Toro Ecxtra Timer Manual
Toro Ecxtra Timer Manual
Toro Ecxtra Timer Manual
User’s Guide
ECXTRA Features
• Easily expandable to 10 Zones (Indoor model)
ON or 12 Zones (Outdoor Model) with 2-zone
NEXT Plug-in Modules
- 4 Start Times
• Rain Delay
• Compatible with Normally Closed or Normally
Open Rain Sensors
• Automatic 24V Circuit Protection
INDOOR MODEL • Program Memory Backup without Battery
• Programmable Pump Start
Table of Contents Programming the Timer (continued)
Turning Off a Program ....................................26
Timer Components ........................................2-5 Setting Program Start Times ...........................27
Timer Installation Setting Program Start Times ...........................27
Indoor Model Installation ................................6 Setting Zone Run Times .................................28
Connecting the Valves ....................................7 Pump Control ..................................................29
Connecting a Pump Start Relay......................8
Connecting the Transformer ...........................8
Timer Operations
Automatic Operation .....................................30
Outdoor Model Installation .............................9
Manual Operation ..........................................31
Preparing the Cabinet for Installation..............9
Starting Programs or Zones Manually...........31
Installing the Cabinet.....................................10
Watering Control Features ............................32
Connecting the Valves ..................................11
To Pause Watering .....................................32
Connecting a Pump Start Relay....................12
To Resume Watering ..................................32
Connecting the Power Source ......................13
To Cancel Watering ....................................32
Connecting a Rain Sensor...............................13
To Skip Zones.............................................32
Getting Started To Adjust the Zone Run TIme.....................33
Sprinkler System Basics ..................................14 Using the Rain Delay Feature..........................33
Watering Program Basics ................................15 Using the Season Adjust Feature ....................34
Watering Program Details ..........................16-17 Turning Off the ECXTRA ................................35
Planning Your Watering Schedule...................18
Filling Out the Watering Schedule Form.....18-19 Service and Specifications
Watering Schedule Form ..............................20 Clearing the Program Memory.........................36
About the Timer Memory .................................21 Automatic Circuit Protection ............................37
Programming the Timer Adding a Zone Module.....................................37
Setting the Current Time, Day and Date..........21 Troubleshooting ...............................................38
Setting the Watering Day Schedule............22-24 Specifications...................................................39
Setting a Calendar Schedule ........................22
Setting an Interval Schedule .........................23 Glossary of Terms .....................................39-41
Setting an Odd or Even Schedule.................24 Warranty .............................................................42
Using the Day Exclusion Feature .................25 Electromagnetic Compatibility ................42 1
Timer Components
Timer Components
Timer Components 2 - Control Buttons
+/ON button – Increases the time display, scrolls
The following are brief descriptions of the timer
forward through the program information and selects
components and display elements. Each of these items
watering days.
will be explained in further detail within the appropriate
programming, operating and installation sections of –/OFF button – Decreases the time display, scrolls
this guide. backward through the program information and
removes watering days.
1 - LCD Display
NEXT button – Advances to the next portion of
A - “Start Time” symbol is displayed when setting the program information. Resumes watering if paused.
program start times. Advances through stations manually when watering.
B - Program start time identification numbers 1–4. MANUAL START button – Selects and starts manual
C - Main display of various time values and prompts. watering operations.
D - Program A, B and C identifiers. 3 - Control Dial – Selects all controller programming
E - “Watering On” symbol is displayed when a and operation controls (except Manual Start).
watering zone is running. Symbol blinks when Control Dial Positions
watering is paused.
RUN – The normal dial position for all automatic
F - “Watering Off” symbol is displayed when the and manual operations.
Rain Delay feature is active.
CURRENT TIME/DAY – Enables the clock time
G - “Percent” symbol is displayed when the Season and day to be set.
Adjust feature is in use.
WATERING DAYS – Enables the watering day
H - Watering zone identification numbers. schedules to be set and reviewed.
I - Day-of-the-week identifiers. START TIMES – Enables the program start times to
J - “Run Time” symbol is displayed when setting the be set and reviewed.
watering zone run times. SET ZONE TIMES – Enables the watering zone run
time to be set and reviewed.
