Sudha Murthy
Sudha Murthy
Sudha Murthy
Sudha Kulkarni August 19, 1950 (age 61) Shiggaon, Karnataka, India
Alma mater
Sudha Murty (also spelled Sudha Murthy; ne Kulkarni) is an Indian social worker and author. Mrs. Murthy began her professional career as a computer scientist and engineer, currently she is the chairperson of the Infosys oundation and member of public healthcare initiati!e of the "ates oundation.#$%#&% In addition, she has established se!eral orphanages, participated in rural de!elopment efforts, and supported the mo!ement to pro!ide all go!ernment schools
in Karnataka with state'of'the'art computer and library facilities. #(%#)%Mrs. Murthy also teaches computer science and composes fiction. Dollar Sose (*nglish+Dollar Daughter-in-Law), a no!el originally authored in Kannada and later translated into*nglish as Dollar Bahu, was adapted as a tele!ised dramatic series by ,ee -. in &//$.#0%
1udha Murthy was born on 2ugust $3, $30/ in 1higgaon in northern Karnataka, India. -he daughter of a reputed local physician 4r. 1.5. Kulkarni, Mrs. Murty and her siblings were raised by her parents and maternal grandparents of the 4eshastha 6rahmin Kadim 4iwan'Melgiri'5on family.#7%#8%#9% -hese childhood e:periences form the historical basis for her first notable work entitled How I Taught my Grandmother to Read & Other Stories.#3% -wo institutions of higher learning, the ;.5. Kadim 4iwan 6uilding housing the <omputer 1cience = *ngineering (<1*) department at II- Kanpur#$/%#$$% and the >arayan 5ao Melgiri Memorial >ational ?aw ?ibrary at >?1I@,#7% were both endowed and inaugurated by theInfosys oundation. Mrs. Murthy completed a 6.*. in *lectrical *ngineering from the 6...6. <ollege of *ngineering = -echnology, standing first in her class and recei!ing a gold medal from the <hief Minister of Karnataka. -hereafter, she completed a M.*. in <omputer 1cience from the Indian Institute of 1cience, standing first in her class and recei!ing a gold medal from the Indian Institute of *ngineers.#$&% 2fter graduation, Mrs. Murthy held the distinct honor of being the first female engineer hired at IndiaAs largest auto manufacturer -2-2 *ngineering and ?ocomoti!e <ompany or -*?<B (now the multinational -ata Motors, which owns Caguar ?and 5o!er and 4aewoocommercial !ehicles). -he backstory re!eals that Mrs. Murthy had written a postcard to then company <hairman C54 -ata complaining of the Dmen onlyD gender bias at -*?<B. 2s a result, she was granted a special inter!iew and hired immediately on her merits. Mrs. Murthy later met her husband >.5. >arayana
Murthy while employed as an engineer at -*?<B in Eune;#$(% ironically, the coupleAs matchmaker ".K. Erasanna would later become the "lobal ;ead of -echnology at Fipro, a competitor to Infosys in global I- ser!ices.#3%#$)% [edit]Infosys
Mrs. Murthy who heads as the chairperson of Infosys oundation as well as the seed in!estor behind Infosys and !enture capital firm <atamaran .entures. #$0% In $39$, Mrs. Murthy in!ested 5s $/,/// (G&0/) to fund the then fledgling software start'up called Infosys -echnologies. -hirty years later, at her husband >.5. >arayana MurthyAs e:it from Infosys in &/$$, #$7% that initial in!estment has been successfully managed into Infosys oundation holdings !alued at o!er 5s (/,/// crore (G8.06).#$8% -his growth translates into a (/'year annual return of 89H, #$9% making 1udha Murthy one of the most successful institutional in!estment managers in the world I surpassing Farren 6uffettAs (7'year 6erkshire ;athaway annual return of &&H,#$3% Eeter ?ynchAs $('yearMagellan und annual return of &3H,#&/% and "eorge 1orosAs (&'year Juantum undannual return of (/H.