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Students will be able to: Explain how balloons are inflated Describe the basic properties of balloons

INTRODUCTION Most children have played with balloons, but few have thought about the chemical and physical concepts involved in balloon production and use. In the activities that follow, students explore balloon properties and their use in demonstrating various scientific concepts. BACKGROUND A balloon can be defined as an inflatable flexible bag filled with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, or air. Modern balloons are made from materials such as rubber, latex, polychloroprene, metalized plastic or a nylon fabric. Long before there was something as stretchy as rubber, balloons existed. In the pre-rubber era, balloons came from animal bladders. A pigs bladder was inflated by Galileo in an experiment to measure the weight of air. Inflated animal bladders were used in play by Indian and Inuit children. Most of the bladders were from sea animals. The Aztecs are thought to be the very first people in history to make balloon animals out of the bowels of cats to be presented to the gods as a sacrifice. The bowels were carefully cleaned, turned inside out, and sewn with a special vegetable thread whose main property was that it stuck to itself when left to dry in the sun, and this produced an almost airtight seal. The bowels were then twisted and air was blown into them after each twist. The first rubber balloons were made by Professor Michael Faraday in 1824 for use in his experiments with hydrogen, at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in London. Faraday made his balloons by cutting two round sheets of raw rubber, called caoutchouc (French word for rubber), laying them one on top of the other and pressing their edges together. The tacky rubber welded automatically, and the inside of the balloon was rubbed with flour to prevent the opposing surfaces joining together. Toy balloons were introduced by rubber manufacturer Thomas Hancock the following year (1825) in the form of a do-it-yourself kit consisting of a bottle of rubber solution and a condensing syringe. Vulcanized toy balloons, which were unaffected by changes in temperature, were first manufactured by J.G. Ingram of London in 1847 and can be regarded as the prototype of modern toy balloons. In 1931, the Tillotson Rubber Company achieved another milestone in balloon technology: they created the first modern latex balloon made from the sap of a rubber tree. Before that, the balloon-making process was difficult and dangerous due to the use of solvent-dissolved rubber, similar to rubber cement. This new balloon, shaped like a cats head with pointed ears and a whisker-printed face, was also possibly the worlds first novelty-shaped and printed balloon.


Individual curriculum connections are listed for each activity.

Yeast-Inflated Balloons Firefighting CO2 Balloons Windbag Balloon Shish Kebab Ball in the Balloon Gag Balloon and Cup Attraction Fireproof Balloon Balloon-boarding Balloon Hovercraft Balloon Popping Relay




The natural rubber latex used today comes from the sap of the rubber tree, Hevea Brasiliensis, which grows in Malaysia. This sap looks like milk and is exported in large ocean tanker ships. Once removed from the tree, the sap is called latex. To make this suitable for balloon production, curing agents, accelerators, oil, color, and water must be added. Next, the modified latex is put into an open tank, and the balloon mold, which is in the shape of a balloon, is dipped. A video on how balloons are made is available in the Resources section. A SAFETY NOTE: Some people are violently allergic to latex, particularly people who work in health care, people with spina bifida, and those who have had multiple surgeries. NOTES




VOCABULARY Air pressure - The force of air particles against a surface. Atmospheric pressure - The air pressure of the Earths Atmosphere above a given point (i.e. the weight of the air pushing against you at a given point. Balloon - An inflatable flexible bag filled with a gas. Bernoullis principle - The faster a fluid (air) flows, the less pressure it creates. Compress - To squeeze together. Conductor - A material which allows a flow of energy. Deflate - To collapse by releasing contained air or gas. Elasticity - The flexibility of an object; the ability of an object to return to its original size and shape after being stretched. Equilibrium - Occurs when forces (or influences) are balanced. Balance is a synonym. Fermentation - The anaerobic (without air) conversion of sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeasts, molds, and certain bacteria. Force - A push or pull that can cause an object with mass to change its velocity, direction, or shape. Friction - The force that slows things down when two surfaces are rubbed against each other. Fungus - Spore-producing organisms that feed on organic matter (including molds, yeast, and mushrooms). Plural: Fungi. Heat capacity - The amount of energy needed to increase the temperature of a substance by 1C. Ignite - To set on fire. Inflate - To fill (something) with air or gas to make it swell. Latex - Milky sap from certain plants that coagulates on exposure to air; used to make balloons. Polymer - A large molecule made up of chains or rings of linked (monomer) units. Suction - The creation of a partial vacuum, or region of low pressure. The pressure gradient between this region and the surrounding pressure will propel matter toward the low-pressure area. Vacuum - A volume of space that is empty of matter, including air. Yeast - Unicellular fungus used in bread baking and beer brewing. NOTES




