Hects.
>o/ /rite Shes got or She hasnt got. T. says She hasnt got Maths on Monday. T. asks the children to gi"e hi .her another She hasnt got " sentence abo#t Monday. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
Class: _______________________
T. asks the children to read the e4a %le and co %lete the other sentences re#erring to the ti eta$le.
7y pro?ect: Dra/ and ma)e a holiday chart# Then /rite# T. asks the children to look at the %icture and count how any ite s are in the $ag. T. reads the lists #or Me and My #riend as a class. T. distri$utes the %a%er and asks the children to draw their holiday $ag containing things #or the sel"es and their #riend. T. reads the e4a %le te4t out loud. T. asks the children to re%eat. T. asks the children to write the te4ts #or their holiday chart. T. in"ites so e children to the #ront to %resent their work to the class and to read what they"e written.
5e%ie/ o& Cycle " T. can now re"iew the language the children ha"e learned in )ycle 8, in the #ollowing ways.
7y Picture Dictionary T. can use Picture 2ictionary #or )ycle 8 to hel% the children re"iew the words they ha"e learned. T. can see 1ntroduction %."ii #or guidance on using the %icture dictionary.
5ead /ith Trumpet: ( day at school T. does the Jead with Tru %et lesson on %.I: o# the Pu%ils ?ook in the ne4t class. T. #ollows the acco %anying teaching notes on %. I: o# this Teachers Euide.
(cti%ity Boo) T. tells the children to co %lete the Je"iew e4ercises on %%.8-68/ in their 0cti"ity ?ook #or ho ework. T. does the last section, My &nglish together in class in the ne4t lesson. T. uses the sentences as %ro %ts #or oral %ractice. Then T. tells the children to colour the #ace they think $est re%resents their e##orts. T. can see the 1ntroduction %. "ii #or guidance.
Progress 5e%ie/ T. uses %hotoco%ia$le Progress 5e%ie/ " as a test in class. T. can see the 0cti"e Teach Jesources section.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page & T. draws on the $oard #our clocks showing di##erent oclock ti es. T. chooses children, %oints to one o# the clocks at rando and asks the child to i e what they usually do at that ti e o# day. T. de onstrates once i# necessary.
T. says 8$en yo#r boo, at $age 9:. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary using the %u%ils ?ook %ictures. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the a .a:. in $ostcard, $arcel and a/ternoon.
The postman comes at se%en Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Where are they? Whos the man? Whats he carrying? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 %ossi$le+ Why are 2hatter and %arla arg#ing? Who is the $arcel /or? "# Circle#
T. asks the children to look at %icture 8. T. says (ts morning. *es or no? T. elicits *es. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence, then to read the te4t at the to% o# %icture 8.T. says he $ostman comes at si;. *es or no? T. elicits .o. T. asks the children to circle. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag
T. holds u% his.her $ook and %oints to the %icture. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence and the gra ar $o4 out loud. T. writes on the $oard: ( ". <oo,s. She " boo,s. )nd (read). T. %oints to the ga%s and asks the children to tell you the "er$ #or each ti e. 1# necessary, T. re%eats with other ga%%ed sentences and regular "er$s. T. underlines the third %erson singular s to draw attention ti it. T. asks the children to #ind e4a %les o# the gra ar in the story. Signature:__________________
Class: _______________________
T. writes on the $oard: $lay, read, s'im, eat, o$en and 'al,. T. goes round the class asking children to gi"e hi .her a sentence a$out the sel"es using one o# the "er$s. &ach ti e, T. asks the child ne4t to the to say what their #riend does 'using he.she and the third %erson singular "er$ #or +. 0# Circle and /rite#
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. holds u% his.her $ook, %oints to the clock and say si4. T. %oints to the "er$ o%tions and say Sally get #$4no. Sally gets #$4yes! T. asks the children to choose the correct "er$ #or and then write the ti e. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 1# .isten and stic)# Then /rite#
T. asks the children to #ind the stickers #or Lesson /. T. %lays the )2. T. says +isten and stic,. T. sto%s a#ter each sentence. T. allows enough ti e #or children to stick their stickers. T. does the #irst >uestion with the children6reads the #irst two lines o# the audio scri%t, T. asks the children to read the #irst sentence and add the issing word. T. asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. T. checks the answers. 2# Sing along /ith The 4ly High band!
Home/or) T. asks the children to co %lete %%. 8:68F in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page ,/ 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson. T. asks #or three "olunteers to read out the "erses o# the song in Lesson /. The other children act out as those children read.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age @G. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the ee .i:. in 'ee,end and the ea .iK. in year.
$ptional (cti%ity T. %lays a word ga e: T. uses di##erent #lashcards #ro %re"ious lessons. T. collects the together and %laces the #ace down on his.her desk. T. asks children to co e and choose a #lashcard and either act out the word or tell the class the #irst 'and second, etc.+ letter, #or the children to guess the word.
Do they play bas)etball3 Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story and asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Whats ha$$ening in $ict#re 9? Whats in Sallys $arcel? Ha3e yo# got a $hoto alb#m? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 %ossi$le+ Who are the $eo$le in the $hotos on $ict#res = and 3? Who is in the $hoto in $ict#re >? Whats she 'earing? "# Choose and /rite#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to look at %icture @. T. asks Whats Sally got? T. asks the children to read out the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to choose words and co %lete the sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. writes on the $oard: you %lay #oot$all. '+ 3ou dont %lay $asket$all. '+ do you %lay #oot$all! T. %oints out the e4tra words we use to ake the negati"e and >uestion 'dont, 2o+ T. %oints out the di##erent order o# the words in >uestions. T. asks two children to co e to the #ront and read out the e4a %le dialogue #or (arla and Tag. T. asks the children to read out the gra ar $o4, then to #ind e4a %les o# the gra ar in the story. T. writes on the $oard ore ga%%ed >uestions and answers 'e.g. They 5 watch TL '+ 5 they read &nglish!, etc+. T. in"ites children to #ill in the issing words. 0# What about you3 Circle#
PB page 0",
T. asks the children to read and circle a$out the sel"es. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers $y asking children to read out their sentences. T. %uts the children in %airs to %ractice asking and answering the >uestions with their #riend. 1# Play the game#
PB page 0",
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and say what the children are doing. T. %uts the children in %airs. T. akes sure they understand that they take turns thinking o# an acti"ity. Their #riend asks >uestions to guess the acti"ity. 2# Write /ith 9arla#
PB page 0",
T. asks the children to look at the #irst %icture and say what it is. T. asks i# they e"er write %ostcards when they are on holiday. T. asks the children to read (arlas sentences out loud. T. asks the children to write their %ostcard. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers $y asking children to read out their %ostcard.
Home/or) T. asks the children to co %lete %%. 8C68I in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page ,, 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson. T. asks di##erent children to stand u% and i e so ething they do on *aturday. The other children guess $y saying, #or e4a %le, He/She $lays /ootball. T. allows as any children to i e as %ossi$le.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age @@. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary using the Pu%ils ?ook. T. uses re%etition to %ractice o# ed .Kd..
She doesn't li)e meat# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ (s e3eryone e;cited? Why? Whats the ne' animal called? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions in L8 to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Ho' old is -andora? Where is she /rom? (s she 'a,ing #$? 1o yo# li,e $andas? "# Choose and /rite#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks What animal is -andora! T. asks the children to read the e4a %le. T. asks the children to choose the words and co %lete the sentences. T. re inds the to look at the story to check their answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag
T. draws a %anda on the $oard. T. asks 1oes she eat meat? *es or no? T. elicits .o. T. writes on the $oard: She doesnt eat meat. T. goes round the class asking children to tell hi .her other things the %anda doesnt do 'e.g. read $ooks, s%eak &nglish, etc+. T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read the e4a %le dialogue. T. %ractices >uestions and answers $y asking children 1oes >uestions, e.g. 2oes )hatter %lay the dru s! 2oes Miggy co e #ro Ereece! T. elicits short answers. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. asks the children to read the gra ar $o4 out loud and #inds e4a %les o# the language in the story. T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns asking and answering the >uestions in the gra ar $o4.
$ptional (cti%ity T. asks all the children to draw a %icture o# a $oy.girl hey know. T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns asking their #riend 1oes he/she >uestions a$out the %erson in their %icture. T. onitors and encourages the #riend to gi"e short answers.
PB page 01,
T. asks the children to look at the "er$ o%tions and atch the with the sentence endings, e.g. wear atches sunglasses. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks a child to read out the e4a %le. T. asks the children to co %lete the sentences with the correct "er$ and doesnt. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
$ptional acti%ity T. says She comes /rom 2hina. 0nd %ro %ts the children to answer She doesnt come /rom )/rica. T. continues with ore sentences #ro the lesson encouraging the children to answer with a doesnt sentence each ti e. For e4a %le, She eats lea3es.6She doesnt eat meat., She slee$s a lot.4She doesnt $lay a lot. 8r She doesnt slee$ all 'inter,etc. 1# 5ead and ans/er#
PB page 01,
T. asks the children to read the te4t out loud. T. does the e4a %le with the class: t. re%eats the #irst sentence o# the te4t, then T. asks the children >uestions 8. The children read the e4a %le answer. T. asks the children to read the >uestions and answer the . T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 2# Sing along /ith The 4ly High band!
PB page 01,
$ptional acti%ity T. di"ides the class into two grou%s and allocates a "erse o# the song to each one. T. in"ites the grou%s to sing their "erse aloud and act it out.
Home/or) T. asks the children to co %lete %%. @86@@ in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page ,0 T. di"ides the class into two grou%s. They sing the song #ro Lesson F =one grou% asks the >uestions in the song and the other sings the answers. They all sing the last line o# the "erses.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age @-. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the ea.:. in early and the a .ei. in late.
They al/ays /a)e up early# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the %icture. T asks 'in L8 where necessary+. What day is it? (s there a ne' animal in the !oo? Who is sho'ing -andora the !oo? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Who gets #$ early? Who has a sho'er e3ery day? (s -andora ha3ing /#n? Why? "# Circle#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. chooses a child to read the te4t #or %icture 8. Then T. asks the children to tell hi .her what day it is. T. asks the children to circle the correct words. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag
T. holds u% his.her $ook and %oints to the %icture o# Tag. T. asks the children to read Tags s%eech $u$$le out loud. T. asks 1oes ag clean his teeth on Monday! T. elicits *es, he does. T. re%eats with other days o# the week. Then T. says ag cleans his teeth e3ery day. T. writes on the $oard: ( go s'imming on #esday, h#rsday and Sat#rday. T. reads the sentences out loud, then T. says ( sometimes go s'imming. T. asks children to tell hi .her things they so eti es do. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
Class: _______________________
T. says 1 ha"e a shower in the orning. T. re%eats the %rocess with 1 go sho%%ing on *aturday. T. writes on the $oard: Pandora ne"er eats eat. T. asks the children to tell hi .her things they ne"er do. 0# What about you3 Write al/ays, sometimes or ne%er#
PB page 0!,
T. re inds the children o# so e o# the things they said they always. so eti"er do. T. asks the children to co %lete the sentences a$out the sel"es. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers $y asking children to read out so e o# their sentences.. 1# .isten and match# Then /rite#
PB page 0!,
T. %lays the )2. T. %auses a#ter e"ery sentence to gi"e the children ti e to atch the correct %icture. T. checks the answers. T. says Write. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks What day does ?ic,y $lay the ,eyboard. T. elicits Thursday. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le answer, then do the e4ercise. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 2# Play the game#
PB page 0!,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and reads the words on the white$oard in the %icture. T. writes al'ays, sometimes, ne3er as three headings across the $oard. T. asks Who al'ays eats /ish? Who sometimes eats /ish? Who ne3er eats /ish! T. chooses one child #ro each answer grou% to co e to the $oard, stand in #ront o# the correct word and say their sentence. (( al'ays eat /ish., etc.+ T. re%eats with other sentences, or let children co e to the $oard, stands n #ront o# one o# the words and ake u% their own sentences.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
Title o& the lesson: Sally's Story <The months o& the year'
#$SSO% && S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to read a story Vocabulary: 5anuary, %e!ruary, March, "pril, May, 5une, 5uly, "ugust, +eptem!er, 6cto!er, -o*em!er, 3ecem!er, spring, autumn 'evie(: summer, winter rammar 'evie(: grammar from lessons .(/ !aterials: )lass )2
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page ,+ T. writes on the $oard: s$ring, s#mmer, a#t#mn, 'inter. T. chooses children to co e to the #ront, T. says one o# the seasons, then i es so ething they do at the ti e o# the year. The other children guess. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary in the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en their $ooks at %age @:. T. introduces the onths o# the year: T. in"ites the children to #ind the onths and highlight the the story. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the %ronunciation o# all the onths o# the year.