Timer Components
3 - Control Dial Positions (continued) 10 - Transformer Connection Terminals – Snap-in
SEASON ADJUST – Enables the run time of all connectors for the plug-in transformer wires.
stations in a program to be simultaneously 11 - Plug-In 2- Zone Module – Each plug-in module
increased or decreased in 10% increments. provides snap-in connectors for two zone control
SPECIAL FUNCTIONS – Provides optional control valve power wires. Up to six modules (12 zones)
and timing features for pump operation. can in the installed in the outdoor timer model and
RAIN DELAY – Enables all watering operations to five modules (10 zones) in the indoor model.
be delayed from 1 to 7 days. 12 - Time PodTM Port – Accepts the (optional) ECXTRA
OFF – Shuts off and prevents all automatic and Time Pod unit to transfer watering schedule data
manual watering activity. from the Toro Computer Aided Scheduling software
4 - Program Select Switch – Three-position slide program to the ECXTRA timer.
switch used to select watering program A, B or C 13 - Power Supply – A Plug-in transformer supplies
during the programming procedures and manual 24 V a.c. power to the indoor controller models.
14 - Transformer – A built-in transformer supplies
5 - Rain Sensor Control Switch – Controls the sensor 24 V a.c. power to the outdoor controller models.
input circuit. Switch positions provided for sensor
15 - Terminal Block – Connection terminals for
circuit Enable and Disable (bypass).
120 V a.c. power wires (Indoor model only).
6 - Rain Sensor Configuration Switch – Selects
either Normally Open or Normally Closed sensor
operation for the type of sensor installed.
7 - Sensor Connection Terminals – Snap-in wire
connector for (optional) Toro Rain Sensor.
8 - Valve Common Connection Terminal – Snap-in
wire connector for the valve common wire.
9- Pump/Master Valve Connection Terminal –
Snap-in wire connector for a pump start relay or
master valve.
Timer Components
Timer Installation F
Connecting a Pump Start Relay Connecting the Plug-In Transformer
CAUTION: To prevent timer damage, ensure the CAUTION: Do not plug the transformer into an
24 V ac pump relay current draw does not exceed electrical outlet until all of the wiring procedures
0.30 Amps. Do not connect the timer directly to the have been completed.
pump starter.
1. Route the cord from the transformer (13) through the
1. Route a wire pair from the pump relay into the timer small opening provided in the base of the housing as
housing. shown below.
2. Connect one wire to the terminal labeled COM (8). ST
13 Jumper Wire
24 V a.c.
Pump Relay Valve Common Wire
2. Connect one transformer cable wire to each terminal
CAUTION: To prevent pump damage due to labeled 24 VAC (10). The wires can be connected to
“dead-heading,” connect a jumper wire from any either terminal.
unused zone terminal to a zone terminal with a valve Note: The display will begin flashing 12:00 AM. Press any
connected. button to stop the display from flashing.
Note: Refer to “Pump Control” section on page 29 for
important pump control information.
Outdoor Model Installation
Preparing the Cabinet for Installation Four wiring access holes are provided in the cabinet base
as follows:
1. Remove the lower housing cover (A) by pulling (D) - 1/2" for power and equipment ground wires.
outward on the handle. (E) - 1/2" (plugged) for optional Toro Rain Sensor wires.
2. Remove two phillips screws from the transformer (F) - 3/4" for sprinkler valve wires.
access cover (B). Pull the cover outward from the
(G) - 1/2" (plugged) for optional Toro remote control cable.
bottom to remove.
4. If planning to install the optional Toro components,
3. Three lower mounting holes (C) are provided. The remove the plugs as necessary.
center hole is open and the outer holes are plugged. If
you intend to use the outer holes for installation, care-
fully drill through the plugs with a 3/16" drill bit.
Installing the Cabinet
1. For safe, reliable operation, select an installation site
which will provide the following conditions: B
• Protection from irrigation spray, exposure to direct
sun during the hottest hours, wind and snow.
• Access to a grounded power source which is not
controlled by a light switch or utilized by a high
current load appliance, such as a refrigerator or air 6"
• Access to the sprinkler control valve wiring and
optional accessory wiring.