REFERENCES Balloon HQ | Balloon Twisting Wikipedia | Balloon Modelling Wikipedia | Balloon Wikipedia | Pig Bladder | Pictures of children playing with inflated pig bladders Balloon History The Great Balloon Game Book and More Balloon Activities By Arnold E. Grummer. Original Edition Published by Greg Markim, Inc., Appleton, Wisconsin, 1987 ISBN 0-938251-00-7 Yeast-Air Balloon The Accidental Scientist | Science of Cooking | Yeast-air Balloons CO2 Heavier than Air Experiment Columbia Scientific | Kid Science | search CO2 Bernoulli Bag (Windbag) Steve Spangler Science | Windbag The Bernoulli Bag Bernoullis Principle U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission | Bernoullis Principle | Balloon Kebabs Balloon & Cup Experiment SFU | Physics Department | Outreach Activities Site | Air Pressure | Gravity Defying Cups Fireproof Balloon Steve Spangler Science | Experiment | Fire Water Coolest Conductor of Heat Genuine Ideas | Toy Ideas | Balloon Hovercraft OTHER RESOURCES How Products are Made | Balloon You Tube | Steve Spangler Science | Windbags Steve Spangler Science | Search Balloon Experiments You Tube | Questacon Science Squad | CD Balloon Hovercraft You Tube | How Balloons are Manufactured





ACTIVITY 1: YEAST INFLATED BALLOONS 510 MinUtes foR asseMbly, 2030 MinUtes foR ResUlts (eXtension aCtiVities CoUld taKe 12 Classes)
Students use yeast to explore CO2 production by living organisms. This is an excellent opportunity for students to design their own experiments to determine which variables affect the yeasts ability to produce CO2. Yeast is a fungal microorganism that feeds on sugar and produces carbon dioxide (CO2) plus ethanol. As the yeast feeds on the sugar it produces carbon dioxide gas. This process is known as fermentation. The trapped CO2 accumulates inside the balloon, slowly inflating it. A very similar process happens as bread rises. Carbon dioxide from yeast fills thousands of balloon-like bubbles in the dough. This is what gives baked bread its airy texture. Since yeast also produces alcohol as it feeds, it is an important ingredient in beer production. WHAT TO DO 1. Measure the length and circumference of your balloon. Record the results. 2. Place the small end of the funnel into the opening of the balloon. 3. Pour 1 tablespoon of yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar into the balloon using the funnel. 4. Slowly add the cup of very warm water. 5. Remove the funnel from the balloon and tie it closed. 6. Place the balloon in a warm place. 7. Measure the length and circumference of the balloon every 15 minutes for an hour. Record the results. KEY QUESTIONS What special characteristic of yeast made the balloon inflate? Why was the sugar added? Why did we need to put the balloon in a warm place? Would you get the same results if the balloon was untied? EXTENSIONS Design an experiment to explore one of the following questions. Examples: Which sugar/food helps the yeast produce the most gas? Try different foods for the yeast to ferment, e.g. brown sugar, syrup, honey, candy, salt. At what temperature is the yeast most active? At what temperatures is it unable to blow up the balloon? Try varying the water temperature, using a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water.

Determine variables used in an experiment of their own design. Create a hypothesis. Describe one of the byproducts of respiration. Describe the properties of gases


1. Life Science 2. Physical Science 5. Life Science 5. Processes of Science 6. Life Science 6. Processes of Science 7. Processes of Science

Per pair of students: 1 tbsp (15 ml) dried yeast (not fast-acting) 1 teaspoon (5 ml) sugar 1 cup (250 ml) very warm water (105115F or 4146C) funnel balloon measuring tape (flexible kind) spot near a heat source (like a radiator or a sunny window)