Sally's story: The months o& the year# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Whats yo#r /a3o#rite month o/ the year? Why? Whats yo#r /a3o#rite season o/ the year? Why? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ What ha$$ens in May? What ha$$ens in .o3ember? When are 'e on holiday? "# 5ead and /rite#
T. di"ides the class into twel"e grou%s. T. allocates the onths and asks each grou% to read a$out their onth. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the grou% who reads a$out Nanuary to read their rhy e again. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence out loud. T. asks the children to read and write. T. asks the o underline the %laces in the story where they #ound the answers. T. onitors and o##ers hel% where necessary. T. checks the answers. 0# Write /ith 9arla#
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T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read what (arla has written a$out her #a"ourite season. T. asks the children to write a$out their #a"ourite seasons, like (arla. T. encourages the to use their i agination! T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
Class: _______________________
T. in"ites di##erent children to read out loud what they ha"e written a$out their #a"ourite season.
$ptional acti%ity T. asks the children to draw %ictures #or their sentences. T. dis%lays the %ictures in the classroo #our sections6one #or each season. in
Home/or) =ui* 0 T. can now use %hotoco%ia$le =ui* 0. T. can see (cti%e Teach resources section T. asks the children to co %lete %%.@-6@/ in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page &+ T. calls out the onth. 5e%ie/ onths at rando and asks children to s%ell the onth and say what they do in that
T. checks the ho ework #ro the %re"ious lesson. ?e#ore doing an e4ercise with the class, $rie#ly re"iew the rele"ant "oca$ulary and gra #lashcards, >uestions and answers, etc. "# .isten and match#
ar. T. uses
T. asks the children to look at the %ictures and tell hi .her what they can see in each one. T. %lays the )2 to do the e4a %le with the class. T. %lays the )2 again. T. asks the children to listen and atch. T. sto%s a#ter each >uestion to gi"e the class ti e to atch the words and %ictures.
>o/ choose and /rite# T. does the e4a %le with the class. Then T. asks the children to choose and co %lete the other sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 0# Write#
T. writes on the $oard: -andora eats /ish. T. asks the children to read the sentence out loud. T. asks 1oes -andora eat /ish! T. elicits .o, she doesnt. T. %uts a line through the #irst sentence he.she writes on the $oard: -andora doesnt eat /ish. T. asks the children to con"ert the other sentences into negati"e sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 1# What about you3 Write Do or does and ans/er#
PB page 06,
T. asks a child to read the e4a %le >uestion and answer. T. asks the children to co %lete the other >uestions and answer a$out the sel"es. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 2# Write and colour the boAes# Then play the game# onths in the ta$le. Signature:__________________
PB page 08,
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. e4%lains that the key is to show the children what colour to use #or the onths in each season. T. asks the to colour the cells in the ta$le according to the season. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. asks the children to look at the %ictures o# the children and read the e4a %le s%eech $u$$les to the sel"es. T. in"ites two children to the #ront to odel the ga e. ,ne says a onth and the other says which season its in. T. %uts the children in %airs to %lay the ga e. !# What about you3 Write#
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T. %uts the children in di##erent %airs. T. asks the to take turns asking each other the >uestions. T. asks the children to write their answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. asks the >uestions and in"ites di##erent children to read out their answers.
7y pro?ect: 7a)e a poster# T. asks the children to look at the %ictures. T. chooses children to tell hi .her what they can see in each o# the %ictures. T. reads the lists #or Me and My #riend as a class. T. distri$utes the %a%er and asks the children to draw their holiday $ag containing things #or the sel"es and their #riend. T. reads the e4a %le te4t out loud. T. asks the children to re%eat. T. asks the children to write the te4ts #or their holiday chart. T. in"ites so e children to the #ront to %resent their work to the class and to read what they"e written.
5e%ie/ o& Cycle 0 T. can now re"iew the language the children ha"e learned in )ycle @, in the #ollowing ways.
7y Picture Dictionary T. can use Picture 2ictionary #or )ycle 8 to hel% the children re"iew the words they ha"e learned. T. can see 1ntroduction %."ii #or guidance on using the %icture dictionary.
5ead /ith Trumpet: Special days in Britain T. does the Jead with Tru %et lesson on %.IF o# the Pu%ils ?ook in the ne4t class. T. #ollows the acco %anying teaching notes on %. IF o# this Teachers Euide.
(cti%ity Boo) T. tells the children to co %lete the Je"iew e4ercises on %%.@:6@F in their 0cti"ity ?ook #or ho ework. T. does the last section, My &nglish together in class in the ne4t lesson. T. uses the sentences as %ro %ts #or oral %ractice. Then T. tells the children to colour the #ace they think $est re%resents their e##orts. T. can see the 1ntroduction %. "ii #or guidance.
Progress 5e%ie/ T. uses %hotoco%ia$le Progress 5e%ie/ 0 as a test in class. T. can see the 0cti"e Teach Jesources section.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
aB .isten and point# Then repeat# T. %lays the )2. T. de onstrates $y holding u% his.her $ook, re%eating the letter sounds a#ter *ally and %ointing at the letter. T. %lays the )2 again. The children re%eat the letter sounds and %oints to the letters.
bB .isten and /rite# Then repeat# T. %lays the )2. T. %auses a#ter ks ks #o4. T. writes 4 on the $oard and re%eat the letter sounds and the word. T. %lays the )2 again. T. asks the children to listen and write. T. calls out the nu $ers #or children to re%eat.
cB Chant# T. %lays the )2. T. asks the children to #ollow in their $ook. Then T. says the chant as a class. T. %lays the )2 again. T. asks the children to chant with the )2. T. di"ides the class into #our grou%s 'one grou% #or Hu %ing Hellies!, etc.+. T. asks each grou% to chant its %art in turn. 0# Colour the &amily members to get to the plane# Then /rite#
T. elicits all the #a ily words the children can re e $er. T. asks the children to #ind the #a ily words and colour the . T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. asks the children to co %lete the lists with words #ro the ta$le. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks what the #ood word is on the #irst line 's%agetti+. T. asks what the #ood word is on the third line ' eat+. T. asks Where are the /amily going! T. encourages the children to shout the answer. 1# .oo) and ans/er# Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and tells hi .her what they can see. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to count the %lanes. T. asks Ho' many $lanes can yo# see? (t'o). T. asks the children to look at the %icture and answer the >uestions. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary.
CndDo&DTerm Test " T. can now use %hotoco%ia$le CndDo&DTerm Test "# T. sees the 0cti"e Teach Jesources section.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page ., T. asks the children to stand u%. T. says (m reading a boo,. 0nd i e reading. T. asks the children to re%eat the sentence and co%y hi .her. T. says (m 'riting 7nglish. T. asks the children to re%eat the sentence and i e the action. T. re%eats with other si %le sentences in the %resent continuous.
T. says 8$en yo#r boo, at $age 3=. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the oo sound in cook .kuk. and door$ell .d:$el..
:'m coo)ing Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Whos in the $ict#re? Who is bored? Whos got an idea? (s 2hatter ha$$y? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 %ossi$le+ Whats Sally doing? (s there a mess in the ,itchen? "# 7atch#
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. holds u% his.her $ook and %oints to the words Tag is and #ollows the line with his.her #inger to $. T. reads out the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to %oint to the %icture o# Tag %laying his guitar. T. says Match. T. re inds the children to re#er to the story to #ind the answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
Class: _______________________
T. writes on the $oard and says ( am 'riting. (m 'riting. T. asks a child to read the two sentences. Then T. says He/She is reading. He/Shes reading. T. %oints to the children and says *o# are learning 7nglish. *o#re learning 7nglish. T.writes on the $oard 1 a reading. T. ru$s out the a and %uts an a%ostro%he in its %lace. T. says (m reading. T. writes on the $oard He is cooking. T. in"ites children to ru$ out letters and writes a%ostro%hes to ake the short #or . 0# Write#
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. writes on the $oard *o# ". " (learn) 7nglish. T. asks the children to call out the e4a %le answer. T. writes on the $oard. T. asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 1# .isten and stic)# Then /rite#
T. asks the children to #ind the stickers #or Lesson I. T. %lays the )2. T. says +isten and stic,. T. sto%s a#ter each sentence. T. allows enough ti e #or children to stick their stickers. T. writes on the $oard the ga%%ed e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to call out the issing words. T. in"ites a child to co %lete the sentence on the $oard. T. asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
$ptional acti%ity T. asks the children to write two new sentences a$out the %eo%le in their #a ily. For e4a %le, My u is cleaning her shoes. T. asks di##erent children to read out their sentences. 2# Sing along /ith The 4ly High band!
Home/or) T. asks the children to co %lete %%. 3G638 in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page .0 T. re"iews the %resent continuous tense7 T. asks the children to sing and act out to the Fly High ?and song #ro lesson I. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age 3-. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the %ronunciation o# sh .. in dish and wash.
Eou aren't helping# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to tell hi .her what ha%%ened in the story in Lesson I. T. asks the children to look at the story. T asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Who is at the ho#se? What are they doing? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Who is cleaning the /loor? Who is tasting a stra'berry? (s ag sad or ha$$y? Why? 1o yo# ha3e a ca,e on yo#r birthday? "# Circle#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to look at %icture 8 and says he $hones ringing. *es or .o! T. elicits .o. T. asks the children to read and circle their answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. asks a child to stand u% and i e reading a $ook. T. says He/Shes reading. He/She is not tal,ing. He/She isnt tal,ing. T. asks the children to read the gra ar $o4 out loud. T. writes on the $oard: ( am not slee$ing. She is not slee$ing. hey are not slee$ing. T. ru$s out the a in the #irst sentence and %uts in an a%ostro%he. T. in"ites children to write the short #or #or the other sentences.
,%tional acti"ity T. asks the children to look at the sentences in e4ercise 8 again and turn the into negati"e. T. de onstrates $y reading sentence 8, then saying .o, the $hone isnt ringing. T. calls out other %osti"e sentences and asks the children to ake the negati"e.
PB page 1!,
0# Write isnt/arent+ing.