2. Drive a wood screw (provided) into the wall at eye
level (A). Leave the screw extended approximately
1/4" from the wall.
Note: If you are installing the timer on drywall or
masonry, install screw anchors to prevent screws
from loosening. Use the dimension shown to predrill
holes for screw anchors.
slot (B) on the back panel. Make sure the cabinet OFF
Connecting a Pump Start Relay Connecting the Power Source
CAUTION: To prevent timer damage, ensure the
relay current draw does not exceed 0.30 Amps. Do WARNING:
not connect the timer directly to the pump starter. AC power wiring must be installed and connected
by qualified personnel only. All electrical compo-
1. For pump relay wires, install a 1/2" conduit adapter
nents and installation procedures must comply
and conduit.
with all applicable local and national electrical
2. Connect a wire pair to the pump relay terminals and
codes. Some codes may require a means of discon-
route the cable through the conduit and into the timer
nection from the AC power source installed in the
fixed wiring and having a contact separation of at
3. Connect one wire to the terminal labeled COM (12).
least 0.120" in the line and neutral poles.
Connect the remaining wire to the terminal labeled
PUMP/MV (13) as shown below. Make sure the power source is OFF prior to con-
necting the timer.
Rain Sensor
1. Route the two sensor wires from the device into the
timer housing through the access hole provided.
Connecting a Rain Sensor 2. Remove the plastic piece from the Sensor terminal
connectors. Connect the two sensor wires in any order.
(Optional) 3. Set the Sensor Configuration Switch (5) to NC
A rain sensor is a remote device which can be connect- (Normally Closed) or NO (Normally Open) operation
ed directly to your ECXTRA to automatically interrupt as required by the type of sensor connected.
watering during rain. Note: Refer to the instructions provided with the rain
sensor to determine NC or NC switch type and for
A sensor control switch is provided to enable the sensor
additional installation and operating information.
operation to be turned On and Off as needed.
4. Set the Sensor Control Switch (6) as required: ENB
When the rain sensor absorbs rain water it automatically (enable) allows the rain sensor to interrupt watering;
signals the ECXTRA to suspend all watering operations. DIS (disable) bypasses the rain sensor input.
The “No Watering” symbol will appear in the upper right
IMPORTANT: Do not use the ENB switch position
corner of the display until the sensor drys out and auto-
with the NC switch position unless a Normally Closed
matically resets. The symbol will disappear and timer
rain sensor is connected. Watering operation will be
operation will resume as programmed. suspended if this condition occurs. 13
Getting Started
Automatic Sprinkler System Basics
Valve 1
The three main operating components of every automatic
sprinkler system are the timer, control valves and
sprinklers /drip emitters.
The timer is the brain of the system, signaling the control MANUAL
Valve 2
9 3
9 3
The program start time is set for 4:00 AM. Lawn zones 1 6
on a another program.) 9 3
Filling Out the Watering Schedule Form
Planning Your Watering Schedule
When filling out this form, use a pencil so changes can be
Note: You can use your PC and Toro’s exclusive CAS easily made. After installing the indoor model timer,
(Computer Aided Scheduling) interactive software to guide remove the form and store it in the pocket formed
you through the complete watering schedule process. between the mounting bracket and the back of the timer
When ready, simply transfer the schedule information to housing. Refer to the example form shown on the oppo-
the ECXTRA with the Time Pod and it’s ready to run. site page and fill out your form in a similar manner with
It is always helpful to plan your watering schedule on the following information:
paper before beginning the programming steps. You • Location - Identify the location of each watering zone
will have a record of your watering schedule and zone and the type of plant being watered.
locations which can be kept with your ECXTRA after it is Note: Enter the following information for each pro-
installed. If you have an indoor model timer, a watering
gram. If the program is not needed, leave its informa-
schedule form is provided on page 20 for you to fill out
tion column blank.
then remove to keep with the timer. This form is duplicated
on a decal located on the inside cover of the outdoor • Watering Day Schedule - For a Calendar schedule,
model timer. circle day(s) of the week watering is desired. For an
Guidelines for Watering Interval schedule circle the desired Interval number.