ACTIVITY 2: FiRefiGHtinG Co2 balloons 1015 MinUtes

In this demonstration, students witness carbon dioxide being produced by a reaction between two common household chemicals. They then use one of the physical properties of carbon dioxide to extinguish a flame with what looks like magic. Mixing vinegar (acid) and baking soda (base) creates a chemical reaction. When the two combine they create carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. When baking soda is mixed with an acid such as chocolate, yogurt, buttermilk or honey in muffins or a cake, the same type of chemical reaction occurs. The released bubbles of CO2 fluff up the batter. When the reaction takes place inside a closed balloon, the CO2 pushes against the walls of the balloon, causing it to expand. This serves as evidence that a gas is being produced inside the balloon. CO2 is heavier than air. When released from the balloon into a glass, it will collect at the bottom. If this CO2 is poured over the flame, it pushes the lighter air out of the way. The flame needs the oxygen in the air to burn, so the carbon dioxide puts out the flame. One type of fire extinguisher uses carbon dioxide. It pushes oxygen out of the way, putting out the fire. This type of extinguisher leaves no mess behind, as opposed to chemical-, water-, and foam-based extinguishers. Carbon dioxide extinguishers are used in theatres, computer rooms, or other sensitive telecommunication areas. If you wait too long to pour the carbon dioxide gas on the flame, the demonstration will not work. One of the properties of gas is that it will diffuse evenly in the space that surrounds it. This is why we do not live in a layer of CO2 where the life expectancy would be 2.5 minutes! WHAT TO DO Part 1: Producing the carbon dioxide gas 1. Place the plastic pop bottle/conical flask on the table. 2. Carefully pour the vinegar into the bottle.

Students will be able to: Describe the effects of an acid/base reaction Compare the relative weights of two gases Describe the properties of gases Describe the elements required for a flame to burn


2. Physical Science 2. Processes of Science 7. Physical Science 7. Processes of Science

Part 1: Producing the CO2 1 teaspoon (5 ml) baking soda cup (60 ml) vinegar 1 litre plastic pop bottle or conical (Erlenmeyer) flask 1 balloon Part 2: Extinguishing the CO2 CO2-filled balloon-bottle contraption from Part 1 1 balloon 2 tall glasses candle with candle holder matches or lighter

3. Open up the mouth of the balloon (put the first two fingers or thumbs on each hand inside the mouth of the balloon and stretch). 4. Ask a student to spoon the baking soda into the balloon. 5. Without spilling any of the baking soda, stretch the mouth of the balloon over the neck of the bottle. 6. Turn the balloon upright so that the baking soda inside the balloon pours into the bottle with the vinegar. 7. Swirl the bottle a little to mix the contents. 8. The mixture will fizz and produce bubbles, filling the balloon with carbon dioxide. 9. Do not dismantle the balloon and bottle.




Part 2: Extinguishing a flame with carbon dioxide gas 1. Light the candle. 2. Ask a student to blow up the second balloon, trapping the air by pinching the neck of the balloon. Do not tie the balloon 3. Ask the student to empty the air-filled balloon contents into one of the glasses by opening the balloon above it. 4. Ask the student to pour the air from the glass onto the candle. Nothing should happen. 5. Remove the CO2-filled balloon from its bottle, keeping the CO2 trapped by pinching the neck of the balloon. Do not tie the balloon. 6. Carefully empty the contents of the CO2 balloon into the second glass. Pour the CO2 onto the candle. The flame should go out! To see a video demo: kids-science-experiment-to-show-co2-is-heavier-than-air KEY QUESTIONS The balloon expands when CO2 is added to it. Why doesnt the bottle expand like the balloon? If CO2 is heavier than air, predict what will happen if the CO2 trapped in the balloon is poured onto the air in the glass. Some fire extinguishers use CO2 to put out fires. Why are these more effective than just blowing air onto on a fire? EXTENSIONS What could you use instead of vinegar to create a similar reaction? Test your hypothesis. Is a balloon blown up by a person heavier or lighter than a balloon blown up by a balloon pump? Test it, and compare both these balloons to a balloon blown up using the baking soda vinegar reaction. NOTES