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and tell hi .her what the $oy and girl are doing. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T asks the to read out all the "er$ o%tions. T. says Eeorge is %ainting a #o4. He isnt %ainting a ra$$it. T. asks the children to read out the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 1# Play the game#
PB page 1!,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and tell hi .her what they can see. T. draws on the $oard the house %lan #ro the %icture. T. writes on the $oard the ga%%ed na es o# the roo s '#or e4a %le, k 5.ch5.etc.+. t. in"ites children to co %lete the words. T. asks two children to co e to the #ront to read the e4a %le. T. %uts the children in %airs to %lay the ga e. T. akes sure they understand that they say an action they do in a s%eci#ic roo in the house. T. can e4tend the ga e $y in"iting so e children to say their sentences #or the class to guess where they are. 2# Write /ith 9arla#
PB page 1!,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read what (arla has written out loud. T. asks the children to write a$out the sel"es and their #riends like (arla. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. &arly #inishers can draw and colour a %icture to go with their sentences. T. asks so e children to read their sentences to the class.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page .+ 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson. T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns acting out acti"ities using "er$s and words they ha"e learnt. T. writes so e "er$s on the $oard as %ro %ts i# necessary ''rite, read, 'ash, ma,e, sing, 'al,, etc.+. Their #riend guesses what they are doing.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age 3:. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. rein#orces the "oca$ulary $y asking children to s%ell the words at rando .
(re you going to to/n3 Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ (s Sally on a train? (s ag 'ith her? (s there a toy sho$ in the to'n? )re they in the toy sho$? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions in L8 to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ What does Sally b#y? 1o r#m$et and 2hatter ha3e /#n? 1o they li,e sho$$ing? What sho$s do yo# li,e? "# Choose and /rite#
T. writes on the $oard: He "".'ashing the /loor. hey ". Ma,ing a ca,e. T. %oints to the #irst ga% and asks (s or are! T. elicits is and writes it in the ga%. T. re%eats the %rocess with the second ga%. T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks to look at the answer o%tions and read the e4a %le answer. T. asks the children to choose the words and co %lete the sentences. T. re inds the to look at the story to check their answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. Signature:__________________
T. chooses a con#ident child to act out $eing Tag. T. asks (s he eating! T. asks the children to read out the answer. T. asks the children to read the gra ar $o4 out loud. T. goes round the class asking )re yo# (drin,ing)?/ (s he/she (drin,ing)? Duestions and eliciting the correct answers.
$ptional (cti%ity T. %uts the children in s all grou%s. They take turns i ing si %le actions like eating an ice6crea , carrying sho%%ing, etc. 'i# necessary, T. writes %hrases on the $oard #or the children to i e+. Their #riends ask >uestions like the ones in the gra ar $o4 to guess what they are doing. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 0#Write#
PB page 1-,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. writes the ga%%ed e4a %le sentence on the $oard. T. %oints to the ga%s one at a ti e and asks the children to call out the word's+. each ti e, T. writes the in the ga%s. T. asks the children to look at the %icture and write. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 1# .oo) and ans/er#
PB page 1-,
T. asks so e >uestions a$out the %icture in &4ercise @. For e4a %le, What is the man 'earing? Who is 'earing a shirt? T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks Where is the man sho$$ing? 0nd asks the children to read out the e4a %le answer. T. asks the children to answer the >uestions. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 2# Sing along /ith The 4ly High band!
PB page 1-,
Home/or) T. asks the children to co %lete %%. 3-63/ in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page . 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson. T. writes on the $oard anagra s o# the "er$s the children ha"e learnt in this )ycle 'learn, tal,, coo,, ring, ma,e, 'ash, taste, b#y+. T. asks the children to write the "er$s correctly in their note$ook. T. checks $y asking children to call out the s%elling.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age 3C. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary using the Pu%ils ?ook %ictures and i e. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the %ronunciation o# ie .i:. in thie# and ai .ei. in wait.
Wait here# Don't mo%e# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Who can yo# see in the story? Where is Sally going? Who is 'earing a mas,? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions in L8 to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ (s 2hatter bra3e? Why? Why are 2hatter and r#m$et ha$$y at the end o/ the story? "# Choose and /rite#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to look at %icture 8 in the story. T. asks Where is Sally going? T. asks the children to read out the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to choose the words and co %lete the sentences. T. re inds the to look at the story to check their answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. .earn /ith Tag
T. asks three "olunteers to stand u% and act out the dialogue. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. says +ets cla$ o#r hands. T. cla%s his.her hands to de onstrate. T. %ro% ts the children to co%y hi .her. T. re%eats with lets stand u%. T. says 1ont sit do'n and stay standing u% hi .hersel#. T. says sit down and %ro %ts the children to do the sa e. 0#listan and tic) F B#
PB page 18,
T. %lays the )2. T. %auses a#ter the #irst sentence and asks the children to re%eat the sentence. '+ets go to the library.+. T. holds u% his.her $ook and %oints to %icture 8a. T. %lays the )2. T. says Listen and tick. T. %auses a#ter each sentence #or the children to tick the correct %ictures. 1# Circle# the
PB page 18,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. reads out sentence 8. T. elicits the correct o%tion #ro children. T. asks the children to read and circle. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 2# Play the game#
PB page 18,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and say What the children are doing. T. de onstrates the ga e: T. reads out the sentences #or the children to i e as in the %icture. T. can either %lay the ga e as a class, or O, #or a change, di"ide the class into s all grou%s. '1t is the sa e ga e as A*i on saysB, $ut using *ally+. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary.
Home/or) T. asks the children to co %lete %%. 3:63F in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 0/ T. %lays a ga e: T. says +ets eat a ca,e. T. asks the children to i e. T. says +ets eat a ca,e and carry the sho$$ing. The children i e. T. continues, adding another action each ti e 'e.g. Hu %,close our eyes, etc.+ until the children cant carry on! 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en their $ooks at %age -G. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the Lessons #lashcards.
Sally's story: The bear &ight# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. %oints to each %icture and asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Who are the $eo$le in the story? What room are the boys in? is there a bear in the story? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engage the children. T. holds u% his.her $ook and %oints to di##erent %ictures, asking What are )dam and Harry doing? &ach ti e. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ What )dam and Harry saying? "# 5ead and /rite#
T. does the e4a %le with the class: t. di"ides the class into two grou%s. T. asks one grou% to read the e4a %le >uestion out loud and the other to read the e4a %le answer. T. asks the children to read the >uestions and write the answers. T. re inds the to look at the story to check their answers. T. onitors and o##ers hel% where necessary. T. checks the answers. 0# Write /ith 9arla#
PB page 2",
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read (arlas descri%tion out loud. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
Class: _______________________
T. asks the children to draw a %icture o# their #a ily and write sentences like (arla. 1# there is ti e. T. in"ites children to $ring their %ictures to the #ront and tell the class a$out their #a ily and what they are doing.
$ptional acti%ity T. asks the children to la$el their %ictures. T. sticks the %ictures on the wall. T. in"ites children to co e u% and talk a$out their #riends %ictures 'e.g. his is Sams /amily. His m#m is ma,ing a ca,e., etc.).
Home/or) =ui* 1 T. can now use %hotoco%ia$le =ui* 1. T. can see (cti%e Teach resources section T. asks the children to co %lete %%.3C63I in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 0, T. %lays A9ord ?ingoB: T. asks the children to write down #our words #ro Lessons I68@. T. calls out letters at rando . The children cross out the letters in their words. The winner is the #irst %erson to cross out all the letters in their words. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro the %re"ious lesson. ?e#ore doing an e4ercise with the class, $rie#ly re"iew the rele"ant "oca$ulary and gra #lashcards, >uestions and answers, etc. "# .isten and match# atch the words and
ar. T. uses
T. %lays the )2 and does the e4a %le with the class. T. %lays the )2 again. T. sto%s a#ter each >uestion to gi"e the class ti e to %ictures. 0# Write#
T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. T. and hel%s where necessary. 1# What about you3 Choose and /rite#
PB page 20,
T. asks a child to read the introductions and e4%lains what they ha"e to do 'T. uses a word.%hrase #ro the $lue cloud and a word.%hrase #ro the %ink cloud to ake sentence+ T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. asks so e children to read out their answers. 2# .oo) and say#
PB page 21,
T. asks the children to look at the %ictures. T. asks the children to tell hi .her in which %icture the girl is wearing a dress '@+ and in which %icture she is aking a dress '8+. T. chooses a girl and a $oy to ake sentences. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. asks the children to talk a$out ore di##erences in the %ictures. T. %ossi$le ha"e the chance to gi"e an answer.
7y pro?ect: 7a)e a class map# T. gi"es the children ti e to look at the %icture and reads the sentences in their $ook. T. distri$utes the drawing %a%er. T. asks the children to choose a location 'T. checks that e"ery location has $een chosen $y at least a #ew children+. T. asks the to draw and colour their location, then write a$out it. T. distri$utes the scissors so they can cut out their drawings and their sentences to ake the class a%. T. asks the class to choose a na e #or their AtownB!
5e%ie/ o& Cycle 1 T. can now re"iew the language the children ha"e learned in )ycle 3, in the #ollowing ways.
7y Picture Dictionary T. can use Picture 2ictionary #or )ycle 3 to hel% the children re"iew the words they ha"e learned. T. can see 1ntroduction %."ii #or guidance on using the %icture dictionary.
5ead /ith Trumpet: ( British to/n centre T. does the Jead with Tru %et lesson on %.IC o# the Pu%ils ?ook in the ne4t class. T. #ollows the acco %anying teaching notes on %. IC o# this Teachers Euide.
(cti%ity Boo) T. tells the children to co %lete the Je"iew e4ercises on %%.-G6-8 in their 0cti"ity ?ook #or ho ework. T. does the last section, My &nglish together in class in the ne4t lesson. T. uses the sentences as %ro %ts #or oral %ractice. Then T. tells the children to colour the #ace they think $est re%resents their e##orts. T. can see the 1ntroduction %. "ii #or guidance.
Progress 5e%ie/ 1 T. uses %hotoco%ia$le Progress 5e%ie/ 1 as a test in class. T. can see the 0cti"e Teach Jesources section.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 00 T. %lays the ga e: T, says (m ma,ing a ca,e. T. chooses a child to re%eat his.her sentence and adds another action, e.g. (m ma,ing a ca,e and (m tasting stra'berry. T. continues round the class, with each child re%eating the list and adding another action. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age --. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary using the Pu%ils ?ook %ictures. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the %ronunciation o# oo .u:. in tooth$rush and sha %oo.
He's got my toothbrush # Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Who is cleaning the /loor? Who is tasting a stra'berry? (s ag sad or ha$$y? Why? 1o yo# ha3e a ca,e on yo#r birthday? "# Circle#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to look at %icture 8 and read what *allys saying. Then T. asks What time is it? T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to read and circle the correct words. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. %oints to his.her desk. T. says 1 'his.her na e+. this is y desk. T. writes on the $oard: (m (his/her name). his is my des,. T. chooses a $oy. T. walks u% to hi , holds u% his %encil and says He is (name) and this is his $encil. T. stresses He and his. T. chooses a girl. T. walks u% to her, holds u% her $ook and says She is (name) and this is her boo,. T. stresses She and her. T. says We are 2lass (class name/n#mber). his is o#r classroom. T. stresses We and o#r. T. asks the children to read Tags s%eech $u$$le and the gra ar $o4 out loud. T. %uts the children in %airs and encourages the to ake si ilar sentences. 0# Write#
PB page 2!,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. $ook. T. writes on the $oard: Shes reading "".boo,s. T. asks a child to tell hi .her the issing word, then T. writes it on the $oard. T. asks the children to co %lete the sentences. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 1# (s) and ans/er#
PB page 2!,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to look at the #irst clock. T. asks two children to read out the e4a %le >uestion and answer. T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns asking and answering. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. in"ites %airs to ask and answer in #ront o# the class.