There are several factors to be considered when decid- For Odd or Even days, simply mark the appropriate
ing when and how long to water. For example, the soil box. If you need to restricted watering on certain days,
type (i.e., clay, loam, etc.), the part of the landscape circle the Exclude day(s).
being watered, climate conditions and the type of sprin- • Zone Run Time - Indicate the amount of run time
klers being used. Because of these variables, we cannot (1 minute to 4 hours) for each zone. Write “Off” for any
provide an exact schedule to follow, but here are some zone which you do not want to operate in the program.
general watering guidelines to help you get started. • Program Start Times - Indicate the time of day to
• Water early in the morning, one to two hours before start the program. Each program can have 1 to 4 start
sunrise. You will have the best water pressure at this times per watering day.
time and the water can soak into the plant root zone Note: A start time that occurs while a watering
while evaporation is minimal. Watering during mid-day cycle is in progress will be delayed until the cur-
or in the evening may cause plant damage or mildew. rent watering cycle is finished. Therefore, when
• Watch for signs of under- or over-watering and make using multiple start times within a program or when
program adjustments immediately. using multiple programs, schedule the start times to
18 allow each watering cycle to run completely before the
next cycle starts.
Setting the Current Time and Date
Programming the Timer
Setting a Calendar Schedule
Turn the control dial to the WATERING DAYS 3 5
Check the PROGRAMS switch setting. If necessary, 6. To set a Calendar schedule for another program,
reposition the switch to select the desired program. repeat all of the steps beginning at step .
The current watering schedule will be displayed. If When you have completed setting the Calendar
CAL (Calendar) is not displayed, press the +/ON or schedule for each program (as needed) return the
–/OFF button as needed to select CAL. control dial to the RUN position.
Press the NEXT button. The watering days currently Note: Each program can have its own Calendar, Inter-
set for this program will be displayed. SU (Sunday) val or Odd/Even schedule, but only one schedule can
will begin flashing. be active at a time for that program. The watering day
To select Sunday as a watering day, press the +/ON schedule or OFF shown in the display when the control
button. To remove Sunday from the schedule, press dial is in the WATERING DAYS position, will be the
the –/OFF button; MO (Monday) will now begin flash- current schedule for that program.
ing. Continue to select or remove each day of the
week until only the desired watering days are shown
Setting an Interval Schedule
3 2
Turn the control dial to the WATERING DAYS
Check the PROGRAMS switch setting. If necessary,
reposition the switch to select the desired program. 6 7 4 5 3 5 7
The current watering schedule will be displayed. If 1
Int (Interval) is not displayed, press the +/ON or 4 6
–/OFF button as needed to select Int.
Press the NEXT button. The current Interval number
3 5 7
(1–7) will begin flashing.
To change the Interval number, press the +/ON or
–/OFF button until the desired number is flashing. When you have completed setting the Interval
schedule for each program (as needed), return the
Press the NEXT button. The Interval start day will
control dial to the RUN position.
begin flashing.
Note: The Day Exclusion feature enables you to
To change the Interval start day, press the +/ON
select any day(s) of the week to be excluded and
button or the –/OFF button until the desired day is
remain off when using an Interval or Odd/Even
watering schedule. See page 25 for detailed
8. To set an Interval schedule for another program, information.
repeat all of the steps beginning at step .
Setting an Odd or Even Schedule
3 2
Using the Day Exclusion Feature
A Calendar watering day schedule is used to select spe-
cific days of the week to water. However, if an Interval or
Odd/Even watering schedule is preferred (or required
due to watering restrictions in your area), specific days of
the week can be removed from the watering schedule by
using the Day Exclusion feature.
Note: The Day Exclusion feature applies only to the an
Interval or Odd/Even watering schedule and will not be
displayed if the selected program is set to use a Calen-
dar watering schedule.
Turn the control dial to the WATERING DAYS
Example: Tuesday and Friday have been excluded
position. from program A.
Check the PROGRAMS switch setting. If necessary, When finished, return the control dial to the RUN
reposition the switch to select the desired program. position.
The current watering schedule (Interval or
Odd/Even) will be displayed. Press the NEXT button
as needed to display d E (Day Exclusion). The days
of the week will be displayed and SU (Sunday) will
begin flashing.