INTRODUCTION Students discover the fastest way to inflate a windbag using Bernoullis Principle. Bernoullis Principle states that as the speed of air increases, its pressure decreases. When you blow a big breath near (but not on) the opening of the bag, you increase the speed of the air molecules and create an area of low air pressure. The surrounding high-pressure air rushes in to fill in the low-pressure area you created (winds will blow from high to low). As a result, a large quantity of air from the atmosphere is drawn into the bag at the same time as you blow into the bag. If you blow with your mouth right on the opening, the only air going into the bag is the air from your lungs. You need a lot more breaths to fill the bag this way. WHAT TO DO 1. If using a windbag, tie a knot at one end. Ask the class how many breaths it will take to blow up the bag. 2. Choose a volunteer to blow up the bag (depending on the size of the person, it may take anywhere from 10 to 50 breaths of air). Get the class to count the breaths out loud. 3. Let all of the air out of the bag and tell the class that you can blow up the bag in one breath. 4. Ask the student volunteer to gently hold the closed end of the bag. 5. Hold the open end of the bag approximately 25 cm (10 inches) away from your mouth. 6. Using only one breath, blow as hard as you can into the bag. Remember to stay about 25 cm away from the bag when you blow. 7. Quickly seal the bag with your hand so that none of the air escapes. 8. Without explicitly pointing out how you did it differently from your volunteer, ask another student to repeat what you just did. KEY QUESTIONS What was the difference between how the two bags were blown up? Using Bernoullis Principle, where does the extra air that goes into the balloon come from when your teacher blew into the bag? How does putting your mouth further from the opening make a difference? EXTENSIONS How would firefighters use this principle to force smoke out of a building using high-powered fans? Firefighters use Bernoullis Principle to quickly and efficiently force smoke out of a building. Instead of placing the fans up against the doorway or window, a small space is left between the opening and the fan in order to force a greater amount of air into the building. Firefighters call this Positive Air Flow. Other activities illustrating Bernoullis Principle can be found in Science Worlds Air Teacher Resources Module. Check out the Dyson Air Multiplier fan. Can Bernoullis Principle help explain why it works?

Students will be able to: Describe the characteristics of air Explain how air pressure works Discuss how air pressure affects our daily lives


2. Physical Science 2. Earth and Space Science 4. Earth and Space Science 6. Earth and Space Science

an official wind bag (long plastic bag in the shape of a tube, 8 ft x 10.5 that can be purchased on the Steve Spangler Science website for approximately 5$ - the demo is impressive due to the size of the bag) OR an extra-large garbage bag with the open end scrunched to make a smaller opening OR a Diaper Genie refill bag (available at most department stores)





INTRODUCTION Students discover a cool characteristic of polymers that contributes to a balloons elasticity. When a sharp skewer stick is placed through the tie and the nubbin (end opposite of the tie), the balloon does not pop. The balloons rubber consists of many long chains of molecules called polymers, linked together like noodles stuck to each other in a plate of cooked spaghetti. These links can be stretched and compressed, giving the balloon its elasticity. If they are pulled too much, however, the balloon will break. The rubber at the nubbin and at the tie is looser and less fragile than around the circumference of the balloon, where the polymers are already stretched to their limit. When the skewer slides into the loose rubber, the polymers will stretch around the skewer allowing the balloon to stay inflated. A needle through the side of a balloon will cause the rubber to tear and pop easily since the polymers are already stretched. WHAT TO DO Preparation: 1. Sharpen the metal skewer stick with a file. If using a wooden skewer, remove any splinters. 2. Blow up both balloons, to about 75% full (a volunteer student could do this to show that a trick is not being played on them). Instructions: 1. Slowly twist the skewer through the side of the first balloon. The balloon should burst. 2. Slowly twist the skewer through the nubbin (top) and the dark part next to the tie (bottom) of the second balloon. The balloon should not burst. Tips: Gently twist the skewer as it goes in. Coat the skewer in lubricant (e.g. wiping with an oil-dipped cloth or Vaseline) before inserting into the balloon. Use a round balloon so that skewer will fit through it. It may help to blow the balloon up fully and then release some air, leaving it full.

Students will be able to: Explain how a balloons chemical structure gives it its elasticity


2. Physical Science 3. Physical Science 7. Physical Science

2 round balloons sharp skewer (metal or wooden with no splinters) lubricant such as oil or Vaseline (optional)




KEY QUESTIONS What is the difference in properties between the nubbin and the side of the balloon? Describe the behaviour of the molecules when the skewer pierced the nubbin and when it pierced the side of the balloon. Why are the nubbin and tie ends darker in colour than the rest of the balloon? EXTENSIONS What will happen if we pierce a skewer through the nubbin of the balloon and then blow it up. There is a way to stick a sharp pin or skewer through the side of a balloon without popping it. Put a small piece of Scotch tape on the side of the balloon and press it down well. Now take the pin and press it through the tape and into the balloon. The balloon will not burst. The tape sticks to the rubber in the balloon and will not allow the rubber to stretch to the breaking point when the pin pierces the balloon. In other words, the tape reinforces the cross links of the rubber polymers, and the balloon stays together. NOTES