,%tional acti"ty T. asks the children to draw two clocks showing di##erent Phal# %ast ti es. Then T. %uts the children in s all grou%s. They take turns holding u% their clocks and asking their #riends Whats the time? Their #riends answer. 2# Sing along /ith the 4ly High band!
PB page 2!,
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page .0 T. re"iews his is/ hese are $y going round %icking things o## childrens desks 'either one o$Hect or se"eral o# the sa e thing+, handing the ite s+ to another child and eliciting a sentence #ro that child using his is/ hese are 'e.g. These are %encils.+.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age -:. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the u .. in tru %et and the ou .K. in ta $ourine.
$ptional acti%ity T. holds u% the #lashcards o# the instru ents one at a ti e. T. asks the children to stand u% and %laying that instru ent while they shout out the word. i e
This is Trumpet's trumpet# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T asks 'in L8 where necessary) Who has got a g#itar? What has r#m$et got? Has Sally got a m#sical instr#ment? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ What song are the Fly High <and going to sing? 2an yo# $lay ant m#sical instr#ments? Whats yo#r /a3o#rite instr#ment? "# 7atch#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks Whos got dr#ms? Then T. holds u% his.her $ook, %oints to the e4a %le sentence and #ollows the line with his.her #inger to the %icture o# )hatter. T. asks the children to atch. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
T. asks a child to read the gra ar $o4 out loud. T. goes round the class %icking things o## childrens desks and asking Whose is this (ob5ect)? T. elicits answers #ro the children. T. akes sure they use the %ossessi"e Ps. For e4tra %ractice, T. holds u% the instru ent #lashcards and re"eals a s all %art o# the %icture, asking Whose is this/are these? &ach ti e. The children answer according to the story. 0# Write#
PB page 2-,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T asks the children to look at the #irst %icture and says Who it is. Then T. asks the to read the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to co %lete the sentences. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 1# Play the game#
PB page 2-,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and tell hi .her what the children are doing. T. asks the children to %ut "arious o$Hects on their desk. T. goes round, asking the children to close their eyes, and take o$Hects #ro a desk. &ach ti e, T. asks the sa e children Whose is this? 2# Write /ith 9arla#
PB page 2-,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read what (arlas sentences out loud. T. asks the children to call out the words #or toys they know. T. writes the on the $oard as they call the out. T. asks the children to write sentences a$out their #riends and their toys, like (arla. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. &arly #inishers can draw and colour a %icture to go with their sentences. T. in"ites children to read their sentences aloud.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to talk about amounts using some and any Vocabulary: orange, thirsty, peach, watermelon, glass, straw, 8uice, fruit rammar: some, any, "re there ?, (here are& arent Review: Ha*e you got ?, We*e got . !aterials: %ictures o# a%%les, oranges, $ananas and cherries 'o%tional #or 9ar 6u%+, lesson 8/ #lashcards,
)lass )2, drawing %a%er 'o%tional+ "rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 0 T. re"iews #ruits $y asking children to say the na es o# #ruits they know 'use the %ictures i# you"e $rought any+. T. writes the words on the $oard. Then T. %oints to the and each ti e, T. asks the children to i e %re%aring and eating that #ruit.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age -C. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary using the Pu%ils ?ook %ictures. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the s sound .s. in thirsty, glass and straw.
We'%e got some oranges# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ (s ?ic,y ha$$y in $ict#re 9? Where are the animals? What are they doing? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ What /r#it do the animals #se to ma,e the drin,? (s ?ic,y ha$$y at the end o/ the story? Why?
,%tional acti"ity t. asks the children to draw and colour a drink like the one the ani als ha"e ade #or Licky = using their #a"ourite #ruits. T. encourages the to ake their drinks as colour#ul and e4citing as %ossi$le. T. in"ites children to the #ront to hold u% their %ictures and talk a$out their drink. "# Circle#
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to look at %icture 8 and read what (arla says. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence and answer. T. asks the children to circle yes or no. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag
T. asks the children to look at the %icture then asks )re there any oranges in the $ict#re? )re there any 'atermelons in the $ict#re? T. chooses eight children and asks the to read a sentence each #ro the gra ar $o4. T. writes on the $oard: , and ! and also so e and any. ?elow that, T. writes here are " oranges. here arent ". Watermelons. )re there " bananas? T. %oints to the sy $ols on the $oard and sees i# the children can atch the with the sentences. T. hel%s, i# necessary, $y atching the with the #irst '%ositi"e+ sentence. T. chooses children to write so e and any in each sentence. 0# Write some and any#
PB page 28,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: t. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence and sees i# they can tell hi .her why the issing word is any '$ecause the sentence is a >uestion+. T. asks the children to write so e or any. They can do the e4ercise in %airs i# he.she thinks it will hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers $y asking children to read the sentences. 1# 7atch#
PB page 28,
T. re inds the children that >uestions start with "er$s. T. gi"es the so e e4a %les 'e.g. Ha3e yo# got aa bag? (s it a 'atermelon? )re they reading?) T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to read the #irst hal# o# the e4a %le, then #ollow the line with their #inger to the answer and read it out. T. asks the children to atch. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answer. 2# Sing along /ith the 4ly High band!
PB page 28,
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page . 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson. T. asks the children to sing and act out the song #ro lesson 8/.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age /G. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the Lessons #lashcards T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the dg .d. sound in #ridge.
There isn't much spaghetti# Pre6reading: T. asks the children 'in L8 where necessary+ (s 2hatter h#ngry? What /ood is there in the c#$board? (s there any mil, in the /ridge? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions in L8 to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Where do the animals go? )re the $eo$le in the s#$ermar,et ha$$y? Why not? "# Choose and /rite#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks Ho' m#ch s$aghetti is there? T. elicits here isnt m#ch s$aghetti. T. asks the children to look at the answer o%tions then to read the e4a %le sentence. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answer. .earn /ith Tag
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and tells hi .her what they can see. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns reading the >uestions #ro the gra ar $o4. Their #riend answers. T. asks the children whats the sa e a$out the words that co e a#ter any 'they are all %lurals+. T. e4%lains 'in L8 where necessary+ that we use uch #or the words that dont ha"e an s at the end and lots o# $e#ore any words, with or without an s. For ore %ractice, T. %uts the children in new %airs and asks the to take turns asking and answering with their #riend a$out things in the classroo . They ust use Ho' m#ch/many, some, any and lots o#. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 0# Write much or many#
PB page !0,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. writes on the $oard the ga%%ed e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to tell hi .her what to write in each ga%. T. asks the children to write uch or any. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 1# .isten and circle#
PB page !0,
T. %lays the )2 and %auses a#ter the sentence a$out cheese. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le answer. T. %lays the )2 again. T. asks the children to listen and circle. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. in"ites children to read a sentence each. 2# Play the game#
PB page !0,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and say What the children are doing. T. thinks o# a short sentence, then T. goes round choosing children to re%eat the sentence and adds to it. 1# a child #orgets the list, his.her #riends are allowed to %ro %t! T. %lays until e"eryone has had a turn.
Home/or) T. asks the children to co %lete %%. -C6-I in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
Title o& the lesson: Sally's Story <The babies are hungry'
#$SSO% ,0 S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to read a story Vocabulary: !a!y&!a!ies, mouse&mice, tomato&tomatoes, sheep&sheep, potato&potatoes, wolf&wol*es, san wich&san wiches 'evie(: +ocabulary from Lesson '2('4 rammar 'evie(: grammar from lessons '2('4 !aterials: )lass )2, Lesson Flashcards
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 0/ T. %uts the children in %airs. They %lay AHang anB with ani al words. 1# T. thinks its necessary, T. re"iews so e ani als $e#ore they %lay. T. goes round asking children to tell hi .her the na e o# one ani al. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en their $ooks at %age /@. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the Lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the sh .. and ch .. sounds in shee% and sandwich.
Sally's story: The babies are hungry# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. %oints to each %icture and asks 'in L8 where necessary+ What can yo# see in the $ict#re? What are they doing? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ What /oods do the man and 'oman gi3e the babies? )re the babies /o;es? What are yo#r /a3o#rite animals? "# 5ead and ans/er#
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. reads out the >uestion and asks the children to #ind the answer in the story. T. asks a child to read out the %art o# the story that contains the answer '+oo,! Fo#r babies!). T. asks the children to read the >uestions and answer. T. onitors and o##ers hel% where necessary. T. akes sure the children check the story to #ind the answers. T. asks the to underline the %arts o# the story that re#er to the answer. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
$ptional acti%ity T. writes "arious nouns on the $oard: ('oman, child, boy, $erson, bo;, tomato, /oot, boo,, tooth, shee$, $otato, etc.+. T. asks children to co e u% and write the %lurals ne4t to one o# the nouns ''omen, children, boys, $eo$le, bo;es, tomatoes, /eet, boo,s, teeth, shee$, $otatoes. etc.). 0# Write /ith 9arla#
PB page !1,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read (arlas sentences aloud. T. asks the children to write sentences a$out whats in their #ridge. T. encourages the to use as any #ood.drink words as %ossi$le. &arly #inishers can draw and colour a %icture to go with their sentences. T. checks the answers $y choosing children to co e to the #ront to read out their sentences.
Home/or) =ui* 2 T. can now use %hotoco%ia$le =ui* 2. T. can see (cti%e Teach resources section T. asks the children to co %lete %%./G6/8 in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 10 T. %lays A9ord ?ingoB with words #ro Lessons 8368:.
5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro the %re"ious lesson. ?e#ore doing an e4ercise with the class, $rie#ly re"iew the rele"ant "oca$ulary and gra #lashcards, >uestions and answers, etc. "# Choose and /rite#
ar. T. uses
)hildren sing the Fly High song #ro Lesson 83 to re"iew the %ossessi"e adHecti"es. T. asks the children to %oint to a %erson or %eo%le to de onstrate my, yo#r, etc. as they sing. T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to choose and write. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. Practice PB page !2, 0# 5ead and ans/er# T. asks the children to look at the %ictures. T. does the e4a %le with the class. T. asks the children to answer the other >uestions. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 1# .isten and circle# atch
PB page !2,
T. %lays the )2 and does the e4a %le with the class. T. %lays the )2 again. T. says Listen and circle. T. sto%s a#ter each sentence #or the children to the correct %ictures. 2# 7atch#
PB page !!,
T. draws on the $oard two clocks = one showing hal# %ast two and one showing hal# %ast nine. T. writes on the $oard hal# %ast two and asks which clock atches the ti e. T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to atch the other ite s. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to circle and write. T. where necessary. ,# Write#
PB page !!,
T. goes round the class gi"ing children di##erent nouns that ha"e irregular %lurals and asking the to say the %lurals. T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to write the other %lurals. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary.
7y pro?ect: 7a)e a &ood poster# T. asks the children to look at the %ictures. T. chooses children to tell hi .her what they can see in each o# the %ictures. T. says $reak#ast. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le te4t out loud #or $reak#ast. T. re%eats with lunch and dinner. T. distri$utes the %a%er and asks the children to draw the %ictures #or their #ood %osters and colour the in. T. in"ites so e children to the #ront to %resent their work to the class and to read what they"e written.
5e%ie/ o& Cycle 1 T. can now re"iew the language the children ha"e learned in )ycle -, in the #ollowing ways.
7y Picture Dictionary T. can use Picture 2ictionary #or )ycle - to hel% the children re"iew the words they ha"e learned. T. can see 1ntroduction %."ii #or guidance on using the %icture dictionary.