To exclude Sunday from the watering schedule,
press the –/OFF button. To keep Sunday and skip to
the next day, press the +/ON button; MO (Monday)
will now begin flashing. Continue to exclude or skip
each day of the week as needed.
Turning Off a Program
3 2
Note: Turning off a program does not alter or erase a
preset watering day schedule. Selecting Off simply
places the program on hold until one of the watering day 5
schedules is selected.
Turn the control dial to the WATERING DAYS 1
Check the PROGRAMs switch setting. If necessary,
reposition the switch to select the desired program.
Press the +/ON or –/OFF button until OFF is flashing.
4. To turn another program Off, repeat steps and
as needed.
Return the control dial to the RUN position.
Setting Program Start Times 3 9 2
Press the NEXT button. The run time (or OFF) will Note: Basic programming is now complete.
begin flashing. If the ECXTRA is controlling a water supply pump,
To set the run time, press the +/ON or –/OFF button continue at “Pump Control” on page 29 for important
until the desired run time is shown. operating information.
Note: To remove the run time, select OFF by press-
ing the +/ON and –/OFF buttons at the same time.
Press the NEXT button. The next zone number will
begin flashing.
7. Repeat steps and as needed to set, change,
or remove the run time for the remaining zones.
8. To set the zone run time for another program, repeat
all of the steps starting at step .
Return the control dial to the RUN position.
Pump Control 2
The Automatic mode is selected when the control dial is
Timer Operation in the RUN position. While in the automatic mode, the
display will show two types of information: Status and
The ECXTRA timer has three modes of operation: Auto- This example shows the
matic, Manual and Off. In the Automatic mode the timer Status display. The current
tracks the time and day and operates the automatic time is 2:45 PM and the current
watering schedules. The Manual mode enables the day is Monday. Programs A
zones and watering programs to be started and con- and B are scheduled to oper-
trolled manually at any time. The Off mode shuts off all ate today.
watering activity and prevents any zones from operating
When watering starts, the Operating display appears and
automatically or manually.
is shown with the Watering On symbol . In this exam-
The Rain Delay and Season Adjust control features are ple, program A is operating. Flashing
provided to enable quick, temporary changes in operation Zone 1 has 10 minutes of run
to help compensate for variables in weather and season. time remaining. Zones 2 and 3
Each of the operating modes and control features are will also run during this water-
explained in this section of the guide and can be found ing cycle. This program also
on the following pages: has a season adjust factor, so
• Automatic Operation, page 30 the Percent symbol will be also displayed.
• Manual Operation, page 31 Note: If the control dial remains in any other position
• Watering Control Features, page 32 (except OFF) for more than 8 minutes, the timer reverts to
• Using the Rain Delay Feature, page 33 the Automatic mode.
• Using the Season Adjust Feature, page 34 Note: The position of the PROGRAMS switch does not
• Turning Off The Timer, page 35 determine which program will run during automatic timer
operation. In other words, if a program has an assigned
Automatic Operation watering day schedule, start time and a zone with run
In the Automatic mode, the ECXTRA keeps track of the time, it will operate automatically regardless of the posi-
current time, day of the week and the automatic watering tion of the PROGRAMS switch.
program schedule. Automatic operation will occur when-
ever a programmed watering day and start time match
30 the current time and day.
Manual Operation
Manual operation enables the automatic watering pro- Flashing
grams or selected zones assigned to the program to be
started manually. During operation, temporary changes Flashing
can be made to increase or decrease the zone run time, 1
step through the zone sequence and pause or stop 3
watering using the “Watering Control Features”
described on page 32. Upon completion of the manual 3
watering operation, the timer will return to the Automatic
Starting Programs and/or Zones Manually
You may operate all zones or selected zones in each pro- Example: Program A is operating. Zone 1 is on and
gram. Watering programs can be started individually or set has 10 minutes of run time remaining.
to start in order. When one program finishes the next Program B will start when program A is finished
selected program will operate.
Ensure the control dial is in the RUN position. 4. To select additional programs, repeat steps and .
Position the PROGRAMS switch to select the program Note: Additional programs set to start will operate
you wish to start. one at a time in alphabetical order. Each program
Choose one of the following manual operations: letter will be displayed as it is selected. The program
• To operate the selected program with all currently operating is indicated by the flashing pro-
assigned zones, press the MANUAL START gram letter.
button two times to begin watering.