INTRODUCTION In this demo, students must brainstorm an explanation for the mysterious behaviour of a balloon that stays inflated without being tied. The answer lies in the force that is exerted by air inside the balloon. When a rubber bouncy ball is placed inside of a balloon, the ball falls toward the opening, acting as a stopper by preventing the air from escaping even if the balloon is not tied. Since the air pressure inside the balloon is greater than its surroundings, it pushes against the inner walls of the balloon trying to equalize the low-pressure air around it. The ball is basically in the way and is pushed against the opening by the air inside the balloon. In other words, the air molecules in the balloon exert a force on the ball, keeping it in place. WHAT TO DO Preparation: 1. Squeeze a rubber bouncy ball into the dark coloured balloon. Do not let the students see you do this. Instructions: 1. Blow up the balloon. Do not tie it off. 2. Hold the balloon upright so the ball descends and covers the opening. The balloon should stay inflated. Ask the students to speculate about how this is happening (think, pair, share). They may guess that something is acting like a stopper. 3. Turn the balloon upside down, with the neck up. The air pressure in the balloon will hold the ball in place, keeping the balloon from deflating. Ask the class to explain what is happening. 4. Tap the balloon so the ball falls down and the air comes out. Show the students the outline of the ball in the balloon. KEY QUESTIONS

Students will be able to: Describe the characteristics of air. Explain how air pressure works. Discuss how air pressure affects our daily lives.


2. Physical Science 2. Processes of Science 2. Earth and Space Science 4. Earth and Space Science 4. Processes of Science 6. Earth and Space Science

dark coloured balloon (opaque) bouncy rubber ball

What could be keeping the balloon from deflating? Now that youve figured out that something is blocking the air from coming out, what should I do to let the air come out? Does turning the balloon upside down support your theory? What is keeping the ball in the opening? In which direction is the air (in the balloon) pushing? How do I let the air out? EXTENSIONS When you let go of an inflated balloon WITHOUT a ball inside, the elasticity of the balloon forces the air out and pushes the balloon forward. Use this principle to make balloon-powered rockets and boats. Balloon-powered boats (





INTRODUCTION In this demonstration, students discover that variances in air pressure can be exploited to create suction. When the balloon is small, it is curved and takes up a lot of room in the cup. As the balloon inflates, less of the balloon is in the cup, increasing the volume available to the air molecules trapped inside the cup. This reduces the air pressure inside the cup since the air molecules now have more space to move around. Meanwhile, the higher pressure air outside the cup pushes the cup into the balloon. In other words, the suction is really the pressure of the air outside the cup pushing the cup into the balloon and causing it to stick there. A great visual is to introduce the idea of a push of war (instead of a tug of war). The (higher) pressure of the air outside the cup pushes the cup into the balloon harder than the (lower) pressure inside the cup pushes out. WHAT TO DO 1. Blow up the balloon so that it is the size of a grapefruit or softball. 2. Place the cup upside down on the upper side of the balloon. 3. Continue blowing up the balloon. 4. Pinch the neck of the balloon and ask the students what would happen if you turned the balloon over. 5. Rotate the balloon, without letting any air escape, so that the cup is on the bottom. 6. The cup will stay attached to the balloon. Tip:

Students will be able to: Describe the characteristics of air. Explain how air pressure works. Discuss how air pressure affects our daily lives. Describe how air pressure explains suction.


2. Physical Science 2. Earth and Space Science 4. Earth and Space Science 6. Earth and Space Science 6. Processes of Science

a balloon a plastic cup

Squeeze the sides of the cup as you attach it (forces some air out to create better suction) KEY QUESTIONS What is in the cup? Can any more air get into the cup? Whats happening to the volume of the space inside the cup? Explain with arrows how the difference in pressure causes the cup to stick to the balloon. Hint: air always flows from a high (pressure) area to low (pressure) area.

EXTENSIONS How big does the balloon have to be to make the cup stick? How many cups can stick on one balloon? Try this experiment with a coffee mug or a cup with water in it. Try to dislodge the cup with your finger.