5ead /ith Trumpet: 4ood in Britain T. does the Jead with Tru %et lesson on %.II o# the Pu%ils ?ook in the ne4t class. T. #ollows the acco %anying teaching notes on %. II o# this Teachers Euide.
(cti%ity Boo) T. tells the children to co %lete the Je"iew e4ercises on %%./@6/3 in their 0cti"ity ?ook #or ho ework. T. does the last section, My &nglish together in class in the ne4t lesson. T. uses the sentences as %ro %ts #or oral %ractice. Then T. tells the children to colour the #ace they think $est re%resents their e##orts. T. can see the 1ntroduction %. "ii #or guidance.
Progress 5e%ie/ 2 T. uses %hotoco%ia$le Progress 5e%ie/ 2 as a test in class. T. can see the 0cti"e Teach Jesources section.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to compare two or more people! animals or things Vocabulary: team hea*y, throw, irty, raw rammar: comparati*es !aterials: )lass )2, Lesson 8F #lashcards
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 1+ T. %lays a s%elling ga e. T. calls out words the children know 'or uses #lashcards+ and chooses children to s%ell the words.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age /:. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the Lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the ow .K. in throw and the aw .:. in draw.
Trumpet is stronger# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Whats ha$$ening? What are the animals doing? Who can 5#m$ high? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Who is strong? Who is dirty? Who 'ins? )re yo# good at 5#m$ing? "# Circle#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to read the te4t #or %icture8, then read out the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to circle. T. re inds the children to look at the story to check their answer. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag
T. draws on the $oard two $ig $alls6one $igger than the other. T. %oints to the s aller $all and says $ig7 T. %oints to the $igger $all and say $igger. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
Class: _______________________
T. asks the children to look at the e4a %le %icture and reads Tags s%eech $u$$le. T. writes on the $oard the gra ar $o4 #ro the $ook. T. draws the childrens attention to the regular ending 'er+, and to the other endings. 0s well as the irregular #or s. T. asks the children to #ind e4a %les o# the new language in the story. T. %uts the children in %airs and asks the to take turns talking a$out things that are $igger or s aller than other things in the classroo , in their $ag, on their desk, etc. t. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 0# Write#
PB page !-,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks )re !ebras strong? )re ele$hants strong? )re !ebras stronger than ele$hants? )re ele$hants stronger than !ebras? T. elicits answers each ti e. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence out loud.. T. asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
$ptional acti%ity# T. %uts the children in s all grou%s. They take turns choosing one o# the adHecti"es #ro &4ercise @ and thinking o# a new sentence using the co %arati"e #or . T. de onstrates with an e4a %le or two i# necessary. 2# .isten and stic)# Then /rite#
PB page !-,
T. asks the children to #ind the stickers #or Lesson 8F. T. %lays the )2. T. says Listen and stick. T. sto%s a#ter each sentence. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to look at *usan and Lucy. T. asks >uestion 8 and asks the children to read the e4a %le answer out loud. T. asks the children to answer the other >uestions. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answer. 2# Sing along /ith the 4ly High band!
PB page !-,
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 1 T. writes on the $oard so e adHecti"es the children know 'e.g. tall, small, big, cold, h#ngry, etc.+ t. %oints to the at rando and chooses children to ake co %arati"e sentences with the adHecti"e. T. %ro %ts and hel%s i# necessary.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age /C. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the g ./ in young and the g // in gira##e.
$ptional acti%ity T. re"iews ani als: T. %uts the children in %airs and asks the know. Their #riend guesses. to take turns i ing an ani al they
The best *oo in the /orld# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to tell hi .her which ani als they saw in Lesson 8F. T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ What animals can yo# see? Where are they /rom? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Which animal is small? Which animal is long? Whats the best !oo in the 'orld? Whats yo#r /a3o#rite animal /rom the story? "# 7atch#
T. asks Which animal is strong? (s gira//e tall or small? T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to read the e4a %le answer and %oint to the %icture o# the gira##e in their $ook. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
Class: _______________________ T. asks the children to atch and T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag ake sentences. T.
T. draws on the $oard two $ig $alls6one $igger '?+ than the other '0+. T. %oints to the $igger $all and asks (s this ball bigger than )! *es or .o? T. elicits *es. Then T. draws another $all 'c+, $igger then the %re"ious ones. T. %oints to it and asks (s this the biggest ball! *es or .o! T. elicits *es. T. %oints to the $iggest $all again and says his is the biggest ball. T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read the sentence. T. asks the children to read the di##erent #or s o# one adHecti"e out loud. T. draws their attention to the endings 'est, iest, test+, as well as the irregular #or s. T. asks the children to #ind e4a %les o# the new language in the story. T. says an adHecti"e and its co %arati"e and in"ite children to shout its su%erlati"e 'witout looking at their $ook i# %ossi$le+. T. re%eats se"eral ti es and #aster to ake it #un. 0# Write#
PB page !8,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T writes on the $oard: cle3er @cle3erer4 """" . T. asks the children to call out the issing words 'the cle"erest+. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. in"ites children to read a sentence each out loud. 1# Choose and /rite#
PB page !8,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to #ind &ddie in the %icture and read out the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to choose words and co %lete the sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 2# Write /ith 9arla#
PB page !8,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read what (arla has written. T. asks the children to write sentences a$out the sel"es and their #riends, using adHecti"es they already know. 1# it hel%s, T. asks the children to call out adHecti"es and write a list on the $oard. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers $y asking children to read out what they ha"e written.
Home/or) T. asks the children to co %lete %%. /:6/F in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to talk about the past Vocabulary: cry, nurse, acci ent, mi le, finger rammar: I 5e she It was ! "ou 6e 7hey were !aterials: )lass )2, Lesson 8I #lashcards
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page +/ T. re"iews the %resent si %le o# the "er$ to $e. T. writes on the $oard: am, is, are. T. %oints to the "er$ #or s at rando and choose children to ake sentences using that word.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age :G. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the Lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the cc .ks. in accident and the dl .dl. in
We /ere in the playground# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Where are %arla and ?ic,y? Who is crying? Why? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Has ?ic,y got a $roblem 'ith her head? Has ?ic,y got $roblem 'ith her hand? Where is ?ic,y going no'? Who is going 'ith ?ic,y? "# Circle#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to look at %icture8and read the te4t. T. chooses a child to read out the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to circle yes or no. T. re inds the children to look at the story to check their answer. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag
T. asks children to look at the %icture #or *unday. T. says (ts S#nday. Where is ag? T. asks the children to read Tags s%eech $u$$le #or Monday. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
Class: _______________________
T. says (ts (day). (m at school. 8n S#nday ( 'as at home. My /riends 'ere at the cinema. T. writes on the $oard the sentences #ro the gra ar $o4. T. %oints to the highlighted words one at a ti e and asks the children to call the out. T. asks children to ake si ilar sentences a$out the sel"es and their #riends, using was and were. T. asks the children to #ind e4a %les o# the language in the story. 0# Write was or were.
PB page ,",
1# T. thinks the children ore %ractice, T. writes ore ga%%ed sentences on the $oard with was.were issing and T. asks children to co %lete the . T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. says the ga%%ed sentence, then T. asks the children to read out the co %leted sentence. T. asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 2# Choose and /rite#
PB page ,",
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and tell hi .her so ething they can see. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. writes on the $oard: (t 'as ". . and asks the children to call out the issing word. T. asks the children to choose words and co %lete the sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answer.
$ptional acti%ity# T. does a >uick sur"ey: T. asks all the children to say where they were on *aturday. T. %uts the answers on the $oard and sees what the ost %o%ular %laces were. 2# Sing along /ith the 4ly High band!
PB page ,",
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to ask and talk about the past Vocabulary: !an age, grapes, am!ulance, yester ay rammar: I&He&she&It wasnt , 'ou&We&(hey werent , Was I&He&+he&It ?, Were 'ou&We&(hey .?, 'es, I&He&+he&It was.&-o, I&He&+he&It wasnt. 'es, 'ou&We&(hey was.& -o, 'ou&We&(hey werent. 'evie(: He&she was , (hey&We were !aterials: )lass )2, Lesson @G #lashcards
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page +, T. re"iews was.were: T. asks the children to sing and act out the song #ro Lesson 8I. T. di"ides the class into #our grou%s and allocates a "erse o# the song to each one. T. asks grou% to sing their "erse and act it out. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age :@. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the Lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the dge .. sound in $andage.
There /eren't ant chocolates# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to tell hi .her what ha%%ened in the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Where 'as ?ic,y? Who 'as 'ith her? T. asks the children to look at the story on %. :@. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Where is ?ic,y? Who is 3isiting her? Why? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Who are the gra$es /or? Who is eating the gra$es? "# Choose and /rite#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks #or #our "olunteers. T. allocates roles 'Tag, )hatter, Licky, Tru %et and narrator+. T. asks the "olunteers to read the te4t and dialogue #or %icture. 8. T. asks the children to choose to read the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to choose words and co %lete the sentences. T. re inds the to re#er $ack to the story to check their answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. says *esterday, ( 'as ha$$y. ( 'asnt sad. T. writes on the $oard: 'as/'asnt. T. %oints to was or wasnt and asks children to ake sentences with that word. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le dialogue out loud. T. writes on the $oard: Was she at home? *es, she " . T. asks the children to call out the issing word. T. re%eats with a Were >uestion and answer.
$ptional acti%ity# T. %uts the children in %airs and asks the in the gra ar $o4. to take turns asking and answering >uestions like the ones
PB page ,1,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to look at the %icture and says what the %erson is 'a nurse+. T. asks the children to read the two e4a %le sentences. T. asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. They can do it in %airs i# T. thinks its a good idea. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 2# Play the game#
PB page ,1,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and tell what the children are doing. T. asks two children to co e to the #ront to read and act out the e4a %le dialogue. T. writes on the $oard the adHecti"es in the e4ercise and any others T. can think o# that the children know. T. %uts the children in %airs. T. asks the to %lay the ga e. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. in"ites children to stand u% and act out an adHecti"e. The class asks >uestions and guesses the adHecti"es.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page +0 T. %lays A9orld ?ingo: T. asks the children to write down #our words #ro Lessons 8F6@G. T. calls out letters at rando . The children cross letters out o# their words as he.she says the . The #irst child to cross out all the letters in his.her words is the winner. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en their $ooks at %age :-. T. asks the children to look at the nu $ers and read the out with hi .her. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the stress and %ronunciation o# all the words. T. asks the children to call out the nu $ers on the $oard as they say the . T. %ractices the di##erence in %ronunciation $etween, e.g. thirteen and thirty, #ourteen and #orty, etc.
$ptional acti%ity T. writes on the $oard the #irst two letters o# e"ery word #ro the "oca$ulary. T. %oints to the letters at rando . T. asks children to call out the nu $er and write it with their #inger in the air. T, akes sure that all the children ha"e a turn.
Sally's story: (ma*ing /orld# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the %ictures and sees what they can tell hi .her a$out the . T. chooses children to say one thing a$out any o# the %icture. T. holds u% his.her $ook, T. %oints to the ani als o# the story and asks Whats it? The children can answer in L8 i# they dont know the &nglish word. T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Where 'as Aobert Wadlo' /rom? What colo#r is the /lo'er? What can h#mmingbirds do? What 'as Mar5orie 0estring? Ho' tall is a cheetah? What do 'e ,no' abo#t bl#e 'hales? Signature:__________________
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. reads out the >uestion 8 and asks the children to read out the answer . T. asks the children to answer the other >uestions. T. re inds the to re#er $ack to the story to check their answer. T. onitors and o##ers hel% where necessary. T. checks the answers. 0# Write /ith 9arla#
PB page ,!,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read (arlas descri%tion. T. asks the children Ha"e you got a tall #riend! Ha"e you got a #a"ourite #oot$all tea ! T. asks the children to write sentences #or their ?ook o# Jecords, like (arla. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary.. T. checks the answers. T. in"ites so e children to co e to the #ront to tell the class a$out their ?ook o# Jecords. &arly #inishers can draw %ictures #or their sentences.