• To operate only selected zones, press the
MANUAL START button, then press the +/ON button
to select the flashing zone number, or press the
–/OFF button to skip the zone number. Continue
selecting or omitting zones in this manner. When
only the desired zones are displayed, press the
MANUAL START button again to begin watering.
To Cancel Watering
Watering Control Features
Press the +/ON and –/OFF buttons at the same time -
The following watering control features enable you to fur- two times.
ther control the watering program during operation.
• All watering operations will be canceled and the timer
All watering control features apply to watering programs will return to the automatic mode.
started manually and automatically.
Note: Placing the control dial in the OFF position for
two seconds, then back to RUN will also cancel all
To Pause Watering watering operations.
Press the +/ON and –/OFF buttons at the same time.
• The zone currently watering will shut off. To Skip Zones
• The “Watering On” symbol will begin flashing. Press the NEXT button one time.
• The display will show the amount of run time • The zone currently watering will shut off and the next
remaining for the paused zone. zone will start.
Note: If watering is not resumed within 8 minutes, • If the last zone is skipped, the program will end.
all watering operations will be canceled and the If additional programs have been set to operate,
timer will return to the automatic mode. the next program in alphabetical order will start.
Using the Rain Delay Feature Flashing
Using the Season Adjust Feature
Changes in season and temperature generally require a
change in zone run time to maintain a healthy landscape
and conserve water. The Season Adjust feature enables 5
you to change the run time of all zones assigned to a pro-
gram, simultaneously up or down, in 10% increments –
with just the press of a button. Adjustments can be
reduced to 10% or increased to 200% of the programmed
run time of each zone.
2 3
A 50% setting, for example, would decrease a 20-minute 1
zone run time to 10 minutes. Increases however, work a
little differently. With any adjustment above 100%, the Turn the control dial to the SEASON ADJUST posi-
ECXTRA will first increase the run time by the adjust- tion. The season adjust display will be shown and
ment percentage, then split the time in half and run the 100% will be flashing.
watering program twice. This allows the water to soak in Check the PROGRAMs switch setting. If necessary,
instead of pooling or running off. For example, adjusting reposition the switch to select the desired program.
to 150% would first increase a 20-minute zone run time Press the +/ON or –/OFF until the desired adjustment
to 30 minutes, then split the time in half and run two value is flashing.
watering cycles back-to-back with 15 minutes in each
4. To apply the Season Adjust feature to another pro-
operation. During operation the % symbol will flash to
gram, repeat steps and .
indicate a multiple watering operation.
Return the control dial the RUN position.
Note: All zone run times are retained in the timer memory
and returned to their set value when the season adjust is Note: The Season Adjust symbol will be displayed in
reset to 100%. The only time a zone run time will appear all dial positions as a reminder that this feature is in use.
changed is during operation.
Turning Off the Timer
When the control dial is turned to the OFF position, the
timer immediately shuts off any watering operation cur- 2
rently in progress. Leaving the control dial in the OFF 1
position will prevent all automatic and manual watering
operations. The timer will continue to track the current
time and day of the week.
Turn the control dial to the OFF position.
The word OFF will be displayed for approximately
eight minutes. The display will then revert to the
automatic status display showing the current time
and day.
For extended shutdown of the sprinkler system leave
the control dial in the OFF position.
To resume automatic and manual operation, turn the
control dial to the RUN position.
Example 1
Service and Specifications
sequence is turned ON. The
word “Fuse” and the bypassed DELAY 24HR
If you are having a problem with the timer, check the following symptoms, possible causes and remedies. If
the problem cannot be resolved or you would like assistance with any Toro irrigation product, call our toll-free
Toro Help Line, 1-800-367-8676, Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time).
Symptom Possible Cause Remedy
The display is blank and the Main power is disconnected. Check the transformer connections
timer does not operate. (indoor model) or circuit breaker
. service panel (outdoor model).
Watering programs start at Watering programs have overlapping Shorten zone run times and/or space
unscheduled times. schedules. start times farther apart.
Review Season Adjust factor (p. 34)
and/or Well Recovery Delay (p. 28).