INTRODUCTION Students defy logic by putting flame to a balloon without popping it, thanks to the ability of water to conduct heat. Water has a high heat capacity. In other words, it takes a lot of heat and energy to change the temperature of water by 1C. The high heat capacity of water is due to the fact that it takes a lot of energy to separate water molecules (the bonds are very strong). Water has a heat capacity about four times that of air. This means that it takes about four times as much heat to raise the temperature of a balloon full of water than it would a similar sized balloon filled with air. As the water-filled balloon is put on the flame, the heat of the flame is easily absorbed through the balloon and into the water. The water directly above the hot spot rises, cools, and sinks again, carrying away the heat from the hot spot (this cycle is called a convection current). In other words, the thin rubber surface that is being heated is cooled by the comparatively large volume of water above it. This cooling process continues until either all of the water in the balloon becomes too hot, or until a far more concentrated source of heat, such as a blowtorch, is applied to one small area on the balloon. When an air-filled balloon is placed in a flame, it bursts. Air is a relatively poor conductor of heat away from the thin layer of rubber. As a result, the rubber overheats and the molecular bonds holding the rubber polymers together are broken. WHAT TO DO 1. Blow up a balloon and tie it off. 2. Light a candle and place it in the middle of the table so the students can see. 3. Put on your safety glasses. 4. Hold the balloon 3050 cm over the top of the flame and slowly move the balloon closer and closer to the flame until it pops. Note: The flame does not need to touch the balloon before the heat melts the latex and it bursts. 5. Add about 60 ml of water to the second balloon and then blow it up to the same size as the first balloon. 6. As before, slowly lower the balloon over the candle flame. The balloon will not pop. You can let the flame touch the balloon and it will still not pop. It will leave a sooty mark on the bottom of the balloon. KEY QUESTIONS Predict what will happen when I bring the balloon with air to the flame. For the balloon with water inside, what could happen (possible answers: the balloon will burst; the balloon will take more time to burst; the balloon will take less time to burst; the balloon will never burst.) Why does the balloon with water in it not burst? What did you notice about where the flame touched the balloon?

Students will be able to: Describe the relationship between waters heat capacity and thermal heating or cooling


2. Physical Science 2. Earth and Space Science 2. Processes of Science 7. Physical Science

a pair of safety glasses 2 round balloons matches or lighter a candle with candleholder 60 ml of water




EXTENSIONS How does this relate to oceans and the temperature inland vs. by a coast? How would changing the amount of liquid in the balloon affect the results? Boil water in a paper cup over a Bunsen burner. Make predictions regarding the heat capacity of water versus other liquids (e.g. honey or shampoo). Which will heat up faster? Do not test any flammable liquids (e.g. alcohols or lighter fluid) or liquids that produce noxious fumes. NOTES





INTRODUCTION This demo uses the concept of weight distribution over a large area to carry students on balloons. When a person puts his whole weight on one balloon, all of the pressure from that person is concentrated on one small area of the balloon, which results in the balloon bursting. When the persons weight is distributed over several balloons, the balloons do not burst because the pressure is spread over a large area. As a result, each balloon only supports a small fraction of the weight. This trick only works if the balloons are not fully inflated. If this demonstration is done with fully inflated balloons, the rubber is already stretched out and is less elastic. Balloons that are only partially blown up still have the ability to stretch. This demonstration is similar to asking a volunteer to lie on a bed of nails, a common exhibit found in science centres. If the volunteer were to sit on one nail, it would be extremely painful. But if the weight is distributed over hundreds of nails, there is very little pressure on each individual nail, rendering the experience quite comfortable. The difficulty is when the person is in the process of lying down or getting up, since her weight is distributed on fewer nails, resulting in more pressure being exerted on each nail. Some science centres install handrails on either side for the volunteer to lie down and get up safely. Others have a mechanized system, whereby the volunteer lies down on a table with holes and the nails all rise at the same time, lifting the volunteer. WHAT TO DO Preparation: 1. Blow up the balloons, but not fully (75%). It can help to blow the balloons up completely and then let air out until theyre at 75% full. Instructions: 1. Spread the towel out on the floor. 2. Ask for two volunteers. Place all of the balloons on the towel. Help the volunteers place the board on top of the balloons. 3. Position one volunteer at either side to stabilize the board. 4. Invite another student volunteer to step onto the board. Remind him not to jump or bounce. 5. Continue adding students until the balloons start bursting. NOTES