Home/or) =ui* ! T. can now use %hotoco%ia$le =ui* !. T. can see (cti%e Teach resources section T. asks the children to co %lete %%.:@6:3 in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page ++ T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns telling their #riend sentences #ro they wrote in the last lesson. 5e%ie/ the ?ook o# Jecords
T. checks the ho ework #ro the %re"ious lesson. ?e#ore doing an e4ercise with the class, $rie#ly re"iew the rele"ant "oca$ulary and gra #lashcards, >uestions and answers, etc. "# Colour#
ar. T. uses
T. asks the children to look at the s%lodges and colour the lea"es according to which category each word $elongs. T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to do the e4ercise. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 0# Circle#
T. says #aster and encourages the children to say the o%%osite co %arati"e adHecti"e. T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to circle. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 1# Write /asG/asn't or /ereG/eren't#
PB page ,,,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to look at the %icture and co %lete the other sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 2# .isten and match# atch the words and the
PB page !-,
T. %lays the )2. T. does the e4a %le with the class. T. %lays the )2 again. T. sto%s a#ter each %hrase to gi"e the class ti e to %ictures.
Class: _______________________
T. %uts the children in %airs. T. asks the to look at the %ictures and read the e4a %le dialogue. T. asks the children to take turns7 one child chooses a girl #ro &4ercise - and the other asks >uestions to #ind who it is. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. !# What about you3 Write#
PB page ,-,
T. asks di##erent children >uestions a$out where they were last night, e.g. Were yo# at the cinema last night? T. asks the children to read the >uestions and answer a$out the sel"es. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. asks the children to read out their answers.
7y pro?ect: 7a)e a /eather chart# T. asks di##erent children what the weather was like on di##erent days on the chart. T. distri$utes the card.%a%er and asks the children to %re%are a chart like the one in the %icture, using their own ideas #or drawings, and to write a$out the weather #or the last week. T. in"ites di##erent children to show their chart to the class.
5e%ie/ o& Cycle ! T. can now re"iew the language the children ha"e learned in )ycle /, in the #ollowing ways.
7y Picture Dictionary T. can use Picture 2ictionary #or )ycle / to hel% the children re"iew the words they ha"e learned. T. can see 1ntroduction %."ii #or guidance on using the %icture dictionary.
5ead /ith Trumpet: (ma*ing holidays T. does the Jead with Tru %et lesson on %.8GG o# the Pu%ils ?ook in the ne4t class. T. #ollows the acco %anying teaching notes on %. 8GG o# this Teachers Euide.
(cti%ity Boo) T. tells the children to co %lete the Je"iew e4ercises on %%.:-6:/ in their 0cti"ity ?ook #or ho ework. T. does the last section, My &nglish together in class in the ne4t lesson. T. uses the sentences as %ro %ts #or oral %ractice. Then T. tells the children to colour the #ace they think $est re%resents their e##orts. T. can see the 1ntroduction %. "ii #or guidance.
Progress 5e%ie/ ! T. uses %hotoco%ia$le Progress 5e%ie/ ! as a test in class. T. can see the 0cti"e Teach Jesources section.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
aB .isten and point# Then repeat# T. %lays the )2. T. de onstrates $y holding u% his.her $ook, re%eating the letter sounds a#ter *ally and %ointing at the letter. T. %lays the )2 again. The children re%eat the letter sounds and %oints to the letters.
bB .isten and /rite# Then repeat# T. %lays the )2. T. %auses a#ter th th three. T. holds u% his.her $ook, traces th with his.her #inger and re%eats the letter sounds and the word.. T. %lays the )2 again. T. asks the children to listen and write. T. calls out the nu $ers #or children to re%eat.
cB Chant# T. %lays the )2. T. asks the children to #ollow in their $ook. Then T. says the chant as a class. T. %lays the )2 again. T. asks the children to chant with the )2. T. di"ides the class into #our grou%s 'one grou% #or 0 %hoto o# a dol%hin, etc.+. T. asks each grou% to say its %art in turn and to think o# a i e #or their chant. 0# Play the /ord race#
T. asks the children to tell hi .her three #a ily words. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. says .ame three seasons and asks the children to call out the answers. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. %uts the children in s all grou%s. T. asks the to read the instructions, $ut not to start writing until he.she says. T. e4%lains that the grou% who writes 0LL the answers #irst 'correctly+ will $e the winner. T. says three " t'o" one "'rite. T. checks the answers and announces the winner. 1# Write#
T. writes the heading and the #irst line o# each colu n on the $oard. T. asks children to suggest the $est drink and the worst #ood. T. writes their ideas on the $oard. T. %uts the children in %airs. T. asks the to co %lete the ta$le with their own ideas. 2# 4ind# Then as) and ans/er#
T. does the e4a %le with the class: t. asks the children to #ind the ta $ourine and trace the line to Lydia with their #inger. T. asks the children to #ind who all the things $elong to. T. %uts the children in %airs. T. asks the to read out the e4a %le >uestion and answer in their %airs. T. asks the children to take turns asking and answering a$out the o$Hects in their %airs.
CndDo&DTerm Test 0 T. can now use %hotoco%ia$le CndDo&DTerm Test 0# T. sees the 0cti"e Teach Jesources section.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 2/ T. re"iews action "er$s: T. asks children to tell hi .her action "er$s 'i.e. clean, clinb, 1nce, $lay, $aint, 'al,, etc). T. writes the on the $oard. T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns i ing one o# the "er$s #or their #riend to guess. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age FG. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the or .:. in re%orter and the or .:. in work.
We danced in the $lympics# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Who is 6#lie? Who <rad? Where do they 'or,? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Who is <rad ta,ing a $hoto o/? Why? What is 2ahtter doing in the $hotos? Ho' do the animals /eel? "# 7atch#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to look at the %icture 8 and asks (s 6#lie a $hotogra$her? T. elicits .o, she isnt. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to read and atch the sentences. T. re inds the to look at the story to #ind the answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read Tags s%eech $u$$le. T. asks Why has the 3erb B$lay got Bed at the end? 0nd see i# any children can tell hi .her7 i# not, T. e4%lains '$ecause it is talking a$out yesterday. T. writes on the $oard: clean, climb, dance, hel$, listen, $aint, $lay, tal,, 3isit, 'atch in a list. T. in"ites children to co e u% and add the ending #or the "er$ so it can $e used to talk a$out yesterday. T. asks the children to #ind e4a %les o# the new language in the story. T. asks children to ake u% sentences a$out yesterday, using a "er$ #ro the $oard.
$ptional acti%ity T. %lays a ga e: *esterday ( listened to m#sic. T. chooses a child to re%eat his.her sentence and adds another action 'e.g. *esterday ( listened to m#sic and ( 3isited my grandma.+. T. continues %laying #or as long as %ossi$le.
PB page -",
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks What do 'e do 'ith the ?? 2lean it or 'atch it? T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence out loud. T. asks the children to choose "er$s #ro the gra ar $o4 and co %lete the sentences. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 1# .isten and stic)# Then circle#
PB page -",
T. asks the children to #ind the stickers #or Lesson @8. T %lays the )2. T. says listen and stick. T. sto%s a#ter each sentence. T. allows the children enough ti e to stick their stickers. T. says )ircle. T. does the e4a %le with the class, then T. asks the children to do the e4ercise. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 2# Sing along /ith the 4ly High band!
PB page -",
Home/or) T. asks the children to co %lete %%. :C6:I in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
Title o& the lesson: Did you /ash the &lour, Sally3 .esson 12
S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to ask and answer about past actions Vocabulary: clean up, wet 'evie(: floor, rums rammar: 3i I&you&he&she&it we&they play? 'es, I&you&he&she&it&we&they i .&-o, I&you&he&she&it&we&they i nt. !aterials: )lass )2
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 2, T. di"ides the class into two grou%s. ,ne grou% sings the song #ro acts it out. Then they swa% roles. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson. Lesson @8 while the other grou%
Did you /ash the &loor, Sally3 Pre6reading: T. asks the children where sally, )hatter, (arla and Tag were in the %re"ious story. T. asks the to look at the %ictures one at a ti e and tell hi .her what is ha%%ening 'in L8 where necessary+. T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Who cleaned the /loor? Was the /loor 'et? )re the animals la#ghing? "# Circle#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to read the dialogue #or %icture8, then T. asks the to read the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to circle yes or no. T. re inds the to re#er to the story #or their answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
Class: _______________________
T. di"ides the class into two grou%s6one grou% is )hatter and one is Tag. T. asks the to read the e4a %le dialogue. T. writes on the $oard the gra ar $o4 #ro the $ook, with ga%s #or the "er$s 'e.g. 5.(/he/she/it "?). T. in"ites children to co %lete the >uestions and answers. T. akes sure the children are clear a$out using 1id at the $eginning o# the >uestions, and did.didnt in the answers. T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns asking and answering >uestions a$out yesterday. T. odels the acti"ity with a child #irst i# necessary. 0# .oo) and ans/er#
PB page -1,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and tell hi .her whats ha%%ening. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. reads out the e4a %le >uestion and asks the children to read the e4a %le answer. T. asks the children to answer the >uestions. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with Tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
PB page -1,
T. asks the children so e di##erent >uestions $e#ore they do the e4ercise. For e4a %le, 1id yo# $lay an instr#ment yesterday? 1id yo# ha3e a sho'er this morning?, etc. T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns asking and answering the >uestions T. onitors and hel%s where necessary.
$ptional acti%ity# T. asks the children to write down #our new >uestions like the ones in &4ercise 3. Then T. %uts the in s all grou%s and lets the take turns inter"iewing their #riends. 2# Write /ith 9arla#
PB page -1,
T. asks the children to look at the >uestions and read (arlas letter. T. asks the children to write a letter to their #riend. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. encourages the children to think o# new >uestions and to use new "er$s. T. checks the answers $y asking children to read out what they ha"e written.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to talk about past actions using irregular +erbs Vocabulary: mayor, prou 'evie(: prize rammar: past simple 9irregular *er!s: !aterials: )lass )2, Lesson @3 #lashcards
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 20 T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns reading to their #riend the letters they wrote in the last lesson. Their #riend answers the >uestions in the letter. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age F-. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the Lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the %ronunciation o# the or .eK. in
We had a /onder&ul time# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ What is ha$$ening in $ict#re 9? Why are the animals e;cited? Who reads the ne's$a$er to the others? T. asks the children to look at the story and #ind the words #ro the "oca$ulary. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Who comes to see the animals? Ho' does he /eel? Why are the animals e;cited no'? "# Choose and /rite#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to read the te4t #or %icture 8, then read the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to choose words and co %lete the sentences. T. re inds the to look at the story to #ind their answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
Class: _______________________
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read Tags s%eech $u$$le. T. asks the i# they can think what "er$ went ight co e #ro . T. e4%lains that so e "er$s are strange when we use the to talk a$out the %ast and that they dont ha"e ed on the end. T. reads the gra ar $o4 out loud with the class. T. asks the children to #ind e4a %les o# the new "er$ #or s in the story. T. calls out the %resent si %le o# the "er$s #ro the gra ar $o4 and asks the children to shout out their %ast si %le #or . T. re%eats this se"eral ti es so that they get #a iliar with the irregular %ast si %le. 0# Write#
PB page -!,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to #ind the "er$ drink in the gra ar $o4 and to call out the %ast si %le #or . T. asks the children to co %lete the sentences in the %ast with the "er$ #ro the %re"ious sentences. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
PB page -!,
1# 7atch#
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. says We ate " some a$$le 5#ice? .o! T. asks the children to read out the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to atch and ake sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T, checks the answers.