Watering zone does not turn on. Faulty control valve wire connections. Check the wire connections at the
control valve and timer.
Automatic Circuit Protection has Check for faulty valve solenoid and
disabled the zone. replace if necessary.
Zone run time is turned Off. Enter a zone run time (p. 28)
Watering zone does not turn off. Control valve problem. Inspect, clean and/or repair valve
as needed.
Program restarts unexpectedly More than one start time on the Remove additional program start
after the completion of an program. times (p. 27).
automatic operation.
Season Adjust setting greater than Review Season Adjust factor (p. 34).
Specifications Glossary of Terms
Automatic Circuit Protection
Cabinet Dimensions:
A built-in circuit protection circuit designed to prevent
Indoor Model
damage to the timer caused by a faulty valve solenoid or
7.5" W x 6.25" H x 2" D
pump start relay. The instant an overload current condi-
(19cm W x 15.9cm H x 5cm D)
tion is detected, the affected zone is turned OFF and the
Outdoor Model
next zone in the watering sequence is turned ON.
13.25" W x 9" H x 3.5" D
(33.7cm W x 22.9cm H x 9cm D) Automatic Control Valve
An electrically activated valve which controls the flow of
Power Specifications:
water from the source to the sprinkler zone.
Indoor Model
Scheduling Advisor
Plug-in Transformer, Class 2, UL Listed, CSA Certified
An exclusive Toro software program which guides you
(or equivalent)
easily through the ECXTRA programming process to
• Input: 120 V a.c. 60 Hz, 0.5A
select the optimum watering schedule for your landscape.
• Output: 24 V a.c. 60 Hz, 18 VA
Calendar Schedule
Outdoor Model
A Calendar schedule enables you to select specific days
Built-in Transformer, Class 2, UL Listed, CSA Certified
of the week to water, for example, Monday, Wednesday
(or equivalent)
and Friday. This is a seven-day schedule which starts on
• Input: 120 V a.c. 60 Hz, 0.5A Sunday and ends on Saturday.
• Output: 24 V a.c. 60 Hz, 20–30 VA Day Exclusion
Maximum Current Load Per Zone: This feature enables you prevent watering on specific
0.30 Amps @ 24 V a.c. days of the week when using an Interval or an Odd/Even
Maximum Current Load For Pump/Master Valve: watering day schedule.
0.30 Amps @ 24 V a.c.
Indoor Timer Model
Total Maximum Current Output: One zone plus
A timer model specifically designed for installation in a
pump/master valve. Must not to exceed 0.60 Amps
protected environment, such as a house or garage.
@ 24 V a.c.
Manual Operation
Temperature Limit Range:
Operating – 14°F to 140°F (-10°C to 60°C) Operation of the timer by manually starting a watering
Storage – -22°F to 149°F (-30°C to 65°C).
cycle or individual zone. 39
Master Valve Pump Delay Time
A valve installed between the water source and irrigation The amount of time the Pump/Master Valve control cir-
valves to control water flow to the irrigation system. The cuit is energized before watering begins. The delay time
timer automatically turns on the Master Valve circuit at is adjustable from 1 to 60 seconds.
the beginning of each watering cycle. Pump Start Relay
Normally Closed When the ECXTRA timer is used to start a pump, a 24 V
An electrical switch or circuit that is closed when it is off a.c. relay switch is used to connect high voltage to the
and open when it is on. pump starter. The timer is not designed to connect
Normally Open directly to the pump start circuit.
An electrical switch or circuit that is open when it is off Rain Delay
and closed when it is on This feature enables all watering operations to be
Odd/Even Schedule delayed from 1 to 7 days. For example, rain is forecast in
The Odd/Even schedule enables you to select odd or your area for the next two days. Instead of turning the
even numbered days of the month as watering days. timer off (and possibly forgetting to turn it back on), a
rain delay of 3 days can be easily entered. At the end of
Outdoor Timer Model
3 days, the timer will resume automatic operation as
A timer model with an enclosure designed to for either
indoor or outdoor installation.
Rain Sensor
Plug-in Module
A rain sensor is a remote device which can be connect-
A small module that plugs into the Toro ECXTRA timer
ed directly to your ECXTRA to automatically interrupt
to provide connection and operation of two additional
watering during rain. When the rain sensor absorbs rain
water it automatically signals the ECXTRA to suspend all
Power Supply watering operations.