Students will be able to: Describe the concept of weight and force distribution


K. Physical Science 3. Physical Science 5. Physical Science

a wooden board or door, or upside down table a large towel 1014 inflated balloons (about 75% inflated, not fully blown up)




KEY QUESTIONS How many people can stand on the board without the balloons bursting? Why did we use partially inflated balloons? What is happening to the balloons under the board? Why did the teacher say not to jump onto the board? If one student stands on one balloon, it will burst. How does putting a board over several balloons increase the balloons ability to carry weight? EXTENSIONS Try reducing the number and/or placement of the balloons. Try fully inflated balloons. What would happen if the board wasnt there? Could a student lie over the balloons without bursting them? The bed of nails circus trick also relies on the principle of spreading the weight of the person lying on the nails. This can be shown with an experiment using a balloon and a small scale model of a bed of nails: DIFFUSED PRESSURE








INTRODUCTION Students explore Newtons third law of motion (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) by building a hovercraft. The small hole in the centre of the CD forces air escaping from the balloon downwards. This creates an opposite force upwards which lifts the hovercraft off the ground, explained by Newtons third law of motion. The CD spreads out this force evenly along the bottom of the hovercraft. Having a thin layer of air helps also helps the hovercraft move by reducing the amount of friction between the CD and the ground. WHAT TO DO Preparation: 1. If using glue guns, set up four hot glue gun stations around the classroom. This ensures that the mess will be contained! Instructions: 1. Hand out a CD, a sport drink cap, and a balloon to each student. 2. Glue the bottom of the sport drink cap to the shiny side of the CD, making sure that the hole in the cap and CD are aligned. Hold for a few seconds or until the glue is dry. 3. Put the balloon over the top of the sport drink cap. 4. Blow up the balloon through the CD. 5. Pinch or twist the neck of the balloon to prevent the air escaping. 6. Place the hovercraft on the ground and let go of the balloon.

Newtons third law of motion Properties of air Forces

Students will be able to: Describe Newtons third law of motion and its applications Describe the effect of friction on movement


1. Physical Science (force and motion, force and friction) 2. Physical Science (properties of matter, gas) 5. Physical Science (forces and simple machines)

4 hot glue guns and glue sticks, or duct tape For each student: CD sport drink cap (with pop-out nozzle) balloon

Step 2

Step 1

Step 3




KEY QUESTIONS When the balloon is released, where will the air go up, down, or to the sides? What would be the opposite and equal reaction, according to Newtons third law? EXTENSIONS Drag the hovercraft along the ground with the balloon deflated. Blow up the balloon and do the same thing. Why is it easier to move when the balloon is inflated? Less friction. How can you alter your hovercraft to make it go faster? Slower? (Bigger/smaller balloon). Design an experiment to test your theory. NOTES





INTRODUCTION In this relay race, students discover the strength of chemical bonds by trying to out-pop the other teams. A balloons rubber consists of many long chains of molecules called polymers. The chains are linked together like noodles stuck to each other in a plate of cooked spaghetti. These links can be stretched and compressed, giving the balloon its elasticity. If they are pulled too much, however, the balloon will break. WHAT TO DO Preparation: 1. Blow up enough balloons for each student playing the game. 2. Divide the balloons equally into 4 bags or bins. 3. This is a relay race. Divide class into 4 groups and have the groups line up across the field from their balloon bags 4. At the start signal, the first students of each line must race to their bag and pull out one balloon. 5. The students must pop their balloon as quickly as possible by sitting on it, stepping on it, or by other means. 6. When they have popped their balloon they must race back and tag the next person on their team. 7. The first team to have all their balloons popped wins! 8. Be sure to clean up and dispose of the broken balloons carefully. Balloon rubber is harmful to wildlife. KEY QUESTIONS

Students will be able to: Explain how a balloons chemical structure gives it its elasticity


K. Physical Science 1. Physical Science 7. Physical Science

balloons (one per student and a few extra) a balloon pump 4 large bins or bags field or gym

What was the most effective way of popping your balloon? Why does jumping on the balloon have a more immediate effect than stepping on a balloon? What chemical property of balloons make them expand when you step on them? NOTES


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