$ptional acti%ity T. %oints to di##erent children and gi"e the a "er$ #ro the gra ar $o4 in the learn with Tag section. &ach ti e, the child says the %ast si %le #or , then s%ells it. T. awards a %oint #or e"ery correct answer. 2# Sing along /ith the 4ly High band!
PB page -!,
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
Title o& the lesson: Did you drin) your mil)3 .esson 1,
S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to ask and answer about past actions using irregular +erbs Vocabulary: flippers, sun cream, phone 'evie(: suitcase, towel, e,cite rammar: 3i you 9go: ?, 'es, I i .&-o, I i nt. !aterials: )lass )2, Lesson @- #lashcards
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 2+ T. %uts the children in %airs. They ask and answer a$out what they did last weekend. T. de onstrates $y asking children 1id yo# climb a tree last 'ee,end? What did yo# do on Sat#rday morning? 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age F:. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards.
Did you drin) your mil)3 Pre6reading: T. asks the children look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ What ha$$ened in the story in lesson =3? Where are the characters going in this story? )re they ha$$y? Where do yo# go on holiday? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ What has -atty got? 1id the animals ha3e brea,/ast? Who is in the car? "# Circle#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. says he s#itcases are ready. *es or .o! T. elicits *es. T. asks the children to read and circle yes or no. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers $y asking children to read the sentences and say yes or no. t. in"ites the correct the no sentences. .earn /ith Tag Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. re"iews %ast si %le >uestions with regular "er$s $y asking children >uestions 'e.g. 1id yo# 'al, to school yesterday? 1id yo#r m#m 'atch ? on Sat#rday?, etc.). then T. asks children to think o# >uestions to ask one o# their #riends in the classroo . T. asks #or two "olunteers to read out s%eech $u$$les #or Patty and Tag. T. asks the children to read the gra ar $o4 out loud. T. akes sure the children realiQe that e"en though "er$s like go, ha"e, etc. are regular, we use the ordinary #or o# the "er$ in %ast si %le >uestions, so e"en irregular "er$s are easy! 0# What about you3 Write#
PB page --,
T. asks the children so e %ast si %le >uestions using irregular "er$s 'e.g. 1id yo# gi3e yo#r m#m a $resent /or her birthday? 1id yo# 'rite in 7nglish yesterday? 1id yo#r /riend ta,e a $hoto yesterday? T. asks the children to read the >uestions and answer a$out the sel"es. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers $y asking di##erent children to read out their answers to the >uestions. 1# .isten and circle#
PB page --,
T. %lays the )2. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. sto%s a#ter the #irst >uestion and answer. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le answer. T. %lays the )2. T. says Listen and circle. T. sto%s a#ter each >uestion and answer #or the children to circle the correct answer. T. checks the answers. 2# Play the game#
PB page --,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and the e4a %le dialogue. T. %uts the children in %airs. T. chooses a %air to co e to the #ront and read out the e4a %le dialogue. T. asks the children to take turns thinking o# an ani al and guessing $y asking 1id yo# see "? Duestions T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. %lays the ga e as a class: T. thinks o# an ani al and %ro %ts the children to raise their hand to ake >uestions. The #irst child to guess the ani al correctly thinks o# a new ani al.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 2T. writes on the $oard anagra s o# so e o# the words #ro u% and write the words correctly. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson. lessons @86@-. T. in"ites children to co e
T. says ,%en their $ooks at %age FC. T. %resents new "oca$ulary using the Pu%ils ?ook %icture. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the %ronunciation o# si4th
$ptional acti%ity T. #or e4tra %ractice o# the "oca$ulary, T. asks #or se"en "olunteers to co e to the #ront. T. lines the u% one $ehind the other, and %oints to the children one at a ti e. &ach ti e T, asks the children to call out the correct nu $er word #or that childs %osition in the line.
Sally's story: ( /ee) in .ondon# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks the 'in L8 where necessary+ to tell hi .her one thing or %erson they can see in each o# the %ictures. T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Where 'ere Sam and %atie last s#mmer? What did they do on the second day? What did they do on the /i/th day? 1o yo# 'ant to go to +ondon? "# 5ead and ans/er# Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to read the te4t #or %icture 8. T. asks >uestion 8. The children read out the e4a %le answer . T. asks the children to read and answer the other >uestions. T. %uts the children in %airs to do the e4ercise. They can take turns asking and answering the >uestions orally $e#ore they write the answers. T. onitors and o##ers hel% where necessary. T. checks the answers.
$ptional acti%ity T. asks the children to write down two ore >uestions a$out the story 'i.e. What else did they see on the /i/th day? What did they b#y on the /o#rth day? What did the see in Madame #ssa#ds M#se#m?). T. in"ites children to the #ront to ask their >uestions #or the class to answer. 0# Write /ith 9arla# onitors and hel%s
PB page -8,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read (arlas %ostcard. T. asks the children to i agine they went to London and to write %ostcard. T. where necessary. T. checks the answers. &arly #inishers can draw a %icture #or their %ostcard.
Rote: t. asks the children to $ring agaQine %ictures #or the ne4t lesson, to use #or their %icture diaries. T. e4%lains 'in L8 i# necessary+ that they need %ictures o# things they do 'or like to do+ each week, as theyre going to ake a %icture diary. =ui* , T. can now use %hotoco%ia$le =ui* ,. T. can see (cti%e Teach resources section
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page -/ T. goes round the class asking e"ery child to tell hi .her one thing they did yesterday.
5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro the %re"ious lesson. ?e#ore doing an e4ercise with the class, $rie#ly re"iew the rele"ant "oca$ulary and gra #lashcards, >uestions and answers, etc. "# Write# onitors and hel%s where
ar. T. uses
T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to write. T. necessary. T. asks the children to ake sentences with the "er$s. 0# 7atch#
T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to where necessary. 1# Write#
PB page 6;,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to look at the %icture and co %lete the other sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. 2# 5ead and ans/er#
PB page 6;,
T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to answer the other >uestions re#erring to the te4t. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. asks the children to %ractice the >uestions.answers in %airs. 2# .isten and circle#
PB page 6;,
T. %lays the )2. T. does the e4a %le with the class. T. %lays the )2 again. T. sto%s a#ter each sentences to gi"e the children ti e to circle the correct answer. !# (s) and ans/er# Say Yes I did or No, I didnt#
PB page 6",
T. does the #irst >uestion with the class: T. asks di##erent children to tell the T. their answer. T. asks the children to write their answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns asking and answering the >uestions.
7y pro?ect: 7a)e a picture diary# T. asks the children to look at the %icture diary and read the sentences. T. distri$utes the card.%a%er. T. asks the children to di"ide the day o# the week. T. asks the to draw and colour a %icture #or each day. They can cut out and glue on agaQine %ictures i# they ha"e $rought any. T. asks te children to write sentences #or each day o# the week. T. asks the children to co e to the #ront, holds u% their %icture diary and read out one o# their sentences.
5e%ie/ o& Cycle , T. can now re"iew the language the children ha"e learned in )ycle /, in the #ollowing ways.
7y Picture Dictionary T. can use Picture 2ictionary #or )ycle : to hel% the children re"iew the words they ha"e learned. T. can see 1ntroduction %."ii #or guidance on using the %icture dictionary.
5ead /ith Trumpet: ( /ee) in >e/ Eor) T. does the Jead with Tru %et lesson on %.8G8 o# the Pu%ils ?ook in the ne4t class. T. #ollows the acco %anying teaching notes on %. 8G8 o# this Teachers Euide.
(cti%ity Boo) T. tells the children to co %lete the Je"iew e4ercises on %%.FC6FI in their 0cti"ity ?ook #or ho ework. T. does the last section, My &nglish together in class in the ne4t lesson. T. uses the sentences as %ro %ts #or oral %ractice. Then T. tells the children to colour the #ace they think $est re%resents their e##orts. T. can see the 1ntroduction %. "ii #or guidance.
Progress 5e%ie/ , T. uses %hotoco%ia$le Progress 5e%ie/ , as a test in class. T. can see the 0cti"e Teach Jesources section.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to ask for permission Vocabulary: san castle, arm!an s, !ucket, spa e, sun rammar: 4an I&you&he&she&it&we they ? 'es, I&you&he&she&it&we&they can.&-o, I&you&he&she&it&we&they cant. !aterials: )lass )2, Lesson @/ #lashcards
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page -, T. %uts the children in s all grou%s. They take turns i ing so ething they do at the $each, e.g. aking a san#castle. Putting sun crea .ar $ands on, swi ing, di"ing, snorekelling, etc. their #riends guess. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age C@. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the Lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the %ronunciation o# the sandcastle, $ucket, s%ade
Can /e ma)e a sandcastle# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the %ictures. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Where are Sally and the animals? Who 'ants an ice cream? Who has got armbands? T. the #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Who has got a b#c,et and s$ade? Who is $in, and blac,? Why? 1o yo# li,e to go to the beach? Ho' o/ten do yo# go to the beach? "# Choose and /rite#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to look at the %icture 8 and read the te4t out loud. T. chooses a child to read out the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to choose words and co %lete the sentences. T. re inds the to look at the story and asks the to underline the %arts o# the story where they #ind the answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
T. asks the children to look at the %icture. T. di"ides the class into two grou%s '*ally and Tag+ and asks the to read the e4a %le dialogue. T. asks the children to read the >uestions and answers #ro the gra ar $o46they read the in their grou%s, so one hal# o# the class reads the >uestions and the other hal# reads the answers. T. swa%s roles and re%eats. T. asks children so e ore >uestions #or e4tra %ractice. For e4a %le, 2an ( go to slee$ no'? 2an ( ride yo#r bi,e today? 2an ( eat a ca,e in class? 0# .isten and stic)#
PB page 61,
T. asks the children to #ind the stickers #or lesson @/. T. %lays the )2. T. says Listen and stick. T. sto%s a#ter each sentence. T. allows the children enough ti e to stick their stickers. T. checks the answers.
PB page 61,
T. asks the children >uestion 8 and asks the to call out the answer. T. asks the children to read the >uestion and circle. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T, checks the answers.
$ptional acti%ity T. asks the children to write down three can yo# "? Duestions. T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns asking and answering with their #riend. 2# Sing along /ith the 4ly High band!
PB page 61,
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to talk about rules using must Vocabulary: worrie , far, stay, near, scare , stuck, monster rammar: must&mustnt# !aterials: )lass )2, Lesson @: #lashcards, %a%er #or 9rite with (arla
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page -0 T. %uts the children in %airs to i e di##erent acti"ities 'e.g. %lay #oot$all, cli $ a tree, ake a cake, read a $ook, etc.+. &ach ti e, one child i es, their #riend guesses and then asks a 2an yo#"? Duestion using the acti"ity. For e4a %le, a child i es %laying #oot$all, their #riend guesses %laying #oot$all, then asks 2an yo# $lay /ootball? Their #riend answers. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age C-. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the %ronunciation o# the a .a:. in #ar and the ea .iK. in near.