The plug-in transformer used to convert 115 V a.c. to 24
Rain Sensor Control Switch
V a.c. for timer operation.
The sensor control switch is provided to enable the sen-
Pump/Master Valve Control Circuit sor operation to be turned On and Off as needed.
At the beginning of each watering cycle, before the first
Rain Sensor Configuration Switch
sprinkler valve is turned on, the Pump/Master Valve Cir-
Rain sensors can be Normally Open or Normally Closed
cuit is energized to either start the system pump or open
type. The Rain Sensor Configuration Switch enables you
the master valve.
to use either type of sensor with the ECXTRA timer by
placing the switch in the appropriate position.
Scheduling Watering Program
Planning how long to water (zone run time), when to A watering program (or schedule) is the information
water (program start time) and which days to water stored in the timer memory that determines when an
(watering days). automatic watering cycle will occur and how long each
Season Adjust zone will water. The timer requires three basic instruc-
Season Adjust enables the run time of all zones to be tions to operate automatically:
adjusted up or down simultaneously in 10% increments • Which days to water –called watering days.
from 10% to 200%. Any increase over 100% will first • What time to start the watering program cycle –
increase the time by the adjusted percentage, then split called program start time.
the time in half and run the watering cycle twice. • How long each zone will water during the cycle –
called zone run time
Sensor Connection Terminals
Snap-in terminals for connection of a rain sensing Watering Day
device. The day(s) of the week selected to water.
Start Time Watering Program Cycle
A start time is the time of day selected to begin the The ECXTRA is designed to operate one sprinkler zone
watering cycle. Each program (A, B and C) can have up at a time. When a scheduled start time occurs, the first
to 4 separate start times. scheduled zone (with the lowest zone number) starts
and waters for it’s set length of run time. When the zone
Terminal Block
has watered for its set run time, The next zone starts and
Connection point for 115 V a.c. input power in the Out-
runs for its programmed run time. This is called a water-
door model timer
ing cycle.
Time Pod
Portable electronic device used to transport ECXTRA
Each valve controls a specific group of sprinklers called
watering schedule information from the PC based using
a watering zone. The zones are generally laid out and
CAS software to the ECXTRA timer.
installed according to the type of plant material to be
Transformer watered, such as a lawn or flower bed. Each valve is
See (Power Supply) connected to a numbered terminal within the timer, iden-
Valve Common Wire tifying it as Zone 1, Zone 2, etc.
One wire from each sprinkler control valve which con- Zone Run Time
nects to the timer "COM" terminal. The length of time a zone will operate during a watering
cycle. Run time can be set from 1 minute to 4 hours. 41
Warranty Electromagnetic Compatibility
Domestic: This equipment has been tested an found to comply with the
The Toro Promise — Limited One-Year Warranty limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
The Toro Company and its affiliate, Toro Warranty Company, pursuant to an These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harm-
agreement between them, jointly warrants, to the owner against defects in mate- ful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
rial and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase. uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
Neither The Toro Company nor Toro Warranty Company is liable for failure of used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
products not manufactured by them even though such products may be sold or to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interfer-
used in conjunction with Toro products. ence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
During such warranty period, we will repair or replace, at our option, any part harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be deter-
found to be defective. mined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
Return the defective part to the place of purchase. to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Our liability is limited solely to the replacement or repair of defective parts. There 1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
are no other express warranties.
2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
This warranty does not apply where equipment is used, or installation is per-
formed, in any manner contrary to Toro’s specifications and instructions, nor 3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
where equipment is altered or modified. which the receiver is connected.
NEITHER THE TORO COMPANY NOR TORO WARRANTY COMPANY IS 4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIM- The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Com-
OR SERVICES REQUIRED DURING “How To Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems”. This
PERIODS OF MALFUNCTION OR RESULTING NON-USE, PROPERTY DAM- booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washing-
International: This is a CISPR 22 Class B product.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequen-
tial damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Some states do not allow limitations of how long an implied warranty lasts, so
the above limitation may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights
which vary from state to state.