#&$% ?ike other noteworthy charitable foundations (e.g., the 5ockefeller oundation, the ord oundation and the "ates oundation; see ?ist of wealthiest charitable foundations), the Infosys oundation distributes funds for the betterment of Indian society through grants to !arious rural de!elopment, public health and educational proKects (as detailed abo!e) that promote socioeconomic growth and pro!ide Kobs for Indians. -he capital is not hoarded or used for personal monetary gain as commonly obser!ed in other Indian business legacies as indicated by the 6ain = <ompany report on the substandard state of philanthropic gi!ing in India #&&%
#&(% #&0%
and Indian black money hoarding in 1wiss banks as re!ealed by FikileaksAs Culian 2ssange.#&)%
-his philanthropy e:plains why, despite their high net worth, the Murthy family is widely known to li!e a simple middle'class lifestyle.#&7%#&8%
[edit]Awards In &//), 1udha Murthy was presented with the 5aKa'?akshmi 2ward Din recognition of her outstanding contribution to social workD by the 1ri 5aKa'?akshmi oundation in <hennai.#&9% In &//7, Mrs. Murthy was awarded the Eadma 1hri, the fourth highest'ranking ci!ilian award from the "o!ernment of India, and recei!ed an honorary doctorate for her contributions in the spheres of social work, philanthropy, and education.#&3% In &/$$, Mrs. Murthy and Custice 1antosh ;egde were conferred honorary ??.4 (4octor of ?aws) degrees for their contributions to promoting formal legal education and scholarship in India. #(/%1he was the recipient of the 5.K. >arayanaAs 2ward for ?iterature and the Eadma 1hri in &//7.D [edit]Personal
Mrs. Murthy is the wife of software industrialist >.5. >arayana Murthy. 1he is the sister of 6angalore'based obstetrician 4r. 1unanda Kulkarni, 6oston'based Cayshree 4eshpande (spouse of multibillionaire telecom tycoon "ururaK 4eshpande) and renowned <altechastrophysicist 1hrini!as Kulkarni.#($% -hrough her motherAs side, she descends from Sardar Melgiri Eandit of the Maratha *mpire who battled the in!ading Mongol hordes at the 1iege of 6iKapur ($790I97) in the Far of &8 years.#7%#(&%#((% -he Murthy couple has two grown children, 2kshata and 5ohan. In 2ugust &//3, 2kshata married 1tanford 6usiness 1chool classmate 5ishi 1unak in a high'profile wedding ceremony held at the ?eela Ealace 6angalore. 2kshata is a fashion entrepreneur#()% and was formerly with 1iderian .entures, a clean technology !enture capital firm located in 1an rancisco.#(0% Mr. 1unak, an B:ford graduate and ulbright scholar, is a partner at the @K'based charitable hedge fund -<I, -he <hildrenAs In!estment und.#(7%
5ohan Murthy is a <ornell graduate and recei!ed a Microsoft ellowship to pursue ad!anced doctoral work in computer science at;ar!ard.#(8% In Cune &/$$, 5ohan married ?akshmi .enu 1rini!asan, heiress to the -.1 "roup dynasty !ia her father -.1 Motors<hairman .enu 1rini!asan.#(9% [edit]Bibliography 1udha Murthy is a prolific fiction author. 1he has published se!eral books, mainly through Eenguin, that espouse her philosophical !iews on charity, hospitality and self'realiLation through fictional narrati!es. 1ome of her more better'known works include+ How I Taught My Grandmother To Read & Other Stories ise & Otherwise! " Salute to Li#e The Bird with Golden Gently $alls the Ba%ula Dollar Bahu Mahashweta Old Man "nd His God Magi& Drum & other $a'ourite Stories $asal (ut " edding in Russia Sweet Hos)itality ;er most publiciLed works, How I Taught My Grandmother to Read & Other Stories has been translated into $0 languages including *nglish, ;indi and 2ssamese. -he 2ssamese books are titled "ita% Moi *idore +orhi,oloi Shi%alo and Bhina -an Bhinna Mon! -iwan Toma% ",hi,adan and are published by 6habani Erint = Eublications and translated by 2nKan 1arma ings