Eou must be bra%e# Pre6reading: T. asks the children look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Where are Sally and the animals? Where is -atty? Who is on the beach? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ What does -atty thin, is in the sea? What is in the sea? Whats the $roblem? "# Circle#
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to look at %icture 8. T. asks Who is s'imming? T. asks the children to read and circle yes or no. T. re inds the children to look at the story to #ind the answers. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to read out Tags s%eech $u$$le. T. asks the children to stand u% and act out $eing Tag trying to cross the road. T. reads out the sentence again while the children are acting out. T. asks the children to read the sentences in the gra ar $o4 out loud. T. asks the children to #ind ore e4a %les o# the language in the story.
$ptional acti%ity T. writes on the $oard ust and ustnt as headings. T. asks the children to call out things they ust and ustnt do in class. T. writes their suggestions on the $oard in the correct colu n. For e4a %le, they ust $e >uiet, $ring their $ook, $ring their ho ework6they ustnt $e noisy, stand u%, talk to each other. 1# Write must or mustnt
PB page --,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture. T. chooses children to tell hi .her what they can see in the %icture. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to look at the %icture and co %lete the sentences. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 0# Write /ith 9arla#
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T. asks the children to look at (arlas Qoo rules and to read her sentences out loud. T. writes on the $oard: *chool rules. T. distri$utes the %a%er and asks the children to co%y the heading and to decorate their %a%er howe"er they like, aking sure they lea"e roo to write the rules. T. asks the children to write rules using ust and ustnt. T. encourages the to use their own ideas and try to write at least si4 rules. T. chooses children to read out one or two o# their rules. 1# %ossi$le, T. dis%lays the childrens *chool rules on the classroo wall.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
Title o& the lesson: Eou're sa&e /ith us, Carrie# .esson 2"
S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to talk about people using ob3ect pronouns Vocabulary: safe, fisherman, ask, sa*e 'evie(: sun cream rammar: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them. !aterials: )lass )2, Lesson @F #lashcards
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page -+ T. re"iews su$Hect %ronouns: T. goes round the class gi"ing di##erent children a su$Hect %ronoun and asking the to ake a sentence starting with that word. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age C:. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the %ronunciation o# sa#e and sa"e.
Eou're sa&e /ith us, Carrie# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to tell hi .her what ha%%ened in the story in lesson @:. Then T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Where is 2arrie? Who as,s the /ishermen /or hel$? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ Who is in the boat 'ith the /ishermen? Who s'ims in the sea to sa3e carrie? 2an yo# s'im? "# 5ead and ans/er#
PB: page 6,
T. does the e4a %le with the class7 T. asks the children to read >uestion 8 and the e4a %le answer and then to #ind and underline the words in the story that show the answer. T. asks the children to read and answer the other >uestions. T. asks the to underline where they #ound their answers in the story. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
T. holds u% his.her $ook and %oints to the %icture. T. asks the children to read Tags s%eech $u$$le out loud. T. %uts the children in %airs. T. asks the to read the sentences #ro the gra ar $o4. They take turns6one child reads the #irst sentence and their #riend reads the second sentence. 1# T. thinks they need ore %ractice, T. %uts the children in new %airs and asks the to re%eat the acti"ity. 0# Choose and /rite#
PB page 6-,
T. writes on the $oard: (ts a t#rtle! 2an yo# see "? T. asks the children to call out the issing word. T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to read the e4a %le sentence. T. asks the children to choose words and co %lete the sentences. T. re inds the to re#er to the Learn with tag $o4 #or hel%. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers.
$ptional acti%ity T. writes all the su$Hect %ronouns scattered around the $oard. T. in"ites to atch a su$Hect and o$Hect %ronoun $y drawing a line to connect the . T. e4tends this $y asking the children to close their eyes and ru$ out one %air o# %ronouns. The children o%en their eyes and say which %air is issing T. re%eats a #ew ti es. 1# Circle#
PB page 6-,
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. writes on the $oard: me and my /riendO 55 . T. asks the children to call out the issing word. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le out loud. T. asks the children to read and circle. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 2# Sing along /ith the 4ly High band!
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Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to talk about the future using will and won%t Vocabulary: meet, i*e 'evie(: "ugust, +eptem!er, summer rammar: will, wont. !aterials: )lass )2, Lesson @C #lashcards
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page -T. goes round the class asking children which is their #a"ourite Fly High character and why. T. does a class "ote and writes the results on the $oard. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en your $ook at %age CC. T. %resents the new "oca$ulary with the lessons #lashcards.
We'll meet again# Pre6reading: T. asks the children look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ Who can yo# see? Whats ha$$ening? T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+Why are the characters saying goodbye? )re they sad? "# Circle the acti%ities in the song#
T. di"ides the class into #our grou%s and asks each grou% to read out one "erse o# the song again. T. asks the children to read the song and circle the acti"ities. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. .earn /ith Tag Signature:__________________
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
T. asks the children to look at the %icture, then read Tags s%eech $u$$le and the gra ar $o4 out loud. T. checks that the children understand the idea o# talking a$out the #uture $y asking so e children to ake a sentence like Tags. T. says 1n 0ugust y #riend will $e in London. *he wont $e here. T. asks the children i# they can think o# so e sentences using wont. 0# What about you3 Write Ill or I wont#
PB page 68,
T. does sentence 8 with the class: T. asks 1o 'e ha3e school in )#g#st? T. elicits .o, 'e dont. T. asks the children to read sentence 8. T. asks (ll or ( 'ont! T. elicits ( 'ont. T. asks the children to co %lete the sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers. 1# .isten and circle#
PB page 68,
T. %lays the )2. T. sto%s a#ter the #irst >uestion and answer. T. asks the children to read the e4a %le answer. T. %lays the )2. T. says Listen and circle. T. sto%s a#ter each >uestion and answer #or the children to circle the correct answer. T. checks the answers. 2# Play the game#
PB page 68,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and say what the children are doing. T. asks a $oy and a girl to read out the e4a %le dialogue. T. %uts the children in %airs and asks the to take turns talking a$out what they will $e as grown6 u%s.. 1# the children need hel% thinking o# words #or Ho$, T. asks #or suggestions and writes the on the $oard as %ro %ts. T. adds e4tra words i# necessary.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page 3/ T. writes 8#r bea#ti/#l 'orld as a heading across the to% o# the $oard. T. in"ites children to co e to the $oard to draw so ething $eauti#ul =an ani al, a $ird, a nice $each, etc. T. lea"es the %icture on the $oard throughout the lesson. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro +ocabulary the %re"ious lesson.
T. says ,%en their $ooks at %age IG. T. %resents new "oca$ulary using the Pu%ils ?ook %icture. T. uses e4tra re%etition to %ractice the %ronunciation o# Hungle and ocean.
Sally's story: $ur beauti&ul /orld# Pre6reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks 'in L8 where necessary+ children to tell hi .her one thing or %erson they can see in each o# the %ictures. T. #ollows the ste%s #or %resenting stories. T. asks so e >uestions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks 'a"oiding L8 i# %ossi$le+ What do yo# li,e abo#t story? Whats yo#r /a3o#rite $ict#re? Why? What do yo# do to loo, a/ter o#r 'orld. "# 5ead and ans/er#
T. does the e4a %le with the class: T. asks the children to read >uestion 8 and answer. T. asks the to #ind and underline the %lace in the story where they #ound the answer . Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
Class: _______________________
T. asks the children to read and answer the other >uestions. T. necessary. T. checks the answers. 0# Write /ith 9arla#
PB page 8;,
T. asks the children to look at the %icture and read (arlas sentences out loud. T. distri$utes the %a%er. T. asks the children to decorate their %a%er with a su er %icture, then to write their sentences like (arla. T. encourages the to write as any sentences as %ossi$le. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary. T. checks the answers $y asking children to read their sentences.
$ptional acti%ity T. writes on the $oard: desert, 5#ngle, ocean, sno'. T. %uts the children in %airs. They take turns i ing $eing in one o# the en"iron ents listed. Their #riend guesses.
Home/or) =ui* T. can now use %hotoco%ia$le =ui* -. T. can see (cti%e Teach resources section T. asks the children to co %lete %%.CC6CI in their 0cti"ity ?ook.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
Title o& the lesson: The 4ly High 5e%ie/ #$SSO% 00 S)ills to be emphasi*ed: 6 listening 6 *%eaking Objectives: to re+iew Lessons 0.(0/ and prepare for ,rogress -e+iew 8 Vocabulary 'evie(: +ocabulary from Lessons 0.(0/ rammar 'evie(: grammar from Lessons 0.(0/ !aterials: )lass )2, card and string.wool,scissors, glue #or the %roHect
"rocedure of the lesson )arm*up page -/ T. %uts the children in s all grou%s. They take turns telling their #riends things they will or wont do in the su er. 5e%ie/ T. checks the ho ework #ro the %re"ious lesson. ?e#ore doing an e4ercise with the class, $rie#ly re"iew the rele"ant "oca$ulary and gra #lashcards, >uestions and answers, etc. "# 7atch# atch. T. onitors and hel%s where
ar. T. uses
T. asks the children to call out so e )an >uestions. T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to necessary.
0# What about you3 Write yes, : can or >o, : can't# onitors and hel%s where
T. asks the children to read the >uestions and answer a$out the sel"es. T. necessary. 1# Write must or mustn't#
PB page 80 ,
T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. T. and hel%s where necessary. 2# Choose and /rite#
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T. says ( am the teacher! +oo, at "! Put your hand to your ear to elicit the issing word ' e+. Teacher: _________________ Signature:__________________
Class: _______________________
Date:_____________________ onitors
T. does the e4a %le with the class and asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. T. and hel%s where necessary. !# .isten and match#
PB page 81,
T. asks the children to look at the %ictures, $ut not to say anything. T. %lays the )2 and does the e4a %le with the class. T. %lays the )2 again. T. sto%s a#ter each sentence to gi"e the children ti e to atch the na e to the correct %icture.
>o/ /rite# T. asks the children to look at & ily and the %icture she is atched with, then to read out the e4a %le sentences. T. asks the children to co %lete the other sentences. T. onitors and hel%s where necessary.
7y pro?ect: 7a)e a school rules poster# T. asks the children to look at the %oster and read the two headings. T. says )t o#r school 'e m#st ". 0nd asks the children to read the rules. T. re%eats with 0t our school we ustnt 5 T. distri$utes the %a%er and asks the children to %re%are their %osters. T. in"ites so e children to the #ront to %resent their work to the class and to read what they"e written.
5e%ie/ o& Cycle T. can now re"iew the language the children ha"e learned in )ycle F, in the #ollowing ways.
7y Picture Dictionary T. can use Picture 2ictionary #or )ycle F to hel% the children re"iew the words they ha"e learned. T. can see 1ntroduction %."ii #or guidance on using the %icture dictionary.
5ead /ith Trumpet: ( /ee) in >e/ Eor) T. does the Jead with Tru %et lesson on %.8G@ o# the Pu%ils ?ook in the ne4t class. T. #ollows the acco %anying teaching notes on %. 8G@ o# this Teachers Euide.
(cti%ity Boo) T. tells the children to co %lete the Je"iew e4ercises on %%.IG6I8 in their 0cti"ity ?ook #or ho ework. T. does the last section, My &nglish together in class in the ne4t lesson. T. uses the sentences as %ro %ts #or oral %ractice. Then T. tells the children to colour the #ace they think $est re%resents their e##orts. T. can see the 1ntroduction %. "ii #or guidance.
Progress 5e%ie/ T. uses %hotoco%ia$le Progress 5e%ie/ - as a test in class. T. can see the 0cti"e Teach Jesources section.
Teacher: _________________
Class: _______________________
Teacher: _________________